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Inventory management –Miyoshi Cup with products in inventory management

Abstract Today's cruel and fierce market competition, various enterprises participate in market competition, there are many risks in operating. However, inventory management is an important part of corporate internal control, enterprises achieve business objectives of internal control systems. We knows, stock of increased can enhanced enterprise organization production, and sales activities of mobile, but too much of stock occupies larger of funds, makes enterprise bear interest expenditures, effects enterprise of funds turnaround speed; Meanwhile, stock too much, and stock about of the expenditure is will increased, as: procurement cost, and warehousing cost, and management cost,, thereby will led to enterprise operating cost rose, and profit declined. Therefore, it managed directly affects the economic efficiency of enterprises.

This design from Miyoshi Cup with products limited of stock management of analysis start, for the company exists of stock management of problem, find effects the company of stock management of factors, and combines reality, from internal control system, and management system, and electric is of system of uses, and third party logistics of uses, aspects strengthened Miyoshi Cup with products limited on stock of management, made specific of, and applies of, and viable of settlement approach, hopes on Miyoshi Cup with products limited has substantive of help.

Keywords inventorymanagementstrategies


引言 (6)

一、公司背景 (6)

二、公司存货管理存在的问题 (7)

(一)存货管理的内部控制薄弱 (7)

1. 会计岗位设置 (7)

2. 存货管理制度 (7)

(二) 存货储备量不合理 (7)

1. 存货占用较大 (7)

2. 存货存储管理混乱 (7)

(三) 存货管理未能实现电算化 (8)

(四) 存货的核算计量方面不够准确 (8)

1. 存货的期末计量方法 (8)

2. 存货的期末盘点 (8)

(五) 未能充分利用第三方物流 (9)

三、三好杯具制品有限公司存货管理问题存在的原因分析 (9)

(一) 公司人员素质不高 (9)

(二) 公司内部控制制度不够完善 (9)

(三) 存货管理决策不合理 (9)



(一) 完善存货管理内部控制制度。 (10)

1. 控制岗位分工与授权 (10)

2. 控制存货采购与验收环节 (10)

3. 增设内部审计部门 (10)

4. 监督与检查 (10)

(二) 建立科学高效的存货管理制度。 (10)

1. 做好市场需求量分析 (11)

2. 施行ABC管理法 (11)

(三) 建立适用的会计电算化存货管理系统 (11)

(四) 准确核算计量存货 (11)

1. 存货的期末计量方法 (11)

2. 存货的期末盘点 (11)

(五) 充分利用第三方物流整合内部物流资源 (12)

五、总结 (12)

参考文献 (13)
