
根本特殊化学株式会社从1979年开始步入化学传感事業分野,25 年时间主要向社会提供了民 用燃气泄漏报警用的高品质、高信赖性的接触燃烧式燃气传感器。至今以燃气泄漏报警器为中心销 售出累计约三千万個以上的接触燃烧式传感器,作为传感器的权威专业厂家为传感事业做出了巨大 贡献。

19970929NAP—55A(触媒接触燃烧式城市燃气传感器)使用说明书根本特殊化学株式会社东京都杉並区上荻1—15—1目 录1.NAP—55A传感器的特征及用途 (2)2.额定值 (2)3.可测燃气的浓度范围 (2)4.燃气灵敏度特性 (3)5.应答特性 (4)6.电源电压波动特性 (5)7.温度特性 (7)8.湿度特性 (7)9.传感器的检测方法 (8)10.传感器图纸 (11)1.NAP—55A传感器的特征及用途NAP—55A和从前本公司生产的接触燃烧式燃气传感器(NAP—2A、NAP—7A)相比,体积小、节能,消耗电力只有NAP—2A的50%,具有卓越的感应灵敏度,应答速度超出2A约30%以上。
(1) 特征·具有良好的稳定性·突出的再现性和灵敏度·对于城市燃气浓度的输出信号显示为良好直线性·应答速度极快·由于超小型,故报警器形状可随意调整(2) 用途·城市燃气用报警器·各种燃气的浓度计2.额定值·电桥外加电压 A.C.2.5V±0.25V(频率50—60Hz)D.C.2.5V±0.25V·电桥外加电流 A.C. 160~180mA(频率50—60Hz)(2.5V外加时) D.C. 160~180mA·使用时周围的温湿度 温度 –10~+50℃湿度95%RH以下·保管时周围的温湿度 温度 –20~+60℃湿度95%RH以下3.可测燃气的浓度范围针对任何一种燃气都能感应从0~LEL但是对于燃气的浓度输出信号,直线保证在以下的浓度范围内。
天然气 :0~1%异丁烷 :0~0.5%丙 烷 :0~0.5%氢 气 :0~0.5%4.燃气灵敏度特性图 1 NAP—55A 的灵敏度特性10203000. Concentration (vol%)iso-C 4H 10H 2C 2H 5OH CH 45.应答特性(测定例:和NAP—2A的比较)图中的时间是90%应答的情况图 2 NAP—55A的应答特性6.电源电压波动特性图 3 NAP—55A 的燃气感应灵敏度的电源电压变动特性图 4 空气中输出值的电源电压波动特性2.252.50 2.75Supply Voltage (V)1020∆V o u t i n C H (m V )42.25 2.50 2.752-2V o u t i n A i r (m V )Supply Voltage (V)图 5 理论报警浓度的电源电压波动特性2.752.502.25Supply Voltage (V)20002500300035004000T h e o r i t i c a l A l a r m G a s C o n c e n t r a t i o n o f C H (p p m )47.温度特性图 6 NAP—55A 的温度特性8. 湿度特性图 7 NAP—55A 的湿度特性3030404050502020101000-10-10-22Temperature (C)oTemperature (C)o V o u t i n A i r (m V )303060609090Relative Humidity (%)Relative Humidity (%)-22V o u t i n A i r (m V )9. 传感器的检测方法(1) 试验装置试验装置的简图如下(注意事项) ① 试验槽·试验槽材质必须是不产生燃气和不附着燃气,比如金属或者玻璃为好。

Original issue 20030602(Latest revision 20070220) General information on Nemoto sensors深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comNEMOTO SENSORSNemoto produces GAS SENSORS and SMOKE SENSORS. Wide ranges of models are provided for users’ convenience in the selection of the most suitable sensors for their applications from the vie points of target gases, detection purposes, operating conditions, and required accuracy. Generally speaking, catalytic type gas sensors are the best for flammable gases. Semiconductor type sensors and electrochemical cells would be good for detection of toxic gases and contamination gases contained in air. And thermally conductive type sensors would be suited for inert gas detection. However, the suitable sensor may differ depending on target gas concentrations to be detected. Our suggestions and recommendations will be given upon request.The features and characteristics of each sensor will be described later in this brochure, but rough ideas are shown below for the selection of a suitable sensor depending on the kinds and concentrations of target gases. Users who are going to use our sensor for the detection of a gas concentration near the border lines are recommended to contact us for technical assistance. As far as our smoke sensors are concerned, there is no limitation in the detection ranges and applications.* Flammable gasesHydrogen, Methane, Propane, Iso-butane, Gasoline vapor, Ethanol, etc.0.001% 0.01% 0.1% 1% 10% GasconcentrationType of sensors<-No appropriatesensor-> <- Catalytic type -><- Thermally conductive ->* Toxic gasesH 2S, SOx, HCl, Cl, CO, etc.0.1ppm 1ppm 10ppm 100ppm 0.1% 1% GasconcentrationType of sensors <- Electrochemical -><- Catalytic ->* Incompletely combusted exhaust gasesCO, Hydrogen, unburned or oxidized hydrocarbons0.1ppm 1ppm 10ppm 100ppm 0.1% 1% GasconcentrationType of sensors <- Electrochemical -><- Catalytic ->* Inert gasesCarbon dioxide, Freon gases0.01% 0.1% 1% 10% GasconcentrationType of sensors<- IR absorption -><- Thermallyconductive ->In addition to the above types of sensors, semiconductor type sensors are also on the market, however because of its inferior gas selectivity and complicated circuitry, we do not recommend this type of sensors for reliable gas detection and measurement.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Line-up of Nemoto sensorTypeTarget gases Model No. Detection rangeFeaturesNAP - 2A Universal typeNAP - 55A NAP - 56A Small sized, Lower power consumptionGeneralcombustible gases NAP - 50Aiso-Butane (0.03 - 1.0%) Methane (0.05 - 2.5%) Low sensitivity to ethanol NAP - 3AUniversal typeNAP - 66ALPG, hydrogenand organic solvent vapor NAP - 67A Hydrogen (0.04 - 2%) iso-Butane (0.02 - 1%) Small sized, Lower power consumptionNAP - 100AM NAP - 100ACHigh performance,Commercial application , NAP - 100AH For hydrogen only Combustiblegases forcommercial useNAP - 100ADMethane (0.03 - 5%) iso-Butane (0.02 - 1.8%) High temp. resistivity NAP - 78A Incomplete combustion fluegasNAP - 79A 0.03 - 2% (1/2H 2 + CO)For gas boilers, oil boilersNAP - 130 NSU - 131A C A T A L Y T I CCombustibleGases, hydrogen NSU - 131AFMethane (0.05 - 5%) Hydrogen (0.04 - 4%) For hydrogen fuel cellThermallyconductive Carbon di-oxide NAP - 21A 2 - 100% Universal typeNAP - 505 High accuracy,Carbon mono-oxide NAP - 503 CO10 - 1000ppm Low sensitivity to hydrogen OxygenNAP - 7800 - 100%High accuracy, High reliability Electro- chemicalFormaldehydeNAP - 7400 - 50ppmHigh accuracy, High reliability NHS-1210-90%RH For low humidity NHS-2020-95%RH Standard typePolymerResistance type Relative HumidityNHS-2520-100%RH Highly durable to dew condensation NIS - 02A NIS - 02C Out of radioactive source (Lower than exemption) NIS - 09C Universal type Ionization Type General smoke NIS - 05A 0.5 - 5% / foot**Lower radioactivity深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Catalytic typeCatalytic type gas sensors are Nemoto’s specialty, and various kinds of gassensors are provided for customers’ selection. The main application is for gas detectors. Catalytic type sensors are much stable compared to semiconductortype gas sensors, and do not need any CPU for making detectors. Thus catalytic type gas sensors enable users to design flexible circuits for lower-cost gas detectors. The general features of Nemoto’s catalytic gas sensors are as below.1. Basic characteristics:* Good output linearity to gas concentrations up to LEL, especially excellentlinearity in the range below 50% of LEL.* Excellent repeatability of gas sensitivity. Variability within a day would beless than +/- 5%.* Speedy response. 90% response time of residential models is less than 20 sec.* Hardly affected by ambient temperature and humidity. No compensationcircuit is required for residential applications.* Least individual differences and simple calibration on detectors.* Short initial stabilization time.* Less affected by supply voltage variation. Stabilized supply voltage is notneeded.2. Durability, Long-term stability* Excellent stability under 60o C.* Durable under high temperature and humidity (50o C, 95% RH).* Not affected by long-term storage under high temperature and humidity (50o C,95% RH).* Resistive against vibration and impact.* Durable against corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide.* Durable against silicone gases (HMDS 10ppm).* Acceleration tests have proved a long life more than 10 years.3. Usage* Not like semiconductor type sensors, a long preparatory aging time is notnecessary for performance stabilization.* In case of gas detector applications, aging for 10 minutes would be enoughbefore calibration. Calibration can be done in air without a test gas.* Variation of ambient temperature & humidity or existence of noise gases doesnot affect to the characteristics of Nemoto sensors. It is not needed to createspecial ambient conditions for calibration.4. Applications* Gas leakage detectors* Incomplete combustion alarms* For water heaters* Alcohol checkers, Gas densitometers* For gasoline feeders深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comElectrochemical type gas sensorsThis is one of our main products in addition to the Hot-wire type sensors.Because of the limitation of its detection method, detectable gases are limitedsuch as toxic gases and incompletely combusted flue gases etc., howeverelectrochemical sensors show far superior accuracy and gas selectivitycompared to semiconductor type sensors. It was said that electrochemicaltype sensors had a problem of a shorter life, but Nemoto electrochemicalsensors are uniquely designed in the electrodes to have excellent accuracy andconsistency so that these sensors can be applied for maintenance-freeresidential detectors. Nemoto electrochemical sensors have also an innovativestructure to have realized the smallest size in the world. This small size givesflexibility in the component positioning when detectors are designed. Thereare two series of Nemoto electrochemical sensors, i.e. the 5 series for generaluse and the 7 series mainly used for industrial applications. The 5 seriesincludes a special type which electrode pins can be directly soldered with PCBs.The superior features are described below.1.Basic features:•The output signal is linear in the practical detection range of various target gases.•The excellent repeatability of gas sensitivity. Output signals fall into a range of ± 2% or less.•The faster response time. Electrochemical sensors generally do not have a quick response time, but Nemoto electrochemical sensors show a relatively quick responsecharacteristic. 90% response time is within 30 seconds.* When a simple temperature compensation circuit is added for the range of 20o C ∼ 50o C,the accuracy falls into ± 10% tolerance. Nemoto electrochemical sensors are hardlyaffected by humidity.•The individual differences are so small that alarm concentration can be adjusted by a uniformed calibration.•Initial output is stabilized in a short time after energized.2. Durability and long term stability•Detection accuracy is unchanged after use for 5,000 hours under 60o C and 90%RH.•Gas sensitivity is unchanged after use for 5,000 hours under 60o C and 15%RH.•Excellent resistivity to vibrations and shocks that are expected in common environment.•The sensors are not affected by silicon gases at all.• 5 year life is guaranteed for the standard type NAP-505.3. Usage•Different form semiconductor type sensors, Nemoto electrochemical sensors do not need preparatory aging at all.•In case of use for residential detectors, calibration is not required because the individual differences are negligible.•False-alarm-free because of no response to noise gases.•Battery operation is possible because the sensors do not have a heater.4. Applications•For incomplete combustion detectors, CO detectors, toxic gas detectors.•For combustion controllers for stoking equipment, monitors for indoor environment.•Various gas densitometers, measuring equipment.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comNAP-2ANAP-2A is a universal type of sensor for flammable gases and can be used for gas detectors as well as for gas densitometers. The following are the ratings and output characteristics of this sensor. It is recommended to refer to the individual user’s manual for further information.* Target gases and concentrationGases Detection range Methane CH 4 0.05 ~ 5%(0.05 ~ 2%) Propane C 3H 8 0.03 ~ 2.2%(0.03~ 1%) Iso-butane Iso-C 4H 10 0.03 ~ 1.8%(0.03 ~ 0.8%) Hydrogen H 2 0.05 ~ 4%(0.05 ~ 1.5%) Ethanol C 2H 5OH 0.05 ~ 3.2%(0.05 ~ 1.5%) Hydrocarbons C n H 2n+21~100% LEL (1~50%LEL)( ) is a detection range in high accuracy* RatingsItems Specifications Supply voltage DC 2.20 +/- 0.22V AC 2.20 +/- 0.22V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz) Current(When 2.2Vis supplied) DC 340 ~ 380mAAC 340 ~ 380mA (r.m.s. 50~60Hz) Ambient Temperature In operation -10 ~ +50℃ In storage -10~ +60℃ AmbienthumidityIn operation 95%RH or lessIn storage 99%RH or less(No dew condensation)-2A* Gas sensitivity characteristicsGas & Concentration Output voltage Output in clean air -35 ~ +35 mV Methane 3000ppm 14 ~ 22 mV Iso-butane 1400ppm 12 ~ 18 mV Hydrogen 1400ppm 9 ~ 15 mV Ethanol 1400ppmLess than 15mVRecommended measuring circuit Gas sensitivity characteristics 0102030405000. Concentration (%)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NAP-3ANAP-3A is a universal type of LP Gas sensor, and is used for LP Gas detectors,leakage testers, and gas densitometers. The following are the ratings and output characteristics of this sensor. It is recommended to refer to theindividual user’s manual for further information.* Target gases and concentrationGases DetectionrangePropane C3H80.03 ~ 2.2%(0.03 ~ 1%)Iso-butane Iso-C4H100.03 ~ 1.8%(0.03 ~ 0.8%)Hydrogen H20.05 ~ 4%(0.05 ~ 1.5%)Ethanol C2H5OH 0.05 ~ 3.2%(0.05 ~ 1.5%)Hydrocarbons C n H2n+21~100%LEL(1~50%LEL)( ) is a detection range in high accuracy* RatingsItems SpecificationsSupply voltage DC 1.75 +/- 0.175VAC 1.75 +/- 0.175V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Current (when 1.75V is applied) DC 310 ~ 350mAAC 310 ~ 350mA (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Ambient Temperature In operation -10 ~ +50℃In storage -10 ~ +60℃Ambient humidity In operation 95%RH or lessIn storage 99%RH or less(No dew condensation)Structure & appearance of NAP-3AGas sensitivity characteristicsGas and concentration Output voltageOutput in clean air -35 ~ +35mVIso-butane 1400ppm 12 ~ 18mVHydrogen 1400ppm 9 ~ 15mVEthanol 1400ppm Less than 15mVRecommended measuring circuit Gas sensitivity characteristics10203000. Concentration (%)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900a half in power consumption compared to 3A so that thinner and lighter-weight detectors can be produced. The following are the basic characteristics but it is recommended to refer to the individual user’s manual for further information. A measuring circuit for sensor evaluation is the same as NAP-3A.* Target gases and concentrationGases DetectionrangePropane C3H80.03 ~ 2.2% (0.03 ~ 1%)Iso-butane Iso-C4H100.03 ~ 1.8% (0.03 ~ 0.8%)Hydrogen H20.05 ~ 4% (0.05 ~ 1.5%)Ethanol C2H5OH 0.05 ~ 3.2% (0.05 ~ 1.5%)Hydrocarbons C n H2n+21~100% LEL (1~50%LEL)( ) is a detection range in high accuracy* RatingsStructure & appearanceof NAP-66A* Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases and concentrationOutput voltageOutput in clean air-35 ~+35mVIso-butane 1400ppm 10 ~ 15mVHydrogen 1400ppm 7 ~ 12mVEthanol 1400ppm Less than 11mVGas sensitivity characteristics Response characteristicsItems RatingsSupplyVoltageDC 2.0 ± 0.2VAC 2.0 ± 0.2V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Current(When 2.0Vis applied)DC 140 ~ 160mAAC 140 ~ 160mA (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)AmbientTemperatureIn operation -10 ~ +50℃In storage -10 ~ +50℃AmbienthumidityIn operation 95%RH or lessIn storage 99%RH or less(No dew condensation)246810121416Gas Concentration (ppm)CH4iso-C4H10C2H5OH深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900a half in power consumption compared to 2A so that thinner and lighter-weight detectors can be produced. The following are the basic characteristics but it is recommended to refer to the individual user’s manual for further information. A measuring circuit for sensor evaluation is the same as NAP-2A.* Target gases and concentrationGases DetectionrangeMethane CH40.05 ~5% (0.05 ~ 2%)Propane C3H80.03 ~ 2.2% (0.03 ~ 1%)Iso-butane Iso-C4H100.03 ~ 1.8% (0.03 ~ 0.8%)Hydrogen H20.05 ~ 4% (0.05 ~ 1.5%)Ethanol C2H5OH 0.05 ~ 3.2% (0.05 ~ 1.5%)Hydrocarbons C n H2n+21~100%LEL (1~50%LEL)( ) is a detection range in high accuracy* RatingsItems SpecificationsSupply VoltageDC 2.5 +/- 0.25VAC 2.5+/- 0.25V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Current (When 2.5V is applied) DC 150 ~ 170mAAC 150 ~ 170mA (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Ambient Temperature In operation -10 ~ +50℃In storage -10 -~+50℃AmbienthumidityIn operation 95%RH or lessIn storage 99%RH or less(No dew condensation)Structure & Appearance of NAP-55A * Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases & concentration Output voltageOutput in clean air -35 ~ +35mVMethane 3000ppm 10 ~ 16mVIso-butane 1400ppm 10 ~ 15mVHydrogen 1400ppm 7 ~ 12mVEthanol 1400ppm Less than 11mVGas sensitivity characteristics Response characteristics102030Gas Concentration (vol%)H24iso-C4H102H5OH深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NAP-50ANAP-50A is a miniature & low power consumption type of NAP-2A, and is mainly used for gas detectors. Compared to NAP-55A, NAP-50A has a lower alcohol sensitivity to eliminate false alarms caused by alcohol, thus more reliable gas detectors can be produced with NAP-50A. The following are the basic characteristics but it is recommended to refer to the individual user’s manual for further information. See NAP-2A for measuring circuit for sensor evaluation.* Target gases and detection rangeGases DetectionrangeMethane CH40.05 ~5% (0.05 ~ 2%)Ethane C2H60.05 ~ 3.2% (0.05 ~ 1.5%)Iso-butane Iso-C4H100.03 ~ 1.8% (0.03 ~ 0.8%)Hydrogen H20.05 ~ 4% (0.05 ~ 1.5%)Hydrocarbons C n H2n+21~100% LEL (1~50%LEL)( ) is a detection range in high accuracy* RatingsItems SpecificationsSupply voltage DC 2.5 +/- 0.25VAC 2.5 +/- 0.25V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Current (When 2.5V is applied) DC 150 ~ 170mAAC 150 ~ 170mA (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Ambient Temperature In operation -10 ~ +50℃In storage -10 ~ +50℃Ambient humidity In operation 95%RH or less In operation 99%RH or less(No dew condensation)Structure & Appearance of NAP-50A * Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases & concentration Output voltageOutput in air -35 ~ +35mVMethane 3000ppm 10 ~ 16mVIso-butane 1400ppm 9 ~ 14mVHydrogen 1400ppm 7 ~ 12mVEthanol 1% Less than 10mVGas sensitivity characteristics Response characteristics102030Gas Concentration (vol%)H2CH4iso-C4H102H5OH深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900of Nemoto NAP-55A. The gas sensitivity is better than NAP-55A by about 15%. Users are to pay attention to this higher gas sensitivity upon calibration.・Target gases & concentration ・Ratingsgases Detection range Item Ratings Methane CH 40.05-5% (0.05-2%) Supply voltage DC 2.5±0.25V AC 2.5±0.25V(RMS 50-60Hz) EthaneC 2H 6 0.05-3.2% (0.05-1.5%)Current (2.5Vapplied)DC 150-170mA AC 150-170mA(RMS 50-60Hz) Hydrogen H 20.05-4% (0.05-1.5%)Ambient temperature Usage -10 ∼ +50℃ Storage -10 ∼ +50℃ Hydro-carbonsC n H 2n+2 1-100%LEL (1-50%LEL)Ambient humidity Usage 95%RH or less Storage 99%RH or less but no dew Condensation.( ) = Detection range with high accuracyFig. Appearance and structure of NAP -56A・Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases and concentration Output values Output in clean air -35 ∼ +35mV Methane 3,000ppm 15 ∼ 23mV Iso-butane 1,400ppm 12 ∼ 18mV Hydrogen 1,400ppm10 ∼ 17mV深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900of Nemoto NAP-66A. The gas sensitivity is better than NAP-66A by about 15%. Users are to pay attention to this higher gas sensitivity upon calibration.・Gas sensitivity characteristics ・RatingsGases Detection range Items RatingsPropane C 3H 8 0.03-2.2% (0.03-1%) Supply voltage DC 2.0±0.2V AC 2.0±0.2V(RMS 50-60Hz) Iso-butane C 4H 10 0.03-1.8% (0.03-1%) current (2.0V applied) DC 140-160mA AC 140-160mA(RMS 50-60Hz) Hydrogen H 2 0.05-4% (0.05-1.5%) Ambient temperature Usage -10 - +50℃ Storage -10 - +50℃ Hydro- carbons C n H 2n+2 1-100%LEL (1-50%LEL) Ambient humidity Usage 95%RH or less Storage 99%RH or less but no dewcondensation( ) = Detection range with high accuracyFig. Appearance and structure of NAP -67A・Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases and concentration Output values Output in clean air -35 ∼ +35mV Iso-butane 1,400ppm 12 ∼ 18mV Hydrogen 1,400ppm 10 ∼ 17mV Ethanol 1,400ppm8 ∼ 16mV深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NAP-78ANAP-78A is a gas sensor for monitoring incomplete combustion. 78A can be installed in a flue duct for direct monitoring on stoking equipment. Usually this type of sensor has individual temperature dependency to require an individual compensation circuit, but this has been the cause of the high cost of such sensors to eventually impede the popularization, however, 78A’s temperature dependency can be compensated by a simple circuit and does not need an individual circuit.* RatingsItem SpecificationsSupply voltageDC 2.0 +/- 0.1VAC 2.0 +/-0.1V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz) Heat cleaningvoltage DC 2.75 +/- 0.1V AC 2.75 +/- 0.1V (r.m.s. 50~60Hz) Heat cleaning cycles 1 min. only upon switch-on O2 concentration 1 ~ 21%CO/H 2 1/1 ~ 1/4 Current (When 2.0V is applied) DC140 ~ 160mAAC140 ~ 160mA (r.m.s. 50~60Hz)Ambient temperatureIn operation 0~ +200℃ In storage -10~ +50℃ Ambient humidity In operation 95%RH or lessIn storage 99%RH or less(No dew condensation)Structure & appearance of NAP-78A * Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases and concentrationOutput voltage Output in clean air+8.0 ~ +12.0 mVCO 1000ppm + H 2 500ppm6 - 7mV (Normal Temp.), 4 - 5mV (200℃) Temperature dependency at Zero pointZero point variation +/- 1.0mV or less betweennormal temperature and 200℃Gas sensitivity characteristics Circuit with componentPin50510152025150030004500CO/H = 2/1 Mixture gas concentration (ppm)7502深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NAP-79ANAP-79A is a moderately-priced version of NAP-78A, and to be installed in an exhaust duct of a stoking equipment for direct monitoring of the exhaust gas as same as the conventional version NAP-78A. Difference from NAP-78A, the components are minimized (Harness and intermediary PC board have been eliminated) so that this new version NAP-79A can be used for lower-pricedstoking equipment. The equivalent performances as NAP-78A are guaranteed when an initial output value is read to set the zero point. Heat cleaning cycles are recommended for NAP-78A, but the cycles can be skipped for NAP-79A if simplified control is required.・RatingsPlease refer to the page of NAP-78A since every item is exactly same as NAP-78A.Fig. Appearance and structure of NAP -79A・Gas sensitivity characteristicsGases and concentration Output values Output in clean air 40∼-120mVCO 1,000ppm + H2 500ppm 7∼ 9mV (room Temp.), 5 ∼7mV( 200o C)Temperature characteristics at Zero point Output variation between room temperature and Zero point = less than ± 1.0mVFig. Gas sensitivity feature Fig. Circuit with components 25101520250150030004500CO/H = 2/1 混合ガス濃度 (ppm)750Pin5深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NAP-100 SeriesNAP-100 series are flammable gas sensors for industrial applications, and 4 types are provided for users’ choice. For detailed technical information, pleaserefer to the individual user’s manuals.* Ratings and gas sensitivityItems NAP-100AMNAP-100ACNAP-100ADNAP-100AH Supplyvoltage2.6V 2.6V 2.6V 1.6VCurrent 160 ~ 180mA 160 ~ 180mA 160 ~ 180mA 120 ~ 140mAAmbient temp. & humidity in operation -10 ~ +50℃95%RH or less-10 ~ +50℃95%RH or less260℃ or less95%RH or less260℃ or less95%RH or lessAmbient temp. & humidity in storage -20 ~ +60℃99%RH or less-20 ~ +60℃99%RH or less-20 ~ +60℃99%RH or less-20 ~ +60℃99%RH or lessApplications Universal type For higher conc.For high temp. For H2 only Target gases Flammable Flammable Flammable H2、CODetection range in highaccuracy 1 ~ 50%LEL 3~ 100%LEL 1~ 50%LEL 1~ 50%LELStructure of 100AC Structure of 100AD Structure of 100AH深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NAP-130ANAP-130 is a simple gas sensing unit which output voltage in air has been calibrated. When the rated DC voltage is supplied to the unit, it puts out in mV order and reaches to 0mV in the existence of around 10%LEL of methane or hydrogen gas. Calibration is done depending on users’ requirements, but setting at around 10%LEL is recommended for reliable gas detection in consideration of variation of temperature/humidity and presence of tiny quantity of noise gases.* Ratings and specificationsItem Specifications Supply voltage DC 2.5 +/- 0.1VCurrent DC 150 – 170mA (2.5V is supplied.) Ambient temperature In operation -20 - +80 degree C In storage -20 - +70 degree C Ambient humidity Less than 95%RH, not dew condensation Recommended initial insensitive time90sec.Response time T90 : Less than 30sec.Recommended calibration 10 +/- 1%LEL, Methane : 4500 – 5500ppm,Hydrogen : 3600 – 4400ppmAcceptable calibration 5 – 25%LEL Output in air-27 - -33mVStructure & appearance of NAP-130*Terminal explanationNo.1 +2.5V Red2 Unused -3 Output (+) Yellow4 Output (-) Green5 GND. BlackRemarks) GND. does not have to short-circuit with output (-).This sensor is installed in outer cases of fixed type fuel cells and gas engines for the purpose of gas leakage detection. Wire length should be less than 2m long, and please do not use connectors other than our recommended ones.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900NSU-131A 、NSU-131AFNSU-131A and 131AF are ready-for-use units with Nemoto’s hot-wire type gas sensors already calibrated. Outputs are obtained in mV order when the rated DC voltage is supplied to the units. The alarm concentration is preset at 10% of LEL of natural gas or hydrogen gas, but custom calibration is available upon request. ・Ratingsitems NSU-131A NSU-131AFSupply voltageDC 2.5 ± 0.1V DC 2.5 ± 0.1V Current when rated voltage is supplied DC150 ∼ 170mA DC150 ∼ 170mA Ambient temperature Usage -20 ∼ +80℃ Storage -20 ∼ +70℃ Ambient humidity Usage <95%RH, Storage <95%RH (without dew condensation)・Standard specificationsItems NSU-131A NSU-131AFDelay at initially energized90 SecondsResponse speed 90% response within 30 secondsCalibrated Alarm concentration 10 ± 1% LEL 、Methane 4,500 ∼ 5,500ppm, Hydrogen 3,600 ∼ 4,400ppm Calibration range 5 ∼ 25% LEL Output in clean air-23 ∼ -29mV -18 ∼ -22mVN S U-131AN S U-131AF・TerminalsNo.1 +2.50V2 Not used3 Output signal (+)4 Output signal (−)5 GND.Remarks) GND and output signal (−) terminals are separately provided. Please do not short-circuit these terminals.NAP-21ANAP-21A is a thermal-conductive type gas sensor to detect gases making use ofthe variation of the thermal conductivity of a target gas. This sensor is suitablefor detection of highly concentrated gases more than percent order or inert gases that are not chemically reacted.* Ratings and Gas sensitivityItems NAP-21A Supply voltage DC 1.8 ±0.1VCurrent 120 ~ 130mA (1.8V applied)Ambient Temp. &-10 ~ +50o C, 95%RH or lesshumidity in operationAmbient Temp. &-20 ~ +60o C, 99%RH or lesshumidity in operationCO2 gas sensitivity 0.2mV / %CO2Structure of NAP-21AThis sensor detects the changes of outputs when the thermal conductivity ofthe ambient atmosphere becomes different from the conductivity of the air. More specifically, the output shifts towards (+) side when the target gas has a larger molecular weight than the air, and shifts towards (-) side in case of a smaller molecular weight. The output characteristic of this sensor shows excellent linearity to the gas concentrations that is good enough to measure concentrations up to 100%. However, this sensor is humidity-dependent (As “humidity is “steam” which makes the output shift towards (-) side.), a compensation circuit would be needed upon designing circuits. Because of these characteristics, this sensor is suitable for CO2 gas measurement & CO2 gas monitoring in containers for vegetables & fruits etc.。

防爆等级:Exd II CT6连接电缆:三芯电缆(单根线径≧1.5mm);建议选用屏蔽电缆。
NAP-508 气体传感器技术说明书

100525NAP-508气体传感器技术说明书(电化学式一氧化碳传感器)根本传感器技术株式会社〒168-0072東京都杉並区高井戸東4-10-9TEL. : 03-3333-2760FAX. : 03-3333-7344E-mail : ****************.jpURL : http://www.nemoto.co.jpNAP-508是一款新开发的一氧化碳传感器,较之于NAP-505,具有更长的寿命。
以下为NAP-508的特性、 优势、寿命方面做一下介绍。
1. 规格・工作温湿度 温度 : -20 ― +50℃ 湿度 : 15 – 90%RH ・气压 : 1 ± 0.1atm ・推荐电阻 : 10Ω ・推荐保管温度 : 0 – 20℃ ・推荐库存时间: 6个月以内2. 特性・检查对象气体 : CO 一氧化碳 ・量程 : 0 – 2000ppm 最大量程 :1%VOL・输出电流 : 20 ± 5nA/ppm.CO ・基线偏移 : ±5ppm 以下 ・反应时间 : T90 45秒以内 ・零点温飘(-20-50℃) : 10ppm 以下 ・衰减性 : 3%以下/年 ・同日重复性 : ±2%以内3. 各种特性 3-1. 线性120010008006004002000出力電流(μA )ガス濃度(ppm)53-2.3-3.温度(℃):基準温度 20℃-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 変化率(%) 75 82 89 95 100 103.5 106 108 补偿后的变化96 99.4 101.1 101.8 101.8 100.7 99.8 99.3率;(%)**:使用推荐线路上的热敏电阻注意:用推荐线路的热敏电阻,基线不能补偿3-4.4.外形名称材質・規格外盖子本体过滤纸针脚材質:PPO*、 色:棕红色材質:PPO、 色:黑色PTFE**(多层压制)φ9.5 φ0.5镍合金(50FN)****:苯醚**:聚四氟乙烯***:FeNi50%镍合金ピン配置5.推荐电路6.干扰感应气体实验气体浓度(ppm) CO气体浓度换算值(ppm) 一氧化碳100100氢气25080甲烷50000丙烷25000CO2 50000SO2 250H2S 100NO 300NO2 30<10NH3 1000***乙酸乙酯2000***二氯甲烷2000***庚烷5000***甲苯2000***IPA2000***乙醇2000<30*六甲基二硅氧烷100**曝露時間:* 30 minutes** 40 minutes *** 2 hours7.耐久试验7-1. 高温試験实验条件: 50℃、40%RH 1000小时暴露试验后输出值变化: ±15%以内7-2. 高温高湿实验实验条件: 50℃、90%RH 1000小时暴露试验后输出值变化: ±10%以内7-3. 低温试验实验条件: -20℃1000小时暴露试验后的输出值变化: ±10%以内7-4. 低湿度实验实验条件: 25℃、20%RH 1000小时暴露试验后输出变化: ±10%以内7-5. 冷热循环实验实验条件: -20℃和50℃环境中分别放置30分钟循环10次试验后输出变化: ±10%以内8.机械强度8-1. 耐震性将传感器安X/Y/Z轴各个方向,以1.5mm 10~55~10Hz (扫描时间:1分钟)各振动2个小时。
NE-HCHO-S 日本NEMOTO根本株式会社最新甲醛气体传感器 0-10PPM 0.01PPM分辨率

Technical InformationElectrochemical Formaldehyde Sensor NE-HCHO-S ~ Industrial Use~(1) Design FeaturesHigh Sensitivity Stability High Reliability Linearity Low Power Consumption for Battery Operation(2) Specifications[Sensitivity Characteristics] Detection Gas Detection Range Maximum Overload Output Signal Repeatability Typical Baseline Range (pure air) Typical Response Time (t90) Baseline Shift (0 ∼ 40oC) Expected Life Time Formaldehyde 0 ∼ 10 ppm 50 ppm 500 ± 150 nA/ppm ±5% < ± 0.05 ppm < 120 sec. (HCHO : 1 ppm) < 0.2 ppm Over 2 years[Operating Conditions] Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Operating Pressure Range Recommended Load Resistor Bias Voltage Position Sensitivity Recommended Storage Temp. Storage Life -20 ∼ 50oC 15 ∼90 % RH 1atm± 10 % 10 Ω Not required None 0 ∼ 20oC Less than 6 months1[Physical Characteristics] Case Material Cap Color Weight PPO Black 5 g (approx.)[Appearance and Dimensions]Fig.1 : Appearance and Dimensions of NE-HCHO-S2(3) Characteristics(3-1) Cross Sensitivity Table 1 : Cross Sensitivity of NE-HCHO-S Gas Formaldehyde Hydrogen Sulfide Carbon-monoxide Carbon-dioxide Hydrogen Sulfur-dioxide Chlorine Methane Nitric Oxide Nitrogen Dioxide Ammonia Acetaldehyde Toluene Xylene Concentration (ppm) 10 1 100 5,000 1000 10 10 5,000 10 10 100 100 100 100 Typical Formaldehyde Concentration(ppm)Equivalent 10 4 <6 0 <10 <8 <-8 0 <0.5 -7 0 <2 0 0(3-2) Temperature DependencyTypical CharacteristicsFig. 2 : Typical Temperature Coefficient of NE-HCHO-S3(4) Basic Test Circuit0.1μF -Vcc 0.1μFNE-HCHO-SC R10kΩ2 6 3OP97WTH0.1μF 56kΩ +Vcc non. 10μF -Vcc 0.1μF10Ω2 6 3Output VoltageOP9710Ω0.1μF+VccTH : NTC Thermistor R 25 = 10kΩ B = 3435k 103AT(Ishizuka Electronic Corp.)Fig. 3 : Basic Test Circuit for NE-HCHO-S・Circuit is test use only. ・Remove the short-pin before sensor is connected to the circuit. ・Applied voltage of the +Vcc and the –Vcc at the same time.4[Notes] ・Use only within specified conditions. ・Sensor characteristics must be measured in clean air. ・Electrode pins must be correctly connected. Wrong connection does not allow correct functions. ・Do not apply voltage directly to electrode pins. ・Do not bend pins. ・Do not put excess vibration or shocks. ・If sensor housing is damaged or scratched, do not use. ・Do not blow organic solvents, paints, chemical agents, oils, or high concentration gases directly onto sensors. ・Do not solder to pins of sensor directly. Use exclusive sockets. ・Do not use contact grease when sensor is connected to the sockets. ・Do not disassemble or change any parts. ・If sensor is used under irregular atmosphere, contact us.NEMOTO SENSOR ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. 4-10-9 Takaido-Higashi Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0072 Japan TEL 81-03-3333-2760 FAX 81-03-3333-2712Tech.Inf.No.NE-HCHO-S –1507085。

地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
D. NO2气体暴露实验 测试条件 常温常湿环境中在50ppm的二氧化氮气体下传感器暴露2小时 表格6. NO2气体暴露实验 测试前(micro A) 测试后(micro A) No. 1 2 3 4 5
1. 概述 Nemoto NE 系 列 传 感 器 是 用 于 工 业 用 途 的 传 感 器 , NE-NH3, NE-NH3-1000 和 NE-NH3-5000 是用于检测氨气的电化学式传感器 . 外形,脚位和基本特性与其他型号兼 容,但是它具有更好的稳定性,重复再现性,耐用性和可靠性,而价格和其他型号相 比具有竞争力。特性和应用描述如下。 2. 检测原理 电化学式气体传感器由根据发生氧化反应的检知电极,与此同时发生还原反应的对向电极和用 来监视和平衡持续电压的参照电极组成。下图是电化学式传感器NE-NH3的结构,氨气体通过 传感器的隔膜扩散进入工作电极,在工作电极端分解和部分氧化,氮在工作电极端产生。随后 反应产生的质子进入对向电极,在电解液中与溶解氧发生反应变成水。整个反应过程如上。氨 气气体浓度与通过连续反应成产生的电流成比率关系。
5.08 4.59 4.00 3.87 4.28
E. 氢气气体暴露实验 测试条件 常温常湿环境中在500ppm的氢气气体下传感器暴露10小时 表格7. 氢气气体暴露实验 测试后(micro A)
100ppm NH3的灵敏度
测试前(micro A) No. 1 2 3 4 5

2002/12/12NAP-505 传 感器 (电 化学式 CO 传感器) 使用说明书深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com(1)NEMOTO的化学传 感器 (1.1)根本特殊化学株式会社的历 史 (1.2)化学传感事业 方向的组合 (1.3)制品的介绍 ・接触燃烧式气体传感器 ・工业用接触燃烧式气体传感器 ・电化学式气体传感器 ・湿度传感器/湿度传感器组合品 (2)电化学式传感器的概念 (2.1)基本动作原理 (2.2)基本构成 (2.3)特征 (3)NAP-505 (3.1)特征 (3.2)用途 (3.3)特性 (3.3.1)基本规 格 (3.3.2)气体灵敏度 (3.3.3)应答性 (3.3.4)选择性 (3.3.5)温度依存性 (3.3.6)信頼性 (3.3.7)和其它公司制品的比较 (3.3.8)用语的说明 (3.4)电路设计的指导 (3.4.1)基本动作电路 (3.4.2)低功耗电路的设计 (3.4.3)单电源的动作方法 (3.5)使用上的注意 (3.5.1)气体灵敏度的长期漂移 (3.5.2)气体感度的季节变动 (3.5.3)关于传感器的保管 (3.5.4)传感器实际安装上的留意事项 (3.5.5)气体报警器、气体浓度计的设计、使用上的留意事项 (3.5.6)一般注意事项深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com(1) NEMOTO的化学传 感器(1.1)根本特殊化学株式会社的历史根本特殊化学株式会社从1941年创业以来经过半世紀以上的飞速发展,主要在安全、防卫、 保健分野,以独创的开发技术为社会做出了卓著贡献。

NIS-05A SPECIFICATIONS(Revised: November 11, 1999)1. Scope :This specification sheet is for Ionization Smoke Chamber Model NIS-05A (Radiation source = 0.5 µCi of Am-241) manufactured by Nemoto & Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan for applications to smoke detectors.2. Method of detection :Ionization type, 2 chambers with a source3. Radiation source :Nuclide ; Americium 241Radioactivity ; 16.6KBq. - 20.4KBq. Ave. 18.5 KBq. (0.5 µCi)4. Operational conditions :Power supply ; DC 6.0 - 12.0 VOperational ambient conditions ;Temperature 0 - 50o CHumidity Less than 95% (No dew condensation)5. Maximum ratings :Supply voltage ; DC 24 Vconditions;Ambientin operation ; Temperature 0 - 50o CHumidity Less than 95%in storage ; Temperature -25 - 80o CHumidity Less than 95%6. Shape, dimensions, weight ;Shape & Dimensions ; As per attached drawingWeight ; 13.7 g.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司7. Measuring circuitPower supply Power supplyNormal polarity Reverse polarity8. Ratings :Test conditions; at 25o C, 60% RHSpecificationsItemsNormal polarity Reverse polaritySupply voltage DC 9V DC 9V Current consumption 15 +/- 2 pA 12 +/- 2 pA Output voltage5.5 +/- 0.5 V in clean air4.3 +/- 0.5V Sensitivity1.2 +/- 0.3 V0.8 +/- 0.3 V(Under 2%/foot of smoke, Tested according to UL 217)9. Characteristics :9-1. Sensitivity characteristics Table 1Test conditions; at 25o C, 60% RHOutput Variation (∆V)Smoke Concentration (%/foot)Normal polarity Reverse polarity 0 0 0 1 0.6 +/- 0.2 0.4 +/- 0.3 2 1.2 +/- 0.3 0.8 +/- 0.3 3 1.7 +/- 0.3 1.2 +/- 0.3 42.1 +/- 0.41.5 +/- 0.4Gray smoke test according to UL 217 Air velocity; 0.16m/sec.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 9-2. Supply voltage dependencyTable 2 Test conditions; at 25o C, 60% RHOutput voltage (V)Supply voltage (V)Normal polarity Reverse polarity6 3.2 +/- 0.4 3.4 +/- 0.49 5.5 +/- 0.5 4.3 +/- 0.512 7.8 +/- 0.6 5.0 +/- 0.69-3. Temperature & Humidity dependencyTable 3 Temperature dependency (Humidity; 60% RH)Temperature (o C) Output(V)0 5.2+/-0.525 5.5+/-0.550 5.8+/-0.5Table 4 Humidity dependency (Temperature; 25o C)Humidity (%C) Output (V)30 5.6 +/- 0.560 5.5 +/- 0.590 5.4 +/- 0.510. Durability tests :10-1. Heat resistance testTest method CriteriaAt +80o C +/- 5o C for 72 hrs. without electrified To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No. 8 after test. To show neither deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 10-2. Low temperature resistance Test method CriteriaAt -30o C +/- 5o C for 72 hrs. without electrified To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No. 8 after test. To show neither deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks.10-3. High humidity resistanceTest method CriteriaAt +40o C +/- 5o C, 85 +/- 5% for 72 hrs. without electrified To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No. 8 after test. To show neither deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks.10-4. Vibration testTest method Criteria Vibrated with amplitude of 0.25mmat every 5Hz from 10 – 35 Hz for 15 min. with sympathetic vibration.If no sympathetic vibration occurs, to be vibrated at 35Hz for 4 hours. To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No. 8 after test.To show neither deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks.10-5. Impact testTest method CriteriaDropped from a height of 1m on to a wooden plate with three different directions. To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No. 8 after test.To show neither deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司11. Remarks:1. Measurement of output voltages ;Output voltages are to be measured with an electrometer having an impedance of 1014 or greater, or with an exclusively designed measuring circuit using an IC for smoke detectors.Usual testers with an impedance of around 100M may not be adequate for accuratemeasurements.2. Contamination with a flux ;Upon assembling of NIS-05A onto your smoke detectors, please pay attention that a soldering flux would not get inside the chamber. Washing or cleaning up should be required if the inside of the chamber is contaminated with a flux.3. Connection of output lead wire ;The lead wire of NIS-05A should be connected in air with the input terminal of your circuit, or the connected point should be supported with a teflon post so that the connected point would not touch to your PCB. Accurate output voltages can not be measured if the current leaks onto the PCB.4. Moisture protection ;The connection point of the output wire of NIS-05A and an input terminal of an IC or an FET should be protected with a silicone resin or the like. Current leakage under highly humid conditions would be minimized.;shielding5. ElectricalBecause of a sensor of a tiny current, NIS-05A is easily affected by electrical noises from the outside. It is therefore recommended to shield the sensor, especially the connection point must be electrically shielded.Packing1,000 pieces packed in an export carton.Dimensions ; 435(D) x 490(W) x 275(H) mmGross weight ; 14.5 Kgs.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司12 Drawings。

January 20, 2000用户手册离子式烟雾传感器NIS-05A离子式烟雾传感器NIS-05A是用于探测火灾事故中的烟雾,香烟烟雾或者房子中的灰尘等的传感器。
1)特征;* 功耗极小,可用电池驱动使用几年.* 结构简单,比光电式烟雾传感器更便宜.* 输出不依赖于烟雾的颜色.* 和光电式烟雾传感器相比,耐用性更好.* 放射能很小2) 应用范围;*火灾报警器 * 空气清洁器 * 烟尘计数器3) 最大额定值;* 供给电压 DC 24V* 操作环境中的温湿度 温度 -20 ∼ +70o C湿度 小于95% RH* 储藏环境中的温湿度 温度 -25 ∼ +80o C湿度 小于95% RH4) 推荐额定值;* 供给电压 DC 9V* 电流功耗 15 +/- 2 pA (9V电压供应)* 空气中输出 5.5 +/-0.5 V (25o C, 60% RH) * 烟雾敏感度 1.2 +/- 0.3 V (2%/英尺,依据UL217)* 操作环境中的温湿度 温度 -10 ∼ +60o C湿度 小于95% RH*储藏环境中的温湿度 温度 -10 ∼ +70o C湿度 小于95% RH5) 结构, 尺寸 & 重量* 结构 如下页图纸所示.* 尺寸 如下页图纸所示.* 重量 约13.7克下面是NIS-05A的结构Fig. 1 NIS-05A结构放射性同位元素(图中C)是阿尔法射线放射源镅241,其放射量非常小只有18.5KBq.由于放射源已被不锈钢完全密封(图中G所示),所以放射能不会泄漏到周围环境中。
催化燃烧式可燃气体传感器NAP-50A NAP-55A产品介绍

(Revised November 20, 1995)USER'S MANUALHOT-WIRE TYPE GAS SENSOR NAP-55A & 50A(For All Combustible Gases, Low Power Consumption)CONTENTSapplications&Features1.Specifications2.characteristicssensitivity3.GascharacteristicsResponse4.dependencycharacteristicsVoltage5.characteristics6.Temperaturecharacteristics7.HumiditysensoronEvaluation8.Drawings9.1. GeneralNAP-55A & 50A are miniature-sized hot-wire type gas sensors for every Nemoto'scombustible gases. These new sensors are smaller than our NAP-2A sensor and consume much less power. (Approx. half a wattage of NAP-2A). These sensors respond 30% quicker than NAP-2A.NAP-55A is sensitive to all combustible gases, while NAP-50A has lower sensitivity only to alcohol. NAP-55A would be suitable for general applications, and NAP-50A would be the best for residential gas detectors which should not be affected by noise gases other than fuel gases.1) Features* Excellent stability.* Remarkable reproducibility and accuracy.* Linear output signal for natural (city) gas concentration.* Superior response characteristics.* Miniature size for flexibility in the design of detectors.2) Applications* Gas densitometers* City gas leakage detectors2. Specifications1) Voltage supplied to sensor bridge ; D.C. ; 2.50 +/- 0.25 VA.C. ; 2.50 +/- 0.25 V(r.m.s. 50 - 60 Hz)2) Current (when 2.50 V is supplied) ; D.C. ; 160 to 180 mAA.C. ; 160 to 180 mA(r.m.s. 50 - 60 Hz)3) Ambient temperature &humidity during operation ; Temperature ; -10o C to +50o CHumidity ; Less than 95% RH4) Ambient temperature &humidity during storage ; Temperature ; -20o C to +60oCHumidity ; Less than 95% RH3. Gas sensitivityFig. 1 Gas sensitivity of NAP-55A Fig. 2 Gas sensitivity of NAP-50A4. Response characteristics (Measurement example ; Comparison to NAP-2A)Fig. 3The times are ones to be required for 90% response 010203000. Concentration (vol%)H 2CH 4iso-C 4H 10C 2H 5OH10203000. Concentration (vol%)H 2CH 4iso-C 4H 10C 2H 5OHNAP-55ANAP-50ANAP-2A 5.2sec.7.6sec.in air in methane 3000ppm in air6.2sec.5mV10mV 8.9sec.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司5. Voltage dependency characteristics Voltage dependency on NAP-55A & 50A gas sensitivityFig. 4Voltage dependency on output in airFig. 5010202.25 2.5 2.75Supply Voltage (V)-222.25 2.5 2.75Supply Voltage (V)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Voltage dependency on theoretical alarm concentrationFig. 6200025003000350040002.25 2.5 2.75Supply Voltage (V)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 6. Temperature characteristicsFig. 77. Humidity characteristicsFig. 8-202-1001020304050Temperature (℃)5101520-1001020304050Temperature (℃)-202306090Relative Humidity (%)5101520306090Relative Humidity (%)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司8. Evaluation of sensors(1) Testing equipmentThe following is and outline of a test system.Fig. 9R emarks:1) Test chamber ;* Metal or glass which does not generate or absorb gases is desirable as test chamber material.* The volume of the chamber should be larger than 1 liter / sensor.2) Gas densitometer ;* An infrared gas densitometer is recommended for measuring gas concentration.3) Air agitation ;* The air inside the chamber should be agitated, but not so as to directly blow on the sensor. Air flow should be less than 0.5m/sec.4) Power supply ;* Sensors can be operated using either D.C. or A.C., but for optimal measurement accuracy, use of a D.C. voltage stabilizer is recommended.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司5) Voltmeter ;* A voltmeter with greater than 100K ohm impedance is sufficient for measuring sensor bridge out put voltage.6) Ventilation ;* Before proceeding with a subsequent test, the air inside the test chamber should be ventilated using a ventilator which has a capacity of more than 10 times the volume of the chamber per minute. 7) Placement of sensors in a test chamber ;* Sensors should be placed in a chamber in a same attitude. (Normally horizontal). Changing the attitude creates different thermal convection, and may cause inaccurate measurement results.(2) Adjustment of gas concentration Gas concentration in a test chamber is usually adjusted by a volumetric method injecting iso-butane gas using a syringe, or by monitoring with an infrared gas densitometer. Gas concentration adjustment by a volume method can be calculated according to the following formula.V ; Volume of gas to be injected Vi ; Inside volume of a chamber (ml) C ; Gas concentration to be adjusted Tr ; Room temperature (o C)Tc ; Temperature inside a chamber (o C)V (m )=V i ×C ×10-6273+T r 273+T c深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司(3) Measurement1) Preparatory aging;* Before measurement, sensors should be supplied with the specified voltage at least for more than 1 hour.2) Measurement;* After confirming that the output voltage level has stabilized, the output value in air (Va) is measured.* A test gas is injected into the test chamber and wait for an even dispersion of the gas inside the chamber. (Usually 1 min. or more)* Output voltage in gas (Vg) is measured.* Thoroughly ventilate the test chamber with a fresh air from outside.remarks(4) Other* Sensors should not be dropped or subjected to strong shocks.* Refrain from use in an atmosphere that may contain poisonous or corrosive gases.* Do not soak sensors in water.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司9. Drawings深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司。

USER'S MANUALHOT-WIRE TYPE GAS SENSOR NAP-55A & 50A(For All Combustible Gases, Low Power Consumption) CONTENTS1. Features & applications2. Specifications3. Gas sensitivity characteristics4. Response characteristics5. Voltage dependency characteristics6. Temperature characteristics7. Humidity characteristics8. Evaluation on sensor9. Drawings深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589001. GeneralNemoto's NAP-55A & 50A are miniature-sized hot-wire type gas sensors for every combustiblegases. These new sensors are smaller than our NAP-2A sensor and consume much less power.(Approx. half a wattage of NAP-2A). These sensors respond 30% quicker than NAP-2A.NAP-55A is sensitive to all combustible gases, while NAP-50A has lower sensitivity only toalcohol. NAP-55A would be suitable for general applications, and NAP-50A would be the bestfor residential gas detectors which should not be affected by noise gases other than fuel gases.1) Features* Excellent stability.* Remarkable reproducibility and accuracy.* Linear output signal for natural (city) gas concentration.* Superior response characteristics.* Miniature size for flexibility in the design of detectors.2) Applications* Gas densitometers* City gas leakage detectors2. Specifications1) Voltage supplied to sensor bridge ; D.C. ; 2.50 +/- 0.25 VA.C. ; 2.50 +/- 0.25 V(r.m.s. 50 ~ 60 Hz)2) Current (when 2.50 V is supplied) ; D.C. ; 160 ~ 180 mAA.C. ; 160 ~ 180 mA(r.m.s. 50 ~ 60 Hz)3) Ambient temperature &humidity during operation ; Temperature : -10o C ~ +50o CHumidity : Less than 95% RH4) Ambient temperature &humidity during storage ; Temperature : -20o C ~ +60o CHumidity : Less than 95% RH5) Output voltage in air ; Va : -35 ~ +35 mV6) Gas sensitivity ; ∆S : 11 ~ 16 mV (Methane 3,000 ppm)7) Reproduceability in a day ; Va : Within +/- 0.5 mV∆S : Within +/- 0.5 mV深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司3. Gas sensitivity_of N AP-55A3-1 Gas concentration characteristics3-2 Standard deviation of gas sensitivity to CH 4 (Individual difference)10203000. Concentration (vol%)iso-C 4H 10H 2C 2H 5OH CH 401020304000. 4 Gas Concentration (ppm)+σ-σaverage深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司4. Response characteristics(Measurement example ; Comparison to NAP-2A)The times are ones to be required for 90% response. 深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司5. Voltage dependency characteristicsVoltage dependency on NAP-55A gas sensitivityVoltage dependency on output in air2.25 2.50 2.752-2V o u t i n A i r (m V )Supply Voltage (V)2.252.50 2.75Supply Voltage (V)1020∆V o u t i n C H (m V )4深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Voltage dependency on theoretical alarm concentration2.752.502.25Supply Voltage (V)20002500300035004000T h e o r i t i c a l A l a r m G a s C o n c e n t r a t i o n o f C H (p p m )4深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司6. Temperature characteristics7. Humidity characteristics3030404050502020101000-10-10-22Temperature (C)oTemperature (C)oV o u t i n A i r (m V)∆V o u t i n C H 3000p p m (m V )42015105303060609090Relative Humidity (%)Relative Humidity (%)-22V o u t i n A i r (m V )∆V o u t i n C H 3000p p m (m V )42015105深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司8. Evaluation of sensors(1) Testing equipmentThe following is and outline of a test system.Remarks:1) Test chamber ;* Metal or glass which does not generate or absorb gases is desirable as test chamber material.* The volume of the chamber should be larger than 1 liter / sensor.2) Gas densitometer ;* An infrared gas densitometer is recommended for measuring gas concentration.3) Air agitation ;*The air inside the chamber should be agitated, but not so as to directly blow on the sensor.Air flow should be less than 0.5m/sec.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 4) Power supply ;*Sensors can be operated using either D.C. or A.C., but for optimal measurement accuracy, use of a D.C. voltage stabilizer is recommended.5) Voltmeter ;* A voltmeter with greater than 100K ohm impedance is sufficient for measuring sensor bridge out put voltage.6) Ventilation ;*Before proceeding with a subsequent test, the air inside the test chamber should be ventilated using a ventilator which has a capacity of more than 10 times the volume of the chamber perminute.7) Placement of sensors in a test chamber ;*Sensors should be placed in a chamber in a same attitude. (Normally horizontal).Changing the attitude creates different thermal convection, and may causeinaccuratemeasurement results.(2)Adjustment of gas concentrationGas concentration in a test chamber is usually adjusted by a volumetric method injecting iso-butane gas using a syringe, or by monitoring with an infra-red gas densitometer.Gas concentration adjustment by a volume method can be calculated according to thefollowing formula.V;Volume of gas to be injectedV1 ;Inside volume of a chamber (ml)C ;Gas concentration to be adjustedTR;Room temperature (o C)T; Temperature inside a chamber (o C)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 (3) Measurement1) Preparatory aging;* Before measurement, sensors should be supplied with the specified voltage at least for more than 1 hour.2) Measurement;* After confirming that the output voltage level has stabilized, the output value in air (Va) is measured.* A test gas is injected into the test chamber and wait for an even dispersion of the gas inside the chamber. (Usually 1 min. or more)* Output voltage in gas (Vg) is measured.* Thoroughly ventilate the test chamber with a fresh air from outside.(4) Other remarks* Sensors should not be dropped or subjected to strong shocks.* Refrain from use in an atmosphere that may contain poisonous or corrosive gases.* Do not soak sensors in water.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com9. Drawings深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 SUPPLEMENT TO USER'S MANUAL FOR NAP-55A CONTENTS10. Resistance to silicone contamination11. Drop (Impact) resistance12. Wind effects13. Life expectance14. Long term stability深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 10. Silicone contamination resistance test resultsSilicone material Hexamethyldisilixane (HMDS) (CH3)3SiOSi(CH3)3 10ppm : Silicone oilTime of exposure 1 hourTest equipment 14 liter desiccator, Room temperature and humidityTest gas CH4 3,000 ppmBefore contamination (mV) After contamination (mV) Test samplesOutput in air in 3,000ppm of CH4Output in air in 3,000ppm of CH41 Contamination- 14.3 12.5 - 14.2 9.9 without power supply2 " - 13.3 13.0 - 13.3 11.03 " - 0.8 12.9 - 1.0 11.14 " + 0.2 12.4 + 0.3 10.55 " + 10.4 12.5 + 10.2 9.56 Contamination with- 12.2 12.2 - 12.1 9.2 power supply7 " - 19.9 13.1 - 19.8 8.98 " - 15.2 12.8 - 15.0 8.49 " + 12.2 12.7 + 12.1 8.610 " + 23.7 12.8 + 23.8 8.8深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司11. Drop (Impact) test resultsTest conditions Dropped three times (Direction unspecified) on to a wooden plate (30mmthick) from a height of 50cm.Test samples Residential gas leakage detectors on the market (300g with a power code)Test method Fixed resistors for bridge circuit were put outside (Inside circuit was notused), and power was supplied, then fluctuations in output voltage wereobserved using a pen-recorder.Sample No. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3A + 1.0 + 1.3 + 1.0B - 1.5 - 0.8 + 0.5C - 1.1 - 0.5 - 1.2D + 1.4 + 0.5 - 0.1E - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.8F + 1.0 + 0.5 + 1.1G - 1.6 - 1.4 - 1.2H + 1.5 + 1.0 + 0.8I + 0.5 + 0.1 - 0.4J - 1.3 - 1.0 - 0.7* Fluctuation compared to initial output (mV)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 12. Wind effects test resultsBecause of its housing structure, NAP-55A's output voltage is little affected by wind. Below are the test results due to wind effects for NAP-55A and NAP-2A.No. Wind direction Description1 From sensor side Wind hits the sensing element2 From compensator side Wind hits the compensating element3 Parallel to sensor and compensator Wind hits both elements from the side4 From top Wind hits both elements through the mesh netFluctuation of output in air (mV) Wind direction and velocityNAP-55A NAP-2A From sensor side, 1.5m/sec. Approx. - 1 Approx. - 4From sensor side, 3.0m/sec. Approx. - 1 Approx. - 24From compensator side, 3.0m/sec. Approx. + 1 Approx. + 21Parallel to sensor and compensator, 3.0m/sec. Approx. +/-1 Approx. +/-2From top, 3.0m/sec. Approx. +/-1 Approx. +/-1 * Remarks: Output voltages fluctuate during measurement.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 13. Life expectanceTest methods and results(1) Overloaded voltage testSensors were continuously energized with 120%, 130%, and 140% of the rated supplyvoltage and stored under room temperature and humidity, then periodically outputvoltages in air were measured, giving the rated voltage. Figure 8 indicates that thelife expectancy of NAP-55A would be 8.4 years. (x axis is the time required until theoutput in air deviates by 5 mV, right y axis is supply voltage, and left y axis isreciprocal numbers of the filament temperature). It is assumed that a sensor is deadwhen its output deviates by 5 mV.(2) Accelerating test under high temperature and humiditySensors were energized with the rated voltage. C3H7OH solution was constantlysupplied to maintain a sensor output at 150 mV with at least 95% relative humidity,and temperature of 74, 87, and 97 degrees Celsius.Figure 9 indicates that the life expectancy of NAP-55A would be 7.3 years. (x axis is thetime required until the sensitivity to CH4 at room temperature and humidity decreasesby 50% of the initial value, and the right y axis is the storage temperature). It isassumed that a sensor is dead when its gas sensitivity to methane decreases by 50% ofthe initial gas sensitivity.(3) Accelerating test using hydrogen gasSensors were energized with 110% of the rated voltage and stored in 1,000~200ppm ofH2 gas at 50o C and 30~40%RH. Output voltages were then examined. No effectsdue to the hydrogen gas were observed. According to a Japanese gas detectormanufacturer who proposed this test, the test conditions would be 42.4 times harsherthan normal atmospheric conditions.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig. 8 Life expectancy test on NAP-55A with oversupplied voltage(Life = Deviation of 5 mV form zero point)Test conditions ;* At room temperature and humidity* Supplied with 140%, 130%, and 120% of rated voltageFig. 9 Life expectancy test for NAP-55A under high temperature and humidity(Life = 50% of initial gas sensitivity is lost) Test conditions : Temperature ; 97o C, 87o C, and 74o C, Humidity ; _ 95% RH Sensor output was maintained at 150 mV by adjusting CH 4 gas concentration, and 1% C3H7OH solution was supplied to maintain constant test conditions. (hrs.)20304050607080901001.101.201.301.401.50101001000Time (days)2.502.753.003.253.50深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司Fig. 10 Long term energizing test in H 2 gas-2246050100Time (days)00.51.0050100Time (days)00.20.450100Time (days)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 14. Long term stabilitym a x .a v e r a g e o f 25 s a m p l e sm i n .F i g . 11 L o n g t e r m s t a v i l i t y t e s t s o n N A P -55AT i m e (M o n t h e s )T h e o r e r i c a l a l a r m g a s c o n c e n t r a t i o n (p p m )Z e r o p o i n t d r i f t i n A i r (m V )G a s s e n s i t i v i t y t o 3% o f C H 4深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司。
日本根本NEMOTO特殊化学株式会社可燃气体传感器NAP-56A 选择温度范围广

7. Supply voltage dependence
Gas sensitivity to 4000ppm of
30 25
methane (mV)
Max. Averag Min.
20 15 10 5 0 2 2.2
2.4 2.6 2.8 Supply volatge to sensor (V)
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Ambient temperature (degree C) Relative humidity :
Max. Min.
Fig 5
Temperature dependence of relative sensitivity of methane
9. Humidity dependence
Zero offset drift (mV) (Drift from 50%RH)
1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -1 -1.5 -2 Relative humidity (%) 20 40 60 80 100 Min. Temperature: 25 degree C Max.
10. 経時特性
Zero offset drift (mV)
(n=8) 4 2 0 0 -2 Elapsed time (days) 500 1000 1500 Max. Average Min. 2000
Relative sensitivity to methane
Long term stability of zero offset
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com

Technical Information(C a t a l y t i c T y p e G a s S e n s o r)Model NC-170(Matched Pair Type)For Industrial Application〒168-0072 4-10-9, Takaido-higashi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo Nemoto & Co., Ltd. Sensor Div.TEL. 81-3-3333-7341FAX. 81-3-3333-7344E-mail sensor2@nemoto.co.jpURL http://www.nemoto.co.jp/1.GeneralCatalytic type gas sensor NC series were developed for industrial applications, and NC-170 is a matched pair type gas sensor for general combustible gases. Shape, supply voltage and current are compatible with other sensor, however reliability, repeatability, stability and responsibility are quite superior to others, additionally the durability in strict circumstance are quite excellent. Features and typical application are as follows.2.Features and applications1)Features・Good stability・Excellent repeatability and detection accuracy・Good linearity against gas concentration・Quick response・Down sizing for design flexibility of gas alarm or detector2)Applications・Fixed type gas alarm or detector for general combustible gases・Gas densitometer3.Ratings1)Supply voltage to sensor AC 2.0 +/- 0.1V(50-60Hz)DC 2.0 +/- 0.1V2)Current (when 2.0V is supplied) AC 175 +/- 15mA(50-60Hz)DC 175 +/- 15mA3)Ambient temperature and humidity in operationTemperature -20 - +60 degree CHumidity Less than 95%RH(without dew condensation)4)Ambient temperature and humidity in storageTemperature -30 - +70 degree CHumidity Less than 99%RH(without dew condensation)5)Detection range 0 – 100%LEL(Except acetylene)4.Specification1)Zero offset value in air 0 +/- 25mV(without trimming resistor)2)Minimum sensitivity 18mV/1% of methane3)Response time Less than 8 sec. at T90Less than 3 sec. at T504)Linearity Effectively linear to 60%LEL5)Detection accuracy +/- 1%LEL6)Span drift Less than 1%LEL/month7) Zero offset drift Less than 0.5%LEL/month8) Warranty period 24 months5.Fig. 1 : Appearance and dimensionsRemarks)O-rings are attached on both as shown in the above.6. Measuring circuit diagramInput(+)Input(GND)Fig. 2 : Recommended circuit diagram(R1, 2 : 200ohm, VR1 : 3Kohm)7.Gas sensitivity characteristicsFig. 3 : Gas sensitivity characteristics 8.Temperature dependence at 60%RHFig. 4 : Temperature dependence of zero offset9.Humidity dependence(at 25 degree C)Fig.7 : Humidity dependence of relative sensitivity to methane 10.Long term stabilityFig. 8 : Long term stability of relative sensitivity to methane 11.Sensitivity distributionFig. 9 : Sensitivity distribution12.Relative sensitivity(In case that sensitivity to methane is 100.)Gas/Vapor Chemical formula LEL (%) Relative sensitivity Std. Methane CH4 5.0 1001 Acetic acid CH3COOH 5.4 402 Acetone (CH3)2CO 2.6 603 Butyl acetate C4H9COOH 1.4 404 Cyclo-hexane C6H12 1.3 505 Cyclo-pentane C5H10 1.4 556 Dioxane (CH2)4O2 2.0 557 Ethane C2H6 3.0 908 Ethanol C2H5OH 3.3 759 Ethyl acetate C2H5COOH 2.2 5510 Ethylene C2H4 2.7 8011 Hydrogen H2 4.0 10012 Iso-butane C4H10 1.8 8013 Iso-butyl alcohol CH3-C3H6COOH 1.7 4514 Iso-octane C8H18 0.95 6015 Iso-pentane C5H12 1.4 7516 Iso-propanol CH3-C2H4COOH 2.2 7017 Methanol CH3OH 6.7 11018 Methyl ethyl ketone CH3-CO-C2H5 1.9 6019 N-butane C4H10 1.8 8020 N-heptane C7H16 1.05 6521 N-hexane C6H14 1.2 7022 N-pentane C5H12 1.4 7523 N-propanol C3H7OH 2.2 7024 Propane C3H8 2.1 8525 Stylene C6H5CH CH2 1.1 4026 Toluene C6H5CH3 1.2 5527 Ammonia NH3 15.0 12028 Propylene CH3-CH CH2 2.4 8029 Carbon monoxide CO 12.5 10030 Xylene C6H4(CH3)2 1.1 50 Remarks)If other data are required, please contact us since sensitivity of many combustible gases except bad smell, dangerous, poisonous and high boiling temperature materials over 120 degree C are available for investigations.13. Durability1)Exposure in hydrogen sulfideTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 50%LEL of methane and 25ppm of hydrogen sulfide for 1hr. at normal temperature and humidity.Before test (mV) After test (mV)No.Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity toCH41 -11.6 100 -11.1 982 17.3 100 18.0 983 3.6 100 4.2 1014 0.8 100 1.1 1005 -7.6 100 -6.8 972)Exposure in HMDSTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 50%LEL of methane and 10ppm of HMDS for 1hr. at normal temperature and humidity.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV) Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 15.3 100 14.8 852 11.9 100 12.2 773 -14.1 100 -14.4 834 3.7 100 3.8 845 5.5 100 5.5 793)Exposure in high concentration of methaneTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 8% (160%LEL) of methane at normal temperature and humidity for 1hr.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV) Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 -20.2 100 -19.6 992 -6.4 100 -5.6 943 12.7 100 13.7 964 11.6 100 13.1 1025 9.6 100 10.8 954)Drop testTest conditionsSensors were dropped from the height of 30cm onto the wood board of 3cm thickness with free fall by 3 times.Before test (mV) After test (mV)No.Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 22.4 100 24.1 1012 18.7 100 18.8 1013 17.9 100 18.8 984 -4.3 100 -5.1 1025 14.7 100 16.2 1005)Vibration testTest conditionsVibration which is 10Hz with the 4mm of amplitude for 20min. to 3 directions of X, Y and Z was added to sensors at normal temperature and humidity.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV) Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 -4.3 100 -4.4 1022 17.1 100 16.3 1023 11.9 100 11.9 1004 13.5 100 13.2 1025 -21.7 100 -20.8 986)Storage in high temperature and humidityTest conditionsSensors were stored in 60 degree C, 90%RH for 1000hrs. without being energized. No.Before test (mV) After test (mV) Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 14.9 100 16.4 992 23.4 100 25.2 973 11.1 100 13.0 994 9.6 100 9.4 975 -1.3 100 0.2 987)Operation in high temperature and humidityTest conditionsSensors were energized in 60 degree C, 90%RH for 1000hrs.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV) Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 21.6 100 23.2 982 5.7 100 7.8 953 -9.5 100 -8.8 934 11.4 100 12.5 925 14.8 100 15.4 928) Storage in low temperatureTest conditions Sensors were stored in -20 degree C for 1000hrs.Before test (mV) After test (mV)No. Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 5.7 100 5.8 972 2.2 100 1.8 973 20.8 100 21.2 974 -13.4 100 -12.6 1005 5.9 100 6.3 9514. Evaluation method1. Test equipmentOutline of test equipment is as follows.Remarks on equipments)A) Test chamber・ Material of test chamber is to be inactive like metal, glass or acrylic resin which does not exhale and adsorb gases.・ Volume of test chamber is to be more than 1 litter per 1pc. of sensor.B) Circumstance・ Clean circumstance is recommended as evaluation area. Dirty circumstance which contains combustible gases like organic solvent vapor is to be avoided.C) Gas densitometer・ Laser gas densitometer is recommended, but volume method is available simply.D) Agitation in test chamber・ Air agitation in test chamber is to be conducted carefully in order not to flow air to sensor directly. Air velocity to sensor is to be less than 0.5m/sec.E)Power supply・ Both of AC power and DC power are available for sensor, however DC power supply is recommended for accurate evaluation.F)Digital volt meter・ Since the impedance of sensor is fairly low, general digital volt meter having over 100kohm as input impedance is sufficiently available.G)Ventilation・ Ventilator with ventilation capacity of over 10 times/min. of the volume of test chamber is recommended for the convenient evaluation.H)Installation position of sensor in test chamber・ When the sensor is installed in test chamber, it should be careful that each sensor is to be in constant position because output signal changes in case that position of sensor changes. If the rough evaluation is carried out, such careful treatment is not necessary.2.Adjustment of gas concentrationAdjustment of gas concentration is to be conducted by volume method or by using laser gas densitometer. In case of volume method, gas volume to be injected into a chamber is obtained from the calculation formula below described.V m Vi C Tr Tc()l=++−・・102732736V: Gas volume to be injectedVi: Volume of test chamber(m l)Tc: Temperature in test chamber(℃)Tr: Room temperature(℃)C: Target gas concentration (ppm)3.Evaluation methodA.Preliminary aging・ Before evaluation of sensor, preliminary aging at rated voltage for over 1 hr. is recommended for accurate evaluation.B.Measurement・ At first, output voltage in clean air is measured. It should be confirmed that output voltage has to be stable without fluctuation.・ Output voltage is measured around 1min. later after the designated volume of gas is injected into a test chamber.・ Inside of test chamber should be substituted of clean air by ventilator.4.Notice on handling・ Sensor is to be gently handled without adding shock or dropping.・ Handling in a location which corrosive gases or poisonous gases exist is to beavoided.・ Sensor does not have to be dipped in water.・ Sensor does not have to be disassembled.・ Since sensor does not have an explosion proof structure, it should be assembled in an approved body.NEMOTO & CO., LTD.4-10-9 Takaido-higashi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0072, JapanTel. 81-3-3333-7341, Fax. 81-3-3333-7344Tech. Inf. No.NC-170-080601。

5 2.6 3.3 2.2 2.7 4 2 5.5 1.6 1.2 1.5 2.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 4 12.5
Relative sensitivity
民用 工业用 4 系列
工业用 7 系列
电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式 电化学式
一氧化碳 一氧化碳 硫化氢 硫化氢 二氧化碳 一氧化碳 一氧化碳 硫化氢 硫化氢 硫化氢 硫化氢 氨气 氨气 氨气 二氧化碳 一氧化碳 氯气 甲醛 甲醛 一氧化碳 一氧化碳 一氧化碳 硫化氢
主要应用: 工业用可燃气体报警器,便携式可燃气体 检测仪,应用模块及设备配套等。
日本进口,涵盖各种工业环境可能存在的有毒气体,如:硫化氢,氨气,一氧化 氮,二氧化氮,甲醛,一氧化碳,氯气等。对于量程,精度要求,可提供选择。 由于独特的制造工艺,使各类传感器拥有高精度,线性好,高感度,高可靠性及 重复性,寿命长,功耗小的优异表现。
NAP-505 NAP-508 NAP-520 NAP-523 NAP-550 NE4-CO NE4-CO-BL NE4-H2S NE4-H2S-100 NE4-H2S-200 NE4-H2S-500 NE4-NH3 NE4-NH3-1000 NE4-NH3-5000 NE4-NO2 NE4-NO NE4-CL2 NE4-HCHO NE4-HCHO-S NE7-CO NE7-CO-H NE7-CO-H10000 NE7-H2S

热 传
二氧化碳 导 式
电 CO 化 学 NO2 式
高 分 子 相对湿度 膜 型
离 子 一般烟雾 式
NAP-21A 2 - 100%
NAP-505 NAP-508 NAP-550 NAP-780 NHS-12 NHS-20
10 1,000ppm
0 - 30ppm 0 - 30% 10-90%RH 20-95%RH
*不完全燃烧气体 一氧化碳、氢气、碳氢化合物等部分氧化物
*惰性气体 二氧化碳、氟利昂等
注意)除上述检测方式以外,还有半导体式。因其测定精准度较低,我们不做推荐。另外,此产 品为民用级产品,请在该产品的使用范围内使用。
催化燃烧式气体传感器 产品主要应用在气体报警器和仪器仪表类。不易受环境的干扰,因此,稳定性更强。能得到的
• 和半导体式不同,不需要长期老化。
• 如安装在气体报警器中,特性几乎不产生变化,因此不需要校准。
• 抗杂气能力强,几乎不会产生误报。
• 功耗低,可电池驱动。
• 不完全燃烧报警器、CO 报警器、毒性气体报警器。
• 各种燃烧机器的控制燃烧专用、室内监视器专用。
• 各种气体浓度仪等。
北京芯联科泰电子有限公司 制作
2.耐久性、长期性能 • 在 60℃高温以下,可以长期使用。 • 高温高湿(50℃、95%RH)环境下,可以长期使用。 • 高温高湿(50℃、95%RH)环境下长期保管后,基本特性不会变化。 • 能耐一般性的振动及冲击。 • 对硫化氢等毒性气体显示卓越的抗干扰性。 • 对硅气体(HMDS)比其他公司产品,显示优秀的耐久性。 • 根据各种加速测验数据,预测寿命 5 年以上。
NAP-50A Catalytic Sensor for Methane Natural Gas

More detailed information, covering all aspects of performance, including long term stability,repeatability, environmental tolerances to humidity, temperature, wind, shock, cross sensitivity to other gases, recommended circuitry, handling requirements and an explanation of the operating principles of the NAP-50A, please consult the Handling Manual for the device, available on request.Nemoto (Europe) B.V.Strawinskylaan 647,1077 XX Amsterdam, NetherlandsTEL: +31 20 670 3858FAX: +31 20 670 2709URL: http://www.nemoto.co.jpNAP-50A Catalytic Sensor for Methane / Natural GasSpecifications NAP-50A:Detectable gas: Methane and Natural gas Detection range: 0-50% LEL (0-2.5% V/V)Bridge Voltage 2.5V +/- 0.25V Bridge Current 170mA +/- 10mA Sensitivity to Gas*: 37-53mV for 1% CH 4Bridge zero offset*: 0 +/- 35mV*in Nemoto’s recommended bridge circuitRepeatability:Zero: +/- 0.5mV Signal: +/- 0.5mV Expected lifetime: 5 years Long Term Drift: Zero: <+/- 5mV/month Span: <+/- 2%/monthLinearity:Effectively Linear to 50% LEL Response time(T 90):<10 seconds Note: In practice the response time of a gas sensor is very much dependent onthe mounting arrangement within an instrument.Environmental Conditions:Operating temperature: -10°C to +50°C Humidity range: 0-95% RH Pressure:0.9 – 1.1 atm Storage Temperature:-20°C to +50°C Recommended Storage Time: 6 months NEMOTO & CO., LTD SENSOR DIVISIONThe NAP-50A Gas Sensor is a low–cost Catalytic Flammable Gas Sensor designed for the detection and measurement of Methane or Natural Gas in the range 0-50% LEL. It is a slightly modified version of the original NAP55A sensor, to reduce the effect of potential cross sensitive gases likely to be encountered in domestic premises, particularly Ethanol, in compliance with the European standard for Residential Gas Detectors EN 50194. · Unaffected by humidity · Very low long term drift· Excellent resistance to catalytic poisons · Single header design for ease of use·Resistant to shocks and vibrationThe NAP-50A should therefore only be selected if high sensitivity to Natural Gas or Methane only is required,and the lowest cross sensitivity to other flammable gases and vapours is desirable. Where maximum sensitivity to all flammable gases is required, The NAP-55A should be used.NAP-50A datasheet April 2008Nemoto has a policy of continuous development and improvement of its products. As such the specification for the device outlined in the datasheet may be changed without notice.SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************SUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************NAP-50A datasheet April 2008Dimensions, Materials and Recommended CircuitSUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************SUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************。

地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
(1) Electrochemical sensor
- +2e CO+H O→ CO + +2H 2 2
reaction should occur on the surface of working electrode. →
Fig.1 Detection principle
In this case, when working electrode and counter electrode is connected on the circuit, electron generated moves to counter electrode from working through circuit, and proton moves to counter electrode to accept electron through electrolyte. And then, hydrogen reacts with oxygen to be water. → Such an electrochemical sensor, chemically reactive energy which is generated by oxidization-reduction is transferred to electric energy, detect the target gases. Reaction model is in fig.1, and total chemical reaction is as follows. → In general, generated voltage decrease easily takes place owing to polarization at near working, and inner resistance which is generated while proton moves in electrolyte in such reaction process. Then, such voltage decrease is large in higher concentration, and is one of important factor to avoid excellent linearity. Reference electrode is workable to maintain current generation in spite of voltage decrease of working, and it is possible to create current between working and counter in proportion to gas concentration. Such type gas sensor having control function of potential difference is named 3 electrode cell type, and it is widely available for many application like industrial use because of more excellent stability. On the other hand, 2 electrode cell type without reference electrode actually exists, and it is applicable for residential application which does not require excellent detection accuracy because of cheaper cost, however it is inferior to 3 electrodes cell type in linearity, stability, accuracy and etc.
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19940125NAP—50A(触媒接触燃烧式城市燃气传感器)使用说明书深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com目 录1.NAP—50A传感器的特征及用途 (2)2.额定值 (2)3.燃气灵敏度特性 (3)4.应答特性 (4)5.电源电压波动特性 (5)6.温度特性 (7)7.湿度特性 (7)8.传感器的检测方法 (8)9.传感器图纸 (11)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1.NAP—50A传感器的特征及用途NAP—50A和从前本公司生产的接触燃烧式燃气传感器(NAP—2A、NAP—7A)相比,体积小、节能,消耗电力只有NAP—2A的50%,并且由于和同型号的NAP—55A相对比对酒精的感度小,不仅适合家庭用而且适合业务用燃气报警器。
下面介绍一下特征及用途:(1) 特征·具有良好的稳定性·突出的再现性和灵敏度·对于城市燃气浓度的输出信号显示为良好直线性·应答速度极快·由于超小型,故报警器形状可随意调整(2) 用途·城市燃气用报警器·各种燃气的浓度计2.额定值·电桥外加电压 A.C.2.5V±0.25V(频率50—60Hz)D.C.2.5V±0.25V·电桥外加电流 A.C. 160~180mA(频率50—60Hz)(2.5V外加时) D.C. 160~180mA·使用时周围的温湿度 温度 –10~+50℃湿度95%RH以下·保管时周围的温湿度 温度 –20~+60℃湿度95%RH以下深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com3. 燃气灵敏度特性图 1 NAP—50A 的灵敏度特性深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589004. 应答特性(测定例:和NAP—2A 的比较)图中的时间是90%应答的情况图 2 NAP—50A 的应答特性深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589005. 电源电压波动特性图 3 NAP—50A 的燃气感应灵敏度的电源电压变动特性图 4 空气中输出值的电源电压波动特性2.252.50 2.75Supply Voltage (V)1020∆V o u t i n C H (m V )4 2.25 2.50 2.752-2V o u t i n A i r (m V )Supply Voltage (V)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900图 5 理论报警浓度的电源电压波动特性2.752.502.25Supply Voltage (V)20002500300035004000T h e o r i t i c a l A l a r m G a s C o n c e n t r a t i o n o f C H (p p m )4深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589006. 温度特性图 6 NAP—50A 的温度特性7. 湿度特性图 7 NAP—50A 的湿度特性 3030404050502020101000-10-10-22Temperature (C)oTemperature (C)o V o u t i n A i r (m V )303060609090Relative Humidity (%)Relative Humidity (%)-22V o u t i n A i r (m V )深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-852589008. 传感器的检测方法(1) 试验装置试验装置的简图如下(注意事项) ① 试验槽·试验槽材质必须是不产生燃气和不附着燃气,比如金属或者玻璃为好。
② 供给空气·请使用清新的空气,不要使用含有机溶剂或可燃性气体的工厂内空气。
③ 燃气浓度计·测定燃气浓度时请使用红外线吸收测定仪。
④ 燃气的搅拌·燃气搅拌时请注意传感器不要面对强风。
·吹向传感器的风速请保持在0.5m/sec 以下的微风。
⑤ 电源·传感器是交、直流两用,但要想得到准确的测定值时请使用直流稳压电源。
深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900⑥ 电压计·测定传感电桥输出电压时,请使用输入阻抗为100ΚΩ以上的电压计。
⑦ 燃气的排出·使用每分钟排气量是试验槽容积10倍以上的排风机,充分导入洁净的空气后方可进行下一次测定。
⑧ 试验槽内传感器的设置·在试验槽设置传感器时,传感器的姿势要保持一定(通常是水平方向),姿势一变会导致内部热量的对流,易使精确的测定产生误差。
(2) 燃气浓度的调整用容积法调整燃气的浓度,或者用市场销售的红外线吸收式浓度计调整浓度。
用容积法调整浓度的计算公式如下:TC+273TR+273x 10V1xCx =V(ml)-6V:注入燃气容积 Vi:试验槽内容积(ml) C:调整燃气的浓度(ppm) Tc:试验槽内的温度(℃) Tr:室温(℃)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900(3) 传感器的测定方法① 预备通电·测定传感器前,首先用额定电压把各单元预备通电1小时以上。
② 测定·首先测定输出值,确认在这种场合测定值是否稳定。
(4) 传感器的使用注意事项·传感器不能承受从高处落下等强烈撞击。
深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司10.传感器的图纸深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司19970519 NAP—50A使用说明书(补充)19940125版的使用说明书内容补充目 录10.硅对耐久性影响的试验结果 (13)11.风的影响调查结果 (14)12.使用寿命预测试验 (15)13.经过时间的特性试验结果 (18)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司10.硅对耐久性影响试验结果硅材料 环己硅氧烷(HMDS) (CH3)3SiOSi(CH3)3 10ppm:硅油原料硅作用时间 1小时硅作用环境 14立升干燥器、常温常湿试验燃气 CH4 3000ppm硅作用前(mV) 硅作用后(mV)样 品 空气环境下的输出值 CH43000ppm感度空气环境下的输出值CH43000ppm感度1(无通电时影响) -7.9 12.1 -7.7 9.52(无通电时影响)+23.5 13.0 +23.3 10.83(无通电时影响)-21.0 12.5 -21.2 9.34(无通电时影响)+12.0 12.7 +11.7 10.55(无通电时影响) -0.2 12.8 -0.4 10.16(通电时影响) -32.9 12.0 -32.7 9.57(通电时影响) +0.1 11.2 -0.2 8.98(通电时影响) -23.1 11.9 -23.4 8.09(通电时影响) -27.4 12.1 -27.0 8.210(通电时影响) -9.8 13.0 -9.5 9.7 深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司11.风的影响调查结果NAP—50A结构上不容易受周围的风力而影响输出信号。
关于在空气中对风力的稳定性和NAP—2A相比较的结果如下:风的方向D单元侧 传感器的横方向 感应单元(D单元)侧,风吹的情况下C单元侧 传感器的横方向 补偿单元(C单元)侧,风吹的情况下D、C平行 传感器的上方向 D、C单元,平均迎风的情况下传感器上方 传感器的横方向 金属网侧,风吹的情况下风(传感器的方向)空气环境下的输出值(mV)风速·风的上方NAP—50A NAP—2A1.5m/s D单元侧 -1前后 -4前后3.0m/s D单元侧 -1前后 -24前后3.0m/s C单元侧 +1前后 +21前后3.0m/s D、C平行 ±1前后 ±2前后3.0m/s 传感器的上方 ±1前后 ±1前后注.上记的空气中变动值,在测定中多少会有一点误差。