



外文翻译----室内设计风格with a nod to the past。

This style is perfect for those who want a fun and playful vibe in their home。

Think geometric shapes。

pop art。

and vintage furniture.XXX。

This style is perfect for those who want a clean and clutter-free space。

Think neutral colors。

clean lines。

XXX.nal XXX。

This style is perfect for those who love XXX furniture。

intricate patterns。

and warm colors.Industrial XXX。

This style is perfect for those who want a modern and edgy vibe in their home。

Think exposed brick。

metal accents。

and raw materials.XXX r design is all about free-XXX style。

This style is perfect for those who want a cozy and relaxed atmosphere in their home。

Think vibrant colors。

mixed patterns。

and plenty of plants.No matter what style you choose。

make sure it XXX.XXX journey。

it'XXX this process。

you'll begin to develop a sense of your personal preferences and what designs you're XXX styles。



毕业设计英文资料翻译Translation of the English Documents for Graduation DesignInterior DesignSusan YelavichInterior design embraces not only the decoration and furnishing of space, but also considerations of space planning, lighting, and programmatic issues pertaining to user behaviors, ranging from specific issues of accessibility to the nature of the activities to be conducted in the space. The hallmark of interior design today is a new elasticity in typologies, seen most dramatically in the domestication of commercial and public spaces.Interior design encompasses both the programmatic planning and physical treatment of interior space: the projection of its use and the nature of its furnishings and surfaces, that is, walls, floors, and ceilings. Interior design is distinguished from interior decoration in the scope of its purview. Decorators are primarily concerned with the selection of furnishings, whiledesigners integrate the discrete elements of décor into programmatic concerns of space and use. Interior designers generally practice collaboratively with architects on the interiors of spaces built from the ground up, but they also work independently, particularly in the case of renovations. There is also a strong history of architect-designed interiors, rooted in the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, the total work of art, that came out of the Arts & Crafts movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It is no accident that its strongest proponents (from Frank Lloyd Wright to Mies van der Rohe) extended their practices to include the realm of interiors during the nascency of the interior-design profession. Indeed, it was a defensive measure taken by architects who viewed formal intervention by an interior decorator or designer as a threat to the integrity of their aesthetic.Today, apart from strict modernists like Richard Meier who place a premium on homogeneity, architects who take on the role of interior designer (and their numbers are growing) are more likely to be eclectic in philosophy and practice, paralleling the twenty-first century's valorization of plurality. Nonetheless, the bias against interior designers and the realm of the interior itself continues to persist. Critical discussions of the interior have been hampered by its popular perception as a container of ephemera. Furthermore, conventional views of the interior have been fraught with biases: class biases related to centuries-old associations with tradesmen and gender biases related to the depiction of the decorating profession as primarily the domain of women and gay men. As a result, the credibility of the interior as an expressionof cultural values has been seriously impaired.However, the conditions and the light in which culture-at-large is understood are changing under the impact of globalization. The distinctions between “high” culture and “low” culture are dissipating in a more tolerant climate that encourages the cross-fertilization between the two poles. Likewise, there are more frequent instances of productive borrowings among architecture, design, and decoration, once considered exclusive domains. And while the fields of architecture, interior design, and interior decoration still have different educational protocols and different concentrations of emphasis, they are showing a greater mutuality of interest.Another way to think of this emergent synthesis is to substitute the triad of “architecture, interior design, and decoration” with “modernity, technology, and history.” One of the hallmarks of the postmodern era is a heightened awareness of the role of the past in shaping thepresent. In the interior, this manifests itself in a renewed interest in ornament, in evidence of craft and materiality, and in spatial complexities, all running parallel to the ongoing project of modernity.Even more significantly, there is a new elasticity in typologies. Today, the traditional typologies of the interior—house, loft, office, restaurant, and so on—strain to control their borders. Evidence of programmatic convergences can clearly be seen in public and commercial spaces that aspire to be both more user-friendly and consumer-conscious. Growing numbers of private hospitals (in competition for patients) employ amenities and form languages inspired by luxury spas; at the same time, many gyms and health clubs are adopting the clinical mien of medical facilities to convince their clients of the value of their services. The same relaxation of interior protocols can be seen in offices that co-opt the informal, live-work ethic of the artist's loft, and in hotels that use the language (and contents) of galleries. Similarly, increasing numbers of grocery stores and bookstores include spaces and furniture for eating and socializing.Likewise, there is a new comfort with stylistic convergences in interiors that appropriate and recombine disparate quotations from design history. These are exemplified in spaces such as Rem Koolhaas' Casa da Musica (2005) in Porto, Portugal (with its inventive use of traditional Portuguese tiles), and Herzog & de Meuron's Walker Art Center (2005) in Minneapolis, Minnesota (where stylized acanthus-leaf patterns are used to mark gallery entrances). These interiors make an art out of hybridism. They do not simply mix and match period furnishings and styles, but refilter them through a contemporary lens.Another hallmark of the contemporary interior is the overt incorporation of narrative. Tightly themed environments persist in retail spaces such as Ralph Lauren's clothing stores and in entertainment spaces like Las Vegas casinos. However, a more playful and less linear approach to narrative is increasingly common.Of all the typologies of the interior, the residence has been least affected by change, apart from ephemeral trends such as outdoor kitchens and palatial bathrooms. However, the narrative of the residence dominates interior design at large. It has become the catalyst for rethinking a host of spaces once firmly isolated from it, ranging from the secretary's cubicle, to the nurse's station, to the librarian's reading room. Considerations such as the accommodation of personalaccessories in the work space, the use of color in hospitals, and the provision of couches in libraries are increasingly common, to cite just three examples. The domestication of such environments (with curtains and wallpaper, among other residential elements) provides more comfort, more reassurance, and more pleasure to domains formerly defined by institutional prohibitions and social exclusions. Unquestionably, these changes in public and commercial spaces are indebted to the liberation movements of the late 1960s. The battles fought against barriers of race, class, gender, and physical ability laid the groundwork for a larger climate of hospitality and accommodation.It is also possible to detect a wholly other agenda in the popularity of the residential model. The introduction of domestic amenities into commercial spaces, such as recreation spaces in office interiors, can also be construed as part of a wider attempt to put a more acceptable face on the workings of free-market capitalism. In this view, interior design dons the mask of entertainment. There is nothing new about the charade. Every interior is fundamentally a stage set. Nor is it particularly insidious—as long as the conceit is transparent. Danger surfaces, however, when illusion becomes delusion—when design overcompensates for the realities of illness with patronizing sentiment, or when offices become surrogate apartments because of the relentless demands of a round-the-clock economy. In these instances, design relinquishes its potential to transform daily life in favor of what amounts to little more than a facile re-branding of space.Another force is driving the domestication of the interior and that is the enlarged public awareness of design and designers. There is a growing popular demand for design as amenity and status symbol, stimulated by the proliferation of shelter magazines, television shows devoted to home decorating, and the advertising campaigns of commercial entities such as Target and Ikea. In the Western world, prosperity, combined with the appetite of the media, has all but fetishized the interior, yielding yet another reflection of the narcissism of aconsumer-driven society. On the one hand, there are positive, democratic outcomes of the growing public profile of design that can be seen in the rise of do-it-yourself web sites and enterprises like Home Depot that emphasize self-reliance. It can also be argued, more generally, that the reconsideration of beauty implicit in the valorization of design is an ameliorating social phenomenon by virtue of its propensity to inspire improvement. On the other hand, thepopularization of interior design through personas such as Philippe Starck, Martha Stewart, and Barbara Barry has encouraged a superficial understanding of the interior that is more focused on objects than it is on behaviors and interactions among objects.For all the recent explosion of interest in interior design, it remains, however, a fundamentally conservative arena of design, rooted as it is in notions of enclosure, security, and comfort. This perception has been exacerbated by the growth of specialized practices focused, for example, on healthcare and hospitality. While such firms offer deep knowledge of the psychology, mechanics, and economies of particular environments, they also perpetuate distinctions that hinder a more integral approach to the interior as an extension of architecture and even the landscape outside. One notable exception is the growth of design and architecture firms accruing expertise in sustainable materials and their applications to the interior. At the same time that design firms are identifying themselves with sustainability and promoting themselves as environmentalists, a movement is building to incorporate environmental responsibility within normative practice.Over the past four decades, efforts have intensified to professionalize the field of interior design and to accord it a status equal to that of architecture. In the US and Canada the Council for Interior Design Accreditation, formerly known as FIDER, reviews interior design education programs at colleges and universities to regulate standards of practice. Furthermore, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) embraces interior design within its purview, defining it as part of “intellectual profession, and not simply a trade or a service for enterprises.”Yet, the education of interior designers remains tremendously variable, with no uniformity of pedagogy. Hence, interior design continues to be perceived as an arena open to the specialist and the amateur. This perception is indicative of both the relatively short history of the profession itself and the broader cultural forces of inclusion and interactivity that mark a global society.。

室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献。室内设计风格

室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献。室内设计风格


室内设计风格XXX and clean lines。

This style is perfect for those whowant a fresh and fun look in their home。

The use of XXX to the space.nal XXX colors。

intricate patterns。


This style is perfect for those who XXX are often made of wood and feature XXX.XXX emphasizes clean lines。

neutral colors。

and a clutter-free space。

Furniture pieces are often sleek and modern。

with a XXX.XXX design is a mix of different styles and ds。

XXX and n。

as it combines XXX.XXX what style you choose。

it's important to stay true toyour own personal XXX and happy。

With the right design style。

your home can XXX you look forward to coming back to every day.To begin your design journey。

XXX peruse us designs。

you'll start to develop a sense of your preferences and dislikes。

This process will also introduce you to the vast array of XXX.XXX colors and materials。



外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Y Miyazaki. A Brief Description of Interior Decoration [J]. Building & Environment, 2005, 40(10):41-45.英文原文A Brief Description of Interior DecorationY Miyazaki一、An interior design element1 Spatial elementsThe rationalization of space and giving people a sense of beauty is the basic task of design. We must dare to explore the new image of the times and technologies that are endowed with space. We should not stick to the spatial image formed in the past.2 color requirementsIn addition to affecting the visual environment, indoor colors also directly affect people's emotions and psychology. Scientific use of color is good for work and helps health. The proper color processing can meet the functional requirements and achieve the beauty effect. In addition to observing the general laws of color, interior colors also vary with the aesthetics of the times.3 light requirementsHumans love the beauty of nature and often direct sunlight into theinterior to eliminate the sense of darkness and closure in the interior, especially the top light and the soft diffuse light, making the interior space more intimate and natural. The transformation of light and shadow makes the interior richer and more colorful, giving people a variety of feelings.4 decorative elementsThe indispensable building components such as columns, walls, and the like in the entire indoor space are combined with the function and need to be decorated to jointly create a perfect indoor environment. By making full use of the texture characteristics of different decorative materials, you can achieve a variety of interior art effects with different styles, while also reflecting the historical and cultural characteristics of the region.5 furnishingsIndoor furniture, carpets, curtains, etc., are all necessities of life. Their shapes are often furnished and most of them play a decorative role. Practicality and decoration should be coordinated with each other, and the functions and forms of seeking are unified and changed so that the interior space is comfortable and full of personality.6 green elementsGreening in interior design is an important means to improve the indoor environment. Indoor flowering trees are planted, and the use ofgreenery and small items to play a role in diffusing indoor and outdoor environments, expanding the sense of interior space, and beautifying spaces all play an active role.二、The basic principles of interior design1 interior decoration design to meet the functional requirementsThe interior design is based on the purpose of creating a good indoor space environment, so as to rationalize, comfort, and scientize the indoor environment. It is necessary to take into account the laws of people's activities to handle spatial relationships, spatial dimensions, and spatial proportions; to rationally configure furnishings and furniture, and to properly resolve indoor environments. V entilation, lighting and lighting, pay attention to the overall effect of indoor tone.2 interior design to meet the spiritual requirementsThe spirit of interior design is to influence people's emotions and even influence people's will and actions. Therefore, we must study the characteristics and laws of people's understanding; study the emotions and will of people; and study the interaction between people and the environment. Designers must use various theories and methods to impact people's emotions and sublimate them to achieve the desired design effect. If the indoor environment can highlight a certain concept and artistic conception, then it will have a strong artistic appeal and better play its role in spiritual function.3 Interior design to meet modern technical requirementsThe innovation of architectural space is closely related to the innovation of structural modeling. The two should be harmonized and unified, fully considering the image of the structural Sino-U.S. and integrating art and technology. This requires that interior designers must possess the necessary knowledge of the type of structure and be familiar with and master the performance and characteristics of the structural system. Modern interior design is in the category of modern science and technology. To make interior design better meet the requirements of spiritual function, we must maximize the use of the latest achievements in modern science and technology.4 Interior design must meet the regional characteristics and national style requirementsDue to differences in the regions where people live, geographical and climatic conditions, the living habits of different ethnic groups are not the same as cultural traditions, and there are indeed great differences in architectural styles. China is a multi-ethnic country. The differences in the regional characteristics, national character, customs, and cultural literacy of various ethnic groups make indoor decoration design different. Different styles and features are required in the design. We must embody national and regional characteristics to evoke people’s national self-respect and self-confidence.三、Points of interior designThe interior space is defined by the enclosure of the floor, wall, and top surface, thus determining the size and shape of the interior space. The purpose of interior decoration is to create a suitable and beautiful indoor environment. The floor and walls of the interior space are the backdrop for people and furnishings and furnishings, while the differences on the top surface make the interior space more varied.1 Base decoration ----- Floor decorationThe basic surface ----- is very important in people's sights. The ground floor is in contact with people, and the line of sight is near, and it is in a dynamic change. It is one of the important factors of interior decoration. Meet the following principles:2 The base should be coordinated with the overall environment to complement each other and set off the atmosphereFrom the point of view of the overall environmental effect of space, the base should be coordinated with the ceiling and wall decoration. At the same time, it should play a role in setting off the interior furniture and furnishings.3 Pay attention to the division, color and texture of the ground patternGround pattern design can be roughly divided into three situations: The first is to emphasize the independent integrity of the pattern itself,such as meeting rooms, using cohesive patterns to show the importance of the meeting. The color should be coordinated with the meeting space to achieve a quiet, focused effect; the second is to emphasize the pattern of continuity and rhythm, with a certain degree of guidance and regularity, and more for the hall, aisle and common space; third It emphasizes the abstractness of the pattern, freedom, and freedom, and is often used in irregular or layout-free spaces.4 Meeting the needs of the ground structure, construction and physical properties of the buildingWhen decorating the base, attention should be paid to the structure of the ground floor. In the premise of ensuring safety, it is convenient for construction and construction. It cannot be a one-sided pursuit of pattern effects, and physical properties such as moisture-proof, waterproof, thermal insulation, and thermal insulation should be considered. need. The bases are available in a wide variety of types, such as: wooden floors, block floors, terrazzo floors, plastic floors, concrete floors, etc., with a wide variety of patterns and rich colors. The design must be consistent with the entire space environment. Complementary to achieve good results.四、wall decorationIn the scope of indoor vision, the vertical line of sight between the wall and the person is in the most obvious position. At the same time, thewall is the part that people often contact. Therefore, the decoration of the wall is very important for the interior design. The following design principles must be met: 1 IntegrityWhen decorating a wall, it is necessary to fully consider the unity with other parts of the room, and to make the wall and the entire space a unified whole.2 PhysicalThe wall surface has a larger area in the interior space, and the status is more important and the requirements are higher. The requirements for sound insulation, warmth protection, fire prevention, etc. in the interior space vary depending on the nature of the space used, such as the guest room, high requirements. Some, while the average unit canteen, requiresa lower number.3 ArtistryIn the interior space, the decorative effect of the wall plays an important role in rendering and beautifying the indoor environment. The shape of the wall, the partition pattern, the texture and the interior atmosphere are closely related to each other. In order to create the artistic effect of the interior space, the wall The artistry of the surface itself cannot be ignored.The selection of wall decoration styles is determined according to the above principles. The forms are roughly the following: plasteringdecoration, veneering decoration, brushing decoration, coil decoration. Focusing on the coil decoration here, with the development of industry, there are more and more coils that can be used to decorate walls, such as: plastic wallpaper, wall cloth, fiberglass cloth, artificial leather, and leather. These materials are characterized by the use of It is widely used, flexible and free, with a wide variety of colors, good texture, convenient construction, moderate prices, and rich decorative effects. It is a material that is widely used in interior design.五、Ceiling decorationThe ceiling is an important part of the interior decoration, and it is also the most varied and attractive interface in the interior space decoration. It has a strong sense of perspective. Through different treatments, the styling of lamps and lanterns can enhance the space appeal and make the top surface rich in shape. Colorful, novel and beautiful.1 Design principlesPay attention to the overall environmental effects.The ceiling, wall surface and base surface together make up the interior space and jointly create the effects of the indoor environment. The design should pay attention to the harmonization of the three, and each has its own characteristics on a unified basis.The top decoration should meet the applicable aesthetic requirements.In general, the effect of indoor space should be lighter and lighter. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the simple decoration of the top decoration, highlight the key points, and at the same time, have a sense of lightness and art.The top decoration should ensure the rationality and safety of the top structure. Cannot simply pursue styling and ignore safety2 top design(1) Flat roofThe roof is simple in construction, simple in appearance, and convenient in decoration. It is suitable for classrooms, offices, exhibition halls, etc. Its artistic appeal comes from the top shape, texture, patterns, and the organic configuration of the lamps.(2) Convex ceilingThis kind of roof is beautiful and colorful, with a strong sense of three-dimensionality. It is suitable for ballrooms, restaurants, foyers, etc. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between the primary and secondary relationships and the height difference of various concavo-convex layers. It is not appropriate to change too much and emphasize the rhythm of rhythm and the artistry of the overall space. .(3) Suspended ceilingV arious flaps, flat plates or other types of ceilings are hung under the roof load-bearing structures. These ceilings are often used to meetacoustic or lighting requirements or to pursue certain decorative effects. They are often used in stadiums, cinemas, and so on. In recent years, this type of roof has also been commonly used in restaurants, cafes, shops, and other buildings to create special aesthetics and interests.(4) Well format ceilingIt is in the form of a combined structural beam, in which the main and secondary beams are staggered and the relationship between the wells and beams, together with a ceiling of lamps and gypsum floral designs, is simple and generous, with a strong sense of rhythm.(5) Glass ceilingThe halls and middle halls of modern large-scale public buildings are commonly used in this form, mainly addressing the needs of large-scale lighting and indoor greening, making the indoor environment richer in natural appeal, and adding vitality to large spaces. It is generally in the form of a dome, a cone, and a zigzag. In short, interior decoration design is a comprehensive discipline, involving many disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and environmental science, and there are many things that we need to explore and study. This article mainly elaborated the basic principles and design methods of interior decoration design. No matter what style belongs to the interior design door, this article gives everyone a more in-depth understanding and comprehension of interior design. If there are inadequacies, let the criticism correct me.中文译文室内装饰简述Y Miyazaki一室内装饰设计要素1 空间要素空间的合理化并给人们以美的感受是设计基本的任务。



常用室内设计词汇-中英文对照室内设计-interior design 室内设计师- interior designer 建筑—architecture建筑师—architect 景观-landscape 家具-furniture 灯光—lighting照明—illumination 家居设计—residential design 商业设计-commercial design软装—FF&E(furniture fixture and equipment) 人体工程学—ergonomics空间-space 精品酒店-boutique hotel 草图—draft or sketch 规格—specification汇报或讲解—presentation 渲染或着色—rendering 透视-perspective规范-code 对称-symmetry 不对称—asymmetry 轴线-axis空间篇住宅类客厅,起居室—living room 餐厅—dinning room 玄关—foyer卧室—bedroom 主卧-master bedroom 次卧—second bedroom 客卧—guest bedroom厨房-Kitchen 厨岛kitchen island 书房—study room 衣帽间—cloakroom卫生间-bathroom , toilet ,bath 储藏室-storage 楼梯—stair阳台—balcony 花园—garden 露台—patio商业类1办公类接待处— reception 候客区—waiting Area or lounge会议室(小型的)—meeting room or seminar 会议室(大型的)—conference room办公室—office 经理办公室manager office 开放式的工作区—work area多功能室-multi—function room2酒店类入口-entrance 出口—exit 大堂—lobby 前厅-vestibule过道-corridor 休闲区,等候区-lounge 宴会厅-ballroom客房—guestroom 套间-suite 行政套房-executive suite 总统套房—presidential suite 健身中心-fitness center or gym 瑜伽—yoga泳池-swimming pool Spa 咖啡厅-cafe 酒吧-bar餐厅-restaurant 备餐—pantry电梯-elevation or lift 卫生间—restroom 男-men's 女women’s 影院-cinema商务中心—business center 行李间—luggage store 盥洗室—lavatory3其他类天花—ceiling 长廊—pavilion 零售店-retail store 大厅(堂)-hall 展览-gallery家具布艺灯具洁具篇1家具床-bed 沙发—sofa 长排沙发,睡椅—couch椅子—chair 扶手椅- armchair 咖啡几-coffee table 边几-side table角几-end table 脚凳—footrest 吧台凳—stool 书桌—desk餐桌-dinning table 梳妆台—vanity table 柜子—cabinet 衣柜—wardrobe 镜子-mirror 壁炉-fireplace 书架—bookshelf2布艺饰品布衣—fabric 织物-textile 枕头—pillow 靠垫-cushion窗帘-curtain 帐幔—drapery 地毯-carpet 小毯,垫子-mat垫衬-upholstery 壁纸—wallpaper 烛台—candlestick 油画—painting3灯具枝形吊灯-chandelier 吊灯—pendent lighting 灯—lamp 落地灯—floor lamp壁灯—wall sconce 嵌入式灯筒灯-recessed lighting 洗墙灯—wall wash荧光灯-fluorescent lighting 白炽灯-incandescent lighting (lamp) 格栅灯-grille lamp 轨道射灯—track lighting 开关—switch4厨房与洁具水盆—sink 水龙头—faucet 冰箱-r efrigerator 抽油烟机—ventilator 烤箱-oven小铁架—racks 马桶—toilet 防溅板-backsplash 小便器-urinal浴盆-tub 喷淋-showerhead 毛巾架—tower bar材料篇石膏—plaster 石头—stone 大理-marble 砖—brick 木地板-wood floor复合地板—laminate floor 枫木—maple 胡桃—walnut 柚木—teak不锈钢—stainless steel 金属-metal 瓷的—ceramic 瓷砖-ceramic tile玻璃-glass 隔音板-acoustic panel施工图及其他篇施工图—working drawing 平面图—floor plan天花图—reflected ceiling plan 缩写RCP 地面铺装图-Floor Finish plan电气图—electrical plan 立面图-elevation剖面图-section 详图(大样图)— detail drawing空调系统-HVAC 比例-scale图表或图例—schedule or legend 尺寸(标注)dimension柱子-column 梁-beam 太阳能的-solar 户外的—outdoor。





古往今来由于女性特殊的生理本能,女性风格的装饰艺术在历史上一直占有很大的市场空间,尤其是十七至十八世纪在意大利文艺复兴发展起来的具有强烈女性特征的巴洛克艺术(BAROQNE ART)装饰风格更是风靡和影响了整个欧洲,其艺术语言多少的影响了紧跟其后的是新艺术运动的产生与发展。








客厅 Livingroom卧室 Bedroom书房 Study阁楼 Loft楼梯 Stair楼梯间 Stir Well玄关 Entrance卫生间 Bathromm厨房 Kitchenground plan 平面图floor, storey 层ground floor 第一层 (美作:first floor)flat 套 (美作:apartment)stair well 楼梯间lift shaft (美作:elevator shaft)fire escape 防火梯staircase 楼梯goods lift 公务电梯 (美作:freight elevator) central heating 暖气ventilation shaft 通风井air conditioning 空调air-conditioned 带空调的flooring (一块)地板floorboard 地板(总称)parquet 木条地板herringbone parquet 人字形木条地板tile 瓷砖terrazzo 磨石子地wall 墙main wall 承重墙partition wall 隔断墙plastering 抹灰skirting board 壁脚板to whitewash 粉刷facade 建筑物正面window 窗basement 地下室penthouse 遮檐,披屋attic, garret 阁楼kitchen 厨房dining room 饭厅living room 起居室lounge 吸烟室,大厅bathroom 浴室toilet 卫生间chimney 烟囱fireplace 壁炉gutter 排水沟drainpipe 雨水管,落水管ceiling 天花板flat roof, roof garden 屋顶平台,屋顶花园roof 屋瓦顶tile, roof tile 瓦sand 沙cement 水泥mortar 灰泥plaster 石膏concrete 混凝土reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土gravel 碎石brick 砖slate 石板marble 大理石beam 梁,木梁girder 钢梁corrugated iron 波状钢timber 木料,木材pipes 钢管wiring 电器设备promoter 创办人architect 建筑师quantity surveyor 施工技术员draftsman 绘图员civil engineer 道路工程师builder 建筑工人foreman 工头master builder 营造商,建筑工程队队长(master) bricklayer 泥瓦匠,砌砖工匠hodman, hod carrier 小工plasterer 抹灰工welder 焊工joiner 工匠electrician 电工glazier 玻璃工匠plumber 管道技工plumber's mate 管道工painter, decorator 油漆工crane driver 吊车司机方案:Design, Scheme初步设计:Primary Design施工图 CD: Construction Design Fuction 功能区Light 灯具Droplight 吊灯吸顶灯Entrance 入口Living room 客厅Sitting room 起居室Embed light 嵌灯Dinning room 餐厅Daylight lamp 日光灯Kitchen 厨房Reflect down light 筒灯Office 书房Quartz down-light 石英灯Master bedroom 主卧房Votage track light 射灯Quest bedroom 客卧Track light 轨道灯Children bedroom 儿童房Picture light 镜画灯Hiding light 暗藏灯管Projection room 视听室Dressing room 更衣室Wall lamp 壁灯Storeroom 储藏室Reading lamp 台灯Master bathroom 主卫Floor lamp 落地灯Bathroom 卫生间Bathroom fixture 卫生洁具Wash room 洗衣房Staircase 楼梯Washbowl 洗手台[台盆] Aisle 过道Water faucet 水龙头Closestool 座便器Gazebe 阳台Urinal 小便斗Garden 花园Bathtab 浴缸Swimming pool 游泳池Shower bath 淋浴房Furniture 家具Wiring 电器设备Cupboard 厨房橱柜Television 电视机Drink box 酒柜Sound box 音响Bar 吧台Washer 洗衣机Dinning table 餐桌Bedstand 床头柜Bed 床Bookcase 书柜Chest of drawers 五斗矮柜Electrical outlet 插座Chest of drawers 藏衣柜Switch 开关TV set 电视柜Air-condition 空调Tea table 茶几Immersion heater 电热水壶Sofa 沙发Electric cooker 电饭褒Reclining chair 躺椅Macrowave oven 微波炉Chair 椅子Refrigeratory 冰箱American interior design; 美国室内设计American interior designer; 美国室内设计师Residential design; 私家住宅设计;Villa design (single family home design); 别墅设计;Office design; 办公室设计;Commercial design; 非住宅设计(商务楼设计;写字楼设计;公共场所设计)Californian interior design; 加州室内设计Californian interior designer; 加州室内设计师Model home design; 样板房设计Clubhouse interior design;会所室内设计American furniture design;美国家具设计Foreign interior design; 外国室内设计Foreign interior designer; 外国室内设计师PLAN —设计方案Interior design –室内设计Exterior 室外Landscape design –景观设计Architecture design –建筑设计designer –设计师baseplan –基础建筑图floor plan –平面图elevation -立面图RCP = 天花吊顶设计 = Reflected Ceiling Plan electric plan = 电线走线图furniture plan –家具布置平面图interior plant plan –室内植物摆放图window schedule –窗表door schedule –门表美国室内设计有两种合同:一种叫做specification,就是只设计,不负责采购室内陈设;另外一种是turnkey,字面意思就是交钥匙,设计师负责设计同时也负责采购室内全部用品用具,包括家具、摆设、艺术皮、画、床上用品、地毯等。



Natural simplicity - on interior design AnalysisAbstract:The natural, simple interior design show is a way of life, it allows us closer to nature, more emphasis on functionality, more concerned about life itself. create a poetic space.Keywords:minimalism; space; grade; interior design; feelingAncient times, Chinese wooden framework architecture of ancient India, the Orient, Europe, building caves in ancient Greece, ancient Rome and so on decorative stone building closely integrated with the components, with the main building, however. dissolved into Europe in the early seventeenth century Baroque times and the mid-eighteenth century the Rococo era, began with the interior decoration of the main building separated from the main building external and internal fitting-out period in the use of the mismatch, thus leading to the main building and interior decoration of the separation, in the construction of the French court architecture and aristocratic mansion, the new occupation "decorative artisan" was born, the building's internal frequency continuous modification, fixed the main building, the replacement building, "clothing" the time has come. Baroque-style architecture of the interior design, one anti-Renaissance solemn, subtle, balanced, tend to exaggerate. luxury, in churches and palaces in the architecture, sculpture, painting into a whole, the pursuit of momentum with the ups and downs, but an attempt to cause the illusion. Rococo interior architecture is the palace of nobility in order to be intimate and comfortable, elegant interior and the pursuit of a more intimate interior decorative effect. with thin, lightweight, beautiful and complex decorative; hi-shaped, with C-shaped or S-shaped curve of the vortex and soft pastel colors with flowers and birds, many shells as a theme, and the court order to meet the requirements of the exotic, much used in interior decoration. Chinese-style Baroque and Rococo-style hand-made decoration reached perfection, referred to as "interior decoration". modern representatives of the great development of the industrial revolution, there has been a new type of concrete building, its interior decoration not only from the main building from the Medium, and developed into the main building and not attached to the sole part of the relative separation. Sports camp solved simply decorative building components with a combination of the main contradictions in modernist design become a pioneer in the Bauhaus school of thought. decision to emphasize the functional form, consider the space of the building are the protagonist, advocate discarding false surface decoration, all around the architecture reasonable space requirements Services. exclude decoration, emphasis on the use of functions and simplified shapes.Advocate the design of the natural style of natural space, aesthetic promoted the idea that "natural beauty" to the performance of relaxed, comfortable, natural pastoral life, and is often the use of natural wood, stone, rattan, bamboo and other materials rustic texture. clever in interior settings greening, create a natural, simple, fresh and elegant atmosphere. only upholds nature, combined with the natural order in today's high-tech, high-paced social life, so that people can achieve physical and psychological balance.Simple does not mean easy, it is an attitude towards life. when we are in modern life, to bear too much pressure, we began to look for the feeling of freedom, graceful posture and extraordinary taste. we need to tend to a peaceful state of mind impetuous, So we call for simplicity. from the building space to the general living space, from designers to the ordinary citizen vocational naturally simple style - interior design has become very popular direction.The spirit of simplicity is mainly derived from the origin to the early twentieth century Western Modernism. Britain and France JOHNPawson two ClaudioSilverstein interior designers in the mid 80s to lead the trend of minimalism design. Europe and the United States at the time of economic downturn, the Art Gallery bosses began to display works of art space to find a way out, some reported costs factory floor layout easy to become art exhibition hall, the purpose of funding is based on at least make the best display space, while the results of doing so is to simplify the space, not decoration superfluous things, in fact, this also reflects the emergence of a new aesthetic design. from home into the design of art galleries, the exhibition space with works of art showing the characteristics of the same type of aesthetic simplicity. art at this time it started with the interior coincide with the design and gradually began to slip to the present minimalism became the style of interior design and pursue careers.Return to nature of minimalism are human-specific labor. its purpose is to concise form of expression to meet the people's space environment, the kind of instinctive, emotional and rational needs. In a sense, the prevalence of minimalism are the inevitable trend of human development.Natural, simple interior design to create a poetic space. We know that the "poem" The Art of the characteristics is to use very simple vocabulary, according to certain rules of composition, form a "poem" of such a language, its between the lines contains a great deal of space, a static implicit in the design space. people's ideological feelings, life, longing for injection into the environment through the "mood" to reproduce the three-dimensional space, in reality, it means its habitat, then forgotten by his body, which is a spiritual experience beyond the physical experience, "mood" of creation, it is by creating an atmosphere to achieve a certain spiritual significance embodied the "affinity".In fact, the interior design is minimalism such a "poetic" to create a space with minimalist objects. have to imagine the use of display space, this space is actually a vice-space, has generated various combinations of furniture, deputy space, it often gives a visual "empty" feeling, while "empty" like poetry generated by the "mood", a great mobilization of the person in which emotions, ability to inspire people association. Simple interior design aesthetic to emphasize the form. If Say, the general design of the interior furniture, such as sofas, tables and other items referred to as the main object, then minimalism interior design is there is no such distinction. Minimalism in interior design consider any part of space will share the same important role, including the walls, ground, and so on top of all the objects in space. coordination portfolio has a strong aesthetic form, which is mainly embodied in point Line, surface, the three elements of the performance space. China for thousands of culture, how much precipitation Heng Bank works, especially the Han Chinese are building a more beautiful set of Aura essence to "simple, solid, precise, elegant" as the principles unique to Oriental aesthetic ideas, independent and vigoroustemperament, concise vague distant charm of simplicity, the world should ring. it has also affected the international building design concepts, but also affect the interior design aesthetic.Design is able to express the language as little as possible as much information as possible, depends on its design will be many manifestations of the combined elements of science, in which the choice and use of color plays a very crucial role. We know colors are different wavelengths Light reflection and absorption of the result of the spread of light faster than the spread of graphic language faster, which makes it the first time people feel, so the first sense of space is the color, and different colors can cause different and feelings of psychological reflect. Natural, simple interior design, black and white and color materials are representative of its color, is often used in color, these colors were not inclined to think most are the colors of the visual interference of the smallest person。Interior design at the same time also emphasized the use of light, often through access to natural light source, such as skylights, which create a pastel color space of one whole plays a very important role, but also embodies the minimalism advocated by the simple but not simple Style.The performance of every means to live for the purpose of, for each partial emphasized its functionality and comfort。In fact, such a full expression of functional design embodies the basic aesthetic principle, is also very easy to understand, any design Service is based on man-made object, person in the consumer design, are the most important consumer of its practical function。so, when we see a seemingly hard seat, do not immediately judge it is bound to bring you the feeling of cold, go get the moment, perhaps it is that it backs the arc Road inadvertently bring you down just to experience the benefits of comfort.It should be said that natural, simple interior design show is a way of life, it allows us closer to nature, more emphasis on functionality, more concerned about life itself.Concise understanding of the person to person, because of people's age, knowledge, quality of life, different backgrounds, and the taste will be different requirements. social development, the progress of the times, new thinking, new structure, the emergence of new materials will have to adapt to this new concept of decoration, new forms, new space. decorative simplicity of this modern form of expression has depth affect the building products, industrial products, in many fields such as Living Products. several pipe, a timber, a reactor cloth can make different forms of modern furniture. it has quietly let people's way of life and ideas have been a qualitative change. think concise design style is bound to outshine others, to become people's lives, the pursuit of 21st century fashion.A concise form of expression to meet the people's space environment, the kind of instinctive, emotionaland rational needs, this is also the international community today. popular design style and modern fast-paced, high-frequency, full load, has no people to Reusable。point increase in the acceptance of people in this increasingly busy life, a desire to be able to completely relax, simple and pure spirit to regulate the conversion of space, which is dominated in the complementary sense, arising from trying to shake off cumbersome, complicated, easy and natural to pursue the psychological. hostels in Indonesia Bali Series design, inspired by Bali's folk style, but in space architecture and dynamic line arrangements are designed toextend the spirit of simplicity。performance in the Materials the emergence of the local natural original timber, straw and stone。designers of these natural elements of folk with accurate and concise detail to deal with in order to strengthen the theme will also be part of decorative simplistic, presented by the space can be said modern Balinese style.Taking a panoramic view of the world's architectural design, whether they are German Master • Mies van der Rohe, or the United States • Richard Meyer, Tadao Ando of Japan, Chinese-American IM Pei, they are the most pure form, with a very ordinary materials, use of the most concise way, showing great depth of meaning and noble qualities。space a piece of their work is full of spirituality has infinite vitality, and their design idea in today's era of shock。also led the development trend of the times.自然简约—对室内设计现象分析摘要:自然、简约的室内设计展现的是一种生活方式,它让我们更接近自然,更强调功能,更关注生活本身。营造的是一种诗意的空间。关键词: 简约;空间;品位;室内设计;感觉远古时期,中国的木构架建筑、东方古印度的石窟建筑、欧洲古希腊、古罗马的石砌建筑等等装饰与构件紧密结合,与建筑主体溶为一体。然而十七世纪初欧洲巴洛克时代和十八世纪中叶的洛可可时代,开始了室内装饰与建筑主体的分离,外部的建筑主体与内部的装修在使用年限上不匹配,因而导致建筑主体与室内装饰的分离,在营造法国宫廷建筑和贵族宅邸时,新的职业“装饰工匠”诞生了,对建筑物的内部频繁不断地进行改装,不动建筑主体,更换建筑“服装”的时期已经到来。巴洛克式建筑的室内设计,一反文艺复兴时期的严肃、含蓄、平衡,倾向于豪华、浮夸。在教堂及宫殿中把建筑、雕塑、绘画结合成一个整体,追求动势与起伏,企图造成幻象。而洛可可式建筑室内则是皇宫贵族为了得到舒适的、私密的室内而追求优雅的更为亲切的室内装饰效果。具有纤细、轻巧、华丽和繁琐的装饰性;喜用C形、S形或漩涡形的曲线和轻淡柔和的色彩,多以花鸟、贝壳为题材,并为适应宫廷的异国情趣要求,在室内采用了许多中国式装饰。巴洛克和洛可可式的手工制作达到了装饰的极致,被称为“室内装饰”的代表。近代工业革命的大发展,出现了新型的混凝土建筑,它不仅使室内装饰从建筑主体中脱离,而且发展成为不依附于建筑主体而相对独力的部分。分离派运动解开了单纯装饰部件与建筑主体相结合的矛盾,成为现代主义设计的先驱。包豪斯学派强调功能决定形式,认为空间是建筑的主角,提倡抛弃表面虚假的装饰,一切围绕着架构合理的空间服务。要求排除装饰,强调使用功能以及造型的简单化。自然风格倡导设计自然空间,美学上推崇“自然美”, 力求表现悠闲、舒畅、自然的田园生活情趣,也常运用天然木、石、藤、竹等材质质朴的纹理。巧于设置室内绿化,创造自然、简朴、清新淡雅的氛围。只有崇尚自然、结合自然,才能在当今高科技、高节奏的社会生活中,使人们能取得生理和心理的平衡。简约不等于简单,它是一种生活态度。当我们在现代生活中,承受太多的压力,我们开始渴望拥有自由的感觉、优雅的姿态和不凡的品位。我们需要让浮躁的心境趋向平和,于是我们呼唤简约。从大的建筑空间到普通的居住空间,从职业设计师到普通公民,自然简约风格——开始成为室内设计界非常流行的方向。简约的精神起源主要源自于二十世纪初期的西方现代主义。英国JOHNPawson与法国的ClaudioSilverstein两位室内设计师在80年代中期引领了简约主义的设计潮流。当时欧美的经济不景气,艺廊老板们开始在艺术品的展示空间上找出路,一些报费的工厂车间简单布置,成为艺术展厅,目的是以最少的经费作出最好的展示空间,而这么做的结果就是简化空间,不装饰多余的东西,实际上,这也反映了一种新审美的出现。从设计居家引入到艺廊的设计,使得展示空间与艺术品呈现出同一种美学特征。简约艺术也就在这个时候开始与室内设计相吻合,并逐渐开始流行起来,到现在简约主义成了室内设计追崇的风格。回归自然的简约主义是人类特有的劳动成果。其目的是以简洁的表现形式来满足人们对空间环境那种感性的、本能的和理性的需求。从某种意义上说,简约主义的盛行是人类发展的必然趋势。自然、简约的室内设计营造的是一种诗意的空间。我们知道,“诗”的艺术特点就是用极其简洁的语汇,按照一定的规则组合,形成“诗”这样一种语言,其字里行间包含了极大的空间,一种隐含的静态的空间。在设计中把人的思想情感,人生的向往注入到环境中去,通过“意境”将其立体、空间地再现于现实中,使人入其境,则忘乎其身,这是一种超乎物质感受的精神感受, “意境”的创造,正是通过气氛的营造来达到体现某种精神意义上的“亲和力”。实际上,简约主义室内设计就是这样一种“诗意”空间的营造。用极简的物体摆设产生想象使用空间,这个空间实际上是一种副空间,有各个家具组合产生的副空间,它往往给人视觉上“空”的感觉,而“空”犹如诗所产生的“意境”,极大调动着身处其中的人的情绪,激发人的联想能力。简约室内设计强调形式美感。如果说,一般的室内设计把家具,诸如沙发、桌子等物品称为主体物的话,那么简约主义室内设计是不存在这样的区分的。简约主义室内设计认为处在空间中的任何部分都分担着同样重要的作用,包括墙面、地面、顶面等。空间中所有物体的协调组合具有很强的形式美感,这主要体现在点、线、面三个空间元素的表现上。中国几千年的文化,沉淀出多少恒世佳作,特别是中国汉代建筑更是集精华美妙之灵气,以“简单、厚实、精准、雅致”为原则,将东方特有的审美观念,独立浑厚的气质、凝练渺远的简约神韵,响绝于世。它至今还影响着国际建筑的设计理念,也影响着室内设计的美感。设计之所以能以尽量少的语言表达尽量多的信息,有赖于其将诸多设计表现形式要素科学的融合在一起,其中色彩的选择和使用起了十分关键的作用。我们知道色彩是不同波长的光反射和吸收的结果,光的传播速度比图形文字的传播速度快,这使得它让人在第一时间感受到,所以对空间最先感受到的就是色彩,而不同色彩可以引起人们不同的心理反映和感受。在自然、简约的室内设计中,黑色和白色以及材料的本色是它的代表色,也是常常使用的颜色,这些颜色被认为是最没有倾向的颜色,对人的视觉干扰最小。同时室内设计也强调对光的使用,往往通过天窗等获取自然光源,这对塑造一种轻淡整一的色彩空间起着相当重要的作用,也体现了简约主义所宣扬的简洁但不简单的风格。每一个表现手段都以居住为目的,对每一个局部都强调其功能性和舒适性。实际上,这种对功能的充分表述体现了设计的基本美学原理,也是很容易理解的,任何设计都是以人为服务对象的,人在消费设计的时候,最主要是消费它的实用功能。所以,当我们看到一张看似坚硬的座椅,不要马上判断它必然带给你冰冷的感觉,坐上去的一刹那,也许正是它背上的那道不经意的弧线带给你恰倒好处的舒适体验。应该说,自然、简约的室内设计展现的是一种生活方式,它让我们更接近自然,更强调功能,更关注生活本身。对简洁的理解因人而异,由于人们的年龄、见识、素养、生活背景的不同,所产生的品味要求也就不同。社会的发展,时代的进步,新思维、新结构、新材料的出现必定会产生与此适应的装饰新概念、新形式、新空间。简洁这一现代的装饰表现形式已经深入影响到建筑产品、工业产品、生活产品等诸多领域。几根钢管,一个木桩,一个布堆就能做出不同形式的现代家具。它已悄然让人们的生活方式和思想观念产生质的变化。有人认为简洁的设计风格必然会一枝独秀,成为21世纪人们生活追求的时尚。以简洁的表现形式来满足人们对空间环境那种感性的、本能的和理性的需求,这也是当今国际社会流行的设计风格。而现代人快节奏、高频率、满负荷,已让人到了无可复加的接受地步。人们在这日趋繁忙的生活中,渴望得到一种能彻底放松、以简洁和纯净来调节转换精神的空间,这是人们在互补意识支配下,所产生的亟欲摆脱繁琐、复杂、追求简单和自然的心理。在印尼巴里岛旅馆系列设计中,灵感来自巴里岛上的民俗风格,但在空间架构及动线安排上是延伸简约设计的精神。在材料表现上,出现了自然原始的当地原木,草席及石板。设计师将这些具有自然民俗的元素用精确及简洁的细部来处理以加强主题,同时也将装饰的部分简单化,所呈现的空间可以说是现代巴里岛风格。纵观世界建筑设计大师们无论是德国密斯•凡德罗、还是美国的理查德•迈耶、日本的安藤忠雄、美籍华人贝聿铭,他们都以最纯净的形式,用相当普通的材料,使用最精简的手法,表现出非常深度的内涵和崇高的空间气质。他们一件件充满灵性的作品有着无穷的生命力,他们的设计思想震撼着当今时代。也引领着时代潮流的发展。。



室内设计的中英文作文Interior design is an art form that combines creativity, functionality, and aesthetics to create beautiful and functional living spaces. Whether it's a cozy bedroom, a stylish living room, or a modern kitchen, interior design plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall look and feel of a space.One of the key elements of interior design is color. The choice of colors can greatly impact the mood and atmosphere of a room. For example, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can create a cozy and inviting feel, while cool colors like blue, green, and purple can evoke a sense of calm and tranquility. It's important to carefully consider the color scheme of a room and choose colors that complement each other and the overall style of the space.Another important aspect of interior design is furniture and layout. The furniture in a room should not only be stylish and comfortable but also functional and practical. It's essential to consider the size and scale of the furniture in relation to the size of the room to ensure a harmonious balance. The layout of the furniture is also crucial in creating a functional and visually appealing space. Proper placement of furniture can enhance the flow of the room and make it more comfortable and inviting.Lighting is another key element of interior design. Good lighting can transform a space and highlight its best features. Natural light is always the best option, so it's important to maximize the amount of natural light in a room by using light-colored walls and sheer curtains. In addition to natural light, artificial lighting plays a crucial role in creating ambiance and setting the mood. Using a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting can help create a well-lit and visually interesting space.Textures and patterns also play a significant role in interior design. Mixing different textures like wood, metal, glass, and fabrics can add depth and visual interest to a room. Patterns, whether in the form of wallpaper, rugs, or textiles, can also enhance the overall look of a space. It's important to use textures and patterns in moderation and to ensure they complement each other and the overall style of the room.In conclusion, interior design is a multifaceted art form that requires a careful balance of creativity, functionality, and aesthetics. By paying attention to elements like color, furniture, lighting, textures, and patterns, it's possible to create beautiful and functional living spaces that reflect the personal style and preferences of the inhabitants. Whether it's a cozy bedroom, a stylish living room, or a modern kitchen, interior design has the power to transform a space and enhance the quality of life of those who inhabit it.。



个性化办公空间室内设计外文文献翻译最新The research aims to explore the significance of personalized office XXX and its XXX and case studies。

the XXX office space design。

including flexibility。


XXX personalized office space design can improve employee well-being。


and job n。




In the 21st century。

our society has ned into the "n age" and many countries have moved towards a "post-industrial society"。

This new era is characterized by computer。


and ntechnology。

which will change the way we produce。



and think。

XXX.The development of orks has made the world smaller。

leading to XXX。

XXX and people are eager to pursue change。

This is the slogan of the times.XXX r design。



常用室内设计词汇-中英文对照室内设计-interior design 室内设计师- interior designer 建筑-architecture建筑师-architect 景观-landscape 家具-furniture 灯光-lighting照明-illumination 家居设计-residential design 商业设计-commercial design软装-FF&E(furniture fixture and equipment) 人体工程学-ergonomics空间-space 精品酒店-boutique hotel 草图-draft or sketch 规格-specification汇报或讲解-presentation 渲染或着色-rendering 透视-perspective规范-code 对称-symmetry 不对称-asymmetry 轴线-axis空间篇住宅类客厅,起居室—living room 餐厅-dinning room 玄关-foyer卧室-bedroom 主卧-master bedroom 次卧-second bedroom 客卧-guest bedroom厨房-Kitchen 厨岛kitchen island 书房-study room 衣帽间-cloakroom卫生间-bathroom , toilet , bath 储藏室-storage 楼梯-stair阳台-balcony 花园-garden 露台-patio商业类1办公类接待处- reception 候客区-waiting Area or lounge会议室(小型的)-meeting room or seminar 会议室(大型的)-conference room办公室- office 经理办公室manager office 开放式的工作区-work area多功能室-multi-function room2酒店类入口-entrance 出口-exit 大堂-lobby 前厅-vestibule过道-corridor 休闲区,等候区-lounge 宴会厅-ballroom客房-guestroom 套间-suite 行政套房-executive suite总统套房-presidential suite 健身中心—fitness center or gym 瑜伽-yoga泳池-swimming pool Spa 咖啡厅-cafe 酒吧-bar餐厅-restaurant 备餐-pantry电梯-elevation or lift 卫生间-restroom 男-men's 女women's 影院-cinema 商务中心-business center 行李间-luggage store 盥洗室-lavatory3其她类天花-ceiling 长廊-pavilion 零售店-retail store 大厅(堂)-hall 展览-gallery家具布艺灯具洁具篇1家具床-bed 沙发-sofa 长排沙发,睡椅-couch椅子-chair 扶手椅- armchair 咖啡几-coffee table 边几-side table角几-end table 脚凳-footrest 吧台凳-stool 书桌-desk餐桌-dinning table 梳妆台-vanity table 柜子-cabinet 衣柜-wardrobe 镜子-mirror 壁炉-fireplace 书架-bookshelf2布艺饰品布衣-fabric 织物-textile 枕头-pillow 靠垫-cushion窗帘-curtain 帐幔-drapery 地毯-carpet 小毯,垫子-mat垫衬-upholstery 壁纸-wallpaper 烛台-candlestick 油画-painting3灯具枝形吊灯-chandelier 吊灯-pendent lighting 灯-lamp 落地灯-floor lamp壁灯-wall sconce 嵌入式灯筒灯-recessed lighting 洗墙灯-wall wash荧光灯-fluorescent lighting 白炽灯-incandescent lighting (lamp) 格栅灯-grille lamp 轨道射灯-track lighting 开关-switch4厨房与洁具水盆-sink 水龙头-faucet 冰箱-r efrigerator 抽油烟机-ventilator 烤箱-oven小铁架-racks 马桶-toilet 防溅板-backsplash 小便器-urinal浴盆-tub 喷淋-showerhead 毛巾架-tower bar材料篇石膏-plaster 石头-stone 大理-marble 砖-brick 木地板-wood floor复合地板-laminate floor 枫木-maple 胡桃- walnut 柚木-teak不锈钢-stainless steel 金属-metal 瓷的-ceramic 瓷砖-ceramic tile玻璃-glass 隔音板-acoustic panel施工图及其她篇施工图-working drawing 平面图-floor plan天花图-reflected ceiling plan 缩写RCP 地面铺装图-Floor Finish plan电气图-electrical plan 立面图-elevation剖面图-section 详图(大样图)- detail drawing空调系统-HVAC 比例-scale图表或图例-schedule or legend 尺寸(标注)dimension柱子-column 梁-beam 太阳能的-solar 户外的-outdoor。





在室内设计中,很多术语需要使用中英文对照,以下是一些常用的室内设计术语与对应的英文翻译:1. 室内设计 Interior design2. 空间规划 Space planning3. 设计布局 Design layout4. 材料选择 Material selection5. 色彩搭配 Color coordination6. 家具摆放 Furniture placement7. 灯光设计 Lighting design8. 装饰品选择 Decoration selection9. 墙面处理 Wall treatment10. 地面处理 Floor treatment11. 窗帘选择 Curtain selection12. 空调布局 Air conditioning layout13. 平面图 Floor plan14. 剖面图 Sectional plan15. 立面图 Elevation plan16. 饰面材料 Finishing material17. 承重墙 Load-bearing wall18. 非承重墙 Non-load-bearing wall19. 抗震设计 Seismic design20. 防水处理 Waterproof treatment21. 施工图 Construction drawing22. 三维设计 3D design23. 翻新装修 Renovation24. 工艺美术 Decorative art25. 排风系统 Ventilation system26. 空调系统 Air conditioning system27. 通风系统 Ventilation system28. 照明系统 Lighting system29. 沙发 Sofa30. 床 Bed31. 餐桌 Dining table32. 椅子 Chair33. 书架 Bookshelf34. 电视柜 TV cabinet35. 橱柜 Kitchen cabinet36. 墙壁 Wall37. 地板 Floor38. 顶棚 Ceiling39. 窗户 Window40. 镜子 Mirror41. 窗帘 Curtain42. 地毯 Carpet43. 灯具 Lighting fixtures44. 花盆 Flower pot45. 装饰画 Wall art46. 装饰品 Decoration47. 绘画 Painting48. 柜台 Counter49. 凳子 Stool50. 酒柜 Wine cabinet以上是一些常见的室内设计术语及其英文对照。

室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 室内设计风格

室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 室内设计风格

Interior design stylesMary v .knackstedt shanghai 2004Abstract:Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body.Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.Key words:Style Classical Simple ExquisiteArticle:HOW DO YOU CHOOSE AN interior design style that suits you and your home? You can draw inspiration from numerous styles but try to keep to a similar theme so your interior is coordinated.Modern retro interior design incoprates bright colours and bold patternsThe best place to start is by looking at styles that appeal to you, which suit your budget and lifestyle. You will soon work out what you like and what you don’t. After looking through a few of these you will begin to understand the design process, along with the wide variety of materials and styles available.Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours and materials; and decorate the room in a style that suits its purpose. There’s nothing better than a room flooded with sunlight so take full advantage of all the natural light in each room.Interior design style and genre, an indoor environment in the spirit of the art modeling and functional areas. Interior design style and genre and construction is often the furniture as well as in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding period of the painting, plastic arts, and even literature, music, etc. in close connection with the style and genre; sometimes to the corresponding periodof the painting, plastic arts, and even literary, musical style and genre, such as their origin and mutual influence. For example, in architecture and interior design of the"post-modernism" and the meaning of the word, and "camp style" is the distinctive characteristics of a plastic arts schools. Can be seen that the construction addition to interior design and material art materials, engineering and technology beyond the characteristics of close contact, and also literature, music and painting, sculpture and other categories of communication between the arts.The formation of interior design styles, different ideas and characteristics of the times, by creative ideas and performance, and gradually developed into a representative form of interior design. The form of a typical style, usually in the humanities and local factors and is closely related to natural conditions and the need for creativity in design and modeling characteristics. The formation of external and internal style factors.Although the performance in the form of style, but the style of art, culture, social development, such as profound connotation; from this deeper meaning, the style does not stop or equivalent form. A style or genre, once formed, it can turn a positive or a negative impact on culture, arts and many social factors can not be limited to as a form of performance and visual experience.The style of interior design features in the embodiment of art and creative personality at the same time, relatively speaking, to that style across a longer time, will include wide geographical. Interior design style can be divided into: Traditional style, modern style, post-modern style, natural style, as well as hybrid style.Architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to designers and owners of the different aesthetic and loving, and turned into a variety of body. Here, to brief Members on the present 10 kinds of the more common style of interior design.Classical Style (luxurious rich)The rise in the age of just decoration, decoration of most of the pursuit of prosperity is more luxurious style. Especially in the early 20th century, interior decoration to show off their status is often a special form. Owners will be asked to design a variety of embedded symbolic luxury decoration, such as painting the glassceiling, fireplaces, decorative panels, decorative wood and so on, but basically similar to the Baroque style combined with the material there The main decorative way. Simple style (arbitrary)The 20th century, in some areas a Home heat. Due to technical and material constraints, the time has not yet the true sense of the Home Designer for guidance, so casual is the best portrayal of that time. Owners have begun the pursuit of a clean and bright indoor effect. Today, this style is still the most first-time home buyers are the first choice for the decoration.Exquisite style (noble solemn)After nearly 10 years of exploration, with the improvement of living standards of residents, opening to the outside world increased, people began to yearn for and the pursuit of high-quality life. From about the mid-20th century, there is the decoration of the decorative use of sophisticated materials and furniture, especially at this time, the designer of the domestic into the ranks of Home Design, which has brought a new concept of decoration.Natural style (art)The beginning of the 20th century decorative boom has brought many people to the concept of decoration. A large number of emerging market, Taiwan, Hong Kong journal of decorative eye-opener for people, before we dare to imagine such a small garden, culture, decorative stone walls and decorative stone such as tactics have appeared in the reality of the design. In particular, we used to see red elm caused by large-scale use of "national renovation a yellow" after the phenomenon of the decoration, close to nature has become a people one of the objectives pursued. Natural style of advocacy, "return to nature," highly aesthetic nature, combined with the natural order in today's high-tech, high-paced social life, so that people can achieve the balance of physical and psychological, so indoor use of wood, fabric, stone and other natural materials shows that the material texture, fresh and elegant. In addition, because of their similar aims and practices, which may be classified as a natural style of garden-style category. Pastoral style sought in indoor environment performance of leisurely, comfortable, natural life of the countryside, and is often the use of naturalwood, stone, rattan, bamboo and other materials simple texture. Coincidentally in the green room settings, creating a natural, simple, elegant atmosphere.Light style (bold Dafang)The mid-20th century, home design ideas have been a lot of liberation, people began to pursue a wide range of design, including modernism, postmodernism, such as the design of a series of more comprehensive system formed in the interior design. Turning to the decoration of people, these "isms" frequently appear in the mouth. This style basically cherry wood finishes as a major.Soft style (smooth independent)In the last century, the beginning of this century, a kind of smooth pursuit in the club like a little luxury design all kinds of real estate properties in the model room and the office appeared, and then appear in a large number of home decoration in general. This style of art is a relatively simple compared to emphasize the content and yet decorative forms, and gradually formed a black walnut wood decorative panels for the main style. Among them, the simplicity and minimalism the beginning of the surface. Style (quiet gentle)This is not in the last century, the beginning of this century as a design style, it is basically a wallpaper based on the surface as the main decoration material, combined with the woodworking practices Mixing this style emphasized the harmony of proportion and color. People will be the last part of a wall and the ceiling the same color, and the wall with the use of a light texture of the wallpaper. The whole style of it is elegant and quiet, with no trace of the impetuous.City style (independent personality)The 21st century, the housing reform, and many young first-time home buyers who appear to have this style impetus. Young people have just bought a house, many of them cos I'm always skint, but this time the real estate and are essentially rough Housing (a non-basic style of decoration), and these young people are forced to carry out the renovation of the revolution . Limited by its financial resources, people are starting to come through a variety of forms has been stressed that "decoration" of perception, in which large-scale use of bright colors is a typical example. It will be athome in the large-scale use of a variety of colors, sometimes even in the same space, the use of three or more than three colors.Fresh style (freehand pastel)This is a simple and derived under the influence with a "petty bourgeoisie" flavor of the interior design style. Particularly as many of the emergence of single people, the petty bourgeoisie in the style of a great deal of variety in the decoration of the apartment. As many times, they do not, such as the residents like the elderly and the children of members, so do not consider the decoration of many of the functions of the problem. They are often stressed and dull of an arbitrary. White纱帘buoyant with a soft fabric of the sofa, and then stacked with a variety of colors of the pillow pile to form a full atmosphere of the interior space lazily.Chinese style (retro)With the emergence of large number of modernist doctrine, the rise of the domestic and a retro style, it is the revival of Chinese-style decoration. Chinese painting, calligraphy and the Ming and Qing furniture constitute the most important elements of Chinese design. However, these expensive retro furniture has become a major obstacle to the lovers.Hybrid styleIn recent years, the architectural design and interior design in general has diversified, inclusive of the situation. Indoor layout also tends to have a modern and practical, but also learn the characteristics of traditional, in the decoration and furnishings in the ancient and modern China and the West melting into one, such as traditional screens, and table setting, with modern style decoration of the walls, windows and doors, a new type of sofa; European classical glass lamps and wall decoration, with the traditional oriental furniture and furnishings in Egypt, and so short. Although the hybrid design style eclectic, using a variety of style, but the design is still Originality, in-depth scrutiny shape, color, material and so the overall composition and visual effects.室内设计风格杰里米•迈尔森上海2004摘要:从建筑风格衍生出多种室内设计风格,根据设计师和业主审美和爱好的不同,又有各种不同的幻化体。



外文文献原文+译文原文The research of personalized office space interior designMartin GAbstractIn the 21st century, human society entered the "information age", most countries in the world also has gradually into the "post industrial society". In the era of "post industrial society", based on computer technology, network technology and information technology characteristics of the information society will change our mode of production, life style, work style and way of thinking, affects every aspect of our lives. The development of network makes the world becomes smaller and smaller, and the city became big assimilation, life becomes urbanization, people lost the passion of pursuing new and change. In this era of homogeneity, any new things will make people feel excited and delighted, can someone as the cheers and applause, pursuing new and change is the slogan of The Times. The life needs, design calls for more personalized works. Make public individual character, in the field of design innovation is the slogan. The personality is the soul of interior design, interior design for individual work.Keywords: Human nature; Personalized; Office space; Interior design1 IntroductionIn calling upon the personality in the field of interior design, on the one hand, people demand more attention to person itself, also in the interior design is also more to embody the "people-oriented" design concept. Interior design more consideration to all levels of people of different physiological and psychological level, the various requirements of the design to achieve more balance, balance the dual requirement of people in the material world and spiritual world, tend to be more humane, intelligent and ecological design. Gradually reduce, on the other hand, as the earth's resources, the worsening of the natural environment, destruction of ecological balance, need more of is in interior design "people-oriented" dialectic, which is in the life to promote energy conservation, saving resource and moderate consumption, on thedesign to implement green design, ecological design and environmental design, achieve the harmonious development of man and nature.In the field of interior design, office space occupied large proportion of interior design. In August 1933 C AM (international association of modern architecture) fourth conference in Athens by the Athens charter, and put forward the "live, work, transportation activities is to study and analysis of urban design in modern times, the most basic classification". Work is one of the main human activities, office space is the center of the modern life, and people have a third day of the time want to be in the office. Well-designed personalized office space people can keep a good balance of body and mind, stimulate creativity, promote the exchange of work, and enhance the sense of belonging, to create greater wealth for the society. Therefore, office space interior design is particularly important.2 Overview of interior designInterior design, also known as the indoor environment design, the main content of the design for indoor plane design and space combination, indoor surface art processing, and indoor furniture, lamps and lanterns, display the selection and arrangement, etc. Generally have the floor plan, flat-topped diagram, facade expansion plan, as well as furniture, lamps and lanterns and detail drawing. Can use Gantt chart or color rendering." As an independent professional interior design, in the world is truly established in the 1960 s, after the birth of modern architecture movement is interior design professional agent directly, make indoor design in design idea and great changes have taken place in modern architecture movement one by one to make indoor decoration from pure interface to the design of the space; from the traditional pattern of two-dimensional space design to create innovative four-dimensional model; the essence lies in the overall artistic atmosphere of interior space to create, this is the traditional way of thinking of interior design a fundamental shift in attitudes.Interior design is a comprehensive strong cross discipline, is the art and science, the unity of form and technique. Art and science, as human beings to know the world and transform the world's two most powerful means, also reflected in the design. Cansay, the whole process of design, is to make all sorts of subtle things and feelings, organized into a clear concept and art forms, so as to build content to demand the materialization of human emotions and behavior. All design practice is to make the knowledge and the characteristics of emotional streamline, ultimately comes down to this practice aesthetics system in the form of art and scientific theory system. Any kind of design results is the crystallization of art and science, the design is on the brink of between arts and science subjects. Here, the art as a source of design thinking, reflected in people's spiritual world, subjective emotional aesthetic consciousness become design create impulsion. Science as a design specification of the process manifests itself in the material world, people of objective function of technology using the designing a guarantee of success. That reflect more outstanding in the indoor design, modern interior design involves the aesthetic psychology, architecture, sociology, ethnology, human body engineering, structural engineering, architectural physics and material science disciplines, such as it requires the use of multidisciplinary knowledge, comprehensive multi-level space environment design, is a highly integrated comprehensive discipline. Interior design as an independent comprehensive discipline, is the rational creation method in architectural interior space, is a kind of based on the structure of science, to the art form of expression, to create a spiritual space and material space and indoor living environment for the rational creation activity, the sensibility of art together and scientific rationality as the designers create infinite power.Interior design is a category of design, all aspects of the design of the full performance characteristics. Design is to seek a breakthrough in the artistic feeling, an extraordinary, a characteristic of the state, while in this state and breakthrough collectively known as personalized design. Personalized embodied in interior design in the modern office space more to highlight, even far beyond the spiritual and cultural requirements of the space environment is responsible for. It requires that reflects the unique style of enterprise culture, policy makers, tolerance and style, the collective image of the company, the company's historical development and even the company's product characteristic image, and so on. Interior design of individual ischaracter on the premise of "people-oriented". The "people-oriented" can be understood as interior design some of the common requirements, design some aspects of personality development of functional factors, including interior space of the physical environment, physical environment and psychological environment and visual environment and other factors. Personalized office space interior design should be based on these factors.Interior design of individual is character on the guideline of "environmental consciousness". In be being designed indoors, "people-oriented" design concept represents human intuitive understanding of their own interests, reflects the value judgment of anthropocentrism and value orientation, the design of the forming rule of nature theory system and methodology. However, due to human easily swayed by utilitarianism, simply emphasize the "people-oriented", is bound to damage the natural value to achieve the purpose of remaking nature. Should be in the development of interior design development under the guidance of overall environment consciousness, personalized interior design should merge in the overall environment, and the natural harmonious development of the overall concept of choose and employ persons ideas and planning projects, to carry on the design. Interior design to the idea of ecology and ecological values is the main principle, to fully consider the human environmental sustainable development.3 The change of the post-industrial society office spaceSince the 1990 s, represented by information and communication industry of knowledge-based industries become the growth point of the world's biggest economy, network, digitalization and virtualization become the main characteristics of the new economy. Along with the wide application of Internet technology, the popularity of mobile communication technology development, each kind of electronic office products constantly upgrading, make the human on the basis of constantly improve office efficiency, to the depth and breadth development, continue to deepen the degree of office automation, a new type of office mode, arise. Transmission of information is to reduce line configuration. The development of information technology has brought "virtualization" office building in the 1990S. As mobile phones, notebook computers,the emergence of the Internet and E-mail, office workers actually turned out to be "free agents" (Foot Loose) office place and time of freedom. Information technology is also changed on the concept of work and organization. Divide too fine office space layout is no longer suitable for the new working method emphasizes the interaction of team spirit, so had to create a more open workspace.On the one hand, the scope of information technology makes the work continuously break limit of the space, everywhere in the world. The emergence of new digital office mode and concept, make the enterprise began to put more money into the computer network and related technology, and slash funding for the new office. Many large companies have begun to experiment a new office mode. For example, the "elastic" (Flextime) or "office" alternately (Alternate office) implemented in IBM.IBM for 13000 sales, often, technical and administrative personnel are equipped with computers, printers, fax machines and modem, facilitate everybody work outside the office. A new information system, on the other hand, make development changed about the concept of work and organization, office workers actually turned into "free agents", they enjoy freedom of offices and office hours. Increasing work efficiency of the individual, unit time has created an unprecedented social wealth. The arrival of network age makes "SOHO (Small office, home office) became popular in the world. SOHO narrowed the office space, completely eliminate the space distance of the office and family, to overcome the busy traffic, congestion, the share of energy at the same time, reduces the consumption of resources, good way to solve the problems of land for growing population explosion and the scarce. SOHO works make work life, ever tiresome many working atmosphere in the family to make the person feels interest, the workings of a SOHO has become a mainstream in the future.文献出处:Martin G. The research of personalized office space interior design [J]. California Management Review, 2016, 4(3): 89-101.译文个性化办公空间室内设计研究Martin G摘要21世纪人类社会进入了“信息时代”,世界上大多数国家也已经逐步转入了“后工业社会”。

室内与家具设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 室内设计风格

室内与家具设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 室内设计风格

室内与家具设计外文翻译外文文献英文文献中英对照室内设计风格XXX features classic furniture and ornate details。


XXX.XXX what style you choose。

it'XXX in your design。

This means taking a deeper look at the shapes。


XXX.When choosing a style。

consider your personal taste and the n of the space。

A XXX living room。

while a simple and nal style may be better for a home office.In the end。

the key to XXX it's classical。


or exquisite。

your XXX of your unique style and taste.XXX journey。


you'll start to develop a sense of your preferences and what doesn't appeal to you。

This process will also give you a better understanding of the design process and the vast array of XXX.Be bold and try out different colors and materials to decorate each room according to its intended purpose。

Maximizing natural light is always a great idea。

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毕业设计英文资料翻译Translation of the English Documents for Graduation Design课题名称院(系)专业姓名学号起讫日期指导教师2011 年 02 月 20 日译文:室内设计室内设计不仅包括装修及家具的空间,而且还考虑到空间规划,灯光,与用户行为有关的程序化问题,包括从具体问题的可及性到在空间中的活动的性质。


































































原文:Interior DesignSusan YelavichInterior design embraces not only the decoration and furnishing of space, but also considerations of space planning, lighting, and programmatic issues pertaining to user behaviors, ranging from specific issues of accessibility to the nature of the activities to be conducted in the space. The hallmark of interior design today is a new elasticity in typologies, seen most dramatically in the domestication of commercial and public spaces.Interior design encompasses both the programmatic planning and physical treatment of interior space: the projection of its use and the nature of its furnishings and surfaces, that is, walls, floors, and ceilings. Interior design is distinguished from interior decoration in the scope of its purview. Decorators are primarily concerned with the selection of furnishings, while designers integrate the discrete elements of décor into programmatic concerns of space and use. Interior designers generally practice collaboratively with architects on the interiors of spaces built from the ground up, but they also work independently, particularly in the case of renovations. There is also a strong history of architect-designed interiors, rooted in the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, the total work of art, that came out of the Arts & Crafts movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It is no accident that its strongest proponents (from Frank Lloyd Wright to Mies van der Rohe) extended their practices to include the realm of interiors during the nascency of the interior-design profession. Indeed, it was a defensive measure taken by architects who viewed formal intervention by an interior decorator or designer as a threat to the integrity of their aesthetic.Today, apart from strict modernists like Richard Meier who place a premium on homogeneity, architects who take on the role of interior designer (and their numbers are growing) are more likely to be eclectic in philosophy and practice, paralleling the twenty-firstcentury's valorization of plurality. Nonetheless, the bias against interior designers and the realm of the interior itself continues to persist. Critical discussions of the interior have been hampered by its popular perception as a container of ephemera. Furthermore, conventional views of the interior have been fraught with biases: class biases related to centuries-old associations with tradesmen and gender biases related to the depiction of the decorating profession as primarily the domain of women and gay men. As a result, the credibility of the interior as an expressionof cultural values has been seriously impaired.However, the conditions and the light in which culture-at-large is understood are changing under the impact of globalization. The distinctions between “high” culture and “low” culture are dissipating in a more tolerant climate that encourages the cross-fertilization between the two poles. Likewise, there are more frequent instances of productive borrowings among architecture, design, and decoration, once considered exclusive domains. And while the fields of architecture, interior design, and interior decoration still have different educational protocols and different concentrations of emphasis, they are showing a greater mutuality of interest.Another way to think of this emergent synthesis is to substitute the triad of “architecture, interior design, and decoration” with “modernity, technology, and history.” One of the hallmarks of the postmodern era is a heightened awareness of the role of the past in shaping the present. In the interior, this manifests itself in a renewed interest in ornament, in evidence of craft and materiality, and in spatial complexities, all running parallel to the ongoing project of modernity.Even more significantly, there is a new elasticity in typologies. Today, the traditional typologies of the interior—house, loft, office, restaurant, and so on—strain to control their borders. Evidence of programmatic convergences can clearly be seen in public and commercial spaces that aspire to be both more user-friendly and consumer-conscious. Growing numbers of private hospitals (in competition for patients) employ amenities and form languages inspired by luxury spas; at the same time, many gyms and health clubs are adopting the clinical mien of medical facilities to convince their clients of the value of their services. The same relaxation of interior protocols can be seen in offices that co-opt the informal, live-work ethic of the artist's loft, and in hotels that use the language (and contents) of galleries. Similarly, increasing numbers of grocery stores and bookstores include spaces and furniture for eating andsocializing.Likewise, there is a new comfort with stylistic convergences in interiors that appropriate and recombine disparate quotations from design history. These are exemplified in spaces such as Rem Koolhaas' Casa da Musica (2005) in Porto, Portugal (with its inventive use of traditional Portuguese tiles), and Herzog & de Meuron's Walker Art Center (2005) in Minneapolis, Minnesota (where stylized acanthus-leaf patterns are used to mark gallery entrances). These interiors make an art out of hybridism. They do not simply mix and match period furnishings and styles, but refilter them through a contemporary lens.Another hallmark of the contemporary interior is the overt incorporation of narrative. Tightly themed environments persist in retail spaces such as Ralph Lauren's clothing stores and in entertainment spaces like Las Vegas casinos. However, a more playful and less linear approach to narrative is increasingly common.Of all the typologies of the interior, the residence has been least affected by change, apart from ephemeral trends such as outdoor kitchens and palatial bathrooms. However, the narrative of the residence dominates interior design at large. It has become the catalyst for rethinking a host of spaces once firmly isolated from it, ranging from the secretary's cubicle, to the nurse's station, to the librarian's reading room. Considerations such as the accommodation of personal accessories in the work space, the use of color in hospitals, and the provision of couches in libraries are increasingly common, to cite just three examples. The domestication of such environments (with curtains and wallpaper, among other residential elements) provides more comfort, more reassurance, and more pleasure to domains formerly defined by institutional prohibitions and social exclusions. Unquestionably, these changes in public and commercial spaces are indebted to the liberation movements of the late 1960s. The battles fought against barriers of race, class, gender, and physical ability laid the groundwork for a larger climate of hospitality and accommodation.It is also possible to detect a wholly other agenda in the popularity of the residential model. The introduction of domestic amenities into commercial spaces, such as recreation spaces in office interiors, can also be construed as part of a wider attempt to put a more acceptable face on the workings of free-market capitalism. In this view, interior design dons the mask of entertainment. There is nothing new about the charade. Every interior is fundamentally a stageset. Nor is it particularly insidious—as long as the conceit is transparent. Danger surfaces, however, when illusion becomes delusion—when design overcompensates for the realities of illness with patronizing sentiment, or when offices become surrogate apartments because of the relentless demands of a round-the-clock economy. In these instances, design relinquishes its potential to transform daily life in favor of what amounts to little more than a facile re-branding of space.Another force is driving the domestication of the interior and that is the enlarged public awareness of design and designers. There is a growing popular demand for design as amenity and status symbol, stimulated by the proliferation of shelter magazines, television shows devoted to home decorating, and the advertising campaigns of commercial entities such as Target and Ikea. In the Western world, prosperity, combined with the appetite of the media, has all but fetishized the interior, yielding yet another reflection of the narcissism of aconsumer-driven society. On the one hand, there are positive, democratic outcomes of the growing public profile of design that can be seen in the rise of do-it-yourself web sites and enterprises like Home Depot that emphasize self-reliance. It can also be argued, more generally, that the reconsideration of beauty implicit in the valorization of design is an ameliorating social phenomenon by virtue of its propensity to inspire improvement. On the other hand, the popularization of interior design through personas such as Philippe Starck, Martha Stewart, and Barbara Barry has encouraged a superficial understanding of the interior that is more focused on objects than it is on behaviors and interactions among objects.For all the recent explosion of interest in interior design, it remains, however, a fundamentally conservative arena of design, rooted as it is in notions of enclosure, security, and comfort. This perception has been exacerbated by the growth of specialized practices focused, for example, on healthcare and hospitality. While such firms offer deep knowledge of the psychology, mechanics, and economies of particular environments, they also perpetuate distinctions that hinder a more integral approach to the interior as an extension of architecture and even the landscape outside. One notable exception is the growth of design and architecture firms accruing expertise in sustainable materials and their applications to the interior. At the same time that design firms are identifying themselves with sustainability and promoting themselves as environmentalists, a movement is building to incorporate environmentalresponsibility within normative practice.Over the past four decades, efforts have intensified to professionalize the field of interior design and to accord it a status equal to that of architecture. In the US and Canada the Council for Interior Design Accreditation, formerly known as FIDER, reviews interior design education programs at colleges and universities to regulate standards of practice. Furthermore, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) embraces interior design within its purview, defining it as part of “intellectual profession, and not simply a trade or a service for enterprises.”Yet, the education of interior designers remains tremendously variable, with no uniformity of pedagogy. Hence, interior design continues to be perceived as an arena open to the specialist and the amateur. This perception is indicative of both the relatively short history of the profession itself and the broader cultural forces of inclusion and interactivity that mark a global society.原文来源:Board of International Research in Design,Design Dictionary Perspectives on Design Terminology,Birkhäuser V erlag AG 2008。
