十多年前以《盐田儿女》感动无数读者的小说家蔡素芬沈潜10年后,日前推出了最新长篇 小说《烛光盛宴》。 蔡素芬在文坛属“早慧”型,念台湾淡江大学中文系时即获文学奖,获奖的短篇小说写 的是大陆探亲故事。许多老先生、老太太读了之后写信给蔡素芬,与她分享自己的流离往事。 蔡素芬把这些故事放在心里10多年,直到步入中年,发觉自己可以捕捉这些人物内在情感了 才开始下笔,跨越世代、时空、族群的《烛光盛宴》于是诞生。 蔡素芬作品都有个共同命题:在大时代的变动中,个人的命运怎么回应?《盐田儿女》 传神写下台湾农业社会转型至工商社会,一对青梅竹马的生命刻痕。《烛光盛宴》则描写一 个大陆老太太,颠沛流离来到台湾,与一个台湾老太太建立起的数十年友谊?故事,并巧妙 穿插“书写者”的角色,堆栈出历史纵深,交织出3个女子的命运经纬。 书中大部分场景都在台湾眷村,蔡素芬将生活氛围描绘得栩栩如生。没有眷村生活经验 的她,说这都是做功课加上想象得来,写作时也没去思考“眷村文学”的脉络,拿到一个好 的题材,我只会想,怎么写才对得起它。而这次,在小说形式上,蔡素芬不再从年轻写到老, 而是双线平行叙述,如宴席上菜方式一道一道铺展,细腻而繁复,这种跳跃的形式,可以把 某些过程留白,以文字去索引。 《烛光盛宴》2000年开始动笔,写作是要跟人的脑力与潜力挑战,需要的是纯净的心灵, 并不是有一大段空暇时间,就能写出来。而这时,已写出几部重要作品的蔡素芬也意识到, 写作对她而言是一件很虔敬的事,她笑说:“写《烛光盛宴》时,我要求自己身心状况都很 良好时才下笔,几乎可以说是斋戒沐浴了。”
泊珍看他第一眼,彷似一声雷劈头而来,令她曼头涨脑,这一岁 的 孩子脸型长相如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去 痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉 而 上。院长说这孩子发肓迟缓时,她更是心头无绪,她在肓生所 待的房里 来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩,每人一张围着栅栏的 床,整个房间只 有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑,就让这孩子留下来吧 ,这里有善心的神父和 修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看 护中心,这是留住孩子最好的 地方。这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘 密留在这树林掩映的建筑里。 她将秘密留在心头。 她专心倣生意,她觉得人生剩下的只有不断地赚钱养育孩子,和 对 往曰某些美好时光的眷恋,即使这些时光如此短暂,但也因为 短暂而弥 足珍贵,她家乡的好山好水、她和桂花的姐妹情谊、留 在心中的曾有过 的感情,这些美好的部分就够安慰她的余生。她 心里也惦念留在家乡的 那些人,她的两个孩子、她的父亲,他们 都不再有音讯,他们随着时光 的流逝,成为心里一个遥远的山水 风景,成为眼里模糊的泪水。
2002年E-C:The word “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When they refer to a person as a w inner, we do not mean one who makes some else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds auth entically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genien, both as an individual and as a member of a society.Winners do not decide their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rath er, they are themselves and so much do not use their energy putting on a performance, mainta ining pretence(伪装) and manipulating(操纵) others. They are aware that there is a differenc e between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between be ing knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.参考译文:胜者不会穷其毕生精力,去拘泥于某个他们所想象的为人之道;相反,他们会保持其真我本色,并且,作为这种追求真我的仁者,他们不会绞尽脑汁装腔作势,维持一种自命不凡的姿态,或去操纵他人。
Agony gathered in heart,depression suffused in the chest, she felt a current of air rushing out from the stomach and a burning between eyebrows. when the president said that the kid was in delayed development, she even lost her mind. she walked back and forth in the room where other children stayed. It was one-window room out of which some shadows of trees were dancing. Just leave the child here, it would be the best place for this child to live. There were kind priests and sisters and it would be developed into a nursing center with medical function. she left her child as a secret in the buildings sheltered the woods.然而上述政策反而为更多的校园暴力创造了更多条件。
参考答案:With pains gatheringin herheart, shefelt something burning hot bet ween hereyebrows. Herchestwasbrimmedwith depression and sorrow which was about to run out of her throatin any moment. S he could not think straight when the headmaster told her thatthe child suffered fromdevelopmental retardation。
She strode up and downin theroomwhere other children were staying。
There was only one window intheroom,out ofwhich some shadytreeswere dancing. “Just leaveit here”,she thought to herself, “This mig ht bethe bestchoice。
Thereare kind-heartedpriests and nuns and the place willbe renovated into a MedicareCente r”。
2012专业八级真题答案PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONMini-lecture1: rarely formal records2: systematic objective manner3: variable4: situation sampling5: vary6: advantage7: as it occurs8: have more control9: in natural setting10: methodInterview1: creative people focus on novel thinking rather than solution2: comes from both environmental and genetic makeup3: two4: critical5: the environment is significant in the creative processNews broadcast6: a problem in the cooling system was solved7: the Philippines8: to expose cases of child abuse and punishment9: 4 percent10: 2PART TWO READING COMPREHENSIONText A11、C worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purpose12、A he made contribution to drinking water conservation in his own way13、A how I could contribute to water conservation14、B his clothes used even more virtual water15、A exaggeration16、D humorous文章来源:《洛杉矶时报》/2010/mar/13/home/la-hm-realist-20100313Text B17、C found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience.18、A US class reunions are usually occ asions to show off one’s recent success.19、D shared undergraduate experience on campus20、D bring into focus contrasting opinions21、A reasons for popularity and (not)attendance for alumni reunions文章来源:书籍:《Sociological Snapshots 5》/books ... ;dq=%E2%80%9C+JaffeTEXT C22. A. showed a wide interest.23. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at George's reading plan.24. A. remained the same as usual.25. C. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings.文章来源:"A Summer's Reading" by Bernard Malamud/grade-11-u/literature/a-summer-s-readingTEXT D26. no similar appreciation of Lincoln will be seen27. respect for great people and their influence28. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln29. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes30. Lincoln's greatness remains despite the passage of time文章来源《Political News: Abraham Lincoln turns 200》2009/02/04https:///2009_02_04_archive.htmlPART THREE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE、31: new Zealand32: state33: July 4th34: the Arctic Ocean35: T.S.Eliot36: William Faulkner37: personification38: sequential rule39: Disco40: registerPART FOUR PROOF-READING AND ERROR CORRECTION1. going 后加on2. certain 改成some3. rather 后加than4. is 改为was5. in 改为at6. 去掉the7. view 后加that8. 删掉was9. statement 改为statements10.and 改为butPART FIVE TRANSLATION汉译英:Her heart full of pain, between eyebrows burning, chest stifled, a stream of gas surged from her stomach out of her throat. The dean remarked that the child grew laggardly, which made her even more worried and lost. She walked up and down in the house, which had only one window. Beyond the window, the shadows of trees confused. There were also other children in the house. Just leave the child here. It had benevolent priests and sisters and would develop into a nursing center with medical function. This was the best place for this child, who was her secret and she would stash this secret into the building among thick forests.文章出处:台湾作家蔡素芬《烛光盛宴》英译汉:然而上述政策反而引发了更多的校园暴力。
2012年专八考试答案(考试卷)Teil I(R.=Richtig,F.=Falsch)12345678910 R.x x x xF.x x x x x xTeil II(Was in der Klammer steht,ist nicht obligatorisch aufzuschreiben;was hinter dem…/“steht,ist eine Alternative.)11.(auf)211Milliarden(Euro)12.SPD und Grüne13.Kritiker einer Ausweitung der Finanzhilfen(wie der CDU-Politiker Wolfgang Bosbach)14.das Parlament bewusst zu täuschen(er täuscht bewusst das Parlament)15.Steuer auf Finanz-und Börsengeschäfte16.Großbritannien hat den Vorschlag abgelehnt.17.die Abgabe zunächst nur in der Euro-Zone einzuführen18.57Milliarden(Euro)19.nach Athen20.mit der Prüfung der Reformbemühungen und Sparanstrengungen Griechenlands21.im September22.bei der Umsetzung des Sparprogramms23.die Zahlungsunfähigkeit24.kräftige Lohnerhöhungen25.die Binnennachfrage26.sich bei den Löhnen zurückzuhalten27.wegen der Teuerungsrate28.den Ausnahmezustand im Land früher als geplant aufzuheben29.am28.November30.die Spannungen mit Israel abzubauen词汇Wortschatz(25Punkte)31.beeindruckt32.beeinflusste33.beschädigte34.bewog35.besitzen36.berühmtes37.produktive38.nachahmen/imitieren39.v o r n e h m e r40.Einfachheit41.eignen(eignet)42.Weltbild43.sinnfälligen44.erreicht45.präzis46.verglichen47.Wahrheit48.ausdrücklich49.Unveränderliches50.verlaufender51.Fortentwickelns52.veränderbar53.Notwendigkeit54.geschieht55.Form语法5657585960616263646566c a c ad b c d a c b67686970käme-könnten wäre-ginge-em-en-er-en阅读答案Text17172737475767778b c b b a b b aText279808182838485c c b c a c b概况86.Richtig87.Falsch88.Falsch89.Richtig90.Falsch91.Richtig92.C93.D94.A95.C96.B97.B98C 99.A100C101D102B103B104A105A德译汉:一本有争议的书让萨拉辛成为百万富翁(萨拉辛凭借一本有争议的书成为百万富翁)《德国自取灭亡》是蒂洛·萨拉辛2010年出版的一本新书的标题。
TEM8-2012TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2012)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 195 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREttENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture.ObservationPeople do observation in daily life context for safety or for proper behaviour. However, there are differences in daily life observation and research observation.A. Differences---- daily life observation--casual--(1) ________--defendence on memory---- research observation-- (2) _________-- careful record keepingB. Ways to select samples in research---- time sampling-- systematic: e.g. fixed intervals every hour-- random: fixed intervals but (3) _______Systematic sampling and random sampling are often used in combination. ---- (4) _______-- definition: selection of different locations-- reason: humans’ or animals’ behaviour (5) ______ across circumstances-- (6) ______: more objective observationsC. Ways to record behaviour (7) _______---- observation with intervention-- participant observation: researcher as observer and participant-- field experiment: research (8) ______ over conditions---- observation without intervention-- purpose: describing behaviour (9) ______-- (10) ______ : no intervention-- researcher: a passive recorderSECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer thequestions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10seconds to answer each of the foliowing five questions. Now listen to the interview.1. Which of the following statements about creativity is INCORRECT?A. Creativity stems from human beings' novel thinking.B. The duration of the creative process varies from person to person.C. Creative people focus on novel thinking rather than on solutions.D. The outcome of human creativity comes in varied forms.2. The interviewee cites the Bach family to show that creativityA. appears to be the result of the environment.B. seems to be attributable to genetic makeup.C. appears to be more associated with great people.D. comes from both environment and genetic makeup.3. How many types of the creative process does the interviewee describe?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.4. Which of the following features of a creative personality is NOT mentioned in the interview?A. Unconventional.B. Original.C. Resolute.D. Critical.5. The interviewee's suggestion for a creativity workout supports the view thatA. brain exercising will not make people creative.B. most people have diversified interests and hobbies.C. the environment is significant in the creative process.D. creativity can only be found in great people.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.6. What is the news item mainly about?A. U.S. astronauts made three space walks.B. An international space station was set up.C. A problem in the cooling system was solved.D. A 350-kilogram ammonia pump was removed.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.7. In which country would parents often threaten to punish children by leaving them outside?A. India.B. The Philippines.C. Egypt.D. Not mentioned.8. What is the main purpose of the study?A. To reveal cultural differences and similarities.B. To expose cases of child abuse and punishment.C. To analyze child behaviour across countries.D. To investigate ways of physical punishment.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.9. According to the news item, Japan's economic growth in the second quarter was ____ less than the first quarter.A. 0.6 percentB. 3.4 percentC. 4 percentD. 3 percent10. How many reasons does the news item cite for Japan's slow economic growth?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AI used to look at my closet and see clothes. These days, whenever I cast my eyes upon the stacks of shoes and hangers of shirts, sweaters and jackets, I see water.It takes 569 gallons to manufacture a T-shirt, from its start in the cotton fields to its appearance on store shelves. A pair of running shoes? 1,247 gallons.Until last fall, I'd been oblivious to my "water footprint", which is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce goods and services, according to the Water Footprint Network. The Dutch nonprofit has been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008, but it was through the "Green Blue Book" by Thomas M. Kostigen that I was able to see how my own actions factored in.I've installed gray-water systems to reuse the wastewater from my laundry, machine and bathtub and reroute it to my landscape - systems that save, on average, 50 gallons of water per day. I've set up rain barrels and infiltration pits to collect thousands of gallons of storm watercascading from my roof. I've even entered the last bastion of greendom -installing a composting toilet.Suffice to say, I've been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water I've saved with these big-ticket projects.Now I realize that my daily consumption choices could have an even larger effect –not only on the local water supply but also globally: 1.1 billion people have no access to freshwater, and, in the future, those who do have access will have less of it.To see how much virtual water 1 was using, I logged on to the "Green Blue Book" website and used its water footprint calculator, entering my daily consumption habits. Tallying up the water footprint of my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as my daily dose of over-the-counter uppers and downers - coffee, wine and beer- I'm using 512 gallons of virtual water each day just to feed myself.In a word: alarming.Even more alarming was how much hidden water I was using to get dressed. I'm hardly a clotheshorse, but the few new items I buy once again trumped the amount of water flowing from my faucets each day. If I'm serious about saving water, I realized I could make some simple lifestyle shifts. Looking more closely at the areas in my life that use the most virtual water, it was food and clothes, specifically meat, coffee and,oddly, blue jeans and leather jackets.Being a motorcyclist, I own an unusually large amount of leather - boots and jackets in particular. All of it is enormously water intensive. It takes 7,996 gallons to make a leather.jacket, leather being a byproduct of beef. It takes 2,866 gallons of water to make a single pair of blue jeans, because they're made from water-hogging cotton.Crunching the numbers for the amount of clothes I buy every year, it looks a lot like my friend's swimming pool. My entire closet is borderline Olympic.Gulp.My late resolution is to buy some items used. Underwear and socks are, of course, exempt from this strategy, but 1 have no problem shopping less and also shopping at Goodwill. In fact, I'd been doing that for the past year to save money. My clothes' outrageous water footprint just reintbrced it for me.More conscious living and substitution, rather than sacrifice, are the prevailing ideas with the water footprint. It's one I'm trying, and that's had an unusual upside. I had a hamburger recently, and I enjoyed it a lot more since it is now an occasional treat rather than a weekly habit.(One gallon =3.8 litres)11. According to the passage, the Water Footprint NetworkA. made the author aware of freshwater shortage.B. helped the author get to know the Green Blue Book.C. worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposes.D. collaborated with the Green Blue Book in freshwater conservation.12. Which of the following reasons can best explain the author's feeling of self-satisfaction?A. He made contribution to drinking water conservation in his own way.B. Money spent on upgrading his household facilities was worthwhile.C. His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.D. He could have made even greater contribution by changing his lifestyle.13. According to the context, "...how mv own actions factored in" meansA. how I could contribute to water conservation.B. what efforts I should make to save fresh water.C. what behaviour could be counted as freshwater-saving.D. how much of what I did contributed to freshwater shortage.14. According to the passage, the author was more alarmed by the fact thatA. he was having more meat and coffee.B. his clothes used even more virtual water.C. globally there will be less fresh water.D. his lifestyle was too extravagant.15. "My entire closet is borderline Olympic" is an example ofA. exaggeration.B. analogy.C. understatement.D. euphemism.16. What is the tone of the author in the last paragraph'?A. Sarcastic.B. Ironic.C. Critical.D. Humorous.TEXT BIn her novel of "Reunion, American Style", Rona Jaffe suggests that a class reunion "is more than a sentimental journey. It is also a way of answering the question that lies at the back of nearly all our minds. Did they do better than I?"Jaffe's observation may be misplaced but not completely lost. According to a study conducted by social psychologist Jack Sparacino, the overwhelming majority who attend reunions aren't there invidiously to compare their recent accomplishments with those of their former classmates. Instead, they hope, primarily, to relive their earlier successes.Certainly, a few return to show their former classmates how well they have done; others enjoy observing the changes that have occurred in their classmates (not always in themselves, of course). But the majority who attend their class reunions do so to relive the good times they remember having when they were younger. In his study, Sparacino found that, as high school students, attendees had been more popular, more often regarded as attractive, and more involved in extracurricularactivities than those classmates who chose not to attend. For those who turned up at their reunions, then, the old times were also the good times!It would appear that Americans have a special fondness for reunions, judging by their prevalence. Major league baseball players, fraternity members, veterans groups, high school and college graduates, and former Boy Scouts all hold reunions on a regular basis. In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.Actually, in their affection for reuniting with friends, family or colleagues, Americans are probably no different from any other people, except that Americans have created a mind-boggling number and variety of institutionalized forms of gatherings to facilitate the satisfaction of this desire. Indeed, reunions have increasingly become formal events that are organized on a regular basis and, in the process, they have also become big business.Shell Norris of Class Reunion, Inc., says that Chicago alone has 1,500 high school reunions each year. A conservative estimate on the national level would be 10,000 annually. At one time, all high school reunions were organized by volunteers, usually female homemakers. In the last few years, however, as more and more women have entered the labour force, alumni reunions are increasingly being planned by specialized companies rather than by part-time volunteers.The first college reunion was held by the alumni of Yale University in 1792. Graduates of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Stanford, and Brown followed suit. And by the end of the 19th century,most 4-year institutions were holding alumni reunions.The variety of college reunions is impressive. At Princeton, alumni parade through the town wearing their class uniforms and singing their alma mater. At Marietta College, they gather for a dinner-dance on a steamship cruising the Ohio River.Clearly, the thought of cruising on a steamship or marching through the streets is usually not, by itself, sufficient reason for large numbers of alumni to return to campus. Alumni who decide to attend their reunions share a common identity based on the years they spent together as undergraduates. For this reason, universities that somehow establish a common bond –for example, because they are relatively small or especially prestigious - tend to draw substantial numbers of their alumni to reunions. In an effort to enhance this common identity, larger colleges and universities frequently build their class reunions on participation in smaller units, such as departments or schools. Or they encourage "affinity reunions" for groups of former cheerleaders, editors, fraternity members, musicians, members of military organizations on campus, and the like.Of course, not every alumnus is fond of his or her alma mater. Students who graduated during the late 1960s may be especially reluctantto get involved in alumni events. They were part of the generation that conducted sit-ins and teach-ins directed at university administrators, protested military recruitment on campus and marched against "establishment politics." If this generation has a common identity, it may fall outside of their university ties - or even be hostile to them. Even as they enter their middle years, alumni who continue to hold unpleasant memories of college during this period may not wish to attend class reunions.17. According to the passage, Sparacino's studyA. provided strong evidence for Jaffe's statement.B. showed that attendees tended to excel in high school study.C. found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience.D. found evidence for attendees' intense desire for showing off success.18. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a distinct feature of U.S. class reunions?A. U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off one's recent success.B. Reunions are regular and formal events organized by professional agencies.C. Class reunions have become a profitable business.D. Class reunions have brought about a variety of activities.19. What mainly attracts many people to return to campus for reunion?A. The variety of activities for class reunion.B. The special status their university enjoys.C. Shared experience beyond the campus.D. Shared undergraduate experience on campus.20. The rhetorical function of the first paragraph is toA. introduce Rona Jeffe's novel.B. present the author's counterargument.C. serve as prelude to the author's argument.D. bring into focus contrasting opinions.21. What is the passage mainly about?A. Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions.B. A historical perspective for alumni reunions in the United States.C. Alumni reunions and American university traditions.D. Alumni reunion and its social and economic implications.TEXT COne time while on his walk George met Mr. Cattanzara coming home very late from work. He wondered if he was drunk but then could tell he wasn't. Mr. Cattanzara, a stocky, bald-headed man who worked in a change booth on an IRT station, lived on the next block after George's, above a shoe repair store. Nights, during the hot weather, he sat on his stoop in an undershirt, reading the New York Times in the light of the shoemaker's window. He read it from the first page to the last, then wentup to sleep. And all the time he was reading the paper, his wife, a fat woman with a white face, leaned out of the window, gazing into the street, her thick white arms folded under her loose breast, on the window ledge.Once in a while Mr. Cattanzara came home drunk, but it was a quiet drunk. He never made any trouble, only walked stiffly up the street and slowly climbed the stairs into the hall. Though drunk he looked the same as always, except for his tight walk, the quietness, and that his eyes were wet. George liked Mr. Cattanzara because he remembered him giving him nickels to buy lemon ice with when he was a squirt. Mr. Cattanzara was a different type than those in the neighbourhood. He asked different questions than the others when he met you, and he seemed to know what went on in all the newspapers. He read them, as his fat sick wife watched from the window."What are you doing with yourself this summer, George?" Mr. Cattanzara asked. "l see you walkin' around at night."George felt embarrassed. "I like to walk.""What are you doin' in the day now?""Nothing much just now. I'm waiting for a job." Since it shamed him to admit that he wasn't working, George said, "I'm reading a lot to pick up my education.""What are you readin'?"George hesitated, then said, "I got a list of books in the library onceand now I'm gonna read them this summer." He felt strange and a little unhappy saying this, but he wanted Mr. Cattanzara to respect him."How many books are there on it?""I never counted them. Maybe around a hundred."Mr. Cattanzara whistled through his teeth."I figure if l did that," George went on earnestly, "it would help me in my education. 1 don't mean the kind they give you in high school. I want to know different things than they learn there, if you know what I mean."The change maker nodded. "Still and all, one hundred books is a pretty big load for onesummer.""It might take longer.""After you're finished with some, maybe you and I can shoot the breeze about them?" said Mr. Cattanzara."When I'm finished," George answered.Mr. Cattanzara went home and George continued on his walk. After that, though he had the urge to, George did nothing different from usual. He still took his walks at night, ending up in the little park. But one evening the shoemaker on the next block stopped George to say he was a good boy, and George figured that Mr. Cattanzara had told him all about the books he was reading. From the shoemaker it must have gone downthe street, because George saw a couple of people smiling kindly at him, though nobody spoke to him personally. He felt a little better around the neighbourhood and liked it more, though not so much he would want to live in it forever. He had never exactly disliked the people in it, yet he had never liked them very much either. It was the fault of the neighbourhood. To his surprise, George found out that his father and his sister Sophie knew about his reading too. His father was too shy to say anything about it - he was never much of a talker in his whole life -- but Sophie was softer to George, and she showed him in other ways she was proud of him.22. In the excerpt, Mr. Cattanzara was described as a man whoA. was fond of drinking.B. showed a wide interest.C. often worked overtime.D. liked to gossip after work.23. It can be inferred from the passage thatA. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at George's reading plan.B. Mr. Cannazara was doubtful about George throughout.C. George was forced to tell a lie and then regretted.D. George lied at the beginning and then became serious.24. After the street conversation with Mr. Cattanzara, GeorgeA. remained the same as usual.B. became more friendly with Mr. Cattanzara.C. began to like his neighbours more than ever.D. continued to read the books from the list.25. We can tell from the excerpt that GeorgeA. had a neither close nor distant relationship with his father.B. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings.C. found that his sister remained skeptical about him.D. found his neighbours liked to poke their nose into him.TEXT DAbraham Lincoln turns 200 this year, and he's beginning to show his age. When his birthday arrives, on February 12, Congress will hold a special joint session in the Capitol's National Statuary Hall, a wreath will be laid at the great memorial in Washington, and a webcast will link school classrooms for a "teach-in" honouring his memory.Admirable as they are, though, the events will strike many of us Lincoln fans as inadequate, even halfhearted -- and another sign that our appreciation for the 16th president and his towering achievements is slipping away. And you don't have to be a Lincoln enthusiast to believe that this is something we can't afford to lose.Compare this year's celebration with the Lincoln centennial, in 1909. That year, Lincoln's likeness made its debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Communities and civic associations in every comer of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, and military displays. We still feel the effects today: Themomentum unloosed in 1909 led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare.The celebrants in 1909 had a few inspirations we lack today. Lincoln's presidency was still a living memory for countless Americans. In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.But Americans in 1909 had something more: an unembarrassed appreciation for heroes and an acute sense of the way that even long-dead historical figures press in on the present and make us who we are.One story will illustrate what l'm talking about.In 2003 a group of local citizens arranged to place a statue of Lincoln in Richmond, Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy. The idea touched off a firestorm of controversy. The Sons of Confederate Veterans held a public conference of carefully selected scholars to "reassess" the legacy of Lincoln. The verdict - no surprise - was negative: Lincoln was labeled everything from a racist totalitarian to a teller of dirty jokes.I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter-conference of scholars to refute the earlier one. These scholars drew a picture of Lincoln that only our touchy-feely age couldconjure up. The man who oversaw the most savage war in our history was described - by his admirers, remember - as "nonjudgmental," "unmoralistic," "comfortable with ambiguity."I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued ceremony: "But he's so small!"The statue in Richmond was indeed small; like nearly every Lincoln statue put up in the past half century, it was life-size and was placed at ground level, a conscious rejection of the heroic - approachable and human, yes, but not something to look up to.The Richmond episode taught me that Americans have lost the language to explain Lincoln's greatness even to ourselves. Earlier generations said they wanted their children to be like Lincoln: principled, kind, compassionate, resolute. Today we want Lincoln to be like us.This helps to explain the long string of recent books in which writers have presented a Lincoln made after their own image. We've had Lincoln as humorist and Lincoln as manic-depressive, Lincoln the business sage, the conservative Lincoln and the liberal Lincoln, the emancipator and the racist, the stoic philosopher, the Christian, the atheist - Lincoln over easy and Lincoln scrambled.What's often missing, though, is the timeless Lincoln, the Lincoln whom all generations, our own no less than that of 1909, can lay claim to. Lucky for us, those memorializers from a century ago - and, through them,Lincoln himself- have left us a hint of where to find him. The Lincoln Memorial is the most visited of our presidential monuments. Here is where we find the Lincoln who endures: in the words he left us, defining the country we've inherited. Here is the Lincoln who can be endlessly renewed and who, 200 years after his birth, retains the power to renew us.26. The author thinks that this year's celebration is inadequate and even halfhearted becauseA. no Lincoln statue will be unveiled.B. no memorial coins will be issued.C. no similar appreciation of Lincoln will be seen.D. no activities can be compared to those in 1909.27. According to the passage, what really makes the 1909 celebrations different from this year's?A. Respect for great people and their influence.B. Variety and magnitude of celebration activities.C. Structures constructed in memory of Lincoln.D. Temporal proximity to Lincoln's presidency.28. In the author's opinion, the counter-conferenceA. rectified the judgment by those carefully selected scholars.B. offered a brand new reassessment perspective.C. came up with somewhat favourable conclusions.D. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln.29. According to the author, the image of Lincoln conceived by contemporary peopleA. conforms to traditional images.B. reflects the present-day tendency of worship.C. shows the present-day desire to emulate Lincoln.D. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes.30. Which of the following best explains the implication of the last paragraph?A. Lincoln's greatness remains despite the passage of time.B. The memorial is symbolic of the great man's achievements.C. Each generation has it own interpretation of Lincoln.D. People get to know Lincoln through memorializers.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.31. The Maori people are natives ofA. Australia.B. Canada.C. Ireland.D. New Zealand.32. The British monarch is the Head ofA. Parliament.B. State.C. Government.D. Cabinet.33. Americans celebrate Independence Day onA. July 4th.B. October 11th.C. May 31st.D. September 6th.34. Canada is bounded on the north by。
2012年英语专业八级真题及参考答案TEM8-2012TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2012)-GRADE EIGHT- TIME LIMIT: 195 MINPART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AI used to look at my closet and see clothes. These days, whenever I cast my eyes upon the stacks of shoes and hangers of shirts, sweaters and jackets, I see water.It takes 569 gallons to manufacture a T-shirt, from its start in the cotton fields to its appearance on store shelves. A pair of running shoes? 1,247 gallons.Until last fall, Id been oblivious to my "water footprint", which is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce goods and services, according to the Water Footprint Network. The Dutch nonprofit has been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008, but it was through the "Green Blue Book" by Thomas M. Kostigen that I was able to see how my own actions factored in.Ive installed gray-water systems to reuse the wastewater from my laundry, machine and bathtub and reroute it to my landscape - systems that save, on average, 50 gallons of water per day. Ive set up rain barrels and infiltration pits to collect thousands of gallons of storm water cascading from my roof. Ive even entered the last bastion of greendom -installing a composting toilet.Suffice to say, Ive been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water Ive saved with these big-ticket projects.Now I realize that my daily consumption choices could have an even larger effect –not only on the local water supply but also globally: 1.1 billion people have no access to freshwater, and, in the future, those who do have access will have less of it.To see how much virtual water 1 was using, I logged on to the "Green Blue Book" website and used its water footprint calculator, entering my daily consumption habits. Tallying up the water footprint of my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as my daily dose of over-the-counter uppers and downers - coffee, wine and beer- Im using 512 gallons of virtual water each day just to feed myself.In a word: alarming.Even more alarming was how much hidden water I was using to get dressed. Im hardly a clotheshorse, but the few new items I buy once again trumped the amount of water flowing from my faucets each day. If Im serious about saving water, I realized I could make some simple lifestyle shifts. Looking more closely at the areas in my life that use the most virtual water, it was food and clothes, specifically meat, coffee and, oddly, blue jeans and leather jackets.Being a motorcyclist, I own an unusually large amount of leather - boots and jackets in particular. All of it is enormously water intensive. It takes 7,996 gallons to make a leather.jacket,leather being a byproduct of beef. It takes 2,866 gallons of water to make a single pair of blue jeans, because theyre made from water-hogging cotton.Crunching the numbers for the amount of clothes I buy every year, it looks a lot like my friends swimming pool. My entire closet is borderline Olympic.Gulp.My late resolution is to buy some items used. Underwear and socks are, of course, exempt from this strategy, but 1 have no problem shopping less and also shopping at Goodwill. In fact, Id been doing that for the past year to save money. My clothes outrageous water footprint just reintbrced it for me.More conscious living and substitution, rather than sacrifice, are the prevailing ideas with the water footprint. Its one Im trying, and thats had an unusual upside. I had a hamburger recently, and I enjoyed it a lot more since it is now an occasional treat rather than a weekly habit.(One gallon =3.8 litres)11. According to the passage, the Water Footprint NetworkA. made the author aware of freshwater shortage.B. helped the author get to know the Green Blue Book.C. worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposes.D. collaborated with the Green Blue Book in freshwater conservation.12. Which of the following reasons can best explain the authors feeling of self-satisfaction?A. He made contribution to drinking water conservation in his own way.B. Money spent on upgrading his household facilities was worthwhile.C. His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.D. He could have made even greater contribution by changing his lifestyle.13. According to the context, "...how mv own actions factored in" meansA. how I could contribute to water conservation.B. what efforts I should make to save fresh water.C. what behaviour could be counted as freshwater-saving.D. how much of what I did contributed to freshwater shortage.14. According to the passage, the author was more alarmed by the fact thatA. he was having more meat and coffee.B. his clothes used even more virtual water.C. globally there will be less fresh water.D. his lifestyle was too extravagant.15. "My entire closet is borderline Olympic" is an example ofA. exaggeration.B. analogy.C. understatement.D. euphemism.16. What is the tone of the author in the last paragraph?A. Sarcastic.B. Ironic.C. Critical.D. Humorous.TEXT BIn her novel of "Reunion, American Style", Rona Jaffe suggests that a class reunion "is more than a sentimental journey. It is also a way of answering the question that lies at the back of nearly all our minds. Did they do better than I?"Jaffes observation may be misplaced but not completely lost. According to a study conducted by social psychologist Jack Sparacino, the overwhelming majority who attend reunionsarent there invidiously to compare their recent accomplishments with those of their former classmates. Instead, they hope, primarily, to relive their earlier successes.Certainly, a few return to show their former classmates how well they have done; others enjoy observing the changes that have occurred in their classmates (not always in themselves, of course). But the majority who attend their class reunions do so to relive the good times they remember having when they were younger. In his study, Sparacino found that, as high school students, attendees had been more popular, more often regarded as attractive, and more involved in extracurricular activities than those classmates who chose not to attend. For those who turned up at their reunions, then, the old times were also the good times!It would appear that Americans have a special fondness for reunions, judging by their prevalence. Major league baseball players, fraternity members, veterans groups, high school and college graduates, and former Boy Scouts all hold reunions on a regular basis. In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.Actually, in their affection for reuniting with friends, family or colleagues, Americans are probably no different from any other people, except that Americans have created a mind-boggling number and variety of institutionalized forms of gatherings to facilitate the satisfaction of this desire. Indeed, reunions have increasingly become formal events that are organized on a regular basis and, in the process, they have also become big business.Shell Norris of Class Reunion, Inc., says that Chicago alone has 1,500 high school reunions each year. A conservative estimate on the national level would be 10,000 annually. At one time, all high school reunions were organized by volunteers, usually female homemakers. In the last few years, however, as more and more women have entered the labour force, alumni reunions are increasingly being planned by specialized companies rather than by part-time volunteers.The first college reunion was held by the alumni of Yale University in 1792. Graduates of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Stanford, and Brown followed suit. And by the end of the 19th century, most 4-year institutions were holding alumni reunions.The variety of college reunions is impressive. At Princeton, alumni parade through the town wearing their class uniforms and singing their alma mater. At Marietta College, they gather for a dinner-dance on a steamship cruising the Ohio River.Clearly, the thought of cruising on a steamship or marching through the streets is usually not, by itself, sufficient reason for large numbers of alumni to return to campus. Alumni who decide to attend their reunions share a common identity based on the years they spent together as undergraduates. For this reason, universities that somehow establish a common bond –for example, because they are relatively small or especially prestigious - tend to draw substantial numbers of their alumni to reunions. In an effort to enhance this common identity, larger colleges and universities frequently build their class reunions on participation in smaller units, such as departments or schools. Or they encourage "affinity reunions" for groups of former cheerleaders, editors, fraternity members, musicians, members of military organizations on campus, and the like.Of course, not every alumnus is fond of his or her alma mater. Students who graduated during the late 1960s may be especially reluctant to get involved in alumni events. They were part of the generation that conducted sit-ins and teach-ins directed at university administrators, protested military recruitment on campus and marched against "establishment politics." If this generation has a common identity, it may fall outside of their university ties - or even be hostile tothem. Even as they enter their middle years, alumni who continue to hold unpleasant memories of college during this period may not wish to attend class reunions.17. According to the passage, Sparacinos studyA. provided strong evidence for Jaffes statement.B. showed that attendees tended to excel in high school study.C. found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience.D. found evidence for attendees intense desire for showing off success.18. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a distinct feature of U.S. class reunions?A. U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off ones recent success.B. Reunions are regular and formal events organized by professional agencies.C. Class reunions have become a profitable business.D. Class reunions have brought about a variety of activities.19. What mainly attracts many people to return to campus for reunion?A. The variety of activities for class reunion.B. The special status their university enjoys.C. Shared experience beyond the campus.D. Shared undergraduate experience on campus.20. The rhetorical function of the first paragraph is toA. introduce Rona Jeffes novel.B. present the authors counterargument.C. serve as prelude to the authors argument.D. bring into focus contrasting opinions.21. What is the passage mainly about?A. Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions.B. A historical perspective for alumni reunions in the United States.C. Alumni reunions and American university traditions.D. Alumni reunion and its social and economic implications.TEXT COne time while on his walk George met Mr. Cattanzara coming home very late from work. He wondered if he was drunk but then could tell he wasnt. Mr. Cattanzara, a stocky, bald-headed man who worked in a change booth on an IRT station, lived on the next block after Georges, above a shoe repair store. Nights, during the hot weather, he sat on his stoop in an undershirt, reading the New York Times in the light of the shoemakers window. He read it from the first page to the last, then went up to sleep. And all the time he was reading the paper, his wife, a fat woman with a white face, leaned out of the window, gazing into the street, her thick white arms folded under her loose breast, on the window ledge.Once in a while Mr. Cattanzara came home drunk, but it was a quiet drunk. He never made any trouble, only walked stiffly up the street and slowly climbed the stairs into the hall. Though drunk he looked the same as always, except for his tight walk, the quietness, and that his eyes were wet. George liked Mr. Cattanzara because he remembered him giving him nickels to buy lemon ice with when he was a squirt. Mr. Cattanzara was a different type than those in the neighbourhood. He asked different questions than the others when he met you, and he seemed to know what went on in all the newspapers. He read them, as his fat sick wife watched from the window."What are you doing with yourself this summer, George?" Mr. Cattanzara asked. "l see you walkin around at night."George felt embarrassed. "I like to walk.""What are you doin in the day now?""Nothing much just now. Im waiting for a job." Since it shamed him to admit that he wasnt working, George said, "Im reading a lot to pick up my education.""What are you readin?"George hesitated, then said, "I got a list of books in the library once and now Im gonna read them this summer." He felt strange and a little unhappy saying this, but he wanted Mr. Cattanzara to respect him."How many books are there on it?""I never counted them. Maybe around a hundred."Mr. Cattanzara whistled through his teeth."I figure if l did that," George went on earnestly, "it would help me in my education. 1 dont mean the kind they give you in high school. I want to know different things than they learn there, if you know what I mean."The change maker nodded. "Still and all, one hundred books is a pretty big load for onesummer.""It might take longer.""After youre finished with some, maybe you and I can shoot the breeze about them?" said Mr. Cattanzara."When Im finished," George answered.Mr. Cattanzara went home and George continued on his walk. After that, though he had the urge to, George did nothing different from usual. He still took his walks at night, ending up in the little park. But one evening the shoemaker on the next block stopped George to say he was a good boy, and George figured that Mr. Cattanzara had told him all about the books he was reading. From the shoemaker it must have gone down the street, because George saw a couple of people smiling kindly at him, though nobody spoke to him personally. He felt a little better around the neighbourhood and liked it more, though not so much he would want to live in it forever. He had never exactly disliked the people in it, yet he had never liked them very much either. It was the fault of the neighbourhood. To his surprise, George found out that his father and his sister Sophie knew about his reading too. His father was too shy to say anything about it - he was never much of a talker in his whole life -- but Sophie was softer to George, and she showed him in other ways she was proud of him.22. In the excerpt, Mr. Cattanzara was described as a man whoA. was fond of drinking.B. showed a wide interest.C. often worked overtime.D. liked to gossip after work.23. It can be inferred from the passage thatA. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at Georges reading plan.B. Mr. Cannazara was doubtful about George throughout.C. George was forced to tell a lie and then regretted.D. George lied at the beginning and then became serious.24. After the street conversation with Mr. Cattanzara, GeorgeA. remained the same as usual.B. became more friendly with Mr. Cattanzara.C. began to like his neighbours more than ever.D. continued to read the books from the list.25. We can tell from the excerpt that GeorgeA. had a neither close nor distant relationship with his father.B. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings.C. found that his sister remained skeptical about him.D. found his neighbours liked to poke their nose into him.TEXT DAbraham Lincoln turns 200 this year, and hes beginning to show his age. When his birthday arrives, on February 12, Congress will hold a special joint session in the Capitols National Statuary Hall, a wreath will be laid at the great memorial in Washington, and a webcast will link school classrooms for a "teach-in" honouring his memory.Admirable as they are, though, the events will strike many of us Lincoln fans as inadequate, even halfhearted -- and another sign that our appreciation for the 16th president and his towering achievements is slipping away. And you dont have to be a Lincoln enthusiast to believe that this is something we cant afford to lose.Compare this years celebration with the Lincoln centennial, in 1909. That year, Lincolns likeness made its debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Communities and civic associations in every comer of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, and military displays. We still feel the effects today: The momentum unloosed in 1909 led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare.The celebrants in 1909 had a few inspirations we lack today. Lincolns presidency was still a living memory for countless Americans. In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.But Americans in 1909 had something more: an unembarrassed appreciation for heroes and an acute sense of the way that even long-dead historical figures press in on the present and make us who we are.One story will illustrate what lm talking about.In 2003 a group of local citizens arranged to place a statue of Lincoln in Richmond, Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy. The idea touched off a firestorm of controversy. The Sons of Confederate Veterans held a public conference of carefully selected scholars to "reassess" the legacy of Lincoln. The verdict - no surprise - was negative: Lincoln was labeled everything from a racist totalitarian to a teller of dirty jokes.I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter-conference of scholars to refute the earlier one. These scholars drew a picture of Lincoln that only our touchy-feely age could conjure up. The man who oversaw the most savage war in our history was described - by his admirers, remember - as "nonjudgmental," "unmoralistic," "comfortable with ambiguity."I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued ceremony: "But hes so small!"The statue in Richmond was indeed small; like nearly every Lincoln statue put up in the pasthalf century, it was life-size and was placed at ground level, a conscious rejection of the heroic - approachable and human, yes, but not something to look up to.The Richmond episode taught me that Americans have lost the language to explain Lincolns greatness even to ourselves. Earlier generations said they wanted their children to be like Lincoln: principled, kind, compassionate, resolute. Today we want Lincoln to be like us.This helps to explain the long string of recent books in which writers have presented a Lincoln made after their own image. Weve had Lincoln as humorist and Lincoln as manic-depressive, Lincoln the business sage, the conservative Lincoln and the liberal Lincoln, the emancipator and the racist, the stoic philosopher, the Christian, the atheist - Lincoln over easy and Lincoln scrambled.Whats often missing,, though, i, s the timeless Lincoln, the Lincoln whom all generations, our own no less than that of 1909, can lay claim to. Lucky for us, those memorializers from a century ago - and, through them, Lincoln himself- have left us a hin, t of where to find him. The Lincoln Memorial is the mos, , t visited of our presidential monuments. Here is where we find the Lincoln who endures: in the words he left us, defining the country weve inherited. Here is the Lincoln who can be endlessly renewed and who, 200 years after his birth, retains the power to renew us.26. The author thinks that this years celebration is inadequate and even halfhearted becauseA. no Lincoln statue will be unveiled.B. no memorial coins will be issued.C. no similar appreciation of Lincoln will be seen.D. no activities can be compared to those in 1909.27. According to the passage, what really makes the 1909 celebrations different from this years?A. Respect for great people and their influence.B. Variety and magnitude of celebration activities.C. Structures constructed in memory of Lincoln.D. Temporal proximity to Lincolns presidency.28. In the authors opinion, the counter-conferenceA. rectified the judgment by those carefully selected scholars.B. offered a brand new reassessment perspective.C. came up with somewhat favourable conclusions.D. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln.29. According to the author, the image of Lincoln conceived by contemporary peopleA. conforms to traditional images.B. reflects the present-day tendency of worship.C. shows the present-day desire to emulate Lincoln.D. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes.30. Which of the following best explains the implication of the last paragraph?A. Lincolns greatness remains despite the passage of time.B. The memorial is symbolic of the great mans achievements.C. Each generation has it own interpretation of Lincoln.D. People get to know Lincoln through memorializers.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.31. The Maori people are natives ofA. Australia.B. Canada.C. Ireland.D. New Zealand.32. The British monarch is the Head ofA. Parliament.B. State.C. Government.D. Cabinet.33. Americans celebrate Independence Day onA. July 4th.B. October 11th.C. May 31st.D. September 6th.34. Canada is bounded on the north byA. the Pacific Ocean.B. the Atlantic Ocean.C. the Arctic Ocean.D. the Great Lakes.35. Who is the author of The Waste Lana?A. George Bernard Shaw.B. W.B. Yeats.C. Dylan Thomas.D. T.S. Eliot.36. Which of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury?A. William Faulkner.B. Ernest Hemingway.C. Scott Fitzgerald.D. John Steinbeck.37. "The lettuce was lonely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company" is an example ofA. exaggeration.B. understatement.C. personification.D. synecdoche.38. In English ifa word begins with a [l] or a [r], then the next sound must be a vowel. This isa (n)A. assimilation rule.B. sequential rule.C.deletion rule.D. grammar rule.39. Which of the following is an example of clipping?A.APEC.B.Motel.C.Xerox.D.Disco.40. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to a particular type of" situation is calledA. register.B. dialect.C. slang.D. variety参考答案阅读部分TEXT A11. C. worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposes.12. C. His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.13. A. how I could contribute to water conversation.14. D. his lifestyle was too extravagant.15. A. exaggeration.16.D. Humorous.TEXT B17. C. found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience.18. A. U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off ones recent success.19. D. Shared undergraduate experience on campus.20. D. bring into focus contrasting opinions.21. A. Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions. TEXT C22. B. showed a wide interest.23. A. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at Georges reading plan.24. A. remained the same as usual.25. B. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings.TEXT D26. D. no activities can be compared to those in 1909.27. B. Variety and magnitude of celebration activities.28. D. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln.29. D. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes.30. A. Lincolns greatness remains despite the passage of time.人文知识The indigenous people of New Zealand are the Maori.31. D. N ew Zealand32. B. state33. A. July 4th34. C. the Arctic Ocean35. D. T.S.Eliot36. A. William Faulkner37. C. personification38. B. sequential rule39. D. Disco40. A. register。
Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression which was likely to run out of her throat at any moment. She could not think clearly any longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other pals. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering. “Just leave it here”, she told herself, “This is the best choice by far, for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare center”. The child was her secret which would be kept in the buildings behind the woods.2011年:现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。
2012年英语专业八级真题及参考答案TEM8-2012TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2012)-GRADE EIGHT- TIME LIMIT: 195 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREttENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture. Observation BehaviourPeople do observation in daily life context for safety or for proper behaviour. However, there are differences in daily life observation and research observation.A. Differences---- daily life observation--casual--(1) ________--defendence on memory---- research observation-- (2) _________-- careful record keepingB. Ways to select samples in research---- time sampling-- systematic: e.g. fixed intervals every hour-- random: fixed intervals but (3) _______Systematic sampling and random sampling are often used in combination.---- (4) _______-- definition: selection of different locations-- reason: humans’ or animals’ behaviour (5) ______ across circumstances-- (6) ______: more objective observationsC. Ways to record behaviour (7) _______---- observation with intervention-- participant observation: researcher as observer and participant-- field experiment: research (8) ______ over conditions---- observation without intervention-- purpose: describing behaviour (9) ______-- (10) ______ : no intervention-- researcher: a passive recorderSECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the foliowing five questions. Now listen to the interview.1. Which of the following statements about creativity is INCORRECT?A. Creativity stems from human beings novel thinking.B. The duration of the creative process varies from person to person.C. Creative people focus on novel thinking rather than on solutions.D. The outcome of human creativity comes in varied forms.2. The interviewee cites the Bach family to show that creativityA. appears to be the result of the environment.B. seems to be attributable to genetic makeup.C. appears to be more associated with great people.D. comes from both environment and genetic makeup.3. How many types of the creative process does the interviewee describe?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.4. Which of the following features of a creative personality is NOT mentioned in the interview?A. Unconventional.B. Original.C. Resolute.D. Critical.5. The interviewees suggestion for a creativity workout supports the view thatA. brain exercising will not make people creative.B. most people have diversified interests and hobbies.C. the environment is significant in the creative process.D. creativity can only be found in great people.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.6. What is the news item mainly about?A. U.S. astronauts made three space walks.B. An international space station was set up.C. A problem in the cooling system was solved.D. A 350-kilogram ammonia pump was removed.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.7. In which country would parents often threaten to punish children by leaving them outside?A. India.B. The Philippines.C. Egypt.D. Not mentioned.8. What is the main purpose of the study?A. To reveal cultural differences and similarities.B. To expose cases of child abuse and punishment.C. To analyze child behaviour across countries.D. To investigate ways of physical punishment.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.9. According to the news item, Japans economic growth in the second quarter was ____ less than the first quarter.A. 0.6 percentB. 3.4 percentC. 4 percentD. 3 percent10. How many reasons does the news item cite for Japans slow economic growth?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AI used to look at my closet and see clothes. These days, whenever I cast my eyes upon the stacks of shoes and hangers of shirts, sweaters and jackets, I see water.It takes 569 gallons to manufacture a T-shirt, from its start in the cotton fields to its appearance on store shelves. A pair of running shoes? 1,247 gallons.Until last fall, Id been oblivious to my "water footprint", which is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce goods and services, according to the Water Footprint Network. The Dutch nonprofit has been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008, but it was through the "Green Blue Book" by Thomas M. Kostigen that I was able to see how my own actions factored in.Ive installed gray-water systems to reuse the wastewater from my laundry, machine andbathtub and reroute it to my landscape - systems that save, on average, 50 gallons of water per day. Ive set up rain barrels and infiltration pits to collect thousands of gallons of storm water cascading from my roof. Ive even entered the last bastion of greendom -installing a composting toilet.Suffice to say, Ive been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water Ive saved with these big-ticket projects.Now I realize that my daily consumption choices could have an even larger effect –not only on the local water supply but also globally: 1.1 billion people have no access to freshwater, and, in the future, those who do have access will have less of it.To see how much virtual water 1 was using, I logged on to the "Green Blue Book" website and used its water footprint calculator, entering my daily consumption habits. Tallying up the water footprint of my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as my daily dose of over-the-counter uppers and downers - coffee, wine and beer- Im using 512 gallons of virtual water each day just to feed myself.In a word: alarming.Even more alarming was how much hidden water I was using to get dressed. Im hardly a clotheshorse, but the few new items I buy once again trumped the amount of water flowing from my faucets each day. If Im serious about saving water, I realized I could make some simple lifestyle shifts. Looking more closely at the areas in my life that use the most virtual water, it was food and clothes, specifically meat, coffee and, oddly, blue jeans and leather jackets.Being a motorcyclist, I own an unusually large amount of leather - boots and jackets in particular. All of it is enormously water intensive. It takes 7,996 gallons to make a leather.jacket, leather being a byproduct of beef. It takes 2,866 gallons of water to make a single pair of blue jeans, because theyre made from water-hogging cotton.Crunching the numbers for the amount of clothes I buy every year, it looks a lot like my friends swimming pool. My entire closet is borderline Olympic.Gulp.My late resolution is to buy some items used. Underwear and socks are, of course, exempt from this strategy, but 1 have no problem shopping less and also shopping at Goodwill. In fact, Id been doing that for the past year to save money. My clothes outrageous water footprint just reintbrced it for me.More conscious living and substitution, rather than sacrifice, are the prevailing ideas with the water footprint. Its one Im trying, and thats had an unusual upside. I had a hamburger recently, and I enjoyed it a lot more since it is now an occasional treat rather than a weekly habit.(One gallon =3.8 litres)11. According to the passage, the Water Footprint NetworkA. made the author aware of freshwater shortage.B. helped the author get to know the Green Blue Book.C. worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposes.D. collaborated with the Green Blue Book in freshwater conservation.12. Which of the following reasons can best explain the authors feeling of self-satisfaction?A. He made contribution to drinking water conservation in his own way.B. Money spent on upgrading his household facilities was worthwhile.C. His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.D. He could have made even greater contribution by changing his lifestyle.13. According to the context, "...how mv own actions factored in" meansA. how I could contribute to water conservation.B. what efforts I should make to save fresh water.C. what behaviour could be counted as freshwater-saving.D. how much of what I did contributed to freshwater shortage.14. According to the passage, the author was more alarmed by the fact thatA. he was having more meat and coffee.B. his clothes used even more virtual water.C. globally there will be less fresh water.D. his lifestyle was too extravagant.15. "My entire closet is borderline Olympic" is an example ofA. exaggeration.B. analogy.C. understatement.D. euphemism.16. What is the tone of the author in the last paragraph?A. Sarcastic.B. Ironic.C. Critical.D. Humorous.TEXT BIn her novel of "Reunion, American Style", Rona Jaffe suggests that a class reunion "is more than a sentimental journey. It is also a way of answering the question that lies at the back of nearly all our minds. Did they do better than I?"Jaffes observation may be misplaced but not completely lost. According to a study conducted by social psychologist Jack Sparacino, the overwhelming majority who attend reunions arent there invidiously to compare their recent accomplishments with those of their former classmates. Instead, they hope, primarily, to relive their earlier successes.Certainly, a few return to show their former classmates how well they have done; others enjoy observing the changes that have occurred in their classmates (not always in themselves, of course). But the majority who attend their class reunions do so to relive the good times they remember having when they were younger. In his study, Sparacino found that, as high school students, attendees had been more popular, more often regarded as attractive, and more involved in extracurricular activities than those classmates who chose not to attend. For those who turned up at their reunions, then, the old times were also the good times!It would appear that Americans have a special fondness for reunions, judging by their prevalence. Major league baseball players, fraternity members, veterans groups, high school and college graduates, and former Boy Scouts all hold reunions on a regular basis. In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.Actually, in their affection for reuniting with friends, family or colleagues, Americans are probably no different from any other people, except that Americans have created a mind-boggling number and variety of institutionalized forms of gatherings to facilitate the satisfaction of this desire. Indeed, reunions have increasingly become formal events that are organized on a regular basis and, in the process, they have also become big business.Shell Norris of Class Reunion, Inc., says that Chicago alone has 1,500 high school reunions each year. A conservative estimate on the national level would be 10,000 annually. At one time, all high school reunions were organized by volunteers, usually female homemakers. In the last few years, however, as more and more women have entered the labour force, alumni reunions areincreasingly being planned by specialized companies rather than by part-time volunteers.The first college reunion was held by the alumni of Yale University in 1792. Graduates of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Stanford, and Brown followed suit. And by the end of the 19th century, most 4-year institutions were holding alumni reunions.The variety of college reunions is impressive. At Princeton, alumni parade through the town wearing their class uniforms and singing their alma mater. At Marietta College, they gather for a dinner-dance on a steamship cruising the Ohio River.Clearly, the thought of cruising on a steamship or marching through the streets is usually not, by itself, sufficient reason for large numbers of alumni to return to campus. Alumni who decide to attend their reunions share a common identity based on the years they spent together as undergraduates. For this reason, universities that somehow establish a common bond –for example, because they are relatively small or especially prestigious - tend to draw substantial numbers of their alumni to reunions. In an effort to enhance this common identity, larger colleges and universities frequently build their class reunions on participation in smaller units, such as departments or schools. Or they encourage "affinity reunions" for groups of former cheerleaders, editors, fraternity members, musicians, members of military organizations on campus, and the like.Of course, not every alumnus is fond of his or her alma mater. Students who graduated during the late 1960s may be especially reluctant to get involved in alumni events. They were part of the generation that conducted sit-ins and teach-ins directed at university administrators, protested military recruitment on campus and marched against "establishment politics." If this generation has a common identity, it may fall outside of their university ties - or even be hostile to them. Even as they enter their middle years, alumni who continue to hold unpleasant memories of college during this period may not wish to attend class reunions.17. According to the passage, Sparacinos studyA. provided strong evidence for Jaffes statement.B. showed that attendees tended to excel in high school study.C. found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience.D. found evidence for attendees intense desire for showing off success.18. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a distinct feature of U.S. class reunions?A. U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off ones recent success.B. Reunions are regular and formal events organized by professional agencies.C. Class reunions have become a profitable business.D. Class reunions have brought about a variety of activities.19. What mainly attracts many people to return to campus for reunion?A. The variety of activities for class reunion.B. The special status their university enjoys.C. Shared experience beyond the campus.D. Shared undergraduate experience on campus.20. The rhetorical function of the first paragraph is toA. introduce Rona Jeffes novel.B. present the authors counterargument.C. serve as prelude to the authors argument.D. bring into focus contrasting opinions.21. What is the passage mainly about?A. Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions.B. A historical perspective for alumni reunions in the United States.C. Alumni reunions and American university traditions.D. Alumni reunion and its social and economic implications.TEXT COne time while on his walk George met Mr. Cattanzara coming home very late from work. He wondered if he was drunk but then could tell he wasnt. Mr. Cattanzara, a stocky, bald-headed man who worked in a change booth on an IRT station, lived on the next block after Georges, above a shoe repair store. Nights, during the hot weather, he sat on his stoop in an undershirt, reading the New York Times in the light of the shoemakers window. He read it from the first page to the last, then went up to sleep. And all the time he was reading the paper, his wife, a fat woman with a white face, leaned out of the window, gazing into the street, her thick white arms folded under her loose breast, on the window ledge.Once in a while Mr. Cattanzara came home drunk, but it was a quiet drunk. He never made any trouble, only walked stiffly up the street and slowly climbed the stairs into the hall. Though drunk he looked the same as always, except for his tight walk, the quietness, and that his eyes were wet. George liked Mr. Cattanzara because he remembered him giving him nickels to buy lemon ice with when he was a squirt. Mr. Cattanzara was a different type than those in the neighbourhood. He asked different questions than the others when he met you, and he seemed to know what went on in all the newspapers. He read them, as his fat sick wife watched from the window."What are you doing with yourself this summer, George?" Mr. Cattanzara asked. "l see you walkin around at night."George felt embarrassed. "I like to walk.""What are you doin in the day now?""Nothing much just now. Im waiting for a job." Since it shamed him to admit that he wasnt working, George said, "Im reading a lot to pick up my education.""What are you readin?"George hesitated, then said, "I got a list of books in the library once and now Im gonna read them this summer." He felt strange and a little unhappy saying this, but he wanted Mr. Cattanzara to respect him."How many books are there on it?""I never counted them. Maybe around a hundred."Mr. Cattanzara whistled through his teeth."I figure if l did that," George went on earnestly, "it would help me in my education. 1 dont mean the kind they give you in high school. I want to know different things than they learn there, if you know what I mean."The change maker nodded. "Still and all, one hundred books is a pretty big load for onesummer.""It might take longer.""After youre finished with some, maybe you and I can shoot the breeze about them?" said Mr. Cattanzara."When Im finished," George answered.Mr. Cattanzara went home and George continued on his walk. After that, though he had theurge to, George did nothing different from usual. He still took his walks at night, ending up in the little park. But one evening the shoemaker on the next block stopped George to say he was a good boy, and George figured that Mr. Cattanzara had told him all about the books he was reading. From the shoemaker it must have gone down the street, because George saw a couple of people smiling kindly at him, though nobody spoke to him personally. He felt a little better around the neighbourhood and liked it more, though not so much he would want to live in it forever. He had never exactly disliked the people in it, yet he had never liked them very much either. It was the fault of the neighbourhood. To his surprise, George found out that his father and his sister Sophie knew about his reading too. His father was too shy to say anything about it - he was never much of a talker in his whole life -- but Sophie was softer to George, and she showed him in other ways she was proud of him.22. In the excerpt, Mr. Cattanzara was described as a man whoA. was fond of drinking.B. showed a wide interest.C. often worked overtime.D. liked to gossip after work.23. It can be inferred from the passage thatA. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at Georges reading plan.B. Mr. Cannazara was doubtful about George throughout.C. George was forced to tell a lie and then regretted.D. George lied at the beginning and then became serious.24. After the street conversation with Mr. Cattanzara, GeorgeA. remained the same as usual.B. became more friendly with Mr. Cattanzara.C. began to like his neighbours more than ever.D. continued to read the books from the list.25. We can tell from the excerpt that GeorgeA. had a neither close nor distant relationship with his father.B. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings.C. found that his sister remained skeptical about him.D. found his neighbours liked to poke their nose into him.TEXT DAbraham Lincoln turns 200 this year, and hes beginning to show his age. When his birthday arrives, on February 12, Congress will hold a special joint session in the Capitols National Statuary Hall, a wreath will be laid at the great memorial in Washington, and a webcast will link school classrooms for a "teach-in" honouring his memory.Admirable as they are, though, the events will strike many of us Lincoln fans as inadequate, even halfhearted -- and another sign that our appreciation for the 16th president and his towering achievements is slipping away. And you dont have to be a Lincoln enthusiast to believe that this is something we cant afford to lose.Compare this years celebration with the Lincoln centennial, in 1909. That year, Lincolns likeness made its debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Communities and civic associations in every comer of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, and military displays. We still feel the effects today: The momentum unloosed in 1909 led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare.The celebrants in 1909 had a few inspirations we lack today. Lincolns presidency was still a living memory for countless Americans. In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.But Americans in 1909 had something more: an unembarrassed appreciation for heroes and an acute sense of the way that even long-dead historical figures press in on the present and make us who we are.One story will illustrate what lm talking about.In 2003 a group of local citizens arranged to place a statue of Lincoln in Richmond, Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy. The idea touched off a firestorm of controversy. The Sons of Confederate Veterans held a public conference of carefully selected scholars to "reassess" the legacy of Lincoln. The verdict - no surprise - was negative: Lincoln was labeled everything from a racist totalitarian to a teller of dirty jokes.I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter-conference of scholars to refute the earlier one. These scholars drew a picture of Lincoln that only our touchy-feely age could conjure up. The man who oversaw the most savage war in our history was described - by his admirers, remember - as "nonjudgmental," "unmoralistic," "comfortable with ambiguity."I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued ceremony: "But hes so small!"The statue in Richmond was indeed small; like nearly every Lincoln statue put up in the past half century, it was life-size and was placed at ground level, a conscious rejection of the heroic - approachable and human, yes, but not something to look up to.The Richmond episode taught me that Americans have lost the language to explain Lincolns greatness even to ourselves. Earlier generations said they wanted their children to be like Lincoln: principled, kind, compassionate, resolute. Today we want Lincoln to be like us.This helps to explain the long string of recent books in which writers have presented a Lincoln made after their own image. Weve had Lincoln as humorist and Lincoln as manic-depressive, Lincoln the business sage, the conservative Lincoln and the liberal Lincoln, the emancipator and the racist, the stoic philosopher, the Christian, the atheist - Lincoln over easy and Lincoln scrambled.Whats often missing,, though, i, s the timeless Lincoln, the Lincoln whom all generations, our own no less than that of 1909, can lay claim to. Lucky for us, those memorializers from a century ago - and, through them, Lincoln himself- have left us a hin, t of where to find him. The Lincoln Memorial is the mos, , t visited of our presidential monuments. Here is where we find the Lincoln who endures: in the words he left us, defining the country weve inherited. Here is the Lincoln who can be endlessly renewed and who, 200 years after his birth, retains the power to renew us.26. The author thinks that this years celebration is inadequate and even halfhearted becauseA. no Lincoln statue will be unveiled.B. no memorial coins will be issued.C. no similar appreciation of Lincoln will be seen.D. no activities can be compared to those in 1909.27. According to the passage, what really makes the 1909 celebrations different from this years?A. Respect for great people and their influence.B. Variety and magnitude of celebration activities.C. Structures constructed in memory of Lincoln.D. Temporal proximity to Lincolns presidency.28. In the authors opinion, the counter-conferenceA. rectified the judgment by those carefully selected scholars.B. offered a brand new reassessment perspective.C. came up with somewhat favourable conclusions.D. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln.29. According to the author, the image of Lincoln conceived by contemporary peopleA. conforms to traditional images.B. reflects the present-day tendency of worship.C. shows the present-day desire to emulate Lincoln.D. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes.30. Which of the following best explains the implication of the last paragraph?A. Lincolns greatness remains despite the passage of time.B. The memorial is symbolic of the great mans achievements.C. Each generation has it own interpretation of Lincoln.D. People get to know Lincoln through memorializers.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.31. The Maori people are natives ofA. Australia.B. Canada.C. Ireland.D. New Zealand.32. The British monarch is the Head ofA. Parliament.B. State.C. Government.D. Cabinet.33. Americans celebrate Independence Day onA. July 4th.B. October 11th.C. May 31st.D. September 6th.34. Canada is bounded on the north byA. the Pacific Ocean.B. the Atlantic Ocean.C. the Arctic Ocean.D. the Great Lakes.35. Who is the author of The Waste Lana?A. George Bernard Shaw.B. W.B. Yeats.C. Dylan Thomas.D. T.S. Eliot.36. Which of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury?A. William Faulkner.B. Ernest Hemingway.C. Scott Fitzgerald.D. John Steinbeck.37. "The lettuce was lonely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company" is an example ofA. exaggeration.B. understatement.C. personification.D. synecdoche.38. In English ifa word begins with a [l] or a [r], then the next sound must be a vowel. This isa (n)。
2012年英语专业八级真题及参考答案TEM8—2012TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2012)-GRADE EIGHT- TIME LIMIT:195 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREttENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points。
Your notes will not be marked,but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture。
When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap—filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap。
Make sure the word(s)you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note—taking。
Now,listen to the mini—lecture.Observation BehaviourPeople do observation in daily life context for safety or for proper behaviour。
参考答案:With pains gathering in her heart, she felt something burning hot between her eyebrows。
Her chest was brimmed with depression and sorrow which was about to run out of her throat in any moment。
She could not think straight when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where other children were staying。
There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were dancing. “Just leave it here”, she thought to herself,“This might be the best choice。
2012年英语专业八级真题及答案SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH泊珍看他第一眼,彷似一声雷劈头而来,令她晕头涨脑,这一岁的孩子脸型长相如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去!痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。
参考译文:Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows.Her chest was brimmed with depression which was likely to run out of her throat at any moment.She could not think clearly any longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation.She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other pals.There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering. Just leave the child here. There are kind-hearted priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare center.It is the best place to keep the child. The child was her secret and she kept the secret in the building behind the woods.SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESEIn some cases, intelligent people implementing intelligent policies are responsible for producing a "boomerang effect"; they actually create more of whatever it is they seek to reduce in the first place.The boomerang effect has been achieved many times in recent years by men and women of goodwill.State legislatures around the nation have recently raised the drinking age back to 21 in an effort to reduce the prevalence of violent deaths among our young people. But such policies seem instead to have created the conditions for even more campus violence.Some college students who previously drank in bars and lounges under the watchful supervision of bouncers(夜总会,酒吧等保安人员) (not to mention owners eager to keep their liquor licenses) now retreat to the sanctuary of their fraternity houses and apartments, where they no longer control their behaviour - or their drinking.The boomerang effect has also played a role in attempts to reduce the availability of illicit drugs.During recent years, the federal government has been quite successful in reducing the supply of street drugs.As fields are burned and contraband (违禁品)confiscated, the price of street drugs has skyrocketed to a point where cheap alternatives have begun to compete in the marketplace.Unfortunately, the cheap alternatives are even more harmful than the illicit drugs they replace.boomerang: a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so as to return to the thrower 回飞镖参考译文:然而这样一些政策反而引发了更多的校园暴力。
TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2012)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 115 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN] SECTIONA MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is(are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C, and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now, listen to Part One of the interview.1. A. The creativity of gifted people. B. The brain behind creativity.C. Tow to be creative.D. What is creativity.2. A. Creativity stems from human beings’ novel thinking.B. The duration of the creative process varies from person to person.C. Creative people focus on novel thinking rather than on solutions.D. The outcome of human creativity comes in varied forms.3. A. Many years. B.A few hours. C. It goes by in a flash. D. It depends.4. A. To show that creativity appears to be the result of the environment.B. To show that creativity seems to be attributable to genetic makeup.C. To show that creativity appears to be more associated with great people.D. To show that creativity comes from both environment and genetic makeup.5. A. Ordinary people can also be creative.B. Only great people can produce great pieces.C. That a cook changes the recipe is not a process of creativity.D. The famous people are more creative.Now, listen to Part Two of the interview.6. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.7. A. Unconventional. B. Original. C. Resolute. D. Critical.8. A. Brain exercising will not make people creative.B. Most people have diversified interests and hobbies.C. The environment is significant in the creative process.D. Creativity can only be found in great people.9. A. 13 minutes a day. B. 20 minutes a day. C. 30 minutes a day. D. 1 hour a day.10. A. Explore an unfamiliar area of knowledge. B. Spend time thinking every day.C. Practice the art of paying attention.D. Observe an object every day.PART II READING COMPREHENSION [45 MIN] SECTION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONEI used to look at my closet and see clothes. These days, whenever I cast my eyes upon the stacks of shoes and hangers of shirts, sweaters and jackets, I see water.It takes 569 gallons to manufacture a T-shirt, from its start in the cotton fields to its appearance on store shelves. A pair of running shoes? 1,247 gallons.Until last fall, I’d been oblivious to my “water footprint”, which is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce goods and services, according to the Water Footprint Network. The Dutch nonprofit has been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008, but it was through the “Green Blue Book” by Thomas M. Kostigen that I was able to see how my own actions factored in.I’ve installed gray-water systems to reuse the wastewater from my laundry, machine and bathtub and reroute it to my landscape systems that save, on average, 50 gallons of water per day. I’ve set up rain barrels and infiltration pits to collect thousands of gallons of storm water cascading from my roof. I’ve even entered the last bastion of greendom—installing a composting toilet.Suffice to say, I’ve been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water I’ve saved with these big-ticket projects.Now I realize that my daily consumption choices could have an even larger effect—not only on the local water supply but also globally: 1.1 billion people have no access to freshwater, and, in the future, those who do have access will have less of it.To see how much virtual water I was using, I logged on to the “Green Blue Book” website and used its water footprint calculator, entering my daily consumption habits. Tallying up the water footprint of my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, as well as my daily dose of over-the-counter uppers and downers—coffee, wine and beer—I’m using 512 gallons of virtual water each day just to feed myself.In a word: alarming.Even more alarming was how much hidden water I was using to get dressed. I’m hardly a clotheshorse, but the few new items I buy once again trumped the amount of water flowing from my faucets each day. If I’m serious about saving water, I realized I could make some simple lifestyle shifts. Looking more closely at the areas in my life that use the most virtual water, it was food and clothes, specifically meat, coffee and, oddly, blue jeans and leather jackets.Being a motorcyclist, I own an unusually large amount of leather-boots and jackets in particular. Allof it is enormously water intensive. It takes 7,996 gallons to make a leather jacket, leather being a byproduct of beef. It takes 2,866 gallons of water to make a single pair of blue jeans, because they’re made from water-hogging cotton.Crunching the numbers for the amount of clothes I buy every year, it looks a lot like my friend’s swimming pool. My entire closet is borderline Olympic.Gulp.My late resolution is to buy some items used. Underwear and socks are, of course, exempt from this strategy, but I have no problem shopping less and also shopping at Goodwill. In fact, I’d been doing that for the past year to save money. My clothes’ outrageous water footprint just reinforced it for me.More conscious living and substitution, rather than sacrifice, are the prevailing ideas with the water footprint. It’s one I’m trying, and that’s had an unusual upside. I had a hamburger recently, and I enjoyed it a lot more since it is now an occasional treat rather than a weekly habit. (One gallon =3.8 litres)11. According to the passage, the Water Footprint Network ____________.A. made the author aware of freshwater shortageB. helped the author get to know the Green Blue BookC. worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposesD. collaborated with the Green Blue Book in freshwater conservation12. W hich of the following reasons can best explain the authors feeling of self-satisfaction?A. He made contribution to drinking water conservation in his own way.B. Money spent on upgrading his household facilities was worthwhile.C. His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.D. He could have made even greater contribution by changing his lifestyle.13. A ccording to the context, “…how my own actions factored in” means ____________.A. how I could contribute to water conservationB. what efforts I should make to save fresh waterC. what behaviour could be counted as freshwater-savingD. how much of what I did contributed to freshwater shortage14. W hat is the tone of the author in the last paragraph?A. Sarcastic.B. Ironic.C. Critical.D. Humorous. PASSAGE TWOIn her novel of “Reunion, American Style”,Rona Jaffe suggests that a class reunion “is more than a sentimental journey. It is also a way of answering the question that lies at the back of nearly all our minds. Did they do better than I?”Jaffe’s observation may be misplaced but not completely lost. According to a study conducted by social psychologist Jack Sparacino, the overwhelming majority who attend reunions aren’t there invidiously to compare their recent accomplishments with those of their former classmates. Instead, they hope, primarily, to relive their earlier successes.Certainly, a few return to show their former classmates how well they have done; others enjoy observing the changes that have occurred in their classmates (not always in themselves, of course). But the majority who attend their class reunions do so to relive the good times they remember having when they were younger. In his study, Sparacino found that, as high school students, attendees had been more popular, more often regarded as attractive, and more involved in extracurricular activities than thoseclassmates who chose not to attend. For those who turned up at their reunions, then, the old times were also the good times!It would appear that Americans have a special fondness for reunions, judging by their prevalence. Major league baseball players, fraternity members, veterans groups, high school and college graduates, and former Boy Scouts all hold reunions on a regular basis. In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.Actually, in their affection for reuniting with friends, family or colleagues, Americans are probably no different from any other people, except that Americans have created a mind-boggling number and variety of institutionalized forms of gatherings to facilitate the satisfaction of this desire. Indeed, reunions have increasingly become formal events that are organized on a regular basis and, in the process, they have also become big business.Shell Norris of Class Reunion, Inc., says that Chicago alone has 1,500 high school reunions each year. A conservative estimate on the national level would be 10,000 annually. At one time, all high school reunions were organized by volunteers, usually female homemakers. In the last few years, however, as more and more women have entered the labour force, alumni reunions are increasingly being planned by specialized companies rather than by part-time volunteers.The first college reunion was held by the alumni of Y ale University in 1792. Graduates of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Stanford, and Brown followed suit. And by the end of the 19th century, most 4-year institutions were holding alumni reunions.The variety of college reunions is impressive. At Princeton, alumni parade through the town wearing their class uniforms and singing their alma mater. At Marietta College, they gather for a dinner-dance on a steamship cruising the Ohio River.Clearly, the thought of cruising on a steamship or marching through the streets is usually not, by itself, sufficient reason for large numbers of alumni to return to campus. Alumni who decide to attend their reunions share a common identity based on the years they spent together as undergraduates. For this reason, universities that somehow establish a common bond—for example, because they are relatively small or especially prestigious—tend to draw substantial numbers of their alumni to reunions. In an effort to enhance this common identity, larger colleges and universities frequently build their class reunions on participation in smaller units, such as departments or schools. Or they encourage “affinity reunions” for groups of former cheerleaders, editors, fraternity members, musicians, members of military organizations on campus, and the like.Of course, not every alumnus is fond of his or her alma mater. Students who graduated during the late 1960s may be especially reluctant to get involved in alumni events. They were part of the generation that conducted sit-ins and teach-ins directed at university administrators, protested military recruitment on campus and marched against “establishment politics.” If this generation has a common identity, it may fall outside of their university ties—or even be hostile to them. Even as they enter their middle years, alumni who continue to hold unpleasant memories of college during this period may not wish to attend class reunions.15. A ccording to the passage, Sparacino’s study ____________.A. provided strong evidence for Jaffe’s statementB. showed that attendees tended to excel in high school studyC. found that interest in reunions was linked with school experienceD. found evidence for attendees intense desire for showing off success16. W hich of the following is NOT mentioned as a distinct feature of U.S. class reunions?A. U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off one’s recent success.B. Reunions are regular and formal events organized by professional agencies.C. Class reunions have become a profitable business.D. Class reunions have brought about a variety of activities.17. T he rhetorical function of the first paragraph is to ____________.A. introduce Rona Jeffe’s novelB. present the author ‘s counterargumentC. serve as prelude to the author’s argumentD. bring into focus contrasting opinions18. W hat is the passage mainly about?A. Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions.B. A historical perspective for alumni reunions in the United States.C. Alumni reunions and American university traditions.D. Alumni reunion and its social and economic implications.PASSAGE THREEOne time while on his walk George met Mr. Cattanzara coming home very late from work. He wondered if he was drunk but then could tell he wasn’t. Mr. Cattanzara, a stocky, bald-headed man who worked in a change booth on an IRT station, lived on the next block after George’s, above a shoe repair store. Nights, during the hot weather, he sat on his stoop in an undershirt, reading the New York Times in the light of the shoemaker’s window. He read it from the first page to the last, then went up to sleep. And all the time he was reading the paper, his wife, a fat woman with a white face, leaned out of the window, gazing into the street, her thick white arms folded under her loose breast, on the window ledge.Once in a while Mr. Cattanzara came home drunk, but it was a quiet drunk. He never made any trouble, only walked stiffly up the street and slowly climbed the stairs into the hall. Though drunk he looked the same as always, except for his tight walk, the quietness, and that his eyes were wet. George liked Mr. Cattanzara because he remembered him giving him nickels to buy lemon ice with when he was a squirt. Mr. Cattanzara was a different type than those in the neighbourhood. He asked different questions than the others when he met you, and he seemed to know what went on in all the newspapers. He read them, as his fat sick wife watched from the window.“What are you doing with yourself this summer, George?” Mr. Cattanzara asked. “I see you walkin’around at night.”George felt embarrassed. “I like to walk.”“What are you doin’ in the day now?”“Nothing much just now. I’m waiting for a job.”Since it shamed him to admit that he wasn’t working, George said, “I’m reading a lot to pick up my education.”“What are you readin’?”George hesitated, then said, “I got a list of books in the library once and now I’m gonna read them this summer.” He felt strange and a little unhappy saying this, but he wanted Mr. Cattanzara to respect him.“How many books are there on it?”“I never counted them. Maybe around a hundred.”Mr. Cattanzara whistled through his teeth.“I figure if I did that,” George went on earnestly, “it would help me in my education. I don’t mean the kind they give you in high school. I want to know different things than they learn there, if you knowwhat I mean.”The change maker nodded. “Still and all, one hundred books is a pretty big load for one summer.”“It might take longer.”“After you re finished with some, maybe you and I can shoot the breeze about them?”said Mr. Cattanzara.“When I’m finished,” George answered.Mr. Cattanzara went home and George continued on his walk. After that, though he had the urge to, George did nothing different from usual. He still took his walks at night, ending up in the little park. But one evening the shoemaker on the next block stopped George to say he was a good boy, and George figured that Mr. Cattanzara had told him all about the books he was reading. From the shoemaker it must have gone down the street, because George saw a couple of people smiling kindly at him, though nobody spoke to him personally. He felt a little better around the neighbourhood and liked it more, though not SO much he would want to live in it forever. He had never exactly disliked the people in it, yet he had never liked them very much either. It was the fault of the neighbourhood. To his surprise, George found out that his father and his sister Sophie knew about his reading too. His father was too shy to say anything about it—he was never much of a talker in his whole life—but Sophie was softer to George, and she showed him in other ways she was proud of him.19. I n the excerpt, Mr. Cattanzara was described as a man who ____________.A. was fond of drinkingB. showed a wide interestC. often worked overtimeD. liked to gossip after work20. I t can be inferred from the passage that ____________.A. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at George’s reading planB. Mr. Cattanzara was doubtful about George throughoutC. George was forced to tell a lie and then regrettedD. George lied at the beginning and then became serious21. W e can tell from the excerpt that George ____________.A. had a neither close nor distant relationship with his father.B. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundingsC. found that his sister remained skeptical about himD. found his neighbours liked to poke their nose into himPASSAGE FOURAbraham Lincoln turns 200 this year, and he’s beginning to show his age. When his birthday arrives, on February 12, Congress will hold a special joint session in the Capitol’s National Statuary Hall, a wreath will be laid at the great memorial in Washington, and a webcast will link school classrooms for a “teach-in” honouring his memory.Admirable as they are, though, the events will strike many of us Lincoln fans as inadequate, even halfhearted—and another sign that our appreciation for the 16th president and his towering achievements is slipping away. And you don’t have to be a Lincoln enthusiast to believe that this is something we can’t afford to lose.Compare this year’s celebration with the Lincoln centennial, in 1909. That year, Lincolns likeness made its debut on the penny, thanks to approval from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Communities and civic associations in every comer of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, andmilitary displays. We still feel the effects today: The momentum unloosed in 1909 led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare.The celebrants in 1909 had a few inspirations we lack today. Lincoln’s presidency was still a living memory for countless Americans. In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.But Americans in 1909 had something more: an unembarrassed appreciation for heroes and an acute sense of the way that even long-dead historical figures press in on the present and make us who we are.One story will illustrate what I’m talking about.In 2003 a group of local citizens arranged to place a statue of Lincoln in Richmond, Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy. The idea touched off a firestorm of controversy. The Sons of Confederate V eterans held a public conference of carefully selected scholars to “reassess” the legacy of Lincoln. The verdict—no surprise—was negative: Lincoln was labeled everything from a racist totalitarian to a teller of dirty jokes.I covered the conference as a reporter, but what really unnerved me was a counter- conference of scholars to refute the earlier one. These scholars drew a picture of Lincoln that only our touchy-feely age could conjure up. The man who oversaw the most savage war in our history was described—by his admirers, remember—as “nonjudgmental,”“unmoralistic,”“Comfortable with ambiguity.”I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued ceremony: “But he’s so small!”The statue in Richmond was indeed small; like nearly every Lincoln statue put up in the past half century, it was life-size and was placed at ground level, a conscious rejection of the heroic—approachable and human, yes, but not something to look up to.The Richmond episode taught me that Americans have lost the language to explain Lincoln’s greatness even to ourselves. Earlier generations said they wanted their children to be like Lincoln: principled, kind, compassionate, resolute. Today we want Lincoln to be like us.This helps to explain the long string of recent books in which writers have presented a Lincoln made after their own image. We’ve had Lincoln as humorist and Lincoln as manic-depressive, Lincoln the business sage, the conservative Lincoln and the liberal Lincoln, the emancipator and the racist, the stoic philosopher, the Christian, the atheist—Lincoln over easy and Lincoln scrambled.What’s often missing, though, is the timeless Lincoln, the Lincoln whom all generations, our own no less than that of 1909, can lay claim to. Lucky for us, those memorializers from a century ago—and, through them, Lincoln himself—have left us a hint of where to find him. The Lincoln Memorial is the most Visited of our presidential monuments. Here is where we find the Lincoln who endures: in the words he left us, defining the country we’ve inherited. Here is the Lincoln who can be endlessly renewed and who, 200 years after his birth, retains the power to renew us.22. I n the author’s opinion, the counter-conference ____________.A. rectified the judgment by those carefully selected scholarsB. offered a brand-new reassessment perspectiveC. came up with somewhat favourable conclusionsD. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln23. A ccording to the author, the image of Lincoln conceived by contemporary people ____________.A. conforms to traditional imagesB. reflects the present-day tendency of worshipC. shows the present- day desire to emulate LincolnD. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes24. W hich of the following best explains the implication of the last paragraph?A. Lincoln’s greatness remains despite the passage of time.B. The memorial is symbolic of the great man’s achievements.C. Each generation has its own interpretation of Lincoln.D. People get to know Lincoln through memorializers.SECTION B SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short-answer questions based on the passages in SECTION A. Answer each question in NO more than 10 words in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET Two.PASSAGE ONE25. According to the passage, what does the author think is more alarming?PASSAGE TWO26. What mainly attracts many people to return to campus for reunion?PASSAGE THREE27. Why did George like Mr. Cattanzara?28. Why did George lie to Mr. Cattanzara and say he was reading?29. Why did George do after the street conversation with Mr. Cattanzara?PASSAGE FOUR30. Why does the author think that this year’s celebration is inadequate and even halfhearted?31. According to the passage, what really makes the 1909 celebrations different from this year’s?32. Why did earlier generations want their children to be like Lincoln?PART III LANGUAGE USAGE [15 MIN] The passage contains Ten errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct onein the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧”sign and write the word you believe to be missingin the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash “ / ” and putthe word in the blank provided at the end of the line. EXAMPLEWhen ∧art museum wants a new exhibit, (1) anit never buys things in finished form and hangs (2) never them on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. (3) exhibitProofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.PART IV TRANSLATION [25 MIN] Translate the underlined part of the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.泊珍到偏远小镇的育幼院把生在那里养到1岁的孩子接回来。
1. Over 30 years ago, the Frankfurt Book Fair 图书博览会was host to its first Guest of Honour贵宾– Latin America. The literature of this large cultural region was rather unknown in Germany before that time. That changed considerably after being Guest of Honour.In China, over 90,000 titles are published every year, but only a fraction of these ever become known in Germany. In the other direction, every year over 600 licences of German-language titles are sold to China. After being Guest of Honour, this mutual trade of licences will increase significantly.In preparation for an upcoming Guest of Honour, German publishers typically begin expanding their programmes with titles from the respective country already two years in advance. To support this, the Frankfurt Book Fair takes on a mediating role, for instance, by bringing editors and translators together and presenting interesting titles.To specifically promote translations, it is typical for the Guest of Honour country to set up a subsidy programme which encourages international publishers to translate their country’s literature. Accordingly, the Chinese Bureau for General Administration of Press & Publication (GAPP) has recently set up a translation fund to facilitate the adaptation of Chinese fiction and non-fiction titles into German as well as into other languages. I am especially pleased that this has been set up in close cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair. A contributing partner of the translation fund is the Book Information Centre (BIZ) in Beijing, which is a satellite office of the Frankfurt Book Fair financially supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Why invite a Guest of Honour to the Fair at all? The idea came about based on the conviction that the marketing of culture can only be successful if there is a balance between cultural and commercial interests. What is fascinating about culture is how it crosses borders and has the potential to touch people around the world. Since the Frankfurt Book Fair has always been characterised by its international scope, international exchange is both an economic factor as well as a question of cultural policy. With every licence sold, the probability increases that on a worldwide scale we learn more about each other and will understand each other better. An important step in this direction came in 2007, when Germany was the Guest of Honour at the Beijing International Book Fair. Another important step will be the presentation of China as the Guest of Honour in Frankfurt in 2009.The success story of the Frankfurt Book Fair clearly proves that culture and commerce can go hand in hand. On this note, I would like to wish you all a very successful time during the International Cultural Industries Fair in Shenzhen. And I am looking forward to the Guest of Honour presentation of China in 2009!2. The 4th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF)will be held in Shenzhen from May 16th to 19th, 2008. ICIF is hosted by Ministry of Culture of thePeople’s Republic of China, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, General Administration of Press and Publication of the People’s Republic of China, Guangdong Provincial People's Government and Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. It is the only nation-standard, international, comprehensive cultural fair of China. With “exhibition and exchange” as its cores, ICIF makes efforts to establish an exchange platform for Chinese cultural products and projects, promote the development of China cultural industries, and spread Chinese cultural products to the world.With the idea of internationalization, specialization, market-orientation, standardization and high quality, ICIF has been held successfully for three sessions. ICIF displays China’s most excellent cultural products and cultural achievements. It is a platform for displaying China’s cultural industries. With most completed products and largest scale, ICIF is an ideal channel for you to get to know China’s cultural development a nd cultural market, and also for exchanging cultural technology and information. By providing suppliers to the buyers, ICIF has established a platform for quicker, more convenient and lower-cost purchasing. It is an excellent platform for the worldwide cultural industries to exchange and cooperate.For more information, please visit or send email at: chembsudan@ for enquiry.TASK ONE: English to ChineseSpeech by the director of the Frankford book fair at the 4th china international cultural industries fairDistinguished Guests, ladies and gentleman, I am extremely honored to be here today for the opening of the 4th international cultural industries fair in Shenzhen, the largest fair of this kind in China, I further praise the aspiration of the people’s republic of china to improve the international marketing and promotion of Chinese culture allaround the world people are interested in getting to know China better. They are not only curious about the economic and political aspects of the Asian giant but also its culture the cultural industries fair in Shenzhen is an international platform for culture in all its mini aspects. Digital media are just as much at home here as print product dance folk art calligraphy and literature. For the first time this year, an entire hall has beendedicated to international exhibitors, emphasizing the increased importance china places in international context. The topic I would like to focus on today is how to market culture internationally which is exactly what the Frankford book fair has been doing ever since our establishment 60 years ago after the second world war . The Frankford book fair is unique because there is no other place in the world that brings together so many international publishers, writers, critics and other publishing professionals. More than 7000 exhibiters from over 100 countries around the world present their products at our fair; approximately 180 thousand trade visitors came to the fair from every corner of the world. Each year, the fair invites a country as its guest of honor. Several weeks before the fair, the media in Germany begin to focus on the guest of honor. Numerousi ndependent events draw attention to this country’s literature and culture. Events rangefrom the discussions of literature politics and history, to theater, dance, films andconcerts. The success story of the Frankford book fair clearly proves that culture and commerce can go hand in hand. On this note I would like to wish you all a verysuccessful time during the international cultural industries fair in ShenzhenTask two省领导provincial leader接待美国加利福尼亚州代表团的欢迎词尊敬的州长governor先生,今天,以州长为首的代表团光临我省,我感到非常高兴,今年5月,我率代表团对加州进行了考查,加州人民热情友好,给我们留下了非常深刻的印象第一次乐意介绍我省基本情况长江下游人口7624万,面积10。
So today, we dumped another 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet, as if it were an open sewer. And tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun.
We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency – a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here. But there is hopeful news as well: we have the ability to solve this crisis and avoid the worst – though not all – of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.
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A sharp pain struck her heart, her forehead burned with heat, her heart sank with misery, and a wave of rage surged from her stomach and brought a lump to her throat. When the chief of the nursery told her the child was slow in growing, she found herself in more of turmoil. She paced up and down in the little room where the child, together with other children, was kept. Outside the window of the small room danced the shady leaves of the trees.
2012年专八翻译参考答案 2012年专八翻译参考答案 Translate the underlined part: 泊珍到偏远的育幼院把生在那里养到一岁 的孩子接回来。但泊珍看他第一眼, 的孩子接回来。但泊珍看他第一眼,仿似一 声雷劈头而来。令她晕头涨脑, 声雷劈头而来。令她晕头涨脑,这一岁的孩 子脸型长得如此熟悉, 子脸型长得如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音 不能带回去! 是,不能带回去! 痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热, 痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷 难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。 难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。院长说这孩子 发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪。她在孩子所 发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪。 待的房里来回踱步,这房间里还有其他小孩。 待的房里来回踱步,这房间里还有其他小孩。 整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑。就让 整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑。 孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女, 孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女, 这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心, 这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心, 这是留住孩子最好的地方。 这是留住孩子最好的地方。这孩子是她的秘 她将秘密留在这树林掩映的建筑里。 密,她将秘密留在这树林掩映的建筑里。 她将秘密留在心头。 她将秘密留在心头。
Байду номын сангаас
Bozhen decided to take her son, who was born in a distant nursery and was now one year old, back to her home. But when she went there, the first look at the child came like a thunderbolt. The child had a face so familiar that her head began swimming. A voice was crying in her: the child mustn’t be brought home.
Let the child stay here then. Here, there are the kind-hearted kindgodfather and nuns. And the nursery is going to be expanded into a medical care center. Yes, this is the best place for the child to be raised up. The child is her secret, and she will bury her secret forever in this building tucking in the dense woods. And she will bury her secret forever in the bottom of her heart.