
化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2024 年第 43 卷第 3 期光热响应型控释微球的可控制备及其性能杨嘉琪1,巨晓洁1,2,谢锐1,2,汪伟1,2,刘壮1,2,潘大伟1,2,褚良银1,2(1 四川大学化学工程学院,四川 成都 610065;2 四川大学高分子材料工程国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610065)摘要:单一的光热治疗(PTT )效果有限,往往不能彻底治愈肿瘤。
随着材料科学与生物医学的融合,多功能药物载体材料得到了很好的开发利用,有助于将PTT 与其他治疗方法联合使用,为协同增强抗肿瘤疗效提供了有效的策略。
本研究以载有吲哚菁绿(ICG )的聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物(PLGA )纳米粒子为光热剂,以聚乙烯醇(PVA )/海藻酸钠(SA )为载体基材,采用微流控技术可控制备了一种新型光热响应型控释微球(PLGA-ICG@PVA/SA )。
系统研究了微球的形貌尺寸可控性、光热转化性能、机械性能和生物相容性,并以盐酸阿霉素(DOX )为模型药物,探讨了该微球载体对DOX 的负载能力和光热响应性控释能力。
结果表明,所制备的PLGA-ICG@PVA/SA 微球具有良好的单分散性,表现出优异的光热转换效应,0.5W/cm 2近红外光照射15min 的温度增量为18.5℃且稳定性良好;微球亦具有良好的可压缩性和弹性性能,其杨氏模量为317.0kPa 。
在模拟生理环境中,微球中DOX 药物的释放行为符合一级释放动力学模型并具有明显的光热刺激响应性。
关键词:微流体学;光热治疗;复合微球;吲哚菁绿;纳米粒子;药物释放;弹性中图分类号:TQ469 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2024)03-1474-10Controllable preparation and properties of photothermal-responsivecontrolled-release microspheresYANG Jiaqi 1,JU Xiaojie 1,2,XIE Rui 1,2,WANG Wei 1,2,LIU Zhuang 1,2,PAN Dawei 1,2,CHU Liangyin 1,2(1 School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China; 2 State Key Laboratory of PolymerMaterials Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan, China)Abstract: Single photothermal therapy (PTT) has limited effects and often cannot cure tumors completely. With the integration of material science and biomedicine, multifunctional drug carrier materials have been well developed and utilized, which is conducive to the combined use of PTT with other therapeutic methods, providing an effective strategy for synergistically enhancing antitumor efficacy. In this study, a novel kind of photothermal responsive controlled-release microspheres (PLGA-ICG@PVA/SA) was controllably fabricated by microfluidic technology using poly(lactic-co -glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles loaded with indocyanine green (ICG) as the photothermal agent and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/sodium alginate (SA) as the carrier substrate. The morphology and size controllability, photothermal conversion performance, mechanical properties and biocompatibility of microspheres were研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0374收稿日期:2023-03-13;修改稿日期:2023-04-17。

第 38 卷第 8 期2023 年 8 月Vol.38 No.8Aug. 2023液晶与显示Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays刺激响应性胆甾型液晶软光子彩膜许雪敬,高涵,朱吉亮*(河北工业大学理学院,天津 300401)摘要:为实现软光子晶体图案的多重信息加密或存储,本文基于硫醇-丙烯酸酯Michael加成和光聚合反应设计并制备了一种刺激响应性胆甾型液晶(cholesteric liquid crystal, CLC)软光子彩膜。
实验结果表明,虽然在超600 min的反应过程中软光子彩膜的布拉格反射中心波长仅移动了19 nm,但是通过时间-空间双重编程局部修改其变色响应,可使带有隐形图案的软光子薄膜在应力作用下逐渐呈现从红到绿的多彩外观,反射波长覆盖范围超过100 nm。
关键词:刺激响应性;胆甾型液晶;软光子彩膜;Michael加成反应;时间-空间双编程中图分类号:O753+.2;TN27 文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0138Stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal soft photonic color filmXU Xue-jing,GAO Han,ZHU Ji-liang*(School of Sciences, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China)Abstract: In order to realize multiple information encryption or storage of soft photonic crystal patterns, a stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) soft photonic color film is designed and fabricated based on the thiol-acrylate Michael addition and photopolymerization reaction. First, the initial color of the reaction mixture is adjusted by changing the ratio of the doping chiral agent. Then small molecule liquid crystal is added into the mixture to adjust its viscosity. Finally, the temporal programming of the cross-linking density of the CLC soft photonic color film is carried out by ultraviolet (UV)exposure at different stages of the reaction,and the spatial programming is performed cooperatively with the help of photomasks.The experimental results indicate that the Bragg reflection wavelength of the CLC film only moves 19 nm during the reaction process of over 600 min. However, by locally modifying its color response via spatio-temporally dual-programming, the soft photonic film with invisible patterns can be made to gradually take on a colorful appearance from red to green with stretching, and reflected wavelength coverage over 100 nm. This stimuli-responsive soft photonic color film can be employed for the dynamic display of photonic crystal patterns, and is potentially useful for multiple anti-counterfeiting or information storage.Key words: stimulus responsiveness;cholesteric liquid crystal;soft photonic color film;michael addition reaction; spatio-temporal dual-programming文章编号:1007-2780(2023)08-0997-08收稿日期:2023-04-12;修订日期:2023-04-26.基金项目:河北省自然科学基金(No.F2020202015)Supported by National Science Foundation of Hebei Province(No.F2020202015)*通信联系人,E-mail:jlzhu@第 38 卷液晶与显示1 引言胆甾型液晶软薄膜(cholesteric liquid crystal soft film, CLCSF)是一类集成胆甾相圆偏振结构色和橡胶软弹性于一体的一维光子材料。

1.基于Multi-Agents的汽车动态稳定控制系统研究 [J], 李富香
2.Mobile Agent技术在企业网络安全防范中的应用——基于Mobile Agent的入侵检测系统研究 [J], 李希勇
3.基于推理的作战方案评估系统研究 [J], 齐燕博;王平
4.分布式作战方案自动生成系统策略协同研究 [J], 杨凡;常国岑;段弢;花文健
5.一种基于Agent的作战方案生成系统模型 [J], 谭天晓;赵辉;赵宗涛


一、 嗅探攻击原理和后果
2.嗅探攻击后果 嗅探攻击后果有以下三点。一是破坏
信息的保密性。二是嗅探攻击是实现数据 流分析攻击的前提。三是实施重放攻击。
终端 A 终端 B 黑客终端 :终端 A 至终端 B 的 MAC 帧
由于集线器接收到 MAC帧后,通过除接收端 口以外的所有其他端口输 出该MAC帧,因此,在有 黑客终端接入集线器的情 况下,集线器完成终端A 至终端B的MAC帧传输过程 的同时,将该MAC帧传输 给黑客终端。
© 2006工程兵工程学院 计算机教研室
本章主要内容 网络攻击定义和分类; 嗅探攻击; 截获攻击; 拒绝服务攻击; 欺骗攻击; 非法接入和登录; 黑客入侵; 病毒。
2.1 网络攻击定义和分类
本讲主要内容 网络攻击定义; 网络攻击分类。
对于无线通信过程,嗅探攻击是无法避免 的,这种情况下,需要对传输的信息进行加密, 使得黑客终端即使嗅探到信息,也因为无法对 信息解密而无法破坏信息的保密性。
计算内容 截获攻击原理和后果; MAC地址欺骗攻击; DHCP欺骗攻击; ARP欺骗攻击; 生成树欺骗攻击; 路由项欺骗攻击。
3 2
1 3 MAC C
终端 A 终端 B 终端 C 黑客终端 MAC A MAC B MAC C MAC A
一是接入以太 网,黑客终端通过 连接到交换机S3的 端口3接入以太网。 二是将自己的MAC 地址修改为终端A 的MAC地址MAC A。 三是发送以MAC A 为源MAC地址、以 广播地址为目的 MAC地址的MAC帧。

本论文在前人工作的基础上,在温度和 pH双重响应性的网络-接枝水凝胶的制备和应用方面进行了有益的探索,具体的工作如下:1. 通过原子转移自由基聚合ATRP、可逆加成断裂链转移聚合RAFT和点击化学相结合的方法,成功制备了两种具有温度和 pH 双重响应性的网络-接枝水凝胶 PDMAEMA聚甲基丙烯酸二甲氨基乙酯-g-PNIPAM聚 N-异丙基丙烯酰胺和 PNIPAM-g-PDMAEMA。
在一个末端含有两个叠氮基团的 PNIPAM或者 PDMAEMA是通过 ATRP 反应得到的,带有炔侧基的 PDMAEMA或者PNIPAM的共聚物是通过相应单体与丙烯酸炔丙酯的 RAFT共聚反应得到的, 最后通过点击化学反应生成网络-接枝水凝胶。
通过对水凝胶在不同温度和pH条件下溶胀行为的研究,发现该水凝胶表现出对温度和 pH的快速刺激响应性、高溶胀比和溶胀收缩的可循环性。
2. 互换主网络和接枝链的位置,比较了两种的网络-接枝水凝胶在不同温度和pH介质中的溶胀行为,研究包括网络构筑、交联长度和接枝链长度等结构因素对水凝胶溶胀行为的影响。
3. 以头孢曲松钠作为模型药物,以不同交联程度的 PDMAEMA-g-PNIPAM 作为药物载体,研究了该网络-接枝水凝胶在不同温度和 pH 条件下的药物控制释放行为。
第2章 刺激响应agent

给定了机器人适应的某种世界的特性(如前图所示)、 机器人完成的任务(沿边界移动)和机器人传感器和电机的 功能,设计者的工作就是说明为此任务选择适当动作的传 感器输入(示例中表示为s1,…,s8)的功能。
该机器人能够向与它同行或同列的毗邻的(空缺)单 元格移动,共有如下四种动作: north:机器人在网格中向上移动一个单元 east: 机器人在网格中向右移动一个单元 south:机器人在网格中向下移动一个单元 west: 机器人在网格中向左移动一个单元
对当前的任务,刚好有四个对计算适当动作有用的传感器的二进 制特征值,分别 x1、x2、x3 和 x4 来表示
在每个图中,当且仅当至少一个阴影单元为非空时,所 示的特征值为1
首先,如果特征值都不是1(即机器人感知到它周围的 单元格全部空缺),则它可向任一方向移动直至遇到边界。
我们先让它向北移动。若至少有一个特征值为1,沿边界的 行动则按以下规则完成: 若x1=1且x2=0,则向东(east)移动; 若x2=1且x3=0,则向南(south)移动; 若x3=1且x4=0,则向西(west)移动; 若x4=1且x1=0,则向北(north)移动;
在仅有两种可能动作的应用,若给出特征向量的代码表 示输入,那么单一的TLU便可算出正确的动作,而对更复杂 的问题,则需要由这样的元件组成的神经网络系统(neural network)。由于TLU被认为是生物神经元的简单模型,这样 的电路成为神经网络系统。生物神经元是否被激励取决于若 干输入的强度的加权和。
TISA中的一个TLU计算其中一个输入和另一个输入的 补的合取值;另一个TLU计算两个输入的析取值。当以上 规则均不满足正确的状态时,禁止输入为0;当对应规则 的条件ci满足时,测试输入为1;若测试输入为1而禁止输 入为0时,动作输出为1(即引发相应的动作ai)。当测试输 入和禁止输入任一为1时,压制输出为1(即禁止以下的所 有单元)。运用可编程门阵列或等价形式的动态电路结构, 可通过调用一个T—R程序来动态构造运行时的电路。

◄钻井完井►doi:10.11911/syztjs.2020071引用格式:吴柏志,张怀兵. 满深1井碳酸盐岩地层自愈合水泥浆固井技术[J]. 石油钻探技术,2021, 49(1):67-73.WU Bozhi , ZHANG Huaibing. Cementing technology of a self-healing cement slurry in the carbonate formations in the Well Manshen 1 [J].Petroleum Drilling Techniques ,2021, 49(1):67-73.满深1井碳酸盐岩地层自愈合水泥浆固井技术吴柏志1, 张怀兵2(1. 中石化中原石油工程有限公司,河南濮阳 457001;2. 中石化中原石油工程有限公司塔里木分公司,新疆库尔勒 841000)摘 要: 满深1井三开钻遇破碎性碳酸盐岩地层,井壁掉块严重,井径不规则,且目的层油气显示活跃,三开尾管固井时顶替效率低,压稳和防漏矛盾突出。
为确保该井三开固井施工安全顺利,并保障固井质量,通过选用自愈合剂BCY-200S 和与其配伍性好的水泥添加剂,形成了自愈合水泥浆,并针对下套管和固井时容易发生漏失的问题,在根据前期施工情况准确判断漏层位置的基础上,采用了正注反挤固井工艺。
关键词: 自愈合水泥浆;碳酸盐岩;破碎地层;固井质量;水泥浆性能;满深1井中图分类号: TE256+.4 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1001–0890(2021)01–0067–07Cementing Technology of a Self-Healing Cement Slurry in theCarbonate Formations in the Well Manshen 1WU Bozhi 1, ZHANG Huaibing2(1. Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Service Corporation, Puyang, Henan 457001, China ; 2. Tarim Branch of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Service Corporation, Korla, Xinjiang, 841000, China )Abstract: During the drilling of the fractured carbonate formation in the third spud of Well Manshen 1, serious problems were encountered such as severe sloughing of the borehole wall, irregular hole diameters, active oil and gas shows of the target layer, low displacement efficiency during tri-liner cementing, and prominent contradiction between pressure stabilization and lost circulation control. In order to ensure the safe and smooth cementing operation of the third spud of the well and guarantee the cementing quality, a self-healing cement slurry was prepared by self-healing agent BCY-200S and cement additives with good compatibility with the agent. In addition, considering that lost circulation occurred easily when running casing and cementing, the “forward injection and reverse squeeze ”technique was adopted on the basis of accurately determining the position of the leakage layer according to the previous construction situation. After the application of the self-healing cement slurry and the “forward injection and reverse squeeze ” cementing technique to the carbonate formation in the third spud of Well Manshen 1, the cementing operation was safe and smooth. It not only sealed the pay zone but also avoided the annular channeling in the later operation. The research and practice demonstrated that the self-healing cement could automatically repair the microfractures after encountering oil and gas. In this way, they could achieve the goal of sealing the pay zone and solving the problems of annular pressure and interlayer cross-flow in the high-pressure natural gas wells of the Tarim Oilfield.Key words: self-healing cement slurry; carbonate rock; fractured formation; cementing quality; cement slurry property;Well Manshen 1满深1井位于新疆沙雅县境内,是塔里木油田部署在塔河南岸勘探新区的一口重点探井,目的层为距今4.4亿年的古老海相碳酸盐岩地层,埋深近8 000.00 m [1]。


化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2023 年第 42 卷第 10 期响应面优化温敏水凝胶汲取剂的制备及性能仉洁1,2,3,王旭东1,2,3,杨逸飞1,2,3,任玥1,2,3,陈立成1,2,3(1 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,陕西 西安 710055;2 陕西省膜分离重点实验室,陕西 西安 710055;3陕西省膜分离技术研究院,陕西 西安 710055)摘要:随温度变化可逆吸水脱水的热响应水凝胶作为正渗透(FO )汲取剂,在降低回收能耗、减少泄漏方面有巨大的潜力,然而较低的溶胀速率限制了其在FO 工艺中的发展,而加入亲水性离子基团可提高水凝胶的吸水膨胀压力,从而产生更高的水通量。
通过自由基聚合法制备了简易回收且无反向溶质扩散的聚(N -异丙基丙烯酰胺/丙烯酸钠-蒙脱土)[P(NIPAM/SA-MMT)]水凝胶,采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR )、X 射线衍射仪(XRD )、扫描电子显微镜(SEM )表征水凝胶的化学结构和内部形貌,使用响应面法优化3个因素(交联剂、丙烯酸钠、蒙脱土)的添加量。
由于亲水性羧酸根和羟基含量的增加,P(NIPAM/SA-MMT)水凝胶的平衡溶胀率及热刺激下的脱水量相较于聚N -异丙基丙烯酰胺(PNIPAM )水凝胶大幅提高;以去离子水为原料液,0.5h 内的初始水通量达0.87L/(m 2·h),且随着原料液浓度的升高,水通量逐渐降低;过水12h 后,将其置于60℃温度刺激下脱水60min ,水回收率达98.1%。
关键词:温敏水凝胶;聚合;优化;汲取剂;再生中图分类号:TQ427.6;TQ314.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2023)10-5363-10Response surface optimization of preparation and performance ofthermo-responsive hydrogels as draw agentZHANG Jie 1,2,3,WANG Xudong 1,2,3,YANG Yifei 1,2,3,REN Yue 1,2,3,CHEN Licheng 1,2,3(1 School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055,Shaanxi, China; 2 Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Membrane Separation Technology, Xi’an 710055, Shaanxi, China;3Research Institute of Membrane Separation Technology of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710055, Shaanxi, China)Abstract: Thermal-responsive hydrogel can absorb water and dehydrate reversibly with temperature change. As a draw agent in forward osmosis (FO), it has great potential in reducing recovery energy consumption and leakage. However, the low swelling rate limits its development in the FO process. The addition of hydrophilic ionic groups can increase the swelling pressure of hydrogels, resulting in higher water flux. Poly(N -isopropylacrylamide/sodium acrylate-montmorillonite) [P(NIPAM/SA-MMT)] hydrogel with simple recovery and no reverse solute diffusion was fabricated by free-radical polymerization. The chemical structure and internal morphology of hydrogels were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Response surface methodology was used to optimize the addition of cross-linker, sodium acrylate and montmorillonite. Due研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2022-2124收稿日期:2022-11-16;修改稿日期:2023-02-08。

路径, 从而达到有效改善 网络性能 的 目的。仿 真结 果说明 了此方法 的有效性及 特点 。
关键 词 : 无线传感器 网络 ; 移动 A et蚁群优 化算 法 ; gn; 路径规划
中 图分类 号 : P 9 T 33
文 献标 识码 : A
文章 编号 :0 4 1 9 ( 0 1 0 - 6 9 0 10 - 69 2 1 )4 00 - 5
EE ACC: 1 0 65P
d i1 . 9 9 j is . 0 4 1 9 . 0 1 0 . 2 o :0 3 6 / .sn 1 0 — 6 9 2 1 . 4 0 6
WS 中基 于 改 进 蚁 群 算 法 的移 动 A e t 径 规 划 木 N gn 路
王 佳
( 海 工 程 技 术 大 学 工 程 实训 中 心 , 海 2 10 ) 上 上 0 6 0
Abta tF rt up s f ef m n e mpoe e t f N( rls Sno ew rs , o i gn w r Cn src : o h p roeo r r a c rvm n o e p o i WS Wi es esr tok ) m b eae t ee O — e N l
由于无线 传 感 器 网络 ( rls S no e ok Wi es e srN t rs e w 简 写 为 WS 可 以布置 在恶 劣 、 N) 苛刻 、 杂 的物 理 环 复 境 中, 同时具 有 收集信 息全 面 、 准确 , 应用 面广 , 实用
第2 4卷 第 4期
21 0 4月 1年
传 感 技 术 学 报
MasterScope 应用导航管理器Agent(Windows版)复制设置指南(适用于WSFC)2

MasterScope Application Navigator Manager, Agent (Windows Version)Duplication Setup Guide(For WSFC)July 2016Revision HistoryContents1.Preface (1)1.1Supplemental information (1)1.2Application range (1)2.Configuration Procedure (2)2.1Setting up WSFC (2)2.2Setting up Application Navigator (2)2.2.1Installing the Manager (3)2.2.2Installing the Agent (7)2.3Setting up Application Navigator service monitoring resources (10)2.3.1Creating resources by creating a new service (11)2.3.2Creating resources using the high availability wizard (21)3.Uninstalling Application Navigator (31)3.1Deleting WSFC resource settings (31)3.2Uninstalling Application Navigator (31)3.3Deleting files (31)4.Other Notes (32)4.1Registering licenses (32)4.2Version Upgrade (32)1. PrefaceThis document describes the procedure for using Windows Server Failover Clustering (hereafter referred to as WSFC) to set up a cluster configuration that has two nodes (for duplication). WSFC is a Microsoft product that can be used to switch running processes between nodes in a duplicated system.In this document, a host system included in a cluster is referred to as a node.1.1 Supplemental informationIf the incorrect procedure is used to upgrade the OS on a cluster server, failovers might occur at unexpected times. In the worst case, this might damage the system.1.2 Application rangeThis document applies to WSFC of Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2.2. Configuration ProcedureThis chapter describes a procedure for configuring a MasterScope Application Navigator (hereafter referred to as Application Navigator or AppNavi) cluster environment.2.1 Setting up WSFCInstall WSFC and set up the cluster environment in advance.2.2 Setting up Application NavigatorInstall the Application Navigator manager/agent on the Windows computers to be used as active and standby nodes.For details about the installation, see the “MasterScope Media Release Notes”, about manager/normal agent, see the "Logical Agent Installation Guide", about remote agent, see the "Remote Monitor Duplication Setup Guide", about probe agent, see the “MasterScope Application Navigator Probe Option Probe Agent Duplex Setup Guide”.Notes:✓Install Application Navigator on the active node first, and then on the standby node.✓The shared disks must be referenceable when installing the manager/agent on an active server node.The shared disks need not be referenceable by the standby server node.✓Use the same drive and folder names as the installation destination for Application Navigator on both active and standby nodes.✓Replace the virtual host names and shared disks according to each environment.2.2.1 Installing the ManagerThe following shared resources are assumed:- Virtual host name: vhost1- Shared disk: X driveThe image of the manager duplication configuration is shown below.The agent and console are assumed to be connected to the virtual host.The following describes the procedure for installing the Application Navigator manager functions.First, install the Application Navigator manager on the active server node.The image of installation on the active server node is shown below.Specify each item in the Product Installation Settings dialog box for the Application Navigator manager on the active server node as described below.∙Specify any values for Install directory path, Agent port and Viewer port. For details about the setting values for each item, see the “MasterScope Media Release Notes”.∙Specify the virtual host name for Self hostname and any folder on the shared disk for Data Directory.∙Select Yes for Change Data Directory and Store initial setting data.A setting example is shown below."\Manager\sg” is automatically added to the data area folder, and the setting information that must be shared is stored here.After the installation is completed, confirm t hat “\Manager\sg” has been created in the data area folder.Then, install the Application Navigator manager on the standby server node.The image of installation on the standby server node is shown below.Specify each item in the Product Installation Settings dialog box for the Application Navigator manager on the standby server node as described below.∙Specify the same values as for the active node except for the Store initial setting data setting item.∙Select No (only on the standby server in the cluster) for Store initial setting data.A setting example is shown below.After the installation is completed, change the service startup type on both the active and standby nodes.In the Start window displayed by pressing the Windows key, click Administrative Tools and then Services, then, stop the MasterScope UMF Oper ations Manager_ N service (For “N”, see “Default values for each product” in the “Mas terScope Media Release Notes”.), and then change the Startup type in the properties from Automatic to Manual. “M asterScope UMF OperationsManger_1” is used in the example below.Figure 2-1 Service Properties2.2.2 Installing the AgentThis explanation also assumes the following for the shared resources for cluster:•Virtual hostname: vhost•Shared disk: X driveThe following shows the overview of the Agent in a duplex configuration:In an Agent duplicate configuration, you need to install not a normal Agent but a logical system agent (Logical Agent).When using MasterScope Application Navigator Probe Option, Install the Application Navigator Probe Option Probe Agent in a single or duplex system.The following describes the procedure for installing the Application Navigator Agent feature:First, start the cluster from the active node, and then install the Application Navigator logical system agent on the node.The following shows the overview of an Application Navigator logical system agent installation on the active node:Next, switch the connected nodes and start the cluster from the standby node. Install the Application Navigator logical system agent on the standby node.The following shows the overview of an Application Navigator logical system agent installation on the standby node:For details about the installation procedure, r efer to “Logical Agent Installation Guide.”, about probe agent, see the “MasterScope Application Navigator Probe Option Probe Agent Duplex Setup Guide”.2.3 Setting up Application Navigator service monitoring resourcesAdd the service monitoring resources to WSFC in order to monitor Application Navigator service abnormalities.In the Start window displayed by pressing the Windows key, click Administrative Tools and then Failover Cluster Manager, then create resources using one of the following methods.∙To create resources by creating a new service:See "2.3.1 Creating resources by creating a new service." Normally, this method is used to perform setup.∙To create resources using the high availability wizard:See "2.3.2 Creating resources using the high availability wizard." A floating IP address other than the cluster floating IP address is required.2.3.1 Creating resources by creating a new service(1) Creating resourcesRight-click Role from the tree in the left pane, and then select Create Empty Role from the displayed pop-up menu.Figure 2-2 Creating an Empty RoleThe New Role node is created. Right-click this node and change the name to any name in the Property dialog box. “MasterScope_Service” is used in the example below.Figure 2-3 Property Setting for RoleRight-click the MasterScope_Service node and select Add Storage.Figure 2-4 Adding StorageSelect the check box for the disk in the Add Storage dialog box, and then click the OK button.Figure 2-5 Add Storage Dialog BoxNext, right-click the MasterScope_Service node, select Add Resource and then Generic Service.Figure 2-6 Adding ResourcesThe Select Service dialog box is displayed. Specify MasterScope UMF Operations Manager_n (For “n”, see "Default values for each product" in the “MasterScope Media Release Notes”.), and then click the Next button. “MasterScope UMF Operations Manager_1” is specified in the example below.(When using MasterScope Application Navigator Probe Option, Please also set MasterScope Application Navigator Probe Agent_n like the above.)Figure 2-7 Select Servide Dialog BoxClick the Next button in the Confirmation dialog box.Figure 2-8 Confirmation Dialog Box Click the Finish button in the Summary dialog box.Figure 2-9 Summary Dialog Box(2) Starting resourcesIf the service is not started automatically, start the service by performing the following procedure.1. In the Failover Cluster Manager dialog box, right-click the icon of the created resource(MasterScope_Service in this example).2. Select Start Role from the displayed pop-up menu to start the service.Figure 2-10 Making Resources Available OnlineIn addition, if the service has been started on the standby node, start the service on the active node by performing the following procedure.1. In the Failover Cluster Manager dialog box, right-click the icon of the role (MasterScope_Service inthis example).2. Select Select Node… from the displayed pop-up menu.3. In the Move Clunstered Role dialog box, select the destination node to move the standard services.Figure 2-11 Moving ResourcesFigure 2-12 Selecting Node to Move This concludes the WSFC setup.2.3.2 Creating resources using the high availability wizard(1) Creating resourcesTo create resources using the high availability wizard, the floating IP address setting is required. This IP address must be different from the cluster IP address.The value described in “2.2 Setting up Application Navigator” is assumed for the WSFC shared disk and the following value is assumed for the floating IP address.- Shared disk: P drive- IP address:* Replace the shared disk and IP address according to each environment.Right-click Role from the tree in the left pane, and then select Configure Role… from the displayed pop-up menu.Figure 2-13 Creating ResourcesA wizard dialog box to configure the role is displayed. Click the Next button.Figure 2-14 High Availability WizardThe Select Role dialog box is displayed. Select Generic Service, and then click the Next button.Figure 2-15 Selecting Service or ApplicationThe Select Service dialog box is displayed. Specify MasterScope UMF Operations Manager_N (For “N”, see "Default values for each product”in the “MasterScope Media Release Notes”.), and then click t he Next button. “MasterScope UMF Operations Manager_1” is specified in the example below.Figure 2-16 Selecting ServiceThe Client Access Point dialog box is displayed. Specify the virtual host name for the name used by the client (MasterScope_Sv in this example) and the floating IP for the IP address ( in this example), and then click the Next button.Figure 2-17 Client Access PointThe Add Storage dialog box is displayed. Select the check box of the cluster disk containing the shared disk (P drive in this example) specif ied in “2.2 Setting up Application Navigator”, and then click the Next button.Figure 2-18 Selecting Memory AreaThe Replicate Registry Settings dialog box is displayed. Click the Next button without specifying anything.Figure 2-19 Replicating Registry SettingsThe Confirmation dialog box for the standard service configuration is displayed. Check the settings, and then click the Next button.Figure 2-20 Confirming Standard Service ConfigurationWhen the Summary dialog box is displayed, click the Finish button.Figure 2-21 Completion of Resource CreationAfter the creation is completed, confirm that the standard service resources have been created in the Role window displayed by clicking the Role node in the Failover Cluster Manager dialog box.Figure 2-22 Failover Cluster Manager Dialog Box (After the resources are created)(2) Starting resourcesIf the standard services are not started automatically, start them by performing the following procedure.1. In the Failover Cluster Manager dialog box, right-click the icon of the created resource(MasterScope_Sv in this example).2. Select Start Role from the displayed pop-up menu to start the standard services.Figure 2-23 Making Resources Available OnlineIn addition, if the service has been started on the standby node, start the service on the active node by performing the following procedure.1. In the Failover Cluster Manager dialog box, right-click the icon of the created resource(MasterScope_Sv in this example).2. Select Select Node from the displayed pop-up menu.3. In the Move Clusterd Role dialog box, select the destination node to move the standardservices.Figure 2-24 Moving ResourcesFigure 2-25 Selecting Node to Move This concludes the WSFC setup.3. Uninstalling Application Navigator3.1 Deleting WSFC resource settingsDelete the resou rces created in “2.2.2 Setting up Application Navigator service monitoring resources”.Be sure to stop the target resources (standard services) by selecting Stop Role in the Failover Cluster Manager dialog box before deleting resources.3.2 Uninstalling Application NavigatorUninstall Application Navigator by performing the procedure described in the Application Navigator Release Memo.3.3 Deleting filesAfter Application Navigator is uninstalled, files and directories remain on the shared disk. Manually delete directories on the shared disk specified during installation.4. Other Notes4.1 Registering licensesRegister licenses for a cluster environment on both the active and standby nodes.4.2 Version UpgradeWhen upgrading a version, SysMonAgt.ini is overwritten by file of an installation media. If upgrading version from Ver3.0.2 or earlier, and you have modified SysMonAgt.ini to set up the cluster environment, please modify it again after an upgrade. Before upgrading a version, stop the agent.。

【摘要】@@ 一、前言rn自90年代来,对Agent的研究近几年已成为AI研究的一个热点,一些文献称Agent技术是软件领域的一个意义深远的突破.基于Agent 的思想,人们提出了一种新的人工智能的定义:人工智能是计算机学科的一个分支,它的目标是构造能表现一定智能的Agent.所以agent是人工智能的核心问题.斯坦福大学计算机科学系的Barbara HaActionlesRoth在IJCAI'95的特约报告中谈到:"智能的计算机主体既是人工智能最初的目标,也是人工智能最终的目标."
1.Mobile Agents在Mesh网络中的最大净化模型 [J], 邱俊;邱杰
2.NPCD-Agent:扩展的Agent思维状态模型 [J], 彭艳斌;廖备水;高济;王存浩;隋新;胡军;郭航
3.基于知识本体的协商Agents模型研究 [J], 程庆华
4.一种基于Proxy-agents的移动Agent安全模型 [J], 王瑛玮;曹立明;王小平
5.基于知识本体的协商Agents模型研究 [J], 程庆华

1.基于Moblie Agents的高效电子购物系统 [J], 张骏马
2.基于多Agent建模的电子商务生态系统演化实验研究 [J], 孙浩;薛霄
3.基于多Agent的飞机电子仪表系统仿真模型 [J], 刘家学;胡萍;朱玉娟
4.基于Agent的智能化电子就业系统 [J], 刘静静
5.基于手机控制的电子教鞭系统的设计与实现 [J], 薛辉

【摘要】随着网络入侵及安全事件的频繁发生,使得自动响应受到广泛关注.在对相关研究领域已有的工作进行总结的基础上,提出了一种基于移动Agent的主动网络自适应入侵响应系统(Intrusion Response System,IRS).系统通过响应分析,自动产生响应策略,并派遣移动Agent去执行;根据入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS)的报警可信度和响应执行情况,系统能够自适应地调整响应蓑略,体现了系统的自动性和自适应性.
1.基于主动网的自适应入侵响应系统的研究 [J], 游凤芹;吴国新
2.新型的基于移动Agent自适应入侵检测系统研究 [J], 孙玉星;文巨峰;赵燕飞;姜
3.网络环境下自适应入侵响应系统研究与设计 [J], 曹翊晅;王慧强
4.基于成本分析的自适应入侵响应系统 [J], 李洪泊
5.网络环境下自适应入侵响应系统的研究 [J], 王增权;王慧强;张瑞杰

1.基于Agent的技术站站调决策支持系统 [J], 何自冬;郑力;张智海;王世东;刘书成
2.基于多Agent技术的企业成本决策支持系统研究 [J], 任红卫;彭虎;田俊峰
3.基于M-agent技术的电网运行决策支持系统的研究 [J], 王玥;邱丽君
4.基于移动Agent技术的空间决策支持系统体系结构研究 [J], 肖娟;叶枫
5.基于M-Agent技术的电网运行决策支持系统 [J], 王志刚;贾正源

1.基于多Agent技术在网络教学中的应用 [J], 陈勇
2.基于移动Agent技术的应用系统框架分析 [J], 赵京胜;顾训穰
3.基于智能Agent技术的网络教学系统设计与实现 [J], 王法玉;雷鸣;薛彦兵
4.基于Agent技术的分布式应用系统开发框架研究 [J], 胡学钢;司俊锋
5.基于多Agent技术在网络教学中的应用 [J], 陈勇

1.真空灌浆技术在公路施工中的应用浅祈 [J], 张海涛
2.舞台与影视服装的村料应用与案例浅祈 [J], 潘健华;李松
3.陆上深送斜式PHC管桩施工的应用浅祈 [J], 肖强;顾明如
4.GPS高程拟合应用浅祈 [J], 莫东岩;马培福
5.浅祈合作学习在高中物理课堂教学中的应用 [J], 段传连

1.基于Agent的分布式信息检索系统 [J], 于庆梅;雷景生;黄冬梅;池涛
2.分布式检索系统中基于蚁群的移动agent动态迁移算法 [J], 党辰;王嘉祯;刘爱
3.基于分布式智能移动Agent的信息检索系统 [J], 周阿连;陈修权;周慧
4.基于Agent的分布式地理信息检索系统 [J], 黄冬梅;于庆梅;乐嘉锦
5.基于移动Agent的分布式地理信息检索系统研究 [J], 周林立;宋良图

【摘要】当前自适应系统的开发存在自适应逻辑和业务逻辑相互缠绕的问题,使得自适应系统的开发和维护变得极为复杂和困难.论文认为自主性是实现自适应性的基础和前提,提出将自适应逻辑和业务逻辑相分离的思想,设计了一个自适应Agent 策略描述语言SADL,用于对系统自适应特征进行描述.自适应Agent基于预定义策略,在运行时根据外部环境和内部状态的变化,通过动态绑定、释放、激活或钝化行为规约展示自适应行为.论文介绍了SADL语言的语法和语义及其编译器的设计和实现.
1.自适应Agent策略描述语言的设计及编译器的实现 [J], 郝小雷;董孟高;毛新军;齐治昌
2.一种支持软件演化过程描述语言的编译器的设计分析 [J], 姜娜;孔浩
3.自适应策略描述语言编译器的设计与实现 [J], 蕾孟高;毛新军;杨华;齐治昌
4.自适应多Agent系统的运行机制和策略描述语言SADL [J], 董孟高;毛新军;常志明;王戟;齐治昌
5.对象描述语言编译器的设计和实现 [J], 张波;黄涛;傅远彬;邵丹华
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c1 → a1 c2 → a2
ci → ai
cm → am
通常,条件部分是一个单项式——一个布尔合取。为了选择一个动 作,选择规则如下:从第一个规则cl → al开始,按顺序寻找第一个条 件部分值为1的规则,并选择那个规则的动作部分。该动作部分可以一 个简单动作、对另一个产生式系统的调用或者是一个要同时执行的动作 集合。通常,序列中最后一条规则的条件部分的值为1;若在此之前没 有其他条件部分的值为1的规则,则缺省地执行最后一条规则中的动作。
二进制特征这一特殊例子既可视作数字(0,1),也 可视作范畴(真,假)。设计者选择特征来将其与机器人 的环境特性相联系,而此环境特性又与由此特征描述的 状态中机器应做的动作密切相关。
对当前的任务,刚好有四个对计算适当动作有用的传感器的二进 制特征值,分别 x1、x2、x3 和 x4 来表示
在每个图中,当且仅当至少一个阴影单元为非空时,所 示的特征值为1
第一部分 响应机器
第二章 刺激响应 agent
2.1 感知和动作
先来看这样一个在二维 网格空间世界里的机器人, 如图所示。这一机器人的 世界有完整的边界线,可 能还包括如图所示的其他 庞大的固定物体。
当状态不满足cl而满足c2,通常选择条件c2和动作a2,然后动作a2的完 成将最终达成c1的目标。
以此类推,这种产生式系统形成了一个被称作teleo-reactive(T-R) 程序的形式化基础。在这个T-R程序中,每正确完成规则序列中一条规则中 的动作,就满足了此规则中一个更高的条件。若给出为agent设置的总体目 标(使用基于特征的条件说明),书写此特征的产生式系统将十分容易。
若一个布尔函数可以写成项式析取式则称为“析取范式”。任何布尔 函数都能写成析取范式。有k个项式组成的DNF析取式称为“k项DNF表达 式”;若其中最大的项式的大小为k,它就属于k-DNF这一类。
例: f x1x2 x2 x3x4
f x1 x3 x2 x3 x1x2 x3
合取范式(conjunctive normal form,CNF)
知觉处理阶段产生一个特征向量X(x1, … xi,…, xn)。
动作计算阶段选择一个以特征向量为基础的动作: 各特征值既可以是真正的数字( numeric feature,数 字特征),也可以是范畴( categorical feature,范 畴特征)(范畴特征的值是名字或特性,譬如:特征值 “颜色”可能是“红”、“蓝”或“绿”)。
若一个布尔函数可以写成子句合取式则称为“合取范式”。任何 布尔函数都能写成合取范式。有k个子句组成的CNF合取式称为“k项 CNF表达式”;若其中最大的子句的大小为k,它就属于k-CNF这一类。
例: f (x1 x2)( x2 x3 x4)
阈值逻辑单元(threshold logic unit,TLU)
可由TLU实现的布尔函数称为线性可分函数(linearly separable function)(TLU用一个线性平面——在n维空间 中称为超平面——将产生高于阈值响应的输入向量空间与 产生低于阈值响应的输入向量空间分开)。许多(但并非全 部)布尔函数都是线性可分的。譬如,任一单项式(文字的 合取)或任一子句(文字的析取)都是线性可分的;两个 变量的“异或”函数就是一个线性不可分的函数。
这一世界里没有“稠密 空间(tight space)”(即 物体与边界线之间的距离 只有一个单元格)。
要求:这个机器人完 成以下动作:走到与一 边界或物体毗邻的单元 格中,然后沿着它的 边 界一直走下去。
给定了机器人适应的某种世界的特性(如前图所示)、 机器人完成的任务(沿边界移动)和机器人传感器和电机的 功能,设计者的工作就是说明为此任务选择适当动作的传 感器输入(示例中表示为s1,…,s8)的功能。
产生式系统是动作函数的简单表达形式之一。一个产生式系 统包含一个有序规则序列,称为产生式规则(production rule)或 产生式(production)。每一规则写作: ci → ai,其中ci是条件部 分(condition part),而ai是动作部分(action part)。
一个子句是形如λ1+λ2+…+λk 的表达式,其中λi为文字。这样 的形式称作“文字析取式(disjunction)”。子句的大小即为其 所含文字的总数。
例:项式 子句
x1x7, x1x2 x4 x3 x5 x6, x1 x4
析取范式(disjunctive no, 明辨是非的能力。 所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读, 古人说“书中自有黄金屋。 ”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识, 培养逻辑思维能力; 通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平, 培养文学情趣; 通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。 有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操, 给我们巨大的精神力量, 鼓舞我们前进。
首先,如果特征值都不是1(即机器人感知到它周围的 单元格全部空缺),则它可向任一方向移动直至遇到边界。
我们先让它向北移动。若至少有一个特征值为1,沿边界的 行动则按以下规则完成:
若x1=1且x2=0,则向东(east)移动; 若x2=1且x3=0,则向南(south)移动; 若x3=1且x4=0,则向西(west)移动; 若x4=1且x1=0,则向北(north)移动;
在仅有两种可能动作的应用,若给出特征向量的代码表 示输入,那么单一的TLU便可算出正确的动作,而对更复杂 的问题,则需要由这样的元件组成的神经网络系统(neural network)。由于TLU被认为是生物神经元的简单模型,这样 的电路成为神经网络系统。生物神经元是否被激励取决于若 干输入的强度的加权和。
与,或,非(补) “与”,“或”具有交换性同时具有结合性。
由单个变量组成的布尔函数,称为原子(atom );由 单个变量或其补组成的布尔函数,称为文字(literal)。
布尔代数遵守 De.Morgan 定律。
布尔函数有多种形式,其中一种重要的形式为:λ1λ2 … λk,这 里λi为文字,这样书写的函数称为“文字合取式 (conjunction) ” 或“单项式(monomial)”。这一合取式本身称为一个项式。项式的 大小即为其所含文字的总数。
TISA中的一个TLU计算其中一个输入和另一个输入的 补的合取值;另一个TLU计算两个输入的析取值。当以上 规则均不满足正确的状态时,禁止输入为0;当对应规则 的条件ci满足时,测试输入为1;若测试输入为1而禁止输 入为0时,动作输出为1(即引发相应的动作ai)。当测试输 入和禁止输入任一为1时,压制输出为1(即禁止以下的所 有单元)。运用可编程门阵列或等价形式的动态电路结构, 可通过调用一个T—R程序来动态构造运行时的电路。
该机器人能够向与它同行或同列的毗邻的(空缺)单 元格移动,共有如下四种动作:
east: 机器人在网格中向右移动一个单元
west: 机器人在网格中向左移动一个单元
通常我们把从传感器信号中计算动作的过程分为两个分 开的阶段,如下图所示。
运用布尔代数以及先前为沿边界行动的机器人而定义的特征文字, 可以产生下面的沿边界行动路线的产生式系统表示:
x4 x1 north
x3 x4 west x2 x3 south
x1 x2 east
1 north
在目标实现的产生式系统中,处于规则序列首位的规则c1的条件部分 说明了我们要让动作完成的总体目标。一旦达到这一目标, agent便停止 动作。
T-R程序也十分健全,动作一直朝着目标行进。只要感知精确度合理, 由错误感知、不恰当的执行动作或对环境信息处理的偏差所造成的偶而的 错误是可以得到修正的,而且动作通常能实现其设计效果。
除这些特征外,当T-R程序被调用时,可以带上参数,而且可以调用其 他T-R程序,还能够递归调用自己。
在逻辑电路中,布尔函数由逻辑门(AND, NAND,OR 等)网络系统实现。一种常用的电路包括阈值元件或其他 能计算其输入加权总和的非线性函数元件的网络系统。