
2022年考研考博-考博英语-北京科技大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Eyespots, the most rudimentary eyes, are found in protozoan flagellates, flatworms, and segmented worms.问题1选项A.principalB.perceptiveC.primitiveD.persistent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。
2.单选题Those students who have made adequate preparations for the test will be better off.问题1选项A.more wealthytB.less successfultC.dismissed earliertD.favorably positioned【答案】D【解析】考查词语辨析。
主语是students (学生),根据句子语境推测better off表示“表现好,排名靠前”;A项wealthy“富有的”,它的比较级形式是wealthier;B项less successful“不太成功”,C项dismissed earlier“更早淘汰”,D项favorably positioned“很好的排名,排名靠前”。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国科学院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Parents often fall into the trap of offering other food in order to() the child to eat. 问题1选项A.temptB.manipulateC.incenseD.escort【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。
tempt “吸引,诱使”;manipulate “操作,操控”;incense “使激怒”;escort“护送,陪同”。
2.翻译题Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on your Answer Sheet.In the U.S., citizens tend to rely on electronic media such as TV rather than print media. TV news tends to provide numerous visuals and abbreviated textual information. (1) Although TV news stories pitch “on-the-scene reporting”, and other eye-catching images to viewers, the actual stories are generally so brief that were the reports transcribed into newspaper copy, no single story would have enough text to cover a third of a page. It is remarkable to consider how little information is conveyed between all the exciting visuals. (2) It is also remarkable to stop and think about how inadequately informed citizens may be if their primary source of political knowledge is the picture-rich and data-poor TV evening news. Moreover, because U.S. media companies are primarily privately owned, (3) media professionals are under pressure to present news in an entertaining way in order to expand their audiences and corresponding advertising revenues. Large audiences create higher profits from advertising sales. With a few exceptions, U.S. TV and radio stations are like other businesses: They need to generate money to cover operating costs and make profits. If media professionals are convinced that viewers want entertaining news rather than in-depth details, this assumption affects the kind of news they produce. Not surprisingly, political scientists have found that news coverage of election campaigns tends to focus on the personal lives of candidates rather than on issues, and (4) when issues are reported the emphasis is often on the immediate and most dramatic implications of the issues, not on the historical, long-term, or global dimensions of those issues.At the same time, insofar as television and Internet-based news must be generated quickly, time pressures impede extensive independent investigations. Because U.S. citizens conceptualize news as something occurring by the hour or minute, U.S. media professionals are often putting together news stories under severe time restraints. (5) Some analysts believe that this increases the tendency of reporters to get information from official sources rather than from the reporters’ own independent investigations of newsworthy events. Think about this issue from the standpoint of reporters and editors. If you are a reporter assigned the task of doing a story on a state’s new prison system, for example, you will find it is quicker and easier to get a governor’s press release on the new prison than it is to go to libraries, data banks, and university research centers to investigate the topic on your own. This does not suggest that investigative journalism never occurs; rather, many scholars believe that time pressures tend to encourage the use of information provided by official sources (for example, political leaders and their press secretaries) rather than the collection of facts through ongoing independent research.【答案】【参考译文】(1)虽然电视新闻故事多推崇“现场报道”或者其他吸人眼球的形象,但是实际上这些故事通常都很简短,要是把这些报道转写成报纸版面的话,它们任何一个都占不了三分之一的版面。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-通用考博英语考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be () from school.问题1选项A.inducedB.disobeyedC.expelledD.forbidden【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。
选项A, B, D都不能与介词from搭配应用。
be expelled from school意为被学校开除, 符合句意。
2.单选题At the press conference, the Prime Minister()the government’s refusal to compromise with terrorists.问题1选项A.rectifiedB.recitedC.rekindledD.reiterated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。
rectify“调整,矫正”;recite “背诵,叙述”;rekindle “复燃”;reiterate “重申,重复”。
3.单选题Why be()about that old coat? There’s no point in keeping it just because you were wearing it when you first met me.问题1选项A.sensitiveB.sensibleC.sentimentalD.sensational【答案】C【解析】be sentimental about sth.为固定搭配,意为“对....很伤感”。
4.单选题The aim of the president’s speech was to convince still reluctant countries of the great necessity of imposing sanctions against the countries that()terrorists.问题1选项A.kidnappedB.harassedC.heckledD.harbored【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-国防科技大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The marketing of industrial products necessitated large-scale storage spaces, and enormous shops selling under one roof a wide variety of items.问题1选项A.identifiedB.replacedC.requiredD.supplied【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。
2.单选题The building is a great success, ______ a triumph, for the designer.问题1选项lyB.or ratherC.andD.particularly【答案】B【解析】考查连词辨析。
A项namely“也就是,即是”,B项or rather“更精确地说,倒不如说”,C项and“和”,D项particularly“异乎寻常地,特别是”。
3.单选题Proteins are composed of more than twenty amino acids that are liberated during digestion. 问题1选项A.congregatedB.multipliedC.freedD.conscripted【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。

中央民族大学考博英语模拟试题及其解析1.The machine needs a complete____since it has been in use for over ten years.(A)amending(B)fitting(C)mending(D)renovating2.There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds,so I only caught a____of him.(A)glance(B)glimpse(C)look(D)sight3.I don't think it's wise of you to_____your greater knowledge in front of the director,for it may offend him.(A)show up(B)show out(C)show in(D)show off4.The returns in the short______may be small,but over a number of years the investment will be well repaid.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi.(A)interval(B)range(C)span(D)term5.A thorough study of biology requires_____with the properties of trees and plants,and the habit of birds and beasts.(A)acquisition(B)discrimination(C)curiosity(D) familiarity6.She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would____her long effort.(A)justify(B)testify(C)rectify(D)verify7.I'm very glad to know that my boss has generously agreed to _____my debt in return for certain services.(A)take away(B)cut out(C)write off(D)clear up8.Some journalists often overstate the situation so that their news may create a great____.(A)explosion(B)sensation(C)exaggeration(D) stimulation9.According to what you have just said,am I to understand that his new post____no responsibility with it at all?(A)shoulders(B)possesses(C)carries(D)shares10.Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his____toa certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.(A)comment(B)reaction(C)impression(D)comprehension11.Please____yourself from smoking and spitting in public places,since the law forbids them.(A)restrain(B)hinder(C)restrict(D)prohibit12.Without telephone it would be impossible to carry on the functions of______every business operation in the whole country.(A)practically(B)preferably(C)precisely(D) presumably13.Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around billion, ____the billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress.(A)in proportion to(B)in reply to(C)in relation to(D) in contrast to14.He is planning another tour abroad,yet his passport will ______at the end of this month.(A)expire(B)exceed(C)terminate(D)cease15.All the off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read________letters from their families.(A)sentimental(B)affectionate(C)intimate(D) sensitive16.several international events in the early1990s seem likely to______,or at least weaken,the trends that emerged in the1980s.(A)revolt(B)revolve(C)reverse(D)revive17.I was unaware of the critical points involved,so my choice was quite______.(A)arbitrary(B)rational(C)mechanical(D) unpredictable18.The local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer______according to the weather.(A)altered(B)converted(C)fluctuated(D)modified19.The pursuit of leisure on the part of the employees will certainly not_____their prospect of promotion.(A)spur(B)further(C)induce(D)reinforce20.In what_______to a last minute stay of execution,a council announced that emergency funding would keep alive two aging satellites.(A)applies(B)accounts(C)attaches(D)amount1.本题的答案是(C)(A)amending:"修改,修正",通常指对法律条文、国际条约、合同等进行适当的修改。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-首都师范大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of ()standards.问题1选项A.equivalentB.alikeC.uniformD.likely【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。
equivalent “同等的”;alike “相似的,相同的”;uniform “统一的”;likely“很可能的”。
由despite表让步关系,以及后半句中的inns are less costly than hotels可推知在同等标准条件下才能将旅馆与酒店的收费进行对比。
答案A2.翻译题A dynamic view sees the pluses of change as well as the minuses. And it appreciates how new, unforeseen technologies or social changes can solve current problems.By contrast, the environmental movement has been built on crisisContrary to the doomsayers, both past anti present, people have a knack for innovating their way out of "crises" if they have both the permission and the incentive to do so. We find that people developed petroleum as whale oil became scarce, that farmers turned to drip irrigation as water prices rose, and that drivers bought fuel-efficient cars when gas prices went up.To a large degree, green ideology is not about facts. It is about values, and the environment movement is about enforcing those values through political action.—“Greenpolitics,’’ write British greens Jonathan Porritt a nd David Winner, “demands a wholly new ethic in which violent, plundering human kind abandons its destructive ways, recognizes its dependence on Planet Earth, and starts living on a more equal footing with the rest of nature..... The danger lies not only in the odd maverick (—意孤行者)polluting factory,industry,or technology, but in the fundamental nature of our economic systems. It is industrialism itself ——a super-ideology, embraced by the capitalist West which threatens us.【答案】(1)动态的观点既能看到变化的好处,也能看到变化的坏处。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国社会科学院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题He doesn’t know much about politics,but he’s always shooting off his mouth about how good he is. He is somewhat of a/an().问题1选项A.dogmatistB.adventurerC.braggartD.humbler【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。
2.单选题The truth about alliances and their merit probably lies somewhere between the travel utopia presented by the players and the evil empires portrayed by their critics.问题1选项A.collaborationB.worthC.triumphD.defect【答案】B【解析】merit“优点,价值,功绩”。
3.单选题Cultural continuities with Africa were not dependent on importation and ()of specific folktales in their pristine form.问题1选项A.perpetuationB.perceptibilityC.perpetrationD.perplexity【答案】A【解析】考查形近名词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-华东师范大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题There is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees()what constitutes a benefit to an individual.问题1选项A.onB.withC.toD.in【答案】A【解析】介词搭配题。
agree on sth. 在某一点上取得一致意见, 同意某事;agree with sb.同意...,和...意见一致;agree to do sth.同意, 接受,允诺;agree in+动名词,在...方面意见一致。
2.单选题The authors of the United States Constitution attempted to establish an effective national government while preserving()for the states and liberty for individuals.问题1选项A.autonomyB.dignityC.monopolyD.stability【答案】A【解析】autonomy自治;dignity尊严, 高贵;monopoly垄断;stability稳定性。
句意:撰写美国国家宪法的人试图建立一个高效的国家政府, 即能保证各个州的自治, 又能保证个人的自由。
3.单选题The ancient Chinese thought comets were celestial brooms wielded by the gods to sweep the heavens free of evil. In the West they were believed to presage the fall of Jerusalem, the death of monarchs and such anomalies as two-headed calves. The Norman Conquest of England was attributed to the 1006 flyby of Halley’s, history’s most famous comet, which has been linked to everything from Julius Caesar’s assassination to the defeat of Attila the Hun. Told that Earth would pass through Halley’s tail during its 1910 visit, many Americans panicked and bought gas masks and “comet pills.”Alan Hale calls these waves of fear and mysticism “comet madness,” and as codiscoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp, he’s seen more than his share. Ever since his find was a nnounced, he has been inundated with inquiries, pronouncements and accusations from the cometary fringe.Hale has found that the arrival of a major comet—especially so near the end of a millennium—is still widely regarded as an omen of upheaval and disaster Several Christian Fundamentalists, he writes in the current issue of Skeptical Inquirer, have proclaimed Hale-Bopp to be one of the “signs of the end times” foretold in the New Testament. They also suggest that the comet might be the object described in Revelation 8:10 as a great star named Wormwood that “fell from heaven, blazing like a torch.” Wormwood, according to the Bible, destroys a third of almost everything: people, land, rivers and seas. Others claim that the comet is some kind of alien mother s hip “under intelligent control.”Speculation reached a fever pitch last November when Chuck Shramek, an amateur astronomer based in Houston, Texas, announced on a U.S. radio talk show that he had photographed a “Satum-like object” that seemed to be followi ng in Hale-Bopp's wake. Shramek’s breathless claim elevated Hale-Bopp fantasies from supermarket tabloids to the mainstream press and generated thousands of posts to message boards and astronomy home pages on the Internet. One fast-spreading rumor had it that the object was an alien spacecraft four times the size ofEarth.Hale was barraged with reporters’ queries, and in an effort to calm the reporters, heinvestigated Shramek’s photograph and determined that the “object” in it was an ordinary eighth-magnitude star. After posting his conclusions on the Net, Hale became the target of a flood of hate E-mail, much of it accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to suppress the true nature of Hale-Bopp.Hale acknowledges that it was only natural for our ancestors to be apprehensive about the fiery apparitions in the night sky. But he is impatient with his modem counterparts, who should know better. “I ask readers to treat all these irresponsible reports with the disdain they deserve,” he says, “and instead enjoy the beauty of the comet for its own sake,”1.The best title for this passage would be()2.Alan Hale’s attitude towards his contemporary astronomers’s reports about newly discovered comets is ()3.Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage?4.Judging by the context, the word “inundated” in Paragraph Two most probably means()5.We can conclude from the passage that()问题1选项ets, Omens of DisastersB.The Discovery of Comet Hale-BoppC.Alan Hale, A Great AstronomerD.Crazy about Comets问题2选项A.contemptuousB.unconcernedC.liberalD.positive 问题3选项A.There area variety of explanations of Comet-Bopp.B.In the West, comets are regarded as omens of upheavals and disasters.C.Alan Hale has discovered many other comets except comet Hale-Bopp.D.Many people were not satisfied by Alan Hale’s interpretation of Chuck Shramek’s find.问题4选项A.relishedB.overwhelmedC.chargedD.deprived问题5选项A.Chuck Shramek’s claim caused a great public concern and interestB.Alan Hale is not fond of E-mailC.Few astronomers are superstitiousD.Most Americans are not impressionable【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-上海交通大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Plastic sheeting should be wrapped around the tree in winner to() it from the wind and the frost.问题1选项A.recoverB.shieldC.shadeD.rescue【答案】B【解析】recover from恢复; shield与from庇护,使免遭……; shade不与from搭配, rescue from 从...中营救。
句意:应该用塑料布把树裹起来, 以防止风和霜冻。
2.单选题Before many people buy a car, a television or a washing machine, they shop around for the best deal. Yet, when some of these people find themselves in a position in which a second medical opinion is a good idea ——when facing a difficult operation, for example,——they are unwilling to go further. Sometimes it doesn't matter. But sometimes it can lead to the wrong treatment, even death.A number of psychological roadblocks get in the way of second medical opinions, but one of the most common is the fear of hurting the feelings of the doctors, and the possible result of that. People may think that in bringing up that they want to get a second opinion they're questioning the doctor's ability, so in the interest of not hurting the feeling of him they don't suggest it.Another reason people avoid getting a second opinion is fear of the second doctor giving them worse news than the first. Says Balyk: "You fear that if you go for, say, an ingrown toenail, he'll tell you that the toe must come off. " The most important consideration is that it's in your self interest to get another opinion — and it may not be worse.Then, most people trust, even give great respect to their doctors, and regard them as with godlike qualities. So they trust their doctor is right, and don't ask for a second opinion. In fact, it doesn't even occur to them that they shoulD.But you should remember that the doctor is a human being — just like you.And sometimes, when people are sick, they become childlike. They put all types of good feelings onto the doctor and just let him take over. At other times, obtaining that second opinion just seems like too much work.But remember, sometimes getting that second medical opinion can mean the difference between life and death.1.From both the first and the last paragraphs we can infer that the author may want to suggest that () .2.Why are some patients afraid of hurting the doctor's feelings?3.Another reason some patients don't want to get a second medical opinion is that () .4.In Paragraph 5, by "sometimes when people are sick, they become childlike" the author means that() .5.The last word "work" in Paragraph 5 may probably be closest in meaning to () .问题1选项A.one should choose a hospital carefully when illB.one should think seriously before making a medical decisionC.one should never be afraid of questioning the doctor's opinionD.a second medical opinion is absolutely necessary问题2选项A.They fear that if so something unhappy will happen.B.They fear that the doctor may let them alone after that.C.They fear the doctor may intentionally give them wrong treatments.D.They have been taught to respect doctors in this way.问题3选项A.they are used to treating doctors as gods in every aspectB.other people will look on them as mad if they do soC.they think it is wrong to doubt the doctor's opinionD.doctors usually don't have a second opinion to offer问题4选项A.when people are sick, they behave in every way like a childB.when people are sick, they become unreasonableC.when people are sick, they are too lazy to take care of themselvesD.when people are sick, they rely too much on others问题5选项A.troubleB.energyC.timebor【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。

新疆大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析一、SectionⅠUse of EnglishDirections:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10points) Many foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants English,for they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England.1,the British Isles contain a variety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English.The others 2to themselves as Welsh,Scottish,or Irish,3the case may be;they are often slightly annoyed4being classified as“English”.Even in England there are many5in regional character and speech. The chief6is between southern England and northern England.South of a7going from Bristol to London,people speak the type of English usually learnt by foreign students,8there are local variations.Further north regional speech is usually“9”than that of southern Britain.Northerners are10to claim that they work harder than Southerners,and are more11.They are open-hearted and Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi hospitable; foreigners often find that they make friends with them12.Northerners generally have hearty13:the visitor to Lancashire or Yorkshire,for instance,may look forward to receiving generous14at meal times.In accent and character the people of the Midlands15a gradual change from the southern to the northern type of Englishman.In Scotland the sound16by the letter“R”is generally a strong sound,and“R”is often pronounced in words in which it would be 17in southern English.The Scots are said to be a serious,cautious, thrifty people,18inventive and somewhat mystical.All the Celtic peoples of Britain(the Welsh,the Irish,the Scots)are frequently 19as being more“fiery”than the English.They are20a race that is quite distinct from the English.(289words)Notes:fiery暴躁的,易怒的。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-首都经济贸易大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题We had no way to measure the exact distance we had traveled, but we thought it was()five miles.问题1选项A.preciselyB.appropriatelyC.apparentlyD.approximately【答案】D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。
根据句中关键信息We had no way to measure the exact distance可知,我们没有办法测量准确距离。
2.单选题Neither of them thought highly of him and they both tried to()him in his work.问题1选项A.hamperB.supportC.assistD.encourage【答案】A【解析】动词辨析题。
A选项hamper“妨碍,束缚”;B选项support “支持,维持”;C选项assist“帮助,参加”;D选项encourage“鼓励”。
3.单选题If a man()himself and his family of food in order to buy a cat, we could consider him mad. 问题1选项A.deprivedB.robbedC.rejectedD.denied【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国人民大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The analysis suggests that the tradeoff between our children’s college and our own retirement security is chilling.问题1选项A.frighteningB.promisingC.freezingD.revealing【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。
2.单选题问题1选项A.sent upB.sent offC.sent outD.sent in 【答案】D【解析】动词词组辨析。
send up使上升;send off寄出,派遣;send out发送;send in递送,呈报。
3.翻译题Physicists all over the world, back in 1895, were pretty much agreeing that the great work of physics had all been done. Some of them mourned publicly that no discoveries of truly major importance were likely to be made in the future. But then they did not know that a Professor Roentgen, working alone in a modest laboratory in Germany, had begun a series of experiments with a crude induction coil, a pear-shaped bulb from which the air had been removed, and a sheet of paper painted with certain metallic salts. And Professor Roentgen did not know that his work was destined to reveal a force of nature—never before suspected—that would almost overnight revolutionize medicine and technology, and become a instrument for deeper probing of the structure of matter.【答案】在1895年,全世界的物理学家普遍认为所有有关物理的伟大研究都已经完成了,他们中的有些人甚至公开宣称将来不可能再出现真正有意义的重大发现了。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-全国医学统考考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Heavy metals can impair cognitive development in children, who are especially at risk because of their size and()to absorb more of these substances than adults do.问题1选项A.characterB.resistanceC.temperD.tendency【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. character 性格;品质B. resistance 抵挡力;阻力C. temper 脾气D. tendency 倾向;趋势【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。
2.单选题3. 问题1选项A.It is fast.B.It is slow.C.It works well.D.It is not working.【答案】B【解析】W: Can that clock be right, 10:30?M: That clock is always off. It’s 11:05.Q: What is true about the clock?【解析】细节题。
3.单选题问题1选项A.Cough.B.HeadacheC.Diarrhea.D.Fever.【答案】D【解析】5. M: Good afternoon. Have a seat. So what have you come in for today?W: Thank you. I’m feeling ill. I’ve got quite a bad cough. I don’t seem to have a fever. I’ve also got a headache and a little bit of diarrhea.Q: Which of the following is not a symptom that the woman has?【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题He ()outrage by calling the TV programmes “talking wallpaper”.问题1选项A.provokedB.evokedC.revokedD.invoked【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。
provoke “激起,挑衅”;evoke “引起,唤起,博得”;revoke “撤回,取消,废除”;invoke “调用,换气”。
2.单选题As many as 100 species of fish, some() to these waters, may have been affected by the pollution.问题1选项A.unusualB.particularC.typicalD.unique【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。
unusual “不寻常的”;particular “特别的,详细的”;typical “典型的”;unique “独一无二的”。
3.单选题He built a hut on a piece of rough land hear a rock fall. In the wet season there was a plentiful stream, and over the years he encouraged the dry forest to surround him with a thick screen. The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside. In time Melio (not without some terrible mistakes) learnt how to live in spite of the difficulties up on that mountain shelf.His only neighbors were a family group of Parakana Indians who, for reasons known only to themselves, took a liking to Melio. Their Chief never looked closely at Melio and said to himself that this white man was as mad as a snake which chews off its own tail. The parakanas taught Melio to catch fish with the help of a wild plant which made them senseless in the stream. It gave off a powerful drug when shaken violently through the water. They shored him bow to hunt by laying tra ps and digging. In time Melio’s piece of land became a regular farm. He bad wild birds, fat long-legged ones and thin nearly featherless chickens, and his corm and sailed fish was enough to keep him stocked up though the wet season.The Parakanas were alwa ys around him. He’d never admit it but he could feel that the trees were like the bars of a prison: they were watching him. It was as if he was there by courtesy of the Chief. When they came to him, the Indians never entered his house, with its steeply sloping roof of dried grass and leaves. They had a delicate way of behaving. They showed themselves by standing in the shade of the trees at the clearing’s edge. He was expected to cross the chicken strip towards them. Then they had a curious but chiming habit of taking a pace hack from him, just one odd step back wards into their green corridors. Melio never could persuade them to come any closer.The group guessed at Melio’s hatred for his civilized brothers in the towns far away-They knew Melio would never invite any more white men up here. This pleased the Parakanas. It meant that traders looking for rubber and jewels would never reach them. Their Melio would see to that. They were safe with this man and his hatred.1.It is known from the passage that Melio wanted the forest around him to become thick because the dense leaves________.2.The Chief's comparison of Melio to a snake is intended to show that _________.3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?4.To Melio, the Parakana Indians seemed_________.5.It can be concluded from the passage that place described by the author was___.问题1选项A.reminded him of his house in the town far away.B.prevented the Parakanas from watching himC.helped him to forget the world he hatedD.protected him from being intruded by the white men in the town问题2选项A.he did not trust MelioB.it was unwise to go too close to MelioC.he believed Melio hated the ParakanasD.he thought Melio was out of his mind问题3选项A.Melio stayed on his farm for a number of years.B.Melio felt like a prisoner because he couldn’t escape being watched.C.Melio kept himself alive, during the rainy season by eating what be had in store.D.The Parakanas thought Melio lived there because he was looking for rubber and jewels. 问题4选项A.odd but hatefulB.strange but attractiveC.unhealthy but friendlyD.cowardly but sociable问题5选项A.far removed from civilizationB.impossible to cultivateC.the home of Melio’s Indian relativesD.wet all the year round【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:文章第一段The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside,树木越多,越容易忘记外面的世界。

考博英语模拟试题及答案一、阅读理解(共20分,每题4分)1. 根据文章内容,以下哪项是作者的主要观点?A. 教育是社会进步的关键。
B. 技术发展对教育的影响是负面的。
C. 教育改革需要更多的创新思维。
D. 教育应该更加注重实践能力的培养。
答案:A2. 文章中提到的“终身学习”的概念,主要强调了什么?A. 学习是个人发展的终身任务。
B. 学习应该在学校之外进行。
C. 学习是职业发展的必要条件。
D. 学习是社会进步的驱动力。
答案:A3. 作者认为教育改革应该包括哪些方面?A. 教学方法和课程内容的更新。
B. 学校管理体制的改革。
C. 教师培训和学生评价体系的改进。
D. 所有上述选项。
答案:D4. 文章中提到的“批判性思维”在教育中的作用是什么?A. 帮助学生更好地理解知识。
B. 培养学生的独立思考能力。
C. 提高学生解决问题的能力。
D. 促进学生对知识的深入探究。
答案:B5. 根据文章,以下哪项不是教育改革的挑战?A. 资金不足。
B. 教师资源的缺乏。
C. 学生对新教学方法的抵触。
D. 社会对教育改革的误解。
In recent years, the popularity of online education has been growing rapidly. It offers a convenient way for students to learn __6__ the comfort of their own homes. However, there are also some __7__ to consider.6. A. in B. at C. on D. from答案:A7. A. benefits B. drawbacks C. opportunities D. challenges答案:D8. The main advantage of online education is that it allows for __8__ flexibility in scheduling.A. personalB. individualC. uniqueD. specific答案:B9. Despite the convenience, some students may find it difficult to __9__ in an online environment.A. interactB. participateC. engageD. connect答案:B10. Online courses often require a high level of __10__ and self-discipline.A. motivationB. inspirationC. encouragementD. stimulation答案:A三、翻译(共15分,每题5分)1. 教育不仅仅是知识的传授,更是价值观和道德观的培养。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-暨南大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Jane buys all the fashion magazines, and she always tries to dress in()with the latest style.问题1选项A.confirmationB.conformityC.variationD.proposal【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。
本句表示,Jane喜欢时尚,总是紧跟时代潮流,那她穿的衣服应该是跟最新款式风格一致的,in conformity with“与……一致,符合……”,B选项conformity“遵守,符合,一致”意思正确。
2.填空题Your Smartphone May Be Hurting Your SleepA) You love your smartphone, but it may be ruining your ZZZ’s. Use of these devices, especially near bedtime, is associated with worse quality of sleep, according to a new study. “When we looked at smartphone use around t he time when participants reported they went to bed, more smartphone use around that time in particular was associated with a longer time to fall asleep and worse sleep quality during the night,” said Dr. Gregory Marcus, author of the study and an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. His research was published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One. B) The word “crack-berry” became popular roughly a decade ago to describe the addictive quality of BlackBerry devices—arguably the first really successful smartphones. Today, almost everyone is a smartphone junkie, standing with head bowed while waiting for a train or in line at the post office.C) Knowing that smartphone use has increased together with sleep deprivation rates, Marcus and his colleagues decided to investigate whether the two might be related. To answer this question, he used exiting information collected by an Internet-based study he started in March 2016.D) “Health E-Heart,” which was funded by the Nation al Institutes of Health is designed to study cardiovascular health. Anyone 18 years of age or older can enroll in Health E-Heart, co-founded by Drs. Mark Pletcher and Jeffrey Olgin, professors at UCSF. After signing a consent form, enrolled participants self-report their health data via a series of online questionnaires. The information is gathered, analyzed and used to research and develop strategies to prevent and treat all aspects of heart disease.E) About 80,000 participants have enrolled in Health E-Heart, Marcus said. “We’ve had people from every state in the US, lots of people from every state, and we actually have people from 50 countries.” Marcus and his co-founders also make the data available to other scientists conducting unrelated studies. For the new smartphone study, Marcus made use of this wealth of information to conduct his own “sub-study”.F) Of the total Health E-Heart enrollees, 653 people chose to participate in and complete the new smartphone-sleep study. Participants installed an app on their phones to automatically record the total number of minutes in each hour the screen was turned on (total screen time) during a 30-day period. These participants had already reported their sleep hours and sleep quality using a validated questionnaire as part of the general Health E-Heart experience, Marcus explained. So, when answering the sleep assessment questions, participants also entered demographic data plus information about their alcohol use, physical activity, smoking habits and other health issues. By answering so many questions, participants were unaware of what the researchers were studying, explained Marcus: “We wouldn’t expect any bias.”G) Analyzing the data, the researchers discovered that, on average, participants used their smartphones for a total of 38.4 hours over a 30-day period. Individuals with a longer average screen time were more likely to have poorer sleep quality and less sleep overall: About 35% of those who used their smartphones for shorter amounts of time than average had sleep difficulties, compared with 42% of those with average or greater than average use. And poor quality sleep was more likely for participants who used their smartphones near bedtime.H) The researchers discovered that screen-time varies throughout a 24-hour period, but most occurs during the day. Yet for some participants, smartphone use peaked during the night. “We can’t exclude the possibility that some people can’t sleep for some completely unrelated reason, and because they can’t sleep, they’re using their smartphone, just to pass the time,” Marcus said.I) Despite potential shortcomings, Marcus research is in line with other studies showing that the use of technology near bedtime is associated with difficulty sleeping, such as the 2015 National Sleep Foundation poll. Other research has shown that the blue light emitted by smartphones (and other digital devices) might suppress our body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that induces tiredness and contributes to the timing of sleep-wake cycles. “So there’s some biological plausibility supporting the idea that there is a causal relationship, but we weren’t able to identify that,” Marcus noted.J) “It is believed that sleep is a restorative process and a basic biologic need,” said Dr. Neil Kline, a sleep physician, internist and representative of the American Sleep Association. “When animals, including humans, are deprived of sleep, there are many body systems that fail. Not only does our performance, memory and attention span suffer, our immune system and endocrine system is also impaired.”K) Though most of these negative effects have been studied exclusively in adults, children’s sleep is also affected by technology, according to an unrelated study. Lead author Ben Carter, a senior lecturer in biostatistics at King’s College London, and his colleagues discovered that for teens and children, the use of cell phones, tablets and computers is associated with losing sleep time and sleep quality.L) Marcus said he suspects that some people may be affected more than others and overuse of a smartphone impacts their sleep more than it would for other people. He hopes to investigate this question in the future. Based on his results, he suggested that insomniacs and other troubled sleepers should avoid looking at their screens for half an hour or so before going to bed to see whether that might enhance the quality of their slumber. He added, “There’s almost certainly no harm in giving that a good try.”11. Our addiction to smartphones dates back to about ten years ago._________12. Data from Health E-Heart are collected and used for researchers into heart diseases._________13. The findings of Dr. Marcus’s study appeared in PLOS One. _________14. Bad sleepers are advised not to use their smartphones half an hour or so before they go to bed. _________15. Marcus started his research because he suspected there might be some correlation between sleep loss and smartphone use. _________16. The use of digital devices affects children’s sleep too._________17. To make sure his study was objective, Marcus required his subjects to provide many more of their life details than just sleep hours and sleep quality._________18. Researchers found those who spend longer time playing with their smartphones are more likely to sleep badly._________ 19. Marcus conceded that some people were sleepless at night for reasons unrelated to mobile phone use._________20. Sleep is our basic biological need and lack of it may cause our body functions to decline. _________【答案】11.B12.D13.A14.L15.C16.K17.F18.G19.H20.J【解析】11.主旨大意题。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-新疆大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题She set()in business on her own and was very successful.问题1选项A.byB.asC.upD.off【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。
A选项set by“把……留开”;B选项set as“设置为;设定为”;C选项set up“建立;装配;开业”;D选项set off“出发;引起”。
2.单选题Patrick Henry, born in 1736,()by his father, who had advanced training in mechanics.问题1选项A.had taughtB.has been taughtC.taughtD.was taught 【答案】D【解析】考查时态和被动语态。
3.单选题Prior to the purchase of the flat, the couple wanted to make sure that they would have compatible neighbors.问题1选项A.harmoniousB.energeticC.capableD.harsh【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国科学院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Toyota said on Tuesday that it will() its annual year-end sales event early.问题1选项A.give awayB.fix onC.kick offD.bring up【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。
give away “放弃,分发”;fix on “确定,固定”;kick off “开始”;bring up“提出,养育”。
2.单选题I looked at Mum and thought() she was as nice as she looked maybe all our lives would have been better.问题1选项A.only ifB.if onlyC.even ifD.even though【答案】B【解析】考察固定搭配。
only if只有;even if = even though即使;if only “要是……就”;句意为:我注视着母亲,心想:要是她像看上去那么和蔼可亲就好了,这样我们的生活也许会变得更好。
3.单选题Mist steals silently in, turns familiar landscapes strange, dampens sounds, ________ vision—then clears suddenly and without warning.问题1选项A.spoilsB.blowsC.tearsD.blurs【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. spoils 破坏,糟蹋B. blows 吹,刮C. tears 撕裂,撕开D. blurs 视线模糊,看不清【考查点】动词辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国科学院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The theory that business could operate totally without the aid of government has proved to be a ().问题1选项A.allusionB.seclusionC.illusionD.confusion【答案】C【解析】考察名词辨析。
allusion “暗示”;seclusion “与世隔绝”;illusion “幻想;错觉”;confusion“混乱;困惑”。
选项C 符合句意。
2.单选题The closer one can get to reality, the easier the learning by the student,() that the necessary knowledge has been given previously to facilitate comprehension.问题1选项A.soB.despiteC.suchD.provided【答案】D【解析】考察连词辨析。
so 因此,despite 尽管,such 如此;provided that “如果,假设”;句意:如果先前已经学习了能够帮助理解的必要知识,那么距离现实越近,学习就会越容易。
3.单选题The Egyptians used to believe that literacy was divine. Scholars no longer ________ that theory, but why ancient civilizations developed writing was a mystery for a long time.问题1选项A.embraceB.involveC.formulateprehend【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. embrace 接受,采纳B. involve 包含,牵涉C. formulate 制订,规划D. comprehend 理解,领悟【考查点】动词辨析。
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考博英语模拟试题Part I Cloze (0. 5 x 20 = 10%)Directions: In this part you are asked to choose the best word for each blank in the passage. Write your answers on the answer sheet.The most famous painter in Victoria's history is Emily Carr. When she was a child,she discovered that walking in the woods 1 more to her than playing with other children, and that she was more interested in 2 the streets of old Victoria than playing at home with 3 and spending her time making up.Emily was a cute little girl who spent 4 of her childhood in Beacon Hill Park 5 was very close to her home. Drawing 6 her, and she also liked to play with the pets. She had ducks and chickens, and even 7 a monkey. She was 8 interested in the First Nations people and the Chinese people she saw in Victoria's Chinatown. Their culture and way of dressing seemed so 9 from her own.As she became a young, strong and 10 woman, Emily began to go on long trips into the forests to11 and draw what she saw. She loved the free and simple 12 of the First Nations people. In the summer of 1895 she went on 13 with two other women to 14 the wilderness along the Cowichan River that runs through Duncan, 15 north of Victoria.She knew more about their lifestyle and the forests of B. C. than 16 other European woman.When you look at her paintings you can sense the 17 of these dark mysterious forests. Her paintings are now very famous and, 18 the dark colors may not be attractive to some people, they19 the beauty and mystery of the deep woods and the skill of a great artist. Emily was a very brave and independent woman. She walked through the woods alone, even though she knew that bears and wolves might be her only 201. A. attracted B. appealed C. allured D. induced2. A. dashing B. strolling C. jogging D. roaming3. A. friends B. mates C. dolls D. parents4. A. much B. lots C. more D. many5. A. where B. which C. since D. it6. A. fascinated B. bewildered C. captured D. indulged7. A. fed B. domesticated C. trained D. confined8. A.particularly B.almost C. constantly D. intrinsically9. A. diverse B.various C. distinct D.outstanding10. A. special B. independent C. lonely D. unaided11. A. paint B. record C. describe D. take12. A. society B. work C. lifestyle D. pace13. A. an adventure B. an exploitation C. a tour D. an expedition14. A. check B. explore C. examine D. search15. A. only B. just C. much D. in16. A. any B. some C. certain D. none17. A. mood B. tone C. taste D. atmosphereI8. A. if B. otherwise C. though D. but19. A. evoke B. arouse C. remind D. raise20. A.enemies B. foods C. companions D. friendsⅡ. Reading comprehension (20 x 2 = 40% )Directions: There are four passages in this part. After each passage, there are five questions, you are to choose the best answer for each question. Write your answers on the answer sheet.Passage OneFast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a plateau in the United States as the maturing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu. Fast food still represents a $ 102 billion a year industry, but growth has turned sluggish recently amid tough competition from retail food stores and a more affluent population willing to try new things and spend more, analysts say. Signs of trouble in fast food include price-cutting by industry leaders, including efforts by McDonald's to attract customers with a 55 cent hamburger, and major players pulling out or selling. O'Pepsico, for example, is selling its fast-food restaurant division that includes Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC."It's becoming harder and harder for these firms to grow," said Jim Brown, a professor of marketing at Virginia Tech University. "I think in the United States fast food has reached a saturation (饱和) point because of the number of competitors and the number of outlets."Fast-food restaurant revenues grew 2. 5 percent in 1996 according to industry figures, the slowest since the recession of 1991. That is for cry from (大不相同于) the levels of the 1970s and 1980s. According to the Food Marketing Institute, consumers are using supermarkets for 21 percent of take-home food, nearly double the level of a year ago. While fast-food restaurants still lead, their share slipped significantly, from 48 percent in 1996 to 41 percent in 1997."Consumers have never been more demanding than they are today," said Michael Sansolo, senior vice president of the Supermarket Trade Group. "They are pressed for time. Money is still an issue.-, but their tastes are increasingly diverse -- whether it's gourmet foods, ethnic foods or organic offerings."Meanwhile, the aging of the baby-boom population -- and the growth in the number of so-called "empty nesters" with grown children -- has meant a surge in the number of people willing to spend more for upscale items. This generation "will have the luxury of being more discriminating" as their children leave home, notes Harry Balzer, vice president of the Chicago-based NPD consulting group. Balzer said some 18 million baby boomers will become empty-nesters in the next 10 years, leaving them with more disposable income to spend on dining out. "Fast and cheap will still be driving factors.., but our definitions of fast and cheap may be changing."Various reports suggest industry leader McDonald's is struggling, losing market share, with lower same-store sales while cutting back the number of new outlets in the United States, partly due to pressure from franchisers who don't want to be squeezed. The company replaced the head of its 12,000 US restaurant chain last October amid a slump in US market share.21. What does the passage mainly tell about?A. Fast food disappoints consumers.B. People prefer less expensive food.C. McDonald's dominates the market of fast food.D. Fast food is losing its attraction.22. What can we learn from the passage?A. O'Pepsico goes bankrupt.B. The number of supermarkets doubles.C. Jim Brown takes a negative attitude towards the development of fast food.D. McDonald's survives from the competition with retail food stores.23. What is NOT true about baby-boom generation?A. They seek a variety of food.B. They have come of age.C. They will spend more money on food.D. They tend to have luxurious food.24. Which of the following is not mentioned as an influence on people's choices of food?A. Speed and price of the food.B. Diversity of the food.C. Tastes of the consumers.D. Age of the consumers.25. What brings trouble to fast food industry?A. Customers' demand and competition with retailers.B. The aging baby-boomer and diversity of food.C. Competition with retailers and diversity of food.D. Customers' demand and the aging of baby-boomer.Passage TwoParents of wailing (哀号) babies, take comfort: You are not alone. Chimpanzee babies fuss. Sea gull chicks squawk. Burying beetle larvae tap their parents' legs. Throughout the animal kingdom, babies know how to get their parents' attention. Exactly why evolution has produced all this fussing, squawking and tapping is a question many biologists are trying to answer.Someday, that answer may shed some light on the mystery of crying in human babies. "It may point researchers in the right direction to find the cause of excessive crying," said Joseph Soltis, a bioacoustics expert at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Lake Buena Vista. Florida. Soltis published an article on the evolution of crying in the current issue of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.Young animals vary in how much they cry, squawk or otherwise communicate with their parents, and studies with mice, beetles and monkeys show that this variation is partly based on genes. Some level of crying in humans, of course, is based on gas pains and messy diapers. But as for the genetic contribution, you might expect that natural selection would favor genes for noisier children, since they would get more attention.Before long, however, this sort of deception may be ruinous. If the signals of offspring became totally unreliable, parents would no longer benefit from paying attention. Some evolutionary biologists have proposed that natural selection should therefore favor so-called honest advertisements. Some biologists have speculated that these honest advertisements may not just tell a parent which offspring are hungry. They might also show their parent that they are healthy and vigorous and therefore worth some extra investment. The babies of monkeys cry out to their mothers and tend to cry even more around the time their mothers wean (断奶) them. The mothers, in response, begin to ignore most of their babies' distress calls, since most turn out to be false alarms."Initially, mothers respond any time an infant cries," said Dario Maestripieri, a primatologist at the University of Chicago. "But as the cries increase, they respond less and less. They become more skeptical. So infants start crying less. So they go through these cycles, adjusting their responses."Kim Bard, a primatologist at the University of Plymouth in England, has spent more than a decade observing chimpanzee babies. "Chimps can cry for a long time if something terrible is happening to them, but when you pick them up, they stop," Bard said. "I've never seen anychimpanzees in the first three months of life be inconsolable."Maestripieri and other researchers say these evolutionary forces may have also shaped the cries of human babies. "All primate infants cry." Maestripieri said. "It'sa very conserved behavior. It's not something humans have evolved on their own."26. What can be the most probable title of this passage?A. Parents Bothered by Babies' CryB. Infants Crying for Parents' AttentionC. Clues from Animals on Why Babies CryD. False Cry27. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?A. Scientists discovered why animal infants cry.B. The difference in the amount of children's cry is somewhat due to genes.C. Babies have a violent reaction to the mother's ignorance.D. Chimpanzees' annoyance can hardly be alleviated.28. What is implied in Paragraph 4?A. Children with truthful cry may eventually draw their mothers' attention.B. Noisy infants are preferred by their mothers for their health and strength.C. Mothers would rather nurse the obedient babies.D. Mothers tend to ignore the deceitful cry.29. How do the parents respond to babies' cry?A. They come to doubt it.B. They take it seriously.C. They are indifferent to it.D. They are weary of it.30. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the reason for babies' cry?A. Discomfort.B. Hungry.C. Consolation.D. Thirsty.Passage ThreeWhenever I hear a weather report declaring it's the hottest June 10 on record or whatever, I can't take it too seriously, because "ever" really means "as long as the records go back", which is only as far as the late 1800s. Scientists have other ways of measuring temperatures before that, though -- not for individual dates, but they can ten the average temperature of a given year by such proxy measurements as growth marks incorals, deposits in ocean and lake sediments, and cores drilled into glacial ice. They can even use drawings of glaciers as there were hundreds of years ago compared with today.And in the most comprehensive compilation of such data to date, says a new report from the National Research Council, it looks pretty certain that the last few decades have been hotter than any comparable period in the last 400 years. That's a blow to those who claim the current warm spell is just part of the natural up and down of average temperatures -- a frequent assertion of the global -- warming-doubters crowd.The report was triggered by doubts about past-climate claims made last year by climatologist Michael Mann, of the University of Virginia (he's the creator of the "hockey stick" graph A1 Gore used in "An Inconvenient Truth" to dramatize the rise in carbon dioxide in recent years). Mann claimed that the recent warming was unprecedented in the past thousand years -- that led Congress to order up an assessment by the prestigious Research Council. Their conclusion was that a thousand years was reasonable, but not overwhelmingly supported by the data. But the past 400 was -- so resoundingly that it fully supports the claim that today's temperatures ale unnaturally warm, just as global warming theory has been predicting for a hundred years. And if there's any doubt about whether these proxy measurements are really legitimate, the NRC scientists comparedthem with actual temperature data from the most recent century, when real thermometers were in widespread use. The match was more or less right on.In the past nearly two decades since TIME first put global warming on the cover, then, the argument against it has gone from "it isn't happening" to "it's happening, but it's natural", to "it's mostly natural" --\and now, it seems, that assertion too is going to have to drop away. Indeed. Rep. Sherwood Boehert, the New York Republican who chairs the House Science Committee and who asked for the report declared that it did nothing to support the notion of a controversy over global warming science -- a controversy that opponents keep insisting is alive. Whether President Bush will finally take serious action to deal with the warming, however,is a much less settled question.31. What does this passage mainly deal with?A. The tendency of earth's becoming hotter.B. The assessment of earth's temperature.C. The menace of global warming.D.The measurement of tackling global warming.32. What is "proxy measurement" in Paragraph 1 likely to refer to?A. Studying the characteristics of glaciers.B. Measuring the growth signs of aquatic organism.C. Taking advantage of previous pictures.D. Using clues left from the past.33. What does the report from NRC indicate?A. The earth will become warmer.B. It is somewhat suspicious of Michael Mann's assertion.C. The earth reaches the highest temperature in the history.D. The proxy measurements are reliable.34. Which statement is NOT true concerning the controversy about global warming?A. The new report from NRC is motivated by the controversy over Michael Mann's claim.B. Those who doubt global warming consider that warming is a natural phenomenon.C. Those suspicious of global warming take an inconsistent stance on the issue.D. The argument ends in the defeat of global-warming-doubters.35. What is the author's attitude towards global warming theory?A. Negative.B. Indifferent.C. Favorable.D. Neutral.Passage FourA proposed Russian ban on European Union meat exports could jeopardize Russia's aspirations to join the World Trade Organization next year, the EU trade commissioner, Peter Mandelson, warned Friday. He warned that several of the 25 EU member states were growing weary of Russia's trade tactics and could move to block its WTO bid.He emphasized that the European Union supported Russia's WTO accession in principle and that he did not want to link the Russian meat ban to Russia's WTO prospects ,though EU states could do so. in order to join the organization,Russia must reach agreement with each of the 149 WTO members."Issues like this will affect the attitude of member states toward signing off on accession," Mandelson said. "This is not the only trade irritant between us and Russia -- there are at least half a dozen -- and this latest ban is bound to affect the attitude of member states," toward Russia's aim of joining the WTO. "We can't have so many of these trade irritants hanging over us."Mandelson said he would work to get Russia to back off from its current plans to ban all EUanimal products as of Jan. 1, which would affect C = $ 1.7 billion, or $ 2. 2 billion, in exports to RussiaMoscow has justified the ban on the grounds that Bulgaria and Romania, which will join the European Union on that day, do not have adequate food safety measures. But Mandelson warned that if Moscow refused to back down, it could sour overall trade relations with the European Union, which is already concerned about fair access to Moscow's energy resources. "Russia is acting in a disproportionate way," he said.President Vladimir Putin has made WTO membership one of his key economic objectives. He is keen to improve access to world markets for Russian exports and to provide a lift to the country's neglected aghculrural sector. European resistance would add to reservations by trade negotiators in Washington who want Russia to make more progress on reducing tariffs on U. S. meat imports and protecting intellectual property before joining the world trade body.Trade disputes cast a shadow over the summit meeting, which was supposed to mark the start of talks on a partnership agreement between the European Union and Russia covering energy, trade and human rights. But Poland -- in a separate dispute with Moscow over a Russian ban on Polish farm exports -- used its veto to stop the talks on Friday.Putin defended the Russian ban after earlier complaining that the European Commission had failed to consult him before agreeing to admit Bulgaria and Romania, whose food safety practices he called into question.EU officials said privately that Putin's stance suggested he was suffering from a Cold War hangover because the former Soviet satellites will soon become EU members.36. What is the theme of this passage?A. Russia conflicts with EU members in meat trade.B. Russia may risk WTO entry with EU meat ban.C. Russia prepares to enter WTO.D. Russia complains about food security of Bulgaria and Romania.37. Which statement is NOT true about EU?A. EU has not signed partnership agreement with Russia.B. EU is disappointed with at Russia's trade strategy.C. EU wants Russia to cut down on tariffs on its meat imports.D. EU may connect the trade conflict with Russia's entry into WTO.38. Which word has the similar meaning to "imtant" in Paragraph 3?A. disagreementB. misunderstandingC. annoyanceD.interference39. What can be implied from the last paragraph?A. Russia will soon suffer from isolation.B. Russia will soon lose its satellites.C. Former Soviet satellites resist Russia's entering WTO.D. Some EU officials understand Russia's position.40. What is the author's attitude towards Russia?A. Suggestive.B. Prejudicial.C. Sympathetic.D. Objective.Part UI Translation (30%)Section A : From Chinese into English (15%)每个人心中都该有个志向,否则他的经历就会被浪费掉。