



销售合同模板(中英文对照)Contract for Sale甲方(卖方):Party A (Seller)乙方(买方):Party B (Buyer)鉴于甲方是具备合法资质的商品生产商和销售商,拥有良好的商业信誉;乙方愿意购买甲方的产品,经双方友好协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。

In view of the fact that Party A is a manufacturer and seller of goods with legal qualifications and good business reputation; Party B is willing to purchase Party A's products; both parties have negotiated amiably and have concluded this Contract in order to abide by it together.第一条产品名称、规格、数量和质量Article 1: Name, Specification, Quantity and Quality of the Product1.1 本合同产品名称、规格、数量和质量详见附件一。

1.1 The name, specification, quantity, and quality of the product inthis Contract are detailed in Attachment 1.第二条价格和支付方式Article 2: Price and Payment Method2.1 产品单价为人民币【元】(大写:【人民币】整),详见附件一。

2.1 The unit price of the product is RMB【Yuan】(in Chinese: 【RMB】整), as detailed in Attachment 1.2.2 乙方应按照本合同约定的付款方式,向甲方支付产品价款。



[标准合同]中英文销售合同合同编号: [编号]甲方(卖方): [甲方全称]地址: [甲方地址]电话: [甲方联系电话]传真: [甲方传真号码]法定代表人: [甲方法定代表人姓名]乙方(买方): [乙方全称]地址: [乙方地址]电话: [乙方联系电话]传真: [乙方传真号码]法定代表人: [乙方法定代表人姓名]鉴于:1. 甲方是依法注册成立的企业,拥有销售[产品/服务名称]的合法权利。

2. 乙方有意向购买甲方提供的[产品/服务名称]。

3. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就乙方购买甲方[产品/服务名称]事宜达成如下合同条款。

第一条产品/服务描述1. 甲方同意向乙方销售,乙方同意购买以下产品/服务:- 产品/服务名称:[产品/服务名称]- 规格/型号:[规格/型号]- 数量:[数量]- 单价:[单价]- 总价:[总价]- 交付时间:[交付时间]- 交付地点:[交付地点]第二条质量保证甲方保证所提供的产品/服务符合以下标准:- [详细描述质量保证标准]第三条交付与验收1. 甲方应在约定的时间内将产品/服务交付至乙方指定地点。

2. 乙方应在收到产品/服务后的[验收期限]内完成验收,并书面通知甲方验收结果。

第四条付款条件1. 乙方应在合同签订后[付款时间]内向甲方支付[预付款金额]作为预付款。

2. 余款应在产品/服务交付并验收合格后[余款支付时间]内支付。

第五条违约责任1. 如甲方未能按时交付产品/服务,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金为迟延交付产品/服务总价的[违约金比例]。

2. 如乙方未能按时支付货款,应向甲方支付违约金,违约金为迟延支付货款金额的[违约金比例]。


第七条合同的变更和终止1. 本合同一经双方签字盖章后生效,未经双方书面同意,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除。

2. 如遇不可抗力事件,致使合同无法履行,双方应及时协商解决;协商不成时,本合同自动终止。



中英文销售合同范本销售合同本销售合同(下称“合同”)由以下双方订立:________甲方(销售方):________公司名称:________注册地质:________法定代表人:________电子乙方(购买方):________公司名称:________注册地质:________法定代表人:________电子鉴于甲方拥有销售以下产品(下称“产品”)的权利,并愿意将产品销售给乙方,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,达成以下协议:________第一条产品描述1.1 乙方同意购买甲方的以下产品:________产品名称:________规格:________数量:________单价:________总价:________1.2 产品的质量、性能、规格、包装、交付时间等具体要求详见附件【附件名称】。

第二条价格和支付方式2.1 产品的总价为【总价】。

2.2 乙方应在签订本合同后【到期时间】前支付【支付方式】。

第三条交货方式和时间3.1 甲方应按照合同约定的交货时间将产品交付给乙方。

3.2 产品的交付方式为【交货方式】,具体交货地点为【交货地点】。


第五条质量保证5.1 甲方保证所销售的产品符合法律法规及相关标准的要求,并具备良好的质量。

5.2 质量保证期为【质量保证期】,质量问题应在保证期内由甲方承担修理、更换、退货等责任。

第六条知识产权6.1 产品中的知识产权归甲方所有,乙方不能在未经甲方书面许可的情况下使用、复制、传播该知识产权。

第七条违约责任7.1 如果一方未履行本合同约定的任何义务,应向对方支付相应的违约金。

7.2 如因不可抗力等不可预见的原因导致一方无法履行合同,该方应及时通知对方并免除因此产生的违约责任。





销售合同(中英双语)Contract of Sale甲方(卖方):Party A (Seller)乙方(买方):Party B (Buyer)根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,经友好协商,就甲方出售商品给乙方事宜,达成如下协议:1. 产品名称、规格、数量及价格1.1 产品名称:(以下简称“产品”)1.2 产品规格:(以下简称“规格”)1.3 产品数量:(以下简称“数量”)1.4 产品单价为每单位人民币(大写):元整(小写):元。

1.5 总价款为人民币(大写):元整(小写):元。

2. 付款方式及期限2.1 乙方在本合同签订后七个工作日内,向甲方支付合同总价款的百分之三十作为定金,即人民币(大写):元整(小写):元。

2.2 乙方余下的百分之七十的价款,在甲方交付产品后七个工作日内一次性支付给甲方。

3. 交付及验收3.1 甲方应在合同签订后按照双方约定的期限和方式交付产品。

3.2 乙方应在收到产品后七个工作日内对产品进行验收,并将验收结果通知甲方。


4. 质量保证4.1 甲方保证所售产品符合国家相关法律法规及行业标准,具备正常使用功能。

4.2 产品自交付之日起,质保期为:(年),质保期内如有质量问题,甲方负责免费维修或更换。

5. 违约责任5.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,导致合同无法履行或者造成对方损失的,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金,并赔偿损失。

5.2 若乙方未按约定时间支付定金或余款,甲方有权解除本合同,并有权要求乙方支付违约金。

6. 争议解决6.1 对于因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。


7. 其他7.1 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

7.2 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。



Contract No.: [Contract Number]Date: [Date of Contract]Buyer: [Buyer's Name][Buyer's Address][Buyer's Contact Information]Seller: [Seller's Name][Seller's Address][Seller's Contact Information]This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller on [Date of Contract], hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties".1. Scope of the ContractThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract:1.1 Description of Goods:- [Description of Goods, including brand, model, specifications, quality standards, etc.]1.2 Quantity:- [Quantity of Goods, including units of measurement]1.3 Packing:- [Packing details, including type of packaging, weight, volume, etc.]1.4 Price:- [Unit price and total price, including currency and payment terms]2. Delivery2.1 Delivery Time:- [Specific delivery date or time frame]2.2 Delivery Place:- [Specific delivery address]2.3 Delivery Terms:- [Incoterms, such as FOB, CIF, DDP, etc.]2.4 Shipment Details:- [Information about the shipment, including shipping method, carrier, and expected date of shipment]3. Payment3.1 Payment Terms:- [Payment method, such as cash, wire transfer, letter of credit, etc.]3.2 Payment Schedule:- [Schedule of payments, including down payment, balance payment, and any installment payments]3.3 Payment Instructions:- [Detailed instructions for making payment, including bank account information, SWIFT code, etc.]4. Inspection and Quality4.1 Inspection:- [Inspection procedures, including who will conduct the inspection and at what stage]4.2 Quality:- [Quality standards and guarantees, including any certifications or compliance requirements]5. Warranties5.1 Warranty Period:- [Duration of the warranty, typically after delivery]5.2 Warranty Coverage:- [Scope of the warranty, including what is covered and what is excluded]6. Liability and Dispute Resolution6.1 Liability:- [Seller's liability for any defects or non-conformity in the goods]6.2 Dispute Resolution:- [Mechanism for resolving disputes, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation]7. Force Majeure7.1 Definition:- [Definition of force majeure events, such as war, natural disasters, government actions, etc.]7.2 Effect:- [Effects of force majeure on the Contract, including the possibility of extending delivery or payment dates]8. General Provisions8.1 Amendments:- [Procedure for amending the Contract]8.2 Governing Law:- [The governing law that will apply to the Contract]8.3 Language:- [The language of the Contract]IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Sales Contract as of the date first above written.Seller's Signature:_________________________[Name of Seller]Buyer's Signature:_________________________[Name of Buyer]---Sales ContractContrato de VentaNúmero de Contrato:[Número del Contrato]Fecha: [Fecha del Contrato]Comprador: [Nombre del Comprador][Dirección del Comprador][Información de Contacto del Comprador]Vendedor: [Nombre del Vendedor][Dirección del Vendedor][Información de Contacto del Vendedor]Este Contrato se realiza y suscribe entre el Comprador y el Vendedor en [Fecha del Contrato], en adelante denominados colectivamente las "Partes".1. Alcance del ContratoEl Vendedor acuerda vender y el Comprador acuerda comprar los siguientes bienes en los términos y condiciones establecidos en este Contrato:1.1 Descripción de los Bienes:- [Descripción de los Bienes, incluyendo marca, modelo, especificaciones, estándares de ca lidad, etc.]1.2 Cantidad:- [Cantidad de Bienes, incluyendo unidades de medida]1.3 Empaquetado:- [Detalles del empaquetado, incluyendo tipo de embalaje, peso, volumen, etc.]1.4 Precio:- [Precio unitario y precio total, incluyendo mon。

中英文 销售合同

中英文 销售合同

中英文销售合同销售合同 Sales Contract甲方(卖方)Party A (Seller):公司名称 Comany Name:地址 Address:电话 Tel:传真 Fax:邮箱 Email:乙方(买方)Party B (Buyer):公司名称 Comany Name:地址 Address:电话 Tel:传真 Fax:邮箱 Email:鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款进行商品交易,现达成如下合同:Whereas Party A and Party B agree to conduct the commodity transaction under the terms and conditions set forth elow, the two arties herey enter into this contract:1. 商品描述 Descrition of Goods商品名称 Name of Goods:规格 Secification:数量 Quantity:单价 Unit Price:总价 Total Price:2. 交货期 Delivery Date交货日期 Date of Delivery:交货地点 Place of Delivery:3. 付款方式 Payment Terms付款条件 Payment Conditions:付款期限 Payment Deadline:4. 质量保证 Quality Assurance卖方保证所提供商品符合合同规定的质量标准。

The seller guarantees that the goods rovided meet the quality standards stiulated in the contract.5. 检验与索赔 Insection and Claim买方有权在收到货物后进行检验,并在发现质量问题时提出索赔。

The uyer has the right to insect the goods uon receit and to claim for any quality issues discovered.6. 违约责任 Liaility for Breach如一方违反合同条款,需承担相应的违约责任。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年中外销售合同范本(中英对照版)一本合同目录一览第一条定义与术语解释1.1 合同1.2 卖方1.3 买方1.4 产品1.5 数量1.6 价格1.7 交付1.8 付款1.9 违约1.10 争议解决第二条产品描述2.1 产品种类2.2 产品质量2.3 产品标准第三条数量与规格3.1 数量3.2 规格3.3 包装第四条价格与支付4.1 价格4.2 支付方式4.3 支付时间第五条交付与运输5.1 交付日期5.2 交付地点5.3 运输方式5.4 风险转移第六条检验与验收6.1 检验标准6.2 验收程序6.3 异议通知第七条售后服务7.1 售后服务内容7.2 服务响应时间第八条违约责任8.1 卖方违约8.2 买方违约第九条争议解决9.1 协商解决9.2 调解9.3 仲裁9.4 法律适用第十条合同的生效、变更与终止10.1 合同生效10.2 合同变更10.3 合同终止第十一条保密条款11.1 保密义务11.2 例外情况第十二条法律适用与争议解决12.1 法律适用12.2 争议解决第十三条合同的附件13.1 附件列表第十四条其他条款14.1 附加条款14.2 附录第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与术语解释1.1 合同:本合同是指由卖方和买方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就卖方向买方供应产品事宜达成的明确相互权利和义务的书面协议。

1.2 卖方:指在合同中承担供应产品义务的一方,具体名称见合同附件。

1.3 买方:指在合同中承担购买产品义务的一方,具体名称见合同附件。

1.4 产品:指合同中约定由卖方供应给买方的货物,具体品种、规格和数量见合同附件。

1.5 数量:指合同中约定的产品数量,以产品规格表为准。

1.6 价格:指合同中约定的产品价格,详见价格条款。

1.7 交付:指卖方按照合同约定将产品交付给买方的方式、时间、地点和条件。



销售合同模板(中英版)Contract of Sale本合同(以下简称“本合同”)由以下双方于______年______月______日签订。

parties hereto卖方(以下简称“卖方”):Seller:____________(以下简称“卖方名称”)地址:Address:____________联系电话:Telephone:____________买方(以下简称“买方”):Buyer:____________(以下简称“买方名称”)地址:Address:____________联系电话:Telephone:____________鉴于卖方愿意向买方出售商品,买方愿意购买卖方所出售的商品,双方为明确双方的权利和义务,经友好协商,达成如下协议:Whereby the Seller is willing to sell the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer is willing to purchase the Goods sold by the Seller, both parties have entered into the following agreement in order to specify their rights and obligations and have reached friendly consultations:第一条商品描述Article 1: Description of Goods1.1 商品名称:Goods Name:____________1.2 商品数量:Quantity of Goods:____________1.3 商品单价:Unit Price of Goods:____________1.4 商品总价:Total Amount of Goods:____________1.5 商品质量标准:Quality Standards of Goods:____________第二条交付及交付方式Article 2: Delivery and Method of Delivery2.1 卖方应在______年______月______日前将商品交付给买方。



Contract No.: [Contract Number]Date: [Contract Date]This Contract is made and entered into by and between the following parties:Seller:[Full Name or Company Name][Address][Contact Information]Buyer:[Full Name or Company Name][Address][Contact Information]Whereas, the Seller is willing to sell and the Buyer is willing to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth:1. Description of Goods:The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall buy the following goods, as specified in the attached Product Specifications Sheet.2. Quantity:The total quantity of goods to be sold is [Quantity], with the right for the Buyer to purchase additional quantities as agreed upon in accordance with Clause 7 of this Contract.3. Unit Price:The unit price of each item of goods shall be [Unit Price], which is subject to the terms and conditions specified in Clause 4.4. Payment Terms:The Buyer shall make the payment for the goods as follows:a. [Percentage] of the total contract value shall be paid upon the signing of this Contract.b. The remaining [Percentage] of the total contract value shall be paid upon the delivery of the goods and the issuance of the corresponding invoice.c. Payment shall be made by [Payment Method] within [Number of Days] days after the invoice date.5. Delivery Terms:The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer at [Delivery Address] within [Delivery Time] from the date of this Contract.6. Quality Guarantee:The Seller warrants that the goods shall be of good quality, as per the Product Specifications Sheet attached hereto. In the event that the goods do not conform to the specifications, the Seller shall, at its sole discretion, either replace the non-conforming goods or refund the purchase price to the Buyer.7. Force Majeure:Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Contract due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, lockouts, labor disputes, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party.8. Dispute Resolution:Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations between the parties. If theparties fail to reach an amicable solution within [Number of Days] days from the date of the dispute, the dispute shall be submitted to the [Name of Arbitration Body] for arbitration in accordance with its rules.9. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].10. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Seller's Name or Company Name][Buyer's Name or Company Name]---销售合同合同编号:[合同编号]日期:[合同日期]本合同由以下各方签订:卖方:[全名或公司名称][地址][联系方式]买方:[全名或公司名称][地址][联系方式]鉴于,卖方愿意出售,买方愿意购买以下商品,具体条款如下:1. 商品描述:卖方应出售,买方应购买以下商品,具体规格见附件《产品规格表》。



中英文销售合同范本_销售合同合同编号: ________签订日期: ________签订地点: ________甲方(买方):名称:________________地址:________________法定代表人:_____________联系电话:_____________乙方(卖方):名称:________________地址:________________法定代表人:_____________联系电话:_____________鉴于:甲方希望购买乙方的产品/服务,乙方愿意按照本合同规定的条款和条件向甲方销售产品/服务。

第一条产品/服务描述:1.1 乙方同意按照本合同的规定向甲方提供以下产品/服务:- 产品/服务名称:________- 规格/型号:________- 数量:________- 单价:________- 总价:________1.2 乙方保证所提供的产品/服务符合国家/行业标准,并满足甲方的要求。

第二条交付:2.1 乙方应在本合同签订后_____天内将产品/服务交付给甲方。

2.2 交付地点为:________2.3 乙方负责将产品/服务运输至甲方指定地点,运输费用由_____方承担。

第三条付款:3.1 甲方应在本合同签订后_____天内支付总价的_____%作为预付款。

3.2 剩余款项应在产品/服务交付并验收合格后_____天内支付。

第四条质量保证与售后服务:4.1 乙方对所售产品/服务提供_____年的质量保证期。

4.2 在质量保证期内,如产品/服务出现质量问题,乙方负责免费维修或更换。

第五条违约责任:5.1 如甲方未按时支付货款,应按未支付金额的_____%向乙方支付违约金。

5.2 如乙方未按时交付产品/服务,应按迟延交付金额的_____%向甲方支付违约金。

第六条争议解决:6.1 本合同在履行过程中发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。

6.2 协商不成时,任何一方均可向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。



销售合同模板中英文销售合同(Sale Contract)甲方(卖方):_____________________arty A (Seller): _________________乙方(买方):_____________________arty (uyer): _________________鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款进行商品交易,现达成如下协议:Whereas oth arty A and arty agree to conduct the sale of the commodity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth elow, the following agreement is herey reached:1. 商品信息Commodity Information商品名称:_____________________Name of Commodity: _________________规格型号:_____________________Secifications and Model: _________________数量:_____________________Quantity: _________________颜色:_____________________Color: _________________2. 价格条款rice Terms单价:_____________________Unit rice: _________________总价:_____________________Total rice: _________________3. 交货Delivery交货日期:_____________________Delivery Date: _________________交货地点:_____________________lace of Delivery: _________________4. 付款方式ayment Method付款时间:_____________________ayment Time: _________________付款方式:_____________________Method of ayment: _________________5. 质量保证Quality Assurance甲方保证所售商品符合合同约定的质量标准,并提供相应的质量保证。



销售合同模板中英文外贸pdfThe importance of a well-crafted sales contract template cannot be overstated in the realm of foreign trade. This legal document serves as the foundation for successful business transactions, outlining the rights, obligations, and expectations of both parties involved. As the global marketplace continues to evolve, the need for a comprehensive and adaptable sales contract template, available in both English and Chinese, has become increasingly crucial.One of the primary benefits of having a standardized sales contract template is the ability to streamline the negotiation process. When both parties can refer to a pre-established document, it reduces the time and effort required to negotiate the terms of the agreement. This efficiency is particularly valuable in the fast-paced world of international trade, where time is often of the essence.Moreover, a well-designed sales contract template helps to mitigate the risks associated with cross-cultural business transactions. By incorporating clauses that address potential areas of conflict, such as dispute resolution mechanisms, intellectual property rights, and forcemajeure events, the template ensures that both parties are on the same page and can navigate potential challenges with greater ease.In the context of foreign trade, the inclusion of both English and Chinese versions of the sales contract template is essential. This dual-language approach not only facilitates clear communication between the parties but also demonstrates a commitment to cultural sensitivity and respect. It ensures that all stakeholders can fully understand the terms of the agreement, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunications.The sales contract template should cover a comprehensive range of topics, including but not limited to:1. Parties Involved: Clearly identifying the names, addresses, and contact information of the seller and the buyer.2. Goods or Services: Providing a detailed description of the products or services being sold, including any relevant specifications, quantities, and delivery terms.3. Pricing and Payment Terms: Outlining the agreed-upon price, payment schedule, and acceptable payment methods, as well as any applicable taxes or fees.4. Delivery and Shipping: Specifying the delivery location, mode of transportation, and timeline for the goods to be delivered.5. Warranty and Liability: Defining the warranty terms, any limitations or exclusions, and the responsibilities of each party in the event of product defects or other issues.6. Intellectual Property Rights: Addressing the ownership and use of any intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, or copyrights, that may be involved in the transaction.7. Termination and Dispute Resolution: Establishing the conditions under which the contract can be terminated, as well as the process for resolving any disputes that may arise.8. Force Majeure: Outlining the circumstances under which neither party can be held liable for non-performance due to unforeseeable events beyond their control.9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: Specifying the applicable laws and the jurisdiction in which any legal proceedings would take place.10. Confidentiality: Ensuring the protection of sensitive information shared between the parties during the course of the business relationship.By incorporating these key elements into a comprehensive sales contract template, businesses engaged in foreign trade can enhance their contractual agreements, mitigate risks, and foster stronger, more successful partnerships.The development of a sales contract template that caters to the needs of both English and Chinese-speaking parties is a testament to the growing importance of cross-cultural collaboration in the global marketplace. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of international trade, this dual-language template can serve as a valuable tool, promoting clarity, transparency, and the successful execution of sales transactions.In conclusion, the sales contract template in English and Chinese for foreign trade PDF is a crucial document that can significantly improve the efficiency, risk management, and overall success of cross-border business transactions. By leveraging this standardized template, companies can streamline their contracting processes, foster stronger partnerships, and navigate the dynamic landscape of global commerce with greater confidence and success.。




第一条产品及数量1.1 产品名称:__________1.2 产品规格:__________1.3 产品数量:__________1.4 产品质量标准:符合国家相关法律法规及行业标准。

第二条价格及支付方式2.1 产品单价:__________2.2 总价:__________2.4 支付期限:__________第三条交货及运输3.1 交货地点:__________3.2 交货时间:__________3.3 运输方式:__________3.4 运输费用:__________第四条质量保证及售后服务4.1 卖方保证产品符合约定质量标准,如发生质量问题,卖方应在收到买方通知后日内负责解决。

4.2 卖方提供如下售后服务:__________第五条违约责任5.1 如卖方不能按约定时间、数量交货,应支付买方违约金,违约金为合同总价款的%。

5.2 如买方不能按约定时间支付货款,应支付卖方滞纳金,滞纳金为应付款项的%。

第六条争议解决6.1 本合同履行过程中发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决。

6.2 如协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。

第七条其他7.1 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为年。

7.2 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

卖方(盖章):__________签订日期:__________Attention: The English version is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy.Note: Please attach the relevant attachments as required in the contract.一、附件列表:1. 产品说明书2. 产品质量检验报告3. 产品合格证4. 授权书(如有)5. 税务登记证复印件6. 企业法人营业执照复印件7. 合同履行所需的其他相关文件二、违约行为及认定:1. 卖方不能按约定时间、数量交货,视为违约。



编号:__________中英对照2024年销售合同模板甲方:___________________乙方:___________________签订日期:_____年_____月_____日中英对照2024年销售合同模板合同编号_________一、合同主体名称:____________________地址:____________________联系人:__________________联系电话:________________名称:____________________地址:____________________联系人:__________________联系电话:________________二、合同前言2.1 背景和目的鉴于甲方是一家专业从事销售业务的企业,乙方有意向购买甲方的产品,双方为明确双方的权利和义务,经友好协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。

2.2 合同依据本合同依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,经双方充分协商,达成一致意见,特订立本合同。

三、定义与解释3.1 专业术语(1)产品:指甲方根据本合同规定向乙方提供的商品。



3.2 关键词解释(1)销售:指甲方将产品出售给乙方的行为。


四、权利与义务4.1 甲方的权利和义务(1)甲方有权按照本合同规定向乙方收取销售款。



4.2 乙方的权利和义务(1)乙方有权按照本合同规定要求甲方提供符合质量标准的产品。



五、履行条款5.1 合同履行时间本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。



Contract No: [Contract Number]Date: [Date of Contract]This Sales Contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is made and entered into on the [Date of Contract], between the following parties:Seller:[Full Name of Seller][Address of Seller][Contact Information of Seller]Buyer:[Full Name of Buyer][Address of Buyer][Contact Information of Buyer]WHEREAS, the Seller is engaged in the production and sale of [Product Description], and the Buyer is engaged in the purchase and sale of [Product Description];AND WHEREAS, the Seller and the Buyer have reached an agreement on the terms and conditions of the sale of the Product, which is hereby evidenced by this Contract;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Product Description:The Product shall be [Product Description], which shall comply with the following specifications:- [Technical Specifications]- [Quality Standards]- [Quantity]- [Unit Price]2. Total Amount:The total amount of the Product shall be [Total Amount], which shall be paid in [Currency] as follows:- [Payment Terms]- [Down Payment Amount and Terms]- [Final Payment Amount and Terms]3. Delivery Terms:The Seller shall deliver the Product to the Buyer at [Delivery Address] on or before [Delivery Date]. The delivery shall be made by [Mode of Transport] and all transportation costs shall be borne by the[Seller/Buyer].4. Payment Terms:The Buyer shall make payment to the Seller within [Payment Period] after the receipt of the invoice. The payment shall be made in [Currency] through [Payment Method], such as wire transfer, credit card, or other mutually agreed means.5. Warranties:The Seller warrants that the Product shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of delivery. The Buyer shall notify the Seller of any defectswithin [Notification Period] after the discovery of the defects.6. Force Majeure:Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Contract due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God,natural disasters, war, terrorism, strikes, labor disputes, or government actions.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through [Dispute Resolution Mechanism], such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation.8. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.9. Amendments:Any amendment or modification of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.SIGNED BY:___________________________[Name of Seller][Title of Seller][Date]___________________________[Name of Buyer][Title of Buyer][Date]ATTORNEY FOR SELLER:___________________________ [Name of Attorney][Law Firm][Date]ATTORNEY FOR BUYER:___________________________ [Name of Attorney][Law Firm][Date]。



Contract No: [Contract Number]Date: [Date]Between:Seller: [Full Name/Company Name], [Address], [City, State, Zip Code], [Country]Buyer: [Full Name/Company Name], [Address], [City, State, Zip Code], [Country]Subject: Sale of [Product/Service]1. Product/Service Description:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following product/service:Product/Service Name: [Product/Service Name]Quantity: [Number of Units]Description: [Detailed description of the product/service, including specifications, dimensions, color, material, etc.]Unit Price: [Price per unit]Total Amount: [Total price including all taxes and fees]2. Delivery Terms:The Seller shall deliver the product/service to the Buyer at the following location:Delivery Address: [Detailed delivery address]Delivery Date: [Expected delivery date]Delivery Method: [Method of delivery, e.g., courier, freight, etc.]3. Payment Terms:The Buyer shall pay the Seller the total amount as specified in Clause 1 within [Number of days] days from the date of the invoice. Payment shall be made by [Payment method, e.g., wire transfer, credit card, PayPal, etc.]. All bank charges and fees associated with the payment shall be borne by the Buyer.4. Warranty:The Seller warrants that the product/service will be free from defectsin material and workmanship for a period of [Number of months/years]from the date of delivery. The Buyer must notify the Seller in writingof any defects within [Number of days] days of discovery. The Seller’s liability under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of the defective product/service.5. Intellectual Property:The Seller retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the intellectual property rights associated with the product/service. The Buyer shall not copy, modify, or distribute any part of theproduct/service without the prior written consent of the Seller.6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State]. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through [dispute resolution method, e.g., mediation, arbitration, litigation, etc.], and the decision of the arbitrator/judge shall be final and binding upon both parties.7. Miscellaneous:a. This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the partiesand supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.b. Any amendment or modification to this contract must be made inwriting and signed by both parties.c. If any provision of this contract is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.d. The headings in this contract are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of any of its provisions.8. Acceptance:This contract is effective upon the electronic signature of both parties below.Seller’s Signature:_________________________Name: [Full Name]Title: [Position]Date: [Date]Buyer’s Signature:_________________________Name: [Full Name]Title: [Position]Date: [Date]Witness (if applicable):Name: [Witness Name]Title: [Witness Position]Date: [Date][Include any additional clauses or attachments as required.]---Disclaimer: This document is a general template and should be reviewed and customized by a legal professional to meet the specific needs and requirements of the parties involved.。



中英文外贸销售合同模板一、合同双方卖方(Seller):公司名称(Company Name):_____法定代表人(Legal Representative):_____地址(Address):_____电话(Telephone):_____传真(Fax):_____邮箱(Email):_____买方(Buyer):公司名称(Company Name):_____法定代表人(Legal Representative):_____地址(Address):_____电话(Telephone):_____传真(Fax):_____邮箱(Email):_____二、商品描述与规格1、商品名称(Product Name):_____2、商品规格(Product Specifications):_____3、数量(Quantity):_____4、单价(Unit Price):_____5、总价(Total Price):_____三、质量标准与检验1、质量标准(Quality Standards)卖方所提供的商品应符合_____(具体的质量标准,如国际标准、行业标准等),且质量应保持稳定,无任何缺陷。




四、交货与运输1、交货时间(Delivery Time)卖方应在_____(具体日期)之前将货物交付给买方。

2、交货地点(Delivery Place)货物的交货地点为_____(具体地点)。

3、运输方式(Mode of Transport)运输方式由_____(卖方/买方)负责安排,运输费用由_____(卖方/买方)承担。

五、付款方式1、预付款(Advance Payment)买方应在合同签订后的_____天内支付合同总价的_____%作为预付款。

2、中期付款(Interim Payment)在货物生产过程中,买方应根据卖方提供的生产进度,支付合同总价的_____%。



Contract No.: [Contract Number]Date: [Date of Contract]Seller: [Seller's Full Name][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country][Contact Person][Phone Number][Email Address]Buyer: [Buyer's Full Name][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country][Contact Person][Phone Number][Email Address]Terms and Conditions1. Subject Matter of the Contract:This Sales Contract (“Contract”) is entered into between the Seller and the Buyer for the sale and purchase of the following goods (“Goods”) as detai led in Schedule A hereto.2. Description of Goods:The Goods shall be as specified in Schedule A attached hereto, which forms an integral part of this Contract.The quantity of the Goods shall be as specified in Schedule A attached hereto.4. Packing:The Goods shall be packed in [Description of Packaging], with sufficient protection against damage during transportation. The packing list and commercial invoice shall accompany each shipment.5. Price:The price of the Goods shall be [Price] per unit, as specified in Schedule A attached hereto. The price is firm and non-negotiable unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.6. Payment Terms:The Buyer shall make the payment for the Goods by [Payment Method], namely:- [Percentage] of the total contract value upon the signing of this Contract.- The remaining [Percentage] of the total contract value shall be paid upon the shipment of the Goods, accompanied by the shipping documents and the relevant inspection certificates.7. Delivery:The Goods shall be delivered to the Buyer’s designated addresswithin [Number of Days] after the Buyer’s payment has been received by the Seller. The Seller shall notify the Buyer of the date of shipment at least [Number of Days] prior to the shipment.8. Shipment:The Goods shall be shipped by [Mode of Shipment] to the Buyer’s designated port or warehouse. The Seller shall be responsible for the costs and risks of transportation until the Goods reach the Buyer’s designated port or warehouse.The Seller warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Number of Months] from the date of shipment. The Seller shall, at its own expense, repair or replace any defective Goods upon notification by the Buyer within the warranty period.10. Force Majeure:In the event of any delay in the execution of this Contract due to force majeure reasons beyond the control of either party, such as war, flood, earthquake, fire, typhoon, or other natural disasters, the affected party shall notify the other party in writing within [Number of Days] after the occurrence of such events. The parties shall协商 to modify the delivery schedule or cancel the Contract, as appropriate.11. Dispute Resolution:Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between the parties. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be submitted to the [Name of Arbitration Institution] for arbitration in accordance with its rules.12. General Provisions:- This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.- Any amendment or modification of this Contract shall be binding only if made in writing and signed by both parties.- This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Sales Contract as of the date first above written.[Seller's Signature]_____________________ [Buyer's Signature] _____________________ [Name of Witness]_____________________ [Date of Witness]。

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