楼层疏散小组:九年级七八年级四楼: 张书玲陈瑞勇王松伟岳征三楼:任成功梁文新吴亮关丽二楼:王根成王俊臣江海燕刘英才一楼:李新瑞张红霞肖静崔海瑞职责:分别在各楼层楼梯口、接应引导疏散学生,杜绝拥挤踩踏事故。
Do you know these signs?
a clean river
a dirty river
a quiet street
a bu words with the pictures.
1.Where can you enjoy yourselves?
We can enjoy ourselves on Bridge Street. 2.Is there a park on Bridge Street? Yes, there is. It’s between the post office and the restaurant. 3.Where can you buy food when you
Bridge ST
-Yes, there is. Just go straight down Bridge Street and turn left . The hotel is on the left. It’s across from the bank.
-Excuse me. Is there a bank near here/ around here/ around me/ in the neighborhood? -Yes, there is. -Where’s the bank? -It’s behind the school. -Oh, yes, I can see it now. It’s a tall building. Thanks a lot. -You’re welcome.
Look at the picture. There’s a school in the picture. It’s____o_n___ School Street. The book store is___b_eh_ind
教研简报第五期中学英语优质课评比结果2004年9月23日,惠济区中学英语教师在惠济一中进行了优质课比赛,现将比赛结果公布如下:级别学校教师课题省级惠济五中程丽娜What is it made of?市级一等奖惠济六中毛广洁Can you come to my party?市级二等奖惠济一中师红霞JEFC3Lesson32区级一等奖惠济四中程颖宾JEFC3Lesson13惠济三中母瑞芬What color is it?惠济七中冉剑梅JEFC3Lesson13区级二等奖惠济实验中学李超凡Is this your pencil?惠济一中庞晓丹What color is it?区级三等奖惠济实验中学崔丽君Can you come to my party?惠济五中冯庆How do you come to school?中学英语骨干教师研讨课2004年10月14日,我区课改年级英语教师聚集一堂,在实验中学多媒体教室观摩了内容一样,风格迥异的两节骨干教师研讨课活动,分别由惠济三中的吴雅丽老师和实验中学的苗艳丽老师讲授,同讲Where is my backpack?通过说课、上课、评课等环节,共同探讨新形势下的英语教学对教材、教师的作用,教师的教法和学生的学方法的变革,大家就共同关心的话题达成了一致的意见,老师们感觉通过此次活动学习到了许许多多,并且在今后自己的教学中会力争向骨干学习、看齐。
现代社会电子音乐无处 不在,如果缺少了电子音乐 我们的生活将会缺少很多色 彩。
高科技手段的电声音乐与其他音 乐具有同样的魅力,随着科学的发 展和科技的进步,电子音乐越来越 普及,接触的面越来越广,希望同 学们在课余能多关注和参与电子音 乐的发展。
管乐,或者加进弦乐器,或者加进民族乐器。 近年来电声乐队的发展、变化很快,新的
BEYOND乐队(香港) 代表曲目:《真的爱你》
零点乐队(内地) 代表曲目:《相信自己》
• 每一年当我讲到这节课的时候我就特别的 激动因为雅尼的音乐给了我太多的震撼和 视听上的冲击,我和孩子一节课都在这种 美妙的音乐中陶醉着,孩子在听的过程中, 不自觉的就能哼出音乐的主旋律,充分说 明了这首音乐的力量。
• 我在想如何能更好的尽量只通过自己的聆 听来感知音乐。
思考:乐曲中使用了哪样中国民族乐器?它在乐曲 中模拟自然界的什么声音?
在这美妙的乐曲中,你能听出是由那些乐器 演奏的吗?主题一出现了几次?
1、听辨各种乐器的音色 2、《夜莺》的音乐形象
乐曲中加入了中国的竹笛。笛子的悠 扬、清越,小提琴的婉转、飞扬,大提 琴的低沉、肃穆,还有钢琴和电声乐队 的雄浑、壮丽,最后还有人声的加入, 充分显示了乐曲的独特魅力。尤其是引 子,用笛子演奏,节奏舒展、自由,在 最后延长音上,加进了模拟夜莺歌唱的 装饰音。
a small supermarket
Match the words with the pictures.
a clean park e
a new hotel d a quiet street a a big supermarket g a dirty park f a small supermarketh an old hotel c a busy street b
Listen and circle the places.
-Excuse me.Is there a hospital in the neighborhood?
-Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn right. It’s down Center Street on the right.
Unit 2 Where’s the post office?
Section B
Chinese Restaurant Supermarket
Station i
Post Office t
e t
Bus Station Library
e e
TV Station Hospital
他们步行走过了这座桥。 across指从一定范围的一边到另一边。动作 是在物体的表面进行。常用于横穿街道、河流, 穿过桥梁等。
through 侧重从物体的内部空间穿过,动作是在 物体内部进行。常用于穿过门、窗户、森林、公园 等。 如: He walks through the park.
年份A级B级C级D级本区本校本区本校本区本校本区本校2014年18% 10% 37% 37% 20% 22% 25% 31% 2015年25% 13% 32% 37% 26% 29% 17% 21% 2016年25% 19% 48% 48% 13% 12% 15% 21%高低存在问题:A级19%比本区低6个百分点;D级21%比本区高6个百分点。
论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文
— 5 —
56 57
一种改进的 Arnold 变换 基于嵌入式方式 Linux 触摸屏驱 动程序开发 ITER 水平诊断窗口的地震响应谱 分析 An Ant Colony Optimization-based Load Balancing Routing Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Net 网络环境下高校图书馆特色资源 利用培训探讨 基于子块残差的快速帧间模式选 择算法 正则矩阵及平滑参数与 GPS 水准 面拟合精度关系分析 基于网络多媒体技术的成人教育 英语教学模式创新研究 如何提高计算机辅助教学在高校 课堂教学应用中的效果和质量 增强型神经网络在基坑综合变形 预测中的应用 基于高校 OA 系统的电子文件原 始性保护机制探析
论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文
— 3 —
33 34 35 36
39 40 41
43 44
Lattice Routing algorithm of unequal clusters based on ARMA model 公众导向的电子政务信息资源共 享建设研究 多媒体教学资源建设模式研究 中国新闻传播史现代化手段教学 漫议 注重人文内涵的高校英语专业教 育质量提升研究 网络教育的视觉文化传播分析与 改善 翻译记忆系统在机器翻译教学中 的应用 基于数字媒体化的高校艺术教育 《医学物理》 精品课程自主学习环 境的构建 基于校园网的共建共享型高校教 学资源库设计 基于项目的网络团队学习过程模 型 信息技术与大学英语教学整合课
8.2 我与集体共成长 课件(17张PPT)
笔记一: 1.怎样在集体的共同建设中尽责(怎样建设美好集体)?(P77-79) ①集体建设有赖于每个成员的自觉愿望和自主行动,需要我们自 主建设、自我管理。②共同确定愿景和目标,让它凝聚每个人的 才华和智慧,并坚信集体的愿景和目标经过努力一定能够实现。 ③共同商定集体的规则与制度内容,协商确定对组织领导者的品 格与才能要求,通过民主程序选举乐于服务集体、有责任心的组 织领导者。④需要我们的“自治”精神,表现为每个成员主动参 与集体建设,积极参加集体活动,自觉维护集体荣誉。⑤共同创 造良好的集体氛围。
本 课 课
在共建中 共同商定规则与制度内容
思 维
1.“自治”精神是我们共同建设美好集体的精神,下列做法没 有体现这种精神的是( ) A.甲:放学主动打扫卫生 B.乙:自发带领同学给参加运动会的同学送水 C.丙:迟到了但为了维护班级荣誉,在门卫处签了隔壁班级小 明的名字 D.丁:悉心准备,闯入了演讲比赛的决赛,为班级争光
“我把自己学习搞好就算为班级做贡献了,其他事情我顾不上。 ” “文明班级只是一个虚名,没有文明班级,我们依然可以健康成 长。” “这次落选文明班级,是班长和班主任没管好,跟我没关系。”
河南省郑州市第九十六中七年级英语《Unit2Whereisthepostoffice》教案外研版Unit 2 Where is the post office?Language goals:In this unit students learn to talk about asking for and give directions on the street.New languages:Excuse me, is there a bank near here?Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.Where is the pay phone?It’s across from / next to / in front of / behind the library.It’s between the post office and the library.Just go straight and turn left.Turn left on First Avenue.Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue.There is a clean / dirty park near my house.Difficult points:1. Listening for the information of the names of the neighborhoodRead the tour guide and an e-mail from a friend you’re going to visit.Write the dialogues about asking the way and giving directions.2. Where questions.Affirmative statementsPrepositions of placeTeaching aids:A tape recorderSome picturesTeaching periods:Period 1: Section A1a, 1b, 1cPeriod 2: Section A2a, 2b, 2cPeriod 3: Section A3a, 3b, 4Period 4: Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2cPeriod 5: Section B 3a, 3b, 3c, 4Period 1Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Target languages: Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. It’s on Center S treet.3. Enable the students to ask for and give directions on the street.4. Help the students to ask for and give directions on the street.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming upShow three pictures prepared before class to the students. There is a cat in a box in picture 1. There is a cat on a box in picture 2. There is a cat under the box in picture 3.Then ask some students to ask and answer these questions.Step 2.Match work (2a)Ask the students to read the picture and the words in the numbered list.Ask the students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures. Then check the answers.Present the new sentence patterns.Then ask the students to read the dialogue in the picture.Step 3. Listening (1b)Ask the students to listen to the conversations and circle theplaces in 1a. Change the roles and do the same again.Then students ask and answer without the help of the recording.Step 4. PracticePoint to the different locations shown in the picture. Ask different students to name each one.Then point to more locations and let the students to practice more.Homework1. Practice the conversation in the picture on page 7.2. Learn the new words and phrases in this period by heart.Period 2Teaching aims:1. Learn the vocabulary words and useful expressions.2. Target languages:The pay phone is across from the library.The pay phone is next to the library.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.The pay phone is on Greet Street.The pay phone is in front of the library.The pay phone is behind the library.3. Enable the students to talk about the position of a place.4. Help the students to talk about the position of a place.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision and warming upCheck the homework by talking about the pictures on page 7 with the students or prepare some other pictures with different buildings in it and let the students practice asking and answering questions about the places.Ask the students to practice more.Step 2. Presentation (2a)Introduce the items across from, next to, between, in front of, behind and on. Draw the following pictur e on the blackboard.Park 3 Centre StreetEncourage or help the students to answer: It’s across from the library.The same way goes with next to, on and in front of.Ask the students to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Then ask the students to read the six sentences and match the sentences the pictures. Check the answers.Step 3. Listening(2b)Review the buildings and street names in Activity 1a and the six sentences in 2a. The read the six sentences in 2b to the class.Ask the students to listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.Play the tape. Check the answers.Step 4. Practice (2c)Ask the students to repeat the conversations after the recording.Ask the students to do the Pair work asking and answering questions about the places in 1a.Step 5.Grammar FocusAsk the students to read the sentences in the grammar box aloud. The ask them to answer the following questions. Explain some language points if the students can’t understand.HomeworkAsk the students to practice talking about their neighborhood in pairs.Period 3Teaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words.2. Target languages:Just go straight and turn left.It’s down Bri dge Street on the right.It’s next to a supermarket.3. Enable the students to talk about the neighborhood.4. Help the students to talk about the neighborhood.。
郑州79中数学教研组活动计划郑州79中数学教研组教研计划一. 指导思想:为了适应素质教育的要求,达到素质教育的目的,本学期我校数学组教研工作将以课程改革实验为主线,以贯彻落实道德课堂的要求并最终实现道德课堂为实现形式,以提高学生的基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验为基础,以提高数学教学优秀率、合格率为重点,认真搞好教学研究、扎实有效开展教研活动,促进教师、学生共同发展。
为此结合本校的实际,制定本学期的教研组工作计划如下:二.本学年主要工作:(一) 认真学习课程标准,提高教师自身素质。
1. 按教导处统一部署,分三次组织数学组全体教师认真学习数学课程标准,精准解读课程标准。
2. 在理论学习的同时,坚持业务学习,组织全组教师根据各年级教材特点,讨论教材教法;结合学生的认知能力和接受能力,探讨学法指导,相互交流经验互相学习,互相取长补短,共同提高。
(二) 加强教研组的常规管理。
(三)提高教研质量, 切实开展校本教研。
七下家长会课件 7.2
4. 学习方面: 关心学生每一天的学习情况 督促学生在家独立完成各科家庭作业 并进行适当的复习和预习 各科作业签字 对于学有余力的学生,安排适当的课外习题
5.家长要言传身教,每天给孩子创造良好的 学习环境,多鼓励孩子,多与孩子一同学习。
一、介绍惠济一中新的办学理念 二、班级理念 三、我们的收获 四、家庭教育的误区 五、与家长探讨的问题 六、给家长的建议 七、家长应注意配合的问题
• 班级情况:
4.有些同学进步很大,但有一小部分同学欠 缺积极进取精神
• 基础训练不够,停留在听懂就行,不再深刻 思考问题
• 部分孩子喜欢带一些与学习无关的书、 MP3,手机 等到校
• 有些孩子吃零食现象严重,同时卫生习 惯差,给人印象十分不好
生找不到学习的感觉,没有动力,没有志向, 没有目标。部分同学对学习没有足够的自信心。
那么,我们家长在家中 究竟该培养孩子怎样的学习 习惯呢?
综合来看, 这些好习惯有利于孩子的学习:
• 1. 周一至周五尽量不出去玩儿,不看电视,不 玩电脑,每天看课外书少于1小时
• 2. 周一至周五,每天保证2—3小时的作业时间 • 3. 周六周日每天3—5小时学习时间 • 4. 每天的睡觉时间在8小时左右 • 5. 多进行课外体育训练
不光是关心吃饱穿暖,还应关心他们的课余 活动是否健康,结交的朋友是否正派,拒绝参 与不当的游戏和活动。
家长要多一些时间和耐心去和孩子交流。这 样,孩子感受到家长对其学习的关注,当然在 学习上就会非常用功,努力把学习搞好。
(ab)n = an·bn
(ab)n = ab·ab·……·ab
( 幂的意义 )
=(a·a·……·a) (b·b·……·b) ( 结合律
( 幂的意义 )
河南省郑州市第九十六中七年级数学《1.4 幂的乘方与积的乘方(2)》课件
回顾 & 思考☞
a·a·… ·a= an
am ·an = am+n (m,n都是正整数)
(am)n= amn (m、n都是正整数)
(ab)n = an·bn(m,n都是正整数)
积的乘方 乘方的积
积的乘方 等于每个因式分别乘方后的积.
(a+b)n,可以用积的乘方法则计算吗? 即 “(a+b)n= an·bn ” 成立吗? 又 “(a+b)n= an+an ” 成立吗?
• 知识点一:积的乘方的意义
(3)(-2xy)4 ;
(4)(3a2)n .
解: (1) (3x)2 =32x2 = 9x2 ; (2) (-2b)5 = (-2)5b5 = -32b25 ; (3) (-2xy)4 = (-2x)4 y4 = (-2)4 x4 y4 =16x4 y4 ; (4) (3a2)n = 3n (a2)n = 3n a2n 。
河南省郑州市第九十六中七年级英语 Unit7 What does he look like Section A1a—3 课件 人教新目标版
be表状态,说明主语状态和特征. have/has 具有,拥有,长着.
Listen again. Fill in the chart. is has curly hair long hair short hair
Sally Pete
tall heavy
medium height thin short
Girl: Is that your friend? Amy: No, it isn’t. Girl: What does he look like? Amy: Well, he’s really tall. And he has curly hair.
Explanation like可以用作及物动词,意为“喜欢”,后面可以接 名词或代词作宾语。如:。 Do you like apples/him? 你喜欢苹果/他吗?
1a Match the words with the pictures. c 1.short hair___ 2.curly hair___ f a 3.long hair____ 4.straight hair___ a d 5.tall ___ 6.short __ h 7.medium height___ e b 8.thin ___ g 9.heavy____ e 10. medium build___ tall curly hair
New words tall
(of) medium height short
New words
thin adj. 瘦重的;沉的(fat)
New words
medium build
河南省郑州市第九十六中七年级英语 Unit9 How was your weekend 教案 人教新目标版
Difficult points:1. Master the past forms of t he regu lar and irregular verbs.2. Use the new language to talk about recent past events.Teaching aids:recordersome pictures of activitiesTeaching periods:Period 1: Section A 1a—Grammar focusPeriod 2: Section A3a—4Period 3: Section B 1a—2cPeriod 4: Section B 3a—Self-checkPeriod 1Teaching aims:1. Learn the new vocabulary words:2.Target language:What did you do last weekend? I played soccer/we went to the beach. What did he do last weekend? He played tennis.What did they do last weekend? They visited the library.3. Master the past forms of the regular and irregular verbs.4. Learn to talk about recent past events.Teaching procedures:Ste p 1. Warm-upTalk about the activities:—What’s your favorite sport?—My favorite sport is…—Do you play soccer/tennis/basketball? Yes/no…—Do you do your homework/clean your room? Yes/no...Ask and answer more activities.Step 2. Learn the new vocabulary words1. Get the students to read the new words in the vocabulary. Try to read them by themselves.2. Practice reading the new words: (A) Ask the class to repeat the new words after the teacher. (B) Then read them together/in parts/one by one.3. Read and remember the new words.4. Explain some words:The past forms of some irregular verbs: was; did; wentUseful expressions: have a test; stay at home; what about=how about;practice doing sth.Step 3. Presentation1. Teacher asks students: “What did you do last weekend?” Help the students to answer the question with the past tense. For example: I cleaned my room/ washed the clothes/played basketball/went to the movies… Accept one word answers and rephrase the answers in completed sentences.2. Have the students work in pairs, a sk the question. And try to answer with complete sentences. Then practice asking and answering the conversation.Step 4. 1a Look and match1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students.2. Have students read the list of the activities first. Read each one and ask students to repeat.3.Then look at the pictures and try to match the answers.4. Check up the an swers.Step 5. 1b Listening practice1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students.2. Get the students to look at the pictures, and then tell what the person did in each picture inactivity1a.3. Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.4. Play the recording again. Students listen to the recording, try to fill in the day and “morning, afternoon, evening” by themselves.5. Check up the answers.6. Play the recording, let the students repeat after the recording. Then practice reading the conversation.Step 6. 1cPair work1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students.2.Ask two students to read the example conversation in class.3. Roles play the conversation about Lucy’s weekend in pairs.4. Have some pairs of students work to the class.Step 7. 2a Listening practice1.The teacher explains the instructions to the students.2. Get students to read the sentences in activity 2a. And explain: “You will hear a conversation. The people will talk about some activities and people. Now listen and try to underline the words you hear.3. Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.4. Play the recording again, students listen and try to underline the words.5. Check up the answers.Step 8. 2b Listening practice1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Look at the picture in activity 2a, learn the names of Carol; Ben and Emma. Ask students to identify each person by name.2. Look through the sentences in activity 2a.3. Play the recording. Listen and try to fill their names in the blanks.4. Listen again and check up the answers.5. Play the recording and get students to repeat after the recording.Step 9. 2cPair work1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Practice the conversation with the word s given in the box.2. Students read the example and the words in the box. Do the activity in pairs and make their conversation.3.Ask some pairs to present the conversations in class.Step 10.Grammar focusReview the grammar box first. Then students read the sentences and find if there are some questions. If have, explain them: the past forms of the regular verbs and irregular verbs.Step 11. Summary1. The new vocabulary words.2. The new target language.3. The regular and irregular verbs.Step 12.Homework1. Remember the vocabulary words.2. Write a passage about your last weekend by using the past tense.Period 2Teaching aims:Learn to talk about the past events using the past tense.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warm-up1. Check up the homework.2. Get some students to read their passages about the past events.3. Talk about your last weekend in pairs.Step 2. Presentation1. Show the picture of a mountain. Teach the word “mountain”.Have the students read the word.2. Make a conversation between the teacher and the students.For example: T: How was your weekend?S: It was great/OK/ not very good.T: What did you do last weekend?S: I…3. Then practice the conversation.Step 3. 3a Writing and speaking practice1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students.Get the students to read three sentences first.2. Students look at the picture and complete the conversation by themselves.3. Check up the answers.4. Practice the conversations in pairs.Step 4. 3b Pair work1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students.2. Get two students to read the conversation in speech bubbles.3. Practice asking and answering the questions about Ming’s, Tony’s and Sarah’s weekends. Practice in pairs.A: How was Ming’s weekend?B: It was …A: What did she do?B: She …4. Have some pairs work in class.Step 5.Game-What did you do?1. Teacher explains the instructions to the students. Be sure the students can know what to do.2. Do an example for the students.Draw a picture of a TV, students guess “watched TV”.Draw a picture of a book, students guess “did some reading”.3. Ask students to work in groups. Each student draws two things.Then take turns to make sentences about each other’s picture with pasttense.4. Get some students to work it to the class.Step 6.SummaryTalk about the past events.Step 7.HomeworkInterview a friend of yours, ask what he/she did last weekend and write a passage on your notebook.Period 3Teaching aims:1. Learn the new vocabulary words and useful expressions.2. Learn the past forms of some irregular verbs.3. Learn to talk about the past events.Teaching procedures:Step 1.Warm-up1. Check up the homework.2. Get some students to read their passages about what your friend did last weekend. Step 2. 1a 1b Match and say1. Get the students to look at the pictures, read the phrases and try to match.2. Look at the pictures and check up the answers.3. 1b. Teacher explains the instructions to the students. Be sure the students can know what to do. Draw a happy face under the picture if you think the activity is fun. Draw an unhappy face if not fun.4. Let the students say it to the class.He played the guitar. It was fun.He did his homework. It wasn’t fun.Step 3. 2a 2b Listening, writing and speaking practice2a1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students. Tell the students: You will listen to a conversation between Jim and Sally. They are talking about what they did last weekend. Listen and write the activities in the chart.2. Play the recording for the first time, students only listen. Play the recording,3. Play the recording again, try to fill in the chart when you hear.4. Check up the answers.Students look at the typescript, and repeat after the recording.2b5.The teacher explains the instructions to the students.6. Look at the example in the speech bubbles. Ask two students to read the conversation.7. Practice talking about what Sally and Jim did last weekend in pairs.8. Ask some pairs of students to work in class.Step 4. 2cPair work1.The teacher reads the instructions to the students.2. Get two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles.3. Have the students work in pairs. Ask your partner “what did you do last weekend?” and make a conversation.4.Ask some pairs of students to present the conversation in class.Step 5.SummarySummarize the us eful expressions and the past forms of the irregular verbs.Step 6.Homework1. Remember the useful expressions and the past forms of the irregular verbs.2. Write down a passage about what your partner did last weekend.Period 4Teaching aims:1. Learn the new vocabulary words and useful expressions.2. Learn the past forms of the irregular verbs.3. Learn to talk about the past events.4. Train the reading and writing abilities.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warm-up1. Check up the homework.2. Get some students to read their passage about what your partner did last weekend. Step 2. Learn the new vocabulary words1. Get all the students to look at the vocabulary words. Try to read the new words by themselves. Then the teacher gets one student to read the new words.2. Practice reading the new words. (A) Read the words after the teacher.(B) Read them together/in parts/one by one.3. Read the new words and remember them.Step 3. 3a Reading practice1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students.2. Ask the students to read the article. Circle the activities you like and underline the activities you don’t like.3. The teacher reads the article to the students and checks up the answers.4. Students read the article again and find their questions. Explain to them if they have.Step 4. 3b Writing practice1. Get the students to look at the pictures first. Then read the passage and try to fill in the blanks according to the pictures. Attentions to use the past tense.2. Get one student to read the passage and check up the answers.3. Students read the article again and find their questions. Explain to them if they have.Step 5. 3cWriting practice1.The teacher explains the instructions to the students.2. Get the students to write their own passages. Get help from activity 3b.3. Then correct your ads with your partner. The teacher can help them if they have some questions. Get a few students to read their passage to the class.Step 6.GameActivity 41.The teacher explains the instructions to the students.2. Have students work in groups of four. Ask one student to write theactivities he did last weekend. Then talk to the others about his weekend activities. And the others try to guess who he is.3. Have students to work in groups. Take turns to talk about the weekend activities and guess who he/she i s.4. Have some groups of students present their conversations in class.Step 7. Re view the words Self-check 1&21. Students read the words in the box and check all the words they know.They can circle the words they don’t know. Then ask them.2. Make their Chinese meanings clear.Then ask and answer the Chinese meanings in pairs or in groups.3.Ask each student to write five new words on their notebooks.Then share them with the others in groups.Step 8.Self-check 3 Reading and writing practice1. The teacher explains the instructions to the st udents. Tell the students what to do.2. Students read the passage about “Old Henry”. And find his problems.3. Tell students that they have to image that they went and helped Old Henry last weekend. Think about the activities they could help him. They can get some help from the suggestion box.4. S tudents write their own answers. After finishing, ask some students to read their passages to the class.Step 9.Summary1. Summarize the new words and the useful expression2. The past forms of the irregular verbs.3. Talk about the past events.Step 10.Homework1. Remember the words and expressions.2. Write a passage about the activities your family members did last weekend.教学反思:本节课是一节听说课,先让学生回顾学过的重点句型和词组,并通过对话练习用一般过去时谈论发生在过去的事情。
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李梦冉 6.2
二胡是一种很奇妙的乐器。它的结构和小提琴差不多。 琴筒相当于小提琴的琴身,琴杆相当于小提琴的琴颈; 二胡两根弦,小提琴四根弦;琴马,弦轴,形状不同, 功能相仿;弓的造型虽异,可用的都是马尾。两者发 声的原理,也是一样的。弓弦摩擦出声,再经琴身共 鸣,奏出千变万化的曲调。所以有西方人说,二胡是 “东方的小提琴”。其实,这话有所偏颇。小提琴据 说是由东方弦乐器在西方长期演变而成,到15世纪末 才逐渐定型。二胡,最初并不是汉民族的乐器,而是 来自西北到月光,然而谁能阻止他向世界敞开一个音 乐家的多情胸怀?谁能改变他倾诉 心境的美妙语言? 我看到,站在指挥席上的小泽征尔,深深沉醉在《二 泉映月》的旋律中,他的眼睛里闪烁着晶莹的泪 光…… 十多年前,在旧金山一条人迹稀少的街道上,一阵二 胡琴声从远处飘来,拉的正是《二泉映月》。在异国 他乡,一位流浪的中年中国男人,正低着头,沉浸在 自己的琴声里。我远远地看着他,不忍心走到他身边, 然而琴声还是一声声扣动了我的心弦。听了无数次 《二泉映月》,在旧金山街头,是我听得最伤感的一 次。(选自赵丽宏《月光如泪》,有改动) 28.二胡是一种很奇妙的乐器,它的奇妙在于仅有两 根弦,就能□□□□□□□□□。(2分)