街舞 breaking
• • 一、FUNK • 首先是Funk(疯克)。 Funk源于 • 60年代,兴于70年代,属于Blues (布鲁斯)的一种。最早的纯正的 Funk,曲速大概仅限在120BPM以 下。到了70到80年代,Disco和 House的流行为Funk在曲速和内容 上做出了很大的革新影响。到了90 年代纯正的Funk已经落寞了,但在 今天,不光有很多BBOY用曲是 Funk(我个人琢磨Funk在BBOY 音乐中的比例大概要占到八成左右), 许多E Pop(电音流行)和CLUB (酒吧音乐)也都是以Funk元素为 基础的改良作品。 Funk最大的特点在于 4/4拍 (强弱次强弱),以及BASS极为突 出的使用。另外还有鼓和吉他也是不 能少的,但Funk的吉他侧重节奏而 不像一般Rock里只负责旋律。 Old School HipHop 那么Bboy所用的带说唱的曲子,就 是我说的Old School HipHop。 当然了这里面还要考虑一个曲速问题, Old School(旧派)的HipHop太 多了,但过慢的歌显然不适合Bboy。 一般Bboy所用的说唱曲速起码要有 100BPM以上。比如些什么呢? LL Cool J 的《Mama Said Knock You Out》,这首带感的说唱一定 是众多Bboy的挚爱;或是Old School的代表人物、殿堂级大哥 Big Daddy Kane《Set it off》 燃死了。
街பைடு நூலகம்—breaking
• 很多人第一次看到Breaking的时候都会忍不住会惊叹:这些家 伙到底是从哪里学到这样奇怪的舞蹈?!各种快速的步伐,高难 度的各种倒立姿势,令人匪夷所思的身体旋转构成了在大众心中 的形象。 • 作为Hiphop文化中的代表性舞蹈,Breaking主要由 TopRock、UpRock、Footwork、Powermoves、 Freeze等几类不同的舞蹈方式所组成。Breaking最初发明于 纽约的Bronx区,当时许多DJ带着唱盘机和喇叭在街头广泛举 行各种音乐派对并形成风潮,逐渐越来越多的人开始习惯于在派 对音乐中没有歌词的间奏部分跳舞,于是众多DJ中一个名为 Kool Herc的佼佼者发明了将两张唱盘的间奏部分拼接起来以获 得更长的跳舞时间的方式,并由此产生了Break Beat这种音乐 形式。而在这种间奏时间里跳舞的人就被称之为间奏男孩Break Boy,即B Boy,而B Boy所跳的舞蹈便被称之为B Boying, 并在之后的商业化宣传中被称为Breaking并通行至今。
目前,街舞有很多种,包括以下几种:1. Breaking(打破):是最早出现的街舞种类之一,也是最为流行的一种。
2. Popping(弹跳):是一种流行的街舞种类,其特点是快速的肢体动作和弹跳的效果。
3. Locking(锁定):是一种在1970年代后期出现的舞蹈形式,其特点是速度快、动作幅度大、手臂和腿部动作多。
4. House(屋子):源自芝加哥,是一种快节奏的舞蹈形式,通常伴随着混音电子音乐。
5. Krumping(克兰平):是一种高能量的街舞形式,其特点是快速的肢体动作和强烈的表情。
要正确地发音,Breaking应该读作 'breɪkɪŋ',Popping应该读作 'pɒpɪŋ',Locking应该读作'lɒkɪŋ',House应该读作 'haʊs',Krumping应该读作'krʌmpɪŋ'。
介绍街舞种类英语作文English response:Street dance is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of dance styles that have evolved in urban settings. These styles are typically characterized by their use of improvised and expressive movements, as well as their focus on rhythm, funk, and style.Some of the most popular street dance styles include:Breaking: Also known as breakdancing, breaking is a style that originated in the Bronx in the 1970s. Breakingis characterized by its use of athletic moves, such as spins, flips, and power moves.Popping: Popping is a style that originated in California in the 1970s. Popping is characterized by itsuse of quick, jerky movements, which are often performed to the beat of the music.Locking: Locking is a style that originated in California in the 1970s. Locking is characterized by its use of sharp, angular movements, which are often performed in time with the music.Hip hop: Hip hop is a style that originated in the Bronx in the 1970s. Hip hop is characterized by its use of funky and upbeat movements, as well as its focus on style and attitude.House: House is a style that originated in Chicago in the 1980s. House is characterized by its use of smooth, flowing movements, as well as its focus on rhythm and repetition.Street dance is a vibrant and ever-evolving art form. It is a great way to stay fit, have fun, and express yourself creatively.中文回答:街舞是一个广义的术语,涵盖了在城市环境中演变出的各种舞蹈风格。
Breaking最初发明于纽约的Bronx区,当时许多DJ带着唱盘机和喇叭在街头广泛举行各种音乐派对并形成风潮,逐渐越来越多的人开始习惯于在派对音乐中没有歌词的间奏部分跳舞,于是众多DJ中一个名为Kool Herc的佼佼者发明了将两张唱盘的间奏部分拼接起来以获得更长的跳舞时间的方式,并由此产生了Break Beat这种音乐形式。
而在这种间奏时间里跳舞的人就被称之为间奏男孩Break Boy,即B Boy,而B Boy所跳的舞蹈便被称之为B Boying,并在之后的商业化宣传中被称为Breaking并通行至今。
街舞breaking教学街舞breaking教学运动特点折叠编辑本段Breaking的大致路线折叠Breaking的大致路线分Style和PowerMove这分别是Old School,我相信大家都问过一个问题:哪个更重要?对这个问题,众说纷云。
最后只能说两个同样重要,然而大多数Bboy的认同这说法结果产生了后者,在Style里加上了Move、PowerMove(StyleMove),在PowerMove里面加上了Combo(PowerMoveCombo)等...的就是New School。
街舞介绍(英文)by aprilcity
Hip-hop is a folk dance, originating from the African-American youth is African-American "hip-hop culture" (Hip-Hop) part. As a result of this dance in the streets, in any instrument in the venue, so called hip-hop, and is highly participatory, and competitive performance.
In the gradual development of the young hip-hop to form a common way of thinking and behavior, to hip-hop to their self-publicity personality, show the vitality of youth and passion, the courage to forge ahead to express the attitude of life, to do themselves, enjoy life , have the courage to challenge them to emphasize that is the idea. Nhomakorabea�
街舞是一种民间舞蹈,兴起 街舞是一种民间舞蹈, 于美国黑人青少年, 于美国黑人青少年,是美国 黑人"嘻哈文化" 黑人"嘻哈文化"(HipHop)的组成部分.由于这 )的组成部分. 种舞蹈出现在街头, 种舞蹈出现在街头,不拘于 场地器械,所以称为街舞, 场地器械,所以称为街舞, 并且具有极强的参与性, 并且具有极强的参与性,表 演性和竞赛性. 演性和竞赛性.
一、Breaking(地板舞)Breaking 无疑是街舞中最具爆发力和视觉冲击力的舞种之一。
从令人惊叹的头顶旋转(Headspin)到充满力量的风车(Windmill),再到惊险的托马斯全旋(Thomas Flare),每一个动作都展现了舞者卓越的身体控制能力和无畏的勇气。
在 Breaking 的表演中,舞者们仿佛与地板融为一体,用身体的力量和节奏感征服着观众。
二、Popping(震感舞)Popping 则以其独特的肌肉震动和控制技巧给人留下深刻的印象。
从经典的“Pop”动作到流畅的“Wave”(电流)传递,Popping 舞者能够以细腻而又富有节奏感的动作,将音乐的每一个节拍都诠释得淋漓尽致。
三、Locking(锁舞)Locking 以其鲜明的动作定格和快速的手部与脚部锁动为特点。
Locking 的动作常常充满了喜剧性和表演性,舞者们通过夸张的面部表情和独特的舞蹈姿态,与观众进行着生动的互动。
四、Hip-Hop(嘻哈舞)Hip-Hop 是一种源于街头文化的舞蹈风格,强调自由、流畅的动作和个性化的表达。
Aprilcity制作IntroductionStreet dance is an term used to describe dance styles that evolved outside of dance studios at more everyday spaces such as streets, school yards and nightclubs. They're often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with the spectators and the other dancers. 街舞是一种脱离练舞房,而在一些更普遍的地方,例如:街道、校园、夜店等进行的舞蹈形式。
Today, street dance is commonly used specifically for the many hip hop dances and funk dance styles that began appearing in the United States in the 1970s, and are still alive and evolving within the hip hop culture of today. Most of these styles are considered African American vernacular dances as they first appeared within African American communities. 现如今,街舞已被普遍认为是出现在20世纪70年代并依旧在当今hip-hop文化不断发展的hip-hop和funk的舞蹈形式。
1. Street dance:街舞
2. B-boy/B-girl:街舞爱好者,特别是男性或女性舞者
3. Locking:一种街舞类型,也称为锁舞
4. Popping:一种街舞类型,涉及肌肉的迅速收缩和放松
5. Breaking:一种街舞类型,涉及倒立、翻筋斗等技巧
6. Handglide:一种街舞动作,涉及用手滑行在地面上
7. Backslide:一种街舞动作,涉及向后滑动在地面上
8. Ollie:一种街舞动作,涉及用脚尖滑行在地面上
9. Flip:街舞中的翻跟斗动作
10. Step-out:街舞中的一种滑步动作
11. Body control:身体控制,在街舞中指舞者对身体部位的精确控制
12. Groove:街舞中的节奏感,指与音乐节拍同步的舞步
13. Flow:街舞中的流畅度,指舞者动作的连贯性和协调性
14. Expression:街舞中的表现力,指舞者通过表情和动作传达情感的能力
15. Beat boxing:口技,一种以口部模仿音乐节奏和声音的表演形式,常在街舞中作为伴奏。
街舞类别首先介绍一下一般常见的breaking舞曲,可以划分为这三类:一、funk二、old school hiphop三、break beat街舞类别一:james brown首先是funk(疯克):funk源于60年代,兴于70年代,属于blues的一种。
纽约布朗克斯的小孩儿跳舞喜欢耍酷,不想局限于disio单调的咚!啪! 咚!啪!总是喜欢在一段音乐激烈的过门处来一段花里胡哨的舞步。
kool herc在相出双唱盘轮番播放这个法子之后,用这种手段来重复播放这种激烈过门桥段,让这些孩子们跳得high起来。
funk最大的特点在于 4/4拍(也就是每小节的强拍保持在第一拍和第三拍),以及bass极为突出的使用。
街舞类别二:the roots其实funk乐在街舞中主要还是dancer运用较多街舞中funk 的几个主要分支:p-funk(ppo funk),流行疯克,欢迎的小号和电吉他以及飞快的曲速让他成为locking舞者的不二用曲。
其实,这种曲子以及上面的electro funk在bboy的battle或是showcase中也时常出现,只是相对平常用到的较少。
街舞breaking街舞breaking一:foundationfoundation(基本功)是breaking的基础这个是关于态度,音乐,和bboy跟着拍子跳舞的方式,bboying 的foundation是与你自己一的风格,技巧的信心直接相关的。
根据力量动作的特质,下面的方面是必须考虑的:精力危险性身体控制速度力量强度柔韧性复杂性平衡性作为裁判力量动作项目的裁判,必须考虑到这些力量动作的特制有没有做出来!街舞breaking三:斗舞技巧是关于回应对手的风格和技巧的“bboy斗舞是竞争的表现,凭借2个或者更多的舞者的展现他们的能力,目的是打倒他们的对手,最自然的battle是具有侵略性的,用于类似武术中或者街头打斗之类的精神和兴奋的气场去战斗,每一边都会轮流或者说“round”这样来回轮流直到battle 宣布结束!两个核心战略:自信和回应。
New Jazz Breaking Popping Hiphop
Locking House Raggae
New Jazz(爵士舞):
爵士舞动作的本质是一 种自由而纯朴的表现, 直接把内心的感受用身 体的颠,抖,扭表达出 来。就像我们听到喜欢 的音乐,能从内心自然 的流露出感情,身体就 不由自主的随著音乐节 奏而活动。
是人们最常接触的 一种舞蹈,它有着 幅度大而简单的舞 步,能够表现出复 杂的舞感。因为容 易学习,跳起来也 相当好看,所以很 受大众喜爱。
Байду номын сангаасocking(锁舞):手臂和上身动作较大而臀部和腿部动
它可以加上拉丁舞的扭腰、武术的空翻、踢踏舞的基本步以及芭蕾 的转圈,跳起来既可以十分优雅,也可以相当狂野。
Breaking(霹雳舞)分成大地板和小地板。 大地板以连续且可互相连结的旋转动作为主。 对小地板以连续动作后突然静止。 跳地板舞的人称呼为B-boy或B-girl。
运用身体各部位的 肌肉和关节,随着 音乐的节拍,加上 自己丰富的想象力, 创造出令人惊讶的 舞步。
Breaking在大量吸收来源于Capoeira(巴西战舞)、体操、中国武术(来自香港邵氏电影)等不同体育及艺术形式的元素和动作后形成了如今Breaking,分为TopRock(摇滚步)、Footwork(腿部动作)、Freeze(空中定格)、Power Move(整体移动)四大内容,大量手撑地的快速脚步移动、各种倒立定格动作,以及在地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转使这种舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。
其分类还是比较传统的,根据街舞动作的过程分为四大部分:摇滚步(toprock、腿部动作(Footwork)、空中定格(Freeze)和整体移动(Power Move)。
(1)街舞breaking 中toprock可以理解为街舞的起始动作,即街舞练习者在跳街舞之前会有一个垫步,就像太极中的起始动作,或者像调高运动员的助跑,这个过程虽然不能算做是跳高动作的开始,但是却是不可或缺的,其作用是引出下面的动作,也是为了方便做后续的动作。
(2)街舞breaking 中footworkFootwork,即街舞中的“腿部工作”,其名称也称之为排腿,扫堂腿等。
1. B-boy/B-girl: 街舞男孩和女孩的简称。
2. Freestyle: 即时编舞,没有事先准备或排练。
在街舞中,Freestyle 是一种展示个人才华和舞蹈技巧的方式。
3. Battle: 舞蹈对抗赛。
4. Crew: 舞蹈团队,由一群共同分享激情和相同舞蹈风格的舞者组成。
5. Popping: 一种独特的舞蹈风格,着重于通过快速收缩和松弛肌肉来创造流畅而有力的舞蹈动作。
6. Locking: 另一种街舞风格,以快速锁定和释放肌肉为特点。
7. Breaking: 也被称为B-boying或B-girling,是街舞中最为知名和流行的风格之一。
8. Toprock: 是Breaking中的一种技巧,指的是舞者站立时的舞姿和步伐。
9. Power moves: 此术语用来描述高难度和高速的动作,如旋转和翻跟头。
10. Footwork: 表示舞者在地面上的动作和步伐。
11. Cypher: 街舞圈中,舞者们围成一个圆圈,每个人都有机会在其中表演。
12. Swag: 街舞中用来描述舞者独特的风格和慷慨自信的态度。
街舞介绍 (英文版)
Breaking belongs to the technical street dance, with the most difficult, requห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ring the dancers have high strength, flexibility and coordination. The dancer is called B-boy/B-girl.
Name:Wu shuxiao 201422240220
Street Dance is a folk dance, which started among young black people in the United States in the 1960s. Street dance is an umbrella term used to describe dance styles that evolved outside of dance studios at more everyday spaces such as streets, school yards and nightclubs. They're often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with the spectators and the other dancers. Note: Hip-hop is just one part of street dance Music——The Soul of Street Dance
Style : toprock(摇摆步)、uprock(战斗步) footwork(地板步)、Freeze(定格) Power move : 1990、2000、swipe(跳转)、 windmill(风车)、thomas(托马斯) air fly(A飞),and so on.
《这就是街舞》第三季火热开播!首先,街舞的英文表达为Street Dance,跳街舞的人一般称为Dancer,街舞里最精彩的斗舞,用Battle来表示。
街舞分为Old school(表示传统的舞蹈风格,产生于20世纪80年代)和New school(表示新式的舞蹈风格,产生于20世纪90年代之后)两种舞蹈风格。
主要分为TopRock(摇滚步)、Footwork(腿部动作)、Freeze(空中定格)、Power Move(整体移动)四大内容。
大学街舞专业基础英语教材Unit 1: Introduction to Street Dance1.1 What is Street Dance?Street dance is a style of dance that originated in urban communities. It encompasses a wide range of dance forms, such as hip-hop, breaking, popping, locking, and krumping. In this unit, we will explore the history and evolution of street dance.1.2 The Origins of Street DanceStreet dance emerged in the 1970s in the Bronx, New York City. It was a form of expression for disadvantaged youth who found solace in dance. Over time, street dance grew in popularity and became a global phenomenon.1.3 Key Street Dance MovesIn this section, we will introduce some fundamental street dance moves. These include the two-step, body wave, footwork, and freezes. Understanding and mastering these basic moves will serve as a strong foundation for further learning.Unit 2: Hip-Hop Culture2.1 Understanding Hip-HopHip-hop is an integral part of street dance. It is a cultural movement that encompasses music, dance, fashion, and art. In this unit, we will explore the origins of hip-hop and its impact on street dance.2.2 Rap and LyricsRap is a vocal style that often accompanies street dance performances. In this section, we will learn about the history of rap music and the importance of lyrics in hip-hop culture. Students will have the opportunity to analyze and discuss various rap songs.Unit 3: Breaking3.1 Introduction to BreakingBreaking, also known as breakdancing, is a dynamic and acrobatic style of street dance. In this unit, students will learn about the origins of breaking and its unique moves, such as toprock, downrock, power moves, and freezes.3.2 Mastering the FundamentalsMastering the fundamentals is crucial for breaking. In this section, students will focus on developing their footwork, freezes, and transitions. They will also learn how to incorporate their own style and creativity into their breaking routines.Unit 4: Popping and Locking4.1 Popping TechniquesPopping is a technique in street dance that involves contracting and relaxing specific muscles to create a popping effect. In this unit, students will learn different popping techniques, such as the basic hit, wave, and animation.4.2 Locking TechniquesLocking is another prominent style in street dance characterized by distinctive pauses, locking movements, and funk dance elements. In thissection, students will learn basic locking techniques and how to incorporate them into their dance routines.Unit 5: Freestyle Dance and Improvisation5.1 Introduction to Freestyle DanceFreestyle dance is the art of improvisation, allowing dancers to express their creativity and individuality. In this unit, students will learn techniques to develop their freestyle skills and gain confidence in their ability to dance spontaneously.5.2 Musicality and RhythmMusicality is an essential aspect of freestyle dance. Students will explore the concept of timing, rhythm, and how to interpret different musical genres in their dance. Through practice and experimentation, they will enhance their ability to dance in sync with the music.Unit 6: Choreography and Performance6.1 Choreography BasicsChoreography involves creating and arranging movements to form a dance routine. In this unit, students will learn the principles of choreography, including spacing, formations, and transitions. They will have the opportunity to create their own street dance choreography.6.2 Preparing for PerformancePreparing for a performance is a crucial part of being a street dancer. Students will learn about stage presence, costume selection, and how to captivate an audience through their performance. They will also reflect onthe significance of street dance as a form of self-expression and cultural identity.ConclusionThis textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the foundation of street dance in a college setting. By studying the history, techniques, and cultural aspects of street dance, students will develop a solid understanding and appreciation for this dynamic dance form. With further practice and exploration, they will be well-equipped to excel in the field of street dance and contribute to its ongoing development and evolution.。
Mr.Wiggles:Study foundations, get as close to the root of the style you want to learn. respect all other styles and dancers even if you ain’t feelin them, or their styles, let your dancen do the talking for you, you can’t win a battle or argument debating on the internet, only believe what you can see with your own eyes, and not someone else’s opinions.
And I also believe,something in our lives are also like dancing to dancers,which make us happy and energetic.Once my teacher said:“Street dance was not the thing as easy as you thought.It takes time and need to practice over and over again.It’s never funny until you are perfect.But there won’t be anything perfect in the world.”So for the thing we want to do best we need to pay more.
Buzz words in street dance: B-boy&B-girl Crew Battle Burned Slides Bite Rolling Wave C-walk (Breaking boy&girl) (The group of B-boy) (The competition between two dancers or two groups) (The one who lost the battle) (Slide oneself) (Learn movements furtively ) (Fundamental motions in all dance styles) (Fundamental motions in all dance styles) (Crip Walk )
关于写霹雳舞的英语作文Breaking is a dance form that originated in the Bronx, New York City, in the 1970s. It is a dynamic and energetic style of dance that combines elements of acrobatics,martial arts, and street dance. B-boys and B-girls, as breakers are commonly known, use their bodies to create intricate and gravity-defying movements that captivate audiences worldwide.The dance moves in breaking are characterized by their power and fluidity. Breakers execute a variety of movessuch as freezes, spins, and flips, all performed with precision and control. The combination of strength, agility, and creativity required in breaking makes it a truly unique and awe-inspiring art form.One of the most important aspects of breaking is the battle. Battles are competitive dance events where breakers showcase their skills and compete against each other. The battles can be intense and full of energy, with breakerstaking turns to showcase their moves and respond to their opponents. It is a thrilling experience to watch breakers push the boundaries of their abilities and engage in a dance battle like no other.Breaking is not just about the physical movements; it is also about the culture and community that surrounds it. Breakers often come together to form crews, which are groups of dancers who share a common passion for breaking. Crews provide support and encouragement to each other, and they often collaborate to create new choreography and perform at events and competitions.The music in breaking plays a crucial role in setting the mood and rhythm for the dance. Breakers typically dance to beats from genres such as hip-hop, funk, and breakbeat. The music provides the backdrop for breakers to express themselves and showcase their skills. It is the driving force that fuels the energy and intensity of breaking.Breaking has evolved over the years, with new moves and styles constantly emerging. Breakers are constantly pushingthe boundaries of what is possible, inventing new moves and techniques that challenge the limits of the human body. This constant innovation and creativity keep breaking fresh and exciting, making it a dance form that continues to captivate audiences of all ages.In conclusion, breaking is a dynamic and energetic dance form that combines elements of acrobatics, martial arts, and street dance. It is characterized by powerful and fluid movements, intense battles, a strong sense of community, and a driving musical backdrop. Breaking is a dance form that continues to evolve and captivate audiences worldwide with its innovation and creativity.。
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Hello everyone! I . am glad that I have the opportunity to share something with you.But before that I will give you a brief introduction about me to you.
It use of parts of the body muscles and joints to get relax and tight, and follow the beat of the music.,to create a wonderful visual effect,just like a robot. Now let’s watch it.
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As the representative dance of hiphop culture, + Breaking include Powermoes Uprock Footwork Freeze and Toprock .It was invented in America.And the man who dance it are called Bboy,of course the girl who dance it are called Bgirl. + Breaking is my favorite dance.It usese hand,head and body rotation on the ground to finish different kinds of action.Байду номын сангаасf cource, great power and many skills are neccessary.
So I think it is the perfect combination of power and skills. + let’s watch it.
welcome to dancing World Thank you!
It was invented by Boogaloo Sam in 1977. Though Michael Jackson it became famous quickly and knowed by all over the world.Now you can see poper(someone who dance poping) everywhere.
Hip-hop: hip is our body(臀);hop means jump.So hip-hop means boogie(摆动身体).It is rely on the body rhythm to let their body updown.and it has simple steps,so it is quite easy to learn.
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Now,I will introduce my hobby,Street Dancing,to you. Hiphop(嘻哈文化)originated in Africa.It includes rap(说唱) writing(涂鸦) street dance(街舞) DJ(打碟).Generally Street dance has six kinds of dances.They are Hiphop,Breakin,Poppin,Jazz,Locking,Ragge Krunp.