

外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文Germany Bauhaus design and Future Design TrendAbstractGerman Bauhaus had a significant influence on the modern design education, meanwhile, it established the foundation of the leading position in the world for German industrial design. Through analyzing on current industrial design conditions from different countries, art design is considered as the main part of industrial design. This paper reviewed the last 10 years’ development of industrial design program in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. The industrial design program have taken considerable achievements in many fields, such as the practice of Germany model, disciplines construction, teaching reform, manufactures & college cooperation, project teaching and design competitions. And Y ou cannot ignore the industrial design ten trend Keywords: Bauhaus, industrial design, project teaching, practice , 10 Industrial Design Trends1. German Bauhaus and industrial designGerman Bauhaus Design and Future Design TrendsAbstractGerman Bauhaus has a significant influence. At the same time, modern design education laid the foundation for the world's leading German industrial design. By analyzing the current industrial design conditions in different countries, artistic design is considered as the main industrial design. This article reviews the process of developing industrial designs in the last 10 years. Industrial design programs have taken considerable success in many areas such as the German practice model, professional construction, teaching reform, collaboration between production and engineering colleges, teaching and design competitions and ten trends in industrial design that you cannot ignore.Key words: ten trends of Bauhaus, industrial design, project teaching, practice, industrial design1. German Bauhaus and Industrial DesignIn 1919, the school had built Bauhaus Weimar, Germany. This is known as the “cradle of world industrial design” and the history of this milestone art design. Bauhaus believes that the most important thing is to allow students to explore their own ways of designing, rather than teaching their teachers; to cultivate students' ability to think independently and critically, instead of putting certain design styles on them. Compared with other schools with similar design education, Bauhaus philosophy has a unique philosophy of education. It took a thorough reform of the traditional art design education system andestablished art design as a new professional discipline. At the same time, Walter Gropius, the founder of Bauhaus, put forward the "unified art and technology" as the leading design philosophy of education.One of Bauhaus's works is a general industrial product that actively purifies the form. Bauhaus stressed that the design of the product's shape should be based on basic geometric models such as cubes, squares, and circles. The form of the product, and outlined should be simple and varied in different ways and follow abstract forms of principles and aesthetics. Because of Bauhaus's bravery and active exploration and reform, he took a major influence on the formation of the modernist artistic style and enabled Bauhaus to design a world-class reputation. Therefore Bauhaus became a milestone in the history of modern design art.The American artist Jose Sinel first mentioned the industrial design of the term in 1919. However, in China, until 1983, the Ministry of Education had met the industrial design disciplines and sample major ordinary universities. The original name was "The main product formation was" students for the arts. In 1998, the national priority category was adjusted to be integrated into international conventions. The “major” product formation has long since focused on the human-product-environment relationship in the field of product morphology and other research. This name has replaced "industrial design" and some of the major schools for engineering and art education.Bauhaus has many top European artists during this time, such as Kandinsky and Kerry. They are famous abstract painters. Their teaching trains students and leads to Bauhaus's 20th-century art design. The most famous industrial designers such as Philip Starck behar Marc Newson and Maca graduated from the School of Art Design. Their success proves that industrial design education in art design education is effective. The product form design is still an important aspect. Industrial design in undergraduate industrial design research is currently an important part of the famous Art Design School.The Academy of Art and Design of the Norwegian Royal Academy of Arts, the University Politecnico Duisburg-Esse Milan, the applied sciences and arts of Hannover University (Hanover Industrial Design Division), all of whom belong to the School of Art and Design.According to a survey: the American Association of Industrial Designers (IDSA organized by the United States) in 1998, there are 49 colleges, which have industrial design undergraduate or graduate programs registered on the IDSA-sponsored list. Typical industrial design students are usually set up in art schools and can obtain bachelor degree or above, fine arts or related majors. Most people are accredited to the school NASAD (National Association of Arts and Design). Only 15 - schools are not certified. After five years o f IDSA’s announcement, only registered industrial design students can be recognized. Among them are37 industrial design majors in universities, 6 in design colleges, and 4 in art schools. This situation has not changed in the current year.Asia: In Japan, industrial design majors also set in art schools or independent industrial design faculties, such as Tokyo Zokei University, Musashino Art University, Tama Art University, and University of Tsukuba etc. In Hongkong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has famous industrial design programs. In Taiwan, Shih Chien University, National Cheng Kung University, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology have famous industrial design programs. In mainland of China, Jiangnan University, Tsinghua University, Hunan University, Tongji University and the Guangzhou academic of fine arts all have their industrial design departments in the art design schools or departments.2 10 Industrial Design Trends Y ou Can't Ignore2.1 Design For A CauseCompanies including Herman Miller and American Apparel are promoting their ideals through design. Y ves Béhar's leaf lamp for Herman Miller (shown) uses a biomorphic grid of LEDs, which consume 40% percent less energy than fluorescent lights and last for 100,000 hours. And Nike plans to make its entire footwear line out of sustainable materials by 2010.2.2 SimplexitySteve McCallion, executive creative director of Portland, Ore.-basedindustrial design firm Ziba Design, says there's a trend toward "simplexity," products that have many functions but are approachable, ergonomically correct and easy to use--like Apple's iPhone. The baby boomers have also propelled simplexity; as the generation ages, the need for easy-to-use, at-home medical equipment becomes greater. Ami V erhalen, director of industrial design at Madison, Wis.-based Design Concepts, says that in-home health care will be a huge driver for product innovation in the upcoming decade.2.3 PersonalizationFrom Nike ID shoes to Build-a-Bear teddies, retailers are adding a "build your own" element to brands. Do it yourself--or DIY--serves as an important element of this trend. Publications like Ready Made magazine and books like designer Wendy Mullin's Sew U encourage consumers to put their own spin on things.2.4 GlobalizationLike other industries, outsourcing has affected international design. Today a designer in Delhi might be working with a manufacturer in Columbus. Steve McCallion says that the globalization of product design has created Internet communities that enable more people to participate in the design process. Companies like Kid Robot can employ toy designers from Tokyo to Tucson with greater ease than ever.2.5 OrnamentationIn fashion design, we're seeing a return to minimalism, but in home decor, ornate details are in fashion. For the first time in decades, wallpaper is in fashion, and the details are rich--brocades, velvets and jewel-tone colors. Long-forgotten textile designers like Florence Broadhurst and V era Neumann are receiving attention from a new generation of design-savvy consumers.2.6 Polarization Of DesignBig-box or luxury retailer? Many experts say that design has been polarized, with innovative products available at both the very high end (Neiman Marcus, Moss) and the very low end (Target, Ikea). Meanwhile, midrange retailers like Macy's suffer from lack of fresh, on-trend ideas. That isolates the huge chunk of the population that can afford something higher-end than the $200 Malm bed at Ikea but scoff at the price of a $16,000 Hastens mattress.2.7 Pink DesignGadgets are a guy's game, right? Not if you consider the latest products with feminine mystique. Motorola released a lipstick pink Razr cellphone, and more recently, LG released a Prada phone. More and more manufacturers are creating sleeker, feminized versions of their clunky, chunky products, and both men and women are biting. Want proof of the feminization of product design? Just check out , which rates several items a day as "Geek chic" or "Just Plain Geeky."2.8 Mass ImperfectionSome designers are creating intentionally flawed pieces, like designer Jason Miller's duct tape chair or Bodum's Pavina glassware collection, which uses mouth-blown double-walled glass, giving each piece a slight variation in height, thickness and weight. Whiskered and weathered textiles--on denim as well as furniture and tapestries--are more recognizable examples of intentional imperfection in production.2.9 CraftAs mass retailers like Target become more design-focused, there's a countertrend of independent manufacturers and designers creating one-off, heirloom pieces. Where to find these limited-edition treasures? Artisan e-commerce sites like , classical craft companies like Heath Ceramics and modernist design houses such as Design Within Reach.2.10 Focus On The Other 90%Anthony Pannozzo, vice president of design strategy at Waltham, Mass.-based firm Herbst LaZar Bell, says that well-designed products are available to only 10% of the world's population. However, more and more designers are starting to cater to consumers in Africa, Asia and Latin America.中文译文德国包豪斯设计与未来设计趋势摘要德国包豪斯有显著的影响, 与此同时, 现代设计教育奠定了基础, 它处于世界领先地位的德国工业设计。

李雁飞工设 10011011033010参考文献Future of Automotive Design &Materials 汽车设计与材料的未来Trends and Developments in Design and Materials 设计与材料的趋势与发展(译by李雁飞Renault Zoe Z.E. 雷诺 Zoe Z.E.Jan Willem van der Wiel Senior Consultant ATC 高级顾问 ATCKo-finanziert durch die EuropäischeUnion (EFREDie europäischeKommission investiert in Ihre ZukunftTABLE OF CONTENTS 目录TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 2 1INTRODUCTION 介绍 3 2CURRENT SITUATION 现状 4 2.1Design 设计 4 2.1.1International 国际 4 2.1.2Design in The Netherlands 荷兰的设计 5 2.2Materials 材料 6 2.2.1International 国际 6 2.2.2Materials in The Netherlands 荷兰的材料 92.3Design &Materials 设计与材料 93FUTURE PERSPECTIVE 未来展望 10 3.1Design by Tiers 10 3.2Design trends 设计方向 10 3.2.1Inspired by nature 自然灵感 11 3.2.2Floating elements 113.2.3Sculpted surfaces 镂空表面 11 3.2.4Individuality 个性 12 3.2.5Femininity 女性化12 3.3.6Electric drive 电子驾驶 12 3.3.7Light design 灯光设计 123.3Materials 材料 13 3.3.1Intelligent materials 智能材料 13 3.3.2New conductive materials 新导体 14 3.3.3Materials for energy storage 能量存储物质 15 3.4Design&Materials 设计与材料 15 3.4.1Sustainability 耐受程度 15 3.4.2Downsizing 193.4.3Cost down 193.4.4Rapid manufacturing 高速制造 194RELEVANCE FOR THE DUTCH INDUSTRY 与荷兰工业的相关性 19 References:参考 211INTRODUCTION 介绍Design and Materials are two different worlds and still strongly related. Each very different in their being and both equally important in shaping the physical world around us. Design creates products and products are made of materials. Design gives functions to products and materials are chosen and formed to best incorporate those functions. Design can also relate to graphics and the virtual world observed on displays or advanced visualization techniques. This trend study however focuses on Design of the physical world, shaped in 3D. And since this trend study originates from the Automotive Technology Centre the subject of this focus is on automotive products 设计和材料是两个不同的世界,仍然密切相关。


器具 的功用 , 么道 与技应为何种关 系? 形而上者谓 之道 , 那 “
形 而下者谓之器 。 由此可见 , ” 传统 的造 物工艺 一直被认为
这是 一个属于设 计 的时代 , 设计 已深 入人们 生活 的方
方 面面。人 类通 过 改造 世界创造 物质财 富与精 神财 富, 而
其 中最为重要的创造便 是造物。造物不仅是 一个 艺术 的过 程 , 是一个科 学的过程 。抛开“ 与“ 任意 一者 来谈 还 神” 形” 设 计都是 片面的 , 中国古人对造 物艺术 的研 究有一种科 学 的态度 , 他们在 长期 的造物活 动 中使 科 学与艺术达到 了和 谐统一 , 而这 种 难 能可 贵 的思 辨 力正 源 自中国 的传 统思
范性 以及设计 所带来的 一系列 负面影响被越 来越 多的人提 及、 讨论和研 究。比如 , 些年 中国一些城 市的建 设盲 目崇 近 洋推新 , 建造 了一大批外形结构怪异 的建筑 , 消耗 了大量人 力、 物力不说 , 还破坏 了城 市的整体风貌 。 如何让 人 与人 、 与物 、 与物 更加和 谐地 结合 在 一 人 物 起 , 当前设 计 师所 面临 的一大 问题 。这 一 问题 已经无 法 是 单靠设计本身来 解决 , 需要我们深入设 计的思想观念 , 还 从
Hale Waihona Puke 二 、 艺 与规律— —“ 以载道 ” 技 技
“ 重道 轻器 ” 的观念 由来 已久 , 影响深远 , 具体 到人们 但 日常 生活 中, 器具 的实用性无疑是重 中之 重, 思想要让位于
泉 。如何正视传统 , 并汲取传统思想的营养 , 则是一个 需要我们 思考
的 问题 。
关 键 词 : 代 设 计 中国传 统 思 想 功 能与 形 式 现

中华传统对你的设计的影响英语作文In the realm of design, the influence of Chinese tradition is profound and indispensable. As a designer, I have found that the rich tapestry of Chinese culture offers a vast palette of inspiration, shaping not only the aesthetic but also the philosophical underpinnings of my work.The visual vocabulary of Chinese tradition, encompassing calligraphy, painting, and architecture, among others, is a constant source of inspiration for my designs. The elegant simplicity of calligraphy, for instance, has taught me the value of restraint and clarity in communication. The dynamic flow of ink on paper inspires me to create designs that are both dynamic and harmonious. Similarly, the intricate details and vibrant colors of Chinese paintings influence my approach to color schemes and patterns, encouraging me to experiment with combinations that are both visually arresting andculturally relevant.Beyond aesthetics, the philosophical principles of Chinese culture have a profound impact on my designphilosophy. The concept of "harmony" with nature and the universe, for instance, guides my approach to sustainable design. It reminds me to consider the environmental impactof my work, striving to create designs that are not just visually appealing but also environmentally responsible.The emphasis on balance and symmetry in Chinese culturealso informs my design decisions, leading me to create compositions that are harmonious and well-balanced.The influence of Chinese tradition is not limited to visual elements and philosophical principles. The rich stories and symbols embedded in Chinese culture alsoprovide a wealth of inspiration for my designs. The dragon, a symbol of power and good luck in Chinese culture, has become a recurring motif in my work, representing thefusion of traditional and modern elements. Similarly, the stories of ancient Chinese heroes and legends inspire me to create designs that are both narrative and symbolic.In conclusion, the influence of Chinese tradition on my design is profound and multifaceted. It shapes my aesthetic sensibilities, philosophical approach, and creative process, encouraging me to create designs that are not just visuallyappealing but also culturally relevant and environmentally responsible. As a designer, I am constantly drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, finding new ways to incorporate its elements and principles into my work.**中华传统对我的设计的影响**在设计的领域里,中华传统的影响深远且不可或缺。


中英文外文翻译文献原文:DESIGN and ENVIRONMENTProduct design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human.In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products.Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea ofproduct design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product.Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores.Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface.Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.With the development of science and technology ,more and more attention is paid to austerity of environmental promblems ,such as polluting of atmosphere,destroy of forest, soilerosion,land desertification, water resource polluting, a great deal of species becaming extinct,exhansting of petroleum , natural gas and coal and so on . A designer should have a strong consciousness of protecting environment and to make his\her design to be based on avoiding destroying environment and saving natural recourse.Nowadays ,greenhouse effects,destroyed ozone layers and acid rain are three global environmental questions.Greenhouse effect is phenomena of the atmosphere becoming warmer . The forming principle of greenhouse effect is that the Sun shortwave radiation can penetrate into ground through atmosphere ,long wave radiation emitted from ground after ground is warmed ,is absorbed by carbon dioxide of atmosphere , and then atmosphere gets warmer.The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changes the earth to a large greenhouse like a thick layer of glass . Methane ,ozone,chlorine,Fluorine, hydrocarbon and aqueous vapor also make some contribution to greenhouse effects. With rapid increase of population and rapid development of industry ,more and more carbon dioxide of atmosphere enters into atmosphere. Because forest is cun down in a large amount also ,carbon dioxide increases gradally ,and the greenhouse effects are strengthened constantly .The results of the greenhouse effects are very serious. The great changes will take place in the natural ecology ,such as desert expanding ,land corroding aggravating, forest retreating to the polarregion, calamity of drought and waterlog serious and rainfall increasing. The temperate zone will be wetter in water and will be droughtier in summer . Tropical zone will become wetter and subtropical zone will become more arid . All of these above will forces the existing irrigation works to be adjusted. Coastal regions will be threatened seriously .Because the temperature is rising , ice-cubes will be melted at the two poles so to the sea level will be rising and a lot of cities and ports will be submerged.The ozone layer destroyed shocked academia and the wholeinternational aommunity .American scientists,Monila and Rowland , pointed out that it is human activities bring ozone hole of today . arch-criminal that we now well know is freon and Kazakhstan dragon.Acid rain has already become a kind of air pollution phenomenon in extensive range,crossing over national boundaries at present. Acid rain destroys soil, makes lake acid and endangers growing of abimals and plants. It also stimulates people's skin, brings out the skin disease, causes lung hydronces, lung harden ,and corrodes the metal product,paint ,leather, fabrics and building with carbonate .In a word , the environment of human life has already worsened day by day. The reasons of the worsening mostly come from the human own bad life style, disrespecting the objective law, eager for quick success,use of the earth resource without scientific plan ,and lack of consciousness pratecting the environment in design . So they destroy home by themselves,which not only harm human on contemporary, but also seriously influence existence of descendants.The environmental question is caused by people's bad design and life style to a great extent , which puts forward a serious question for a designer that designers should undertake the historical important task of environment protection.Industry has brought the disaster to world while creates a large amount of wealth for mankind . Industry design has accelerated theconsumpition of the resource and energy resource and has caused enormous destruction to the ecological balance of the earth while creating modern life style and living environment for mankind.So as industry designers, setting up environmental awareness incarnates their morals and social sense of responsibility. Designers must be responsible for their own designs, and must take human health and blessedness , and harmonically coexisting of nature with the human as the rules necessarily obeyed in their own design.Designers must also master the necessary knowledege in material, craft, chemical industry, manufacturing,ect.,in order to be possible for avoiding to danger to environment causing by his design.The concept of "Sustainable development design"has epoch-maling meanings of humanity and real development of the world .It reflects the designer's morals and responsibility , and has already become the trend of designing development in the 21st century .Hence ,mankind's development made of traditional industrial civilization was turned to one of the modern ecological civilization. It is the coordination of social progress,economic growth and environmental protestion.Sustainable development is a kind concept of brand-new ethics,morals and values that people should follow. Its essence lies in fully utilizing the modern science and technongy ,exploiting green resources ,development constantly, impelling harmonious developmentbetween human and nature and pramoting inter-harmony of population ,resource and environment .Solving the problem of sustainable development is a change of technological innovation and behavior made.Sustainable development strategy is to solve the problem of meeting contemporary people's demands in maximum under the precondition of un-hurting several generations' demands of the future . It will realize the unity of the present interests and long-term interest and leave the development space for descendants.The question of the strategic consideration of sustainable development should include circulation, green energy and ecological efficiency.Green design comes from introspection on environmental and ecological disruption caused by design of modern technology and culture. Green design focuses on the balance relation of persons and natural ecology . Designers should consider the environmental benefits at every decision of the disign process, and try their best to reduce the destruction to environment.For industry design, the core of green design is "3R",namely Reduce,Recycle and Reuse.It is necessary not only to reduce consunption of substance and energy sources,and reduce letting of harmful substance,but also to classified reclaim, recycle and reuse products andparts conveniently.Green design is not only technical ,but also an innovative idea. It requires designer to give up some rat-fuck method excessively emphasizing at the style of products, and to focus on the real innovative. He or she would design the form of the products with more responsible method and make the products lengthen their wervice life as much as possible through succinct and permanent modeling.For materials,stock and regeneration of raw materials, consumption and pollution of environmental energy during obtaining materials,machining performance in follow-up manufacturing,low consumption and low pollution of energy ,and reclaimable during discarded should be considered.Problems of manufacturing are that pollution should be reduced or died out during beginning of manufacturing.Consideration on packing, transporting , sale, ect. is meant the environmental performance of packaging, green packing ,good performance of transportation ,decreasing self weight , reducing energy consumption , localized production and reducing consimption of work flow.Consideration on the use of product concerns with waste of energy and resources while produces are used , the modularization of environmental performance , recombined ability , and the mades of using product while products are renewed , as well as other factors.Easy disassembled feature , convenient decomposition and classification , reclaaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removes for other use should all be considered during the period while products are renewed , as well as other factors.Easy disassembled feature, convenient decomposition and classification , reclaimable and reusable features of materials, and recombined feature of parts or removed for other use should all be considered during the period while products are discarded .Clean energy souces should be Considered , such as solar ernergy , water, electricity and wind power .Clean materials concern with low pollution , innocuity, disaggregation and reclaimable . Clean manufacturing process is meant production with energy saving and environment protection while used, and reclaimable while discarded.Regeneration and reuse of parts are powerful measure of sustainable strategy. The fact has proved that through disassembly and analysis the proportion of reusable material would be higher after improving design and retread.For example , in a scrap car , metal meterial accounts for 80%.Among them , nonferrous metal accounts for 3%~4.7%. 45%of output of steel comes from scrap steeel in world and 25% output of steel comes from scrap steel in our country.Product Lifecycle Management is meant all life course of product from people's demand for product to be washed out , including the main stages of demand analysis, praduct planning , conceptual design , produce design , digitized simulation, proceess preparation , process planning,production testing and quaality control , sell and distribution, use \maintaining and maintain, as well as scrap and reclaiming . Advanced management idea and first-class information technology are taken into industrial and commercial operation in modern enterprises , which makes enterprises be able to adjust management means and management ways effectively in digital economic era , inoder to exert enterprise's unprecedented competition advantage . Helping enterprise to carry on products innovation , to win the market , and to obtain additional profit would improve the value of the enterprise products.译文:设计与环境产品设计是工业设计的主体和核心。

Modern Industrial Design1.Procedures of Modern Industrial DesignIndustrial Design is a whole process from the market investigation and analysis, through the concept design and detail design, to manufacturing, packaging, advertisement and sells.The followings describe each phase:1.1 Market Investigation and AnalysisFirst, designers should acquire the products of enterprise and the situation of company's industry and customers, and decide the problem to be solved.①Market investigating and information collection and analysis.②Finding the problem that the enterprises need to solve.③Starting to research the competitive products.④Locating the products in the market. Result; Deciding the project plan.1.2 Design Conceiving-Conceptual DesignThe work core during this period is to dream up. The design company analyzes and summarizes the information and materials obtained from the last period, and then provide the innovative solution.①Creating a concept, innovation and imagination, making primarily several conceptive designs, considering the workers and environment at the same time, and presenting design drafts.②Comparing and analyzing the schemes above, and selecting 2-3 optional design schemes.③valuating and validating the schemes from ②, including:the target function,costs and economics,styles and colors of product,manufacturability,acceptability of market consumers.Result: determining the conceptual design scheme.1.3 Detailed DesignDesigning each component and assemble in details, including style, color and environment of products.Providing a complete set of drawings, from design drawing to engineering drawings, or digital design schemes.Result: Finally determining the design scheme.1.4 Design Submission and Prototype MakingBased on the determined design scheme of products, laying out the detailed manufacturing plan.①Submitting the final design scheme.②Determining the specification and techniques required during the production.③Measuring and computing the costs of materials and manufacturing.④Working out the machining process.⑤ Manufacturing the models or prototype making.⑥Judging the prototype machine.Result: Determining the productivity and putting into production.1.5 Batch ManufacturingDuring this period, the design company helps the manufacturers organize production, as well as optimize the manufacturing techniques.①Corresponding workers and facility management.②Die manufacturing and facility installing.③Establishing assemble description and production plan, and making the quality standardization.④Batch production.Result: Products are put into the market.1.6 Products Get into the Market①Product packaging.②Making the propagandist^ strategy of products in the market and advertisement producing.③Distribution strategy and ways of products.Result; New products make the huge economic benefits and drive the market improving.2.Modern Industrial Design and Marketing2.1 Analysis of Market RequirementsTraditional marketing method focuses on making up an environment to attract consumers, but not be able to offer more complete and further information. Ne w methods, in a way, capacitate the team members to understand the social behaviors better, also to foresee the product focus and trends of consumers. These methods require members to do research and to investigate the potential users more deeply.Some methods for deep research on users are:(1) Scenario DevelopmentA certain scenario or story for some typical users in the targeted activity is set up to narrate that the lack of product would make their activity harder or less fulfilling. This narrative can make team members to understand the basic situation of the users, to determine the target users and to go on to the next process.(2) New Product EthnographyTraditional ethnography is a form of cultural anthropology using fieldwork to observe the group and derive patterns of behavior, belief, and activity. The product ethnography is new developed form of ethnography. The method used in product development is a blend of the traditional methods with new emerging technology for observing, recording, and analyzing social situations. It is not merely descriptive but also predictive. The ethnography can be implied to the initial process of product development. The product ethnography can be used to predict consumer preferences for product features, form, material, color, and patterns of use and purchase , so to help determining the qualities that products should possess.(3) Lifestyle ReferenceMany successful products have formed new styles and trends in markets and are directing the fashion styles in design as well. Lifestyle Reference approach is to do the design with reference to other products, fashions and activities from the target market.(4) ErgonomicsIn order to gain a better understanding on the comfort of product for users, the ergonomically methods can be used to analyze man-machine interaction and detailed task.Teams translate all the information gained by means of all the methods above into the indications and carry them out through the whole design process.2.2 Concept of Value in ProductsIf a product is useful, usable and desirable to customers, and has strong influence on lifestyle impact, availability and ergonomics, it is valuable to customers. Good value is no longer based on more functions created with the lowest cost. Value in its true sense, however, is lifestyle-driven, not cost-driven. The emphasized attributes of the products are the terms of usefulness, usability and desirability. If the price needs to rise up, the value of the product has to increase at the same time. At the moment, the customers can accept the rising price based on the rising value. If the product does not add value, then as a commodity with higher cost it will fail in the market.2.3 Analysis of Value OpportunityValue can be broken down into specific attributes that contribute to a product's usefulness, usability, and desirability, and it is these attributes that connect a product's function features to that value.(1) Value OpportunitiesValue Opportunities are a set of opportunities to add value to a product. Value Opportunities can be represented as seven classes of value attributes; Emotion, aesthestics , identity, ergonomics, impact, core technology, and quality; each relates with the product's feature of usefulness, usability and desirability, and contributes to changing the product's value. The concept and analysis approach were also first brought forward by Professor Jonathan Cagan and Professor Craig M. Vogel of Carnegie Mellon University and have been widely applied in schools and corporations.The contents of the value attributes see chart below;(2) Value Opportunity ChartsWe use the Value Opportunity to analyze the value opportunity of the product. Each attribute of product is qualitatively measured with ranges of low, medium and high. When the product meets some level of the attribute, a line is drawn for that.The Value Opportunity Charts can help teams to understand what Value Opportunity attributes the product team targeted and how well the product turned out. In the Value Opportunity Analysis ( VOA) , this new V0s8 chart is compared either with the chart of old product or with the chart of competitive products, so that designers can find which attribute aspects of our products have increased the value or how it can be to achieve abetter solution.(3) Ways to Increase ProfitIn order to position the product, increasing of the product's value must lead to a higher cost, which can be compensated by some ways such as increasing the price and the sold quality.The Map of Price and Cost Figure ( P57 ) shows that a profit increases with added value of product, i. e. , the profit margin is significantly higher for the higher-valued product.Four ways to increase profits are;①To increase the value of product-the profit increases according to the rising of value, so we can say that high-valued product brings in high profit.②To increase the price-Remarkably, to customers, the additional price for product should be accorded with the added value and should have the appropriate profit.③To establish strong brand equity, and thus to win customers-when the trust of brand is built up in the mind of customers, a long-ranged fixed users group will also be established, which leads to a higher quantity of product sale.④To lay the lower price than the competitive price for gaining the advantage of price and a strong share of the market. The product's costs can be reduced through the scientific and efficient design mean so that the costs will not be highly increased at the same time when the product's value has been increased greatly.With the methods above, the products with the characteristics of usefulness, usabilityand desirability can achieve a better market place and gain a better profit.现代工业设计1.现代工业设计的程序工业设计是一个从市场调研和分析开始,经过概念设计和细节设计,到加工制作,再到包装、广告和销售的全过程。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:机械工程学院专业:工业设计姓名: xxxxx学号: xxxx 外文出处:Design Implications ofProduct LiablityBy J.G Roche附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
Juran等人就将以下内容作为主要舒适性能的判断参数—产品设计质量—产品的适用性—特定性能—适用领域的服务性设计质量是在指在一项设计中所针对的三个分别独立的步骤:(1)满足使用舒适性的构成要素;(2)产品或服务的设计观念的选择,需要满足使用者对必要功能的需要;(3) 如果可以严格执行将已确定的产品设计观念融入到一系列具体的设计规范中这一理念,那么就会满足使用者的需求。

The impact of “3r” principles to industrial design•“3r”原则对工业设计的影响Abstract:While industrial design creates modem life and living surroundings for people,it also accelerates the exhaustion of the natural resources and the energy resources.Besides,it has done harm to the ecological balance,and threatened the existence and the sustainable development of human beings.Confront with this situation,the strategy of sustainable development,proposed in 1990s,is accepted by many people.Recycling economy and its key point,“3r” principle,were born for this situation and become important principle in all kinds of economic activities and in the area of design and manufacture.By decoding the connotation of “3r” principle,the article analyzes the influence and the guidance over industrial design of “3r” principle.Furthermore,the article tries to discuss the conception of redesign,which is the extension of the “3r” principle in the area of industrial design,and explicates 4R principle of industrial design for recycling economy at last.摘要:虽然工业设计创造了现代的生活并为人们提供了适合的生活环境,但也加快了对自然资源和能源资源的消耗。


Pop culture 波普文化: 二战后新生代青年设计师对风格单调、冷漠 设计运动。波普风格主要 体现在与青年人有关的生活用品方面:如古 怪的家具,迷你裙,流行音乐等。
As with early Modernism the hottest debate took place within the world of architecture, with design following. The discussion about Postmodernism and its relation to material culture was stimulated by the work of American architects such as Robert Venturi and Michael Graves, who made cases for influences from pop culture and for stylistic revivalism, whether of the classical past or of Art Deco motifs.
English for Industrial Design 工业设计专业英语
Self-introduction Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you. Today, I’m very honored to stand here to give you my first lesson, English for industrial design. Being your teacher in this semester, I’m very proud, because I knew that you are all excellent students.

外文资料原文THE SUMMARY OF MODERN INDUSTRIAL DESIGNthe industry design bring of not only is a spirit ascend of dulcify and enjoy, more important, it can change the people's life style.The industry design is expectation the purpose and ideas embody, the entity turn of means, is people to carry on the economy construction activity to expect the process first.Its essence is people to will carry on of the economy construction activity make an art to turn of conceive and plan and prepare.Every consider, this kind of conceives and plans and prepare is progressive, development of, even is something to run before.From this meaning up, also explained that the industry design is a kind of motive that pushes the social development. But in very part of business enterprise eyeses, the external appearance design of the product becomes the all of the industry design.A good product is only rich is not enough in the shape of the pleasant impression, industry the designers not only need to be rich in the imagination dint, more important is make consumer at enjoy of the whole process of the product is more comfortable, safety, convenience, labor-saving, operation interface more rich humanized, more friendly.A wheel chair that can climb the stairs can use to nurse patient's more labor-saving, a cleverly made and luminous remote control, feel more the person whom the ream watches the television easily.Make use of a chair of the wastepaper recovery, more environmental protection.Big arrive the airplane to make, small to the design of the razor, the essence that industry design woulds be the of make people the center.The designer of the industry want to be real to cater to the current of the society, making technique real to match now the social person's need:1) technical usage of micro-electronics and new the development of the material, make people new science and technology of usage be a kind of vogue.2)The people's life, the appearance of more and more full of diverse sex and small meaning.The person pursues the living independence more and more, pursuing the character to makeopen at the same time, hoping to get the exchanges of the emotion, the spirit enjoy. 3)The environment problem, request to value to work hard to make while create the design that the people diversify the value these values in the grain of the mankind, society, environment always each other harmonious coordination, work hard to look for their common category.Only thus industry the designer then can set up the true image of oneself, only thus industry the designer then can carry out the design principle for make people the center, only thus industry designer then can real service in society.Design to have already entered the team for creative ages now.The team homework is an idea factor, involve the business enterprise conduct and industry of competition activity of square aspect face, is the organization reason that the creation keeps on the innovation to flow.Each working talent of business enterprise section carries out the integral whole to turn the conjunction, turning the business enterprise resources realization in the business enterprise of superior to install.The communication obstacle of the innovation inner part, the activity obstacle, its resources organization characteristic and other internal characteristics, limits the business enterprise to produce, developping and carrying out those causes in the environment of creative ability.This relation problem that designs how to resolve the design management?Design with the management, is all a modern economy to live the frequency tallest two phrases in medium usage.It is all a business enterprise to conduct to constitute one of the parts strategically.But combine together they, comprehend from the different angle, producing the different meaning again.Can be the design to the design carries on the management, can also carry on the design to the management, can carry on the management to the concrete design work of the product, also can is the rightness conduct the angle from the business enterprise to carry on the management.However aught, the design management has already been a new concept, being the business enterprise to lift high-efficiency, development the sharp weapon of the product.Point of departure that designs the management is the exaltation design product develop the design of efficiency, design the management since is a demand of design, is also the demand of themanagement.Manage is a kind of culture originally, it since come from the culture and create the culture.Manage how research is carry on the integration to the each layer, moderate the resources and activities that design need, and design the strategy and the design activities to carry on the management to a series, looking for to solve the method quite the cheesely, becoming the target of the business enterprise and creating a valid product already.( or communicate)This kind of mechanism includes the management of the production, creative management of product, the management of the sale, the management mechanism of the management etc. a series of the wealth and properties.The process of Modern industrial design is bery rigorous, the every state which from investigation to design each stage pays great attention the detail very much. Below is some industrial design company's product design flow.1. The Black Hole of Capital FlightMake sure of the details:: After fixing the cooperation on design with the client, we will communicate with the client, which done by our market personnel and designer to understand the details and the aim which should be realized during the process of industry design .2. Confirm the main inside module of productsAccording to the primitive product or the functional modeling that offered by the client ,we analys the function-realize-principle of the product and the range of structure changing to confirm the limiting condition and the key point .3. The Black Hole of Capital FlightDesign research is essential while designer developing the design work. This course makes industry designer know the sales condition of the product, product lifecycle stage , state of the competitors , users and sellers' suggestion . All these are the basis of orientation & creation. As to the product like fingerprint lock, the difficulty of design mainly concentrates on the pleasing appearance and the styling accuracy , how to shorten the design cycle to hold changeable masses market.4. The Black Hole of Capital FlightAfter orientating the concept of the product, we confirm therough-structure and the arrangement of the product, with the client, analys the feasibility of the technology, cost budget and the commerce operation. Understand client's basic idea of the product .5. Draw sketch of the productWork of the sketch conceive stage determines the 70% cost of the product design and the design result . So this stage is the most important one of the whole process. Originality be created through deep thinking , and recorded quickly . This idea of initial stage of design is often shown as a kind of inspiration flashing immediately, which is lack of accurate size information and geometry information. Base to the idea of designer, record all results by sketching ,draw many types or mark design information in graphic format, confirm three or four orientation, then designer develops the detail design.6. 2D rendering of the product design2D-rendering make the design result in the sketch accurate. This course can be finished by CAD software. Produce the accurate picture of the product appearance through this link .It can show the size and dimension sense, express roughly material and shadow relationship of the product to client clearly. It isa more ocular and perfect presentation than sketching.7. Perspective rendering of the products3D modeling is the process to describe the form and structure of the products with 3d language , its greatest advantage is the reality and authenticity , adjust the form of the products in observation of much angles in three-dimensional space, can save the trial-manufacture course of the original part , can form the structure of the products in accurate and ocular way , thus express the products more concretely , improve the designing quality of the products. 3D picture have accurate form proportionate relationship and exquisite detail design, it can be used to communicate with client veritably.8. The Black Hole of Capital FlightRenderings from any angle give people more ocular way to experience the space dimension of the products in terms of a lot of vision . Overall assessment of product design, reduce the uncertainty of design.9. The Black Hole of Capital FlightProduct color proposal is used to solve client's requirements of color series of the product , mix out the tentative programmed of color by computer to meet different color demands for the same one, and expand the customer product line.10. The Black Hole of Capital FlightThe design and arrangement of sign on the panel of the surface will become the light spot of the product, which brings brand-new adventure in daily life to users. Insertion of VI to the product makes the style of the product unified further. succinct and distinct LOGO, offers cordial and ocular discernment experience ,it also become the exquisite detail at the same time .11. The Black Hole of Capital FlightDesign the inside structure , installation structure and assembly relation of the products, assess the rationality of product structure.12. 1:1 product structure designAccording to the size of design, the electronic file of each part and the assembly relation between all parts will be accomplished accurately.13. The Black Hole of Capital FlightAnalyze whether the assembly relation between the parts is rational , whether exists interfere appearance, analyze the loaded intensity of each part .14. The Black Hole of Capital FlightRevise to the question in the structural design and adjustment , confirm the final structure file .15. The Black Hole of Capital FlightAccomplish the structure prototype produce by CNC system or laser rapid prototyping .16. The Black Hole of Capital FlightPack all circuits and each part into prototype ,examine the rationality of the structure design, experience the product , carry on the last adjustment , reduce the risk of the mould design .17. The Black Hole of Capital FlightTest the work dependability of the prototype of a machine, participate in the exhibition , find out the seller's request and suggestion in time, confirm the plan of when the products come into the market.18. The Black Hole of Capital FlightAccomplish the product design, invest the mould design, then produce Inenormous quantities .外文资料译文现代工业设计概述工业设计所带来的,不仅是精神上的愉悦与享受,更重要的是,它可以改变人们的生活方式。

英语作文中国传统文化如何影响你的设计English: Chinese traditional culture has played a significant role in influencing my design aesthetic. The principles of balance and harmony found in practices such as Feng Shui have shaped the way I approach composition and layout in my designs. The use of motifs from traditional Chinese art forms, such as calligraphy or ink paintings, has also inspired me to incorporate elements of elegance and sophistication into my work. Additionally, the emphasis on the connection between nature and humanity in Chinese philosophy has led me to prioritize sustainability and environmental consciousnessin my design process. Overall, Chinese traditional culture has notonly enriched my design style but has also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the beauty and cultural significance of each design choice I make.中文翻译: 中国传统文化在影响我的设计审美方面发挥了重要作用。
传统文化在工业设计中的应用 (全英)

Traditional culture in the home appliance product design applicationIn the design of modern home appliance traditional aesthetics symbol1. IntroductionWith the increasingly rich products and the development of science and technology, people's way of life more and more diversity and personalized, to the product demand by material level by also rose to spiritual level. Cultural connotation has gradually become the subject of the life, more and more people are looking for modern products of the national culture and traditional culture. On the other hand, the product function also becomes more and more rich, product function and form the relationship between the has no longer apparent. And because the world economy globalization, cultural follows spreads to the world, but also easy to find that China's products on design style imitating Japan, USA, Italy, Nordic and other industrial design is relatively developed countries. In some large design competition of Chinese local design and western European countries design in style and no significant differences, which means China's design has not formed its own unique style, is still at the initial stage of development. And we all know that China has a long history of ancient civilizations, why not use them to design? So in the modern products in technology, art, economic, and Chinese traditional culture erection a bridge between them is very important. The Chinese traditional culture to apply modern product design, improve product of cultural values and market value for people to create harmonious, comfortable life environment.2. Cultural symbols and productsCulture is the product of human creation are different from "products, but culture". It is included in the production of human nature, its meaning and the concept of human existence showed way and way of life.Symbols are man-made can present all other things and was a kind of things. Understanding Social life, symbols of filling to convey through culture some information. The nature of cultural apparently has symbols, because it involves some products and some special scene, for instance people's way of life, people's social status, etc.Products make people's way of life and thought fuses in together, also reflects people understanding of the United States, so, it is a kind of special symbols. Use modern industrial technology production of the modern product reflects social cultural symbols. They take the product itself and man's thoughts together, also is the product contains two parts form and meaning, form is the product itself, meaning that people to give it the thought and cultural implications.Culture is mostly design forms of expression, designed for people with more reasonable and harmonious way of life. A kind of cultural symbol is a kind of thought, a kind of trend, a kind of collective value orientation and aesthetic orientation of the external performance, belong to people's spiritual level pursuit. It is closely related with people's life style, and products as people's material is pursuing the same also and people's life, even in the closely related to some degree will affect the quality of people's lives. The cultural symbols such spiritual pursue contains the products has become the development trend of design. So, to designer, studies the cultural symbols are very necessary.3. Traditional culture inheritance and designCreated in traditional culture traditional life appliance always as people use and development characteristics of traditional symbols form, from the development process of human handiwork see it. In traditional culture environment some life formation of items and habits of the total experience a prolonged selection process. In this process, the social environment, natural environment and other factors will produce action, each product details will be screened over time, so that the traditional culture elements contains the most reasonable design.As our ancestors achievements of practice and cognition, traditional culture elements experienced historical deposition and the younger generation of inheritance, eventually become the stuff of our culture, and always affects the way people live their lives today. So we can take it as a creative design today people use. As part of the creative activity, modern design to create social popular lifestyle, will pass through function to improve people's lives. So the traditional culture into the product function is very important to design.Traditional culture elements including nature and practice of law, after generations of inheritance, traditional culture elements have profound meaning and aesthetic feeling. Along with the traditional accumulation, traditional culture elements formed rich cultural connotation, all of these can be used in the design of modern products.Traditional culture elements with the application of aesthetic awareness emphasized in the design of the product function and combination of technology and art, the actual function and aesthetic consciousness reciprocal causation-the actual. There are many revealing ancient cultural symbol view, such as "first think, then do", "change", etc. Meanwhile, the ancients emphasize formation andproduct technology. These about traditional culture elements to solve some theory and zhe speech aesthetic territory and modern product design field problem is very useful. Put them to apply modern design can have very good prospects.In inheriting and carrying forward traditional culture AoKeMa company woodiness air-conditioning is a typical example. It will not only Chinese traditional culture perfect into the design of air conditioning, and considered put it in every detail in the environment to create a harmonious elegant bedroom environment. AoKeMa woodiness air conditioning series USES woodiness shell, follow the home appliance aesthetics, and considering the woodiness sound-absorbing effect better characteristics with mute, furniture and appliances close 2 for one, the change TieGu former reinforced air, elegance and do not break showily cold face bore, has the temperament of restoring ancient ways. So, instead of the conventional air conditioning for regular consumers concerned, AoKeMa woodiness air conditioning is to pay attention to design taste and pursue the quality of life of user designed and developed, its characteristic is elegant and harmony. AoKeMa woodiness air conditioning series positioning of the core brand idea is "deductive elegant, create harmonious", namely the real harmonious from every detail to the bedroom, including the careful carve their color, location, modelling, AoKeMa wooden air conditioning, committed to perfect temperament and colour collocation host extraordinary vision. In its advertising can also very clearly see this, in order to deduce the AoKeMa woodiness air conditioning "harmonious and elegant", AoKeMa company made a very gorgeous ads, sensibility and abound lenovo, and at the same time through or pure and fresh quietly elegant and noble fashion picture, conveys AoKeMa essence persevering pursuit of air every detail perfect and harmonious elegant temperament. Classical personage article from history, for cyber deep lasting appeal. In pictures YinShi harp, peirce tea literati painting, an ode to HangLing papers, YiQi, elegant romantic to. Like the expatiation of the creative description of each temperament has its "outstandidng representative of each of the classical masterpieces, behind have a cluster of immortal soul. When space to carry on the glory and classical natural made for you."Be like Again Beautiful and Supor Company production has Chinese traditional culture characteristics of induction cooker. General induction cooker in the design without what features, appearance is a few button flat plate, not good-looking placed the appearance also nothing close function, put in the house always give aperson a kind of frosty feeling, in addition to cook at ordinary times, people also outside difficult to think of them. The following figure of a few induction cooker, such design is difficult to impress people pursue beautiful pursuit vogue, the added value of products also isn't high enough, difficult to remind people's desire to buy. This is not a good design apparently design work.Beauty and a few this paragraph and supor product criterion do well (as shown), Chinese traditional cultural symbol cleverly into the product in the center, marked "tea" word to cook tea this one theme concise expression comes out, beauty of the image of this product with small teapots savoir of fog is plugged with thick the smell of tea, deserve to GuTi words written by the next thing, nor "conversation tea room with" is thick antediluvian gu yun perfect confluence arrives product in the center, very accord with the theme "tea". This product and supor do better, it "tea" word in traditional Chinese calligraphy, and ZhengBanQiao in induction cooker at the hands of a couplet: "chu tail wu head, a castle peak table; huainan jiangbei, half pool PengCha" autumn more thick traditional culture breath. More importantly, this kind of induction cooker on modelling traditional Chinese tea table imitation of modelling, plus surface deep red also is very much like traditional furniture of paint, and distribution of the little teapot is very like traditional teapot, cooperate the theme is like on tea table, have very strong tea as the cultural atmosphere, can be used as an ornamental furniture USES. This product can be said to be home appliance and furniture, can the perfect combination and around the environment perfectly together, stimulate people's desire to buy, let a person at first glance will like it, and I think this is a very good design.Be like again with these traditional door, figure a is adopted, the door of classical idyllic with many batten arranged side by side together and then using the batten the they fixed up became a pair of beautiful generous wood door. Relative to the general iron, wood, this kind of door of a change depressing solemn appearance, have a kind of idyllic pure and fresh with quietly elegant, can reflect master decorous emotional appeal. Diagram b adopted the traditional texture decoration and shop in the annals of feudal era, first, Kings and princes, whether the palace, abode, or civilians are usually small courtyard, small to a gates, two fan JieMen central chink in one side, all equipped with high place to a similar doorknobs objects, this is the first such gate shop feeling letting a person is grave and serious, general use, put it as a door to use modern design, can make classical beauty through time and space to modern, having strong traditional culture breath. Finally, I think design is a scientific and aesthetic two considered comprehensively so as to create has powerful features and aesthetic characteristics of products. It requires designers should not only have science and technology and art can alsoshould fully consider the feeling of the person that use and using environment thus designed pleasant products. So for modern products it, comprehend the traditional cultural symbols, social concept and people's life style integrated into the product function and form, thus creating a good human-machine environment is very important. Modern appliances in the technology has more mature, basically can produce people need all kinds of products, however, because China's industrial design is relatively backward, these products in design still don't fully considering the needs of users, especially psychological needs and spiritual needs, and Chinese traditional culture of long standing today people's thought and life are comparatively big influence, China's traditional cultural symbol gave product design, can fully satisfy the people's demand, and the higher level from the whole design industry, it can also design a has the Chinese characteristic "Chinese wind" type products. So this kind of style should be into becoming China's design of a trend.工业设计0801班程坤鹏 0811070111。

中国传统思想对现代工业设计的启示摘要: 21世纪是设计的世纪,工业设计作为策划人们更为合理的生活行为的有效方法而深入人们的生活,它在处理人类与社会、环境的关系上起到重要的作用。

Analysis of localization of Industrial Design Relationshipwith The Chinese Traditional Culture[Abstract]: China industrial design localization,you need a combination of traditional Chinese culture.This requires that industrial design in the mix of Western science and culture at the same time,but also full of oriental charm and philosophical wisdom.The article on the excavation of ancient Chinese idea of creation order,the Chinese contemporary industrial design in order to provide some new ideas and concepts,the formation of the national characteristics of the industrial design.[Key words]: Industrial design localization; Traditional Chinese culture; National characteristics I.IntroductionIndustrial design companies in China more and more attention,however,in terms of its level,due to economic,technical,personnel and other factors,most still in imitation.Since the 1980s,China has gradually increased the importance of industrial design and investment.After 20 years of development,China has established a design and development of industrial forming processes and the education system.But can not be avoided,our design capabilities and the level is still relatively low level in the world,far from being able to hit the world market of design,local design pincer attack on something difficult,faltering.This result is caused by many factors.The objective course of development of China's industrial design is shorter,generally weak industrial base;subjective idea ofChina's outdated design,lack of language.But the most fundamental reason is that we do not have summed up a set of design ideas with Chinese characteristics.Therefore,in order to promote industrial design localization,we need to learn from the experience of developed countries on the basis of industrial design to explore the essence of China's traditional culture of creation,from the creation of this nation's traditional culture to draw nutrients,summed up a set of feasible designs with Chinese characteristics concept.China has five thousand years of culture,the traditional design-rich,contemporary designer can provide valuable historical thinking,we have to carefully dig and explore,and strive to have a guide from which summed up the design.II.The natural tendency of the creation of traditional Chinese cultureChinese Taoism advocates"Heaven","return to basics",where"day"that is nature,nature is the nature of heaven and earth,advocates should Sunchon the line,not artificially against nature.'I'say:"Act,the law of the heavens,France Road,Imitation of Nature."Can be seen from this passage,I believe that all things are generated by the channel,while the Road is the almost naturally,that is,there are certain laws.People to create objects are emulate Road,is to follow the natural self-evident.In the design concept in China,good design should be as natural as live free,agile change.The theory is based on"Heaven","smooth things natural"creation should be"simple and the world exemplifies the struggle the United States."Is the so-called"Great Music Sound","invisible elephant","the most delicate,if clumsy."The relationship between man and nature that is not antagonistic,but intimate,fusion of interoperability.This is the humanism and the West is very different.Western emphasis on the rational principles of science,they re-interpret,re-analysis,ways of thinking with the individual,intermittent,structural,combination.But in modern society,the West,"everything becomes possible"the dominant ideology in environmental degradation and ecological crisis in the context of the principles of humanity in front of the reality of it hit the barrier.Thus,more proof of China's traditional culture and way of thinking has a rational core.Chinese garden art garden is a treasure of the world and enjoy high reputation.Chinese gardens usually the natural curve of the composition,winding,winding paths,rarely symmetrical structure.Whether in the construction of the cloth Diego mountain stone built pavilion madeof water,are naturally free to order to pursue,"although made by the people,Wan since the days open"effect.See the magic in the flat in the pursuit,since the natural place was ingenuity.We contrast the traditional Chinese culture creation,where"Heaven coherent"design ideas to the modern design provides both inspiration.1.Modern design to be"smooth things natural,"respect for objective law.Inspiration from nature,to maintain the natural facial products.Methods in the design of respect for the material as far as possible the performance of their own property,while respecting the people(users)of the natural and social attributes.2.Establish a"universal harmony"design concept,build a harmonious environment.Coordinator-machine-environment system;a coordinated scientific,artistic,economic,social and other aspects of the relationship between industrial design,sustainable development for the purpose and objective view of Western culture,the competition cut-off day served the spirit of things.Believe that China's industrial design can be positive results in the absorption of Western countries on the basis of the formation of industrial design with Chinese characteristics.III.The creation of traditional Chinese culture,minimalist fashionChinese culture advocates indifferent quiet,Elegant quiet aesthetic taste,for the United States objects to simple,smooth material to promote natural,cultural ornaments against the excessive carving.Taoist Lao Tzu is a"song are all,in vain are straight,hollow the surplus,the new spacious,ranging from more to more than confusion."Is said.This is the master of the German modernist design•Mies van der Rohe"less is more"minimalist interpretation of the prophet.In the creation culture,this idea has been fully reflected.By Ming-style furniture,for example,it is the history of ancient Chinese furniture of the highest achievements of the branch.It is sober and elegant style,design simplified properly,has a very high artistic value.Ming-style furniture,concise and simple,elegant and fresh,showing an attitude of"natural to the carving,"the laid-back tolerance,Ming-style furniture completely tenon joint structure according to different parts of the design corresponding tenon joint,it is natural yet structured,but no lack of generosity compact.In addition,the Ming-style furniture little decoration,vigorous concise,flowing lines of modern functionalism and minimalist design reflects the essence of the prophet.China's traditional culture is a minimalist aesthetic ideal based on personality,is to promote people in the dominant position in the material world,to promote human use things,positive things for men's world view,which contains the self-esteem,peace of truth and goodness thought to have been infected with the modern,contemporary designer worth attention.We should learn from China's traditional culture nutrients,in material things first,business competitive economy,"has served heavy objects,"simple simple design will bring an Elegant,quiet and fresh air.In modern design,we can not pursue that modernism's rigid form follows function argument,it can not pursue the form of joking tradition.China's creation culture"goodness withmusic","gentle",beautiful and quality of each other,function and form of harmony and unity of the Creator Zhang,the Chinese designers have been praiseworthy,we want to combine modern design creation of China culture,and thus abandon and curing into a new national style.IV.The creation of traditional Chinese culture"view of things to take as"Creator Zhang "View of things to take as"is important to understand the world of ancient China one of the methods to study the ancient art of thinking is bound to the concept of industrial design culture today the formation of development of reference."View of things to take as"in"view of things'that is,look at all things,"taking as"the internal law of refining that is taking deep spiritual content.Ancients'view of things to take as"a way to observe the phenomenon of objective thinking,analysis of its internal law,and to the specific form of its clever apparent."View of things to take as"way of thinking is reflected in the creation can be summarized as being the"Italian system shaped to form intended to take."China does not count them out with a number of superb design of the craft,such as the Qin Dynasty square hole round coin's design,is to examine the ancient coins in circulation as the economic and social stability of the essential elements of the universe in the original draw"hemispherical dome."thinking and design.Then porcelain,for example,in the creation of sustenance feelings,reflecting the spirit of the ancient Chinese art of porcelain making the culmination of.When the porcelain is plainer than plain,minimal decoration,the"beauty With"Yu of the cut even.Descendants assessment porcelain to win plain to see the clever styling to pattern pieces known,smooth shape,texture,pure,like diamonds in the rough.Bing Ji which celadon jade,white like snow,like silver,to show the natural beauty is not applied Prostitute.This is elegant and refined ancient pursuit of the perfect embodiment of Rhyme.With the new science and technology become more sophisticated and widely used,national traditional culture in the continuous impact of modern civilization by making differences in people's lives in the reduced,in the way of life of people around the same trend.At the same time,countries of the design style has become"international."In this case,culture as the development of industrial design elements can not be ignored,people prefer the product of deep-seated spiritual culture,pay more attention to the shape of the image conveyed by the product's inherent ideological and cultural.More post-modernist design embodied in showing people thetaste of the product concerned."National is the world",China's modern design how to form a unique style,I think the main is how to give the product a unique ethos.Japanese furniture designers shiro kuramata design armchair HowHight the Moon reason for success lies in the master to give the product to a quiet,distant Zen connotations.Zhe as good as the products in the modern conception of the successful example of integration of the East."View of things to take as"way of thinking on the formation of industrial design culture,has an important reference.Can be used in industrial design metaphor,suggesting,symbols,references and simulation techniques to enhance the cultural quality of the design.This will not only enrich the designer's language,more diversified to meet the spiritual needs of people,enhance the quality of life.This is the solution of industrial design to absorb the inherent cultural and spiritual heritage of the nation's good channels.V.China's traditional culture,industrial design concept of the bionic creation China's Taoism advocates"World and I,and hygiene,all things with me as a,""all things together,what the shorter length,"and strongly praise the heavens and the earth's natural order:"Heaven and earth often inherent in men,and carry out the inherent sun and the moon,and stars carry out the inherent,intrinsic group of animal men,and tree stand carry the inherent"nature of the ancients in the transformation process is not to conquer nature,to control nature,but nature as teacher,learn about nature,natural hold obedience,absorbed attitude.Recalling the history of ancient Chinese civilization,many have left the traditional creation of traces of imitation of the natural ecology.A variety of animal forms as the prototype of the practical utensils,such as pig-shaped pot,cattle-shaped lights,rabbit-shaped lights,and as the Han Dynasty long letter lanterns,the whole image is a hand-held lanterns maid,the cuff of the exhaust pipe and the inside of the body water storage purposes,the role of smoke from the filter is an excellent example of traditional bionic rge number of instances chronicles the lives of people outside of the natural creative imitation of form and function,the application process.Nature gave birth to all things,including human beings."All things in nature,all-win method."People in the distant years seems to recognize from the natural ecosystem to understand that their own survival,development and progress of the essence.However,with the rapid development of modern industrialization,the alienation of modern civilization of mankind occurred,mechanized mass production,in turn destroying ourenvironment,to create our own apathy caught trapped in the rigid mechanical products,seriously hindered creativity,in addition,from nature,take in the natural form of bionic products to cater to some extent the natural desire of human yearning.Based on this fact,people began to look at the areas of bionic eyes to re-invest.Products are man-made"second nature",and numerous biological patterns in nature is an inexhaustible supply of forms designer material.Nature as Teacher,in turn,can inspire the designer's inspiration and spark ideas,learn from nature,biomorphic optimize and integrate it into product form,you can give the product's unique aesthetic taste and reasonable.From the modern point of view,many of the organic nature of life,its evolution in the process of evolving in line with laws of formal beauty of the structure,shape,color and graphics,in their process of growth and activity is also showing a certain moment the breathtaking beauty of modeling.Bionics from the scientific,rational point of view for the form of material and product modeling provides the basis inspire inspired to become an important method of product form modeling.At the present stage,industrial design needs based on the experiences of developed countries to take root as soon as possible local,form a unique national style.Chinese traditional culture,"nature"to the Creator of nature as a teacher Zhang will give China's industrial design inspiration.VI.ConclusionChina's traditional culture has a long history and profound traditional Chinese culture in the thinking of the wisdom of creation,creation principles in a modern design for the Chinese to open up a treasure trove for reference,we should be more from the creation of traditional Chinese culture,learn wisdom and nutrition,the Chinese industrial design system in the deep soil of our national culture,to find a meeting point,which allows China's traditional culture in the form fields that inheritance and development,and continue to flourish,as soon as possible"foreign,past serve the present"objective.浅析工业设计本土化与中国传统文化的关系摘要:中国工业设计本土化,需要与中国传统文化相结合。
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工业设计专业外文翻译--中国传统思想对现代工业设计的启示(可编辑)工业设计专业外文翻译--中国传统思想对现代工业设计的启示外文原文The Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Ideologieson Modern Industrial DesignAbstract: The 21st century is a century of design. Industrial design has entered people’s daily life as an effective method of planning more reasonable conduct of life for people, which plays a very important role in coping with the relationship between humans, society and environment. Traditional Chinese ideology has a profound influence on China’s antique utensils and architecture. Meanwhile, it hasprovided sources of ideas for modern industrial design. Itintegrated many traditional ideologies of creation art including mental concepts, value systems, standards of conduct and ethnic styles and features together with the design concepts, modes of thinking and social fads, with which to take the form of a set of design ideas which is possessed of native ethnic cultural characteristics based on elegance & utility.Keywords: traditional Chinese ideology; creation art;industrial designTraditional Chinese cultural ideology has always been blending, spreading and developing in the long-term social practice of the Chinese and the summarization and refining process of all previous Chinese thinkers and it has already become the basic spirit that stands proudly in the family of nations. Such Chinese ideologies of creation art as “man is an integral part of nature” and “utensils are meant to convey truth” have provided referential and inheritable spiritual treasur y for modern design. China’s industrial design should keep on innovating while maintaining cultural continuity thereby meeting the spiritual & material demands of the people of thenew era. According to literature available and investigations into material objects, the following fundamental features of traditional Chinese ideology can be summarized:The foundation of traditional Chinese ideology “system of Chinese rites & music”In the history of Chinese culture, as a kind of obstinatefeudal ethics & concepts,Chou Kung’s system of Chinese rites & music has a profound impacton the spiritual outlook of Chinese culture as well as the formation of basic aesthetic standards. Immemorial totem singing & dancing and mediumistic rites were getting more and more complete and finally became divided. In the times of Western Zhou Dynasty, the rulers of this dynasty represented by Chou Kung inherited and perfected this andfinally systematically established a fixed system related to Chineserites & music. The system of Chinese rites & music is bound up with aesthetics. The first is “rites”. Rites are a general reference to a set of rites of sacrifice, daily life, military and politics. Their fundamental features are that they make compulsory requirements, restrictions and control of individuals in terms of extrinsic behavior, activities, movements and appearances. Via restrictions on codes of individual conduct, the stability and unity of groups and organizations are guaranteed. The core of the system of “rites” sign ifies that the reigning crux has shifted from“deity” domination to the emperor, which confirms the important institutional alteration from the collegiality of aristocracy groups to autocratic monarchy. However, influencedby the system of “rites”, the t raditional Chinese system ofcreation art was taking shape and evolving further in the form of materialization.The system of “rites” is the restriction and standard of people’s daily conduct, which involves the aspects of perceptual forms of appearances, movements and patterns and so on as an expression of materialization. This aspect is relevant to “pulchritude”. Chinese rites and music include formalized requirements for a series of sequences such as various kinds of movements, conduct, expressions, apparel and colors and so on. In terms of the combination relationship of utensils, there are very clear reflections of this on bronze wares. In Zhou Dynasty, cooking vessels was substituted for drinking vessels assacrificial vessels, and inscriptions recording feats and conferring titles of nobility on somebody started to turn up the utensils, thereby declaring and intensifying the strength of monarchs’ and aristocrats’ benevolence and benefaction. On that basis, “Nine ding” system ofrigid hierarchies came into being gradually. Hierarchical differences were embodied by progressive decreases in order in “Nine ding and eight gui”.Influenced by the system of Chinese rites & music, hues of ancient creation art became symbolic emotional elaboration besides a simple visual and perceptual form. The hue concepts and sequences of the hierarchy of China’s ancient society are greatly embodied in architecture and apparel. Yellow tiles and red walls were mostly used to build imperial palaces of royal households and aristocrats, while their apparel gave priority to the hues of red and yellow. Meanwhile, ordinary residential houses were usually built with black bricks and black tiles, and the civilians’ apparel was mainly made of cloth of blue, brown or other colors. What’s more, there were strictrestrictions on the colors of officials’ dress, which meansdifferent ranks of officials differed from one another in the styles, hues, materials and trappings of their dress. The yellow color of imperial robes was regarded as t he exclusive color of emperors’ dress, and the system of costumes was a ranking system based on colors.In the ancient society, however noble or humble someone was, he or she was definitely graded, and creation art was the materialmanifestation for hierarchy. From material to varieties and frompatterns to mixing colors, there weredifferences between the noble and the humble, which was unbridgeable. Therefore, the system of Chinese rites & music is the core of China’ thousands of years’ political system s, and this concept is deeply stamped with the brand by China’s traditional system of creation art. There were always patterns which stood for some meaning on traditional Chinese utensils, thereby systematizing utensils via the system of Chinese rites & music so that the combination relationship, ornaments, connotations and functions of utensils could form a system of a deep-going structure of significance.The traditional Chinese ideology “man is an integral part ofnature”“Man is an integral part of nature” is an important ideologyraised during the development of traditional Chinese culture, and this reflects harmonious outlooks on society and nature. This ideology is embodied in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The ethic sequence of Confucianism is Jade Emperor, Yama, monarchs, relatives and teachers, which illustrated the sovereignty of Jade Emperor and Yama. Thus, Confucius put forward the ideologies of “harmony is the most precious”, “joy aims at harmony” and “seeking harmony withoutuniformity”. This proposed the interpersonal harmony and theharmony of people and society in the value of ethics. It is written in Yizhuan that “as heaven revolves, gentlemen should strive to improvethemselves…the greatest morality in the world is cherishing life”. It is written in Taoism that“people emulate earth, the earth emulates heaven, heaven emulates the ethics, and the ethics emulate nature.” As the main successor of Laozi, Zhuangzi proposed his concept of “heaven-human-ethics”, which supplemented Laozi’s c onceptof “harmony”. Zhuangzi’s basic creed is that “I coexist with heaven and earth, and all things on earth and I prove to be one.” In terms of “heaven and earth are of indescribable magnificence”, heaven refers to nature here. Therefore, Confucianism a dvocates “natural humanization”, while what Zhuangzi recommended is actually “naturalization of humans.” The former talks about “man is an integral part of nature”, which describes and complies with human affairs by means of nature. The concept of “man is an integral part to nature” which was raised by Zhuangzi indicates that the relation between people and heaven is not antagonistic and running counter to natural laws is not advised. This emphasizes that humans must give up their sociality so that their naturalitywill not be stained and they will integrate naturally with the universe. This sort of world outlook can help people regard everything with a lenient attitude and observe the objects which will be remoulded with the spirit of diversified harmonious coexistence and the mind of bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of humankind. Finally, nature and humans can coexist harmoniously.The traditional concept of “man is an integral part of nature” is not only a concept of long prevalence in Chineseaesthetics and artistic creation, but also an aesthetical principleall Chinese artists of past dynasties abided by. Based on this principle, the ancients took the utility relationship with the natural environment into account first when examining production practice of constructionand handicrafts. Traditional Chinese utensils emulated natural laws and applied such laws to utensil designing. It is recorded in Kao kung chi which was written during the Spring & Autumn Period and the WarringSt ates Period that “Making utensilsrequires conforming to weather, adapting to geographic elements,high-quality material and ingenuous craftsmanship. Only with these four elements can fine utensils be made”Thereof, “weather, geography and material” proc eed fromcharacteristics which comply with natural laws, and“craftsmanship” refers to the process and manufacture of forms and shapes of utensils, which gives prominence to people’s subjective initiative during the manufacture process. Only when work of nature and manual work are combined can fine utensils be made. This is a kind of concept of creation art and such concept respects nature and material, thus to integrate humans, utensils and nature.Creation art relies heavily on nature. In ancient China, metal, wood, water, fire and earth were regarded as five basic material elements that constitute the world, and thus the concept of five elements was formed.Pottery made of natural clay was the utensils used most in people’sdaily life in ancient China. During the manufacture process, theancients gradually grasped the natural quality of clay material, andthen they elutriated and kneaded the clay according to its properties. Next via jolleying and carburization techniques, eggshell pottery whichis as black as lacker, as bright as a mirror, as thin as paper and as hard as porcelain would be finished. This is exactly a masterpiece of which workmanshipof nature was applied to manual work.Chinese people’s worship and reverence for nature pursued the loft y realm of “man is an integral part of nature”, and this was also embodied in the forms and shapes of utensil manufacture. In terms of the design and manufacture of vehicles, it was described in Kao kung chithat “square carriages symbolize earth; round ca nopies symbolize heaven; spokes symbolize thirty days in each month; bow-shaped timber frames symbolize the lunar mansions of the sidereal revolution.” The shapes of canopies and carriages were compared to “heaven is round and earth is square”, the thirty spokes which symbolizedthirty days in each month stood for the alternating movement of the sun and the moon, and twenty-eight bow-shaped timber frames symbolized the lunar mansions. Carriages symbolized earth, canopies symbolized heaven, and then the mod e of “manis an integral part of nature” would take shape with people sitting in them. Traditional Chinese architectural forms also contain theprofound ideology of “man is an integral part of nature”. Just takethe Temple of Heaven as an example: in ancient China, the figure 9 was regarded as the greatest so as to embody the supremacy of heaven. Many constructions of theTemple of Heaven are related to the figure 9: the length of the topof three-layer bluestones is measured in the figure 9, and the figure 9 was used as the cardinal number for the stones paved on the altar. In addition, the railings of the Temple of Heaven increase progressively by the figure 9: there are nine pieces for the upper part, eighteen pieces for the middle part and twenty-seven pieces for the lower part. In the next place, the Temple of Heaven has a distinct feature: square andround geometric figures constitute the general configuration of the Temple of Heaven. Together with round altars and square walls, external alter walls and internal altar walls compose a shape of which the northern part is round while the southern part is square. The designers and architectural craftsmen of the Temple of Heaven gave full play to their wisdom and applied many techniques such as figures, shapes, colors, names and layouts etc, which embodied the supremacy and sacredness of heaven as well as the close relationship between emperors and heaven. This integrated the ancients’ world outlook and the attainments they made in astronomy with the Temple of Heaven. Such world outlook createda perfect artistic conception of great harmony of heaven and people, and thus the Temple of Heaven became a shining example in the architectural history.Thus it can be seen that the belief that Chinese people and nature are in harmony has influenced many aspects like mental culture, material culture, behavioral culture, institutional culture etc. The concept of “man is an integral part of nature” in traditional Chinese creationart gives expression to a high degree of harmony & unity in all aspects: the harmony & unity of utility and aesthetics, the harmony & unity of perceptual manifestation and rational norms, the unity of craftsmanship and the construction of artistic conception.3. The traditional Chinese creation art ideology of “utensils are meant to convey truth”The ideology of “utensils are meant to convey truth” were often applied in traditional Chinese creation art, and this ideology embodies the semantic values of traditional Chinese design culture. It is written in The Book of Change?Xici I “that metaphysical objects xing’ershangin pinyin refer to abstract objects dao in pinyin, while practical objects xing’erxia in pinyin refer to concrete objects qi in pinyin.” Xing refers to shape and structure, which is the perceivable shape and quality of utensils and is possessed of materiality; Qi stresses the functions of utensils, which is of certainutility. Xing is extrinsic and concrete, qi is intrinsic and functional, and dao is metaphoric and intentional. These three elements are three essential factors that composed utensil designing and shaped the traditional Chinese design system. Hence utensils embodied the ancients’ cognition on formal beauty through not only apparent beautybut also through conveying intangible objects by means of tangible objects, thereby breaking through the general material significance of utensils and achieving mental artistic conception of pursuing the value of life.There was an allusion in ancient China. The ancients discovered in their experience in grinding and manufacturing utensils that some tough and imperishable beautiful stones would become lustrous after a polish. They named such stones jade because they believed such beautiful stones were abundant in vitality. Jade had nine virtues, and monarchs took “the nine virtues” as the code of conduct for their rule. Besides the texture and shape of jade, engraved patterns and symbols were also elements that might produce supernatural power of telepathy. So those Chinese ancient people who believed in the bird of deity were fond of carving abstract or concrete flying birds with splendid jade, such as the cirrus jade of Hung-shanculture and the hawk relief on a jade tablet of Shandong Lung-shan culture. In Eastern Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties, patterns of two-body animals were often engraved on round flat pieces of jade with holes in the middle. The ancients believed that the middle of the hole on a round piece of jade was the immutable north pole of the world outlook tai chi, taiyi, so when honored aristocrats were buried, they were put into boxes with jade pieces stitched onto. In addition, a round flat piece of jade with holes in the middle was stitched onto the part of the box which covered the top of the head of the dead. This was just because they wereconvinced that the souls of the deceased could reach the acme of immortality through the gate to the Heavenly Palace via the hole on the jade.Meanwhile, traditional Chinese ceramics is more of an embodiment of which Chinese art stresses integrity, perfection, harmony, flavor & tone and artistic conception. Porcelains of Song Dynasty are the best example of the beauty of “artistic conception”. Celadon which was baked in Ru Kiln and Guan Kiln were top-notch work of porcelains of Song Dynasty.Its hue is greenish, bluish and grayish. Its glaze is lustrous. Thereare almost no ornaments on it except for some irregular crackles. All of these have gathered artistic conception of ornamentationin the glaze which is as gentle as jade and the classic & elegant shapes. “It is distinguished and accomplished even with no words engraved on it”, and it is also thought-provoking, withwhich the solemn, quiet and implicit beauty have culminated in perfection. The artistic conception of porcelains of Song Dynastyreposed their intrinsic message via their shapes, ornaments and artistic images. For example, the implicit shapes and glaze colors of porcelainsof Song Dynasty symbolize an intangible and silent realm, whichrepresents scholars’ demeanor a nd embodies the Chinese artisticfeatures of conveying spirit through form and conveying a profound message as well as the tranquil, implicit and euphemistic oriental taste.Consequently, traditional Chinese creation culture has experienced changes from emulating natural forms to emulating inherent laws of natural things in order to achieve harmony,from cognition on qi to solicitude f。