英语行政会议情景对话Executive Meeting

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Executive Meeting

CEO: If we are all here, let's start the meeting. I've called this meeting in order to let all of you realize the current financial condition of our company. ***, I need the facts and figures for sales. Sales Manager: OK. Actually, if I remember correctly, sales went down dramatically. We've never sold this little before. Our growth this year has been inferior. We have only captured 2% of the market, decline from last year by 46%. Our strategy is out of working! Not only our annual sales break the lowest record, but our company are in a slump.实际上如果我没记错的话,销售额明显下降以前我们从来没有卖过那么少产品,今年我们的发展势头很差.我们仅占领了市场的2个百分点,比去年下降46%. 我们的销售策略失去作用了。不但我们的年销售额打破了最低纪录,而且我们公司进入萧条期. CEO: Give these sales figures a look. Is that clear enough? It's pretty depressing. We're way in the red this year. We can't afford to keep going like this for much longer. Shall we make certain changes accordingly? 看一下这些销售数字,这样够清楚了吧?情况非常不妙.今年我们要大赔本了.我们不能任凭这种情况继续下去了.我们是否应当相应地做些调整呢?

HR Manager: I think we can consider on the way of putting down the expenditure. At present, proceeding a layoff may be an easy and fast way. We should fire plenty of staff to help improve profit and loss situation.我认为我们可以考虑削减开支.目前裁员可能是个简单快捷的方法。解雇足够多的员工来帮助改善损益状况.

PR Manager: Sorry. I don't think so. For company image, layoffs will damage a company's brand in the eyes of our customers and the public. Not only that, this measure could have serious consequences. It will get the morale down and the employees who still there also will feel threatened, even angry because they have to do the work of the laid-off workers. So the quality will inevitably decline. The round of job cuts will only exacerbate this financial problem.我不那么认为,就公司形象而言,裁员会破坏公司品牌在我们顾客和公众眼中的形象。不仅如此,这一举措会带来严重后果,士气一蹶不振,留下的员工也感到威胁,还会很生气,因为他们不得不做那些被解雇员工的工作,质量不可避免地下降。裁员只会使这个财政问题进一步恶化。

RD Manager: Yeah. For all things considered, opening source is much more practical than reducing expenditure. Maybe we should rethink our marketing strategy to include the possibility that our new line of cosmetics could be a big seller. Not only that, we can also optimize product quality in innovative ways thereby increased economic benefit of production and establish a product of good reputation. On this front, we can imitate the example of Wallace. Because of the new advertising campaign, they have become the top sellers in the field.从各方面考虑,开源比节流更符合实际。也许我们应该再考虑一下营销策略,把新推出的系列化妆品包括进去,这很可能会很畅销.不仅如此,我们还可以以创新的方式来优化产品的质量,从而增加经济效益和树立良好的口碑。在这个方面,我们可以效仿华莱士。由于发起了新的广告运动,他们已经成了这一领域最棒的经销商.

HR Manager: There is a lot is riding on the new products. If we don't do better after the product launch, we may have to go bankrupt.但我们把太多的赌注压在了新产品上.如果在产品投放市场后我们仍然没有起色的话,那很可能只有破产了.

Marketing Manager: Do you think it's that serious? You win some and you lose some. That is business. Besides, word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool, and often the most valuable. Word of mouth marketing is the best marketing. In addition to this, for now, we should adopt some fundamental solutions. Such as strengthening the fiscal management and establishing a sound sales model.你认为有那么严重吗?有亏有损,这就是生意。况且口碑营销是很给力的方法,并通常是最
