
三轴智能点胶机控制系统QZ-NC03(手持版)V8.2说明书东莞全职数控科技有限公司目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能简介 (3)1.3功能特性 (3)1.4产品列表 (4)2.接线说明图 (5)2.1 系统连接示意图 (5)2.2 安装尺寸.......................................................................................................... (6)3.按键说明 (7)3.1手持盒按键图 (7)3.2手持盒按键说明 (8)4.手持盒操作说明 (9)4.1开机画面介绍 (9)4.2主菜单功能介绍 (12)4.3新增功能操作 (15)4.4插入指令操作 (24)4.5删除指令操作 (24)4.6复制指令操作 (24)4.7阵列复制操作 (25)4.8偏移操作 (25)4.9批量修改 (26)4.10自动圆角 (26)4.11类型批量修改 (26)4.12系统 (26)4.13执行方式操作 (28)4.14复位方式操作 (29)4.15产量设定 (29)4.16默认参数 (30)4.17拉丝工艺 (30)4.18停机位置 (31)4.19空移速度 (31)4.20定滴功能 (32)4.21对针操作 (32)4.22 MARK点对针操作 (32)5.注意事项 (33)5.1装机事项 (33)5.2常见问题说明与故障排除 (33)1.产品介绍1.1产品概述QZ-NC03是由本公司专业数控团队为点胶机行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统。

未经授权,请勿擅自改动产品,由此而引起的后果本公司不负任何责任!警告确有必要需打开机箱盖板时,必须在切断电源5分钟后并在专业人员指导下,才允许接触电控箱内的部件!禁止机器在工作时,禁止接触任何运动部件或打开控制设备,否则可能造成人员伤害或导致机器不能正常工作!禁止电器设备在潮湿、粉尘、腐蚀性气体、易燃易爆气体场所工作,否则可能造成触电或火灾!1.3 工作环境通风良好,环境卫生,尘埃少;储存空间温度:0-50°;工作空间温度:5-40°;工作空间相对湿度:30%-90%无结露。
1.4 系统供电及接地1.4-1供电要求本电控系统使用DC24V直流电源供电根据机器配置不同,消耗功率在0.1-0.2KW之间。

QZ-NC0903(手持版)说明书三轴智能点胶机控制系统目录1.产品介绍 (3)产品概述 (3)功能简介 (3)功能特性 (3)产品列表 (4)2.接线说明图 (5)控制器接线引脚定义 (5)控制器接线说明....... . (6)系统连接示意图 (7)转接板接线说明 (8)转接板接线示意图............................................................................................ . (9)安装尺寸.......................................................................................................... (10)3.按键说明 (11)手持盒按键图 (11)手持盒按键说明 (11)4.手持盒操作说明 (13)开机画面介绍 (13)主菜单功能介绍 (15)新增功能操作 (19)插入指令操作 (28)删除指令操作 (28)复制指令操作 (28)阵列复制操作 (29)偏移操作 (29)批量修改 (30)自动圆角 (30)类型批量修改 (30)系统 (31)执行方式操作 (33)复位方式操作 (33)产量设定 (34)默认参数 (34)拉丝工艺 (35)停机位置 (35)空移速度 (36)定滴功能 (36)对针操作 (36)M A R K点对针操作 (36)拨码开关说明 (37)5.注意事项 (37)装机事项 (37)常见问题说明与故障排除 (37)1.产品介绍产品概述QZ-NC0903是由本公司专业数控团队为点胶机行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统。
三轴点胶机控制器-手持版操作说明书 V6.0

三轴点胶机控制系统OYT – 450GJM(手持盒版)OYT- 450GJM是由欧雅拓专业数控团队专为点胶行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统;适用于所有通讯类电子产品点胶加工如手机、平板、显示器;小型医疗器械如血压仪;汽车产品如导航仪、车载记录仪;智能穿戴设备如手环、照相机等任何需要点胶加工的电子产品。
对于广告行业的图形LOGO 和文字涂胶非常方便。
10显示方式320*240 2.8寸高分辨率彩屏、全中文操作界面,易学易用工作电压210~220V AC 350W 加工范围300/400/500 mm脉冲频率100K 接口方式DB44接口工作温度5~70℃工作湿度20%-90%最大负重5~10kg 移动速度XY0.1~800/Z350/s重复精度+/-0.01mm/Axis 传动方式PMI精密导轨同步带。

三轴点胶机说明书(完整资料).doc 【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】⽬录第⼀章概述 (3)1.1硬件 (3)1.2 软件 (4)1.3 配件 (4)1.4 主板尺⼨(单位:mm) (4)1.5 ⼿持编程器尺⼨(单位:mm) (4)第⼆章主界⾯及按键说明 (4)2.1 主界⾯说明 (4)2.2 ⼿持编程器按键说明 (4)2.3 程序选择及对针按键说明 (4)第三章编程的基本⽅法说明 (4)3.1 单位符号解释 (4)3.2 点胶程序结束的约定 (4)3.3 点胶程序运⾏⽅式 (4)3.4 点胶的基本路径组成 (4)第四章菜单1 (4)4.1 第1页1.⽂件名编辑 (4)4.2 第1页2.⽣成默认点胶参数 (4)4.3 第1页3.编辑多个编程点 (4)4.4 第1页4.设置标号 (4)4.5 第1页5.阵列点胶 (4)4.6 第1页6.阵列展开操作 (4)4.7 第1页7.调⽤⼦程序 (4)4.8 第1页8.调⽤⽂件 (4)4.9 第1页9.程序跳转 (4)4.10 第2页1.有限次数循环 (4)4.11 第2页2.程序结束或返回 (4)4.12 第2页3.延时 (4)4.13 第2页4.暂停 (4)4.14 第2页5.输⼊信号编程 (4)4.15 第2页6.输出信号编程 (4)4.16 第2页7.⽅形涂胶 (4)4.18 第2页9.点胶信号开/关 (4)4.19 第3页1.⼯件计数器 (4)4.20 第3页2.回空闲停留位置 (4)4.21 第3页3.回原点 (4)第五章菜单2 (4)5.1 第1页1.对针点设置 (4)5.2 第1页2.校准对针点 (4)5.3 第1页3.胶枪下移限制值设置 (4) 5.4 第1页4.空闲停留点坐标设置 (4) 5.5 第1页5.胶枪提起⾼度设置 (4)5.6 第1页6.空移速度设置 (4)5.7 第1页7.提前出胶时间设置 (4)5.8 第1页8.线段点胶速度设置 (4)5.9 第1页9.线段点胶拉丝参数设置 (4) 5.10 第2页1.线段点胶时间参数设置 (4) 5.11 第2页2.单点点胶参数设置 (4) 5.12 第2页3.急停时输出信号设置 (4) 5.13 第2页4.输出信号初始化设置 (4) 5.14 第2页5.空闲滴胶时间设置 (4) 5.15 第2页6.匀速调试速度设置 (4) 5.16 第2页7.⼯件计数器设置 (4)第六章菜单3 (4)6.1 第1页1.针头移动到指定坐标 (4) 6.2 第1页2.⽂件复制 (4)6.3 第1页3.DXF⽂件转换 (4)6.4 第1页4.对当前⽂件锁定/解锁 (4) 6.5 第1页5.对机器⾼级锁定/解锁 (4) 6.6 第1页6.当前⽂件锁定密码设置 (4) 6.7 第1页7.机器⾼级锁定密码设置 (4) 6.8 第1页8.输⼊⼝名称编程 (4)6.9 第1页9.输出⼝名称编程 (4)6.10 第2页1.按键声⾳设置 (4)6.11 第2页2.速度优先等级设置 (4) 6.12 第2页3.⼩键盘锁定/解锁 (4)第⼀章概述概述……ARM,DSP,FPGA,彩屏1.1硬件2.电机轴输出:5轴输出,分别为XYZ三维坐标轴,A轴旋转轴,实现双Y轴功能的Y2扩展轴,可实现带旋转轴的双Y轴点胶机台控制。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】目录第一章概述 (4)1.1 硬件 (4)1.2 软件 (5)1.3 配件 .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.4 主板尺寸(单位:mm)................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.5 手持编程器尺寸(单位:mm)..................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章主界面及按键说明 (6)2.1 主界面说明 (6)2.2 手持编程器按键说明 (8)2.3 程序选择及对针按键说明................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第三章编程的基本方法说明 .. (11)3.1 单位符号解释 (11)3.2 点胶程序结束的约定 (12)3.3 点胶程序运行方式 (12)3.4 点胶的基本路径组成 (12)第四章菜单1 (15)4.1 第1页1.文件名编辑 (16)4.2 第1页2.生成默认点胶参数 (16)4.3 第1页3.编辑多个编程点 (17)4.4 第1页4.设置标号 (21)4.5 第1页5.阵列点胶 (21)4.6 第1页6.阵列展开操作 (22)4.7 第1页7.调用子程序 (22)4.8 第1页8.调用文件 (23)4.9 第1页9.程序跳转 (23)4.10 第2页1.有限次数循环 (24)4.11 第2页2.程序结束或返回 (24)4.12 第2页3.延时 (24)4.13 第2页4.暂停 (25)4.14 第2页5.输入信号编程 (25)4.15 第2页6.输出信号编程 (25)4.16 第2页7.方形涂胶 (25)4.17 第2页8.圆形涂胶 (26)4.18 第2页9.点胶信号开/关 (26)4.19 第3页1.工件计数器 (26)4.20 第3页2.回空闲停留位置 (26)4.21 第3页3.回原点 (27)第五章菜单2 (27)5.1 第1页1.对针点设置 (27)5.2 第1页2.校准对针点 (27)5.3 第1页3.胶枪下移限制值设置 (28)5.4 第1页4.空闲停留点坐标设置 (28)5.5 第1页5.胶枪提起高度设置 (28)5.6 第1页6.空移速度设置 (28)5.7 第1页7.提前出胶时间设置 (29)5.8 第1页8.线段点胶速度设置 (29)5.9 第1页9.线段点胶拉丝参数设置 (29)5.10 第2页1.线段点胶时间参数设置 (30)5.11 第2页2.单点点胶参数设置 (31)5.12 第2页3.急停时输出信号设置 (31)5.13 第2页4.输出信号初始化设置 (31)5.14 第2页5.空闲滴胶时间设置 (31)5.15 第2页6.匀速调试速度设置 (32)5.16 第2页7.工件计数器设置 (32)第六章菜单3 (32)6.1 第1页1.针头移动到指定坐标 (32)6.2 第1页2.文件复制 (33)6.3 第1页3.DXF文件转换 (34)6.4 第1页4.对当前文件锁定/解锁 (34)6.5 第1页5.对机器高级锁定/解锁 (34)6.6 第1页6.当前文件锁定密码设置 (34)6.7 第1页7.机器高级锁定密码设置 (34)6.8 第1页8.输入口名称编程 (34)6.9 第1页9.输出口名称编程 (35)6.10 第2页1.按键声音设置 (35)6.11 第2页2.速度优先等级设置 (35)6.12 第2页3.小键盘锁定/解锁 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。

三轴点胶机说明指导书目录第一章概述 (4)硬件 (4)软件 (6)配件.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
主板尺寸(单位:mm) .................................... 错误!未定义书签。
手持编程器尺寸(单位:mm)............................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二章主界面及按键说明 (7)主界面说明 (7)手持编程器按键说明 (9)程序选择及对针按键说明 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第三章编程的基本方法说明. (13)单位符号解释 (13)点胶程序结束的约定 (14)点胶程序运行方式 (14)点胶的基本路径组成 (15)第四章菜单1 (18) (18) (18) (19) (23) (23) (25) (25) (26) (26) (27) (27) (28) (28) (29) (29) (29) (30) (30) (30) (30)第五章菜单2 (31) (31) (31) (32) (32) (32) (33) (33) (34) (34) (35) (35) (36) (36) (36) (36) (37)第六章菜单3 (37) (37) (38) (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) (40) (40) (40)........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

三轴智能点胶机控制系统QZ-NC03(手持版)V8.2说明书东莞全职数控科技有限公司目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能简介 (3)1.3功能特性 (3)1.4产品列表 (4)2.接线说明图 (5)2.1 系统连接示意图 (5)2.2 安装尺寸.......................................................................................................... (6)3.按键说明 (7)3.1手持盒按键图 (7)3.2手持盒按键说明 (8)4.手持盒操作说明 (9)4.1开机画面介绍 (9)4.2主菜单功能介绍 (12)4.3新增功能操作 (15)4.4插入指令操作 (24)4.5删除指令操作 (24)4.6复制指令操作 (24)4.7阵列复制操作 (25)4.8偏移操作 (25)4.9批量修改 (26)4.10自动圆角 (26)4.11类型批量修改 (26)4.12系统 (26)4.13执行方式操作 (28)4.14复位方式操作 (29)4.15产量设定 (29)4.16默认参数 (30)4.17拉丝工艺 (30)4.18停机位置 (31)4.19空移速度 (31)4.20定滴功能 (32)4.21对针操作 (32)4.22 MARK点对针操作 (32)5.注意事项 (33)5.1装机事项 (33)5.2常见问题说明与故障排除 (33)1.产品介绍1.1产品概述QZ-NC03是由本公司专业数控团队为点胶机行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统。
旭通XT-331 型自动点胶使用说明书


4.脉冲输出频率:4MHz的直线插补,2MHz的圆弧插补(包括三轴空间圆弧插补),以电机每转20000个脉冲为例,可达到 6000转/分,足以满足现有的高速伺服电机 5000转/分的要求。
13.手持编程器屏幕:采用480 X 272像素、1600万色真彩色4.3寸液晶显示屏,让操作菜单界面及开机画面的内容更加丰富。
14.工作电压:DC 24V15.工作环境:温度0℃--45℃,湿度%40--80%16.存储环境:温度-40℃--60℃,湿度0%--95%1.2 软件1.三维空间直线插补、三维空间圆弧插补。

CCD定位台式三轴点胶机使用说明书2010 V1.00一、工作原理CCD定位点胶机的工作原理是首先利用机器视觉的模板学习功能,学习所有产品的共同特征,然后利用机器视觉的自动识别功能,精确定位每一个产品的位置,然后再控制三轴进行精确点胶。
二、机器介绍1 急停按扭按该按扭,机器会马上停止所有动作。
2 启动/停止按扭复位时候,先按急停按扭,再拔起急停按扭,然后按下启动/停止按扭,机器会回一次原点,再回到工作位置。
3 对针按扭按该按扭,机器会移动到对针平台上4 通信接口机器和电脑连接的接口,用于软件通信用。
5 手动出胶按扭按住该按扭,机器会出胶水6 精密调压阀可调节点胶的气压。
7 压力显示表该表显示点胶气压8 回吸阀调整该阀,机器点胶完成后,会有一个回吸气压,防止滴胶。
9 状态显示灯红灯闪烁,表示机器在停止状态绿灯闪烁,表示机器在运行状态红绿交叉闪烁,表示机器在就绪状态10 胶筒和胶针换胶时,取下该部分,装满胶,重新安装上去,并锁紧即可。
11 CCD和镜头该部分为机器视觉装置,是机器的眼睛。
12 光源用来照亮产品,使得机器视觉可以看到产品。
13 出气口要用适配器连接出气口和胶筒,这样机器出的气压可加到胶筒中,给点胶提供动力14 适配器胶筒和出气口的连接装置15 工作平台产品放置的平台三、软件介绍登陆界面:软件开始界面,角色分操作员和管理员。
点胶数据格式如下:编号 点类型 x y z 速度 时间 针高 编号表示该点是所有点中的第几个点 点类型分别有普通点,直线起点,直线终点,圆起点,圆中点,圆终点,圆弧起点,圆弧中点,圆弧终点, 拍照点。

三轴点胶机控制系统说明书三轴智能控制系统(手持盒版)说明书目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能简介 (3)1.3功能特性 (3)1.4产品列表 (4)2.接线说明图 (5)2.1控制器接线引脚定义 (5)2.2控制器接线说明 (6)2.3系统连接示意图 (7)2.4转接板接线说明 (8)2.5转接板接线示意图 (9)2.6安装尺寸 (10)3.按键说明 (11)3.1手持盒按键图 (11)3.2手持盒按键说明 (11)4.手持盒操作说明 (13)4.1开机画面介绍 (13)4.2主菜单功能介绍 (15)4.3新增功能操作 (19)4.4插入指令操作 (28)4.5删除指令操作 (28)4.6复制指令操作 (28)4.7阵列复制操作 (29)4.8偏移操作 (29)4.9批量修改 (30)4.10自动圆角 (30)4.11类型批量修改 (30)4.12系统 (31)4.13执行方式操作 (33)4.14复位方式操作 (33)4.15产量设定 (34)4.16默认参数 (34)4.17拉丝工艺 (35)4.18停机位置 (35)4.19空移速度 (36)4.20定滴功能 (36)4.21对针操作 (36)4.22MARK点对针操作 (36)5.注意事项 (37)5.1装机事项 (37)5.2常见问题说明与故障排除 (37)1.产品介绍1.1产品概述本产品是由本公司专业数控团队为点胶机行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统。

三轴智能点胶机控制系统QZ-NC0903(手持版)V7.3说明书东莞全职数控科技有限公司目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能简介 (3)1.3功能特性 (3)1.4产品列表 (4)2.接线说明图 (5)2.1 控制器接线引脚定义 (5)2.2 控制器接线说明....... . (6)2.3 系统连接示意图 (7)2.4 转接板接线说明 (8)2.5 转接板接线示意图............................................................................................ . (9)2.6 安装尺寸.......................................................................................................... (10)3.按键说明 (11)3.1手持盒按键图 (11)3.2手持盒按键说明 (11)4.手持盒操作说明 (13)4.1开机画面介绍 (13)4.2主菜单功能介绍 (15)4.3新增功能操作 (19)4.4插入指令操作 (28)4.5删除指令操作 (28)4.6复制指令操作 (28)4.7阵列复制操作 (29)4.8偏移操作 (29)4.9批量修改 (30)4.10自动圆角 (30)4.11类型批量修改 (30)4.12系统 (31)4.13执行方式操作 (33)4.14复位方式操作 (33)4.15产量设定 (34)4.16默认参数 (34)4.17拉丝工艺 (35)4.18停机位置 (35)4.19空移速度 (36)4.20定滴功能 (36)4.21对针操作 (36)4.22 MARK点对针操作 (36)4.23 拨码开关说明 (37)5.注意事项 (37)5.1装机事项 (37)5.2常见问题说明与故障排除 (37)1.产品介绍1.1产品概述QZ-NC0903是由本公司专业数控团队为点胶机行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统。

1. 首先将需要点胶的工件放置在点胶机的工作台上,并调整好工件的位置和角度。
2. 打开点胶机的电源开关,并确保其它相关的设备,如气源等也已打开。
3. 打开点胶机的控制系统,进入操作界面。
4. 在操作界面上选择需要的点胶程序或创建新的点胶程序。
5. 配置好点胶机的参数,如点胶压力、点胶精度、点胶阀的开度等。
6. 将点胶阀连接到点胶机的控制系统,并确保连接牢固。
7. 开始点胶操作前,先进行试点胶。
8. 调整好点胶参数后,即可开始自动点胶作业。
9. 点胶完成后,关闭点胶机的电源开关。
10. 清洗点胶机和点胶阀,确保其它余胶不会堵塞设备。

三轴点胶机入门指导书1.1. 手持盒按键说明按键外观图形名称功能功能键不同的画面显示不同的操作键。
警告操作本手持盒时,必须在断电的情况下插 拔串口线,以免烧坏控制器和手持盒。
连接!手持盒操作使用说明1.2. 开机画面介绍上电后手持盒自动跳转自开机画面-当前工作画面,如下界面下按键操作说明启动:启动程序。
X:指机器X轴的当前坐标;Y:指机器Y轴的当前坐标;Z:指机器Z轴的当前坐标;1.3. 菜单页面介绍菜单界面如下;1.3.1.系统设置进入系统初始密码为:1234系统菜单如下: 速度设置“回零速度”:是指设备回零点时的速度,按数字键输入速度,范围为10~70,单位mm/s。

12,高速数据传输总线,采用230kb/s速率的工业RS485总线和480Mb/s的USB2.0总线;, 13,卓越的示教功能。

TSR2000 Series3 Axis Dispensing RobotHardware Instruction ManualCongratulations on the purchase of a Techcon Systems Automated Dispensing Robot. If you have not done so, see the installation guide provided with your system for installation instructions.Now that your dispensing system is ready to use, take a few moments to get to know the parts of your dispensing system and software. This manual is designed to help you use the robot as quickly as possible. We, here at Techcon Systems, hope you find this product beneficial. If you have any questions, please contact us at the details listed below:For Sales and Support:Techcon Systems Corporate Headquarters,10800 Valley View Street, Cypress, California, 90630, USA.Tel: 1-714-230-2398, Fax: 1-714-828-2001E-mail: *****************************Techcon Systems European Corporate Office,Eagle Close, Chandler’s Ford Industrial Estate,Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 4NF, UK.Tel: +44 2380 489 100, Fax: +44 2380 489 109E-mail: *********************************Or visit This manual is designed to provide information about Techcon Systems robot hardware. Every effort has been made to make this manual as complete and accurate as possible. There is no implied or expressed warranty as to the purpose, suitability or fitness of the information. The information is provided on as as-is basis. Techcon Systems reserves the right to improve and revise its products. This manual specifies and describes the product as it existed at the time of publication. As with any new programming software, a basic understanding of the vocabulary is necessary.Table of Contents1. Safety Instruction……………………………………………………………………..…….2. Summary………………………………………………………………………………..….. 2.1 Features……………………………………………………………………………… 2.2 Specifications………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 Unpacking and Inspection…………………………………………………………………………. 2.4 Instructions about the Keypad………………………………………………….……. 2.5 Course of the File Processing…………………………………………………….………3. Setup and Connection……………………………………………………………………… 3.1 Setup………………………………………………………………………………… 3.1.1 How to Connect a Syringe Dispenser with Interface Cable……………………. 3.1.2 How to Connect a Valve Controller with Interface Cable…………………… 3.1.3 How to Connect a Jet Valve Controller with Interface Cable ……..………………… 3.1.4 Testing the Interface Connections …………………………..……………….. 3.2 I/O Socket Instruction………………………………………………………………… 3.2.1 Circuit Diagram of I/O Socket………………………………………………… 3.2.2 Four Pin Socket “Pin Out”……………………………….………………….… 3.2.3 Five Pin Socket “Pin Out”……………………………………………………. 3.2.4 Seven Pin Socket “Pin Out”……………………….………………………….. 3.3 Instructions For DB37 Socket………………………………………………………… 3.3.1 Pin Instruction of DB37………………………………………………………. 3.3.2 Circuit Diagram of DB37……………………………………………………… 3.4 Instruction of Input & Output………….……………………………………………. 3.4.1 IO Function Definition………………………………………………….……… 3.4.2 IO Function Instruction…………………………………………………………. 3.5 Operation For First Time……………………………………………………………….. 4. Off-Line Operation Interface………………………………………………………….……. 4.1 Off-Line Initialization………………………………………………………………… 4.2 Off- Line File Processing Interface…………………………………………….…….. 4.2.1 Select Processing File…………………………………………………………… 4.2.2 File Process……………………………………………………………….…….. 4.2.3 Stop the File Processing……………………………………………………… 4.2.4 File Processing Count & State………………………………………………….. 4.3 Off-Line Origin Calibration Interface…………………………………………….….. 4.4 Off-Line Loop-Work Parameter Setting Interface………………………………….... 4.5 Off-Line Testing Interface…………………………………………………….……….. 4.6 Times of Nozzle Interface………………………………………………………………5. Mounting and Bracketry………………………………………………………………...….…. 5.1 Tool Plate - Valve Mounting Bracket……………………………………….………….. 5.2 Base Plate - Product Mounting Plate……………………………………………………. 5.3 Syringe Mounting Bracket - Attachment.........………………………………………6. Trouble Shooting…………………………………………………………………….…….7. Warranty……………………………………………………………………………………..8. Manufacturer’s Declaration of Incorporation………………………………………...……………9. Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity…………………………………………..………….4 5-95 678 9 9-209 10 10 10 11 12-1312 13 13 13 14-1614 15-16 16-2017-18 18-20 20 21-2321 21 21 22 22 2222 23 23 23 2424 24 25 26 26 27 281.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONCaution about the main unit●Only use this robot with correct rated voltage and frequency (refer to the markings on the back of equipment).●Do not move the XY moving plate and the top head, by hand. This will protect them from damage.●During processing, do not touch the moving parts.●Before use, check the heating controller and pressure reduction valve have been fastened reliably (if fitted).●Keep the unit dry. Do not use or disconnect the equipment with wet hands.●If an emergency event occurs, press the emergency switch (red) immediately. The main unit will cut off thepower and stop processing the dispensing file.Caution about the power cord●This machine is equipped with a 3-wire grounding plug and must be plugged into a 3-terminal grounded socket.Do not modify the plug or use an ungrounded power socket. If an extension cord is necessary, use only a 3-wire extension cord that provides grounding.●Do not turn on the power of the machine if any parts are damaged, especially if the power cord is damaged.Caution about the teaching pendant●Do not connect the teaching pendant during a profile. When disconnecting the teaching pendant, loosen andremove the fixing screws and then pull out it, once the profile has finished.●For protecting the teaching pendant, from damage, do not drop it on the floor or shake it intensively.Caution about the air supply●Ensure the air flow is dry and clean. Select a suitable air pressure according the application. Suggested airpressure is no more than 100 psi (6.9bar).●During use, do not over bend or over rotate the air tubes.2. SUMMARYThis desktop robot is designed for the automated operation for dispensing fluid. It is a fully automatic and features a high-resolution control system with 3 axis. This unit provides the operator with easy programming instructions, increased parameters, a larger memory space and a higher speed, which highly improves productivity.Note: the illustration may have some differences with each application. The dispensing equipment, such as a dispensing valve, syringe, cartridge, etc. are optional.2.1 Features● Comprehensive 3-dimensional drawing support, such as 3-dimensional linear interpolation, capabilities ofteaching 3D graphics and user-defined 3D array. ● Capability to save mass files.● User-defined array function: easy solution for mould deviation. Supports user-defined 3D array. Smoothingfunctions of changing speed and hi-speed trajectory whilst moving. User-definable speed parameters. ● Group function: this function allows operators to copy, delete, modify, array, and pan multi-points.● Advanced teaching pendant that supports functions, such as array, group edit, sub-procedure, condition-callprocedure etc.● Unique merge function: easy resolution to process complex multi-layers, irregular array and non-array graphics. ● Multiple processing modes, such as single-step operation, overall processing and automatic loop processing.Communication Interface: Connect with teaching pendent2.2 Specifications* The specifications are subject to change without notice.2.3Unpacking and Inspection2.4 Instructions about the Keypad - the keypad, on the robot face, can be used when the teaching pendant isdisconnected.For Further functions and detailed use of the buttons refer to the chapter 4 “off-line operation instruction”.2.5Course of the File ProcessingTo complete a process file there needs to be three steps: program-adjust-process. For detailed operation refer to the “operation manual of the teaching pendant”.Program:The method of teaching a program.Adjust:Adjusting the programming file, such as origin calibration, slant array, height adjusts, file parameters a djust (including speed, acceleration, delay time, distance etc.)Process:Download the program file to the system, from the teaching pendant.The program is now complete and can be initiated.3.SETUP AND CONNECTION3.1 SetupConnecting air tubing: directly insert the air tube into the air connector, on the back of the controller. Removing air tube: press down the connector head and then pull out the air tube, from the controller.3.1.1 How to Connect a (TS250 or TS350) Syringe Dispenser with Interface CableTake the supplied TSR-VCABLE and connect the round female connector to the male “OUTPUT” connector on the rear of the robot. Take the opposite end and connect the female 9 pin connector to the DB9 connector on the rear of the TS250 or TS350 Series controllers.3.1.2 How to Connect a (TS500R) Valve Controller with Interface CableTake the supplied TSR-VCABLE and connect the round female connector to the male “OUTPUT” connector on the rear of the robot. Take the opposite end and connect the female 9 pin connector to the DB9 connector on the rear of the TS500R controller.3.1.3 How to Connect a (TS920) Jet Valve Controller with Interface CableTake the optional TSR-DJETCABLE and connect the round female connector to the male “OUTPUT” connector on the rear of the robot. Take the opposite end and connect the male 26 pin connector to the rear of the TS920, jet valve controller, marked I/O.4443.1.4 Testing the Interface ConnectionsTS250, TS350, TS500R and TS920 with TSR-VCABLE and TSR-DJETCABLE – 1 Dispense Head in UseTS250, TS350 and TS500R with TSR-VCABLE – Multiple Dispense Heads in UseThe TSR2000 Series robot is capable of operating up to 4 dispensers/controllers during a program. An optional cable is made available for this function. Please contact Techcon if this specialty cable is required. Follow the instructions, below, to test the other available outputs.Press 4 Press By pressing button 1, the controller will activate. If the system is complete and under pressure, fluid will exit out of the dispense outlet. Press 1 to turn off output. To go back to main screen, press multiple times. to main Legend:Output not activated Output activated3.2I/O Socket Instruction3.2.1 Circuit Diagram of I/O SocketInsideInside3.2.2 Four Pin Socket “Pin Out” - the following list describes the pin function of the four-pin socket.Note: *If a special function is required, the input and output signal can be set again.3.2.3 Five Pin Socket “Pin Out”- the following list describes the pin function of the five-pin socket. The socketcan connect with a photo-electricity switch etc.Note: *If a special function is required, the input and output signal can be set again.3.2.4 Seven Pin Socket “Pin Out” - the following list describes the pins function of the seven-pin socket. By thesocket, it can control the external device.Note: *If a special function is required, the input and output signal can be set again.3.3 Instructions For DB37 SocketNote: The DB37 socket is an optional fitting and must be ordered separately if required.3.3.1 Pin Instruction of DB37(socket of DB37)3.3.2 Circuit Diagram of DB373.4 Instruction of Input & Output● The following input interfaces and output interfaces are corresponding to the signal pins which are defined as “Min, Mout, Ein, Eout” at the above socket. It also corresponds to the interface at the “IO Test” display window.● After setting, the function of IO interface can be tested at the “IO Test” display window.● The interfaces, in the following table, can be set at the “Input Config” or “Output Config” of “System Config 2” of teaching pendant. It can define the special function for the following input & output interfaces which are corresponding to the above sockets.Connection of DB37 plug3.4.1IO Function Definition1.In the “Input Config 2” displaying window, it can set the input interface: Min1~Min4 & Ein1-8 & Ein 09~Ein16.2. In the “Output Config 2” display window, the input interface can be set: Mout1~Mout4, Eout09~Eout16.Output Interface Optional FunctionMout1~Mout4 --, Nozzle 1, Nozzle 2, Nozzle 3, Nozzle 4, Working Flag, WorkEnd Flag, Cylinder, Clean OutputEout09~Eout16--, Ready Flag, Alarm Flag, Working Flag, WorkEnd Flag, Cylinder, Clean Output3. In the teaching pendant, “Eout09~Eout16” are corresponding to the “Eout8+ (0~8)” at the “IO Test” and“Output (point)” displaying window.IO TestMout :F132410+324176853247685324768532418+1Eout :F2Eout :F3Min :Ein :3247685Ein :0+8+11Namely, “Eout8+ 1” is the output interface “Eou09”. “Eout8+ 2” is the output interface “Eou10”. “Eout8+ 3” is the output interface “Eou11”, etc.3.4.2 IO Function InstructionFunction of InputFunction Instruction-- N/A.Origin BTN Input the reset signal into the unit by corresponding signal pin, and the unit will run the reset (ORG) operation.Stop BTN Input the stop signal into the unit by corresponding signal pin, and the unit stops the current operation.Start BTN Input the start signal into the unit by corresponding signal pin, and the unit starts to work or pauses the current work.Foot BTN Input the foot switch signal into the unit by corresponding signal pin and the unit runs the foot switch operation and the function is similar with the “Start BTN”.Test input-LInput the signal “breakover ground” into the unit by corresponding signal pin and the unit comes into the testing state (cannot move and can only be programmed).Mout/Eout/Min/Ein is corresponding to the “metal socket” at the back of robot. Can be test before operation .Note:●The function settings of input & output cannot be accessed by the operator. It can only be operated by themanufacturer.●Will not give advanced information if some functions are changed.3.5Operation For First Time UseIf using the unit for the first time, the operator should test the basic functionalities.Step 1: Install and TestBefore using, the operator should properly install and connect the system. The operator should test the basic functionalities of the system with the ‘Test’ function on the teaching pendant. Test should include if there are any problems with the axis movements towards positive or negative directions.Step 2: Parameters SettingCorrectly set the global parameters and other parameters being used in the process.Remark: Failure to properly set the parameters will cause difficulties in using the system.Step 3: Teaching ProgramProgram a profile with teaching pendant. Refer to the instruction manual of the teaching pendant.Step 4: Origin Calibration & Setting the Parameters of the Teaching Pendant1.Origin calibration: The operator should adjust the start point when a teaching file is created for the first time.2.Set file parameters.Step 5: Download & Process1.Download: refer to instruction manual of the teaching pendant “Teaching File Download”.2.Process: refer to instruction manual of the teaching pendant “File Processing”.4. OFF-LINE OPERATION INTERFACE4.1 Off-Line Initialization1. When the system is turned on without connecting to the teaching pendant, the LCD will enter initialization interface automatically (Refer to Fig.4-1).2. After 5 seconds, the initialization is complete and the system enters into the file processing interface.4.2 Off- Line File Processing Interface1. After initialization, the system will enter the “Processing Interface”. This interface is frequently used when notconnected to the teaching pendant. Enter into the other settings interface through the processing interface.2. In the circulating processing interface, the LCD will display information such as “already processed times /setprocessing times”.All information showing on the LCD display are as follows:the Loop-WorkProcessing Times3. 4. 5. 6. will not be saved. Processing File1.2.Fig. 4-1: Initialization Interface4.2.2File Processthe paused processing file and the file state changes to “WORK”.Emergency Switch: S tops file processingand cuts off the power supply of the driver, the LCD displays4.2.4 File Processing Count And State1. the digit to 0.2. At the lower right corner of processing interface, the file processing state is displayed. The processing state ischanging with the processing course. The file processing state shown in the table below:Table 4-1: File Processing State4.3 Off- Line Origin Calibration Interface1. During the file processing, the deviation can be calibrated between the processing file and the real route by theorigin calibration.2.X/Y/Z/R displays the tips current position. “MID” means the current processing speed is in the middle.3. Orientation4.5. Adjust the point’s speed:6. Calibration interface. If press button, save the calibration result, and directly return file processing interface.4.4 Off- Line Loop-Work Parameter Setting Interface1.2.Press the button at the processing interface and then enter into the “loop–work parameter settinginterface”.Fig.4-5: Loop–work Parameter Setting Interface3.4.After completing adjust, press thebutton and return tothe file processinginterface. When the “N=0000” or is displayed, without loop workprocessing and the file only processes one time.Fig. 4-6: Testing Interface4.6 Times of Nozzle Interfacebeen used and maximal limit times. The interface only can be viewed and cannot be set. Setting methods need refer “teaching pendant”. “*****/*****”: The front digits mean the used times, the latter digits mean the maximal limit times. When used times have reached the maximal limit times, the system will alarm and advise to change the nozzle. If the latter digit is “00000”, this means that it does not limit the using times of nozzle.Fig. 4-7 Times of Nozzle InterfaceN : Loop processing times setT : Loop processing interval times set Rn : Reset after loop N times5. MOUNTING AND BRACKTRY5.1 Tool Plate - Valve Mounting Bracket5.2 Base Plate – Product Mounting Plate5.3 Syringe Mounting Bracket – AttachmentFrom the main screen, on the teaching pendant, press 4. Use the jog keys to move the head into a central position and lower head until there is sufficient access to the rear of the bracket. Use SHF button to change movement speed. Follow instructions below.1. Move and lower head using teachingpendant. 2. Remove mounting plate.4. Attach attach top bracket.3. Secondary plate should be exposed 5. Attach bottom bracket from behind. 6. Install syringe and lightly tighten thumb screws.6. TROUBLE SHOOTING1.The System cannot Reset after Booting.Emergency switch errorCheck the Emergency switch is not pressed, by mistake.2.Z axis or X and Y axis cannot be Positioned Accurately in Processing1) Loss of steps will cause inaccurate positioning phenomenon.Overload, excessive speed or acceleration, insufficient power supply, or mismatched motor drive would lead to the loss of steps. Please check the overload and the parameters settings. If the inaccurate positioning phenomenon disappears or remits after reducing the speed or acceleration, we can make sure the phenomenon is caused by the motor loss of steps. If inaccurate positioning phenomenon is very obvious for one axis, reduce the acceleration of the axis.2) Operation Error will cause inaccurate positioning phenomenon.Do not reset when the work doneMake the system reset automatically after each accumulated processing error has been eliminated,)7. WARRANTYManufacturer warrants this product to the original purchaser for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase to be free from defects in material and workmanship, but not against damages by misuse, negligence, accident, faulty installations and instructions. Manufacturer will repair or replace (at factory’s option), free of charge, any component of the equipment thus found to be defective, on return of the component, “PREPAID” to the factory during the warranty period. In no event shall any liability or obligation of the Manufacturer arising from this warranty exceed the purchase price of the equipment. This warranty is only valid if the defective product is returned as a complete assembly without physical damage. The Manufacturer’s liability, as stated herein, cannot be altered or enlarged except by a written statement signed by an officer of the company. In no event shall the Manufacturer be liable for consequential or incidental damages. A return authorization is required from Techcon Systems prior to shipping a defective unit to the factory.Manufacturer reserves the right to make engineering product modifications without notice.All returns must be issued with a Returns Authorization number, prior to return. Send warranty returns to:Techcon Systems Corporate Headquarters,10800 Valley View Street, Cypress, 90630, USA.Tel: 1-714-230-2398, Fax: 1-714-828-2001E-mail: *****************************Techcon Systems European Corporate Office,Eagle Close, Chandler’s Ford Industrial Estate,Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 4NF, UK.Tel: +44 2380 489 100, Fax: +44 2380 489 109E-mail: *********************************Jimmy Guo Quality EngineerJimmy Guo Quality Engineer。

QZ-NC0903(手持版)V7.3说明书三轴智能点胶机控制系统目录1.产品介绍 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能简介 (3)1.3功能特性 (3)1.4产品列表 (4)2.接线说明图 (5)2.1 控制器接线引脚定义 (5)2.2 控制器接线说明....... . (6)2.3 系统连接示意图 (7)2.4 转接板接线说明 (8)2.5 转接板接线示意图............................................................................................ . (9)2.6 安装尺寸.......................................................................................................... (10)3.按键说明 (11)3.1手持盒按键图 (11)3.2手持盒按键说明 (11)4.手持盒操作说明 (13)4.1开机画面介绍 (13)4.2主菜单功能介绍 (15)4.3新增功能操作 (19)4.4插入指令操作 (28)4.5删除指令操作 (28)4.6复制指令操作 (28)4.7阵列复制操作 (29)4.8偏移操作 (29)4.9批量修改 (30)4.10自动圆角 (30)4.11类型批量修改 (30)4.12系统 (31)4.13执行方式操作 (33)4.14复位方式操作 (33)4.15产量设定 (34)4.16默认参数 (34)4.17拉丝工艺 (35)4.18停机位置 (35)4.19空移速度 (36)4.20定滴功能 (36)4.21对针操作 (36)4.22 MARK点对针操作 (36)4.23 拨码开关说明 (37)5.注意事项 (37)5.1装机事项 (37)5.2常见问题说明与故障排除 (37)1.产品介绍1.1产品概述QZ-NC0903是由本公司专业数控团队为点胶机行业量身定做的低成本、高浓缩、高集成度的智能点胶机控制系统。
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目录第一章概述.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
硬件................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
软件....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
配件....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
主板尺寸(单位:mm)....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
手持编程器尺寸(单位:mm)................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第二章主界面及按键说明...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
主界面说明................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
手持编程器按键说明......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
程序选择及对针按键说明..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第三章编程的基本方法说明.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
单位符号解释............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
点胶程序结束的约定......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
点胶程序运行方式........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
点胶的基本路径组成......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第四章菜单1 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页1.文件名编辑........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页2.生成默认点胶参数.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页3.编辑多个编程点.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页4.设置标号.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页5.阵列点胶.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页6.阵列展开操作...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页7.调用子程序........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页8.调用文件.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页9.程序跳转.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页1.有限次数循环...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页2.程序结束或返回.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页3.延时.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页4.暂停.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页5.输入信号编程...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页6.输出信号编程...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页7.方形涂胶.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页8.圆形涂胶.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页9.点胶信号开/关..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第3页1.工件计数器........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第3页2.回空闲停留位置.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第3页3.回原点............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第五章菜单2 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页1.对针点设置........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页2.校准对针点........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页3.胶枪下移限制值设置................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页4.空闲停留点坐标设置................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页5.胶枪提起高度设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页6.空移速度设置...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页7.提前出胶时间设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页8.线段点胶速度设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页9.线段点胶拉丝参数设置.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页1.线段点胶时间参数设置.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页2.单点点胶参数设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页3.急停时输出信号设置................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第2页4.输出信号初始化设置................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第2页5.空闲滴胶时间设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页6.匀速调试速度设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页7.工件计数器设置.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第六章菜单3 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页1.针头移动到指定坐标................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第1页2.文件复制.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页文件转换............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页4.对当前文件锁定/解锁............................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页5.对机器高级锁定/解锁............................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页6.当前文件锁定密码设置.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页7.机器高级锁定密码设置.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
第1页8.输入口名称编程.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第1页9.输出口名称编程.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页1.按键声音设置...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页2.速度优先等级设置.................................. 错误!未定义书签。
第2页3.小键盘锁定/解锁................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第2页4.浏览文件名........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.脉冲输出频率:4MHz的直线插补,2MHz的圆弧插补(包括三轴空间圆弧插补),以电机每转20000个脉冲为例,可达到 6000转/分,足以满足现有的高速伺服电机 5000转/分的要求。