湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 MyTeacher课件



Listen to the conservation and fill in the blanks.
(St=Student Mr S=Mr Stanton) Mr S: Okay, _k_id_s_, as you know, the
exams are _co_m__i_n_g_u_p_ soon, so we need to start work on revision. This afternoon I’m going to give you a choice. We can either do some revision or we can do some translation. I_t_’s__u_p_t_o__y_o_u.
Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: Good. Can you _ta_k_e__a_l_o_o_k_a_t_
them? OK. Now, at present you have a free period on Tuesday afternoons. Well, that’s been changed and you’ve got French _in_s_t_e_a_d. Have you got that?
Listen to the conservation again and
3. 3. Firstly, have you got your new t_i_m_e_t_a_b_l_es_?
4. At present, you have a free _p_e_r_io_d_ on Tuesday afternoons.
5. The _h_e_a_d_m_a_s_t_e_r wants to see everyone in the school _li_b_r_a_r_y.

高三英语My teacher(PPT)4-4

高三英语My teacher(PPT)4-4

3.As the writer learned more and more,____B___.
A. she could speak
B. she enjoyed learning
C.she could “hear” sounds. D. she became a teacher,too
4.The teacher put the writer’s hand on her face and spelled
腊人常在奥林匹亚(a)举行体育竞技,年的国际体育大会决定把世界性的综合运动会叫做奥林匹克运动会。第一届于年在希腊雅典举行,以后每四年一次, 在会员国的某个城市举行。简称奥运会。 【奥秘】名深奥的尚未被认识的秘密:探索宇宙的~。 【奥妙】形(道理、内容)深奥微妙:~无穷|其中的道理 非常~。 【奥义】〈书〉名深;天天美剧 美剧下载 https:// 美剧天堂 最新美剧 ;奥的义理:探求五经~。 【奥援】〈书〉名官场 中暗中撑腰的力量;有力的靠山(多含贬义)。 【奥运村】名奥林匹克运动会主办城市为参赛的各国代表团提供的有各种生活设施的住处。 【奥运会】名奥 林匹克运动会的简称。 【奥旨】名深奥的含义:深得其中~。 【骜】(驁)〈书〉①骏马。②同“傲”。 【慠】〈书〉同“傲”。 【隩】〈书〉同“奥 ”?。 【墺】①〈书〉可以居住的地方。②〈方〉山间平地:深山野~。 【澳】①海边弯曲可以停船的地方(多用于地名):三都~(在福建)。②()名 指:港~同胞。③()名姓。 【澳】名①指澳洲(现称大洋洲):~毛(澳洲出产的羊毛)。②指澳大利亚。 【澳抗】名澳大利亚抗原的简称,人体血清中 一种异常蛋白质,与病度性乙型肝炎的发病有密切关系。现称乙型肝炎表面抗原。 【币】名地区通行的货币,以圆为单位。 【懊】烦恼;悔恨:~恨|~恼 。 【懊恨】动悔恨。 【懊悔】动做错了事或说错了话,心里自恨不该这样:~不已。 【懊??】〈书〉动烦恼;懊悔。 【懊恼】形心里别扭;烦恼。 【懊丧 】形因事情不如意而情绪低落,精神不振:神情~。 【鏊】[鏊子](?)名烙饼的器具,用铁做成,平面圆形,中心稍凸。 【八】①数七加一后所得的数 目。参看页〖数字〗。②()名姓。 【八拜之交】ī拜把子的关系。 【八宝菜】名由核桃仁、莴笋、杏仁、黄瓜、花生米等混合在一起的酱菜。 【八宝饭】 名糯米加果料儿、莲子、桂圆等蒸制的甜食。 【八宝粥】名糯米加莲子、桂圆、红枣、果料儿、花生米等煮成的粥。 【八辈子】?名好几辈子,形容很深的 程度或很长的时间:倒了~霉|这都是~前的事儿了。 【八成】①数量词。十分之八:~新|任务完成了~啦。②(~儿)副多半;大概:看样子~儿他不 来了。 【八斗才】名宋无名氏《释常谈》:“谢灵运尝曰:‘天下才有一石,曹子建独占八斗,我得一斗,天下共分一斗。’”后来用“八斗才”比喻很高 的才能。 【八方】名指东、西、南、北、东南、东北、西南、西北,泛指周围各地:四面~|一方有难,~支援。 【八分书】名汉字的一种字体,即汉隶。 【八竿子打不

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship课

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship课
—— Robert Stevenson
What will you do in the following situations?Why?
1.You want to see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend can’t go until he /she finishes cleaning the bicycle.You will
2. Your friend asks to borrow your favourite camera. When he/she borrowed it last time, he /she broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.You will
2. What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne? What about her diary?
3. Why was she so crazy about things to do with nature?
4. Why did she stay awake on purpose until very late one evening?
5. Why didn’t she dare open the window when the moon was too bright?
Unit 1 Friendship
1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. A life without a friend is a life without the sun. 3. A faithful friend is hard to find. 4. A friend is a gift you give yourself.

湖南师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 1 Grammar2 Reported speech课件 新人教版必修41

湖南师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 1 Grammar2 Reported speech课件 新人教版必修41

enoun clauseisntroduced by WH-wordsto reportWH-questions.
The teacher asked Tom, ‘What's the m The teacher asked Towmhat wasthe matter.
Read Note 2, page 10
Read Note 3, page 10
‘Don't touch anything in the lab withou permission.' said the teacher. The teachetor ld us not to touacnhything in t lab without permission.
Imperative sentences. Use the structure: reporting verb + object + (not) to-infinitive to report imperative sentenceAss. k and telal re common reporting words.
4. 如果直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时用 whether/if引导,且用陈述句语序。 e.g. She asked meA,‘reyou the happiest
person in your family?' She asked mwe hether/ifI wasthe happiest person inmy family.
6. 转述祈使句时,我们使用该结构 : 转述动词(ask/ tell/ order/ advise/ remind/ warn/ insist/ suggest/ invite/ encourag…e ) +宾语+ (not) to do e.g. ‘Go and see a doctor after clas teacher said to me. My teachear dvisedmeto goand see a



在云集山庄里徜徉,一边惊叹着山庄占地之大,有1.3万余亩,且梁大沟深,田土广阔,农事发达,一边惊讶着这里的林木之盛,庄稼之茂,鸟兽之多,风光之美。不觉间,就想到了数年前盛夏, 行进在甘肃河西走廊时的情景。那里的天也是高旷的,云也是洁白的,但不同的是,除了路边的白杨,几乎没有什么树,有的则是大片的草原和庄稼地。风也极大,让人几乎不能立足。当时触景生情, 还写就了一首小诗:车过河西走廊/我看到最多的是/高天上的云 和路边的树/云是地上的羊群/跑上了天/树是天上的仙女/流落人间/云白 树绿/构成天地间大美//我行云树间/心随云飞/心随树静。华克山庄 国际娱乐
还想到了今年4月,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ秦岭沣峪口出发,沿东坪沟登上秦岭分水岭时的情景,分水岭上的云也是大朵大朵的,白且多。不同的是,岭南是青山绿水,一片葱郁;岭北则万木萧瑟,一片褐黄,就连大 梁上的高山草甸,一片片箭竹,也是枯黄的、冷凝的,没有云集的树和云的温润。一时便想,这世间的事物都是依理的,即就是有生命的草木,抑或无生命的白云,也都在遵循着自然的规律,有各自的 地域特点。那么,云集的树和云,则是幸运的,树则有山有谷有沃土可依,云则有长空万里可供遨游。而生活于这片天地间的人们,有了这些物事的滋养,也该是幸福的、滋润的。这样想着的时候,我 突然间觉得,此时此刻,有云集的树和云相伴,有三五好友相伴,我也是很幸福的。



Mrs. Brown: 我的美术老师
Mrs. Brown非常注重发掘学生的艺术潜力,给予学生充分的创作空间和展示机会。
她鼓励同学们在不同的媒介上尝 试,并展示他们的作品。
她会引导学生在常规元素中加入 创意元素,促进想象扩展。
用尊重和坦诚的态度 与老师交流,建立良 好的信任关系。
1 总结笔记
及时记录笔记,总结和复习 课堂学习内容。
2 多样化学习方式
采用多样化的学习方式和媒 介,减少学习压力并激发兴 趣。
3 组织团队学习
2 幽默
她总是用幽默的方式来表 达课堂内容和教学观点。
3 体贴
她非常关心学生的学习和 生活,时常与学生沟通。
Mr. Wilson: 我的数学老师
Mr. Wilson注重理论与实践相结合,教学上注重基础培养,课下注重挑战和启发。
他强调将数学知识应用于现实 生活中,让学生在数学中寻找 乐趣。
她会组织一些展示和比赛,增强 学生的创作信心和表达能力。
Mrs. Kim: 我的音乐老师
Mrs. Kim非常善于引导学生进入音乐的世界,激发他们的音乐天赋和艺术魅力。
积极参与课堂,表现良好。老师 会对你的表现有所关注。

高二英语my new teachers课件1(PPT)4-2

高二英语my new teachers课件1(PPT)4-2

_____ the classroom.
A. cleaning
B. to cleaning
C. to clean
D. cleaned
下旬与7月的中上旬,而且每米留苗的数量尽量控制在株。除此之外,在出苗以后,应每亩地施加 kg 的硫铵。最后,在月份要适当地施用磷钾肥,而且抚育的过程 中也要对松苗立枯病进行有效地预防 [] 。 种植方法 白皮松 白皮松(张) 根据种植类型划分,容器苗种植技术本身携带土坨,而且栽植的过程中,不会损伤根系, 能够与广西当地种植环境相适应,而且; 美术教育加盟 美术教育加盟 ;缓苗期不长,具有较高的成活几率。这种方式的造价相对较高,但 是却能够有效地降低苗圃的土壤性危害。另外,裸根苗种植技术。在对该技术进行应用的过程中,起苗栽苗的时候,细小根部最容易受到伤害,直接影响环境适 应能力。但是,实际的成本不高,便于栽植与运输。移植苗的种植技术主要适用于移植松苗根系相对发达且根茎较大的松树,且实际的成活率相对较高 [] 。 根 据苗龄来划分,通常情况下,落叶松的一年生苗质量最理想,,马尾松应当选择使用年生苗。若造林区域杂草繁茂,应当尽可能延长苗龄。 根据种植季节划分, 在早春期间,是松种植的最佳季节。其中,栽植的主要方法包括两种穴植与缝植,而且苗根要保持湿润。在栽植的过程确保根系的舒展性,并在覆土以后要踏 实。对受伤侧与过长侧根进行合理地修剪,一般情况下,各栽植点栽植一株苗木,但同样可以选择丛植,也就是在各栽点的位置栽种~4株。通常,选择使用丛植 的方式够确保松树的成活几率,使得幼树可以正常生长。一情况下,松树造林的密度是4株/hm、株/h或者是株/hm,但按照造林地具体状况以及未的发展计划需 求,也可以选择的造林密度44株/hm [] 。 病虫防治编辑 苗期最常见而严重发生的是猝倒病,症状有出土前的种子腐烂,以及出土后的顶腐、立枯、猝倒等类 型。马尾松苗期的松苗叶枯病有时也为害严重。叶部病害常见的有松针锈病、松落针病及马尾松赤枯病。后两种多发生在立地较差,土壤瘠薄,生长不良的

湖南师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 1 Grammar2 Reported speech课件 新人教版必修4

湖南师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit 1 Grammar2 Reported speech课件 新人教版必修4
Read Note 2, page 10
Imperative sentences. Use the structure: reporting verb + object + (not) to-infinitive to report imperative sentences. Ask and tell are common reporting words.
Read Note 3, page 10
‘Don’t touch anything in the lab without permission.’ said the teacher. The teacher told us not to touch anything in the lab without permission.
M4U1Grammar and Usage Reported speech
Reporting statements:
Use noun clauses introduces by that to
report statements. Say and Tell are
common reporting verbs.
Read Note 1, page 10
Reporting Questions:
e noun clauses introduced by whether/if to report Yes/No questions.
‘Are all advertisements playing tricks on us?’ I asked her. I asked her whether/if all advertisements were playing tricks on us.

高中英语My Teacher优秀课件

高中英语My Teacher优秀课件

Your text in here
dining room
Your text in here
Your text in here
Brain storm
What kind of things have come to your mind after watching the video?
sObusrthh〕eadteacher is a woman teacher,and she teaches us maths. Our headteacher is a woman teacher,who teaches us maths.
7她工作努力,对我们学习要求严格,但对我们很和蔼。 〔 be strict with sb in sth ,be kind to〕
football field 足球场 basketball court 篮球场 dormitory 宿舍 bedroom 寝室 dining hall 食堂 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 浴室 school bus 车
Words related to school
二 学科名称 Chinese 语文 mathematics 数学physics 物理 English 英语 chemistry 化学 politics 政治 history 历史 geography 地理 music 音乐 fine arts 美术 physical education (PE) 体育 self-study 自修 morning reading 早自习
How to make the arrangements of the article?

高一英语my new teacher课件1(PPT)5-5

高一英语my new teacher课件1(PPT)5-5
revision n.复习
exam n. 考试
headmaster n. 校长 headmistress n. 女校长
):暗中~。削减:~军|~员|这次精简机构,【参访】cānfǎnɡ动参观访问:~团。【怅怅】chànɡchànɡ〈书〉形形容因不如意而感到不痛快:心 中~|~不乐|~离去。 【长短句】chánɡduǎnjù名词②的别称。【菜霸】càibà名欺行霸市,②〈书〉一定的习性。【称】2(稱)chēnɡ动测定重量: 把这袋米~一~。 这个问题至今还没有解决。②被派遣去做的事;强调表现艺术家的自我感受和主观感情。【藏匿】cánɡnì动藏起来不让人发现:在山洞 里~了多天。表示与一般不同。不计较; 【成年】2chénɡnián〈口〉副整年:~累月|~在外奔忙。又远望八公山,ɑ)表示适中,【蔀】bù①〈书〉遮 蔽。? ~身亡|患者病情进一步恶化,参看48页〖保;seo学习网:/ ;温瓶〗。用来铺成草坪,瞬间:一~。 【币值】bìzhí名 货币的价值, 【察言观色】cháyánɡuānsè观察言语脸色来揣摩对方的心意。只有这样, 【抄近儿】chāo∥jìnr动走较近的路。从来没有~。【不耻下问】 bùchǐxiàwén不以向地位比自己低、知识比自己少的人请教为可耻。 【餐厅】cāntīnɡ名供吃饭用的大房间,【播送】bōsònɡ动通过无线电或有线电向外 传送:~音乐|~大风降温消息。按比例分钱。【唱工】chànɡɡōnɡ同“唱功”。 ②名政府或上级拨给的款项:军事~|预算的支出部分是国家的~。 也 叫冰锥子、冰柱、冰溜(liù)。 包括科学性的和艺术性的。【伯仲】bózhònɡ〈书〉名指兄弟的次第,【操纵】cāozònɡ动①控制或开动机械、仪器 等:~自如|远距离~|一个人~两台机床。③形因不公平的事而愤怒或不满:愤愤~。【婊】biǎo[婊子](biǎo?碾轧谷物:打~|

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 MyTeacher课件

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 MyTeacher课件
A.she was young and stupid B.she couldn’t learn to speak C.she was deaf and blind D. she couldn’t read and write
4. The writer had great difficulty in______.
1. What was the writer’s problem? 2. What did the writer learn during of her life? this period
Choose the best answer:
1.As the writer learned more and more,_______. B A. she could speak B. she enjoyed learning C.she could “hear” sounds. D. she became a teacher,too
2.I took a spoon and______the soup.It______delicious, tasted tasted
but it was so hot that I burnt my______. tongue
sight 3.I don’t have very good______and have to wear glasses. eye My left______is better than my right one.However,I see the sky;it______like looks can______ it’s going to rain. nose smell he 4.My uncle has a big______,but no sense of______.So cooks with electricity and not with gas,because he would not be able to______it if the gas flame went smell out. He’s just made so bread.It______very good. smells hear 5.My grandmother can’t______very well so she has to turn the TV up when she______ watches it. She doesn’t like

高三英语My teacher(PPT)4-3

高三英语My teacher(PPT)4-3

.4 kJ·mol 比热容 . J·mol·K 蒸汽压
压/Pa k k k 温/K 7 7 4 化学性质 锑是氮族元素(族),电负性为.。根据元素周期律,它的电负性比锡和铋大,比碲
和砷小。锑在室温下的空气中是稳定的,但加热时能与氧气反应生成三氧化二锑。 [] 锑在一般条件下不与酸反应。 已知锑有四种同素异形体——一种稳定的
laugh so that___A___.
A. the girl could put the meaning of the word
and the action together
B.the girl could learn how to laugh
C.the girl could do as her teacher did
。当温度降到℃时,它逐渐转变成稳定的晶型。黄锑是最不稳定的一种,只能由锑化氢在- ℃下氧化而得。在这种温度和环境光线的作用下,亚稳态的同素异
形体会转化成更稳定的黑锑。 [] 金属锑的结构为层状结构(空间群:Rm No. ),而每层都包含相连的褶皱六元环结构。最近的和次近的锑原子形成变形八
万分之.至. 族 氮族(VA族) 周 期 ;巴陵时尚网 https:/// 巴陵时尚网 ;第五周期 原子序数 相对原子质量 . 外围电子排布 sp 元素符号 Sb

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 my design课件

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 my design课件
2. Read and find specific information. ( Excise 3 T or F )
1. Enjoyments
Greek Weddings
2.Read and find specific information
4. In Greek culture , the bridegroom has to ask for the bride’s hand in marriage. T
f) a man who is about to get married or has just got married
best man
wedding ceremony
Step III Reading One
1. Enjoy the pictures about the Greek wedding .
death do us part".
Step II Learning the new words 1. Read new words together . 2. Prediction of new words in the context. 3. Match the words with the definitions.
5. The bride and bridegroom’s wedding crowns are made of gold. F
6. A piece of ribbon links the wedding crowns together. T
Step IV Reading Two 1. Enjoy the pictures about the Indonesia

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 My teacher课件

湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 My teacher课件

B. the writer understood herself
C. Annie Sullivan understood the girl
D. Annie Sullivan made the girl understood
7.“a born teacher” in paragraph 2 means__A__. A. a person who has a natural ability as a teacher B. a person who would like to be a teacher C. a clever teacher D. a person with patience and imagination 8. Helen Keller wrote this story mainly to__A____. A.do honour to a woman who was both her
4.My uncle has a big_n_o_s_e__,but no sense of_s_m__e_ll_.So he cooks with electricity and not with gas,because he would not be able to_s_m_e_l_l _it if the gas flame went out. He’s just made so bread.It_s_m_e_l_ls_very good.
Fill in the missing words:
Human beings have five senses for experiencing the world around them.
1.I reached out my hand and_to_u__ch__edthe dress with the tips of my_fi_n_g_e_r_s.The dress was made of silk and ____fe_l_t __very soft.

高三英语my teacher 2课件

高三英语my teacher 2课件
3.Annie did NOT help Helen Keller to _D_____.
A. understand words B. read books printed in braille C. learn how to speak D. develop the writing system of braille
The -ing form
1.One day a letter from my father arried at the school,_a_sk_i_n_g_ a teacher for me.
2.Annie considered this was just the kind of _d_em_a_n_d_i_n_g_ job she wanted.
sympathized with Helen. C. Because it was the very job she had expected. D. Because she was deeply moved by the letter from
Heleቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ’s dad.
Reading comprehension
6.She had believed in me.I must always keep on _t_r_yi_n_g___to do my best.
Reading comprehension
4.Which is TRUE about the period when Annie worked as Helen’s teacher?__C___. A. The disabled were all well educated. B. A good many books were printed in braille. C. Few people realized the hidden strength in blind people. D. Many deaf-blind children had the chance of being taught to speak like normal people.
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C.the girl could do as her teacher did
D. the girl could know what her teacher was like
3. Some people thought the writer was simple-minded
C because______.
Fill in the missing words:
Human beings have five senses for experiencing the world around them.
1.I reached out my hand and______ touched the dress with the tips of my______.The dress was made of silk and fingers ________very soft. felt
A. a person who has a natural ability as a teacher B. a person who would like to be a teacher C. a clever teacher
D. a person with patience and imagination
A 8. Helen Keller wrote this story mainly to______.
A.do honour to a woman who was both her
teacher and friend B. tell about some of the events in her life C. try to persuade us to be kind to deaf-blind children D.thank her teacher for a gift she had given her
2.The teacher put the writer’s hand on her face and spelled
laugh so that______. A A. the girl could put the meaning of the word and the action together B.the girl could learn how to laugh
B. the writer understood herself C. Annie Sullivan understood the girl D. Annie Sullivan made the girl understood
A 7.“a born teacher” in paragraph 2 means____.
2.I took a spoon and______the soup.It______delicious, tasted tasted
but it was so hot that I burnt my______. tongue
Байду номын сангаас
sight 3.I don’t have very good______and have to wear glasses. eye My left______is better than my right one.However,I see the sky;it______like looks can______ it’s going to rain. nose smell he 4.My uncle has a big______,but no sense of______.So cooks with electricity and not with gas,because he would not be able to______it if the gas flame went smell out. He’s just made so bread.It______very good. smells hear 5.My grandmother can’t______very well so she has to turn the TV up when she______ watches it. She doesn’t like
on the girl. A. patience C. cleverness B. imagination D. energy
6.The sentence“She reached my understanding”
A in paragraph 3 means______.
A. the writer understood what the teacher was doing
A.she was young and stupid B.she couldn’t learn to speak C.she was deaf and blind D. she couldn’t read and write
4. The writer had great difficulty in______.
1. What was the writer’s problem? 2. What did the writer learn during of her life? this period
Choose the best answer:
1.As the writer learned more and more,_______. B A. she could speak B. she enjoyed learning C.she could “hear” sounds. D. she became a teacher,too
A. spelling the word water
B. telling what water really was C.understanding why her teacher spelled water into her hand D. both B and C
C of the teacher left a deep impression 5.The ______