Do you know?
辉瑞公司的婴幼儿营养部门 市场份额最大的厦门银鹭 糖果业的本土老大徐福记
这三家企业都是在企业发展 正常之时,将企业控股权转 手雀巢,而且都希望被收购 后,依然能保持企业原有品 牌、运营的独立性。
What it takes to be a good Leader ?
Be Clear in your Thoughts
Do not Over communicate
内部(微观)——产品生命周期、资源与能力价值链分析 产品生命周期分为:导入期,成长期,成熟 期强大的专 家队伍,他们的企业价值链在整个企业中都发 挥着重要作用,比如企业内部与外部后勤、生 产作业、市场营销、服务、采购、技术开发、 人力资源管理、企业基础职能管理
1、背景:因许多家庭主妇不愿意接受这种让人觉得自己因为“偷懒” 而使用的产品使销售产生危机, 1938年,世上最早的速溶咖啡诞生 了。很快地,雀巢咖啡便在法国、 美国、英国及其他国家进行销售。 2、主要得益于:组织结构和营销战 略,主要有(1)标签标准化 (2) 包装设计手册(3)品牌化战略 3、管理创新:雀巢采用适应全球食品 业新需求的战略,不断进行管理 上创新,取得了一系列成果例如增加 新的品种、开辟新市场等。 4、政策:(1)人员招聘(2)培训 机制(3)薪资报酬 (4)绩效生涯管理(5)激励与参与(6)传承 管理 5、雀巢的兼并:雀巢公司在收购方面有自己独 特的原则: 双方自愿原则、竞争优势原则、产品同构原则。 并购带给雀巢 什么?当然是产品的多元化,市场份额的快速提升, 实现企业的 战略性调整、注重成本效率的全球增长战略、着 眼于长线发展
ﻼThe customer comes first ﻼQuality is a competitive advantage ﻼQuality is a joint effort ﻼQuality is made by people ﻼQuality is action ﻼQuality is the cornerstone of our success
Consumer Services
At Nestlé, we are committed to offering consumers high-quality food products that are safe, tasty and affordable. The Nestlé Seal of Guarantee is a symbol of this commitment. We also believe in maintaining regular contact with our consumers. This applies both to how we present our products and to how we address our consumers' questions and concerns. When Henri Nestlé prepared his first boxes of infant formula for sale, he put his address on the packages so people would know where to go if they had questions. Today, our Consumer Relationship Panel with the words "Talk to Nestlé" expresses the same commitment. This is why we have a worldwide Nestlé Consumer Services network devoted to caring for our consumers. Our people have expertise in a wide range of areas such as nutrition, food science, food safety and culinary expertise. They provide the prompt, efficient and high quality service that consumers expect from Nestlé. In addition, we teach them talk with consumers and above all, to listen. Listening helps us to understand what people want. Nestlé uses the insights gained from relationships with consumers to drive product development. At Nestlé, we care for our consumers because our success depends on meeting their needs and expectations. Through listening and understanding, we can make products that they will want to use all through their lives.
coffee is naturally rich in polyphenols (多酚类)just like green tea, fruits and cocoa. They naturally occur in green coffee beans. And a cup of decaffeinated coffee contains just as much polyphenols as regular coffee! So people who are sensitive to caffeine can enjoy the same benefits.
3.More tastes ,more choices
• • • • • • • • • • • • 雀巢咖啡 1+2 Nescafe 1 +2 雀巢咖啡1+2特浓 Nestle Espresso Coffee 1 +2 雀巢咖啡冰 1+2 Nescafe Ice 1 +2 雀巢咖啡醇品 100% 纯咖 Nestle coffee, alcohol 100% pure coffee products 啡 Nestle Coffee-Mate 雀巢咖啡伴侣 Nestle Gold Coffee 雀巢金牌咖啡 Nestle Cappuccino 雀巢卡布奇诺咖啡 Nestle coffee cup mounted 雀巢咖啡一杯装 Nestle Coffee Gift Box 雀巢咖啡礼盒系列 Nestle Coffee Gift Box Gold 雀巢金牌咖啡礼盒 Nestle Coffee Gift Box - Mini 雀巢咖啡礼盒--迷你 Nestle Yunnan Coffee Gift Box 雀巢云南咖啡礼盒系列
雀巢英语面试常见问题及答案解析IntroductionIn today's globalized world, English has become the most widely spoken language. It is used in business, academia, and everyday communication. As a result, many companies require their employees to be proficient in English. Nestle, one of the world's leading food and beverage companies, has a large workforce that is expected to have a good command of the English language. Therefore, it is common for Nestle to conduct English interviews during their recruitment process.This article provides a comprehensive guide on the most common questions asked during Nestle English interviews. It also provides answers and explanations to help you prepare adequately for the interview.1. Can you tell us about your educational background?This question is asked to assess your academic qualifications. You should provide an accurate and concise summary of your educational background. For example, if you have a degree, mention where you studied and what subject you majored in. If you have any relevant certifications, mention them as well.Sample answer: "I completed my Bachelor's degree in Economics at X University. I also hold a certification in Project Management from Y institution."2. What are your strengths?This question aims to evaluate your self-awareness and your ability to articulate your strengths. When answeringthis question, focus on your strengths that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Use concrete examples to illustrate your strengths, and be confident but not arrogant.Sample answer: "My greatest strengths are my excellent communication skills, my ability to work under pressure, and my attention to detail. In my previous role, I was tasked with managing a difficult project with tight deadlines. I effectively communicated with my team, and we were able to deliver the project on time and within budget."3. What are your weaknesses?This question is meant to test your self-awareness and your ability to identify areas for improvement. When answering this question, do not mention weaknesses that are essential to the job you are applying for. Instead, mention a weakness that is relevant but not detrimental to the job. Also, mention the steps you have taken to improve on the weakness.Sample answer: "My weakness is public speaking. However, I have taken classes to improve my public speaking skills, and I have also practiced speaking in front of small groupsof people. I believe I have made significant progress in this area."4. Why do you want to work for Nestle?This question is designed to evaluate your level of interest in the company and your understanding of Nestle's values and culture. You should research the company beforehand and highlight the aspects that resonate with you. Mention how you align with Nestle's mission and core values.Sample answer: "I would like to work for Nestle because I admire Nestle's commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. I think your company's values align with my personal values, and I believe I can contribute to the company's growth and success."5. How do you handle conflict in the workplace?This question aims to assess your interpersonal skills. When answering this question, provide an example of aconflict you have faced in the workplace. Describe how you approached the situation, how you communicated with the person involved, and how you resolved the conflict.Sample answer: "In my previous role, I had a conflicting opinion with one of my team members on the approach to aproject. I scheduled a meeting to discuss our differences, listened actively to their perspective, and tried to find common ground. We finally agreed on a solution that satisfied both of us. I believe that being a good listener and approaching conflicts objectively are essential in handling conflict in the workplace."ConclusionPreparing adequately for an English interview isessential to improve your chances of being hired. During the interview, be confident, articulate, and honest. Respond to questions thoughtfully, and if you do not understand a question, do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Withthis guide, you are now better equipped to answer common interview questions asked during Nestle's recruitment process. Good luck!。
雀巢面试经验分享其实一月份就受到雀巢HR的电话说放在pending list上了,不过只招一个人,所以没有太大的失望和希望,毕竟作为一个非人力专业的,能走到终面我已经深感荣幸(泪)...现在回想起来,雀巢的一路面试虽然竞争激烈却也不乏温馨的细节(笑)。
因为直到终面,HRD还以此为依据challenge我(囧)电面姗姗来迟,之前一点准备都没有,甚至连雀巢的英文发音都没搞清楚...还在电话里把雀巢说成了瑞典的公司,幸好反应快,听到那边HRmm呼吸一沉,赶紧改口,很险很险!问题比较常规,behavior question,包括之前经历、greatest achievement、优缺点是什么、why nestle, 期望薪酬etc.注意两点:1. 投了的公司好歹百度百科下,知道个大体情况,最好是记一个数字(比如我就说了雀巢在瑞士的盈利仅占全球的多少以佐证雀巢的国际化),这样可以在茫茫电面中给极度疲惫的HR(当时都7点多了,估计她那天也打了好几十个电话了)提提神。
反正她当时一下声音醒过来了,说:啊这样,跟我记忆中的不大一样...是最新的吗?...不管对错,让她有兴趣了2. 问题简单,但是要防后招。
雀巢面经三轮筛选:1.简历;2.AC 面;3.final interview1.简历筛选简历筛选是 Nestle 借助“中智精英网”的网申系统进行的,很多大公司都是倾向这种方式,word/PDF 版本的简历上传只是当做附属材料,简历涉及的内容比较多,而且除了中文名用中文填写以外,其他部分都是英文,请大家务必认真填写~简历是系统自动筛选的,信息包括 GPA 排名、英语考试(四六级托福 GRE等)、work experiences 或 awards and activities 中有没有涉及大牛企业的名字,所以,以上提到的(尤其是 GPA 和英语这种硬件能力)一定要至少保证自己都做的不错.接下来一段时间就保持手机畅通,时刻等待 HR 的电话面试。
Nestle 的电面是先用中文聊,然后 HR 会说“可以 用英文问您几个问题吗?”,那么下边就是英文的问答啦,务必镇静就 OK 。
电面过了之后就 HR 就会发邮件, 等待你回复邮件确认面试时间。
3.Accessment Center 面试AC 面历时 150 分钟,分为 3 个环节:introduction;. group discussion;face to face interview a.introduction(英文)这个不是自我介绍,而是 2 人一组先用 5 分钟相互了解情况,然后每人用 2 分钟介绍自己的 partner,需要包括姓名、学校、专业、家庭、除雀巢以外最想加入的公司等信息,有提示。
b.group discussion(中英文)我们 11 个人被分为 2 个小组,桌上有 3 张纸条,每组抽一张作为题目。
要求:小组讨论 20min(中文),Presentation 5min(英文),Q&A 5min(英文)(注:对方组提问,我组回答) 我们的题目是:提出雀巢饮用水的优势和销量的提升方案。
我们被带到一个单独的会议室,有白板可以用,有 2 个 HR 观察并记录大家的行为。
2004 Corporate Presentation (bilingual) --Visitors
Corporate Presentation Welcome to Nestlé欢迎来到雀巢集团简介Corporate Presentation集团简介■Introducing Nestlé雀巢概述■Our Brands我们的品牌■Key Ingredients我们的优势■Inside Nestlé雀巢:昨天、今天和明天Introducing Nestlé雀巢概述Nestléin Figures (2004)雀巢的关键数字(2004)(单位:百万瑞士法郎)■Worldwide Sales全球销售额CHF 86,769 mio■EBITA销售利润CHF 10,970 mio■Net Profit净利润CHF 6,717 mio■Factories工厂500 in 85countries ■Employees雇员247,000■Organic Growth有机增长率 4.5 %Nestl éin the Global Food Market 雀巢在全球食品的市场份额■Nestl éSales (2004)雀巢销售额(2004)CHF 86.8 billionUSD 69.9 billion ■Food is a (3.5 trillion)USD 3,500,000,000,000global industry全球食品工业的年产值达3.5兆美元98%2%Nestl éOthersGlobal Presence with Local Flavor 全球业务,当地口味Adaptation适用性■We have a global food strategy which is adapted locally to suit local cuisine based on consumer insight我们全球产品的策略是以各国本土消费者的饮食习惯为基础的China Totole Granulated Chicken Bouillon中国太太乐:颗粒状Nigeria Maggi Chicken Cube尼日利亚美极:块状Poland Winiary Rosot Krolewski波兰Rost:鸡肉和牛肉混合History of Nestl é雀巢的发展史18671929193819471960s 1970s1980s1990s2000sOur Brands 我们的品牌■Soluble Coffee 速溶咖啡■Bottled Water 瓶装水■Chocolate Milk Beverages 巧克力牛奶饮料■Dairy 牛奶制品■Confectionery 糖果■Infant Nutrition 婴儿配方奶粉■PetCare 宠物食品■Ice Cream 冰淇淋Number One 世界第一的品牌■Soluble Coffee 速溶咖啡:Nescafé雀巢咖啡■Chocolate Milk Beverage 巧克力饮料:Nesquik 巧伴伴, Milo 美禄, Nescau■Ready -to -drink 罐装饮料:Nestea 雀巢柠檬茶, Nescafé雀巢咖啡■Bottled Water 瓶装水:Perrier 巴黎水, San Pellegrino■Beverage Partners Worldwide全球饮料合作伙伴:Joint venture with Coca-Cola与Coca-Cola 合营Beverages饮料■Infant food 婴儿食品:Nestlé雀巢, NAN 能恩■Weaning products 成长阶段产品:Nestlé雀巢■Powdered Milk 奶粉:Nespray 雀巢即溶奶粉, NIDO■Yogurts 酸奶:Nestlé雀巢■Ice Cream 冰淇淋:Nestlé雀巢,Dreyer's, MövenpickMilk Products Nutrition and Ice Cream 奶产品、营养品和冰淇淋■Frozen冷冻食品:Stouffer’s斯多弗, Buitoni 堡康利& Maggi美极■Soups, Bouillons, Sauces汤料、调味品及酱油:Maggi美极■Italian Cuisine意大利式食品:Buitoni堡康利Prepared Dishes and Cooking Aids冷冻食品和烹调辅料■Countlines巧克力条:KitKat奇巧, Lion, Smarties聪明豆,Butterfinger■Tablets巧克力块:Crunch甘脆,Aero,NestléClassic雀巢经典,■Presentation Boxes礼盒装巧克力:After Eight八点以后, Quality Street花街, Baci天使之吻■Biscuits饼干:São Luiz, La Rosa, McKay•Smarties 聪明豆•Quality Street 花街•Rowntree •Crunch 甘脆Food products for industry Hotels and restaurants Vending machines Fast food chains为企业、宾馆、饭店、自动售货机及快餐连锁店提供食品NestléFoodServices雀巢餐饮服务部■Cats 猫粮:Pro Plan冠能, Purina ONE, Fancy Feast, Friskies 喜跃, Cat Chow 妙多乐, Felix■Dogs 狗粮:Pro Plan 冠能, Purina ONE, Dog Chow 康多乐, Mighty Dog, Alpo 爱宝, WinalotPetCare宠物食品■Alcon Laboratories 爱尔康: Ophthalmic drugs, lens-caresolutions & optical surgicalinstruments眼科药品、隐形眼镜药水及眼科手术仪器■Galderma高德美:Joint venture with L’Oréal-sales of dermatology product与莱雅的合营公司-销售皮肤科产品•Galderma 高德美■L’Oréal莱雅公司The world leader in cosmetics 世界领先的化妆品公司Associated Companies雀巢的关联公司Key Ingredients 我们的优势■People -our source of energy 人-我们宝贵的资源■247,000people make up the Nestléfamily247,000名员工组成雀巢大家庭■Continuous training and improvement of professional skills经常性的培训保证职业技能的提高■Respect and cultural diversity 受人尊重和文化差异Our People我们的员工NestléR&DAn interactive Network covering four Continents一个交互式的网络覆盖四块陆地6 Research and Development 6个研究与开发中心:Centers: Amiens (FR), Marysville,Solon (US), Shanghai (CN), Singapore(SG), Sderot (IL)9 Product Technology Centers 9个产品技术中心:(PTCs): Konolfingen,Orbe (CH), Beauvais, Lisieux,Nestlé Waters (FR), New Milford,St Louis (US), York (GB), Singen (D)Nestlé Research Center (NRC)雀巢研究中心:Lausanne(CH),Tours (FR),The 3 dimensions of food quality食品质量的三维空间Aroma 芳香Flavor风味Aspect 外表Texture质地Color颜色Sound声音Sensory 感觉:Social社会Price价格Performance性能Convenience方便性Cultural 文化Ethnic宗教Conviviality/ PleasureHealth健康Nutritional value营养价值Safety 安全性Quality is our Priority质量是我们的首要任务R&D as Cornerstone to NestléQuality研究与开发就是雀巢质量的基础■People and product rather than systems oriented雀巢以人和产品为本位,而不是以制度为本位■Committed to long-term shareholder value 承诺为股东创造长期价值■As decentralized as possible 尽可能地分散化管理■Continuous improvement 不断地改进,精益求精Basic Nestl éLeadership Principles雀巢管理与领导的基本原则Inside Nestlé雀巢:昨天、今天和明天Peter Brabeck-Letmathe Chairman and Chief Executive Officer首席行政长官兼董事长彼得.包必达Others 其它:–Water 水: 9.3%–Pharma 医药,CPW,BPW : 8.9%Percentage of total sales 总销售额比例Nestl é’s Global Presence 雀巢全球营业额的分布Europe 欧洲区32.9%Americas 美洲区32.0%AOA 亚大非区16.9%6.1%■Pharmaceuticals医药类11.8%■Chocolate 巧克力■Confectionery 糖果■Biscuits 饼干18.3%■Cooking Aids 烹调辅料■Prepared Dishes 冷冻食品■Milk Products 奶品■Nutrition 婴儿营养品■Ice Cream 冰淇淋27.2%■Beverages饮料25.1%■PetCare 宠物食品11.5%Sales by Product Group各产品群的销售占比Evolution of Need States in Food人们对食品需求的演变Good Food 优质食品 Health & Wellness 健康 Wellbeing 养生Taste/Pleasure Variety/Balance Safety/Quality For all口味/享受 多样化/平衡 安全/质量+Perceived Nutritional value 营养价值+Feeling Good Taking Control Equilibrium Body & Mind 好感觉 生活尽在掌控 身体与精神的平衡Sustenance 生存Enjoyment 享受Health/ Nutrition 健康/营养Psychological Contentment 心理满足GOOD FOOD 优质食品31GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE 优质食品, 美好生活Corporate Communications Name of chairmanNutrition Strategic Business Division 营养策略业务单元■Helps establish Nestlé as a universal reference in the area of nutrition 帮助建立雀巢全球营养体系32Corporate CommunicationsCorporate Presentation 集团简介33Corporate CommunicationsBiotechnology 生物技术Nestlé Position 雀巢的立场■Committed to responsible use of gene technology 作出承诺,负责任地使用基因技术 For transparent consumer information 提倡透明度,在标签上标明生物技术 使用■■Respecting consumer preferences 尊重消费者的选择34Corporate CommunicationsOne Hundred Years Before the WHO Code Henri Nestlé supported breast feeding在世界卫生组织的《母乳代用品国际准则》发布之前的一百年, 亨利.雀巢就编写了自己的• “During the first months, the mother’s milk willalways be the most natural nutriment, and every mother able to do so, should herself suckle her children.” Henri Nestlé, 1869在婴儿出生的头几个月,母乳是其最天然的营 养,每位能够自己哺育孩子的母亲,都应该这 么做。
Life" is to provide consumers with the
best tasting, most nutritious choices in a
wide range of food and beverage
categories and eating occasions, from
morning to night. .
In 1938, the traditional nest design was combined with the "Nestlé" name to form what is called the combined mark.
In 1966 the design was simplified.
In 1988, the worm in the mother bird's beak was removed and the fledglings became two instead of three. .
Feeling and Summar.y PART 3
Nestlé was founded by Henri
Nestle in 1867.It’s the world's leading
nutrition, health and wellness company.
Their mission of "Good Food, Good
Brief Introduction
The History of Development Logo Brand Positioning and Products Advertisement Show
Audit objectvendor 100128418 Bangkok starch Industrial Co.,Ltd/BanVendor plant 100128418A BANGKOK STARCH INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD/NAK Vendor confidence level MEDIUM MediumMaterial Risk Level Low LowPersons InvolvedRole Description TelephoneAudit administrator Ricardo LunaApprover Jean-Yves GagnepainAudit coordinator Preeya Ponbamrunglead auditor Preeya Ponbamrungauditor Nanthawat Ubsriauditor Thitiworada NintanawongsaPers.Resp.f.Actions ChristineAudit locationBangkok starch industrial co.,LTD24 GP 14 PETCHKASEM RD., RAIKING, SAMPHRAN, NAKORNPRATHOM, 73210, THAILANDTel:Fax:E-mail:Contact:Christine HSU-marketing ManagerMr. Somwang Chuangcharoendee-Plant ManagerMiss. Rattana Aungsutawin-QA ManagerMaterial detailRice FlourMaterial Group: R65 starch and DerivativesUsed in Nestle Products: Breakfast Cereal, Other BeveragesAudit scopeNestle Quality Management System-Food Safety Management System and Regulatory ComplianceManufacturing of Rice FlourAudit summaryBangkok Starch Industrial Company Limited was established in 1978. Their goal and objective is to produce the best quality starch and rice flour using the abundant natural resources in Thailand and supply globally. Furthermore, the company has developed into the world’s largest manufacturer of Alpha Starch, with 85% exported to various countries.Marketed under the “Thai Flower” brand, our products have won numerous international awards, including Asian Food Award, and first Place of the Spain’s Quality Award, and are well recognized among food, marine-feed and mosquito coil industries worldwide.Overall audit outcome is “Complying with Reservation” according to there are the serious gap on pest prevention which had been closed and there is some pending major gaps which has to be closed within 90 day as well.Generally of quality management system and food safety management system is well design and maintained in good level. Inspection by QA people and capability of QA lab can guarantee the consistency of product quality,Suggestion for the improvement on the area of pest prevention and foreign bodies prevention byu improving the design and installation of production machine and converyer.Regularly inspection is also recommended,Subsequence audit is not required and next audit should be in year 2012 as the classification of low risk material from this vendor.。
About the founder Nestlé’s philosophy The brands of Nestlé Nestlé’s Main Products The development of Nestlé Nestlé's marketing philosophy The culture of Nestlé corporate Nestlé in China
Nestlé's marketing philosophy
• Marketing concept - customer needs Nestlé has been committed to consumer demand, products, brands and people's attention for a long time. • Social marketing concepts - social interests One hundred and thirty years, Nestle has created a benefit all parties, mutual trust, public way. • Great marketing ideas - market environment Over the years, Nestle has always insisted the principle of "in any country and the city's business activities must comply with local interests"
About the founder
In 1867, A Swiss pharmacist who called Henri Nestlé founded the Nestlé company.
Henri obtaine d a 15-year French patent for his logo in 1868. After he retired, it was registered in Vevey in 1875 by the new owners of his company.
Main article: List of
Hale Waihona Puke Henri Nestlé, (10 August 1814 – 7 July 1890), was a German confectioner and founder of Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, as well as one of the main creators of condensed milk.
In 1938, the traditional nest design was combined with the "Nestlé" name to form what is called the combined mark.
Annual turnover : 92.2 billion Swiss francs
Employees : 339000
Slogan : Good Food,Good Life.
The mission of "Good Food, Good Life" is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of
Nestlé Nutrition Heiko Schipper
Corporate Communications Rudolf Ramsauer
Nestlé family coat of arms
Henri Nestlé adapted the
coat of arms by adding three young birds being fed by a
In 1908, Nestlé opened a sales office in Shanghai. In 1920, the creation of Nestle Products Limited in Hong Kong. In 1990, Nestlé opened its first factory in China, Heilongjiang Shuangcheng, milk production. 1993-2006, gradually building 16 plants to meet growing consumer demand.
mother, to create a visual link
1.Brand simplification 2.Derivative effect 3.The taste of the product:milder
4.The range of the customer is small 5.The high price of some Nestle products
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ s
1.A big company scale: the largest food manufacturer one of the biggest multinational corporations
2.Having a long history: 1938 3.Management mode: Niche Market 4.A wide diversity of coffee: cappuccino, Breakfast Coffee, Iced coffee 5.Consumer loyalty
Area of origin: Switzerland Founder: Henri Nestle History: 148 years Headquarters: In Vevey, lake Geneva, Switzerland. Initially product: baby food Famous product: chocolate bars and instant coffee.
雀巢swot分析(英文) introduction:area origin:switzerland founder: henri nestle history: 148 years headquarters: vevey,lake geneva, switzerland. initially product: baby food famous product: chocolate bars instantcoffee. 1.abig company scale: largestfood manufacturer one biggestmultinational corp orations 2.having longhistory: 1938 3.management mode: niche market 4.a wide diversity coffee:cappuccino, breakfast coffee, iced offee5.consumer loyalty 1.brandsimplification 2.derivative effect 3.the taste product:milder 4.the range small5.the high price somenest le products 1.highschool collegest udents' demand growingday day2.the development economic globalization international trade moreinstant coffe brands appea market.maxwell house coffee,mr. brown coffee,a-h icecoffee... 2.food safety problems advice: 1.create new brands 2.surveying customers 3.pay more attention highsc hool collegestudents. have niceday. thanks youlistening!可编辑 山水 分享于 2020-10-05 12:54:32.0 雀巢swot分析(英文) 文档格式: .pptx 文档页数: 10页 文档大小: 2.85m 文档热度: 文档分类: 高等教
但后来消息传来,除了在宣讲会上递交简历和Application Form之外,要邮寄到北京雀巢(中国)总部去。
因为赶到现场已经很晚了,所以除了听了些Q A Session以外,没什么有用的东西。
还好雀巢给我这个机会,P G早早地Game Over 了,Unilever也出师未捷,眼看FMCG就要颗粒无收了,总算Nestle 的Interview让我不至于全军覆没。
一开始还找错了地方,云桥路上连着有雀巢饮用水(NestleSources)和雀巢食品(Nestle Food),是两家独立的。
• 承诺创立社会和股东共享的价值
Commitment to creating shared value for society and our shareholders
Founded in 1866 in Switzerland
• 2008年销售额: 7,060亿元人民币 年销售额: 亿元人民币 年销售额
Sales 2008: RMB 706 billion
• 2008年净利润: 1,168亿元人民币 年净利润: 年净利润 亿元人民币
Net profit 2008: RMB 116.8 billion
We strongly believe that our investments and activities in a country can only be of long-term benefit to our Company if they are at the same time beneficial for the host country
我们贯彻执行良好的、 我们贯彻执行良好的、透明的公司业务原则
We adhere to sound and transparent corporate business principles
我们相信我们在一个国家中的投资和活动必须同时有利于这个国家, 我们相信我们在一个国家中的投资和活动必须同时有利于这个国家, 才能长期有利于我们公司
奶产品和冰淇淋 Milk products and ice cream 19%
精品好资料——————学习推荐雀巢公司英文简介1. company profileNestel (Nestle) using his own name for the brand name, but its name in the English language is "comfortably settled down" and "side" means. Now, Nestlé coffee has become China's markets and the world's leading brand of instant coffee.the product such as Nescafe 1 +2、Nestle Espresso Coffee 1 +2、Nescafe Ice 1 +2、Nestle coffee, alcohol 100% pure coffee products、Nestle Coffee-Mate、Nestle Gold Coffee and so on. Product performance: the selection of the finest quality coffee beans mainly raw materials, through the fine fire baking, add coffee mate and sugar well drinks from the deployment. Mellow flavor, smooth texture, easy to drink, a red can. For the peer market leading position in their living brand, is a typical high-grade coffee, the price is higher. Brand awareness: For many consumers, Nestle is instant coffee. In the instant coffee market, Nestle is undoubtedly the leading brands and occupied most of the market.The core brand: Nestle coffee (Nescafe) the name of the language in the world, are giving a feeling of uncertainty, strengthen the Nestle coffee can you nervous, tired after the injection of energy, make you feel relaxed moment.2. Nescafe business history1866-1905In the 1860s Henri Nestlé, a pharmacist, developed a food for babies who were unable to breastfeed. His first success was a premature infant who could not tolerate his mother's milk or any of the usual substitutes. People quickly recognized the value of the new product, after Nestlé's new formula saved the child's life, and soon, Farine Lactée Henri Nestléwas being sold in much of Europe. 1905-1918 In 1905 Nestlé merged with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. By the early 1900s, the company was operating factories in the United States, Britain, Germany and Spain. World War I created new demand for dairy products in the form of government contracts. By the end of the war, Nestlé's production had more than doubled.1918-1938 After the war Government contracts dried up and consumers switched back to fresh milk. However, Nestlé's management responded quickly, streamlining operations and reducing debt. The 1920s saw Nestlé's first expansion into new products, with chocolate the Company's second most important activity 1938-1944 Nestléfelt the effects of World War II immediately. Profits dropped from $20 million in 1938 to $6 million in 1939. Factories were established in developing countries, particularly Latin America. Ironically, the war helped with the introduction of the Company's newest product, Nescafé, which was a staple drink of the US military. Nestlé's production and sales rose in the wartime economy. 1944-1975 The end of World War II was the beginning of a dynamic phase for Nestlé. Growth accelerated and companies were acquired. In 1947 came the merger with Maggi seasonings and soups. Crosse & Blackwell followed in 1960, as did Findus (1963), Libby's (1971) and Stouffer's (1973). Diversification came with a shareholding in L'Oréal in 1974.1975-1981 Nestlé's growth in the developing world partially offset a slowdown in the Company's traditional markets. Nestlé made its second venture outside the food industry by acquiring Alcon Laboratories Inc..1981-1995 Nestlé divested a number of businesses1980 / 1984. In 1984, Nestlé's improved bottom line allowed the Company to launch a new round ofacquisitions, the most important being American food giant Carnation.1996-2002 The first half of the 1990s proved to be favorable for Nestlé: trade barriers crumbled and world markets developed into more or less integrated trading areas. Since 1996 there have been acquisitions including San Pellegrino (1997), Spillers Petfoods (1998) and Ralston Purina (2002). There were two major acquisitions in North America, both in 2002: in July, Nestlé merged its U.S. ice cream business into Dreyer's, and in August, a USD 2.6bn acquisition was announced of Chef America, Inc.2003 + The year 2003 started well with the acquisition of Mövenpick Ice Cream, enhancing Nestlé's position as one of the world market leaders in this product category. In 2006, Jenny Craig and Uncle T oby's were added to the Nestléportfolio and 2007 saw Novartis Medical Nutrition, Gerber and Henniez join the Company.3. corporate structureFor a long time, companies are set by function departments, according to the management of classified management, formed a pyramid management organizational structure. This kind of organization structure has been more and more not adapt to the requirement of information society. Module combination marketing from the business department and business department is divided into a number of smaller business department and the headquarters unified management, as a result, the management organization structure is getting the "flat" become "thin", integrated management status and role is more prominent, the network organization structure form. The hierarchical organization is the basic unit of the traditional at a certain level, the command chain and network organization system is the basic unit of independent business units. The nestle module combination marketing, make network organization structure, also make the nestle has the characteristics of the network: one is to use special means of market instead of administrative means to contact between the various business units and the relationship between the corporate headquarters. Network system structure of market relationship is a kind of based on the capital on the transfer of property rights, mobility and relatively stable commodity business relationship, a full range of market relations. Second, on the basis of network organization structure has formed powerful virtual functions. Each individual in the network system structure of business entity can be a variety of ways to borrow external resources, external resources to combination, creating huge competitive advantage.4.Core product1, dairyand nutrition. Nestle has one hundred and forty dairy production experience for many years, all over the world more than ninety dairy factory has the world first-class production line. Nestle dairy and nutrition according to consumption group is divided into several different species: for the products of the pregnant women, for children is being placed in growth stage, for teenagers, adults and older.2,health and nutrition products. Nestle healthcare nutrition people need nutritional supplements provide a series of comprehensive and balanced nutrition products. Can be used for patients undergoing treatment or due to a lack of nutrients in diet or for other reasons need compensatory nutrition.3 the drinking water. Nestle water industry group is a leading global bottled water experts, products all over the world more than 130 countries, with 72's of people around the world love bottled water brands.。
Page 1: IntroductionNestléis the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company. It employs around 330,000 people and has 461 factories in 83 countries around the world; almost half of these are in developing countries. In the UK, Nestléemploys more than 7,000 people across 19 sites. The company is one of the UK and Ireland’s major exporters, exporting over £ 300 million worth of products every year to over 50 countries around the world. Nestléis a household name within the UK, producing some of Britain’s most popular brands such as KIT KAT®, NESCAFÉ®, SMARTIES®, GO CAT® and SHREDDIES®. Over one billion KIT KATs are produced in the UK every year.Nestlé’s cultureNestléhas a series of corporate business principles designed to guide the way in which the organisation and its employees operate. These principles are at the basis of Nestlé’s culture and aim to protect the trust of its consumers and other stakeholders. The principles and their associated policies are concerned with activities related to: consumers human rights and labour practices employees suppliers and customers the environment. Nestléworks within the secondary sector of industry, creating and supplying products to customers. It converts raw materials into finished goods for consumers to enjoy. Raw materials used in many of Nestlé’s products are sourced from the primary sector. For example, Nestlébrands such as KIT KAT, AERO® and SMARTIES contain cocoa sourced from cocoa farmers around the world. Nestléworks with cocoa farmers in order to help them run profitable farms and eliminate child labour, whilst developing a sustainable supply of cocoa for Nestléproducts. This case study looks at the importance of applying the principles of corporate social responsibility to a business’ activities. It will demonstrate how Nestlé creates shared value within its cocoa supply chain to enhance the lives of cocoa farmers whilst also improving the quality of its products for consumers.Page 2: Corporate Social ResponsibilityIn Business Studies curriculum terms, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involves the business taking a broad view of its activities, looking beyondprofits for shareholders and focusing on other stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone that has an interest in or may affect the decisions and actions of a business. Stakeholders can be internal or external to the business. Internal stakeholders include employees and shareholders. External stakeholders include suppliers, customers, the communities in which the business operates and the environment. For companies like Nestlé which work with suppliers from a range of countries, , many in poorer regions of the world, it is becoming increasingly important to take a wider view of responsibilities. Nestlé believes for a company to be successful in the long term and create value for its shareholders, it must also create value for society. It calls this Creating Shared Value.Creating Shared ValueCreating Shared Value has become an integral part of the way in which Nestlé does business. It is based on compliance with international laws and codes of conduct and the company’s business principles, and a focus on environmental sustainability. However, Creating Shared Value goes beyond compliance and sustainability. It aims to create new and greater value for society and shareholders in the areas where the company can have the biggest impact – nutrition, water and rural development. These are core to its business activities and vital for its value chain:Water: because the ongoing quality and availability of it is critical to life, to the production of food and to Nestlé’s operations. Rural development: because the overall well-being of farmers, rural communities, workers and small businesses and suppliers is intrinsic to the long-term success of Nestlé’s business. Nutrition: because food and nutrition are the basis of health and of Nestlé’s business as the leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company.PartnershipsNestléactively seeks engagement and partnerships with external stakeholders to optimise positive impact. It aims to use the power of its core activities and partnerships for the joint benefit of the people in the countries where it operates and of its shareholders. Global principles and goals set by organisations such as the United Nationsalso help to shape a company’s approach to corporate social responsibility. For example, Nestlé’s Corporate Business Principles incorporate the 10 United Nations Global Compact Principles on Human Rights, Labour, the Environment and Corruption. Nestlé is an active member of several of the Compact’s Working Groups and Initiatives.Creating shared value in the supply chainA Nestlécase studyPage 3: Creating Shared Value along the supply chainSupplychainactivities transform natural resources and raw materials into finished products which are delivered to the end consumer. Each stage of the process adds value to the overall end product. Nestlé operates within complex supply chains. Its cocoa supply chain goes from cocoa bean to chocolate bar. This path starts with cocoa from farmers, who grow the crops; to cooperatives, which manage the sale of the crops; to processors and manufacturers, such as Nestlé which create chocolate products; to retailers such as supermarkets, and finally to consumers who purchase the products. Nestlésources materials from thousands of farms, many of them small farmers in poorer rural regions of the world. In many rural communities, a lack of investment in infrastructure has a serious impact on the quality and quantity of raw materials that Nestléand other companies rely on. Nestléprovides training in order to encourage sustainable production, protect the supply and quality of its raw materials and have a positive, long-term impact on the local economy and farmers’ standards of living. Around two-thirds of Nestlé’s worldwide expenditure is on raw materials. Nearly 40% of this goes on three main ingredients: milk, coffee and cocoa. Cocoa is the main ingredient in chocolate and as such is vital to Nestlé It .comes from cocoa beans that grow in a pod on a cocoa tree.The NestléCocoa PlanThe Nestlé Cocoa Plan was launched in October 2009 in the Cô d’Ivoire, te Africa. It is a prime example of Nestlé’s Creating Shared Value approach to business and involves investment of £ million between 2010 and 2020, 67 building on £ million in the 15 years before the plan. The initiative aims to 37 help cocoa farmers to run profitable farms, respect the environment, have a good quality of life and give their children a better education. However, it also aims to ensure a sustainable and high quality supply of cocoa for Nestléin the long-term. Some of the areas it focuses on to achieve this are: improved farmer training, buying from cooperatives and paying a premium, and working with certification programmes such as Fairtrade. This creates value through the supply chain, particularly for farmers and their families along the way. The Cocoa Plan has become a key way in which Nestlé is tackling issues facing cocoa farmers as well as their families and communities. Nestlésources most of its cocoa production from Cô d’Ivoire. Both the quality and quantity of te cocoa supplies are in decline. The average cocoa farmer is over 55 years old and so the industry needs to consider where the next generation of cocoa farmers will come from. Many younger people in the region are leaving the countryside to work in cities. As a result there is a shortage of labour and skills. Ultimately, the aim is to raise the standard of living of cocoa farmers to ensure a new generation of cocoa farmers will take over and benefitPage 4: Benefits of responsible behaviourThe Cocoa Plan is a clear example of NestléCreating Shared Value both for the company and for cocoa farmers, their families and their local communities. Through it, Nestlébenefits from ensuring the supply of high-quality and sustainably sourced cocoa for its products. It also ensures it supports the cocoa farming community development and meets certified ethical and environmental standards. Nestlé’s focus on improving supply has delivered benefits in many areas: Investing in plant research - By developing higher quality seedlings which produce typically 50%–200% more cocoa, this enables cocoa farmers to grow more and sustain a higher income. Nestléhas set up a Research and Development Centre in Abidjan in the Cô d’Ivoire to support the development te of higher-yielding, disease-tolerant cocoa plantlets. Investing in training farmers – Training farmers to understand better cropmanagement techniques and pest management, as well as improving their awareness of child labour issues, helps to improve outputs and boosts farmers’ incomes. Improving social conditions – Nestléhas set up a partnership with the World Cocoa Foundation to build and repair schools within the cocoa farming regions and support cocoa farmers and their families. This will mean that attending school will become a more attractive and viable option for parents and children and that the risk of child labour will be reduced. The Fairtrade and UTZ labels – Crops are certificated under the Fairtrade label. Nestlépays a premium for its cocoa beans, which improves the growers’ levels of income and helps to secure the future growth of communities. Nestlé is also the first food company to join the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and has its work in Cô d’Ivoire assessed openly and independently. te The Cocoa Plan is an evolving and growing programme. Each year more cooperatives of farmers are being added to the plan. The plan has also been extended to other countries such as Indonesia, Ghana, Venezuela and Ecuador.Page 5: Communicating with stakeholdersEffective communication with stakeholders is also an important element of responsible business behaviour. For Nestlé engaging with stakeholders , underpins Creating Shared Value. It enables it to identify emerging issues, shape its responses and continue to drive improvements in its performance. Topics raised by stakeholders are discussed with them in a variety of local and international forums. These include: nutrition, health and wellness; education and access; Nestlé’s role in public policy issues; auditing and disclosure of infant formula marketing practices; and food safety. Nestléengages with stakeholders through a variety of ways. For example:Through Nestlé’s annual reports and Creating Shared Value reports, stakeholders can see where funds are invested, how the company is addressing issues such as environmental performance and the positive impact of Creating Shared Value activities. Stakeholder convenings, held in various countries where Nestlé has operations, communicate its approach and invite feedback on its Creating Shared Value efforts. The Nestlé Supplier Code establishes the minimum standards that its suppliers, their employees, agents and subcontractors need to meet. This demonstrates how Nestlé is committed to developing responsible practices right through its supply chain.The Nestlé corporate website contains information on all company policies, principles and activities. There are dedicated websites to key projects such as the Cocoa Plan. These sites bring together all the detail of the initiative in an easy-to-read and understandable way. This case study aims to help to reveal to young people the complexities of global supply chains and how companies such as Nestlérespond to these issues.The Cocoa Plan has led to numerous partnerships with other organisations such as the Fair Labor Association and the Red Cross/Red Crescent societies. These relationships help Nestléto fight illegal labour practices. Nestléalso has partnerships with supply chain organisations and governments which support good agricultural practices. These practices have created benefits for stakeholders across the industry, including consumers, shareholders, farmers and other partners. For example, one partnering initiative with the Co-operative Group is paying for educational packs for schools in the Cô d’Ivoire region. tePage 6: ConclusionCreating Shared Value has enabled Nestléto adopt a wider focus to its responsibilities. In doing so, it has been able to bring about a whole series of benefits to stakeholders, whether they are farmers and their communities, shareholders or consumers. The Cocoa Plan is Nestlé’s way of dealing with issues facing cocoa farmers and their communities. This is a long-term process that has created better outcomes for all involved in the cocoa industry. It has enabled Nestléto support local communities as well as improving both the quality and output of cocoa.。
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Main Markets
Main Markets
North America Europe
South America
The World
Investment In The World
History: 1996-2003
1997 •Creation of Nutrition Strategic Business Division (2006: Nestlé Nutrition) 1998 •Launch of Nestlé Pure Life
2001 •Merged with the Ralston Purina Company
1947 •NestléAlimentana S.A. (new name after merger with Maggi)
1948 •Launch of Nestea and Nesquik OLD FASHIONED: Chocolate bar from 1945
History: 1976-1995
8 9 10 11
Food service
Healthcare nutrition Ice cream
13 14
Sport nutrution
Weight management
Baby foods & Dairy
Nestlé Infant Cereals – The ideal weaning food
Main Markets
Main Competitors Financial Highlights Strategic Planning
Intro & History
How much do you know about Nestlé?
Good Food, Good Life.
Weight management
Jenny Craig, Inc.
Petcare & Sport nutrition Petcare
a perfect balance of healthy ingredients
Sport nutrition
a wide selection
production (Inner Mongolia)
☞Cumulative direct investment from
Switzerland: RMB 8.3 billion
☞Added Capacity at Nestlé Shanghai Ltd
Sales Growth
light wafer texture and delicious chocolate taste
Culinary chilled frozen food
0 grams of trans fat
Cereal, Drinks & Ice cream
A delicious cer eal made with whole grain
PETER BRABECK-LETMATHE visits a water facility in Kenya
History: 2010-2011
2010 •launched the Nestlé Cocoa Plan •Creation of Nestlé Health Science and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences •acquired Kraft Foods’ frozen pizza business.
1977 •Nestlé S.A. (new company name) •Acquiring Alcon Laboratories Inc.
1986 • Creation of Nestlé Nespresso S.A. 1988 •Buitoni became part of our portfolio 1990 •Cereal Partners Worldwide (joint venture with General Mills) 1991 •Beverage Partners Worldwide (joint venture with CocaCola) 1993 •Creation of Nestlé Sources Internationales (2002: Nestlé Waters)
History:Nestlé’s Origin
Founder: Henri Nestlé (1814 - 1890)
Nestlé’s first infant milk cereal
in 1867
History: 1867-1905
1867 launched Farine lactée
NESCAFÉ: Tin from 1938
1938 •Nescafécoffee was launched
History: 1939-1975
1939 •Activities in the Western Hemisphere, the British Empire and overseas 1943 •Nescafécoffee are serving in Europe and Asia
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009年09月 31
Market Sales
Mergers & Acquisitions In The World
Cooking Food
Ice Cream
Members of our team:
Yiting Wang Xueqing Zhao Xiaoqin Yang Li Zhang Fanfan Ji Xingyan Wang Xuwen Wang
Intro & History
Business & Products
World’s No.1 Food & Beverages Company
Rank in Top500: Employees: Factories:
Paul Bulcke
71 328,000 461 in 83 countries 27
R&D Networks:
Nestlé Head Office in Vevey, Switzerland
2011 •Acquired a 60% share in Hsu Fu Chi in China •Acquired a 60% share in the Yinlu Foods Group (Yinlu) in China
More in This year: 2012
•Work with the Fair Labor Association on our cocoa supply chain
Business & Products
1 2
Baby foods
Bottled water
Cereals Chocolate and confectionery
4 5 6 7
Culinary,chilled and frozen food
combine health y real fruit and a delicious taste
magical enjoy ment you can feel good abo ut.
Ice cream
Enjoy quality moments every day
Nescafé3 in 1
Nescafé Cappucci no
Nescafé Classic
Nescafé Cappuccino They’re frothy and wonderful.
Nescafé Classic medium-dark Roast a full flavor
Nescafé 3 in 1
amazingly easy to make
Unique selling points
1.High quality 2.Reasonable price 3.Well-known brand 4.Strong R & D capability 5.Nestle’s idea
Healthycare nutrition & Food service
balanced nutrition to keep you going
Good quality
Healthycare nutrition