Madama Butterfly




《蝴蝶夫人》赏析作者:王燕来源:《戏剧之家》2017年第13期【摘要】《蝴蝶夫人》(Madama Butterfly),是由意大利剧作家普契尼创作的歌剧,也是普契尼创作的一部伟大的抒情悲剧。




【关键词】歌剧;蝴蝶夫人;普契尼;长崎中图分类号:J6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2017)13-0023-021903年一月份的一天,也是普契尼看了David Belasco在伦敦的约克公爵剧院上演的《蝴蝶夫人》戏剧之后差不多三年的时间,普契尼跟他的老友Alfredo Caselli正在从一个晚宴赶往回家的路上,他的司机突然对车失去了控制。



普契尼暂时隐居在他在Torredel Lago的巨大宅邸,在那里休养了四个月来恢复腿部骨折的伤势。

对于一些人来说,包括普契尼的姐姐,这次事故是上帝对于普契尼的罪恶的干预,对另一些人来说,包括他的出版人Giulio Ricordi,他们相信这是命运对于普契尼过多婚外情的报应。




一个在Covent Garden的舞台经理向普契尼建议,让他在伦敦看《托斯卡》首演的时候,去看一下《蝴蝶夫人》的戏剧。


2007年12月,受邀参加由CCTV和中国爱乐乐团在深圳保利剧院举办的2008中国新年音乐会 ;2008年, 乔治乌两次前往北京,献唱群星荟萃的北京保利剧院新年音乐会 ,同年在国家大剧院献上独唱音乐会 ;2011年 5月首度赴上海大剧院举办音乐会并举行签售会 ;2014年10月开启中国巡演,包括广州 及上海 两地的独唱音 乐会,上海音乐会作为第16届中国上海国际艺术节的重量级演出 。
波 西 米 亚 人 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 伦 敦 皇 家 歌 剧 院 明 星 歌 唱 家 安 吉 拉 ·乔 治 乌 是 当 今 最 具 魅 力 和 禀 赋 的 女 高 音 , 她 凭 借 无 与 伦 比的歌唱技艺和光彩夺目的舞台形象,在歌剧舞台上独树一帜。
乔治乌出生于罗马尼亚阿德茹德,来自平民家庭,父亲是一个火车司机,母亲是缝纫师和业余歌唱家,有个 外 号 叫 “ 鸟 ” 。 她 从 小 就 显 露 出 非 凡 的 歌 唱 潜 质 , 在 家 人 的 支 持 下 前 往 布 加 勒 斯 特 就 读 音 乐 学 校 , 师 从 米 亚 ·巴 尔 布,后毕业于布加勒斯特国立音乐大学。
欧洲 美洲
亚太 中东
罗马尼亚:全国(首演于布加勒斯特,1986) 英国:全国(首演于伦敦,1992) 奥地利:维也纳(1992)、萨尔茨堡(1993)、格拉茨(2014) 瑞士梅纽因音乐节(2016)与特菲尔瑞士:左芬根(1994)、日内瓦(2015)、韦尔比(2015)、格施塔德(2016)、 苏黎世 捷克共和国:布拉格(1994)、捷克克鲁姆洛夫(2017) 葡萄牙:里斯本(1994) 芬兰:赫尔辛基(1994) 德国:威斯巴登(1995)、柏林(1996)、慕尼黑(1999)、德累斯顿(1999)、法兰克福(2002)、曼海姆(2002)、 巴伐利亚(2009)、埃森(2012)、汉堡(2012)、巴登巴登(2014)、雷根斯堡(2014) 丹麦:赫尔辛堡(1995)、奥尔堡(1999)、奥尔胡斯(2003)、哥本哈根(2009) 法国:里昂(1996)、巴黎(1997)、奥朗日(1997)、戛纳(2002)、卡里耶尔(2007)、马赛(2007)、凡尔赛 (2013)



歌剧蝴蝶夫人赏析《蝴蝶夫人》(Madama Butterfly),是由意大利剧作家普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)创作之歌剧,也是普契尼创作的一部伟大的抒情悲剧。





















普契尼:艺术家的⽣涯今⽇淘到EMI出品的TOSCA ⾳乐碟普契尼:艺术家的⽣涯乔柯摩·普契尼(Giacomo Puccini 1858-1924)。



因恩师的⿎励,在学时就谱写独幕歌剧《薇丽》(Le Villi)。



⽆⽐失望的普契尼,则因下⼀部作品《曼侬·列斯考》(Manon Lescaut)的成功⽽拾回信⼼,此剧是⼀⼋九三年在都灵(Turin)⾸演的。

可是普契尼真正博得胜利是靠⼀⼋九六年在都林⾸演的《波希⽶亚⼈》(La Boheme)。




《蝴蝶夫⼈》(Madama Butterfly)在⽶兰⾸演时失败,三个⽉后在布列斯奇亚(Brescia)重新改编为三幕歌剧上演,获得凯旋般的喝采,受欢迎的程度⾜以和《波希⽶亚⼈》相媲美。

此外尚有《西部⼥郎》(La fanciulla del West)、《燕⼦》(La Rondine)、三联独幕剧(I trittico)、《外套》(Il tabarro)、《修⼥安洁丽卡》(Suor Angelica)和《乔安尼·萨基基》(Gianni Schicchi),以及未完成的《图兰多特》(Turandot)等歌剧作品。



Opera in three acts by G. Puccini, Libretto by G. Giacosa and L. Illica. First performance: Milan, 1904. Characters: Cio-cio-San, called Madama Butterfly (soprano) ; Suzuki, her servant (mezzo-soprano); B.F.Pinkerton, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy (tenor); Sharpless, U.S. Consul (baritone) ; Goro, marriage Pinkerton (mezzo-soprano); Cio-cio-san's child (silent).Nagasaki, at the turn of the century Act I: Lieutenant Pinkerton, Making last-minute arrangements for his wedding, is shown through his new house overlooking the harbor of Nagasaki by Goro, the marriage broker, Three servants, including the maid Suzuki, are introduced. Sharpless, the Consul, arrives. As he sits down for a drink with Pinkerton, the young Lieutenant expounds the philosophy of the roving Yankee who ventures forth boldly, expecting the fairest of every land as his reward. The conversation then turns to the bride. Goro praises her beauty, and Pinkerton sends him to fetch her. The mere thought of his bride moves Pinkethon to raptures, but the kindly Consul warns him not to betray a girl who, to judge from her behavior, takes this marriage very seriously. Goro now returns, announcing the arrival of Butterfly and her companions. the girls can already be heard in the distance chattering gaily without a thought of the disaster which is beginning to unfold. Now the girls have reached the house, and Butterfly is ready to start a new life. She tells her friends that she is the happiest girl in Japan, or rather in the world. When the introductions are over, the bride tells Pinkerton that she comes from a once rich family that later met with ill-fortune, whereupon she was forced to earn a living as a geisha. Soon some officials and Butterfly's relations arrive. Pinkerton approaches Butterfly, and she commences to unburden herself of her belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono. Among them is something she does not want to show in front of all the people, but Goro gives Pinkerton a whispered explanation: it is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit hara-kiri. Now Butterfly confides to Pinkerton that she has secretly embraced Christianity, so that her fate may be linked closer to that of her husband. The marriage ceremony is performed. Then the officials, including the Consul, congratulate the groom and leave. All are drinking a toast to the young couple when suddenly a voice from the distance furiously calls and curses Cio-Cio-San. It is her uncle. The Bonze, who has found out about her conversion. He arrives and commands all the relations to renounce Butterfly. When Pinkerton finally intercedes, all leave, repeating the curse over and over. Butterfly is standing motionless and silent; her face buried in her hands, but her despair quickly gives way to childlike happiness under Pinkerton's gentle words of love. Slowly night begins to fall, and the pair remains alone. Butterfly changes into a white gown, and her new husband gently leads her onto the terrace as vows of love flow from their lips. Act II: Three years have passed since Pinkerton's departure. In a room of her house which looks into the garden and over the harbor, Butterfly stands rapt in thought as Suzuki prays to her Japanese gods that they may stop the tears of her mistress. Butterfly is annoyed. She has more faith in the American God-but unfortunately He does not seem to know where Butterfly lives. Her money is just about gone and a catastrophe is imminent unless Pinkerton returns soon. Butterfly is sure that he will return. Does Suzuki not believe it? Well, Butterfly knows how it will be: One fine day we'll notice a thread of smoke arising on the sea in the far horizon…… (See Butterfly's Aria). Sharpless, guided by Goro, pays a visit to Butterfly. In her naive joy, Butterfly gives him at first no chance to fulfill the purpose of his visit: to read to her a letter he has received from Pinkerton. Butterfly indignantly tells the Consul how, during the three years since Pinkerton's departure, the marriage broker has continually offered her suitors. At the moment it is Prince Yamadori, a very rich one. Butterfly claims that she is still married, and that, according to American law, one cannot simply leave and forget his wife as one can do in Japan. At last Sharpless can begin to read the letter, but when he reaches the critical words "……will you carefully prepare her…… ", Butterfly is so overjoyed that the Consul cannot bring himself to read on. With a curse for Pinkerton, he bluntly asks the girl what she would do if Pinkerton were never to return. Haltingly she stammers that she could be a geisha again, or better, she could die. When the Consul, filled with pity, suggests that she marry Yamador, her first impulse is to ask him to leave, but suddenly she runs into an adjoining room and returns with a small child. Can he forget this, she exclaims, this blue-eyed boy with blond curls? Will she have to carry him through rain and wind, begging and dancing, a geisha again? No, this shall never be, Rather than dance, she would die. Deeply moved, Sharpless promises to tell Pinkerton about his son and takes his leave. At this moment the cannon of the harbor is heard firing, and Suzuki hurries in, saying that it is a warship. Butterfly in great excitement looks through a telescope and recognizes Pinkerton's ship, the Abraham Lincoln. Everyone has been lying to her, she exclaims; Pinkerton is back, her love is triumphant. She orders Suzuki to gather the blossoms from their cherry tree and to bring in all the flowers from the garden so that the house may be filled with the scent of spring. Reluctantly Suzuki obeys and, with her mistress, proceeds to strew the blossoms all over the room. Butterfly puts on the gown she wore on her wedding night and motions to Suzuki to close the screen that separates the room from the terrace. In the screen she makes three tiny holes through which they can observe the expected arrival of Pinkerton. The light is fading as they gaze into the distance. Act III: Night is gradually receding before the new day, but Butterfly still stands motionless, her gaze fixed on the harbor. Following Suzuki's advice, Butterfly retires for a brief rest. Pinkerton and the Consul knock at the door and enter. Then Suzuki sees a lady in the garden and learns with horror that she is Pinkerton's wife, Kate. Sharpless asks Suzuki to comfort her mistress and to persuade her to give up her child to Kate. Pinkerton is overcome by his memories. Reproached by Sharpless and crushed by remorse, he bids a tearful farewell to the past and departs. Butterfly rushes in, but does not dare ask the Consul about Pinkerton. Then she notices Kate and understands what is expected of her. Sadly she wishes Kate luck and promises to give the child to Pinkerton personally if he comes in half an hour. The Consul and Kate leave. Butterfly falls weeping to the ground. When she comes to, she sends Suzuki out. Then she goes to the shrine, takes the dagger, and reads the inscription on the blade: "Death with honor is better than life with dishonor." As she raises the dagger, the door opens and Suzuki's arm is seen pushing the child toward his mother. Butterfly hugs him hysterically, then bids him a heart rending farewell, blindfolds him, and gives him an American flag to play with. Again taking the dagger, she moves behind a screen. The knife is heard dropping. Butterfly tries to crawl toward the child as Pinkerton, ascending the hill, is heard calling her name. By the time hereaches the threshold, Butterfly is dead.蝴蝶夫⼈〔美〕R.费尔纳 三幕歌剧:G.普契尼作曲;G.贾柯查和L.伊⾥卡编剧。



J O U R N A L O F X I N J I A N G A R T S U N I V E R S I T Y前言“《蝴蝶夫人》(Madama Butterfly )是浪漫主义时期作曲家普契尼(Giacomo Puccini )的一部伟大抒情悲剧。




唱段《晴朗的一天》(One fine day )是歌剧中第二幕第一场中的第三部分。









关键词:歌剧蝴蝶夫人咏叹调曲式音程向位①沈祺.歌剧欣赏十八讲[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2011.②Jan van Rij.Madame Butterfly:The Search Continues[EB/OL]./content/2007/08/madame_butterfl.php.[2007-08-16].资料,却莫衷一是。



歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》中舞台灯光的戏剧性原文/[荷兰]亚龙·阿布拉法 翻译/王雨琪1 审订/施 端2(1.中央戏剧学院,北京 100710;2. 上海戏剧学院,上海 200040)【摘 要】 通过歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》,对罗伯特·威尔逊的后现代戏剧作品中舞台灯光的戏剧性进行解读。

【关键词】 《蝴蝶夫人》;罗伯特·威尔逊;灯光设计;灯光与演员;光影艺术;后现代戏剧;造型艺术文章编号: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2020.11.012The Dramaturgy of Stage Lighting in Madama ButterflyOriginal/[Netherlands]Yaron Abulafia Translate/WANG Yu-qi1 Review/SHI Duan2(1. The Central Academy of Drama, Beijing 100710, China; 2. Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai 200040, China)【Abstract】This article uses the opera Madama Butterfly to interpret the dramaturgy of stage lighting in Robert Wilson's postmodern drama.【Key Words】Madama Butterfly; Robert Wilson; lighting design; lighting and actors; lighting and shadow art; postmodern theater; plastic art在歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》中,关于导演兼舞台设计、灯光设计罗伯特·威尔逊的舞台灯光戏剧化,有三个鲜明突出的基本观点:灯光和叙事元素之间的关系,灯光和演员之间独特的跨界关系,以及舞台灯光的内在特性及其在这部“后现代戏剧”作品中所发挥的作用。



古典音乐曲目引导入门曲目——1.交响曲(SYMPHONY):Mozart,W.A.莫差特: C大调No.41《朱庇特》(Jupiter);Beethoven贝多芬:C小调No.5 《命运》;Schubert舒伯特:B小调No.8《未完成》(Unfinished) 浪漫与古典的完美的结合; Tchaikovsky柴科夫斯基:B小调No.6《悲怆》(Pathetique);Dvorak德沃夏克:E小调No.9《自新大陆》(From the New World) 原称No.5协奏曲(CONCERTO):Vivaldi维瓦尔迪:《四季》(The four seasons / Le quattro stagione)选自《和谐与创意的实验》(Il cimento dell' armonia e dell' inventione)Bach巴赫: D小调两把小提琴和弦乐曲,第2乐章Mozart,W.A.莫差特:A大调单簧管协奏曲,K622,第2乐章天使般的旋律令人陶醉Mendelssohn门德尔松:E小调小提琴协奏曲室内乐:Handel亨德尔:《和谐的铁匠》(Harmonious Blacksmith)选自第1套8首组曲第5首的曲调与变奏Boccherini,Luigi博凯里尼:《小步舞曲》(Minuet)选自E大调弦乐五重奏Op.13 No.5 Haydn海顿:《小夜曲》选自F大调第17四重奏Schubert舒伯特: A大调钢琴五重奏《鳟鱼》(Die Forelle / Trout)第四乐章Tchaikovsky柴科夫斯基:《如歌的行板》(Andante Cantabile)选自D大调第一弦乐四重奏独奏曲:小提琴: Paganini帕格尼尼:小提琴随想曲 n.13 (魔鬼的笑声),No.24Gossec,Francois (Joseph) 戈塞克:《加沃特舞曲》蒙地:《恰尔达什舞曲》(Csardas)Kreisler克莱斯勒:《美丽的罗丝玛琳》(Schon Rosmarin);《爱的欢乐》(Liebesfreud); 《爱的忧愁》(Liebesleid)后两曲《牛津简明音乐词典》译错了中文名称,此处采用常用的正确名称Elgar埃尔加:《爱的致意》(Salut d'Amour)Dinicu蒂尼库:《跳跃的霍拉舞曲》大提琴: Saint-Saens圣-桑斯:《天鹅》(The Swan) 选自《动物狂欢节》吉它: 泰勒加:《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》歌曲:《过去的好时光》(友谊地久天长 / Auld Lang Syne)爱尔兰古曲:《夏天最后的一朵玫瑰》('Tis the Last Rose of Summer)Mozart,W.A.莫差特:《渴望春天》(Sehnsucht nach dem Fruhlinge)Rouget de l'Isle,Claude Joseph 鲁热•德•利尔:《马赛曲》(La Marseillaise) Schubert舒伯特:《圣母颂》(Ave Maria);《鳟鱼》(Die Forelle);《小夜曲》(Standchen) 选自《天鹅之歌》Mendelssohn门德尔松:《乘着歌声的翅膀》(歌之翼)Gounod古诺:女高音、钢琴、小提琴、管风琴的《根据巴赫前奏曲的冥想曲》(Meditation Sur le Prelude de Bach)即《圣母颂》(Ave Maria)Brahms勃拉姆斯:《摇篮曲》(Wiegenlied)Dvorak德沃夏克:《母亲教我的歌》(Songs my Mother taught me )选自《吉普赛歌曲7首》(7 Gipsy Songs)Tosti,Francesco Paolo托斯蒂:《小夜曲》(Serenata);《再见》(Good bye) Grieg格里格:《索尔维格之歌》(Solvejg's Song)选自《培尔•金特》(Peer Gynt) Denza,Luigi登札:《缆车,缆车》(Funiculi,Funicula)Bishop,(Sir) Henry (Rowley)毕晓普:《甜蜜的家》(Home,Sweet Home)Foster,Stephen(Collins)福斯特:《啊!苏珊娜》(Oh,Susanna);《家园故老》(故乡的亲人 / Old Folks at Home)《我的肯塔基故乡》(My Old Kentucky Home);《老黑奴》(Old Black Joe)J.Mohr / F.Gruber:《Stille Nacht》(Silent night)卡普阿:《我的太阳》('O Sole Mio)合唱(CHOIR):Bach巴赫:《耶稣,人类愿望之欢乐》(Jesu,Bleibet meine Freude/ Jesu,joy of man's desiring) 选自康塔塔《心与口》(Herz und Mund)《让羊群安稳地吃草》(Schafe Konnen Sicher Weiden/ Sheep may safely graze) 选自世俗康塔塔《我喜爱的》(Was mir behagt) Handel亨德尔:《阿莱路亚合唱》(哈利路亚合唱 / Hallelujah Chorus)选自清唱剧《弥赛亚》(Messiah)Verdi威尔第:《最后审判日》(Dies irae)选自《安魂曲》(Messa di Requiem) Orff奥尔夫:《博伊伦之歌》(Carmina Burana)之第1段管弦乐:Gluck,Christoph Willibald Von 格鲁克:《幸福精灵之舞》(Dance of the Blessed Spirits / Reigen Seliger Geister)选自《奥尔菲斯和尤丽狄茜》(Orfeo ed Euridice)一代承前启后的歌剧大师,音乐可见一斑Mozart,W.A.莫差特:《费加罗婚礼》序曲(Le nozze di Figaro)Rossini罗西尼:《塞维利亚理发师》序曲(Il barbiera di Siviglia/The Barber of Seville)《威廉•退尔》序曲(Guillaume Tell)Glinka格林卡:《鲁斯兰与柳德米拉》序曲 (Ruslan and Ludmila)Wagner瓦格纳:《女武神之骑》(The ride of the Valkyries)选自《女武神》《葬礼进行曲》(Funeral March / Marche funebre)选自《众神的黄昏》(Gotterdammerung )Verdi威尔第:《凯旋进行曲》选自《阿依达》(Aida)Suppe苏佩:轻歌剧《轻骑兵》序曲Offenbach奥芬巴赫:《船歌》(Barcarolle)选自《霍夫曼的故事》(Les Contes d'Hoffmann)Smetana斯美塔那:《波尔卡》(Polka),《喜剧演员们之舞》(Dance of Comedians) 选自《被出卖的新嫁娘》(The Bartered Bride)Strauss,Johann II施特劳斯(小):轻歌剧《蝙蝠》序曲(Die Fledermaus) Ponchielli,Amilcare蓬基耶利:《时间神之舞》(Dance of the hours)选自《歌女焦空达》(La gioconda)Bizet比才:《卡门》(Carmen)第一、第二组曲Massenet马斯奈:《冥想曲》选自《黛依丝》(Thais)Mascagni马斯卡尼:《乡村骑士》(Cavalleria Rusticana)中的间奏曲Prokofiev普罗科菲耶夫:《三桔爱》(Love for Three Oranges)中的进行曲声乐:Handel亨德尔: 广板《绿叶青葱》(Largo / Ombra mai fu / Never was the shade)选自歌剧《赛尔斯》(Serse)Mozart,W.A.莫差特:费加罗的咏叹调《再不要去作情郎》选自《费加罗婚礼》(Le nozze di Figaro)夜后的咏叹调《胸中燃起愤怒的火焰》选自《魔笛》(Die Zauberflote) (The magic flute)Wagner瓦格纳: 《婚礼合唱》(Bridal Chorus)选自《罗恩格林》(Lohengrin)Verdi威尔第:《女人善变》选自《利哥莱托》(弄臣/Rigoletto);《饮酒歌》选自《茶花女》(La Traviata)西伯莱奴隶合唱《飞吧,我的思想,展开金色的翅膀》(Va pensiero sull'ai dorate) 选自《纳布科》(Nabucco);《铁砧合唱》(Anvil Chorus)选自《游吟诗人》(Il trovatore)Bizet比才:《顽童合唱》(Choeur des Gamins),哈巴涅拉《爱情象一只自由鸟》(Habanera)《赛格迪亚》(Seguedille),《波希米亚之歌》(Chanson boheme),叙事曲《斗牛士之歌》(Couplets) 以上均选自《卡门》Puccini普契尼:《星光灿烂》,《为艺术,为爱情》选自《托斯卡》(Tosca);《哼鸣合唱》,《晴朗的一天》选自《蝴蝶夫人》(Madama Butterfly)《今夜无人入睡》选自《图兰朵特》;《我亲爱的爸爸》选自《贾尼•斯基基》(Gianni Schicchi)Kern克恩:《老人河》(Ol'Man River)选自音乐喜剧《演艺船》(Show Boat)芭蕾音乐(BALLET):Tchaikovsky柴科夫斯基:《天鹅湖》组曲 (Swan Lake);《胡桃夹子》组曲 (Nutcracker) Drigo,Riccardo德里戈,里卡多:《小夜曲》选自芭蕾舞剧《千百万个丑角》(Les Millions d'Arlequin)Delibes德里布:《葛蓓莉亚》(Coppelia)选曲Ravel拉威尔:《波莱罗》(Bolero)Khachaturian哈恰图良:《军刀舞曲》选自《加雅涅》(Gayane)管弦乐:Clarke,Jeremiah 克拉克:《小号自由调》(Trumpet Voluntary)Pachelbel,Johann 帕赫贝尔:卡农(Kanon / canon)Albinon,Tommaso 阿尔比诺尼:《柔板》(Adagio) 实际是由Giazotto根据一份手稿编成Bach巴赫:《G弦上的咏叹调》(air on a G string)选自D大调第3乐队组曲(Orchestral suite No.3)Mozart,Leopold莫差特,莱奥波尔德:《玩具交响曲》(Toy Symphony / Kindersymphonie) Mozart,W.A.莫差特:No.13 G大调《小夜曲》(Eine Kleine Nachtmusik)Beethoven贝多芬:《土耳其进行曲》选自《雅典的废墟》(Ruinen von Athen)的配乐Schubert舒伯特:《幕间曲》选自《罗沙蒙德,塞浦路斯的公主》(Rosamunde,Prinsezzin von Cypern)清新活泼,脱俗的小曲拉科西进行曲(Rakoczy March) 作者不详,Berlioz改编Mendelssohn门德尔松:序曲《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)Wagner瓦格纳:《双鹰旗下》Michaelis,Theodor密夏埃利斯:《森林中的铁匠》Brahms勃拉姆斯:《匈牙利舞曲》No.1,4,5,6,10Strauss,Johann I 施特劳斯,约翰(老):《拉德斯基进行曲》(Radetsky March)Waldteufel,Emil瓦尔特费尔:《溜冰圆舞曲》(Les patineurs)Strauss Johann II施特劳斯,约翰(小):圆舞曲:《蓝色多瑙河》(An der schonen blauen Donau/ On the Beautiful Blue Danuble) ;《加速》(Acceleration);《春之声》(Fruhlingsstimmen);《皇帝圆舞曲》(Kaiser-Walzer / Emperor Waltz);《艺术家的生活》(Kunstlerleben);《南国玫瑰》(Rosen aus dem Suden);《维也纳森林的故事》(Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald/ Tales From the Vienna Woods)《维也纳世家》(维也纳的气质 / Wiener Blut / Vienna Blood)波尔卡舞曲:《拨弦波尔卡》(Pizzicato Polka)(与约瑟夫•施特劳斯合作);《安嫩》(安娜 / Annen);《闲聊波尔卡》(Tritsch,Tratsch / Chit-chat Polka); 《雷电波尔卡》(Unter Donner und Blitz / Thunder and Lighting)其它:《无穷动》(Perpetuum Mobile)Strauss,Josef施特劳斯,约瑟夫:圆舞曲:《天体音乐》(Spharenklange / Music of the Spheres);《Delirien》(Delirium)Smetana斯美塔那:《沃尔塔瓦河》(Vltava / Moldau)Borodin鲍罗定:音画《在中亚细亚草原上》(In the Steppes of Central Asia/ V srednei Azii)Saint-Saens圣-桑斯:交响诗《死之舞》(Danse macabre)Bizet比才:戏剧配乐《阿莱城姑娘》(L'Arlesienne)第一、第二组曲Dvorak德沃夏克:《斯拉夫舞曲》第一套Grieg格里格:《培尔•金特》(Peer Gynt)戏剧配乐组曲No.1Mussorgsky穆索尔斯基:《荒山之夜》(Night on the Bare Mountain)Tchaikovsky柴科夫斯基:《斯拉夫进行曲》(Slavonic March);《1812序曲》(Eighteen-Twelve / "1812" Overture)《意大利随想曲》(Italian Caprice / Capriccio italian)Chabrier,(Alexis) Emmanuel 夏布里埃:管弦乐狂想曲《西班牙》(Espana)Rimsky-korsakov里姆斯基-科萨科夫:《野蜂飞舞》有多种演出形式,配器手法可见一斑Sousa,John Philip苏泽 / 索萨 / 苏萨:《星条旗永不落》(The Stars and Stripes) Marie,Grabriel 玛里:《金婚式》Elgar埃尔加:《威仪堂堂进行曲》No.1(威风堂堂进行曲 / Pomp and Circumstance Marches)Strauss,Richard施特劳斯:《Sunrise》选自《查拉图斯特拉如是说》(Also sprach Zarathustra)Dukas,Paul 迪卡斯 / 杜卡:《魔法师的弟子》(小巫师 / L'Apprenti Sorcier)充满妙趣的哲理小品Sibelius西贝柳斯:交响诗《芬兰颂》(Finlandia);《悲伤圆舞曲》(Valse triste) Lehar莱哈尔:音乐会圆舞曲《金银》(Gold and Silver)Vaughan Williams沃恩•威廉斯:《绿袖幻想曲》(Fantasia on Freensleeves)Ketelbey凯特尔贝:《在修道院花园中》(In a Monastery Garden);《在波斯市场上》(In a Persian Market)Prokofiev普罗科菲耶夫:管弦乐加旁白《彼得与狼》(Peter and the Wolf)Orth,Arthur奥尔都:《时钟》(钟表店)Copland科普兰:《普通人的号角花彩》(大众鼓号曲 / 凡人号/ Fanfare for the Common Man)Barber,Samuel巴伯:《弦乐柔板》(Adagio for Strings)弦乐四重奏Op.11中一个乐章的配器Britten布里顿:《青少年管弦乐队指南(珀赛尔主题变奏曲与赋格)》(Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra(Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell))乔纳森:《杜鹃圆舞曲》伯恩斯坦,埃尔默:电影《西部荡寇志》配乐 (The Magnificent Seven)大师系列•莫扎特•入门曲目歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》(Le Nozze di Figaro),K492序曲Sinfonia费加罗的咏叹调“凯鲁比诺快去从军”N.10 Aria <<Non piu andrai..>>, Figaro凯鲁比诺的咏叹调“你们可知道什么是爱情”N.12 Arietta <<Voi che sapete che cosa e amor>>, Cherubino艺术歌曲《渴望春天》(Sehnsucht nach dem Fruhlinge),K596第20,21,23,24钢琴协奏曲,第二乐章单簧管协奏曲,A大调,K622,第二乐章钢琴奏鸣曲,C大调,K545钢琴奏鸣曲,A大调,K331,第三乐章“土耳其进行曲”(Alla Turca)“小星星”钢琴变奏曲("Ah vous dirai-je, maman"),C大调,K265/300e弦乐小夜曲(Eine Kleine Nachtmusik),G大调,K525萨尔茨堡第一交响曲(Salzburger Sinfonie No.1),D大调,K136(125a)第40交响曲,g小调,K550,第一乐章第41交响曲“朱庇特”("Jupiter"),C大调,K551,第一乐章•《费加罗的婚礼》序曲•第20钢琴协奏曲,d小调,K466第21钢琴协奏曲,C大调,K467这两部协奏曲写作相隔大约四个星期,然而却具有截然相反的性格。



浅谈普契尼歌剧中女高音咏叹调的演唱作者:郑丹虹来源:《读写算》2012年第04期贾科莫·普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)是十九世界末、二十世纪初意大利最杰出的作曲家,他创作的歌剧既继承了意大利歌剧的传统风格,又顺应了真实主义歌剧发展的潮流,为二十世纪意大利歌剧开创了新的篇章,也为后世留下了宝贵的文化财富,他的创作标志着意大利传统歌剧历史的完结。










第一创作时期的歌剧:《薇丽》(Le Villi)、《埃德加》(Edgar)、《曼侬·列斯考》(Manon Lescaut)。






Sarah Brightman Ramazzotti ErosLeabharlann Celine Dion ·
公把 名 指 并 意 在 拉 朵 道 三 夫 谜 与 没会 之 中 告真 〄 责 且 被 天 夫 ” 谜 位 王 失 父 运嫁 仇 国 天名 但 图 严 处 亮 王 。 题 大 子 败 亲 气给 〄 元 下告 王 兰 刑 死 前 子 但 的 臣 被 遭 帖 的他 下 朝 下诉 子 朵 逼 。 得 〄 图 答 的 图 处 木 人; 令 时 嫁了 的 十 供 公 知 于 兰 案 反 兰 决 儿 丧如 如 的 王公 强 分 。 主 他 是 朵 分 对 朵 的 和 生猜 果 一 子主 吻 无 柳 捉 的 王 拒 别 来 公 波 侍 。错 有 个 〄。 融 情 儿 到 名 子 绝 是 应 主 斯 女 流〄 个 公 王公 化 。 自 了 字 自 认 “ 婚 的 王 柳 亡便 男 主 子主 了 天 尽 王 〄 己 输 希 〄 美 子 儿 中处 人 图 的也 她 亮 以 子 卡 出 〄 望 答 貌 和 在 国死 可 兰 名没 冰 时 示 的 拉 了 向 ” 对 吸 亲 北 的。 以 朵 字公 般 〄 保 父 夫 一 父 、 了 引 自 京 鞑三 猜 为 叫布 冷 公 守 亲 不 道 皇 “ 所 〄 监 城 靼年 出 了 “王 漠 主 秘 帖 但 谜 撒 鲜 有 不 斩 重 王下 她 报 爱子 的 尚 密 木 不 题 赖 血 问 顾 的 逢 子来 的 祖 (的 心 未 。 儿 娶 〄 〄 ” 题 父 图 后 卡〄 三 先 真 〄 知 卡 和 公 只 不 和 〄 亲 兰 〄 拉已 个 暗 名 而 道 拉 丫 主 要 愿 “ 原 、 朵 即 夫经 谜 夜 〄 王 王 夫 鬟 〄 公 嫁 图 来 柳 。 看 (有 语 被 )反 子 子 借 柳 还 主 给 兰 这 儿 卡 到 多 〄 掳 ”而 也 之 此 儿 愿 若 卡 三 和 拉 猜 个 她 走 。 〄 ) Calaf


















活,这也是我为什 么把我的一生献身于此的原因。
华盛顿邮报:歌剧界失去了领头羊 路透社:他的去世让意大利人同悲
鲁契亚诺 帕瓦罗蒂(1935~2007)
每日电讯报:他是获得世人承认的歌剧巨星 泰晤士报:歌王已去,余音未绝
01. Il lamento di Federico - Jose Carreras 费德利可的悲叹 (选自《阿莱城姑娘》) - 卡雷拉斯 02. O paradis - Placido Domingo 哦!天堂 (选自《非洲少女》) - 多明戈 03. Recondita armonia - Luciano Pavarotti 微妙的和谐 (选自《托斯卡》) - 帕瓦罗蒂 04. Dein ist mein ganzes Herz - Placido Domingo 你是我心的一切 (选自《微笑之国》) - 多明戈 05. Rondine al nido - Luciano Pavarotti 燕归来 - 帕瓦罗蒂 06. Core 'ngrato - Jose Carreras 负心的人 - 卡雷拉斯 07. Torna a Surriento - Luciano Pavarotti 归来吧!苏兰多 - 帕瓦罗蒂 08. Granada - Jose Carreras 格拉纳达 - 卡雷拉斯 09. No pueda ser - Placido Domingo 不可能 (选自《港口的酒吧女郎》) - 多明戈 10. L'improvviso - Jose Carreras 某日,眺望着碧蓝天空 (选自《安德利· 谢尼耶》) - 卡雷拉斯 11. E lucevan le stelle - Placido Domingo 今夜星光灿烂 (选自《托斯卡》) - 多明戈 12. Nessun dorma - Luciano Pavarotti 今夜无人入睡(又名:公主彻夜未眠) (选自《杜兰朵公主》) - 帕瓦罗蒂 Finale Medley: Carreras · Domingo · Pavarotti 终曲: 混合曲(拉劳· 史弗林 编曲)卡雷拉斯· 多明戈· 帕瓦洛帝 13. Maria - Tonight - 'O paese d' 'o sole - Cielito lindo 玛丽亚/今夜 (选自《西城故事》)/太阳之城/晴空 14. Memory - Ochi tchorniye - Caminito - La Vie en rose 回忆 (选自《猫》)/黑色的眼睛/路/玫瑰人生 15. Mattinata - Wien, Wein, nur du allein - Amapola - 'O sole mio 晨歌/维也纳,维也纳/罂粟花/我的太阳 16. Encore: 'O sole mio 安歌:我的太阳 17. Encore: Nessun dorma 安歌:今夜无人入睡






而这一次,你将可以体会到仿佛置身于皇家歌剧院般的兴奋与震撼!犹如盛装坐在一个高贵优雅的包厢里,帷幕徐徐拉开,那举世无双的音乐光芒万丈地升起:《蝴蝶夫人》,《费加罗的婚礼》,《阿依达》,《图兰朵》,《茶花女》,或者《卡门》里无与伦比的“斗牛士之歌”,《弄臣》中“女人都是善变的”的著名咏叹,《波西米亚人》中的那段甜蜜动人的双人吟唱,《塞尔维亚的理发师》中的也许是所有歌剧中最著名的次男高音的独唱,《魔笛》中... 《史上最受欢迎歌剧名曲》世界顶级艺术乐团和超级巨星颠峰演绎《蝴蝶夫人》,《卡门》,《茶花女》,《阿依达》,《图兰朵》,《费加罗的婚礼》等32首长达2小时的世界经典名剧名段。














在日本,关东地区称艺妓为“芸者(げいしゃ,Ge isha)”,见习阶段称“半玉”、“雏妓”;在关西地区则称为“芸妓”(或写为“芸子”,皆读为げいこ,Geiko)”,见习阶段称“舞妓(或写为“舞子”,皆读为まいこ,Maiko)”。








madama butterfly 蝴蝶夫人的PPT介绍

madama butterfly 蝴蝶夫人的PPT介绍

好,也不是那么坏。 ——莫迫桑 We enjoy the happiness, and suffer from the pain. but the question is :which one do you prefer?
韩寒 说: 我们有理由相信,建立在爱情上的
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Dolore (Trouble)
she named the baby, when it came, Trouble.
Every Japanese baby begins with a temporary name; it may be anything, almost, for the little time. She was quite sure he would like the way she had named him— Trouble, meaning joy. That was his own way. As for his permanent name, — he might have several others before, — that was for him to choose when he returned
Takes out the dagger(匕首) with which
her father committed suicide and bows before a statue of Buddha, choosing to die with honor rather than live in disgrace(耻 辱). As she dies, Pinkerton is heard calling her name






关键词:普契尼蝴蝶夫人风格特点From the opera《Madame Butterfly》understand Puccini’s style and characteristicsAbstract:Puccini opera is representative of the Italian real doctrine, it is the history of the past and the landmark opera characters. In the most successful shaping of his characters was the most successful the most emotional and artistic appeal is a series of rich and tragic situation of the female image. The《Madama Butterfly》 is representative of his typical works, this paper analyzes the novel as the starting point of Puccini’s artistic style and creative features.Keywords:Puccini Madama Butterfly style and characteristics绪论以普契尼的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》为切人点,通过对《蝴蝶夫人》从感性认识到理性的研究,通过对《蝴》剧的时代背景、题材、音乐特征等多方面论述普契尼其人以及他的音乐创作风格。

西方歌剧简史和名作欣赏 普契尼

西方歌剧简史和名作欣赏  普契尼

普契尼的最后一部歌剧《图兰朵》取材于C.戈齐的神话剧,在这部作品里他坚持了 创作的现实主义原则,摆脱了原著的象征性,使全剧充满生活气息,人物都是富有激情 的活生生的人。他在这里一反过去常采取的抒情室内风格,恢复了几乎被人忘却的意大 利正歌剧风格,有雄伟的合唱、辉煌的独唱段落、丰富多彩的音响效果等。由于戏剧的 背景是古代中国,采用了中国民歌《茉莉花》的曲调,但其他方面并无中国特色。他在 剧中广泛运用了欧洲的古调式,有些表现性强的场面,运用现代和声,形成不协和的多 调性结合。可惜写到第三幕时普契尼因病逝世,剩下的部分由他的学生F.阿尔法诺根 据他的草稿完成。1926年4月,当《图兰朵》在著名的斯卡拉歌剧院首演,获得巨大成 功。指挥大师托斯卡尼尼在第三幕临近结尾时放下指挥棒,转向观众低声宣布:“大师 的作品在这里结束。”普契尼一生共创作了12部歌剧,至今仍在世界歌剧舞台上经常演 出的主要有4部:《艺术家的生涯》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》和《图兰朵》。纵观 普契尼的歌剧作品,虽然都与爱情相关,但是透过丰富的管弦乐法和音乐美学,再配合 张力十足的戏剧情节,他塑造了歌剧史上最具有代表性的女性角色,从温柔抒情的咪咪 (《艺术家的生涯》)、柳儿(《图兰朵》)、巧巧桑(《蝴蝶夫人》)到个性刚烈的 托斯卡、杜兰朵以及游戏爱情的穆塞塔(《艺术家的生涯》)、曼侬·莱斯戈等等,普 契尼为歌剧舞台树立了经典的女性角色。19世纪末至20世纪初,普契尼领导歌剧进入了 新的时代,他取得了国际性的成功。普契尼继承了意大利歌剧的现实主义传统和人道主 义精神,大胆地将意大利传统中自由的旋律和现代音乐的新要素结合起来,创作出了色 彩丰富、细腻婉转的管弦乐。普契尼发展了威尔第晚期的艺术成就,不断探索革新艺术 表现手法。他借鉴各民族乐派的成就,顺应时代的潮流,兼收并蓄了当代和声、管弦乐 法、曲式等方面的新技巧,创造了意大利歌剧新的形象性的朗诵和咏叙风格,乐队担负 戏剧性布局的作用,积极参加到舞台情节的发展中去。他力求使歌剧的戏剧性布局动力 化,其作品充满异国情调,剧情紧凑,题材罕见而又吸引观众,具有强烈的震撼力。普 契尼的创作和艺术实践对20世纪的歌剧发展有巨大影响。在普契尼的推动下,意大利作 曲家们创作出了大批以各地乡村生活为主题,具有新的演唱风格的真实主义作品。



2023-2024学年广东省深圳中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题1. Since the traditional buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties in that town are well ____________ , you are advised to pay a visit there before writing your history report.A.furnished B.preserved C.decorated D.deserved2. Decades ago, a personal item, if lost, would be ____________ in the newspaper with a reward for the finder.A.informed B.advertised C.emphasized D.published3. Though having eaten everything in his plate, the little boy looked at the food in the pan with____________ eyes.A.greedy B.humble C.mature D.satisfied4. In an effort to ____________ the loss of his health due to years of neglect, he ____________ regular exercise.A.compensate for; dedicated to B.compensate to; was devoted toC.compensate for; was devoted to D.compensate to; dedicated to5. Early ______ may be the key to tackling the problem of smoking among young people.A.intervention B.conservation C.variation D.comparison6. The visiting president answered journalists’ questions, saying the two countries should seek common ground and __________differences on many problems.A.examine B.exploreC.assume D.reserve7. At age 12, Jane was diagnosed ____________ a rare and deadly cancer and was informed that high-risk surgery was her only B.with C.for D.by8. When _______ the finger prints found at the crime scene with those of the suspect, the police soon confirmed his B.comparing C.compared compare9. Above all, I have come to understand that ________ happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.A.bring B.brought C.bringing D.being brought 10. Several major industrial countries concluded their annual summit meeting today, promising that by the end of the year the emission reduction targets ____________ .A.had been achieved B.were achieved C.would have beenachievedD.would beachieved11. —What’s your plan for the holidays?—I____________ to visit my grandparents in the country. While you are enjoying yourself on the beach, I____________ on the farm at that planning; will be helping B.plan; am helpingC.will plan; am helping D.will be planning; will be helping12. It was a fitting opportunity to experience virtual reality (VR) technology, which some experts____________ as an eco-friendly solution to the problem of over-tourism.A.had promoted B.promoted C.had beenpromotedD.would promote13. Jerry pretended ________the moment his father stepped in, which made the man extremely angry because he couldn’t be reading; being cheated read; being be reading; to be cheated read; to be cheated14. Later in this chapter the case will be introduced to readers ______ c onsumers’ support became a stream of motivation for improvement of the company.A.who B.when C.which D.where15. Nowadays many old people don't like the way ______ some children talk to their parents.A.which B.that which D.What16. Years of teaching experience as a volunteer has made him that for students’ development timely encouragement along with careful instructions .A.convinced; count B.convincing; countsC.convinced; counts D.convincing; count17. Lincoln gave them a new vision of what the USA should be, based on the ideals ____________ by its Founding Fathers 87 years before.A.set out B.set aside C.set down D.set about18. ____________ the reasons behind these species entering our cities are, one thing is for sure—they could be with us to stay.A.However B.Whatever C.No matter when D.No matter where 19. I would get enough money ready before leaving for the bookstore ____________ I found many good books that could add to my that case that D.even if20. ____________ , we also need to consider that some of these so-called “urban animals” have never moved at all.A.However true is this B.However truethis isC.However is thistrueD.However this istrueSome live performance rooms on this planet are wonderful. They can make even a single note sound wonderful. Here are four famous concert halls around the world. Enjoy!Cidade das Artes (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)Opened in 2013, this is one of the largest modem concert halls in South America. This building was designed by Christian de Portzampare. Named “City of Arts”, this is a cultural building group that hosts art exhibitions, dance events, comedy shows and workshops. The Cidade has excellent sound qualities because of being designed by the Chinese engineer XuYaping.Wiener Musikverein (Vienna, Austria)Designed by Theophil Hansen, this neoclassical building opened its doors in 1870 and is the home of the Vienna Philhamionic Orchestra, one of the most popular orchestras in the world. It was here in 1913 that the famous concert Skandalkonzert took place. This is also the place where every New Year’s Day a famous traditional symphonic concert is performed.Teatro alla Scala (Milan, Italy)One of the most important concert halls for operatic (歌剧的) music was completed in 1778. This building also hosts a museum and one of the worlds most famous academies where young talents are trained for ballet performances. This concert hall was rebuilt over the Teatro alia Scala Ducale, which was destroyed by a fire in 1776. It saw the first show of some of the most impressive works in the history of the opera, such as Madama Butterfly and Turandot by Giacomo Puccini.Carnegie Hall (New York, USA)Designed by William Burnet Tuthill, it is one of the most famous concert halls in the world for both classical music and popular music. It opened its doors in 1791 with a concert conducted in part by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Many famous works were first shown to the world here, including Antonin Dvorak’s New World Symphony and G eorge Gershwin’s An American in Paris.21. Where can visitors enjoy a wide variety of cultural events?A.In Cidade das Artes. B.In Wiener Musikverein.C.In Teatro all a Scala. D.In Carnegie Hall.22. What makes Wiener Musikverein different from the other rooms?A.It is a concert hall in the United States. B.It is designed by a Chinese engineer.C.It hosts New Year’s Day concertannually.D.It has the longest history of the four. 23. What do Teatro alla Scala and Carnegie Hall have in common?A.They were both built in the seventeenth century.B.They both got destroyed in some human activities.C.They were both aimed at training ballet performers.D.They both saw initial displays of some famous works.Winning the 2023 Oscar Best Actress Award, Michelle Yeoh becomes the first Asian woman to take home a lead acting statue. She was invited to share some wisdom on the graduation ceremony in American Film Institute.Michelle Yeoh recalled her early years. She found her gift was to communicate through movement Yeoh trained tirelessly day and night. Dance was her bright future and destined path. Unfortunately, life had other plans. A serious spinal (脊柱的) injury entirely tore her dream, and she was in despair. Yet, her principal encouraged her to stay loose about her future. With this in mind, she captured the freedom to make choices she might not have otherwise been able to. “When the challenge came, I knew it was make or break.” Yeoh said.Yeoh chose to be a cool stuntman (特技人). “The first thing they ta ught me was to roll forward, how to fall on my side, and then back.” she recalled. The actress mentioned jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass for one stunt, in which she over-rotated (旋转), causing her back to fold in half and a stunt went wrong. “I didn’t land properly, but I completed the scene,” she said.“There were injuries as you can imagine but with every inch of skin, I came back better and braver. It struck me that learning how to fall teaches you how to land, and learning to land gives you theco urage to jump higher. Well, you could say I learned it in my bones, literally.” Yeoh added. It was those unbearable pain but desired progress that guided Yeoh to the Oscar stage. “What I want to say is that our falls are the secrets to our flight. Success without failure is called luck. It cannot really be repeated or relied upon. Don’t be afraid to fall, for you are learning to fly.” Yeoh said.24. What do we know about Michelle Yeoh?A.She was keen on ballet and had a bright future.B.She was the first Asian to win Oscar Best Actress.C.She was in despair after a serious injury in her leg.D.She was giving a speech about her school experience.25. How did the principal’s encouragement prove beneficial?A.It reminded Michelle Yeoh to stick to her dream and go for it.B.It advised Michelle Yeoh to accept the reality and let it be.C.It inspired Michelle Yeoh to be open-minded towards future.D.It urged Michelle Yeoh to transfer her career from dance to stunt.26. Why did Michelle Yeoh mention jumping off a 20-foot highway overpass?A.To pave the way for the life lesson she would learn.B.To stress the importance of mastering the rolling skills.C.To showcase the barriers she faced when dancing on stage.D.To admit a mistake she made when she was inexperienced.27. Which of the following statements matches Michelle Yeoh’s spirit the most?A.Do what the clock does. Keep going. B.Believe you can and you’re halfwaythere.C.No one can disappoint you except yourself. D.The greatest glory is in rising every time we fall.Uncertainty pops up frequently in conversations. The pandemic, and the growing climate disasters heighten our awareness of our inability to control many current challenges. No wonder we9re invaded by anxiety and isolation. We know there are stress-reduction techniques like yoga and exercise. Another much-overlooked one that restores sense of well-being is poetry.Poetry reconnects us with the beauty of the world, while also naming its difficulties. Rather than dismissing hardships, poetry reminds us that others have also lost a loved one, experienced disappointments—have suffered as we now suffer. Poetry allows us to identify our personal confusions, breaks our feeling of isolation, and confirms our sense of belonging. Poetry leads us toward wisdom and acceptance.Science agrees. The Arts & Mind Lab at Johns Hopkins University offers convincing evidence that poetry is good for our health. A study from 2013 in Philippines showed that guided poetry writing sessions significantly lessened depression in a group of mistreated adolescents. Written eight hundred years ago, the poem The Guest House invites us to view life’s experiences and the feelings that arise from them as temporary visitors in the “guest house” of self. With patience and compassion, the author Jalal al-Din Rumi advises us to recognize that even negative moods are precious teachers for our growth.Think of poetry as an entrance to a timeless place where we find comfort, companionship, connection, wisdom, and healing. Poetry names the disconnects as well, where we have gone blind to threats and personal sorrows that threaten to overwhelm us. With its precision of language, and its naming of experience, poetry, in a small space, usually one page, packs a strong hit. Entering a poem, readers can sense painful experiences are re-framed and can be given a new understanding by a poem. That’s because poetry reflects a rich mix of the sweetness and bitterness in life. It refreshes our minds and offers invented landscapes of imagery. For your own peace of mind, I encourage you to take up a friendship with poetry.28. What does the underlined word “dismiss” probably mean?A.Reflect on. B.Leave behind. C.Get through. D.Suffer from. 29. What does Rumi suggest readers do in The Guest Housel?A.View ourselves as temporary guests. B.Take an active part in experiencinghardships.C.Ignore negative feelings to avoid sadness. D.Embrace downsides with optimistic attitudes.30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Poems make readers turn a blind eye to threats and sorrows.B.Poems can only have either sweet themes or bitter themes.C.Poems possess overwhelming power despite limited lines.D.Poems reshape painful experiences and restrict our minds.31. What is the best title for the text?A.Techniques help reduce stress. B.Poetry facilitates friendship.C.Hardships benefit our growth. D.Poetry promotes our well-being.When I stepped into my sister’s house, I could feel the tension among the family members. My nephew was complaining that current allowances are insufficient to cover his expenses and questioning why he cannot be trusted. Financial literacy (素养) is a totally new word to his parents and, in their mind, parents are supposed to be extremely tight on kids’ money.As raised in a traditional way, we are constantly told to spend a fixed amount of money in a particular period, with everything arranged. The lack of financial literacy among teens is mainly due to the fear of losing control, which has overshadowed the importance of introducing genuine ideas that can promote independence and responsibility tied to financial autonomy (自主). This mindset implies that if you just follow the parents plan, seemingly you succeed in managing your money. Still, each year heartbreaking news about college students who are involved in unaffordable debt keep popping up.Having financial literacy, however, have more benefits than expected. At best, teens with self-discipline would appreciate the trust and make informed financial decisions. Even at worst, the cost of making mistakes in teenage years is relatively low and committing the mistakes honestly may open the door to some constructive feedback and financial tips.True financial literacy isn’t simply about implementing a strict or loose strateg y on spending but teaching teenagers to differentiate between necessity and desire, and making compromises. But managed properly, both bread and Air Jordan shoes can be obtained. With Air Jordan shoes ahead, the difficulty in making and saving money makes us appreciate the value of efforts. Budgeting, planning for your expenses, help you make decisions of consequence and resist temptations.Once teens demonstrate responsible management of cash-based expenses, it is time to consider upgrading. However, teens may not be fully equipped to travel in the complex financial landscape without adequate supervision and support. After all, financial autonomy comes with responsibilities.32. What is the function of mentioning the author’s nephew?A.To draw a persuasive conclusion. B.To explain a difficult concept.C.To give a reasonable prediction. D.To present a convincing example.33. Why do we need financial literacy?A.It guarantees more control on money by parents.B.It stresses the necessity of producing genuine ideas.C.It helps generate independence and responsibilities.D.It increases the risk of having unaffordable debt.34. Which pair is similar to bread and Air Jordan shoes?A.Tasty dumplings and cheap stationary. B.Instant noodles and all-star game ticket.C.Worn-out jeans and plain basketball cap. D.Latest electronic devices and rare goods.35. What is the purpose of the passage?A.To motivate teens to have financial literacy skills.B.To tell reasons why teens fail to manage their finance.C.To teach teens how to spend money reasonably and wisely.D.To analyze the pros and cons of having financial autonomy.Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds, spend more time at the gym or learn a language, turning bad habits into good ones is all about self-control. Some of us have more than others. And research shows that those with more self-control tend to be happier. But the problem is that we usually only get rewarded in the future. 36Michael Inzlicht is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and a self-control researcher. He says that the ironic thing about self-control is that those who are really good at it don’t have to practice it. 37 When you love and desire something that tends to be better for you, like studying, workin g hard or exercising, for example, you don’t have to think about doing it. Inzlicht says that these types of individuals generally have what’s called “trait self-control” meaning it’s an aspect of their personality.When it comes to improving self-control, Inzlicht says ifs difficult to change the personality that you’re born with. 38 A wide body of research shows that you can improve self-control for a particular behavior you want to change or a habit you’d like to develop. For example, Inzlicht says tha t when we get paid to make life changes, we’re more likely to make them. Some gyms will charge you a certain amount of money for a year-long membership and then give you a few cents back every time you come. 3940 Part of failing at developing self-control is in getting frustrated at yourself for not changing overnight. If you’re building self-control in losing weight, for instance, don’t try switching to nothing but fruits and vegetables all at once because it’s too dramatic a change — not to mention unsustainable.It was a hot Saturday at a crowded mall, and I was walking alongside my mom. Mom is short, skinny, and easy to be ________ in a crowd. As we walked, I ________ up at the people passing by. Some were stylish young ladies, who wore fashionable ________ and walked confidently in high heels. An uneasy feeling started to ________ in my chest. It got more unbearable with every second until I could deny it no longer; I was ________ of my mother.We lived in a small but ________ apartment building that Mom chose to move to because she knew the schools there were good. We were in a high-class neighborhood, but as I examined the passers-by and then turned ________ eyes on Mom, I realized for the first time that we didn’t ________ there. I could see the heavy lin es around Mom’s eyes and mouth, without fancy creams to _______ them away. Her eyes were tired from working long hours to make ends meet and her hair too gray for her age. My mom is nothing extraordinary, yet at that moment she ________ because she was just so plain.My mind was ________ when Mom suddenly called out: my name. She was standing in the middle of a high-end store, holding a sweater that looked much too expensive. She said, “This will look good on you. Do you want it?” I almost agreed ________ a nd thoughtlessly. Then I took a closer look at the small, weary woman with a big smile ________ across her narrow face and a sweater in her hands, and my words ________ in my throat. She looked so tired all the time because she was busy working to provide for me. She didn’t wear jewelry or scented perfumes because she was just ________ with me. I was no longer ashamed of her, but of myself. “Do you want it?” My mom repeated. “No thanks.” I responded.41.A.overlooked B.separated C.caught D.raised42.A.pointed B.glanced C.waved B.uniforms C.trend D.smiles44.A.end B.recover C.settle D.escape45.A.ignorant B.ashamed C.afraid B.cozy C.simple D.expensive47.A.accusing B.convincing C.terrifying D.stunning48.A.connect B.involve C.belong D.equal49.A.put B.ease C.blow across B.took over C.held on D.stood out51.A.chasing B.wandering C.observing D.guarding52.A.secretly B.regularly C.carelessly D.differently53.A.exchanging B.lifting C.disappearing D.stretching54.A.returned B.existed C.rose D.died55.A.impressed B.patient C.content D.strict阅读下面的短文,根据上下文在空白处填入1个恰当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

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Madama ButterflyOpera in three acts by G. Puccini, Libretto by G. Giacosa and L. Illica. First performance: Milan, 1904.Characters: Cio-cio-San, called Madama Butterfly (soprano) ; Suzuki, her servant (mezzo-soprano); B.F.Pinkerton, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy (tenor); Sharpless, U.S. Consul (baritone) ; Goro, marriage Pinkerton (mezzo-soprano); Cio-cio-san's child (silent).Nagasaki, at the turn of the centuryAct I: Lieutenant Pinkerton, Making last-minute arrangements for his wedding, is shown through his newhouse overlooking the harbor of Nagasaki by Goro, the marriage broker, Three servants, including the maid Suzuki, are introduced.Sharpless, the Consul,arrives. As he sits down for a drink with Pinkerton, the young Lieutenant expounds thephilosophy of the roving Yankee who ventures forth boldly, expecting the fairest of every land as his reward. The conversation then turns to the bride. Goro praises her beauty, and Pinkerton sends him to fetch her. The merethought of his bride moves Pinkethon to raptures, but the kindly Consul warns him not to betray a girl who, to judge from her behavior, takes this marriage very seriously. Goro now returns,announcing the arrival of Butterfly and her companions. the girls can already be heard in the distance chattering gaily without a thought of the disaster which is beginning to unfold.Now the girls have reached the house, and Butterfly is ready to start a new life. She tells her freinds that sheis the happiest girl in Japan, or rather in the world. When the introductions are over, the bride tells Pinkerton that she comes from a once rich family that later met with ill-fortune, whereupon she was forced to earn a living as a geisha. Soon some officials and Butterfly's relations arrive.Pinkerton approaches Butterfly, and she commences to unburden herself of her belongings, which she has been carrying in the sleeves of her kimono. Among them is something she does not want to show in front of all the people, but Goro gives Pinkerton a whispered explanation:it is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father withorder to commit harakiri. Now Butterfly confides to Pinkerton that she has secretly embraced Christianity, so that her fate may be linked closer to that of her husband. The marriage ceremony is performed. Then the officials, including the Consul, congratulate the groom and leave. All are drinking a toast to the young couple when suddenly a voice from the distance furiously calls and curses Cio-Cio-San. It is her uncle. the Bonze, who has found out abouther conversion. He arrives and commands all the relationsto renounce Butterfly. When Pinkerton finally intercedes,all leave, repeating the curse over and over.Butterfly is standing motionless and silent. her faceburied in her hands. but her despair quickly gives way to childlike happiness under Pinkerton's gentle words of love. Slowly night begins to fall, and the pair remains alone. Butterfly changes into a white gown, and her new husband gently leads her onto the terrace as vows of love flow from their lips.Act II: Three years have passed since Pinkerton's departure, In a room of her house which looks into the garden and over the harbor, Butterfly stands rapt in thought as Suzukiprays to her Japanese gods that they may stop the tears of her mistress. Butterfly is annoyed. She has more faith in the American God-but unfortunately He does not seem to know where Butterfly lives. Her money is just about gone.and a catastrophe is imminent unless Pinkerton returns soon. Butterfly is sure that he will return. Does Suzuki not believe it? Well, Butterfly knows how it will be: One fine day we'll notice a thread of smoke arising on the sea in the far horizon... (See Butterfly's Aria).Sharpless, guided by Goro, pays a visit to Butterfly. In her naive joy, Butterfly gives him at first no chance to fulfil the purpose of his visit: to read to her a letter he has received from Pinkerton. Butterfly indignantly tells the Consul how, during the three years since Pinkerton's departure, the marriage broker has continually offered her suitors. At the moment it is Prince Yamadori,a very rich one. Butterfly claims that she is still married, and that, according to American law, one cannot simply leave and forget his wife as one can do in Japan.At last Sharpless can begin to read the letter, but when he reaches the critical words “...will you carefully prepareher... ”,Butterfly is so overjoyed that the Consul cannot bring himself to read on. With a curse for Pinkerton, he bluntly asks the girl what she would do if Pinkerton were never to return. Haltingly she stammers that she could be a geisha again, or better, she could die. When the Consul, filled with pity, suggests that she marry Yamador, herfirst impulse is to ask him to leave, but suddenly she runs into an adjoining room and returns with a small child. Can he forget this, she exclaims, this blue-eyed boy with blond curls? Will she have to carry him through rain and wind, begging and dancing, a geisha again? No, this shall never be, Rather than dance, she would die. Deeply moved, Sharpless promises to tell Pinkerton about his son and takes his leave.At this moment the cannon of the harbor is heard firing, and Suzuki hurries in, saying that it is a warship. Butterfly in great excitement looks through a telescope and recognizes Pinkerton's ship, the Abraham Lincoln. Everyone has been lying to her, she exclaims; Pinkerton is back, her love is triumphant. She orders Suzuki to gather the blossoms from their cherry tree and to bring in all theflowers from the garden so that the house may be filled with the scent of spring. Reluctantly Suzuki obeys and, with her mistress, proceeds to strew the blossoms all over the room. Butterfly puts on the gown she wore on her wedding night and motions to Suzuki to close the screenthat separates the room from the terrace. In the screen she makes three tiny holes through which they can observe the expected arriveal of Pinkerton. The light is fading as they gaze into the distance.Act III: Night is gradually receding before the new day, but Butterfly still stands motionless, her gaze fixed on the harbor. Following Suzuki's advice, Butterfly retiresfor a brief rest.Pinkerton and the Consul knock at the door and enter. Then Suzuki sees a lady in the garden and learns with horrorthat she is Pinkerton's wife, Kate. Sharpless asks Suzuki to comfort her mistress and to persuade her to give up her child to Kate. Pinkerton is overcome by his memories. Reproached by Sharpless and crushed by remorse, he bids a tearful farewell to the past and departs.Butterfly rushes in, but does not dare ask the Consul aboutPinkerton. Then she notices Kate and understands what is expected of her. Sadly she wishes Kate luck and promises to give the child to Pinkerton personally if he comes in half an hour.The Consul and Kate leave. Butterfly falls weeping to the ground. When she comes to, she sends Suzuki out. Then she goes to the shrine, takes the dagger, and reads the inscription on the blade: “Death with honor is better than life with dishonor.” As she raises the da gger, the door opens and Suzuki's arm is seen pushing the child toward his mother. Butterfly hugs him hystericaly, then bids him aheart rending farewell, blindfolds him, and gives him an American flag to play with. Again taking the dagger, she moves behind a screen. The knife is heard dropping.Butterfly tries to crawl toward the child as Pinkerton, ascending the hill, is heard calling her name. By the time he reaches the threshold, Butterfly is dead.Excerpts from Opera Themes and Plots蝴蝶夫人〔美〕R.费尔纳三幕歌剧:G.普契尼作曲;G.贾柯查和L.伊里卡编剧。
