上海交通大学英语讲义Exercise Five听力答案及原文

Exercise Fivepound DictationI believe in toughness,steeliness and even meanness.I learned these(1)traits from my father.Toughness came first.I am the first-born and the son he never had.I’m the one he took to the gym,the one who could run faster than the boys,the one who played all day with a broken collarbone(锁骨).I’m the one who thought my daddy was the toughest man around—and I wanted to be just like him.He never missed a day of school,worked as a dishwasher to pay his college(2)tuition,and toiled as an accountant by day and attended law school at night.My dad also taught me steeliness,an unwillingness to(3)surrender.Steeliness kept me from being raped once.I fought my attacker.I left an imprint of my phone on his face.I(4)memorized details of his face and clothing.Determined to keep other women from being violated,I identified him,testified against him and made sure he went to jail.Sometimes even toughness and steeliness aren’t enough.I also believe in meanness.I am not a large woman;petite,in fact.I cannot command respect with my presence and stature. As a(5)community college English instructor in a tough town,I teach people who aren’t always eager to learn.I’m the mean teacher.I like to push students harder than they want to be pushed. Some of them don’t like me at the time,but they usually end up(6)appreciating me later on.“Hate me now,love me later”is my motto.I’m even mean with myself.Sometimes it’s meanness that gets me out of bed in the morning,like after a night of drinking too much.I’m not nice to myself—I don’t give myself(7)permission to stay home.Some of my best teaching days have been the result of my refusal to make others suffer for my poor(8)self-discipline.Meanness with myself keeps me accountable.That tough and steely will my father gave me helps me bear the loss of him.(9)I watched him die of cancer,but he never gave up on wanting to live.(Please pause here for30’’-40’’)Perhaps it would have been easier on both him and the family had he given in to death,had he not fought to the absolute last breath.(10)Although I do not have him in my life anymore,I got to see him as himself to the very end of his.(Please pause here for30’’-40’’)I understand the poet Dylan Thomas,who pleads with his own father to“rage,rage against the dying of the light.”Women are usually encouraged to be gentle.But when life has tested me the most,(11)I believe it’s my toughness,my steeliness and even my meanness that get me through.(Please pause here for30’’-40’’)Section2.Note-taking1)successful movie actress(for many years starting)2)star of a very popular radio program3)radio performer4)I love Lucy/TV show5)housewife6)to be in show business7)soft and pretty8)mean9)Cuba immigrant10)a bandleader(in a New York nightclub)Section3.Short Answering Questions.We might not be alone in the universe.Actually,it may be confirmed as a very crowded place by new computer models developed to help identify habitable planets.Estimates of places that can sustain life have been based on the likelihood of them having surface water.But software recently developed by the Aberdeen University allows researchers to identify planets with underground water kept liquid by planetary heat.Water is fundamental for life and planets too close to the sun lose water to the atmosphere through evaporation.On the other hand,planets located in distant reaches from their star have their surface water locked away as ice.Sean McMahon,who is carrying out the work,explained:“Traditionally people have said that if a planet is in this Goldilocks zone–not too hot and not too cold-then it can have liquid water on its surface and be habitable.”But this perception might change when considering that planets can receive two sources of heat-heat direct from the star and heat generated deep inside the planet.It is easy to observe it in our own planet.As you descend through the crust of the Earth,the temperature gets higher and higher.Even when the surface is frozen,water can exist below ground. There could be5.immense quantities of water in fact-teeming with primitive life.Professor John Parnell,also from Aberdeen University said:“There is a significant habitat for5. microorganisms below the surface of the Earth,extending down several kilometres.”“And some believe that the bulk of life on Earth could even reside in this deep biosphere.”So the Aberdeen team are developing models to predict which far-flung planets might harbour underground reservoirs of liquid water with the possibility of alien life.Section4.Listening and Translation1.As the human population has grown and become wealthier,the demand for high-quality animal protein has skyrocketed.For example,from1990to2005,Asia alone added roughly one billion humans,but10billion chickens,according to UN figures.Farmers are raising more animals in smaller spaces than in the past and in places that have not been used this way before.例如,根据联合国的统计数字,从1990年到2005,仅亚洲大约增加了10亿人口,但鸡却增加了100亿只。

05网试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪个选项是互联网的缩写?A. WWWB. ITC. PCD. ISP答案:A2. 网页的扩展名通常是什么?A. .docB. .txtC. .htmlD. .jpg答案:C3. 哪种协议用于在互联网上发送电子邮件?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SMTPD. TCP答案:C4. 以下哪个不是网页浏览器?A. ChromeB. FirefoxC. SafariD. Photoshop答案:D5. 互联网的起源可以追溯到哪个项目?A. ARPANETB. NASAC. IBMD. Microsoft答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是常见的网页设计语言?A. HTMLB. CSSC. JavaScriptD. PHPE. Python答案:A, B, C2. 互联网上的数据传输可以采用哪些协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SMTPD. TCP/IPE. UDP答案:A, B, C, D3. 以下哪些是互联网服务提供商(ISP)提供的服务?A. 电子邮件B. 网页托管C. 域名注册D. 网络电话E. 网络存储答案:A, B, C, D, E4. 以下哪些是网络安全措施?A. 防火墙B. 杀毒软件C. 加密D. VPNE. 物理隔离答案:A, B, C, D, E5. 以下哪些是互联网上常见的攻击类型?A. 钓鱼B. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)C. 恶意软件D. 社交工程E. 网络窃听答案:A, B, C, D, E三、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 互联网是全球性的计算机网络。
答案:正确2. 互联网上的所有信息都是公开的。
答案:错误3. 互联网的IP地址由32位二进制数组成。
答案:错误(IPv4是32位,但IPv6是128位)4. 互联网的域名系统(DNS)用于将域名转换为IP地址。
答案:正确5. 互联网上的数据传输是绝对安全的。

计算机网络第五版答案完整版Computers have become an integral part of our lives, and computer networking plays a crucial role in connecting various devices and enabling communication between them. In the fifth edition of the book "Computer Networks," the authors provide comprehensive answers and solutions to various exercises and questions, giving readers a complete understanding of the concepts and principles of computer networking.1. Introduction to Computer NetworksComputer networks are essential for transmitting data and enabling communication between devices. In this chapter, the authors explain the basics of networks, including the OSI model, network topology, and types of networks. They also provide answers to exercises that help readers grasp the fundamental concepts of computer networking.2. Physical LayerThe physical layer is responsible for transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. The authors cover topics such as analog and digital signals, transmission media, and modulation techniques. Through detailed explanations and examples, readers gain a solid understanding of the physical layer's functions and mechanisms.3. Data Link LayerThe data link layer ensures reliable data transfer between two connected nodes. This chapter focuses on topics like error detection and correction, flow control, and media access control. The authors provide accurateanswers to questions related to these concepts, enabling readers to comprehend the data link layer's role in establishing error-free communication.4. Network LayerThe network layer facilitates the delivery of data packets across multiple networks. Addressing, routing algorithms, and internet protocols are among the key topics discussed in this chapter. By examining the provided answers, readers can enhance their knowledge of the network layer's functionalities and protocols.5. Transport LayerThe transport layer provides end-to-end communication between applications running on different hosts. This chapter explores topics like multiplexing, demultiplexing, reliable data transfer protocols, and congestion control. The authors offer complete solutions to exercises, allowing readers to grasp the complexities and mechanisms of the transport layer.6. Application LayerThe application layer enables network applications to communicate with each other. This chapter covers topics such as domain name system (DNS), email protocols, and World Wide Web (WWW) protocols. The authors present accurate and detailed answers, enabling readers to understand the application layer's role in facilitating various network services.7. Network SecurityNetwork security is essential to protect data from unauthorized access and malicious activities. This chapter discusses topics like symmetric and asymmetric encryption, public key infrastructure (PKI), and network security protocols. The authors provide comprehensive answers, helping readers to comprehend the importance of network security and the techniques used to safeguard data.8. Multimedia NetworkingIn the modern era, multimedia applications require robust networking capabilities. This chapter delves into topics such as streaming and real-time applications, multimedia protocols, and quality of service (QoS) mechanisms. By examining the provided answers, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and solutions in multimedia networking.9. Network ManagementEfficient network management is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of computer networks. This chapter covers topics like Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), network monitoring, and network troubleshooting. The authors provide accurate and comprehensive answers, allowing readers to learn about the tools and techniques used in network management.By providing complete and accurate answers to exercises, the fifth edition of "Computer Networks" equips readers with the knowledge and understanding required to master the field of computer networking. The authors' attention to detail, clear explanations, and concise yet informative solutions make this book an invaluable resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in computer networks.。
2018秋上海交大工商管理第五次作业 计算机网络

正确答案是:文本 邮件
正确 获得1.00分中的 1.00分
a. QQ b. Blog c. ftp d. Web
正确 获得1.00分中的 1.00分
获得1.00分中的 1.00分
a. D.通过"收藏夹"收藏 b. A.打开记事本,输入网址 c. B.把网址存放在自己的邮箱里 d. C.把网址背下来
正确 获得1.00分中的 1.00分
Ping 网关IP,如果应答正确,表示局域网中的______正在运行并能够做出应答。
a. 管理员 b. windows系统 c. ISP
d. 邮箱
正确 获得1.00分中的 1.00分
a. 通信协议是通信双方共同遵守的规则或约定 b. 所有网络都采用相同的通信协议 c. 两台计算机如果不使用同一种语言,则它们之间就不能通信 d. 网络使用者之间的口头协定
正确 获得1.00分中的 1.00分

选择一项:a. 移动邮件功能b. 分类方法c. 在收件箱中创建新的文件夹d. 邮件规则正确答案是:邮件规则题目2利用Google搜索引擎进行搜索时,如果想查找"王菲的歌曲《香奈儿》",但又不希望得到的结果是RM格式(Realplayer)的,下列关键字输入正确的是______。
选择一项:a. 可以输入:王菲歌曲香奈儿不包括RMb. 可以输入:王菲歌曲香奈儿 RMc. 其它选项均不正确d. 可以输入:王菲歌曲香奈儿 -RM正确答案是:可以输入:王菲歌曲香奈儿 -RM题目3正确用IE打开,然后将该网页另存为网页文件,如命名为:"海天",这时在所保存的文件夹中保存了两个文件,以下正确的是______。
选择一项:a. 海天.htm和海天.filesb. 海天.htm和海天.bakc. 海天.txt和海天.filesd. 海天.htm和海天.txt正确答案是:海天.htm和海天.files题目4在Internet中,统一资源定位器的英文缩写是______。
选择一项:a. HTMLb. HTTPc. URLd. WWW正确答案是:URL题目5正确电子邮件地址的结构为_________。
选择一项:a. 用户帐号+邮箱地址b. 密码+后置符号@+邮箱地址c. 用户帐号+密码d. 用户帐号+后置符号@+邮箱地址正确答案是:用户帐号+后置符号@+邮箱地址题目6下列说法正确的是____。
选择一项:a. 电子邮件具有快速、高效、方便、价格昂贵等特点b. 电子邮件是Internet提供的一项最基本的服务c. 电子邮件只能发给指定的的网上用户d. 电子邮件中可发送的多媒体只有文字和图像正确答案是:电子邮件是Internet提供的一项最基本的服务题目7要给某人发电子邮件,必须知道他的____________。

本次作业是本门课程本学期的第5次作业,注释如下:大学英语II 第5单元作业题一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. –Oh, God! I’ve made such a mistake!–(A) Oh, nothing!(B) Never mind. We all make mistakes.(C) You should blame yourself.(D) Don’t worry.正确答案:B解答参考:[第五单元]B 当对方在你面前抱怨自己做错了事时,应进行实质性的安慰,而D 为敷衍性答复。
2. –What a poor job I’ve done!–(A) Do it again.(B) You can do it.(C) Do your best next time!(D) Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you.正确答案:D解答参考:[第五单元]D 选项AC使上下文意思无法衔接,选项C含批评意。
3. –I had a minor accident yesterday but fortunately nothing is serious.–(A) What a relief to hear that!(B) I’m sorry to hear that.(C) What can I do for you?(D) Don’t worry.正确答案:A解答参考:[第五单元] A 上文提到遭遇小车祸但无大碍,这是不幸中的万幸,因此BD不恰当,C为商店服务用语。
4. –I feel awful. I’ve left your book somewhere.–(A) Oh! How could you do that!(B) Don’t worry. I never liked it anyway.(C) Cheer up. I’ll buy anthor one.(D) It’s not your fault.正确答案:B解答参考:[第五单元]B 当对方因事表示道歉时,应进行宽慰,而D则答非所问。

交大大学英语(三)第五次作业(总32页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--We were _______ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.选择一项:a. held up 正确b. broke downc. put backd. kept off反馈正确答案是:held up题目2正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干It was well known that Thomas Edison _____ the electric lamp.选择一项:a. invented 正确b. discoveredc. foundd. developed反馈正确答案是:invented题目3正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干If you observe more closely, Margaret is _______ of the two girls.选择一项:a. the tallestb. tallestc. the taller 正确d. taller反馈正确答案是:the taller题目4正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干A long time ago, I _______ in London for three years.选择一项:a. have livedb. have been livingc. lived 正确d. had lived反馈正确答案是:lived题目5正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干At the _______ of the police, those people ran off in all directions.选择一项:a. lookb. sight 正确c. watchd. view反馈正确答案是:sight题目6正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干It's not easy for Chinese students _______English well.选择一项:a. to learn 正确b. learnc. learnedd. learning反馈正确答案是:to learn题目7正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Don't worry. There's still _____ time to go.选择一项:a. littleb. fewc. a fewd. a little 正确反馈正确答案是:a little题目8正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The rain was _______ make our picnic impossible.选择一项:a. hard enoughb. so hard toc. so hard as to 正确d. hard so to反馈正确答案是:so hard as to题目9正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干What is the train ______ to Birmingham?选择一项:a. fare 正确b. feec. tipd. cost反馈正确答案是:fare题目10正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干_______ these honours he received a sum of money.选择一项:a. Outsideb. Besides 正确c. Exceptd. But反馈正确答案是:Besides题目11正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干When the lights turn red, the traffic ________ stop.选择一项:a. must 正确b. mayc. needn'td. can反馈正确答案是:must题目12正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干He has ________ on his farm.选择一项:a. 20 heads of cattleb. 20 head of cattlesc. 20 head of cattle 正确d. 20 heads of cattles反馈正确答案是:20 head of cattle题目13正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Few students failed in the exam at the end of last term, _______选择一项:a. do theyb. don't theyc. did they 正确d. didn't they反馈正确答案是:did they题目14正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干If I don't ________ the phone at home, ring me at work.选择一项:a. returnb. respondc. replyd. answer 正确反馈正确答案是:answer题目15正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干You will soon _______ the weather here, and then the changes in temperature will not trouble you much.选择一项:a. get on withb. get used to 正确c. get overd. get to反馈正确答案是:get used to题目16正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干We are next-door _______.选择一项:a. neighborhoodb. neighborhoodsc. neighbord. neighbors 正确反馈正确答案是:neighbors题目17正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Either the shirts or the sweater ______ a good buy.选择一项:a. hasb. arec. wasd. is 正确反馈正确答案是:is题目18正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干They ______each other for more than twenty years.选择一项:a. didn't seeb. hadn't seenc. haven't seen 正确d. don't see反馈正确答案是:haven't seen题目19正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The plane was about to _______, and yet I left my ticket behind.选择一项:a. take inb. take upc. take ond. take off 正确反馈正确答案是:take off题目20正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干I thought that honesty _______ the best policy.选择一项:a. wereb. is 正确c. bed. was反馈正确答案是:is题目21正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干None of them tells us ________, so we need your help.选择一项:a. how should we dob. what should we doc. how to do it 正确d. what to do it反馈正确答案是:how to do it题目22正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干During the future examinations you should avoid ________ such mistakes.选择一项:a. making 正确b. makec. to maked. made反馈正确答案是:making题目23正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干He told me ________ bring you anything.选择一项:a. to notb. notc. don'td. not to 正确反馈正确答案是:not to题目24正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干-Do you want to wait - Five days ________ too long for me to wait.选择一项:a. wasb. werec. ared. is 正确正确答案是:is题目25正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干When Lily came home at 5 . yesterday, her mother _____dinner in the kitchen.选择一项:a. cookedb. has cookedc. cooksd. was cooking 正确反馈正确答案是:was cooking题目26正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干He has been writing for 3 years, but being a writer is not his________.选择一项:a. characterb. choice 正确c. chanced. change反馈正确答案是:choice题目27正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Young ________ he is, he knows how to get along with others.选择一项:a. as 正确b. althoughc. howeverd. like反馈正确答案是:as题目28获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干On my left _______ a wide river; on my right, a dark forest.选择一项:a. would beb. arec. has beend. was 正确反馈正确答案是:was题目29正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.选择一项:a. a fewb. few 正确c. a littled. little反馈正确答案是:few题目30正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Why not ______and do some outdoor activities?选择一项:a. goes outb. to go outc. going outd. go out 正确反馈正确答案是:go out题目31正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ______ of fat.选择一项:a. the large amountb. the large numberc. a large amount 正确d. a large number反馈正确答案是:a large amount题目32正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Wouldn't it be _______wonderful world if all nations lived in_______peace with one another?选择一项:a. a; theb. a; / 正确c. the; /d. the; the反馈正确答案是:a; /题目33正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The starter (赛跑发令员) gave the ________ for the race to begin.选择一项:a. signal 正确b. attentionc. adviced. sign反馈正确答案是:signal题目34正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干-For tonight's homework, do pages 10 and 12 in the workbook. - Professor Hones, I think that is ________ work.选择一项:a. hardestb. too much 正确c. too hardd. much the more反馈正确答案是:too much题目35正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Can you look after my children for a while I don’t want to leave them _______.选择一项:a. alone 正确b. lonelyc. alongd. away反馈正确答案是:alone题目36正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but ________of them came.选择一项:a. noneb. neither 正确c. eitherd. both反馈正确答案是:neither题目37正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _______office soon.选择一项:a. would leave 正确b. leavesc. had leftd. left反馈正确答案是:would leave题目38正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干I won’t make the _______ mistake next time.选择一项:a. same 正确b. nearc. similard. like反馈正确答案是:same题目39正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The top of the Great Wall is ________ for five horses to go side by side.选择一项:a. enough wideb. so widec. wide enough 正确d. wide反馈正确答案是:wide enough题目40正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Fish can't live ______ water.选择一项:a. withb. inc. without 正确d. on反馈正确答案是:without题目41正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The league secretary and monitor ______asked to make a speech at the meeting.选择一项:a. wereb. was 正确c. hasd. are反馈正确答案是:was题目42正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The tall man is _____with robbery.选择一项:a. dealtb. donec. charged 正确d. accused反馈正确答案是:charged题目43正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干-Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting -No, I'd gladly have paid __________for it.选择一项:a. so many twiceb. two time as manyc. twice as much 正确d. as much twice反馈正确答案是:twice as much题目44正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干He _______ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.选择一项:a. insisted on 正确b. insisted thatc. insisted atd. insisted in反馈正确答案是:insisted on题目45正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干We offered him our congratulations _______ his passing the college entrance exams.选择一项:a. forb. atc. on 正确d. of反馈正确答案是:on题目46正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Don't ________ your study. We are going to help you.选择一项:a. be worriedb. worry about 正确c. worryd. be afraid反馈正确答案是:worry about题目47正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干I won't be free ________ I finish this work.选择一项:a. butb. whenc. afterd. until 正确反馈正确答案是:until题目48不正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干When Laura finally arrived she apologized _______ so late.选择一项:a. that she was coming 不正确b. to comec. for to comed. for coming反馈正确答案是:for coming题目49正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Susan speaks English _______John.选择一项:a. much more fluently than 正确b. as fluent asc. more fluent thand. so fluently as反馈正确答案是:much more fluently than题目50正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Who else, _______ Mary, took part in the English speech contest?选择一项:a. besides 正确b. additionalc. withoutd. except反馈正确答案是:besides题目51正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The reason I didn't go to Canada was _______ a new job.选择一项:a. how I gotb. why I gotc. because I gotd. that I got 正确反馈正确答案是:that I got题目52正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干John succeeded _______ what he wanted.选择一项:a. and gettingb. in getting 正确c. to gettingd. to get反馈正确答案是:in getting题目53正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Miss Wang wanted to know _______for the film.选择一项:a. why is he lateb. why he was late 正确c. why was he lated. why he is late反馈正确答案是:why he was late题目54正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干We've looked _______ for the keys we lost.选择一项:a. in all placesb. over allc. everywhere 正确d. at all places反馈正确答案是:everywhere题目55正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干About 40,000 years ago, the sea was _______ 40 meters below today’s level.选择一项:a. much aboutb. about onlyc. about muchd. only about 正确反馈正确答案是:only about题目56正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干Mr. Clinton, together with his wife and children, __________ going to the park next weekend.选择一项:a. is 正确b. hasc. ared. was反馈正确答案是:is题目57正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干I like sports and ______my brother.选择一项:a. sob. so likec. so does 正确d. so is反馈正确答案是:so does题目58正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.选择一项:a. channelb. tunnel 正确c. canald. cable反馈正确答案是:tunnel题目59正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干The storm prevented me _______.选择一项:a. to go outb. from being outc. to going outd. from going out 正确反馈正确答案是:from going out题目60正确获得分中的分未标记标记题目题干I don't know why she avoids ______ her opinion on the subject.选择一项:a. being givenb. to be givenc. to gived. giving 正确反馈正确答案是:giving。
推荐-上海交大网络学院计算机第五次作业及答案含6次机会全部题目 精品

选择一项:a. 3b. 4c. 5d. 2反馈正确答案是:5题目2代理服务器可以加快对网络的浏览速度原因是________。
选择一项:a. 以上都不是b. 服务器处理速度快c. 服务器客户端少d. 保存用户访问数据记录反馈正确答案是:保存用户访问数据记录题目3保存Web页中的图片或文本,在不打开的状态下直接保存的正确操作是______。
选择一项:a. B.用鼠标右键单击Web页上的图像,然后单击"复制"b. A.选择要复制的信息,单击"编辑"菜单,然后单击"复制"c. C.用鼠标右键单击目标项目的链接,然后单击"目标另存为"d. D.用鼠标右键单击目标项目的链接,然后单击"复制"反馈正确答案是:C.用鼠标右键单击目标项目的链接,然后单击"目标另存为" 题目4下列关于URL的语法格式,错误的是______。
选择一项:a. D.telnet://:80b. B.ftp://ftp.et\*picc. C.news://d. 反馈正确答案是:B.ftp://\*pic题目5UDP是一种______。
选择一项:a. 协议b. 病毒c. 软件d. 设备反馈正确答案是:协议题目6Ipconfig命令参数______可以查看更详细的信息。
选择一项:a. ELb. renewc. alld. release反馈正确答案是:all题目7命令ping的作用是___________。
选择一项:a. 可实现从远程主机192.168.0.2下载文件b. 修改机器的IP地址为192.168.0.2c. 确认本机与192.168.0.2机器是否可以连通d. 登录远程主机192.168.0.2反馈正确答案是:确认本机与192.168.0.2机器是否可以连通题目8以帧为单位在两个相邻结点间无差错地传送数据的是______。

题目1十六进制数的基数为16;能用到的数字符号是______.. 选择一项:a. 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;A;B;C;D;E;Fb. 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16c. A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;Pd. 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15反馈正确答案是:0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;A;B;C;D;E;F题目2在第四代计算机期间内开始采用了______.. 选择一项:a. 中规模和小规模的集成电路b. 大规模和超大规模的集成电路c. 电子管元器件d. 晶体管元器件反馈正确答案是:大规模和超大规模的集成电路题目3同一台计算机;安装不同的应用软件或连接到不同的设备;就可完成不同的任务;这是指计算机具有______..选择一项:a. 逻辑判断能力b. 通用性c. 自动控制能力d. 高速运算能力反馈正确答案是:通用性题目4各种计算机中;字符的ASCII码不完全相同..但是对英文26个字母而言;其大写字母与小写字母的序号的相对位置是不变的..下面的说法正确的是______.. 选择一项:a. 小写字母a的序号比写大字母A的序号小32b. 大写字母A的序号紧跟在小写字母a的序号后面c. 大写字母A的序号比小写字母a的序号小32d. 小写字母a的序号紧跟在大写字母A的序号后面反馈正确答案是:大写字母A的序号比小写字母a的序号小32题目5计算机内存比外存______.. 选择一项:a. 虽贵但能存储更多的信息b. 存取速度快c. 存储容量大d. 便宜反馈正确答案是:存取速度快题目6下列说法中正确的是______.. 选择一项:a. Windows98属于高级语言b. 绘图仪是一种输出设备c. 显示器性能越好;运算速度越高d. 主机包括CPU、电源、硬盘、内存反馈正确答案是:绘图仪是一种输出设备题目7下列存储器中;属于内部存储器的是______..选择一项:a. 软盘b. CD-ROMc. 硬盘d. ROM 正确反馈正确答案是:ROM与十六进制数AFH等值的十进制数是______.. 选择一项:a. 176b. 177c. 188d. 175反馈正确答案是:175题目9固定在计算机主机箱箱体上的、起到联结计算机各种部件的纽带和桥梁作用的是______..选择一项:a. 主板b. 内存c. CPUd. 外存反馈正确答案是:主板题目10LCD代表______.. 选择一项:a. 显示器标准b. 液晶显示器c. 阴极射线显示器件d. 中央处理器反馈正确答案是:液晶显示器题目11计算机的主频即计算机的时钟频率;较高的主频用吉赫来表示..其英文缩略语为______..选择一项:a. GDPb. MHzc. MIPSd. GHz反馈正确答案是:GHz题目12当你使用微机时;首先同你打交道的软件是______.. 选择一项:a. 操作系统b. 解释程序c. 高级语言d. 编译程序反馈正确答案是:操作系统微型计算机的性能主要取决于______.. 选择一项:a. 显示器的性能b. 硬盘的性能c. 中央处理器的性能d. 只读存储器的性能反馈正确答案是:中央处理器的性能题目14计算机中采用二进制数进行存储与计算..可以通过数制间的转换;将二进制数转换成十进制数输出..关于二进制和十进制数的说法错误的是______.. 选择一项:a. 十进制数逢十进一b. 十进制数有十个数码c. 一个十进制数等于五个二进制数d. 二进制数有两个数码反馈正确答案是:一个十进制数等于五个二进制数题目15控制器的组成主要有指令部件、时序部件和______..选择一项:a. 运算器b. ALUc. 控制部件d. 存储部件反馈正确答案是:控制部件题目16英文缩写CAM的中文意思是______..选择一项:a. 计算机辅助教学b. 计算机辅助制造c. 计算机辅助设计d. 计算机辅助管理反馈正确答案是:计算机辅助制造题目17控制计算机各部分进行各种操作;并协调各部分的工作的部件是______..选择一项:a. 运算器b. 控制器c. 存储器d. 输入设备反馈正确答案是:控制器题目18微型计算机完成一个基本运算或判断的前提是中央处理器执行一条______.. 选择一项:a. 语句 b. 命令 c. 程序 d. 指令反馈正确答案是:指令题目19利用计算机进行数据处理的应用领域主要有办公自动化、信息资料检索、______..选择一项:a. 事务处理和企业管理b. 事务处理和科学计算c. 科学计算和人工智能d. 自动控制和企业管理反馈正确答案是:事务处理和企业管理题目20在微型计算机中;将数据送到软盘上;称为____.. 选择一项:a. 打开b. 读盘c. 写盘d. 输入反馈正确答案是:写盘题目21计算机软件一般分为系统软件和应用软件两大类;不属于系统软件的是____.. 选择一项:a. 语言处理程序 b. 客户管理系统 c. 数据库管理系统 d. 操作系统反馈正确答案是:客户管理系统题目22假设给定一个十进制整数D;转换成对应的二进制整数B;那么就这两个数字的位数而言;B与D相比;______..选择一项:a. B的位数大于等于Db. D的位数大于Bc. D的位数大于等于Bd. B的位数大于D反馈正确答案是:B的位数大于等于D题目23可以将高级语言的源程序翻译成可执行程序的是______.. 选择一项:a. 汇编程序b. 编译程序c. 目标程序d. 库程序反馈正确答案是:编译程序题目24存入ASCII码的字符和一个汉字分别需要一个字节和两个字节的存储容量..存入1024个字符和1024个汉字共需要存储容量______.. 选择一项:a. 1.5KBb. 4KBc. 2KBd. 3KB反馈正确答案是:3KB题目25下列都属于计算机低级语言的是______.. 选择一项:a. 机器语言和汇编语言b. 机器语言和高级语言c. 汇编语言和高级语言d. 高级语言和数据库语言反馈正确答案是:机器语言和汇编语言题目26下列选项中;同时包括输入设备、输出设备和存储设备的是______.. 选择一项:a. 绘图仪、鼠标器、键盘b. 磁带、打印机、激光印字机c. CRT、CPU、ROMd. 鼠标器、绘图仪、光盘正确反馈正确答案是:鼠标器、绘图仪、光盘题目27运算器、控制器和寄存器集成在一起称为______.. 选择一项:a. CPUb. ROMc. I/Od. RAM反馈正确答案是:CPU题目28计算机当前的应用领域广泛;但据统计其应用最广泛的领域是______..选择一项:a. 数据处理b. 辅助设计c. 科学计算d. 过程控制反馈正确答案是:数据处理题目29在计算机工作中;一般不能写入信息的存储器是______.. 选择一项:a. 软盘b. ROMc. RAMd. 硬盘反馈正确答案是:ROM题目30WPS、Word等文字处理软件属于______.. 选择一项:a. 系统软件b. 管理软件c. 网络软件d. 应用软件反馈正确答案是:应用软件题目31为了扩展计算机硬件的功能、提高机器的效率;需要为计算机配置完善和丰富的______..选择一项:a. 程序b. 语言c. 指令系统d. 软件反馈正确答案是:软件题目32微型计算机的微处理器芯片上集成了____.. 选择一项:a. CPU和ROMb. 控制器和运算器c. 控制器和RAMd. 运算器和I\O接口反馈正确答案是:控制器和运算器题目33日常生活中人们普遍采用______.. 选择一项:a. 二进制数b. 八进制数c. 十进制数d. 十六进制数反馈正确答案是:十进制数题目34计算机病毒是一种人为制造的______..选择一项:a. 生物b. 程序c. 指令d. 外设反馈正确答案是:程序题目35利用计算机进行自动控制;主要是指控制______.. 选择一项:a. 工业生产过程b. 市场营销过程c. 金融管理过程d. 事务处理过程反馈正确答案是:工业生产过程题目36断电后;使得存储的数据丢失的是______.. 选择一项:a. 磁盘b. 光盘c. ROMd. RAM反馈正确答案是:RAM题目37下列设备中;既能向主机输入数据又能接收主机输出数据的是______.. 选择一项:a. 触摸屏 b. CD-ROM c. 软磁盘驱动器 d. 光笔反馈正确答案是:软磁盘驱动器题目38当前计算机的应用领域极为广泛;但其应用最早的领域是______.. 选择一项:a. 计算机网络b. 数据处理c. 科学计算d. 人工智能反馈正确答案是:科学计算题目39计算机中对数据进行加工与处理的部件;通常称为______.. 选择一项:a. 控制器b. 存储器c. 显示器d. 运算器反馈正确答案是:运算器题目40计算机内部用于处理数据和指令的编码是____.. 选择一项:a. 十六进制码b. 二进制码c. 汉字编码d. 十进制码反馈正确答案是:二进制码题目41计算机的工作原理是______.. 选择一项:a. 机电原理b. 程序控制c. 自动控制d. 程序存储反馈正确答案是:程序存储题目428个字节含二进制位______.. 选择一项:a. 30个b. 16个c. 64个d. 8个反馈正确答案是:64个题目43关于我国的计算机汉字编码;下列说法正确的是______.. 选择一项:a. 汉字编码用连续的两个字节表示一个汉字b. 汉字编码用一个字节表示一个汉字c. 用不连续的两个字节表示一个汉字d. 汉字编码用连续的四个字节表示一个汉字反馈正确答案是:汉字编码用连续的两个字节表示一个汉字题目44计算机具有很高的计算精度的根本原因是______.. 选择一项:a. 使用高效的编程语言b. 采用位数较多的字长c. 存储程序d. 开发高级操作系统反馈正确答案是:采用位数较多的字长题目45鼠标是快速输入设备;但其优点不包括______.. 选择一项:a. 简单b. 移动速度快c. 可以输入声音和图片d. 直观反馈正确答案是:可以输入声音和图片题目46在CPU中包含存放少量数据的器件;称为______.. 选择一项:a. 存储器b. 只读存储器c. 辅助存储器d. 寄存器反馈正确答案是:寄存器题目47微型计算机的字长______.. 选择一项:a. 从位数少向位数多的方向发展b. 没有变化规律c. 从位数多向位数少的方向发展d. 始终没有变化反馈正确答案是:从位数少向位数多的方向发展题目48开始出现鼠标;并作为输入设备是在______.. 选择一项:a. 第一代计算机的时代b. 第三代计算机的时代c. 第二代计算机的时代d. 第四代计算机的时代反馈正确答案是:第二代计算机的时代题目49计算机系统由两大部分构成;它们是______.. 选择一项:a. 输入设备和输出设备b. 主机和外部设备c. 硬件系统和软件系统d. 系统软件和应用软件反馈正确答案是:硬件系统和软件系统题目50VLSI的含义是______.. 选择一项:a. 晶体管b. 大规模集成电路c. 电子管d. 超大规模集成电路反馈正确答案是:超大规模集成电路题目51为解决任何计算机对话的沟通问题;产生了______.. 选择一项:a. 计算机语言b. 计算机硬件设备c. 文档d. 操作系统反馈正确答案是:计算机语言题目52在第四代计算机期间内;计算机的应用和更新速度______.. 选择一项:a. 略有提升b. 停滞不前c. 障碍重重d. 更加迅猛反馈正确答案是:更加迅猛题目53鼠标是快速输入设备;一般具有______.. 选择一项:a. 最多会有四个键b. 用户可以随时改变键的数量c. 一个键d. 左、右两个键反馈正确答案是:左、右两个键题目54以存储程序原理为基础的冯诺依曼结构计算机;一般都由五大功能部件组成;它们是______..选择一项:a. 加法器、控制器、总线、寄存器和外部设备b. 运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备c. 运算器、累加器、寄存器、外部设备和主机d. 运算器、存储器、控制器、总线和外部设备反馈正确答案是:运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备题目55以下应用中不属于人工智能领域的是______.. 选择一项:a. 专家系统b. 自然语言处理c. 机器人d. 航天器导航系统反馈正确答案是:航天器导航系统题目56微型计算机的主机包括______.. 选择一项:a. 中央处理器和鼠标b. 中央处理器和键盘c. 中央处理器和内存储器d. 运算器和显示器反馈正确答案是:中央处理器和内存储器题目57在第三代计算机期间内出现了______.. 选择一项:a. 分布操作系统b. 网络操作系统c. 分时操作系统d. 多媒体操作系统反馈正确答案是:分时操作系统题目58计算机内;对数据和指令编码采用的是______.. 选择一项:a. 十进制码b. 汉字编码c. ASCII码d. 二进制码反馈正确答案是:二进制码题目59用来将计算机工作的中间结果及最后的处理结果从内存中送出来的设备是______.. 选择一项:a. 存储器 b. 运算器 c. 输出设备 d. 输入设备反馈正确答案是:输出设备题目60下面关于微处理器的叙述中;不正确的是______.. 选择一项:a. Pentium是目前PC机中使用最广泛的一种微处理器b. Inter公司是国际上研制、生产微处理器最有名的公司c. 微处理器通常以单片集成电路制成d. 它至少具有运算和控制功能;但不具备存储功能反馈正确答案是:它至少具有运算和控制功能;但不具备存储功能题目61下列计算机语言中可移植性最差的是______.. 选择一项:a. BASIC语言b. 机器语言c. Java语言d. C语言反馈正确答案是:机器语言题目62下列设备中;能作为输出设备用的是______.. 选择一项:a. 键盘b. 磁盘驱动器c. 扫描仪d. 鼠标器反馈正确答案是:磁盘驱动器题目63计算机最早的应用领域是______.. 选择一项:a. 过程控制b. 信息处理c. 人工智能d. 数值计算反馈正确答案是:数值计算题目64通常所说的"裸机"是指计算机仅有______.. 选择一项:a. 软件b. 指令系统c. 硬件系统d. CPU反馈正确答案是:硬件系统题目65某32位微型计算机中;若存储器容量为1MB;按字节编址;其主存的地址寄存器的位数至少应为______..选择一项:a. 32位b. 24位c. 20位d. 16位反馈正确答案是:20位题目66第三代计算机的标志是使用了______.. 选择一项:a. 超大规模集成电路b. 以电子管为器件的集成电路c. 大规模集成电路不正确d. 中、小规模的集成电路反馈正确答案是:中、小规模的集成电路题目67微型计算机中;控制器的基本功能是______.. 选择一项:a. 存储各种控制信息b. 产生各种控制信息c. 传输各种控制信号d. 控制系统各部件正确地执行程序反馈正确答案是:控制系统各部件正确地执行程序题目68第一代电子数字计算机使用的阴极射线管作为计算机的______.. 选择一项:a. 图象显示器b. 字符显示器c. 语音处理器d. 图形显示器反馈正确答案是:字符显示器题目69在下列存储设备中;不能被CPU直接访问的是______.. 选择一项:a. 外存储器b. RAMc. 内存储器d. ROM反馈正确答案是:外存储器题目70最贴近计算机硬件的系统软件是______.. 选择一项:a. 编译系统b. 服务程序c. 数据管理软件d. 操作系统反馈正确答案是:操作系统题目71各种计算机中;字符的ASCII码不完全相同..但10个阿拉伯数字从0~9;在ASCII码中的序号是相同的;下面的说法正确的是______.. 选择一项:a. 其序号依次为48~57b. 其序号依次为1~10c. 其序号依次为49~58d. 其序号依次为0~9反馈正确答案是:其序号依次为48~57题目72从广泛的意义来说;计算机可以存储的是______.. 选择一项:a. 软件b. 程序和数据c. 图像和声音d. 文字和图像反馈正确答案是:程序和数据题目73计算机各种部件相互联结的纽带和桥梁是______.. 选择一项:a. 硬盘b. CPUc. 内存d. 主板反馈正确答案是:主板题目74计算机的主要应用领域是自动控制、数据处理、辅助设计和______.. 选择一项:a. 资料检索b. 天气预报c. 科学计算d. 视频处理反馈正确答案是:科学计算题目75微型计算机硬件系统中最核心的部件是______.. 选择一项:a. 主板b. I/O设备c. CPUd. 内存储器反馈正确答案是:CPU题目76计算机中存储单元中存储的内容______.. 选择一项:a. 只能是程序b. 只能是指令c. 只能是数据d. 可以是数据和指令反馈正确答案是:可以是数据和指令题目77第一台电子数字计算机的运算速度为每秒______.. 选择一项:a. 5000次b. 50;000次c. 5;000;000次d. 500;000次反馈正确答案是:5000次题目78能够为计算机处理的数字化信息是______.. 选择一项:a. 数字b. 图形c. 数据d. 文字反馈正确答案是:数据题目79个人计算机即PC机;按其规模分类;应该属于______.. 选择一项:a. 小型计算机b. 大型计算机c. 微型计算机d. 中型计算机反馈正确答案是:微型计算机题目80计算机中常说的486、586指的是计算机的______.. 选择一项:a. 运算速度b. 显示器速度c. 存贮容量d. CPU型号反馈正确答案是:CPU型号题目81按计算机的规模和处理能力;其最高级别计算机是______.. 选择一项:a. 工作站 b. 小型机 c. 巨型机 d. 大型机反馈正确答案是:巨型机题目82在利用计算机进行人工智能开发时;可以开发出______.. 选择一项:a. 事务处理系统b. 情报检索系统c. 机器人系统d. 信息管理系统反馈正确答案是:机器人系统题目83给软盘加上写保护后;可防止______.. 选择一项:a. 数据泄漏b. 数据被误删除c. 文件被拷贝d. 读出数据反馈正确答案是:数据被误删除题目84下列不属于电子数字计算机特点的是______.. 选择一项:a. 通用性强b. 体积庞大c. 运算快速d. 计算精度高反馈正确答案是:体积庞大题目85计算机的字长是计算机的主要性能指标之一..这一性能影响了计算机的______.. 选择一项:a. 计算精度和价格 b. 计算速度和价格c. 处理数据的范围和市场销售量d. 计算精度和处理数据的范围反馈正确答案是:计算精度和处理数据的范围题目86计算机应用中;英文缩略语CAD所表示的计算机术语是______.. 选择一项:a. 计算机辅助工程b. 计算机辅助设计c. 计算机辅助教学d. 计算机辅助制造反馈正确答案是:计算机辅助设计题目87微机系统与外部交换信息主要是通过______.. 选择一项:a. 键盘b. 内存储器c. 光盘d. 输入输出设备反馈正确答案是:输入输出设备题目88在微型计算机系统中;既可输入又可输出的设备是______.. 选择一项:a. 鼠标 b. 磁盘驱动器 c. 绘图仪 d. 键盘反馈正确答案是:磁盘驱动器题目8932位微机中的32是指该微机______.. 选择一项:a. 运算精度可达小数点后32位b. 能同时处理32位二进制数c. 能同时处理32位十进制数d. 具有32根地址总线反馈正确答案是:能同时处理32位二进制数题目90未经编译的用高级语言编写的程序;称为______.. 选择一项:a. 连接程序b. 目标程序c. 汇编语言d. 源程序反馈正确答案是:源程序题目91用高级程序设计语言编写的程序称为源程序;它______.. 选择一项:a. 无需编译或解释;可直接在机器上运行 b. 不可读c. 只能在专门的机器上运行d. 具有可读性和可移植性反馈正确答案是:具有可读性和可移植性题目92计算机中用来表示内存储器容量大小的最基本单位是______.. 选择一项:a. 字节BYTEb. 位BITc. 字WORDd. 双字DOUBLE WORD反馈正确答案是:字节BYTE题目93微型计算机主机的组成不包括______.. 选择一项:a. ROMb. RAMc. 中央处理器d. 数字化仪反馈正确答案是:数字化仪题目94一般CD-ROM盘片可存放的字节数大致有______.. 选择一项:a. 512GBb. 680MBc. 680KBd. 1024KB反馈正确答案是:680MB题目95在下面的选项中;不属于计算机的一种用途分类的是______.. 选择一项:a. 多媒体计算机系统b. 企业管理c. 人工智能d. 计算机网络反馈正确答案是:企业管理题目96计算机能够在各行各业得到广泛的应用;是因为计算机具有______.. 选择一项:a. 自动控制能力b. 高速运算能力c. 通用性d. 逻辑判断能力反馈正确答案是:通用性题目97下列选项中;都是计算机硬件的是______.. 选择一项:a. 软盘、硬盘和光盘b. 键盘、打印机和WPSc. RAM、DOS和BASICd. CPU、RAM 和DOS反馈正确答案是:软盘、硬盘和光盘题目98衡量计算机存储能力的重要指标是______.. 选择一项:a. 总线宽度b. 存储容量c. 字长d. 存取速度反馈正确答案是:存储容量题目99计算机能运行有大量程序语句和计算有大量数据的问题;主要是因为配置了______.. 选择一项:a. 快速的打印机b. 大容量内外存储器c. 大尺寸的彩显d. 好的程序设计语言反馈正确答案是:大容量内外存储器题目100计算机指令中;规定该指令执行功能的部分称为______.. 选择一项:a. 操作码b. 数据码c. 目标地址码d. 源地址码反馈正确答案是:操作码题目101在图形用户界面的操作系统中;最常使用的设备是______.. 选择一项:a. 麦克风b. 打印机c. 扫描仪d. 鼠标反馈正确答案是:鼠标题目102与十进制数56等值的二进制数是______.. 选择一项:a. 111001Bb. 101111Bc. 111000Bd. 110110B反馈正确答案是:111000B题目103在计算机领域中;汉字编码分别用两个连续的字节来表示各自的对象;1KB存储容量最多可以存储的汉字有______..选择一项:a. 1024个b. 512个c. 500个d. 495个反馈正确答案是:512个题目104指令是控制计算机执行的命令;它的组成有地址码和______.. 选择一项:a. 寄存器b. 内存地址c. 操作码d. 口地址反馈正确答案是:操作码题目105计算机应用中;英文缩略语CIMS所表示的计算机术语是______.. 选择一项:a. 计算机集成制造系统b. 计算机辅助制造c. 计算机辅助设计d. 计算机辅助教学反馈正确答案是:计算机集成制造系统题目106开创计算机处理文字和图形的新阶段是在______.. 选择一项:a. 第四代计算机的时代b. 第二代计算机的时代c. 第三代计算机的时代d. 第一代计算机的时代反馈正确答案是:第二代计算机的时代题目107以数字量作为运算对象的计算机称为______.. 选择一项:a. 电动计算机b. 电子数字计算机c. 专用计算机d. 电子模拟计算机反馈正确答案是:电子数字计算机题目108下列各类计算机程序语言中;不是高级程序设计语言的是______.. 选择一项:a. Fortran语言b. Pascal语言c. Visual Basicd. 汇编语言反馈正确答案是:汇编语言题目109在微型计算机的内存储器中;不能随机修改其存储内容的是______.. 选择一项:a. RAMb. ROMc. DRAMd. SRAM反馈正确答案是:ROM题目110只要根据需要编制程序并输入计算机;计算机就可以完成预定任务;这是因为计算机具有______..选择一项:a. 自动控制能力b. 很高的计算精度c. 逻辑判断能力d. 高速运算能力反馈正确答案是:自动控制能力题目111键盘是常用的微机输入设备;用户可以用来输入______.. 选择一项:a. 命令b. 声音c. 图形d. 图片反馈正确答案是:命令题目112某型计算机运算速度为数千亿次\秒;主要用于大型科学与工程计算和大规模数据处理;它属于_____..选择一项:a. 微型计算机b. 巨型计算机c. 专用计算机d. 小型计算机反馈正确答案是:巨型计算机题目113计算机的硬件主要包括:运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和______.. 选择一项:a. 显示器 b. 键盘 c. 输出设备 d. 鼠标反馈正确答案是:输出设备题目114计算机的中央处理器是计算机的核心..但是它不能完成的功能是______.. 选择一项:a. 自主启动和关闭计算机 b. 逻辑运算 c. 算术运算 d. 指挥和控制计算机的运转反馈正确答案是:自主启动和关闭计算机题目115CPU包括运算器和______.. 选择一项:a. 外存储器b. 内存储器c. 控制器d. 主板反馈正确答案是:控制器题目116目前广泛使用计算机进行人事档案管理、财务管理;这种应用属于计算机领域中的______..选择一项:a. 实时控制b. 数据处理c. 计算机辅助工程d. 科学计算反馈正确答案是:数据处理题目117时至今日;计算机仍采用程序内存或称存储程序原理;原理的提出者是____.. 选择一项:a. 科得b. 冯诺依曼正确c. 比尔盖茨d. 莫尔反馈正确答案是:冯诺依曼题目118CPU不能直接访问的存储器是______.. 选择一项:a. ROMb. 外存储器c. RAMd. Cache反馈正确答案是:外存储器题目119ROM存储器;汉语译为______.. 选择一项:a. 高速缓冲存储器b. 只读存储器c. 随机存储器d. 顺序存储器反馈正确答案是:只读存储器题目120目前常用的软盘;其存储容量有两种;分别为______.. 选择一项:a. 360KB及720KBb. 1GB及2GBc. 1.44MB及720KBd. 1MB及2MB反馈正确答案是:1.44MB及720KB题目121二进制数110000B转换成十六进制数是______.. 选择一项:a. D7Hb. 77Hc. 30Hd. 7H反馈正确答案是:30H题目122利用计算机对图像和声音进行处理属于的应用领域是______.. 选择一项:a. 信息处理领域 b. 科学计算领域 c. 自动控制领域 d. 辅助设计领域反馈正确答案是:信息处理领域。
上海交大网络学院 11秋专升本 计算机应用基础(一) 第五次作业《网络》

请选择一个答案:a. B.3b. C.4c. A.2d. D.5反馈正确答案是:D.5。
请选择一个答案:a. B.数字图书馆b. C.互动教学c. A.电子邮件d. D.视频演播反馈正确答案是:A.电子邮件。
题目3正确获得1.00分中的1.00分题干Outlook Express中,用户要取回新邮件或发送存储在发件箱中的邮件,要______。
请选择一个答案:a. D.单击工具栏上的"发送/接收"按钮b. B.单击工具栏上的"收藏"按钮c. C.单击工具栏上的"新邮件"按钮d. A.单击工具栏上的"发送"按钮反馈正确答案是:D.单击工具栏上的"发送/接收"按钮。
题目4正确获得1.00分中的1.00分题干甲的ID为beauty, 而它的邮件主机为, 若要寄信给甲则其完整的电子邮件帐号应为_________。
请选择一个答案:a. D.beauty!b. B.beauty$c. A.beauty@d. C.beauty#mo反馈正确答案是:A.beauty@。
请选择一个答案:a. B.发件箱中b. C.删除的邮件中c. D.通讯簿中d. A.收件箱中反馈正确答案是:D.通讯簿中。
请选择一个答案:a. D.保存在"草稿箱"b. B.保存在"已发送邮件"c. C.保存在"发件箱"d. A.丢失了反馈正确答案是:D.保存在"草稿箱"。

大学英语(一)开始时间2015年10月24日星期六 14:00状态完成完成于2015年10月24日星期六 14:54耗时54 分钟 13 秒分数23.0/25.0成绩92.0/满分100.0题目1正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干The patients are quite ______ to the nurses for their special care.选择一项:a. helpfulb. enjoyablec. confidentd. grateful题目2正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Before the final examination, some students have shown _________ of tension.They even have trouble in sleeping.选择一项:a. anxietyb. remarksc. signsd. marks题目3正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little____.选择一项:a. timeb. restc. patienced. wait题目4正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ anddisorder!选择一项:a. busb. guessc. massd. mess题目6正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes.选择一项:a. that madeb. as to makec. that he maded. to make正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干No matter _____, the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drivethem back home safely.选择一项:a. it was snowing hardb. hard it was snowingc. how it was snowing hardd. how hard it was snowing正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account inhis time.选择一项:a. whenb. althoughc. asd. until正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干We are next-door _______.选择一项:a. neighborhoodb. neighborhoodsc. neighbord. neighbors题目10正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干It's ________ that he was wrong.选择一项:a. clearingb. clearc. clearlyd. clarity题目11正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Henry looked very much _____when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.选择一项:a. disappointedb. embarrassedc. discouragedd. bewildered题目12正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of _______.选择一项:a. chargeb. moneyc. payd. fare题目13正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ____ but to take a taxi.选择一项:a. electionb. choicec. wayd. possibility题目14正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干It is _______ for people to feel excited when they start doing something new.选择一项:a. regularb. ordinaryc. .normald. average题目15正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干______is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape.选择一项:a. Thisb. Itc. Thatd. There题目16正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干I don't like uniforms ______they will look so ugly on us.选择一项:a. andb. becausec. sod. until题目17正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干That company doesn't take credit cards, so customers have to pay ______.选择一项:a. coinsb. cashc. financed. dollars题目18正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other formsof _______.选择一项:a. sourceb. energyc. powerd. material题目19正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.选择一项:a. supportersb. clientsc. customersd. guests题目20正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干-- _____? -- She's our history teacher.选择一项:a. Who is sheb. Where does the woman workc. How is the womand. Where is she from题目22正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干_____she was invited to the hall made her very happy.选择一项:a. Becauseb. Whenc. Thatd. If题目23正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Helen was seriously injured in a car ______.选择一项:a. eventb. incidentc. accidentd. matter题目24获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干_______fashion differs from country to country may reflect the culturaldifferences from one aspect.选择一项:a. Thisb. Thatc. Whichd. What题目25获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干We moved to the front row _____we could hear and see better.选择一项:a. becauseb. so thatc. such thatd. so asWe moved to the front row _____we could hear and see better.选择一项:a. such thatb. becausec. so asd. so that题目2正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干You'll find this map of great ____in helping you to get around .选择一项:a. priceb. valuec. usefuld. cost题目3正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.选择一项:a. asb. untilc. althoughd. when题目4正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!选择一项:a. busb. guessc. messd. mass题目5正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干The patients are quite ______ to the nurses for their special care.选择一项:a. gratefulb. enjoyablec. helpfuld. confident题目6正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes.选择一项:a. as to makeb. to makec. that maded. that he made题目7正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干-- What's his mother like? -- ______.选择一项:a. She's at homeb. She's very happyc. She likes watching TVd. She's tall and thin题目8正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Before the final examination, some students have shown _________ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.选择一项:a. remarksb. marksc. signsd. anxiety题目9正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干_____she was invited to the hall made her very happy.选择一项:a. Becauseb. Whenc. Ifd. That题目10正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干If we could learn English in the same _______, it would not seem so difficult.选择一项:a. wayb. theoryc. meansd. road题目11正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of _______.选择一项:a. chargeb. payc. moneyd. fare题目12正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干No matter _____, the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.选择一项:a. it was snowing hardb. how hard it was snowingc. how it was snowing hardd. hard it was snowing题目13正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干______is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape.选择一项:a. Itb. Therec. Thisd. That题目14不正确获得1.0分中的0.0分标记题目题干I don't like uniforms ______they will look so ugly on us.选择一项:a. becauseb. soc. andd. until题目15正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干-- _____? -- She's our history teacher.选择一项:a. Where is she fromb. Who is shec. How is the womand. Where does the woman work题目16正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Some famous singers live on the _______from their record sales.选择一项:a. priceb. incomec. billd. salary题目17正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干The music sounded _______. I enjoyed every minute of it.选择一项:a. wellb. beautifulc. boringd. wonderfully题目18正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ____ but to take a taxi.选择一项:a. possibilityb. choicec. electiond. way题目19正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干That company doesn't take credit cards, so customers have to pay ______.选择一项:a. cashb. financec. dollarsd. coins_______fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.选择一项:a. Whichb. Thatc. Thisd. What题目22正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Chinese is spoken by the _____number of people in the world.选择一项:b. smallestc. mostd. largest题目23正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Henry looked very much _____when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.选择一项:a. bewilderedb. disappointedc. discouragedd. embarrassed题目24正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.选择一项:a. supportersb. guestsc. customersd. clients题目25_______fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.选择一项:a. Thisc. Whatd. Which题目2正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干What is the train ______ to ?选择一项:a. fareb. feec. tipd. cost题目3正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干______is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape.选择一项:a. Thereb. Thatc. Itd. This题目4正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干If we could learn English in the same _______, it would not seem so difficult.选择一项:a. theoryb. roadc. wayd. means题目5正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!选择一项:a. guessb. massc. busd. mess题目6正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干You'll find this map of great ____in helping you to get around .选择一项:a. valueb. costc. priced. useful题目7正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Each person at the reunion was required to talk to other relatives to find out if they would buy one of the histories____ it were printed.选择一项:a. ifb. whetherc. afterd. when题目8正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ____.选择一项:a. restb. patiencec. waitd. time题目9正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干It's ________ that he was wrong.选择一项:a. clearb. clearlyc. clearingd. clarity题目10正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干In_________, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.选择一项:a. generalb. totalc. commond. particular题目11正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _______.选择一项:a. powerb. sourcec. materiald. energy题目12正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes.选择一项:a. that he madeb. as to makec. to maked. that made题目13正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干-- _____? -- She's our history teacher.选择一项:a. How is the womanb. Who is shec. Where does the woman workd. Where is she from题目14正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干_____she was invited to the hall made her very happy.选择一项:a. Thatb. Becausec. Ifd. When题目15正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of _______.选择一项:a. fareb. payc. moneyd. charge题目16正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干-- _______ is your girl friend like? -- She is very kind and good-looking.选择一项:a. Howb. Whoc. Whichd. What题目17正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Chinese is spoken by the _____number of people in the world.选择一项:a. mostb. largestc. smallestd. wide题目18正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no ____ but to take a taxi.选择一项:a. possibilityb. choicec. wayd. election题目19正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.选择一项:a. althoughb. whenc. asd. until题目20正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _______ a day.选择一项:a. guestsb. clientsc. supportersd. customers题目21正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干I won't make the _______ mistake next time.选择一项:a. nearb. similarc. liked. same题目22正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干No matter _____, the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.选择一项:a. how it was snowing hardb. how hard it was snowingc. hard it was snowingd. it was snowing hard题目23正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干It's bad ________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.选择一项:a. actionb. mannerc. behaviord. movement题目24正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干We moved to the front row _____we could hear and see better.选择一项:a. becauseb. so thatc. such thatd. so as题目25正确获得1.0分中的1.0分标记题目题干The patients are quite ______ to the nurses for their special care.选择一项:a. helpfulb. gratefulc. enjoyabled. confident(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。

选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。
1.若1(1)z a i =+-(a R ∈),|2|z =,则a =( )A .0或2B .0C .1或2D .12.已知数列11n a ⎧⎫-⎨⎬⎩⎭是公比为13的等比数列,且10a >,若数列{}na 是递增数列,则1a 的取值范围为() A .(1,2) B .(0,3) C .(0,2) D .(0,1)3.已知1111143579π≈-+-+-,如图是求π的近似值的一个程序框图,则图中空白框中应填入A .121i n =-- B .12i i =-+C .(1)21ni n -=+ D .(1)2ni i -=+4.复数()(1)2z i i =++的共轭复数为( )A .33i -B .33i +C .13i +D .13i -5.函数sin ln ||2y x x π⎛⎫=-⋅ ⎪⎝⎭图像可能是( )A .B .C .D .6.点O 在ABC ∆所在的平面内,OA OB OC ==,2AB =,1AC =,AO AB AC λμ=+(),R λμ∈,且()420λμμ-=≠,则BC =( )A .73B .72C .7D 77.将函数2()322cos f x x x =-图象上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的3倍(纵坐标不变),再向右平移8π个单位长度,则所得函数图象的一个对称中心为( )A .3,08π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭B .3,18⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭πC .3,08⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭πD .3,18⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭π 8.已知三棱锥D ABC -的体积为2,ABC 是边长为2的等边三角形,且三棱锥D ABC -的外接球的球心O 恰好是CD 中点,则球O 的表面积为( )A .523πB .403πC .253πD .24π9.已知{}n a 为等比数列,583a a +=-,4918a a =-,则211a a +=( )A .9B .-9C .212D .214- 10.函数()()ln 12f x x x =+-的定义域为( ) A .()2,+∞ B .()()1,22,-⋃+∞ C .()1,2- D .1,211.下列函数中,图象关于y 轴对称的为( ) A .2()1f x x =+B .727)2(f x x x =+-,[]1,2x ∈-C .si 8)n (f x x =D .2()x x e e f x x -+= 12.已知函数()2943,02log 9,0x x x f x x x ⎧+≤=⎨+->⎩,则函数()()y f f x =的零点所在区间为( ) A .73,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ B .()1,0- C .7,42⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ D .()4,5二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。

英语试卷答案听力部分(听力原文附在此答案最后)1. C2. A3. B4. C5. A6. A7. C8. B9. B 10. A11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A阅读理解21-35 DCC DBAB DBCA BACC【解析】21.【文章大意】在巴黎,塞纳河在城市中扮演着许多角色。
根据文章Besides,a Seine River cruise(乘船游) allows you to rest your legs and appreciate the same sights. If you book a lunch or dinner cruise, you can enjoy your sightseeing as well as a French meal.可知,如果你在塞纳河上乘船旅行,你可以舒舒服服地欣赏那些著名的建筑物。
根据文章You ought to wear comfortable shoes for walking along the banks and bridges.可知,作者认为当你想要沿着塞纳河漫步的时候,你应该准备一双适合走路的鞋。
根据文章Instead of the Seine's busy traffic and noisy tourists, there are some quiet footbridges and friendly locals here 可知,圣马丁运河与塞纳河相比,其游客较少。

三、解答题(共 11 小题,计 78 分,解答题应写出过程)
15. (本体满分 5 分)计算:
16. (本体满分 5 分)化简: a
17.(本题满分 5 分)如图顶角为 36°的等腰三角形△ABC 中,请用尺规作图法在 AC 边上找一点 P,△BCP 与△ABC 相似。(保留作图痕迹,不写作法)
21. (本体满分 7 分)某校为奖励本学年度表现优秀的学生,决定从某超市购买 A、B 两种商品,该商品有种促销 方式如下(同一种商品不可同时参与两种活动): 方式一:标价为 100 元的 A 商品打 7 折,标价为 120 元的 B 商品打 85 折 方式二:若所购商品达到或超过 101 件(不同商品可累计),则按标价打 8 折. 若学校购买 A 商品 x 件(x 为正整数),购买 B 商品的件数比 A 商品件数的 2 倍还多 2 件,方案一付款金额为w , 方案二付款金额为w . (1) 请写出w 、w 与 x 之间的函数表达式; (2) 该校应该如何选择活动方案,才能获得最大优惠?请说明理由. (3) 该单位购买 A 商品 50 件,B 商品多少件?此时按最大优惠的付款金额为多少元?
第二部分(非选择题 共 90 分)
二、填空题(每小题 3 分,共 4 小题,计 12 分)
11. 比较大小: _____ (填“>”“<”“=”). 12.如果边长相等的正五边形和正方形的一边重合,那么∠1=______度.
13. 如图,点 A 是 y 轴上一点,过 A 点作平行于 x 轴的直线交双曲线 y
品德、生化);(2) ,
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a. 可以通过网站来收发邮件,也可以通过Outlook和Foxmail等软件来收发邮件
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d. 进行收发电子邮件之前必须先要申请一个电子邮箱地址
c. ARP
d. POP3
a. D.搜索引擎主要任务包括信息搜集、信息处理、信息查询三部分
b. A.搜索引擎既是用于检索的软件又是提供查询、检索的网站
c. B.搜索引擎按其工作方式分为两类:全文搜索引擎和基于关键词的搜索引擎
d. C.现在很多搜索引擎提供网页快照的功能,当这个网页被删除或链接失效时,用户仍可使用网页快照来查看这个网页的主要内容
a. Ctrl+W键
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c. Delete键
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如果想在Internet 上搜索有关Detroit Pistons(底特律活塞)篮球队方面的信息,用()关键词可能最终有效。
a. Sports(体育)
b. Detroit pistons
c. “Detroit Pistons”
d. basketball(篮球)
正确答案是:“Detroit Pistons”
a. 我的电脑
b. 网上邻居
c. Internet Explorer
d. Outlook
正确答案是:Internet Explorer
a. 网页快照中,关键字会用其他颜色显示(如红色或者黄色),因此通过网页快照可以快速定位关键词
b. 当检索到的网页被删除或链接失效时,即使使用网页快照也不能打开链接
c. 由于网页快照以文本内容为主,因此网页快照的访问速度比一般的网页快
d. “网页快照”是搜索引擎在收录网页时,备份保存在搜索引擎的服务器缓存里的内容
a. 可以发送超文本文件
b. 可以发送文本文件
c. 可以发送图片文件
d. 可以发送执行文件
a. Http:/
b. Http:
c. Http//