Chapter 9(英文版国际营销进入战略)
全球市场营销重要知识点罗列(中英文)Global marketing Chapter one掌握:营销概念:Although marketing is universal, marketing practice, of course,varies from country to country.了解:The market conceptThe New concept of marketing and the Four Ps: shifted the focus of marketing from the product to the customer.The strategic 1.concept of marketing: shifted the focus of marketing from the customer or the product to the customer in the context of the broader external environment.2.the strategic concept of marketing has shifted the focus of marketing from a microeconomics maximization paradigm to a focus of managing strategic partnerships and positioning the firm between vendors and customers in the value chain with the aim and purpose of creating value for customers.掌握:THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING1.Customer value and the value equationThe task of marketing is to create customer value that is greater than the value created by competitors./doc/1312473186.html,petitive or differential advantageThe advantage can exist in any element of the company’s offer: the product, the price, the advertising and point-of-sale promotion, or the distribution of the product.V=B/P3.FocusThe third marketing principle is focus, or the concentration of attention.掌握:全球本土化概念(global localization):it means asuccessful global marketer must have the ability to “think globally and act locally”掌握:MANAGEMENT ORIENTATION1.Ethnocentric (母国中心)---------international companyHome country is superior, sees similarities in foreign countries2.Polycentric(东道国中心)-----------multinational companyEach host country is unique sees differences in foreign countries3.Regiocentric(区域中心)----------global companySees similarities and differences in the world region; is ethnocentric or polycentric the rest of the world.4.Geocentric (世界中心)-------------transnational companyWorldview, sees similarities and differences in home and host countries.了解:Leverage定义:Leverage is simply some type of advantage that a company enjoys by virtue of the fact that it conducts business in more than one country.类型:1.experience transfers(经验移植) 2.Scale economies (规模经济:可降低成本)3.resource utilization (资源利用) strategy(全球化战略)Chapter two了解ECONOMIC SYSTEMS1.Market allocationA market allocation system is one that relies on consumers to allocate resources.Consumers“write” the economic plan by deciding what will be produced by whom./doc/1312473186.html,mand or centralplan allocationIn a command allocation system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest.These include deciding which products to make and how to make them.3. Mixed allocation了解STAGES OF MARKET DEVELOMENTUsing GNP as a base , we have divided global markets into four categories.1.low-income countries(also known as preindustrial countries)2.lower-middle-income countries(also known as less developed countries or LDCs)3.upper-middle-income countries(also known as industrializing countries)4.high-income countries(also known as advanced , industrialized, postindustrial countries) chapter three 了解:BASIC ASPERTS OF SOCIETY AND CULTURE①It is learned, not innate②The various facts of culture are interrelated, influence or change one aspect of a culture and everything else is affected.③It is shared by members of groups and defines the boundaries between different groups.掌握:High and low context cultures强交际环境文化和弱交际环境文化的对比(看73页表) In low context cultures,①messages have to be explicit.②A person's word is not t o be relied on.③Paperwork is important.In high context cultures,①less information is contained in the verbal part of message.② A person's value, position, background are crucial.掌握:Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛需求层次理论①physiological 生理需求②safety 安全需求③social 社交需求④esteem 尊重⑤self-actualization 自我实现掌握:Hofstede Framework 霍夫斯诺德构架(看细节)①individualism versus collectivism 个人主义与集体主义②power distance 权力距离③uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避⑤masculinity versus femininity 男权主义相对女权主义了解:THE SELF-REFERENCE CRITERION AND PERCEPTION As we have shown, a person’s perception of market needs is framed by his or her own cultural experience.了解:ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY(了解80页表格)Environmental sensitivity is the extent to which products must be adapted to the culture-specific needs of different national markets. (对环境中最敏感的东西是food)Chapter four了解POLITICAL RISK (经济发达阶段和政治风险的关系,经济越不发达政治风险越高)了解征用(EXPROPRIATION)定义:Expropriation refers to governmental action to dispossess a company or investor.没收(CONPENSATION)定义:compensation is generally provided to foreign investors,although not often in the “prompt effective ,and adequate”manner provided for by international standard.国有化(NATIONALIZATION)定义:Nationalization occurs ifownership of the property or assets in question is transferred to the host government.了解:Differences of the two systems in solving commercial disputes两种法律体系在解决商务纠纷中的区别common law versus civil law(code law)①Under common law, commercial disputes are subjected to either civil or commercial laws. Under code law, commercial disputes are subjected to the commercial code.②Under common law, industrial property right based on proof of agreement.Under code law, industrial property right based on notarization or registration③Under common law, Performance of contract: Act of God/act of nature means extraordinary happenings not reasonably anticipated.Under code law, Performance of contract: Act of God is extended to include unavoidable interferences such as strike or riots (Force Majeure)掌握:Three bases for jurisdiction in resolving private international disputes处理国际争端的3种基本司法程序①negotiation调解协商②Arbitration仲裁③Litigation 诉讼Chapter five掌握:DIFFUSION THEORY(传播理论)(AIETA)Five stages of the adoption process 对新产品接纳过程的五个阶段①Awareness 知晓阶段②Interest 感兴趣阶段③Evaluation 评价阶段④Trial 试用阶段⑤Adoption 采纳阶段Five types of adopter categories 新产品接纳者的5种类型②innovators②early adopters(Early adopters are the most influential people in their communities,even more than the innovators. Thus. The early adopters are a critical group in the adoption process )③early majority④late majority⑤laggards (落后者)掌握:Characteristics of innovations(创新的特征)1.Relative advantage(相对优势)/doc/1312473186.html,patibility(兼容性)/doc/1312473186.html,plexity(复杂性)4.Divisibility(可分性)/doc/1312473186.html,municability(可交流性)Chapter six了解Information subject agenda (理解168页表格)了解SCANNING MODES(搜寻模式): SURVEILLANCE AND SEARCH监视的两种类型Surveillance include: viewing and monitoring 了解营销信息的主要来源(sources of market information):1.human sources (人)2.documentary sources(文档资源)3.internet sources(因特网来源)4. Direct perception(直接感知)了解FORMAL MARKETING RESEARCH(正式的市场调研)Step 1: Identifying the research problemStep 2: Developing a research planStep 3: Collecting data (看细节secondary data, primary data, survey research)Step 4: Analyzing research dataStep 5: Presenting the findingsChapter seven掌握市场细分的定义: Market segmentation is the process of subdividing a market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场细分的定义:Global market segmentation is the process of dividing the world market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场的主要细分的标准(criteria)(知道归属):1.Geographic segmentation2.Demographic segmentation3.Psychographic segmentation4.Behavior segmentation5.Benefit segmentation掌握全球目标市场确定的定义:T argeting is the act of evaluating and comparing the identified groups and then selecting one or more of them as the prospect(s) with the highest potential.掌握选择目标市场的标准(criteria):1.current segment size and growth potential2.potential competition/doc/1312473186.html,patibility and feasibility掌握选择目标市场的策略:1.standardized global marketing2.concentrated global marketing3.differentiated global marketing掌握全球产品定位(Global product positioning)定义:Positioning is the location of your product in the mind of your customer.Chapter eight掌握出口市场选择的六大标准(MARKET SELECTION CRITERIA) potential(市场潜量) access (市场潜入因素)3.shipping costs(运输成本及时间)4.potential competition(潜在竞争)5.service requirement(服务要求)6.product fit(产品适应性)了解ENTRY AND EXPANSION DECISION MODEL(进入和扩张决策模型,第237页)掌握依托营销(Piggyback Marketing)的定义:The manufacturer using the piggyback arrangement does so at a cost that is much lower than that required for any direct arrangement. Successful piggyback marketing requires that the combined product lines be complement. They must appeal to the same customers, and they must not be competitive with each other.掌握许可贸易(licensing)的定义:Licensing can be defined as a contractual arrangement whereby one company(the licensee) makes an asset available to another company(the licensing) in exchange for royalties, license fees, or some other form of compensation. The licensed asset may be a patent, trade secret, or company name.其中,Franchising is a form of licensing了解Joint Ventures(第247页)了解市场扩张战略(5 MARKET EXPANSION STRATEGIES):1.Strategy one: concentrates on a few segments in a few countries.2.Strategy two: country concentration and segment diversification3.Strategy three: country diversification and market segment concentration4.Strategy four: country and segment diversificationChapter nine了解全球战略联盟的三个特点:1.The participants remain independent subsequent to the formation of the alliance2.The participants share the benefits of the alliance as well as control over the performance ofassigned tasks.3.The participants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategicareas.了解全球战略同盟的六个特性(attributes)(第265页)在日本,战略联盟被称为综合商社在韩国,战略联盟被称为财阀Chapter ten掌握影响产业竞争的五种力量(Forces Influencing Competition in a Industry):1.Thread of new entrants2.Rivalry Among Existing Competitors3.Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.Bargaining Power of Buyers5.thread of Substitute Product or Services掌握新加入者的五种威胁(thread of new entrants):1.Economies of scales(规模经济)2.Product differentiation(产品差异性)3.Capital requirements(资本要求)4.Switching costs(转换成本)5.Access to distribution channels(获取分销渠道的途径)/doc/1312473186.html,ernment policy(政府政策)7.Established firms may also enjoy cost advantages independent of the scale economies(老公司享有的与规模经济无关的成本优势)掌握Porter’s basic thesis(Porter’s diamond): four national attributes of a nation shape the environment in which local firms compete.波特钻石理论中认为决定一国本地公司竞争环境的四大特征:①factor condit ions②demand conditions③related and supporting industries④firm strategy, structure, rivalryAnd two influencers: Governments and chance其中,了解要素来源(factor conditions)的分类1.Human resources2.Physical resources3.Knowledge resources4.Capital resources5.Infrastructure resources掌握要素资源的类型1.Basic versus advanced factors(基本要素与高级要素)2.Generalized(通用要素是前提条件)versus specialized factors(专门要素是企业真正竞争要素的来源)掌握创造竞争优势的一般战略:1.Broad market strategy 大市场战略Cost-Leadership Advantage(成本领先)Differentiation(差异化)2.Narrow target strategies(缩小目标范围)Focused differentiation (差异专注)Cost focus(成本专注)了解日本人创新性竞争的策略:/doc/1312473186.html,yers of advantage (优势层)2.Loose bricks(松动的砖头)3.Changing the rules(改变规则)4.Collaborating(合作)5.Hypercompetition (超级竞争)CHAPTER11了解产品含义(了解产品属于哪类)Local products(本土产品):A local product is available in a portion of a national market. National products(国家产品): A national product is one that, in the context o a particular company is offered in a single national market.International products(国际产品): international products are offered in multinational,regional markets.Global products(全球产品):global products are offered in global markets了解产品与品牌的不同(了解334页的全球品牌的特征--------地球图)A global product differs from a global brand in one important respect: it does not carry the same name and image from country to country.掌握产品定位(product positioning)的定义:product positioning is a communications strategy based on the notion of mental "space": positioning refers to the act of locating a brandin customers' minds over and against other products in terms of product attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer.掌握产品定位的一般策略(general strategies for positioning products)1.attribute or benefit (属性与性能)2.Quality/price(质量价格)/doc/1312473186.html,e/user (使用和使用者)4.High-tech positioning (高科技定位)5.High-touch positioning (高感性定位)掌握产品设计的四个因素(Product design considerations)Global market need to consider four factors when making product design decision:1. Preferences (偏好)2. Cost (成本)3. Laws and regulations(法律法规)4. Compatibility(兼容性)5. Labeling and instructions (标签以及用法说明)了解原产国的态度的(coo:country of origin)定义:Country of origin (often abbreviated to COO), is the country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from. There are differing rules of origin under various national laws and international treaties掌握产品地理扩张的主要策略(5个)Strategy1:product/communication extension(dual extension) Strategy2:product extension/communication adaptationStrategy3:product adaptation/communication extensionStrategy4:dual adaptationStrategy5:product invention理解公司的三个阶段(How to choose a strategy)1.cave dweller.(洞穴居住着)2.Naive nationalist(天真的国家主义者)3.Globally sensitive(全球性敏感者)了解新产品开发的几层含义(New products in global marketing):Newness can be assessed in t h e c o n t e x t o f t h e p r o d u c t i t s e l f,t h e o r g a n i z at i o n,a n d t h e m a r ke entirely new invention or innovation2. a line extension3.newness may also be existing product that is new to a company may be new to a particular market了解新产品开发的几个步骤:1.Identifying new-product ideas2.New-product development location3.Testing new products in national marketsCHAPTER 12掌握环境对定价决策的影响(Environmental influences on pricing decisions)1.Currency fluctuations(货币的不稳定性)2.Exchange rate clauses(汇率条款)3.Pricing in an inflationary environment(在通货膨胀的环境里定价)/doc/1312473186.html,ernment controls and subsidies(政府控制和补贴)/doc/1312473186.html,petitive behavior (竞争行为)6.Price and quality relationships(价格与质量的关系)掌握全球定价目标及战略(Global pricing objectives andstrategies)1. 掌握市场撇脂(Market skimming)定义:the market skimming pricing strategy is a deliberate attempt to reach a market segment that is willing to pay a premium price for a product.2. 掌握渗透式定价(Penetration pricing)定义:penetration pricing uses price as a competitive weapon to gain market position.3. 掌握市场保持(Market holding)定义:the market holding strategy is frequently adopted by companies that want to maintain their share of the market.4. 掌握成本加成价格升级Cost plus/price escalation掌握价格升级的定义:Price escalation is the increase in a product’s price as tr ansportation, duty, and distributor margins are added to the factory price.掌握灰色市场(Grey market goods)条件和定义定义:gray market goods are trademarked products that are exported from one country to another, where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizations.条件:The marketing opportunity that presents itself requires gray market goods to be priced lower than goods sold by authorized distributors or domestically produced goods.了解倾销(Dumping) 定义:Dumping is an important global pricing strategy issue.了解转移定价(TRANSFER PRICING)的定义:transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods and services bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a single company.了解几种转移定价的方法:The alternatives are(1)cost-based transfer pricing,(2).market-based transfer pricing(目的基于市场竞争需要的转移定价)Market-based transfer price了解定义:a market-based transfer price is derived from the price required to be competitive in the international market.(3).negotiated prices.掌握三种定价策略(GLOBAL PRICING-THREE POLICY ALTERNATIVES)1.Extension/ethnocentric2.Adaptation/polycentric3.Invention/geocentricCHAPTER 13掌握分销渠道(Channel of distribution)的定义:Channel of distribution American marketing association defines channel of distribution as"an organized network of agencies and institutions which, in combination, perform all the activities required to link producers withusers to accomplish the marketing task."掌握分销(marketing channels)的目的: The purpose of marketing channels is to create utility for customers.掌握渠道的效用:The major categories of channel utility are place (the availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer);time(the availability of a product or service when desired by a customer);form(the product is processed, prepared, and ready to use and in proper condition);and information(answers to questions and general communication about useful product features and benefits are available).了解两种渠道:1.Direct involvement2.Indirect involvement掌握影响渠道因素(CHANNEL OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS)1. customers characteristics2. products characteristics3. middlemen characteristics4. environment characteristics掌握中间商(Middleman characteristics)的定义:Channel strategy must recognize the characteristics of existing middlemen. Middlemen are in business to maximize their own profit and not that of the manufacturer. They are notorious for cherry picking.了解cherry picking的定义:that is, the practice of taking orders from manufacturers whose products and brands are in demand to avoid any real selling effort for a manufacturer’s products that may required push.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS:TERMINOLOGY AND STRUCTURE 掌握消费品(CONSUMER PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.DOOR-TO-DOOR SELLING2.MANUFACTURER-OWNED STORE3.FRANCHISE OPERATIONS/doc/1312473186.html,BINATION STUCTURES掌握工业产品(INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.M-manufacturer2. W-wholesaler3. MSF-manufacturer's sales force4. D or A-distributor or agentCHAPTER 14掌握全球广告的定义:Global advertising is the use of the same advertising appeals, messages,art, copy, photographs, stories, and video segments in multiple-country markets.了解global advertising content: the extension versus adoption debate了解选择广告代理商的主要因素:In selecting an advertising agency, the following issues should be considered: Company organization, Area coverage, Buyer perception.CHAPTER 15(重点看选择题)掌握几种主要的促销方式(GLOBAL PROMOTION)Advertising(广告)Public Relations and Publicity (公共关系与公众度)Personal selling (个人推销)Sales promotion (营业促销)Direct Marketing(直复营销)Trade Shows and Exhibitions(贸易展示和展会)Sponsorship Promotion (赞助促销)了解公共关系的主要作用:foster goodwill and understanding among constituents both inside and outside the company.还有宣传的特征:Publicity is a nonpaid form of communication (unearned media)掌握推销(personal selling)的定义: personal selling is two-way,personal communication between a company representative and a potential customer as well as back to the company. 掌握推销的主要过程:The selling process is typically divided into several stages:prospecting, preapproaching, aaproaching, presenting, problem solying, handing objections, closing the sale, and following up.了解SALES PROMOTIONTrade promotions are designed to increases productavailability in distribution channels.了解DIRECT MARKETINGThe use of direct marketing is growing rapidly in many parts of the world due to increased use of computer databases, credit cards, and toll-free numbers, as well as changing life-styles.了解TRADE SHOWS AND EXHIBITIONSTrade shows and exhibitions are other promotion vehicles that are increasingly important in the promotional mix, especially for industrial products and in the international marketplace.了解SPONSORSHIP PROMOTION特点:Sponsorship can be used to increase awareness and esteem, to build the brand identification, to enhance the brand’s positioning and sales,and to circumvent advertising restrictions in some countries.。
• Transport V-T. To transport people or goods somewhere is to take them from one place to another in a vehicle. 运送
• e.g. Railway lines that transport the coal to ports for export have also been flooded.
• Para. 2 We are looking for Agents/ Distributors with experience selling products within the bedding industry. A representative of the company will be visiting the United States at the end of July.
• 消费50美元可获得一张 抽奖券,并有机会从种 类丰富的电子产品中赢 取一款
2. Agent/ Distributors
• 代理商/经销商
• Please translate the following sentences in the text. (Individual work)
• 1)para. 1 • Leading manufacturer • 主要生产商,业内领先的制造商 • Exporting to …. 思考下这两个现在分词的作用 • 现在分词分别做前置定语和后置定语。 • 翻译:本公司是澳大利亚纯正新世纪品牌被子、枕
• 翻译: • 我们寻找床上用品业内有经验的代理商或经销商加盟
国际市场营销 习题答案
Answer the foll owing questions based on your case study:1\ Describe the difference between ethnocentric【本国中心主义】, polycentric【多国中心主义】, regiocentric【地区中心】, and geocentric【全球中心】management orientations. 说明本国中心主义、多国中心主义、地区中心和全球中心的管理取向/经营方向的区别Ethnocentric:Home country is Superior, sees Similarities in foreign Countries Polycentric: Each host country Is Unique, sees differences In foreign countries Regiocentric: Sees similarities and differences in a worl d Region; is ethnocentric or polycentric in its view of the rest of the worldGeocentric:World view, sees Similarities and Differences in home And host countries2\ What are the basic reasons of gl obal marketing? What , in your view, what are the key reasons of your company? Briefly introduction your com pany’s gl obal marketing performance and result.。
2 什么是全球市场营销的根本原因?什么,在您看来,贵公司的关键原因是什么?简要介绍贵公司的全球市场的表现和结果。
第七章国际市场营销战略Global Marketing第一节战略概论■ 一、战略含义❖战略是企业为了其现实生存和长远发展,根据环境变化和自身能力而对资源运用所作的全局性、综合性规划与部署■二、战略的两个基本问题❖确定经营领域和经营地域❖确定进入或占领选定领域或地域的战略脑白金的市场策略H位置王服务为入网会员提供全方位的企业信息扌桂广和广告宣祛■应用全省电子地图…將入网会员的基本信息■商筈信息. 位置倍息.公交换乘.自奚车路径・周边信息和商勞扎员名片直观地提供给查询者"迅速提高会员的商务厂告效果,提升会员矢口・苦JJsto微连芸港帘上海二南通帀r三、进入国际市场的战略■ 1、确定企业进入的国际市场目标■ 2、制定实现这一目标的跨国经营战略计划■ 3、战略计划实施金山进入日本金山的战略□产品战略■金山毒霸为先锋、金山WPS随后□渠道战略网络销售三三□促销战略■免费试用1年□ 1、评估产品与外国市场□ 2、确定目标市场□ 3、选择进入市场模式□ 4、制定营销规划略要素图示n |进入模式| |营销策略| 确定目标 选择: 规划: 市场:LJ 出口方式L >价格策略L£ 经营目标n 契约方式I 分销策略\I I 投资方式I I 促销策略I 评估国外 市场: 目标产品 目标市场格力集团的国际市场战略11111998年格力进入巴西市场2000年格力销售达到3000万美元2000年格力决定在巴西建厂投资第二节进入国际市场战略模式□企业对进入国际市场的产品、技术、技能、管理诀窍或其他的系统规划。
□ 1、间接出口通过本国的中间商来从事产品的出口出口企业本国外贸代理国外用户2、间接出口的特点□(1)优点A.不要求企业任何国际营销经验B.不要求企业处理任何国际营销业务C.风险小D.灵活性强(2)缺点A.企业无法了解和控制海外市场B.不利于企业积累国际营销经验C.不利于树立企业国际市场形象(品牌)D.对中间商依赖性强中国电动工具的国际营销模式□ 中国生产的电动工具己占全球的70%销售收入却只有10%利润;□ 中国机电是有竞争力的问题是我们没有品牌没有终极市场。
国际市场营销学 ppt课件
㈢ 风俗习惯
不同的文化习俗影响形成的消费习惯, 必然影响人们的消费行为,国际营销工 作中,熟悉异国文化、了解异国风俗习 惯至关重要。
㈣ 社会结构
社会结构也称社会组织,指社会里的人 相互发生联系的各种组织形式,是人们 之间相互联系、沟通的方式。
1. 亲属关系
2. 社会阶层
3. 社会群体
国际营销活动的 计划、组织、控制
建立与经销商、顾客之间 的良好关系
第二章 国际市场营销文化环 境
Chapter Two International Marketing Culture
Culture just different, not right or wrong, better or worse
国际 市场 营销 管理
企业具体策略 (产品、价格、分销、促销)
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
分销 结构
• 通过国外投资设厂生产,避开贸易壁垒。 • 享受外国政府制定的优惠政策。 • 利用外国低廉的劳动力和原材料,降低生产成本,
Unit 9 Marketing 教案
科目:商务英语阅读任课教师:序号:目的与要求:Students will be able to:Understand the definition of “marketing”Learn about advertisementsKnow 4 Ps and 4 CsRealize the importance of market researchUse the basic terms concerned教学方法:1. ppt or2. teacher gives lecture3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or4. ask students to do ppt for presentation重点难点与解决措施:1.the professional terms of the international business English;2.understand the main idea of the international business;e a series of reading skills to solve the reading problem解决措施:Teacher should try the best to create more activities and provide more opportunities to practise.教学组织过程:课前复习:Warming-up questions1. What does the word “marketing” mean? Try to think in groups as many words that are related to it as possible to fill in the bubbles.2. The following are some ways of marketing. Match the description with each picture?3. Please tick the following words or phrases if you think they are relatedwith the term “marketing”.新课要点:I.Detailed readingII.After reading activities主要过程:I. “Detailed reading” Text AActivity 1 Match the advertisements with the contents.Activity 2 Match the words on the left in the table below with the correct Chinese translations on the right. One has been done for you as an example. Activity 3 Decide whether the following statements are T(true)or F(False) according to Text A.Activity 4 Match the picture with the term and its Chinese translations. One has been done for you as an example.II “Detailed reading” Text BActivity 5 Choose the best explanation of the underlined part;Activity 6 Read Text B and give each paragraph a heading from the table below.Activity 7 Read Text B and tell the statements are True or False.本课小结:The students’ abilities should be strengthened further.课外作业:a)P120/ Activity 3, P123/ Activity 7b)P1264/ Activity 10, P128/ Practical reading: Sales Figure(activity16)c)P 1299/ Practical reading: chart (Activity 17)P 132/ Activity20课后小结(教学反思)The students’ abilities should be strengthened further.教案:I. Introduction1. Brainstorm: What does the word “marketing” mean? Try to think ingroups as many words that are related to it as possible to fill in the bubbles.Reference: selling, advertising, sales promotion, after-sales service, new product, development, package design, PR(Public Relations), research, brochure, leaflet, trade fair, poster, catalog, presentation, showroom, direct mail, packaging, etc.2. Activity: The following are some ways of marketing. Match the description with each picture.Picture 1 c. advertisementPicture 2 d. trade fairPicture 3 a. product presentationPicture 4 b. catalog3.Practice: Please tick the following words or phrases if you think they are related with the term “marketing”.Keys: selling, advertising, sales promotion, after-sales service, carrying out customer research, promotion bagsII. Detailed Reading: Text AWords Practice: Match the words on the leftReading task 1: Match the advertisements with the contents. Advertisement 1: c. about the promotion of furnitureAdvertisement 2: b. about hunting for agents / distributor Advertisement 3: a. about the promotion of furniture(tips: teach the students to judge by the headings.)Task 2: Match the words on the left in the table below with the correct Chinese translations on the right. One has been done for you as an example.1.traditional - a.传统的2.guarantee - h.保证3.made to measure - d.量身定做4.prize draw – j.抽奖5.distributor – c.批发商;经销者6.representative – f.代表7.expand – e.扩张;扩大8.manufacture – g.生产商9.BBQ(barbeque) – j.烧烤10.charcoal – b.木炭Task 3: Decide whether the following statements are T(ture) or F(flase) according to Text A.( F ) 1.Free delivery however far away from the showroom.( F ) 2.5% discount offered if you buy furniture in Made TO Measure. (T) 3.Pillows and other bedding products branded as New World are made In Australia.( F ) 4.An interview will take place in Australia based on the second advertisement.( F ) 5.You may shop online from the American Sainsbury Co.( T ) 6.Each charcoal bag can cook for an hour or so.Practice: Match the picture with the term and its Chinese translation. Picture A -- direct mail -- 邮件销售Picture B -- direct selling –直销Picture C -- trade fairs and exhibitions -- 交易会, 展览会Picture D -- TV commercial -- 电视广告Picture E -- brochures -- 宣传册Picture F -- newspaper ad. -- 报纸广告Picture G -- presentation -- 产品推介Picture H -- T-shirt & cap -- T恤及帽子Picture I -- sponsorship -- 商业赞助Picture J -- leaflets -- 传单III. Detailed Reading: Text B / Marketing: 4 Ps and 4 Cs1.words study2.Reading task 1: Read Text B and give each paragraph a heading from thetable below.Paragraph 1 : Definition of marketingParagraph 2 : Definition of “marketing mix”Paragraph 3 : The skill in marketingParagraph 4 : The introduction of 4CsParagraph 5 : Consideration of outside environmentReading Task 2: Read the in the passage, and say whether the following statement are T(True) and F(False).1.The main concern in marketing is those who sell your products(F)2.The 4Ps system focus on the customers requirements.(F)3.Putting the 4Ps together wisely to raise the profits is the skill inmarketing. (T)4.Customer needs and wants means to design the products according tothe requirements and the customers. (T)5.To ensure the success of a marketing plan a company should not thinkof the outside environment.(F)3.Practice 1: Match the words on the left in the table below with thecorrect Chinese translation.1.collection -- b. 收集2.package -- i. 包装3.describe -- h. 描述4.output -- g. 输出,产量5.prediction -- j. 预测6.pricing -- f. 定价7.handle -- d. 处理8.satisfy -- e. 满意9.strategy -- c. 策略10.ensure -- a. 保证Practice 2: Complete the following sentences with the words above. Make changes where necessary.1.If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi.2.Smith is interested in stamp collection.3.We have worked out a strategy for dealing with this situation.4.The company has tried its best to satisfy the customers’ need.5.Try to describe what happened last night.6.Nowadays the companies are paying more and more attention to thedesign of the package.7.Please tell me how to _handle this problem.8.He made a prediction that his son would surely win the match .9.Whether the pricing is reasonable or not manily depends on thequality of your product.10.The car factory hopes to increase its output next year.Practice 3: Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words given in the brackets. Make changes where necessary. One has been done for you as an example.1.—selection1.“Place”refers to the selection (select)of sales channels andtransport arrngements.2.4Ps stand for product, pricing, promotion(promote) and please.3.A company should also consider the outside environment likeeconomic, social(society) and technical factors.4.Antoher factor to consider is the companys’ability(able) to carryout a planned marketing approach.5.They concluded the business with satisfaction (satisfy)Choose appropriate prepositions from the box to complete the following for as out on1.The salesmen think hard and work out a clever promotional way.2.Please do the exercises based on the text.3.Convenience refers to delivering the product or service tocustomers.4.Can you tell me what the word “marketing” stands for?5.Customer needs and wants, cost, convenience and communication areknown as 4Cs in marketing mix.IV. Extension activity:The following are steps to occupy the market. Please fill in the flowchart in the correct order. One has been done for you as an example.1.research the market2.find the proper marketing strategies3.negotiate the market the market5.share the market6.expand the market7.control the marketTranslate the following expressions into Chinese.1.learn a lesson 得到教训 research 市场调查 the products 推销产品4.cultural and religious factors 文化和宗教因素5.translate word for word 逐字翻译6.overlook the fact 忽略事实Word in the following sentences have more than one meaning. Try to guess the meanings, then consult the dictionary and write the Chinese meaning of the underlined word on the line.1.termA. Miss Li used the term “micro-electronic.”术语B. I cannot accept the term of the contract. 条款C. In terms of money we’re rich,but in term of happiness. 在…方面2.priceA.What price are you asking ? 价格B.Before buying the coat,why not price it in other shops? 问价C.The clothes in this shop are priced too high. 标价3.costA.It was sold under cost price 成本B.It cost me a lot of work. 花费C.The ticker cost me forty yuan 花费…4.promoteA.Withina year he was promoted from teller to assistant cashier. 提拔B.How can we promote the sale of this product? 促进k promotes health. 增进5.turnA.Bob turn a blind eye to the “No Parking ”sign 熟视无睹B.The company turned down the suggestion of shorter hours. 拒绝C.Please turn in your report at the end of this week. 上交V. Assignments:a)P120/ Activity 3, P123/ Activity 7b)P1264/ Activity 10, P128/ Practical reading: SalesFigure(activity 16)c)P 1299/ Practical reading: chart (Activity 17)P 132/ Activity20。
国际战略管理 Corporate-Level Strategy
Related Linked Diversification (Economies of
Corporate Relatedness: Transferring Skills into
Businesses Through Corporate Headquarters 10
Sharing Activities can lower costs if it:
* Achieves economies of scale * Boosts efficiency of utilization * Helps move more rapidly down Learning Curve
> 95% of revenues from a single business unit
Dominant-business Between 70% & 95% of revenues
from a single business unit
Moderate to High Levels of Diversification Related constrained < 70% of revenues from dominant A
business; bus.s share product, B C
technological & distribution links A
Related linked (mixed) < 70% of revenues from dominant
business, only limited links exist B C
营销策略 Marketing StrategyPART ONEQuestions 1—8· Look at the statements below and the five extracts about advertising and promotion from an article.· Which extract (A, B, C, D orE. does each statement (1—8) refer to?· For each statement (1—8), make one letter (A, B, C, D orE. on your Answer Sheet.· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.A. SMS marketing is marketing using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text messaging. In short SMS marketing is done using a mobile device to transfer marketing communication to interested consumers. It's an area that is gaining a great deal of interest by businesses both small and large.B. In a perfect world, every brand would contain a variety of meanings, the better to speak to a variety of consumers. The trouble with stuffing the brand this way is that the meaning that works for one consumer can bewilder or antagonize the next. Building a brand with many meanings can sometimes fail spectacularly. Everyone creating popular culture is trying to solve this question.C. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's or organization's products and services. With the help of lower level managers, including product development managers and market research managers, marketing managers estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors and identify potential markets for the firm's products.D. Marketers should also be aware of the competition that they will face when pursuing a position at a media company. Typically, marketers must have a plethora of solid experience and a vast understanding of the media industry and the specific changes impacting the industry they are looking to work in.E. Convergence has significantly blurred the lines between print, internet, television and radio. Messaging that used to be tailored for one outlet will now have to be adjusted for a wider audience. Further, the accessibility of the internet has created a very diverse and global customer base.1、 Marketers should already be familiar with how to communicate their messages across a variety of mediums.2、 Marketing managers also develop pricing strategies to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firms' customers are satisfied.3、 In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services and they oversee product development.4、 In the United States alone 9 out of 10 people carry a mobile device according to research done by MobiThinking.5、 So marketers should build their awareness of different cultures and respective sensitivities.6、 Specifically we have something to learn from Hollywood, which I believe may serve us as a kind of laboratory.7、 At present, SMS marketing is considered to be one of the more direct and personal forms of marketing.8、 So marketers have something to learn from non marketers.PART TWOQuestions 9—14· Read the text about the Yao's career development in the U. S.· Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.· For each gap (9—14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.A. Let's start off by reviewing the formal definitions of eachB. All of these elements must not only work independently but they also must work together towards the bigger goal.C. Advertising only equals one piece of the pie in the strategyD. While both components are important they are very differentE. Advertising is the largest expense of most marketing plansF. Advertising can be defined as a way to publicize the information consumers needG. After reading both of the definitions it is easy to understand how the difference can be confusing to the pointH. We can come a conclusion that all the elements are important for advertisers to noteMarketing vs. Advertising: What's the Difference?You will often find that many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. 9 Knowing the difference and doing your market research can put your company on the path to substantial growth.10and then I'll go into the explanation of how marketing and advertising differ from one another:Advertising: The paid, public, non-personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; the non-personal presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and potential customers.Marketing: The systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products.11 that people think of them as one-in-the same, so lets break it downa bit.Advertising is a single component of the marketing process. It's the part that involves get ting the word out concerning your business, product, or the services you are offering. It involves the process of developing strategie s such as ad placement, frequency, etc. Advertising includes the placement of an ad in such mediums as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, television, radio, and of course the Internet. 12 with public relations following in a close second and market research not falling far behind..The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy, and community involvement. 1314Marketing is a process that takes time and can involve hours of research for a marketing plan to be effective. Think of marketing as everything that an organization does to facilitate an exchange between company and consumer.PART THREEQuestions 15—20· Read the following article on the reasons why customers don't buy from you.· For each question (15—20) mark one letter (A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheetfor the answer you choose.Are you spending time marketing your product, but still not selling as much as you would like? The truth is consumers have needs and steps that they go through and that persuades them to buy. If your marketing is not meetingthose requirements it is probably the reasons your product is not selling. As consumers we are not just persuaded by the "price" of a product, we are moved by the benefits of the product and what it can do for us; that's our reason for purchasing. If you are finding that you are having difficulty in selling your product you may want to consider the following reasons why consumers don't buy and evaluate how you can do better at marketing your products in a way that converts consumers into your customers. They are not aware of your product.Consumers cannot purchase products they are not aware of. If you are marketing, but consumers still don't know about your product it may be time to evaluate why it's not working. Are you targeting the right market with your message? Is your message reaching those that would have an interest in your product? It's important to remember that the solution is not always more marketing, because the problem may lie with where you are marketing at, and what marketing vehicles you are using. They don't understand the benefits of your product. Consumers don't buy products solely based on price. Now, this does not mean that they don't factor in price, they do. Consumers buy based on the benefits your product brings them. If you asked your customers what the benefits of your product are, would they know? This is important. Your marketing must be centered on the benefits for your product in order for consumers to take an interest in purchasing your product. Create a list of the top three benefits of your product and use those in your marketing message. They don't feel your product has perceived value. Consumers will not buy products that they perceive as having no value. Why should customers value your product? You can use the benefits of your product to create a perceived value and it is that perceived value that helps in the sales of your product. If a customer cannot see value they will simply pass your product by. You must create that perceived value in your marketing message. They don't see how your product meets their needs. We've talked about benefits and perceived value, now let's talk about needs. Do consumers know how your product meets their needs? Does it make their life easier, save them time, and make them feel better? What need does you r product satisfy? You have to tell consumers that, don't make them guess or come up with the answer on their own, tell them and help educate them on why they need your product.15、 Which is not one of the main reasons that the consumers do not buy your products?A. The consumers don't find the way to know your product.B. The practicability of the product is not obvious.C. The product of other marketer has a more favorable price.D. Consumers don't buy anything which they think is of no value.16、 What do we learn about from the first paragraph?A. The consumers don't want to buy from you because you applied inappropriate ways in marketing the product.B. It is the benefits of the product that attract the customers to pay for it.C. A marketer should learn to summarize the reasons from the failure marketing.D. Meeting the customers' requirements appears to be of most importance in marketing techniques.17、 What does the author mean by saying "create a perceived value in your marketing message" ?A. It means that you should create a seductive message about the product to attract the consumers' attention.B. It refers to the benefits and requirements that consumers want from the product.C. It advises the marketers to use the benefits of your product to advertise.D. It is the only way that the customers can see how your product meets their needs.18、 Which is the essential concern that a customer buy a product?A. The customer really need it.B. It has a perceived value.C. It has a favorable price.D. The benefit of it sounds good.19、 A success product marketing is determined by ______.A. where the consumers get them.B. the way the consumers get them.C. the sales volume in the different sales locations.D. the awareness of your product.20、 To convert consumers into your customers, you shouldA. improve your marketing tools and strategies.B. learn about the needs and requirements of the consumers.C. pay more attention to the product itself, not the marketing.D. take more into consideration rather than simply marketing.PART FOURQuestions 21—30· Read the article below about the five W's of marketing.· Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D.· For each question (21—30), mark one letter (A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheet. The Five W's of MarketingYou've heard of the Five W's: who, what, when, where, and why. They're the elements of information needed to get the full story, whether it's a journalist 21a scandal, a detective investigating a crime, or a customer service representative trying to resolve a 22There's even an old PR formula that uses the Five W's as a template for how to write a news release.Most of the time it doesn't matter in what order the 23 is gathered, as long as all five W's are ultimately 24The customer service rep's story may begin with who was offended, while the journalist may follow a lead based on what happened. The detective may start with where a crime was committed while details of who and what (not to mention when and why) are still 25 The Five W's are helpful in marketing planning as well. But unlike in other 26 the development of an effective marketing program requires that they be answered in a specific order: why, who, what, where, and when. The reasons may not be obvious, but by following this pathway you can avoid a great deal of confusion, trial and error, and blind 27 preserving your company's precious time and 28 Many marketers instinctively begin with questions about what and where, as in "what" their advertising should say or "where" it should appear. That's what gets them into 29 To 30 their marketing efforts, think why, who, what, where, and when. The order makes all the difference.21、 A. reporting B. uncovering C. exposing D. unmasking22、 A. problem B. dispute C. complaint D. issue23、 A. information B. statistics C. intelligence D. data24、 A. introduced B. proposed C. addressed D. raised25、 A. sketchy B. rough C. curt D. unshaped26、 A. fields B. occupations C. industries D. professions27、 A. alleys B. paths C. valleys D. tunnels28、 A. money B. efforts C. resources D. vigor29、 A. dilemma B. trouble C. puzzle D. uncertainty30、 A. improve B. perfect C. advance D. optimize PART FIVEQuestions 31—40· Read the article below about being different in your marketing.· For each question 31—40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.Dare to Be Different In Your MarketingDo you want to attract the attention of 31potential clients and customer? Then it's time to dare to be different. Over the last five years our marketing departments have become complacent. 32 than come up 33 new concepts, ideas, and marketing plans, we only revisit someone else's idea, 34a few things and call it our own. Do you want to create buzz 35 your products and services? Would you like people to take a look at 36 it is that you have to offer over your competitor? If you answered yes to 37 of these questions then this year I dare you to be different. Develop new ideas, actually spend time brainstorming to firm up your own company's marketing message. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Quit comparing your creative ideas with others. It's 38we learn that adopting the tactics and strategies of another company is just simply not 39 It's still important to do your re search regarding your competitors. However, it's more important to listen to the needs of prospects and current clients. When did it become ok to quit paying attention to our markets? We want a quick fix, a fast campaign, an instaneous idea. Daring to be 40doesn't have to be difficult, often enough it's as simple as getting back to the basics. PART SIXQuestions 41—52· Read the text below from a report about brand management.· In most lines (41—52), there is one extra word. It either is grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.· If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.· If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.41、 Believe it or not, your company is already being facing just that type of situation. Oh, you may not42、 have realized it, and if that's the case you probably haven't been responding as you should do.43、 The challenge you're facing, like the one above all, is complicated. It, too, has long term44、 implications. It's also expensive, and it's public—very public. Worse, if you're mishandling things, you're already damaging the health of your company. What is it? It's your branding program.45、 Don't roll up your eyes. Think about it. Companies often mismanage their brands by neglect,46、 and doing so harms their top lines, their bottom lines, and their prospects for long-term47、 success. Just because someone else hasn't dropped a bombshell on you i na breathless phone48、 call doesn't make it any less true. Like the subtle movement of the hands of a clock going, brand neglect happens slowly, almost imperceptibly, which makes it even more sinister.49、 What makes it so nonsensical is that your brand is the ultimate asset—or they should be. Your50、 brand, unlike a building, inventory, or furniture, fixtures, and equipment, needs never depreciate.51、 Quite on the contrary—brands can increase in value indefinitely as long as they're well-managed.52、 Consulting firm Interbrand estimates the market value of Coca-Cola ( KO)—not means the secret formula, not the factories, not the trucks, but the brand alone—to be more than $ 70 billion. The McDonald's (MCD. brand is worth more than $ 33 billion. Disney (DIS), $ 28 billion.答案:PART ONE1、D2、C3、C4、A5、E6、B7、A8、B PART TWO9、 10、11、 12、 13、14、PART THREE15、C 16、C 17、D 18、A 19、D 20、DPART FOUR21、B 22、C 23、A 24、C 25、A 26、D 27、A 28、C 29、B 30、DPART FIVE31、MORE 32、RATHER 33、WITH 34、CHANGE 35、ABOUT 36、WHAT 37、EITHER 38、TIME 39、ENOUGH 40、DIFFERENT PART SIX41、BEING 42、DO 43、ALL 44、CORRECT 45、UP 46、CORRECT 47、ELSE 48、GOING 49、THEY 50、CORRECT 51、ON 52、MEANS。
国际市场营销策划方案英文Introduction:The purpose of this international marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics that will be used to enter and expand into new international markets. The company, XYZ Corporation, is a leading provider of high-tech products and services in the technology industry. With a strong presence in the domestic market, XYZ Corporation is now seeking to explore new opportunities in international markets to increase its global reach and customer base. This marketing plan aims to define the target international markets, identify the marketing objectives, establish the marketing strategies, and outline the implementation and control measures to effectively penetrate these markets.1. Executive Summary:The executive summary provides a brief overview of the entire marketing plan, highlighting the key objectives, strategies, and tactics.2. Situation Analysis:This section provides an analysis of the internal and external factors that will have an impact on the international marketing plan. It includes a market analysis, competitive analysis, and a SWOT analysis. The market analysis examines the target international markets, their size, growth potential, and cultural, economic, and regulatory factors. The competitive analysis assesses the major competitors in these markets and their market share, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing strategies. The SWOT analysis identifies the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the international markets.3. Marketing Objectives:The marketing objectives identify the specific goals that the company aims to achieve in the target international markets. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Examples of marketing objectives include increasing market share by a certain percentage, expanding the customer base, establishing strategic partnerships, and achieving a certain level of brand awareness and recognition.4. Target Market Segmentation:This section identifies the target market segments in the international markets. The segmentation criteria can be geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavioral. By dividing the market into smaller segments, the company can better understand the needs, preferences, and buying behaviors of its target customers and develop tailored marketing strategies and tactics.5. Positioning and Branding Strategy:This section outlines the positioning and branding strategy for the company's products and services in the target international markets. It defines the unique value proposition and competitive advantage that the company offers and highlights the key benefits and features that differentiate the company from its competitors.6. Marketing Strategies:This section outlines the marketing strategies that will be used to achieve the marketing objectives in the target international markets. It includes product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy.a) Product Strategy: This strategy defines the product offering for the international markets, including the product features, packaging, branding, and customization options.b) Pricing Strategy: This strategy determines the pricing approach for the company's products and services in the international markets. It takes into account factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, customer willingness to pay, and market demand.c) Distribution Strategy: This strategy outlines the distribution channels and logistics that will be used to deliver the company's products and services to customers in the international markets. It may involve direct sales, joint ventures, strategic partnerships, or third-party distributors.d) Promotion Strategy: This strategy defines the promotional activities that will be used to create awareness and generate demand for the company's products and services in the international markets. It includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and digital marketing tactics.7. Implementation Plan:The implementation plan details the specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities for executing the marketing strategies in the target international markets. It includes a budget allocation, resource allocation, and a timeline for each marketing activity. This section also outlines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the marketing efforts.8. Control and Evaluation:The control and evaluation section establishes the monitoring and control measures that will be used to track the progress and performance of the international marketing plan. It includes regular performance reviews, data analysis, and feedback mechanisms to ensure that the marketing strategies are effectively implemented and aligned with the marketing objectives.Conclusion:In conclusion, this international marketing plan outlines the strategies and tactics that will be used to enter and expand into new international markets. By conducting a thorough analysis of the target markets, defining the marketing objectives, and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy, XYZ Corporation can successfully penetrate these markets and achieve its business goals. Continuous monitoring and evaluation will be crucial to ensure the success of the plan and make any necessary adjustments to maximize results.。
国际市场营销(双语版)第4章 国际目标市场选择与国际市场进入方式
2. 影响国际目标市场营销战略的因素 (1)外部因素。 ①目标国家的市场因素。 ②目标国家的环境因素。 ③目标国家的生产因素。 ④国内因素。 (2)内部因素。 影响企业进行国际市场目标选择的内部因素包括产品因素和企
(2)文化标准。 Cultural factors
东西方文化的差异决定了中国市场与欧美市场的根本不同,生活方式密 切地受到文化的影响,所以按照文化标准细分国际市场对营销决策是非 常有益的。文化对国际营销决策的重要影响之一,就是文化的诸因素(如 语言、教育、宗教、种族、美学、价值观和社会组等)都能构成国际市场 的细分标准。
4.2 国际目标市场选择
4.2.1 国际目标市场的含义 国际目标市场是企业在对国际市场进行细分之后,通
过对细分市场的市场潜力、竞争状况、本企业资源条 件等多种因素进行评估分析,最终决定进入的那部分 市场,即企业所选择的准备以相应的产品和服务满足 其需要的那部分购买者群体。
4.2.2 评估国际目标市场的标准 1.细分市场的规模和发展潜力 Segment Size and Growth
4.1.2 国际市场细分的原则与步骤
1.国际市场细分的原则 (1)可测量性。这是指国际目标市场的销售潜量及购
买力的大小必须是能被测量的。 Measurable: the size, purchasing power, and profiles the
segments can be measured.
国际营销英文版 18
国际营销英文版 18IntroductionInternational marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services in other countries, outside of the company’s domestic market. It requires a deep understanding of the global business environment, cultural differences, and effective marketing strategies to succeed. In this document, we will discuss various aspects of international marketing.Understanding the Global Business EnvironmentTo be successful in international marketing, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the global business environment. This includes understanding the political, economic, legal, and cultural aspects of the countries in which you plan to operate.Political FactorsPolitical factors, such as government regulations and policies, can greatly impact international marketing efforts. For example, trade agreements and tariffs can affect the cost of importing or exporting goods. It is important to stay up-to-date on the political situation in target markets to anticipate potential risks and opportunities.Economic FactorsEconomic factors, such as exchange rates, inflation rates, and GDP growth, also play a significant role in international marketing. These factors can impact the purchasing power ofconsumers and the affordability of products or services. Conducting thorough market research and understanding economic trends is important for successful international marketing campaigns.Legal FactorsLegal factors, such as intellectual property laws, product regulations, and labor laws, vary across countries. It is crucial to understand and comply with local laws and regulations to avoid legal issues that may hamper international marketing efforts.Cultural FactorsCultural factors are perhaps the most important aspect of international marketing. Cultural differences across countries can significantly impact consumer preferences, behavior, and buying habits. Adapting marketing strategies to these cultural nuances is vital for success. This includes considering language differences, customs, traditions, and even holidays and festivals.Developing an International Marketing StrategyDeveloping an effective international marketing strategy involves careful planning and consideration of various factors.Market SegmentationMarket segmentation is the process of dividing a target market into smaller, more specific segments based on similar characteristics or needs. Effective market segmentation allowsmarketers to create tailored marketing strategies that resonate with different customer groups. This approach is especially important in international marketing, considering the diverse mix of cultures, languages, and preferences.Product AdaptationAdapting products or services to suit the needs and preferences of international markets is crucial for success. This may include making modifications to packaging, branding, features, or even creating entirely new products. Conducting market research and understanding customer preferences and expectations is essential for effective product adaptation.Pricing StrategiesPricing strategies need to consider factors such as local market conditions, competition, and local purchasing power. For example, pricing a product the same way in multiple countries may not be effective if the local market can’t afford it. Developing flexible pricing strategies that are tailored to each market is essential for success in international marketing.Promotional StrategiesPromotional strategies in international marketing may differ from those used in domestic markets. It is important to consider cultural differences, local advertising regulations, and the effectiveness of various promotional channels. For example, social media advertising may be more effective in some countries, while traditional print media may still dominate in others.Distribution ChannelsChoosing the right distribution channels is crucial for international marketing success. Factors such as transportation infrastructure, customs regulations, and buyer preferences should be considered when deciding on distribution methods. This may involve partnering with local distributors or setting up direct sales operations in target markets.ConclusionInternational marketing requires a deep understanding of the global business environment, cultural differences, and effective marketing strategies. By considering political, economic, legal, and cultural factors, developing tailored strategies, and adapting products and services to suit international markets, companies can achieve success in their international marketing efforts. It is important to continually monitor and adapt marketing strategies based on market trends and changes in the global business environment to stay competitive in the international arena.Note: This document was written in Markdown format.。
国际市场营销--国际市场进入战略决策 ppt课件
许可证贸易是合约进入方式中最主要的方式。许可证贸易也称许 可合同,它是指许可人(授权方,有时简称授方)通过许可合同, 将专利、专有技术、商标及其它工业产权的使用权转让给被许可 人(受方)的贸易。核心是无形资产使用权的转让,主要应用在 技术贸易领域,以双方约定的使用费作为补偿。
2002年长虹彩电出口398万台,居全国第一,而就在前一年即2001 年,它的出口量却仅仅为12万台,一年之间竟然增长了33倍还多!
2001年年底,长虹的应收款为28亿人民币,到了2002年9月上升为 52亿人民币,增长将近一倍。
• 引申讨论: • 什么样的产品、行业适合特许经营进入模式? • 原则上说,特许经营几乎适用于所有行业。在美国,特许 经营在75个不同的行业得到了广泛的应用。排名前10位的 行业分别是:快餐、零售、服务、汽车、饭店、维护、建 筑装修、食品零售、商业服务、出租。
• 从2001年开始,中国最大的彩电生产商长虹为搏出口,冒险为当时 在电视业还名不见经传的美国APEX Digital公司贴牌生产:APEX从 长虹购买电脑,贴上APEX牌之后再卖给沃尔玛、Best-Buy等零售商。
ppt课件 20
1.特许经营的含义 特许经营是指通过签订特许合同,特许方将其工业产权 (专利、专有技术、商号、商标等)的使用权连同经营管 理的经验和方法一起转让给被特许方,被特许方按特许方 的经营政策、经营风格从事经营活动。
Guest Sales Planning in the GlobalMarketplaceIn the fast-paced and ever-evolving global business landscape, the significance of effective guest sales planning cannot be overstated. As competition heats up and customer expectations rise, it's crucial for organizationsto develop comprehensive sales strategies tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of their target guests. This article delves into the intricacies of guest sales planning, focusing on the key elements that contribute toits success and offering practical tips for implementing a robust plan.**Understanding Guest Needs and Preferences**The foundation of any successful sales plan is a deep understanding of the target audience. In the context of guest sales, this means understanding the needs, wants, and preferences of the individuals or groups you aim to serve. Market research and data analysis play a crucial role inthis process, providing insights into customer demographics, purchasing behaviors, and preferences. By leveraging this information, sales teams can craft messages and offers thatresonate with their target guests, increasing the chances of conversion.**Personalized Sales Strategies**In today's era of personalization, generic sales pitches often fall flat. Instead, organizations must focus on creating personalized sales strategies that speak to the unique needs and interests of each guest. This could involve offering customized packages or experiences, providing tailored product recommendations, or creating exclusive deals and discounts. By taking a personalized approach, sales teams can create a more meaningful connection with their guests, fostering trust and loyalty. **Leveraging Technology for Efficiency**Technology has revolutionized the sales industry, and guest sales planning is no exception. By leveragingcutting-edge tools and platforms, sales teams can streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. This could include using customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track and analyze guest data, employing artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive analytics and marketing automation, or utilizingsocial media and digital marketing channels to reach a wider audience.**Creating a Seamless Customer Experience**In the age of consumer-driven business, providing a seamless and enjoyable customer experience is paramount. From the initial contact to the follow-up and beyond, organizations must ensure that their guests receive prompt, professional, and personalized service. This includes being responsive to inquiries, addressing concerns promptly, and providing post-sale support and follow-up. By creating a positive customer experience, organizations can build brand loyalty and foster repeat business.**Ongoing Training and Development**Sales teams are the backbone of any successful guest sales plan. It's crucial to invest in ongoing training and development programs that equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. This could include providing product and industry knowledge training, sales techniques and strategies workshops, and leadership development programs. By investing in their team's growth, organizations can ensure that they have a sales force thatis well-prepared to meet the challenges of the global marketplace.In conclusion, effective guest sales planning is essential for organizations that want to thrive in today's competitive business environment. By understanding guest needs and preferences, crafting personalized sales strategies, leveraging technology for efficiency, creating a seamless customer experience, and investing in ongoing training and development, organizations can build a robust sales plan that drives growth and profitability.**客人销售计划在全球市场中的重要性**在全球商业环境快速变化和不断演进的今天,有效的客人销售计划的重要性不言而喻。
专业硕士英语教材第九章内容及翻译How to Deal with a Difficult Boss
Bad bosses often have a recognizable modus operandi! Harry Levinson, an American management psychologist, had catalogued problem bosses, from the bully to the indecisive jellyfish to the disapproving perfectionist. If you’re suffering from a bad boss, chances are he or she combines several of these traits and can be dealt with effectively if you use the right strategy. 糟糕的老板都有众所周知的伎俩!美国管理心理学家哈里·莱文森将问题老板做了个分类,从欺压下属的恃强凌弱型到缺乏主见的优柔寡断型,再到求全责备的完美主义型。
The Bully. DURING his first week on the job, a new account manager at a small advertising agency agreed to return some materials to a client. When he mentioned this at a staff meeting, the boss turned beet red, his lips began to quiver and he shouted that the new employee should call his client and confess he didn’t know anything about the advertising business, and would not be returning the materials.欺压下属类。
销售英文平话Plain Speaking of Sales JargonPreface 前言 (2)Chapter 1销量是硬道理 (3)销量的几种说法 (3)零售商的销量是怎么炼成的 (5)浅谈销量分析 (7)案例:零售商门店信息汇总表。
(8)零售商常见的销售分析报告 (10)我的销量和大家的销量 (13)Chapter 2 渠道“百家姓” (14)渠道是个大家庭 (14)客户的户口本 (14)Chapter 3 种植面积与亩产 (16)Chapter 4 看得到,拿得到,有得拿 (17)复杂的“分销” (17)产品组合与分销标准 (17)关于80/20的思考 (17)从不同视角看“产品角色” (17)我爱新产品 (17)算算新品财务帐 (18)Chapter 5 摆在哪,怎么摆,摆多少 (19)Chapter 6 价格真的敏感吗 (20)Chapter 7 “助销”还是“生动化”? (21)Chapter 8 有多少促销可以重来 (22)Chapter 9对不起,现在讲库存 (23)Chapter 10 学会简单财务分析 (24)Chapter 11 十几个人七八条枪 (26)Chapter 12 以终为始写报告 (27)Appendix 附录 (27)附录A 常见销售英文错误摘录 (27)附录 C 常见表达例句 (28)作者简介 (29)Preface 前言这是一本写给消费品销售管理者的“业务书”和“英文书”。
营销策划方案英文版1. IntroductionThe following marketing planning proposal presents a comprehensive strategy to promote a product/service successfully. The plan focuses on understanding the target market, analyzing competitors, developing marketing objectives, and implementing effective promotional campaigns. This proposal aims to increase brand awareness, attract new customers, and maximize sales.2. Situation Analysis2.1 Market AnalysisTo begin, we will conduct a thorough market analysis to identify key trends, consumer preferences, and market size. Through primary and secondary research, we will gather data on demographics, psychographics, purchasing habits, and customer needs. This will allow us to better understand our target customers and their motivations.2.2 Competitive AnalysisAdditionally, a competitive analysis will be conducted to assess the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors. By analyzing their marketing strategies, pricing strategies, and product/service offerings, we can identify opportunities and threats in the marketplace. This analysis will provide valuable insights to develop our unique selling proposition (USP) and differentiate ourselves from the competition.2.3 SWOT AnalysisFurthermore, a SWOT analysis will be conducted to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses of our organization, as well as the external opportunities and threats in the market. This analysis will help us capitalize on our strengths, overcome weaknesses, exploit opportunities, and mitigate threats. It will serve as a foundation for developing effective marketing strategies.3. Marketing ObjectivesBased on the analysis conducted, the following marketing objectives have been identified: 3.1 Increase brand awareness by 30% within the next six months.3.2 Increase market share by 10% within the next year.3.3 Increase sales by 15% within the next quarter.3.4 Improve customer loyalty and retention by 20% within the next year.3.5 Enter a new customer segment and acquire 500 new customers within the next six months.4. Target MarketWith the insights from the market analysis, we have identified the following target market: 4.1 Demographics: Male and female, aged 25-40, residing in urban areas.4.2 Psychographics: Tech-savvy, health-conscious, and environmentally conscious individuals.4.3 Behavioural: Regular users of similar products/services, value convenience and quality.5. Marketing Strategies5.1 Product StrategyBased on the market analysis, we will enhance our product/service by focusing on quality, convenience, and sustainability. We will introduce new features, offer customization options, and ensure eco-friendly production processes. By highlighting these attributes, we will position our product as the superior choice in the market.5.2 Pricing StrategyOur pricing strategy will be competitive, offering value for money. We will conduct a pricing analysis to ensure that our prices are in line with customer expectations and provide a competitive advantage. Additionally, we will consider implementing promotional pricing in the initial stages to encourage trial and customer acquisition.5.3 Distribution StrategyTo ensure widespread availability, we will develop a multi-channel distribution strategy. Our product will be available through our e-commerce website, partner retailers, and select brick-and-mortar stores. This strategy will maximize accessibility and convenience for our target customers.5.4 Promotion StrategyOur promotion strategy will be multi-faceted, utilizing both traditional and digital marketing channels:- Traditional channels: We will utilize print media, television advertising, and out-of-home advertising to reach a wide audience. Collaborations with influencers and celebrities will help increase brand awareness and credibility.- Digital channels: We will leverage social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to target our desired audience and drive trafficto our website. Additionally, we will implement email marketing and content marketing to nurture leads and build customer relationships.- Public relations: We will actively engage with the media, industry influencers, and community organizations to generate positive press coverage and enhance our brand reputation.6. Implementation and ControlTo ensure the successful execution of the marketing plan, a detailed implementation schedule will be developed. The plan will outline the tasks, responsible parties, timelines, and expected outcomes for each marketing initiative. Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to measure the effectiveness of the strategies and make necessary adjustments.7. ConclusionIn conclusion, this marketing planning proposal provides a comprehensive strategy to promote a product/service successfully. By understanding the target market, analyzing competitors, developing marketing objectives, and implementing effective promotional campaigns, we will increase brand awareness, attract new customers, and maximize sales. Through continuous evaluation and adjustments, we will achieve our marketing objectives and establish a strong market presence.。
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Reasons for FDI
1. marketing and cost factor (1) Wider market access in order to maintain and increase their sales (2) To obtain low cost resources 2.attractive investment climate To invest where their investment is most protected and has the best chance to flourish. 3.ability to overcome trade barrier. Duties, tariffs, or other import restrictions
Assessment of licensing
Advantages: (1) licensor: require neither capital investment nor knowledge or marketing strength Royalty income provides an opportunity to obtain an additional return on R&D investments already incurred. (2) licensee: Offers a proven concept that reduces the risk of R&D failures Ongoing licensing cooperation and support enables the licensee to benefit form new development (3) for both Reduces the exposure to government intervention Protect intellectual property rights
Strategic alliance
One special form of joint ventures Two or more companies with a common business objective However, ongoing flexibility, (they can be formed, adjusted, dissolved rapidly in response to changing conditions) Usually, to collaborate in the achievement of a given project or objective Partners for one project may well be fierce competitors for another.
Stimuli to internationalize
2. Reactive stimuli (1) overproduction Overproduction—high inventories—developing an international market---but temporary activity—domestic market return to previous levels,international marketing activities are terminated (2) stable and declining sales Declining sales—to prolong the life cycle in international markets (in the past, success in developing countries, such as color TV, but now?) (3) saturated domestic market (similar to point 2)
Definition A parent company grants another, independent entity the right to do business in a specified manner. Similar to licensing. However, to force the franchisee to adopt a certain number of operating policies so that it can maintain a standard level of quality associated with its brand name. Hilton, McDonald's, Benetton, Gap etc
Assessment of Franchise
Similar to Franchising Please read p293
Foreign Direct Investment
FDI represents international investment flows which require property and plants
Entry modes of internationalization
Licensing and franchising Foreign direct investment (full ownership) (joint venture, strategic alliance) Acquisition Agent distributor Office
Change agent
(1) internal change agents Type and quality of management (managers who lived abroad, know foreign languages, or are interested in foreign cultures to investigate whether international marketing opportunities) New management—to involve all levels of management early on in the international planning process. Significant internal event( new product)
Definition Under a licensing agreement, one firm, the licensor , permits another (licensee) to use its intellectual property in exchange for compensation designated as royalty (版税). patents, trademarks, copyrights, technology, specific marketing skills
Joint venture
Definition Are collaborations of two or more organizations for more than a transitory period Advantage (1) can pool resources and lead to a better outcome for each partner than if they worked individually (2) permit better relationship with local organizations-government, local authorities, or labor unions.
Full ownership
Definition To have 100 percent ownership. Management must evaluate how important total control is for the success of international marketing activities. Problem: Transfer of profits Response: to control full ownership Market instability
Joint venture
Disadvantages (1) conflicts of interest (2) problems with disclosure of sensitive information (3) disagreement over how profits are to be shared
Change agent
External change agent (1) foreign demand (2) competitor (competitive pressure) (3) domestic distributors (4) banks (5) chambers of commerce (6) government
Stimuli to internationalize
1. proactive stimuli (1) profits (2) unique products and a technological advantage( how long such a technological or product advantage will continue) (3) market information (foreign customers, marketplace, market situations) (4) economies of scale
Please read the appendix
Trademark licensing
Definition To permit use of the names of logos of designers, literary characters, sports teams, and movie stars. Example?