
欧洲文化入门1.第1题Which of the following is not true about the Greek culture? CC.The Greeks honored the city's gods every day2.第2题Historical narrative is best represented in the New Testament by the_C__.C.Acts of the Apostles3.第3题The images of Cronus and Rhea reflect ____C_______.C.the communal marriage in the primitive society4.第4题The ancient Greeks__B_.B.firmly believed myths to be true5.第5题According to Greek mythology, __A_ opened a forbidden jar and happened to release the plagues into the world. A.Pandora6.第6题According to Greek myths about creation, _D___was the foundation of all things. D.Chaos7.第7题By a complex process of violence, struggle, and sexual attraction,__built up the power. B.Zeus8.第8题The history of the English Bible is the history of the formation of the English language__.AA.from a mixture of French, Anglo-Norman, and Anglo-Saxon;9.第13题The Spanish monarchy was __.AA.set up by the Christians10.第14题Magna Carta in 1215 in England was a document that __.DD.spoke for the nobles11.第23题Which of the following is Not true about Christianity in the 3rd century?D.The Bible in English began to spread in England12.第24题William Tyndale translated the New Testament in the 16 century from __B_.B.the Greek text13.第25题The kingdom of God refers to_B_. B.the rule of God14.第26题According to the New Testament the Christian church _C_.C.spoke more of salvation15.第27题The Fourth Crusade in the 13th century was in fact__. B.turned into a siege of a Christian city16.第32题On Mount Olympus were ___ major gods and goddesses known as the Olympians.B.twelve17.第34题Greek myths reflect Greeks' exploration of the followings except_C__.C.the mysterious outer space18.第35题The name Jesus suggests__.BB.that God saves us from sin19.第36题The images of gods in Greek mythology impress us as ____B_____.B.beings with human emotions who lived among us20.第37题Mythology has exerted a great influence on the arts in___A.all parts of the world21.第38题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks?A.They produced their sacred written text like the Bible22.第39题Odysseus___ returned to his faithful wife after the ten-year Trojan War.C.was a Greek hero who23.第40题In the Renaissance, the ancient myths___.A.served as sources of inspiration for artistic creation24.第41题The first complete English Bible was the work of translation by John Wycliffe from___. B.the Greek text25.第42题The early Christians were against ___. D.pagan culture26.第43题According to Greek mythology ___, which goes well with the idea of Daoism in China.A.something can be produced from nothing27.第44题Which of the following about Jesus is Not true according to the Gospels? C.He was the presence of God in the world28.第45题According to the New Testament, the central message of Jesus was__.A.the kingdom of God29.第46题In the New Testament Jesus was portrayed as the following figure except____.D.the almighty God30.第47题It was ____who unified England for the first time.D.King Alfred and his successors31.第48题The Late Middle Ages almost at the same time__.A.began with the Renaissance32.第49题In the Carolingian time popes__.B.were regarded as models of piety33.第50题___ were regarded as heretics in the Middle Ages.B.Those who did not believe in Christianity34.第67题Which is not true about the heroes in Greek mythology?B.They never die35.第68题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks' belief in heroes? A.They were immortal36.第69题The Romans began to represent their gods in human form ___.D.after coming into contact with foreign culture37.第70题Which is not true in the following about the disruptive deities?C.They were in fact mortals38.第71题Myths____. C.explain the origin of man and nature39.第72题The Greeks’ sense of gods is shared by __. A.the Romans40.第73题Which of the following does not contribute to our knowledge of Greek mythology? D.Guesswork41.第74题Which is not true in the following about Zeus?rC.He ruled the sea42.第75题Roman writers like Virgil and Ovid were famous as they ___.B.created an inspiring Greco-Roman mythology43.第76题The King James version of the Bible __.pleted in the 17 century44.第77题Which of the following is Not true about the king Herod?C.He killed all the boys where Jesus lived45.第78题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the New Testament? B.the human persons46.第79题Which of the following is Not true about Jesus?B.His real father was Joseph47.第80题The religious ministry of Jesus was followed by his 12 apostles for ___.D.Israel was made up of 12 tribes48.第81题Before the First Crusade, Jews__. C.were forced into the cities 49.第82题Overgrowth of population in Europe in the Late Middle Ages caused __.B.the shortage of food supply50.第83题Romanesque style appeared_. A.earlier than Gothic style51.第9题The historical narratives of the Old Testament are popular. T52.第10题The Roman Catholic version of the Old Testament is made up of the Jewish Bible and some other books. T53.第11题Early Christians regarded the Old Testament as an agreement God made through Moses. F54.第12题The Old Testament includes literature and oral tradition found in other ancient literature like that of Far East. F55.第15题The books of Deuteronomy recorded Israel's whole history. T56.第16题The major theological theme of the Old Testament is that Yahweh is the only God in the world. F57.第17题In the prophetic literature narratives predominate. F58.第18题The most significant part of the Jewish Bible is that of the poems.F59.第19题That the Roman Empire grew too large to control and to resist foreign invasions is the leading factor that contributed to the birth of the Byzantine, Islam and the west. T60.第20题Saints were considered as models of virtue.T61.第21题The Germans by no means traded with the Romans.F62.第22题The West featured unproductive land.T63.第28题Many scholars claim that much of the cultural dynamism of the Renaissance also had its roots in medieval times and that changes were rather abrupt than progressive. F64.第29题In the Middle Ages, people thought they were living in the Middle Ages.您的答案:错误65.第30题The Palestine of Jesus' day included Israel today.T66.第31题Renaissance humanists believed it was possible to improve human society through classical education.T67.第33题People in the early Middle Ages by no means cared about local leaders.您的答案:错误68.第51题In the Jewish Bible there are 27 books in Hebrew.F69.第52题In terms of literature, the Old Testament is an anthology because it is a collection of myths.F70.第53题All the narratives in the Old Testament may be called salvation stories because they are concerned with showing how human beings were freed from sin.F71.第54题Recently, scholars argue for the Hebrew cultural influence on apocalyptic literature.T72.第55题The Old Testament tells the true history of the Jews.F73.第56题Etiological stories are those which explain the origin of some place,practice or name.T74.第57题According to the Old Testament, Man is a unity of life and death.F 75.第58题Jesus lived in the early 1st century.T76.第59题Christianity was spread first by Jesus out of Palestine.F77.第60题The word renaissance means "renewal".F78.第61题Prosperous trading society is common to Byzantium, Islam and the West.您的答案:错误79.第62题Monasteries were by no means elements of religious life.F80.第63题Monks in the Merovingian time lived in the temples.F81.第64题Participants in the Renaissance came to the conclusion that their own commercial achievements rivaled those of antiquity.F82.第65题The Merovingians became more civilized after adopting Roman institutions.您的答案:正确83.第66题Renaissance refers to a series of political and religious movements in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries F84.第84题The original language of the Old Testament is Latin. F85.第85题More accurately, the patriarchal stories in Genesis should be called families stories. T86.第86题The early Christian church included in the Christian Bible the written records of both the Old and the New Testament because it believed in the continuity of history and of divine activity. T87.第87题According to the author of the apocalyptic writings, Evil powers would struggle against God. T88.第88题The Christian Bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament.您的答案:错误89.第89题That different from other creatures, man is a unity of physical matter andlife is one of the major theological themes of the Old Testament. F90.第90题The second law in the Old Testament refers to the book of Genesis.F 91.第91题The period of transformations of the Roman Empire into Middle Ages is often called the Late Antiquity.T92.第92题There were schools and universities located in city cathedrals in the Central Middle Ages.T93.第93题The common features of the Byzantine, Islam and the west are depopulated cities, unproductive land and fragmented power. F94.第94题Beginning in the 4th century, army units of German were welcomed into the Roman Empire to defend the Romans. T95.第95题The pope and the Byzantine church shared the same interpretationof Christianity. F96.第96题The Crusades by no means strengthened Byzantium. T97.第97题By any means, the Renaissance represents a change in focus and emphasis from the Middle Ages. T98.第98题The end of Byzantium marks the end of Middle Ages. T99.第99题Christians suffered persecution until the 4th century. T100.第100题By 750 the Muslims had subdued Turkey. F二1.第1题Many works of painting and sculpture have taken myths as their ___. C.subject2.第2题Herod was the king who was___ B.jealous of Jesus3.第3题Myths____. C.explain the origin of man and nature4.第4题Odysseus___ returned to his faithful wife after the ten-year Trojan War.C.was a Greek hero who5.第5题According to Greek mythology, Paris,___, which resulted in the Trojan war.A.son of King of Troy, abducted Helen, a Greek beauty6.第6题The early Hebrews___.A.concentrated on the role of a supreme god7.第7题Greek mythology relates the development of the order of the universeto_____ . C.Chaos8.第8题The Greeks’ sense of gods is shared by __. A.the Romans9.第9题Which of the following is not shared by Eve in Bible and Pandora in Greek myths? D.Being turned from immortal to mortal10.第10题The early Christians were against ___. D.pagan culture11.第11题Roman writers like Virgil and Ovid were famous as they ___.B.created an inspiring Greco-Roman mythology12.第12题Historical narrative is best represented in the New Testament by the___.C.Acts of the Apostles13.第13题Greek mythology reflects the following except_____ .D.how the Greeks interpreted the world as being orderly14.第14题The deeds of the heroes Heracles and Theseus embody the conflict between___.D.civilization and wild savagery15.第15题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the Old Testament? C.the Holy Spirit16.第16题In the New Testament Jesus was portrayed as the following figure except____.D.the almighty God17.第17题The Fourth Crusade in the 13th century was in fact__.B.turned into a siege of a Christian city18.第18题Black Death caused __.C.more harm in the cities19.第19题Magna Carta in 1215 in England was a document that __.D.spoke for the nobles20.第21题In the search for the Golden Fleece to regain his throne, Jason ____.C.fought against a dragon that never slept21.第22题A gospel in the New Testament ___.A.is a series of individual accounts of acts or sayings22.第23题The kingdom of God refers to__. B.the rule of God23.第24题Which of the following is Not true about monasteries?C.Monks did not have to work in the fields at all24.第25题The Spanish monarchy was __.A.set up by the Christians25.第26题The First Crusade was important because __.C.it was the first example of European expansionism26.第51题In the Middle Ages, the ancient myths___.C.were interpreted allegorically27.第52题According to Greek mythology, ___ opened a forbidden jar and happened to release the plagues into the world. A.Pandora28.第53题Scholars believe that Greek mythology__.B.was influenced by cultures in the Middle East29.第54题Greek mythology influenced Western culture in the following aspects except_. B.architecture30.第55题The name Jesus suggests__. B.that God saves us from sin31.第56题In the Age of Enlightenment, there was emphasis on____. B.rationality 32.第57题The Greeks imagined their gods to have human shape, which was__.D.strongly idealized33.第58题The 19th-century interpretation of myths became more___. C.scientific 34.第59题Which of the following is Not included in the major themes of the New Testament? B.the human persons35.第60题The ancient Greeks___.B.firmly believed myths to be true36.第61题According to Greek myths about creation, ____was the foundation of all things. D.Chaos37.第62题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks' belief in heroes?A.They were immortal38.第63题Roman mythology is actually___. B.not purely Roman39.第64题The religious ministry of Jesus was followed by his 12 apostles for ___.D.Israel was made up of 12 tribes40.第65题Jews in the cities were good at__. A.doing business41.第66题The chief point of Gregorian reform was to ___.B.make the church completely independent from the emperors42.第67题___ were regarded as heretics in the Middle Ages.B.Those who did not believe in Christianity43.第81题By a complex process of violence, struggle, and sexual attraction,__built up the power. B.Zeus44.第82题Which is not true in the following about the Titans?A.They were the Children of Zeus45.第83题The continuity of the New Testament with the Old is best shown in ___.A.its teaching about God46.第84题According to the New Testament, the central message of Jesus was__.A.the kingdom of God47.第85题Monasteries were made rich by__. D.the kings and nobles48.第86题The Late Middle Ages almost at the same time__.A.began with the Renaissance49.第87题In the Carolingian time popes__. B.were regarded as models of piety 50.第100题By myths the Greeks could do the following except____.D.replacing the roles of gods51.第20题Observing Sunday as a holy day is not included in the spiritual standards of the Old Testament. F52.第27题The original language of the Old Testament is Latin. F53.第28题In terms of literature, the Old Testament is an anthology because it is a collection of myths. F54.第29题The early Christian church included in the Christian Bible the written records of both the Old and the New Testament because it believed in the continuity of history and of divine activity. F55.第30题The Old Testament is a collection of books recording oral traditions in the Near East. T56.第31题In the development of the Old Testament all the books came into being after oral traditions. T57.第32题In the transformations of the Roman Empire into Middle Ages political and religious change occurred at the same time. T58.第33题The term Middle Ages was invented by people today. F59.第34题Christianity was spread first by Jesus out of Palestine. F60.第35题The era preceding the Renaissance became known as the Middle Ages. T 61.第36题The pope and the Byzantine church shared the same interpretationof Christianity. F62.第37题The Germans in Late Antiquity shared with the Romans culturally. F 63.第38题Separation of church and state remains the political practice in the western world today. T64.第39题The Old Testament is regarded as a book recording the past event of the Jewish people. F65.第40题All the narratives in the Old Testament may be called salvation stories because they are concerned with showing how human beings were freed from sin. F66.第41题The Protestant version of the Old Testament is made up of the Jewish Bible only. T7.第42题According to the Old Testament, Man is a unity of life and death. F 68.第43题There were schools and universities located in city cathedrals in the Central Middle Ages. TUnlike the Jews, the early Christians of the Roman Empire suffered persecution. F70.第45题The West featured unproductive land. T71.第46题Monasteries were by no means elements of religious life. F72.第47题By any means, the Renaissance represents a change in focus and emphasis from the Middle Ages. T73.第48题The Merovingians became more civilized after adopting Roman institutions.您的答案:正确74.第49题Renaissance refers to a series of political and religious movements in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries F75.第50题Christians suffered persecution until the 4th century. T76.第68题The Roman Catholic version of the Old Testament is made up of the Jewish Bible and some other books. T77.第69题Hebrew prophetic books are made up of prophetic speeches. F78.第70题Many books in the Old Testament are narratives because they report the events in the past. T79.第71题Etiological stories are those which explain the origin of some place, practice or name. T80.第72题The most significant part of the Jewish Bible is that of the poems. T 81.第73题Jesus lived in the early 1st century. T82.第74题The West grew gradually independent of the papal control in the Late Middle Ages. T83.第75题The word renaissance originated in the belief that Europeans had rediscovered the superiority of Greek and Roman culture after many centuries of what they considered intellectual and cultural decline.您的答案:正确84.第76题Muhammad, the Islam leader, believed in one God that was different from the Jewish God. FParticipants in the Renaissance studied the great civilizations of ancient Israel and Greece. F86.第78题The Renaissance had enough unique qualities to justify considering it as a separate period of history. T87.第79题The Palestine of Jesus' day included Israel today. T88.第80题People in the Renaissance thought the time of Middle ages was more advanced than their own time. F89.第88题Prose is not the literary form found in the Old Testament. T90.第89题More accurately, the patriarchal stories in Genesis should be called families stories. T91.第90题The book of Genesis is composed of many individual stories. T92.第91题The apocalyptic writings concern the past events of the Jews. F 93.第92题Most of the prophetic books are Hebrew narratives in form. F94.第93题That the Roman Empire grew too large to control and to resist foreign invasions is the leading factor that contributed to the birth of the Byzantine, Islam and the west. T95.第94题Charlemagne’ empire was as large as the powerful Roman Empire. F 96.第95题Belief in the harmony between spiritual and worldly things is true of Byzantium, Islam, and the West. T97.第96题Byzantium was defeated by the Persians. F98.第97题Monks then by no means gave up material comfort. F99.第98题In the Middle Ages, people thought they were living in the Middle Ages.您的答案:错误100.第99题Constantine the Great declared Christianity as the only religion. F三1.第1题The Romans began to represent their gods in human form ___.D.after coming into contact with foreign culture2.第2题Which of the following is not true about the Greek culture?C.The Greeks honored the city's gods every day3.第3题Mythology has exerted a great influence on the arts in___.A.all parts of the world4.第4题___ is not included in Greek mythology as one of the three principal types of figures. B.the devils5.第5题A myth is ___. B.an oral literary work traditionally accepted 6.第6题The Greeks imagined their gods to have human shape, which was__.D.strongly idealized7.第7题Which of the following about Jesus is Not true according to the Gospels?C.He was the presence of God in the world8.第8题1066 marked the__. B.Norman Conquer of England9.第9题Overgrowth of population in Europe in the Late Middle Ages caused __.B.the shortage of food supply10.第10题On Mount Olympus were ___ major gods and goddesses known as the Olympians.B.twelve11.第11题Greek myths reflect Greeks' exploration of the followings except___. C.the mysterious outer space12.第12题Odysseus___ returned to his faithful wife after the ten-year Trojan War.C.was a Greek hero who13.第13题According to Greek mythology, Paris,___, which resulted in the Trojan war.A.son of King of Troy, abducted Helen, a Greek beauty14.第14题Roman writers like Virgil and Ovid were famous as they ___.B.created an inspiring Greco-Roman mythology15.第15题The deeds of the heroes Heracles and Theseus embody the conflict between___.D.civilization and wild savagery16.第16题The history of the English Bible is the history of the formation of the English language__.A.from a mixture of French, Anglo-Norman, and Anglo-Saxon;17.第17题William Tyndale translated the New Testament in the 16 century from ___.B.the Greek text18.第18题The chief point of Gregorian reform was to ___.B.make the church completely independent from the emperors19.第28题According to the New Testament the Christian church __.B.spoke more of the kingdom of God20.第29题Jews in the cities were good at__. A.doing business21.第30题___ were regarded as heretics in the Middle Ages.B.Those who did not believe in Christianity22.第41题Which is not true about the heroes in Greek mythology?B.They never die23.第42题Which is not true in the following about Zeus?C.He ruled the sea24.第43题Early Romans regarded their gods as__. C.powers25.第44题The ancient Greeks___. B.firmly believed myths to be true26.第45题The early Hebrews___.A.concentrated on the role of a supreme god27.第46题In the search for the Golden Fleece to regain his throne, Jason ____.C.fought against a dragon that never slept28.第47题A gospel in the New Testament ___.A.is a series of individual accounts of acts or sayings29.第48题The religious ministry of Jesus was followed by his 12 apostles for ___.D.Israel was made up of 12 tribes30.第49题The Spanish monarchy was __.A.set up by the Christians31.第57题Which of the following is not true about the Greeks?A.They produced their sacred written text like the Bible32.第58题According to Greek myths about creation, ____was the foundation of all things. D.Chaos33.第59题Common types of myths exclude___. D.myths of mortals34.第63题Which is not true in the following about the Titans?A.They were the Children of Zeus35.第64题The King James version of the Bible __.pleted in the 17 century36.第65题The kingdom of God refers to__. B.the rule of God37.第66题William Tyndale translated the Old Testament in the 16 century from ___.C.the Hebrew text38.第67题The Late Middle Ages almost at the same time__.A.began with the Renaissance39.第68题In the 13th century, many schools _.B.gave way to universities40.第79题Many works of painting and sculpture have taken myths as their ___. C.subject41.第80题The 20th-century scholars on myths pay closer attention to___.D.the content of the narratives42.第81题Scholars believe that Greek mythology__.B.was influenced by cultures in the Middle East43.第82题Greek mythology influenced Western culture in the following aspects except_. B.architecture44.第83题No hero of Greek mythology has proved more fascinating than Oedipus for __.A.he fulfilled the prophecy of killing his father and marrying his mother 45.第84题The 19th-century interpretation of myths became more___.C.scientific46.第85题The first complete English Bible was the work of translation by John Wycliffe from___. B.the Greek text47.第86题Mary's pregnancy to Joseph, her husband, was ___. B.a luck48.第87题Which of the following is Not true about monasteries?C.Monks did not have to work in the fields at all49.第88题Black Death caused __. C.more harm in the cities50.第89题Jews in the cities were__. D.persecuted by Christians51.第19题The Old Testament is regarded as a book recording the past event of the Jewish people. F52.第20题The Old Testament includes literature and oral tradition found in other ancient literature like that of Far East. F53.第21题The Old Testament tells the true history of the Jews. F54.第22题The Throne Succession History of David in the Old Testament comes closer to the modern understanding of history. T55.第23题The apocalyptic writings arose in Israel after the Egyptian Captivity of the Jews. F56.第24题Renaissance classical education relied on teachings from ancient texts and emphasized a range of disciplines, including electronics, electricity, physiology, and philosophy. F57.第25题Byzantium was defeated by the Persians. F58.第26题The end of Byzantium marks the end of Middle Ages. T59.第27题Christians considered pagan gods supernatural. F60.第31题The most significant part of the Christian Old Testament lies in books on laws T.61.第32题The apocalyptic writings concern the past events of the Jews. F 62.第33题Early Christians regarded the New Testament as an agreement God made with Adam and Eve. F63.第34题The second law in the Old Testament refers to the book of Genesis. F 64.第35题According to the Old Testament, Man is a unity of life and death. F65.第36题The era preceding the Renaissance became known as the Middle Ages. T 66.第37题Monasteries were by no means elements of religious life. F67.第38题The pope & the Byzantine church began their conflict in AD 1054. F 68.第39题Monks then by no means gave up material comfort. F69.第40题The Palestine of Jesus' day included Israel today. T70.第50题In the Jewish Bible there are 27 books in Hebrew. F71.第51题The early Christian church included in the Christian Bible the written records of both the Old and the New Testament because it believed in the continuity of history and of divine activity. T72.第52题Recently, scholars argue for the Hebrew cultural influence on apocalyptic literature. T73.第53题The major theological theme of the Old Testament is that Yahweh is the only God in the world. F74.第54题According to the Old Testament, Moses was a prophet. T75.第55题The most significant part of the Jewish Bible is that of the poems. F 76.第56题Christianity was spread first by Jesus out of Palestine. F77.第60题Muhammad, the Islam leader, believed in one God that was different from the Jewish God. F78.第61题Separation of church and state remains the political practice in the western world today. T79.第62题Christians suffered persecution until the 4th century. T80.第69题In terms of literature, the Old Testament is an anthology because it is a collection of myths. F81.第70题All the narratives in the Old Testament may be called salvation stories because they are concerned with showing how human beings were freed from sin. F82.第71题。

looking down at the stage from three sides, actors with masks
a. Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.)
Games, revived in 1896
3. Homer
Homer (around 7th century B.C.) , author
of the ancient Greek epics—Iliad and Odyssey—the Trojan War in around 1200
B.C.荷马史诗,《伊利亚特》与《奥德 赛》,特洛伊战争
Greece and Troy
Rule of Alexander
Ancient Greek king of Macedon (336–323 BC)马其顿, ancient kingdom in the northern-most part of ancient Greece
Alexander fighting Persian king
Trojan War 特洛伊战争
In Greek mythology and in Iliad and Odyssey
by Homer About 1,200 B. C. War between Greece and Troy Fought over the beautiful Helen Lasted for 10 years Trojan horse, Laocoon(p33) Troy defeated

Delacroix (26 April 1798 – 13 August 1863) was a French Romantic artist regarded from the outset开始 of his career as the leader of the French Romantic school. Delacroix‘s use of expressive brushstrokes绘画技 巧 and his study of the optical光学的 effects of colour profoundly深深地 shaped the work of the Impressionists, while his passion for the exotic异国的 inspired the artists of the Symbolist movement. A fine lithographer[li’θɔgrəfə] 石版家, Delacroix illustrated various works of William Shakespeare, the Scottish writer Walter Scott and the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
浪漫主义美术产生于大革命失 败以后的波旁王朝复辟时期, 人们对启蒙运动宣扬的理性王 国越来越感到失望,一些知识 分子感到苦闷,他们反对权威、 传统和古典模式,从而产生了 浪漫主义美术。他们提倡注重 艺术家的主观性和自我表现, 以民族奋斗的历史事件和壮美 的自然为素材,抒发对理想世 界的追求,以瑰丽的想象,夸 张的手法塑造形象,表现激烈 奔放的感情。总之,他们重感 情轻理性,重色彩轻素描,不 满现实,追求幻想。

历史性:欧洲文 化具有悠久的历 史,从古希腊、 罗马到中世纪、 文艺复兴等时期 都有丰富的文化 遗产
创新性:欧洲文 化具有创新性, 如文艺复兴、启 蒙运动等时期都 推动了人类文明 的进步
影响力:欧洲文 化对全球产生了 深远的影响,如 科学、哲学、艺 术、文学等领域 都产生了重要的 影响
古希腊哲学:苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多 德
欧洲历史:从古希腊罗马到中世纪, 再到文艺复兴和启蒙运动,欧洲历 史经历了多次变革和进步
东正教:基督教的另一个分支, 强调教会的独立性和传统
新教:基督教的另一个分支, 强调个人信仰和圣经的权威
天主教:基督教的一个分支, 强调教会的权威和传统
仪式:洗礼、婚礼、葬礼等, 都是欧洲宗教的重要仪式
基督教:欧洲最主要的宗教, 信仰上帝和耶稣基督
节日:圣诞节、复活节、万圣 节等,都是欧洲宗教的重要节
罗马斗兽场:意大利罗马的古 代建筑,可以了解古罗马的历 史和文化
卢浮宫:法国巴黎的著名博物 馆,收藏了大量的艺术品和历 史文物
埃菲尔铁塔:法国巴黎的标志 性建筑,可以俯瞰整个巴黎市 区
威尼斯水城:意大利威尼斯的 水上城市,可以体验独特的水
巴塞罗那高迪建筑:西班牙巴 塞罗那的建筑,可以欣赏到高
欧洲艺术和音乐在欧洲历史上扮演了重要的角色,如文艺复兴时期、巴洛克时期、古典主义时期等,这些时期的 艺术和音乐对欧洲文化的发展产生了重要的影响。

《欧洲文化入门》第一部分试题I. Choose the most appropriate one for the following blanks.1 . Two maj or elements in European culture are ____.A. the Greek and RomanB. the Judaism and ChristianityC. the Greco-RomanD. A and B2. ____ deals with the Troj an War (the Greek states led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy ).A. The OdysseyB. The IliadC. Prometheus BoundD. Persians3. The play Prometheus Bound was written by _____.A. AeschylusB. AristophanesC. EuripidesD. Sophocles4. The best writer of comedy of the ancient Greece was ____ , who is Father of Comedy.A. EuripidesB. AristophanesC. SophoclesD. Aeschylus5. ____ was one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory.A. HomeB. HeracleitueC. DemocritusD. Socrates6, ____by Plato is a book about the ideal state ruled by a philosopher but barring poets.A. DialoguesB. The ApologyC. The RepublicD. Symposium7. Dante called ____ “ the master of those who know”.A, Aristotle B. Plato C. Socrates D. Archimedes8. Euclid is even now well-known for his ____.A. ElementsB. PoeticsC. EthicsD. Politics9. ____ has been a big subj ect for discussion among writers and artists.A, Discus Thrower B, Venus de MiloC, Laocoon group D, Parthenon1 0. Herodotus , Father of History, wrote about the war between ____ .A. Athens and SpartaB. Athens and SyracuseC. Athens and PersiansD. Greeks and Persians11 . It is _____ who was the founder of scientific mathematics.A. HeracleitusB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Pythagoras1 2. Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the title of ____ in 27 B. C. .A. RomeB. AugustusC. The Roman EmpireD. Pax Romana1 3. The great epic, The Aeneid, was written by _____.A. LucretiusB. VirgilC. Julius CaesarD. Cicero1 4. The oldest and most important of the Old Testament of 39 books are the first five books, called ____.A. DeuteronomyB. ExodusC. the PentateuchD. Genesis1 5. In ____ the Jews were carried away into the Babylonian Captivity(巴比伦之囚).A. 1 69B.C. B. 586 B. C. C. 536 B. C. D, 721 B. C.1 6. The most important and influential of English Bible is ____, first published in 1 611 .A. The SeptuagintB. The VulgateC. Wycliff’s versionD. Authorized version11 7. ____ is the oldest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament.A. The SeptuagintB. The VulgateC. Wycliff’s versionD. Authorized version1 8. It is generally accepted that ____ and Shakespeare are two great reserviors of Modern English.A. the BibleB. the English BibleC. the New TestamentD. the Old Testament1 9. The Middle Ages is a period in which _____ , _____ and Gothic heritages merged.A. Greco-Roman, ChristianityB. classical, ChristianC. Greek, RomanD. classical, Hebrew20. The centre of medieval life under feudalism was _____.A. knighthoodB. the manorC. the ChurchD. polis21 . In 1 054, the Christian Church was divided into ____ and the Eastern Orthodox Church.A. ChristianityB. the Roman ChurchC. the Roman Catholic ChurchD. the Western Catholic22. _____ by Aquinas forms an enormous system and sums up all the knowledge of medieval theology.A. Summa TheologicaB. Summa Contra GentilesC. Opus maiusD. Beowulf23. The Anglo-Saxon epic ____ originated from the collective effort of oral literature.A. Song of RolandB. the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.C. BeowulfD. the Divine Comedy24. Generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between ____.centuries《欧洲文化入门》重点归纳1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture.2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element.第一章1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta.2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour.3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)’s epics was created by Homer.5、They events of Homer’s own time. (错)(They are not about events of Ho mer’s own time, probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)6、The Homer’s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey.7、Agamemnon, Hector, Achilles are in Iliad.8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey.9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe’s Ulysses(描述一天的生活). In the 20th century.10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.11、三大悲剧大师① Aeschylus《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》② Sophocles(之首)《Oedipus the King》—→ Freud’s “the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结) —→ David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(劳伦斯)447页③ EuripidesA.《Trojan Women》B.He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧)在肖伯纳手中达到高潮,属于存在主义戏剧的人物C.Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人)D.Realism can be traced back(追溯到) to the Ancient Greece.To be specific(具体来说), Euripides.12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18页Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主义湖畔派(The lakers)华兹华兹(新古典主义代表作家《格列夫游记》《大人国小人国》《温和的提议》用讽刺的写作手法)13、History (Historical writing)史学创作※ “Father of History” —→ Herodotu s —→ war(between Greeks and Persians)This war is called Peleponicion wars. 博罗奔泥撒,3只是陈述史实,并没有得出理论。

Euripides (484-406B.C.) (484Plays: Andromache安德洛 Andromache安德洛 玛刻(赫克托耳的忠实妻子) 玛刻(赫克托耳的忠实妻子), Medea美狄亚and Medea美狄亚and Trojan Women特洛伊女人 Women特洛伊女人 He was more a realist than Aeschylus and Sophocles, aoncerned with conflics. He may be called the first writer of “problem plays” plays”
Question: How should history be written? Which history book do you like best? Why? Herodotus (484-430B.C.) (484He is often called “Father of History”, wrote about History” the wars between Greeks and Persians. His history, full of anecdotes and digressions and lively dialogue, is wonderfully readable.
Lyric Poetry Sappho (about 612-580 B.C.), women 612poets of Lesbos, is noted for her love poems of passionate intensity. She was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece. Plato called her the tenth Muse. Pindar (about 518-438B.C.) is best 518known for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympian odes.

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture

最後,奧德賽得神助,乘坐一艘在一夜之間可到達世界 各地的奇異船,在睡眠中回到故鄉伊他開。在那裡, 奧 德賽得到雅典娜女神的鼓勵,還有兒子和兩位忠實部下的 協助,並得知其妻對其的忠貞,從武器倉庫裡取出古時候 留傳下來的大弓箭,將那些惡劣的求婚者一一射殺。貝尼 蘿蓓亞以為奧德賽在特洛伊陣亡,見丈夫平安歸來驚喜萬 分,一家人終於團圓。
Athens was a democracy
Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.
Athens was a democracy
Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.
Athens was a democracy
Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.
Greeks loved sports
Olympus Mountain---Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games revived in 1896 顾拜旦 (法国)
此時霍克得雖然擔心自己死後國家和妻子的命運,但為了名譽, 單獨出城和阿奇里斯決一死戰。最後,阿奇里斯有雅典娜女神 的幫忙,將霍克得殺死,達到報仇的心願。阿奇里斯並將霍克 得的屍體縛在戰車上拖著走。特洛伊的老王普利亞摩斯,為了 要回兒子的遺體,親自訪問阿奇里斯的營地,於是兩人共嘆命 運的悲哀。老王將兒子的遺體運回充滿悲傷的特洛伊城舉行葬 禮。
希臘方面為了奪回海倫,公元前1194年,亞該亞希臘人組織 一千艘的船對進攻特洛伊,以斯巴達王的長兄邁 錫尼王亞格門 能 (亞金面羅王) 為統帥。經過十年悠久歲月,仍然不能攻下 特洛伊城。「伊里亞德」就是歌 詠這十年當中最後數十天所發 生的事。

欧洲文化之都:欧洲文化之都最开始被称为欧洲文化之城,它于1983年由Melina Mercouri构思,并接着由希腊文化部开始举办。
Mercouri 当时认为,文化并没有如同政治和经济那样受到足够的关注,因此需要各成员国联合开展一项计划以宣传欧洲文化。

(B) Interaction(60) -- Questions & answers in class;1question15points (2) Final Performance(100): (A) 800-word paper(100—1/3) --plagiarism(0—0% of coping) (B) 1st Group work (100-1/3) --paper(50), ppt(25) and presentation(25); (C) 2nd Group work(100-1/3) --paper(50), ppt(25) and presentation(25)
The Middle Ages 1. Feudalism and Church 10 2. Learning and Science 3. Literature, Art and Architecture Renaissance and Reformation 1. General Introduction 11 2. Renaissance in 3. Decline of the Italian Renaissance Renaissance in Other Countries 1. Renaissance in France 12 2. Renaissance in Spain 3. Renaissance in the North The Seventeenth Century 1. Science 13 2. Philosophy, politics and literature in 3. Descartes; French classicism 4. Art The Age of Enlightenment 1. French philosophy and literature 14 2. English literature 3. German literature and philosophy 4. Art & Music

1.?What?did?the?Roman?have?in?common?with?the?Greeks??And?what?was?the?c hief?difference?between?them??(1)The?Romans?had?a?lot?in?common?with?the?Greeks.?Both?peoples?had?traditio ns?rooted?in?the?idea?of?the?citizen-assembly,?hostile?to?monarchy?and?to?servilit y.?Their?religions?were?alike?enough?for?most?of?their?deities?to?be?readily?identi fied?—Greek?Zeus?with?Roman?Jupiter,?Greek?Aphrodite?with?Roman?Venus,?an d?so?on—and?their?myths?to?be?fused.?Their?languages?worked?in?similar?ways? and?were?ultimately?related,?both?being?members?of?the?Indo-European?language ?family?which?stretches?from?Bangladesh?to?Iceland.?(2)?There?was?one?big?difference.?The?Romans?built?up?a?vast?empire.?The?Gree ks?didn’t,?excepted?for?the?brief?moment?of?Alexander’s?conquests,?which?soon? disintegrated.2.?Why?do?we?say?Judaism?and?Christianity?are?closely?related??Judaism?and?Christianity?are?closely?related:?(1) It?was?the?Jewish?tradition?which?gave?birth?to?Christianity;?(2)Both?originated?in?Palestine--the?hub?of?migration?and?trade?route,?which?led? to? exchange?ideas?over?wide?areas.5.?Into?what?three?groups?were?people?divided?under?feudalism??Under?feudalism,?people?of?their?Western?Europe?were?mainly?divided?into?three ?classes:?clergy,?lords,?and?peasants.2.?What?are?the?main?elements?of?humanism??How?are?these?elements?refl ected?in?art?and?literature?during?the?Italian?Renaissance??Humanist?is?the?essence?of?Renaissance.?Humanists?in?renaissance?believed?that? human?beings?had?rights?to?pursue?wealth?and?pleasure?and?they?admires?the?be auty?of?human?body.?This?belief?ran?counter?to?the?medieval?ascetical?idea?of?poverty?a nd?stoicism,?and?shifted?man’s?interest?from?Christianity?to?humanity,?from?religion? to ?philosophy,?from?heaven?to?earth,?from?the?beauty?of?God?to?the?beauty?of ?human?in? all?its?joy,?senses?and?feeling.?The?philosophy?of?humanism?is?reflected?in?the?art?and?literature?during?the?Itali an?Renaissance?in?the?literature?works?of?Boccaccio?and?Petrarch?and?in?the?art? of?Giotto,?Brunelleschi,?Donatello,?Giorgione,?da?Vinci,?Michelangelo,?Raphael,?and?Titian,? etc.?In?their?works?they?did?not?stress?death?and?other?world?but?call?on?man?to ?live?and?work?for?the?present.6.?What?are?the?doctrines?of?Martin?Luther??What?was?the?significance?of?the?re formation?in?European?civilization??In?Reformation?began?in?1517,?Martin?Luther?put?forth?the?following?doctrines:?⑴He?rejected?the?absolute?authority?of?the?Roman?Catholic?church?and?replace?i t?with?absolute?of?the?Bible.?People?can?communicate?with?God?directly?instead? of?through? the?church;?⑵He?opposed?the?purchase?of?indulgences?and?called?for?institutional?reform?of? the? church;?⑶advocated?translating?the?whole?Bible?into?vernaculars?and?made?the?Bible?acc essible? to?every?man;?⑷He?preached?love?and?ideals?of?equality,?and?he?was?a?fighter?for?democracy? and?nationalism,?a?humanist?who?helped?to?build?a?competent?educational?system ?in?Germany.The Reformation was significant in the European civilization. Before Reformation, E urope was essentially feudal and medieval. In all aspects of politics, economy and spir it, it was under the absolute rule of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire. But after the Reformation things were different. In educational and cultural m atters, the monopoly of the church was broken. In religion, Protestantism brought into being different forms of Christianity to challenge the absolute rule of the Roman Cath olic Church. In language, the dominant position of Latin had to give way to the nation al languages as a result of various translations of Bible into vernacular. In spirit, absol ute obedience became out--mode and the spirit of quest, debate, was ushered in by the reformists. In word, after the reformation Europe was to take a new course of develop ment, a scientific revolutionwas to be under way and capitalism was to set in with its dynamic economic principle s.4. Why do we say that Bacon was a founder of modern philosophy? Bacon was regard ed as the founder of modern philosophy:The whole basis of his philosophy was practical. He held the philosophy should be ke pt separate from theology instead of being blended with it as the Scholasticism; Bacon maintained that it was crucial to supply mankind with a scientific method of in quiry into nature. He rejected the traditional deductive method and founded modern in ductive method;To expert any great advancement in science, bacon held that we must begin anew. The fresh start required the mind to overcome all the preconceptions, all prejudices, all theassumption, to sweep away all the fallacies and false beliefs, in a word, to break with t he past, and to restore man to his lost mastery of the natural world. This was what Bacon called the Great Instauration.8. What is Descartes’ method of Cartesian doubt? What is its significance? Descartes employed methodic doubt with a view to discovering whether there was an indubitable truth. And he expressed this truth in this famous motto: ―I doubt, therefor e I think: I think, therefore I am.‖ This Cartesian doubt is the most important point in h is philosophy. According to Descartes, I think therefore I am‖ makes mind more cer tain than matter. He believed that is thinking is one that doubts, understands, conceive s, affirms, denies, wills, imagines, and feels. Doubting is thinking, thinking is the esse nce of mind. So he concluded that knowledge of things that we conceive very clearly and distinctly are true, and that knowledge of things must be by the mind. As to the se nses, he believed that they are not dependable.2. Why the Enlightenment is also called “the Age of Reason”?The Enlightenment characterizes the efforts by certain European writers to use criticalreason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppression by Church or State. Therefore it is called the Age of Reason.7. In which book did Montesquieu discuss the separation of powers? Discuss its core (main) ideas and significance. (谈谈其当时的意义以及对美国立法的影响。



Division one Greek culture and roman culture
I . Greek Culture
Group one
• Leader:胡锦璞 • Members:孙京、杨建勋、赵元硕、段娟娟
• • • • •
Part 1-3 Part 4-6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
胡锦璞 赵元硕 段娟娟 杨建勋 孙 京
1、The Historical Background
• TIME: around 1200B.C. • Establishment : after the war between Greece and Troy. • Cultural Significance: mark by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion . • Spread : Alexander and his armies conquered large areas of Europe Asia and Africa. • End: it was conquered by the Romans
• The Histories — his masterpiece and the only work he is known to have produced — is a record of his "inquiry" , being an investigation of the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars and including a wealth of geographical and ethnographical information. Although some of his stories were not completely accurate, he claimed that he was reporting only what had been told to him. Little is known of his personal history since ancient records are scanty, contradictory and often fanciful.

3. Homer
Homer (around 7th century B.C.) , author
of the ancient Greek epics—Iliad and Odyssey—the Trojan War in around 1200
123 or more plays, only seven survived Oedipus the King《俄狄浦斯王》 Strong impact on European literature
“the Oedipus complex”俄狄浦斯情节
c. Euripides (484-406 B.C.)
Division One
Greek Culture and Roman Culture
I. Greek Culture
1. Historical context 2. Social and political structure 3. Homer 4. Lyric poetry 5. Drama 6. History 7. Philosophy and science 8. Art, architecture, sculpture and pottery 9. Impact
The Pre-Socrates Greek Philosophers Pythagoras 毕达哥斯 Heracleitue 赫拉克利特 Democritus 德莫克里特
Greece and Troy
Rule of Alexander
Ancient Greek king of Macedon (336–323 BC)马其顿, ancient kingdom in the northern-most part of ancient Greece
欧洲文化入门精讲 1

1.Greek Culture &Roman CultureGreek CultureGreek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C.This was marked by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion early in the century. 公元前五世纪古希腊文化达到了鼎盛时期,其标志就是古希腊人在世纪初成功地击退了波斯人的进攻。
In the second half of the 4th century B.C.,all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander,King of Macedon.在公元前4世纪后半叶,整个希腊在马其顿国王亚历山大大帝的统治之下。
In 146 B.C.,the Romans conquered Greece.公元前146年,罗马征服希腊。
The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour.雅典的经济以大规模的奴隶劳动为基础。
The Greeks loved sports.Once every 4 years the Greeks had a big festival on Olympus Mount which included contests of sports.Thus began the Olympic Games.Revived in 1896,the Olympic Games have become the world’s formost amateur sports competition. 希腊人热爱运动,每隔4年希腊人都会在奥林匹斯山举行盛大的体育比赛,这就是奥运会的开端。

European Culture ReviewEdition:GutongRevision:Jack Yang Unit1 Ancient Greece Review1、What date was ancient Greece? (1 point) Around 2500 years ago2、Name some things ancient Greece gave the modern world (4 points)Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, the Olympics3、What were the rules of Greek democracy? (3 points) No woman, no slaves, no foreigners4、What was Greek political ostracism? (3 points)Citizens could vote for somebody they didn’t like. If that person got 6000 votes they had 10 days to leave the city and could not return for 10 years.5、What was Greek architecture like? Can you describe the style? Why do people still use the style today? (Maximum 4 points)Greek buildings used lots of stone Columns There were three styles: Doric, Corinthian, and Ionic.They stand for power.6、What was the Grand Tour? Why did people go on it?Rich gentry would travel around Europe to visit ancient sites and learn7、Who was fighting in the Trojan War? Why? Was it a real story? (3 points)The Trojan War was between Troy and Greece. The city of Troy was a real place but we don’t know if the war was true.8、What was the Trojan horse? How was it used?It was a wooden horse, it was used to hide soldiers inside it9、Can you remember any idioms based on Greek culture? (2 points)‘It’s all Greek to me’ ‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’10、Who was Homer? What was he famous for? What period in Greek civilization did he live in? (2 points)Homer was a Greek author;He was famous for these two epics:the Iliad and the Odyssey; he lived around 700 BC11、Who was the person who united ancient Greece? Do you know any facts about him? (3 points) Alexander the Great, Born in Macedonia, Died at the age of 3212、What are the lasting effects of Greek civilization? (1 point)The Ancient Greeks gave us human reasonUnit 2 Ancient Rome Class Revision1、What date did the Roman Empire begin and end? ( 1 point) 27BC- 1453AD2、Who was the first official Roman emperor? (2 points) Octavius also known as Augustus3、What were the languages of Ancient Rome? (2 points) Latin and Greek4、Can you name three famous pieces of Roman architecture? (3 points)The Colosseum, The Pantheon, The Pont du Gard5、Can you name two popular art techniques in Ancient Rome? How were they made? (4 points)Mosaic art. Small ceramic tiles placed together to make a big pictureFresco art. Paint is applied onto wet plaster to create pictures.6、What was the name of Roman house for the rich? ( 1 point) The Villa7、Can you name the three types of buildings inside the Villa? (3 points)Villa Urbana, Villa Rustica, Villa Fructuaria8、What were Roman villa owners proud of? (1 point) Self sufficiency9、What did Roman Villas have inside to keep people warm? (1 point) Central heating10、In Northern England what did the Romans build? And why? ( 2 points)Hadrian’s Wall. They built it to keep the Scottish out11、Can you explain how the fall of Rome began and ended? (5 points)The Roman Empire was spread out to much, different generals were competing for power and the empire became less united.The empire split in two Empires, the east and the west The Roman emperor Constantine moved the capital to Turkey. After this Rome was attacked by tribes and the empire was finished.Unit3 The Bible and Christianity Class review1、Which Religion existed before Christianity? (1 point) Judaism2、What religion was Jesus? (1 point) Jewish3、Where was he born? (3 points) The Middle East, Palestine, Bethlehem4、When was he born (1 point) Around 6BC5、What are the names of the two stories in the Bible? (2 points)The New Testament and The Old Testament6、Who wrote them? (2 points)The Old Testament was written by many people, The New Testament was written by Jesus’s disciples.7、What is Genesis? (1 point) The First story in the Old Testament8、According to the Bible who were the first people in the world? (1 point) Adam and Eve9、Where did they live? ( 1 point) The Garden of Eden10、Why were they banished from it? ( 1 point) They ate from the tree of knowledge11、What was Jesus’s job? (1 point) Carpenter12、Who did people think he was? (1 point) The Son of God13、What miracles did he perform? (3 points)Turning water into wine, walking on water, turning a few fish into 500014、How did Jesus die? (1 point) He was crucified15、What happened after he died? (1 point) He was resurrectedUnit4 The Middle Ages Class review1、When was The Middle Ages? ( 2 points) A thousand year period after the fall of the Roman Empire2、During the Middle Ages there was no central government, how was order maintained? (1 point) The Church controlled most things3、What was the name of the system that controlled land during the Middle Ages? (1 point) Feudalism4、In this system there were 4 levels of people, starting from the highest level, list all the people ( 4 points)The KingThe NoblesThe KnightsThe Peasants5、Name the area of land that a noble was given to rule (1 point) A fief6、What was the name of the house the noble lived in? (1 point) The Manor7、Where did the knights live and what did they have to do for the noble?They lived on the nobles Fief, and fought for him when needed8、A noble child started what at the age of seven? His journey to become a Knight9、He would have to pass through three stages to become a knight, explain these three stages; (5 points)1). First he would become a Page, learn how to pray and run errands for the ladies and learn good manners2). At fourteen he would become a squire, learn how to use a sword, lance and shield3). If you could fight well in battle you would then be knighted and become a knight10、Name the kind of Christians who dedicate their lives to god and never get married or have children. (1 point) Monks and Nuns11、What was the name of the holy wars which Christians fought during the Middle Ages? The Crusades12、Where were they fought? And who against? The Middle East .Against the Muslims.。
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2. Social and Political Structure
Democracy — the adult male citizens
Economy Sports — slave labor (exploitation) — Olympic Games
3. Homer
Homer 荷马 (around 700 B.C.) , epic 史诗
Greece and Troy
1. Historical context (background)
War between Greece and Troy in about 1,200 B. C.
Greek culture in the 5th century B. C. Civil war between Athens and Sparta. Rule of Alexander in the 4th century B. C. In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.
Pnder of scientific mathematics the father of numbers To Pythagoras, All things were numbers.
Heracleitue 赫拉克利特
Ancient Greek philosopher
The earliest materiamlist.
Get the English word atom
The Greatest Philosophers
Plato Aristotle
5. Drama
Open-air theatres, stone benches,
looking down at the stage from three
sides, actors with masks.
mask =masque假面剧
Three Greatest Tragedy Writer:
Greece and Troy
Achilles 阿喀琉斯/阿基里斯
Gold apple
Deathful weakness
Trojan horse
Achilles heel
Intruding destructive element
Matching (key)
Trojan War 特洛伊战争
In Greek mythology and in Iliad and Odyssey by Homer About 1,200 B. C. War between Greece and Troy Fought over the beautiful Helen Lasted for 10 years Trojan horse Troy defeated
Poetry=Poem=Verse (诗歌)
Ballad(民谣) Lyric(抒情诗) Epic(史诗) Ode(颂诗) Elegy(挽歌) Pastoral(田园诗) Sonnet(十四行诗) Narrative Poem(叙事诗) Blank Verse(无韵体诗) Free Verse(自由体诗)
Gold apple — Bane Trojan horse — Intruding destructive element Achilles heel — Deathful weakness “不和的金苹果”— 祸根 “特洛伊木马”— 侵入内部的破坏性因素 “阿喀琉斯的脚踵”— 致命的弱点
For My Personal View
文化,不是让你死记硬背时间、地点、 人物、事件、影响、意义。 而是透过不同的文化,探究自身文化的 优缺点,从中吸取精华、去除糟粕,来 达到提升自我修养,培养独立思考能力 的目的。从而让文化成为我们参悟生活 ,领会人生意义的重要渠道。
The Origin of Culture
Prometheus Bound《被缚的普罗米修斯》
Prometheus Bound
Based on the myth of Prometheus, a titan泰坦神族人 who gave the gift of fire to mortals and was punished by the god Zeus.
11 plays: Frogs, Clouds, Wasps, Birds
6. History—Herodotus 希罗多德
The Greek historical writing writes mainly about wars. Herodotus(484-430 B.C.), Ancient Greek historian, “Father of History” 古希腊历史学家,“历史之父”
between accident and necessity
Sphinx’s riddle 斯芬克斯之谜 —something of person that hard to understand
c. Euripides (484-406 B.C.)
Third of the three great tragedians of
7. Philosophy and science
The ancient Greeks’ curiosity about things, free enquiry, imagination
The Pre-Socrates Greek Philosophers Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯 Heracleitue 赫拉克利特 Democritus 德莫克里特
European Culture: An Introduction 欧洲文化入门
The Purpose of Learning European Culture
Language cannot be learned without some knowledge of the culture behind it.
a. Aeschylus (埃斯库罗斯)
b. Sophocles(索福克勒斯) c. Euripides (欧里庇得斯)
a. Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.)
The ―Father of Tragedy‖ , one of the three
great ancient Greek tragedians古希腊悲剧之
—Martyr to the cause of human
Pandora’s box —Root of all disaster
b. Sophocles(496-406 B.C.) 索福克勒斯
Second of the three great tragedians of classical Athens
Old age life
Purpose for My Culture Class
Learning culture is not to recite numerous informations from textbook. But to improve self-cultivation, to promote one’s thinking ability, then to probe our culture’s merits and defects from different culture, to think about what we should learn from others and what others should learn from ours. So that we could cultivate a habit of thinking and knowinghow to make life meaningful.
Oedipus the King《俄狄浦斯王》 Strong impact on European literature “the Oedipus complex”俄狄浦斯情结
Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结
—complex feeling toward parents or
Iliad 《伊利亚特》 Odyssey 《奥德赛》
Today we see Iliad and the Odyssey incorporated into the course of almost every high school in America.
Definition: An epic is a long narrative poem of great scale and grandiose style about the heroes who are usually warriors or even demigods. 简言之,史诗是叙述英雄传说或重大历 史事件的叙事长诗。
4. Lyric (抒情诗)
A lyric is a poem that expresses strong feeling.
4. Lyric Writers