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2011 年10月 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities Oct. 2011文章编号:1003-9015(2011)05-0745-06


李海龙1, 黄卫星1, 沈才洪2, 易彬2

(1. 四川大学化工学院, 四川成都 610065;

2.四川省酿酒生物技术及应用重点实验室, 四川泸州 646000)




填装密度的增加呈下降趋势,表明疏松床层利于蒸馏;将填装高度由600 mm逐级增加到1250 mm,正品酒产率和品

质均逐级提高,表明了现行蒸馏设备(填装高度为700~900 mm)具有较大扩能潜力;底锅中添加适量食用酒精(串蒸技





中图分类号:TQ028.31;TS262.31 文献标识码:A

Experimental Study on the Distillation Process of Chinese Strong-Fragrance Type Liquor

LI Hai-long1, HUANG Wei-xing1, SHEN Cai-hong2, YI Bin2

(1. School of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;

2. Key Laboratory of Liquor Making Bio. Tech. & Appl. of Sichuan Province, Luzhou 646000, China)

Abstract: Systematic experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of operation conditions on the liquor yield and quality, and the variations of liquor components during the distillation process of Chinese strong-fragrance type liquor. It was found that an optimal steam flowrate exists in the sight of enhancing liquor yield and quality. The lower steam flowrate can not provide the thermal condition for full evaporation of ethanol, while the higher steam flowrate causes the fermented grains to be pasted and increases the diffusion resistance. The yield and quality drop down with the increase of bed density, it indicates that the loosely packed grain bed is recommended. When the bed height increases from 600 to 1250 mm, the yield and quality are gradually enhanced. It implies that the great potential exists for the improvement of current distillation equipments (their bed height is only 700~900 mm). Adding small amount of edible alcohol to the steam boiler (cross-steaming technique) is helpful to increase the yield, but excess addition leads to degrade the quality sharply. The liquor-vapor leaking observably brings down both the yield and quality, and this phenomenon is attributed to the temporal pressure rise caused by the trapped air in the distillation system. The gas chromatography analysis result shows that the variations of flavor compounds during the distillation process are closely related to their dissolving properties in ethanol. The findings provide valuable guidance for the improvements of distillation process and equipment for the strong-fragrance type liquid production.

Key words: Chinese strong-fragrance type liquor; distillation; bed height; bed density; liquor-vapor leaking


作者简介:李海龙(1985-), 男, 四川剑阁人, 四川大学博士生。通讯联系人:黄卫星, E-mail:hwx@
