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在经济全球化的同时,世界各个国家、民族的文化同样在激烈碰撞,如何做好销售包装,使我中华民族五千年的文化继续屹立世界文化之林不倒并走出国门,得到世界人民认同,则成为销售包装的时代课题。包装设计不仅仅是一门技术,确切地说它更是一门艺术。在销售包装设计中运用中国传统的装饰艺术,不仅提升了包装设计的精神层次,而且更加体现出了中国传统装饰艺术在当今社会的人文和商业价值。鉴于现有餐具包装尚停留在功能包装阶段,只有简单的图形,造型。本文从市场、消费者、文化、品牌角度考虑,针对三个不同品牌的餐具,提出新的设计方案,并做出三套完整且具有实际应用价值的餐具包装设计。三套方案分别针对六头黑色中国风酒具套装、法国Buddha 18-10不锈钢西餐餐具以及连年有余家庭装餐盘进行包装设计。第一套方案针对六头黑色酒具套装的民族气息,选用了中国古典博弈的黑白棋文化来彰显此套餐具的特色,产品主题为黑色和与之辉映的白色。第二套方案针对现今西餐餐厅中餐具的提供方式在卫生上欠妥当,提出一套可在餐厅中用于陈列餐具和用餐必备用品的木质包装。第三套方案是一套餐盘的设计,通过连年有余的美好寓意,给人以温馨的,家的感觉。



In view of the existing tableware packaging only remain in the functional packaging stage,only a simple graphics,modeling. From the market,consumers,culture,brand point of view,the three brands of tableware,put forward a new design. In the economic globalization at the same time,the various countries of the world,national culture is also in the fierce collision,how to do a good job of sales packaging,make our5000-year culture of the Chinese nation to stand erect forest of the world culture does not fall and go out of the country,by the world people's identity,has become the topic of the times sales packaging. Packaging design is not only a technical,rather it is an art. In commercial packaging design in the use of Chinese traditional decoration art,improve the packaging design of the spirit level,but also reflects the Chinese traditional decorative art in modern society cultural and commercial value. The design made a total of three complete set and has the actual application value of packaging design. Three sets of plans respectively according to six head black Chinese wind wine set,France Buddha18-10Western stainless steel tableware and household equipment tray for packaging design. The first set of scheme for six head of black wine set national flavor,products subject to black and white I embraced,decided to choose Chinese classical element of Weiqi culture demonstrate this set of tableware characteristics. Second sets of plans for today's western restaurant tableware is provided by way of the health of the defect when,put forward a set of available in restaurants for dining tableware,wooden packaging supplies. The third scheme is based on a set of family dish design,through the Chinese classical traditional forms and colors of a family of three in a harmonious atmosphere, to give people a warm,family's feeling.

KeyWords:sales packing; element of china; practicability


摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I Abstract ..........................................................................................................................II 1 绪论 . (1)

1.1 课题研究背景 (1)

1.1.1餐具包装现状 (1)

1.1.2餐具包装未来发展展望 (2)

1.2 研究内容及意义 (3)

1.3 课题研究方法 (3)

2 产品简介 (6)

2.1 六头黑色中国风酒具套装 (6)

2.1.1 产品特色 (6)

2.1.2 产品使用方式 (7)

2.1.3 产品尺寸 (7)

2.2 法国Buddha18-10不锈钢西餐餐具 (7)

2.2.1 产品特色 (8)

2.2.2 产品尺寸 (9)

2.3 家庭装连年有余餐盘套装 (9)

2.3.1 产品特色 (10)

2.3.2 产品使用方式 (11)

2.3.3 产品尺寸 (11)

2.4本章小结 (11)

3 包装设计理论基础 (12)

3.1 包装装潢设计理论 (12)

3.1.1 包装装潢色彩的选择 (12)

3.1.2 包装装潢图形的选择 (13)

3.1.3 包装装潢图形、色彩与中国传统文化 (14)

3.2 包装结构设计理论 (14)
