IT8512+ 用户手册


SCPI通信协议 直流可编程电子负载 IT8500系列说明书

SCPI通信协议 直流可编程电子负载 IT8500系列说明书

SCPI通信协议直流可编程电子负载IT8500系列版权归属于艾德克斯电子(南京)有限公司本使用手册适用于下列机型的通信型号IT8511/IT8612/IT8512B/IT8513B/IT8513CIT8514B/IT8514C/IT8515B/IT8515C/IT8516B/IT8516CIT8518B/IT8518C/IT8518E/IT8518F张先生:189********固话:0755-********传真:0755-36692885目录第一章:通讯模块介绍 ................................................................. 4第二章 SCPI命令表 .....................................................................52.1 IEEE488.2 共同命令 ................................................ 5 2.2 SCPI 必备命令 .................................................... 5 2.3 标定命令 .......................................................... 6 2.4 输出设定命令 ....................................................... 6 2.5 量测命令 .......................................................... 8 2.6 接口配置命令 ....................................................... 8 2.7 触发命令 . (8)第三章 SCPI状态寄存器 (9)第四章 SCPI命令描述 .................................................................11 4.1 IEEE488.2 共同命令 ................................................ 11 4.2 SCPI 必备命令 ..................................................... 154.3 输出设定命令 ....................................................... 18 4.4 量测命令 ........................................................... 24 4.5 接口配置命令 ....................................................... 254.6 触发命令 ........................................................... 254.7 必备命令........................................................... 264.8 标定命令 ........................................................... 272张先生:189********固话:0755-********传真:0755-********通告本手册的内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。













AT8511 8512 用户手册说明书

AT8511 8512 用户手册说明书

SHENZHEN LANGPU ELECTRONIC TECH.CO.,LTD深圳市深南中路南光捷佳大厦1402室TEL**************839801588304741583986300FAX**************83047419网址:综合推广网 衡器烘箱网邮箱:***********QQ:374542908MSN:******************FAX**************安全须知当你发现有以下不正常情形发生,请立即终止操作并断开电源线。










仪器接地 为防止电击危险,请连接好电源地线。

不可在爆炸性气体环境使用仪器 不可在易燃易爆气体、蒸汽或多灰尘的环境下使用仪器。


不可打开仪器外壳 非专业维护人员不可打开仪器外壳,以试图维修仪器。


不要使用已经损坏的仪器 如果仪器已经损害,其危险将不可预知。


不要使用工作异常的仪器 如果仪器工作不正常,其危险不可预知,请断开电源线,不可再使用,也不要试图自行维修。


声明:!, $, #,安柏标志和文字是常州安柏精密仪器有限公司的商标或注册商标。

Email:***********FAX**************AT8511/8512直流电子负载用 户 手 册User’s Manual简体中文ChineseSimplifiedFEB, 2008第1版Rev.A3@%常州安柏精密仪器有限公司©2005-2009 Applent T echnologies, Inc.有限担保和责任范围常州安柏精密仪器有限公司(以下简称Applent)保证您购买的每一台AT8511/8512在质量和计量上都是完全合格的。



版权所有 © 艾德克斯电子有限公司
IT8500 用户手册
认证与质量保证 ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 保固服务 .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 保证限制 .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 安全标志 .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 安全注意事项 ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 环境条件 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 法规标记 .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 废弃电子电器设备指令(WEEE) ........................................................................................................................3 符合性信息 ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

IT8512 120V 30A 300W 直流电子负载 说明书

IT8512 120V 30A 300W 直流电子负载 说明书

IT8512120V/120V/330A/300W直流电子负载IT8512电子负载用途:◆生产线的快速测试,如:开关电源、电源适配器、充电器、电源模块、LCD Inverter、LIPS等;◆实验室、研发、计量检定部门对上述产品的测试检定;◆产品老化测试。







ICP-DAS I-8120W 用户指南说明书

ICP-DAS I-8120W 用户指南说明书

Quick Start User Guide1. IntroductionThis user guide introduces users to apply the I-8120W in their application quickly. Therefore, if users want to know the details, please refer to the user manual of I-8120W. You can find it in the CD or the website.CD path: CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/DocumentsWebsite: /products/Remote_IO/can_bus/i-8120w.htm2. Hardware structureMode LEDDescriptionPWRTurn ON when power onTx/Rx Flash once when getting/sending a CAN messageDefault FirmwareErrTurn ON for finding an error. Flash for transmitting fail. PWR Turn ON when power on Tx/Rx User-defined FirmwareErr User-defined LED PWRTurn ON when power on Tx/Rx DownloadErrInterlace flash once per secondPin No.Signal Description 1 GND Ground 2 CAN_H CAN_H bus line 3 N/A Non-available 4CAN_LCAN_L bus line5 N/A Non-availableI-8120WJumperDescriptionStatus SW1 120Ω terminator resistance of CAN port.EnableDisableJP1 Lock mode for resisting the noise or disturbances. In this case, updating firmware is not allowed. Unlock mode for updating the firmware of I-8120W. LockUnlockJP2Debug port for user-defined firmware. The I-8120W prints the debug messages or system information from this port. Connect this port to PC COM port. Use 7188xw.exe to show the messages. The baud rate is 115200 bps. You can find the 7188xw.exe in the CD. The path is CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Tools/PCJP4Reset mode for forcing the I-8120W into download mode. Wiring this jumper until Tx/Rx LED and Err LED are always ON. Then, remove the wire.ResetNormal3. How to StartStep1: Set the SW1 of the I-8120W to the proper position. Generally, the both end ofCAN bus (line topology) needs 2 terminator resistance. Each of them is 120Ω.Step2: Unlock the JP1. Generally, unlock the JP1 during developing the application.When running the application in practice, locking the JP2 is helpful to resist thenoise and disturbances.Step3: Connect the JP2 with PC COM port.Step4: Set the JP4 to normal.Step5: Plug the I-8120W in the WinPAC. Connect the CAN port of the I-8120W with the CAN network. Connect the peripherals (such as monitor, Keyboard, mouse, andEthernet) with the WinPAC. Then, turn on the WinPAC.Step6: Download the I8120W_Utility.exe and the I-8120.dll into the same folder on the WinPAC. You can use ftp or USB disk to do this. (Before using the ftp, you must configure the ftp parameters of WinPAC by using WinPAC Utility. You can find the shortcut on the desktop of WinPAC.) Please refer to the WinPAC user manual.CD path of the utility tool: CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Tools/WinPACCD path of the I8120.dll: CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/WinPAC_Library/User manual of WinPAC:/products/PAC/winpac/download/winpac_8000/download_docum ents.htmFor Default Firmware:Step7: Run the I8120W_Utility.exe. Assume the I-8120W is plugged in slot 4 of the WinPAC, set the slot No. to slot 4.Step8: Assume the baud of the CAN network is 125 kbps. Set the filter, baud, and message format as follows:Setp9: The receiving messages will be shown on the list, and users can use the button “Send” to send a CAN message. Use “SaveToFile” to save the receptions. In this case, uncheck the “Show message on the list” to improve the efficiency of the WinPAC.Step10: Users can download and run the demos for default firmware on the WinPAC.You can find them in the CD. The path is shown as follows:CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/For_Default_Firmware/WinPACFor Updating Firmware:Step7: Run the I8120W_Utility.exe. Assume the I-8120W is plugged in slot 4 of the WinPAC, set the slot No. to slot 4. Then, click the button “Update Firmware”.Step8: Use ftp or USB disk to copy the newer firmware on to the WinPAC.Step9: The pop-up dialog shows the information of current firmware. Click the button “Update”. Afterwards, select the newer file from the pop-up dialog.For User-defined Firmware:Step7: Users need to build their application of the WinPAC and the firmware of I-8120W firstly. Use eVC++, WinPAC SDK, I8120.lib and I-8120.h to develop the WinPAC application. Use TC/BC/TC++/BC++, 186COMM.lib, and 186COMM.h to develop the firmware of I-8120W. You can find these file in the CD or website. The path is show as follows:Website:eVC++:/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=1DACDB3D-50D1-41B2-A107-FA75AE960856&displaylang=enWinPAC SDK:/products/PAC/winpac/download/winpac_8000/ mTC++ 1.01/download/download-list.htmCD path:I-8120.lib and I-8120.h for eVC++:CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/WinPAC_Library186COMM.lib and 186COMM.h for TC/BC/TC++/BC++:CAN/SlotModule/ I_8120W/Demos/For_User_Defined_Firmware/Firm_LibStep8: When finishing the user-defined firmware of the I-8120W, download it into the WinPAC. Please refer the Step7 of the “For Updating Firmware”.Step9: Run your WinPAC application. For more details about how to program the application and firmware, please refer to the user-defined demos and user manual for the details.。

广州周立功单片机 NCV8512 集成复位输出的 LDO 稳压器 产品手册

广州周立功单片机 NCV8512 集成复位输出的 LDO 稳压器 产品手册

广州周立功单片机发展有限公司销售与服务网络(一)广州周立功单片机发展有限公司地址:广州市天河北路689号光大银行大厦12楼F4邮编:510630电话:(020)38730916 38730917 38730972 38730976 38730977传真:(020)38730925网址:广州专卖店地址:广州市天河区新赛格电子城203-204室电话:(020)87578634 87569917传真:(020)87578842 南京周立功地址:南京市珠江路280号珠江大厦2006室电话:(025)83613221 83613271 83603500 传真:(025)83613271北京周立功地址:北京市海淀区知春路113号银网中心A座1207-1208室(中发电子市场斜对面)电话:(010)62536178 62536179 82628073传真:(010)82614433 重庆周立功地址:重庆市石桥铺科园一路二号大西洋国际大厦(赛格电子市场)1611室电话:(023)68796438 68796439传真:(023)68796439杭州周立功地址:杭州市天目山路217号江南电子大厦502室电话:(0571) 28139611 28139612 2813961328139615 28139616 28139618传真:(0571) 28139621 成都周立功地址:成都市一环路南二段1号数码同人港401室(磨子桥立交西北角)电话:(028)85439836 85437446传真:(028)85437896深圳周立功地址:深圳市深南中路2070号电子科技大厦C座4楼D室电话:(0755)83781788(5线)传真:(0755)83793285 武汉周立功地址:武汉市洪山区广埠屯珞瑜路158号12128室(华中电脑数码市场)电话:(027)87168497 87168297 87168397传真:(027)87163755上海周立功地址:上海市北京东路668号科技京城东座7E室电话:(021)53083452 53083453 53083496 传真:(021)53083491 西安办事处地址:西安市长安北路54号太平洋大厦1201室电话:(029)87881296 83063000 87881295传真:(029)87880865目录1. 概述 (1)2. 特性 (1)3. 引脚信息 (1)3.1 引脚图 (1)3.2 引脚说明 (2)4. 应用领域 (2)5. 应用原理图 (2)6. 资料下载 (2)1. 概述NCV8512是一款高精度微功耗电源稳压器。

艾德克斯负载仪 IT8500+系列用户手册

艾德克斯负载仪 IT8500+系列用户手册
“说明”标志表示有提示,它要求在 执行操作步骤时需要参考,给操 作员提供窍门或信息补充。
ITECH 公司对本产品的材料及制造,自出货日期起提供一年的质量保固服务(保 固服务除以下保固限制内容)。
在此仪器操作的各个阶段中,必须遵循以下一般安全预防措施。如果未遵循这些 预防措施或本手册其他部分说明的特定警告,则会违反有关仪器的设计、制造和 用途方面的安全标准。 艾德克斯公司对用户不遵守这些预防措施的行为不承担任 何责任。
IT8500+系列电子负载支持 110V 或 220V 两种交流输入方式,请务必在开启 电源前检查电子负载的交流输入转换开关状态和供电电压相匹配,否则可能 烧坏电子负载
大短路输出电流而不会发生过热。如果有多个负载,则每对负载电线都必须 能安全承载电源的满载额定短路输出电流。 为减少起火和电击风险,请确保市电电源的电压波动不超过工作电压范围的 10%。 请勿自行在仪器上安装替代零件,或执行任何未经授权的修改。 请勿在可拆卸的封盖被拆除或松动的情况下使用本设备。 请仅使用制造商提供的电源适配器以避免发生意外伤害。 严禁将本设备使用于生命维持系统或其他任何有安全要求的设备上。
本文档中包含的材料 “按现状 ”提 供,在将来版本中如有更改,恕不另 行通知。此外,在适用法律允许的最 大范围内,ITECH 不承诺与本手册 及其包含的任何信息相关的任何明 示或暗含的保证,包括但不限于对适 销和适用于某种特定用途的暗含保 证。 ITECH 对提供、使用或应用本 文档及其包含的任何信息所引起的 错误或偶发或间接损失概不负责。如 ITECH 与用户之间存在其他书面协 议含有与本文档材料中所包含条款 冲突的保证条款,以其他书面协议中 的条款为准。

IT8500+ 编程与语法指南

IT8500+ 编程与语法指南

小心标志表示有危险。它要求在 执行操作步骤时必须加以注意, 如果不正确地执行或不遵守操作 步骤,则可能导致产品损坏或重 要数据丢失。在没有完全理解指 定的条件且不满足这些条件的情 况下,请勿继续执行小心标志所 指示的任何不当操作。
“警告 ”标志表示有危险。它要求 在执行操作步骤时必须加以注意, 如果不正确地执行操作或不遵守 操作步骤,则可能导致人身伤亡。 在没有完全理解指定的条件且不 满足这些条件的情况下,请勿继 续执行 “警告 ”标志所指示的任 何不当操作。
此部分列出一期遵循的 EMC(电磁兼容性)、安全和环境标准。
EC 一致性声明 – EMC
符合 Directive 2004/108/EC 有关电磁兼容性的要求。已证明符合《欧洲共同体
EN 61326-1 2006: 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的 EMC 要求。¹²³
在此仪器操作的各个阶段中,必须遵循以下一般安全预防措施。如果未遵循这些 预防措施或本手册其他部分说明的特定警告,则会违反有关仪器的设计、制造和 用途方面的安全标准。 艾德克斯公司对用户不遵守这些预防措施的行为不承担 任何责任。
IT8500+系列电子负载支持 110V 或 220V 两种交流输入方式,请务必在开启电 源前检查电子负载的交流输入转换开关状态和供电电压相匹配,否则可能烧 坏电子负载
直流电 交流电 既有直流也有交流电 保护性接地端子
ON(电源合) OFF(电源断) 电源合闸状态 电源断开状态
警告标志(请参阅本手册了解 具体的“警告”或“小心”信 息)






















Micrel MIC28512 70V 2A 同步降压电源评估板说明书

Micrel MIC28512 70V 2A 同步降压电源评估板说明书

MIC28512 Evaluation Board70V/2A Synchronous Buck RegulatorGeneral DescriptionMicrel’s MIC28512 is a synchronous step-down regulatorfeaturing unique adaptive on-time control architecture withintegrated power MOSFETs. The MIC28512 operates overan input supply range of 4.6V to 70V, and can be used tosupply up to 2A of output current. The output voltage isadjustable down to 0.8V with a guaranteed accuracy of±1% from 0°C to 85°C. The device operates with aprogrammable switching frequency from 200kHz to680kHz (nominal).The MIC28512-1 uses the HyperLight Load®architectureto operate in pulse-skipping mode at light load whilefunctioning in fixed-frequency CCM mode from mediumload to heavy load. The MIC28512-2 utilizes Hyper SpeedControl TM architecture, operating in fixed-frequency CCMmode under all load conditions.Datasheets and support documentation are available onMicrel’s web site at: .RequirementsThe MIC28512 evaluation board requires only a singlepower supply with at least 5A current capability. Forapplications where V IN is less than +5.5V, the internal LDOcan be bypassed by tying VDD to VIN.PrecautionsThe MIC28512 evaluation board does not have reversepolarity protection. Applying a negative voltage to the VINand GND terminals can damage the device. The maximumV IN of the board is rated at 70V; exceeding 70V candamage the device.Ordering InformationPart Number DescriptionMIC28512-1YML EVMIC28512 Evaluation BoardMIC28512-2YML EVEvaluation BoardGetting Started1. Connect VIN SupplyConnect a supply to the VIN and GND terminals, paying careful attention to the polarity and the supply range (4.6V < V IN < 70V). Monitor I IN with a current meter and monitor input voltage at VIN and GND terminals with a voltmeter. Do not apply power until Step 4. 2. Connect Load and Monitor InputConnect a load to the VOUT and GND terminals. The load can be either a passive or an active electronic load. A current meter can be placed between theVOUT terminal and load to monitor the output current. Ensure the output voltage is monitored at the VOUT terminal. 3. Enable InputThe EN terminal has an on board 100k Ω pull-up resistor (R16) to VIN, which allows the output to be turned on when PVDD exceeds its UVLO threshold. An EN (J16) connector is provided on the evaluation board for ease-of-access to the enable feature.Applying an external logic signal on the EN terminal to pull it low or using a jumper to short the EN terminal to the GND terminal will disable the MIC28512 evaluation board. 4. Apply PowerApply V IN and verify that the output voltage regulates to the set voltage.Evaluation Board DescriptionThe basic parameters of the evaluation board are: • Input range: 4.6V to 70V• Output range: 0.8V to 0.85V × V IN at 2A.(For more detailed information, refer to TypicalCharacteristics section. Note that 0.85V is the maximum duty cycle of the MIC28512 controller) • 300kHz switching frequency (Adjustable 200kHz to 680kHz)Feedback ResistorsWith Jumper J11 in place, the output voltage is set to 5.0V as determined by the feedback dividers R1 and R11. Jumper J8 sets the output voltage to 3.3V. With jumper J7 in place the output is set by modifying R9, as illustrated in Equation 1:+×=9R 1R 1V V REF OUTEq. 1Where:V REF = 0.8V, and R1 is 10.0kΩ.With jumpers J11, J8, and J7 removed, the output regulates at the 0.8V reference voltage. All other voltages not listed can be set by modifying R9 with Jumper J7 installed according to Equation 2:REFOUT REFV V V R1R9-×=Eq. 2Jumper J12 shorts out the feedback and forces the converter to operate open loop and approach 100% duty cycle.SW NodeUse test point J1 (V SW ) for monitoring the power MOSFET switching waveform.Current LimitThe MIC28512 uses the R DS(ON) and external resistor connected from ILIM to the SW node to decide the current limit (see Figure 1).Figure 1. MIC28512 Current-Limiting CircuitIn each switching cycle of the MIC28512 converter theinductor current is sensed by monitoring the low-side MOSFET in the OFF period. The sensed voltage V (ILIM) is compared with the power ground (PGND) after a blanking time of 150ns. In this way, the drop voltage over the resistor R22 (V CL ) is compared with the drop over the bottom FET generating the short current limit. The small capacitor (C18) connected from ILIM to PGND filters the switching node ringing during the off time which allows a better short-limit measurement. The time constant created by R22 and C18 should be much less than the minimum off time.The V CL drop allows programming of short limit through the value of the resistor (R22). If the absolute value of the voltage drop on the bottom FET is greater than V CL , V (ILIM)is lower than PGND and a short-circuit event is triggered.A “hiccup” soft-start cycle is generated, reducing the stress on the power switching FETs while protecting the load and supply during severe short conditions.The short circuit current limit can be programmed by using Equation 3:()CLCLDS(ON)PP L CLIM I V R )5.0ΔI (I 22R +××=- Eq. 3Where:I CLIM = Desired current limitR DS(ON) = On-resistance of low-side power MOSFET, 28mΩ typicallyV CL = Current-limit threshold (typical absolute value is 14mV, per the Electrical Characteristics section in the MIC28512 datasheet)I CL = Current-limit source current (typical value is 70µA, per the Electrical Characteristics section in the MIC28512 datasheet).ΔI L(PP) = Inductor current peak-to-peak The peak-to-peak inductor current ripple is:Lf V )V (V V I sw IN(MAX)OUT IN(MAX)OUT L(PP)×××=∆-Eq. 4In case of hard short, the short current-limit threshold (V CL )is reduced by half to the short-circuit threshold. This allowsan indefinite hard short on the output without any destructive effect. It is critical to make sure that theinductor current used to charge the output capacitance during soft start is below the foldback short-circuit level; otherwise the supply can go into hiccup mode and latch up at start up. This should be verified over the operating temperature range as well.The MOSFET R DS(ON) varies 30% to 40% with temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to add a 50% margin to I CL in Equation 4 to avoid false current limiting due to increased MOSFET junction temperature rise. Table 1 shows typical output current limit value for a given R22.Table 1. R22 Typical Output Current-Limit ValueR22 Typical Output Current Limit (V IN = 12V, V OUT = 5V, L = 8.2µH)2.21kΩ 4.3A 1.82kΩ3.0AThe MIC28512 evaluation board was designed with a 8.2µH inductor for operation at 300kHz at 5V output. The typical value of R WINDING(DCR) of this particular inductor is 44mΩ.Setting the Switching FrequencyThe MIC28512 switching frequency can be adjusted by changing the value of resistor R17. The top resistor (R19) is set at 100kΩand is connected between VIN and FREQ. R4 is connected from the FREQ input to PGND and sets the switching frequency according to Equation 4.Figure 2. Switching Frequency Adjustment17R 19R 17R f f O ADJ _SW +×=Eq. 4Where:f O = Switching frequency when R17 is open, per the Electrical Characteristics section in the MIC28512 datasheet.For a more precise setting, it is recommended to use the Figure 3:Figure 3. Switching Frequency vs. R17Typical Characteristics1020304050607080901000.010.1110E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Efficiency (VIN = 12V)vs. Output Current MIC28512-15.0V 3.3Vf SW = 300kHz1020304050607080901000.010.1110E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Efficiency (VIN = 24V)vs. Output Current MIC28512-15.0V 3.3Vf SW = 300kHz1020304050607080901000.010.1110E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Efficiency (VIN = 48V)vs. Output Current MIC28512-15.0V 3.3Vf SW = 300kHz0. U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)12V Input Thermal DeratingMIC28512-15.0V 3.3VV IN = 12V f SW = 300kHz T J(MAX) =125°C θJA = 30°C/W0. U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)24V Input Thermal DeratingMIC28512-15.0V 3.3VV IN = 24V f SW = 300kHz T J(MAX) =125°C θJA = 30°C/W0. U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)48V Input Thermal DeratingMIC28512-15.0V 3.3VV IN = 48V f SW = 300kHz T J(MAX) =125°C θJA = 30°C/W0. C P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)IC Power Dissipationvs. Output Current MIC28512-15.0V 3.3VV IN =12V f SW = 300kHz0. 1.52I C P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)IC Power Dissipationvs. Output Current MIC28512-1Vin =24V f SW = 300kHz 5.0V3.3VV IN = 24V = 300kHz0. 1.52I C P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)IC Power Dissipationvs. Output Current MIC28512-1Vin =24V f SW = 300kHz 5.0V 3.3VV IN = 48V= 300kHzTypical Characteristics (Continued)1020304050607080901000.010.1110E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Efficiency (VIN = 12V)vs. Output Current MIC28512-25.0V 3.3Vf SW = 300kHz1020304050607080901000.010.1110E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Efficiency (VIN = 24V)vs. Output Current MIC28512-25.0V 3.3Vf SW = 300kHz1020304050607080901000.010.1110E F F I C I E N C Y (%)OUTPUT CURRENT (A)Efficiency (VIN = 48V)vs. Output Current MIC28512-25.0V 3.3Vf SW = 300kHz0. U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)12V Input Thermal DeratingMIC28512-25.0V 3.3VV IN = 12V f SW = 300kHz T J(MAX) =125°C θJA = 30°C/W0. U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)24V Input Thermal DeratingMIC28512-25.0V 3.3VV IN = 24V f SW = 300kHz T J(MAX) =125°C θJA = 30°C/W0. U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)48V Input Thermal DeratingMIC28512-25.0V 3.3VV IN = 48V f SW = 300kHz T J(MAX) =125°C θJA = 30°C/W0. C P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)IC Power Dissipationvs. Output Current MIC28512-25.0V 3.3VV IN = 12V f SW = 300kHz0. 1.52I C P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)IC Power Dissipationvs. Output Current MIC28512-2Vin =24V 5.0V 3.3VV IN = 24V f SW = 300kHz0. 1.52I C P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )OUTPUT CURRENT (A)IC Power Dissipationvs. Output Current MIC28512-2Vin =24V 5.0V 3.3VV IN =48V f SW = 300kHzEvaluation Board SchematicBill of MaterialsItem Part Number Manufacturer Description Qty. C1 UVZ2A330MPD Nichicon(1)33µF/100V 20% Radial Aluminum Capacitor 1 C2, C3 12061Z475KAT2A AVX(2) 4.7µF/100V, X7S, Size 1206 Ceramic Capacitor 2 C4, C7 C1608X7R1A225K080AC TDK(3) 2.2µF/10V, X7R, Size 0603 Ceramic Capacitor 2 C5, C11, C13,C18, C19, C20,C21Open NA C6, C16 C0603C104K8RACTU Kemet(4)0.1µF/10V, X7R, Size 0603 Ceramic Capacitor 2C9 GRM21BR72A474KA73 Murata(5)0.47µF/100V, X7R, Size 0805 Ceramic Capacitor 1 08051C474KAT2A AVXC10, C17 GRM188R72A104KA35D Murata 0.1µF/100V, X7R, Size 0603 Ceramic Capacitor 2 C12 CGA3E2X7R1H102K TDK 1nF/50V, X7R, Size 0603 Ceramic Capacitor 1 Notes:1. Nichicon: AVX: .3. TDK: .4. Kemet.: .5. Murata: .Bill of Materials (Continued)Item Part Number Manufacturer Description Qty. C14, C15 GRM32ER71A476KE15L Murata 47µF/10V, X7R, Size 1210 Ceramic Capacitor 2 D1 BAT46W-TP MCC(6)100V Small Signal Schottky Diode, SOD123 1 D3 Open NA J1, J7, J8,J10 − J12,J16 − J1877311-118-02LF FCI(7)CONN HEADER 2POS VERT T/H 9 L1 XAL7030-822MED Coilcraft(8)8.2µH, 10.2A Saturation Current 1 R1 CRCW060310K0FKEA Vishay Dale(9)10.0kΩ, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 1 R2, R9, R25, R26 Open NA R10 CRCW06033K24FKEA Vishay Dale 3.24kΩ, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 1 R11 CRCW06031K91FKEA Vishay Dale 1.91kΩ, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 1 R14, R15 CRCW06030000FKEA Vishay Dale 0.0 Ω, Size 0603, Resistor Jumper 2 R3, R16,R17, R19CRCW0603100K0FKEA Vishay Dale 100kΩ, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 4 R18 CRCW06031K00JNEA Vishay Dale 1.0kΩ, Size 0603, 5% Resistor 1 R20, R21 CRCW060349R9FKEA Vishay Dale 49.9Ω, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 2 R22 CRCW06032K21FKEA Vishay Dale 2.21kΩ, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 1 R23 CRCW08051R21FKEA Vishay Dale 1.21Ω, Size 0805, 1% Resistor 1 R24 CRCW060340R0FKEA Vishay Dale 40.0Ω, Size 0603, 1% Resistor 1 TP7, TP14,TP8, TP13,TP17, TP18Open NATP9 − TP12 1502KeystoneElectronics(10)Test Point Turret, .090 4U1 MIC28512-1YFLMicrel. Inc.(11)70V/2A Synchronous Buck Regulator 1 MIC28512-2YFLNotes:6. MCC: .7. FCI: .8. Coilcraft: .9. Vishay Dale: .10. Keystone Electronics: .11. Micrel, Inc.: .Evaluation Board Layout RecommendationsEvaluation Board Layout Recommendations (Continued)MICREL, INC. 2180 FORTUNE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95131 USATEL +1 (408) 944-0800 FAX +1 (408) 474-1000 WEB Micrel, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of IC solutions for the worldwide high-performance linear and power, LAN, and timing & communications markets. The Company’s products include advanced mixed-signal, analog & power semiconductors; high-performance communication, clock management, MEMs-based clock oscillators & crystal-less clock generators,Ethernet switches, and physical layer transceiver ICs. Company customers include leading manufacturers of enterprise, consumer, industrial, mobile, telecommunications, automotive, and computer products. Corporation headquarters and state-of-the-art wafer fabrication facilities are located in San Jose, CA, with regional sales and support offices and advanced technology design centers situated throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Additionally, the Company maintains an extensive network of distributors and reps worldwide.Micrel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information furnished in this datasheet. This information is not intended as a warranty and Micrel does not assume responsibility for its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuitry, specifications and descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Micrel’s terms and conditions of sale for such products, Micrel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Micrel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating to the sale and/or use of Micrel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right.Micrel Products are not designed or authorized for use as components in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of a product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems that (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A Purchaser’s use or sale of Micrel Products for use in life support appliances, devices or systems is a Purchaser’s own risk and Purchaser agrees to fully indemnify Micrel for any damages resulting from such use or sale.© 2015 Micrel, Incorporated.。


直流可编程电子负载 型号IT8500 系列
IT8511/IT8512/IT8512B/ IT8512C
© 版权归属于艾Байду номын сангаас克斯电子有限公司 Ver1.1 /MAR, 2008/ IT8500-401
第一章 快速入门...............................................................................................................................6 1.1 开机自检 .....................................................................................................................................6 1.1.1 介绍 .....................................................................................................................................6 1.1.2 自检步骤 ..............................................................................................................................6 1.1.3 如果负载不能启动................................................................................................................6 1.2 前面板介绍 .................................................................................................................................7 1.3 后面板介绍..................................................................................................................................8 1.4 VFD 指示灯功能描述 ..................................................................................................................8 1.5 键盘介绍.....................................................................................................................................8 1.6 快速功能键..................................................................................................................................9 1.7 菜单操作 .....................................................................................................................................9 1.8 选件和配件................................................................................................................................11

艾德克斯 IT8514F 说明书

艾德克斯 IT8514F 说明书

用戶使用手冊直流可編程電子負載型號IT8514F© 版權歸屬于艾德克斯電子有限公司 Ver1.1 /APR, 2005/ IT8500-4011.1開機自檢 (6)1.1.1介紹 (6)1.1.2自檢步驟 (6)1.1.3如果負載不能啟動 (6)1.2前面板介紹 (7)1.3後面板介紹 (8)1.4VFD指示燈功能描述 (8)1.5鍵盤介紹 (9)1.6快速功能鍵 (9)1.7功能表操作 (9)1.8選件和配件 (11)第二章技術規格 (12)2.1主要技術參數 (12)2.2補充特性 (13)第三章面板操作 (13)3.1基本操作模式 (13)3.1.1定電流操作模式(CC) (13)3.1.2定電阻操作模式(CR) (14)3.1.3定電壓操作模式(CV) (14)3.1.4定功率操作模式(CW) (14)3.2動態測試操作 (15)3.2.1連續模式(CONTINUOUS ) (15)3.2.2脈衝模式(PULSE) (15)3.2.3觸發模式(TRIGGER) (15)3.3順序操作(LIST) (16)3.4觸發操作(TRIGGERED OPERATION) (16)3.5輸入控制 (17)3.5.1 短路操作(SHORT) (17)3.5.2 輸入開關操作 (17)3.6電子負載可操作範圍 (17)3.7保護功能 (17)3.7.1 過電壓保護(OV) (17)3.7.2 過電流保護(OC) (18)3.7.3 過功率保護(OW) (18)3.7.4 輸入極性反接 (18)3.7.5 過溫度保護(OH) (18)3.8遠端測試功能 (18)3.9存取操作 (19)3.10電池放電測試操作 (19)3.11V ON V OFF 操作 (20)第四章安裝 (21)4.1驗貨 (21)4.2清潔 (21)4.3尺寸圖 (21)4.4支架安裝 (22)4.5電源線的選配 (23)第五章應用範例 (24)5.1.1定電流操作I-Set(設定一個從0到限定電流範圍的定電流值) (24)5.1.2定功率操作P-Set (設定一個從0到限定功率範圍的定功率值) (24)5.1.3 定電阻操作R-set (設定一個從0.1Ω到4000Ω範圍內定電阻值) (24)5.1.4 定電壓操作V-set (設定一個從0.1V到限定電壓範圍的定電壓值) (25)5.1.5 IN ON/OFF輸入設定 (25)5.2動態測試功能 (25)5.2.1動態測試參數的設定 (25)5.2.2動態測試操作 (25)5.3順序操作 (27)5.4快速調用功能 (27)5.5自動測試功能 (28)5.5.1編輯測試檔 (28)5.5.2 快速取出測試檔 (29)5.5.3自動測試 (29)5.6電壓量程和電流量程的快速切換方法 (30)第六章負載通訊介面參考 (30)6.1通訊模組簡介 (30)6.2電子負載與PC間的通訊 (31)安全請勿自行在儀器上安裝替代零件,或執行任何未經授權的修改。


直流可编程电子负载 型号IT8513/14系列
© 版权归属于艾德克斯电子有限公司 Ver1.1 /APR, 2008/ IT8500-401
第一章 快速入门 ...........................................................................................................................6 1.1 开机自检..................................................................................................................................6 1.1.1 介绍 ..................................................................................................................................6 1.1.2 自检步骤...........................................................................................................................6 1.1.3 如果负载不能启动 ............................................................................................................6 1.2 前面板介绍..............................................................................................................................7 1.3 后面板介绍 ..............................................................................................................................8 1.4 VFD 指示灯功能描述 ...............................................................................................................8 1.5 键盘介绍 .................................................................................................................................9 1.6 快速功能键 ..............................................................................................................................9 1.7 菜单操作..................................................................................................................................9 1.8 选件和配件 ............................................................................................................................11


第二章 技术规格.................................................................................................................................12 2.1 主要技术参数 ............................................................................................................................12 2.2 补充特性 ...................................................................................................................................12
第三章 面板操作.................................................................................................................................13 3.1 基本操作模式 ............................................................................................................................13 3.1.1 定电流操作模式(CC) .....................................................................................................13 3.1.2 定电阻操作模式(CR) .....................................................................................................14 3.1.3 定电压操作模式(CV) .....................................................................................................14 3.1.4 定功率操作模式(CW) ....................................................................................................14 3.2 动态测试操作 ............................................................................................................................14 3.2.1 连续模式(CONTINUOUS ) ...........................................................................................15 3.2.2 脉冲模式(PULSE) .........................................................................................................15 3.2.3 触发模式(TRIGGER).....................................................................................................15 3.3 顺序操作(LIST) ....................................................................................................................15 3.4 触发操作(TRIGGERED OPERATION) ..............................................................................16 3.5 输入控制.........................................................................................................ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.........................16 3.5.1 短路操作(SHORT) .......................................................................................................16 3.5.2 输入开关操作 ....................................................................................................................16 3.6 电子负载可操作范围.................................................................................................................17 3.7 保护功能...................................................................................................................................17 3.7.1 过电压保护(OV) ...........................................................................................................17 3.7.2 过电流保护(OC) ...........................................................................................................17 3.7.3 过功率保护(OW) ..........................................................................................................17 3.7.4 输入极性反接 ....................................................................................................................17 3.7.5 过温度保护(OH) ...........................................................................................................18 3.8 远程测试功能 ...........................................................................................................................18 3.9 存取操作...................................................................................................................................19 3.10 电池放电测试操作 ..................................................................................................................19 3.11 VON VOFF 操作 .......................................................................................................................20

EDI88512CA25B32I中文资料(Microsemi)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EDI88512CA25B32I中文资料(Microsemi)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

Min Max
13 13
0 0 13 13
13 13
0 0
0 0 08
8 8
Min Max
14 14
0 0 14 14
14 14
0 0
0 0 08
8 8
Min Max
15 15
0 0 15 15
15 15
0 0
0 0 08
10 10
Min Max
Stressgreater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage
to the device. Thisisa stressrating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other
25 A11 24 OE# 23 A10 22 CS# 21 I/O7 20 I/O6
19 I/O5 18 I/O4 17 I/O3
Data Inputs/Outputs
Address Inputs
Write Enables
Chip Selects
Output Enable
(17ns) — (20 -55ns) —

851-424 Rev. B 设置、操作与维护手册说明书

851-424 Rev. B 设置、操作与维护手册说明书

851-424 Rev. BSetup, Operation& Maintenance ManualTable of ContentsWarnings − General Safety 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product Description 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required Tools 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounting 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preventive Maintenance & Adjustment 7. . . . . . . . . . . . Required Tools 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing Belt Tensioning 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing Belt Replacement 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drive or Driven Pulley Replacement 8. . . . . . . . . . . . Gear Motor Replacement 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Parts 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return Policy 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IntroductionIMPORTANT: Some illustrations may show guardsremoved. Do NOT operate equipment without guards.Upon receipt of shipment:D Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory re-garding discrepancies.D Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regar-ding damage.D Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner 2100 and 2200 Series conveyors are covered by thefollowing patent numbers: 5131529, 5174435, and corre-sponding patents and patent applications in other countries.Dorner 6200 Series conveyors are covered by patent number5174435 and corresponding patents and patent applications inother countries.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time withoutnotice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre−configured kits of Key ServiceParts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easyto order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you willhave what you need when you need it. Key Parts and Kits aremarked in the Service Parts section of this manual with thePerformance Parts Kits logo .Warnings − General Safety2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM851-424 Rev. B2Dorner Mfg. Corp.2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.3851-424 Rev. BRefer to Figure 1 for typical components.A ConveyorB Mounting BracketC GearmotorD Timing Belt TensionerE CoverF Timing BeltG Drive Pulley HDriven PulleyTypical ComponentsFigure 1AGCBHDESpecificationsGearmotor Mounting Package Models:Example:6 = 6200 Series ConveyorDriven Pulley (see Tables 2 & 3)* See “Ordering and Specifications” Catalog for details.Table 1: Table 1: GearmotorSpecificationsSingle PhaseThree Phase DC Variable Speed Output Power 0.17 hp (0.13 kw)0.25 hp (0.19 kw)Input Voltage 115 Volts A.C.230 Volts A.C.130 Volts D.C.Input Frequency 60 HzN/A Input Current 1.9 Amperes 1.2 Amperes1.8 AmperesMotor RPM 17252500Gearmotor Ratios 5:1, 10:1, 20:1, 30:1, 60:1, 180:1Motor TypeTotally enclosed, Fan-cooledTotally enclosed, Non −ventilatedProduct DescriptionTable 2: Belt Speeds for Standard Load Fixed Speed Parallel Shaft 60 Hz GearmotorsStandard Load Gearmotors Top and Bottom MountPackage DrivePulley Driven PulleyPart Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min62M180PS411F(n)1034138.520.6223262M180PS411F(n)1034138.530.9323262M060PS4(vp)F(n)2927030.56 1.8193262M060PS4(vp)F(n)2927030.510 3.0323262M030PS4(vp)F(n)5813515.320 6.1323262M020PS411F(n)869010.2309.1323262M020PS411F(n)869010.24513.7483262M010PS4(vp)F(n)17345 5.16118.6323262M010PS4(vp)F(n)17345 5.19127.7483262M005PS411F(n)34525 2.812136.9323262M005PS411F(n)34525 2.815446.9282262M005PS411F(n)34525 2.818155.2482862M005PS411F(n)34525 2.820863.4482862M005PS411F(n)34525 2.826480.54822(vp) = voltage and phase(n) = Reversing Capability11 = 115 V, 1-phase N = No reversing switch23 = 208–230/460 V, 3-phase R = With reversing switch (115V, 1 phase only)Table 3: Belt Speeds for Standard Load Variable Speed Parallel Shaft DC Gearmotors Standard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed Drive Driven Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min Pulley Pulley62M180PSD3DEN1434138.50.4 − 3.40.1 − 1.0223262M180PSD3DEN1434138.50.6 − 4.90.2 − 1.5323262M060PSD3DEN4227030.5 1.0 – 90.3 − 2.6193262M060PSD3DEN4227030.5 1.8 – 150.5 – 4.5323262M030PSD3DEN8313515.3 3.5 − 29 1.1 − 9323262M020PSD3DEN1259010.2 5.3 – 44 1.6 – 13323262M010PSD3DEN250728.110 – 88 3.2 – 27323262M010PSD3DEN250728.118 – 150 5.5 – 46482862M005PSD3DEN50025 2.821 – 76 6.4 – 54323262M005PSD3DEN50025 2.827 – 2247.3 – 61282262M005PSD3DEN50025 2.831 – 2559.3 – 783222NOTE: For belt speed other than those listed, contactfactory for details.Specifications2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B4Dorner Mfg. Corp.2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.5851-424 Rev. BRequired ToolsD Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mm D Straight edge D Torque wrenchMountingNOTE: Type 1 mounting package shown below left(Figure 2.) Type 2 mounting package shown below right (Figure 2.)Figure 2Type 1Type 21.Gather components (Figure 3)Figure 3LIOMKPJNInstallation Component ListI Mount Assembly J Drive Pulley K CoverL M4 Socket Head Screws (4x)M Driven Pulley N KeyO M6 Socket Head Screws (3x)PTiming BeltNOTE: Type 1 mounting package shown (Figure 3),Type 2 mounting package similar.2.Locate drive output shaft (S of Figure 4) and removetwo (2) screws (R).Figure 4RS3.Attach mount assembly (I of Figure 5) with screws(O). Install long screws on bottom. Tighten screws to 80 in-lb (9 Nm.).Figure 5OIInstallation2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B 6Dorner Mfg. Corp.Install key (N of Figure 6).Figure 6NMPJ5.Wrap timing belt (P) around driven pulley (M) anddrive pulley (J). Install driven pulley (M) onto conveyor a straight edge (T of Figure 7), align driven Figure 7MTJU21WInstall cover (K of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (L).Tighten screws to35 in-lb (4 Nm).Installation2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.7851-424 Rev. BRequired ToolsD Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mmD Adjustable wrench (for hexagon head screws)D Straight edge D Torque wrenchTiming Belt Tensioning1.Remove four (4) screws (L of Figure 10) and removecover (K).Figure 10L2.Loosen tensioner (V of Figure 11).Figure 113.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or2 of Figure 12), position belt tensioner (V) as shown.Tension belt to obtain .125” (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (W).Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).21Figure 124.Install cover (K of Figure 10) with four (4) screws(L). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Timing Belt Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws (L of Figure 10) and removecover (K).2.Loosen tensioner (V of Figure 11).3.Remove timing belt (P of Figure 13).NOTE: If timing belt does not slide over pulleyflange, loosen driven pulley set screws (U of Figure 13) and remove pulley (M) with belt (P). For re-installation, see steps 5 and 6 on page 6.Figure 13UP4.Install new timing belt.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B 8Dorner Mfg. Corp.5.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel (1 or2 of Figure 14), position belt tensioner (V) as shown.Tension belt to obtain .125” (3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (W).Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).21Figure 146.Install cover (K of Figure 15) with four (4) screws(L). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 15LDrive or Driven Pulley Replacementplete steps 1 through 3 of “Timing Belt Replace-ment” section on page 7.2.Loosen set screws and remove drive or driven pulley.NOTE: If drive pulley (J of Figure 20) is replaced,wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 3.plete steps 5 through 8 of “Installation” sectionon page 6.Gear Motor Replacement1.For single phase motor, unplug power cord fromoutlet.2.For three phase motor:a .Loosen terminal box screws (AF of Figure 16) andremove cover (AG).Figure 16AGAFAFb .Record incoming wire colors on red, black andblue leads. Loosen wire nuts and remove incoming wires.c .Loosen cord grip and remove cord.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.9851-424 Rev. B3.For DC variable speed motor, unplug motor cord atdisconnect (AH of Figure 17).Figure 174.Remove four (4) screws (L of Figure 18) and removecover (K).Figure 18KL5.Loosen tensioner (V of Figure 19).Figure 196.Loosen drive pulley set screws (X of Figure 20).Remove drive pulley (J) and timing belt (P).Figure 20X JP7.Remove four (4) gearmotor mounting screws (Q ofFigure 21). Remove gearmotor with adapter plate.Figure 21QQ I8.Remove four (4) adapter plate screws (AI of Figure22). Remove adapter plate (AJ).Figure 22AIAJPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B 10Dorner Mfg. Corp.9.Install new gearmotor to adapter plate (AJ) andmounting bracket (I of Figure 23). Tighten screws (Q of Figure 21) to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).10.Wrap timing belt (P of Figure 23) around drive pulley(J) and driven pulley (M). Attach drive pulley (J) to drive shaft.Figure 23JPIM ing a straight edge (T of Figure 24), align drivepulley (J) with driven pulley (M). Tighten driveFigure 24TX12.Depending on direction of conveyor belt travel ( 1 or 2of Figure 8), position belt tensioner (V) as shown.Tension belt to obtain .125” ( 3 mm) deflection for 1.0 lb (456 grams) of force at belt mid-point (W).Tighten tensioner screw to 103 in-lb (12 Nm).21Figure 2513.Install cover (K of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (L).Tighten screws to35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 26KL14.Replace wiring:D For a single phase motor, reverse step 1 on page 8.D For a three phase motor, reverse step 2, on page 8.D For a DC variable speed motor, reverse step 3 on page 9.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM Dorner Mfg. Corp.11851-424 Rev. BNOTE: For replacement parts other than thoseshown on this page, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.Item Part Number Part Description162M180PS411FN Motor,0.08hp (0.06Kw),10RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase 62M180PS411FR Motor,0.08hp (0.06Kw),10RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with reversing switch62M060PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),29RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase 62M060PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),29RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with reversing switch62M060PS423FN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),29RPM,230VAC,60Hz,3-Phase 62M030PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),58RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M030PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),58RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M030PS423FN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),58RPM,230VAC,60Hz,3-Phase 62M020PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),86RPM,230VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M020PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),86RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M010PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),173RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M010PS411FRMotor,0.17hp(0.13Kw),173RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M010PS423FN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),173RPM,230VAC,60Hz,3-Phase62M005PS411FN Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),345RPM,230VAC,60Hz,1-Phase62M005PS411FR Motor,0.17hp (0.13Kw),345RPM,115VAC,60Hz,1-Phase with revers-ing switch62M180PSD3DENMotor,0.12hp (0.09Kw),14RPM,130VDC62M060PSD3DENMotor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),42RPM,130VDC 62M030PSD3DEN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),83RPM,130VDC62M020PSD3DEN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),125RPM,130VDC62M010PSD3DEN Motor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),250RPM,130VDC62M005PSD3DENMotor,0.25hp (0.19Kw),500RPM,130VDC2814-103Timing Belt, 15mm W x 385mm L 814-100Timing Belt, 15mm W x 400mm L814-096Timing Belt, 15mm W x 425mm L 814-105Timing Belt, 15mm W x 460mm L Item Part Number Part Description 3802-046Tensioner Bearing 4450365MP Driven Pulley, 19 Tooth 450366MP Driven Pulley, 22 T ooth 450367MP Driven Pulley, 28 T ooth 450368MPDriven Pulley, 32 T ooth5980422M Square Key, 4 mm x 22 mm (2x)6450434Drive Pulley, 22 T ooth 450435Drive Pulley, 28 T ooth 450436Drive Pulley, 32 T ooth 450437Drive Pulley, 44 T ooth 450438Drive Pulley, 48 T ooth 450439Drive Pulley, 60 T ooth 7912−078Square Key, .188” x .75” LgFigure 271234675Service Parts2100, 2200 & 6200 Series Center Mount Drive Package for Standard Load 60Hz Parallel Shaft Gearmotors SOMM 851-424 Rev. B12Dorner Mfg. Corp.No returns will be accepted without prior written factory authorization. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner Factory representative or your local distributor: and address of customer.2.Item(s) being returned.3.Reason for return.4.Customer’s original order number used when ordering the item(s).5.Dorner or distributor invoice number.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the Returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization Number to reference.There will be a 15% restocking charge on all new items returned for credit where Dorner was not at fault. These will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The restocking charge covers inspection, cleaning,disassembly, and reissuing to inventory.If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Feel free to contact Dorner for the name of your local representative.Our technical sales and service staff will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner’s Limited Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website @851-424 Rev. BPrinted in U.S.A.300Return Policy。

华为8512 01-入门操作

华为8512 01-入门操作

入门目录目录第1章产品介绍 ....................................................................................................................... 1-11.1 产品简介............................................................................................................................. 1-11.2 功能特性列表 ..................................................................................................................... 1-2第2章登录交换机.................................................................................................................... 2-12.1 通过Console口搭建配置环境 ........................................................................................... 2-12.2 通过Telnet搭建配置环境 .................................................................................................. 2-32.2.1 通过微机Telnet到交换机........................................................................................ 2-32.2.2 通过交换机Telnet到交换机.................................................................................... 2-42.3 通过Modem拨号搭建配置环境......................................................................................... 2-5第3章命令行接口.................................................................................................................... 3-13.1 命令行接口......................................................................................................................... 3-13.2 命令行视图......................................................................................................................... 3-13.3 命令行特性......................................................................................................................... 3-53.3.1 命令行在线帮助....................................................................................................... 3-53.3.2 命令行显示特性....................................................................................................... 3-73.3.3 命令行历史命令....................................................................................................... 3-73.3.4 命令行错误信息....................................................................................................... 3-83.3.5 命令行编辑特性....................................................................................................... 3-8第4章用户界面配置................................................................................................................ 4-14.1 用户界面简介 ..................................................................................................................... 4-14.2 用户界面配置 ..................................................................................................................... 4-24.2.1 进入用户界面视图 ................................................................................................... 4-24.2.2 配置异步口属性....................................................................................................... 4-24.2.3 配置终端属性........................................................................................................... 4-44.2.4 用户管理.................................................................................................................. 4-64.2.5 Modem属性配置..................................................................................................... 4-94.2.6 配置重定向功能....................................................................................................... 4-94.3 用户界面显示和调试 ........................................................................................................ 4-10第1章产品介绍1.1 产品简介随着Internet市场的不断发展,用户对通信的需求已从传统的电话、传真、电报等低速业务逐渐向高速的Internet接入、可视电话、视频点播VOD(VideoOn Demand)等宽带业务领域延伸,用户对上网速率的需求也越来越高。

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直流可编程电子负载IT8500+系列用户手册型号:IT8511+/IT8511A+/IT8511B+/IT8512+/IT8512A+/IT8512B+/IT8512C+/IT8512H+/IT8513C+/IT8514C+/IT8514B+/IT8516C+版本号:4.1声明© Itech Electronics, Co., Ltd. 2014根据国际版权法,未经Itech Electronics, Co., Ltd. 事先允许和书面同意,不得以任何形式(包括电子存储和检索或翻译为其他国家或地区语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。

手册部件号IT8500+-402008版本第4版,2015 年05月18日发布Itech Electronics, Co., Ltd.商标声明Pentium是Intel Corporation在美国的注册商标。

Microsoft、Visual Studio、Windows 和MS Windows是Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的商标。


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环境条件要求操作温度0°C~40°C操作湿度20%~80%(非冷凝)存放温度-20°C~70 °C海拔高度≤2000米污染度污染度2为了保证测量精度,建议温机半小时后开始操作。

法规标记废弃电子电器设备指令(WEEE )废弃电子电器设备指令(WEEE ),2002/96/EC本产品符合WEEE 指令(2002/96/EC )的标记要求。


产品类别按照WEEE 指令附件Ⅰ中的设备分类,本仪器属于“监测类”产品。

要返回不需要的仪器,请与您最近的ITECH 销售处联系。

符合性信息此部分列出一期遵循的EMC (电磁兼容性)、安全和环境标准。

EC 一致性声明 – EMC符合Directive 2004/108/EC 有关电磁兼容性的要求。

已证明符合《欧洲共同体公报》中所列的以下技术规格:EN 61326-1 2006: 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的EMC 要求。

¹²³ ● CISPR 11:2003。

放射和传导辐射量,组1,A 类 ● IEC 61000-4-2:2001。

静电放电抗扰性● IEC 61000-4-3:2002。

射频电磁场抗扰性 4● IEC 61000-4-4:2004。

电气快速瞬变/突发抗扰性 ● IEC 61000-4-5:2001。

电源线路浪涌抗扰性● IEC 61000-4-6:2003。

传导射频抗扰性5● IEC 61000-4-11:2004。

电压骤降和中断抗扰性6EN 61000-3-2:2006: 交流电源线谐波辐射 EN 61000-3-3:1995: 电压变化、波动和闪变1 本产品仅在非居民区内使用,在居民区内使用可能造成电磁干扰。

2 当该设备与测试对象连接时,可能产生超过此标准要求的辐射级别。

3为确保符合上面列出的EMC 标准,应使用高质量的屏蔽接口电缆。

4 在IEC 61000-4-3测试条件下,可包括峰-峰值不超过4格的光迹噪声(Trace bloom)。

5 在IEC 61000-4-6测试条件下,可包括峰-峰值不超过1格的光迹噪声(Trace bloom)。

6 性能标准C应用于70%/25周期电压跌落以及0%/250周期电压中断测试水平(IEC 61000-4-11)。

目录认证与质量保证 (1)保固服务 (1)保证限制 (1)安全标志 (1)安全注意事项 (2)环境条件 (2)法规标记 (3)废弃电子电器设备指令(WEEE) (3)符合性信息 (3)第一章验货与安装 (1)1.1确认包装内容 (1)1.3电子负载尺寸介绍 (2)1.4调节负载手柄 (4)1.5卸除负载手柄 (4)1.6安装支架 (5)1.7安装电源线 (5)第二章快速入门 (7)2.1产品简介 (7)2.2产品特性 (7)2.3前面板介绍 (8)2.4键盘介绍 (9)2.5快速功能键 (10)2.6VFD状态指示灯功能描述 (10)2.7后面板介绍 (11)2.8开机自检 (12)第三章功能和特性 (15)3.1本地/远程操作模式切换功能 (15)3.2定态操作模式功能 (15)3.2.1定电流操作模式(CC) (15)3.2.2定电压操作模式(CV) (16)3.2.3定电阻操作模式(CR) (17)3.2.4定功率操作模式(CW) (18)3.3输入控制功能 (18)3.4键盘锁功能 (19)3.5短路模拟功能 (19)3.6系统设置功能(S YSTEM) (19)3.7配置菜单功能(C ONFIG) (20)3.8触发功能 (22)3.9顺序操作(L IST)功能 (23)3.10测试功能 (25)3.10.1动态测试功能 (25)3.10.2 OCP测试功能 (28)3.10.3 OPP测试功能 (29)3.10.4电池放电测试功能 (30)3.10.5 CR-LED测试功能 (31)3.10.6电压上升时间测试功能 (32)3.11配置存取功能 (33)3.12VON功能 (33)3.13保护功能 (34)3.14远端补偿功能 (35)3.15电流监控(I M ONITOR) (36)第四章自动测试教程 (37)4.1功能概述 (37)4.2切换自动测试模式 (37)4.2.1 IT8500+专门自动测试编辑模式 (38)4.2.2兼容IT8500自动测试编辑模式 (42)第五章技术规格 (44)5.1主要技术参数 (44)5.2补充参数 (52)第六章通讯接口介绍 (53)6.1通讯模块简介 (53)6.2电子负载与PC间的通讯 (55)附录 (57)第一章验货与安装1.1确认包装内容打开包装,在操作仪器前请检查箱内物品,若有不符、缺失或外观磨损等情况,请速与艾德克斯联系。


