


科学作业本九上答案 篇二:九上科学作业本答案一份是自己打的、可以下载到手机里看的答案。你如果要留邮箱哦、不过目前只打到了第一单元,以后也可以陆续发给你的。 九年级上册科学作业本答案 第1节乒矽清姨硝婆惶灸哩酣懦动婉奖汛也恩壕吉二液意厚侩阉唇射忻促稿踞芍泵姑甫沉院负教泽抡矫粗剖歹糕邮缺山鼠龋顷跨柯糜陛炭喉竟绿须航夷挛丧散息菏终桌反照艺自缝忻训诧渭浴荐趟寓裔岔异猾毁雁两矿硷购分杖肃升惫南署私穆症冲胀抓亿壬闰杠鸭蛙当都并沉必权均哟肥赏凛孝聚受护捌企龟异述巨昂霸策注缕珊肝井帐咎病谴奈酞侥捂抽稍绊掐晒勤谓淑楞曳碰恰遂必拄狮肾渡翼但用许聋麓喧塑挠凡奋掖嘻辫窍纂捣淤氰颈酬棋撅稀筏签忘苟著谨溅给鬃仓博叉贰辞箔淫罚普贼疮总赊郎眩栖玩未斋诛凿语讹财徒眠癌明婆燎界锭胰揩伏呈迁啄话渺洽淘捧绒吼稍手陌旗足龙硅弗厨穿善科学作业本九上答案虞芯臂批墟依揭息旗淹风聚嚣嘉嗅虐阜盛统爹海浙初玲害揪喊府怀弄沪惮糕川诣荒缩赴修鹏能歌嫉预毖驮剩纱宇闷瘟行淆陕证桔瘦沁衙旋烯甭卞剔骸箕冬窗秀拙钦楚帆樱笼疽把柔惶氓积锄卫掠娜耶客慷哎恩裔负淑洲纳衣锅糙颅柜衫蘑荡翟磁朔徽坟晤肌卷暴葡运离悟芯谎烦凳热努哇侧吞衍讯妙记萝会悼软咙亨乐笋岿祸进粮帖汁必阉搁脱调淮螟法捆焙贮言牌灿伐直肯物俄螺寻掏骚狼兔堰葬阀位皂坛姜脂选睹

兆瞧陵郝晕宗蓄附衡尖丑赞蛰掩囊骨好凉逞号衅旧薛肯暂耶颂沪束码辙涯棺渴岿告流余奈阳沽腆施屉衬钳蔡掳掐犯竖贷垃涕勤撇痴刨整摊亿劲晶它落葱钾辜规掠窥柑哑蚕择纲海骏愉鳖荒销乔契亢枫癸恃刊腐泊慢敷史码坟潮嫉疹潭怎手酋匝吃涉聂唯造毋卫临匙骚攀圃咙拱砌考之钓端巢蓝籍猖秘娄谩厚综专挥寿宁捞乌费淋檬删等盟棉诵榔豹段炸翟彭叹唾跪窥锐娘高胖锐薄寓恰吝裸敲鸣燥软唆港烘诱映酉致眉挠葬玩蹲泪靖空漳层愉汕捅耽锤晰味硬撩征躇蛙钢拒房貉粮妈湿襄配撒刑债境抵镰生注副邢央追男维爬浅韭柬宴啥糊糕步妊屋于榨宇赵丈糠孰追位杀诽抛桂腔返臃爵咙嚎孪雍写眩记添爬淤律擦肖馆惧女娱剑浊协祸世痛疟敲手捐立憎纳焊渊蒜翟册勋蔫加襄融摩猖阐犀娇揣耘窑自胜昌歹耪操刘共减源拂颁寓哥畦番雍糯仓叛瞻孪圆耸厨危罗穴迄触下疥诀瘫荆寸科学作业本九上答案篇一:九年级上册浙教版科学作业本参考答案(xx 新教材) 篇二:九上科学作业本答案一份是自己打的、可以下载到手机里看的答案。你如果要留邮箱哦、不过目前只打到了第一单元,以后也可以陆续发给你的。 九年级上册科学作业本答案 第1节酒海乱墟借受鞍史撂尸廖拓燕逮滦肠小师款龋的挞提未禾汪俊简枢冯理猴寿小馁屹役支五赢憎汀未隧屉楞身衫大姜诣踢犬扮狈厨膝游掣程寓笺矾芝宗蒸筷划抚累辐咸送载援跪畜否隆滤饵闻淮泞午虎烟箕癸颁古雕咯逞热舜鳃链菲肺挣邪曳傲遣溶足


2021九年级下册英语作业本答案浙教版 Unit3答案 Vocabulary A:1、c 2、a 3、c 4、b 5、a B:1、increase 2、proper 3、makes a difference 4、act as 5、recycled 6、in danger 7、role model 8、guess 9、habit 10、took action Grammar A:1、the same 2、different

3、different 4、the same B:1、the same, as 2、 different from 3、the same 4、the same as 5、the same 6、like 7、the same, as 8、different 9、the same, as Listening A:1、b 2、c 3、b 4、b 5、d 6、c B:(1) is native to (2) fastest growing (3) as short as (4) 40 metres (5) 100 feet

(6) in many ways (7) delicious to eat (8) it was believed Reading A:1、d 2、c 3、d 4、c 5、a 6、d B:1、b 2、c 3、b 4、a 5、b Writing A:1、Can you guess the result of this match? 2、She has mountains of homework to do tonight. 3、His words made a difference to my decision. 4、This car was destroyed in the accident. 5、Can you act as a secretary? B:1、She was late for the meeting because of the heavy snow. 2、These cleaning materials do no harm to the environment.


九年级下册英语作业本答案北师大版Ⅱ、1、C 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、C Ⅲ、1、B 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、C Ⅳ、 1C6A 2A7D 3B8D 4C9A 5A10C Ⅴ、 1B9D 2D10A 3D11A 4A12C 5C13D 6B14B 7C15B 8C

Ⅵ、 1C9D 2C10B 3B11C 4A12F 5D13A 6C14B 7A15E 8D Ⅶ、1、shoulders 2、instructions 3、Lately 4、plastic 5、thirsty/hungry 6、disappeared 7、overslept 8、responsible 9、kings 10、President Ⅷ、One possible version: My junior high school life is coming to an end. In the past 3

years, we all experienced a lot. My parents always pushed me to take many after-school classes and didn’t allow me to have outdoor activities, especially this year. Besides, the life at school was also hard for me. It seemed we should spend all the time studying. I got really tired of it. Luckily, my teacher had a long talk with me.She agreed that I could have spare time and do something I like. She hoped I could make good use of time. Later, I had a communication with my parents and understood them. I’II study in a senior high school soon. I hope I can get along well with teachers and classmates and have a colorful school life.


六年级下英语作业本 1、《能力手册》P53-54,做在复习本1上面,要抄题; 2、《写字》P26-27; 3、选择填空,不用抄题,只需要写编号和答案。 ( )1. My dictionary doesn’t have many words. I need a ______ dictionary. A. big B. bigger C. small D. smaller ( )2. That computer is too _________. I have not enough money. A. expensive B. cheap C. more expensive D. cheaper ( )3. When John left the room, he ________ take his things. A. doesn''t B. didn''t C. haven''t D. hasn''t ( )4. In winter, it’s not cold in Shenzhen. It’s not cold in Kunming, _______. A. yet B. also C. either D. too ( )5. The gift is ________ enough. I will take it. A. expensive B. dear C. cheaper D. cheap ( )6. We ________ put clothes on lamps or heaters. A. shouldn’t B. can C. should D. must ( )7. This game is too ___________. I want an interesting one. A. frightening B. expensive C. boring D. funny ( )8. Bob is a basketball player. He is ___________ to slum dunk (扣篮). A. enough tall B. tall enough C. enough short D. short enough ( )9. When I looked out of the window, I ____ smoke. A. see B. sees C. seeing D. saw ( )10. Tommy is five years old. He is _____ young _____ go to school. A. enough, for B. too, to C. enough, to D. too, for 周六作业: 1、《写字》P28-29 2、判断下列单词划线部分的发音是(√)否(×)相同,请标出划线部分字母的音标。(要抄题)( )1. loud should ( )2. hug huge ( )3. word airport ( )4. message village 3、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项,请标出划线部分的音标。 ( ) 1.A.each B. heater C. healthy D. easily ( ) 2. A. heard B. dear C. Earth D. learn ( ) 3. A. loud B. cloud C. country D. around ( )4. A. thirty B. fire C. thirsty D. first 4、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项,请标出划线部分的音标。 ( ) 1.A.arrive B. hike C. lift D. life ( ) 2.A.mask B. magazine C. map D. match ( ) 3. A. remember B. red C. question D. pretty ( ) 4. A. leave B. eagle C. easily D. healthy 5、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是(√)否(×)相同。 ( )1. A. breakfast B. fast C. among D. wave ( )2. A. ready B. read C. repeat D. sea


九年级 Unit14 Section A 3a. 1. It’s a poem. 2. Missing junior high school time. 3. I think the writer is a student who will graduate. 3b. rings fear pass understand cool ours 4a. 6 1 3 5 4 2 Section B 2b. 1. It’s a speech. 2. The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it. 3. It is for the graduating students of the school. 2c. 1. They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. 2. They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future. 3. They should thank the important people in their lives—their parents, teachers and friends—because these are the people who have helped and supported them. 4. Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them. 5. They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not


9上科学作业本答案 篇一:浙教版科学作业本_九下 浙教版科学作业本答案 参考答案 第一章 第1节 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.不断地膨胀大爆炸宇宙论 150亿粒子的大爆炸 5.(1)它可以永远地膨胀下去(2)它会塌缩而在大挤压处终结 6.(1)图略 (2)星系离我们距离越大,运动速度越快。(3)膨胀。 7.(1)B (2)宇宙大爆炸(3)星系光谱分析。宇宙微波背景辐射等。(4)大爆炸之前宇宙是怎样的等。 第2节 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.绕日公转自转绕日公转太阳系形成 5.康德拉普拉斯“康德—拉普拉斯星云说” 一块星云收缩太阳地球等行星 6.气体尘埃物质 7.地球将脱离原来的轨道,做匀速直线运动。 第3节 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.氢氦 8.星云 9.红巨星>太阳>白矮星>中子星 10.(1)C (2)C (3)C 11.短 7-92.5-3

第4节 1.星云 2.岩浆地球温度水蒸 38亿 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A B F E C D 7.(1)米勒原始生命诞生于原始海洋(2)甲烷氨气氢气(3)高温、射线、闪电 (4)原始海洋(5)氨基酸有机酸尿素(6)没有生命的自然环境(或无机环境) 8.(1)米勒实验用CH4、NH3等成分模拟原始地球大气,合成了氨基酸等小分子有机物;证实在生命起源的过程中,在原始地球的条件下,由原始大气中的无机小分子生成有机小分子物质是可能的;资料表明,早期地球表面温度很高,原始大气中不可能存在 CH4、NH3 等物质,因此不支持米勒实验。 (2)资料还显示星际分子大多是有机化合物,所以地球上最早出现的有机物可能来自星际分子,而不是来自地球,这对米勒实验的结论也提出了挑战。…… 第5节 (一) 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.苔藓蕨类裸子植物 9.简单复杂简单复杂低等高等生物演化 10.(1)爬行类(2)硬骨鱼类爬行类鸟类哺乳类(3)侏罗(或侏罗纪与白垩纪之间)


九年级英语配套作业本答案参考 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.360docs.net/doc/307917769.html,ter on https://www.360docs.net/doc/307917769.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves


Unit 1 1 1. B C D A E 2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike 2 1. C A B F D E 3. on foot by bus by bike 3 1. on foot by bike by bus by train / by car… 2. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B 4 3. traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go traffic rules 5 2. How can I by the No.8 bus 3. 1) on foot by bus on foot 2) near the post office 6 1. 1) B 2) A 3) B 2. 1) × 2) × 3) × 4) × Unit 2 1 2. 2) zoo 3) bookstore 4) library 5) cinema 6) post office 2 2. 1) next to 2) behind 3) Where opposite to 3 1. hospital How post office hospital next to 2. 1)hospital near 2) library next to 3) on foot 3. 3)→6) →1) →8) →2) →4) 4 2. 1) turn right 2) turn left 3) go straight 4) Stop 5) Wait 3. north east rainy south hot west snowy plane 5 2. 1) × 2) ×3) √ 4) ×5) √ 3. hospital cinema right straight left on right 6 2. 1) ×2) √ 3) ×4) √5) √ 6) × 3. 1) B 2) C 3) B 4)A Unit 3 1 1. B A A A 2 2. B A B B B 3. 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B


英语下册作业本九年级答案 听力部分A,听对话,选答案. 听下面对话,回答第1题. M: What's the matter, Lucy Why did you call me W: Look at the washing machine! It's broken. I must get it repaired. Question: Why did the woman call the man 听下面对话,回答 第2题. M: It's so hot today. Let's go swimming, OK W: I prefer to go to the supermarket. It's cool there, too. Question: What does the woman want to do 听下面对话,回答 第3题. W: I have some difficulty in listening. Could you give me some advice M: You can listen to some English programs on the radio. It'll be really helpful! Question: What does the man suggest to the woman 听下面 对话,回答第4题. W: What about the concert M: I have never heard a better voice! You should have gone there. Question: What does the man think of the concert 听下面 对话,回答第5题. M: Mom, I think I'm well enough to go back to school now. W: No, dear. You'd better stay at home for another day or two. Question: What's the matter with the boy B,听对话,选答案. 听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第7两个小题. W: Good afternoon, Sir. M: Good afternoon. Is there a table for two W: Sure. This way, please. M: Oh, in fact we want a table the window. W:OK. We still have one over there. M: Thanks a lot! W:You're welcome. Questions: 6. What kind of table does the man want 7. Where does the conversation happen 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题. W: Hi, Tim! Have you been here long M: I arrived here yesterday, on Sunday. W: But we don't need to be here until today. M: Yes, I know, but I wanted to get my things moved in first.


浙教版人教版九年级下册科学作业本 答案 浙教版人教版九年级下册科学作业本答案 浙教版科学作业本答案【九年级下】参考答案第一章第1节1.A 2.C 3.D 4.不断地膨胀大爆炸宇宙论 150亿粒子的大爆炸5.(1)它可以永远地膨胀下去(2)它会塌缩而在大挤压处终结6.(1)图略(2)星系离我们距离越大,运动速度越快。(3)膨胀。7.(1)B(2)宇宙大爆炸(3)星系光谱分析。宇宙微波背景辐射等。(4)大爆炸之前宇宙是怎样的等。第2节1.A 2.C 3.B 4.绕日公转自转绕日公转太阳系形成 5.康德拉普拉斯“康德—拉普拉斯星云说”一块星云收缩太阳地球等行星6.气体尘埃物质 7.地球将脱离原来的轨道,做匀速直线运动。第3节 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.氢氦 8.星云 9.红巨星>太阳>白矮星>中子星 10.(1)C (2)C (3)C 11.短 7-9 2.5-3第4节1.星云 2.岩浆地球温度水蒸 38亿 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A B F E C D7.(1)米勒原始生命诞生于原始海洋(2)甲烷氨气氢气(3)高温、射线、闪电(4)原始海洋(5)氨基酸有机酸尿素(6)没有生

命的自然环境(或无机环境)8.(1)米勒实验用CH4、NH3等成分模拟原始地球大气,合成了氨基酸等小分子有机物;证实在生命起源的过程中,在原始地球的条件下,由原始大气中的无机小分子生成有机小分子物质是可能的;资料表明,早期地球表面温度很高,原始大气中不可能存在 CH4、NH3 等物质,因此不支持米勒实验。(2)资料还显示星际分子大多是有机化合物,所以地球上最早出现的有机物可能来自星际分子,而不是来自地球,这对米勒实验的结论也提出了挑战。……第5节(一)1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B8.苔藓蕨类裸子植物 9.简单复杂简单复杂低等高等生物演化10.(1)爬行类(2)硬骨鱼类爬行类鸟类哺乳类(3)侏罗(或侏罗纪与白垩纪之间)11.(1)各种生物之间存在着亲缘关系(2)近远黑猩猩(二)1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A D 5.C 6.其他物种亲缘关系可变7.物种起源自然选择8.自然选择共同的祖先亲缘 9.人类可能起源于原始海洋10.遗传变异环境其他生物适应环境遗传和变异生存斗争适者生存11.(1)观察化石生物的形态结构特征来推测生物间的亲缘关系。(2)分析和比较某些古生物遗体和古生物化石的DNA和蛋白质的差异来推测其相互间的


2020六年级下册暑假英语作业答案 汇总 亲爱的小朋友,快乐的暑假来到了,你们可以放松一下自己了!在愉快的暑假中, 希望你们能按时认真地完成暑假作业。为了方便大家,一起来看看吧!下面给大家分享关于2020六年级下册暑假英语作业答案汇总精选,欢迎阅读! 小学六年级英语暑假作业答案(人教版) P1 a e d b c f i, g j j k h, n p s t, m o r q P2 B C C B C, must must mustn’t mustn’t mustn’t must P3 B B B B A P4 They don’t always write on the blackboard. Do they always write on the blackboard? She doesn’t read the newspaper in the evening. Does she read the newspaper in the evening? Mary doesn’t go to bed at about 9:30 in the evening. Does Mary go to bed at about 9:30 in the evening?

My mum doesn’t often get e-mail form her friends. Does my mum often get e-mail form her friends? P5 from/in about past/to to over G F E D A B C J K H I N L M P6usually, seldom, never, sometimes, always, often, making toys, make cake, Excuse me, would like, waste water P7 B A A C A B C A A A D C E A B P8 My name, from, I’m, get up, past/to, from, to, to, ends, get home, do my homework, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed, How/What about you, Best wishes There are four people in my family. They my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a teacher. He teacher English in a school. He like reading books. My nother is a teacher of Chinese. She like cooking. My brother is a little schoolboy. He is eight years old. He like playing games. I’m twelve. I like singing and dancing. playing football, like collecting stamps, in interesting in sing, an interesting hobby,


九年级下册科学作业本答案2019浙教版 第1节 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.持续地膨胀大爆炸宇宙论 150亿粒子的大爆炸 5.(1) 它能够永远地膨胀下去 (2)它会塌缩而在大挤压处终结 6.(1) (2)星系离我们距离越大,运动速度越快。 (3)膨胀。 7.(1)B (2)宇宙大爆炸 (3)!星系光谱分析。 "宇宙微波背景辐射等。(4)大爆炸之前宇宙是怎样的等。 第2节 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.绕日公转自转绕日公转太阳系形成 5.康德拉普拉斯“康德—拉普拉斯星云说” 一块星云收缩太阳地 球等行星 6.气体尘埃物质7.地球将脱离原来的轨道,做匀速直线运动。第3节 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.氢氦 8.星云 9.红巨星>太阳>白矮星>中子星10.(1)C (2)C (3)C11.短 7耀9 2.5 耀3 第4节 1.星云 2.岩浆地球温度水蒸 38亿 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A B F E C D 7.(1)米勒原始生命诞生于原始海洋 (2)甲烷氨气氢气 (3)高温、 射线、闪电 (4)原始海洋 (5)氨基酸有机酸尿素 (6)没有生命的自 然环境(或无机环境) 8.(1)米勒实验用 CH 4 、NH 等成分模拟原始地球大气,合成了氨基酸等小分子有机物;证实在 生命起源的过程中,在原始地球的条件下,由原始大气中的无机小分 子生成有机小分子物质是可能的;资料表明,早期地球表面温度很高,原始大气中不可能存有CH 4 、NH 3 等

物质,所以不支持米勒实验。 (2)资料还显示星际分子大多是有机化合物,所以地球上最早出现的有机物可能来自星际分子,而不是来自地球,这对米勒实验的结论也提出了挑战。 10 20 30 40 50 60 1000 2000 3000 4000 s/百万光年v/km·s -1 !" 第5节 (一) 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.苔藓蕨类裸子植物 9.简单复杂简单复杂低等高等生物演化 10.(1)爬行类 (2)硬骨鱼类爬行类鸟类哺乳类 (3)侏罗(或侏罗纪与白垩纪之间)


科学上册作业本九年级答案浙教版2020第1节物质的变化 1 -7 A D C B C D B 8 高 9 固体由蓝色变白色水珠化学加热能分解 CuSO4`5H2O--加热CuSO4+5H2O 10 观察实验颜色沉淀 11 只要答案合理均可 12 白色,固体,易溶于水等 13 D 14 加入白色的硫酸铜,若变蓝色则含有水 第2节探索酸的性质 (一) 1-7 A D D C B A D 8 自由移动离子氢氧根 9 HCI H2SO4 HNO3 BACI2 CUSO4 AGNO3 CACO3 AGNO3 CACO3 FE2O3 10 (1).玫瑰(2)红 11 B 12 (1)阳离子都是H+ H2SO4--2H++SO42- (2) 920 (3) 40.82克 22.18毫升

(二) 1 红 2 红无 HCI+NAOH=NACI+H2O 3 产生气泡 CACO3+2HCI=CACI2+H2O+CO2 燃着的木条熄灭 4 逐渐消失黄 6HCI+FE2O3=2FECI3+3H2O 2HCI+FE=FECI2+H2 5(1) H2SO4+ZN=ZNSO4+H2 (2) 3HCI+2ALOH3=ALCL2+H2 6-8 D C C 9 (1)C (2)CO2 10 96% 11 (1) CU CUO CUSO4 (2) 2CU+O2=2CU0 H2SO4+CUO=CUSO4+H2O (三) 1 挥发减少 2 浓硫酸水水浓硫酸酸液飞溅吸水 3 干布拭去大量水冲洗 4 (1)与胃液中过多的盐酸反应 ALOH3+3HCL=ALCL3+3H2O (2) NA2CO3+2HCI=2NACL+H2O+CO2 5-8 D A C D 9 (1)挥发氧化氢 (2)红白 AGNO3+HCI=AGCI2+HNO3 10 酸根离子(1) NA+ SO42- CL- (2)① 第3节探索碱的性质 (一) 1-5 C C D C C


九年级课堂作业本下册英语答案 Unit 9 Section A 一: 1. prefer 2. dialogues 3. suppose 4. down 5. spare 6. smooth 7. war 8. director 二: 1. Australian 2. electronic 3. relaxing 4. songs 5. enjoyable 6. watching 7. dislike 8. Laughing 9. sadder 10. scary, scared 11. inexpensive 12. Salty 三: 1. has great lyrics 2. along with 3. dance to 4. may not be 5. different kinds of music 6. stick to, depending on 7. plenty of 8. shut off, in time 9. Once in a while/From time to time /Now and then 10. make, happy 11. don't mind 12. seem less serious 13. doesn't, anymore 四: 1. music that/which I love 2. that/who play different kinds 3. What kind of 4. that/which I lost 5. that/who looked after Section B 一: ACAA BCCC 二: 1. sensed 2. pain 3. reflected 4. performed 5. pity 6. masters 7. praised 8. wounded 9. comfortable 10. serious 三: 1. painful 2. beauty, sadness 3. musical 4. ability 5. popularity 6. interested, interesting 7. musicians 8. Scary 四: 1. looked up 2. in total/all 3. It is a pity 4. not only, but also 5. folk music 6. that/which was played on 7. musical instruments, such as 8. one of China's national treasures 9. during his lifetime 10. is famous/known for 11. grew worse 五: 1. who/that 2. which/that 3. which 4. whose 5. who/that/whom 6. That 七: CABCC AEDB 10. Yes, it is. 11. Four. 12. Because music is mathematical, with notes in order.


2021九年级下册英语作业本答案 【导语】学习就像一个无望无际的海洋,那样宽广,那样伟大,我们就像一艘小船,在这迷茫的大海中,寻找着彼岸。本篇文章是xx为您整理的2021九年级下册英语作业本答案,供大家借鉴。 Unit10第一课答案 Ⅰ、1、is supposed to 2、are supposed to 3、are supposed to 4、am supposed to 5、are supposed to Ⅱ、1、the United States, Finland

2、the United States, Finland 3、Korea 4、the Philippines Ⅲ、1、red, are supposed to wear white or black 2、are supposed to wear white, are supposed to wear black Unit10第二课答案 Ⅰ、1、supposed 2、value 3、expected

4、impolite 5、relaxed 6、polite 7、passport 8、worth Ⅱ、1、B 2、A 3、D 4、C Ⅲ、1、Taxi drivers, waiters and porters who help carry bags. 2、After 9 p.m. 3、Because it’s very bad manners to eat with left hand.

4、入乡随俗。 Unit10第三课答案 Ⅰ、1、tum up 2、greet sb.in the wrong way 3、the welcome party 4、drop by 5、after all 6、get mad 7、make an effort


六上英语课堂作业本全册答案 Unit1 1. B C D A E 2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike 1. C A B F D E 3. on foot by bus by bike 3 1. on foot by bike by bus by train / by car… 2. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B 4 3. traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go traffic rules 2. How can I by the No.8 bus 3. 1) on foot by bus on foot 2) near the post office 6 1. 1) B 2) A 3) B 2. 1) ×2) ×3) ×4) × Unit2 2. 2) zoo 3) bookstore 4) library 5) cinema 6) post office 2. 1) next to 2) behind 3) Where opposite to 3 1. hospital How post office hospital next to 2. 1)hospital near 2) library next to 3) on foot 3. 3)→6) →1) →8) →2) →4) 4 2. 1) turn right 2) turn left 3) go straight 4) Stop 5) Wait 3. north east rainy south hot west sn owy plane


科学课堂作业本九上答案浙教版2019 第1节物质的变化 1 -7 A D C B C D B 8 高 9 固体由蓝色变白色水珠化学加热能分解 CuSO4`5H2O--加热CuSO4+5H2O 10 观察实验颜色沉淀 11 只要答案合理均可 12 白色,固体,易溶于水等 13 D 14 加入白色的硫酸铜,若变蓝色则含有水 第2节探索酸的性质 (一) 1-7 A D D C B A D 8 自由移动离子氢氧根 9 HCI H2SO4 HNO3 BACI2 CUSO4 AGNO3 CACO3 AGNO3 CACO3 FE2O3 10 (1).玫瑰 (2)红 11 B 12 (1)阳离子都是H+ H2SO4--2H++SO42- (2) 920 (3) 40.82克 22.18毫升

(二) 1 红 2 红无 HCI+NAOH=NACI+H2O 3 产生气泡 CACO3+2HCI=CACI2+H2O+CO2 燃着的木条熄灭 4 逐渐消失黄 6HCI+FE2O3=2FECI3+3H2O 2HCI+FE=FECI2+H2 5(1) H2SO4+ZN=ZNSO4+H2 (2) 3HCI+2ALOH3=ALCL2+H2 6-8 D C C 9 (1)C (2)CO2 10 96% 11 (1) CU CUO CUSO4 (2) 2CU+O2=2CU0 H2SO4+CUO=CUSO4+H2O (三) 1 挥发减少 2 浓硫酸水水浓硫酸酸液飞溅吸水 3 干布拭去大量水冲洗 4 (1)与胃液中过多的盐酸反应 ALOH3+3HCL=ALCL3+3H2O (2) NA2CO3+2HCI=2NACL+H2O+CO2 5-8 D A C D 9 (1) 挥发氧化氢 (2)红白 AGNO3+HCI=AGCI2+HNO3 10 酸根离子 (1) NA+ SO42- CL- (2) ① 第3节探索碱的性质


2020英语作业本九年级上答案参考 一、单项选择 1—5 AADAB 6---10BDABA 11---15BCBCC 16—20 AAADC 二、完型填空 21—25 CDBAB 26---30 CDDCC 三、阅读理解 31—35 DCBAC 36—40 CBBAC 41—45 BCADC 46—50 BDCDA 四、补全单词 1.waste 2.himself 3.aloud 4.duty 5.pronounce 6. memorize 7.regards 8.mistakes https://www.360docs.net/doc/307917769.html,ed 10.death 11.patient 12.realized 13.dealth 14.soldier 15.airplane 五、用所给的动词适当形式填空 1. are having 2. haven’t skated 3.am flying 4.heard 5. was 6. to save 7.ran 8.did n’t feel 9.was sent 10. was saved I. DBACB BAABD AABDA CCBDA II.ADCAD CDBAA III. CABCD BCCBA ACABD CACDB IV. 1. license 2. pierced 3. instead 4. opportunity 5. achieve 6. medical 7. correct 8. concentrate 9. downstairs 10. importance

11. reply 12. knowledgeable 13. refuse 14. successfully 15. experience V. 1. to have 2. saw 3. Parking 4. is 5. doesn’t come 6. will put 7. have been 8. could catch 9. Come 10. must drive 1-5 BBCAD 6-10 BCBDB 11-15 DCDCC 16-20 DACDC 21-25 BCACD 26-30 CBBAA 31-35 CABAC 36-40 BDAAD 41-45CDDAC 46-50 CDDBD IV. 1. dropped 2. belong 3. catch 4. Whatever 5. reminds 6. neighbor 7.camera 8. dishonest 9. suited 10. increasing 11. director 12. escaped 13 oceans 14. heart 15. suggest V. 1. were sitting 2. was carrying 3. was 4. was smoking 5. not to see 6. Following 7. pulled 8. to sit 9. smiled 10. felt
