11、YSI溶解氧传感器使用注意事项摘要:美国YSI溶氧仪享誉世界,独树帜,其优良的性能,简便的操作成环保监测部门和水产养殖业精确测量溶解氧的利器550A(取代YSI-55),556,600、6820、6920等参探头式水质连续监测仪是低成本, 免维护水质连续检测分析仪的首选。
RUMSUNYSI D0200便携式溶解氧、温度测量仪使用说明书概述YSI D0200是YSI公司EcoSense系列中的一款产品,可精确测量溶解氧空气饱和度与百万分毫克/ 升浓度和温度。
仪器主机具有IP65 防护等级——防尘防溅。
仪器使用一节9 伏电池,更换电池后无需重新校准。
YSI D0200使用一个极谱电极,配备易于拧上的盖膜;探头带有一个内置的温度传感器,用于温度补偿;另外,其不锈钢外壳坚固耐用,更易于沉入水中;具有超长电池寿命和抗50/60 赫交流电磁波干扰功能。
如发现有损坏或零件不全,请立即通知您的供应商或YSI 公司。
预防措施一、手持主机尽管YSI D0200 的手持主机具有防溅外壳,但电缆接头并非水密,故主机不可以置于水下使用。
一旦主机掉进水中,请迅速采取以下措施:1. 拆下一体化电缆探头,如有必要,烘干电缆接头。
2. 用蒸馏水仔细冲洗主机。
3. 待主机和一体化电缆探头完全干燥后,重新连接,并启动主机。
4. 若完成上述步骤后,主机仍不能正常工作,请联系YSI技术服务中心寻求可能的维修和更换(参阅质量保证条款)。
、探头1. 正确的安装和定期的维护,可以延长膜的使用时间。
YSI5000 5100溶解氧测量仪 说明书
![YSI5000 5100溶解氧测量仪 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/496fd1d40d22590102020740be1e650e52eacfd6.png)
YSI 5000YSI 5000/5100溶解氧测量儀操作手册目录概述: 2控制: 3356设置 6 显示设置7 报告设置7 自动稳定设置8 系统设置9校准10 溶解氧校准10 自动校准10 溶解氧校准(手动)11 气压计11 盐度11 零校准12 操作14主模式14 测量14储存15浏览15发送16应用模式17 OUR17 SOUR 18遥控20 诊断22 历史记录22 传感器22 参数复位23242425 附录B26附录C-单位换算表26附录D -遥控命令语法 27概述:5000系列溶解氧分析仪专门设计用于实验室的溶解氧及BOD 测量。
此外,5100型还内置了OUR/SOOUR 测试软件,可快速自动测定活性污泥的活性。
控制: 面板5000/5100型控制面板如下图:显示屏键模式开/关MODE 键STORE REVIEW SEND CALIBRATE四个软键的功能显示在显示屏的下端,这些软键的功能将随模式的变化而不同。
1.电源插头:电源输入为-4.5至5.5V AC,最小电流350ma。
小心地打开包装,检查仪器和配件是否因运输而受损。查看收到的设备是否与装箱 单中的材料列表一致。如发现有损坏或零件不全,请立即通知您的供应商或 YSI 公司。 在证实仪器能正常工作之前,请妥善保存包装材料。
• pH 电极截距>1.5pH 或<-1.5pH
• 更换缓冲液和/或 pH 电极,按 退
Er 1 • 电极和自动/手动温度传感器设定在 出键
缓冲液的±1.5pH 范围内之前,按 • 留出足够的时间等待电极和自动/
• pH 电极受损
• 将仪器送修
• pH 电极斜率偏离超过理想值的 30% • 使用合适的缓冲液,电极斜率偏离
更换电池时,拧下电池盖上的两个螺丝,取下电池盖和密封 圈;更换 9 伏电池;重新装上电池盖和密封圈(正确放置密封圈 确保密封),拧紧电池盖上的螺丝以达到防溅性能。
图1 安装电池
1. :开机或关机。关机时,仪器的校准值不被清除;仪器 不用时,关机以节省电池;长期存放时请取下电池。
2. MODE(模式):选择显示模式。连续按 模式键 可依次显示 pH-AUTOLOCK(pH 自动锁定)、mV-AUTOLOCK(mV 自动锁定)、 pH 和 mV。改变显示模式不影响校准值。
Er2 • 电极和自动/手动温度传感器设定在 不超过理想值的 30%
当电池需要更换时,液晶显示器会显示“LO BAT”(低电压)的讯息。
YSI DO便携式溶氧仪操作维护规程
![YSI DO便携式溶氧仪操作维护规程](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/224262976137ee06eff9189b.png)
YSI DO便携式溶氧仪操作维护规程1. 目的为保证正确使用本仪器,使仪器长期有效运转,特制定本操作规程。
2. 适用范围本操作规程仅适用于YSI DO200便携式溶氧仪的使用、维护和保养。
3. 技术说明显示测量范围分辨率准确度溶解氧ppm (毫克/升) 0~20 0.01 读数之±2%或±0.2ppm(毫克/升),以较大者为准溶解氧(%空气饱和度)0~200% 0.1% 读数之±2%或±2%空气饱和度,以较大者为准温度(℃)-6~46℃0.1℃±0.3℃±1最小有效位数4. LCD显示4.1 BAT:低电指示4.2 CAL:校准模式指示4.3 SAL ppt:校准模式中显示,提示输入水体盐度(单位:千分数)4.4 mBar:校准模式中显示,提示需输入的大气压力(单位:毫巴)4.5 主显示区:显示溶解氧值4.6 %/ppm:溶解氧单位指示4.7 副显示区:显示℃温度值5.操作程序按:(开关)键打开或关闭仪器。
开机,仪器自动运行自检程序,此时显示屏上可能会出现“ovEr ”信息,这是正常现象;预热结束后,此信息会自动消失。
注意:在溶解氧测试过程中,水体流速或探头的搅动速率必须达到0.15 米/秒,以抵消传感器自身耗氧所需。
湿润的海绵为探头创造一个水饱和的空气环境,用于校准、运输和储存 DO200 探头。
YSI DOH-25 水浴式溶解氧仪说明书
![YSI DOH-25 水浴式溶解氧仪说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b355c09df605cc1755270722192e453610665bb7.png)
DOH-25$495Porbe with 4 m (13')of cable includedCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
58 溶氧仪的使用说明一.准备探头1.选择正确的探头58仪器可以使用5种不同的YSI溶氧探头YSI5239设计为现场使用的野外电缆,长度为10英尺,25英尺,50英尺YSI5905为自搅拌BOD瓶探头.YSI5739设计为现场使用,包括有搅拌器和没有搅拌器,一个5740探头电缆或者5795搅拌电缆为5739使用.5795A有双头电缆,一头为搅拌器,另一头探头. YSI5750是一个BOD瓶式电缆,YSI5718为现场使用的一体化电缆,没有压力补偿.YSI5239用来测量现场溶氧的探头,盖膜很容易更换(5906)探头坚固耐用,带有DO 和温度传感器安装在重垂的保护体中.一个10英尺,25英尺,50英尺电缆连接于探头体,具有防水性.一个电缆末端MS-5针连接于50系列仪器.5905BOD探头适用于所有的BOD瓶,只为实验室使用,不具防水,不要超过探头标签,2.选择正确的膜1MM的膜0.5MM膜(15C以下,DO小于20%)2MM的膜(002)长期监测(5685)58仪器内选择开关,修改电路适合膜的应用.开关必须设置成和使用的膜一致.拆开后盖,主线路板右上角,它的位置标有:.5,1,2MIL.它有特殊的应用.看说明书4.4.2二.5239的安装:1.卸下探头保护套2.卸下旧盖膜3.使用清洁水清洗阳极和阴极.4.使用新盖膜,加入相一致的电解液.5.拧紧上盖膜6.用清洁水冲洗多余的电解液.7.拧上探头保护套8.放探头在校正瓶中,确保海绵是湿润的.三.检查探头的零点放探头在0.08M的亚硫酸钠的水中,或惰性气体鼓泡的水中.仪器应该读小于1%,否则,应换膜.或清洁探头.四.操作1.安装探头接口2.回零仪器,设置功能开关ZERO,使用O2ZEROCONTROL调节显示到读数零.3.如果使用搅拌器,连接它,开起搅拌器检查电池,4.等待十五分钟电极稳定.五.校正校正58仪器,功能开关设置到%模式(探头在潮湿空气中);O2CALIBCONTROL键调节显示到当地高度的校正值.查看附件F,校正值表.校正过程,暴露探头在一个已知氧浓度诸如100%相对湿度空气,或已知氧浓度的水,调节O2 CALIB CONTROL使显示符合已知式样的氧浓度.由于仪器可以自动补偿温度的变化,百分比空气饱和状态模式的使用通常是容易的.空气校正空气校正是目前最快最简单的校正技巧.经验表明它是可靠的.使用现场探头校正58,步骤如下:1.设置功能开关到%模式.2.校正探头,放一块湿海绵或一片布在朔料校正杯.松开杯盖,转动和滑动超过保护套到探头体,放探头在受保护的位置,温度不改变.3.BOD探头可以放在BOD瓶,含有接近1英寸的水,提供一100%相对湿度的校正环境.4.记住:当探头校零和近似测量水样的温度下的校正可获得最高精度的测量5.设置功能键盘到ZERO,重新调整读数0.00,将开关返回到百分比空气饱和模式.6.确定当地的高度和真实大气压,使用压力/高度图,确定正确CALIB VALUE.7.当显示读数已经稳定,解开O2 CALIB COTROL LOCK 环,调整显示值到当前的压力/高度下的校正值.看附录F.给锁环重新上锁,避免不可逆的变化.校正频度,日常校正是恰当的,五.测量精确的测量,要求水的移动速度为1英尺/秒1.探头已校正,放它进入水样,2.调整SALINITY CONTROL到水样的盐度.(%空气饱和不需要)3.将功能开关到O2 ZERO,如果必要,重新调.4.调整功能开关到期望的读数模式.当读数稳定时读数(MG/L 或%)。
PRO20USER MANUALEnglishFrançaisEspañolDeutschItem # 605597Rev BDrawing # A605597October 2008©2008 YSI Incorporated.The YSI logo is a registered trademark of YSI Incorporated. Teflon is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.C O N T E N T S Warranty (1)Introduction (2)Getting Started (2)Initial Inspection (2)Battery Installation (2)Keypad (3)Connecting the Sensor and Cable (4)Membrane Installation (7)Backlight (7)Powering Off (7)Run Screen (7)Navigation (8)First Power On (9)System Setup Menu (10)DO Local% (10)Last Digit Suppression (LDS) (11)One Touch Calibration (One Touch Cal) (11)Audio (11)Contrast (11)Sensor Type (12)Membrane Type (13)Auto Stable (14)DO Units (14)Temperature Units (15)Pressure Units (15)Language (15)Auto Shutoff (15)Resetting the System Setup Menu to Factory Default (16)Exiting the System Setup Menu (17)Calibration (17)Temperature (17)Barometer (17)Dissolved Oxygen (18)Salinity Compensation Calibration (21)Taking Measurements (22)Saving and Viewing data (22)Saving Data (22)Viewing and Erasing Saved Data – Data mode (23)Principles of Operation (25)Care, Maintenance, and Storage (26)General Maintenance (26)Sensor Maintenance (28)Sensor Storage (32)Troubleshooting (33)Specifications (35)Accessories/Part Numbers (36)Declaration of Conformity (37)Recycling (38)Contact Information (39)Ordering & Technical Support (39)Service Information (39)W A R R A N T YThe YSI Pro20 Instrument is warranted for three (3) years from date of purchase by the end user against defects in materials and workmanship, exclusive of batteries and any damaged caused by defective batteries. Pro20 cables are warranted for two (2) years from date of purchase by the end user against defects in material and workmanship. Pro20 Polarographic sensors are warranted for one (1) year and Galvanic sensors are warranted for six (6) months from date of purchase by the end user against defects in material and workmanship. Pro20 instruments, cables & probes are warranted for 90 days from date of purchase by the end user against defects in material and workmanship when purchased by rental agencies for rental purposes. Within the warranty period, YSI will repair or replace, at its sole discretion, free of charge, any product that YSI determines to be covered by this warranty.To exercise this warranty, call your local YSI representative, or contact YSI Customer Service in Yellow Springs, Ohio at +1 937 767-7241, 800-897-4151 or visit (Support tab). Send the product and proof of purchase, transportation prepaid, to the Authorized Service Center selected by YSI. Repair or replacement will be made and the product returned, transportation prepaid. Repaired or replaced products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period, or at least 90 days from date of repair or replacement.LIMITATION OF WARRANTYThis Warranty does not apply to any YSI product damage or failure caused by:1)failure to install, operate or use the product in accordance with YSI's writteninstructions;2)abuse or misuse of the product;3)failure to maintain the product in accordance with YSI's written instructionsor standard industry procedure;4)any improper repairs to the product;5)use by you of defective or improper components or parts in servicing orrepairing the product;6)modification of the product in any way not expressly authorized by YSI.THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YSI's LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PROD UCT, AND THIS SHALL BE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMED Y FOR ANY D EFECTIVE PROD UCT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL YSI BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECTIVE PRODUCT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY.1I N T R O D U C T I O NThank you for purchasing the YSI Pro20, an instrument from the YSI Professional Series product family. The Pro20 features an impact resistant and waterproof (IP-67) case, backlit display, user-selectable sensor options, internal barometer, and a rugged, rubber over-mold case.The Pro20 provides valuable instructions and prompts near the bottom of the display that will guide you through operation and use. However, reading the entire manual is recommended for a better understanding of the Pro20’s features. The Pro20 can not communicate to a PC via a Pro Pluscommunications saddle. Connecting the Pro20 to acommunication saddle may cause erratic instrument behavior.L G E T T I N G S T A R T E D INITIAL INSPECTIONCarefully unpack the instrument and accessories and inspect for damage.Compare received parts with materials listed on the packing list. If any parts or materials are missing or damaged, contact YSI Customer Service at 800-897-4151 (+1-937-767-7241) or the Authorized YSI distributor from whom the instrument was purchased.BATTERY INSTALLATIONThis instrument requires 2 alkaline C-cell batteries. Under normal conditions, battery life is approximately 400 hours at room temperature without using theback light. A battery symbolwill blink in the lower, left corner of the display to indicate low batteries when approximately 1 hour of battery life remains.To install or replace the batteries:1) Turn the instrument off and flip over to view the battery cover on the back. 2) Unscrew the four captive battery cover screws. 3) Remove the battery cover, and remove the old batteries if necessary. 4) Install the new batteries, ensuring correct polarity alignment (Figure 1). 25) Place the battery cover on the back of the instrument and tighten the four screws. Do NOT over-tighten.The waterproof instrument case is sealed at the factory and is not to be opened, except by authorized service technicians. Do notattempt to separate the two halves of the instrument case as thismay damage the instrument, break the waterproof seal, and willvoid the warranty. KEYPADL345 612 Figure 1, Pro20 with battery cover removed. Note battery symbols indicating polarities.Figure 2, keypad3Number Key Description 1Calibrate Press and hold for 3 seconds to calibrate. Initiates One Touch Calibration.Opens Calibrate menu from the run screen if OneTouch Calibration is disabled.2 Up ArrowUse to navigate through menus, to navigate throughbox options at the bottom of the run screen, and toincrease numeric inputs.3 Power and BacklightPress once to turn instrument on. Press a secondtime to turn backlight on. Press a third time to turnbacklight off. Press and hold for 3 seconds to turninstrument off.4 MenuUse to enter the System Setup menu from the runscreen.5EnterPress to confirm entries and selections.6Down ArrowUse to navigate through menus, to navigate throughbox options at the bottom of the run screen, and todecrease numeric inputs.CONNECTING THE SENSOR AND CABLECONNECTING THE SENSOR“Sensor” refers to the removable portion or electrode sensing portion of the cable assembly, i.e. the dissolved oxygen sensor. “Bulkhead” refers to the portion of the cable with the single-pin connector (Figure 3).4The Pro20 has two compatible sensors for use with a field cable:Polarographic – This sensor has a black sensor body and is engraved with the model number 2003. Polarographic will be abbreviated Polaro in the instrument.Galvanic – This sensor has a grey sensor body and is engraved with the model number 2002.For information about the differences on the two sensor types, see Sensor Type in the System Setup menu section and/or the Principles of Operation section of this manual.If using a ProBOD sensor/cable assembly, there is no need to install a sensor because it has a built in Polarographic dissolved oxygen sensor.Before installing either sensor or connecting the cable to theinstrument, the Sensor Type must be configured for the sensor beinginstalled/connected. Failure to do this may result in damage notLcovered under warranty. The instrument will step you through thissetup the first time it is powered on. See the System Setup menusection of this manual for instructions on configuring the SensorType after the first power on.1)Ensure both the sensor connector and sensor port on the cable are clean anddry.2)Grasp the sensor with one hand and the cable bulkhead in the other.3)Push the sensor into the connector on the cable until it is firmly seated andonly 1 o-ring is visible. Failure to properly seat the sensor may result indamage.4)Twist the sensor clockwise to engage threads and finger tighten. Do NOTuse a tool. This connection is water-tight.For more detailed instructions, please refer to the sensor installation sheet that is included with each sensor.Figure 3 BulkheadSensor5CONNECTING THE CABLEThe Pro20 is designed for field and laboratory use. It is compatible with two different cable options:1) The field rugged cable is available in standard lengths of 1, 4, 10, 20, 30, and 100 meters with special lengths available between 30 and 100 meters. This cable has a built in temperature sensor and includes a port for the dissolved oxygen sensor. 2) The ProBOD is a 1 meter probe/cable assembly with built in Polarographic dissolved oxygen and temperature sensors. It has an AC powered motor for sample stirring and is designed to fit into a 300 ml BOD bottle.To connect the cable, align the keys in the cable connector to the slots in the instrument connector. Push together firmly and then twist the outer ring until itlocks into place (Figure 4). This connection is water-proof.Figure 4, Note the keyed connector. When disconnected, the sensor and cable’s sensor connectors areNOT water-proof. Do not submerge the cable without a sensorinstalled. When disconnected, the cable’s instrument connector andthe connector on the instrument maintain a waterproof, IP-67rating.L6MEMBRANE INSTALLATIONThe dissolved oxygen sensor is shipped with a dry, protective red cap that will need to be removed before using. It is very important to put a new membrane with electrolyte solution on the sensor after removing the red cap.Prepare the membrane solution according to the instructions on the bottle. After mixing, allow the solution to sit for 1 hour. This will help prevent air bubbles from later developing under the membrane. Ensure you are using the correct electrolyte solution for the correct sensor. Galvanic sensors utilize electrolyte with a light blue label and Polarographic sensors utilize electrolyte with a white label. The D issolved Oxygen sensor is supplied with cap membranes specific to the sensor type ordered (Polarographic or Galvanic). 5913 and 5914 membrane kits are for Galvanic sensors and the 5908 and 5909 membrane kits are for Polarographic sensors.Remove and discard or save the red protective cap. Thoroughly rinse the sensor tip with distilled or deionized water. Fill the cap membrane 3⁄4 full of electrolyte solution, then tap the cap with a finger to release any trapped air. Be careful not to touch the membrane portion of the cap. Thread the membrane cap onto the sensor, moderately tight. Do not use a tool. It’s typical for some of the electrolyte solution to spill over. It is best to allow the new cap to remain on a new sensor overnight before trying to calibrate. For detailed instructions on changing a membrane cap, see the Care, Maintenance, and Storage section of this manual. BACKLIGHTOnce the instrument is on, pressing power/backlight key will turn on the display backlight. The backlight will remain on until the key is pressed again or after two minutes of not pressing any key on the keypad.POWERING OFFTo turn the instrument off, press and hold the power/backlight key for three seconds.RUN SCREENPress the power/backlight key to turn the instrument on. The instrument will run through a self test and briefly display a splash screen with system information before displaying the main run screen (Figure 5). The first time the Pro20 isturned on, it will step through language, sensor, and membrane selections; see the First Power On section of this manual for more information.Figure 5, example of main run screen with Save highlighted. NAVIGATIONThe up and down arrow keys allow you to navigate through the functions of the Pro20.NAVIGATING IN THE RUN SCREENWhen in the run screen, the up and down arrow keys will move the highlighted box along the bottom options. Once a box is highlighted, press enter to access the highlighted option.Description of run screen box functions from left to right: Option Description Barometer readingHighlight and press enter to calibrate the barometer Salinity compensationvalueHighlight and press enter to adjust salinity compensation value SAVE Highlight and press enter to save current data tomemoryDATA Highlight and press enter to view and/or erase saveddata NAVIGATING IN THE SYSTEM SETUP MENUWhen in the System Setup menu, the up and down arrow keys will move the highlighted bar up and down the system setup options. See the System Setup menu section of this manual for more information about these options. FIRST POWER ONThe instrument will step through an initial configuration when powered on for the first time. This will set the language, sensor, and membrane options. Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the appropriate language, sensor, and membrane, then press enter to confirm (Figures 6, 7, and 8). The Sensor Type must be configured for the sensor installed. Failure to do this may result in damage not covered under warranty. If an incorrect option is selected, it may be changed in the System Setup menu.Select Sensor Type: 7 Polaro (black) Galvanic (grey) Use ST to select sensor type Press to confirm Select Language: 7 English Français Español Deutsch Use ST to select Language Press to confirm Figure 6, Language selectionSelect Membrane Type: 71.25 (Yellow) 2.0 (Blue) Use ST to select membrane Press to confirmFigure 8, Membrane selection Figure 7, Sensor selectionAfter selecting a language, sensor, and membrane, the run screen will appear. The next time the instrument is powered up the run screen will appear immediately after the self check. If the sensor type or membrane type is changed, ensure that it updated in the System Setup menu.S Y S T E M S E T U P M E N UPress the menu key to access the following System Setup functions.The System Setup menu contains multiple screens which are notated as ‘pages’. The current page is indicated on the display, figure 9.DO LOCAL%DO Local% can be enabled or disabled by using the up or down arrow keys to highlight it and then pressing enter. An ‘X’ in the box next to D O Local% indicates it is enabled (Figure 9).Figure 9, DO %Local is enabled.When D O Local% is enabled, D O% values will be expressed as %L on the run screen.D O Local% allows for localized dissolved oxygen measurements. This sets the DO% calibration value to 100% regardless of the altitude or barometric pressure. When DO Local% is enabled, the Pro20 will factor in the barometric pressure on each measurement. For example, if the barometric pressure changes, the DO %L reading would remain constant in air-saturated water or in water-saturated air. Local DO is ideal for EU compliance.LAST DIGIT SUPPRESSION (LDS)Last Digit Suppression (LDS) can be enabled or disabled by using the up or down arrow keys to highlight it and pressing enter . An ‘X’ in the box next to LDS indicates it is enabled.LDS rounds the DO value to the nearest tenth; i.e. 8.25 mg/L becomes 8.3 mg/L. LDS is automatically disabled during calibrations.ONE TOUCH CALIBRATION (ONE TOUCH CAL)One Touch Calibration can be enabled or disabled by using the up or down arrow keys to highlight One Touch Cal and pressing enter . An ‘X’ in the box next to One Touch indicates it is enabled.When One Touch Cal is enabled, press and hold the calibration key for 3 seconds while in the run screen to calibrate D issolved Oxygen to the barometer reading and salinity correction value. For more information on One Touch Calibration, see the Calibration section of this manual.AUDIOAudio can be enabled or disabled by using the up or down arrow keys to highlight Audio and pressing enter . When enabled, there will be an ‘X’ in the box next to Audio.When Audio is enabled, the Pro20 will beep twice to indicate stability when Auto Stable is enabled. The instrument will also beep when a key is pressed. When Audio is disabled, the Pro20 will not beep.CONTRASTTo adjust the display Contrast, use the up or down arrow keys to highlight Contrast, then press enter . Next, use the up or down arrow keys to adjust the contrast. The up arrow will darken the contrast and the down arrow will lighten the contrast. After adjusting the contrast, press enter to save and exit the Contrast adjustment option.EMERGENCY CONTRAST ADJUSTMENTIf necessary, there is an alternate method of adjusting the contrast. To adjust the contrast, press and hold the menu key, then press the up arrow key to darken the contrast or press the down arrow key to lighten the contrast.SENSOR TYPEThe instrument’s Sensor Type must be configured for the sensorLinstalled. Failure to do this may result in damage not coveredunder warranty. If you observe readings very close to 0 orextremely high readings, i.e. 600%, your Sensor Type setting maybe set incorrectly.Sensor Type sets the type of oxygen sensor being used; either Polarographic (black) or Galvanic (grey).Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight Sensor Type, then press enter to open a submenu. Highlight the sensor type corresponding to the sensor installed on the cable and press enter to confirm. The enabled sensor type will have an ‘X’ in the box next to it. Use the down arrow key to highlight the ESC – Exit, then press enter to save changes and to close the sensor submenu.If using a ProBOD sensor/cable assembly, the sensor type should be set to polarographic.The Pro20 has two compatible sensors for use with a field cable:Polarographic – This sensor has a black sensor body and is engraved with the model number 2003. Polarographic will be abbreviated Polaro in the instrument. Galvanic – This sensor has a grey sensor body and is engraved with the model number 2002.In terms of physical configuration, membrane material, and general performance, YSI Professional Series Galvanic dissolved oxygen sensors are exactly like the Professional Series Polarographic sensors. The advantage of using Galvanic sensors is convenience. Galvanic sensors provide for an instant-on sensor without the need for warm-up time but this affects the life of the sensor. Polarographic sensors last longer and have a longer warranty but require a 5-15 minute warm-up time before use or calibration.MEMBRANE TYPEMembrane Type sets the type of membrane used on the dissolved oxygen sensor; either 1.25 PE (Yellow) or 2.0 PE (blue). Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight Membrane Type and press enter to open the membrane submenu. Highlight the membrane type corresponding to the membrane installed on the sensor and press enter to confirm. The enabled membrane type will have an ‘X’ in the box next to it. Use the down arrow key to highlight the ESC – Exit box and press enter to save changes and to close the membrane submenu.The dissolved oxygen sensor is supplied with membranes specific to the sensor type ordered and are color coded as described in the following tables.Galvanic Membrane KitsItem Color M aterial Description5913 Yellow 1.25 mil polyethylene Faster response time and less flowdependence than traditional Teflon®membranes5914 Blue 2.0 mil polyethylene Less flow dependence than 1.25 milbut somewhat slower response Polarographic Membrane KitsItem Color M aterial Description5908 Yellow 1.25 mil polyethylene Faster response time and less flowdependence than traditional Teflon®membranes5909 Blue 2.0 mil polyethylene Less flow dependence than 1.25 milbut somewhat slower response Selecting a Dissolved Oxygen MembraneMembrane Type Flow Dependence After 4 Minutes Typical Response Timeto 95% 5913, 5908 - Yellow 25% 8 seconds5914, 5909 – Blue 18% 17 secondsAUTO STABLEAuto Stable utilizes preset values to indicate when a reading is stable. The preset values are adjustable in the System Setup menu. The user can input a % change in dissolved oxygen readings (0.0 to 1.9) over ‘x’ amount of time in seconds (3-19).Highlight Auto Stable and press enter to expand the submenu. Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the DO% Change or seconds (secs) input field, then press enter to make the highlighted field adjustable. Use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the selected value, then press enter to confirm changes. Once you have confirmed any changes, highlight the ESC-Exit box and press enter to close the Auto Stable submenu.To disable Auto Stable, set the DO% Change input to 0.0.When Auto Stable is enabled, a will display next to the dissolved oxygen value on the run screen and blink during stabilization. When the dissolved oxygen value has stabilized based on the Auto Stable settings, the will display steadily and the instrument will beep twice if Audio is turned on.DO UNITSHighlight DO Units and press enter to open a submenu that will allow you to select the dissolved oxygen units displayed on the run screen. Highlight the desired unit(s) and press enter to enable or disable. An enabled dissolved oxygen unit will have an ‘X’ in the box next to it. Highlight the ESC-Exit box and press enter to save any changes and to close the DO units submenu.There are three options for displaying dissolved oxygen:mg/L will show D O readings in milligrams per liter on a scale from 0 to 50 mg/L.ppm (parts per million) is equivalent to mg/L and will show the DO reading on a scale from 0 to 50 ppm.% will show D O readings in a percent scale from 0 to 500%.This value will be expressed %L when DO Local% is enabled.Both % or %L and mg/L or ppm can be displayed simultaneously on the screen.TEMPERATURE UNITSHighlight Temperature Units and press enter to open a submenu that will allow you to change the temperature units displayed in the run screen. Highlight the desired unit (Celsius or Fahrenheit) and press enter to enable. The enabled temperature unit will have an ‘X’ in the box next to it. Only one unit may be enabled at a time. Highlight the ESC-Exit box and press enter to save any changes and to close the Temperature Units submenu.PRESSURE UNITSHighlight Pressure Units and press enter to open a submenu that will allow you to change the units displayed on the run screen. Highlight the desired unit (mmHg, inHg, mbar, psi, or kPa) and press enter to enable. The enabled pressure unit will have an ‘X’ in the box next to it. Only one unit may be enabled at a time. Highlight the ESC-Exit box and press enter to save any changes and to close the Pressure Units submenu.LANGUAGEHighlight Language and press Enter to open a submenu that will allow you to change the language. Highlight the desired language (English, Spanish, German, or French) and press enter to enable. The enabled language will have an ‘X’ in the box next to it. Highlight ESC-Exit box and press enter to save any changes and to close the Language submenu.The text in the boxes along the bottom of the run screen will always be displayed in English regardless of the language enabled in the System Setup menu.AUTO SHUTOFFAuto Shutoff allows you to set the instrument to turn off automatically after a period of time. Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight Auto Shutoff, then press enter to open the submenu. Press enter while the minute field is highlighted to make it adjustable. Next, use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the shut off time from 0 to 60 minutes. Press enter to confirm and save the new shutoff time. Highlight ESC-Exit box, then press enter to close the Auto Shutoff submenu.To disable Auto Shutoff, set the Time in Minutes to 0 (zero).RESETTING THE SYSTEM SETUP MENU TO FACTORY DEFAULTTo reset the Pro20 settings to factory default, press the down arrow key until theReset - 4box is highlighted, then press enter. The instrument will ask you toconfirm the reset. Highlight Yes and press enter to continue with the reset orhighlight No and press enter to cancel the reset. A Factory Reset will not affectdata saved in the unit’s memory.The following will be set in the Pro20 after performing a factory reset:Defaults Parameter Reset Temperature Units o CDissolved Oxygen Units mg/L and %Pressure Units mmHgDissolved Oxygen Sensor Type Last Setting ConfirmedMembrane Type Last Setting ConfirmedSalinity Compensation Value 0.0 pptDO Local% OffOne Touch Cal OnDisplay Contrast Set to mid rangeAuto Shutoff 30 minutesAuto Stable Off (0.0 % Change and 10 secs)LDS (Last Digit Suppression) OffAudio OnLanguage EnglishDissolved Oxygen Calibration Reset to factory default, 100% forenabled membrane and sensor*Barometer Calibration Reset to factory default**It is recommended to perform a barometer and dissolved oxygen calibrationafter performing a reset.EXITING THE SYSTEM SETUP MENUTo exit the System Setup menu, press the down arrow key until the ESC - Exit box is highlighted, then press enter to return to the run screen.C A L I B R A T I O NTEMPERATUREAll cable assemblies have built-in, temperature sensors. Temperature calibration is not required nor is it available.BAROMETERThe barometer in the Pro20 is calibrated at the factory. The barometer reading must be accurate to ensure accurate % calibrations and D O readings. If your barometer requires an adjustment, use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the barometer box on the run screen, then press enter. Next, use the up or down arrow keys to adjust the barometer reading to the local, true barometric pressure. Continually depress the up or down arrow keys to change the barometer value more rapidly. Press enter to confirm and save the barometer adjustment.Do not use a barometer value that is corrected to sea level.Laboratory barometer readings are usually “true” (uncorrected)Lvalues of air pressure and can be used “as is” for barometercalibration. Weather service readings are usually not “true”, i.e.,they are corrected to sea level, and therefore cannot be used untilthey are “uncorrected”. An approximate formula for this“uncorrection” is:True BP = [Corrected BP] – [2.5 * (Local Altitude in ft above sea level/100)]Although the barometer range is 400.0 to 999.9 mmHg, you will beLunable to adjust the value across the entire range. The barometer isvery accurate and the instrument will not allow you to adjust thevalue drastically beyond what it is measuring during calibration.DISSOLVED OXYGENThe Pro20 can be easily calibrated with the press of one key by enabling One Touch Cal in the System Setup menu and following the One Touch Calibration procedure.Ensure the barometer is reading accurately before performing a One Touch Calibration, DO %, or DO Local% calibration. These calibration procedures use the barometer reading during calibration. If the barometer reading is erroneous during a calibration, your dissolved oxygen values will be inaccurate.It is not necessary to calibrate in both % and mg/L or ppm.LCalibrating in % will simultaneously calibrate mg/L and ppm andvice versa. YSI recommends calibrating dissolved oxygen in % forboth ease and accuracy.ONE TOUCH CALIBRATIONPerform this calibration procedure when One Touch Cal is enabled in the System Setup menu.If using a field cable, install the sensor guard onto the probe. Moisten the sponge in the grey calibration/storage sleeve with a small amount of water and install it over the sensor guard. The sleeve should be moist, but should not have excess water that could cause water droplets to get on the membrane. The storage sleeve ensures venting to the atmosphere.If using the ProBOD sensor/cable assembly, place the probe in 300 ml BOD bottle with a small amount of water (1/8 inch or 0.3 cm). The dissolved oxygen and temperature sensors should not be immersed in water.If the calibration/storage sleeve is not available, substitute with a chamber of 100% relative humidity, vented to the atmosphere (not completely sealed).Power the instrument on and wait approximately 5 to 15 minutes for the storage chamber to become completely saturated and to allow the sensor to stabilize if using a Polarographic sensor. If using a Galvanic sensor, wait approximately 5 to 10 minutes for the chamber to become completely saturated. Auto Shutoff time should be disabled or set to at least 20 minutes, see System Setup menu for more information on adjusting the Auto Shutoff.。
1 溶解氧校准操作
预测比对水样pH,选择校准标液值;电极探头清洗擦干,将电极探头置入pH第一点标液(6.86)中,待数值稳定(10s 内pH变动低于0.01)后,便携仪器操作按cal,选择pH电极,选择pH标液值,手动输入6.86,点击接受校准后,界面提示校准第2点,将电极探头清洗擦干,置入pH第二点
多参数溶氧仪YSI6600 使用简介
![多参数溶氧仪YSI6600 使用简介](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/47b7310f16fc700abb68fc9e.png)
6600V2操作简明1.安装1.1电池的安装1.2探头和电缆的安装1.3操作软件的安装1.4 650的安装2. 操作2.1电脑连接模式2.1.1 探头设置2.1.2 报告设置2.1.3 其他设置2.1.4 校准和运行2.1.5 文件的记录和保存2.2 650连接模式1.安装1.1电池的安装依照下列各项指示和图1.1的示意,安装两节8 C型号的碱性电池。
注意: 电池盖上的螺丝是不可从电池盖上取下的。
小心:确定底部的 O-圈安装在了盖子的凹槽中。
检查 O -圈和密封表面,因为任何污染物都可能破坏 O-圈对电池槽的密封效果。
除去存在的所有污染物,包括位于电池盖边缘中部起保护作用的 O-圈。
小心: 过度旋紧螺丝可能造成电池部件的渗水。
图1.11.2探头的安装如图1.2 所示,用手将校正杯从多参数仪主机移开,露出隔板。
图1.2使用在 YSI 6570维护包里提供的探头安装工具,除去端口的保护塞。
图 1.3举例说明了如何使用普通的工具移除端口保护塞。
图1.3润滑 O-圈:在要安装的每个探头的连接器端口的O-圈上涂上一薄层O-圈润滑剂,此润滑剂在YSI 6570维护包中。
小心: 确定在 O-圈和探头之间没有污染物,在 O-圈下存在的污染物可能造成多参数仪主机使用时的O-圈泄漏。
注意: 在安装任何探头到多参数仪主机隔板(sonde bulkhead )上之前,要确定探头端口没有湿气。
do200操作手册 使用说明书ysi do200
![do200操作手册 使用说明书ysi do200](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2df74604f8c75fbfc67db2d0.png)
存在大气泡都会导致读数漂移。如果出现不稳定读数或膜受损,请更换盖膜和溶解氧探头溶液(也称 为“溶解氧探头电解液”、氯化钾或 KCL 溶液)。盖膜的平均更换周期为 4-8 周;如果保持洁净,可使 用更长时间。若在恶劣环境(如废水)中使用,可能每 2-4 周就需要换膜。如果盖膜被耗氧或释氧的 生物(如细菌、藻类等)所覆盖,读数可能会不稳定。 2. 二氧化硫、一氧化氮、一氧化二氮会影响读数,传感器会误把此类气体当作氧气。 3. 避开可能损伤探头材料的物质,如浓酸、强碱和强力溶剂。探头材料包括不锈钢、环氧树脂和 ABS 塑 料。 4. 保持探头的黄金阴极洁净及质感(正确维护后有纹理和光泽)。探头若因接触到某些气体变得暗淡或镀 上了银(因长期使用不牢固或有皱褶的膜),请按照“探头维护”的指示清洁探头。 5. 为防止盖膜和电解液脱水,请将探头保存在盛有湿润海绵的校准杯中。
电导率:流通式电 导測量管,四電极
溶解氧:快速脉沖 ,极谱 法
酸度:复合玻璃 電极
ORP:复合玻璃 電极,白金电极
深度:应力传感器 浊度:90°散射法 叶绿素:荧光法 罗丹明 WT:荧光法 铵氮:离子选择电极 硝氮:离子选择电极 氯化物:离子选择电极
铵氮、硝氮及氯化物:15 米 浊度、叶绿素及罗丹明 WT:61 米
保护分級:IP68 (水下操作)
含有大量腐蚀性物质的液体 可能污染任何探头的液体 侵蚀 PVC 及不锈钢的液体
溶解氧、电导/ 温度、pH/ORP 、浊度、叶绿素、 罗丹明 WT :维护套件內的安裝工具
技术指标 ...2
传感器 范围 准确度 分辨率
热敏电阻 -5 至 +45 ℃ ±0.15 ℃ 0.01 ℃
传感器 范围 准确度 分辨率
四电极流通式电导测量管 0 至 100 mS/cm 读数之±0.5% + 1 uS/cm 0.01 mS/cm 至 0.1 mS/cm (自动量程)
萤光法、自动清洁刷 0 至 400 µg/L 0 至 100 %FS 萤光单位 0.1 µg/L 0.1 %FS 萤光单位
技术指标 ...9
罗丹明 WT
传感器 范围
萤光法、自动清洁刷 0 至 200 µg/L as true dye 0 至 1,000 µg/L as dye tracer 读数之±5% 或 1 µg/L ,以较大者为准
YSI DOH-247 水溶氧浓度计测量仪套件说明书
![YSI DOH-247 水溶氧浓度计测量仪套件说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3aa3dc0a001ca300a6c30c22590102020740f2a5.png)
F-6U Microprocessor-BasedU Recorder Output StandardU Splashproof Case DesignSplashproof, Portable Dissolved Oxygen MeterThe DOH-247-KIT is comprised of a compact, splashproof dissolved oxygen meter and a polarographic dissolved oxygen probe with automatic temperature compensation for field or laboratory applications. The unit measures dissolved oxygen in ppm and percent saturation, temperature in degrees Celsius and uncalibrated raw signals in µA. The µA signal allows the user to monitor the condition of the probe membrane. This can help determine if the membrane has become clogged and needs to be replaced.The DOH-247-KIT is microprocessor-based, allowing quick changes from mode to mode by simply pressing the keypad. In addition, the unit has a recorder output of ±200 mV, corresponding to the mode of operation. The DOH-247-KIT is supplied with dissolved oxygen probe, 2 replacement membranes, electrolytic filling solution, stirrer bar and guard shield assembly for laboratory measurements, and a hard protective carrying case.Specifications Range and Resolution : 0 to 199.9% saturation; 0 to 19.9 ppm Accuracy : ±2% saturation; ±0.2 ppm (within±10°C (18°F) of calibration temperature)Temperature Range : -5 to 50°C (23 to 122°F)Resolution : 0.1°C Temperature Accuracy : ±0.5°C (±0.9°F)Automatic Temperature Compensation : 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Recorder Output : ±200 mV (corresponding to mode of operation)Display Size : 12.7 mm (0.5" LCD)Power : 9 V battery (included)Instrument Size : 145 L x 80 W x 39 D mm (5.7 x 3.1 x 1.5")Instrument Weight : 1 kg (2.2 lb)Ordering Example: DOH-247-KIT , dissolved oxygen meter and accessories, and PHAC-247, replacement membranes.Kit includes dissolved oxygen meter and probe, 2 replacement membranes, electrolytic filling solution, stirrer bar and guard shield assembly, battery and complete operator’s manual.DOH-247-KIT shown smaller than actual size.DOH-247-KITOnly。
步骤: 1,使仪器处于Main模式下 2,确保仪器已经校准 3,确定待测样本盐度和仪器设置的一样 4,将探头至于样本中,保持搅拌 5,等待读数稳定后读取溶解氧数值
储存:按Store进入储存模式,up/down选择记 录,按save,出现Record X SAVED储存成功。 浏览:按REVIEW 1,recall—用于调回或打印原先储存的数据 2,send all—发送数据到电脑 3,clear—删除某一个记录 4,Del.all—删除全部数据
【Mode】按键有2个功能:操作模式切换和返 回上一级菜单。
display size unit contrast Last digit
report sdf sdf
range next Audio time version Rs232
Main Calibrate Setup,分别设置 Display/Report/Stable/System Display部分按键说明: Size:多参数小字体和小参数大字体切换 Units:溶解氧单位切换 Contrast:屏幕显示对比度 Lastdig:熄掉最后一位数字显示键说明:
自动稳定设置 功能:当读数稳定时于溶解氧读数右侧显示一 个星号
YSI pH100操作手册
![YSI pH100操作手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e9169a04bed5b9f3f90f1c15.png)
Er2 • 电极和自动/手动温度传感器设定在 不超过理想值的 30%
缓冲液的 30%范围内之前,按 斜率 • 留出足够的时间等待电极和自动/
• 缓冲液 4.00、4.01、9.18 或 10.01 不 • 更换缓冲液和/或 pH 电极,按 退
• 将仪器送修
• 温度超出 0.0 至 60.0℃的范围 Er3
更换电池时,拧下电池盖上的两个螺丝,取下电池盖和密封 圈;更换 9 伏电池;重新装上电池盖和密封圈(正确放置密封圈 确保密封),拧紧电池盖上的螺丝以达到防溅性能。
图1 安装电池
1. :开机或关机。关机时,仪器的校准值不被清除;仪器 不用时,关机以节省电池;长期存放时请取下电池。
2. MODE(模式):选择显示模式。连续按 模式键 可依次显示 pH-AUTOLOCK(pH 自动锁定)、mV-AUTOLOCK(mV 自动锁定)、 pH 和 mV。改变显示模式不影响校准值。
使用说明书 YSI pH100
便携式 pH、ORP 和温度
YSI pH100 是 YSI 公司 EcoSense 系列中的一款产品,可精确测量 pH、mV 和温度。 内置的微处理器储存、计算和补偿所有与测定 pH 有关的参数,包括 pH 电极的温度特性、 电极斜率偏差和缓冲液。
仪器主机具有 IP65 防护等级——防尘防溅。机械触摸式按键具有高度可靠的触觉 感应和声音响应。仪器使用一节 9 伏电池,更换电池后无需重新校准。
尽管 YSI pH100 具有防溅外壳,但电缆接头并非水密,故不可在水下使用。防溅盒 可防止因偶然掉入非腐蚀性溶液造成的永久性损伤。一旦仪器掉进水中,请迅速采取以 下措施: 1. 拆下 pH 探头,如有必要,烘干电缆接头。 2. 用蒸馏水仔细冲洗仪器。冲洗、干燥后,检查和清洁电缆接头,清除所有可能影响
探头接口:探头接口是一个8针小型DIN接口,5010 BOD探头。
2 自动校准2.1参照探头操作手册准备好探头。
2.6按CALIBRATE进入校准模式,确认气压计读数是正确的,若必要请参阅后面校准—气压计校准气压计2.7等待显示读数稳定后按AUTO CAL软键校准溶解氧,几秒后显示信息“DO CALIBATION”。
3溶解氧校准3.1 空气校准:将探头置于一盛有1英寸水的BOD瓶中使达到空气相对湿度100%,空气校准不需搅拌。
3.2 气饱和水中校准:在温度相对稳定条件下向定量的水(300-500mL)充气至少15分钟使使达到气饱和,校准时将探头置于充气水中并保持搅拌(不少于1英尺/秒)正如5010自搅拌BOD探头所提供的。
3.3 滴定法校准:用温克勒滴定法测定样本的溶解氧值,校准(用手动模式)时将探头置于样本中并保持搅拌(不少于1英尺/秒)4 零校准4.1 将探头置于零氧气样本中,等待至少20分钟让探头达至平衡。
4.2 按CALIBRATE切换到校准模式4.3 按DO CAL浸入手动溶解氧校准选单4.4 等候显示读数稳定,然后用UP、DOWN和DIGIT软键输入校准值0.0%4.5 按ENTER确认,屏幕显示信息“D.O.Calibration saved”。
输出结果 ...1
参数 氨氮 铵氮 氯化物 電导 深度(3個量程选择) 溶解氧 (空气饱和度) 溶解氧 (毫克/升) 硝氮
由以下相关计算出 铵氮,酸度 铵氮,参考,温度 氯化物,参考,温度 电导率 深度,盐度,温度 溶解氧,温度 溶解氧,溫度,盐度 硝氮,参考,温度
输出结果 ...2
参数 氧化还原电位 (Redox) 酸度 电阻率 盐度 比电导度 温度 总溶解固体 (TDS) 浊度 叶绿素 罗丹明 WT
一条接线可连接10台SDI-12設備 每一设备均有一预设专用地址
SDI-12 指令集
SDI-12 接口
Serial Digital Interface,12 伏之缩写 三线: 数据、接地、电源(+12伏直流) 单头多点接线 (single master multi-drop
1. Conductivity 2. DO % 3. DO mg/L 4. Others
21. UDpirleocatdory
1. (v) Date 2. (v) Time 3. (v) Temp, C 4. ( ) Temp, F
3. Quick Upload 4. View File 5. Quick View File 6. Delete All Files 7. Test Memory
铵氮、硝氮及氯化物:15 米 浊度、叶绿素及罗丹明 WT:61 米
保护分級:IP68 (水下操作)
含有大量腐蚀性物质的液体 可能污染任何探头的液体 侵蚀 PVC 及不锈钢的液体
用户手册Item # 605596Rev ADrawing # A605596August 2007©2007 YSI Inc氧化还原电位orated.YSI 标识是YSI的注册商标。
Teflon 是E. I. du Pont de Nemours和公司的注册商标。
Microsoft 和Windows 是Microsoft公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。
目录质量保证 (i)简介 (1)开始 (1)初始检查 (1)电池的安装 (1)设置 (2)键盘 (6)主要显示屏幕 (8)菜单设置 (8)字母/数字输入 (9)设置 (10)系统 (10)参数:设置、显示、自稳定和校准 (19)温度 (19)溶解氧(DO) (20)设置–溶解氧 (20)显示–溶解氧 (22)自稳定–溶解氧 (23)校准–溶解氧 (24)气压计 (27)显示–气压计 (27)校准- 气压计 (28)电导率 (29)设置-电导率 (29)显示-电导率 (30)自稳定-电导率 (31)校准-电导率 (32)pH (35)设置- pH (35)显示- pH (36)自稳定- pH (36)校准- pH (37)氧化还原电位 (39)设置- 氧化还原电位 (40)显示- 氧化还原电位 (40)自稳定- 氧化还原电位 (41)校准- 氧化还原电位 (42)铵、硝酸盐、氯化物 (43)设置-铵、硝酸盐、氯化物 (43)显示-铵、硝酸盐、氯化物 (44)自稳定-铵、硝酸盐、氯化物 (44)校准-铵、硝酸盐、氯化物 (45)进行测量 (49)溶解氧 (49)电导率 (49)pH/氧化还原电位 (50)铵、硝酸盐、氯化物 (50)文件和现场清单 (51)文件内存 (51)查阅文件 (51)现场清单 (52)文件夹 (53)删除数据 (53)使用通讯鞍座 (53)Data Manager 电脑软件 (54)帮助 (56)保养、维护和存储 (56)一般性维护 (56)传感器维护 (58)传感器存储 (65)故障排除 (67)错误信息 (67)溶解氧 (68)恢复缺省设置 (69)附件/ 元件编号 (71)一致性声明 (77)重复利用 (78)联系信息 (79)订货和技术支持 (79)服务信息 (79)本页空白质量保证YSI Professional Plus 仪器质保期为自最终用户采购之日起三(3)年,保证范围为任何材质和工艺的缺陷,不包括电池和有问题的电池造成的损伤。
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YSI 550A溶氧仪使用说明Page 3-Page10YSI 550A 特点电池YSI 550A 溶氧仪由4 节3 号(C )碱性电池驱动,一组全新的碱性电池可以持续工作大约2000 小时。
当需要更换电池时,LCD 显示屏上会显示“LO BAT”信息。
当第一次出现此信息时,仪器在背景光不开时还能工作大概50 小时。
仪器外壳防水的仪器外壳是在工厂里封装好的,除了YSI 授权的技术人员外,不能打开机壳。
标定/保存室YSI 550A 溶氧仪配有一个可附在仪器背面的方便的标定/保存室。
小心滴加3 至6滴干净的水到海绵上,再把仪器反转以便让多余的水流出。
YSI 550A 溶氧仪的保存室可以方便的在仪器任一侧使用。
1. 拧下两颗螺钉,将保存室从仪器上拆下来。
2. 从保存室上的小孔中把吊带拔出来,将橡皮塞从保存室上拆下。
3. 将吊带塞入保存室上相应的小洞中,重新将橡皮塞装到保存室上。
4. 用两颗螺钉将保存室重新装到仪器上。
手带手带设计可使你毫不费劲舒适地操作55 型。
将手带从一侧移到另一侧:1. 将两条粘贴带分开。
2. 将手带从上部和下部的钩子上取下。
3. 将手带穿过仪器另一侧的钩子。
4. 调节手带的长度直至你的手可舒适地动作。
5. 把两条粘贴带粘合。
准备探头盖膜的安装新的YSI 550A 溶解氧探头装有一个干的保护盖膜,在第一次使用仪器之前,将保护杯拆下,按下述步骤换上一个新的盖膜:1. 拆下探头的传感器保护罩。
2. 将旧(或干的)的盖膜旋下来弃置不用。
3. 用蒸馏水或去离子水彻底清洗传感器头部。
4. 将按照瓶上说明准备好的O2 探头溶液注入盖膜杯中。
5. 将盖膜杯套住探头并旋紧,通常这样做会使少许电解液溢出。
6. 装上探头保护套。
平均更换周期是4 至8 个星期。
在恶劣环境下,如污水,需要每2 至4 个星期更换一次薄膜。
YSI 550A 溶氧仪可用mg/L 或%饱和度来标定。
标定前要准确标定YSI 550A,你需要知道以下资料:1. 被测水样的大概盐度。
如果你不能水样的盐度,可以用YSI 30 盐度-电导-温度仪来测得盐度值。
2. 对于在%饱和度模式下标定,需要知道你所处位置的海拔高度(英尺)。
要得到最佳结果:1. 每次使用前都标定仪器,以防止漂移。
2. 在与样品温度相差不超过±10°C 范围内进行校正。
2.打开仪器,等待约15-20 分钟,让仪器预热及读数稳定。
4.按下Mode 键直至“%”作为氧气单位出现在屏幕右侧。
5. CD 屏幕上会提示你输入以百英尺为单位的当地海拔高度。
用箭头键增加或减少输入的海拔高度,当正确的海拔高度出现在LCD 上时,按下ENTER 键。
例如:输入数字12代表1200 英尺。
6. CAL 将显示在屏幕左下角,右下端则显示校正值,主显示栏则显示DO 读数(标定前)。
一旦当前溶解氧读数稳定,按下ENTER 键。
7. LCD 将提示你输入被测水样的近似盐度,输入0 至70(ppt)数字。
当LCD 显示正确盐度时按ENTER 键。
用MG/L 来标定1. 打开仪器,等待约15-20 分钟,让仪器预热及读数稳定。
2. 将探头放入已知mg/L 读数的溶液,在整个标定过程中以最少1/2 英尺每秒(16 厘米每秒)的频率在水样中持续搅拌或晃动探头。
3. 同时按下并释放上箭头和下箭头键,进入标定菜单。
4. 按下Mode 键直至“mg/L”作为氧气单位出现在屏幕右侧。
5. CAL 将显示在屏幕左下角,右下端则显示校正值,主显示栏则显示DO 读数(标定前)。
一旦当前溶解氧读数稳定,按下ENTER 键。
6. LCD 将提示你输入被测水样的近似盐度,输入0 至70(ppt )数字。
当LCD 显示正确盐度时按ENTER 键。
盐度补偿标定1. 按下Mode 键直至盐度标定显示在屏幕上。
2. 用上箭头和下箭头键改变你要测量的水样的盐度值,范围从0—70ppt。
3. 按下ENTER 键保存标定结果。
4. 按下Mode 键返回溶解氧测量。
探头操作注意:YSI 550A 溶氧仪不能用于除了YSI 公司指定范围内的用途。
YSI 550A 具有小于25%的流量依赖。
搅动速率需要1/2 英尺每秒(16 厘米每秒)。
测量过程1. 将探头插入待测水样中。
2. 持续搅拌或在水样中晃动探头。
3. 等温度和溶解氧读数稳定。
4. 观察/纪录读数。
5. 如果可能的话,每次使用后用干净的水清洗探头。
注意事项1. 若安装正确并定期维护,膜可以用更长的时间。
松弛的、有皱纹的、被损坏的或被污染的薄膜、电解质池有大的(直径超过1/8 英寸)气泡或者薄膜被耗氧(如细菌)或产氧(如藻类)生物附着,均可以引起读数不稳。
2. 氯气、二氧化硫、一氧化氮及氧化亚氮在探头的反应与氧类似,会影响读数。
3. 远离如强酸、强碱及强性溶剂,它们会损坏探头材料。
探头材料包括有PE 薄膜、丙烯酸树脂、EPR 橡胶(乙丙胶)、不锈钢、环氧树脂、聚醚酰及亚胺聚酯电缆套。
4. 将探头保存在内有湿润海绵的标定/保存室中。
此时必须清洁阳极去除AgCl 恢复性能。
清洁方法分为化学和机械两种:1. 化学清洁:拆下盖膜,用去离子水或蒸馏水清洗探头。
将整个阳极浸在14%的氨水中约2 到3 分钟(或者在3%的氨水中浸整个晚上)。
警告:在有需要的时候才用化学清洁方法,并且每年不要超过一次(在污水环境中6 个月不超过一次)。
2. 机械清洁:用400 度的湿/干砂纸将银阳极上的晦暗层打磨掉,用湿砂纸包着阳极并转动探头来打磨。
可以用YSI5238 探头维护套件或400 度的湿/干砂纸来清洁黄金阴极。
不要使用未经YSI 推荐或提供的化学方法或研磨剂。
用YSI 探头维护套件中提供的砂纸,蘸水转圈打磨3 次或直至除去所有的银沉淀以及黄金显现出**。
如果阴极依旧色泽暗淡,请返回YSI 处理。
更换溶解氧电极要更换溶解氧电极,用户需购买YSI559 更换溶解氧模块套件。
1. 拆下探头保护罩。
2. 重要提示:完全干燥传感器以便拆除传感器时不让水流入探头接口。
3. 将六角扳手长端插入溶解氧侧面的小洞中,逆时针转动扳手直至拆下传感器。
4. 将溶解氧传感器拉出探头,传感器是钥匙状或有一侧扁平,因此不可能装错。
5. 确定接口内以及传感器的O 形环干净并且干燥,没有污物,如油脂、脏东西或头发。
6. 用六角扳手上紧螺钉,确定螺钉没有从溶解氧传感器任一侧凸出来。
7. YSI559 溶解氧模块配有一个干的保护薄膜。