pbs提交作业如何如何使⽤使⽤pbs 提交作业1 串⾏任务提交⽤户通过qsub 命令来向系统提交任务,有两种⽅式提交:脚本⽅式和命令⾏⽅式。
(⼀般情况下,不允许root ⽤户使⽤qsub 命令提交作业)1.1 脚本⽅式提交⽤户将需要执⾏的程序或命令写⼊脚本中,再加⼊⼀些必要或者可选的语句,就可以通过脚本⽅式提交。
脚本提交⽐较⽅便,⽤户可以⽤最简单的⽂字编辑器(例如vi )编写⼀个脚本,然后使⽤qsub 命令提交该脚本,pbs 会按照脚本内容执⾏相应的任务。
脚本⽅式提交任务的⼀般格式为:qsub[script_name],script_name 是任务脚本的名称。
下⾯介绍pbs 任务脚本的编写⽅法。
pbs 任务脚本包括三部分:shell 说明语句:⽤来说明⽤户使⽤的是哪种shell ,例如 #!/bin/sh 说明⽤户需要使⽤Bourne shell ,如果⽤户没有指定,则默认为 Bourne shell pbs 指⽰语句:pbs 指⽰语句是⽤户⽤来请求任务运⾏时所需的资源或设置任务的⼀些属性的。
以#PBS 开头,如#PBS –N taskname 是⽤来设置任务名称的。
pbs 指⽰语句是可选的,⽤户可以不⽤关⼼它如何写,系统会⾃动设置。
pbs 指⽰句的⼀个主要作⽤是请求任务执⾏时所需要的系统资源,如cpu 数⽬,存储容量,运⾏时间,运⾏优先级等等。
以脚本⽅式提交的任务的资源请求是通过pbs 指⽰语句,⼀般格式为 #PBS –l [选项=] [选项对应的值],如#PBS –l ncpus=5表⽰请求5个cpu 为之服务。
系统资源如下表所⽰资源描述举例 arch 所需要的系统结构,只⽤在资源块中 -l arch=linux cput 任务的所有进程拥有的最⼤cpu 执⾏时间 -l cput=1:00:00 file 任务能够创建的⽂件的⼤⼩ -l file=45mb nodes 主机的个数-l nodes=2 ppn 每个主机的处理器个数 -l nodes=2:ppn=2 host指定执⾏主机的名称-l nodes=X:host 分配X 个主机名称中含有host 的执⾏节点mem 任务的所有进程能够分配到的最⼤物理内存数 -l mem=100mb ncpus 请求的cpu 数-l ncups=5 nice 任务运⾏时的nice 优先级值-l nice=3 pcput 任务的任何⼀个进程拥有的最⼤cpu 执⾏时间 -l pcput=1:00:00 pmem 任务的任何⼀个进程能够分配到的最⼤物理内存数 -l pmem=45mb pvmem 任务的任何⼀个进程能够使⽤的虚拟内存的最⼤数 -l pvmem=100mb vmem 任务的所有并发进程能够使⽤的最⼤虚存数 -l vmem=100mb walltime任务可以处于运⾏态的最⼤wall-clock 时间-l walltime=1:00:00注:表中最常⽤的⼏种资源是:nodes, ppn, walltime, ncpus, mem 。
加工指南挤塑级PBS树脂为颗粒状,易于在挤出设备上连续加工,,在加工前干燥时很重要的,其在熔融温度下有比较稳定的熔体,挤出和干燥的要求如下:1.设备要求:该产品可以和活化处理的的淀粉共混,最高添加量可达70%,用于生产一次性餐饮包装产品,要求双螺杆设备L/D在45:1至50:1之间,并且在机头加装熔体泵和静态混合器,要求螺杆表面光洁,可以直接生产片材,或者将PBS与淀粉用双螺杆设备共混后,制成粒料,采用通用单螺杆设备连续挤出片材,要求单螺杆挤出机L/D=21:1—30:1,压缩比2.5:1--3:1 要求螺杆表面光洁,模头采用衣架式模头,内部流道光滑,不要有死角,防止死角处积料长时间加热降解。
2. 干燥在线干燥是必须的,原料湿含量要求低于0.4%,典型的干燥条件为80℃下干燥4小时,或者露点温度-40℃下,空气流量>1.85m 3/hr-kg,树脂干燥后不能长时间暴露于空气,并且及时正确密封未使用的树脂。
双螺杆挤出机温度设定为如下温度范围:加热区域 30%淀粉 50%淀粉1区—10区 125—100℃ 115-9011区—13区 100-105℃ 90-100熔体泵 130 120机颈 100 110模头左侧1 160 140模头左侧2 155 135模头中 150 130模头右侧2 155 135模头右侧1 160 140三辊之中辊 60 50三辊之下辊 70 55注:以上温度可依据生产速度而作相应的调整。
不含(-)• Ca2+
• Mg2+
• 酚红本产品仅用于科学研究。
物体外观:无色澄清液体内霉素:≤1 EU/mL 渗透压:280~320mOsm/kg · H 20
500mL 常温常温500mL 磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS),pH7.2磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS),pH7.4U10017B。
pbs使用手册PBS(Portable Batch System)是一种用于管理和调度作业的软件系统,广泛应用于高性能计算和云计算环境。
以下是PBS使用手册的简要介绍:1. 作业提交:用户可以使用PBS命令行工具或脚本提交作业。
2. 作业调度:PBS使用作业调度器来决定作业的执行顺序。
3. 作业执行:一旦作业被调度器选中,PBS会将作业分配到指定的计算节点上执行。
4. 作业管理:用户可以通过PBS命令行工具或Web界面查看作业的状态、资源使用情况、执行日志等信息。
5. 资源管理:PBS提供了一套完整的资源管理机制,包括对计算节点、存储设备和网络资源的管理。
6. 用户认证和权限管理:PBS支持用户认证和权限管理功能,以确保只有授权用户才能提交和管理作业。
7. 日志和监控:PBS提供了详细的日志记录和监控功能,以便用户了解作业的执行情况和系统的运行状态。
PBS实验指导书1.PBS简介PBS(Portable Batch System)最初由NASA的Ames研究中心开发,目的是提供一个能满足异构计算网络需要的软件包,特别是满足高性能计算的需要。
PBS 独立的调度模块允许系统管理员定义资源和每个作业可使用的数量。
这个调度程序使用标准的PBS API来和服务器通信,使用一个额外的API来和PBS执行进程通信。
PBS 使用方法
![PBS 使用方法](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5afd879371fe910ef12df8a2.png)
pbs_server_attributes(7) - Linux man pageNamepbs_server_attributes - pbs server attributesDescriptionServer attributes can be read by any client; privilege is not required. Most server attributes are alterable by a privileged client, run by a user with administrator or operator privilege. Certain attributes require the user to have full administrator privilege. The following is a list of the server attributes.accounting_keep_daysThis defines the number of days that accounting files will be kept. Default value: unset - pbs_server will never delete accounting files Format: integeracl_group_sloppyThis is a default value for the queue attribute of the same name. Format: boolean, "TRUE", "True", "true", "Y", "y", "1", "FALSE", "False", "false", "N", "n", "0"; default value: false = disabled.acl_host_enableAttribute which when true directs the server to use the acl_hosts access control lists.Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean, "TRUE", "True", "true", "Y", "y", "1", "FALSE", "False", "false", "N", "n", "0"; default value: false = disabled.acl_hostsList of hosts which may request services from this server. This list contains the network name of the hosts. Local requests, i.e. from the server's host itself, are aways accepted even if the host is not included in the list. See section 10.1, Authorization, in the PBS External Reference Specification. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: "[+|-]hostname.domain[,...]"; default value: all hosts.acl_logic_orThis is a default value for the queue attribute of the same name. Format: boolean, "TRUE", "True", "true", "Y", "y", "1", "FALSE", "False", "false", "N", "n", "0"; default value: false = disabled.acl_user_enableAttribute which when true directs the server to use the server level acl_users access list.Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean (see acl_group_enable);default value: disabled.acl_usersList of users allowed or denied the ability to make any requests of this server. See section10.1, Authorization, in the PBS External Reference Specification. If acl_user_enable isset to true, only users listed in acl_users may submit to or execute jobs in the queue.Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: "[+|-]user[@host][,...]"; default value: all users allowed.acl_rootsList of super users who may submit to and execute jobs at this server. If the job execution id would be zero (0), then the job owner, root@host, must be listed in this access control list or the job is rejected. Format: "[+|-]user[@host][,...]"; default value: no root jobs allowed.allow_node_submitAllow job submissions from compute nodes regardless of ruserok(). Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean; default value: disabled.allow_proxy_userSpecifies users can proxy from one user to another. Proxy requests will be either validated by ruserok() or by the scheduler. Format: boolean; default value: false.auto_node_npAutomatically configure a node's np value based on the ncpus value from the status update. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean; default value: disabled.clone_batch_delayNumber of seconds to delay between cloning a batch for a job array. Format: integer;default value: 1.clone_batch_sizeNumber of jobs to clone in a batch for a job array. Format: integer; default value: 256. credential_lifetimeThe number of a seconds that a client connection may stay connected without re-authenticating. Default is 3600 seconds.commentA text string which may be set by the scheduler or other privileged client to provideinformation to the batch system users. Format: any string; default value: none.default_nodeA node specification to use if there is no other supplied specification. This attribute isonly used by servers where a nodes file exist in the server_priv directory providing a list of nodes to the server. If the nodes file does not exist, this attribute is not set by default and is ignored if set. The default value allows for jobs to share a single node. Format: a node specification string; default value: 1#shared.default_queueThe queue which is the target queue when a request does not specify a queue name.Format: a queue name; default value: none, must be set to an existing queue.down_on_errorSet a node's state to "down" if MOM reports a message beginning with the string "ERROR". This might interfere with moab's node error handling. See the HEALTH CHECK section in pbs_mom(8B). This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and may beremoved in the future. Format: boolean; default value: false.disable_server_id_checkMakes it so the user for the job doesn't have to exist on the server. The user must still exist on all the compute nodes or the job will fail when it tries to execute. Format: boolean; default value: falseextra_rescAdd additional string-type job resources. They have no effect within TORQUE and are only advisible to the scheduler. They can not be used for resources_default/min/max.Format: list; default value: none.job_force_cancel_timeIf configured, number of seconds after a delete where a job will be purged by the server.If not configured, no such thing happens. Format: integer; default value: not used.job_nannyEnables the "job deletion nanny" feature. All job cancels will create a repeating task that will resend KILL signals if the initial job cancel failed. Further job cancels will be rejected with the message "job cancel in progress." This is useful for temporary failures with a job's execution node during a job delete request. It is possible that the job nanny might interfere with job restarts, migrations, and checkpointing. Format: boolean; default value: false.job_start_timeoutSpecifies the pbs_server to pbs_mom TCP socket timeout in seconds that is used when the pbs_server sends a job start to the pbs_mom. It is useful when the mom has extra overhead involved in starting jobs. If not specified then the tcp_timeout value is used.job_stat_rateModerates how often job stat requests will be issued from pbs_server to the MOM daemons. If poll_jobs is unset or false, then all jobs that haven't been updated in job_stat_rate seconds will trigger a stat request. If poll_jobs is true, then all jobs will be updated every job_stat_rate. (see poll_jobs) On active clusters, 60 or 120 might be reasonable. Default value: 45 seconds (PBS_RESTA T_JOB in server_limits.h) Minimum value: 4 seconds (PBS_JOBSTA T_MIN in server_limits.h)keep_completedNumber of seconds to retain completed jobs in the C state. This is overridden by the execution queue attribute of the same name. Format: integer; default value: 0.kill_delayThe amount of the time delay between the sending of SIGTERM and SIGKILL when a qdel command is issued against a running job. This is overridden by the execution queue attribute of the same name. Format: integer seconds; default value: 2 seconds.lock_fileSpecifies the name and location of the lock file used to determine which high availability server should be active.If a full path is specified, it is used verbatim by TORQUE. If a relative path is specified, TORQUE will prefix it with $TORQUE_HOME/server_priv. Format: string; default value: $TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/server.locklock_file_update_timeSpecifies how often (in seconds) the thread will update the lockfile. (for threaded high availability) Format: integer; default value: 3lock_file_check_timeSpecifies how often (in seconds) a high availability server will check to see if it should become active. (for threaded high availability) Must be greater than lock_file_update_time. Format: integer; default value: 9log_eventsA bit string which specifies the type of events which are logged, see the section on EventLogging in chapter 3 of the ERS. Format: integer; default value: 511, all events.log_file_max_sizeIf this is set to a value > 0 then pbs_server will roll the current log file to logfile.1 when its size is greater than or equal to the value of log_file_max_size. This value is interpreted as kilobytes.log_file_roll_depthIf this is set to a value >=1 and log_file_max_size is set then pbs_server will continue rolling the log files to logfile.log_file_roll_depth.log_keep_daysIf this is set then logs older than X days will be removed by the server. Format: integer;default value: not enforced;log_levelControls the verbosity of server logs. This value ranges from 0 to 7 with 7 representing maximum verbosity. Format: integer; default value: 0, minimum verbosity.mail_body_fmtOverride the default format for the body of outgoing mail messages. A number of printf-like format specifiers and escape sequences can be used:\nnew line\thorizontal tab\\backslash\'single quote\"double quote%ddetails concerning the message%hPBS host name%iPBS job identifier%jPBS job name%mlong reason for message%rshort reason for message%%a single %Format: a printf-like format string; Default value: "PBS Job Id: %i\nJob Name: %j\nExec host: %h\n%m\n%d\n".mail_domainOverride the default domain for outgoing mail messages. If set, emails will be addressed to "euser@mail_domain". If unset, the job's Job_Owner attribute will be used. Format: a domain name; Default value: none.mail_fromSet the From: header for all outgoing emails from pbs_server. Format: an email address;Default value: "adm".mail_subject_fmtOverride the default format for the subject of outgoing mail messages. A number of printf-like format specifiers and escape sequences can be used:\nnew line\thorizontal tab\\backslash\'single quote\"double quote%ddetails concerning the message%hPBS host name%iPBS job identifier%jPBS job name%mlong reason for message%rshort reason for message%%a single %Format: a printf-like format string; Default value: "PBS JOB %i".mail_uidThe uid from which server generated mail is sent to users. Format: integer uid; default value: 0 for root.managersList of users granted batch administrator privileges. Format: user@host.sub.domain[,user@host.sub.domain...]. The host, sub-domain, or domain name may be wild carded by the use of an * character, see the description of user access control lists in chapter 10.1.1 of the ERS. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter.Default value: root on the local host.max_job_array_sizeSpecifies the maximum number of jobs that can be in any requested job array. Arrays requesting more jobs than configured will be rejected. Format: integer; default value: Unlimited.max_slot_limitNo array can request a slot limit greater than 10. Any array that does not request a slot limit receives a slot limit of 10. Using the example above, slot requests greater than 10 are rejected. A slot limit is the maximum number of jobs from an array that can run concurrently. Format: integer; default value: Unlimited.max_runningThe maximum number of jobs allowed to be selected for execution at any given time.Advisory to the Scheduler, not enforced by the server. Format: integer.max_user_runThe maximum number of jobs owned by a single user that are allowed to be running from this queue at one time. This attribute is advisory to the Scheduler, it is not enforced by the server. Format: integer; default value: none.max_group_runThe maximum number of jobs owned by any users in a single group that are allowed to be running from this queue at one time. This attribute is advisory to the Scheduler, it is not enforced by the server. Format: integer; default value: none.mom_job_syncEnables the "job sync on MOM" feature. When MOMs send a status update, and it includes a list of jobs, server will issue job deletes for any jobs that don't actually exist.Format: boolean; default value: true.next_job_numberThis hidden attribute is used to allow a manager to set the value of the next job ID via qmgr. This attribute should rarely be modified. Some sites may find it useful if they need to recreate their pbs_server database (perhaps due to a format change between major TORQUE versions) and they keep a database of job information indexed by the job ID.The manager should be careful to avoid setting the value to something that would allow the next job number to conflict with a job already queued, however Torque will handle this in a sane manner: the job submission will be rejected and the next job number will be incremented.net_counterLists the 3 numbers representing the number of connections in the last 5 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. This is a read-only attribute. Format: string; default value: none. node_check_rateIn OpenPBS, this was the rate at which pbs_server would poll each node. In TORQUE, nodes periodically send updates without solicitation from pbs_server; this attribute is nowused as the maximum number of seconds allowed without an update before pbs_server will consider the node down. Format: integer; default value: 150node_ping_rateSpecifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between successive pings sent from the pbs_server daemon to the pbs_mom daemon to determine node/daemon health. Format: integer; default value: 300node_packControls how multiple processor nodes are allocated to jobs. If this attribute is set to true, jobs will be assigned to the multiple processor nodes with the fewest free processors. This packs jobs into the fewest possible nodes leaving multiple processor nodes free for jobs which need many processors on a node. If set to false, jobs will be scattered across nodes reducing conflicts over memory between jobs. If unset, the jobs are packed on nodes in the order that the nodes are declared to the server (in the nodes file). Default value: unset - assigned to nodes as nodes in order that were declared.node_suffixAdds a domainname to node names before IP lookups. Format: string; default value: none.np_defaultnp_default allows the administrator to unify the number of processors (np) on all nodes.The value can be dynamically changed. A value of 0 tells pbs_server to use the value of np found in the nodes file. The maximum value is 32767. Format: integer; default value: not used.operatorsList of users granted batch operator privileges. Format of the list is identical with managers above. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Default value: root on the local host.owner_purgeAllows job owners to forcibly purge their own jobs from the server. This short-circuits the normal flow of events and is hightly discouraged. Default value: unsetpoll_jobsControls how pbs_server will send job status requests to MOMs. When unset or false, statjob requests from clients (ie: qstat(1B) or the scheduler) may trigger job status requests to MOMs and and must wait until the MOMs have replied; this is suitable for small to medium sized clusters. When set to true, pbs_server will send periodic job status requests; this is suitable for busy clusters with lots of jobs, lots of clients, qstat(1B) is too slow, or your scheduler times out. (see job_stat_rate) Default value: TRUEquery_other_jobsThe setting of this attribute controls if general users, other than the job owner, are allowed to query the status of or select the job. Format: boolean (see acl_host_enable); Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. default value: false - users may not query or select jobs owned by other users.resources_availableThe list of resource and amounts available to jobs run by this server. The sum of the resource of each type used by all jobs running by this server cannot exceed the totalamount listed here. Advisory to the Scheduler, not enforced by the server. Format: "resources_available.resource_name=value[,...]".resources_costThe cost factors of various types of resources. These values are used in determining the order of releasing members of synchronous job sets, see the section on Synchronize Job Starts. For the most part, these value are purely arbitrary and have meaning only in the relative values between systems. The cost of the resources requested by a job is the sum of the products of the various resources_cost s and the amount of each resource requested by the job. It is not necessary to assign a cost for each possible resource, only those which the site wishes to be considered in synchronous job scheduling. Format: "resources_cost.resource_name=value[,...]"; default value: none, cost of resource is not computed.resources_defaultThe list of default resource values that are set as limits for a job executing on this server when the job does not specify a limit, and there is no queue default. Format: "resources_default.resource_name=value[,...]"; default value: no limit.resources_maxThe maximum amount of each resource which can be requested by a single job executing on this server if there is not a resources_max valued defined for the queue in which the job resides. Format: "resources_max.resource_name=value[,...]"; default value: infinite usage.sched_versionA string specifying the scheduler version. Schedulers should check this string whenstarting and not become active if the wrong string is found. This is ignored by pbs_server. scheduler_iterationThe time, in seconds, between iterations of attempts by the batch server to schedule jobs.On each iteration, the server examines the available resources and runnable jobs to see ifa job can be initiated. This examination also occurs whenever a running batch jobterminates or a new job is placed in the queued state in an execution queue. Format: integer seconds; default value: 10 minutes, set by {PBS_SCHEDULE_CYCLE}in server_limits.h.schedulingControls if the server will request job scheduling by the PBS job scheduler. If true, the scheduler will be called as required; if false, the scheduler will not be called and no job will be placed into execution unless the server is directed to do so by an operator or administrator. Setting or resetting this attribute to true results in an immediate call to the scheduler. For more information, see the section Scheduler - Server Interaction in the PBS Administrator Guide. Format: boolean (see acl_host_enable); default value: value of -a option when server is invoked, if -a is not specified, the value is recovered from the prior server run. If it has never been set, the value is "false".server_nameThe name of the server which is the same as the host name. If the hostname resolves to an external IP address, then set this to a name that resolves to the internal IP.submit_hostsA list of hostnames allowed to submit jobs to this batch server regardless of ruserok(). system_costAn arbitrary value factored into the resource cost of any job managed by this server for the purpose of selecting which member of synchronous set is released first, see resources_cost and section 3.2.2, Synchronize Job Starts. [default value: none, cost of resource is not computed]tcp_timeoutSpecifies the pbs_server to pbs_mom TCP socket timeout in seconds. Format: integer;default value: 6.The following attributes are read-only, they are maintained by the server and cannot be changed by a client.pbs_versionThe release version number of the server.resources_assignedThe total amount of certain types of resources allocated to running jobs.server_stateThe current state of the server:ActiveThe server is running and will invoke the job scheduler as required to schedule jobs for execution.IdleThe server is running but will not invoke the job scheduler.SchedulingThe server is running and there is an outstanding request to the job scheduler.TerminatingThe server is terminating. No additional jobs will be scheduled.Terminating, DelayedThe server is terminating in delayed mode. The server will not run any new jobs and will shutdown when the last currently executing job completes.state_countThe total number of jobs managed by the server currently in each state.total_jobsThe total number of jobs currently managed by the server.See Alsothe PBS ERS, qmgr(1B), pbs_resources(7B)。
MPICH&PBS使用指南一、MPI编程 (1)二、MPICH下编译和运行 (3)三、PBS环境下运行 (4)一、MPI编程1、MPI编程函数介绍MPI实际上是一个提供并行程序消息传递机制的函数库,有40多个函数,常用的有6个基本函数。
(1)MPI_Init函数定义:int MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv)功能:用命令行参数初始化MPI环境输入:argc、argv—表示命令行参数,同C语言的main()函数参数格式,argv中包含欲并行运行的进程数输出:返回值—非零/零表示初始化是否成功说明:该函数必须为程序中第一个调用的MPI函数示例:MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // argc、argv引用的是mian()函数的参数(2)MPI_Finalize函数定义:int MPI_Finalize (void)功能:结束MPI程序的运行,指结束MPI环境的使用输入:无输出:返回值—非零/零表示结束MPI环境是否成功说明:该函数必须为程序中最后一个调用的MPI函数示例:MPI_ Finalize ();(3)MPI_Comm_size函数定义:int MPI_Comm_size(MPI_Comm comm, int *size)功能:得到总进程数输入:comm 通信域句柄(系统默认的为MPI_COMM_WORLD,也可自己定义)输出:size,即通信域comm内包括的进程数整数(4)MPI_Comm_rank函数定义:int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank)功能:得到本进程的进程号输入:comm,该进程所在的通信域句柄输出:rank,调用进程在comm中的标识号(5)MPI_Send函数定义:int MPI_Send(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) 功能:发送消息给特定的进程输入:buf 发送缓冲区的起始地址(可选类型)count 将发送的数据的个数(非负整数)datatype 发送数据的数据类型(句柄)dest 目的进程标识号(整型)tag 消息标志(整型)comm 通信域(句柄)输出:无(6)MPI_Recv函数定义:int MPI_Recv(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag,MPI_Comm comm,MPI_Status *status)功能:接受别的进程发过来的消息输入:count 最多可接收的数据的个数(整型)datatype 接收数据的数据类型(句柄)source 接收数据的来源即发送数据的进程的进程标识号(整型)tag 消息标识与相应的发送操作的表示相匹配相同(整型)comm 本进程和发送进程所在的通信域(句柄)输出:buf 接收缓冲区的起始地址(可选数据类型)status 返回状态(状态类型MPI_Status)2、MPI程序示例MPI程序中必须包含MPI库的头文件,C语言头文件名为mpi.h,FORTRAN语言头文件名为mpif.h。
PBS管理系统1、引言本文档旨在提供关于PBS(Project-Based System,项目管理系统)的详细说明和使用指南。
2、系统概述2.1 系统目的PBS管理系统的目的是提供一个统一的平台,以便项目经理和团队成员能够更好地协作、交流,实现项目的高效管理。
2.2 系统特性- 项目计划管理:包括项目的定义、范围、目标、阶段和任务的制定以及任务间依赖关系的建立。
- 资源管理:管理项目所需的人力、物力和资金等资源,包括资源的分配、调度和优化。
- 进度跟踪:实时监控项目的进展情况,及时发现和解决潜在问题,确保项目按时完成。
- 任务分配与协作:将项目任务分配给团队成员,并提供协作工具,方便成员之间的沟通和合作。
- 报告与分析:各类报告,帮助管理层进行决策分析和项目评估。
3、系统功能详细说明3.1 用户管理- 用户注册与登录:用户通过注册账号并登录系统,才能使用系统的功能。
- 用户权限管理:根据用户角色的不同,赋予不同的系统访问权限和操作权限。
3.2 项目管理- 项目创建:项目经理根据项目需求,创建项目并设置项目基本信息。
- 项目计划制定:制定项目计划,包括项目范围、里程碑和任务的设定。
- 项目进度跟踪:实时跟踪项目进展情况,记录实际完成情况并与计划进行比较。
- 项目风险管理:识别和管理项目的潜在风险,采取相应的措施进行风险防范和应对。
3.3 资源管理- 资源录入:录入项目所需的人员信息、设备信息、材料信息等。
- 资源分配:根据项目需求,对资源进行合理分配和调度,确保资源的最优利用。
- 资源报表:资源使用情况报表,用于资源的监控和分析。
3.4 任务管理- 任务分配:项目经理将项目任务分配给对应的团队成员,并设定任务的优先级和截止日期。
- 任务进度追踪:团队成员实时更新任务的完成情况,与项目计划进行对比。
PBS实验指导书1.PBS简介PBS(Portable Batch System)最初由NASA的Ames研究中心开发,目的是提供一个能满足异构计算网络需要的软件包,特别是满足高性能计算的需要。
PBS 独立的调度模块允许系统管理员定义资源和每个作业可使用的数量。
这个调度程序使用标准的PBS API来和服务器通信,使用一个额外的API来和PBS执行进程通信。
它通常具有多个不同的配方,其中最常见的是标准磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS),其配方如下:- 1.4mol/L NaCl:8g- 0.1mol/L Na2HPO4:3.2g- 0.1mol/L KH2PO4:0.2g-加入去离子水至1L将以上配方的物质按比例称量后,加入适量的去离子水搅拌溶解,最后用去离子水补足至1L,搅拌均匀即可。
3. DNA/RNA提取磷酸盐缓冲液也可用于DNA/RNA的提取。
三、磷酸盐缓冲液的注意事项在使用磷酸盐缓冲液时,需要注意以下几个事项:1. PH值的调节磷酸盐缓冲液的pH值通常在7.2-7.4之间。
由于节点系统相同,因而可以用如下SHELL script在 node2~node8上安装; #!/bin/bash for i in `seq 2 8` do echo “node$i ---------------------------------“ rsh node$i “cd /public/openpbs; make install” echo “------------------------------------------“ echo “” 2013-7-21 16 done
• 初始化server: (第一次运行或者重新配置) /usr/local/sbin/pbs_server –t create
• Server配置目录 /var/spool/pbs/server_priv/ • 节点属性声明:/var/spool/pbs/server_priv/nodes node2 R220A np=2 node3 R220A np=2 node4 dualcore np=4 node5 dualcore np=4 node6 R4280A np=4 node7 R4280A np=4
入口不一致,仍为多机系统;可以提供 存储一致性
对作业类型的限制 2013-7-21
如果规模过大,会遇到前述的O(㎡) 的通讯问题,难以扩展
如前述,不适合于系统调用较多的程序 (如I/O密集型)
通讯量与系统规模成线形放缩,可以 很好的扩展
对程序类型无限制 6
内 容
• 任务管理系统概述 • PBS作业调度系统 • 作业调度系统的使用
Altair PBS Professional 9.1 快速入门指南说明书
![Altair PBS Professional 9.1 快速入门指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/55681771a22d7375a417866fb84ae45c3b35c2c0.png)
AltairPBS Professional9.1Quick Start Guidefor UNIX ® , Linux ® , and Windows ®®™PBS Professional TM Quick Start GuideAltair ® PBS Professional TM 9.0, Updated: October 23, 2007Edited by: Anne UrbanCopyright © 2004-2007 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.“PBS Pro”, “Portable Batch System”, “PBS Professional” and the PBS Juggler logo are trademarks of Altair Engineering, Inc.This document is proprietary information of Altair Engineering, Inc.Web: Email:****************Contents:Quick Installation Instructions for Unix and Linux 2Quick Installation Instructions for Windows5PBS Software and License Server Website Download 11Downloading Documentation from Website 12Getting License from Website13For sales and support, contact Altair (web site : ):Technical SupportThis document is proprietary information of Altair Engineering, Inc.Location Telephone e-mailNorth America +1 248 614 2425*********************China +86 (0)21 5393 0011******************.cn France +33 (0)1 4133 0990************************Germany +49 (0)7031 6208 22*******************India +91 80 658 8540+91 80 658 8542************************.com Italy +39 832 315573+39 800 905595***********************Japan +81 3 5396 1341***************.jp Korea +82 31 728 8600*****************.kr Scandinavia +46 (0)46 286 2050*****************United Kingdom+44 (0)2476 323 600*****************.comGeneral InformationYou must download, install and configure the Altair FLEXlm license manager beforePBS Professional. If you will use a trial license, contact Altair Support for the license. For more information, see sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of the PBS Professional Administrator’s Guide.For stand-alone machines, perform a full instal-is optional.For cluster systems, first install on the PBS server host , then install on each execution host.Client machines (those from which jobs will be submitted, but which will not execute jobs) may be installed at any time afterlations have been completed.Step 1 — Downloading, Installing and Starting the FLEXlm License Server1.1the license server host. See Downloading Soft-ware on page 11. Go to:/UserArea/Software/1.2license server will reside.1.3 Copy the license server tarball to <install loc>.1.4 Uncompress and extract the files:gunzip altair_flexlm.$(ARCH).tar.gztar -xf altair_flexlm.$(ARCH).tar.gzRun the lmhostid script on the license server Get and install the Altair license file. Seea. Click on the License Manager link.b. Click “Create New License”.c. Choose 1 server or 3 servers.d. Enter your host type(s), lmhostid(s), and hoste. Enter the number of CPUs.f. Click “Generate License” button.g. Download the license file.Copy the license file toInstall the startup script: Become root, thenModify the startup script according to section Start the license server. Become root, andsional(See also Administrator’s Guide Chapter 4.)• Log in as Administrator (root). You must have administrator privileges to install PBS Profes-sional.• Download the appropriate package from the PBS Professional website. See Downloading Software on page 11. Alternatively, mount the file to a directory of your choice.(See also Administrator’s Guide Chapter 4.)• Change to the directory where you extracted the file, or mounted the CD-ROM.• To start the installation process enter this com-mand at the UNIX prompt:./INSTALLStep 4 — Follow the Installation Program (See also Administrator’s Guide Chapter 4.)• Execution directoryThis step identifies the directory into which the executable programs and libraries will be installed. To change the default destination, enter a new pathname.• Home directory (PBS_HOME)This step identifies the directory into which the PBS Professional daemon configuration files and logfiles will be installed. To change the default destination, enter a new pathname.• PBS installation typetion you wish to perform (see below).• If this is a stand-alone• If this is a cluster server hostoption 1.• If this is a cluster execution host2.client machine, select option 3.Administrator’s Guide Chapter stand-alone or front-end machine,front-end machine, enter “n”client machine, then the stand-alone or an execution, the installation program will offer ton” (for “no”).execution or client machines.Administrator’s Guide Chapter 4.)front-end machine has been installed, not intend to execute jobs on this, then edit its global configu-/etc/pbs.conf, setting the entry for =0. This will tell PBS not to startsection 4.8.6.)® cpuset SupportGeneral Information(See also Administrator’s Guide Chapter 4.)You must download, install and configure the Altair FLEXlm license manager beforePBS Professional. If you will use a trial license, contact Altair Support for the license. For more information, see sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of the PBS Professional Administrator’s Guide.For stand-aloneof PBS Professional. Further configuration is optional.For cluster systems, first install on the machine (Server host), then install on each execution host.Client machines (those from which jobs will be submitted, but which will not execute jobs), may be installed at any time afterlations have been completed.Step 1 — Downloading, Installing and Starting the FLEXlm License Server1.1the license server host. See Downloading Soft-ware on page 11. Go to:/UserArea/Software/You will get an executable namedfs8.0sr1_WIN32.exe.1.2 Log in as Administrator.1.3 Double-click on the executablefs8.0sr1_WIN32.exe. The installation wizard should launch automatically. If the installation wizard does not start up, go to My Computer orFollow the installation wizard.a. On the Welcome window, click Next.. On the Choose Setup Type panel, select c. On the Choose Destination Location dialog,Click Next.d. Wait for the Setup Status panel to indicate that the installation is complete.e. In the next two panels, click OK. The first mentions the FLEXid driver, which is notsupported by Altair and is not used for PBS Professional. The second panel is a shortREADME.fclick Finish to close the installation wizard. 1.5the license server on each server using the above instructions.1.6host (Type this all on one line):<install_location>\security\WIN32\lmutil lmhostidUse the first entry in the resulting list.1.7 Get and install the Altair license file. See page 13 for screenshots.a. Go to/UserArea/b. Click on the License Manager link.c. Click “Create New License”.d. Choose 1 server or 3 servers.ename(s). If you are using the three-serverredundant setup, enter this information for all three servers.f. Enter the number of CPUs.g. Click “Generate License” button.h. Download the license file.1.8 Copy the license file to<install location>\security\altair_lic.dat.Activate the FLEX license:a. Save the license file you received via e-mailb. If this is a three-server license setup, copyc. Double clickd. Click the Service/License File tab.e. Click the Configuration using Servicesf. Click the Config Services tab.g. Verify that all path names specified areh. Check the Use Services option.i. Click the options Use Server and Start Server j. Click Save Service.k. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab.l. Click Start Server.1. 10 If this installation is part of a redundant license server setup, activate the license on all of the license server machines.sional(See also Administrator’s Guide Chapter 4.) the local Administrators group on the local comuter.• Create the “pbsadmin” account:For domained environments, the serviceaccount must:1. be a domain account2. be a member of the "Domain Users"groupand groups.users and groups information” to thepbsadmin account.For standalone environments, the pbsadmin ber of the local Administrators group on the local computer.• Insert the PBS Professional CD into your PC’s CD-ROM drive. Browse to the CD-ROM drive and double-click the PBS_Pro_9_0 icon. This will launch the InstallShield Wizard.• If you downloaded the installation file from the the PBS_Pro_9_0 icon. This will launch the InstallShield Wizard.Step 3 — Follow the InstallShield Wizard • On the welcome screen, read Terms of Use, and if you accept it, click Next.Enter the “User Name” and “Company Name”, and ignore the “Serial Number”. Click Next. This step identifies the folder where you want PBS Professional installed. Specify your choice, then click Next.This step asks you to select the type of installa-tion you wish to perform.• If this is a stand-alone system, select All.• If this is a cluster front-end machine (Server node), select All.• If this is a cluster execution machine (Com-pute node), select Execution.• If this is a client machine, select Commands.• Then click Next.• Next, “PBSADMIN Password”.Enter the password for the pbsadmin account; verify by entering it twice, then click Next.• Two informational screens will be shown; read the text, then click Next.• Next, “Editing PBS.CONF FIle”.This panel will appear for an execution-only install. Enter the name of the host that will be running the PBS Server, then click Next.• Next, “Editing HOSTS.EQUIV FIle”.Specify any host(s) or user(s) who will need local filesystem access, then click Next.Administrator’s Guide .)stand-alone or front-end machine,, “Enter License File Location”.If you enter an invalid location, you will see: , “Editing PBS Server Nodes file”. Enter the names of the nodes in your cluster, separated by commas, then click Next.Step 5 — Node-Specific ConfigurationIf this is an execution machinefollowing screen.• Next, “Editing PBS MOM config file”.Enter any MOM configuration parameters you wish to set for this computer, then click Next. Installation BeginsApproximate load time varies by the option selected and whether the installation is being done across the network.Installation CompleteSelect Yes to reboot this computer, then click Finish.At this time, you may repeat the install process for other execution or client machines. If this system is part of a cluster, further configuration may be required.Step 6 — Verify List of Hosts(See also Administrator’s Guide Chapter 12.) After the front-end machinefurther configuration of it is required.of machines PBS will manage. Use qmgr to add any missing execution hosts in your clus-• If you do not intend to execute jobs on this front-end machine, then use qmgr to delete the front-end machine’s name from the list of nodes, and run the following command to pre-vent MOM from running on this node:pbs-config-add PBS_START_MOM=0.This will set the parameter that tells PBS not to start the MOM service on this machine. (See also Administrator’s Guide.)• Lastly, start the PBS software by running the following commands as Administrator (Windows 2000) or as a user with Administrator privilege (Windows XP). (See also Administrator’s Guide.)(execution nodes only)General InformationAny web browser may be used to access the PBS Professional website. Both the PBS soft-ware and the license server are available here.Step 1 — Access PBS Professional Web-sitesional website at Step 2 — Log in to the Customer Area• Click on the LOGIN button in the upper rightcorner of the website window.• When prompted, enter your Site ID and Pass-PBS Professional sales representative.Step 3 — Accept TermsDownload Software.You can download PBS or the license server. You can download a package for all PBS com-ponents or for the execution host(s) only.General InformationAny web browser may be used to access the PBS Professional website.Step 1 — Access PBS Professional Web-sitesional website at Step 2 — Log in to the Customer Area • Click on the LOGIN button in the upper right corner of the website window.word. This information is provided by your Altair PBS Professional sales representative.Documentation.General InformationAny web browser may be used to access the PBS Professional website.Step 1 — Access PBS Professional Web-sitesional website at Step 2 — Log in to the Customer Area• Click on the LOGIN button in the upper rightcorner of the website window.• When prompted, enter your Site ID and Pass-PBS Professional sales representative.Step 3 — Accept TermsLicense Manager .have.Purchase Licenses .Step 4 — Enter LIcense Informationmation for all three servers.。
PBS(Portable Batch System)最初由NASA的Ames研究中心开发,主要为了提供一个能满足异构计算网络需要的软件包,用于灵活的批处理,特别是满足高性能计算的需要,如集群系统、超级计算机和大规模并行系统。
PBS的主要特点有:代码开放,免费获取;支持批处理、交互式作业和串行、多种并行作业,如MPI、PVM、HPF、MPL;PBS是功能最为齐全, 历史最悠久, 支持最广泛的本地集群调度器之一. PBS的目前包括openPBS, PBS Pro和Torque三个主要分支. 其中OpenPBS是最早的PBS系统, 目前已经没有太多后续开发, PBS pro是PBS的商业版本, 功能最为丰富. Torque是Clustering公司接过了OpenPBS, 并给与后续支持的一个开源版本.PBS的应用不同于一般的直接运行: mpirun –np number ./executable_file直接运行上句,则只能在单个节点上进行并行计算。
运行命令分别为:mpirun –machinefile filenamempirun –p4pg filename应用PBS提交任务则会形成任务队列,依次执行,有效分配资源,避免资源竞争。
torque PBS 提供对批处理作业和分散的计算节点(Compute nodes)的控制。
∙安装Torque组件:在一个节点上(head node)安装pbs_server,所有计算节点上安装pbs_mom,所有计算节点和提交节点上安装PBS客户端。
0.01M PBS (pH 7.4)配制标准操作规程题目:0.01M PBS (pH 7.4)配制标准操作规程颁发部门:研发部分发部门:研发部制定:年月日批准:年月日审核:年月日生效日期:年月日1.目的建立实验室PBS缓冲液配制标准操作规程,确保溶液的配制准确2.适用范围0.01M PBS pH7.4缓冲液配制。
3.溶液配制前3.1 配制前确认药品是否足够,不足的按名称、编号、规格、数量等填写限额领料单给领料员到仓库领料。
3.2 领取的药品需具有合格标签,并在有效期内。
3.3 准备配制所用的试剂瓶、烧杯和烧瓶等,检查是否已清洁并且干燥。
4. 溶液配制(以1000mL为例)4.1 称量:用电子分析天平按下表称取药品并做好记录,倒入1000ml烧杯中。
物质名称称量(g)KH2PO40.27Na2HPO4 1.14Na2HPO4·7H2O 2.15Na2HPO4Na2HPO4·2H2O 2.88KCl0.20NaCl8.004.2 溶解:用量筒量取800mL纯化水倒入烧杯中,放入搅拌转子,并放到磁力搅拌器上搅拌至完全溶解。
4.3 pH调节:用校准后的pH计测量上述溶液的pH,用0.1M的HCl或NaOH调整pH=7.40±0.05。
4.4 定容:将上述完全溶解的溶液到入1000ml容量瓶,并用少量纯化水冲洗烧杯后,倒入容量瓶,重复3次,将容量瓶中的液体用纯化水补充至刻度线,塞上盖子后上下颠倒10次,确保溶液充分混匀。
4.6 过滤:4.7 移瓶:将定容后的溶液倒入洁净蓝色盖子的玻璃瓶,在瓶身上标明品名、体积、日期、有效期、操作者等信息。
4.8 存储:该溶液于(4~30)℃,可保存6个月。
5.溶液配制完成后5.1 按要求填写溶液配制记录。
5.2 关闭仪器,填写仪器使用记录。
5.3 清理实验场地,清洗烧杯、容量瓶、转子等。
PBS作业调度使用方法PBS(Portable Batch System)是一种常用的作业调度系统,广泛应用于高性能计算领域。
3. 指定作业运行位置:使用#PBS -l nodes命令指定作业在计算节点上的运行位置。
5. 指定作业执行脚本:使用#PBS -l select和#PBS -l place命令指定作业执行的脚本。
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pbs缓冲液配制[指南]1. “PBS”缓冲液2. 甘氨酸–盐酸缓冲液(0.05 mol/L)X毫升0.2 mol/L甘氨酸+Y毫升0.2 mol/L HCI,再加水稀释至200毫升甘氨酸分子量 = 75.07,0.2 mol/L甘氨酸溶液含15.01克/升。
3. 邻苯二甲酸–盐酸缓冲液(0.05 mol/L)X毫升0.2 mol/L邻苯二甲酸氢钾 + 0.2 mol/L HCl,再加水稀释到20毫升邻苯二甲酸氢钾分子量 = 204.23,0.2 mol/L邻苯二甲酸氢溶液含40.85克/升4. 磷酸氢二钠–柠檬酸缓冲液NaHPO分子量 = 14.98,0.2 mol/L溶液为28.40克/升。
24NaHPO?2HO分子量 = 178.05,0.2 mol/L溶液含35.01克/升。
242CHO?HO分子量 = 210.14,0.1 mol/L溶液为21.01克/升。
42725. 柠檬酸–氢氧化钠-盐酸缓冲液使用时可以每升中加入1克克酚,若最后pH值有变化,再用少量50% 氢氧化钠溶液或浓盐酸调节,冰箱保存。
6. 柠檬酸–柠檬酸钠缓冲液(0.1 mol/L)柠檬酸CHO?HO:分子量210.14,0.1 mol/L溶液为21.01克/升。
6872柠檬酸钠NaCHO?2HO:分子量294.12,0.1 mol/L溶液为29.41克/毫升。
365727. 乙酸–乙酸钠缓冲液(0.2 mol/L) NaAc?3HO分子量 = 136.09,0.2 mol/L 溶液为27.22克/升。
228. 磷酸盐缓冲液(1)磷酸氢二钠–磷酸二氢钠缓冲液(0.2)NaHPO?2HO分子量 = 178.05,0.2 mol/L溶液为85.61克/升。
242 NaHPO?12HO分子量 = 358.22,0.2 mol/L溶液为71.64克/升。
242 NaHPO?2HO分子量 = 156.03,0.2 mol/L溶液为31.21克/升。
PBS 使用方法
![PBS 使用方法](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5afd879371fe910ef12df8a2.png)
pbs_server_attributes(7) - Linux man pageNamepbs_server_attributes - pbs server attributesDescriptionServer attributes can be read by any client; privilege is not required. Most server attributes are alterable by a privileged client, run by a user with administrator or operator privilege. Certain attributes require the user to have full administrator privilege. The following is a list of the server attributes.accounting_keep_daysThis defines the number of days that accounting files will be kept. Default value: unset - pbs_server will never delete accounting files Format: integeracl_group_sloppyThis is a default value for the queue attribute of the same name. Format: boolean, "TRUE", "True", "true", "Y", "y", "1", "FALSE", "False", "false", "N", "n", "0"; default value: false = disabled.acl_host_enableAttribute which when true directs the server to use the acl_hosts access control lists.Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean, "TRUE", "True", "true", "Y", "y", "1", "FALSE", "False", "false", "N", "n", "0"; default value: false = disabled.acl_hostsList of hosts which may request services from this server. This list contains the network name of the hosts. Local requests, i.e. from the server's host itself, are aways accepted even if the host is not included in the list. See section 10.1, Authorization, in the PBS External Reference Specification. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: "[+|-]hostname.domain[,...]"; default value: all hosts.acl_logic_orThis is a default value for the queue attribute of the same name. Format: boolean, "TRUE", "True", "true", "Y", "y", "1", "FALSE", "False", "false", "N", "n", "0"; default value: false = disabled.acl_user_enableAttribute which when true directs the server to use the server level acl_users access list.Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean (see acl_group_enable);default value: disabled.acl_usersList of users allowed or denied the ability to make any requests of this server. See section10.1, Authorization, in the PBS External Reference Specification. If acl_user_enable isset to true, only users listed in acl_users may submit to or execute jobs in the queue.Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: "[+|-]user[@host][,...]"; default value: all users allowed.acl_rootsList of super users who may submit to and execute jobs at this server. If the job execution id would be zero (0), then the job owner, root@host, must be listed in this access control list or the job is rejected. Format: "[+|-]user[@host][,...]"; default value: no root jobs allowed.allow_node_submitAllow job submissions from compute nodes regardless of ruserok(). Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean; default value: disabled.allow_proxy_userSpecifies users can proxy from one user to another. Proxy requests will be either validated by ruserok() or by the scheduler. Format: boolean; default value: false.auto_node_npAutomatically configure a node's np value based on the ncpus value from the status update. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Format: boolean; default value: disabled.clone_batch_delayNumber of seconds to delay between cloning a batch for a job array. Format: integer;default value: 1.clone_batch_sizeNumber of jobs to clone in a batch for a job array. Format: integer; default value: 256. credential_lifetimeThe number of a seconds that a client connection may stay connected without re-authenticating. Default is 3600 seconds.commentA text string which may be set by the scheduler or other privileged client to provideinformation to the batch system users. Format: any string; default value: none.default_nodeA node specification to use if there is no other supplied specification. This attribute isonly used by servers where a nodes file exist in the server_priv directory providing a list of nodes to the server. If the nodes file does not exist, this attribute is not set by default and is ignored if set. The default value allows for jobs to share a single node. Format: a node specification string; default value: 1#shared.default_queueThe queue which is the target queue when a request does not specify a queue name.Format: a queue name; default value: none, must be set to an existing queue.down_on_errorSet a node's state to "down" if MOM reports a message beginning with the string "ERROR". This might interfere with moab's node error handling. See the HEALTH CHECK section in pbs_mom(8B). This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and may beremoved in the future. Format: boolean; default value: false.disable_server_id_checkMakes it so the user for the job doesn't have to exist on the server. The user must still exist on all the compute nodes or the job will fail when it tries to execute. Format: boolean; default value: falseextra_rescAdd additional string-type job resources. They have no effect within TORQUE and are only advisible to the scheduler. They can not be used for resources_default/min/max.Format: list; default value: none.job_force_cancel_timeIf configured, number of seconds after a delete where a job will be purged by the server.If not configured, no such thing happens. Format: integer; default value: not used.job_nannyEnables the "job deletion nanny" feature. All job cancels will create a repeating task that will resend KILL signals if the initial job cancel failed. Further job cancels will be rejected with the message "job cancel in progress." This is useful for temporary failures with a job's execution node during a job delete request. It is possible that the job nanny might interfere with job restarts, migrations, and checkpointing. Format: boolean; default value: false.job_start_timeoutSpecifies the pbs_server to pbs_mom TCP socket timeout in seconds that is used when the pbs_server sends a job start to the pbs_mom. It is useful when the mom has extra overhead involved in starting jobs. If not specified then the tcp_timeout value is used.job_stat_rateModerates how often job stat requests will be issued from pbs_server to the MOM daemons. If poll_jobs is unset or false, then all jobs that haven't been updated in job_stat_rate seconds will trigger a stat request. If poll_jobs is true, then all jobs will be updated every job_stat_rate. (see poll_jobs) On active clusters, 60 or 120 might be reasonable. Default value: 45 seconds (PBS_RESTA T_JOB in server_limits.h) Minimum value: 4 seconds (PBS_JOBSTA T_MIN in server_limits.h)keep_completedNumber of seconds to retain completed jobs in the C state. This is overridden by the execution queue attribute of the same name. Format: integer; default value: 0.kill_delayThe amount of the time delay between the sending of SIGTERM and SIGKILL when a qdel command is issued against a running job. This is overridden by the execution queue attribute of the same name. Format: integer seconds; default value: 2 seconds.lock_fileSpecifies the name and location of the lock file used to determine which high availability server should be active.If a full path is specified, it is used verbatim by TORQUE. If a relative path is specified, TORQUE will prefix it with $TORQUE_HOME/server_priv. Format: string; default value: $TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/server.locklock_file_update_timeSpecifies how often (in seconds) the thread will update the lockfile. (for threaded high availability) Format: integer; default value: 3lock_file_check_timeSpecifies how often (in seconds) a high availability server will check to see if it should become active. (for threaded high availability) Must be greater than lock_file_update_time. Format: integer; default value: 9log_eventsA bit string which specifies the type of events which are logged, see the section on EventLogging in chapter 3 of the ERS. Format: integer; default value: 511, all events.log_file_max_sizeIf this is set to a value > 0 then pbs_server will roll the current log file to logfile.1 when its size is greater than or equal to the value of log_file_max_size. This value is interpreted as kilobytes.log_file_roll_depthIf this is set to a value >=1 and log_file_max_size is set then pbs_server will continue rolling the log files to logfile.log_file_roll_depth.log_keep_daysIf this is set then logs older than X days will be removed by the server. Format: integer;default value: not enforced;log_levelControls the verbosity of server logs. This value ranges from 0 to 7 with 7 representing maximum verbosity. Format: integer; default value: 0, minimum verbosity.mail_body_fmtOverride the default format for the body of outgoing mail messages. A number of printf-like format specifiers and escape sequences can be used:\nnew line\thorizontal tab\\backslash\'single quote\"double quote%ddetails concerning the message%hPBS host name%iPBS job identifier%jPBS job name%mlong reason for message%rshort reason for message%%a single %Format: a printf-like format string; Default value: "PBS Job Id: %i\nJob Name: %j\nExec host: %h\n%m\n%d\n".mail_domainOverride the default domain for outgoing mail messages. If set, emails will be addressed to "euser@mail_domain". If unset, the job's Job_Owner attribute will be used. Format: a domain name; Default value: none.mail_fromSet the From: header for all outgoing emails from pbs_server. Format: an email address;Default value: "adm".mail_subject_fmtOverride the default format for the subject of outgoing mail messages. A number of printf-like format specifiers and escape sequences can be used:\nnew line\thorizontal tab\\backslash\'single quote\"double quote%ddetails concerning the message%hPBS host name%iPBS job identifier%jPBS job name%mlong reason for message%rshort reason for message%%a single %Format: a printf-like format string; Default value: "PBS JOB %i".mail_uidThe uid from which server generated mail is sent to users. Format: integer uid; default value: 0 for root.managersList of users granted batch administrator privileges. Format: user@host.sub.domain[,user@host.sub.domain...]. The host, sub-domain, or domain name may be wild carded by the use of an * character, see the description of user access control lists in chapter 10.1.1 of the ERS. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter.Default value: root on the local host.max_job_array_sizeSpecifies the maximum number of jobs that can be in any requested job array. Arrays requesting more jobs than configured will be rejected. Format: integer; default value: Unlimited.max_slot_limitNo array can request a slot limit greater than 10. Any array that does not request a slot limit receives a slot limit of 10. Using the example above, slot requests greater than 10 are rejected. A slot limit is the maximum number of jobs from an array that can run concurrently. Format: integer; default value: Unlimited.max_runningThe maximum number of jobs allowed to be selected for execution at any given time.Advisory to the Scheduler, not enforced by the server. Format: integer.max_user_runThe maximum number of jobs owned by a single user that are allowed to be running from this queue at one time. This attribute is advisory to the Scheduler, it is not enforced by the server. Format: integer; default value: none.max_group_runThe maximum number of jobs owned by any users in a single group that are allowed to be running from this queue at one time. This attribute is advisory to the Scheduler, it is not enforced by the server. Format: integer; default value: none.mom_job_syncEnables the "job sync on MOM" feature. When MOMs send a status update, and it includes a list of jobs, server will issue job deletes for any jobs that don't actually exist.Format: boolean; default value: true.next_job_numberThis hidden attribute is used to allow a manager to set the value of the next job ID via qmgr. This attribute should rarely be modified. Some sites may find it useful if they need to recreate their pbs_server database (perhaps due to a format change between major TORQUE versions) and they keep a database of job information indexed by the job ID.The manager should be careful to avoid setting the value to something that would allow the next job number to conflict with a job already queued, however Torque will handle this in a sane manner: the job submission will be rejected and the next job number will be incremented.net_counterLists the 3 numbers representing the number of connections in the last 5 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. This is a read-only attribute. Format: string; default value: none. node_check_rateIn OpenPBS, this was the rate at which pbs_server would poll each node. In TORQUE, nodes periodically send updates without solicitation from pbs_server; this attribute is nowused as the maximum number of seconds allowed without an update before pbs_server will consider the node down. Format: integer; default value: 150node_ping_rateSpecifies the maximum interval (in seconds) between successive pings sent from the pbs_server daemon to the pbs_mom daemon to determine node/daemon health. Format: integer; default value: 300node_packControls how multiple processor nodes are allocated to jobs. If this attribute is set to true, jobs will be assigned to the multiple processor nodes with the fewest free processors. This packs jobs into the fewest possible nodes leaving multiple processor nodes free for jobs which need many processors on a node. If set to false, jobs will be scattered across nodes reducing conflicts over memory between jobs. If unset, the jobs are packed on nodes in the order that the nodes are declared to the server (in the nodes file). Default value: unset - assigned to nodes as nodes in order that were declared.node_suffixAdds a domainname to node names before IP lookups. Format: string; default value: none.np_defaultnp_default allows the administrator to unify the number of processors (np) on all nodes.The value can be dynamically changed. A value of 0 tells pbs_server to use the value of np found in the nodes file. The maximum value is 32767. Format: integer; default value: not used.operatorsList of users granted batch operator privileges. Format of the list is identical with managers above. Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. Default value: root on the local host.owner_purgeAllows job owners to forcibly purge their own jobs from the server. This short-circuits the normal flow of events and is hightly discouraged. Default value: unsetpoll_jobsControls how pbs_server will send job status requests to MOMs. When unset or false, statjob requests from clients (ie: qstat(1B) or the scheduler) may trigger job status requests to MOMs and and must wait until the MOMs have replied; this is suitable for small to medium sized clusters. When set to true, pbs_server will send periodic job status requests; this is suitable for busy clusters with lots of jobs, lots of clients, qstat(1B) is too slow, or your scheduler times out. (see job_stat_rate) Default value: TRUEquery_other_jobsThe setting of this attribute controls if general users, other than the job owner, are allowed to query the status of or select the job. Format: boolean (see acl_host_enable); Requires full manager privilege to set or alter. default value: false - users may not query or select jobs owned by other users.resources_availableThe list of resource and amounts available to jobs run by this server. The sum of the resource of each type used by all jobs running by this server cannot exceed the totalamount listed here. Advisory to the Scheduler, not enforced by the server. Format: "resources_available.resource_name=value[,...]".resources_costThe cost factors of various types of resources. These values are used in determining the order of releasing members of synchronous job sets, see the section on Synchronize Job Starts. For the most part, these value are purely arbitrary and have meaning only in the relative values between systems. The cost of the resources requested by a job is the sum of the products of the various resources_cost s and the amount of each resource requested by the job. It is not necessary to assign a cost for each possible resource, only those which the site wishes to be considered in synchronous job scheduling. Format: "resources_cost.resource_name=value[,...]"; default value: none, cost of resource is not computed.resources_defaultThe list of default resource values that are set as limits for a job executing on this server when the job does not specify a limit, and there is no queue default. Format: "resources_default.resource_name=value[,...]"; default value: no limit.resources_maxThe maximum amount of each resource which can be requested by a single job executing on this server if there is not a resources_max valued defined for the queue in which the job resides. Format: "resources_max.resource_name=value[,...]"; default value: infinite usage.sched_versionA string specifying the scheduler version. Schedulers should check this string whenstarting and not become active if the wrong string is found. This is ignored by pbs_server. scheduler_iterationThe time, in seconds, between iterations of attempts by the batch server to schedule jobs.On each iteration, the server examines the available resources and runnable jobs to see ifa job can be initiated. This examination also occurs whenever a running batch jobterminates or a new job is placed in the queued state in an execution queue. Format: integer seconds; default value: 10 minutes, set by {PBS_SCHEDULE_CYCLE}in server_limits.h.schedulingControls if the server will request job scheduling by the PBS job scheduler. If true, the scheduler will be called as required; if false, the scheduler will not be called and no job will be placed into execution unless the server is directed to do so by an operator or administrator. Setting or resetting this attribute to true results in an immediate call to the scheduler. For more information, see the section Scheduler - Server Interaction in the PBS Administrator Guide. Format: boolean (see acl_host_enable); default value: value of -a option when server is invoked, if -a is not specified, the value is recovered from the prior server run. If it has never been set, the value is "false".server_nameThe name of the server which is the same as the host name. If the hostname resolves to an external IP address, then set this to a name that resolves to the internal IP.submit_hostsA list of hostnames allowed to submit jobs to this batch server regardless of ruserok(). system_costAn arbitrary value factored into the resource cost of any job managed by this server for the purpose of selecting which member of synchronous set is released first, see resources_cost and section 3.2.2, Synchronize Job Starts. [default value: none, cost of resource is not computed]tcp_timeoutSpecifies the pbs_server to pbs_mom TCP socket timeout in seconds. Format: integer;default value: 6.The following attributes are read-only, they are maintained by the server and cannot be changed by a client.pbs_versionThe release version number of the server.resources_assignedThe total amount of certain types of resources allocated to running jobs.server_stateThe current state of the server:ActiveThe server is running and will invoke the job scheduler as required to schedule jobs for execution.IdleThe server is running but will not invoke the job scheduler.SchedulingThe server is running and there is an outstanding request to the job scheduler.TerminatingThe server is terminating. No additional jobs will be scheduled.Terminating, DelayedThe server is terminating in delayed mode. The server will not run any new jobs and will shutdown when the last currently executing job completes.state_countThe total number of jobs managed by the server currently in each state.total_jobsThe total number of jobs currently managed by the server.See Alsothe PBS ERS, qmgr(1B), pbs_resources(7B)。
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(1)qsub 命令—用于提交作业脚本命令格式:qsub [-a date_time] [-c interval] [-C directive_prefix][-e path] [-I] [-j join] [-k keep] [-l resource_list] [-m mail_options][-M user_list][-N name] [-o path] [-p priority] [-q destination] [-r c][-S path_list] [-u user_list][-v variable_list] [-V][-W additional_attributes] [-z][script]参数说明:因为所采用的选项一般放在pbs脚本中提交,所以具体见PBS脚本选项。
例:# qsub aaa.pbs 提交某作业,系统将产生一个作业号(2)qstat 命令—用于查询作业状态信息命令格式:qatat [-f][-a][-i] [-n][-s] [-R] [-Q][-q][-B][-u]参数说明:-f jobid 列出指定作业的信息-a 列出系统所有作业-i 列出不在运行的作业-n 列出分配给此作业的结点-s 列出队列管理员与scheduler所提供的建议-R 列出磁盘预留信息-Q 操作符是destination id,指明请求的是队列状态-q 列出队列状态,并以alternative形式显示-au userid 列出指定用户的所有作业-B 列出PBS Server信息-r 列出所有正在运行的作业-Qf queue 列出指定队列的信息-u 若操作符为作业号,则列出其状态。
若操作符为destination id,则列出运行在其上的属于user_list中用户的作业状态。
例:# qstat -f 211 查询作业号为211的作业的具体信息。
(3) qdel 命令—用于删除已提交的作业命令格式:qdel [-W 间隔时间] 作业号命令行参数:例:# qdel -W 15 211 15秒后删除作业号为211的作业(4)qmgr 命令—用于队列管理qmgr -c "create queue batch queue_type=execution"qmgr -c "set queue batch started=true"qmgr -c "set queue batch enabled=true"qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_default.nodes=1"qmgr -c "set queue batch resources_default.walltime=3600"qmgr -c "set server default_queue=batch"2、PBS脚本文件PBS脚本文件由脚本选项和运行脚本两部分组成。
(1) PBS作业脚本选项(若无-C选项,则每项前面加‘#PBS’)-a date_time :date_time格式为:[[[[CC]YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS]表示经过date_time时间后作业才可以运行。
-c interval :定义作业的检查点间隔,如果机器不支持检查点,则忽略此选项。
-C directive_prefix :在脚本文件中以directive_prefix开头的行解释为qsub的命令选项。
(若无此选项,则默认为’#PBS’)-e path :将标准错误信息重定向到path-I :以交互方式运行-j join :将标准输出信息与标准错误信息合并到一个文件join中去。
-k keep :定义在执行结点上保留标准输出和标准错误信息中的哪个文件。
keep为o 表示保留前者,e表示后者,oe或eo表示二者都保留,n表示皆不保留。
-l resource_list :定义资源列表。
cput=N :请求N秒的CPU时间; N也可以是hh:mm:ss的形式。
mem=N[K|M|G][B|W]:请求N {kilo|mega|giga}{bytes|words} 大小的内存。
nodes=N:ppn=M :请求N个结点,每个结点M个处理器。
-m mail_options :mail_option为a:作业abort时给用户发信;为b:作业开始运行发信;为e:作业结束运行时发信。
-M user_list :定义有关此作业的mail发给哪些用户。
-N name :作业名,限15个字符,首字符为字母,无空格。
-o path :重定向标准输出到path。
-p priority :任务优先级,整数,[-1024,1023],若无定义则为0.-q destination :destination有三种形式:queue , @server,queue@server。
-r y|n :指明作业是否可运行,y为可运行,n为不可运行。
-S shell :指明执行运行脚本所用的shell,须包含全路径。
-u user_list :定义作业将在运行结点上以哪个用户名来运行。
-v variable_list :定义export到本作业的环境变量的扩展列表。
-V :表明qsub命令的所有环境变量都export到此作业。
-W additional_attributes :作业的其它属性。
-z :指明qsub命令提交作业后,不在终端显示作业号。
格式如下:mpirun_rsh –np 进程数–hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE 可执行程序名3、PBS环境下运行示例(1)脚本文件编辑示例实例1:运行mpi程序命令行:#vi aaa.pbs编辑的内容:#PBS -N myjob#PBS -o /home/jz/my.out#PBS -e /home/jz/my.err#PBS –l nodes=2:ppn=2cd 目录(你们原来直接在节点上运行时所在的目录)mpirun_rsh –np 4 –hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE /home/jz/helloworld 解释:原先大家都是在中断输入mpirun_rsh…..这些命令执行程序的,现在只要把这些提交命令放在.pbs配置文件的最后,由PBS来调度执行(自动分配节点和其它资源)。
#PBS –l nodes=2:ppn=2,你们程序需要几个节点只要修改nodes后的数字就可以了,ppn=2保持不变,因为我们的机器每个节点都是双cpu的。
mpirun_rsh –np 4 –hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE /home/jz/helloworld此例中-np后的4是并行数(2×2=4个cpu),–hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE不需要改变。
对于每个你要运行的mpi程序都需要这样一个.pbs配置文件也就是说大家原来的操作是:mpirun…………现在改成2步走:1)写个pbs配置文件(比如xxx.pbs);2)向pbs提交(qsub xxx.pbs)实例2:运行非mpi程序有些用户并不是自己编写mpi程序,同样也可以用pbs提交。
比如物理系运行程序时一般输入的命令是RunDMol3.sh TiFeCp2-pbe-dspp-m=1-opt ,那么配置文件可以这样写:命令行:#vi job.pbs编辑的内容:#PBS -N physics_job#PBS -o /home/physics/physics_job.out#PBS -e /home/physics/physics_job.err#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2#PBS -r ycd 目录(你们原来直接在节点上运行时所在的目录)RunDMol3.sh TiFeCp2-pbe-dspp-m=1-opt解释:也就是说把原来在终端直接输入的命令RunDMol3.sh TiFeCp2-pbe-dspp-m=1-opt 放到pbs配置文件中,因为你们只要一个节点,所以nodes=1,至于用哪个节点系统自动分配,你们肯定很关心是分配了哪个节点给你们,那么可以用qstat命令查询(比如qstat -n)。
(2) 提交作业示例命令行:#qsub aaa.pbs显示结果:(3)作业状态查询示例Qstat 后加不同参数可以查看不同的信息(各参数的意思,上面有详细的说明,你们可以一个个试验一下,以后就知道查看哪些信息,需要哪些参数)实例:命令行:#qstat –a (查看作业的状态)显示结果:解释:Job id 211是给你提交的任务分配的任务号,S(任务状态,R表示正在运行,Q表示正在排队等候调度)命令行:#qstat –n (查看作业使用的节点)显示结果:解释:blade32就是分给你这个任务的节点命令行:#qstat –f 211 (查看有关作业运行具体信息)显示结果:解释:exec_host显示的是实际执行该任务的节点。