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Ⅰ. 听对话, 选答案(共15小题, 计15分)


1. A. Twice a week. B. Very often. C. Once a week.

2. A. It’s black. B. It’s black and red. C. It’s red.

3. A. 6 yuan. B. 8 yuan. C. 14 yuan.

4. A. He won’t go to the movie. B. He’ll go to the movie. C. He won’t be free.

5. A. Reading stories. B. Studying with groups. C. Keeping diaries.

6. A. 20 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 40 minutes.

7.A. Music with great lyrics. B. Music that is loud. C. Neither A nor B.

8.A. He is afraid of people. B. He is outgoing. C. He is shy.

9.A. Spending the holiday. B. On business. C. Visiting friends.

10.A. It’s Richard’s. B. It’s Jim’s. C. It’s Tom’s.



11. How many tickets does the man want?

A. He wants one.

B. He wants two.

C. He wants three.

12. What day is it today?

A. It’s Saturday.

B. It’s Friday.

C. It’s Thursday.


13.What’s wrong with the boy?

A. He has got a headache.

B. He has got a cold.

C. He has got a toothache.

14. What was the weather like yesterday?

A. It was cold.

B. It was sunny.

C. It was cool.

15. What’s the girl’s suggestion for the boy?

A. Wearing a sweater.

B. Wearing warm clothes.

C. Doing sports more often. Ⅱ. 听短文, 选答案(共5小题, 计10分)

本题你将听到一篇短文, 读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中, 选出最恰当的一项。

16. Tom worked ______ after finishing high school.

A. in a bank

B. in a shop

C. in a post office

17. What did Tom think of his job?

A. Interesting and easy.

B. Easy and boring.

C. Hard but exciting.

18. ______ ran at Tom when he sent letters to a house one day?

A. A heavy man

B. A tall woman

C. A big dog

19. Where did Tom throw the letter?

A. In the garden.

B. On the ground.

C. In the letter box. 20. How did the dog pick up the letter?

A. With its mouth.

B. With its legs.

C. With its nose. Ⅲ. 单项选择(共10小题, 计10分)

本题共有10个小题, 请从每个小题的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

21. —I will have an English speech competition next week. —______.

A. So you will

B. Take it easy

C. Good luck to you

D. Don’t be afraid

22. If you go on eating too much meat and doing less exercise, you will ___ more pounds.

A. put off

B. put on

C. put down

D. put away

23. The first thing ____we Junior Three students should do now is to save time and study.

A. which

B. what C when D. that

24. —The wine tastes a little strange. —Yes, it is. It’s made ______apples.

A. from

B. of

C. by

D. in

25. It is impolite people how old they are in western countries, especially for a lady.

A. asking

B. to ask

C. ask

D. asked

26. Jack used to___ knives and forks, but he has got used to___ chopsticks since he came to China.

A. used; using

B. using; use

C. using; used

D. use; using

27. —I hear you have ___one-year-old pet dog. —No, it’s ___ 11-month-old cat. It’s so lovely.

A. a; a

B. a; an

C. an; an

D. an; a

28. When I was in UK, the biggest challenge for me was learning ____ at the dinner table.

A. what should I say

B. when I can eat

C. how I should behave

D. which dish did I begin

29. Welcome to our school, ladies and gentlemen! _____, I’d like to introduce myself.

A. To my surprise

B. To start with

C. To tell the truth

D. To be honest

30. On such cold winter days, I would rather _____ at home reading than _____ out.

A. to stay; to hang

B. to stay; hang

C. stay; to hang

D. stay; hang Ⅳ. 完形填空(共l0小题,计l0分)


In recent years, people can find many students celebrate their birthdays on a large scale. Whenever one student’s birthday 31 , he or she will tell his or her classmates and friends about it. Then they will have to 32 birthday presents and even have a birthday dinner together in a restaurant.

However, I don’t think it is a proper way to celebrate birthdays because it may bring some 33 . First, some students 34 a lot of money on presents, which they believe can show true 35 . Buying presents makes many students, especially those from poor 36 more worried. Second, students usually spend too much time in celebrating, so they can’t concentrate 37 on their studies. Besides, it is easy for students to get into some bad habits 38 smoking or drinking.

In my opinion, students can celebrate birthdays 39 some other ways. For example, they can make paper or e-mail birthday cards by themselves 40 send them to the students who are going to celebrate their birthdays. In a word, a proper celebration of students’ birthday is necessary.
