SY( 同步输出控制 ):
长按“旋钮”0.8 秒进入功能设置,旋转“旋钮”选择功能参数,直到面板显示“Sy”,再短按“旋钮”, “Sy”将闪烁,此时旋转“旋钮”可进行设置,设置范围:0~1。
“Sy”=0:当控制器处于输出状态时,同步输出端口“SOUT”对“GND”导通。 “Sy”=1:当控制器处于输出状态时,同步输出端口“SOUT”对“GND”开路。
UL( 输出电压限制 ):
长按“旋钮”0.8 秒进入功能设置,旋转“旋钮”选择功能参数,直到面板显示“UL”,再短按“旋钮”, “UL”将闪烁,此时旋转“旋钮”可进行设置,设置范围:0V~250V。
1 将此参数设置上限值,可防止用户误操作使输出电压过高导致振动盘损伤。 2 当此参数的设置小于“U(输出电压)”时,“U(输出电压)”会自动减小。 3 该参数对外部模拟量调压模式同样适用。 4 当“UC”(输出电压控制方式)=1,为外部模拟量控制方式时,该 UL 参数将自动调整外部模拟 量控制范围:VPLC=0~10V,对应输出电压:0~“UL”。 10
漏电保护。检查 : 电磁铁线圈(该漏电保护仅在上电时检测,运行过程中不予检测)。
当“030”闪烁时 表示输出振幅已被最大输出电压参数所限制。
外部控制及光纤端口说明 :
光纤放大器功能及参数描述 : 光纤线安装注意事项 : 振幅传感器及安装说明 :
1 、再次短按“旋钮”可切换为“U(输出电压设置)”状态。
dn( 开延时时间 ):
长按“旋钮”0.8 秒进入功能设置,旋转“旋钮”选择功能参数,直到面板显示“dF”,再短按“旋钮”, “dF”将闪烁,此时旋转“旋钮”可进行设置,设置范围:0.0~999 秒,以 0.1 秒为步进。
HZL30 单机单极螺杆主机控制器 使用手册说明书
![HZL30 单机单极螺杆主机控制器 使用手册说明书](
HZL30 单机单极螺杆主机控制器 适用汉钟LB 系列螺杆压缩机HZL30单极螺杆并联机组主机控制器用户手册(V3.1)主要功能及技术指标主要功能如下:☞压力显示和控制:使用系统低压压力控制整个机组。
主要技术指标:压力显示范围:低压:-0.8 - 7.0 bar 高压:0.0 - 30.0 bar压力设定范围:低压:-0.8 - 7.0 bar 高压:0.0 - 30.0 bar压力传感器类型:电流型4~20mA温度显示范围:-50 - 150℃温度设定范围:-45 –145℃温度传感器类型:NTC R25=5kΩ,B(25/50)= 3470K电源电压:DC 24V/ 250mA使用环境:温度-10℃ - 50℃,湿度≤85%,无凝露海拔低于2000米,不适宜在含有酸、碱的场合使用禁止在易燃易爆环境下使用输出负载能力:2A/250VAC执行标准: Q/320585 XYK 01使用前注意:请在使用前详细阅读说明书,将有利于对机组调试和使用取得最佳的节能及良好的运行状态。
TP-Link TL-SL30 全自动智能门锁安装手册说明书
![TP-Link TL-SL30 全自动智能门锁安装手册说明书](
Enterprise Networking Solution全自动智能门锁TL-SL30安装手册声明Copyright © 2022普联技术有限公司版权所有,保留所有权利未经普联技术有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制、誊抄或转译本手册部分或全部内容,且不得以营利为目的进行任何方式(电子、影印、录制等)的传播。
目录1 产品外观 ——————————————————012 预约安装 ——————————————————033 首次设置 ——————————————————044 联网配置 ——————————————————045 日常使用 ——————————————————066 规格参数 ——————————————————087 微功率短距离设备说明 ———————————08附录A 物料清单 ——————————————————09附录B 有毒有害物质声明 —————————————10附录C 保修说明 ——————————————————111 产品外观●室外面板电池电量低绿色:红色:0102●室内面板门锁将恢复出厂状态,请尽快依照本同时推/拉把手开门电池仓需装入8节5号干电池开启童锁,可使用应急开锁旋钮开门;推/拉内把手开门关闭童锁,推/拉把手,室内可以开门。
032 预约安装请参考如下步骤预约安装:1. 扫描下方二维码,打开“TP-LINK服务”微信小程序。
2. 注册并登录账号。
SN码见产品电池盖后标贴3. 填写相关信息。
IMS-SL3 系列悬空
B1 、B2
说明:除运行接触器 ZC2 一定要加装之外,其他外围电路可由用户按照电梯条例自由组建,上图仅
注意:1)控制器的输出线 U、V、W 应穿入接地金属管并与控制回路信号线分开布置或垂直走线
SL3D 系列一体化控制器使用手册
■安装方向和空间 为不降低驱动器的冷却效果,请务必按纵向安装,并按下图所示确保一定的空间。
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
1)输入回路(X 端子接线,包括 X 端子的定义)
SL3D 系列一体化控制器使用手册
X 输入点定义
压电式振动机控制器 P212 P312 使用说明书
![压电式振动机控制器 P212 P312 使用说明书](
可以使用电线尺寸绞合线:0.08~0.32mm2(AWG28~22)、内线直径φ0.12mm以上单线:φ0.32~0.65mm(AWG28~22)绝缘层剥离长度:9~10mm 按钮P-S-S+P+电线插入孔5.初次使用时到运行的流程输入输出的连接・输入输入的连接・外部输入输出信号的连接振幅调整将振幅调整到产品搬运速度最合适状态。
目 录第一章:功能和基本特点 (2)1.1 SL3D系列一体化控制器简介 (2)1.2 SL3D功能一览表 (3)1.3 SL3D系列一体化控制器技术规范 (7)第二章:产品信息 (9)2.1 命名规则及铭牌 (9)2.2 IMS-SL3系列电梯一体化控制器主要参数 (10)2.3 外型尺寸及安装 (11)第三章:安装与接线 (15)3.1 SL3D系列一体化控制器及其周边控制系统组成框图 (15)3.2 电气安装及装线 (16)3.2.1外围可加电气元器件说明 (16)3.2.2电气接线(推荐) (16)控制器主回路接线 (16) 控制回路接线 (17)编码器回路接线 (19)外围部件接线(内呼板,外呼板) (21)第四章:调试工具使用说明 (28)4.1 IMS-SL3D电梯一体化控制器调试工具 (28)4.2 小键盘操作器(OP07) (28)4.3 小键盘操作器各功能键说明及界面 (28)4.4 小键盘操作器菜单与使用 (29)4.5 小键盘操作器参数及说明 (31)第五章:应用与调试 (41)5.1 电梯运行时序图 (41)5.2 电梯调试流程图 (41)5.3 电梯调试总步骤 (42)5.3.1 慢车调试步骤流程 (42)5.3.2 快车调试过程 (47)5.4 电梯功能调试 (49)5.5 舒适感调试 (50)第六章:故障与对策 (53)6.1 故障的种类 (53)6.2 故障信息 (53)6.2.1外部故障信息与处理 (53)6.2.2 内部故障信息与处理 (54)6.2.3 变频器故障信息 (54)附件:液晶手持操作器使用说明 (59)液晶手持操作器外观及各功能键说明 (59)液晶显示流程图及参数说明 (60)监视菜单及参数设置菜单框图 (60)窗口及操作说明 (61)第一章:功能和基本特点1.1 SL3D系列一体化控制器简介SL3D系列一体化控制器是由蒙德电气有限公司自主研发、生产的具有先进水平的智能型串行通讯电梯控制系统。
K2 K2Sprint 振动控制系统使用说明书
![K2 K2Sprint 振动控制系统使用说明书](
第 1 章 系统构成................................................................. 1-1 1.1 硬件构成 ............................................................... 1-1 1.1.1 微机 ............................................................. 1-1 1.1.2 专用硬件 I/O 设备 ................................................ 1-3 1.2 硬件规格 ............................................................... 1-4 1.2.1 规格 ............................................................. 1-4 1.2.2 专用硬件 ......................................................... 1-9 1.3 软件构成 ............................................................... 1-12 1.3.1 OS部分 ......................................................... 1-12 1.3.2 应用软件部分 ..................................................... 1-12
3.3.3 极性............................................................. 3-2 3.3.4 初始输出电压的既定值 ............................................. 3-3 3.3.5 额定信息 ......................................................... 3-3 3.3.6 控制频率范围的限制 ............................................... 3-3 3.3.7 其他的控制量 ..................................................... 3-3 3.3.8 接点输出输入信息 ................................................. 3-3 3.4 输入环境信息 ........................................................... 3-4 3.4.1 输入环境信息名 ................................................... 3-4 3.4.2 通道名 ........................................................... 3-4 3.4.3 模块的 ID 和 Ch ................................................... 3-5 3.4.4 物理量 ........................................................... 3-5 3.4.5 输入类型 ......................................................... 3-5 3.4.6 输入灵敏度 ....................................................... 3-5 3.4.7 极性............................................................. 3-5 3.4.8 连接 TEDS ......................................................... 3-5 第 4 章 基本操作方法 ............................................................ 4-1 4.1 概要 ................................................................... 4-1 4.2 基本操作 ............................................................... 4-2 4.2.1 应用软件的启动 ................................................... 4-2 4.2.2 应用软件的结束 ................................................... 4-3 4.2.3 图标的说明 ....................................................... 4-5 4.2.4 文件操作 ......................................................... 4-8
格兰富se sl潜水式污水及废水泵 9-30 kw 安装和使用说明书
![格兰富se sl潜水式污水及废水泵 9-30 kw 安装和使用说明书](
中文 (CN)452中文 (CN) 安装和使用说明书中文版本。
目录页1. 一般警告2. 本文献中所用符号3. 概述本手册对配备功率为9至30 kW电机的格兰富SE/SL潜水式污水及废水泵的安装、操作及保养进行了说明。
3.1 应用9-30 kW的SE/SL泵主要用于泵送市政及工业废水系统中含有长、短纤维和较大颗粒的未经处理的污水,以及干固体颗粒含量达3 %(流道叶轮)和5 %(涡轮叶轮)的污泥。
最大颗粒尺寸: 75-160 mm,视泵的具体性能范围而定。
二、功能特点本仪器符合GB/T 17623-1998《绝缘油中溶解气体组分含量的气相色谱测定法》的振荡脱气方法;符合DL429.4-91《水溶性酸定量测定法》的振荡加热方法;用于实验室中对各类液体进行恒温定时加热、振荡、脱气。
主要技术指标:大屏幕液晶显示:(240 X 128)测温范围:0℃~120℃控温范围:室温~110℃控温方法:数字PID自动控制控温精度:室温~50℃±0.2℃;50℃~100℃±0.3℃;100℃~110℃±0.5℃;振荡频率:275±3次/分钟振荡幅度:35mm放样品量:100ml注射器8支;250ml三角烧瓶4支(选配);工作方式:4种方式1、色谱脱气振荡:恒温50℃;振荡20分钟;静止10分钟;2、水溶性酸振荡:恒温75℃;振荡5分钟;静止 0分钟;3、其他物理振荡:恒温0-110℃任意设定;振荡0-99分钟任意设定;静止0-99分钟任意设定;4、手动开始振荡及手动停止振荡工作电压:AC220V±20%;电源频率:50Hz±5%;最大功耗:800VA;环境温度:10℃-40℃;环境湿度:≤85%;外形尺寸:500 X 350 X 385;重量:35Kg三、操作说明1、开机将仪器接好电源,使用电源插座容量大于5A,并有良好的接地;根据样品不同,更换不同的样品盘,然后打开电源开关,屏幕显示如下图所示的欢迎画面:两秒钟后,仪器自动进入到工作方式选择主画面,如下图所示:2、色谱脱气振荡在工作方式选择画面,按色谱脱气振荡菜单右面对应的白色按键,出现如下图所示的画面:其中,XX.X表示数值可变。
使 用 说 明 书
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SL 系列水力测功机使用说明书
一、 前 言 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 二、技术规范----------------------------------4
SL 系列水力测功机是我公司生产的具有国际先进水平的水力测功 机。已广泛销售国内外,深受用户好评。
SL 系列水力测功机共有 8 个规格,均采用电动排水蝶阀控制,通 过改变蝶阀的开度来改变吸收功率的大小。其制动功率范围从 20kw 到 3300Kw,品种齐全,可供国内外用户选用。
该产品主要用来检测各种柴油机,汽油机,电动机等动力机的有效 功率,是动力机特性试验及传动机械的效率试验中不可缺少的测试设备。
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SL 系列水力测功机使用说明书
4、特性曲线 水力测功机的应用范围,可以从它的特性曲线上看出,见图一(a),( b ),
( c ),( d ),( e ),( f ),( g ),( h )。特性曲线表示了测功机在不同转速下 所能吸收的功率范围。
1598.5×1310 1452×1558
祝您快乐人生,吉利相伴!浙江吉利控股集团汽车销售公司 2013年07月版权所有。
本 手 册 中 的 重 要 说 明安全和车辆损坏警告本使用说明书中,具有安全警告和车辆损坏警告,必须小心根据警告的内容来避免受伤或损坏的可能性。
Belimo LF230 建筑技术服务中的旋转安全功能控制器说明书
![Belimo LF230 建筑技术服务中的旋转安全功能控制器说明书](
LF230Actuador rotativo con función de seguridadpara el ajuste de compuertas en serviciostécnicos de edificios• Compuerta de aire de tamaño hastaaprox. 0.8 m²• Par de giro del motor 4 Nm• Tensión nominal AC 230 V• Control Todo-nadaDatos técnicosDatos eléctricos Tensión nominal AC 230 VFrecuencia nominal50/60 HzRango de tensión nominal AC 198...264 VConsumo de energía en funcionamiento 5 WConsumo energía en reposo 3 WConsumo de energía para dimensionado7 VANota de el consumo para dimensionado Imax 150 mA @ 10 msConexión de la alimentación / control Cable 1 m, 2x 0.75 mm²Funcionamiento en paralelo Si (tenga en cuenta los datos defuncionamiento)Datos de funcionamiento Par de giro del motor4 NmPar de giro de la función de seguridad4 NmSentido del movimiento del motor seleccionable según montaje L/RSentido de movimiento de la función deseleccionable según montaje L/RseguridadAccionamiento manual NoÁngulo de giro Máx. 95°Nota de el ángulo de giro Ajustable entre un 37 y un 100% con limitaciónmecánica integradaTiempo de giro del motor75 s / 90°Tiempo de giro con función de seguridad<20 s @ -20...50°C / <60 s @ -30°CNivel de potencia sonora, motor50 dB(A)Interfaz mecánica Accionador del eje, abrazadera universal8...16 mmIndicador de posición MecánicosVida útil Mín. 60 000 posiciones de seguridadDatos de seguridad Clase de protección IEC/EN II, aislamiento reforzadoGrado de protección IEC/EN IP54CEM CE según 2014/30/UEDirectiva de baja tensión CE según 2014/35/UECertificación IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 y IEC/EN 60730-2-14Prueba de higiene De conformidad con VDI 6022 parte 1 / SWKIVA 104-01, limpiable y desinfectable, bajasemisionesTipo de acción Tipo 1.BTensión de resistencia a los impulsos4 kVGrado de polución3LF230Datos de seguridadHumedad ambiente Máx. 95% de RH, sin condensación Temperatura ambiente-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Temperatura de almacenamiento -40...80°C [-40...176°F]Mantenimientosin mantenimiento PesoPeso 1.6 kgDatos técnicos••••••••Notas de seguridadEste dispositivo ha sido diseñado para su uso en sistemas estacionarios de calefacción,ventilación y aire acondicionado y no se debe utilizar fuera del campo específico de aplicación, especialmente en aviones o en cualquier otro tipo de transporte aéreo.Aplicación en exterior: sólo es posible en el caso de que el dispositivo no esté expuestodirectamente a agua (de mar), nieve, hielo, radiación solar o gases nocivos y que se asegure que las condiciones ambientales se mantienen en todo momento dentro de los umbrales de acuerdo con la ficha de datos.Precaución: alimentaciónSólo especialistas autorizados deben realizar la instalación. Durante la instalación, deberán cumplirse todas las regulaciones de instalación legales o institucionales que correspondan.El dispositivo sólo se puede abrir en el centro del fabricante. No contiene piezas que el usuario pueda reemplazar o reparar.No se deben retirar los cables del dispositivo.Para calcular el par de giro necesario, deberán respetarse las especificaciones facilitadas por el fabricante de la compuerta en lo relativo a la sección transversal, el diseño, el lugar de instalación y las condiciones de ventilación.El dispositivo contiene componentes eléctricos y electrónicos y no se puede desechar con los residuos domésticos. Deben tenerse en cuenta todas las normas y requerimientos locales vigentes.Modo de funcionamientoMontaje directo y sencillo Ángulo de giro ajustable Alta fiabilidad funcionalCaracterísticas del productoEl actuador mueve la compuerta hasta la posición de funcionamiento al mismo tiempo que tensa el muelle de retorno. Cuando se interrumpe la alimentación, la energía del muelle vuelve a colocar la compuerta en la posición de seguridad.Montaje directo y sencillo en el eje de la compuerta con una abrazadera universal, suministrada con un dispositivo antirrotación para impedir que el actuador gire.Ángulo de giro ajustable mediante topes mecánicos.El actuador se encuentra protegido contra sobrecargas, no necesita ningún contacto limitador y se detiene automáticamente cuando alcanza el final de carrera.AccesoriosAccesorios eléctricosDescripciónModelo Contacto auxiliar 2x SPDTS2A-F Potenciómetro de realimentación 200 ΩP200A-F Potenciómetro de realimentación 1 kΩP1000A-F Accesorios mecánicosDescripciónModelo Extensión del eje 170 mm ø10 mm para eje de la compuerta ø6...16 mm AV6-20Abrazadera reversible, rango de nuez ø16...20 mmK6-1Rótula Adecuado para palanca de transmisión de compuerta KH8 / KH10KG10A Rótula Adecuado para palanca de transmisión de compuerta KH8KG8Palanca de transmisión Ancho de la ranura 8.2 mm, rango de nuez ø10...18 mmKH8LF230DescripciónModelo Palanca para actuador, rango de nuez ø8...16 mm, Anchura de la ranura 8.2 mmKH-LF Limitador de ángulo de giro, con tope final ZDB-LF Adaptador para ejes cuadrados 8x8 mmZF8-LF Kit de montaje para acoplamiento Para montaje planoZG-LF1Kit de montaje para acoplamiento para instalación lateral Ancho de la ranura 6.2 mmZG-LF3Mecanismo antirrotación 180 mm, Multipack 20 uds.Z-ARS180LAccesoriosColores de los hilos:1 = azul 2 = marrónInstalación eléctricaPrecaución: alimentaciónEs posible realizar una conexión en paralelo de otros actuadores. Respete los datos de funcionamiento.Esquema de conexionado AC 230 V, todo-nadaDimensionesLongitud del ejeMin. 84Min. 20Rango de nuez。
东莞市皓天试验设备有限公司模拟运输振动台操作说明书索引[1]前言 (02)[2]安全上的注意 (03)[3]设备特点简介 (04)[4]主要技术参数 (05)[5]安装说明 (07)[6]操作说明 (08)[7]ISTA/ASTM标准有关测试方法表 (09)[8]保养程序 (10)[9]故障排除 (11)[10]质量保证 (12)[11]备注 (13)保修卡保修记录表[1]前言感谢贵公司选择了本公司的产品,本公司不仅给贵公司提供质量优良的产品,而且将提供可靠的售后服务。
[2]安全上的注意1.安全上的记号:在本手册中,关于安全上的注意事项以及使用仪器时有下列重要的各显示事项,为了防止意外事故及危险,请务必遵守下列危险﹑警告﹑注意的记言: 危险:此显示的项目,表示为如不遵照,操作者有可能受到伤害。
警告: 此显示的项目表示如不遵照,有可能损坏仪器。
注意: 此显示的项目,表示为有可能影响测试结果和质量。
危险电压记号 此记号表示为高压危险。
!【注】 !☝☝!接地保护记号表示于本仪器上之接地端子。
[适用标准] EN、ANSI、UL、ASTM国际运输标准。
目录1 概述┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄12 仪器工作条件┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄13 系统主要技术指标┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄14 系统简要说明┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄1 4.1 主机┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄1 4.1.1 激振器┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄1 4.1.2 压力室┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄1 4.1.3 主机后下面板┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄2 4.2 电气控制柜(ELECTRIC CONSOLE)┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄2 4.2.1 功率放大器(VIBRATION CONTROLLER)┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄2 4.2.2 测量放大器┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄24.3 静压控制柜┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄25 计算机程序┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄2 5.1 标定菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ 2 5.2 试验菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄2 5.3 处理菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄3 5.4 绘图菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄3 5.5 汇总菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄3 5.6 帮助菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄45.7 退出菜单┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄46 仪器的配套性┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄47 操作说明┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄4 7.1 交付使用时的状态┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄4 7.2 准备工作┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄5 7.3 装试样┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄5 7.4 计算机操作方法┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄5 7.5 系统调零┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄5 7.6 试样饱和与固结┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄5 7.7 振动试验┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄6 7.8 试验结束┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄67.9 数据处理┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄68 注意事项、一般故障及排除┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄6附件(动三轴仪测量系统静态标定的几点说明)┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄81概述•DDS-70微机控制电磁式振动三轴试验系统是研究土的动力特性的实验室设备。
交流伺服驱动器使用手册目录第一章概述1.1产品介绍 (1)1.2产品外观 (2)1.3与安全有关的符号说明 (3)1.4警告标志的内容 (4)1.5安全注意事项 (4)1.6到货检查 (7)第二章产品规格2.1 驱动器规格 (8)2.2电机规格 (9)2.3隔离变压器 (14)第三章安装3.1 环境条件 (15)3.2 伺服驱动器安装 (16)3.3伺服电机安装 (18)第四章接线4.1标准接线 (20)4.2端子功能 (22)4.3 I/O 接口原理 (26)4.4 伺服电机接线 (29)第五章显示与操作5.1键盘操作 (31)5.2. 监视方式 (32)5.3 参数设置 (35)5.4 参数管理 (36)5.5 速度试运行.................................................................. .39 5.6 JOG运行.. (39)5.7电机测试 (40)5.8 其它 (40)目录第六章通电运行6.1 电源的连接 (41)6.2 通电试运行 (43)6.3 参数调整 (45)第七章参数7.1 参数一览表 (48)7.2 参数功能 (50)第八章报警与处理8.1 报警一览表 (59)8.2 报警处理方法 (60)第九章常见问题9.1 常见问题报警.............................................................. ..67 9.2 频繁出现Err-15、Err-30、Err-31、Err-32报警.. (67)9.3 型号代码参数与电机对照表 (68)交流伺服驱动器使用手册第一章概述1.1 产品简介:随着交流伺服技术的成熟稳定,产品性能不断提高,适应工业控制向高速度、高精度、高效率、数字智能化方向发展,同时随着伺服产品性价比的不断提升,伺服控制替代步进控制已成为产业发展趋势。
INDUSTRIALVIBRATORSTHE WORLDWIDE LEADER IN VIBRATION TECHNOLOGYIntroMVE Standard RangeMVE-Exe Increased SafetyMVE-Exd Explosion-ProofMVE-Milling Grain ProcessingMVE-SV Screen VibratorMVE-SS Stainless SteelInstallation Technical drawingsCompany profile 4Technical features6Standard specifications7The OLI vibrator range 8Certifications 9How to choose a motovibrator10Standard rated voltages 11Optionals 112 poles 124 poles 146 poles 168 poles 182 poles single-phase20MVE-MICRO 22MVE-DC Direct Current 242 poles 264 poles 286 poles 308 poles 322 and 4 poles 346 and 8 poles 366, 8, 10, 12 poles 384 poles 404, 6, 8 poles 42Mounting 44How to change vibration intensity 46Drawingsextra pageElectric motovibrators 45Originally specialising in immersion vibrators for concrete consolidation, OLI is now the worldwide leader in vibration technology, with a complete range of electric and pneumatic internal and external vibrators .By supplying competitive, high quality products for wide-ranging applications, OLI combines performance and reliability by adapting to the ever-changing market. A strong believer in innovation, OLI is constantly striving to be ahead of the opposition.As a global player in industrial vibration technology, the key focus of OLI’s business strategy is rapid stock delivery, any time, anywhere in the world . Excellent customer service is of pivotal importance: the company guarantees quick order processing and customers worldwide can enjoy access to the same high quality product and services.OLI has access to credible expertise when it comes to finding suitable solutions to customers’ requests. A team of engineers specialised in designing efficient, reliable, and safe solutions backed by globally certified management .OLI provides their customers with state-of-the-art equipment and the blueprint for the next generation of products is already in progress.6PTC thermistor 130 °CSpecific grease retaining deviceTropicalised standardIP66 protectionClass F insulation RELIABILITYEasy mass adjustmentVarious voltages and frequencies availableEasy access to the terminal boxMultiple eye-bolts FLEXIBILITYStandard specifications Array* Except for MVE 710/15N-50A0 and MVE 510/1N-50A078Providing centrifugal force up to 26,000 kgs and with multiple voltage options OLI’s range of electric motovibrators covers several fields of application in every country as well as many different industrial sectors: from food to mining, from foundry to recycling and more.OLI’s electric motovibrators are designed and manufactured using the latest technologies and premium quality materials and components.Vibrator bodies, bearing flanges and shafts are FMEA designed and manufactured using first grade Aluminium alloy, cast iron and steel alloy to withstand heavy duty applications and guarantee safe operation in any condition.Vacuum impregnated windings and class F insulating materials enhance reliability and durability.Top quality bearings and an efficient grease retaining system assure long lasting performance and low noise generation.Adjustable eccentric masses allow easy fine tuning of the Max centrifugal force provided by the vibrator.Several certifications for use in hazardous environments are available in the OLI range to match the most demanding specification worldwide.The OLI Vibrator Rangemass cover fixed massbearingadjustable massshaftrotor flange frame9Grain Processing, Stainless Steel and Screen VibratorCertificationsStandardIncreased SafetyExplosion Proof and Screen VibratorConformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC; ATEX 2014/34/UE - UL 1836. UL 1004-1 - SAC22.2 NO 25. 100. 145* Screen vibrator is also available with the same certifications as the standard, not explosion proof range, mentioned in the first chart of this page.** Soon available.Conformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC; ATEX 2014/34/UE - UL 1836. UL 1004-1 - SAC22.2 NO 25. 100. 145Tx = T100 °C up to size 30 included; T135 °C from size 40 up. T135 °C from size 40 up.Conformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC - ATEX 2014/34/UE - UL 1836. UL 1004-1. UL 674 - CSAC22.2 NO 25. 100. 145Conformity with European Directive - Low voltage 2014/35/UE; Machine Directive 2006/42/EC; ATEX 2014/34/UE* Extended temperature range up to 55 °C available on request.MVE DC Range: II3D Ex tc IIIC T100 IP6610Check the obtained value “e”: •If it is similar to the required one (step 1) the MVE model is correct.• If it is not similar to the required one (step 1) repeat the process (step 2) with a different MVE model.Choose rpm and the amplitude ”e” (0 - peak) suitable for your application:Choose an MVE from the tables of the following pages and use its Wm into this formula:How to choose a motovibrator Circular vibration Linear vibration e = amplitude of vibration 0-peak (mm)n = number of vibrators Wm = working moment (kgcm)M mot = vibrator weight (kg)M vm = vibrating machine weight (without material and vibrators)e =5 n Wm n M mot M vm For tips on installation see page 4411To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3112Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage2 POLES - 3000/3600 rpmSIZE 10A0SIZE 60A0SIZE 105A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7713To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3114Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage4 POLES - 1500/1800 rpmNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7715To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3116Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage6 POLES - 1000/1200 rpmNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7717To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3118Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage8 POLES - 750/900 rpmSIZE 40A0SIZE 50A0SIZE 60A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079- 31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°7719IntertekUP TO SIZE 60 (NOT INCLUDED)60Hz masses = 50Hz masses adjusted at 70%ABOVE SIZE 60 (INCLUDED)Specific masses for 60HzTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgMVE STANDARD RANGE»II2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21) - Directive 2014/34/UE»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-3120Class II Div.2: Temp. Class T4ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C2 POLES SINGLE-PHASE - 3000/3600 rpm* NOTE: Capacitor not supplied with vibrator (to be ordered separately)ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSWm (Kgcm)ModelCentrifugal Force (kg)Weight (kg)Input Power (kW)Nominal Current A maxCable GlandCapacitor *50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz 60Hz50Hz 60Hz 50Hz(230V )60Hz (115V)Metric50Hz (230V)60Hz (115V)1.3 1.0MVE 60/3E-10A0-M MVE 60/36E-10A0-M 667140.080.090.431.03M16 3.0 6.32.0 1.3MVE 100/3E-10A0-M MVE 100/36E-10A0-M 989550.100.110.54 1.30M16 200/3E-20A0-MMVE 200/36E-20A0-M18718970. 2.6MVE 200/3E-23A0-M MVE 200/36E-23A0-M 18718970.180.21 1.14 2.62M208.016.06.4 4.5MVE 300/3E-30A0-M MVE 300/36E-30A0-M 321323100.270.28 1.58 3.43M2012.525.0SIZE 10A0SIZE20A0SIZE 30A0* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.IntertekUP TO SIZE 60 (NOT INCLUDED)60Hz masses = 50Hz masses adjusted at 70%ABOVE SIZE 60 (INCLUDED)Specific masses for 60HzTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgMVE STANDARD RANGEClass II Div.2: Temp. Class T4II 3D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSWm (kgcm)ModelCentrifugal Force (kg)Weight (kg)Input Power(kW)Nominal CurrentA maxCable Gland *50Hz 60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz (230V)60Hz (115V)Metric0.10.1MVE 3/3E-MICRO-M MVE 3/36E-MICRO-M 46 6/3E-MICRO-M MVE 6/36E-MICRO-M 69 21/3E-MICRO-M MVE 21/36E-MICRO-M 202920. 41/3E-MICRO-M MVE 41/36E-MICRO-M 4565 - 3000/3600 rpmELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSWm (kgcm)ModelCentrifugal Force (kg)Weight (kg)Input Power(kW)Nominal CurrentA max* T e r m i n a l C o n n e c t i o n Cable Gland50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz60Hz50Hz (230V)50Hz (400V)60Hz (460V)Metric0.40.4MVE 21/3E-MICRO MVE 21/36E-MICRO 202920. M160.90.9MVE 41/3E-MICRO MVE41/36E-MICRO 456520.060.060.300.180.18YM16NOTE: Capacitor integrated in the cableTHREE-PHASESINGLE-PHASEMICRO* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.IntertekTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgSIZE 23A0SIZE 40A0SIZE 50A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CT4EX e, tE: 52 POLES - 3000/3600 rpmSIZE 40A0SIZE 50A0SIZE 60A0* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CT4EX e, tE: 5* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage 4 POLES - 1500/1800 rpmSIZE 70A0SIZE 75A0SIZE 80A0To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility. The latest and most updated information are available online.Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C 6 POLES - 1000/1200 rpmT4EX e, tE: 5* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageTo convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.2 Group A, B, C, D T3 »Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079-31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°77, CSA 22.2 N°60079-731The latest and most updated information are available online.»II 2D Ex tb IIIC Tx Db IP66 »II 2G Ex eb IIC T3 Gb»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 21 - Zone 1) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC 60034-1, IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-7To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg32Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T3 - ExII 2D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °CT4EX e, tE: 5* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage8 POLES - 750/900 rpmSIZE 80A0SIZE 86A0SIZE 91A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.2 Group A, B, C, D T3 »Class II Div.2 Group F, G T4»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3, UL60079-31, UL60079-0, CSA 60079-0, CSA 60079-31, CSA 22.2 N°100, CSA 22.2 N°77, CSA 22.2 N°60079-733The latest and most updated information are available online.To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb, »II 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db »Ex db IIB T4 Gb»Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ambient temperature from -20°C to +60°C»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-134Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T4Class1 Div.1: Temp. Class T4 Ex II 2D Temp. Class: * Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageSIZE 50A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.1 Group C, D T4 IP66»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3,UL1203;UL674,CSA C22.2 No.145, CSA C22.2 No.30-M1986.35The latest and most updated information are available online.»II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb,»II 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ex db IIB T4 Gb»Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ambient temperature from -20°C to +60°C»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements»IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-136Ex II 2G: Temp. Class T4Class1 Div.1: Temp. Class T4Ex II 2D Temp. Class:* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageSIZE 60A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Class I, Div.1 Group C, D T4 IP66»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3,UL1203;UL674,CSA C22.2 No.145, CSA C22.2 No.30-M1986.37The latest and most updated information are available online.To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II3D Ex tc IIIC Tx IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 22) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »EN 60079-0, EN 60079-3138Ex II 3D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageMVE-MILLINGNOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.39The latest and most updated information are available online.»Declaration of conformity “type B” according to: 2014/35/UE - 2006/42/EC - EN 60034-1 »Conform to UL1446 and CSA 22.2 No 0-1040To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kgEx II 2G: Temp. Class T4Class1 Div.1: Temp. Class T4Ex II 2D Temp. Class:* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low Voltage»II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb,»II 2D Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ex db IIB T4 Gb»Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db»Ambient temperature from -20°C to +60°C»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements»IEC EN 60079-0, IEC EN 60079-31, IEC EN 60079-1SV SIZE 75A0SV SIZE 85A0NOTE: Adjustable centrifugal force.NOTE: The Model name in the standard range is different: the letter “D” changes in “N”.The MVE-SV is available also as “standard” range, with Ex II 3D certification: Ex II 3D Temp. Class: 135 °CElectrical and dimensional specifications are the same as the “explosion proof” range.»II3D Ex tc IIIC Tx IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosiveatmospheres (Zone 22) - Directive 2014/34/UE»Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements»EN 60079-0, EN 60079-31»Declaration of conformity “type B” according to:2014/35/UE - 2006/42/EC - EN 60034-1»Conform to UL1446 and CSA 22.2 No 0-104 POLES STANDARD RANGE - 1500/1800 rpm41NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.The latest and most updated information are available online.»Class I, Div.1 Group C, D T4 IP66»Conform to UL 1004-1,UL 1004-3,UL1203;UL674,CSA C22.2 No.145, CSA C22.2 No.30-M1986.To convert kg into Newton:N =9.81kg»II3D Ex tc IIIC Tx IP66»Equipment and protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 22) - Directive 2014/34/UE »Compliance with Essential Health and Safety Requirements »EN 60079-0, EN 60079-3142Ex II 3D Temp. Class: 100 °C 135 °C* Terminal Connections: Y High Voltage; Δ Low VoltageSIZE 30A0SIZE 50A0NOTE: Dimensions with coarse degree of accuracy related to UNI 22768/1This information is provided without warranty, representation, inducement or licence of any kind. It is accurate to the best OLI knowledge or is obtained from sources believed to be accurate. OLI therefore assumes no legal responsibility.»Declaration of conformity “type B” according to: 2014/35/UE - 2006/42/EC - EN 60034-1 »Conform to UL1446 and CSA 22.2 No 0-1043The latest and most updated information are available online.44The base plate surface where the vibrator is mounted has an allowable tolerance of 0.25mm (0.01in), so that the surfaces rest uniformly against each other to avoid internal tension that may cause breakage of the foot of the vibrator.Use 8.8 type bolts, 8.0 type nuts and flat washers belonging to category A EN ISO 7089 / 7092.The graph below shows the correct torque settings for the different bolt sizes used on the vibrators. MountingVibrator / Machine interfaceFIXING SURFACE FLATNESS TOLERANCETapped threaded borehole+ screw+ flat washerSmooth throughborehole+ screw+ flat washer+ nut and counternutRecommendedHMACHINED & NOT PAINTEDSUPPORT PLATEMax 0.25mm (0.01in)45P2Verify that the voltage and frequency supply match the ones indicated on the rating plate of the electric vibrator.If the vibrator is operated via a variable frequency drive do not run it under 20 Hz and not over the rated frequency.Insert the power cable through the cable gland. The lead-in wires have to be of the eyelet-type, pre-insulated, with a bore that suits the terminals of the junction box in order to prevent overheating of the wire. Use only conductors that have a suitable cross-section.Connect the lead wires to the pins (as shown in the diagram below) and tighten them with the specified torque.Do not forget to fix the earthing cable to the provided studs → Compulsory connection!Before closing the junction box make sure that the cover gasket is properly fitted in order to keep the specified IP protection.For more details on vibrator installation refer to product manuals.All electric vibrators MUST be connected to a suitable external overload protection.When using two electric vibrators in sync, each of them has to be connected to an external overload protection that must be interlocked to make sure both vibrators are stopped if one fails.Always use a thermal-magnetic type vibratorprotection, with delayed cut-off, to avoid stopping the vibrator during start-up when the current draw is higher than the rated running current for a few seconds.Cut-off of the overload protection should be set at a maximum of +10% of the rated current.Electrical connectionTERMINAL CONNECTIONSthe factory preset connection of each vibrator.Overload protection46ADJUSTED MASSESWarning:DO NOT grease new motors before installation.OLI motors with roller bearings leave the factory filledwith the right quantity of grease while those with ballbearing do not need any lubrication. TECHNICAL DRAWINGSE1 C1WHEN YOU NEED IT, WHERE YOU NEED IT.w w w.o l i v i b r a.c o mOLI worldwideOLI HeadquartersVia Canalazzo, 3541036 Medolla (MO) - Italy+39 0535 41 06 11info@。
Lumens VS-KB30键盘控制器用户手册说明书
![Lumens VS-KB30键盘控制器用户手册说明书](
VS-KB30Keyboard ControllerUser Manual - English[Important]Table of ContentsCopyright Information (3)Chapter 1 Safety Instructions (4)Chapter 2 Product Overview (6)2.1I/O Introduction (6)2.2Panel Function Introduction (7)2.3LCD Screen Display Description (9)Chapter 3 LCD Function Menu Description (10)3.1Access LCD Function Menu (10)3.2Camera Setting (10)3.3Keyboard setting (11)Chapter 4 Camera Connection Description (14)4.1Port Pin Definition (14)4.2How to Connect RS-232 (14)4.3How to Connect RS-422 (15)4.4How to Connect IP (15)Chapter 5 Camera Setting Description (16)5.1Power on VS-KB30 (16)5.2Instruction on RS-232 Setting (16)5.3Instruction on RS-422 Setting (17)5.4Instruction on IP Setting (17)Chapter 6 Descriptions of Major Functions (19)6.1Call the Camera (19)6.2Setup/Call/Cancel Preset Position. (20)6.3Set the Non-IP Camera OSD Menu via Keyboard (21)6.4Set the PELCO-D Camera OSD Menu via Keyboard (21)6.5RS422 Set A, Set B Switching (22)Chapter 7 Troubleshooting (23)Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity 47 CFR § 2.1077 ComplianceInformation 24Copyright InformationCopyrights © Lumens Digital Optics Inc. All rights reserved.Lumens is a trademark that is currently being registered by Lumens Digital Optics Inc.Copying, reproducing or transmitting this file is not allowed if a license is not provided by Lumens Digital Optics Inc. unless copying this file is for the purpose of backup after purchasing this product.In order to keep improving the product, Lumens Digital Optics Inc. hereby reserves the right to make changes to product specifications without prior notice. The information in this file is subject to change without prior notice.To fully explain or describe how this product should be used, this manual may refer to names of other products or companies without any intention of infringement.Disclaimer of warranties: Lumens Digital Optics Inc. is neither responsible for any possible technological, editorial errors or omissions, nor responsible for any incidental or related damages arising from providing this file, using, or operating this product.Chapter 1 Safety InstructionsAlways follow these safety instructions when setting up and using the HD Camera:1. Use attachments only as recommended.2. Use the type of power source indicated on this product. If you are not sure ofthe type of power available, consult your distributor or local electricitycompany for advice.3. Always take the following precautions when handling the plug. Failure to doso may result in sparks or fire:⏹Ensure the plug is free of dust before inserting it into a socket.⏹Ensure that the plug is inserted into the socket securely.4. Do not overload wall sockets, extension cords or multi-way plug boards asthis may cause fire or electric shock.5. Do not place the product where the cord can be stepped on as this mayresult in fraying or damage to the lead or the plug.6. Never allow liquid of any kind to spill into the product.7. Except as specifically instructed in this User Manual, do not attempt tooperate this product by yourself. Opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages and other hazards. Refer all servicing to licensed service personnel.8. Unplug the HD Camera during thunderstorms or if it is not going to be usedfor an extended period. Do not place the HD Camera or remote control on top of vibrating equipment or heated objects such as a car, etc.9. Unplug the HD Camera from the wall outlet and refer servicing to licensedservice personnel when the following situations happen:⏹If the power cord or plug becomes damaged or frayed.⏹If liquid is spilled into the product or the product has been exposed torain or water.⏹PrecautionsWarning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.If the keyboard controller will not be used for an extended time, unplug it from the power socket.FCC WarningThis HD Camera has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computer device, pursuant to Article 15-J of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of Industry Canada.Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruits radioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur le material brouilleur: “Appareils Numeriques,” NMB-003 edictee par l’Industrie.Chapter 2 Product Overview 2.1 I/O IntroductionNo Item Function Descriptions1 Power buttonTurn on/off keyboard power 2 12 V DC power port Connect the included DC power supply adapter and the power cable3 Firmware update buttonEnable the firmware update mode on the keyboard 4 Kensington safety lock Use the safety lock to lock the keyboard for anti-theft purpose5 Tally indicator light portTally indicator control interface 6 RS232 portConnect the RS232 adapter cable 7 IP portConnect the RJ45 network cable 8 RS422 (B) port Connect the RS422 adapter cable that can control up to 7 units of RS422 camera (Set B)9 RS422 (A) port Connect the RS422 adapter cable that can control up to 7 units of RS422 camera (Set A)10 USB portUpdate the keyboard control firmware via a USB disk2.2 Panel Function IntroductionNo Item Function Descriptions1 WB Automatic/manual white balance switchWhen the setting is automatic white balance, the AUTO indicator will turn on2 LOCK Lock the control of all image adjustment and rotary buttonsPress and hold for 3 seconds to enable the lock; press and hold for 3 seconds again to cancel the lock3 EXPOSURE Auto, Aperture PRI, Shutter PRI4 IP SETTINGBUTTONSearch or add the camera IP setting5 LCD SCREEN Display control and setting information of the keyboard6 RESET Clear the camera preset position (number key + RESET, press and hold for 3 seconds)7 SETUP Set the keyboard menu (initial password is 0000)8 PRESET Store the camera preset position (number key + PRESET, press and hold for 3 seconds)9 P/T SPEED(L/R DIRECTION)Rotate: Adjust/control the speed (on screen menu)Press: Select OK (on screen menu)Press and hold: Pan right and left and to reverse thedirectionNo Item Function Descriptions10 CALL Call the camera preset position (number key + CALL)11 ZOOM SPEED(U/D DIRECTION)Rotate: Adjust the zoom speed/adjustment value (onscreen menu)Press: Save (on screen menu)Press and hold: Tilt up and down and to reverse thedirection12 IRIS / SHUTTER Adjust the aperture or shutter13 R VALUE Adjust the white balance in red manually14 B VALUE Adjust the white balance in blue manually15 FOCUS Manual focus16 ONE PUSH AF One push focus17 AUTO / MANUAL Automatic/manual focus switchWhen the setting is automatic focus, the AUTO indicator will turn on.18 ONE PUSH WB One push white balance19 ASSIGN KEY Set up the shortcut key to quickly control the camera20 ZOOM SEESAW Control ZOOM in/out21 BLC Enable/disable background light compensation in the camera22 MENU Call the camera OSD menu23 LETTER ANDNUMBERKEYBOARDCALL a camera; call a preset position; key in thecamera name (on screen menu)24 RS422 SET BSELECTIONRS422 set B selection25 RS422 SET ASELECTIONRS422 set A selection26 PTZ JOYSTICK Control the camera PTZ operation.27 CAMERA CONTROLBUTTONWhen using PTZ joystick to control OSD menu, pressthe button to confirm (same function as the Enter keyof a remote control)2.3 LCD Screen Display Description No Item Function Descriptions1 Camera ID andprotocolDisplay the camera currently under control and theprotocol currently in use2 Camera name Display the specified camera name currently in use3 IP address Current IP address of the camera4 Communication statusof the connecteddeviceIf “OK” is displayed, communication with the currentdevice has been establishedIf “NO” is displayed, there is no connection with thecurrent device5 Network connectionindication statusIf “+” is displayed, the network is connectedsuccessfullyIf “+” is not displayed, the network is not connectedcorrectlyChapter 3 LCD Function Menu Description3.1 Access LCD Function MenuPress the SETUP button on the keyboard to access the LCD function menu. ※ When configuring the LCD menu setting, you must key in the password every time (initial password is 0000)=>3.2 Camera Setting⏹ CAMERA SETTINGItemSettingsDescriptionCAM 1 ~ 255Assign the camera number; 255 units can beset at mostTitle -The camera can be named using letters on thekeyboardProtocolVISCAPELCO-D PELCO-P VISCAIP Select a control protocol to be used forconnecting the camera⏹ VISCA / PELCO-D / PELCO-P advanced settingItemSettings DescriptionBaud Rate2400 4800 9600 19200 38400When selecting VISCA / PELCO-D /PELCO-P as the control protocol, the Baud rate transmission speed must be specifiedPort RS232 / RS422Set the control method of VISCA control⏹ VISCAIP advanced settingItem Settings DescriptionIP Address Set the camera IP addressUser NameadminAccess the camera accountItem Settings DescriptionPassword admin Set the camera passwordPort 80Select a port to be used by the camera3.3 Keyboard setting⏹ IP Configuration MenuItemSettingsDescriptionType STATIC / DHCPSpecify a static IP or let DHCP to assign anIP to the keyboardIP Address For a static IP , specify the IP address in thisfield(Default IP is Mask a static IP , specify the subnet mask inthis fieldGateway a static IP , specify the gateway in thisfield⏹ BUTTON LIGHTItem Settings DescriptionLevel 1 / 2 / 3Set background brightness of the keyboard buttons⏹ ASSIGNED KEYItemSettings DescriptionF1 ~ F6Camera 1 ~ 6 Home P/T Reset Power MutePicture Freeze Picture Flip PictureLR_Reverse None F1 ~ F6 buttons can be set as shortcut keys separatelyFunctions may be set as the list displayed to the leftPress the shortcut key and the camera will perform the specified function quickly⏹FACTORY DEFAULT⏹GPI I/OItem Settings DescriptionSetting Input / Output Set the control signal direction of GPI I/O interface as Input or OutputTally Mode Normal / On Air Display the Tally input indicator that corresponds to the camera number having the Tally input as ON. When the setting is Normal, the camera is selected as the target camera automaticallyCommandSel Standard /ExpandSet the camera number to be standard orbinary processingCameraLinkOn / Off Enable or disable Tally indicator control ⏹PASSWORD SETTINGItem DescriptionOld Password Key in the current password (initial password is 0000)New Password Key in a new password Confirm Enter the new password again Save Preset Save⏹JOYSTICK ZOOMItem Settings DescriptionJOKSTICK ZOOM ON / OFFSpecify whether to enable the joystickZOOM functionItem Settings DescriptionFACTORY DEFAULT Yes / NoExecute the factory reset on the keyboardLCD menu functionsAfter the reset is completed, “Succeed” willbe displayed※ When executing the factory reset, do not movethe PTZ joystick and the ZOOM in/out buttonMODEL INFOItem DescriptionDisplay the IP address that controls thekeyboard and FW versionChapter 4 Camera Connection DescriptionVS-KB30 supports crossing protocol hybrid control between RS232, RS422 and IP .Supported control protocols include: VISCA, PELCO D / P , VISCA over IP4.1 Port PinDefinition4.2 How to Connect RS-2321. Connect the RJ-45 to RS232 adapter cable to the RS232 port of VS-KB302. Please refer to the RJ-45 to RS232 adapter cable and camera Mini Din RS232 pin definitions to complete the cable connection [Remark] Please make sure that SYSTEM SWITCH DIP1 and DIP3 onthe bottom of Lumens camera are set as OFF (RS232 & baud rate 9600) [Note] VC-AC07 is optional and can be connected via network cableRJ45 to RS-232 /RS422 Adapter CableFirst Camera Second Camera Seventh Camera4.3 How to Connect RS-4221. Connect the RJ-45 to RS232 adapter cable to the RS422 port of VS-KB30 (A or B)2. Please refer to the RJ-45 to RS232 adapter cable and camera RS422 pin definitions to complete the cable connection[Remark] Please make sure that SYSTEM SWITCH DIP1 and DIP3 onthe bottom of Lumens camera are set as ON and OFF respectively (RS422 & baud rate 9600)4.4 How to Connect IP1. Use network cables to connect VS-KB30 and IP camera to the routerRJ45 to RS-232 /RS422 Adapter CableFirst CameraSecond CameraSeventh CameraCameraCat5 network cableCat5 network cableCat5 network cableCat5 network cableChapter 5 Camera Setting Description5.1 Power on VS-KB30Two types of power supply can be used by VS-KB30⏹DC 12 V power supply: Please use the included DC power supply adapterand power cable, and press the power button Power CordPowerAdapter⏹ POE power supply: Use Ethernet cables to connect POE switch and IPport of VS-KB30, and press the POWER button POE SwitchNetworkcable[Note] RJ45 ports of RS232 and RS422 do not support POE. Please do not connect with POE-powered network cables5.2 Instruction on RS-232 Setting⏹ Press SETUP, and select CAMERA SETTING⏹ Set CAMID and Title⏹ After protocol is set as VISCA, press P/T SPEED to access theadvanced settingBaud Rate is set as 9600Port is set as RS232⏹ Press EXIT to exit5.3 Instruction on RS-422 Setting⏹ Press SETUP, and select CAMERA SETTING⏹ Set CAMID and Title⏹ After protocol is set as VISCA, press P/T SPEED to access theadvanced settingBaud Rate is set as 9600Port is set as RS422⏹ Press EXIT to exit5.4 Instruction on IP Setting5.4.1 Set VS-KB30 IP address⏹ Press SETUP, and select KEYBOARD SETTING => IP CONFIGURATION⏹ Type: Select STATIC or DHCP⏹ IP Address: If select STATIC, use P/T SPEED to choose the location, inputIP address via numbers on the keyboard. Last, press ZOOM SPEED tosave and exit5.4.2 Add Cameras1. Automatic Search⏹ Press SERTCH⏹ Select VISCA-IPVISCA-IP: Search available VISCA over IP cameras on theinternet⏹ Press ZOOM SPEED to save; then press EXIT to exit2. Manual Add⏹ Press SETUP, and select CAMERA SETTING⏹ Set CAMID and Title⏹ Protocol Select VISCA-IP, and set the camera IP address ⏹ Press ZOOM SPEED to save; then press EXIT to exitChapter 6 Descriptions of Major Functions6.1 Call the Camera6.1.1 Use the digital keyboard to call the camera1. Key in the camera number to be called via keyboard2. Press the “CAM” button6.1.2 Call the IP camera via device list1. Press the “INQUIRY” button2. Select the IP camera protocol3. Use the ZOOM SPEED button to select the camera to be controlled4. Select “CALL” and press the P/T SPEED button to confirm6.2 Setup/Call/Cancel Preset Position.6.2.1 Specify the preset position1. Relocate the camera to the desired position2. Enter the desired preset position number, then press and hold thePRESET button for 3 seconds to savePress 3 seconds6.2.2 Call the preset position1. Key in the desired preset position number via keyboard2. Press “CALL” buttonPress “CALL”6.2.3 Cancel the preset position1. Key in the preset position number to be deleted2. Press “RESET” button6.3 Set the Non-IP Camera OSD Menu via Keyboard1. Press the “MENU” button on the keyboard2. Set the camera OSD menu via PTZ joystick⏹ Move the joystick up and down. Switch the menu items/Tune the parameter values ⏹ Move the joystick to the right: Enter ⏹Move the joystick to the left: Exit6.4 Set the PELCO-D Camera OSD Menu via Keyboard1. Use the numeric keyboard to key in “95” + “CALL” buttonPress “RESET”6.5 RS422 Set A, Set B Switching1. Press the A or B buttons to switch between RS422 sets (buttons ofthe set in use will be lit)Chapter 7 TroubleshootingThis Chapter describes questions frequently asked during the use of VS-KB30 and suggests methods and solutions.No. ProblemsSolutions1After plugging in the powersupply, VS-KB30 power is noton 1. Please check whether the powerbutton on the back is pressed downcorrectly2. If POE is used, please make sure theEthernet network cable is correctlyconnected to the power port of thePOE switch2VS-KB30 camera cannot becontrolled 1. Please confirm the port pin connection is correct (RS-232/422)2. Please confirm whether the camera system switch DIP 1 ad DIP 3 are set correctly.3. Please confirm whether the MENU button on the keyboard is pressed down by mistake, causing the camera OSD menu to open and the camera unable to be controlled3 Cannot use the keyboardbuttons to change the imagesettings or focus Please confirm the LOCK button is set in “LOCK” mode※For questions about the installation, please scan the following QR Code. A support person will be assigned to assist youSupplier’s Declaration of Conformity47 CFR § 2.1077 Compliance InformationManufacturer: Lumens Digital Optics Inc.Product Name: VS-KB30Model Number: Keyboard ControllerResponsible Party - U.S. Contact InformationSupplier: Lumens Integration, Inc.4116 Clipper Court, Fremont, CA 94538, United Statese-mail :********************FCC Compliance StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.。