
Love Perspectives: A Comparison between Chinese and Western CulturesLove, a universal emotion, manifests itself indifferent forms and meanings across cultures. The Eastern and Western perspectives on love offer a fascinating contrast, reflecting the deep-rooted values and beliefs of their respective cultures. This essay aims to explore the differences and similarities in the understanding and expression of love in Chinese and Western cultures.In Western culture, love is often associated with passion, romance, and individualism. The concept of "romantic love" is a central theme in Western literature, art, and music. Love is seen as a powerful force that transcends social boundaries and personal challenges. Westerners tend to emphasize the importance of personal feelings and emotional expression in romantic relationships. They believe in the idea of "soulmates" and the pursuit of perfection in love.On the other hand, Chinese culture views love throughthe lens of duty, responsibility, and collectivism. Love in Chinese culture is often described as a harmonious unionbetween two individuals, rooted in mutual respect and trust. The concept of "yin and yang" reflects the balance and complementarity in relationships. Chinese people tend to prioritize family and social harmony over individualdesires in love relationships. They believe that love requires effort and commitment to cultivate and maintain.Another significant difference lies in the approach to courtship and marriage. Western culture tends to emphasize personal freedom and choice in love relationships. People are encouraged to follow their hearts and pursue their desired partners. On the contrary, Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on social approval and family consent in courtship and marriage. Parents and society play a crucial role in the selection of a suitable partner.Despite these differences, there are also similaritiesin the understanding of love across cultures. Both Chinese and Westerners believe that love requires commitment,牺牲, and dedication. Love is seen as a force that can bring happiness and fulfillment in life. It is a bond that connects individuals emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.In conclusion, the Eastern and Western perspectives on love offer a rich and diverse understanding of thisuniversal emotion. While there are significant differencesin the expression and understanding of love across cultures, there are also commonalities that highlight the fundamental value of love in human life. It is essential to appreciate and respect these differences to promote harmonious relationships and cultural understanding.**中西方爱情观之比较**爱情,作为一种普遍的情感,在不同文化中展现出不同的形式和含义。

---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英文论文中美婚恋观比较_英语论文AcknowledgmentsAt the completion of my thesis, I would like to express my deep gratitude and great appreciation to all those who have directly and indirectly assisted me in the writing of this thesis.My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Ms. Chen Zhihong, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has helped me in all the stages of writing this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.5808Furthermore, my thanks also go to all the professors and teachers in the school of foreign languages. They led me into the world of English language and gave me constant1 / 12encouragement and unreserved help, whose lectures broadened my horizons and laid basis for my research on the paper.Last but not the least, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.In all, my heart swells with gratitude to all those kind persons in my life.AbstractThere exist big differences between Chinese and American culture because of different patterns of history development. Chinese culture is based on the collectivism which lays stress on the collective interest above the personal interest. However, American culture centers on---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------inpidualism which focuses on the personal freedom, equality and independence. Under the influence of these two core values and patterns of social developments, there exists a big gap between American and Chinese attitudes to love and marriage which is also reflected in the TV serials. From the angle of cross-culture, this thesis makes a comparison of American TV serial How I Met Your Mother and Chinese TV serial Down-to-earth Marriage to show the different attitudes towards love and marriage which form in different cultural backgrounds. Meanwhile, it also analyzes the purpose and significance of the different attitudes at three stages: love, marriage and porce. The underlying differences of American and Chinese cultures are presented in a comparative way.关键词:集体主义,个人主义,婚恋观CONTENTS3 / 12Acknowledgements (i)Abstract (ii)摘要 (iii)1 Introduction.12 Cultural Values Influencing Views on Love and Marriage.22.1 Cultural Values in American.22.2 Cultural Values in China (5)3 The Comparison of Attitudes to Love and Marriage in---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ the Two TV Serials in Different Periods (9)3.1 Brief Introduction to Two TV serials..93.2 Before Marriage..113.3 In Marriage143.4 Divorce164 Conclusion..18Bibliography..191 IntroductionAs Eric Fromm says, “love is the only sane and5 / 12satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.”Family as the most basic unit of human society is an important manifestation of marriage. They are parts of human social life. All the aspects of social life reflect the cultural differences. Therefore, the different attitudes to love and marriage come from the cultural pergences. It is known to all that China and America are the main representatives of eastern and western cultures formed in different histories running through the whole process of human development. People’s thoughts and behaviors are mostly influenced by their own cultures. They have the distinct characteristics of nationality, locality, historicity and the spirit of the time.With the development of society, the cultural communication between China and America becomes easy and frequent. The traditional Chinese attitudes to love and marriage is suffering the shock of new social factor which associates with the only child policy. Meanwhile, with the process of culture blending, American culture is also---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ experiencing changes.This paper, based on the two TV serials How I Met Your Mother and Down-to-earth Marriage, aims to make a comparison of Chinese and American attitudes to love and marriage.2Cultural Values Influencing Views on Love and MarriageAfter World War Ⅱ, a series of movements, which were the American Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Liberation Movement, the Counterculture Movement and so on, shook the old ideology. Extreme inpidualism arose in America resulting in the Trust Crisis of American system7 / 12after the Great Depression, the Vietnam War, Watergate Affair and large-scale democratic movement. It wasn’t restricted to any external factor. Moreover, in Extreme inpidualism, the meaning of personal life is to do what people like. Therefore, inpidualism in this period exhibited the negative and decadent side.Extreme inpidualism was in vogue until the late of 1980s. After the Cold War, there were a lot of social problems forcing Americans to reexamine the relationship between personal value and social benefit. People still attached importance to the achievement of personal value, self-respect, self-reliance and self-improvement. But meanwhile, most Americans could consider other’s benefits above theirs in some situations.Although American inpidualism went through many stages, the core of inpidualism never changed. That is the---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------pursuit of freedom, human rights, self-reliance and equality. Modern American people not only inherit the tradition, but also promote the idea of inpidualism. No matter what things they do, they always keep to its principle. Inpidualism is regarded as the most distinct characteristics of America.2.1.2 American Sexual ConceptThe theories of the modern sexual science affected the Sexual Revolution. Moreover, at that time, the economic prosperity in American society changed people’s life style to a large extent. The desire for material and enjoyment was stronger than ever.In the 20th century, the premarital sex happened frequently, and Women’s Liberation Movement9 / 12further developed. Women had the courage to fight for the sexual freedom. People had no worries about sex due to the legalization of oral contraceptiveand abortion. Therefore, to many women, sexual activities became unfettered and permissive. Furthermore, the development of technology propelled the progress of media industry. The things about sex were spread over quickly and had a great influence on American society.Based on the inpidualism, although the American family ties are weak, a main line running through American family value is an equal love. In American families, they focus on the equality. Under the influence of the inpidualism, family members are independent. They have their own right to make a decision, even though parents should respect their children’s wills. Everyone should be responsible for himself or herself. In American families, making a decision tends to be more democratic. Parents are no longer the---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ absolute leader in family.Adhering to inpidualism, American people also lay stress on self-reliance and independence in the life of marriage. Although a couple gets married, they still manage their own finance by their own. They share their obligation, and one partner can’t interfere in another’s finance. They consider this a kind of privacy.2.2 Cultural Values in ChinaAs a representative of eastern culture, Chinese culture derives from Confucian Culture which has developed for several thousand years in China, exerting an edifying influence on every Chinese. Confucian Culture aims at pursuing harmony and achieving harmony.11 / 122.2.1 Chinese Core Value: CollectivismThe formation of Chinese Collectivism stems from three factors in brief: geography, life style and Confucian Culture.First of all, geography is the initial factor. It is known to all that the Chinese nation was living and multiplying gradually in the middle or lower reaches of the Yellow River. Natural barricades prevent China from connecting with the neighbor countries, such as the deserted Siberian, Mongolian Plateau in the north, high mountain ridges in the west, and the Himalaya Mountains in the southwest. In mainland, there are also a mass of mountains, deserts and rivers piding the continent up. Due to this geographical pision, people have to live in their own limited areas for whole life. Therefore, people must live with neighbors in harmony. 英文论文中美婚恋观比较(4):。
Comparisons Of Chinese And Western Views On LoveDefinition and place of loveWestern countries:•Love is the first, and men in love can sacrifice(牺牲)everything, and the woman in love also will give up everything.•In western literature(文学)love is a kind of irresistible(不可抵制的)power. •The admired(羡慕,赞美)is a perfect angel.China: Chinese people pay attention to marriage and despise(轻视)love。
love is more than the relationship of two persons.even if the special felling disappeared between them ,there is still a greatchance that they choose to live togethertheir relationship is not just about themselves, but the whole family includingthe child, parent, relatives, etcThe choice of marriage partnerWestern countries:•The choice of the sexes and marriage partner is based on love, regardless of background(背景), family, age, social status and other considerations. •With emotion(情感,情绪)get close together. Without it ,they are divided (分裂的).China : Many factors are consideredEg:•The Romance of Western Bower(西厢记)•Impressive Plot(情节): Zhang Junrui had to meet secretly with Yingying, who was waiting for the moon over the Western Bower, by climbing over thewall into the garden. yingying is the daughter of a rich businessman ,however,zhang is a poor intellectual.•Their love was enthusiastic(热烈的)and sincere(真诚的,诚实的), but unacceptable.Love collide(碰撞)Western countries:•Westerners pay more attention to the external beauty, namely the “lust”(欲望)in human nature.Example: Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet falling in love at first sight is based on both sides of the beauty. They don’t have deep communications. They make judgments according to the impressions(观感)of the opposite(对面的)person’s looks.China:The Oriental(东方人的)pay more attention to the inner beauty, namely “passion"(激情,热情)side in human nature.Example: Liang Shanbo and Zhu YingtaiLiang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have quite a long time for communications such as three years’classmates reading. In daily contact, Zhu Yingtai was attracted by Liang’s talent and connotation(内涵)and gave him her heart.The expressions of loveWestern countries: Direct and straightforward(坦率的)frankly、open、romantic 、egardless(不注意的)of everything Eg:'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.'‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。

中美恋爱文化差异英文作文英文:When it comes to the cultural differences in dating between China and the United States, there are definitely some interesting contrasts to consider. In the US, datingis often seen as a more casual and relaxed process, where people may go on multiple dates with different partners before committing to a relationship. On the other hand, in China, dating is often viewed as a more serious and purposeful endeavor, with the goal of finding a long-term partner from the start.One major difference is the concept of "dating around" versus "exclusive dating". In the US, it's common forpeople to date multiple individuals at the same time, andit's not considered taboo to do so. This is because datingis seen as a way to get to know different people and figure out what you're looking for in a partner. However, in China, it's more common for people to focus on one person at atime, with the expectation that the relationship will become exclusive fairly quickly.Another difference is the role of family in dating. In China, family plays a much larger role in the dating process, and it's not uncommon for parents to be involvedin setting their children up on dates or even arranging marriages. In the US, while family opinions are important, individuals have more autonomy in their dating decisions.In terms of expressing affection, there are also differences between the two cultures. In the US, public displays of affection are common and it's not unusual to see couples holding hands or kissing in public. However, in China, public displays of affection are much less common and are often seen as inappropriate.Overall, these cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and challenges for individuals from different countries who are dating. It's important to be open and understanding of these differences in order to build a successful cross-cultural relationship.中文:当谈到中美两国的恋爱文化差异时,有一些有趣的对比是值得考虑的。
In the traditional Chinese wedding, the bride generally wear red clothes and a red silk in her head. And the bridegroom generally wear a gown jacket.
Western wedding ceremony
While, nowadays, the purpose of traditional marriage acknowledge the heavy impact. The younger pay attention to the marriage which true love come first. But it is not a simple thing to change love into the main purpose in the highly traditional country.
The Western Standard of Choosing a lover
For westerners , the most important factor is the two person’s feelings. If they feel nice with each other ,they may combine with each other.
Chinese and Western
Marriage View
Have you ever want to talk about a foreign boyfriend ??
Have you ever want to marry foreigners ?
What your standard of choosing a lover ?

最新中西方爱情观的差异(英文版)Comparisons Of Chinese And Western Views On LoveDefinition and place of loveWestern countries:Love is the first, and men in love can sacrifice(牺牲)everything, and the woman in love also will give up everything.In western literature(文学)love is a kind of irresistible(不可抵制的)power. ?The admired(羡慕,赞美)is a perfect angel.China: Chinese people pay attention to marriage and despise(轻视)love。
love is more than the relationship of two persons.even if the special felling disappeared between them ,there is still a greatchance that they choose to live togethertheir relationship is not just about themselves, but the whole family includingthe child, parent, relatives, etcThe choice of marriage partnerWestern countries:The choice of the sexes and marriage partner is based on love, regardless of background(背景), family, age, social status and other considerations. ?With emotion(情感,情绪)get close together. Without it ,they are divided (分裂的).China : Many factors are consideredEg:The Romance of Western Bower(西厢记)Impressive Plot(情节): Zhang Junrui had to meet secretly with Yingying, who was waiting for the moon over the Western Bower, by climbing over thewall into the garden. yingying is the daughter of a rich businessman ,however,zhang is a poor intellectual.Their love was enthusiastic(热烈的)and sincere(真诚的,诚实的), but unacceptable.Love collide(碰撞)Western countries:Westerners pay more attention to the external beauty, namely the “lust”(欲望)in human nature.Example: Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet falling in love at first sight is based on both sides of the beauty. They don’t have deep communications. They make judgments according to the impressions(观感)of the opposite(对面的)person’s looks.China:The Oriental(东方人的)pay more attention to the inner beauty, namely “passion"(激情,热情)side in human nature.Example: Liang Shanbo and Zhu YingtaiLiang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have quite a long time for communications suc h as three years’classmates reading. In daily contact, Zhu Yingtai was attracted by Liang’s talent and connotation(内涵)and gave him her heart.The expressions of loveWestern countries: Direct and straightforward(坦率的)frankly、open、romantic 、egardless(不注意的)of everything Eg:'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.'‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。

Have you ever want to talk about a foreign boyfriend ??
Have you ever want to marry foreigners ?
What your standard of choosing a lover ?
They can obtain more freedom and equal. They can decide which lover to choose by themselves.
They can talk about it with their parents.
The purpose of marriage
Western wedding ceremony
The western wedding ceremony belongs to romantic types, the whole wedding from start to ending is full of romantic breath. The bride‘s dress is commonly white, and the bridegroom is in the black suit .
In the traditional Chinese wedding, the bride generally wear red clothes and a red silk in her head. And the bridegroom generally wear a gown jacket.
Western wedding ceremony
They think that the marriage without love is immoral and low-quality.

Chinese and English national cultural differences also significantly surface now festivals. In addition to Chinese and English national common festival place, the two sides also each have their own unique festival. China has the Dragon Boat Festival, are the Mid - Autumn Festival,... Etc, English country / / "Valentine 's, April , Easter throw' s, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas , etc. / western Festival customs is also very different.
• 我们叻组: 组员: • (画布帮忙打哈,我记不到老)
Because gallops the rivers have become the Chinese culture natural environment, but cultivated the Chinese culture state for on, has toed the line, takes advantage of opportunity for the cultural gene.
Western culture encourages people's pioneering and innovative, do some previous never Western culture encourages people's done, outstanding extraordinary career. Whilepioneering and Chinese the traditional innovative, do some previous never done, culture is asked people not outstanding extraordinary career. partial don't lean on, the While the traditional Chinese culture is asked middle-ground, Chinese is good people not partialfuture lean on, the at predicting the don't middle-ground, Chinese risk, more willing to maintain is good at predicting the future the status quo, maintain risk, more willing to maintain the status quo, harmony. maintain harmony.

中外恋爱差异英语作文Love is a universal language, but the way people express their love can vary greatly across different cultures. In this essay, I will explore some of the differences between Western and Eastern approaches to love and relationships.In Western cultures, love is often associated with passion and romance. People are encouraged to follow their hearts and pursue their desires. The concept of "love at first sight" is common, and many people believe that there is one perfect soulmate out there for them. Westerners tend to value individualism and independence, and they often prioritize their own happiness and fulfillment over the needs of their family or community.In contrast, Eastern cultures tend to view love and relationships as a more practical matter. Marriage is often seen as a way to strengthen family ties and ensure social stability. Parents and other family members play asignificant role in arranging marriages, and the couple's compatibility is often judged based on factors such associal status, education, and financial stability. Easterners tend to value collectivism and interdependence, and they prioritize the needs of their family and community over their own individual desires.These cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in cross-cultural relationships. For example, a Westerner who values personal freedom and spontaneity may feel stifled by theexpectations and obligations of an Eastern partner's family. On the other hand, an Easterner who values tradition and stability may feel frustrated by a Western partner's tendency to prioritize their own happiness over the needsof the relationship.Despite these differences, there are also many similarities between Western and Eastern approaches to love. Both cultures value loyalty, honesty, and communication in relationships. Both cultures also recognize the importanceof compromise and sacrifice in maintaining a healthy andhappy partnership.In conclusion, the way people approach love and relationships can vary greatly depending on their cultural background. While there are certainly differences between Western and Eastern approaches, there are also many similarities. Ultimately, the most important thing is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and to work together to build a relationship that is fulfilling and satisfying for both of you.。
中西婚姻观差异(英文) 2

The Chinese Relationship between Husband and Wife
➢In China, the husband often plays a leading role in the marriage, and his wife is to the subordinate status. This kind of marriage structure is due to the traditional cultural division, that is "Male master outside and women master inside".
The Chinese Standard of Choosing a lover
For Chinese ,the first factor to consider is the family’s background.
Second, the two families should be on the equal social status. And the financial condition should be well.
They hold the wedding ceremony in the church.
The bride’s father gives the hand of the bride to the bridegroom, then they will change their rings and kiss with each other.
In the traditional Chinese wedding, the bride generally wear red clothes and a red silk in her head. And the bridegroom generally wear a gown jacket.

Marriage is an eternal topic people have to face when they grow up . Marriage may be regarded as one of the most important things in human’s life. Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It included phenomenal love, happiness, and fulfillments. Everyone views it as a transition time for his whole life. When people fell in love, every thing in their eyes seems pleasant and lovely.
Western wedding ceremony
The western wedding ceremony belongs to romantic types, the whole wedding from start to ending is full of romantic breath. The bride‘s dress is commonly white, and the bridegroom is in the black suit .
➢In China, people think that being full-time housewife is universal and the woman is happy, but they always look down upon the man who becomes full-time houseman.
中西婚姻观差异(英文) 2

Western wedding ceremony
The western wedding ceremony belongs to romantic types, the whole wedding from start to ending is full of romantic breath. The bride‘s dress is commonly white, and the bridegroom is in the black suit .
Chinese wedding ceremony
The whole wedding is red ,and it was the color representing joyous in the traditional China. This makes the wedding ceremony becomes cheerful.
The Chinese Standard of Choosing a lover
For Chinese ,the first factor to consider is the family’s background. Second, the two families should be on the equal social status. And the financial condition should be well. Then ,the education background is taken into consideration. The last factor to think is the person’s appearance and figures.
The rest conditions such as the family background or education background, they may not take into account.

• when it comes to pursuing love, it was relatively much more bold and free in the west.
– young adults were allowed to choose their future spouse by themselves. Pride and Prejudice – the general marriage system -monogamous, which means one husband one wife.
American feature 3
sex is only one of the most normal thing.
Americans’ talking about sex just like English’ talking about weather.
Sometimes, sex has nothing to do with love
Chinese features 2
love is more than the relationship of two persons.
Situation. even if the special felling disappeared between them there is still a great chance that they choose to live together their relationship is not just about themselves, but the whole family including the child, parent, relatives, etc
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Comparisons Of Chinese And Western Views On LoveDefinition and place of loveWestern countries:•Love is the first, and men in love can sacrifice(牺牲)everything, and the woman in love also will give up everything.•In western literature(文学)love is a kind of irresistible(不可抵制的)power. •The admired(羡慕,赞美)is a perfect angel.China: Chinese people pay attention to marriage and despise(轻视)love。
love is more than the relationship of two persons.even if the special felling disappeared between them ,there is still a greatchance that they choose to live togethertheir relationship is not just about themselves, but the whole family includingthe child, parent, relatives, etcThe choice of marriage partnerWestern countries:•The choice of the sexes and marriage partner is based on love, regardless of background(背景), family, age, social status and other considerations. •With emotion(情感,情绪)get close together. Without it ,they are divided (分裂的).China : Many factors are consideredEg:•The Romance of Western Bower(西厢记)•Impressive Plot(情节): Zhang Junrui had to meet secretly with Yingying, who was waiting for the moon over the Western Bower, by climbing over thewall into the garden. yingying is the daughter of a rich businessman ,however,zhang is a poor intellectual.•Their love was enthusiastic(热烈的)and sincere(真诚的,诚实的), but unacceptable.Love collide(碰撞)Western countries:•Westerners pay more attention to the external beauty, namely the “lust”(欲望)in human nature.Example: Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet falling in love at first sight is based on both sides of the beauty. They don’t have deep communications. They make judgments according to the impressions(观感)of the opposite(对面的)person’s looks.China:➢The Oriental(东方人的)pay more attention to the inner beauty, namely “passion"(激情,热情)side in human nature.Example: Liang Shanbo and Zhu YingtaiLiang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have quite a long time for communications such as three years’classmates reading. In daily contact, Zhu Yingtai was attracted by Liang’s talent and connotation(内涵)and gave him her heart.The expressions of loveWestern countries: Direct and straightforward(坦率的)frankly、open、romantic 、egardless(不注意的)of everything Eg:'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.'‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。
’China: Implicit and veiled(掩饰的).g:The quiet woman from The Book of Poetrythe poetry depicts(描述)lover's first date ,the girl sent the boy red-tube writing brush ,the boy was too excited but responded(回应)implicitly..Defending of loveWestern countries: Have great initiative(主动权)China: Lack of courage, passively(被动的)receiving(接收)the fates(命运).• A Dream of Red Mansions(红楼梦)•Impressive Plot : the love tragedy(悲剧)of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu•all the big decisions in young adults’ life were made by someone else, and no one can decide their own future.Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见)•when it comes to pursuing(追求)love, it was relatively(相对的)much more bold(大胆的)and free in the west.–young adults were allowed to choose their future spouse(配偶)by themselves.–the general(普遍的)marriage system – monogamous(一夫一妻制), which means one husband one wife.Conclusion:People in ancient(古老的,古代的)western society had much more open and tolerant(宽容的)attitude than ancient china did.《老年护理》护士职业模拟试卷一一、以下每一道题,下面有A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案。
A1型题1.世界卫生组织关于年龄的划分,不正确A.35岁以下为青年人B.45~59岁为中年人C.60~74岁为年轻老人D.75~89岁为老老年人E.90岁以上为长寿老人2.世界卫生组织建议老年人口型国家的评价标准为A.60岁级以上的老年人占总人口的10%以上B.60岁及以上的老年人占总人口的7%以上C.65岁及以上的老年人占总人口的8%以上D.65岁及以上的老年人占总人口的10%以上E.65岁及以上的老年人占总人口的4%以上3.适宜老年人居住的居室温度应为A.18~20℃B.20~22℃C.22~24℃D.24~26℃E.26~28℃4.一位身体健壮的70岁老人,适宜的运动量是运动后心率达到A.90次/分.B.100次/分.C.110次/分.D.120次/分.E.130次/分5.正常情况下,老年人每日适宜的饮水量为A.1000ml.B.1500mlC.2000mlD.2500mlE.少于1000ml6.老年便秘病人的饮食护理措施中不合理的是A.适当活动、运动B.食用精制面粉和糖C.选用富含纤维的蔬菜、水果D.由右向左按摩腹部E.适量饮水7.老年人智力特点下列描述错误的是A.知觉整合能力随增龄而逐渐减退B.近事记忆力及注意力逐渐减退C.词汇理解能力随增龄而逐渐减退D.晶态智力并不随增龄逐渐减退E.液态智力随年龄增长而减退较早8.老年人呼吸系统老化的描述哪项不正确A.易发生吸气性呼吸困难B.肺泡数量减少而肺泡腔变大,肺泡面积减小C.胸廓扁圆原形变为桶状D.肺组织萎缩,体积变小,重量减轻E.肺硬度增加,肺泡的回缩力减弱9.食物中过多摄入( )能诱发龋齿A.单糖B.蛋白质C.膳食纤维D.蔬菜E.豆制品10.老年人每天蛋白质的摄入应达到每公斤体重A.0.8gB.1.2gC.1.6gD.2.0gE.2.5g11.随年龄增长而减退较早的是A.液态智力B.晶态智力C.思维D.记忆E.感觉12.老年人沐浴时间以( )为宜A.10~15minB.15~20minC.5~10minD.20~25min.E.25~30min13.有关老年人运动时间的描述正确的是A.每天总运动时间不宜超过2小时B.每天最佳的运动时间为9:00~11:00C饭前锻炼,至少要休息5分钟再用餐 D.饭后要休息10分钟以上才锻炼E.夜晚临睡前半小时内适度锻炼改善睡眠14.老年人的睡眠时间每天大约为。