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Australian society as well as the British have the habit of "women first"; They are very pay attention to the appearance in public places, most men are not leave beard. Here men get along, feelings cannot too exposed, most men don't like to hug or hold your shoulders. In a social situation, yawning, and stretching and so on movement is the taboo.
To Australia for a business activity 3 -11 is the best month. Australia is an equal society, don't like the tone of command letting someone else. They put public and private very clearly, so don't assume that went to dinner together, it is good to do business. 到澳大利亚进行商务活动的最佳月份是3-11月。澳大 利亚是一个讲求平等的社会,不喜欢以命令的口气指 使别人。他们把公和私分得很清楚,所以不要以为一 起进过餐,生意就好做了。
Housing and Car
Men choose to wear a suit and tie more times, to play black tie on formal occasions, Darwin suit is one of the popular in Darwin's simple clothes. Women wear skirts for most of the year, wear the suit jacket in a social situation. Both men and women like to wear jeans, they think that wear jeans is convenient and freely. 男子多穿西服,打领带,在正式场合打黑色领结,达 尔文服是流行于达尔文市的的一种简便服装。妇女一 年中大部分时间都穿裙子,在社交场合则套上西装上 衣。无论男女都喜欢穿牛仔裤,他们认为穿牛仔裤方 便自如。
In Australia, men and women generally need engagement before marriage, which her parents for the man's parents and brothers and sisters, after the wedding usually held a party. Australia's funeral, first held in the church, hosted by priest memorial ceremony, they also preserve the widow silence of ancient customs.
Australian families live on the outskirts (郊 区) of the villa, usually have front and rear yard, rarely live in the city centre.
Australian’s car is very general, people are more pay attention to practical, every family has at least two cars. More of the car is from America ,Japan and South Korea. Many people prefer the yacht(游艇).
1.Freedom is the best summary of Australian, Australia has a particularly strong free and unfettered atmosphere. People named first-name each other directly in daily life (call first name only, do not call last name), between boss and employees, between teachers and students. 2.Australians are civilized, polite and helpful. Walking in the street lonely, people even strangers will say hello and greetings each other. Walking on the street, holding a bag of fruit if unfortunately bag broke, fruit rolled on the ground, the people around you will help me pick it up immediately, get back your hand, someone would find a good bag or box or what can substitute for emergency, this is Australia. 1.无拘无束是澳大利亚人的最好概括,澳大利亚有特别浓厚的自由和无拘无束的 气氛。人们日常互相直呼其名 (只称呼名,不称呼姓),老板和员工之间、教 师和学生之间都如是。 2.澳大利亚人文明有礼,乐于助人。在人流稀少的街上行走的话,人们即使互不 相识也会打招呼和问候。如果手拿一袋水果在街上行走,袋子不巧破了,水果滚 在地上,周围的人会马上帮忙捡起来,送还你的手上,还会有人给你找来一个好 的袋子或者盒子或者什么可以救急的替代品,这就是澳大利亚。
Work in Australia, wage usually was pay for once a week (civil servants or big institutions is pay for once every two weeks), pay day is usually on Thursday or Friday. As a result, Australia's restaurants, bars, department stores, every week on Friday, six days business is very good. In recent years, some large department stores and Shopping centers are on every Thursday Night to extend the business hours (Night Shopping), cater to get salary on every Thursday. Some people who do not pay attention to arrange to spend money, you will have a weekend with a silver spoon in her mouth, poor in the beginning of a weekend phenomenon. It doesn't matter, because a few more days, and also a happy weekend.
澳大利亚社会上同英国一样有“妇女优先”的 习惯;他们非常注重公共场所的仪表,男子大 多数不留胡须.这里的男人们相处,感情不能 过于外露,大多数男人不喜欢紧紧拥抱或握住 双肩之类的动作。在社交场合,忌讳打哈欠, 伸懒腰等小动作。
Australians main food is the English food, its taste is light, don't like greasy. Australia's food has a reputation for large amount of rich and famous, especially a greater demand for animal protein. They love to drink milk, like eating beef, pork, etc. They like to drink beer, interested in coffee. 澳大利亚人在饮食上以吃英式西菜为 主,其口味清淡,不喜油腻。澳大利 亚的食品素以丰盛和量大而著称,尤 其对动物蛋白质的需要量更大。他们 爱喝牛奶,喜食牛肉,猪肉等。他们 喜喝啤酒,对咖啡很感兴趣。
Australians have westerner's bright and easterner’s reserve. Their interest is widespread, like sports, such as surfing, windsurfing, horse racing, fishing, betting on horse racing, Australian football and swimming etc. There are many enthusiasts. In Sydney, if can't swim, people will become an object of ridicule. 澳大利亚人既有西方人的爽朗,又有东方人的矜 持。他们兴趣广泛,喜欢体育运动,如冲浪、帆 板、赛马、钓鱼、赌赛马,澳式橄榄球及游泳等都 有众多的热衷者。在悉尼市,若不会游泳,将成 为人们嘲笑的对象。
在澳大利亚工作,工资一般是每周发一次(公务员或者大机构是每两周发一次), 发工资的日子通常是逢星期四或星期五。因此,澳大利亚的餐馆、酒吧、百货公 司每周的星期五、六是生意特别好的日子。近年一些大型百货公司和购物中心都 有逢星期四晚延长营业时间的做法(Night Shopping),迎合逢星期四领工资 的人士。一些不注意安排花钱的人,就会有周末富贵,周初贫穷的现象。这都没 有关系,因为再过几天,又是快乐的周末了。
Meeting etiquette Manners etiquette
Dining etiquette
Business etiquette
Happy events and funeral etiquette
Tourist etiquette
Australians meeting are accustomed to shaking hands, but some women are not shaking hands, when meet his girlfriend often kiss each other's face. Most Australian people first name in the front and last name in the back. If you want call someone, please speak last name the first, and then add Mr ,Miss or Mrs. Can be called nickname between acquaintances. 澳大利亚人见面习惯于握手,不过有些女子之间不握手, 女友相逢时常亲吻对方的脸。澳大利亚人大都名在前,姓 在后。称呼别人先说姓,接上先生,小姐或太太之类。熟 人之间可称小名。