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Discuss the Applications of the PIOC (People, Interest, Options, Criteria,)Principles inCollaborativeNegotiation Briefly

There are many negotiations in the world, but the business negotiations take the mostly dominant role. In this situation, the final purpose of each side of the negotiating parties is attempted to meet the other’s interest as well as their own. There are many kinds of negotiations such as competitive style, accommodative style, collaborative style, vengeful style, compromising style, etc. and most commercial negotiations tend to collaborative style, because it is a win-win negotiation. There are four principles which are People, Interest, Options, and Criteria. It is indispensable when we are going to talk about the collaborative negotiation owing to the applications they exert.

People Principle

People Principle requires separating the people from the problem. Business is business, taking too many people emotions into negotiation is harmful. Especially in collaborative negotiations, good master of People Principle need follow the three techniques.(1)Establish an accurate perception. (2)Cultivate appropriate emotion. (3)Strive for better communication.

Interest Principle

Interest principle requires focusing on interests, not positions (interests always underlie positions). A position is what you say you want or must have. An interest is why you want what you want. Taking much attention to position will greatly reduce the interest, negotiators need to distinguish between interests and positions and focus on interests not positions. There are two methods negotiators should obey. (1)Identify the self-interests. (2)Discuss interests with the other party.

There is an example. Jim takes a fancy to a second-hand car which has good quality in all aspects except the high price. When he comes to the host’s officer to negotiate aiming to cut down the price, he finds the host is the boss of the company and the office is luxurious. He becomes inexplicable nervous. Having a seat for a while, the host is busy with telephone talking about a cooperative projects amount of up to millions of money. The tension and fear in the hearts of Jim are further broadened. He sits on pins and needles for a long time but the host seems not to hang up the phone and seems to ignore the existence of Jim. A strong anger begin to spread in Jim’s mind, so he deliberately makes some sound and the host finally hang up the phone and apologize to him.However, what the host said next shames Jim. The host say “my time is tight, aren’t you tell me you come here to cut down the price”
