



国家开放大学电大本科《文学英语赏析》2020-2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1062) Part [ Literary Fundamentals [30 points]Sectlun Match the works with their writer* (10 point*)tWnrlinJun^ Eyff2«A Chrntfnat Car al3. Tht Old Man and ihf Srw.I Haw a Drfam5. EwlineWritenA. Moriin Lulhrr KinwIL JitmcB JoyceC. Charles Dicken*D. Robert I<OUIB SfevenwonE. Harold PinterF. Thornut Hardy(i. Charioitc HronfiII. Krnral liemhigwaySection 2. Decide wbetber the fallowlnt «UtcmrnU are True (T) or (F| (10 point*),fl. Ham In in onr al Shukciprarr '・ well known the othpr three bring Macbeth. Oth^Uu and King Ltur.1. the novel A CStu E,d chnru the gtowina up of thr chiirartrr Pip8. Vhr Strung Calf of Dr Jrkyll and Mr flydf i・M novel uddrrtninK qucitionR of equal between the blacksand whiter9. Fhe nuvrl Thr Heart u/ Darken cxponcii I he corruption • cruelty and gr««d o( the colonial wyatem in Alnc*.109 Walt Whitmun m a (amouB American pori wStclion 3. O MMMC the correct Bnswrm to complete the foltowlng «cntME (10 p<>lnU)eIL A _________ it a four(ccn-linc lyric poem which rhymm in a highly controlled way9A・ couplet B> aonnetG b«IUd II haiku12. i・ written io commcmarstc aomeonr who haa died.A. A limenck H A BonnetC An elegy 以An epic13. _______ can be rttabbthed by drncribing lhe place where the Action liikca placet i)rsituAiion DI the »urt o( the ntory.K Point of view D> Srt (mg14. All the following were Awarded the Nobel Prur for iJtcrature except ____________John SteinbeckEdwurd Lear C. William GoldinK D. Harold Pinter15. Which figure o( upeech In uaed in tht following |ine>?M Su»ptdonK amongst thoughts arc like baU amongst btrd»f they rvrr (ly by iwilight,X SimileB. Parallelism C> Metaphor IX PunPart U Reading Comprehension [50 points]Red the cxlracts and choose the best answer to each question.Text IStudies nerve ior deiight • for ornament» and for ability. Their chief use far dch^ht in pnvAicnr99 and retinngi for ornament t i» in discauntei And for ability# i» in the jitdftnicnt und disposition of business. For expert men can execute* nnd perhaps judge of pariiculnr»e one by onci but the general counsels> and the plots and niar^hathng of uffairftt enme bcMt from thosr that are lenrned. To spend too much time in studies is slot hi fo UBT them too much fur ornament> M affcctAtioni ro rnnke jndgmeni wholly by their rnles< t* the humor ui ■ Bcholan They perfect nAture> and are perfected by experiencei for naiurnl nbiliueK are like naiural plantHi that need proymngtby studyi and nudies themndveB do give forth directtonB too much at Urge, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men contemn ncudiCBf simple men admire ihem» and wise men use ihemi for they imeh not their awn usei but that (■ A wisdom without rhcm» and above themi won by obaervanon. Read not to contrndicc and<1 .confutei nor io believe and take lor granrcdi nor to find t alk and ditcaurtm but co weigh and consider. . . •Qttc*tlons 16—19 (12 points)16. The extract is taken from _________ .A. I Havf a DreamB. (ittty^burg MdrtuC 0/ Studio17. The extrnct cnd« with AC I VICC on the _________A. proper way and Attitude of readingB. proper way to wi«domC ・ proper u»e uf time18. _______ IA an cxanqilc of parailel structure.A. Crafty mrn contemn Ktudieai siniplr men admirv (hem. and wue men UMC tlirnkR Natural abilitie* are like natural plantit thal need proyntngjiy Kudy.G They perfect nature• und nrr perfected by e xperience.19. The (one of the extract can bc ・t be dcucribed o»A. MtirieCiKM 的) G didActicCftttM )B. P>OU8(/t«t 的〉A. ClimaxC FUnhbarkText 2The drukrtt did not Rluncr at one another nor at the pearl.The man behind the desk mid. • I lutve put n v«lue on this poirL The owner here doe« not think it fair. I will ask you to examine this — thin thing and make an offer. Notice•f he Mid to Kino. * I have not mentioned wha! I have offered.' Thr (tnrf dealer, dry and Mringy f seemed now to xr the pearl for the first time He took h up. rollhd it quickly between thumb and forefinger• And then cast it contemptuously bock into the tray.Uki not include inc in thi« diRciiKflion>1 he »iiid dryly. a 1 will mftke no offer 讪L I donot want it. Thi® i» not ■ pcnrl it IA• monMroftiiy. • Hix thin lip» curled.Now the wcond dcnlcr«A httle nun with A*hy »oh voice• took up the penrh nnd he cKamined IT cArclully. He took A from his pocket nnd inspected n under miignificfttiarL Then he laughed “hly.1 Ikttcr pearls arc miidr of pBBte>f he &nid91I know the>c tbingn. Thin i» noft and chalky• it will late hi color And die in ■ few monthn> Look • ' Hr offered the IO Kino, showed him bow to usr it. and Kino* who hud never urcn . pCArTu nurliicc maKinficcL wft» shocked at the AtrangrJooking lurfacc.The third drAlcr took the pcnrl from Kino F• hand,. 1 One of rny clients likes such thingut1 he aaid. e I will offer five hundred pesos« and perhaps 1 can »c]\ it to my cJIcnt for six hundreds 'Kino reached quickly and anfttched the pearl from hi・hnnd. He wrApprd il in thr deerskin and thruiit it inside hit ahlrt.rhr man behind the defik mid. f Tm M (ool. I know t hut my first offer utands. I Mill offer ・ thau»«n<L What are you doing?1 hr anked» Kino thrum thr pettrl out ol AIK I H.e I am chrAted*' Kino cried (icrrrly. * My prarl in not (or »a|r hrrce 1 will go> pcrhapii even to thr spiMl. fNow thr deakrt ghneed quickly at one nnothrr< (Quewthm 2\ ) llicy knew they hud playrd too hardi they knew they would be disciplined (or their failure* and thr man at the desk Mid quickly. f I might go to fifteen hundrrd. ♦But Kino was pushing hi» way rhrouffh thr crowd. Thr hum ol ulk camr to hirn dimly• hii rage blood pounded in hi» tarsi, nnd hr burst through nnd nt rode ・w・y. J UAHA followed • (ratting after him. QuvBUuav 20—22 (9 point*)20. Which o( the fQllowirig in true of ihc third dcnlnr?A・ He wanted to pay Kino only niter hts client* hnd paid him.B. He ju«t went through the prenrronged plot with other buyer,.C. He wz not intcrcitrd in Kino1* pearL21. In context • the word i*playcd R is closest in meaning to ____________ ■A. behaved playfullyB. conspired together to cheatC bargain playfully22. Thr sientences in the I ABI paragraph suggest that ____________ .A. the dcalem And the crowd becamr «ngry and they pimhcd Kino out of the »hop H・ Kino',wife had A violent temper and fended to get Angry eaiiily(\ Kino WNB anury beyond ward# and w»» becoming violent in hi> angerTest 3I. too.glng AmericaL too* Rin« America.I nm ihr darker brother.They send me to eat in the kitchenWhen rompMny comes•Hui I IniixhtAnd eat welLAnd grow Ntrong.Tomorrow .PH be nt the TableWhen com(Ntny camea.Nobody'll dareSay to me・w Eat in the kitchen.*Thcn<Benldm.They111 tee how Iwautiful 1 amAnd be ・nhnmcdL foot nm America.f(luingiiton Hughes (1902-1967) 1Qww»tloni 23—25 (9 po4nt«):23. t he poem it written in the form of _ .A< »onnet B« (rec verseC. ballad24. • Bui I htitfhi /And cal well# /And urow mron^ " Thr»e linr, serve to show the .A. strength of Filark AmeriranA despite the poor treatment they sufferB- »pr«krr f« inborn Ability tn find humor in heartacheCL domestic roh?« nf Bieck AmericAHt who advanred A merit n rconomirally25. Which of I hr lollowtriK *uirmrniN i» true o( the poem?A. Il mainly c,po・e・ ihr hypoertty of the injustice ta thr black pt^plr.!t eonveyR tirnng proteat Affainiii the col<! rchtiofiship bcfwrrn emplnyrr* And employers.C・ It cKprraie> the hope nf ・ bright futurr when equality H arhtevrtLTen 4Raid the extmcl and give brief Io Ihr quest ions 26—29 fhM( follow.Ple&fe n<Mc: Dih rrudini: tak&k will Iw relevant to the writing lusk In Part (][.Pupcr PllbHe WMB an old nun with A whitr beard and huge no^e And hnnd.・ Izong before the time during which wr will know him> hr wan A doctor and drove A jaded whitr hortt from housr to Houie through the street* ol Winesburg Latrr he nuirncd ・ ffirl who had rtioney. Shr had lyn left A l・riU' intm when hrr father died, I hr girl WM» quiru txIL and darkt and to m・ny peo{dr *he termed very beautiluL Everyone in Wmruburg wondrred why she murrird the doctor, Wnhin a year alter the mnrringc ahr dirtLI he knucklrt of thr doctor' s hufids wrrr rxtraordinjirily large. When the hftnd^ were closed they looked like cluMcrs a( unpamtrd wouden tullfi AR large ns wnlnuta (astened together by itecl rodju Hr »mokrd A coh pig and after his wilcS death »at all day in hi* empty ulficc clowr by « window fh*i WA«covered with coltwebs. He nrver opened the window ()ncr on A hot day in /Xuxuaf he ined but (ounrf if 5tm:k U R I and nfter that hr forgot all obouf it.Winesburg had forgotten the old man> but in Doctor Reefy there were the accds of something very line Alone in hin munry P H ICC in the Hcffnrr Hlork above the Pans Dry Guod> Company f s n(orr< he worked ccA^clc»«ly • building up »ornethinf{ that he himscll de?>tn)yed. Utile pyramid!! of truth hr rrcctrd and after erecting knocked them down «gain that hr might Iwvc the triithM to erect other pyrumida.lAoctor Reefy WA> A titU man who hn<l worn one tult nf cloths for ten ymnu It waa I rayed the tlervr* mid liltlr hok^ hud appenred at the kneri unci elbows- In the office he wore R I AO■ linen dunt rr with htigc pockr<» into which he continually sluffed hcrapu of paper. After >umc wrtki* the Rcrape ol p®prr became little hard round Mnd when thr pocket> were filled he dumped them oui upon the floor. For ten year« he had but one friend• another old nun nnnicd John Spnmard who owned A tree nursery. Scimriimcwt in a plnyful >noud. old Doctor Reefy took (com hi» pockctu d handlul of thr paper bnlh and threw them nt the nurMrry nun. -That is to conlaund you. you blithering old wentimcnulistt0he cried• fihnkinR with lnuRhter.The «tary of Dfjctar Rcr(y and hl courtuhip o( the tai! dark n(r\ who became his wife and Rh her money to him is a very curioun <itory. h is <ieliciaun« like the twiBted little applet thAt RFOW in the archjircia of Winruburg. In rhr (N II one wu!k« In the archArds and thr ground is hard with from undrrfout. The applet huve been taken from the tree* by the ptekem. Thry hove been put in harTris and Ahijg,TO fhr ciue^ where they will be cjitcn in HpArimrnu rhftt arc filled with book>»« magazmea9 furnilurct and people. On the tree> nrr only ft few gnarled Applet that lhe pecker:! httvc rejected. They look like the knucklci* of l>octor ReefyhandK Dne nibbles at them and they arc dclictoun^ Inta A little round phee fit the Hide of thr wpplo Ms hrm gathered ull of ll・ »wretne5». One runs from tree to tree over th« (rotitrd ground l>iukin|{ thr Krutrlcd# twistrd tipple* nnd filling htn pocket® with thenu Only the Irw know the sweelnens of thr twisted appletThe girl and IXicior Rrr(y he^n their courtidiip on a summer afterruxin. Hr waa forty* hvr thru And Already hr had br^uti ihr pruvtke of (illing hi. |K»ckel>i with I hr ^rrapi^ ul pap” thn< brcumrhard ball* And were thrown nwoy t The huhil hud brrn formed A« he MH in his hiixxy behind ihr pidmi whitr home 41 nd went nlowly nlung cuunrrv roAtli. ()n thr papers were wriTfen ihoutfhi*# end* al then果h"・ beginning* of thouK^t*<One by one the mind ol Doctor Krrfy hud fnndc the thouRhtv, Out of many of them hr formed A truth ihm aro«e KiK Aht>c in hi A mind. The truth t loaded the world. It been me terrible and then faded away ond the little thoughts beHan Again.Thr Mil dark girl rumr to wee [X>cior Recly brr/june ahe WMB in rhe hmily way nnd had become fhichtcnccl^ She w«> in that condition Inrcauiir u{ . >cnr> of nrcurti»lan£tn »U» ruriouA t The druth oi her father and mother and ihr rich aerm of land that had come down 10 her had »eta trmn ol auitam on her herb. For two yrnm nhc HAW nuitorn almam every eveninKe Except two theywere al) «ltkc< They talked to hrr of |>u«i«ion and there wan a »traiHrd mKcr quality in their voicen and in their cycR whcti they ltx)kcd at her. Thr two who were <Jif(crrnt were much unlike each other> One of them t a slender younK man with white hand»> thr wn ol A Jrwrlcr in WlncalHirK. talked continuMlly of virginity. When hr waa with hrr hr never off thr NubjrcL The other• a bluckUtaiml buy with larRc sn・ Mid nothing At all but alwayw mAn«gr<| to get her intn the darkncM* where hr begun to kiM hrr tFor JI time: rhe t«H dark tliuiiKht ,hr would marry the jrwrlrrS wn. Eor hourn whe fun in nilencr huteninic its he ulkrd to her nnd then nhe beRnn to be nlrAid ol numcthinM HrnvAth htik talk of virgini ty nhc bc»An (a think there wan • lujit urrnter thnn tn M H thr othrrn. At timrh it nrrmed to hrr that a» he talked he was huldiriH her body in I HR hhnein. She imAKinrd him turning it wlowly about in lhe white hnndu nnd nt it. Al night <he dreamed thut he had bitten into hrr body Mnd that hin |«WB were dripping. Shr hnd thr drram ihrrr limrn* thrn she bcciimc tti thr (nmily wuy to the unr who Mid nothing iH all but who in the moment of hiw pAMton actiuilly did bite her •houlder M)(h«t lor d/iy・ the marks of hi・ teeth MhowrtLAfter the I A II dark Rirl enmr to know Doctor Reefy it ncenicd to her thMT nrver wanted to lertVr him 叫小血She went into hi» office one niorning and without her Aayinn anything he srrrncd <0 know what had happened to hrr.In the office of the doctor there was A womnDi the wife ol thr man who kepi the book*rore in WineMburjCa Likr all ohhfs^hianrd country practiiionefSt Doctor Reefy pulled tcrih< *nd the womnn who waited held a handkerchief to her teeth and Mmnrwd. Her hunband WMB with her «n<l when thr (cxith wn% taken out they both screamed anti blood run down on the womanwhite drcs&t Th。



国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)» 2022-2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156)PE 1Quevtion* I —10 ・rv K UMX I on P HMMRC 1 wild 2.PttMiMKC II hU *hort passage pn^nts UM whh u dclMlkxl rrport on Monica Seles* nthnkSpectator stnbs tennis itur on courtnV FIBVARDIHS C ALLAN!)顼灌K)RI ION SIAMMONICA S C I CK the top-rnnked tennis phyci; was stabbed m lhe backby n Bpcctotor while playing tn n luuuuinKiH in Hamburg yesterday.rhe 19-ycanoId wa> silling in her chan during a change-over when n mnn lunged at her with A lung-bhdcfj knitc She received 3 I inch cut Ixtwccn Iwr shoulders and WM taken to □ hospital nearby after being amended on ccwirt She wutild suiy ihcicuvcrnighi Gn oSmuitiiw)Woi<l P HSSH^ I Mnd Ihrn try Io gJvr、h”H Mnw^cn to QucMlnn* l —i. Write your an*wco nn the Answer Sheet.1. In which rity wna Monirn ntnbbril?2. How olrl wat Monirn when whr WAR Attacked?3. Who Hhibbrd Monies?L Which pnr! her hotly wn, nllccird?5. How long would j»hr hnvr to 5fny in ho^pitul?Pm、岫2l hi» ^hurt I、the purt of the above report.I .nlrr repfirin ihn! I MM it tinker, mi rn^tern (ir t mnn. waA n Gin of her (trrniAiitetthH rivnl • Stcl li t >rj|f > nlwl luid wnnted to Mop Sclcji frorii playinK.I hr 38 yrnt old Aiinckcr lennrd nver n 3fl bnrrtrr and ^tabhed hrr DM »hr look A hrrak.Shv 5<-r( unit'd niu\run <n nnd court • rcnchiriR for hrr upper l>nrk. She nppcArrd woony A5 •ihr Nfuod at 1 (HirtMdc and ihrn 叫md. H IM hrniher Zohnu nnd nlllrhih n^hvd in hcr< giving her first Did nnd taking her from the court an a Ktretchcr.“We snw D ma n n)me from the left.*' said a woman silting in 血.Front mw of "化tournament. M He looked strange or drunk. Hr jiiM looked wrtrd. Then we saw him strike out at Monica."The attacker wa» pounced on by security men and metnbers of the crowd t and earned •wuy by four guards Red Passage 2 und decide whether the following stnlrments are True nr False. Write I for i nicd F for F U I M agulnM the number af r»rh of lhe wlatemenK i»n your Answer Sheet.an6. The report ituRgcstcd thnt the ntuckrr wnf n western (reimnn7. Alter ihr M/ib. Srlrn ran lo Imck-cuurl, reaching for her up|H*r ku’k.&. h WHM her hrothrr IITH'1 officiftlfl that 1ixik her Ironi llw CQUH“n a Btn uh«4t9. A wornnn fitting in I hr mid ro^ o( the tournnnienf xnw (he nttqckrr conir Ircrn ihr right|0e The aTtnckcr WNN lirftlvn and enrried ^way by h】ui giinrd^.P*rt IIQucfttion* 11 —20 arc based on Pnssagc 3・Pnsi^Mgc 3China htn 267 nullitm fumiliE About 10 million nrwlywcds cAtnWixh new houxbddw every yor. Muny of thc^c new hour»chold^ <111 (er »nily -roni nmhnwmlTcxhy wunten play n nvipr rolr tn the Ufnily. Tht- olil pntnnrch^l Inmtlv " Ri咔rrplncrd by • more ur IrMs c<|iinl >pou»nl rcUtianMiip. I hiK chnngc wg no! wnply A rm" of (•hinw "w、thnt siupulAtr men und women nrc ciinnh. Chlnr^- wcifnrn arc- rrrdivtnw more educntiun. nre actively employed and urc riUikmg BiRnilicnni coninbntionw to lurnily inrumrs. Their hnnnrtMl coniributinn hiu mcrc^cd Irani 20 percent tn the I9S0- lo 10 perrent "NMy In name (nmihcA n " rvrn higher.Two imtional ^ludirfi on the ntntab ol wornrn reftchrd Mnulnr cunch>6ioni»i Wunirn h«vr more power in thr family.In rnnre women mokr dret-sionB oi\ Intnily rruim・r、・a change many Chinese men nrc hnppy with..Thr concept o( mornagc is chnnging so thni people now marry for happiness rather thnn lo rarry on thr family line. In chooMtnR n spouse t many w山marry someone they |ovci otherwise they nwiy choose to remain single. Moxt people hope to find o spouse who i<t wvll-rducattd and conMderate. While they value love in a marringe, rnoHt people al&o conHidrr the maienal well-being of a pocentml spousc< In both rural snd urban arens. people have more nbout who they marry.Chiru is rapidly chunking from the traditional belie! that more children means niorr h・ppir>5 to the modern concept of fewer and healthier birth*. In less than two decades< (•:hm/s Anility rate hux dropped by more than 50 pcrccnu Increfl^ingly^ young eouplcs are postponing having a child to allow (or (htnr own personal growth and enjoyment. Samr couplet nre declining to have children. In these cases, women Ktmerally phy s pivotal rolr; ihi% J*H uition is niosi LomTncin in large cilice Mich 05 Beijing• Shanghai and (3uan^xhou.NhEinx a new household is repheing fhv tradition of mArrying into the man S family. In a tradnicinnl mftrriaget the wife liccnmc a member of rhr husband^ fnmily. It wg cvxnMtipulaied by law that a wife Eg make her husband^ home her lega] residence^ This mc/int thm a woman WAR transferrrd from her parents1 home to her pnrentikin lAwS home where 血4^5Uitird M <ubordniA!tf paxition9 Ahz rhf new Inw wns cnnctml m I9«o t Trndiitonul marrin^g br^an dKnpprarinK iti. I (xl^y« nbou( hnll ol nil hrniwholdM Afr ntidrnr fnniilimi thr!*c hoti^thotels proniotr Eiwlity "twem EM AHI I women, hi rural nrc/is it i> null common for n wornAn tu rnovr into the iihin f> honir whrn 血mArrim.(hmi sc nifirrnt^eA nrr ^till rclativr!y vtAblc even though prapje f idcAiv and conduct have chnnffpd ^tgnihrnntly since Chmn .代reform onci opening to (hr oufNidr world. The uwrriHc ■gf irt which Chinese people fifMt tnnrry in between 22and 23, thi« nge beinit sumewhnt lower in rur^l nrrrtt* and •ujnicwhut higher in the ritir^. Chinn f niftrrniK1' rntr IM Inghi very (cw rrrnnin Mn^lr thrir entire livrec. M OM1 wonirn morry between ihr of 2° to 24.In m-eni yr«m thr divorce rnte hn* slowly climhcd, bni m Mill only one third to ogJihh thm of developing cournricji such e Indio and Tlimlnnd. Fhr divorce rate in European and American eountncM 握IO times that of Chinn. This indicates relnnve utahility rvrn fhouRh (-hinesv morringr* nnd (nmilks are chnnging^ Read Pawnee 3 and then choose the best answer that may compkCc cuch of the Atntrmcnlsi according tu the puwgc. Write your answers on lhe Arwwcr Sheet.1 L Which onr of the Mntcmenfn i« t rue?A. China h«s 2.670.000,000 Inmilien.K Every year about 10>000#000 newlyweds entablUh new houtcholclft in ChiruuC. Chmcjke I HWH stipulHtc I K RI mtn und women nre cqimh only in thr rural ms』D. Womens linanciol contribution H AH tncrr/tNetl from 2() percent in thr 1950M to 30 ^xircent todny.)2. Which of the following is the clonent tn meaning to the phrase M patn«rchnl family0 in the second paragraph?A. Father controh the tamily w K Mother contruh the family.C. (irnndmothrr rontroln the hrnily. 11 Everyone is eq uni in the fntnily.13. ( >nc key (actor which enables women to ^niti cqunl Mtntux with men tn thr fnmily i>that _______ ■A. more women enn choose ihrir own rnnrrM«c pnrtnrr thim hrfnreK mnny women are contributing more to fhr fnrnily income(-• men are happy Io »h»rr ihr fnrnily chores with their wiu”[1 many women h^ve received collrKv education before they get married14. In choosing their spuune• pvople ti^unlly consider_____________ .A. lave R nuttcrial wealthC. rducationul background ll all uf thr «l»ovr15. In the Inat two rlccndc^. the fertility rati dropped nhnrply bccauM ___________________ .•A< moAt coupler «re unwilling to huve childrrnK thr trnditionfil belief of more children meaning rnorc happiness hn* ch.vigcdG mo»( urban couplcM airr more nlxwt their pcruonnl h^ppincs^D. many women Arc beconung ccononuadly independent16. Which one at the xiAtemcnift False?A. More young couples are postponing having n child to Mlnw {nr then own personal growth andenjoyment>B. When sonic couples are declining to havr chikfrrn< nirn gcnerftlly piny an important role>CL In a trHclnionfll marriHgc# the wife became e member of thr hushnml、(mnily.D< After the new I AW was enacted in 198(). traditional rnarrmgE began disapprnnnK in cities^I 7. Onr of thr fcnturrn of nuclear (amilieK IM that _.A. hunb/Hui Hfid wiir Arc eqnrd to r«ch otherB I he wife liKtcns more to her husbandC. rhr wife normally tnovcM to her hu'hund、homeI). wile d(w<in1 r identify herself A* a member o( rht hu朴wd' (nmilyIH# I hr I,引pan ol rht: urtirlr stairs thut M C*lunu * « mArringr rntr in hwh・" which implies th” ■A. junplr in rur«l grt marrird ehrli^r than people in citiesH nio^t people 肿niarrird At the ugr of 24l men m«ny Uivr than woment)- nioM people rnnrrird Aoonrr or latrr in thrir livrs19. By contpnriHOHf thr <livi>rcc r<ttr in (?hinn " ____________ tA our u( the lowest tn the worldB- ten !irnr<i ihn! of thr European countrirn「• one fifth uf thr rnnrringc r»lr in the countryI), im hrno higher th«n n W«M ten year« ago2() Which of thr following ntlm bmr >urnniiirixrM the mnui idea of thr posiuggc?A> Chirir^c mnrriBgr»< H. Chinese Gimilien.(\ I hinrMc rnnrnngcN and famdicM. Ih (-hinrjiv divorce rntc.Purt HI Trur nr FuhvVucslioits 2—3,urv b心vd on I■心哗c I.Passiigc 4Wh/it * % >otir ilrrarn vnentiun? Wntchinn wildlife in Krnyn? lion ting down thr Anuian? Sunbatlnng m M.nlny MU#/N LW C huiu«H xtre cipriiin^ up A II thr tirnr to explore the world. So wr viftit iravrl ngm. curnpftrc p/ickagrei and prices• and pay our money.Wh know whfl! our vnvAtion rost^ ns. But da wr know whrt! it m蛾hi cost MOHICKHIC rlnr? It * "w du>t nuny |<mrcr ccniritrif5 now Jtpcml mi totingm fur forrinn inrorti^ Un/orturmtclyt fhongh. inoriMin c4irn hnrens fhr local people more thun it hclpj< lhenulr mifiln co^i (heir homo A nd lancU, In Mynr)mm・ 5.2()0 people wrre kirccd to I OMVC ihrir hotntr^ umOnK the iwodm in Hngnn •«)fhnt Ipurivts could visit rhe pngodAs.I niinsni alight H I MJ CCKI the loenl people their livelihood and dignity. Load wurker* often Imct only rneninl jol>5 HI the tourKt industry. And most of ihr profitii do no: help the local economy. Instead* profits return to rhe tour operators tn wealthier countries^ When the M QASAI people in Ttmwnui were dnven from ihnr lands •、omc moved to riiy slum A Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos.Problems like thenr wrrtt observed more than 20 years ogo. But now some non-govemmenr orRanizorionsi tour operators and I OCA I governments arc working together to bcRtn correcting them. Tourist, loo. are pultiug on the preaj#ure tThe result is rrsjxjnsiblr tounMn< or "ethic*! lourism^ " Ethical tourisn» ha> people ut it< heart. New intvrnationAl agreement? «nd codex of conduct cwn hrlp protect ihr people * A Undi• homeA. economies and cultures^ The beginnings are small• thought nnd the problems an? complex.But take hearts The good news h that everyone• including us« enn play A pan to help the local proplr in the plnccs we VHf!. Tour operators anil eompanteH can help by making sure th&t Ideal people work in good conditions and earn reasonnble wages.They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotels t restaurants and guide .^rrvicvs They can share profile fairly to help the local economy. And they can involve the local people in planning and mannging tourism.Wlwi can Tourists do? Fitst f we can ask tour companies io provide infornwrion fl bout the conrlitions ol I OM I citixcns. Wc can then mnke our choicer and tell them why. And while we f rr abroad • we can t•Huy loml (ood> and products • not imported ones.•Pay n (air price fur goods and services anti not burnam for the <hrape^t pricr.•Avoid flnunting wealth.•Ask before taking photographs of people.They nrc not just pnrt of thr landscape!Let "A enjoy our vacAtion and make sure others do. too.Read Passage ) und decide whether the following statements are 1 roe or False. Write V for I ruc and F far F U I MT aguin^t the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet.2L The writer thinks dream vacations should only be spent abroad^22. Many dcvclufnng countries now drpend w tr»nri5Hi (or foreign income,23. IrOcal people in Mynnmnr were well paid to leave their lands,2-L Lu匚id people in the tuuriH! industry Ate usually provided with low-paying work<25. Some Kovrrnmrnt orKam/intionn« tour opt-ralarN and local gnvefnrnent> urr working together tobegin correcting the problems caused by tounstn#26. rh< problem?! caused by tuurmm nrc mny to settlc e2/ Thr undcrlirit d phrase w tfike licnrl'* mcatu H cherr 叩。



国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读》2022-2023期末试题及答案关建字摘要:试题答案,评分标准,试卷,专科,试题,答案,开放,阅读,大学,国家竭诚为您提供优质文档,本文为收集整理修正,共8页,请先行预览,如有帮助感谢下载支持国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)》2022-2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156)Part IQuestions 1—10 are based on Passage 1 and 2.Passage 1This short passage presents us with a detailed report on Monica Seles f attack.Spectator stabs tennis star on courtBY EDWARD BUSCALL AND OUR FOREIGN STAFFMONICA Selcs the top-ranked tennis player, was slabbed in (he backby a spectator while playing in a tournament in Hamburg yesterday.The 19-year-old was sitting in her chair during a change-over when a man lunged at her with a long-bladed knife. She received a 1 inch cut beiwccn her shoulders and was taken to a hospital .neai by after being attended on court She would stay there overnight ibr observation.Read Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1—5. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1.In which city was Monica stabbed?2.How old was Monica when she was attacked?3.Who stabbed Monica?4.Which part of her body was affected?5.How long would she have to stay in hospital?Passage 2This short passage is the last part of the above report.Later reports suggested that her attacker, an eastern German, was a fan of her German tennis rival, Steffi Graf, and had wanted to stop Seles from playing.The 38-year-old attacker leaned over a 3ft barrier and stabbed her as she took a break. She screamed and ran to mid-court, reaching for her upper back. She appeared woozy as she stood at courtside and then collapsed. Her brother Zoltan and officials rushed to her, giving her first aid and taking her from the court on a stretcher.“We saw a man come from the left," said a woman sitting in the front row of the tournament.u He looked strange or drunk. He just looked weird. 1'hen we saw him strike out at Monica."The attacker was pounced on by security men and members of the crowd, and carried away by four guards.Read Passage 2 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write 1 for I rueand F for False against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet6.The reports suggested that the attacker was a western German.reaching for her upper back.7.After the stab, Seles ran to back-courtt8.It was her brother and officials that took her from the court on a stretcher.9. A woman sitting in the mid row of the tournament saw the attacker come from the right.10.The attacker was beaten and carried away by four guards.Part IIQuestions11—20are based on Passage3Passage3China has 267 million families. About 10 million newlyweds establish new households every year. Many of these new households differ significantly from traditional families.Today women play a major role in the family. The old patriarchal family is being replaced by a more or less equal spousal relationship. This change was not simply a result of Chinese laws that stipulate men and women are equals.Chinese women are receiving more education, are actively employed and are making significant contributions to family incomes. Their financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 40 percent today. In some families it is even higher.re Two national studies on the status of women reached similar conclusions;Women havemO power in the family. In cities, more women make decisions on family matters, a change many Chinese men are happy with.The concept of marriage is changing so that people now marry for happiness rather than to carry on the family line. In choosing a spouse, many will marry someone they love; otherwise they may choose to remain single. Most people hope to find a spouse who is well-educated and considerate. While they value love in a marriage, most people also consider the material well-being of a potential spouse. In both rural and urban areas, people have more say about who they marry.China is rapidly changing from the traditional belief that more children means more happiness to the modern concept of fewer and healthier births. In less than two decades, China's fertility rate has dropped by more than 50 percent. Increasingly, young couples are postponing having a child to allow for their own personal growth and enjoyment.Some couples are declining to have children.In these cases,women generally play a pivotal role; this situation is most common in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.Starting a new household is replacing the tradition of marrying into the man's family. In a traditional marriagethe wife became a member of the husband's family. It was even stipulated by law that a wifetmust make her husband's home her legal residence. This meant that a woman was transferred from heraw's home, where she assumed a subordinate position.parents' home to her parents-in」After the new law was enacted in 1980, traditional marriages began disappearing in cities. Today, about half of all households are nuclear families; these households promote equality between men and women. In rural areas it is still common for a woman to move into the man's home when she marries.Chinese marriages are still relatively stable even though people's ideas and conduct have changed significantly since China's reform and opening to the outside world. The average age at which Chinese people first marry is between 22 and 23, this age being somewhat lower in rural areas and somewhat higher in the cities. Chinamarriage rate is high; very few people remain single their entire lives. Most women marry between the ages of 20 to 24.In recent years the divorce rate has slowly climbed, but is still only one-third to one-fifth that of developing countries such as India and Thailand. The divorce rate in European and American countries is 10 times that of China. This indicates relative stability even though Chinese marriages and families are changing.Read Passage 3 and then choose the best answer that may complete each of the statements according to the passage. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.11.Which one of the statements is True?A.China has 2,670,000,000 families.B.Every year about 10,000,000 newlyweds establish new households in China.C.Chinese laws stipulate that men and women are equals only in the rural areas.D.Women's financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 30 percenttoday.12.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase u patriarchal family” in thesecond paragraph?A.Father controls the family.C. Grandmother controls the family.B. Mother controls the family.D・ Everyone is equal in the family.13.One key factor which enables women to gain equal status with men in the family is that■A.more women can choose their own marriage partner than beforeB.many women are contributing more to the family incomeC.men are happy to share the family chores with their wivesD.many women have received college education before they get married14.In choosing their spouse, people usually consider.A.loveC. educational background B. material wealthD. all of the above15.In the last two decades, the fertility rate has dropped sharply because.A.most couples are unwilling to have childrenB.the traditional belief pF more children meaning more happiness has changedC- most urban couples care more about their personal happinessD・ many women are becoming economically independent16.Which one of the statements is False?A.More young couples are postponing having a child to allow for their own personal growthand enjoyment.B.When some couples are declining to have children, men generally play an important role.C.In a traditional marriage, the wife became a member of the husband's family.D.After the new law was enacted in 1980, traditional marriage began disappearing in cities.17.One of the features of nuclear families is that.A.husband and wife are equal to each otherB.the wife listens more to her husbandC the wife normally moves to her husband's homeD.the wife doesn't identify herself as a member of the husband's family18.The last part of the article states that “China's marriage rate is high," which implihat .A.people in rural areas get married earlier than people in citiesB.most people get married at the age of 24C.men marry later than womenD.most people get married sooner or later in their lives19.By comparisoni the divorce rate in China is.A.one of the lowest in the worldB.ten times that of the European countriesC.one fifth of the marriage rate in the countryD.ten times higher than it was ten years ago20.Which of the following titles best summarizes the main idea of the passage?A. Chinese marriages.B. Chinese families.C.Chinese marriages and families.D. Chinese divorce rate.Part Hl True or FalseQuestions 21—30 are based on Passage 4.Passage 4What1 s your dream vacation? Watching wildlife in Kenya? Boating down the Amazon? Sunbathingin Malaysia? New chances are opening up all the time to explore the world. So we visit travel agents,compare packages and prices> and pay our money.We know what our vacation costs us. But do we know what it might cost someone else? It's true thatmany poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income^ Unfortunately, though, tourism oftenharms the local people more than it helps them.It might cost their homes and lands. In Myanmar, 5,200 people were forced to leave their homesamong the pagodas in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas.Pourism might also cost the local people their livelihood and dignity. Local workers often find onlymenial jobs in the tourist industry. And most of the profits do not help thelocal economy. Instead, profits return to the tour operators in wealthier countries. When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to city slums. Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos.Problems like these were observed more than20years ago.But now some non-government organizations,tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting them. Tourists, too, are putting on the pressure.The result is responsible tourism, or “ethical tourism. " Et hical tourism has people at its heart. New international agreements and codes of conduct can help protect the people's lands, homes, economies and cultures. The beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex.But take heart.The good news is that everyone, including us> can play a part to help the local people in the places we visit. Tour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn reasonable wages.They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotels, restaurants and guide .services. They can share profits fairly to help the local economy. And they can involve the local people in planning and managing tourism.What can tourists do? First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local citizens. We can then make our choices and tell them why. And while we're abroad, we can:••••Buy local foods and products, not imported ones.Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain for the cheapest price. Avoid flaunting wealth.Ask before taking photographs of people.They are not just part of the landscape!Let's enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too.Read Passage 4 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet.21.The writer thinks dream vacations should only be spent abroad.22.Many developing countries now depend on tourism for foreign income.23.Local people in Myanmar were well paid to leave their lands.24.Local people in the tourist industry are usually provided with low-paying work.25.Some government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together tobegin correcting the problems caused by tourism.26.The problems caused by tourism are easy to settle.27.rhe underlined phrase "take heart” means "cheer up".28.Tourists should respect local customs and culture.29.Tourists could bargain with local people for a reasonable price.30.The best title for the article is probably u Vacations Cost More Than You Think".Questions31—35are based on Passage5.Part IV Short AnswerPassage5Scorpio October 24-November22Scorpios are clever and mysterious. They are able to get through difficult times and protect themselves. They will do anything to achieve their goals. While others are wasting time on useless things, they are quietly doing their own work, which helps them to get more experience.Gemini May21-June21It seems that nothing is impossible for Geminis. Instead of waiting for pies from the sky, they try their best to make use of every chance to achieve their goals, even if it means that they have to work much harder than others. They will never give up easily in the face of difficulties.Leo July 23-August 22Leos are just like lions: energetic and independent. They are good at learning and can do many different jobs. Because of their strong self-confidencetsometimes they can easily cope with difficult situations. They can be good leaders and managers.1'he horoscopes are just for fun. Don't take them seriously.Read Passage5and then try to give short answers to Questions31—35.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.31.When are Geminis born?32.Why can Leos easily deal with difficult situations sometimes?33.What are Scorpios like?34.Who won't give up easily in the face of difficulties?35.What suggestion does the passage give us in the end?试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Part I(30points,3points each)1.In Hamburg.2.19 years old.3. A man (with a long-bladed knife.)4.Her shoulders.5.She would stay there (in hospital) overnight for observation.6. F7. F8. T9. F10. TPart H ( 30points,3points each)11. B12. A13. B18. D.23. F28. T 24. T29. T14. D19. A25. F30. T15. B20.C16. B17. A Part III ( 20points,2points each)21. F22. T26. F27. TPart IV (20points,4points each)31.May 21-June 21.32.Because they have strong self-confidence.33.Scorpios are clever and mysterious.34.Geminis.35.The horoscopes are just for fun. Don't take them seriously.。



第四部分阅读理解We have two cats at home. One is named Milo and the other Mamma. Milo is a boycat. Boy cats are called 'Toms'.------- They have lived with us now for 5 years.26. Sarah got the catsB. after she moved into the house27. Sarah thinksA. Milo is a boy28. Mamma was named 6 Mamma' becauseC. they think she is Milo's mother29. Milo and Mamma wereA. free to get30. Milo is not very fit becauseB. he was a stray阅读理解Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee. We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we .......1). What does the word "scared" mean in the second paragraph?2). What does the word "grants" mean in the third paragraph?3). The sentence "But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends" in the third paragraph implies_________.4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, _________.5). This passage is written for the purpose of _________.(1). B frightened(2). A money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay back(3). A if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare time(4). A it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to time(5). C offering new students some advice about their university lifeBenjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, "London is not a city, - it is a nation." Today this is an understatement; .......1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli's statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _________.2.London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _________.3.Ethnic minority groups will make up _________ of the London population in the future.4.The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _________.5. The passage mainly deals with _________.(1). A a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity(2). B many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds(3). B 40%(4). A young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures(5). C the cultural diversity in London阅读理解(共2题,共30分)Mrs Sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, has lived in Greenleas, a 'new town' in the countryside outside London, since 1958. ........1. Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to Greenleas?2.When she got married, she lived ______.3.Why did she know so many people?4.The sentence "I had one neighbour who was always poking her nose into our business." in the last Para. means _____.5. What does this passage mainly deal with?(1). C Because her house in the downtown area was knocked down.(2). B together with her parents for some time(3). B Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates(4). C I had one neighbour who always showed her interests in our private affairs(5). A What the extended family is like.Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, "London is not a city, - it is a nation." Today this is an understatement;.......1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli's statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _________.1.London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _________.2.Ethnic minority groups will make up _________ of the London population in the future.3.The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _________.5. The passage mainly deals with _________.(1). A a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity(2). B many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds(3). B 40%(4). A young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures(5). C the cultural diversity in London阅读理解(共2题,共30分)Anna is our only daughter. My wife and I have two sons, and Anna is the youngest in the family, .........1.According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she _________.2.It can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is ___________.3.What does 'take after' mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?4.My daughter and I have little in common in terms of ___________.5. From the passage, we can see the author's description of his daughter is ___________.(1). A got an illness (2). B mainly a woman's responsibility(3). C look like (4). B character (5). A affectionateMolly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity. .......1. What does the word 'extraordinary' mean in the title?2.The sentence "…my husband thought I was bored …" in Para. 4 meant that my husband thought I felt_________.3.The word 'section' in Para. 4 most probably means here _________.4.Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to 'rough' in the sentence 'One night the sea was very rough …' in Para. 5?5. The last paragraph suggests that _________.(1). B very unusual and surprising(2). A dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home(3). C part of the route of sail(4). C not smooth because of huge waves(5). A the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer第四部分阅读理解2006-2009/2011-2012短文理解lA survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians----------What can our politicians and journalists do?The only answer is to be more honest.26.The number of people believing politicians and journalists has____。



中央广播电视大学2008--2009学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试英语Ⅱ(1) 试题注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。










‘1.一Nice weather,isn’t it?A.I’m not sure ’ B.Yes,it isC.Yes,it isn’t2.May I know your address?—一A.Sure.Here you are B.I have no ideaC.Sorry,I’ve forgotten3.一Could you tell me where Mr.Lake is?—一A.From England B.At the officeC.He’S working4.一In my opinion,you’d better take a couple of days off.—一A.I’m afraid SO B.Let me seeC.I’Il take your advice5.一What would you like,tea or coffee?—一A.Yes。

1 would B.Coffee,pleaseC.It’S very nice第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分)6—15小题:阅读下面的句子。



6.——he said is quite right.A.That B.What C.Why7.The next train to Beijin9——here at 3’O clock.A.is due B.is due to C.is due for8.The’road built last year.A.has been B.wasC.is being9.I,m leaving for New York——three day’s time.A.一 B.atC.in10.Let me the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.A.look up B.took into C.look after11.We have our office——every day by a cleaner.A.clean B.to clean C.cleaned12.Don’t worry.There is——room for all your books here.A.more B.much C some13.You——————to exercise moreA.ought B.should C.must14.Given the high price,——it’s not surprising they didn’t buy it·A.and B.but C.一15.She likes to spend time————————with her grandchildren.A.play B.to play C.playing第三部分完形填空(共计20分,每题2分)16—25小题:阅读下面的短文。



第四部分阅读理解We have two cats at home. One is named Milo and the other Mamma. Milo is a boycat. Boy cats are called 'Toms'.------- They have lived with us now for 5 years.26. Sarah got the catsB. after she moved into the house27. Sarah thinksA. Milo is a boy28. Mamma was named 6 Mamma' becauseC. they think she is Milo's mother29. Milo and Mamma wereA. free to get30. Milo is not very fit becauseB. he was a stray阅读理解Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee. We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we .......1). What does the word "scared" mean in the second paragraph?2). What does the word "grants" mean in the third paragraph?3). The sentence "But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends" inthe third paragraph implies_________.4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, _________.5). This passage is written for the purpose of _________.(1). B frightened(2). A money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay back(3). A if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare time(4). A it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to time(5). C offering new students some advice about their university lifeBenjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, "London is not a city, - it is a nation." Today this is an understatement; .......1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli's statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _________.2.London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _________.3.Ethnic minority groups will make up _________ of the London population in the future.4.The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _________.5. The passage mainly deals with _________.(1). A a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity(2). B many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds(3). B 40%(4). A young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures(5). C the cultural diversity in London阅读理解(共2题,共30分)Mrs Sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, has lived in Greenleas,a 'new town' in the countryside outside London, since 1958. ........1. Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to Greenleas?2.When she got married, she lived ______.3.Why did she know so many people?4.The sentence "I had one neighbour who was always poking her nose into our business." in the last Para. means _____.5. What does this passage mainly deal with?(1). C Because her house in the downtown area was knocked down.(2). B together with her parents for some time(3). B Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates(4). C I had one neighbour who always showed her interests in our private affairs(5). A What the extended family is like.Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, "London is not a city, - it is a nation." Today this is an understatement;.......1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli's statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _________.1.London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _________.2.Ethnic minority groups will make up _________ of the London population in the future.3.The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _________.5. The passage mainly deals with _________.(1). A a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity(2). B many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds(3). B 40%(4). A young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures(5). C the cultural diversity in London阅读理解(共2题,共30分)Anna is our only daughter. My wife and I have two sons, and Anna is the youngest in the family, .........1.According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she _________.2.It can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is ___________.3.What does 'take after' mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?4.My daughter and I have little in common in terms of ___________.5. From the passage, we can see the author's description of his daughter is ___________.(1). A got an illness (2). B mainly a woman's responsibility(3). C look like (4). B character (5). A affectionateMolly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity. .......1. What does the word 'extraordinary' mean in the title?2.The sentence "…my husband thought I was bored …" in Para. 4 meant that my husband thought I felt_________.3.The word 'section' in Para. 4 most probably means here _________.4.Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to 'rough' in the sentence 'One night the sea was very rough …' in Para. 5?5. The last paragraph suggests that _________.(1). B very unusual and surprising(2). A dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home(3). C part of the route of sail(4). C not smooth because of huge waves(5). A the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer第四部分阅读理解2006-2009/2011-2012短文理解lA survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians----------What can our politicians and journalists do?The only answer is to be more honest.26.The number of people believing politicians and journalists has____。



试卷代号:2205中央广播电视大学英语1(2〉各年试题答案1.—Is there a bank near here?—Yes.I saw him this morning.A.Right B. Wrong2.—What does he look like?—He is talland thin.A.Right B.Wrong3.—Where did you go for your holiday?—Two yearsago.A.Right B.Wrong4.—What are you going to do this evening?—I went therewith some friends.A.Right B.Wrong5.—How can I book a cheap hotel?—If I were you,I'd phone a travel agent.A. Right B Wrong6.A;________you watch television last night?B;N o,I didn't.A.Do B.Did C. Can7.I went to see a film yesterday.The film was___________great.A.really B. veryC.too8.A:.is at the door?B:It must be our new neighbour,Mrs Jones.A.What B. Which C.Who9.He_____answer my phone call yesterday.A.doesn't B.didn't C.wasn't10.She______o ur car to go to Bristol yesterday.A.borrowed B.returnedC.lent11.I was watching TV_______the telephone rang.A.while B.when C since12.They finished______tennis at sevenA.to play B.playing C.on playing13.It was_______cold to go for a walk.A.very B.too C.enough14.The young girl_________fluent French.A.says B.speaks C.talks15.1went shopping_________I needed a new pair of shoes.A.although B. because C.so16.1have no idea who stole his wallet.It___________anyone.A.could have been.B.should have beenC must have been17._______stole my purse when I was on the train.A.Anyone B.Someone C. Something18.The computer doesn't work.You should get it___________.A.to repair B. repairing C.repaired19.A:Which of these newspapers have you read?B:I've read them.A.both B. both ofC.any of20.1can't arrive before6.00.I'll try to be there_____________6.30.A.until B. till C.by21.________a problem with the laptop yesterday,but it wasn't very serious.A.It was B.There was C.There is22.1________s moke before,but I do now.A.didn't use to ed to C.am used to23.It was raining and________we went home.A.that B.becauseC.so24.Kunming is_________t he southwest of China.A.on B.in C.to25.___________________She is very patient the children.She never shouts at them.A.inB.withC.on26.He didn't run fast.He didn't catch the bus.(用enough…to改写句子)He didn't run fast enough to catch the bus.27.He stole the laptop.(改为被动语态)The laptop was stolen(by him)28.That cinema is very nice.The tickets are quite expensive.(用but将两句连成一句)That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive.29."Can you phone me later,Susan?"said David.(用ask,to改写句子)David asked Susan to phone him later.30.Jack is responsible for all the training.(用What针对all the training提问) What is Jack responsible for?31-35Polly:Franco,who do you take after in your family?Franco-Definitely my mother.We're both quite moody and impatient.We used to argue a lot whenI was growing up,because she's quick-tempered.Also,we're both tall and thin. Polly:Do you look like her as well?Franco;No,I look like my dad,but he's very calm.I am more romantic.Whatabout you?Polly:People say I look like my mum.We've got the same nose,unfortunately. But I'm not like her in other ways.She's shy whereas I'm much more sociable—I love being with my friends and meeting new people,but she hates it.I'm more like my dad,I think.What abo ut you,Mary?Mary:I'm a natural optimist,just like my dad.He is never pessimistic.I always thinkthat everything will work out well in the end and so does he.I've got the same sense of humour as my mum.We both laugh at stupid things.1suppose I look a bitlike my grandmother.We've got the same smile,and we both have very dark hair.31.Franco's_________is tall and thin.A.mum B.dadC.daughter32.Franco's dad is_________.A.quick-tempered B.romantic C.calm33.Polly's mum is______and eeting new people.A.sociable?loves B.shy?hates C. shy j loves34.Mary is a(n)__________,just like her dad.A.optimist B.pessimist C.artist35.Mary has the same_________like her grandmother.A.eyes B.nose C.smile When I leave university in July,I don't want to get a job straightaway.I've worked hard for3years,and now I need a long holiday.I'll have to work for the rest of my life,so now is a good time to take a break.I'd like to travel around the world for a few months.I've already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand.I leave on August14th.I plan to work there for a while.On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend ofmine in America,and I want to go to Canada as well.I might stop in some other places,too.I haven't decided yet.When I finish travelling,I will have to get a job.I studied economics at Bristol University,and my father works in a bank,so I'l l probably work there a t first. I'm notlooking forward to that,but I want to buy a house one day,so I'l l have to earn s omemoney.36.I want to get a job as soon as possible.A.Right B.Wrong37.I'll first go to New Zealand.A.Right B.Wrong38.I have relatives in America.A.Right B.Wrong39.I'll probably work in a bank.A.Right B.Wrong40.I'll earn some money to travel around the world.A.Right B.Wrong41-4541.She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday.她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了。



10中央广播电视大学 2018-2018 学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语 II (1)注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。

考试结束 后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。


监考人收完考卷和答题纸 后才可离开考场。


答案一定要写在答题纸的 指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。


第一部分交际用语(共计 分,每小题 2 分)1-5 小题:阅读下面的小对话,从 A.B.C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选 项.并 在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

1. -Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?A. sorry, he is busy at the moment B . No, you can'tC . Sorry, you can't2. -What about going for a walk?A . Why not?A good ideaB . That's all rightC . Walking is good to you3. -What's the problem, Harry?A . No problemB. 1 can't remember where I left my glasses C . No trouble at all4. -What kind of TV program do you like best?A . I'm too busy to sayB.I only watch them at weekendC. It's hard to say, actually5. -Can you turn down the radio, please?A . Oh,l knowB. I'm sorry,I didn't realize it was that loudC . Please forgive me 第二部分词汇与结构( 20 分,每小题 2 分)6-15 小题:阅读下面的句子,从 A\B\C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。



国家开放大学电大本科《文学英语赏析》2022-2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:1062) t'MH I Lltrrury Fundanicnlnl* [30 pnlnls】Section L Mulch lhe with their writrn (10 网伽).WwkiL June EyrrM. A (linUtttaA Carol3. Vhe f >Li Man uni/ ihf .S<〃l v / Haue a Drtufn5. KisfltneWrllmA> Merlin laHhrr Kin«B. I oyerC・ Churlr* Dicken*IX Rdbert IxiuiM Stevcn»nnE. Harnld PinterF, Thumos Ihrily(;. (Charlotte Bnnitt111. Krur^f HrfmnKwwySretinn 2. I let Ide Mhrlhcr ihr hilhminu ^UlrnwuK urr (rur ( l| or 13“ (H (IU W 血叫.(I. Robert F ICI M in A hinwu* Americjin poS・7. I ady Hi'iuknvll z n comic iliArni.irf cn.-nivd hy ' Mmr Wilde in I)K”【・y / Ar/wpur/a/f^r (if Ernri/;R. Ilum/r/ h n well known comedy by William Sliukcuprnrc.9. The nuvcl T虹Hrari uf l)arknr\i rtposri lhe corruption, rrudty and birml t>| ihr cnlnnUl nyAtern In Alrka#Io 1虹$5 筋(、w uj〃,ja.v// “,|J Mr Hyde m n novel addrosin): queMum of cqunl n^hu hrtwern the black* nurl whites.StTlbm 3. ( hiMiu the corrrct In ctimplrlr (hr (olbiwing Mrnlmrrs (I"伊HnM)・11. A _ _____ in A hiiiriccn lim lyric poem which rhyme% In a highly conrrollrd wny.N couplet Ht wonnrlC. ballnd hmkuI2・_ i»A Mperirtl kind of where «n intninnntc (ihjcci i> Kivnn hiinun or antmofe charactcristk^A. Pun*^meuphor It Similc^utirtMphur(匚MEdphor・・・simile PrrM)nificati<m^Mnrtctphnr I3・M Rv«d not in txintriidirl Mtul rpnfutri nnr to believe nnd ukc (or Rrmiirdi nor in find •*lh nnil diwcournri but to wri«li nnd cunsidcr. H I hm >R <niotrd from ___________________ by ___________ .A> nn essay • FrAnc»> Bacon B> H Bpcct^h. Abr^bnni LinenlttC。



最新国家开放高校电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务6试题及答案通过整理的最新国家开放高校电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务6试题及答案相关文档,渴望对大家有所扶植,感谢观看!最新国家开放高校电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务6试题及答案形考任务6(在线自测)题目 1 Macbeth is William Shakespeare's well-known comedy. 选择一项:对错题目2 The Crucible by Arthur Miller, concerns a real historical incident, involving witchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria. 选择一项:对错题目3 Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in his play The Importance of Being Ernest. 选择一项:对错题目4 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is a protest poem against racial discrimination. 选择一项:对错题目 5 Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost are well-known American poets. 选择一项:对错题目6 In the poem “Acquainted with the Night”, the speaker expressed his distr ess at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life. 选择一项:对错题目7 The Old Man and the Sea is one of Ernest Hemingway’s best-known short stories. 选择一项:对错题目8 Pip is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel A Christmas Carol.选择一项:对错题目9 The novel The Heart of Darkness exposes the corruption, cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa. 选择一项:对错题目10 “I Have a Dream” is a famous speech made by President Lincoln during the American Civil War. 选择一项:对错题目11 Usually ______ works by starting a story at a point in the recent past, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past. 选择一项: A. coda B. climax C. flashback D. point of view 题目12 ________ occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical or phonological pattern in close proximity. 选择一项: A. parallelism B. pun C. alliteration D. climax 题目13 ______ can be established by describing the place where the action takes place, or the situation at the start of the story. 选择一项: A. Setting B. Climax C. Coda D. Point of view 题目14 _____ is written to commemorate someone who has died. 选择一项: A. An elegy B. A limerick C. An epic D. A sonnet 题目15 A writer can show character by giving a physical description, through _________ and through deeds. 选择一项: A. setting B. climax C. point of view D. dialogue 题目16 _____ is an example of simile. 选择一项: A. “ Her tongue is a sharp knife.” B. “ Her eyes twink led like stars.“ C. “ The windows waves violently in thewind.” D. “ She has a heart of stone.“ 题目17 _____ is an example of parallelism. 选择一项: A. “The street shone out, like a fire in the forest.” B. “All the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players.” C. “Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.” D. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth” 题目18 _______ contains an example of alliteration. 选择一项: A. “Soon, night will st eal hours from the day.” B. “ Her tongue is like a sharp knife.” C. “He was secret, self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.” D. “Her eyes twinkled like stars.“ 题目19 _____ contains examples of metaphor. 选择一项: A. “ United we stand, divided we fall.” B. “The street shone out, like a fire in the forest.” C. “The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. D. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” 题目20 _____ is an example of personification. 选择一项: A. “Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.” B. “The years have silvered her hair.” C. “Life is a journey. Travel it well.” D. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women are merely players.” Text 1 Elizabeth: I think you must go to Salem, John. (He turns to her.) I think so. You must tell them it is a fraud. Proctor(thinking beyond this): Aye, it is, it is surely. Elizabeth: Let you go to Ezekiel Cheever -- he knows you well. And tell him what she said to you last week in her uncle’s house. She said it had naught to do with witchcraft, did she not? Proctor (in thought): Aye, she did, she did. (Now a pause.) Elizabeth (quietly, fearing to anger him by proddin.):God forbid you keep that from the court, John. I think they must be told. Proctor (quietly, struggling with his thoughts.) Aye, they must, they must. It is a wonder they do believe her. Elizabeth: I would go to Salem now, John -- let you go tonight. Proctor: I’ll think on it. Elizabeth (with her courage now.): You cannot keep it, John. Proctor (angering.): I know I cannot keep it. I say I will think on it! Elizabeth (hurt, and very coldly.): Good, then let you think on it. (She stands and starts to walk out of the room.) Proctor: I am only wondering how I may prove what she told me. If the girl’s a saint now, I think it not easy to prove she’s a fraud, and the town gone so silly. She told it to me in a room alone -- I have no proof of it. Elizabeth: You were alone with her? Proctor (stubbornly): For a moment alone, aye. Elizabeth: Why, then, it is not as you told me. Proctor (his anger rising): For a moment, I say. The others come in soon after. Elizabeth (quietly -- she has suddenly lost all faith in him): Do as youwish, then. (she starts to turn). Proctor: Woman. (She turns to him.) I’ll not have your suspicion any more. Elizabeth (a little loftily): I have no -- Proctor: I’ll not have it! Elizabeth: Then let you not earn it. Proctor (with a violent undertone): You doubt me yet? Elizabeth (with a smile, to keep her dignity): John, if it were not Abigail that you must go to hurt, would you falter now? I think not. Proctor: Now look you -- Elizabeth: I see what I see, John. Proctor (with solemn warning): You will not judge me more, Elizabeth. I have good reason to think before I charge fraud on Abigail, and I will think on it. Let you look to your own improvement before you go to judge your husband any more. I have forgot Abigail, and -- Elizabeth: And I. Proctor: Spare me! You forget nothin’and forgive nothin’. Learn charity, woman. I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart. I cannot speak but I am doubted, every moment judged for lies, as though I come into a court when I come into this house! Elizabeth: John, you are not open with me. You saw her with a crowd, you said. Now you -- Proctor: I’ll plead my honesty no more, Elizabeth. Elizabeth (now she would justify herself) : John, Iam only -- Proctor: No more! I should have roared you down when first you told me your suspicion. But I wilted, and, like a Christian, I confessed. Confessed! Some dream I had must have mistaken you for God that day. But you’re not, you’re not and let you remember it! Let you look sometimes for the goodness in me, and judge me not. Elizabeth: I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. I never thought you but a good man, John -- (with a smile ) -- only somewhat bewildered. Proctor (laughing bitterly): Oh, Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer! 题目21 In this text, the relationship between the man and the woman is that of _________. 选择一项: A. lawyer and client B. husband and wife C. teacher and student 题目22 Proctor is not ready to ______. 选择一项: A. testify against Abigail. B. help his neighbors C. testify against Elizabeth 题目23 What does Proctor's line “ Elizabeth, your justice would freeze beer.” reveal about his true feelings? 选择一项: A. Proctor is confused by what Elizabeth says B. Protor is jealous of Elizabeth because her friendship with lawyers. C. Proctor is upset and irritated by Elizabeth’s extreme coldness. 题目24 From the dialogue between Proctor and Elizabeth, we can be sure ________. 选择一项:A. Proctor is secretly and madly in love with another girl. B. there istension between Proctor and Elizabeth. C. Proctor is making up for his past neglect of Elizabeth. 题目25 In the text, Elizabeth is portrayed as _________. 选择一项: A. guilty and depressed B. self-disgusted and terrified C. insistent and suspicious Text 2 Lady Bracknell: (sitting down) You can take a seat, Mr. Worthing. (looks in her pocket for notebook and pencil.) Jack Worthing: Thank you, Lady Bracknell, I prefer standing. Lady Bracknell (pencil and notebook in hand): I feel bound to tell you that you are not down on my list of eligible young men, although I have the same list as the dear Duchess of Bolton has. We work together, in fact. However, I am quite ready to enter your name, should your manners be what a really affectionate mother requires. Do you smoke? Jack Worthing: Well, yes, I must admit I smoke. Lady Bracknell: I am glad to hear it.A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is. How old are you? Jack Worthing: Twenty-nine. Lady Bracknell: A very good age to be married at. I have always been of opinion that a man who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing. Which do you know? Jack Worthing (after some hesitation): I know nothing, Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell: I am pleased to hear it. I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignoranceis like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square. What is your income? Jack Worthing: Between seven and eight thousand a year. Lady Bracknell (makes a note in her book): In land, or in investments? Jack Worthing: In investments, chiefly. Lady Bracknell: That is satisfactory. What between the duties expected of one during one’s lifetime, and the duties exacted from one after one’s death, land has ceased to be either a profit or a pleasure. It gives one position, and prevents one from keeping it up. That’s all that can be said about land. Jack Worthing: I have a country house with some land, of course, attached to it, about fifteen hundred acres, I believe; but I don’t depend on that for my real income. In fact, as far as I can make out, the poachers are the only people who make anything out of it. Lady Bracknell: A country house! How many bedrooms? Well, that point can be cleared up afterwards. You have a town house, I hope?A girl with a simple, unspoiled nature, like Gwendolen, could hardly be expected to reside in the country. 题目26 The relationship between Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen is that of ______. 选择一项:A. estate owner and tenantB. employer and employeeC. mother and daughter 题目27 In this extract, Lady Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on his suitability as a possible ________. 选择一项: A. live-in domestic helper B. investment adviser C. husband for Gwendolen 题目28 Why does Lady Bracknell prefer investments to owning land? 选择一项: A. She believes it is a safer source of income than investment. B. She expects owning land can give her daughter a higher social position. C. She believes Land involves too many expenses during life, and is then taxed heavily after one’s death. 题目29 Which of the following statement is true, according to the text? 选择一项: A. Lady Bracknell prefers her daughter to marry a well-educated man, rather than a well-connected men with plenty of money. B. Few of Lady Bracknell’s questions focus on Jack Worthing’s income, property and family connections. C. Lady Bracknell uses highly exaggerated language and shifts from one topic to another abruptly. 题目30 Lady Bracknell is portrayed as ______. 选择一项: A. dedicated follower of fashion B. a snobbish woman C. a shrewd human resource manager。



国家开放大学电大本科《文学英语赏析》2028-2029期末试题及答案(试卷号:1062) Purt I Literary Fundamentals [30 pointe]Section L Match the woriis with their writera (10 points)eWorks1. Of Studifi2. The Rime of thf Ancient Mariner3. The 5/range Cast of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hydf4. J ant Eg5. I ni pec tor CalliWritersA. Charlotte BronteB. JB PriestleyC. Walt WhitmanD. Francis BaconE> Ernest HemingwuyF. Robert I X)UIB StevcnnonG. Thomas HardyH. Saniuei Taylor Coleridu^Section 2. Decide whether the following BlntcmrnU arc True (T) or False (F) (10 polrilt).6. The novel A Christmas Carol chart* the growing up of the chnrnctcr Pip.7. Emily Dickinson is ・ well-known American poet*8. Hamht in one of Shnkespeare1B welbknown trnge(iiea« the other three bcinR Macl^lh • Othello and King Lear.9. The Old Man and th. S^a cxponea the corruption, cruelty and greed of the colonial system in Africa>10. In the poem "Futility”, the speaker expressed hit dintresA at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the mcaninR of marriBgc<Section 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences (10 polnl>)«11. _______ in written to commemorate gomeone who has died.A. A limerick B- A sonnetG An epitaph IX An elegy12. The ________ refers to a type of _________ which exaggerates one or more aspects ofhurnun ruxure and preaentn them in A non-rrMlistic way.A Thentrc of the Absurd, play K my»tery> playC Bonncte poem D. myth, novel13. Whm figures of upccch lire used in the followinK iinea?"Now i» rhe time to make real the promines of democracy^ Now is the time to rine from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of raciAl justice. Now in the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.”A. Irony• nirnileB. ParAlleli«ni« metaphorC Simile# pun D. Personification t pun14. All the following were Awarded the Nobel Prize (or Literature except _________________ •A. Harold PinterB. William GoldingC. Sherwood AnderaonD. Ernest Hemingway15> I have a dream that one day this nation will ri»e up and live out the true mooning of iu erredi "We hold thciie truth to be nclf^cvidcnt> that all men are created cquaL " This in n quote from n farnouH speech by •A. Hawaharloi NehruB. Martin Luther KingC Abraham Lincoln D. Thoma* JeffersonP«rt 0 Reading Comprehension [50 points]Read the texts 1—3 and choose the best annwer to each question.Text )Proctort I am only wondering how I may prove what nhe told me> U the girl1* ■ Mint now t I think it not easy to prove ahe9B a fraud* and the town Rone no ,il}y. She told it to me in ・ room alone I have noproof of it*EhxAbethi You were alone with her?Proctor Stubbornly) i For a moment alonet aye.Elisabeth: Why. then t it is not as you told me.Proctor (hn angrr ruing) (For n morncnt • 1 say. The others comr in soon after.Elizabeth (quietly —she has tuddenly loit all faith tn him ) t Do a、you wi』h・ then, (i/ir xtarli to turn). Proctor: Womm (SAe turns to him. ) Til not have your suspicion ony more.Elisabeth (a little loftily) i I have no —Proctori I'll not h«ve it!Elunbeth: Then let you not earn it.Proctor {with a violent undertone) i You doubt me yet?Elizabeth {with a smile, to keep her dignity): John, if it were not Abigail that youmust go to hurt• would you filter now? 1 think not.Proctorj Now look you 一Elizabethi I see what I see, John.Proctor {with solemn warning) > You will not judge me morc« Elizabeth. I have good rranon to think before I charge fraud on Abigail# und I will think on it. Let you look to your own improvement before you RO tojudfte your buMbnnd any more. 1 have forgot Abigail, and —Elizabethi And LProctor:Spare me! You forget nothin f and forgive nothin \ Learn charily, woman. 1 have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I have not moved from there to there without 1 think to plrAncyou t and ^till nn everlnsting (unernl marches round your heart. ! cannot upeak but I urn doubted> r.vcrymoment judged for hes# as though 1 come into o court when 1 come into this house!Elizabeth John, you are not open with me. You MAW her with A crowd# you mid. Now you —Proctort Pl! plead my honesty no more* Eliawibcth.Elixabeth (now sAr would justify herself John. I am only —Proctori No more! 1 uhould hnve nwirrtl you down when GrM you told me your miMpinon. But I willed . nruL like n ChriMiant I conferscd> ConfcRiuxi! Surur dre^rn I Imd muM hove rnuitakcti you for (HX< thntd". But y(iu f rc IUH> you1 re not »n<i let you remember it! Ixt yew look wmctirnej (or the goocirwNnin nw・ and judge n><- run.Elixahcthi I(io not J UC I KC you. The inAgiMnttc 前抽in your IkMrt that yg J never ihonght you but a gtxxl trviru John—(uil/i a imi/r ) -only x)nirwlmt bcwildrreiLProctor (laughing bitterly) t Oh# Elizabeth • your junher would freexc beer!QuenUons 16—19 (12 poinh)16. From the extrnct• it in clrnr th«t•A. the man and the warnon have lost their jobs due to « InwBuitH・ there in a grcj)i tension between the mnn nnd the- wornnnC< Proctor ha« lout his I AWSUH agninnt Abigail17, The rclftuonship between the mnn nnd the wornnn 浦thnt of ______________ •A. huiibnnd nnd wifeB. lawyer and clientC・ brother nnd »i9ter18. Which of the following in trur uccording Io the extrnct?A. Proctor hesnnten AR to whether he should trntify MK«inst Ab,HiL11 Elizabeth doesn't want Proctor to chnrKr (niud on Abigiiil. >(\ Abigail doesn't wnnt to nccunr Elitubrth of wiichcralti19> Eltmbrth portrayed an ____________ •A. guilty nnd depressed & scl^dingustcd and rerrifiedC. insistent nnd »Ufipiciau5Text 2Ralph looked at him (the officer) dumbly. For A moment hr had a fleeting picture of the sirnnfte glomour thnr had once invEed the bunches. Hut the inlnnd wn> scorched up like dead wood—Simon WAM dc/id—nnd Jack hud•••• The tears began to flow and »obs shixik him. He gave himself up to them now fur the first time on the inlandi grc/it • shuddering,呻心of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rone under the blnck smoke before the burning wreckage of the ialandi and infected by that emotion# the other little boys began lo a hake and sob too. And in the middle of thorn, with filthy body, matted hiiir. and unwiprd noAOe Ralph wept for the end of innocence• the darkneM of man f a heart* and the (nil through the air of the (ruc t wise friend called Pig^y.The officeri nurroundcd by thene noise・WAH moved nnd A little embarraated. He turned *w«y to >(ive them time to (Question 22 ) pull thctnxelvcs together; and waitedt allowing his eyes to refit on the trim cruiser in the dintance.Questions 20—22 (9 points)20. From which novel it the extract taken?A. Lord of the F7如.B. A Chriilmai Carol.C Grtal Expectations.21. Which o( the following niatements aummanics the scene described in the extract?A. Rnlph broke down. He and the boys wept and cried together AT the sight o( the officer*H. Rnlph gave up fightings He ond the boyt cried at the new-found pcace<C. Rfllph gave up negotiating with the boy# on what to do. He cried in protest,22. The phrase "to I pull themiielvcs together'1 (pnrAgraph 2) could be explained byA. to M atAnd doser to each other for warmth^H to*regain their cidmnmn"G fo^stand up and ahoiit together**Text 3I think I could turn and live with Antmaltt they arc to placid nnd M:1>coruiiin'd.I stand And look «t (hem long and long*H>ey do IM H ・nd whine ・1>0眼their condition ?They do not He Mwnkc In the dnrk nnd weep for their ・lnn.!hcy do not make me tick discussing their duty to God.Not one is dissatisfied9not one is demented with the mania of owning things•Not one kneels to another• nor to his kind that lived thousands o f yearn ago#Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.So they nhow their rclntions to me nnd I accept them.They bring me tokens o( mymM. they evince them plainly in their posBesnion.Picking out here one that ! lovet and now go with him on brotherly terms.A gigiintic beauty of ・stallion• frenh and responsive to my careasca9Head high in the forehead> wide between the ears*LimbR Klonay nnd nupplct tail duiting the ground.Eyen full of sparkling wickedneaai ears finely cut. flexibly moving.H IB noatrila dilate as my heels embrace him >His wclbbuilt limbs tremble with plensure as we race Around nnd return.I but use you ・ minute, then I resign you. utallion.Why do I need your paces when I myself ourxatlop them?Even as I stund or sit passing faster than you.(Song of Myjr//)Qucstionv 23—25 (9 points)23. The poem can be categorized as __________ .A. a sonnet EL a free verseC ■ ballad24. Which of the following can be mid of the underlined lines in Btanxa 1?A. The parallel lines rcinforcea the differences between animah and humans.B. The parallel line* reinforces the similnritie!i between inimnlM and humAns.C. The parallel lines stresses the writer1 a respect for the innocence of mankind.25. Which of the following is the messnge Whitman in conveyiriR?A. People should love animal* and respect nAture<B・ People should love themnelves for what they arc and be themselves.C・ People should despise riches and give their wealth away TO tho»e in need.Text 4Raid (he text nnd give brief answers to the qurMlon* 26—29 that follow.Please note: Hih rending la%k will he relevant to the writinR I ask in Part ||| eKvcllncShr M H nt lhe window wntching the evening tnvAdr the nvenue t Iler head wan Irnncd AKninNt thr windowcurtAiiis and in her nuntrih wna the odour ol diiMty cretonne. Shr wn,tired.Few people pnMtcda The mfln out of thr Inwt hounr pAAArd on hM way hornci nhc heard hz (outMtrps clnckinn nlunx the concrclr pavement md aftcrwurdn crunching on the cinder pnth before the new red Onr time there uncd to be it field there in which they used toplay every evening with other proplr f• children^ Then a mon from bought the field nnd built h“uiu* in it not like their little brown hounrs but bright brick houseA with Hhining roof a. The children of the avenue used io play together in that field - the Devines > the Wnterst the I)unri5« little Keogh the cripple< »hc and her brothers and nistcrs< Ernest• however, never plnycdi he wn-i too grown up. Her fnthcr tixcd altrn to hunt them in out of the (icklwith hm blackthorn Nticki but ununlly little Keogh iiMcd to keep nrx and cull ou! when hr SHW her frtthrr rcHning t Still they Neernrd to hnve been rnther happy then. Her lather wan not z bad thcni and bcRtdc»f her mother wn# alive That wtrn a long time agoi »he nnd her brothers and nistcrM were nil grown upi hrr moi her was dend. T IXJJIC Dunn WHM dead. tao. And the Wntern had gone bark to Enxlimd. Everything chntixm Now nhe waj» going to f;o nwHy like the othernt to leave her home,llornr! Shr locikc<l round the room t reviewinx nil its familiar objects which she hod dunted once » week fur AO runny yenr»t wondering where on earth all the dunt came from. Prrhupn shr would never Mtr ngam tho^c Girmhnr ubjeett* from which the had never dreamed of being divtdccL And yet during nil thoHe yenrn nhr hnd never found out the name of the priest whonc ycllowinK phutomph hung on the wall above the broken harmonium beside the coloured print pf the promiacn made to Blended Mnrgnrct Mnry Ahcoquct He hud been a school friend of her hither. Whenever he showed thr photograph to n visitor her fnthrr URed to panii it with H camial wordi — He IM in Melbourne now.She hnd consented to go away. to leave her home. Wm (hal wiz? She tried to weigh each aide of fhr qucMtion* In her home itnywny *he had ahrltcr wnd (CKM I I shr h«d 1 ho^r whom the had known all her life about hen Of course nhe had to work hurdt both in the houae nnd at buaineM* What would they nuy of her in the Store* when they found out that »hr hnd run away with n (rllow? Say »hc wan 8 FoaL prrhnpBii nnd her place would be filial up by advertisements Mini G M van would be glad. She hud always had on edge on hrr> c»prcia||y whenever there were people listening.—H I IL don11 you »re thrMt ladies Arc wniting?—Look lively> Miss Hill# pleoe.Shr would not cry many “w nt kaving the Stores.Hut in hrr new horne t in A di^tunt unknown country t it would not be like thnt. Thni .hr would be married she. Eveline. People would I rent het with rciprct then. She would not be treated its her mother hud been. Even now. though she wa« over nineteen t !»he sometimes felt herself in danger of her father *s violence. She knew it was that that had given her the palpitations. When they were growing up he had never gone for her. like he used to go for Harry and Ernest • because sihe was a girh but latterly he had begun to threaten her and sny whnt he would do to her only for her dead mother' s 5«ke> And now she had nobody to protect her. Ernest was dead and Harry• who wa» in the church decorating business> wag nearly always down somewhere in the country. Besides• the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her urspeokably. She always gave her entire wnges seven ahillinga—and Harry nlwayn sent up what he could but the trouble was to get any money from her father. He said she used to squander the monry• that she hod no hold, ihn! he wnsn11 going to give her hia hard-earned money to throw about thr "rem. and much mare, (or he was UAunlly fairly bad on Saturday night. In the end hr would give her the money and mk her had she any intention of buying Sunday dinner. Then she had to rush out os quickly AM she could and do her marketing, holding her block leather purse tightly in her hand as she elbowed her way through the crowd!* and returning home Into under her load oi provisions. She had hard work to keep the house together and to see that the two youngchildren who had been left to her charge went to school regularly and got their meals regularly. It was hard work—a hard life—but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life*She was about to explore another life with Frank. Frank was very kind, manly> open- hearted. She was to go away with him by the night-boat to be his wife and to live with him in Buenos Ayres where he had B home waiting for hen How well she remembered the first time she had seen him: he was lodging in a house on the main road where she used to visit. It seemed n few weeks ago. Hr was standing at the gate t his peaked cap pushed back on his head and his hair tumbled forward over a face of bronze. Then they had come to know each other. He used to meet her outside the Stores every evening and sec her home. He took her to see The Bohemian Girl and she felt elated as she sat in an unaccustomed part of rhe theatre with h>nu He was awfully fond of music and sang a little. People knew that they were courting and> when he »ang about the lass that loves a sailor> she always felt pleasantly confused. He used to call her Poppens out of fun> First of all it had been an excitement for her to have A fellow and then she had begun to like him. He had tAles of distant countries. He had started as n deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line going out to Canada^ He told her rhe names of the ships he had been on and the names of the different services^ He had sailed through the Straits of Magellan and he told her stories of the terrible Patagonians. He hnd fallen on his feel in Buenos Ayres• he said, and had come over to the old country just for a holiday. Of coursc< her father had found out the affair and had i»live< they had all gone for n picnic to the Hill of Howth. She remembered her father putting on her mothers bonnet to make the children Iru堆h.Her time wan running out but whe continued to «it by the window. IcnninR her htnd ngftinMt the window curfnine inhnhng the odour of dusty cretonne Down far in the uvenue she could hear A street orgwn pinyin^.She knew the am StrnnKr thnt it uhould come that very ni«hf to remind her of the promise <o her mother, her promise to keep chr home together ・・ I OHR BN nhc could. She remembered the I AB I niKht of her mother illncssi she WAB ngain in the close dark room at the other Hide of the hull nnd outiiidc nhc heard ■ mclnncholy nir of Italy. The orgNfrpUycr hud been orderrd to go away and given nixpcncc^ She remembered her father strutting back into the sickroom iwiyin们—Dttmnrd Italians! coming aver here]Aa >he muRed the pitiful vision of her mother9a life laid its upell on the very quick o( her bring*-tha! life of commonplace Mcriftcc^ closiritf in finnl craxincBAe She trembled as »hc heard ngm her mother',voice aayinK conatanlly with fooltiih insintencei—Dcrevaun SerMun! Derevaun SeraunlShe ・tood up in a sudden impulse of terror Escape! She must escape! Prank would save hen lie would give her HGs perhapti love t too. But nhe wanted to live. Why should she he unhnppy? She had a right to hnppine ・A Frank would tnkc her in his arrnHe (old her in his armn> He would »avc her.Shr atood among the nwaying crowd in the utation At the North WnlL He held her hand »nd she knew that hr wan speakin« to her. Myinx sonicihing about lhe pmm好over and over agnin. The utation wan (nil of noldicrawith brown buxgAge乳Through the wide doora of the nheds ahe caught A iflimpse of the black ol the honf. lying in bcsiide the quay walk with illumined portholen. She nnnwered nothings She (ch her cheek pale and cold tind・ out of a mnxe of diatressf «hc prayed tu God to direct h<?r・ to «how her whnt WAS her duty. The boat blew ii long mournful whintle into the miste If the went• tomorrow the would be on thr KCA with Frnnke steaminK towards Bueno* Ayren. Their hod been booked. Could shestill draw back after all he had done for her? Her distrenA awoke a nnunca in her body nnd whe kept moving her lips in nilcnt fervent prayerA bell clanged upon her henri. She felt him Jieixe her hiindi-^CornelAH the ACAA o( the world tumbl ed About her henr!. He w” drawing her into themi he would drown her. She gripped with both hand* at thr im” rnilnig.—Ccmc|No! No! No! It w心 impoMible. Her hnnd* clutched the iron in frenxy. Amid the ucan nhc went n cry ul unKuiMh.Eveline I Evvy!Ha runhcd beyond the bnrrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted Al to go on but he still cflllcd to hcr> She act her white (nee to him ・ pgNVE like A hrlpIcM wnirniiL Her eyc!« gnvc htrn no ngn of love or furcwcll or recognition^Quesliofi* 26—29 (20 points)26. What »rc Eveline 91 reawntf for wonting (o leiive? Give «t Icost two rensoriM in yournnNWE27. Why in your opinion • does Eveline noi join Frunk?28. Which (he feature o( time ntructure of thi> story? The action proccrtlf* ns in renl time or »Urtn A point in the recent puss or fhifta hnck and forth between different time tones?29. How docn the time structure of the story help reflect the feeliriK^ of Eveline?Part IQ Writing [20 Poiou]30. SuppiMC you nrc n friend of Evelines. Write her n letter (about 150 wonk) In which you urge her to leave —or to my.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Part I Literary Fundamentals [30 points]Section L Match (he writers with their works (2 points each)1. D2. H3. F4. A5.Section 2. Decide whether the followltiR stutcmcnU arc True (T ) or False (F) (2 points each)6. F7.T8. T9. F 10. FSection 3. Choo»e the correct answer to complete the following lentcncci (2 points each)11- D 12e A 13. B 14. C 15. BPart I] Reading Comprehension [50 points]TexU 1—3 (30pointa v 3poinU meh)16. B17. A 18. A 19. C 21. A22, B 23. B. 24. A Text 4 (20 points)• 5 points each for qucstlono 26—29.• Ideas most be correct. Wording can be dilTercnU Points should be given when Ideas are dmilar or standto reason.• Every 5 mistakes in grammar 9 spelling or of any other kind will lc«d to the reduction of one point.26. Award 5 points for ANY TWO of (he following :a. She had to do endless housework.b. She Buffered from her father^ violent behaviourc> She had to try and mnke do with the little money she could get to look after her family. 20. A 25. Bd. She was attracted to Frank9A promiBe of A re A I home In Buenos Ayres.27. ANY I'WO points similar to the following:n. Her father uncd to be kind to henb. Her promise to her mother io keep the fnmily together.c. The uncertain happiness /life in o strange country with her lover.d. Her wcAkncss.28. The feature of time utructurc in io nhtft back And forth from p顽to present nnd even into the future^29. The author UKCH thi» moving point technique in Eve/inr • where we mavr with Eveline R j» thoughts from the moment in the prcucnt when the in looking at the street • then bnck nnd forth—from her thouRhtR about her childhood> ctc< to her thoughts iibout her possible future with Frank* This rcntlcsA to-ond-fro movement ihrounh time rrflcctN the diBtrcns nnd uncertainty uhr (cch nlx)ut whether or noi io leave her fnthcr and Irave with Frank.Pari IB Writini [20 PoInU]30.可作评分参考杯魔作文摘分为20分,分为内机摘分为8分)•讷再(满分为10分)和普甲滴分为2分〉三怫分,三部分分值相加即为作文的急分.各部分参考评分4(目fin下,。



最新国家开放大学电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务2-3试题及答案形考任务2 (在线实时小组讨论)本次形成性考核的任务为在线小组实时专题讨论,讨论围绕2篇短篇小说(一篇课外,一篇课内)进行,讨论后以小组为单位提交报告。


略: 形考任务3 (在线自测)题目1Match the works with their writers.1) The Pearl John Steinbeck2) A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens3) Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte4) Lord of the Flies William Golding5) Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad2. Choose the correct answer.题目2Heart of Darkness opens in what physical setting?选择一项:A. A boat on the Congo river.B. A boat on the Thames River.C. The company" s offices in Brussels.D. The Outer Station.题目3What is the proper word that can be used to describe Scrooge at the beginning of A Christmas Carol?选择一项:A. Cool-headed.B. Warm-hearted.C.Miserly.D. Brave题目4is the evil character in the novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.选择一项:A.Dr JekyllB.Mr HydeC.Mr UttersonD.Frankenstein题目5In Lord of the Flies, a group of boys survive during a nuclear war. 选择一项:A.shipwreckB. a stormC.an air-crashD.an earthquake题目6is a novel about the strength, endurance and cunning intelligence of one man pitted against the forces of nature.选择一项:A.The PearlB.Lord of the FliesC.Heart of DarknessD.Old Man and SeaText 1External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. Foul weather didn' t know where to have him. The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. They often 'came down" handsomely, and Scrooge never did.Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say, with gladsome looks, 'My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me?' No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what it was o' clock, no man or woman ever once in all his life inquired the way to such and such a place, of Scrooge. Even the blind men" s dogs appeared to know him; and when they saw him coming on, would tug their owners into doorways and up courts;and then would wag their tails as though they said, 'No eye at all is better than an evil eye, dark master.'题目7From which novel is the text taken?选择一项:A.Heart of DarknessB. A Christmas CarolC.Lord of the Flies题目8Which of the following summarizes the method of characterisation?选择一项:A.Through the protagonist" s thoughts.B.Through the words of the others.C.Through the narrators exposition.题目9Scrooge is portrayed as in Paragraph 1.选择一项:A.rude but generousB. a cold miserC.warm-hearted and optimiStic题目ioThe underlined sentence in paragraph 2 can be paragraphed as .选择一项:A.No beggars would ask him for even a tiny little moneyB.No beggars would leave him aloneC.No beggars would seek his company题目11Which of the following statements best summarizes the text?选择一项:A.The text creates a positive impression of Scrooge.B.The text describes the physical features of Scrooge.C.The text conveys the anti-social character of Scrooge.Text 2The dealers did not glance at one another nor at the pearl. The man behind the desk said, “ I have put a value on this pearl. The owner here does not think it fair. I will ask you to examine this - this thing and make an offer. Notice, ” he said to Kino, “I have not mentioned what I have offered. ”The first dealer, dry and stringy, seemed now to see the pearl for the first time. He took it up, rolled it quickly between thumb and forefinger, and then cast it contemptuously back into the tray.“Do not include me in this discussion, ” he said dryly. "I will make no offer at all.I do not want it. This is not a pearl - it is a monstrosity. ” His thin lips curled.Now the second dealer, a little man with a shy soft voice, took up the pearl, and he examined it carefully. He took a glass from his pocket and inspected it under magnification. Then he laughed softly.“Better pearls are made of paste, " he said. "I know these things. This is soft and chalky, it will lose its color and die in a few months. Look - ” He o ffered the glass to Kino, showed him how to use it, and Kino, who had never seen a pearl' s surface magnified, was shocked at the strange-looking surface.The third dealer took the pearl from Kino" s hands. "One of my clients likes such things, ” he said. "I will offer five hundred pesos, and perhaps I can sell it to my client for six hundred. ”Kino reached quickly and snatched the pearl from his hand. He wrapped it in the deerskin and thrust it inside his shirt.The man behind the desk said, "T m a fool, I know, but my first offer stands. I still offer a thousand. What are you doing?v he asked, as Kino thrust the pearl out of sight.“I am cheated, ” Kino cried fiercely. "My pearl is not for sale here. I will go, perhaps even to the capital. ”Now the dealers glanced quickly at one another. They knew they had played too hard; they knew they would be disciplined for their failure, and the man at the desk said quickly, ‘I might go to fifteen hundred.'But Kino was pushing his way through the crowd. The hum of talk came to him dimly, his rageblood pounded in his ears, and he burst through and strode away. Juana followed, trotting after him.题目12The text is taken from •选择一项:A.Heart of DarknessB.The PearlC.Lord of the Flies题目13It is obvious that the three dealers .选择一项:A.conspired together to cheat Kino.B.were not interested in Kino' s pearl.C.didn' t know much about the shapes and sizes of pearls.题目14Which of the following is true of the third dealers?选择一项:A.He wanted to pay Kino only after his clients had paid himB.He just went through the prearranged plot with other buyers.C.He was not interested in Kino' s pearl.题目15In context, the word "played” is closest in meaning to . 选择一项:A.behaved playfullyB.conspired together to cheatC.bargain playfully题目16The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that .选择一项:A.the dealers and the crowd became angry and they pushed Kino out of the shopB.Kino' s wife had a violent temper and tended to get angry easilyC.Kino was angry beyond words and was becoming violent in his anger。

电大 《英语阅读 》国家开放大学历届试题 月 含答案

电大 《英语阅读 》国家开放大学历届试题 月 含答案




国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2155)2022盗传必究Purl IQuctlkm^i I ID urr bnnrd on Paumgc I. (30 polnHi 3 points rsich> Pattagc I78 New RoodCanford27,K OctoberDear Helrnt1. You'll br pleaded ta hrnt I'm «i1 home mid I CC I HIH much belter 1 »nll Irrl rather waik and tired hut I'm 小Kind to be home. D®<! hon looked After rverylhing really well “ the flat wan fill spick und span whenI citmr bmk.2. Someone fr<im the office enmr ta nee me in howpttnL She told tne nof to KO H«CM*<> work until I (rrl up to it They^vr 睥t A•temp1 in to do my typing.3. It really nicr tu x" your IrttwrR. Thnnk you (or the curd you went mj too.Your fiithcr and I are ptc/iHcd you1 re ncttlmH down nt Univermfy find thm you* vrgot»omr nice friendsEnjoy younirU but work hnrd too.I43VCMinnQtic«tl(mi 1 —10 iRead PuftMittr I and then find u word/ phrase which rncunn the “me g each of the followInit The paragrnph In which I he wi>rd/phmtr appear* h indkiilcd In the bruckrU< Write your .n・wE(»n the answrr wheel.1. take care of(pirngraph 1)2« clcnn and tidy __ paragraph 1)3. be well enou|(h to (doing things) _ . _________________ (pamgraph 2 >4t A perRnn rmployed lor whurt period* of time ____ (pafftgraph 2)5t start living A normal life _______________ (p«ngr«ph 3)Kcud PttMURc I nRuin and then decide whether the rollowlnn «tatcmrnt» ure true or Mw.6. Thia IrUrr wnw wntten by Hrlrti1 * lullwr.1. HrlenS parents live in Canfordt8. Helenmother h Mtill very ill.9. Ilrlrn v ii mother ductn1! need to go bock fa work irnrurdmtrlyeIO t Hrirn e» finrrnifi are very P I CMNIM I to know thnt Hrlrn i» coming homePart IIHmd (he fullowinj: two pazgc carefully and thrn cboose the he*t answer to questions【1—20 accordIn >! to your understand inc of the Write your answers on Iht answer sheet. (30 points. 3 points each)IFa好2CHENGDU Chine” scicntints have drveloprd d computer tohwurr <iy»trm which CAR AUtomalically trnn?ilate Inrcrnet hlt-R into the Chinese Inn^iugn1 he jioftwnrr hm thv copacity to tranMlHic 150<000 Chinese characters p«r hour* with 8Q percent of fhr totnl convent cuNily underNUndahlc ufter the translntion proccD«e1 he rnojor problem hintknnH the development of the Internet in Chm<i is the langunKc Iwirrirr. Many ( hmrne users feel thnt their E BR I IM H\» inndEquate for oprrntmg the Intcrnrt t which In prrdnminnntly in Engl^h.Development of translattnn nohwnrr in purl of a high tech program introduced by the State Science /ind technology Cumminaton in the mid-l980»<I hr wftwnrc# jointly developed by a research inwtitute and 4 university in SuuthwrMt China \ Sichunn I^oviftcci runn in the WtndowM environ merit. Uwer* can ime A motinv to uchievc irwtnnt trAntloiionikt while mainuirnnK thr ortgiriAl format of doctirncrit^ or pictures.1 L The M monily uikcn from •A. R nrwjipjiper A ■ miigaxine「• A novel12. Which □( thr following phrnMes cftn he nurd to replace the word M hmder H in the?»eti tenet "The major problrm h indm ng thr dcvrlopmeni of the Internet in chitu in the IwnHunRe burner,”A. holding on H. holding toC< holding buck13. It can be infmni from thr fin usage Thai Inirmrt in mninly operated thmuKh 一.A* Chinrwe B, EnglishC. (termanH< Which of the following Mutrmrntfi is NOT true Nbouf iranshtton software?A. It IA pnrt ol a high tech pEHrAmmcB. h is developed by a reRcnrch inhtitute und a univerntty in BeljinK<「• It runn m the Windows environment15. Thr l mouMr t in the hit pcirugr«ph rrlcr« E •A. thr 侦mid of which thr CAI the HAtural rnrmyIk . kind of tnounc like toy for children(\ ihe device connected TO A enmpufer io control thr curjuirmovementPiigigr 3Change* In MvdlhmxiAllTHOKH A I IVE SC HOLARS place Chmo、wemi drvcloprnenf at the * lower rnnlium level9 compared to the rr?*t of the world, Chinn hn« gone through nrverni twi»ls and furns Aincc 1949. and many people1* livru h«Ve ehnnged lor better or wor«c N> a rrMult. However• today a gcncrfll imptovrmrni i» cvidrnu Siner 1978 in pnrticuUre muny people*n H(r-9tyk!i have improved at ・ gremer |wicr than in thr previous 30 yenrt-ChineM;hnvc not only inipravrd an their dirt• clothing• housing And the produce they UAC every dny. but their <h»pohublr income han aho greywn n«wrlL By thr rnd uf June 1995. rural and urban bunk Mavinga urnuuntcd io 3.545.& billion yunruFigDCT% ,how th*t Mince the 1990s fommimicAtionA equipments hou!ie$< npartnicnts iind rars have bugun to replace 「\‘ refregerntotw and wanhinK machines ( which in turn replaced hikes# watchrn And Mewing mnrhinr*i ni the beginning of the IDHOn) the Uruoi individual consumption According lo A cunKervntivc cstiinfttce Chinn han About 100• 000 privAtr car$ today. Seven ficrcrnl i)f urban rrnidetHA havr inMnllcd home phoncs< Thr Chi nr P OM! A nd rck^ommunivnnonw Minintry plnn^ 120 million new phone lintA for the year 20Q0. or H phone for every urbxn houBcliold. Todny (ax titAcltinrA. compuirrs und mubile phones /ire very common and Ucr a booming murket.Qiic%lhm» 16 一?0 nrc hwwd on 3.16. fhr peBangrmeetly uikrti (rom .A. « newNpMpcr I、n mAKAiineC・a novel17. The bcntenvc " China 屁gone through hevrrnl iwim nnd turns since 1949” m«y mean that .A. China his changed for better wince 1919Ik Chinn hm chnngrcl (nr wnr^c *inn 1949「•「hm/i ho* gonr through mnny upji And down®18. Which of the following 冶NOT amofig the lint of things that Chincne luve improved on?A# DieU B9 SchoolingsC. Money (or win%I9« According to the pAAMixr« which of thr following appeared the htest AA the rrnult of rcplflrrnirnf*A. ApArtmrntn.B. Woxhing machinesCt Watcher20. urban rcMdrntM have instfllled homr phonrs.A. 100.000B. 120 millionC. Seven pererni ofPart 111Directions $Head pnssa” 4 und then dreick whether the wtttlcmciiti uftcr It arc 1 Rlifc or Fal»e. On your answer sheet«Indicate T for TRUE or F for FALSE atnimt the number for each of itemw 21 30 for Che nn^went you choouc. (20 points, 2 polnli each)PafiAAge 4How to Unr London Telephone*1 Telephone CA IU in Britain arc in two clunneM:locul calh• nnd Irunk cu lh. Short divunce calls of up to about twenty milrn urr clnsiskcd HS local eallkt nnd all culh over longer distanceM are classed MM trunk tnlls.2 In Ixindoni telephones now hnvc Hll-fi«urr numbrrh which d<> not include nn cxchnnKc namet for cx/itnplr, O71-222-287O. If you ninkr a I OCA I telephone mil in Ixindon to n subscriber in London> you leave out thr 071 nnd dial only the leant ^cven figures of the number of the person whom you arc calling. To make o trunk adl to or from London• you dial all the fiRtirej i of the subscriber's number.3 The nnnie!i« addnnd telephone numbers of subscribers in inner London nre nt present printed in (our dirertorirSe There are sepnrntr chrectorieji for people whoMe name* begin with the letterfi A to D・E to K. L to R and S to Z. When you look up A pemon 1!i number in fhr telephone directory• you will find hin name on the left *idr of the column and hm telrphonc number on the n«ht 前dr.4 All call I HJXC* in London orr on the STI) which hnt now bi cn rxtcndrd toM H p/irtA of BritAin v I he letiers Sil) mnd for Sub^t ribcr Irunk Di filing. An<l on ihtA type of trlrphonr you can diol mnny long-diRiancc number* direct nn well ■,local numbers An STI) trlcphonr 1st ununlly Irec< and the coin*box ha» Mlr>tn for cottih. Io rnnke n CA IL you pick up the receiver mid dinl thr number beforeputting uny money into the coin baWhen fhr person whone number you ire nriKing Answers• there will be n 叩tml rapid tonr called thr pAytanc. Ai won m you henr ihifit you put your manry in rhe box. Thr pnytonc th en ntop^. ■nd you can «tart to *priik. To mnkr n trunk CA II by STD. you dud find the STD code numbrr (or thr town thnt you arc calling And then the number of the nubocrihcr. For rxAmpItt the SI L) cade number (or trunk calln from Landon tn Hrintol i\ 02721 if you telephone ・ perwn living in Bristol whose number i»Bristol 29402()> you would dial 0272 29402。



power and control over the classroom so that students are teaching each other and
themselves—so that students are empowered and creative thinkers.
10 Interviewer, Do you have anything to add to this dHale Waihona Puke scussion, Mr. Hunt?
试卷代号: 2157
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学) 2018 年春季学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语阅读 (3) 试题
2018 年 7 月
一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。
A. useful
B. difficult to get
C. necessary
8. influenced (paragraph 7)
A. affected
B. welcomed
C. rejected
9. unique (paragraph 7)
A. different
B. unusual and special
as local brand names. Her awareness of what makes a beautiful woman has been vastly
expanded. In Tokyo, on the same day, Ma 如 Ko is doing a presentation for her public
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Instructions:· You are required to answer ALL questions of BOTH Paper One Reading and Paper Two Writing.· You should write ALL your answers in clear and coherent English.· You should write ALL your answers in the appropriate spaces provided in the Answer Sheet.PAPER ONE Reading (110 minutes) (70 points)Ⅰ. Text 1 (Questions 1--4 are based on the following text. )( 15 points)Municipal Gum *By Oodgeroo NoonuccalGumtree in the city street,Hard bitumen(沥青) around your feet,Rather you should beIn the cool world of leafy forest hailsAnd wild bird calls.Here you seem to meLike that poor cart horseCastrated, broken, a thing wronged,Strapped and buckled, its hell prolonged,Whose hung head and listless face expressIts hopelessness.Municipal gum, it is dolorous(忧伤的)To see you thusSet in your black grass of bitumenO fellow citizen,What have they done to us?* An Austalian tree that is considered as a national symbol of Australia.* Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a famous aboriginal(土著) Australian writer.Questions on Text 11. The rhyme scheme for the beginning 5 lines of the poem isb . (2 points)2. Identify two examples of figures of speech used in the poem. (6 points)3. Identify two words or phrases in the poem that convey the tone of the poem to the reader.(2 points)4. What meaning do you think the poet is trying to convey to the reader in the last two lines of the poem? (5 points)Ⅱ. Text 2 (Questions 5--12 are based on the following text. ) (25 points)Ⅰ: Oh, please don"t get up, Mr. Crawley. I was just wondering ifyou meant what you said the other day about showing me the runof things.Frank: Of course, I did,Ⅰ: What are you doing now?Frank: Notifying all the tenants that in celebration of Maxim"s return,with his bride, this week"s rent will be free.Ⅰ: Oh, was that Maxim"s idea?Frank: Oh, yes. All the servants get an extra week"s wages, too.Ⅰ: He didn"t tell me. Oh can"t I help you? I could at least lickthe stamps.Frank: That"s terribly nice of you. Won"t you sit down?Ⅰ: Oh yes, thank you. I was down at the cottage on the beach theother day, and there was a man there, a queer sort of person.Jasper kept barking at him.Frank: Oh, yes--must have been Ben, he"s quite harmless. We give himodd jobs now and then.Ⅰ: That cottage place seeing to be going to rack and ruin. Why isn"tsomething done about it?Frank: Oh, I think if Maxim wanted anything done about it, he"d tellme.Ⅰ: Are those all Rebecca"s things down there?Frank: Yes, yes they are.Ⅰ: What did she use the cottage for?Frank: The boat used to be moored near there.Ⅰ: What boat? What happened to it"? Was that the boat she was cryingin when she was drowned?Frank: Yes, it capsized and sank. She was washed overboard.Ⅰ: Wasn"t she afraid to go out like that, alone?Frank: She wasn"t afraid of anything.Ⅰ: Where did they find her?Frank: Near Edgecomber, about forty miles up channel, about two monthsafterwards. Maxim went up to identify her. It was horrible forhim.Ⅰ: Yes, it must have been, Mr. Crawley, please don5 think me morbidlycurious-it isn"t that. It"s just that I feel at such adisadvantage. All the time, whenever meet anyone Maxim"s sister,even the servants, I know they"re all thinking the same tiring.They"re all comparing me with her, Rebecca.Frank: Oh, you mustn"t think that. I can"t tell you bow glad I am thatyou married Maxim. It"s going to make all the difference to hislife. And from my point of view it"s very refreshing to findsomeone like yourself who is not entirely-er-in tune, shall wesay, with Manderley.Questions on Text 25. What literary genre do you think the above piece of writing could come from? Choose the most correct answer from the choices below. (3 points)A. comedyB. romanceC. science-fictionD. drama6. Who do you think the main character of the writing is? (2 points)7. What do you think is the setting for the above conversation? (3 points)8. What (if any) was the relationship between "I" and "Frank"? (2 points)9. What importance/significance could Ben and the cottage have in relation to Rebecca? (3 points)10. What do you think was the purpose of the author in writing the above conversation in the first person point of view "I"? (2 points)11. How could the story develop based on what you have read? (4 points)12. Write a sentence to describe each of the following characters: Rebecca; I; Maxim. (6 points)Ⅱ. Text 3 (Questions 13--20 are based on the following text. ) (30 points)Here is an abridged short story, Indian Camp, written by Ernest Hemingway. Read it and answer Questions 13 20 that follow.Please note: This reading task will be relevant to the writing task in Paper Two.Indian CampBy Ernest HemingwayAt the lake shore there was another rowboat drawn up. The two Indians stood waiting. Nick and his father got in the stern(船尾部) of the boat and the Indians shoved it off and one of them got in to row. Uncle George sat in the stern of the camp rowboat. The young Indian shoved the camp boat off and got in to row Uncle George."Where are we going, Dad?" Nick asked."Over to the Indian camp. There is an Indian lady very sick. ""Oh," said Nick.Across the bay they found another boat beached. Uncle George was smoking a cigar in the dark. The other Indian pulled the boat way up on the beach. Uncle George gave both the Indians cigars.They walked up from the beach through a meadow that was soaking wet with dew andfollowed a logging trail ... They came round a bend and a dog came out barking. Ahead were the lights of the huts of the Indian bark peelers. In the doorway of one of the huts an old woman stood iii the doorway holding a lamp.Inside on a wooden bunk lay a young Indian woman. She had been trying to have her baby for two days. All the old women in the camp had been trying to help her. She screamed just as Nick and the two Indians followed his father and Uncle George into the hut. She lay in the lower bunk, very big under a quilt. Her head was turned Io one side. In the upper bunk was her husband. He had cut his foot very badly with an ax three days before. He was smoking a pipe and the room smelt very had."This lady is going lo have a baby, Nick," he said.(1) "l know", said Nick."You don"t know," said his lather. "Listen to me. What she is through is called being in labor. The baby wants to be born and she wants it to be born. All her muscles are trying to gel the baby born. That is what is happening when she screams.""I see," Nick said.(2) Just then the woman screamed."Oh, Daddy, can"t you give her something to make her stop screaming?" asked Nick. "No. I haven"t any anesthetic," his father said. "But her screams are not important.I don’t hear them because they are not important."The husband in the upper bunk rolled over against the wall.The woman in the kitchen motioned to the doctor that the water was hot. "Those must boil," he said, and began to scrub his hands preparing for the delivery of the baby. When he had made himself ready, he re-entered and went to work."Pull back that quilt, will you George?" be said. "I"d rather not touch it."Later when he started to operate Uncle George and the three Indian men held the woman still. She bit Uncle George on the arm and Uncle George said, "Damn squaw bitch!" and the young Indian who had rowed Uncle George Over laughed at him. Nick held the basin for his lather. It all took a long time.His father picked the baby up and slapped it on the bottom to make it breathe and handed it to the old woman."See, it"s a boy, Nick," he said. "How do you like being a doctor"s assistant?"Nick said, "All right." He was looking away so as not to see what his father was doing. "Now," his father said, "there"s some stitches to put in. You can watch this or not, Nick, just as you like. I"m going to sew up the incision I made. "Nick did not watch. His curiosity had long since gone. His father finished and stood up, looked at the woman who seemed so pale and then said, "I"ll be back in the morning to seehow she is, the nurse from town should be here by then.""That"s one for the medical journal, George," he said. "Doing a caesaerian with a jack knife(折叠刀) and tying it up with three metres of nylon fishing line."Uncle George was standing against the wail, looking at his arm."Oh, you"re a great man, all right." he said."Ought to have a look at the proud father. They’re usually the worst sufferers in these little affairs," the doctor said. "I must say he took it all very quietly."He pulled back the blanket from the Indian"s head. His hand came away wet. He mounted the edge of the lower bunk with the lamp in one hand and looked in. The Indian lay with his face towards the wall. His throat had been cat from ear to ear. The blood bad flowed down into a pool where his body sagged the hunk. His head rested on his left arm. The open razor lay, edge up, in the blankets."Take Nick out of the hut, George," the doctor said.There was no need of that. Nick, standing in the door of the kitchen, had a good view of the upper bank when his father, the lamp in hand, tipped the Indian"s head back.It was just beginning to be daylight when they walked along the track leading to the lake."Urn terribly sorry I brought you along, Nickie," said his father, all his post operative exhilaration gone. "It was an awful mess to put you through.""Do ladies always have such a hard time having babies?" Nick asked."No, that was very, very exceptional.""Why did he kill himself, Daddy?""I don"t know, Nick. He couldn"t stand things, I guess.""Do many men kill themselves, Daddy?""Not very many, Nick.""Do many women?""Hardly ever. ""Don"t they ever?""Oh, yes. They do sometimes.""Daddy?""Yes.""Where did Uncle George go?""Hell turn up all right."(3) "Is dying hard, Daddy?""No, I think it"s pretty easy, Nick. it alt depends."They were seated in the boat, Nick in the stern, his father rowing. The sun was coming up over the hills. A bass (fish) jumped, making a circle in the water. Nick trailed his hang in the water. It felt warm in the sharp chill of the morning.In the early morning on the lake sitting in the stern of the boat with his father rowing, he felt quite sure that he would never die.Questions on Text 313. Who was the main character of the story? (2 points)14. Based on the dialogue between Nick and his father in the story, what was then relationship, other than father and son? (2 points)15. What was the most unexpected event that happened in this short story? (3 points) 16, What role did Uncle George play in the story? (3 points)17. Read the first underlined section in the story. Why did Nick say he knew, yet his father said he didn"t know? (5 points)18. Read the second underlined section in the story. Why were the woman"s screams unimportant? (5 points)19. Why do you think the Indian cut his throat? (5 points)20. What reasons can you give for Nick"s father saying that dying was "pretty easy" (in the third underlined section)? (5 points)PAPER TWO: Writing (40 minutes) (30 points)Title: Indian Camp (about 200 words)Instructions:· Imagine you are Nick. Retell the story from his point of view.· You should slick to the original story line and keep the basic content of the story.· Use specific words to express your feelings and experiences as you imagine would he true of Nick. [Note! Do not simply copy Nick"s words from the text]答案Paper One Reading (70 points)● The ideas must be correct.● The wording can be different.● All answers must be grammatically correct.ⅠⅢ. Questions 13--20 are based on Text 3. (30 points)。
