新会计准则 中英文会计科目对照表
![新会计准则 中英文会计科目对照表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1aa77e65783e0912a2162a8a.png)
新会计准则中英文会计科目对照表新会计准则中英文会计科目对照表中英文会计科目对照表如下:会计科目中英对照表会计科目 accounting subject顺序号serial number编号code number会计科目名称accounting subject会计科目适用范围accounting subject range of application一、资产类 1 1001库存现金 cash on hand2 1002 银行存款 bank deposit5 1015 其他货币资金 other monetary capital9 1101 交易性金融资产 transaction monetary assets11 1121 应收票据 notes receivable12 1122 应收账款 Account receivable13 1123 预付账款 account prepaid14 1131 应收股利 dividend receivable15 1132 应收利息 accrued interest receivable21 1231 其他应收款 accounts receivable-others22 1241 坏账准备 had debts reserve28 1401 材料采购 procurement of materials29 1402 在途物资 materials in transit30 1403 原材料 raw materials32 1406 库存商品 commodity stocks33 1407 发出商品 goods in transit36 1412 包装物及低值易耗品 wrappage and low value and easily wornout articles42 1461 存货跌价准备 reserve against stock price declining43 1501 待摊费用 fees to be apportioned45 1521 持有至到期投资 hold investment due46 1522 持有至到期投资减值准备 hold investment due reduction reserve47 1523 可供出售金融资产 financial assets available for sale48 1524 长期股权投资 long-term stock ownership investment49 1525 长期股权投资减值准备 long-term stock ownership investmentreduction reserve50 1526 投资性房地产 investment real eastate51 1531 长期应收款 long-term account receivable52 1541 未实现融资收益 unrealized financing income54 1601 固定资产 permanent assets55 1602 累计折旧 accumulated depreciation56 1603 固定资产减值准备permanent assets reduction reserve57 1604 在建工程 construction in process58 1605 工程物资 engineer material59 1606 固定资产清理 disposal of fixed assets60 1611 融资租赁资产租赁专用 financial leasing assets exclusively for leasing61 1612 未担保余值租赁专用 unguaranteed residual value exclusively for leasing62 1621 生产性生物资产农业专用 productive living assets exclusively for agriculture63 1622 生产性生物资产累计折旧农业专用 productive living assets accumulated depreciation exclusively for agriculture64 1623 公益性生物资产农业专用 non-profit living assets exclusively for agriculture65 1631 油气资产石油天然气开采专用 oil and gas assets exclusively for oil and gas exploitation66 1632 累计折耗石油天然气开采专用 accumulated depletion exclusively for oil and gas exploitation67 1701 无形资产 intangible assets68 1702 累计摊销 accumulated amortization69 1703 无形资产减值准备 intangible assets reduction reserve70 1711 商誉 business reputation71 1801 长期待摊费用 long-term deferred expenses72 1811 递延所得税资产 deferred income tax assets73 1901 待处理财产损溢 waiting assets profit and loss二、负债类 debt group74 2001 短期借款 short-term loan81 2101 交易性金融负债 transaction financial liabilities83 2201 应付票据 notes payable84 2202 应付账款 account payable85 2205 预收账款 item received in advance86 2211 应付职工薪酬 employee pay payable87 2221 应交税费 tax payable88 2231 应付股利 dividend payable89 2232 应付利息 interest payable90 2241 其他应付款 other account payable97 2401 预提费用 withholding expenses98 2411 预计负债 estimated liabilities99 2501 递延收益 deferred income100 2601 长期借款 money borrowed for long term101 2602 长期债券 long-term bond106 2801 长期应付款 long-term account payable107 2802 未确认融资费用 unacknowledged financial charges108 2811 专项应付款 special accounts payable109 2901 递延所得税负债 deferred income tax liabilities三、共同类112 3101 衍生工具 derivative tool113 3201 套期工具 arbitrage tool114 3202 被套期项目 arbitrage project四、所有者权益类115 4001 实收资本 paid-up capital116 4002 资本公积 contributed surplus117 4101 盈余公积 earned surplus119 4103 本年利润 profit for the current year120 4104 利润分配 allocation of profits121 4201 库存股 treasury stock五、成本类122 5001 生产成本 production cost123 5101 制造费用 cost of production124 5201 劳务成本 service cost125 5301 研发支出 research and development expenditures126 5401 工程施工建造承包商专用 engineering construction exclusively for construction contractor127 5402 工程结算建造承包商专用 engineering settlement exclusively for construction contractor128 5403 机械作业建造承包商专用 mechanical operation exclusively for construction contractor六、损益类129 6001 主营业务收入main business income130 6011 利息收入金融共用 interest income financial sharing135 6051 其他业务收入 other business income136 6061 汇兑损益金融专用 exchange gain or loss exclusively for finance137 6101 公允价值变动损益 sound value flexible loss and profit138 6111 投资收益 income on investment142 6301 营业外收入 nonrevenue receipt143 6401 主营业务成本 main business cost144 6402 其他业务支出 other business expense145 6405 营业税金及附加 business tariff and annex146 6411 利息支出金融共用 interest expense financial sharing155 6601 销售费用 marketing cost 156 6602 管理费用 managing cost157 6603 财务费用 financial cost 158 6604 勘探费用 exploration expense 159 6701 资产减值损失 loss from asset devaluation160 6711 营业外支出 nonoperating expense 161 6801 所得税 income tax 162 6901 以前年度损益调整prior year profit and loss adjustmentAccounting StandardsAuthoritative & interpretive literature. FASB, AICPA, SEC &more 新会计准则英汉对照目录Effective 2007 for Listed Companies1. 企业会计准则————————-基本准则(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard)2. 企业会计准则第1 号————————-存货(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 1 - Inventories)3. 企业会计准则第2 号————————-长期股权投资(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 2 - Long-term equity investments)4. 企业会计准则第3 号————————-投资性房地产(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 3 - Investment properties)5. 企业会计准则第4 号————————-固定资产(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed assets)6. 企业会计准则第5 号————————-生物资产(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 5 - Biological assets)7. 企业会计准则第6 号————————-无形资产(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 6 - Intangible assets)8. 企业会计准则第7 号————————-非货币性资产:)(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of non-monetary assets)9. 企业会计准则第8 号————————-资产减值(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of assets)10. 企业会计准则第9 号————————-职工薪酬(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 9 –Employee compensation )11. 企业会计准则第10 号————————企业年金基金(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 10 - Enterprise annuity fund)12. 企业会计准则第11 号————————股份支付(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 11 - Share-based payment)13. 企业会计准则第12 号————————债务重组(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt restructurings)14. 企业会计准则第13 号————————或有事项(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies)15. 企业会计准则第14 号————————收入(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue)16. 企业会计准则第15 号————————建造合同(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 15 - Construction contracts)17. 企业会计准则第16 号————————政府补助(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 16 - Government grants)18. 企业会计准则第17 号————————借款费用(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 17 - Borrowing costs)19. 企业会计准则第18 号————————所得税(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 18 - Income taxes)20. 企业会计准则第19 号————————外币折算(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 19 - Foreign currency translation)21. 企业会计准则第20 号————————企业合并(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 20 - Business Combinations)22. 企业会计准则第21 号————————租赁(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases)23. 企业会计准则第22 号————————金融工具确认和计量(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and measurement of financial instruments)24. 企业会计准则第23 号————————金融资产转移(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of financial assets)25. 企业会计准则第24 号————————套期保值(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 24 - Hedging)26. 企业会计准则第25 号————————原保险合同(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 25 - Direct insurance contracts)27. 企业会计准则第26 号————————再保险合同(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 26 -Re-insurance contracts)28. 企业会计准则第27 号————————石油天然气开采(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 27 - Extraction of petroleum and natural gas)29. 企业会计准则第28 号————————会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 28 - Changes in accounting policie and estimates, and correction of errors)30. 企业会计准则第29 号————————资产负债表日后事项(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 29 - Events occurring after the balance sheet date)31. 企业会计准则第30 号————————财务报表列报(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 30 - Presentation of financial statements)32. 企业会计准则第31 号————————现金流量表(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 31 - Cashflow statements)33. 企业会计准则第32 号————————中期财务报告(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 32 - Interim financial reporting)34. 企业会计准则第33 号————————合并财务报表(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 33 - Consolidated financial statements)35. 企业会计准则第34 号————————每股收益(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 34 - Earnings per share)36. 企业会计准则第35 号————————分部报告(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 35 - Segment reporting)37. 企业会计准则第36 号————————关联方披露(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 36 - Related party disclosure)38. 企业会计准则第37 号————————金融工具列报(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of financial instruments)39. 企业会计准则第38 号————————首次执行企业会计准则(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.38 - First time adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises)审计法Audit Law, Audit Act审计法实施条例the Implementary Rules of the Audit law审计标准audit criteria,audit standard审计准则auditing standard审计原则auditing principles审计手册audit manual公认审计准则Generally Accepted Auditing Standards审计法律规范audit laws and regulations审计体制audit system审计权限audit purview;audit jurisdiction;audit mandate 审计职责audit responsibility审计监督audit supervision;supervision through auditing 审计管辖权audit jurisdiction审计执法implementation of audit laws and regulations审计处理audit sanction审计处罚audit penalty依法审计conduct auditing in accordance with laws审计意见audit opinion审计决定audit decision审计建议audit suggestion, audit recommendation复核意见conclusion of audit review审计复议audit appeal审计听证audit hearing审计复核audit review审计战略audit strategy审计计划audit plan审计方案auditing program 审计目标auditing objective 审计范围audit scope审计内容audit coverage审计结论audit conclusion审计任务audit assignments 审计结果audit finding审计报告audit report审计方法audit method审计过程auditing process审计证据audit evidence审计测试audit test审计风险audit risk审计抽样audit sampling审计软件audit software审计程序auditing procedures 审计调查audit investigation 审计小组audit team审计线索audit trail工作底稿working paper绕过计算机审计auditing around the computer通过计算机审计auditing through the computer计算机辅助审计computer-assited audit信息技术审计IT audit合法性审计compliance audit, regularity audit合规性审计compliance audit综合审计comprehensive audit效益审计value for money audit (VFM audit)绩效审计performance audit财务审计financial audit财务报表审计financial statement audit财务收支审计audit of financial revenues and expenditures 决算审计final account audit经济责任审计accountability audit任中经济责任审计middle term accountability audit离任经济责任审计term-end accountability audit管理审计management audit项目审计project audit外部审计external audit内部审计internal audit政府审计government audit联合审计joint audit实地审计field audit期末审计final audit期中审计interim audit定期审计periodic audit初次审计initial audit初步审计preliminary audit事后审计post-audit事前审计pre-audit事中审计concurrent audit专项审计special audit法定审计statutory audit后续审计successive audit跟踪审计follow up audit全过程审计whole process auditing 突击审计surprise audit审计报告audit report标准报告standard report长式报告long-form report短式报告short-form report审计工作报告audit working report审计结果公告Announcement of Audit Findings审计长Auditor General副审计长Deputy Auditor General审计主任chief auditor资深审计师senior auditor审计师(员)auditor注册内部审计师certified internal auditor(CIA)注册信息系统审计师certified information systems auditor(CISA)注册公共会计师certified public accountant(CPA)特许会计师chartered accountant(CA)审计经费audit funds审计业务费audit operating expense审计专项经费special funds for auditing无保留意见:unqualified opinion保留意见qualified opinion无法表示意见: disclaimer of opinion否定意见:adverse opinion。
I declared this form has been the completed according to the PRC VAT TAX and all information supplied here is true、correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief
本期应纳税额Tax payable
本期应纳税额减征额Actual tax deductiable
应纳税额合计Total tax payable
本期预缴税额Tax paid in this month
本期应补(退)税额Overdue tax (Refundable tax)this month
其中:税控器具开具的普通发票不含税销售额among:sales ofnormal FAPIAOissued by tax systemnot included tax
(三)免税货物及劳务销售额Sales of exempt goodsand service
其中:税务机关代开的增值税专发不含税销售额among:sales of normal FAPIAO issued by tax bureau not included tax
税控器具开具的普通发票不含税销售额among:sales of normal FAPIAO by tax system not included tax
Withholding Tax Form (代扣所得税表) English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣缴个⼈所得税报告表 Withholding agent’s file number 扣缴义务⼈编码 Date of filing 填表⽇期 Day ⽇ Month ⽉ Year 年 Monetary Unit ⾦额单位 RMB Yuan ⼈民币元 This return is designed in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The withholding agents should turn the tax withheld over to the State Treasury and file the return with the local tax authorities within seven days after the end of the taxable month. 根据《中华⼈民共和国个⼈所得税法》第九条的规定,制定本表,扣缴义务⼈应将本⽉扣缴的税款在次⽉七⽇内缴⼊国库,并向当地税务机关报送本表。
Withholding agent’s name 扣缴义务⼈名称 Address 地址 Telephone Number 电话 Tax payer’s name 纳税义务⼈姓名 Tax payer’s file number 纳税⼈编码 Unit’s name and Address ⼯作单位及地址 Categories of income 所得项⽬ Income period 所得时间 Revenue 收⼊额 Renminbi (RMB)⼈民币 Foreign currency 外币 Name of currency 货币名称 Amount ⾦额 Exchange rate 外汇牌价 Renminbi (RMB)converted into 折合⼈民币 Total ⼈民币合计 Deductions 减费⽤额 Taxable Income 应纳税所得额 Tax rate 税率 Quick calculation deduction 速算扣除数 Amount of tax withheld 扣缴所得税额 Tax certificate number 完税证字号 Date of tax payment 纳税⽇期 In case the tax certificate is filled out by withholding agent, this return should be submitted together with 如果由扣缴义务⼈填写完税证,应在送此表时附完税证副联——份 Withholding total amount yuan 合计扣缴⾦额——元 Declaration by Withholding agent 扣缴义务⼈声明 I declare that the return is filled out in accordance with the INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, and I believe that the Statements contained in this return are true, correct and complete. 我声明:此扣缴申报报表是根据《中华⼈民共和国个⼈所得税法》的规定填报的,我确信它是真实的,可靠的,完整的。
增值税纳税申报表TAX RETURN OF VAT(适用于增值税一般纳税人)(Applicable to general VAT taxpayers)根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》第二十二条和第二十三条的规定制定本表,纳税人不论有无销售额,均应按主管税务机关核定的纳税期限按期填报本表,并于次月一日起十日内,向当地税务机关申报。
This form is formulated in accordance with the conditions defined in the Article 22 and Article 23 of The Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Value-added TaxAll taxpayers shall complete this form in accordance with the assessable period determined by the competent authorities whether or not there is any sale amount and report to the local authorities within ten days following the end of the period.所属期Taxation period:填表日期date of filing:金额单位:元至角分Monetary Unit:RMB, including Yuan, Jiao and Fen以下由税务机关填写:Only for the use of the taxation institution only below:收到日期:接收人:主管税务部门签章:Date of receipt: Receiver: Seal of competent taxation institution。
新会计准则会计科目中英文对照表第一篇:新会计准则会计科目中英文对照表资产类 Assets 流动资产 Current assets 货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents 1001 现金 Cash 1002 银行存款 Cash in bank 1009 其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents '100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank '100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque'100903 银行汇票 Bank draft'100904 信用卡 Credit card'100905 信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits '100906 存出投资款 Refundable deposits 1101 短期投资 Short-term investments '110101 股票 Short-term investmentscorporate bonds '110103 基金Short-term investmentsother 1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款 Account receivable 1111 应收票据 Note receivable 银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance 1121 应收股利 Dividend receivable 1122 应收利息Interest receivable 1131 应收账款Account receivable 1133 其他应收款 Other notes receivable 1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves 1151 预付账款 Advance money 1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 库存资产Inventories 1201 物资采购 Supplies purchasing 1211 原材料 Raw materials 1221 包装物 Wrappage1231 低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods 1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance 1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods 1243 库存商品Finished goods 1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price 1251 委托加工物资 Work in process-outsourced 1261 委托代销商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis 1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281存货跌价准备 Inventory falling price reserves 1291 分期收款发出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages 1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses 长期投资Long-term investment 1401 长期股权投资 Long-term investment on stocks '140101 股票投资Investment on stocks '140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks 1402 长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds'140201 债券投资 Investment on bonds'140202 其他债权投资 Other investment on bonds 1421 长期投资减值准备 Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股权投资减值准备 Stock rights investment depreciation reserves 债权投资减值准备 Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves 1431 委托贷款 Entrust loans'143101 本金 Principal'143102 利息 Interest'143103 减值准备 Depreciation reserves 1501 固定资产 Fixed assets 房屋Building 建筑物Structure 机器设备Machinery equipment 运输设备Transportation facilities 工具器具Instruments and implement 1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation 1505 固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves 房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves 机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves 1601 工程物资 Project goods and material '160101 专用材料 Special-purpose material '160102 专用设备 Special-purpose equipment'160103 预付大型设备款 Prepayments for equipment '160104 为生产准备的工具及器具Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate 1603 在建工程Construction-in-process 安装工程Erection works 在安装设备 Erecting equipment-in-process 技术改造工程 Technical innovation project 大修理工程 General overhaulproject 1605 在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 1701 固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets1801 无形资产Intangible assets 专利权Patents 非专利技术Non-Patents商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 著作权 Copyrights 土地使用权 Tenure 商誉 Goodwill1805 无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves 专利权减值准备 Patent rights depreciation reserves 商标权减值准备 trademark rights depreciation reserves 1815 未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges 待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income 1901 长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 1911 待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income'191101待处理流动资产损溢 Wait deal intangible assets loss or income'191102待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income二、负债类 Liability短期负债Current liability 2101 短期借款Short-term borrowing 2111 应付票据Notes payable 银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance2121 应付账款Account payable 2131 预收账款Deposit received 2141 代销商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue 2151 应付工资 Accrued wages 2153 应付福利费 Accrued welfarism 2161 应付股利 Dividends payable 2171 应交税金 Tax payable '217101 应交增值税 value added tax payable'21710101 进项税额 Withholdings on VAT '21710102 已交税金 Paying tax '21710103 转出未交增值税 Unpaid VAT changeover '21710104 减免税款Tax deduction '21710105 销项税额Substituted money on VAT '21710106 出口退税Tax reimbursement for export'21710107 进项税额转出Changeover withnoldings on VAT '21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额Export deduct domestic sales goods tax '21710109 转出多交增值税Overpaid VAT changeover '21710110 未交增值税 Unpaid VAT '217102 应交营业税Business tax payable '217103 应交消费税Consumption tax payable '217104 应交资源税 Resources tax payable '217105 应交所得税 Income tax payable'217106 应交土地增值税 Increment tax on land value payable '217107 应交城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities payable '217108 应交房产税 Housing property tax payable '217109 应交土地使用税 Tenure tax payable '217110 应交车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)payable '217111 应交个人所得税 Personal income tax payable 2176 其他应交款 Other fund in conformity with paying 2181 其他应付款 Other payables 2191 预提费用Drawing expense in advance 其他负债Other liabilities 2201 待转资产价值Pending changerover assets value 2211 预计负债Anticipation liabilities 长期负债Long-term Liabilities 2301 长期借款Long-term loans 一年内到期的长期借款Long-term loans due within one year 一年后到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due over one year 2311 应付债券 Bonds payable '231101 债券面值Face value, Par value '231102 债券溢价Premium on bonds'231103 债券折价 Discount on bonds'231104 应计利息Accrued interest 2321 长期应付款Long-term account payable 应付融资租赁款Accrued financial lease outlay 一年内到期的长期应付Long-term account payable due within one year 一年后到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable over one year 2331 专项应付款 Special payable 一年内到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable due within one year 一年后到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable over one year 2341 递延税款Deferral taxes三、所有者权益类 OWNERS' EQUITY资本 Capita 3101 实收资本(或股本)Paid-up capital(or stock)实收资本 Paicl-up capital 实收股本 Paid-up stock 3103 已归还投资 Investment Returned 公积3111 资本公积 Capital reserve'311101 资本(或股本)溢价 Cpital(or Stock)premium '311102 接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Receive non-cash donate reserve '311103 股权投资准备 Stock right investment reserves'311105 拨款转入 Allocate sums changeover in '311106 外币资本折算差额 Foreign currency capital'311107 其他资本公积Other capital reserve 3121 盈余公积Surplus reserves'312101 法定盈余公积Legal surplus '312102 任意盈余公积Free surplus reserves '312103 法定公益金Legal public welfare fund '312104 储备基金Reserve fund '312105 企业发展基金Enterprise expension fund '312106 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment 利润Profits 3131 本年利润Current year profits 3141 利润分配 Profit distribution'314101 其他转入 Other chengeover in '314102 提取法定盈余公积 Withdrawal legal surplus '314103 提取法定公益金 Withdrawal legal public welfare funds '314104 提取储备基金Withdrawal reserve fund '314105 提取企业发展基金Withdrawal reserve for business expansion '314106 提取职工奖励及福利基金 Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund '314107 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment '314108 应付优先股股利 Preferred Stock dividends payable'314109 提取任意盈余公积Withdrawal other common accumulation fund '314110 应付普通股股利Common Stockdividends payable '314111 转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利Common Stock dividends change to assets(or stock)'314115 未分配利润 Undistributed profit四、成本类 Cost4101 生产成本 Cost of manufacture '410101 基本生产成本Base cost of manufacture '410102 辅助生产成本Auxiliary cost of manufacture 4105 制造费用Manufacturing overhead 材料费Materials 管理人员工资Executive Salaries 奖金Wages 退职金Retirement allowance 补贴Bonus 外保劳务费Outsourcing fee 福利费Employee benefits/welfare 会议费Coferemce 加班餐费 Special duties 市内交通费 Business traveling 通讯费 Correspondence 电话费 Correspondence 水电取暖费 Water and Steam 税费 Taxes and dues 租赁费 Rent 管理费 Maintenance 车辆维护费 Vehicles maintenance 油料费 Vehicles maintenance 培训费Education and training 接待费Entertainment 图书、印刷费Books and printing 运费 Transpotation 保险费 Insurance premium 支付手续费 Commission 杂费 Sundry charges 折旧费 Depreciation expense 机物料消耗Article of consumption 劳动保护费Labor protection fees 季节性停工损失Loss on seasonality cessation 4107 劳务成本 Service costs五、损益类入 Income业务收入OPERATING INCOME 5101 主营业务收入Prime operating revenue 产品销售收入Sales revenue 服务收入Service revenueProfit and loss 收 5102 其他业务收入 Other operating revenue 材料销售 Sales materials 代购代售包装物出租 Wrappage lease 出让资产使用权收入 Remise right of assets revenue 返还所得税 Reimbursement of income tax 其他收入 Other revenue 5201 投资收益 Investment income 短期投资收益Current investment income 长期投资收益Long-term investment income 计提的委托贷款减值准备 Withdrawal of entrustloans reserves 5203 补贴收入 Subsidize revenue 国家扶持补贴收入Subsidize revenue from country 其他补贴收入Other subsidize revenue 5301 营业外收入 NON-OPERATING INCOME 非货币性交易收益 Non-cash deal income 现金溢余 Cash overage 处置固定资产净收益 Net income on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产收益Income on sales of intangible assets 固定资产盘盈Fixed assets inventory profit 罚款净收入 Net amercement income 支出 Outlay 业务支出 Revenue charges 5401 主营业务成本 Operating costs 产品销售成本 Cost of goods sold 服务成本 Cost of service 5402 主营业务税金及附加 Tax and associate charge 营业税 Sales tax 消费税Consumption tax城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities 资源税Resources tax 土地增值税 Increment tax on land value 5405 其他业务支出 Other business expense 销售其他材料成本 Other cost of material sale 其他劳务成本 Other cost of service 其他业务税金及附加费 Other tax and associate charge 费用 Expenses5501 营业费用 Operating expenses 代销手续费 Consignment commission charge 运杂费Transpotation 保险费Insurance premium 展览费 Exhibition fees 广告费 Advertising fees 5502 管理费用Adminisstrative expenses 职工工资Staff Salaries 修理费 Repair charge低值易耗摊销 Article of consumption 办公费 Office allowance 差旅费 Travelling expense 工会经费 Labour union expenditure 研究与开发费 Research and development expense 福利费 Employee benefits/welfare 职工教育经费 Personnel education待业保险费Unemployment insurance 劳动保险费Labour insurance 医疗保险费 Medical insurance 会议费 Coferemce 聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs 咨询费Consult fees 诉讼费Legal cost业务招待费Business entertainment 技术转让费Technologytransfer fees 矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees 排污费 Pollution discharge fees 房产税 Housing property tax 车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)土地使用税T enure tax 印花税Stamp tax 5503 财务费用Finance charge 利息支出Interest exchange 汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss 各项手续费Charge for trouble 各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost 5601 营业外支出 Nonbusiness expenditure 捐赠支出Donation outlay 减值准备金Depreciation reserves 非常损失Extraordinary loss 处理固定资产净损失Net loss on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产损失 Loss on sales of intangible assets 固定资产盘亏Fixed assets inventory loss 债务重组损失Loss on arrangement 罚款支出 Amercement outlay 5701 所得税Income tax 以前年度损益调整 Prior year income adjustment第二篇:会计科目中英文对照表会计科目表一、资产类1001 库存现金cash on hand1002 银行存款bank deposit1015 其他货币资金 other monetary capital1101 交易性金融资产transaction monetary assets1121 应收票据notes receivable1122 应收账款Account receivable1123 预付账款account prepaid1131 应收股利 dividend receivable1132 应收利息accrued interest receivable1231 其他应收款 accounts receivable-others1241 坏账准备had debts reserve1401 材料采购procurement of materials1402 在途物资 materials in transit1403 原材料 raw materials1406 库存商品 commodity stocks1407 发出商品 goods in transit1412 包装物及低值易耗品 wrappage and low value and easily wornout articles1461 存货跌价准备reserve against stock price declining43 1501 待摊费用 fees to be apportioned1521 持有至到期投资 hold investment due1522 持有至到期投资减值准备 hold investment due reduction reserve47 1523 可供出售金融资产financial assets available for sale48 1524 长期股权投资 long-term stock ownership investment 1525 长期股权投资减值准备long-term stock ownership investment reduction reserve1526 投资性房地产 investment real eastate1531 长期应收款 long-term account receivable1541 未实现融资收益 unrealized financing income1601 固定资产 permanent assets1602 累计折旧 accumulated depreciation1603 固定资产减值准备permanent assets reduction reserve57 1604 在建工程 construction in process1605 工程物资 engineer material1606 固定资产清理 disposal of fixed assets1611 融资租赁资产租赁专用financial leasing assets exclusively for leasing1612 未担保余值租赁专用unguaranteed residual value exclusively for leasing1621 生产性生物资产农业专用productive living assets exclusively for agriculture1622 生产性生物资产累计折旧农业专用productive living assets accumulated depreciation exclusively for agriculture 1623 公益性生物资产农业专用non-profit living assets exclusively for agriculture1631 油气资产石油天然气开采专用oil and gas assets exclusively for oil and gas exploitation1632 累计折耗石油天然气开采专用accumulated depletion exclusively for oil and gas exploitation1701 无形资产 intangible assets1702 累计摊销 accumulated amortization1703 无形资产减值准备 intangible assets reduction reserve70 1711 商誉 business reputation1801 长期待摊费用 long-term deferred expenses1811 递延所得税资产 deferred income tax assets1901 待处理财产损溢 waiting assets profit and loss二、负债类 debt group2001 短期借款 short-term loan2101 交易性金融负债 transaction financial liabilities2201 应付票据 notes payable2202 应付账款 account payable2205 预收账款 item received in advance2211 应付职工薪酬 employee pay payable2221 应交税费 tax payable2231 应付股利 dividend payable2232 应付利息 interest payable2241 其他应付款 other account payable2401 预提费用 withholding expenses2411 预计负债 estimated liabilities2501 递延收益 deferred income2601 长期借款 money borrowed for long term2602 长期债券 long-term bond2801 长期应付款 long-term account payable2802 未确认融资费用 unacknowledged financial charges2811 专项应付款 special accounts payable2901 递延所得税负债 deferred income tax liabilities三、共同类3101 衍生工具 derivative tool3201 套期工具 arbitrage tool3202 被套期项目 arbitrage project四、所有者权益类4001 实收资本 paid-up capital4002 资本公积 contributed surplus4101 盈余公积 earned surplus4103 本年利润 profit for the current year4104 利润分配 allocation of profits4201 库存股 treasury stock五、成本类5001 生产成本 production cost5101 制造费用 cost of production5201 劳务成本 service cost5301 研发支出 research and development expenditures5401 工程施工建造承包商专用engineering construction exclusively for construction contractor5402 工程结算建造承包商专用engineering settlement exclusively for construction contractor5403 机械作业建造承包商专用mechanical operation exclusively for construction contractor六、损益类6001 主营业务收入main business income6011 利息收入金融共用 interest income financial sharing135 6051 其他业务收入 other business income6061 汇兑损益金融专用 exchange gain or loss exclusively for finance137 6101 公允价值变动损益 sound value flexible loss and profit138 6111 投资收益 income on investment6301 营业外收入 nonrevenue receipt6401 主营业务成本 main business cost6402 其他业务支出 other business expense6405 营业税金及附加 business tariff and annex6411 利息支出金融共用 interest expense financial sharing1556601 销售费用 marketing cost156 6602 管理费用 managing cost157 6603 财务费用 financial cost158 6604 勘探费用 exploration expense159 6701 资产减值损失 loss from asset duation160 6711 营业外支出 nonoperating expense161 6801 所得税 income tax162 6901 以前损益调整prior year profit and loss adjustment 第三篇:新会计准则中英文会计科目对照表新会计准则中英文会计科目对照表2008-08-11 06:31 P.M.新会计准则中英文会计科目对照表中英文会计科目对照表如下:会计科目中英对照表会计科目 accounting subject顺序号serial number编号code number会计科目名称accounting subject会计科目适用范围accounting subject range of application一、资产类 1 1001库存现金 cash on hand 1002 银行存款 bank deposit 5 1015 其他货币资金other monetary capital 9 1101 交易性金融资产transaction monetary assets 11 1121 应收票据 notes receivable 12 1122 应收账款 Account receivable 13 1123 预付账款 account prepaid 14 1131 应收股利 dividend receivable 15 1132 应收利息accrued interest receivable 21 1231 其他应收款accounts receivable-others 22 1241 坏账准备 had debts reserve 28 1401 材料采购procurement of materials 29 1402 在途物资materials in transit 30 1403 原材料 raw materials 32 1406 库存商品 commodity stocks 33 1407 发出商品 goods in transit 36 1412 包装物及低值易耗品 wrappage and low value and easily wornout articles 42 1461 存货跌价准备 reserve against stock price declining 43 1501 待摊费用fees to be apportioned 45 1521 持有至到期投资hold investment due 46 1522 持有至到期投资减值准备 hold investment due reduction reserve 47 1523 可供出售金融资产 financial assets available for sale 48 1524 长期股权投资long-term stock ownership investment 49 1525 长期股权投资减值准备long-term stock ownership investment reduction reserve 50 1526 投资性房地产investment real eastate 51 1531 长期应收款long-term account receivable 52 1541 未实现融资收益 unrealized financing income 54 1601 固定资产permanent assets 55 1602 累计折旧accumulated depreciation 56 1603 固定资产减值准备permanent assets reduction reserve 57 1604 在建工程 construction in process 58 1605 工程物资engineer material 59 1606 固定资产清理disposal of fixed assets 60 1611 融资租赁资产租赁专用 financial leasing assets exclusively for leasing 61 1612 未担保余值租赁专用unguaranteed residual value exclusively for leasing 62 1621 生产性生物资产农业专用productive living assets exclusively for agriculture 63 1622 生产性生物资产累计折旧农业专用 productive living assets accumulated depreciation exclusively for agriculture 64 1623 公益性生物资产农业专用non-profit living assets exclusively for agriculture 65 1631 油气资产石油天然气开采专用oil and gas assets exclusively for oil and gas exploitation 66 1632 累计折耗石油天然气开采专用accumulated depletion exclusively for oil and gas exploitation 67 1701 无形资产 intangible assets 68 1702 累计摊销 accumulated amortization 69 1703 无形资产减值准备intangible assets reduction reserve 70 1711 商誉business reputation 71 1801 长期待摊费用 long-term deferred expenses 72 1811 递延所得税资产 deferred income tax assets 73 1901 待处理财产损溢 waiting assets profit and loss二、负债类 debt group2001 短期借款short-term loan 81 2101 交易性金融负债transaction financial liabilities 83 2201 应付票据 notes payable 84 2202 应付账款 account payable 85 2205 预收账款 item received in advance 86 2211 应付职工薪酬 employee pay payable 87 2221 应交税费 tax payable 88 2231 应付股利 dividend payable 89 2232 应付利息 interest payable 90 2241 其他应付款 other account payable 97 2401 预提费用withholding expenses 98 2411 预计负债estimated liabilities 99 2501 递延收益 deferred income 100 2601 长期借款 money borrowed for long term 101 2602 长期债券 long-term bond 106 2801 长期应付款 long-term account payable 107 2802 未确认融资费用 unacknowledged financial charges 108 2811 专项应付款special accounts payable 109 2901 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities三、共同类3101 衍生工具derivative tool 113 3201 套期工具arbitrage tool 114 3202 被套期项目 arbitrage project四、所有者权益类4001 实收资本 paid-up capital 116 4002 资本公积 contributed surplus 117 4101 盈余公积earned surplus 119 4103 本年利润profit for the current year 120 4104 利润分配 allocation of profits 121 4201 库存股 treasury stock五、成本类5001 生产成本production cost 123 5101 制造费用cost of production 124 5201 劳务成本service cost 125 5301 研发支出research and development expenditures 126 5401 工程施工建造承包商专用 engineering construction exclusively for construction contractor 127 5402 工程结算建造承包商专用engineering settlement exclusively for construction contractor 128 5403 机械作业建造承包商专用mechanical operation exclusively for construction contractor六、损益类6001 主营业务收入main business income 130 6011 利息收入金融共用 interest income financial sharing 135 6051 其他业务收入other business income 136 6061 汇兑损益金融专用 exchange gain or loss exclusively for finance 137 6101 公允价值变动损益 sound value flexible loss and profit 138 6111 投资收益income on investment 142 6301 营业外收入 nonrevenue receipt 143 6401 主营业务成本main business cost 144 6402 其他业务支出other business expense 145 6405 营业税金及附加business tariff and annex 146 6411 利息支出金融共用interest expense financial sharing 155 6601 销售费用marketing cost 156 6602 管理费用managing cost 157 6603 财务费用 financial cost 158 6604 勘探费用exploration expense 159 6701 资产减值损失loss from asset devaluation 160 6711 营业外支出nonoperating expense 161 6801 所得税 income tax 162 6901 以前损益调整prior year profit and loss adjustment第四篇:新准则下中英文会计科目对照表2011新准则下中英文会计科目对照表如下:会计科目中英对照表会计科目 accounting subject顺序号serial number编号code number会计科目名称accounting subject会计科目适用范围accounting subject range of application一、资产类1001 库存现金cash on hand1002 银行存款bank deposit1015 其他货币资金 other monetary capital1101 交易性金融资产transaction monetary assets1121 应收票据notes receivable1122 应收账款Account receivable1123 预付账款account prepaid1131 应收股利 dividend receivable1132 应收利息accrued interest receivable1231 其他应收款 accounts receivable-others1241 坏账准备had debts reserve1401 材料采购procurement of materials1402 在途物资 materials in transit1403 原材料 raw materials1406 库存商品 commodity stocks1407 发出商品 goods in transit1412 包装物及低值易耗品 wrappage and low value and easily wornout articles1461 存货跌价准备 reserve against stock price declining1501 待摊费用 fees to be apportioned1521 持有至到期投资 hold investment due1522 持有至到期投资减值准备 hold investment due reduction reserve1523 可供出售金融资产 financial assets available for sale1524 长期股权投资 long-term stock ownership investment1525 长期股权投资减值准备long-term stock ownership investment reduction reserve1526 投资性房地产 investment real eastate1531 长期应收款 long-term account receivable1541 未实现融资收益 unrealized financing income1601 固定资产 permanent assets1602 累计折旧 accumulated depreciation1603 固定资产减值准备permanent assets reduction reserve 1604 在建工程 construction in process1605 工程物资 engineer material1606 固定资产清理 disposal of fixed assets1611 融资租赁资产租赁专用financial leasing assets exclusively for leasing1612 未担保余值租赁专用unguaranteed residual value exclusively for leasing1621 生产性生物资产农业专用productive living assets exclusively for agriculture1622 生产性生物资产累计折旧农业专用productive living assets accumulated depreciation exclusively for agriculture1623 公益性生物资产农业专用non-profit living assets exclusively for agriculture1631 油气资产石油天然气开采专用oil and gas assets exclusively for oil and gas exploitation1632 累计折耗石油天然气开采专用accumulated depletion exclusively for oil and gas exploitation1701 无形资产 intangible assets1702 累计摊销 accumulated amortization1703 无形资产减值准备 intangible assets reduction reserve1711 商誉 business reputation1801 长期待摊费用 long-term deferred expenses1811 递延所得税资产 deferred income tax assets1901 待处理财产损溢 waiting assets profit and loss二、负债类 debt group2001 短期借款 short-term loan2101 交易性金融负债 transaction financial liabilities2201 应付票据 notes payable2202 应付账款 account payable2205 预收账款 item received in advance2211 应付职工薪酬 employee pay payable2221 应交税费 tax payable2231 应付股利 dividend payable2232 应付利息 interest payable2241 其他应付款 other account payable2401 预提费用 withholding expenses2411 预计负债 estimated liabilities2501 递延收益deferred income100 2601 长期借款money borrowed for long term101 2602 长期债券long-term bond106 2801 长期应付款 long-term account payable107 2802 未确认融资费用unacknowledged financial charges108 2811 专项应付款special accounts payable109 2901 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities三、共同类112 3101 衍生工具 derivative tool113 3201 套期工具 arbitrage tool114 3202 被套期项目 arbitrage project四、所有者权益类115 4001 实收资本 paid-up capital116 4002 资本公积contributed surplus117 4101 盈余公积earned surplus119 4103 本年利润 profit for the current year120 4104 利润分配 allocation of profits121 4201 库存股 treasury stock五、成本类122 5001 生产成本 production cost123 5101 制造费用 cost of production124 5201 劳务成本 service cost 5301 研发支出 research and development expenditures5401 工程施工建造承包商专用engineering construction exclusively for construction contractor5402 工程结算建造承包商专用engineering settlement exclusively for construction contractor5403 机械作业建造承包商专用mechanical operation exclusively for construction contractor六、损益类6001 主营业务收入main business income6011 利息收入金融共用 interest income financial sharing6051 其他业务收入 other business income6061 汇兑损益金融专用 exchange gain or loss exclusively for finance6101 公允价值变动损益 sound value flexible loss and profit6111 投资收益 income on investment6301 营业外收入 nonrevenue receipt6401 主营业务成本 main business cost6402 其他业务支出 other business expense6405 营业税金及附加 business tariff and annex6411 利息支出金融共用 interest expense financial sharing155 6601 销售费用marketing cost 156 6602 管理费用managing cost157 6603 财务费用financial cost 158 6604 勘探费用exploration expense159 6701 资产减值损失 loss from asset devaluation160 6711 营业外支出 nonoperating expense 161 6801 所得税income tax162 6901 以前损益调整prior year profit and loss adjustment 第五篇:会计科目中英文对照表(含明细科目)一、资产类 Assets流动资产 Current assets 货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents 1001 现金 Cash 1002 银行存款 Cash in bank1009 其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents '100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank '100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque '100903 银行汇票 Bank draft '100904 信用卡 Credit card '100905 信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits '100906 存出投资款 Refundable deposits 1101 短期投资 Short-term investments '110101 股票 Short-term investmentscorporate bonds '110103 基金Short-term investmentsother 1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款 Account receivable 1111 应收票据 Note receivable 银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance 1121 应收股利 Dividend receivable 1122 应收利息Interest receivable 1131 应收账款Account receivable 1133 其他应收款 Other notes receivable 1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves 1151 预付账款 Advance money 1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 库存资产Inventories 1201 物资采购 Supplies purchasing 1211 原材料 Raw materials 1221 包装物 Wrappage1231 低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods 1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance 1241 自制半成品Semi-Finishedgoods 1243 库存商品Finished goods 1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price 1251 委托加工物资 Work in process-outsourced 1261 委托代销商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis 1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281 存货跌价准备 Inventory falling price reserves 1291 分期收款发出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages 1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses 长期投资Long-term investment1401 长期股权投资 Long-term investment on stocks '140101 股票投资Investment on stocks '140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks 1402 长期债权投资 Long-term investment on bonds '140201 债券投资 Investment on bonds '140202 其他债权投资 Other investment on bonds 1421 长期投资减值准备 Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves 债权投资减值准备Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves 1431 委托贷款 Entrust loans '143101 本金 Principal '143102 利息 Interest '143103 减值准备 Depreciation reserves 1501 固定资产 Fixed assets 房屋Building 建筑物Structure 机器设备Machinery equipment 运输设备Transportation facilities 工具器具Instruments and implement 1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation1505 固定资产减值准备 Fixed assets depreciation reserves 房屋、建筑物减值准备 Building/structure depreciation reserves 机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves 1601 工程物资Project goods and material '160101 专用材料Special-purpose material '160102 专用设备Special-purpose equipment '160103 预付大型设备款 Prepayments for equipment '160104 为生产准备的工具及器具 Preparative instruments and implement forfabricate 1603 在建工程Construction-in-process 安装工程Erection works在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process 技术改造工程Technical innovation project 大修理工程 General overhaul project 1605 在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 1701 固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets 1801 无形资产 Intangible assets 专利权 Patents非专利技术 Non-Patents 商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 著作权 Copyrights 土地使用权 Tenure 商誉 Goodwill 1805 无形资产减值准备 Intangible Assets depreciation reserves 专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves 商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves 1815 未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges 待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income1901 长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 1911 待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income'191101待处理流动资产损溢 Wait deal intangible assets loss or income '191102待处理固定资产损溢 Wait deal fixed assets loss or income二、负债类 Liability短期负债 Current liability2101 短期借款Short-term borrowing 2111 应付票据Notes payable 银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance 2121 应付账款Account payable 2131 预收账款Deposit received2141 代销商品款Proxy sale goods revenue 2151 应付工资Accrued wages 2153 应付福利费 Accrued welfarism 2161 应付股利 Dividends payable 2171 应交税金 Tax payable '217101 应交增值税 value added tax payable '21710101 进项税额 Withholdings on VAT '21710102 已交税金 Paying tax '21710103 转出未交增值税Unpaid VAT changeover '21710104 减免税款Tax deduction '21710105 销项税额 Substituted money on VAT '21710106 出口退税Tax reimbursement for export '21710107 进项税额转出Changeover withnoldings on VAT '21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 Export deduct domestic sales goods tax '21710109 转出多交增值税 Overpaid VAT changeover '21710110 未交增值税 Unpaid VAT '217102 应交营业税 Business tax payable '217103 应交消费税Consumption tax payable '217104 应交资源税Resources tax payable '217105 应交所得税 Income tax payable'217106 应交土地增值税 Increment tax on land value payable '217107 应交城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities payable '217108 应交房产税 Housing property tax payable '217109 应交土地使用税 Tenure tax payable '217110 应交车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)payable '217111 应交个人所得税 Personal income tax payable 2176 其他应交款 Other fund in conformity with paying 2181 其他应付款 Other payables 2191 预提费用Drawing expense in advance 其他负债Other liabilities 2201 待转资产价值Pending changerover assets value 2211 预计负债Anticipation liabilities 长期负债Long-term Liabilities 2301 长期借款Long-term loans 一年内到期的长期借款Long-term loans due within one year 一年后到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due over one year 2311 应付债券Bonds payable '231101 债券面值 Face value, Par value '231102 债券溢价 Premium on bonds '231103 债券折价 Discount on bonds '231104 应计利息Accrued interest 2321 长期应付款 Long-term account payable 应付融资租赁款 Accrued financial lease outlay 一年内到期的长期应付Long-term account payable due within one year 一年后到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable over one year 2331 专项应付款Special payable 一年内到期的专项应付Long-term special payable due within one year 一年后到期的专项应付Long-term。
各类会计报表名称 ~中英文对照~样表
![各类会计报表名称 ~中英文对照~样表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4de96c593b3567ec102d8aac.png)
Ⅲ.Formats of Financial Statements
Name of Financial Statement
Reporting period
Form AF-01
Balance sheet
Form AF-02
Income statement
Form AF-03
Cash flow statement
(At least)Annual
Form AF-01-Supporting Statement 1
Statement of profit distribution
FormAF-02-SupportingStatement 2
Business segment statement
Form AF-02-Supporting Sபைடு நூலகம்atement 3
Form AF-01-Supporting Statement 3
VAT payable movement table
一、资产类Assets流动资产Current assets货币资金Cash and cash equivalents1001 现金Cash1002 银行存款Cash in bank1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents'100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank'100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque'100903 银行汇票Bank draft'100904 信用卡Credit card'100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits'100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits1101 短期投资Short-term investments'110101 股票Short-term investments - stock'110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds'110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds'110110 其他Short-term investments - other1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves应收款Account receivable1111 应收票据Note receivable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance1121 应收股利Dividend receivable1122 应收利息Interest receivable1131 应收账款Account receivable1133 其他应收款Other notes receivable1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves1151 预付账款Advance money1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable库存资产Inventories1201 物资采购Supplies purchasing1211 原材料Raw materials1221 包装物Wrappage1231 低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods1243 库存商品Finished goods1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price1251 委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses长期投资Long-term investment1401 长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks'140101 股票投资Investment on stocks'140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks1402 长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds'140201 债券投资Investment on bonds'140202 其他债权投资Other investment on bonds1421 长期投资减值准备Long-term investments depreciation reserves股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves债权投资减值准备Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves1431 委托贷款Entrust loans'143101 本金Principal'143102 利息Interest'143103 减值准备Depreciation reserves1501 固定资产Fixed assets房屋Building建筑物Structure机器设备Machinery equipment运输设备Transportation facilities工具器具Instruments and implement1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation1505 固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves1601 工程物资Project goods and material'160101 专用材料Special-purpose material'160102 专用设备Special-purpose equipment'160103 预付大型设备款Prepayments for equipment'160104 为生产准备的工具及器具Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate 1603 在建工程Construction-in-process安装工程Erection works在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process技术改造工程Technical innovation project大修理工程General overhaul project1605 在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves1701 固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets1801 无形资产Intangible assets专利权Patents非专利技术Non-Patents商标权Trademarks, Trade names著作权Copyrights土地使用权Tenure商誉Goodwill1805 无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves1815 未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income1901 长期待摊费用Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses1911 待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income'191101待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income'191102待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income二、负债类Liability短期负债Current liability2101 短期借款Short-term borrowing2111 应付票据Notes payable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance2121 应付账款Account payable2131 预收账款Deposit received2141 代销商品款Proxy sale goods revenue2151 应付工资Accrued wages2153 应付福利费Accrued welfarism2161 应付股利Dividends payable2171 应交税金Tax payable'217101 应交增值税value added tax payable'21710101 进项税额Withholdings on VAT'21710102 已交税金Paying tax'21710103 转出未交增值税Unpaid VAT changeover'21710104 减免税款Tax deduction'21710105 销项税额Substituted money on VAT'21710106 出口退税Tax reimbursement for export'21710107 进项税额转出Changeover withnoldings on VAT'21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额Export deduct domestic sales goods tax'21710109 转出多交增值税Overpaid VAT changeover'21710110 未交增值税Unpaid VAT'217102 应交营业税Business tax payable'217103 应交消费税Consumption tax payable'217104 应交资源税Resources tax payable'217105 应交所得税Income tax payable'217106 应交土地增值税Increment tax on land value payable'217107 应交城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities payable'217108 应交房产税Housing property tax payable'217109 应交土地使用税Tenure tax payable'217110 应交车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) payable'217111 应交个人所得税Personal income tax payable2176 其他应交款Other fund in conformity with paying2181 其他应付款Other payables2191 预提费用Drawing expense in advance其他负债Other liabilities2201 待转资产价值Pending changerover assets value2211 预计负债Anticipation liabilities长期负债Long-term Liabilities2301 长期借款Long-term loans一年内到期的长期借款Long-term loans due within one year一年后到期的长期借款Long-term loans due over one year2311 应付债券Bonds payable'231101 债券面值Face value, Par value'231102 债券溢价Premium on bonds'231103 债券折价Discount on bonds'231104 应计利息Accrued interest2321 长期应付款Long-term account payable应付融资租赁款Accrued financial lease outlay一年内到期的长期应付Long-term account payable due within one year 一年后到期的长期应付Long-term account payable over one year 2331 专项应付款Special payable一年内到期的专项应付Long-term special payable due within one year 一年后到期的专项应付Long-term special payable over one year2341 递延税款Deferral taxes三、所有者权益类OWNERS' EQUITY资本Capita3101 实收资本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)实收资本Paicl-up capital实收股本Paid-up stock3103 已归还投资Investment Returned公积3111 资本公积Capital reserve'311101 资本(或股本)溢价Cpital(or Stock) premium'311102 接受捐赠非现金资产准备Receive non-cash donate reserve'311103 股权投资准备Stock right investment reserves'311105 拨款转入Allocate sums changeover in'311106 外币资本折算差额Foreign currency capital'311107 其他资本公积Other capital reserve3121 盈余公积Surplus reserves'312101 法定盈余公积Legal surplus'312102 任意盈余公积Free surplus reserves'312103 法定公益金Legal public welfare fund'312104 储备基金Reserve fund'312105 企业发展基金Enterprise expension fund'312106 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment利润Profits3131 本年利润Current year profits3141 利润分配Profit distribution'314101 其他转入Other chengeover in'314102 提取法定盈余公积Withdrawal legal surplus'314103 提取法定公益金Withdrawal legal public welfare funds'314104 提取储备基金Withdrawal reserve fund'314105 提取企业发展基金Withdrawal reserve for business expansion'314106 提取职工奖励及福利基金Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund'314107 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment'314108 应付优先股股利Preferred Stock dividends payable'314109 提取任意盈余公积Withdrawal other common accumulation fund'314110 应付普通股股利Common Stock dividends payable'314111 转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利Common Stock dividends change to assets(or stock) '314115 未分配利润Undistributed profit四、成本类Cost4101 生产成本Cost of manufacture'410101 基本生产成本Base cost of manufacture'410102 辅助生产成本Auxiliary cost of manufacture4105 制造费用Manufacturing overhead材料费Materials管理人员工资Executive Salaries奖金Wages退职金Retirement allowance补贴Bonus外保劳务费Outsourcing fee福利费Employee benefits/welfare会议费Coferemce加班餐费Special duties市内交通费Business traveling通讯费Correspondence电话费Correspondence水电取暖费Water and Steam税费Taxes and dues租赁费Rent管理费Maintenance车辆维护费Vehicles maintenance油料费Vehicles maintenance培训费Education and training接待费Entertainment图书、印刷费Books and printing运费Transpotation保险费Insurance premium支付手续费Commission杂费Sundry charges折旧费Depreciation expense机物料消耗Article of consumption劳动保护费Labor protection fees季节性停工损失Loss on seasonality cessation4107 劳务成本Service costs五、损益类Profit and loss收入Income业务收入OPERATING INCOME5101 主营业务收入Prime operating revenue产品销售收入Sales revenue服务收入Service revenue5102 其他业务收入Other operating revenue材料销售Sales materials代购代售包装物出租Wrappage lease出让资产使用权收入Remise right of assets revenue返还所得税Reimbursement of income tax其他收入Other revenue5201 投资收益Investment income短期投资收益Current investment income长期投资收益Long-term investment income计提的委托贷款减值准备Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves 5203 补贴收入Subsidize revenue国家扶持补贴收入Subsidize revenue from country其他补贴收入Other subsidize revenue5301 营业外收入NON-OPERATING INCOME非货币性交易收益Non-cash deal income现金溢余Cash overage处置固定资产净收益Net income on disposal of fixed assets出售无形资产收益Income on sales of intangible assets固定资产盘盈Fixed assets inventory profit罚款净收入Net amercement income支出Outlay业务支出Revenue charges5401 主营业务成本Operating costs产品销售成本Cost of goods sold服务成本Cost of service5402 主营业务税金及附加Tax and associate charge营业税Sales tax消费税Consumption tax城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities资源税Resources tax土地增值税Increment tax on land value5405 其他业务支出Other business expense销售其他材料成本Other cost of material sale其他劳务成本Other cost of service其他业务税金及附加费Other tax and associate charge费用Expenses5501 营业费用Operating expenses代销手续费Consignment commission charge运杂费Transpotation保险费Insurance premium展览费Exhibition fees广告费Advertising fees5502 管理费用Adminisstrative expenses职工工资Staff Salaries修理费Repair charge低值易耗摊销Article of consumption办公费Office allowance差旅费Travelling expense工会经费Labour union expenditure研究与开发费Research and development expense福利费Employee benefits/welfare职工教育经费Personnel education待业保险费Unemployment insurance劳动保险费Labour insurance医疗保险费Medical insurance会议费Coferemce聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs咨询费Consult fees诉讼费Legal cost业务招待费Business entertainment技术转让费Technology transfer fees矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees排污费Pollution discharge fees房产税Housing property tax车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) 土地使用税Tenure tax印花税Stamp tax5503 财务费用Finance charge利息支出Interest exchange汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss各项手续费Charge for trouble各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost5601 营业外支出Nonbusiness expenditure捐赠支出Donation outlay减值准备金Depreciation reserves非常损失Extraordinary loss处理固定资产净损失Net loss on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产损失Loss on sales of intangible assets固定资产盘亏Fixed assets inventory loss债务重组损失Loss on arrangement罚款支出Amercement outlay5701 所得税Income tax以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment1、报表如何选择期间比如看15天的报表2、界面排版3、字体设置4、打印凭证如何选择凭证纸。
最新会计科目表英文版会计科目表英文版会计学(Accounting)账目单词中英对照表来源: OSU商科帮的日志一、资产类 Assets流动资产 Current assets货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents1001现金 Cash1002 银行存款 Cash in bank1009 其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents'100901 外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank'100902 银行本票 Cashier's cheque'100903 银行汇票 Bank draft'100904 信用卡 Credit card'100905 信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits'100906 存出投资款 Refundable deposits1101 短期投资 Short-term investments'110101 股票 Short-term investments - stock'110102 债券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds'110103 基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds'110110 其他 Short-term investments - other1102 短期投资跌价准备 Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款 Account receivable1111 应收票据 Note receivable银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance1121 应收股利 Dividend receivable1122 应收利息 Interest receivable1131 应收账款 Account receivable1133 其他应收款 Other notes receivable1141 坏账准备 Bad debt reserves1151 预付账款 Advance money1161 应收补贴款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 库存资产 Inventories1201 物资采购 Supplies purchasing1211 原材料 Raw materials1221 包装物 Wrappage1231 低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods1232 材料成本差异 Materials cost variance1241 自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods1243 库存商品 Finished goods1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price1251 委托加工物资 Work in process - outsourced1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages1301 待摊费用 Deferred and prepaid expenses长期投资 Long-term investment1401 长期股权投资 Long-term investment on stocks'140101 股票投资 Investment on stocks'140102 其他股权投资 Other investment on stocks1402 长期债权投资 Long-term investment on bonds'140201 债券投资 Investment on bonds'140202 其他债权投资 Other investment on bonds1421 长期投资减值准备 Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves债权投资减值准备 Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves 1431 委托贷款 Entrust loans'143101 本金 Principal'143102 利息 Interest'143103 减值准备 Depreciation reserves1501 固定资产 Fixed assets房屋 Building建筑物 Structure机器设备 Machinery equipment运输设备 Transportation facilities工具器具 Instruments and implement1502 累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation1505 固定资产减值准备 Fixed assets depreciation reserves房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves1601 工程物资 Project goods and material'160101 专用材料 Special-purpose material'160102 专用设备 Special-purpose equipment'160103 预付大型设备款 Prepayments for equipment'160104 为生产准备的工具及器具 Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate1603 在建工程 Construction-in-process安装工程 Erection works在安装设备 Erecting equipment-in-process技术改造工程 Technical innovation project大修理工程 General overhaul project1605 在建工程减值准备 Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 1701 固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets 1801 无形资产 Intangible assets专利权 Patents非专利技术 Non-Patents商标权 Trademarks, Trade names著作权 Copyrights土地使用权 Tenure商誉 Goodwill1805 无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves专利权减值准备 Patent rights depreciation reserves商标权减值准备 trademark rights depreciation reserves1815 未确认融资费用 Unacknowledged financial charges待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income1901 长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 1911 待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income191101待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income 191102待处理固定资产损溢 Wait deal fixed assets loss or income二、负债类 Liability短期负债 Current liability2101 短期借款 Short-term borrowing2111 应付票据 Notes payable银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance2121 应付账款 Account payable2131 预收账款 Deposit received2141 代销商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue2151 应付工资 Accrued wages2153 应付福利费 Accrued welfarism2161 应付股利 Dividends payable2171 应交税金 Tax payable'217101 应交增值税 value added tax payable'21710101 进项税额 Withholdings on VAT'21710102 已交税金 Paying tax'21710103 转出未交增值税 Unpaid VAT changeover'21710104 减免税款 Tax deduction'21710105 销项税额 Substituted money on VAT'21710106 出口退税 Tax reimbursement for export'21710107 进项税额转出 Changeover withnoldings on VAT'21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 Export deduct domestic sales goods tax '21710109 转出多交增值税Overpaid VAT changeover'21710110 未交增值税 Unpaid VAT'217102 应交营业税 Business tax payable'217103 应交消费税 Consumption tax payable'217104 应交资源税 Resources tax payable'217105 应交所得税 Income tax payable'217106 应交土地增值税 Increment tax on land value payable '217107 应交城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities payable '217108 应交房产税 Housing property tax payable '217109 应交土地使用税 Tenure tax payable。
资产类Assets流动资产Current assets货币资金Cash and cash equivalents1001 现金Cash1002 银行存款Cash in bank1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents '100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank'100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque'100903 银行汇票Bank draft'100904 信用卡Credit card'100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits'100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits1101 短期投资Short-term investments'110101 股票Short-term investments - stock'110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds'110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds'110110 其他Short-term investments - other1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款Account receivable1111 应收票据Note receivable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance1121 应收股利Dividend receivable1122 应收利息Interest receivable1131 应收账款Account receivable1133 其他应收款Other notes receivable1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves1151 预付账款Advance money1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable库存资产Inventories1201 物资采购Supplies purchasing1211 原材料Raw materials1221 包装物Wrappage1231 低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods1243 库存商品Finished goods1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price 1251 委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis 1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods bystages1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses长期投资Long-term investment1401 长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks'140101 股票投资Investment on stocks'140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks1402 长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds '140201 债券投资Investment on bonds'140202 其他债权投资Other investment on bonds1421 长期投资减值准备Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves债权投资减值准备Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves 1431 委托贷款Entrust loans'143101 本金Principal'143102 利息Interest'143103 减值准备Depreciation reserves1501 固定资产Fixed assets房屋Building建筑物Structure机器设备Machinery equipment运输设备Transportation facilities工具器具Instruments and implement1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation1505 固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves1601 工程物资Project goods and material'160101 专用材料Special-purpose material'160102 专用设备Special-purpose equipment'160103 预付大型设备款Prepayments for equipment'160104 为生产准备的工具及器具Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate1603 在建工程Construction-in-process安装工程Erection works在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process技术改造工程Technical innovation project大修理工程General overhaul project1605 在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 1701 固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets1801 无形资产Intangible assets专利权Patents非专利技术Non-Patents商标权Trademarks, Trade names著作权Copyrights土地使用权Tenure商誉Goodwill1805 无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves1815 未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income1901 长期待摊费用Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses1911 待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income '191101待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income'191102待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income二、负债类Liability短期负债Current liability2101 短期借款Short-term borrowing2111 应付票据Notes payable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance2121 应付账款Account payable2131 预收账款Deposit received2141 代销商品款Proxy sale goods revenue2151 应付工资Accrued wages2153 应付福利费Accrued welfarism2161 应付股利Dividends payable2171 应交税金Tax payable'217101 应交增值税value added tax payable'21710101 进项税额Withholdings on VAT'21710102 已交税金Paying tax'21710103 转出未交增值税Unpaid VAT changeover'21710104 减免税款Tax deduction'21710105 销项税额Substituted money on VAT'21710106 出口退税Tax reimbursement for export'21710107 进项税额转出Changeover withnoldings on VAT'21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额Export deduct domestic sales goods tax'21710109 转出多交增值税Overpaid VAT changeover '21710110 未交增值税Unpaid VAT'217102 应交营业税Business tax payable'217103 应交消费税Consumption tax payable'217104 应交资源税Resources tax payable'217105 应交所得税Income tax payable'217106 应交土地增值税Increment tax on land value payable'217107 应交城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities payable'217108 应交房产税Housing property tax payable'217109 应交土地使用税Tenure tax payable'217110 应交车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) payable'217111 应交个人所得税Personal income tax payable2176 其他应交款Other fund in conformity with paying 2181 其他应付款Other payables2191 预提费用Drawing expense in advance其他负债Other liabilities2201 待转资产价值Pending changerover assets value2211 预计负债Anticipation liabilities长期负债Long-term Liabilities2301 长期借款Long-term loans一年内到期的长期借款Long-term loans due within one year一年后到期的长期借款Long-term loans due over one year2311 应付债券Bonds payable'231101 债券面值Face value, Par value'231102 债券溢价Premium on bonds'231103 债券折价Discount on bonds'231104 应计利息Accrued interest2321 长期应付款Long-term account payable应付融资租赁款Accrued financial lease outlay一年内到期的长期应付Long-term account payable due within one year 一年后到期的长期应付Long-term account payable over one year 2331 专项应付款Special payable一年内到期的专项应付Long-term special payable due within one year 一年后到期的专项应付Long-term special payable over one year2341 递延税款Deferral taxes 三、所有者权益类OWNERS' EQUITY资本Capita3101 实收资本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)实收资本Paicl-up capital实收股本Paid-up stock3103 已归还投资Investment Returned公积3111 资本公积Capital reserve'311101 资本(或股本)溢价Cpital(or Stock) premium'311102 接受捐赠非现金资产准备Receive non-cash donate reserve'311103 股权投资准备Stock right investment reserves'311105 拨款转入Allocate sums changeover in'311106 外币资本折算差额Foreign currency capital'311107 其他资本公积Other capital reserve3121 盈余公积Surplus reserves'312101 法定盈余公积Legal surplus'312102 任意盈余公积Free surplus reserves'312103 法定公益金Legal public welfare fund'312104 储备基金Reserve fund'312105 企业发展基金Enterprise expension fund'312106 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment 利润Profits3131 本年利润Current year profits3141 利润分配Profit distribution'314101 其他转入Other chengeover in'314102 提取法定盈余公积Withdrawal legal surplus'314103 提取法定公益金Withdrawal legal public welfare funds '314104 提取储备基金Withdrawal reserve fund'314105 提取企业发展基金Withdrawal reserve for business expansion'314106 提取职工奖励及福利基金Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund'314107 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment'314108 应付优先股股利Preferred Stock dividends payable'314109 提取任意盈余公积Withdrawal other commonaccumulation fund'314110 应付普通股股利Common Stock dividends payable '314111 转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利Common Stock dividends change to assets(or stock)'314115 未分配利润Undistributed profit 四、成本类Cost4101 生产成本Cost of manufacture'410101 基本生产成本Base cost of manufacture'410102 辅助生产成本Auxiliary cost of manufacture4105 制造费用Manufacturing overhead材料费Materials管理人员工资Executive Salaries奖金Wages退职金Retirement allowance补贴Bonus外保劳务费Outsourcing fee福利费Employee benefits/welfare会议费Coferemce加班餐费Special duties市内交通费Business traveling通讯费Correspondence电话费Correspondence水电取暖费Water and Steam税费Taxes and dues租赁费Rent管理费Maintenance车辆维护费Vehicles maintenance油料费Vehicles maintenance培训费Education and training接待费Entertainment图书、印刷费Books and printing运费Transpotation保险费Insurance premium支付手续费Commission杂费Sundry charges折旧费Depreciation expense机物料消耗Article of consumption劳动保护费Labor protection fees季节性停工损失Loss on seasonality cessation4107 劳务成本Service costs五、损益类Profit and loss 收入Income业务收入OPERATING INCOME5101 主营业务收入Prime operating revenue产品销售收入Sales revenue服务收入Service revenue5102 其他业务收入Other operating revenue材料销售Sales materials代购代售包装物出租Wrappage lease出让资产使用权收入Remise right of assets revenue返还所得税Reimbursement of income tax其他收入Other revenue5201 投资收益Investment income短期投资收益Current investment income长期投资收益Long-term investment income计提的委托贷款减值准备Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves 5203 补贴收入Subsidize revenue国家扶持补贴收入Subsidize revenue from country其他补贴收入Other subsidize revenue5301 营业外收入NON-OPERATING INCOME非货币性交易收益Non-cash deal income现金溢余Cash overage处置固定资产净收益Net income on disposal of fixed assets出售无形资产收益Income on sales of intangible assets固定资产盘盈Fixed assets inventory profit罚款净收入Net amercement income支出Outlay业务支出Revenue charges5401 主营业务成本Operating costs产品销售成本Cost of goods sold服务成本Cost of service5402 主营业务税金及附加Tax and associate charge 营业税Sales tax消费税Consumption tax城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities 资源税Resources tax土地增值税Increment tax on land value5405 其他业务支出Other business expense销售其他材料成本Other cost of material sale其他劳务成本Other cost of service其他业务税金及附加费Other tax and associate charge 费用Expenses5501 营业费用Operating expenses代销手续费Consignment commission charge 运杂费Transpotation保险费Insurance premium展览费Exhibition fees广告费Advertising fees5502 管理费用Adminisstrative expenses职工工资Staff Salaries修理费Repair charge低值易耗摊销Article of consumption办公费Office allowance差旅费Travelling expense工会经费Labour union expenditure研究与开发费Research and development expense福利费Employee benefits/welfare职工教育经费Personnel education待业保险费Unemployment insurance劳动保险费Labour insurance医疗保险费Medical insurance会议费Coferemce聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs咨询费Consult fees诉讼费Legal cost业务招待费Business entertainment技术转让费Technology transfer fees矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees排污费Pollution discharge fees房产税Housing property tax车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)土地使用税Tenure tax印花税Stamp tax5503 财务费用Finance charge利息支出Interest exchange汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss各项手续费Charge for trouble各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost5601 营业外支出Nonbusiness expenditure捐赠支出Donation outlay减值准备金Depreciation reserves非常损失Extraordinary loss处理固定资产净损失Net loss on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产损失Loss on sales of intangible assets 固定资产盘亏Fixed assets inventory loss债务重组损失Loss on arrangement罚款支出Amercement outlay5701 所得税Income tax以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment。
一、资产类Assets流动资产Current assets货币资金Cash and cash equivalents1001 现金Cash1002 银行存款Cash in bank1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents'100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank'100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque'100903 银行汇票Bank draft'100904 信用卡Credit card'100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits'100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits1101 短期投资Short-term investments'110101 股票Short-term investments - stock'110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds'110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds'110110 其他Short-term investments - other1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款Account receivable1111 应收票据Note receivable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance1121 应收股利Dividend receivable1122 应收利息Interest receivable1131 应收账款Account receivable1133 其他应收款Other notes receivable1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves1151 预付账款Advance money1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable库存资产Inventories1201 物资采购Supplies purchasing1211 原材料Raw materials1221 包装物Wrappage1231 低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods1243 库存商品Finished goods1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price1251 委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages 1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses长期投资Long-term investment1401 长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks'140101 股票投资Investment on stocks'140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks1402 长期债权投资Long-term investment on bonds'140201 债券投资Investment on bonds'140202 其他债权投资Other investment on bonds1421 长期投资减值准备Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves债权投资减值准备Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves 1431 委托贷款Entrust loans'143101 本金Principal'143102 利息Interest'143103 减值准备Depreciation reserves1501 固定资产Fixed assets房屋Building建筑物Structure机器设备Machinery equipment运输设备Transportation facilities工具器具Instruments and implement1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation1505 固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreciation reserves房屋、建筑物减值准备Building/structure depreciation reserves机器设备减值准备Machinery equipment depreciation reserves1601 工程物资Project goods and material'160101 专用材料Special-purpose material'160102 专用设备Special-purpose equipment'160103 预付大型设备款Prepayments for equipment'160104 为生产准备的工具及器具Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate 1603 在建工程Construction-in-process安装工程Erection works在安装设备Erecting equipment-in-process技术改造工程Technical innovation project大修理工程General overhaul project1605 在建工程减值准备Construction-in-process depreciation reserves1701 固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed assets1801 无形资产Intangible assets专利权Patents非专利技术Non-Patents商标权Trademarks, Trade names著作权Copyrights土地使用权Tenure商誉Goodwill1805 无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets depreciation reserves专利权减值准备Patent rights depreciation reserves商标权减值准备trademark rights depreciation reserves1815 未确认融资费用Unacknowledged financial charges待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income1901 长期待摊费用Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses1911 待处理财产损溢Wait deal assets loss or income'191101待处理流动资产损溢Wait deal intangible assets loss or income '191102待处理固定资产损溢Wait deal fixed assets loss or income二、负债类Liability短期负债Current liability2101 短期借款Short-term borrowing2111 应付票据Notes payable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance2121 应付账款Account payable2131 预收账款Deposit received2141 代销商品款Proxy sale goods revenue2151 应付工资Accrued wages2153 应付福利费Accrued welfarism2161 应付股利Dividends payable2171 应交税金Tax payable'217101 应交增值税value added tax payable'21710101 进项税额Withholdings on VAT'21710102 已交税金Paying tax'21710103 转出未交增值税Unpaid VAT changeover'21710104 减免税款Tax deduction'21710105 销项税额Substituted money on VAT'21710106 出口退税Tax reimbursement for export'21710107 进项税额转出Changeover withnoldings on VAT'21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额Export deduct domestic sales goods tax'21710109 转出多交增值税Overpaid VAT changeover'21710110 未交增值税Unpaid VAT'217102 应交营业税Business tax payable'217103 应交消费税Consumption tax payable'217104 应交资源税Resources tax payable'217105 应交所得税Income tax payable'217106 应交土地增值税Increment tax on land value payable'217107 应交城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities payable'217108 应交房产税Housing property tax payable'217109 应交土地使用税Tenure tax payable'217110 应交车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) payable '217111 应交个人所得税Personal income tax payable2176 其他应交款Other fund in conformity with paying2181 其他应付款Other payables2191 预提费用Drawing expense in advance其他负债Other liabilities2201 待转资产价值Pending changerover assets value2211 预计负债Anticipation liabilities长期负债Long-term Liabilities2301 长期借款Long-term loans一年内到期的长期借款Long-term loans due within one year一年后到期的长期借款Long-term loans due over one year2311 应付债券Bonds payable'231101 债券面值Face value, Par value'231102 债券溢价Premium on bonds'231103 债券折价Discount on bonds'231104 应计利息Accrued interest2321 长期应付款Long-term account payable应付融资租赁款Accrued financial lease outlay一年内到期的长期应付Long-term account payable due within one year 一年后到期的长期应付Long-term account payable over one year 2331 专项应付款Special payable一年内到期的专项应付Long-term special payable due within one year 一年后到期的专项应付Long-term special payable over one year2341 递延税款Deferral taxes三、所有者权益类OWNERS' EQUITY资本Capita3101 实收资本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)实收资本Paicl-up capital实收股本Paid-up stock3103 已归还投资Investment Returned公积3111 资本公积Capital reserve'311101 资本(或股本)溢价Cpital(or Stock) premium'311102 接受捐赠非现金资产准备Receive non-cash donate reserve '311103 股权投资准备Stock right investment reserves'311105 拨款转入Allocate sums changeover in'311106 外币资本折算差额Foreign currency capital'311107 其他资本公积Other capital reserve3121 盈余公积Surplus reserves'312101 法定盈余公积Legal surplus'312102 任意盈余公积Free surplus reserves'312103 法定公益金Legal public welfare fund'312104 储备基金Reserve fund'312105 企业发展基金Enterprise expension fund'312106 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment利润Profits3131 本年利润Current year profits3141 利润分配Profit distribution'314101 其他转入Other chengeover in'314102 提取法定盈余公积Withdrawal legal surplus'314103 提取法定公益金Withdrawal legal public welfare funds'314104 提取储备基金Withdrawal reserve fund'314105 提取企业发展基金Withdrawal reserve for business expansion'314106 提取职工奖励及福利基金Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund '314107 利润归还投资Profits capitalizad on return of investment'314108 应付优先股股利Preferred Stock dividends payable'314109 提取任意盈余公积Withdrawal other common accumulation fund'314110 应付普通股股利Common Stock dividends payable'314111 转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利Common Stock dividends change to assets(or stock)'314115 未分配利润Undistributed profit四、成本类Cost4101 生产成本Cost of manufacture'410101 基本生产成本Base cost of manufacture'410102 辅助生产成本Auxiliary cost of manufacture4105 制造费用Manufacturing overhead材料费Materials管理人员工资Executive Salaries 奖金Wages退职金Retirement allowance补贴Bonus外保劳务费Outsourcing fee福利费Employee benefits/welfare 会议费Coferemce加班餐费Special duties市内交通费Business traveling通讯费Correspondence电话费Correspondence水电取暖费Water and Steam税费Taxes and dues租赁费Rent管理费Maintenance车辆维护费Vehicles maintenance 油料费Vehicles maintenance培训费Education and training接待费Entertainment图书、印刷费Books and printing 运费Transpotation保险费Insurance premium支付手续费Commission杂费Sundry charges折旧费Depreciation expense机物料消耗Article of consumption劳动保护费Labor protection fees季节性停工损失Loss on seasonality cessation 4107 劳务成本Service costs五、损益类Profit and loss收入Income业务收入OPERATING INCOME5101 主营业务收入Prime operating revenue产品销售收入Sales revenue服务收入Service revenue5102 其他业务收入Other operating revenue材料销售Sales materials代购代售包装物出租Wrappage lease出让资产使用权收入Remise right of assets revenue 返还所得税Reimbursement of income tax其他收入Other revenue5201 投资收益Investment income短期投资收益Current investment income长期投资收益Long-term investment income计提的委托贷款减值准备Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves 5203 补贴收入Subsidize revenue国家扶持补贴收入Subsidize revenue from country其他补贴收入Other subsidize revenue5301 营业外收入NON-OPERATING INCOME非货币性交易收益Non-cash deal income现金溢余Cash overage处置固定资产净收益Net income on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产收益Income on sales of intangible assets固定资产盘盈Fixed assets inventory profit罚款净收入Net amercement income支出Outlay业务支出Revenue charges5401 主营业务成本Operating costs产品销售成本Cost of goods sold服务成本Cost of service5402 主营业务税金及附加Tax and associate charge营业税Sales tax消费税Consumption tax城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities 资源税Resources tax土地增值税Increment tax on land value5405 其他业务支出Other business expense销售其他材料成本Other cost of material sale其他劳务成本Other cost of service其他业务税金及附加费Other tax and associate charge 费用Expenses5501 营业费用Operating expenses代销手续费Consignment commission charge运杂费Transpotation保险费Insurance premium展览费Exhibition fees广告费Advertising fees5502 管理费用Adminisstrative expenses职工工资Staff Salaries修理费Repair charge低值易耗摊销Article of consumption办公费Office allowance差旅费Travelling expense工会经费Labour union expenditure研究与开发费Research and development expense福利费Employee benefits/welfare职工教育经费Personnel education待业保险费Unemployment insurance劳动保险费Labour insurance医疗保险费Medical insurance会议费Coferemce聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs咨询费Consult fees诉讼费Legal cost业务招待费Business entertainment技术转让费Technology transfer fees矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees排污费Pollution discharge fees房产税Housing property tax车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) 土地使用税Tenure tax印花税Stamp tax5503 财务费用Finance charge利息支出Interest exchange汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss各项手续费Charge for trouble各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost5601 营业外支出Nonbusiness expenditure捐赠支出Donation outlay减值准备金Depreciation reserves非常损失Extraordinary loss处理固定资产净损失Net loss on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产损失Loss on sales of intangible assets固定资产盘亏Fixed assets inventory loss债务重组损失Loss on arrangement罚款支出Amercement outlay5701 所得税Income tax以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment。
四、成本类Cost 4101 生产成本Cost of man ufacture'410101 基本生产成本Base cost of ma nufacture'410102 辅助生产成本Auxiliary cost of manufacture4105 制造费用Manufacturing overhead材料费Materials管理人员工资Executive Salaries奖金Wages退职金Retirement allowanee补贴Bonus外保劳务费Outsourci ng fee福利费Employee ben efits/welfare会议费Coferemce加班餐费Special duties市内交通费Busin ess traveli ng通讯费Corresp ondence电话费Corresp ondence水电取暖费Water and Steam税费Taxes and dues租赁费Rent管理费Maintenance车辆维护费Vehicles maintenance油料费Vehicles maintenance培训费Educati on and training接待费En tertai nment图书、印刷费Books and printing运费Transpotation保险费In sura nee premium支付手续费Commissi on杂费Sundry charges折旧费Depreciati on expe nse机物料消耗Article of con sumption劳动保护费Labor protecti on fees季节性停工损失Loss on seas on ality cessati on4107 劳务成本Service costs二、负债类Liability短期负债Current liability2101 短期借款Short-term borrow ing2111 应付票据Notes payable 银行承兑汇票Bank accepta nee 商业承兑汇票Trade accepta nee2121 应付账款Accou nt payable'217102 应交营业税'217103 应交消费税'217104 应交资源税'217105 应交所得税Income tax '217109 应交土地使用税Tenure tax payable '217110 应交车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) payable '217111 应交个人所得税 Personal income tax payable2131 预收账款 Deposit received2141 代销商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue2151 应付工资 Accrued wages2153 应付福利费 Accrued welfarism2161 应付股利 Dividends payable2171 应交税金 Tax payable'217101 应交增值税 value added tax payable'21710101 进项税额 Withholdings on VAT'21710102 已交税金 Paying tax'21710103 转出未交增值税 Unpaid VAT changeover'21710104 减免税款 Tax deduction'21710105 销项税额 Substituted money on VAT'21710106 出口退税 Tax reimbursement for export'21710107 进项税额转出 Changeover withnoldings on VAT'21710108 出口抵减内销产品应纳税额Export deduct domestic sales goods tax '21710109 转出多交增值税 Overpaid VAT changeover '21710110 未交增值税 Unpaid VAT Business tax payable Consumption tax payable Resources taxpayable '217106 应交土地增值税 Increment tax on land value payable '217107 应交城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities payable'217108 应交房产税 Housing property tax payable2176 其他应交款 Other fund in conformity with paying 2181 其他应付款 Other payables 2191 预提费用 Drawing expense in advance 其他负债 Other liabilities 2201 待转资产价值 Pending changerover assets value2211 预计负债 Anticipation liabilities长期负债 Long-term Liabilities2301 长期借款 Long-term loans一年内到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due within one year 三、所有者权益类 OWNERS' EQUITY 资本 Capita3101 实收资本 ( 或股本 ) Paid-up capital(or stock) 实收资本 Paicl-up capital实收股本 Paid-up stock3103 已归还投资 Investment Returned 公积'231101 债券面值 '231102 债券溢价 '231103 债券折价 '231104 应计利息Accrued interest 3111 资本公积 Capital reserve '311101 资本 ( 或股本 )溢价 Cpital(or Stock) premium '311102 接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Receive non-cash donate reserve '311103 股权投资准备 Stock right investment reserves '311105 拨款转入 Allocate sums changeover in '311106 外币资本折算差额 Foreign currency capital '311107 其他资本公积 Other capital reserve 3121 盈余公积 Surplus reserves '312101 法定盈余公积 Legal surplus '312102 任意盈余公积 Free surplus reserves '312103 法定公益金 Legal public welfare fund '312104 储备基金 Reserve fund '312105 企业发展基金 Enterprise expension fund '312106 利润归还投资 Profits capitalizad on return of investment 利润 Profits 3131 本年利润 Current year profits 3141 利润分配 Profit distribution '314101 其他转入 Other chengeover in '314102 提取法定盈余公积 Withdrawal legal surplus '314103 提取法定公益金 Withdrawal legal public welfare funds '314104 提取储备基金 Withdrawal reserve fund '314105 提取企业发展基金 Withdrawal reserve for business expansion '314106 提取职工奖励及福利基金 Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund '314107 利润归还投资 Profits capitalizad on return of investment '314108 应付优先股股利 Preferred Stock dividends payable '314109 提取任意盈余公积 Withdrawal other common accumulation fund '314110 应付普通股股利 Common Stock dividends payable '314111 转作资本 (或股本 ) 的普通股股利 Common Stock dividends change to assets(or stock) '314115 未分配利润 Undistributed profit 一年后到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due over one year 2311 应付债券 Bonds payable Face value, Par value Premium on bonds Discount on bonds 2321 长期应付款 Long-term account payable 应付融资租赁款 Accrued financial lease outlay 一年内到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable due within one year 一年后到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable over one year 2331 专项应付款 Special payable 一年内到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable due within one year 一年后到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable over one year2341 递延税款 Deferral taxes 五、损益类 Profit and loss收入 Income 业务收入 OPERATING INCOME5101 主营业务收入 Prime operating revenue 产品销售收入 Sales revenue 服务收入 Service revenue 5102 其他业务收入 Other operating revenue 材料销售 Sales materials代购代售包装物出租Wrappage lease 出让资产使用权收入Remise right of assets revenue 返还所得税Reimbursement of income tax 其他收入Other revenue5201 投资收益Investment income 短期投资收益Current investment income 长期投资收益Long-term investment income 计提的委托贷款减值准备Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves 5203 补贴收入Subsidize revenue 国家扶持补贴收入Subsidize revenue from country 其他补贴收入Other subsidize revenue5301 营业外收入NON-OPERATING INCOME 非货币性交易收益Non-cash deal income 现金溢余Cash overage 处置固定资产净收益Net income on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产收益Income on sales of intangible assets 固定资产盘盈Fixed assets inventory profit 罚款净收入Net amercement income 支出Outlay 业务支出Revenue charges5401 主营业务成本Operating costs 产品销售成本Cost of goods sold 服务成本Cost of service 5402 主营业务税金及附加Tax and associate charge 营业税Sales tax消费税Consumption tax 城市维护建设税Tax for maintaining and building cities 资源税Resources tax 土地增值税Increment tax on land value5405 其他业务支出Other business expense 销售其他材料成本Other cost of material sale 其他劳务成本Other cost of service 其他业务税金及附加费Other tax and associate charge费用Expenses5501 营业费用Operating expenses 代销手续费Consignment commission charge 运杂费Transpotation 保险费Insurance premium 展览费Exhibition fees 广告费Advertising fees5502 管理费用Adminisstrative expenses 职工工资Staff Salaries 修理费Repair charge 低值易耗摊销Article of consumption 办公费Office allowance 差旅费Travelling expense 工会经费Labour union expenditure 研究与开发费Research and development expense 福利费Employeebenefits/welfare 职工教育经费Personnel education 待业保险费Unemployment insurance 劳动保险费Labour insurance 医疗保险费Medical insurance 会议费Coferemce 聘请中介机构费Intermediary organs 咨询费Consult fees 诉讼费Legal cost 业务招待费Business entertainment 技术转让费Technology transfer fees 矿产资源补偿费Mineral resources compensation fees 排污费Pollution discharge fees 房产税Housing property tax 车船使用税Vehicle and vessel usage license platetax(VVULPT) 土地使用税Tenure tax 印花税Stamp tax5503 财务费用Finance charge 利息支出Interest exchange 汇兑损失Foreign exchange loss 各项手续费Charge for trouble 各项专门借款费用Special-borrowing cost 5601 营业外支出Nonbusiness expenditure 捐赠支出Donation outlay 减值准备金Depreciation reserves 非常损失Extraordinary loss 处理固定资产净损失Net loss on disposal of fixed assets 出售无形资产损失Loss on sales of intangible assets 固定资产盘亏Fixed assets inventory loss债务重组损失Loss on arrangement 罚款支出Amercement outlay5701 所得税Income tax 以前年度损益调整Prior year income adjustment。
FormAF-02-SupportingStatement 2
Business segment statement
Form AF-02-Supporting Statement 3
Ⅲ.Formats of Financial Statements
Name of Financial Statement
Reporting period
Form AF-01
Balance sheet
Geographical segment statement
Form AF-02
Income statement
Form AF-03
Cash flow statement
(At least)Annual
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ年度报告
Form AF-01-Supporting Statement 1
Statement of provision for impairment of assets
中英文对照会计报表名称中英文对照会计报表名称会计报表格式Ⅲ.Formats of Financial Statements编号 会计报表名称 编报期Code Name of FinancialStatement Reporting period会企 01 表 资产负债表 中期报告、年度报告 Form AF-01 Balance sheet Interim , annual 会企 02 表 利润表中期报告、年度报告 Form AF-02 Income statement Interim , annual 会企 03 表 现金流量表( 至少 ) 年度报告 Form AF-03 Cash flow statement (At least)Annual 会企 01 表附表 1资产减值准备明细表年度报告Form AF-01-Supporting Statement 1 Statement of provision forimpairment of assets Annual会企 01 表附表 2股东权益增减变动表年度报告Form AF-01-Supporting Statement 2 Statement of changes instockholders ‘equity Annual会企 01 表附表 3应交增值税明细表中期报告、年度报告Form AF-01-SupportingStatement 3 VAT payable movement table I nterim , annual会企 02 表附表 1 利润分配表 年度报告 FormAF-02-SupportingStatement 1 Statement of profitdistributionAnnual会企 02 表附表 2 分部报表 ( 业务分部 ) 年度报告FormAF-02-SupportingStatement 2Business segmentstatementAnnual会企 02 表附表 3 分部报表 ( 地区分部 ) 年度报告Form AF-02-Supporting Statement 3 Geographical segmentstatementAnnual。
VAT Payable Movement table
编制单位: 年度
Prepared by: Period:
Monetary unit: RMB yuan
项 目
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱItem
Line No.
Current year
I. Value-added tax payable:
Amount not paid at the end of the year
1. 年初未抵扣数(以“ - ”号填列)
Amount not deducted at the beginning of the year
2. 销项税额
Output VAT
Refund of export duty
Transfer-out of input VAT
Transfer-out of unpaid VAT
4. 期未未抵扣数以 (“-“ 号填列 )
Amount not deducted at the end of the year
II. Unpaid VAT
1 .年初未交数(多交数以“ - ”号填列)
Transfer-out of overpaid VAT
3. 进项税额
Input VAT
withholding tax form (代扣所得税表)english language word or term chinese language word or termindividual income tax withholding return 扣缴个人所得税报告表withholding agent's file number 扣缴义务人编码date of filing 填表日期day 日month 月year 年monetary unit 金额单位rmb yuan 人民币元this return is designed in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of individual income tax law of the people's republic of china. the withholding agents should turn the tax withheld over to the state treasury and file the return with the local tax authorities within seven days after the end of the taxable month.根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》第九条的规定,制定本表,扣缴义务人应将本月扣缴的税款在次月七日内缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送本表。
withholding agent's name 扣缴义务人名称address 地址telephone number 电话tax payer's name 纳税义务人姓名tax payer's file number 纳税人编码unit's name and address 工作单位及地址categories of income 所得项目income period 所得时间revenue 收入额renminbi (rmb) 人民币foreign currency 外币name of currency 货币名称amount 金额exchange rate 外汇牌价renminbi (rmb) converted into 折合人民币total 人民币合计deductions 减费用额taxable income 应纳税所得额tax rate 税率quick calculation deduction 速算扣除数amount of tax withheld 扣缴所得税额tax certificate number 完税证字号date of tax payment 纳税日期in case the tax certificate is filled out by withholding agent, this return should be submitted together with 如果由扣缴义务人填写完税证,应在送此表时附完税证副联-----份withholding total amount yuan 合计扣缴金额----元declaration by withholding agent 扣缴义务人声明i declare that the return is filled out in accordance with the individual income tax law of the people's republic of china, and i believe that the statements contained in this return are true, correct and complete. 我声明:此扣缴申报报表是根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》的规定填报的,我确信它是真实的,可靠的,完整的。
资产负债表Balance Sheet项目ITEM货币资金Cash短期投资Short term investments应收票据Notes receivable应收股利Dividend receivable应收利息Interest receivable应收帐款Accounts receivable其他应收款Other receivables预付帐款Accounts prepaid期货保证金Future guarantee应收补贴款Allowance receivable应收出口退税Export drawback receivable存货Inventories其中:原材料Including:Raw materials产成品(库存商品) Finished goods待摊费用Prepaid and deferred expenses待处理流动资产净损失Unsettled G/L on current assets一年内到期的长期债权投资Long-term debenture investment falling due in a yaear 其他流动资产Other current assets流动资产合计Total current assets长期投资:Long-term investment:其中:长期股权投资Including long term equity investment长期债权投资Long term securities investment*合并价差Incorporating price difference长期投资合计Total long-term investment固定资产原价Fixed assets-cost减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated Dpreciation固定资产净值Fixed assets-net value减:固定资产减值准备Less:Impairment of fixed assets固定资产净额Net value of fixed assets固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets工程物资Project material在建工程Construction in Progress待处理固定资产净损失Unsettled G/L on fixed assets固定资产合计Total tangible assets无形资产Intangible assets其中:土地使用权Including and use rights递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred assets其中:固定资产修理Including:Fixed assets repair固定资产改良支出Improvement expenditure of fixed assets其他长期资产Other long term assets其中:特准储备物资Among it:Specially approved reserving materials无形及其他资产合计Total intangible assets and other assets递延税款借项Deferred assets debits资产总计Total Assets资产负债表(续表) Balance Sheet项目ITEM短期借款Short-term loans应付票款Notes payable应付帐款Accounts payab1e预收帐款Advances from customers应付工资Accrued payro1l应付福利费Welfare payable应付利润(股利) Profits payab1e应交税金Taxes payable其他应交款Other payable to government其他应付款Other creditors预提费用Provision for expenses预计负债Accrued liabilities一年内到期的长期负债Long term liabilities due within one year 其他流动负债Other current liabilities流动负债合计Total current liabilities长期借款Long-term loans payable应付债券Bonds payable长期应付款long-term accounts payable专项应付款Special accounts payable其他长期负债Other long-term liabilities其中:特准储备资金Including:Special reserve fund长期负债合计Total long term liabilities递延税款贷项Deferred taxation credit负债合计Total liabilities* 少数股东权益Minority interests实收资本(股本) Subscribed Capital国家资本National capital集体资本Collective capital法人资本Legal person"s capital其中:国有法人资本Including:State-owned legal person"s capital 集体法人资本Collective legal person"s capital个人资本Personal capital外商资本Foreign businessmen"s capital资本公积Capital surplus盈余公积surplus reserve其中:法定盈余公积Including:statutory surplus reserve公益金public welfare fund补充流动资本Supplermentary current capital* 未确认的投资损失(以“-”号填列)Unaffirmed investment loss未分配利润Retained earnings外币报表折算差额Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements所有者权益合计Total shareholder"s equity负债及所有者权益总计Total Liabilities & Equity利润表INCOME STATEMENT项目ITEMS产品销售收入Sales of products其中:出口产品销售收入Including:Export sales减:销售折扣与折让Less:Sales discount and allowances产品销售净额Net sales of products减:产品销售税金Less:Sales tax产品销售成本Cost of sales其中:出口产品销售成本Including:Cost of export sales产品销售毛利Gross profit on sales减:销售费用Less:Selling expenses管理费用General and administrative expenses财务费用Financial expenses其中:利息支出(减利息收入) Including:Interest expenses (minusinterest ihcome) 汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)Exchange losses(minus exchange gains)产品销售利润Profit on sales加:其他业务利润Add:profit from other operations营业利润Operating profit加:投资收益Add:Income on investment加:营业外收入Add:Non-operating income减:营业外支出Less:Non-operating expenses加:以前年度损益调整Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years利润总额Total profit减:所得税Less:Income tax净利润Net profit现金流量表Cash Flows StatementPrepared by:Period: Unit:Items1.Cash Flows from Operating Activities:01)Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services02)Rental receivedValue added tax on sales received and refunds of value03)added tax paid04)Refund of other taxes and levy other than value added tax07)Other cash received relating to operating activities08)Sub-total of cash inflows09)Cash paid for goods and services10)Cash paid for operating leases11)Cash paid to and on behalf of employees12)Value added tax on purchases paid13)Income tax paid14)Taxes paid other than value added tax and income tax17)Other cash paid relating to operating activities18)Sub-total of cash outflows19)Net cash flows from operating activities2.Cash Flows from Investing Activities:20)Cash received from return of investments21)Cash received from distribution of dividends or profits22)Cash received from bond interest incomeNet cash received from disposal of fixed assets,intangible 23)assets and other long-term assets26)Other cash received relating to investing activities27)Sub-total of cash inflowsCash paid to acquire fixed assets,intangible assets28)and other long-term assets29)Cash paid to acquire equity investments30)Cash paid to acquire debt investments33)Other cash paid relating to investing activities34)Sub-total of cash outflows35)Net cash flows from investing activities3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities:36)Proceeds from issuing shares37)Proceeds from issuing bonds38)Proceeds from borrowings41)Other proceeds relating to financing activities42)Sub-total of cash inflows43)Cash repayments of amounts borrowed44)Cash payments of expenses on any financing activities45)Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits46)Cash payments of interest expenses47)Cash payments for finance leases48)Cash payments for reduction of registered capital51)Other cash payments relating to financing activities52)Sub-total of cash outflows53)Net cash flows from financing activities4.Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash Increase in Cash and Cash EquivalentsSupplemental Information1.Investing and Financing Activities that do not Involve in Cash Receipts and Payments56)Repayment of debts by the transfer of fixed assets57)Repayment of debts by the transfer of investments58)Investments in the form of fixed assets59)Repayments of debts by the transfer of investories2.Reconciliation of Net Profit to Cash Flows from Operating Activities62)Net profit63)Add provision for bad debt or bad debt written off64)Depreciation of fixed assets65)Amortization of intangible assetsLosses on disposal of fixed assets,intangible assets66)and other long-term assets (or deduct:gains)67)Losses on scrapping of fixed assets68)Financial expenses69)Losses arising from investments (or deduct:gains)70)Defered tax credit (or deduct:debit)71)Decrease in inventories (or deduct:increase)72)Decrease in operating receivables (or deduct:increase)73)Increase in operating payables (or deduct:decrease)74)Net payment on value added tax (or deduct:net receipts75)Net cash flows from operating activities Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents76)cash at the end of the period77)Less:cash at the beginning of the period78)Plus:cash equivalents at the end of the period79)Less:cash equivalents at the beginning of the period80)Net increase in cash and cash equivalents现金流量表的现金流量声明拟制人:时间:单位:项目1.cash流量从经营活动:01 )所收到的现金从销售货物或提供劳务02 )收到的租金增值税销售额收到退款的价值03 )增值税缴纳04 )退回的其他税收和征费以外的增值税07 )其他现金收到有关经营活动08 )分,总现金流入量09 )用现金支付的商品和服务10 )用现金支付经营租赁11 )用现金支付,并代表员工12 )增值税购货支付13 )所得税的缴纳14 )支付的税款以外的增值税和所得税17 )其他现金支付有关的经营活动18 )分,总的现金流出19 )净经营活动的现金流量2.cash流向与投资活动:20 )所收到的现金收回投资21 )所收到的现金从分配股利,利润22 )所收到的现金从国债利息收入现金净额收到的处置固定资产,无形资产23 )资产和其他长期资产26 )其他收到的现金与投资活动27 )小计的现金流入量用现金支付购建固定资产,无形资产28 )和其他长期资产29 )用现金支付,以获取股权投资30 )用现金支付收购债权投资33 )其他现金支付的有关投资活动34 )分,总的现金流出35 )的净现金流量,投资活动产生3.cash流量筹资活动:36 )的收益,从发行股票37 )的收益,由发行债券38 )的收益,由借款41 )其他收益有关的融资活动42 ),小计的现金流入量43 )的现金偿还债务所支付的44 )现金支付的费用,对任何融资活动45 )支付现金,分配股利或利润46 )以现金支付的利息费用47 )以现金支付,融资租赁48 )以现金支付,减少注册资本51 )其他现金收支有关的融资活动52 )分,总的现金流出53 )的净现金流量从融资活动4.effect的外汇汇率变动对现金增加现金和现金等价物补充资料1.investing活动和筹资活动,不参与现金收款和付款56 )偿还债务的转让固定资产57 )偿还债务的转移投资58 )投资在形成固定资产59 )偿还债务的转移库存量2.reconciliation净利润现金流量从经营活动62 )净利润63 )补充规定的坏帐或不良债务注销64 )固定资产折旧65 )无形资产摊销损失处置固定资产,无形资产66 )和其他长期资产(或减:收益)67 )损失固定资产报废68 )财务费用69 )引起的损失由投资管理(或减:收益)70 )defered税收抵免(或减:借记卡)71 )减少存货(或减:增加)72 )减少经营性应收(或减:增加)73 )增加的经营应付账款(或减:减少)74 )净支付的增值税(或减:收益净额75 )净经营活动的现金流量增加现金和现金等价物76 )的现金,在此期限结束77 )减:现金期开始78 )加:现金等价物在此期限结束79 )减:现金等价物期开始80 ),净增加现金和现金等价物。
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Amount not deducted at the beginning of the year
2. 销项税额
Output VAT
Refund of export duty
Transfer-out of input VAT
Transfer-out of unpaid VAT
4. 期未未抵扣数以 (“-“ 号填列 )
Amount not deducted at the end of the year
II. Unpaid VAT
1 .年初未交数(多交数以“ - ”号填列)
Transfer-out of overpaid VAT
3. 进项税额
Input VAT
Taxes paid
VAT deductions and exemptions
Export duty deductible from taxes payable on domestic sales
Amount not paid at the end of the year
Amount not paid at the beginning of the year
2 .本期转入数(多交数以“ - ”号填列)
Transfer-in fo本期已交数
Amount paid in the current period
4 .期末未交数(多交数以“ - ”号填列)
VAT Payable Movement table
编制单位: 年度
Prepared by: Period:
Monetary unit: RMB yuan
项 目
Line No.
Current year
I. Value-added tax payable: