人教版高中英语必修1听力材料核心素养提升:Unit 1 Friendship (含答案)
高中英语人教版必修1试题:Unit 1 Friendship 听力材料核心素养提升(Unit 1) 含答案

核心素养提升(Unit 1)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
(Text 1)M:We are having a party this evening.Can you come?W:I’d like to,but I work at a restaurant at weekends.(Text 2)W:I can’t sleep well and my head hurts.M:Let me have a look...Well,it’s nothing serious.(Text 3)W:Hurry up.The train leaves at 8:45.We only have thirty minutes left.M:OK!(Text 4)W:What do you want to learn?M:French,German,or something...W:How about Spanish?M:Well,I don’t want to take Spanish.Russian is OK.How about you?W:Me?English,of course.(Text 5)W:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?M:Yes,I left it on my desk an hour ago and it isn’t there now.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高中英语人教版必修1试题:Unit 1 Friendship 核心素养提升(Unit 1) 含答案

核心素养提升(Unit 1)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
(Text 1)M:We are having a party this evening.Can you come?W:I’d like to,but I work at a restaurant at weekends.1.Why can’t the woman go to the party?( B )A.Because she doesn’t want to.B.Because she has to work.C.Because she wants to eat in a restaurant.(Text 2)W:I can’t sleep well and my head hurts.M:Let me have a look...Well,it’s nothing serious.2.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?( C )A.Teacher and student.B.Waiter and customer.C.Patient and doctor.(Text 3)W:Hurry up.The train leaves at 8:45.We only have thirty minutes left.M:OK!3.What time is it?( B )A.8:45.B.8:15.C.9:15.(Text 4)W:What do you want to learn?M:French,German,or something...W:How about Spanish?M:Well,I don’t want to take Spanish.Russian is OK.How about you?W:Me?English,of course.4.What does the man want to learn?( A )A.Russian.B.Spanish.C.English.(Text 5)W:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?M:Yes,I left it on my desk an hour ago and it isn’t there now.5.What does the man believe?( C )A.There must be many thieves around.B.He was wrong to have placed his wallet on the desk.C.His wallet was stolen during the past hour.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高中英语 Unit1 Friendship Listening 新人教版必修1

I told him that I _w_a_s_g_e_t_t_in_g__a_lo_n_g__ w__e_ll_w__it_h__it_ (进展得很好).
He is a pleasant person who is easy ___. A. to get along with B. to get along B.C. to be getting on D. getting along
this boy _b_e_in_g_ friends ands_t_u_d_y_in_g_ together. 2. _E_n_d__in_g_ your friendship with this boy would be a _s_t_u_p_id_ thing to do.
3. Teenagers like to _g_o_ss_i_p, and they often see something that isn’t real.
2. fall in love (with sb.) “爱上某人” , 表动作 be in love (with sb.) “与某人相爱”, 表状态 Marry h_a_s__b_e_e_n_i_n_l_o_v_ewith Bill for three years.
Discussion Discuss in groups and predict what Miss Wang will say.
Listen to the tape for the first time and check your guesses.
人教英语必修第一册 听力录音稿

人教英语必修第一册听力录音稿Unit 1 FriendshipPart 1: Listening Comprehension (略)Part 2: Listening and Vocabulary (听力和词汇)In this section, you will hear a conversation between two friends discussing the concept of friendship. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.1. What is the main topic of conversation?A. School activities.B. Friendship.C. Hobbies and interests.2. How long have the speakers known each other?A. 3 years.B. 5 years.C. 10 years.3. According to the speakers, what makes a good friend?A. Similar interests and hobbies.B. A sense of humor and honesty.C. Academic achievements and success.4. What does the boy say about his friends?A. He has many friends but few close ones.B. He has a lot of friends but no close friends.C. He has few friends but they are all very close.5. What does the girl think about friendship?A. She believes friends are important but not necessary.B. She thinks friends are not important in one's life.C. She believes friends are essential for a fulfilling life.Part 3: Listening and Note-taking (听力和笔记)In this section, you will hear a talk about the benefits of having good friends. Listen carefully and take notes as you listen. Then, fill in the missing information in the summary.Summary:Having good friends is essential for our well-being. Friends provide emotional support, help us cope with stress, and make life more enjoyable. Firstly, friends are there for us during difficult times, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. They provide a sense of belonging and can boost our self-esteem. Secondly, friends play a crucial role in helping us manage stress. By sharing our concerns with friends, we can gain different perspectives and find solutions to our problems. Lastly, friends make life more enjoyable by sharing our interests and hobbies. Whether it's going to the movies, playing sports, or traveling, doing things together with friends can create memorable experiences.Part 4: Listening and Dialogue Completion (听力和对话补全)In this section, you will hear a conversation between two friends discussing their plans for the weekend. Listen carefully and complete the dialogue with the missing information.A: Hey, what are your plans for the weekend?B: I'm not sure yet. Do you have any ideas?A: Well, I heard there's a new art exhibition downtown. How about we check it out?B: That sounds interesting. What time does it start?A: I think it opens at 10 a.m. We can meet at the entrance around that time.B: Great! After the exhibition, do you want to grab some lunch?A: Sure, there's a new café nearby. We can try it out.B: Perfect! I'll see you on Saturday then.A: Looking forward to it!Part 5: Listening and Discussion (听力和讨论)In this section, you will hear a discussion about the role of social media in forming and maintaining friendships. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.1. According to the speakers, what are the advantages of using social media for making friends?2. How do the speakers feel about the depth of friendships formed through social media?3. What are the potential drawbacks of relying too heavily on social media for friendship?Please pause the recording and take some time to answer the questions.(略)This concludes the listening section of Unit 1. Take a moment to review your answers before moving on to the next activity. Good job!。
人教版必修1 unit1 Friendship P5 Listening exercise (共14张PPT)

_T_e_e_n_a_g_e_r_s_ like to gossip, and they often see something that isn’t _r_ea_l_. Perhaps your classmates cannot _u_n_d_e_r_st_a_n_d_ your friendship with this boy. That’s no reason to stop it. My _a_d_v_ic_e_ is to ignore your _cl_a_s_s_m_a_t_e_s_. That way you will show them that you are more _g_r_o_w_n_-_u_p_ than they are.
They take her to _i_n_te_r_e_s_ti_n_g_ places and to a mountain in the _c_o_u_n_t_ry_s_i_d_e_. Some people even invite her to be a _g_u_e_s_t_ in their homes. Leslie is asked whether she thinks the Chinese are _f_r_ie_n_d_l_y_. “Yes,” she says, “I think Chinese people are very friendly.”
Unit 1 Friendship
Listen to the text.
Listen again and fill in the blanks. Dear Lisa, There is nothing _w__ro_n__g_ with you and this boy being friends and _s_t_u_d_y_in_g__ together. Of course a boy and a girl can be good friends. Ending your _fr_i_e_n_d_s_h_ip_ with this boy would be a _s_t_u_p_i_d_ thing to do. You would _l_o_s_e_ a good friend and _s_o_m_e_o_n_e_ to study with.
2018版高中英语人教版必修1Unit 1 Friendship 听力材料核心素养提升(Unit 1)试题

核心素养提升(Unit 1)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
(Text 1)M:We are having a party this evening.Can you come?W:I’d like to,but I work at a restaurant at weekends.(Text 2)W:I can’t sleep well and my head hurts.M:Let me have a look...Well,it’s nothing serious.(Text 3)W:Hurry up.The train leaves at 8:45.We only have thirty minutes left.M:OK!(Text 4)W:What do you want to learn?M:French,German,or something...W:How about Spanish?M:Well,I don’t want to take Spanish.Russian is OK.How about you?W:Me?English,of course.(Text 5)W:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?M:Yes,I left it on my desk an hour ago and it isn’t there now.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
人教版高中英语必修一 试题:Unit 1 Friendship 听力材料核心素养提升(Unit 1)

核心素养提升(Unit 1)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
(Text 1)M:We are having a party this evening.Can you come?W:I’d like to,but I work at a restaurant at weekends.(Text 2)W:I can’t sleep well and my head hurts.M:Let me have a look...Well,it’s nothing serious.(Text 3)W:Hurry up.The train leaves at 8:45.We only have thirty minutes left.M:OK!(Text 4)W:What do you want to learn?M:French,German,or something...W:How about Spanish?M:Well,I don’t want to take Spanish.Russian is OK.How about you?W:Me?English,of course.(Text 5)W:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?M:Yes,I left it on my desk an hour ago and it isn’t there now.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高中英语《Unit 1 Friendship》listening课件 新人教版必修1

Answer the following questions.
1.What does Miss Wang say about their friendship? She says that ___________________ there is nothing wrong _________________________________ in Lisa making friends with a boy and _________________________________ that it is possible for a boy and a girl to _________________ be just good friends.
Unit 1 Friendship
Period 5: 幻灯片78-88页
what would you do if you are misunderstood by others?
Read the text and find out the
answer to the following question.
Not only would you lose a good friend, but you would also lose someone who is helping you with your studies. Teenagers like to gossip, and they often see something that doesn’t exist. Perhaps they can’t understand your friendship with this boy. But that’s no reason to throw it away.
人教版高中英语必修一Unit1 Friendship listening and reading课件

Step6. Writing If it were Thanks-giving Day today, write a letter to your best friend to express your thanks. Writing guidelines: 1. List the reasons why you are thankful. ( When I am/ feel...) 2. Use the sentence patterns to recall past events to support your reason: (I can well remember that.../ There was a time when.../ It was the first time that... ) 3. State your friend’s words that moved/inspired you most. Eg : You told me that… 4. Try to make use of the vocabularies covered in today’s lesson.
happy, you are glad to share my happiness. When I am sad, you are always ready to listen to me. When I feel upset, you try your best to calm me down and cheer me up. I can well remember that there was a time when I lost faith in myself. I could not picture myself as a good basketball player. However you always stood by me and brought me courage. You told me that as long as I stuck to my dreams and devoted myself to it, I would succeed. Without you I could never have gone so far.

She should be
friends because they
with Peter lived so close
What Anne thought She wanted her father to be happy for her to have a friend.
Anne made a friend in the hiding place. He was the son of another family hiding with them. Listen to the story and tick the pair who are disagreeing about the friendship.
2. What are the advantages of this friendship?
• To practise another language with a native speaker • To learn new ways of thinking and ideas • To find out more about another country
Listen to Part 1 again and tick the things done by Leslie.
__ going to watch Peking Opera __ going out for delicious dinners __ seeing the Great Wall __ visiting a mountain __ going to people’s homes __ staying in a good hotel __ swimming in the sea __ going shopping

英语必修1第一单元Unit One FriendshipTeaching goals语言知识1.to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship2.to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty3.to master some sentences about giving advice4.to learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions5.to learn about communication skills语言技能和学习策略1.to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task2.to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaking task and other activities like discussion and oralpractice3.to develop reading skills through the reading materials in this unit4.to learn to write a letter of advice文化意识1.to know about friend and the real meaning of friend2.to learn how to get along with others情感态度1.to arouse the interest in learning English2.to learn to express their feeling of friends and friendshipTeaching key points:1.how to improve students’ speaking and cooperating abilities2.learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1):statements and questions3.master some words and expressionsTeaching difficult points:1.train the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities2.how to improve students’ cooperating abilitiesTeaching methods:Student-focus approach and task-based approachLearning methods:Cooperative studyTeaching aids:Computer词汇教学:1. survey n. 调查;测验;测量;检查;鉴定They were pleased with their wild survey of his work.他们广泛审查了他的工作,很满意。

Unit 1
Warming-up Are you sometimes upset ? Why? Did you ever fall in love with someone around? Do you ever see some one fall in love with a
Read Lisa’s letter and answer the following two questions.
What did Lisa write to Miss Wang for? ( For advice.) Lisa wrote to Miss Wang to ask for advice.
1.There’s nothing wrong with you and this boy __b_e_i_n_g__ friends and_s_t_u_d_y_in_g_ together.
2. __E_n_d_i_n_g_ your friendship with this boy would be a __s_tu_p__id___ thing to do.
New words: grateful, dislikes, join in, tips
Your advice for Xiao Dong
To ask people their likes and dislikes To join in discussions
To share his feelings with others
He’s not good at communicating with people. He finds it hard to make friends with his classmates.

● while / when doing sth 意为“在做…的时候;在…期间”
e.gW.:hen (you are ) crossing the s,tryeoeutshould be careful.
{拓展}after /
He hopes to
find a
③ She a__d_d_e_d__ some sugar __to__ the coffee.
2…. he broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.
● get sth. done 让/请别人做某事
e.g.:It is necessary to get my fridge fixed. .
As far as I am concerned,you can do what you like.
4. …While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and hit by a car. 此句中 While walking the dog, … = While (you were) walking the dog, …
Language points
Using language
1. at
● have trouble with sb./ sth.
与某人闹别扭/ 在某事上遇到了麻烦
have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

1. documentary n. 纪录片 8. upcoming adj. 即将来到的
2. series n. 系列节目
9. tribe n. 部落
3. fakev. 捏造
10. for the benefit of 为了……
4. airv. 播放
5. statement n. 声明
The BBC said, “Since this programme was broadcast in 2011 we have strengthened our mandatory(强制性的) training for all staff in editorial guidelines, standards and values. ”
An episode of Human Planet, which aired in 2011, depicted(描画)the life of the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea and included members moving into a treehouse.
In a statement, the BBC said, “The BBC has been alerted to a breach of editorial standards in an episode of Human Planet in 2011 which concerns the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea.
BBC admits the treehouse scene from Human Planet was faked
听力材料 核心素养提升(Unit 1)

听力材料核心素养提升(Unit 1)核心素养提升(Unit 1)第一部分听力第一节听下面5段对话。
(Text 1)W:Do you mind if I open the window to let some fresh air in?M:Sorry.Please don’t.I’ve caught a cold. (Text 2)M:Excuse me.What is the time,please?W:Let me see.It’s five to eleven.But my watch is fifteen minutes fast.(Text 3)M:Aren’t you going to apologize for breaking that window?W:Why should I?I didn’t throw the ball. (Text 4)W:Yes,the waitress found it just after you left.Will you please see if there’s anything missing?M:No,that’s quite unnecessary.W:I’d rather you did.M:Well,if you insist...Everything is here.Thank you very much.I’m sorry to bring you so much trouble.It’s all my fault. W:No trouble at all.听第7段材料,回答第8—9小题。
(Text 7)W:Hi,Burt.I heard you’re looking for a new job.M:Yeah.I just had an interview yesterday. W:Oh.How did it go?M:I think I did well.They said they would make a decision by this Friday.W:This Friday?Looks like they want to hire a person as quickly as possible.M:Yeah!I think so,too.W:What are your chances of getting that job?M:I think I have a very good chance.The director seems to like me.W:Well,good luck,then.M:Thanks.I hope it helps.听第8段材料,回答第10—12小题。
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核心素养提升(Unit 1)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
(Text 1)M:We are having a party this evening.Can you come?W:I’d like to,but I work at a restaurant at weekends.(Text 2)W:I can’t sleep well and my head hurts.M:Let me have a look...Well,it’s nothing serious.(Text 3)W:Hurry up.The train leaves at 8:45.We only have thirty minutes left.M:OK!(Text 4)W:What do you want to learn?M:French,German,or something...W:How about Spanish?M:Well,I don’t want to take Spanish.Russian is OK.How about you?W:Me?English,of course.(Text 5)W:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?M:Yes,I left it on my desk an hour ago and it isn’t there now.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
(Text 6)M:Are you free tomorrow afternoon?W:Yes,I think so.M:Let’s go for a swim,OK?W:Good idea.Shall we ask Jim?M:OK!What time shall we leave?W:Well,I can’t leave before 2 o’clock.I have a lot of work to do.M:Don’t worry!We won’t leave before 2 o’clock.We’ll wait for you at the gate of the Children’s Park.W:All right.Good-bye!听第7段材料,回答第8-10小题。
(Text 7)M:Morning,Sue.Did you enjoy your holiday in the country?W:Yes,thanks.We had a great time.And some friends went with us.M:Where did you stay?In a hotel?W:No.We camped in the mountains,near Snowdon.We cooked all our meals over an open fire.M:Sounds wonderful.Was the weather good?W:The sun shone nearly every day and it didn’t rain at all.M:Did you like the people there?W:Yes,they were great.We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.M:When did you get back?Last night?W:No.This morning.You’ll think we were mad.We got up at 4:30,left at 5 and arrived here at 9.I’m so tired.What about you?Did you have a good weekend?M:Yes,but I didn’t do much.I just stayed at home.The weather was terrible.听第8段材料,回答第11-13小题。
(Text 8)W:Have you handed in your exercise book,Jack?M:I’m sorry I haven’t,Mrs.Smith.I’ve already finished the exercise,but I can’t find my exercise book anywhere now.W:Really?I don’t understand why you’re always forgetting to hand in your exercise book.You’re lying.M:Mrs.Smith,but it is true this time.W:I’m really angry with you.If you won’t tell me the truth,I’ll have to ring up your parents after class.M:I’m sorry my parents have gone to New York.They’ll be back in half a year. W:I don’t believe you.It was yesterday that I saw your parents in the supermarket.You are very clever,but you never spend your time doing your math exercises.Sit down,please.Let’s get down to business.听第9段材料,回答第14-16小题。
(Text 9)W:Hello,Mike.How was your English exam yesterday?M:Not too good.W:Well,the term exam is always more difficult.Work harder and you will certainly do better next time.M:I’ve worked hard enough,I think,but unluckily,I have never done well in the exam. W:Well,it’s no use worrying about the exam now.Let’s talk about the football game tonight.It’s much more interesting.M:Is there a football game on TV tonight?W:Yes,it’s between the Chinese team and the Japanese team.M:Err...I’d rather watch some other programmes.W:Why?You’re so interested in football.M:The Chinese team has always played badly in the important match,just as I have done in the important exam.听第10段材料,回答第17-20小题。
(Text 10)When Lincoln was just a boy,he had to help his father look after their farm.It was hard work and there weren’t any interesting things for him.Lincoln wanted to go to school,but there was no school there.He was sad most of the time.Mrs.Lincoln loved the boy very much.She tried her best to make Lincoln happy.Oneearly morning she got up early and went to town.That was a long way and it took her a long time to get to town.She bought something there and started back.And it was late in the evening when she got home.The next morning Mrs.Lincoln said to Lincoln,“Today is your birthday.We’re going to have a party.”She put some food on the table and brought him a present.“A book!”Lincoln cried.It was an old book,but he liked it.A smile came to his face.He looked up at Mrs.Lincoln and said,“Thank you,Mum.”。