人教新起点六年级上册英语unit 5 famous people 课件 (共13张PPT)

Potter and his dead parents.
• J.K.Rowling has formed the habit of writing since the age of six.
• She kept writing even after she moved to Portugal to teach English. She got married to a Portuguese journalist. The couple had a daughter but later divorced.
10、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。2 021/4/1 2021/4/12021/4/14/1/2 021 9:05:27 PM
11、人总是珍惜为得到。2021/4/12021 /4/1202 1/4/1A pr-211- Apr-21
12、人乱于心,不宽余请。2021/4/120 21/4/12 021/4/1 Thursd ay , April 01, 2021
and then took a job with
Amnesty International in
London, the human rights group.
The idea for Harry Potter
came to Rowling in 1990
during a ride train from
• The books have been translated into more than 55 languages.
• The series of films score at the box office(票房).
人教版一年级起点六年级上册英语《Unit 5 Famous People lesson 1》(一等奖课件)

______, ______,______.
Inventors invented ______.
Inventions, inventions, inventions. light bulbs
______ is/are great invention(s).
Thomas Edison
2.What were they good at? They were good at__________.
A.inventing things B.paintings C.phones
The planes are great inventions. vsatcaatitoion n
Wright Brothers inventeiodn planes.
Lu Xun J.K.Rowling
Bing Xin
Famous writings make our life meaningful. (有意义的)
Third Exhibition Hall
Famous Poets
poet 诗人
poem 诗,诗歌 poems
Lao She
Lu Xun J.K.Rowling
Bing Xin
Hans Christian Andersen
What do you know about Andersen?
He wrote many famous stories.
Where was he from?
He/She was a _______.(writer/scientist/poet/artist/…) He/She was good at___________.

Unit5 Famous People Get ready.Who are these people?这些人是谁?Thomas Edison托马斯·爱迪生Inventor(American) 1847-1931明家(美国)Xu Beihong徐悲鸿artist(Chinese) 1895-1953美术家(中国)Jean-Henri Fabre法布尔scientist(French) 1823-1915科学家(法国)Li Bai 李白poet(Chinese) 701-762诗人(中国人)Hans Christian Andersen安徒生writer(Danish) 1805-1875作家(丹麦)Look at this picture.看这张照片。
What do you know about him?你认识他吗?This is Li Bai. He was Chinese.这是李白。
He was a poet. He wrote many famous poems.他是诗人。
Lesson 1A Listen and number. 听和标数。
Hi, children. Look at these famous people. 你好,孩子们。
They did great things. Do you know any thing about them? 他们做了很伟大的事。
你们知道有哪些吗?This is Li Bai. He was Chinese.这是李白。
He was a poet. He write many famous poems.他是个诗人。
One of his famous poem is In the Quiet Night.其中一首叫《静夜思》。
This is Hans Christian Andersen.这是安徒生。
人教新起点六年级英语上册Unit 5 Famous people 教案

Unit 5 Famous People课件单元教学目标:1. 能够借助图片关键词等基本信息听懂有关某著名人物生平及其成就的简短语篇。
2. 能够运用本单元重点语言与他人简短谈论自己崇拜或喜爱的名人的生平,成就等情况。
3. 能够整合新旧知识丰富表述语言,不断提高语言表达能力。
4. 能够读懂简短的名人介绍小段文,能抓住大意及主要信息,提高阅读理解能力。
5. 能够正确朗读所学故事和段文,做到语音正确,语调自然。
6. 能够仿照范例或根据所给信息完成一篇简短的人物介绍。
7. 能够根据字母组合tion,ture的发音规则辅助拼读,记忆单词,逐步提高拼读单词的能力。
教学重点1.Words about occupations: actor artist scientist writer musician inventor.2.Words about nationality: Chinese Danish English American German.3.Sentences: This is…He was a/ an…/ He was../He was born in…4. To know the contributions made by the famous people. And to be able to ask why do they famous.教学难点1. To read and know the name of the famous people such as: Beethoven Isaac Newton Hans Christian Andersen Thomas Edison and so on.2. T he meaning of “What did he do?”3. The difference between famous people and popular people.4. W ords about famous people’s contributions.5. O ther sentences: Why is …famous? /He is famous because…Lesson 1一、教学内容1. 本课学习有关职业的词汇和有关国籍的词汇:actor, artist, scientist, writer, musician, inventor2. 本课学习的交际用语:(1)This is….(2)He was a\an….(3)He was Chinese\….(4)He was born in ….二、教学目标1. 能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。

Unit5 Famous People Get ready.Who are these people?这些人是谁?Thomas Edison托马斯·爱迪生Inventor(American) 1847-1931明家(美国)Xu Beihong徐悲鸿artist(Chinese) 1895-1953美术家(中国)Jean-Henri Fabre法布尔scientist(French) 1823-1915科学家(法国)Li Bai 李白poet(Chinese) 701-762诗人(中国人)Hans Christian Andersen安徒生writer(Danish) 1805-1875作家(丹麦)Look at this picture.看这张照片。
What do you know about him?你认识他吗?This is Li Bai. He was Chinese.这是李白。
He was a poet. He wrote many famous poems.他是诗人。
Lesson 1A Listen and number. 听和标数。
Hi, children. Look at these famous people. 你好,孩子们。
They did great things. Do you know any thing about them? 他们做了很伟大的事。
你们知道有哪些吗?This is Li Bai. He was Chinese.这是李白。
He was a poet. He write many famous poems.他是个诗人。
One of his famous poem is In the Quiet Night.其中一首叫《静夜思》。
This is Hans Christian Andersen.这是安徒生。
人教新起点六年级英语上册Unit 5 Famous people 课件

Famous People
He was born in 1980.
He is 2.36 metres tall.
He plays basketball in the USA and he is an NBA star.
He is a famous athlete . [′æθli:t]
She was born in Italy , but she worked in London .
Italy —— Italian (意大利) (意大利人)
He is Leonardo da Vinci .
He was a famous artist ,[′ɑ:tist]
an inventor and an architect .
He is famous for his interesting stories for children.
Who is your favorite famous peopt’s Xu Beihong. He was Chinese artist.
He is famous for paintings about horse.
Famous People
He liked exploring .
And he became an explorer ,
[ik′splɔ:rə ]
a famous explorer .
His name is Columbus .
•9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/7/292021/7/29Thursday, July 29, 2021 •10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/7/292021/7/292021/7/297/29/2021 3:01:07 AM •11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/7/292021/7/292021/7/29Jul-2129-Jul-21 •12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/7/292021/7/292021/7/29Thursday, July 29, 2021

教学重点1.Wordsaboutoccupations:actorartistscientistwriter musician inventor.2.Wordsaboutnationality:ChineseDanishEnglishAmerican German.3.Sentences: This is…He was a/ an…/ He was../He wasborn in…4. To know the contributions made by the famous people. Andto be able to ask why do they famous.教学难点1.Toreadandknowthenameofthefamouspeoplesuchas:BeethovenIsaacNewtonH ansChristianAndersenThomasEdison and so on.2. The meaning of “What did he do?”3. The difference between famous people and popular people.4. Words about famous people’s contributions.5. Other sentences: Why is …famous? /He is famous because…Lesson 1一、教学内容1.本课学习有关职业的词汇和有关国籍的词汇:actor, artist, scientist, writer, musician, inventor2.本课学习的交际用语:(1)This is….(2)He was a\an….(3)He was Chinese\….(4)He was born in ….二、教学目标1.能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。
六年级英语人教版Unit 5 Famous People第一课时

Bing Xin
He was good at writing stories.
六年级 英语
He was born in 1805 and passed away in 1875.
六年级 英语
Hans Christian Andersen
writer (Danish) 1805-1875
03 Let’s talk.
Hans Christian Andersen
六年级 英语
Hans Christian Andersen
六年级 英语
Hans Christian Andersen
He was Danish.
He was a writer.
六年级 英语
Lu Xun
六年级 英语
Lao She
学习 目标
1. 了解五位中外名人的国籍、职业及 特长等基本信息。
2. 能够和同伴简单交流名人的基本信 息。
六年级 英语
They are at the Hall of Fame.
六年级 英语
Albert Einstein
Qian Xuesen
六年级 英语
六年级 英语
He was good at painting horses.
六年级 英语
He was born in 1895 and passed away in 1953.
六年级 英语
Xu Beihong artist (Chinese)
Jean-Henri Fabre
六年级 英语
六年级英语上册Unit 5 Famous People Story Time_1-人教版新起点

B Match the people to their jobs and their
someone said her books were bad
习【作习前 作要】组M织学ic生h充a分e交l流J,o最r想d写a什n么?在交流b过a程s中k,e学r生b通a过ll相p互la启y发e,r确定自己sw最oa想ms写et的oo内on容e,sh把so思ar路idt打h开。e
At last, he became a famous inventor, inventing more than 1,000 things.
Ludwing van Beethoven
When Beethoven was young, he was not very good at music. His teachers thought that he would never be successful.
Thomas Edison inventor
someone said he was stupid
Ludwig van Beethoven
someone said he would never be successful
RCetell one of the stories
The Bear and the Two Travelers
Beethoven’s father did not agree. He became his son’s teacher, and Beethoven became a famous composer. There is something else special , too. He wrote some of his music when he was completely deaf!