高二(下)英语新世纪版 U5 The Survival of the Fittest 词汇整理

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The Survival of the Fittest

Paragraph A:

Q: What did the Bible say about the origin of life?

1.the survival of the fittest 适者生存

survival (n.) 幸存

survive (vt./vi)

survive a disaster/ the air crash/ the earthquake 在……中幸免于难

Only two passengers survived the air-crash. 这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于难。

survivor (n.) 幸存者

2.wonder (v.) 想知道

I wonder whether they will arrive on time.

wonder (n.) 奇迹

It is a wonder that he remained alive after dropping from the roof of a ten-storied building.

创造奇迹work/do wonders

3.on earth (用于疑问词后加强语气)究竟,到底;世界上,人世间(常用于最高级和疑问


Who on earth told you that?

What on earth do you mean?

Where on earth have you been all these years?

How on earth did you manage to finish the work in such a short time?

She felt she was the happiest woman on earth.

4.state (vt.) 陈述,说明

The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith.

statement (n.)陈述,说明

Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language.

state (n.) 状况,状态

The vice president is in a state of poor health.

5.create (vt. )

Some people believe that God created the world.

creature (n.)

Man is the only creature that is gifted with speech.


creation (n.)

the creation of a new department


6.exist (v.) 存在

The idea only exists in the minds of poets.

existence (n.) 存在

Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?

The company came into existence 20 years ago. (开始存在,建立)

Paragraph B:

Q: What did Darwin love to do when he was working on a ship as a naturalist?

7.offer (v.) 提供


The company offers him a high salary. = The company offers a high salary to him.

He offered to lend me some books.

8.be seasick 晕船

be homesick 想家

9.ashore (adv.) 向岸边,靠岸边

Most of the other passengers had gone ashore.

The ship was driven ashore by the bad weather.

10.sample (v.) 样品

Our firm gives away free samples of cloth.


11.observe (v.)

1) 看到,注意到

He observed a stranger hanging around the store. 他看到一个陌生人在商店附近闲逛。

2) 观察,观测;监视

They carefully observed the behavior of deer. 他们仔细观察了鹿的生活习性。

3) 遵守,奉行

This law must be strictly observed.


4) 庆祝(节日等)

Some people observe Christmas here.

Paragraph C:

Q: What explained why many kinds of creature are no longer alive?

12.vary (vi.) 改变,变化

Eating habits vary from person to person.

The weather varies from hour to hour in some mountain district. 在某些山区天气时刻变化。various (adj. ) 各种各样的

variety (n.) 变化;种类 a variety of books

13.Only in this way can you learn English well.

Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.

Only some of us can speak English.

Conclusion: Only +状语位于句首,句子进行部分倒装

Only +主语位于句首,为正常句序

14.process (n.) 过程

Changing the education system will be a difficult process.

process (vt.) 加工

Supermarkets sell many vegetables that have been processed.

15.evolution (n.) (生物的) 进化, 演化; 进化论[U]

In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight. 在演化过程中一些鸟失去了飞行的能力。

16.remain (v.) 剩余,留下,保持

I remain in London until July.

He remained poor all his life.

The problem remained to be discussed.
