


























关键词:道路施工边坡防护技术探析Abstract: highway slope protection technology is an important component of the road protection and also the difficulty in the technology. From the highway maintenance and the vital interests of the people set out, should strengthen the construction of highway slope protection technology research. This paper tries to road slope protection form of side slope protection and reinforcement points and main construction technology, road slope protection design stability of the basic principles and so on three aspects in the construction of highway slope protection technology.Keywords: road construction slope protection technology in this paper1.道路边坡防护的基本形式1.1关于浆砌片石护坡浆砌片石护坡是工程中坡面防护应用最多的方法,主要有片石护坡和片石护面墙两种方式。




关键字:高速公路;边坡;植物防护Shallow discussion freeway roadbed slope plant protectionShangZhiLin hangzhou yuhang district people's government star bridge street office 311199Pick to: this paper according to the practice, this paper introduces the highway subgrade slope protection function and characteristics of the plants, the slope plant protection technology isbriefly analysed and discussed.Key word: highways; and Slope; Plant protection前言:近年来,随着我国经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,高速公路作为一种现代化的公路运输通道在当今社会经济体系中正发挥这越来越重要的作用。




























毕业论文(外文翻译)(2012届)学院名称土木与水利工程学院专业(班级)土木工程七班姓名(学号)李小润(20083650)指导教师扈惠敏系(教研室)负责人方诗圣PavementHighway pavements are divided into two main categories: rigitand flexible.The wearing surfaceof a rigid pavement is usually constructed of Portland cement concrete such that it acts like a beam over any irregularities in the underlying supporting material.The wearing surface of flexible pavements, on the other hand, is usually constructed of bituminous material such that they remain in contact with the underlying material even when minor irregularities occur.Flexible pavements usually consist of a bituminous surface underlaid with a layer of granular material and a layer of a suitable mixture of coarse and fine materials.Coarse aggregatesFine aggregatesTraffic loads are transferred by the wearing surface to the underlying supporting materials through the interlocking of aggregates, the frictionaleffect of the granular materials, and the cohesion of the fine materials.Flexible pavements are further divided into three subgroups: high type, intermediate type, and low type. High-type pavements have wearing surfaces that adequately support the expected traffic load without visible distress due to fatigue and are not susceptible to weather conditions.Intermediate-type pavements have wearing surfaces that range from surface treated to those with qualities just below that of high-type pavements. Low-type pavements are used mainly for low-cost roads and have wearing surfaces that range from untreated to loose natural materials to surface-treated earth.✹The components of a flexible pavement include the subgradeor prepared roadbed, the subbase, basecourse, and the surface course (Fig.11.1).✹Upper surface courseMiddle surface courseLower surface courseThe performance of the pavement depends on the satisfactory performance of each component, which requires proper evaluation of the properties of each component separately.✹The subgrade is usually the natural material located along the horizontal alignment of the pavement and serves as the foundation of the pavement structure.✹The subgrademay also consist of a layer of selected borrow materials, well compacted to prescribedspecifications.✹Compacting plantCompaction deviceCompactnessIt may be necessary to treat the subgrade material to achieve certain strength properties required for the type of pavement being constructed.Located immediately above the subgrade, the subbase component consists of a superior quality to that which generally is used for subgrade construction. The requirements for subbase materials are usually given in terms of the gradation, plastic characteristics, and strength. When the quality of the subgrade material meets the requirements of the subbase material, the subbase component may be omitted.In cases where suitable subbase material is not readily available ,the available material can be treated with other materials to achieve the necessary properties. This process of treating soils to improve their engineering properties is know as stabilization.✹The base course lies immediately above the subbase. It is placed immediately above the subgrade if a subbase course is not used.✹This course usually consists of granular materials such as crushed stone, crushed or uncrushed.The specifications for base course materials usually include stricter requirements than those for subbase materials, particularly with respect to their plasticity, gradation, and strength.Materials that do not have the required properties can be used as base materials if they are properly stabilized with Portland cement, asphalt, or lime .In some cases, high-quality base course materials may also be treated with asphalt or Portland cement to improve the stiffness characteristics of heavy-duty pavementsThe surface course is the upper course of the road pavement and is constructed immediately above the base course. The surface course in flexible pavement usually consists of a mixture of mineral aggregates and asphaltic materials.It should be capable of withstanding high tire pressures, resisting the abrasive forces due to traffic, providing a skid-resistant driving surface, and preventing the penetration of surface water into the underlying layers.✹The thickness of the wearing surface can vary from 3 in. to more than 6 in.(inch,英寸,2.54cm), depending on the expected traffic on the pavement.It was shown that the quality of the surface course of a flexible pavement depends on the mix design of the asphalt concrete used.✹Rigid highway pavements usually are constructed to carry heavy traffic loads, although they have been used for residential and local roads. Properly designed and constructed rigid pavements have long service lives and usually are less expensive to maintain than the flexible pavements.✹The Portland cement concrete commonly used for rigid pavements consists of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and water. Steel reinforcing rods may or may not be used, depending on the type of pavement being constructed.Rigid highway pavements be divided into three general type: plain concrete pavements, simply reinforced concrete pavements, and continuously reinforced concrete pavement. The definition of each pavement type is related to the amount of reinforcement used.Plain concrete pavement has no temperature steel or dowels for load transfer.However, steel tie bars are often used to provide a hingeeffect at longitudinal joints and to prevent the opening of these joints. Plain concrete pavements are used mainly on low-volume highways or when cement-stabilized soils are used as subbase.Joints are placed at relatively shorter distances (10 to 20 ft) than with the other types of concrete pavements to reduce the amount of cracking.In some case, the transverse joints of plain concrete pavements are skewed about 4 to 5 ft in plan, such that only one wheel of a vehicle passes through the joint at a time. This helps to provide a smoother ride.Simply reinforced concrete pavements have dowels for the transfer of traffic loads across joints, with these joints spaced at larger distances, ranging from 30 to 100 ft. Temperature steel is used throughout the slab, with the amount dependent on the length of the slab. Tie bars are also commonly used in longitudinal joints.Continuously reinforced concrete pavements have no transverse joints, except construction joints or expansion joints when they are necessary at specific positions, such as at bridges.These pavements have a relatively high percentage of steel, with the minimum usually at 0.6 percent of the cross section of the slab. They also contain tie bars across the longitudinal joints.h/2h/25~10cm填缝料 横向施工缝构造填缝料平缝加拉杆型Bituminous Surface CoursesThe bituminous surface course has to provide resistance to the effects of repeated loading by tyres and to the effects of the environment.✹In addition, it must offer adequate skid resistance in wet weather as well as comfortable vehicle ride. It must also be resistant to rutting and to cracking.✹It is also desirable that surface course is impermeable, except in the case of porous asphalt.Hot rolled asphalt (HRA) is a gapgraded material with less coarse aggregate. In fact it is essentially a bitumen/fine aggregate/filler mortar into which some coarse aggregate is placed.The mechanical propertiesare dominated by those of the mortar. This material has been extensively used as the wearing course on major road in the UK, though its use has recently declined as new materials have been introduced.✹It provides a durablelayer with good resistance to cracking and one which is relatively easy to compact. The coarse aggregate content is low (typically 30%) which results in the compacted mixture having a smooth surface. Accordingly, the skid resistance is inadequate and precoated chippings are rolled into the surface at the time of laying to correct this deficiency.In Scotland, HRA wearing course remains the preferred wearing course on trunk roads including motorway but,since 1999 thin surfacings have been the preferred option in England and Wales. Since 1999 in Northern Ireland, HRA wearing course and thin surfacings are the preferred permitted options.Porous asphalt (PA) is a uniformly graded material which is designed to provide large air voids so that water can drain to the verges within the layer thickness. If the wearing course is to be effective, the basecourse below must be waterproof and the PA must have the ability to retain its open textured properties with time.Thick binder films are required to resist water damage and ageing of the binder. In use, this material minimizes vehicle spray, provides a quiet ride and lower rolling resistance to traffic than dense mixtures.✹It is often specified for environmental reasons but stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and special thin surfacings are generally favoured in current UK practice.There have been high profile instances where a PA wearing course has failed early in its life. The Highways Agency does not recommend the use of a PA at traffic levels above 6000 commercial vehicles per day.✹Asphaltic concrete and dense bitumen macadam (DBM) are continuously graded mixtures similar in principle to the DBMs used in roadbases and basecourses but with smaller maximum particle sizes. Asphaltic concrete tends to have a slightlydenser grading and is used for road surfaces throughout the world with the excepting of the UK.✹It is more difficult to meet UK skid resistance Standards with DBMs than HRA, SMA or PA. This problem can be resolves by providing a separate surface treatment but doing so generally makes DBM economically unattractive.✹Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) material was pioneeredin Germany and Scandinavia and is now widely used in the UK. SMA has a coarse, aggregrate skeleton, like PA, but the voids are filled with a fine aggregate/filler /bitumen mortar.✹In mixtures using penetration grade bitumen , fibres are added to hold the bitumen within the mixture (to prevent “binder drainage”).Bitumen✹oil bitumen( earth oil)✹natural bitumen✹TarWhere a polymer modified bitumen is used, there is generally no need for fibres. SMA is a gap-graded material with good resistance to rutting and high durability. modified bitumen✹SBS✹SBR✹PE\EV A✹It differs from HRA in that the mortar is designed to just fill the voids in the coarse aggregate whereas, in HRA, coarse aggregate is introduced into the mortar and does not provide a continous stone matrix. The higher stone content HRAs ,however, are rather similar to SMA but are not wide used as wearing courses in the UK, being preferred for roadbase and basecourse construction.A variety of thin and what were called ultra thin surfacings (nowadays, the tendency is to use the term ‘thin surfacings’ for both thin and ultra thin surfacings ) have been introduced in recent years, principally as a result of development work concentrated in France.These materials vary in their detailed constituents but usually have an aggregate grading similar to SMA and often incorporate a polymer modified bitumen.They may be used over a high stiffness roadbase and basecourse or used for resurfacing of existing pavements. For heavy duty pavements (i .e those designed to have a useful life of forty years), the maintenance philosophy is one of minimum lane occupancy, which only allows time for replacement of the wearing course to these ‘long life’ pavement structures. The new generation of th in surfacings allows this to be conveniently achieved.The various generic mixture types described above can be compared with respect to their mechanical properties and durability characteristics by reference to Fig.12.1. This shows, in principle, how low stone content HRA, asphaltic concrete, SMA and PA mixtures mobilize resistance to loading by traffic.Asphaltic concrete (Fig.12.1a)) presents something of a compromise when well designed, since the dense aggregate grading can offer good resistance to the shear stresses which cause rutting, while an adequate binder content will provide reasonable resistance to the tensile stresses which cause cracking.In general, the role of the aggregate dominates. DBMs tend to have less dense gradings and properties which, therefore, tend towards good rutting resistance andaway from good crack resistance.HRA (Fig.12.1b)) offers particularly good resistance to cracking through the binder rich mortar between the coarse aggregate particles. This also provides good durability but the lack of coarse aggregate content inhibits resistance to rutting.SMA and PA are shown in the same diagram ( Fig.c)) to emphasis the dominant role the coarse aggregate. In both case, well coated stone is used. In PA, the void space remains available for drainage of water, whilst in SMA, the space is occupied by a fine aggregate/ filler/ bitumen/ fibre mortar.Both materials offer good rutting resistance through the coarse aggregate content. The tensile strength of PA is low whilst that of SMA is probably adequate but little mechanical testing data have been reported to date.Drainage for Road and Airports✹Provision of adequate drainage is important factor in the location and geometric design of road and airports. Drainage facilities on any highway, street and airport should adequately provide for the flow of water away from the surface of the pavement to properly designed channels.Inadequate drainage will eventually result in serious damage to the structure.✹In addition, traffic may be slowed by accumulated water on the pavement, and accidents may occur as a result of hydroplaning and loss of visibility from splash and spray. The importance of adequate drainage is recognized in the amount of highway construction dollars allocated to drainage facilities. About25 percent of highway construction dollars are spent for erosion control anddrainage structures, such as culverts, bridges, channels, and ditches.✹Highway Drainage Structures✹One of the main concerns of the highway engineer is to provide an adequate size structure, such that the waterway opening is sufficiently large to discharge the expected flow of water.Inadequately sized structures can result in water impounding, which may lead to failure of the adjacent sections of the highway due to embankments being submerged in water for long periods.✹The two general categories of drainage structures are major and minor. Major structures are those with clear spans greater than 20 feet, whereas minor structures are those with clear spans of 20 feet or less .✹Major structures are usually large bridges, although multiple-span culverts may also be included in this class. Minor structures include small bridges and culverts.Emphasis is placed on selecting the span and vertical clearancerequirements for major structures. The bridge deck should be located above the high water mark .The clearance above the high water mark depends on whether the waterway is navigable ✹If the waterway is navigable, the clearance above the high water mark should allow the largest ship using the channel to pass underneath the bridge without colliding with the bridge deck. The clearance height, type, and spacing of piers also depend on the probability of ice jams and the extentto which floating logs and debris appear on the waterway during high water.✹An examination of the banks on either side of the waterway will indicate the location of the high water mark, since this is usually associated with signs of erosion and debris deposits. Local residents, who have lived near and observed the waterway during flood stages over a number of years, can also give reliable information on the location of the high water mark. Stream gauges that have been installed in the waterway for many years can also provide data that can be used to locate the high water mark.Minor structures, consisting of short-span bridges and culverts, are the predominant type of drainage structures on highways. Although openings for these structures are not designed to be adequate for the worst flood conditions, they shouldbe large enough to accommodate the flow conditions that might occur during the normal life expectancy of the structure.✹Provision should also be made for preventing clogging of the structure due to floating debris and large boulders rolling from the banks of steep channels.✹Culverts are made of different materials and in different shapes. Materials used to construct culverts include concrete(reinforced and unreinforced), corrugated steel, and corrugatedaluminum. Other materials may also be used to line the interiorof the culvert to prevent corrosion and abrasionor to reduce hydraulic resistance. For example, asphaltic concrete may be used to line corrugated metal culverts. The different shapes normally used in culvert construction include circular, rectangular (box), elliptical, pipe arch, metal box, and arch.✹The drainage problem is increased in these areas primarily for two reasons: the impervious nature of the area creates a very high runoff; and there is little room for natural water courses. It is often necessary to collect the entire storm water into a system of pipes and transmit it over considerable distances before it can be loosed again as surface runoff. This collection and transmission further increase the problem, since all of the water must be collected with virtually no pending, thus eliminating any natural storage; and through increased velocity the peak runoffs are reached more quickly.Also, the shorter times of peaks cause the system to be more sensitive to short-duration,high intensive rainfall.Storm sewers,like culverts and bridges,are designed for storms of various intensity-return-period relationships, depending upon the economy and amount of ponding that can be tolerated.✹Airport Drainage✹The problem of providing proper drainage facilities for airports is similar in many ways to that of highways and streets. However, because of the large and relatively flat surface involved, the varying soil conditions, the absence of natural water courses and possible side ditches, and the greater concentration of discharge at the terminus of the construction area, some phases of the problem are more complex. For the average airport the over-all area to be drained is relatively large and an extensive drainage system is required. The magnitude of such a system makes it even more imperative that sound engineering principles based on all of the best available data be used to ensure the most economical design.Overdesigning of facilities results in excessive money investment with no return, and underdesigning can result in conditions hazardous to the air traffic using the airport. In order to ensure surfaces that are smooth, firm, stable, and reasonably free from flooding, it is necessary to provide a system which will do several things.It must collect and remove the surface water from the airport surfaces; intercept and remove surface water flowing toward the airport from adjacent areas; collect and remove any excessive subsurface water beneath the surface of the airport facilities and in many cases lower the ground-water table; and provide protection against erosion of the sloping areas.路面公路的路面被分为两类:刚性的和柔性的。



浅谈公路路基边坡防护应遵守的几项原则Introduction to highway subgrade slope protection shall comply with the principles 随着我国公路建立迅猛开展,对公路路基的防护显得越来越重要。


Along with our country highway to establish rapid, of highway subgrade protection is more and more important. Subgrade in the natural elements such as water, wind, frost, under the long-term effects of often attack constitute gully slope surface soil peeling off and once the deformation and damage, so as the following simple introduce you some ideas on highway subgrade slope protection.公路路基边坡防护应恪守以下准绳:Highway subgrade slope protection should abide by the following criterion:“综合设计、因地制宜、以防为主、确保施工”是边坡综合防护设计的根本准绳。





外文资料及翻译Effects of Design Features on Rigid Pavement PerformanceThe performance of rigid pavements is affected by a variety of design features, including slab thickness, base type, joint spacing, reinforcement, joint orientation, load trans fer, dowel bar coatings, longitudinal joint design, joint sealant, tied concrete shoulders ,and subdrainage . A study was made by ERES Consultants, Inc. under FHWA contract on the effects of these features on rigid pavement performance . Ninety-five pavemen tsections located in four major climatic regions were thoroughly evaluated . The following conclusions, which provide some revealing insights into pavement performance, are abstracted from the report (Smith et al., 1990a).Slab Thickness The effect of slab thickness on pavement performance was significant.It was found that increasing slab thickness reduced transverse and longitudinal cracking in all cases. This effect was much more pronounced for thinner slabs than fo rthicker slabs . It was not possible to compare the performance of the thinner slabs and the thicker slabs directly, because the thick slabs were all constructed directly on th esubgrade and the thinner slabs were all constructed on a base course .Increasing the thickness of slab did not appear to reduce joint spalling or join tfaulting . Thick slabs placed directly on the subgrade, especially in wet climates an dexposed to heavy traffic, faulted as much as thin slabs constructed on a base course .Base Type Base types, including base/slab interface friction, base stiffness, base erodibility, and base permeability, seemed to have a great effect on the performance of jointed concrete pavements . The major performance indicators, which were affected by variations in base type, were transverse and longitudinal cracking, joint spalling, and faulting .The worst performing base type, consisted of the cement-treated or soil cement bases, which tended to exhibit excessive pumping, faulting, and cracking. This is most likely due to the impervious nature of the base, which traps moisture and yet can brea- k down and contribute to the movement of fines beneath the slab .The use of lean concrete bases generally produced poor performance . Large curl -ing and warping stresses have been associated with slabs constructed over lean concrete bases. These stresses result in considerable transverse and longitudinal cracking of the slab . The poor performance of these bases can also be attributed to a bathtub design, in which moisture is trapped within the pavement cross section .Dense-graded asphalt-treated base courses ranged in performance from very poor to good. The fact that these types of bases were often constructed as a bathtub design contributed to their poor performance . This improper design often resulted in severe cracking, faulting, and pumping.The construction of thicker slabs directly on the subgrade with no base resulted In a pavement that performed marginally. These pavements were especially susceptible to faulting, even under low traffic levels.Pavements constructed over aggregate bases had varied performance, but were generally in the fair to very good category. In general, the more open-graded the aggregate,the better the performance . An advantage of aggregate bases is that they contribute the least to the high curling and warping stresses in the slab . Even though aggregate bases are not open-graded, they are more permeable and have a lower friction factor than stabilized bases .The best bases in terms of pavement performance were the permeable bases . Typical base courses have permeabilities ranging from 0 to less than 1 ft/day (0 .3 m/day) ; good permeable bases have permeabilities up to 1000 ft/day (305 m/day) . Specific areas of concern were the high corner deflections and the low load transfer exhibited by the permeable bases . These can affect their long-term performance, so the use of dowel bars might be required . An unexpected benefit of using permeable bases was the reduction in "D" cracking on pavements susceptible to this type of distress .Slab Length For JPCP, the length of slabs investigated ranged from 7 .75 to 30 ft(2.4to9.1m). It was found that reducing the slab length decreased both the magnitude of the joint faulting and the amount of transverse cracking. On pavements with random joint spacings, slabs with joint spacings greater than 18 ft (5.5 m) experienced more transverse cracking than did the shorter slabs .For JRCP, the length of slabs investigated ranged from 21 to 78 ft (6 .4 to 23 .9 m) .Generally, shorter joint spacings performed better, as measured by the deteriorated transverse cracks, joint faulting, and joint spalling . However, several JRCP with long joint spacings performed quite well . In particular, the long jointed pavements in New Jersey, which were constructed with expansion joints, displayed excellent performance .An examination of the stiffness of foundation was made through the use of the radius of relative stiffness, f . Generally speaking, when the ratio L/E, where L is the length of slab, was greater than 5, transverse cracking occurred more frequently . Thisfactor was further examined for different base types . It was found that stiffer base courses required shorter joint spacings to reduce or eliminate transverse cracking .Reinforcement The amount of steel reinforcement appeared to have an effect in controlling the amount of deteriorated transverse cracking . Pavement sections with less than 0.1% reinforcing steel often displayed significant deteriorated transverse cracking.A minimum of 0 .1% reinforcing steel is therefore recommended, with larger amounts required for more severe climate and longer slabs.Joint Orientation Conventional wisdom has it that skewed joints prevent the application of two wheel loads to the joint at the same time and thus can reduce load-associated distresses . The results from the limited sample size in this study were ambiguous, but all of the nondoweled sections with skewed joints had a lower PSR than similar designs with perpendicular joints . The available data provide no definite conclusions on the effectiveness of skewing transverse joints for nondoweled slabs . Skewed joints are not believed to provide any benefit to doweled slabs.Load Transfer Dowel bars were found to be effective in reducing the amount of joint faulting when compared with nondoweled sections of comparable designs. The diameter of dowels had an effect on performance, because larger diameter bars provided better load transfer and control of faulting under heavy traffic than did smaller dowels.It appeared that a minimum dowel diameter of 1 .25 in . (32 mm) was necessary to provide good performance .Nondoweled JPCP slabs generally developed significant faulting, regardless of pavement design or climate . This effect was somewhat mitigated by the use of permeable bases. However, the sections in this group had a much lower number of accumulated ESAL, so no definite conclusions can be drawn yet .Dowel Bar Coatings Corrosion-resistant coatings are needed to protect dowels from the adverse effects of moisture and deicing chemicals .While most of the sections in this study did not contain corrosion-resistant dowel bars, those that did generally exhibited enhanced performance. Very little deteriorated transverse cracking was identified on these sections. In fact, one section in New Jersey with stainless steel-clad dowel bars was performing satisfactorily after 36 years of service .Longitudinal Joint Design The longitudinal joint design was found to be a critical design element.Both inadequate forming techniques and insufficient depths of joint can contribute to the development of longitudinal cracking . There was evidence of the ad vantage of sawing the joints over the use of inserts . The depth of longitudinal joints is generally recommended to be one-third of the actual, notdesigned, slab thickness, but might have to be greater when stabilized bases are used .Joint Sealant Joint sealing appeared to have a beneficial effect on performance . This was particularly true in harsh climates with excessive amounts of moisture . Preformed compression sealants were shown to perform well for more than 15 years under heavy traffic.Except where "D" cracking occurred, pavement sections containing preformed sealants generally exhibited little joint spalling and were in good overall conditions.Rubberized asphalt joint sealants showed good performance for 5 to 7 years.Tied Concrete Shoulders It is generally believed that tied concrete shoulders can reduce edge stresses and corner deflections by providing more lateral supports to the mainline pavement, thus improving pavement performance . Surprisingly, this study showed that, although tied concrete shoulders performed better than asphalt shoulders,many of the tied shoulders were not designed properly and actually contributed to poor performance of the mainline pavement . The tiebars were spaced too far apart ,sometimes at a spacing of 40 in.(1016 mm), and were not strategically located near slab corners to provide adequate support . In some cases, tied concrete shoulders were constructed over a stabilized dense-graded base in a bathtub design, resulting in the poor performance of mainline pavement.Subdrainage The provision of positive subdrainage, either in the form of longitudinal edge drains or the combination of a drainage layer and edge drains, generally reduced the amount of faulting and spalling related to "D" cracking . With few exceptions, the load-associated distresses, especially faulting and transverse cracking, decreased as the drainage characteristics improved . The overall pavement performance can be improved by using an open-graded base or restricting the percentage of fines . A filter layer must be placed below the permeable base, and regular maintenance of the outlets must be provided .译文结构特点对刚性路面性能的影响刚性路面的性能受种种结构特点的影响,如板厚、基层类型、接缝间距、钢筋用量、接风方向、荷载传递、传力杆涂层、纵缝设计、接缝填封料、有拉杆混凝土道肩和地下排水等。






中图分类号: u213.1+3 文献标识码: a 文章编号:一、边坡的防护具有一定的要求:1.根据当地气候环境、工程地质和施工材料等情况,因地制宜、就地取材,选用适当的工程类型,以保证公路路基的稳定。























































关键词公路路基边坡防护措施Abstract: Since the founding of New China, China’s road development fast, technically a lot of progress, but also seriously lagging behind compared with foreign road development in highway embankment slope protection was particularly conspicuous. This paper describes the highway embankment slope protection measures.Keywords highway embankment slope protection measures引言公路路基边坡防护是防止路基病害、保证路基稳定、改善道路环境景观、保护生态平衡的重要措施,也关系到路基的外观、路线景观与环境协调。



1 公路路基边坡破坏表现形式1.1 路基边坡破坏路基边坡破坏主要表现为边坡坡面及坡脚的冲刷。











































1、工程防护1.1 抹面与捶面1.1.1适用条件:①对各种易于风化的软岩层(如泥质砂岩、页岩、千枚岩、泥质板岩等)边坡,当岩层风化不甚严重时;②所防护的边坡,本身必须是稳定的,但其坡面形状、陡度及平顺性不受限制;③所防护的边坡,必须是干燥、无地下水的岩质边坡。





1.2 灌浆与勾缝灌浆适用于石质坚硬、不易风化、岩层内部节理发育,但裂缝宽度较小的岩质路堑边坡。




英文文献Highway asphalt pavement Preventive MaintenanceAbstract: The high-grade highway asphalt pavement and damaged the various early stage disease, the type of damage and its causes, and made a crack repair, slurry seal asphalt pavement, such as preventive conservation technology.Key words: asphalt pavement; conservationasphalt pavement and the type of damage causestype of damageThe asphalt pavement damage can be divided into: crack category, loose category, class and other types of deformation of the four major categoriesCauses(1) horizontal cracks in this relatively common disease, mainly due to contraction of asphalt surface temperature and semi-rigid or temperature shrinkage of the shrinkage caused. Roadbed degree of compaction less than this will lead to disease(2) vertical cracks in most cases took place in a half filled or half-dug embankment road widening, mainly from the roadbed caused by uneven settlement.(3) cracking along its initial shape is round with a single trace or more of parallel vertical joints, gradually appeared in the horizontal or vertical Feng Jian oblique connection joints cracking form. Mainly due to lack of structural strength from the road(4) along the road to track performance with a horizontal height difference, mainly because of foot-graded asphalt mixture design unreasonable. Poor or because of the stability of the grass-roots level and degree of compaction of the lack of construction so that the wheel tracks with the material and layer and grass-roots role in the traffic load has repeatedly appeared in the consolidation of lateral shear deformation and displacement caused. In addition, the overloading of heavy vehicles and also produce too many of the important reasons for rutting(5) is the main reason for the wave of road construction material design unreasonable or of poor quality, the road leading to insufficient material level of resistance Mou round of the role: Zongpo paragraph, because the high temperature will cause such diseases(6) loose water damage occurred mainly in the section on the serious.(7) pits is cracked and loose, and other damage to the further development of the results.(8) embankment subsidence is mainly caused by insufficient degree of compaction, especially in some high-filling and compaction difficult to fill a half-dug sections and structures at both ends of a(9) If the spalling asphalt Mixture using neutral or acid stone, will cause aggregate and asphalt adhesion b s(10) Fan You asphalt Mixture too much asphalt content, porosity smaller, high temperature stability poor, is the main reason for a Fanyouasphalt pavement Preventive Maintenance TechnologyAsphalt Pavement Preventive Maintenance Technology: repair cracks, slurry seal, the closure of the Stone Chip, the closure of the table and micro-thin heat Overlay (including open-graded, Miji and with intermittent grading). Here focus of slurry seal and repair cracks in technology.repair cracks in technology and methods⑴ slotted repair methodSlotted repair method for small and medium-sized cracks. Crack is a better approach. The equipment used slot machines and irrigation sewing machine to make up for joint use of materials designed specifically for repairing cracks in the sealed plastic (polymer modified asphalt), slotting size of at least l cm wide, l ~ 3 cm deep. Slotted than the depth should not exceed 2: l, greater depth than the smaller the better. Slotted repair of the construction process are as follows:① preparations for the inspection slot machines and irrigation sewing machine to ensure that its technical condition: Pavement cracks under the specific circumstances to determine fill slit design: sewing machine and start filling the tank sealant heating add sealant, sealant heating , Stirring to l90 ℃, can not exceed 200 ℃; heating during the sewing machine Tuogua irrigation in the truck behind, and the sealant, Geli Dun, the umbrella label instructions, and Shoulder-style slot machines, such as hair dryer mounted on trucks, Shi T locations scheduled to drag on a "safe highway maintenance of order" (JTG H30-2004) as the provisions of the construction area operations.② slotted in accordance with the design of the slot size, good pre-conditioning F-slot machine slot depth, and then slotted operations, operations, according to crack width type of situation, timely adjustment slotted sizes to meet the minimum design requirements.③ Shoulder-to-trough hair dryer to bed and cracks on both sides of the ejecta l0 till at least within the scope of cleaning dust thoroughly clean.④ irrigation in the seam if the temperature below the 4:00-slit. Irrigation with a sewing machine to be slotted parts of the preheating equipment for preheating, if not at this temperature preheat to fill the joints, sealants would reduce the cohesive force: if the temperature higher than the 4 ℃ at the joint meeting, From time to preheat, the general meeting of the joint after preheating better results, in sealed plastic heating temperature reached about 190 ℃, with irrigation with a sewing machine for pressure nozzle Guaping sealant will be evenly Guanru bed and Crack drag on both sides of a certain width and thickness of the closure.⑤ conservation irrigation joint sealant, sealed in plastic and the full cooling ejecta on the roads after sweeping clean, open to traffic. As cooling time for about 15 min, the specific time and opening up under the traffic situation in temperature flexibility⑵ non-slotted repair (the traditional repair method)Non-slotted for the repair of micro-cracks to repair, according to the use of different materials, such repair method can be divided into hot-and cold-two kinds.①AU-l lO ^ # heavy oil traffic hot asphalt-hot-melt asphalt construction machinery and equipment spraying equipment (installed in the car project).The rotation of the preparatory work → preparation → heating melt-down AH-l l0 ^ # heavy oil traffic around the asphalt cracks → remove dust → straddle spraying hot melt asphalt oil → hand-Moping natural cooling → open traffic.② modified emulsified asphalt cold-constructionModification of emulsified asphalt is a mixture of liquid-cold materials, machinery equipment without special request, after the stirring scene of artificial joints Guatu letters (at least three times) → preparations for the construction technology-artificial joints → Banliao → people on the Guatu → → curing → secondary Guatu → curing → three Guatu → Kang → opening of traffic (curing time l5 ~ 20 min).⑶ traditional repair method for repairing and slotted the comparison①to the traditional repair method, whether it is re-used to transport oil or pieces of asphalt emulsion asphalt irrigation joints, although Oxfam j equipment almost no input costs, lower cost of the initial application T, but with the surface temperature of contraction and the grassroots up to 1 year, after the repair of cracks and joints location of the original irrigation re-cracking, fire accounted for more than 80 percent efficiency, so the second year of re-repairThis regular maintenance, not only increased the cost of conservation and conservation of the frequent traffic of the operation will cause inconvenience and anxiety umbrella factors. Every five years Yanmi r-total cost of about l5 yuan.② the slotted-repair, although the initial investment cost of higher construction equipment. Higher initial construction cost, but greatly extend its service life, sealing cracks in the effective and efficient artificial increase, the use of 5 years later, slotting-repair cracks in the efficient handling of 85% in five years for each of the Yanmi Cost is about ll yuan③ traditional repair method for dealing with micro-cracks and small and medium-sized cracks in the temporary emergency treatment: barrel-repair cracks in the small and medium-sized carry out a repair can be maintained for more than five years, benefited from a repair for many years.slurry sealSlurry seal technology for the new and old road of aging, cracking, smooth, loose, pits and other diseases can play a role in the prevention and maintenance, so that the road waterproof, anti-slide, formation, the rapid increase wear resistance. In recent years. Because slurry seal of the standardization, standardization, improve construction quality and reduced costs, slurry seal has been widely used in the Highway Maintenance early on.modified emulsified asphalt slurry sealModification of emulsified asphalt is a high-temperature flow, low temperature brittle fracture resistance, weatherability, abrasion resistance, ageing resistance excellent road paving material, the lower coefficient of the road flooding, road management of the disease early, increasing the road And the formation of friction coefficient, a very good role. Modification of emulsified asphalt slurry seal from the water quality is a polymer modified asphalt emulsion and rolling broken-intensive materials, mineral fillers, additives and water treatment consisting of surface layer, can be characterized by a thin layer Paver, solidified quickly, the main Construction for the road was repaired, cracking, rutting, and other diseases of treatment, can also be used for sealing and enhance the anti-sliding surface treatment. However, modified emulsified asphalt slurries and other TLC treatment, apply only to sections of the existing structure and stability, not enough deflection value to be reinforced after construction.and other road compared to the conservation methods⑴ with hot asphalt mixture of paved compared to hot asphalt mixture paving thickness of 2.5 cm, cost per square metre l8 ~ 20 yuan modified emulsified asphalt paving slurry seal thickness of 1 cm, cost per square metre l3 Around yuan, the average service life of six to eight years, uh, saving 15 percent of asphalt to 20 percent, according to the road 1 1 m wide of shells savings of 8.8 per km to 110,000 yuan. Because the modified emulsified asphalt slurry seal in more than 5 ℃ to the construction, extension of time can be 1 to 2 months, and reduce environmental pollution, the construction is simple, reduce labor intensity, energy saving equipment. Construction of improved conditions.⑵general emulsified asphalt slurry seal open when asked transport needs of 4 h, emulsified asphalt modified slurry seal when asked open as long as 0.5 ~ 1 h, traffic disruption orsignificantly reduce the time Banfu Shi T, Banfu open traffic Shi, So that direct costs fell.⑶modified emulsified asphalt itself a better low-temperature flexibility and high performance. Modified slurry seal mixture has good physical properties, therefore, can be modified slurry seal emulsified asphalt road repair or reduce disease and prolong the life of the closure, the use of cost than regular emulsified asphalt slurry seal Lower⑷ as modified emulsified asphalt slurry seal has good waterproofing and anti-slide performance, but also shorten the travel time of the opening. Increased use of the roads to and utilization of machinery and equipment and labor efficiency. Greatly to avoid a sudden summer rainstorm caused flood losses, annual savings of 2 to 30,000 yuan. From stagnation to consider shortening the vehicle. Transport savings when asked. Reducing vehicle, goods in transit fees. Its economic and social benefits incalculable.ConclusionThis article cracks on the asphalt pavement repair methods were outlined. Preventive Maintenance Highway as a regular, periodic maintenance measures, attention should be paid enough attention to.中文翻译高等级公路沥青路面预防性养护摘要:针对高等级公路沥青路面出现的各种破损和早期病害,分析了破损类型及其产生原因,并且提出了裂缝修补、稀浆封层等沥青路面的预防性养护技术。







关键词:土质边坡、加固理论、影响因素、稳定性分析AbstractWith the rapid development of highway construction, slope stability problem stands out increasingly. But being short of slope retaining research by the numbers, there are a lot of hidden dangers in highway construction. Once slopes lose their stability, the landslide will interrupt the traffic and even result in huge economic loss and bring on bad social influences. At the same time, it will greatly increase the evening slope retaining expense.In now, the reinforcement theories of highway slope have retaining wall, anti-sliding pile, soil nailing, geotechnical anchorage, and so on. Soil nailing is the development of new technologies in the past 30 years. The slope stability is affected by inherent factors and external factors. The inherent factors include the geological conditions, geographical environment and the natural environment. The external factors include the climatic conditions the human activities and the earthquakes.The dissertation summaries the stability analysis of slope used commonly to methods and characteristics. It is the principle, the characteristics and the scope of application, which are the methods commonly to use in slope reinforcement. It is the summaries of internal factors and external factors, which have impacted to the slope stability. It is introduce to the principles that are use when analysis to the slope stability, and analysis to a project on the slope stability, through Sweden and FranceKey words: soil slope,reinforcement theory, factors affecting, stability analysis目录第一章绪论 (1)第一节边坡加固及稳定分析的目的和意义 (1)一、边坡加固及稳定分析的目的 (1)二、边坡加固的意义 (1)第二节边坡加固理论及稳定性分析的现状 (2)一、边坡加固理论的现状 (2)二、边坡稳定性分析所经过的阶段 (3)三、边坡稳定性分析常用的几种方法 (4)第三节本课题的有关内容 (7)第二章土质边坡的加固理论 (8)第一节边坡加固所遵循的原则 (8)第二节挡土墙加固 (8)一、挡土墙的布置 (8)二、挡土墙的类型及适用范围 (9)第三节抗滑桩加固 (11)一、抗滑桩的概况 (11)二、抗滑桩的类型 (12)三、抗滑桩的布置 (13)四、抗滑桩的优缺点及适用范围 (14)第四节土钉支护 (14)一、土钉的概述 (14)二、土钉支护的优缺点及适用范围 (15)第五节岩土锚固 (17)一、岩土锚固的基本原理 (17)二、锚固技术的优缺点及适用范围 (17)第三章土质边坡稳定的影响因素 (19)第一节概述 (19)第二节影响土质边坡稳定的内部因素 (19)一、地质条件 (19)二、地理背景和自然环境 (21)第三节影响土质边坡稳定的外部因素 (22)一、气候、径流条件 (22)二、人类活动 (22)三、地震 (23)第四章土质边坡的稳定性分析 (25)第一节直线滑面上土坡稳定性分析 (25)第二节圆弧滑面的条分法分析 (26)第三节关于膨胀土边坡稳定性的探讨 (28)一、膨胀土物理化学特性 (28)二、对边坡的危害 (28)三、膨胀土边坡的稳定分析 (28)四、结论与建议 (30)结论 (32)致谢 (33)参考文献 (34)第一章绪论第一节边坡加固及稳定分析的目的和意义一、边坡加固及稳定分析的目的对边坡的加固理论及稳定性研究的主要目的在于避免或尽可能的降低滑坡地质灾害对人民财产的危害及对工程建设的可能影响,这不但要求我们对滑坡进行有效的治理,而且要求我们根据对滑坡地址类型及其变形破坏规律的认识,对滑坡变形和稳定性的发展趋势做出可靠的预测预报[1] 。



0 引言 公路路基边坡是公路路基的重要部分之一,路基边 坡的破坏,会导致公路瘫痪,甚至威胁到人们的生命财产 安全,因此,路基边坡损坏问题一直是公路施工养护中的 重点。 1 公路路基边坡破坏形式和原因分析 1.1 填方边坡 在填方边坡中,其主要的损坏为开裂、沉降变形及滑 坍等;损坏的原因主要有如下几个方面:一是填方路段不 良地质变化引发的路基边坡损坏,如因路基施工及车辆荷 载的影响,使地基土体内部应力及含水情况发生变化,出 现不良地质变化;二是设计方案不合理及施工质量导致的 损坏,如填料的选用、边坡坡率、施工工艺及压实度等不满 足规范要求等;三是受到外界因素的影响产生的损坏,如 地表水的冲刷,地下水的侵蚀软化路基土体,温度、湿度的 反复变化影响以及地震和人为破坏等。 1.2 挖方边坡 人工开挖的石质边坡,其强度要符合边坡的稳定性要 求。但受降雨和融雪等影响,挖方边坡不可避免会出现一 些损害,主要的损坏形式有三种,即落石型、滑坡型和流动 型崩塌。首先是落石型崩塌,这种损害主要出现在比较陡 的边坡,产生的落石的岩层节理、裂隙发育中落石沿陡的 裂面活动。同时渗水、冻融的反复影响下,裂缝会持续扩 大,降雨又会使其中充满水,进而在侧向静水压力下引发 崩塌。硬岩下卧软弱层也会出现这种情况,需对其及时严 格控制,避免落实威胁到道路行车安全。 其次是滑动型边坡,在外力作用下岩层被剪断,一般 在路基和存在软弱夹层的层间出现沿软岩顺层滑动现象, 造成路基坍塌。施工爆破挖掘过程中,岩体间的稳定性也 会找到破坏,如果在基岩上覆盖了松散的堆积物,就会使 其沿节理面或者断面层坍塌。 最后是流动型崩塌,主要是在雨水冲刷下引发小岩 屑、岩石风化土的流动,这些沉积物质比较松散,因此易受 雨水冲刷影响,导致路基坍塌。在平常维护保养中发现这 要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要要
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参考文献[1]黄建明.浅析高速公路路基边坡防护的施工-以甬金分离立交桥6#、7#墩施工为例[J].科技创新导报,2009,(2):.[2]钮震雨余俊美.浅探公路工程质量通病及其预控措施[J].江西建材,2007,(4):.[3]于跃王慧贤安震.高速公路路基边坡防护浅析[J].黑龙江交通科技,2007,(12):12,14.According to the highway subgrade slope protection[abstract] this article through the analysis of road foundation slope failure forms and reasons, analyzes the roadbed slope protection design principles, detailed introduces the highway slope protection method, in order to guarantee the stability of roadbed and prevention and control of all kinds of roadbed disease, to ensure the normal use of the highway quality and benefit of investment[key words] highway subgrade slope protectionRoadbed protection is to guarantee the stability of roadbed strength and one of the important measures, protection is the focus of the embankment slope, the change of the terrain, ShiLu design elevation and natural ground conductivity of the relationship between different, there will be higher than that of the natural ground embankment fill subgrade construction of the ground below natural excavated one that cut and between the two and a half between fill subgrade in geotechnical engineering by half to dig into roadbed fill dug, change the original layer of the natural balance, and exposed to a natural environment, long-term affected by various natural factors, the physical and mechanical properties of rock mass will been great changes, cause rock mass deformation mobile, destroy the stability of the slope, and even cause a series of geological environment problems and the ecological environment problems, such as collapse landslides of soil erosion and damage to vegetation, etc .So to ensure the stability of roadbed and prevention and control of all kinds of roadbed disease, in addition to the drainage roadbed, still need to be combined with the local hydrological geology and material of case, take effective measures to all kinds of soil ShiBianPo necessary protection.Firstly,a slope failure forms and reasonsEmbankment slope of the slump is one of the most common roadbed disease, according to slope soil category damage reason and scale is different, the main failure form of slip party peel and broken down landslide collapse four slip party is due to a small soil slope moves down along the soil formed, namely the slope of thin surface soil slip under, it is often due to rainfall precipitation and flowing water erosion caused by improper slope or construction of the landslide is refers to the part of the gravity of soil slope under one of the sliding surface sliding, mainly because of the soil slope of embankment caused by inadequate stability of landslide is the main reason of the side slope steep or spend change clearly feet are hollow, or filling levels arrangement inappropriate, etc.; Cut slope is the main reason of the landslide slope height and slope and natural geotechnical levels of nature does not adapt spalling and broken down is refers to the slope rock weathering surface. In different kinds of external environment under the influence of the top rock slope and peeling off from the destroy form of collapse usually refers to the larger stones out along the slope surface slope and tumble down.second,Embankment slope protection design principlesHighway slope distribution along the road of the range, the destruction of the environment of natural range, if in the protection, and can also pay attention to protect the environment and create the environment, the adoption of appropriate green protective method, can make highway has safe and comfortable and beautiful in harmony with the environment and other characteristics, which will create considerable economic benefit and social benefit of ecological benefit so, slope design should follow the safety of soil and water conservation and restoration of natural green environmental protection of the way the design principlesthirdly,embankment slope protection method1.The plant grass protection plant protection in the slope is planted on grass or trees to slow down the slope of flow velocity, the use of plant root consolidation of surface soil slope to reduce erosion, so as to achieve the function of the slope protection plant protection not only can beautification highway environment, adjust the temperature wet slope, consolidation and the stability of the slope play a role, and simple economic.Plant grass protection should choose the root system developed stem short and leafy drought tolerant grass seed, it is strictly prohibited to the growth in mud to clear the implanted directly into the grass slope protection method are as follows: firstly, in the soil slope surface water mixing with seed fertilizer, direct sprayed in the slope surface, the advantage is simple convenient construction cost is low, but vulnerable to wind erosion; Secondly, in dressing good slope surface, will clay fertilizer water with seed mixture of spray directly injection machine in the slope, and the soil adhesion, seed will rooted in soil slope, forming overall protection of the two methods in plant grass at the initial stage, the rain should be from erosion, fabric covered, because no slope reinforcement treatment in heavy rains and runoff erosion of the slope easily result in damage, and therefore should be in commonly 3-5 months each year.2. Engineering protection engineering protection is mainly aimed at not suitable for the growth of plant soil slope excavation or weathering fill joints growth of serious adverse rock embankment slope, take engineering protection measures that is setting artificial slope protection.3. Do PianShi build by laying bricks or stones do build by laying bricks or stones PianShi is designed to protect the slope from atmospheric precipitation and runoff violations, and protect water embankment slope from flow erosion of severe cold wet or sections of long-term bear active earth pressure area should not be commonly use dry build by laying bricks or stones PianShi protection, and can be used in the soil slope under the slope protection, slope of 1:1. 5-2-1..4. Pulp PianShi plasma build by laying bricks or stones PianShi build by laying bricks or stones set in immersion embankment and possible washed the soil slopesurface slope, should do well in the combination of drainage and protection, otherwise not be used as the water velocity is (such as in 4-5 m/s), wave action is stronger, and rivers flow and other wood may have hit content to wait impact, appropriate USES plasma build by laying bricks or stones PianShi protection, when necessary and water retaining wall or HuMianQiang also set pulp PianShi build by laying bricks or stones advantage is good durability slope protection, which is suitable for the protection of the different control slope rock layer and different locations of the slope, and moderate cost, it is applicable to the general up and down the slope slope5. Arch type grid protection this protection way been overcome the QiShi protection drainage anti-scouring ability weak and the large amount of work the characteristics, the maximum slope greening, appearance is better, in long lines of the high fill slope section, can achieve beautification greening double effect, road protection in recent years is the commonly used method shortcoming is one of the more tedious;, labor strength, strict requirements on slope surface, within the filled soil arch must be planting grass or other engineering protection, or to be rain erosion.6. Precast block slabs protection this is the current highway slope protection method widely applied one, because of the specifications of the precast block consistent, easy construction, neat appearance, minimizes the slope protection on plant grass greening dependence, even if the slope greening the result is bad, it is not easy to cause too serious erosion phenomenon, so, at the moment, most of the highway that way, defect is cost is high, difficult construction.7. Jet concrete protective jet concrete method into meat spray method and shotcreting method for directly spray method, high standard in the formation of the mortar injection roughly sheared off, make easy to loose particles slope stably, ensure running and pedestrian safety it used for surface layer of rock bolting and easy to loose by law, the working principle is to use sliding body will be fixed in the mountain, the mountain to the constraints of sliding, and in the sliding body surface anchor head and sprayed concrete use steel mesh, sliding body surface formation in reinforced concrete board body structure, so can will loose rock fixed for a whole, in order to achieve the purpose of cure landslide shotcreting act applies to most of the rock soil and rock soil and other geological structure mountain and produce landslide location, it can prevent the generation of landslide early as long as produce sliding area is not very big, Sliding layer is very thick, all can use this methodIn addition, the slope destruction for serious, such as a landslide and collapse may appear instability, etc, must adopt corresponding measures to ensure the stability of the slope (strength) and safety (deformation) according to slope of bad engineering geological characteristics of the landslide reinforcement management and protection and the features of the project, the main selection applicability is easy to operation of small negative effect on the engineering measures, such as anti-slide pile retaining bolt (cable) cutting slope and grouting, make its are used in different collapse of thephysical and mechanical landslide conditions and geological conditions References:[1] HuangJianMing. According to the highway subgrade construction of the side slope protection in highway overpass 6 gold separation # 7 # pier construction, for example [J]. Science and technology innovation herald, 2009, (2).[2] NiuZhenYu, the more beautiful. Shallow ground the highway engineering quality problems and its control counter measures [J]. Jiangxi building materials, 2007, (4).[3] to jump, WangHuiXian, AnZhen. Highway subgrade shallow slope protection [J]. J heilongjiang transportation science and technology, 2007, (12).。
