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斜变信号(unit ramp signal ) 斜率(slope )
(periodic sig nal ) 非周期信号(non periodic ( aperiodic )
信号(signal ) 系统(system ) 电压(voltage )
电流(current )
(information )
电路( circuit )
网络(network )
确疋性信号(determinate signal )
随机信号(random signal )
一维信号 (one -dimensional
signal ) 多维信号 (multi - dimensional signal
) 连续时间
信号 (continuous
signal )
time sig nal
第1章 绪论 样信号 (sampling signal ) 数字信 号(digital signal (power sig nal ) 平均功率 (average power ) 平均能量 (average
energy )
指数信号 (exponential
signal )
时间常数 (time constant ) 正弦信号(sine signal ) 余弦信号(cosine signal ) 振幅 (amplitude )
(angular frequency )
phase )
周期(period ) 频率(frequency )
欧拉公式( Euler ' s formula )
复指数信号 (complex exponential
signal ) 复频率(complex
frequency )实
part )
能 量 (energy ) 功率(power ) 能 量信号( energy signal ) 功率信号
虚部(imaginary part )
signal )
抽样函数 Sa(t) (sampli ng (Sa ) fun cti on ) 偶函数(even fun cti on 奇异函数(singularity function 奇异信号(singularity signal ) 单位
单位阶跃信号(unit step signal )符号函数(sig num function )
单位冲激信号(unit impulse signal )广义函数(generalized function )取
样特性(sampling property )
冲激偶信号(impulse doublet signal )奇函数(odd function )偶分量(even component) 奇分量(odd component)
正交函数(orthog onal fun cti on )正交函数集
(set of orthog onal function )数学模型(mathematics model )电压源
(voltage source )
基尔霍夫电压定律(Kirchhoff 's voltage law (KVL))电流源
(current source )
连续时间系统'(continuous time system )离散时间系统
(discrete time system) 微分方程(differential fun cti on )差分方程
(differe nee fun cti
)线性系统(linear system )
non li
system)时变系统(time - varying system) 时不
变系统(time —invariant system ) 集总参数系统(lumped -
parameter system)分布参数系统

distributed —parameter system) 偏微
分方程(partial differential function ) 因果系统(causal system)
非因果系统(non causal system) 因果信号(causal sig nal )
叠加性(superposition property ) 均匀性(homogeneity ) 积分(integral ) 输入-输出描述法(in put - output an alysis ) 状态变量描述法
(state variable analysis )
单输入单输出系统(sin gle - in put and sin gle - output system ) 状态方程
(state equation ) 输出方程(output equation )
多输入多输出系统(multi - in put and multi - output system) 时域分析法(time doma in method)
变换域分析法(transform domain method) 卷积(convolution )
傅里叶变换(Fourier transform ) 拉普拉斯变换(Laplace transform )
齐次解(homogeneous solution ) 特解(particular solution )
特征方程(characteristic function )特征根(characteristic root )
固有(自由)解(natural solution )强迫解(forced solution )
起始条件(original condition )初始条件(initial condition )自由响应(natural response ) 强迫响应(forced response )
零输入响应 (zero-in put resp on se ) 零状态响应 (zero-state 激响应(impulse response ) 阶跃响应(step response )
(distribute law) 结合律(combine law)
频谱(frequency spectrum ) 频域(frequency response ) 冲
卷积积分 (convolution integral ) 交换律(exchange law )分配律
doma in)
三角形式的傅里叶级数(trigo no mitric Fourier series )指数形式的傅里叶级数(exponential Fourier series ) 傅里叶系数(Fourier coefficie nt )直
流分量(direct composition )
基波分量(fun dame ntal compositi on )次谐波分量(nth harmonic component ) 复振幅(complex amplitude )
频谱图(spectrum plot (diagram )) 幅度谱(amplitude spectrum ) 相位谱 (phase spectrum ) 包络(envelop )
离散性(discrete property ) 谐波性(harmonic property ) 收敛性 (con verge nee property ) 奇谐函数(odd harm onic fun cti on ) 吉伯斯现
象( Gibbs phenomenor ) 周期矩形脉冲信号(periodic recta ngular
triangular pulse signal )
sided exponential signal )
对称矩形脉冲信号 (symmetry rectangular pulse signal ) 线 性
(linearity ) 对称性(symmetry ) 对偶性(duality ) 位移特性(shifting )
时移特性(time - shifting ) 频移特性(frequency - shifting
(modulation theorem ) 调制(modulation ) 解调(demodulation )
conversion )
尺度变换特性(scaling )
微分与积分特性(differentiation and integration
) 时域微分特性 (differe ntiati on
in the time doma in )
( periodic full
- cos ine sig nal
) 傅 里叶逆 变 换 ( in
tran sform


(spectrum den sity fun cti on )
单边指数信号 (si ngle
—sided exp onen tial
sig nal )
双边指数信号 (two

周期半波余弦信号( periodic half - cosine signal ) 周期全波余弦信号 pulse signal ) 周期锯齿脉冲信
号 (periodic sawtooth pulse sig nal )
(in tegrati on in the time doma in )
频域微分特性 (differe ntiation in the freque ncy
doma in ) 频域积分特性
(digital modulation )
(pulse modulation ) 幅度调 制 (amplitude
(frequency modulation ) 相位调 制 (phase modulation
(angle modulation )
频分多路复用(frequency - division
multiplex (FDM ) 时分多路复用(time
in tegratio n
in the freque ncy
doma in
theorem )
时域卷积定理( con voluti on theorem
in the time doma in )
频域卷积定理( con voluti on
theorem in the
freque ncy
doma in ) 取样信
signal )
recta ngular
pulse sampli ng )
自然取样 nature sampling ) (impulse sampling 理想取样 ideal
sampling )
(sampling theorem
(modulation signal ) 载波信号 (carrier signal )
signal )
模拟调制(analog modulation
连续波调 制 (con ti nu ous
wave modulation )
频率调制 角度调制
-division multiplex (TDM)相干(冋步)解调(synchronous detection )
本地载波(local carrier )系统函数(system function )网络函数(network fun cti on )频响特性(frequency response )
幅频特性(amplitude freque ncy response )相频特性( phase freque ncy resp onse )无失真传输
pass filter )截止频率(cutoff frequency )正弦积分(sine integral )上
升时间(rise time )
窗函数(window function )
理想带通滤波器(ideal band - pass filter )
代数方程(algebraic equation )
双边拉普拉斯变换(two-sided Laplace transform )
双边拉普拉斯逆变换(in verse two-sided Laplace tra nsform ) 单边拉普拉斯变换 (single-sided Laplace transform ) 拉普拉斯逆变换
(in verse Laplace tra nsform ) 收敛域(region of con verge nee (ROC ) 延时特性(time delay )
s 域平移特性(shifting in the s-domain )
s 域微分特性(differentiation in the s-domain )s 域积分特性(integration in the s-domain )初值定理(in itial-value theorem) 终值定理(expiration-value )
(convolution theorem in the complex freque ncy doma in) 咅E分分式展
幵法(partial fraction expansion ) 留数法(residue method )
策动点函数(drivi ng fun cti on )转移函数(tra nsfer fun cti on ) 极点(distortionless tran smissi on )理想低通滤波器(ideal low -
(pole ) 零点(zero )
零极点图(zero-pole plot ) 暂态响应(transient response ) 稳态响应(stable response ) 稳定系统 (stable system ) 一阶系统
(first order system) 高通滤波网络(high-low filter ) 低通滤波网络
(low-pass filter ) 二阶系统(second system)
最小相移系统(minimum-phase system) 维纳滤波器(Winner filter ) 卡尔曼滤波器(Kalman filter ) 低通(low-pass ) 高通(high-pass ) 带通
(band-pass ) 带阻(band-stop ) 有源(active ) 无源(passive ) 模拟
(analog ) 数字(digital ) 通带(pass-band ) 阻带(stop-band )
佩禾y —维纳准则(Paley-Wi nner criterio n )最佳逼近(optimum approximati on )过渡带(transition-band )通带公差带
band )
巴特沃1 兹滤波器(Butterworth filter ) 切比雪夫滤波器(Chebyshew filter )方框图(block diagram )信号流图(signal flow graph)节点(node )支路(branch)
输入节点(source node ) 输出节点(sink node ) 混合节点(mix node ) 通路(path )
幵通路(open path ) 闭通路(close path ) 环路(loop ) 自环路
(self-loop ) 环路增益(loop gain )
不接触环路(disconnect loop ) 前向通路(forward path )
前向通路增益(forward path gain )梅森公式(Mason formula ) 劳斯准则(Routh criterion )
数字系统(digital system)
数字信号处理 (digital signal processing ) 差分方程(differenee equation )
单位样值响应(unit sample response ) 卷积和(eonvolution sum)
Z 变换(Z transform )序歹U( sequenee) 样值(sample )
单位样值信号(unit sample signal ) 单位阶跃序歹V
(unit step sequenee)矩形序歹V (recta ngular seque nee) 单边实指数序列(sin gle sided real exp onen tial seque nee) 单边正弦序歹卩(single sided exponential sequenee) 斜边序歹卩(ramp sequenee)
复指数序歹U( complex exponential sequenee)
线性时不变离散系统(li near time-i nvaria nt diserete-time system) 常系
数线性差分方程(linear eonstant-coefficient differenee equation )后
向差分方程 (backward differenee equati on )前向差分方程(forward differe nee equation )海诺塔(Tower of Hanoi)菲波纳西(Fib on aeei )
冲激函数串(impulse train )
数字滤波器(digital filter )
单边Z 变换(sin gle-sided Z tran sform )双边Z 变换(two-sided (bilateral) Z transform) 幂级数(power series )收敛(eon verge nee )
有界序列(limitary-amplitude sequenee) 正项级数(positive series )
有限长序列 (limitary-duratio n seque nee ) 右边序列(right-sided sequenee ) 左边序歹卩(left-sided sequenee) 双边序歹V (two-sided seque nee) Z 逆变换(in verse Z tra nsform )
围线积分法 (con tour in tegral method )幂级数展幵法
( power series expa nsion )z 域微分(differe ntiati
in the z-domain )
序列指数加权(multiplicatio n by an exp onen tial sequenee)z 域卷积定理 (z-doma in con volutio n theorem ) 帕斯瓦尔定理(Parseval theorem ) 传输函数(tra nsfer fun cti on )
序列的傅里叶变换(discrete-time Fourier tran sform :DTFT 序列的傅里叶逆变换 (in verse discrete-time Fourier tran sform :IDTFT)幅度响应(magnitude response ) 相位响应(phase response )量化(quantization ) 编码(coding )
模数变换(A/D 变换:analog-to-digital conversion )数模变换(D/A 变换:digital-to- analog conversion )
端口分析法(port analysis ) 状态变量(state variable ) 无记忆系统(memoryless system ) 有记忆系统 (memory system ) 矢量矩阵
(system function matrix )冲激响应矩阵(impulse response
(vector-matrix ) 常量矩阵 (eonstant matrix ) 输入矢量 (in put vector ) 输出矢量(output vector )
method ) 间
接法(in direct
method )
状 态转移矩 阵 (state
matrix ) 系统函数矩阵
matrix ) 朱。
