Electrochemical supercapacitors Energy storage


Energy Storage and Conversion in Supercapacitors

Energy Storage and Conversion in Supercapacitors

Energy Storage and Conversion inSupercapacitorsIntroductionWith the advancement of technology, the world is moving towards the use of renewable sources of energy to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. However, the intermittent nature of renewable sources is a challenge. Energy storage systems are the solution to this problem. Among various energy storage systems, supercapacitors have emerged as a promising technology for energy storage and conversion.What are Supercapacitors?Supercapacitors, also known as ultracapacitors or electrochemical capacitors, are electrochemical devices capable of storing and delivering electrical energy quickly. A supercapacitor consists of two electrodes, an electrolyte, and a separator. The electrodes are coated with a high surface area material such as activated carbon to increase the surface area, which enhances the storage capability of the supercapacitor.Working Principle of SupercapacitorsSupercapacitors store energy by storing charge at the electrode-electrolyte interface. When a voltage is applied to the electrodes, the electrolyte ions are attracted to the electrodes, which leads to the accumulation of a charge. The charge is stored at the surface of the electrodes in the form of ions. Supercapacitors store energy through this electrostatic charge storage mechanism.Energy Storage in SupercapacitorsSupercapacitors have higher energy densities than traditional capacitors and can store more energy due to the larger electrode surface area available for charge storage. The energy storage capability of supercapacitors depends on the electrode material, whichaffects the surface area available for charge storage. Activated carbon is commonly used as an electrode material due to its high surface area and low cost. The energy stored in supercapacitors can be calculated using the equation:E = ½ CV2where E is the stored energy, C is the capacitance, and V is the voltage.Energy Conversion in SupercapacitorsSupercapacitors are known for their ability to deliver high power output. They can charge and discharge quickly, which makes them ideal for applications that require high power output such as electric vehicles and power electronics. The energy conversion in supercapacitors is based on the movement of ions from the electrolyte to the electrodes during charging and from the electrodes to the electrolyte during discharging.Advantages of SupercapacitorsSupercapacitors have several advantages over traditional batteries. They have a longer lifespan due to their ability to withstand a large number of charge-discharge cycles. Supercapacitors can charge and discharge quickly, which makes them ideal for high-power applications. They can operate at low temperatures and can be charged using renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. Supercapacitors are also environmentally friendly as they do not contain toxic chemicals.Applications of SupercapacitorsSupercapacitors have various applications in different industries. In the automotive industry, supercapacitors are used in electric vehicles for regenerative braking, where they store the energy generated during braking and use it to accelerate the vehicle. Supercapacitors are also used in hybrid vehicles to provide additional power during acceleration. In the electronics industry, supercapacitors are used in devices that require high peak power such as flash cameras and smart meters. Supercapacitors can also be used in renewable energy systems to store energy generated from solar and wind power.ConclusionSupercapacitors are a promising technology for energy storage and conversion. They have several advantages over traditional batteries and can be used in various applications. The energy storage and conversion capability of supercapacitors depend on the electrode material and the operating voltage. The development of new electrode materials and the improvement of the device performance will lead to the widespread use of supercapacitors in different industries.。



Principles and applications of supercapacitors
CHEN Ying-fang, LI Yuan-yuan, DENG Mei-gen
(School of Electronics, Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics,Nanchang 330013 , China) Abstract: As a new kind energy storage device, supercapacitors have characteristics of high power density, extremely large capacitance, long cycle life and high charge-discharge efficiency. For this reason, world wide attention was attracted. The fundamental principles, classification and characteristics of supercapacitors were reviewed, and their main application areas and development trend were introduced. Key words: electron technology; supercapacitors; review; principles; applications
第 27 卷 第 4 期
由于库仑力、分子间力、原子间力的作用,使固液界面 出现稳定的、符号相反的双层电荷,称为界面双层。 双电层电容器使用的电极材料多为多孔碳材料, 有活性炭(活性炭粉末、活性炭纤维)、碳气凝胶、 碳纳米管。双电层电容器的容量大小与电极材料的孔 隙率有关。通常,孔隙率越高,电极材料的比表面积 越大,双电层电容也越大。但不是孔隙率越高,电容 器的容量越大。 保持电极材料孔径大小在 2~50 nm 之 间提高孔隙率才能提高材料的有效比表面积,从而提 高双电层电容。



主要通过两种途径: 1)改变表面的润湿性能 2)官能团自身发生可逆的氧化还原反应 从制备高容量、耐高压、稳定性好的电容器角度 出发 , 要求活性炭材料表面的官能团有一个合适 的比例。
对超级电容器来说,中孔比例大一些比较好 中孔碳材料的方法主要有三种: 1)催化活化法 2)混合聚合物炭化法 3)模板炭化法
• 提高性能、降低成本是超级电容器发展的主旋律。 • 从超级电容器的发展历史来看,电容器虽然能够 提供高功率,但电容器不能像电池一样提供高的 重量能量比,期望将来超级电容器能够代替电池 作为储能元件,兼具高能量和高功率的性能。 • 超级电容器是绿色环保、能源开发的重要方向之 一,它的研发必将带动整个电子产业及相关行业 的发展,目前国内超级电容器的开发生产刚刚起 步,具有广阔的发展空间。
2. 性能特点
性 能 铅酸电池 1-5小时 超级电容器 0.3-若干秒 普通电容器 10-3—10-6秒
比能Wh/kg 循环寿命 比功率W/kg 充放电效率
30- 40 300 < 300 0.7-0.85
1- 20 >10000 >1000 0.85-0.98
2) 赝电容型超级电容器
(1) 金属氧化物材料 • 贵金属氧化物材料 —RuO2:无定型RuO2拥有更高 的电导率,更高的比电容,更高的电化学可逆性。 • 替代RuO2的廉价金属氧化物材料—MnO2和NiO。
(2) 导电聚合物材料 聚苯胺(PANI)、聚吡 (PPy)和聚噻吩(PTh) 他们的一些相关衍生 物。 优点: 价格低廉、对环境友 好、高导电率、高度 可逆以及活性可控。

What Are Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Supercapacitors 锂离子电池、燃料电池、超级电容器

What Are Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Supercapacitors 锂离子电池、燃料电池、超级电容器

• Fuel cells established their usefulness in space applications with the advent of the Gemini and Apollo space programs • Fuel cells cannot compete today with combustion engines and gas/steam turbines because of much higher costs, inferior power and energy performance, and insufficient durability and lifetime
• Electrical energy is generated by conversion of chemical energy via redox reactions at the anode and cathode • Closed systems, with the anode and cathode being the charge-transfer medium and taking an active role in the redox reaction as “active masses” • Energy storage and conversion occur in the same compartment • Batteries have intermediate power and energy characteristics • Batteries with thin film electrodes exhibit power characteristics similar to those of supercapacitors








太阳能电解水可以通过PV 电解或Photoelectrochemical 水分裂来实现。








燃料电池燃料电池(Fuel cells)是一种将化学能转换为电能的装置,其工作原理是将燃料和氧气反应生成电能,控制出现的化学氧化还原反应以产生电能和热能。







电化学储能电化学储能(Electrochemical energy storage)是通过将电能转化为化学能存储在化学反应中的过程。



电解和电吸附1. 介绍电解和电吸附是电化学中常见的两个过程,它们在许多领域中发挥着重要的作用。


2. 电解2.1 原理电解是通过外加电压将电解质溶液中的正负离子引导到相应的电极上,从而使它们发生氧化还原反应。




2.2 应用电解在工业上有广泛的应用,例如电镀、电解制氢、电解制氧等。



3. 电吸附3.1 原理电吸附是指在电极表面发生的吸附和脱附离子或分子的过程。



3.2 应用电吸附在环境保护和能源领域中有重要的应用。





4. 电解和电吸附的比较4.1 相同点电解和电吸附都是利用外加电压来控制溶液中的离子行为。


4.2 不同点电解是通过外加电流来引导离子在溶液中发生氧化还原反应,而电吸附是利用电场将离子或分子吸附在电极表面。


5. 总结电解和电吸附是电化学中常见的两个过程。



赝电容是什么?作者:朱杉所属专栏:电化学天地0. 前言赝电容是什么?这个问题困扰着许多电化学领域的研究者。





1. 缘起赝电容,英文为Pseudocapacitance,其中“Pseudo”这个词根本意指“虽然不是,但看起来很像”。







电化学界大神B. E. Conway最早提出了“赝电容”一词,他在自己的名作《电化学超级电容器:科学原理和技术》中给赝电容下了一个这样的定义[3]:“Pseudocapacitance arises at the electrode surfaces...itis faradaic in origin, involving the passage of charge across the double layer”依照这个定义,赝电容是一种发生于电极材料表面的法拉第(faradaic)过程。





关键词:超级电容器原理电极材料综述Reviews of supercapacitorsAbstract:As a new kind of energy storage device, supercapacitors has large capacity, large discharge power, longer cycle service life, free-maintenance, economic and environmental protection, which is between traditional capacitors and chemical batteries. For these advantages, supercapacitors has become extremely popular with researchers, therefore more and more supercapacitor materials have been found and applied. The paper reviews supercapacitors’ principle, the classification of electrode materials, diaphragm, electrolyte, and includes the main field of application, trend of development.Keywords: supercapacitors; principle; electrode materials; review1引言电容器是一种能储蓄电能的设备与器件.由于它的使用能避免电子仪器与设备因电源瞬间切断或电压偶尔降低而产生的错误动作,所以它作为备用电源被广泛应用于声频一视频设备:调协器,电话机、传真机及计算机等通讯设备和家用电器中.电容器的研究是从30年代开始的,随着电子工业的发展.先后经历了电解电容器、瓷介电容器、有机薄膜电容器、铝电解电容器、钽电解电容器和双电层电容器的发展.其中双电层电容器.又叫电化学电容器.是一种相对新型的电容器,它的出现使得电容器的上限容量骤然跃升了3—4个数量级,达到了法拉第级(F)的大容量,正缘于此,它享有“超级电容器”之称。



超级电容器(Supercapacitors,ultracapacitor),又名电化学电容器(Electrochemical Capacitors),双电层电容器(Electrical Double-Layer Capacitor)、黄金电容、法拉电容,是从上世纪七、八十年代发展起来的通过极化电解质来储能的一种电化学元件。









折叠特点(1)充电速度快,充电10秒~10分钟可达到其额定容量的95%以上;(2)循环使用寿命长,深度充放电循环使用次数可达1~50万次,没有“记忆效应”;(3)大电流放电能力超强,能量转换效率高,过程损失小,大电流能量循环效率≥90%;(4)功率密度高,可达300W/KG~5000W/KG,相当于电池的5~10倍;(5)产品原材料构成、生产、使用、储存以及拆解过程均没有污染,是理想的绿色环保电源;(6)充放电线路简单,无需充电电池那样的充电电路,安全系数高,长期使用免维护;(7)超低温特性好,温度范围宽-40℃~+70℃;(8)检测方便,剩余电量可直接读出;(9)容量范围通常0.1F--1000F 。







其中,制备温度为800℃,炭化时间为3 h的电极表现出最佳的电容性能,其比电容达到了228 F/g。



关键词:生物质,多孔炭,超级电容器,电化学性能,制备Abstract: This paper studies a graded porous carbon electrode based on biomass and its electrochemical performance for supercapacitors. The electrode was prepared by controlling different temperatures and time periods to form different levels of pore structure. The morphology, electrochemical behavior, and capacitance performance of the electrode were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results showed that with the increase of carbonization temperatureand prolongation of carbonization time, the specific surface area and porosity of the electrode increased, and the capacitance performance gradually improved. Among them, the electrode prepared at 800℃ for 3 h showed the bestcapacitance performance, with a specific capacitance of 228F/g. In addition, the stability and cycling performance ofthe electrode were verified by cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge cycle testing. Therefore, the graded porous carbon electrode based on biomass studied in this paper hasexcellent electrochemical properties and application prospects.Keywords: biomass, porous carbon, supercapacitor, electrochemical performance, preparationThe successful preparation of the graded porous carbon electrode based on biomass demonstrated the potential of biomass as a sustainable and eco-friendly precursor forcarbon materials. The hierarchical structure of the electrode, with macropores, mesopores, and micropores, provides a high specific surface area and ample space for ion diffusion and adsorption. The activation process and the carbonization temperature significantly affected the pore size distribution and the surface chemistry of the carbon materials, thus influencing the electrochemical performance of the electrode.The electrochemical characterization of the graded porous carbon electrode showed that it has excellent capacitance properties for supercapacitor applications. The specific capacitance of 228 F/g is higher than most reported valuesfor biomass-derived carbon materials. The good cyclingstability and rate capability of the electrode are attributed to the hierarchical porous structure, which allows forefficient electrolyte infiltration and ion transportation. Moreover, the biomass precursor used in this study isabundant and cheap, which makes the preparation of the graded porous carbon electrode scalable and cost-effective.In conclusion, this study demonstrates the potential of biomass-derived porous carbon materials for energy storage applications. The graded porous carbon electrode prepared in this work has excellent electrochemical properties and couldbe further optimized for specific applications. The use of biomass as a precursor for carbon materials is not only environmentally friendly but also contributes to the development of a circular economy. Therefore, the research on biomass-based carbon materials is of great significance forthe sustainable development of energy storage technologies.In recent years, energy storage technologies have gained significant attention due to the increasing demand for energy and the rising costs of non-renewable resources. Energystorage systems play a crucial role in ensuring the stability and reliability of the grid, facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources, and improving the efficiency of various applications, such as electric vehicles and portable electronic devices. Among various energy storage technologies, electrochemical energy storage is considered as one of the most promising options due to its high efficiency, fast response, and scalability.Electrochemical energy storage devices, such as lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, and redox flow batteries, rely on the electrochemical activity of the electrode materials to store and release energy. Therefore, the performance ofenergy storage devices highly depends on the properties ofthe electrode materials, such as their specific surface area, pore size distribution, electrical conductivity, andstability. To date, various materials, including metals, oxides, carbides, nitrides, and carbon-based materials, have been investigated for energy storage applications.Among these materials, carbon-based materials have attracted significant attention due to their high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent chemicalstability. Carbon materials can be prepared from various precursors, such as petroleum-based resources, coal, biomass, and waste materials. Biomass is a renewable and abundant resource that has been widely used to prepare carbon-based materials for energy storage applications. Biomass-derived carbon materials have several advantages, such as low cost, environmental friendliness, and controllable properties.In this work, we prepared a graded porous carbon electrodefrom biomass-derived cellulose and lignin precursors for energy storage applications. The graded porous structure was achieved by controlling the carbonization temperature and time, which resulted in different pore sizes anddistributions in the upper, middle, and lower layers of the electrode. The electrochemical performance of the electrode was evaluated in a three-electrode system using a standard electrolyte.The results showed that the graded porous carbon electrode exhibited excellent electrochemical properties, including a high specific capacitance, good rate capability, and longcycle life. The specific capacitance of the electrode was 166F/g at a scan rate of 5 mV/s, and it retained 91% of itsinitial capacitance after 10,000 cycles. The excellent electrochemical performance of the electrode could beattributed to its unique graded porous structure, which allowed for efficient electrolyte diffusion and ion transport, as well as high electroactive surface area.In conclusion, the use of biomass-derived precursors for carbon materials is a promising approach for energy storage applications, as it offers several advantages, such as low cost, environmental friendliness, and controllable properties. The graded porous carbon electrode prepared in this work demonstrated excellent electrochemical properties and couldbe further optimized for specific applications. Future research on biomass-derived carbon materials should focus on the development of novel precursors, the optimization of synthesis parameters, and the exploration of new applications. With continued efforts in this field, biomass-based carbon materials will contribute to the sustainable development of energy storage technologies.In addition to the development of novel precursors and the optimization of synthesis parameters, future research on biomass-derived carbon materials should also focus onexploring new applications. The potential of these materialsis vast, and they can be used in a wide range of applications beyond energy storage.One promising area of application is in the field of catalysis. Biomass-derived carbon materials have been shownto have excellent catalytic properties, and they can be usedas catalyst supports or even as active catalysts themselves. For example, carbon materials derived from cellulose have been shown to be effective catalysts for the conversion of biomass into valuable chemicals, such as levulinic acid.Another potential application of biomass-derived carbon materials is in the field of water treatment. These materials can be used as adsorbents to remove pollutants from water, such as heavy metals or organic compounds. The porous structure of these materials allows them to have a high surface area, which enhances their adsorption capacity.Biomass-derived carbon materials can also be used in the production of advanced composites. The high surface area and porosity of these materials make them excellent candidatesfor use as reinforcing fillers in polymer composites. In addition, these materials can also be used as templates for the synthesis of inorganic materials with unique properties.Overall, the development of biomass-derived carbon materials is a promising area of research with many potential applications. With continued efforts in this field, it is likely that these materials will play an important role in the sustainable development of a wide range of technologies.One potential application of biomass-derived carbon materials is in the field of energy storage. Specifically, these materials can be used as electrodes in batteries and supercapacitors. With their high surface area and good electrical conductivity, carbon materials derived from biomass have been shown to exhibit excellent electrochemicalperformance. In particular, activated carbon derived from various forms of biomass, such as lignocellulose, has been extensively investigated for use as an electrode material in supercapacitors due to its high capacitance and low cost.Moreover, biomass-derived carbon materials have been explored as potential catalysts for various chemical reactions. In particular, carbon materials derived from lignin have been shown to exhibit catalytic activity towards the oxidation of various organic compounds, such as methanol, ethanol, and benzene. The use of biomass-derived carbon materials as catalysts is particularly advantageous due to their low cost and abundance.Biomass-derived carbon materials can also find applicationsin the field of environmental remediation. For example, activated carbon derived from coconut shells has been shown to be effective in the removal of heavy metals and organic pollutants from water. Additionally, carbon materials derived from lignocellulose have been investigated for theirpotential use as adsorbents for the removal of dyes and other contaminants from wastewater.Finally, biomass-derived carbon materials can also be usedfor the development of various renewable energy technologies. For instance, pyrolysis of agricultural waste such as straw, corn cobs, and sugarcane bagasse can produce biochar, which can be used as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, biochar can be used as a feedstock for the production of biofuels, such as bio-oil and syngas.In conclusion, the development of biomass-derived carbon materials has the potential to address key challenges facing various industries, including energy storage, catalysis, environmental remediation, and renewable energy. As researchers continue to explore new methods for the production and functionalization of these materials, it is likely that their use in a wide range of applications will become increasingly prevalent.Furthermore, the use of biomass-derived carbon materials can also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of sustainable development. Carbon materials derived from agricultural waste can be considered as a form of carbon sequestration, which helps to mitigate climate change. Moreover, the utilization of biomass as a feedstock for the production of carbon materials can provide economic benefits to rural communities by creating new employment opportunities and improving the value of agricultural waste.However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of biomass-derived carbon materials. One of the challenges is the variability of the biomass feedstock, which can affect the quality and performance of the resulting carbon materials. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective methods for biomass processing and characterization to ensure consistent quality and performance of the carbon materials.Another challenge is the high energy consumption and costassociated with the production of biomass-derived carbon materials. Improving the efficiency and reducing the cost of the production process is critical for the widespread adoption of these materials in various applications.Finally, the environmental impact of the production and use of biomass-derived carbon materials needs to be carefully assessed to ensure that they are indeed environmentally friendly and sustainable. This includes minimizing the use of chemicals and energy-intensive processes, as well as evaluating the potential impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.In conclusion, biomass-derived carbon materials hold great promise for addressing key challenges facing various industries and contributing to sustainable development. However, further research and development is needed to overcome the challenges associated with their production and use, and to ensure that they are indeed environmentally friendly and sustainable.。



超级电容在电子式电能表的应用邢祝贺【摘要】超级电容,称为超大容量电容器,又名法拉电容.超级电容以安全节能、新型环保、重复利用性强等显著优势和特点,日益成为各类电子产品电源的主题如汽车音响、电话机、智能家电、电表、税控机、行车记录仪、儿童电动玩具、录音机、节能灯.文章主要介绍超级电容在电子式电能表上作为备份数据电源总体思路,且着重介绍超级电容选型、充电电路设计、PWM调制控制电路和放电电路设计.该设计具有充电能量可调、寿命长、节约器件和人力成本等特点.%Super capacitor, also known as Fala capacitor. Super capacitor is safe, energy saving, environmentally friendly and reusable. So it has increasingly become the theme of power supply of all kinds of electronic products such as car audio, telephones, smart appliances, meters, tax control machine, vehicle traveling data recorder, children toys, recorder, and lamps. This paper mainly introduces the general idea of the power supply of the backup data in the electronic energy meter, and introduces the super capacitor selection, charging circuit design, PWM modulation control circuit and discharge circuit design. The design has the characteristics of energy saving, long service life, saving device and human cost.【期刊名称】《价值工程》【年(卷),期】2016(035)003【总页数】3页(P106-108)【关键词】超级电容;电子式电能表;充电电路;PWM控制电路;放电电路【作者】邢祝贺【作者单位】宁波三星医疗电气股份有限公司,宁波315000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM933.4随着科学技术发展,电子式电能表取代机械式电能表已近完成,而电能表作为电能计量标准器具,其数据安全对于国家电网、电力局和终端客户都是最为重要的内容。



超级电容器实验室测试工艺工作电极的制作(合肥工业大学李学良老师)电化学超级电容器(Electrochemical Supercapacitors,缩写为ES),也叫电化学电容器(Electrochemical Capacitors),或简称为超级电容器(Supercapacitors or Ultracapacitors),是上世纪60、70年代率先在美国出现,并于80年代随着电动车行业的发展而迅速发展起来的一类新兴的储能器件[1]。

超级电容器的能量密度是传统电容器的几百倍,功率密度高出电池两个数量级,很好地弥补了电池功率低、大电流充放电性能差和传统电容器能量密度小的缺点.此外,超级电容器具有温度适应范围宽、循环寿命长(大于100000次)、充放电速度快(几毫秒)、循环效率高(大于99 %)、无污染等优良特性,因此,超级电容器有望成为本世纪新型的绿色能源[2]。

一、实验步骤1)极片制备称取活性碳粉末,与乙炔黑、PTFE按质量比80:10:10混合均匀,加入一定量无水乙醇,搅拌至膏状浆料,于90 ℃下干燥至半干状态.采用辊压法,以不锈钢网作为集流体,将其压成10 mm×10 mm的电极片,于120 ℃下干燥至恒重,即制得本研究所需的电极极片.未压片之前在电子天平上称出镍网集流体的质量,压片并干燥后再次称量,从而算得单电极活性物质质量。

图1 电容器电极的制备工艺2)电化学性能检测三电极体系测试要求:(备注:要求测试体系稳定,故借助参比电极)以自制的碳电极为研究电极,氧化汞电极(Hg/HgO)为参比电极,2 cm×2 cm铂片为辅助电极,组装成三电极体系.在—0.6 ~0.15 V (vs. Hg/HgO)电位范围内对体系进行循环伏安测试,测试循环伏安特性;在0。

001~100000 Hz 频率范围进行交流阻抗测试,交流信号振幅为5 mV 。

图2 电化学电容器测试装置充放电性能一般采用两电极体系,测试仪可以是电化学工作站(若要求测试精度很高,获得精确的电化学动力学参数,强烈建议采用电化学工作站测试),对自制电极进行恒流充放电测试,考查其放电比容量、循环寿命等性能。



电催化剂英语Electrochemical Catalysts: Revolutionizing Energy Conversion and StorageElectrochemical catalysts have emerged as a critical component in the global pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. These remarkable materials have the ability to accelerate chemical reactions, enabling more efficient and cost-effective energy conversion and storage technologies. From fuel cells to metal-air batteries, electrochemical catalysts have the potential to transform the way we harness and utilize energy, paving the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future.At the heart of electrochemical catalysis lies the intricate interplay between the catalyst's structure, composition, and the electrochemical reactions it facilitates. Catalysts can be designed to target specific reactions, optimizing their performance and selectivity. This tailored approach allows for the development of highly efficient systems that can overcome the limitations of traditional energy technologies.One of the primary applications of electrochemical catalysts is in fuelcells. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of fuels, such as hydrogen or methanol, directly into electrical energy. The efficiency of fuel cells is largely dependent on the performance of the catalysts used in the electrochemical reactions. Platinum-based catalysts have been widely used in fuel cell technology, but their high cost and limited availability have driven the search for alternative, more cost-effective catalysts.Researchers have explored a wide range of non-precious metal catalysts, such as transition metal oxides, nitrides, and sulfides, as well as carbon-based materials, to address the cost and scarcity issues associated with platinum. These alternative catalysts have shown promising performance, often matching or even exceeding the activity and durability of their platinum-based counterparts. The development of these cost-effective and earth-abundant catalysts has the potential to significantly improve the commercialization and widespread adoption of fuel cell technology.Another crucial application of electrochemical catalysts is in metal-air batteries, which have gained attention due to their high energy density and potential for low-cost energy storage. In these batteries, the electrochemical reactions at the air cathode are catalyzed by specific materials, enabling efficient oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution. The performance of these catalysts directly impacts the battery's energy efficiency, cycle life, and overall viability as anenergy storage solution.Researchers have explored a variety of catalyst materials for metal-air batteries, including transition metal oxides, perovskites, and carbon-based materials. These catalysts have shown improved activity, stability, and selectivity, addressing the challenges associated with traditional metal-air battery technologies. The development of advanced electrochemical catalysts has the potential to unlock the full potential of metal-air batteries, making them a more attractive option for large-scale energy storage applications.Beyond fuel cells and metal-air batteries, electrochemical catalysts play a crucial role in other energy conversion and storage technologies, such as water electrolysis and metal-ion batteries. In water electrolysis, catalysts are used to facilitate the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, enabling the production of clean hydrogen fuel. Similarly, in metal-ion batteries, electrochemical catalysts can enhance the efficiency of the redox reactions, leading to improved energy density and cycle life.The versatility of electrochemical catalysts extends beyond energy applications. These materials also find use in environmental remediation, such as the electrochemical treatment of wastewater and the removal of pollutants. Catalysts can be designed to selectively target and degrade various contaminants, making themvaluable tools in the quest for sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.The development of advanced electrochemical catalysts is an ongoing and dynamic field of research, with scientists and engineers continuously exploring new materials, structures, and synthesis methods to enhance their performance and cost-effectiveness. Computational modeling and machine learning techniques have played a crucial role in accelerating the discovery and optimization of novel catalyst materials, enabling rapid progress in this field.As the global demand for clean and efficient energy solutions continues to grow, the importance of electrochemical catalysts cannot be overstated. These remarkable materials hold the key to unlocking the full potential of energy conversion and storage technologies, paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally-conscious future. Through continued research and innovation, electrochemical catalysts will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the energy landscape of tomorrow.。



电化学吸附英文Electrochemical AdsorptionElectrochemical adsorption is a fundamental process in many important applications, such as energy storage, catalysis, and environmental remediation. This process involves the interaction between a solid surface and dissolved species, leading to the accumulation of the latter on the former. The driving force behind this phenomenon is the interplay between electrical and chemical forces, which can be harnessed to achieve desirable outcomes.At the heart of electrochemical adsorption is the concept of the electrical double layer, which describes the distribution of ions and charged species at the interface between a solid surface and a liquid electrolyte. This double layer, which can be several nanometers thick, is composed of an inner layer of specifically adsorbed ions and an outer layer of more diffusely distributed ions. The potential difference across this double layer, known as the surface potential, plays a crucial role in determining the extent and nature of the adsorption process.One of the key factors that influence electrochemical adsorption isthe surface charge of the solid material. Depending on the pH of the solution and the point of zero charge (PZC) of the solid, the surface can be positively or negatively charged. This surface charge, in turn, affects the adsorption of ions and molecules from the solution. For example, if the surface is positively charged, it will preferentially adsorb anions from the solution, while a negatively charged surface will attract cations.The strength of the adsorption interaction is also influenced by the chemical nature of the adsorbate and the adsorbent. Specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding, ion-dipole interactions, and van der Waals forces, can all contribute to the overall adsorption energy. Additionally, the morphology and surface area of the adsorbent material can play a significant role in the adsorption capacity and kinetics.One of the key applications of electrochemical adsorption is in the field of energy storage. In electrochemical capacitors, also known as supercapacitors, the storage of energy is achieved through the reversible adsorption and desorption of ions at the electrode-electrolyte interface. The high surface area of the electrode materials, combined with the rapid kinetics of the adsorption process, allows for the development of high-power energy storage devices with long cycle life.Another important application of electrochemical adsorption is in the area of catalysis. Many catalytic processes, such as fuel cell reactions and electrochemical water splitting, involve the adsorption of reactants and intermediates on the catalyst surface. The controlled adsorption of these species can enhance the catalytic activity and selectivity, leading to improved efficiency and performance.Environmental remediation is yet another field where electrochemical adsorption plays a crucial role. The removal of heavy metals, organic pollutants, and other contaminants from water and wastewater can be achieved through the adsorption of these species onto electrode materials. The ability to tune the surface properties of the adsorbent, as well as the application of an external electric field, can enhance the selectivity and efficiency of the adsorption process.In addition to these well-established applications, electrochemical adsorption is also being explored in emerging fields, such as electrochemical sensors, energy harvesting, and biomedical applications. The versatility and tunability of this process make it a valuable tool in the development of innovative technologies.To further advance the understanding and application of electrochemical adsorption, ongoing research is focused on several key areas. These include the development of novel adsorbent materials with tailored surface properties, the investigation of thefundamental mechanisms governing the adsorption process, and the optimization of the operating conditions and system design for various applications.In conclusion, electrochemical adsorption is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that underpins a wide range of important technologies. By harnessing the interplay between electrical and chemical forces, researchers and engineers can harness the power of this process to address pressing challenges in energy, environment, and beyond. As our understanding of electrochemical adsorption continues to deepen, we can expect to see even more innovative applications emerge in the years to come.。











首次采用多孔三维MXene-rRO气凝胶正极、锌箔负极和2摩尔ZnSO4电解质制备了MXene-rRO//ZnSO4//Zn ZHSC。

结果表明,MXene-rRO2//ZnSO4//Zn ZHSC具有优异的电化学性能,最大比电容为129 F g-1(0.4 A g-1),能量密度为35 Wh kg-1(280 W kg-1)。

更重要的是,在电流密度为5 A g-1时,经过75000次充放电循环后,电容保持率仍高于初始电容的95%。



以二维层状的二硫化钛插层/脱层电池型电极代替传统的锌箔电极作为负极,与活性炭电容型正极和2摩尔ZnSO4电解质组装到一起制备了TiS2//ZnSO4//AC ZHSC。



摘要:提出采用超级电容,即双电层电容器EDLC(Electric Double—Layer Capacitor)代替铅酸蓄电池 设计的直流操作电源系统。超级电容用于为冲击负荷和故障负荷提供电能.可根据负荷大小确定超
级电容的容量,一般选择1 F/300 V,一只或多只并联。对于超级电容的储能密度不如铅酸蓄电池高
使电源系统的平均故障间隔时问MTBF(Mcan Time Between Failure)提高了1.5倍。应用结果表明
表l超级电容与铅酸蓄电池特性比较 Tab.1 Comparison of chara(·teristics between
supercapacitor and lead·acid battery
[3]陈永真.超级电容器原理及应用[C]∥中国电源学会第15届全 国技术论文集.上海:中国电源学会,2004:499.502. CHEN Yongzhen.Principle and application of supercapacitor[C]∥ Proceedings of the 15th Annual Science Conference fur CPSS. Shahlshai:China Power Supply Society,2004:499-502.
[5]张丹丹,姚宗千.大容世高储能密度电化学电容器的研究进展 [J].电子元件与材料,2000,19(1):34—37. ZHANG Dandan.YAO Zonggan.111e development of the study on the electrochemical eapm‘ilor of high capacitance and energy density[J].ElectronicComponents&Materials,2000,19(1):34—37.



磷酸铁锂电池的电解液1. 引言磷酸铁锂电池是一种常见的锂离子电池,其具有高能量密度、长循环寿命和较好的安全性能等优点,因此在电动汽车、便携式设备和储能系统等领域得到广泛应用。



2. 磷酸铁锂电池概述磷酸铁锂电池是一种以磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)为正极材料、碳材料为负极材料的二次电池。



3. 磷酸铁锂电池的主要组成部分磷酸铁锂电池由正极、负极、电解液和隔膜等主要组成部分构成。


4. 磷酸铁锂电池的电解液组成磷酸铁锂电池的电解液主要由以下几个组分组成: - 溶剂:通常采用有机溶剂,如碳酸酯类、丙烯腈类等。


- 锂盐:常用的锂盐有六氟磷酸锂(LiPF6)、三氟甲磺酸锂(LiCF3SO3)等。


- 添加剂:为了改善电解液的性能,通常会添加一些功能性添加剂,如导电剂、稳定剂等。

5. 磷酸铁锂电池的电解液性能要求磷酸铁锂电池的电解液需要满足以下几个方面的性能要求: - 良好的离子导电性:电解液需要具有良好的离子传输能力,以实现充放电过程中锂离子的快速迁移。

- 适当的粘度:电解液的粘度需要适中,既要保证离子传输速率,又要避免过高的粘度对电池性能造成不利影响。

- 良好的化学稳定性:电解液需要具有良好的化学稳定性,以避免在高温或过充放电等情况下发生不可逆的化学反应。

- 优良的热稳定性:电解液需要具有较高的热稳定性,以保证在高温环境下不发生剧烈反应。

- 较低的蒸发率:电解液应具有较低的蒸发率,以减少因蒸发而导致的容量损失。




以下是店铺分享给大家的关于超级电容基本参数概念,欢迎大家前来阅读!超级电容基本参数概念:超级电容器具有比二次电池更长的使用寿命,但它的使用寿命并不是无限的,超级电容器基本失效的形式是电容内阻的增加( ESR)与(或) 电容容量的降低.,电容实际的失效形式往往与用户的应用有关,长期过温(温度)过压 (电压),或者频繁大电流放电都会导致电容内阻的增加或者容量的减小。



一、电压 Voltage超级电容器具有一个推荐的工作电压或者最佳工作电压,这个值是根据电容在最高设定温度下最长工作时间来确定的。



二、极性 Polarity超级电容器采用对称电极设计,也就说,他们具有类似的结构。











本工作首先通过HF和HCl/LiF刻蚀前驱体Ti3AlC2制备出具有丰富表面基团的Ti3C2Tx(HF-48、HF-72、HCl-6M和HCl-9M),经过XRD、SEM、和EDS 等表征发现,相较HF-48、HF-72和HCl-9M,HCl-6M的-F基团含量较低,层间距离较大。

利用循环伏安法(CV)、恒电流充电/放电(GCD)和电化学阻抗(EIS)等电化学测试手段对电极材料进行电化学性能研究,结果表明:在1M H2SO4电解液中HCl-6M的比容量达到303F g-1,明显高于HF-48、HF-72和HCl-6M的比容量(分别为:112F g-1、198F g-1、143F g-1)。






电池革命 美国nanotek公司新发明石墨烯电池-英文原文

电池革命 美国nanotek公司新发明石墨烯电池-英文原文

/NanoLett Graphene Surface-Enabled Lithium Ion-Exchanging Cells:Next-Generation High-Power Energy Storage DevicesBor Z.Jang,*,†Chenguang Liu,†David Neff,†Zhenning Yu,‡Ming C.Wang,‡Wei Xiong,‡andAruna Zhamu*,†,‡†Nanotek Instruments,Inc.and‡Angstron Materials,Inc.,1242McCook Avenue,Dayton,Ohio45404,United Statesb Supporting InformationL ithium ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors(super-capacitors),separately or in combination,are being consid-ered for electric vehicle(EV),renewable energy storage,and smart grid applications.1À5A major scientific challenge is to either significantly increase the energy density of conventional supercapacitors or dramatically improve the power density of lithium ion batteries.2,3Supercapacitors work on two main charge storage mechan-isms:surface ion adsorption(electric double layer capacitance, EDL)and redox reactions(pseudocapacitance).1,2Compared with batteries,supercapacitors deliver a higher power density, offer a much higher cycle-life,need a very simple charging circuit, and are generally much safer.However,supercapacitors exhibit very low energy densities(e.g.,5Wh/kg cell for commercial activated carbon-based supercapacitors versus100À150Wh/ kg cell for the commercial Li-ion battery,all based on the total cell weight).2Previous attempts to increase the gravimetric energy of supercapacitors have included the use of electrode materials with enhanced gravimetric capacitances6or the pseudocapacitance provided by nanostructured transition metal oxides.7À9How-ever,the prohibitively high cost of ruthenium-based oxides and the cycling instability of manganese-based oxides9À11have impeded the commercial application of these supercapacitors. In2006,our research group reported graphene-based electrodes for both EDL and redox supercapacitors,12which has since become a topic of intensive research.13À19Significant progress has been made using pseudocapacitance(e.g.,redox pairs between graphene oxideÀMnO216or grapheneÀpolyaniline17,18)and ionic liquid electrolyte with a high operating voltage13,19for improved energy density.However,these supercapacitors have yet to exhibit a sufficiently high energy density or power density for EV and renewable energy applications.Lithium-ion batteries operate on Faradaic reactions in the bulk of the active material.This bulk storage mechanism provides a much higher energy density(120À150Wh/kg cell)as compared to supercapacitors.However,storing lithium in the bulk of a material implies that lithium must leave the interior of a cathode active particle and eventually enter the bulk of an anode active particle during recharge,and vice versa during discharge.Because of the extremely low solid-state diffusion rates,these processes are kinetics-limited.As a result,lithium ion batteries deliver a very low power density(100À1000W/kg cell),requiring typically hours for recharge.Several efforts have been made to increase the power char-acteristics of lithium-ion batteries by reducing the dimensions of lithium storage materials down to the nanometer scale,which would reduce the lithium diffusion time.20À23However,nanos-tructured lithium storage electrodes(e.g.,nanoparticles of lithium titanate anode or lithium iron phosphate cathode)are still not capable of delivering a power density comparable to that of supercapacitor electrodes.Recently,Lee et al.24used chemically functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MW-CNTs)to replace activated carbon(AC)as a cathode active material and Li4Ti5O12as an anode active material in a lithium-ion capacitor(LIC)cell.In this LIC cell,the Li4Ti5O12anode still requires lithium intercalationReceived:May31,2011Revised:August1,2011ABSTRACT:Herein reported is a fundamentally new strategy for the design of high-power and high energy-density devices.This approach is based on the exchange of lithium ions between the surfaces(not the bulk)of two nanos-tructured electrodes,completely obviating the need for lithium intercalation or deintercalation.In both electrodes,massive graphene surfaces in direct contact with liquid electrolyte are capable of rapidly and reversibly capturing lithium ions through surface adsorption and/or surface redox reaction.These devices,based on unoptimized materials and configuration,are already capable of storing an energy density of160Wh/kg cell,which is30times higher than that(5Wh/kg cell) of conventional symmetric supercapacitors and comparable to that of Li-ion batteries.They are also capable of delivering a power density of100kW/kg cell, which is10times higher than that(10kW/kg cell)of supercapacitors and100times higher than that(1kW/kg cell)of Li-ion batteries. KEYWORDS:Supercapacitor,battery,graphene,energy density,functional groupPublished:August08,2011into and out of the bulk of a solid particle,which remains slow and provides relatively low energy density and power density.Lee et al.24also investigated a half-cell con figuration,wherein the anode contains a current collector and a lithium foil.Very impressive power densities,even higher than those of super-capacitors,were observed.However,these exceptional power densities could only be achieved with an electrode thickness of 0.3À3μm obtained by the layer-by-layer (LBL)approach.Further,since the speci fic surface area of a current collector (typically ,1m 2/g)is too low to accommodate massive amounts of returning lithium ions,the overall lithium redeposi-tion rate can become surface area-limited.This con figuration is also conducive to the formation of dendrites upon repeated charges and discharges.A new paradigm is herein presented for constructing high-power lithium cells,which are totally graphene surface-mediated or surface-enabled,involving exchange of massive lithium ions between two nanostructured graphene electrodes.As illustrated in Figure 1,both the cathode and the anode are porous,having large amounts of graphene surfaces in direct contact with liquid electrolyte,thereby enabling fast and direct surface adsorption of lithium ions and/or surface functional group-lithium interaction,and obviating the need for intercala-tion.When the cell is made,particles or foil of lithium metal are implemented at the anode (upper portion of Figure 1a),which are ionized during the first discharge cycle,supplying a large amount of lithium ions.These ions migrate to the nanostruc-tured cathode through liquid electrolyte,entering the pores and reaching the surfaces in the interior of the cathode without having to undergo solid-state intercalation (lower left diagram in Figure 1a).When the cell is recharged,a massive flux of lithium ions are quickly released from the large amount of cathode surface,migrating into the anode zone.The large surface area of the nanostructured anode enable concurrent and high-rate deposition of lithium ions (lower right portion of Figure 1a),re-establishing an electrochemical potential di fference between the lithium-decorated anode and the cathode.A particularly useful nanostructured electrode material is the nanographene platelet (NGP),which refers to either a single-layer graphene sheet or multilayer graphene platelets.A single-layer graphene sheet is a 2D hexagon lattice of carbon atoms covalently bonded along two plane directions.25À28In this study,both oxidized and reduced single-layer and multilayer graphene were prepared from natural graphite (N),petroleum pitch-derived arti ficial graphite (M),micrometer-scaled graphite fibers (C),exfoliated graphite (G or EG),AC,carbon black (CB),and chemically treated carbon black (t-CB).AC and CB contain narrower graphene sheets or aromatic rings as a building block,while graphite and graphite fibers contain wider graphene sheets.Their microstructures all must be ex-foliated (to increase intergraphene spacing in graphite)or activated (to open up nano gates or pores,Figure 1b)to allow liquid electrolyte to access more graphene edges and surfaces (experimental details provided in Supporting Information).Coin-size cells were constructed to test these nanostructured carbon materials.Electrodes were prepared with 85%active material,5%conductive additive,and 10%binder.Results were calculated per total cathode material and per total cell weight (approximated as cathode weight Â5).The samples were thermally exfoliated graphite (Cell G),graphene from chemically reduced graphene oxide (Cell N),graphene from oxidized arti ficial mesophasegraphite (Cell M),graphene from oxidizedFigure 1.(a)Upper portion shows the structure of a fully surface-enabled,Li ion-exchanging cell when it is made,containing an anode current collector and a nanostructured material at the anode,a Li ion source (e.g.,pieces of Li foil or surface-stabilized Li powder),a porous separator,liquid electrolyte,a nanostructured functional material at the cathode.The lower left portion shows the structure of this cell after its first discharge (Li is ionized with the Li ions di ffusing through liquid electrolyte to reach surface-borne functional groups in the nanostruc-tured cathode and rapidly reacting with these groups).Lower right portion shows the structure of this cell after being recharged (Li ions are rapidly released from the massive cathode surface,di ffusing through liquid electrolyte to reach the anode side,where the huge surface areas can serve as a supporting substrate onto which massive amounts of Li ions can electrodeposit concurrently,and (b)schematic of the internal structure of a treated carbon black particle with pores or gates opened to provide accessibility by liquid electrolyte in such a manner that the functional groups attached to an edge or surface of an aromatic ring or small graphene sheet can readily react with Li ions.carbon fiber (Cell C),carbon black (Cell CB),oxidized carbon black (t-CB),and activated carbon (Cell AC).These materials have certain functional groups (e.g.,>C d O and ÀCOOH)that are naturally formed during the preparation process.The gra-phen oxide sheets are mostly single-layered,based on the results of combined Brunauer ÀEmmett ÀTeller (BET)surface analysis,atomic force microscopy (AFM)(Figure 2a),and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)(Figure 2b).The constituent graphite flakes in a graphite worm or exfoliated graphite (Figure 2c)remain interconnected as a network of 3D elec-tron-conducting paths,and the meso-and macroscaled pores between flake walls are easily accessible to liquid electrolyte.The Galvanostatic charge/discharge curves and cyclic voltam-metry (CV)diagrams of Cells M,C,G,and N are shown in Figure 3a,b,respectively.No clear redox peak is observed in Figure 3b.It may be noted that the CV curves of both the conventional pseudocapacitors and lithium-ion batteries tend to exhibit a strong redox peak due to slower Faradaic redox reactions in the bulk of an electrode active material (e.g.,polyaniline in a pseudocapacitor,lithium titanate in a lithium-ion battery,and Li x C 6O 6in an organic electrode battery 29).The lack of a strong,well-de fined redox reaction peak in the CVs of our fully surface-mediated devices and the LBL CNT device of Lee,et al.24might be due to the following reasons:(1)the reaction between surface functional groups and ultrasmall lithium ions are relatively fast and of low activation barrier (Figure 1b);24,25,30À32(2)fast adsorption of Li on a benzene ring center of a graphene sheet;33À35(3)fast trapping of Li ions in graphene defect sites;36and/or (4)electric double-layer formation.Possible lithium-capturing mechanisms of graphene surfaces are further discussed in Supporting Information.The NGP-mediated electrodes provide the cells (e.g.,Cell M)with a speci fic capacity of 127mAh/g at a current density of 1A/g,reaching an energy density of 85Wh/kg cell (Figure 3c)at a current density of 0.1A/g,which is 17times higher than the typically 5Wh/kg cell of commercial AC-based symmetric super-capacitors.The cell-level energy density and power density data presented in Figure 3c,d were obtained by dividing the corre-sponding values (based on single-electrode weight)in Support-ing Information Figure S12and S13bya factor of 5.Figure 2.(a)AFM image of single-layer graphene oxide sheets from natural graphite,(b)single-layer graphene sheets stacked over the sample-supporting TEM microgrids,and (c)scanning electron microscopy image of exfoliated graphite.Another graphene surface-mediated cell (Cell N,Figure 3d)exhibits an even higher energy density of 160Wh/kg cell ,comparable to that of a lithium-ion battery.The energy density of Cell-N maintains a value over 51.2Wh/kg cell even at a current density as high as 10A/g,delivering a power density of 4.55kW/kg cell .The power density of commercial AC-based symmetric supercapacitors is typically in the range of 1À10kW/kg cell at an energy density of 5Wh/kg cell ,This implies that,compared with a conventional supercapacitor at the same power density,the surface-mediated devices can deliver >10times the energy density.The power density of Cell N is 25.6kW/kg cell at 50A/g with an energy density of 24Wh/kg cell .The power density increases to 93.7kW/kg cell at 200A/g with an energy density of 12Wh/kg cell (Figure 3d).This power density is 1order of magnitude higher than that of conventional supercapacitors that are noted for their high power densities,and 2À3orders of magnitude higher than that (typically 0.1À1.0kW/kg cell )of conventional lithium-ion batteries.These data have clearly demonstrated that the surface-enabled cells are a class of energy storage cells by itself,distinct from both conventional supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries.Figure 3b contains a comparison of CV data showing that the carbon fiber-derived graphene (Cell C)and mesophase carbon-derived graphene (M)have better performance than thermally exfoliated graphite (G)as an electrode active material.This is in line with the observation that C and M exhibited signi ficantly higher ÀCOOH and ÀC d O contents (Figure 4b),which are capable of capturing Li ions via a fast surface redox reaction.Figure 3d indicates that the energy density and power density values of CB can be signi ficantly increased by subjecting CB to a treatment that involves an exposure to a mixture of sulfuric acid,sodium nitrate,and potassium permanganate for 24h.The BET surface area was found to increase from approximately 122m 2/g to approximately 300m 2/g,resulting in a capacity increase from 8.47to 46.63mAh/g).Although AC has a high speci fic surface area (1200m 2/g),a signi ficant proportion of the pores in AC are microscopic pores (<1nm)and,hence,are not accessible to organic liquid electrolyte.Hence,Cell AC does not exhibit higher power and energy densities compared to NGP cells.The cycling performance for M cell is shown in Figure 4a and that for other cells (e.g.,N and AC)is in Supporting Information Figure S3.Measurements were taken once every 100cycles during a 0.1A/g charge and discharge,following the same method with literature 24(for comparison purpose).All other cycles were run at an accelerated rate of 1A/g.After 1000cycles,the retention of capacity remains above 95%,which illustrates the good cyclability of the electrode.The cyclability can be further improved with additional research.It may be noted that more than 30graphene surface-enabled cells have been investigated for more than 2000cycles,and we have found no evidence to indicate the initiation of any dendrite-like structure.The presence of functional groups,such as ÀCOOH and >C d O,in chemically prepared graphene oxide have been well documented.37,38The formation of these functional groups is a natural result of the oxidizing reactions of graphite by sulfuric acid and strong oxidizing agents (e.g.,nitric acid and potassium permanganate).Both unseparated graphite worms and the separated NGPs have surface-or edge-borne functional groups.Carbonyl groups (>C d O)in organic and polymeric electrodes were found to be capable of readily reacting with lithium ions to form redox pairs.24,29According to Lee et al.,24ÀCOOH groups on CNT surfaces are capable of reversibly and rapidly forming a redox pair with a lithium ion duringthe charge and dischargeFigure 3.(a)Charge/discharge curves of three surface-enabled cells (M =NGP from mesophase carbon-derived graphite,C =NGP from carbon fibers,G =from exfoliated natural graphite),and N =chemically reduced version of graphene oxide nanosheets.The discharge current density is 1A/g.(b)The CV plots of the same cells at the scan rate 25mV/s,(c,d)Ragone plots of these and CB,t-CB,and AC cells with thick cathodes.cycles of a battery.It is conceivable that Li ions also can react with the >C d O and ÀCOOH groups on the graphene planes or edges of separated graphene sheets,the unseparated graphene sheets that constitute graphite worms,and the aromatic rings (small graphene sheets)in AC or treated CB.The typical gravimetric capacitance of NGP electrodes in the voltage range 3À4.2V versus Li (with a comparable voltage scale of 0to ∼1.2V versus standard hydrogen electrode (SHE))is 150À350F/g.Since carbonyl (>C d O)groups,for instance,can be reduced by Li +and reversibly oxidized,capacitance obtained can be attributed to the Faradaic reactions of oxygen on the graphene edge or surface,illustrated as follows >C d O graphene þLi þþe ÀT >C ÀOLi grapheneOn the basis of elemental analysis,the oxygen content of natural graphite-,arti ficial graphite-,and carbon fiber-derived graphene oxide samples were 12.9,28.8,and 20.8%,respectively.The FTIR spectra of the three cathode materials,shown in Figure 4b,indicate that both Cell M and Cell C exhibit more ÀCOOH and >C d O groups compared to Cell G.This is consistent with the observations that Cells M and C exhibit higher energy density and power density than Cell G provided that Li bonding with these functional groups is a primary lithium-capturing mechanism.The role of surface functional groups in providing high capacitances in graphite-derived graphene was further illustrated by comparing the speci fic capacitance of the graphene material before and after exposure to a reduction treatment (in 4%H 2and 96%N 2at 900°C for 3h).As shown in Figure 4c,the gravimetric current of the graphene electrode in Cell M decreased consider-ably (by 65%)after this thermal reduction treatment to reduce the number of functional groups.The capacitance of the reduced-NGP cell is 43mAh/g and 50F/g at acurrent density of 1A/g.Figure 4.(a)Cycle performance of the graphene-enabled Cell M.Measurements were taken once every 100cycles during a 0.1A/g charge and discharge.All other cycles were run at an accelerated rate of 1A/g.By the end of the test,the capacity was 95%of the original value.The retention may be further improved with optimization of the material preparation procedure.(b)FTIR spectra of the three materials,indicating that both exfoliated mesophase carbon-and carbon-fiber-based electrodes (M and C)exhibit more ÀCOOH and >C d O groups compared to the exfoliated graphite sample (G).(c)Cyclic voltammetry plots of oxidized M cell and a partially reduced M cell.(d)Ragone plot of oxidized M cell and a partially reduced M cell,indicating signi ficantly reduced capacity,energy density,and power density when a signi ficant proportion of the functional groups was eliminated.(e)The Ragone plots of graphene surface-enabled Li ion-exchanging cells with di fferent electrode thicknesses.A comparison of the energy density and power density data in the Ragone plot of Figure4d seems to suggest that the reduction in oxygen content(hence,the functional group content)led to a reduction in lithium storage capability.This observation seems to be consistent with the proposed lithium storage mechanism via the surface-based redox reaction between Li and functional groups.However,more research is needed before a more definitive mechanism can be validated.The source of extra Li+ions(e.g.,Li powder)implemented at the anode and the Li+ions pre-existing in liquid electrolyte provide large amounts of Li+ions that can be shuttled between two nanostructured electrodes,which are fully capable of captur-ing these ions due to their massive surfaces areas.This is the main reason why the surface-enabled cells exhibit exceptional energy densities.If these ions can migrate at a sufficiently high rate(short migration times),then the ultrahigh power density would be expected.This is briefly discussed below:For describing the ion transport in a cell,the NernstÀPlanck(NP)equation(eq S4in Supporting Information)may be more accurate as compared to the Fick’s Law alone.This NP equation provides theflux of ions under the influence of both an ionic concentration gradient and an electricfield.The Supporting Information provides several significant observations:(1)Conventional lithium ion batteries featuring a micro-meter-sized graphite anode and a micrometer-sized LiFe-PO4would require several hours(e.g.,7.29h)tocomplete the required processes of intercalation in oneelectrode and deintercalation in the other electrode(Supporting Information Figure S5a).This problem ofa long diffusion time can be partially alleviated by usingnanoscaled particles.(2)For the fully surface-mediated cells,the electrode thick-ness is a dominating factor.For instance,in the case ofusing functionalized NGP as the electrodes(SupportingInformation Figure S8a),the total migration time of Liions in liquid electrolyte is1.27s if the cathode and anodeare each200μm thick and separator is100μm thick.Themigration time is reduced to0.318s if the anode=cathode thickness=100μm and separator thickness=50μm.The experimental charge and discharge time datashown in Supporting Information Figure S9a,b are con-sistent with the calculation results.For a cell with ananode center-to-cathode center distance of250μm,anion migration time of0.88s was obtained throughcalculations.Experimentally,under high current densityconditions the total discharge time was found to bebetween0.4and1.5s.(3)The above observations imply that the surface-enabledcells should have an extraordinary power density,parti-cularly when the electrodes are ultrathin.The powerdensities observed with graphene-enabled,fully surface-mediated cells(with an electrode thickness of80μm,Figure4e)are comparable or slightly superior to those ofLBL f-CNT-based batteries23(thickness of3μm)atcomparable current densities.There are great amounts of suitable sites available on the edges of a graphene sheet(in an NGP,AC,or CB nanostructure)or a graphiteflake(in an exfoliated graphite worm)to accept func-tional groups.The much lower cost of AC,CB,graphene,and exfoliated graphite,and their ease of forming a bulk electrode make these nanocarbons ideal electrode materials for this new class of high-power energy storage cell.In summary,a new generation of energy storage devices has been developed with the lithium storage mechanism and kinetics elucidated.These fully surface-enabled,lithium ion-exchanging cells with their materials and structures yet to be optimized are already capable of storing an energy density of160Wh/kg cell, which is30times higher than that of conventional electric double layer(EDL)supercapacitors.The power density of 100kW/kg cell is10times higher than that(10kW/kg cell)of conventional EDL supercapacitors and100times higher than that(1kW/kg cell)of conventional lithium-ion batteries. Figure4e nicely demonstrates that the surface-enabled cells are a class of energy storage cells by itself,distinct from both super-capacitors and lithium-ion batteries.More work is needed to more clearly differentiate the dominant lithium-storage mechanism(s)between surface redox,surface adsorption, and surface defect trapping.’ASSOCIATED CONTENTb Supporting Information.Description of materials and methods.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .’AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Author*E-mail:(B.Z.J.)Bor.Jang@;(A.Z.) Aruna.Zhamu@.’ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe support from a U.S.NIST Technology Innovation Program(TIP)Grant(Program Managers:Mr.Carlos Grinspon and Dr.Felix Wu)is gratefully acknowledged.’REFERENCES(1)Conway,B.E.Electrochemical Supercapacitors:Scientific Funda-mentals and Technological Applications;Plenum Publishers:New York, 1999.(2)Simon,P.;Gogotsi,Y.Nat.Mater.2008,7,845–854.(3)Miller,J.R.;Simon,P.Science2008,321,651–652.(4)Kim,D.K.;Muralidharan,P.;Lee,H.;Ruffo,R.;Yang,Y.;Chan,C.K.;Peng,H.;Huggins,R.A.;Cui,Y.Nano Lett.2008,8,3948–3952.(5)Hu,L.B.;Choi,J.W.;Yang,Y.;Jeong,S.;Mantia,L.F.;Cui,L.F.; Cui,Y.PANS2009,106,21490–21494.(6)Chmiola,J.;Yushin,G.;Gogotsi,Y.;Portet,C.;Simon,P.; Taberna,P.L.Science2006,313,1760–1763.(7)Hu,C.C.;Chen,W.C.;Chang,K.H.J.Electrochem.Soc.2004, 151,A281–A290.(8)Fischer,A.E.;Pettigrew,K.A.;Rolison,D.R.;Stroud,R.M.; Long,J.W.Nano Lett.2007,7,281–286.(9)Amatucci,G.G.;Badway,F.;Du Pasquier,A.;Zheng,T. 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GENERAL ARTICLESElectrochemical supercapacitors: Energy storage beyond batteriesA. K. Shukla*, S. Sampath and K. VijayamohananRecently, a new class of reversible electrochemical energy storage systems have been developed that use: (a) the capacitance associated with charging and discharging of the electrical double-layer at the electrode–electrolyte interface and are hence called electrical double-layer capaci-tors (EDLCs), and (b) the pseudocapacitance with electrosorption or surface redox reactions which are referred as pseudocapacitors. While EDLCs with capacities of many tens of farads per gram of the electrode material have been achieved employing high surface-area carbon powders, fibres, or felts, much higher capacitance values are accomplished with pseudocapacitors employ-ing certain high surface-area oxides or conducting polymers. These electrochemical capacitors are being envisaged for several applications to complement the storage batteries. This article provides a brief introduction to scientific fundamentals and technological applications of electro-chemical supercapacitors. It is also stressed that there is a substantial scope for technology de-velopment in this newly emerging area, where materials science and polymer technology will have a pivotal role in conjunction with electrochemistry.A S the concern grows over fossil fuel usage, in terms of global warming and resource depletion, there will be a progressive swing to renewable energy. This will neces-sitate the development of improved methods for storing electricity when it is available and retrieving when it is needed. Electrical energy can be stored in two funda-mentally different ways: (i) indirectly, in batteries as potentially available chemical energy requiring faradaic oxidation and reduction of the electroactive reagents to release charges that can perform electrical work when they flow between two electrodes having different elec-trode potentials, and (ii) directly, in an electrostatic way as negative and positive electric charges on the plates of a capacitor by a process termed as non-faradaic electri-cal energy storage. A storage battery has two different types of active materials entrapped in a suitably conduc-tive matrix as anodes and cathodes to sustain the net cell reactions, while a capacitor comprises a dielectric sandwiched between two identical electrodes.During the storage of electrochemical energy in a bat-tery, chemical inter-conversions of the electrode mate-rials occur usually with concomitant phase changes. Although the overall energy changes can be conducted in a relatively reversible thermodynamic route, the A. K. Shukla is in the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, and S. Sampath is in the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemis-try, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India; K. Vijayamohanan is in the Physical and Materials Chemistry Labora-tory, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411 008, India.*For correspondence. (e-mail: shukla@sscu.iisc.ernet.in) charge and discharge processes in a storage battery of-ten involve irreversibility in inter-conversions of the chemical electrode-reagents. Accordingly, the cycle-life of storage batteries is usually limited, and varies with the battery type. By contrast, with energy storage by a capacitor, only an excess and a deficiency of electron charges on the capacitor plates have to be established on charge and the reverse on discharge, and no chemical changes are involved. Accordingly, a capacitor has an almost unlimited recyclability, typically between 105 and 106 times. But, unlike storage batteries, capacitors can store only a very small amount of charge unless they are large. As a result, capacitors have a substan-tially low energy-density. However, charged electrode/ solution interfaces contain double layers that have ca-pacitances of 16–50 µFcm–2, and with sufficiently large accessible surface-electrode-areas realizable with high surface-area (1000–2000 m2/g) carbon powders, felts, and aerogels, capacitances as large as ~ 100 F/g can be achieved. In recent years, the practical realization of this possibility has led to the development of a new type of capacitors termed as electrochemical supercapacitors or ultracapacitors. At present, these capacitors are pro-gressing as energy devices to complement the storage batteries1–12. A schematic comparison between the charge–discharge profiles of a battery and a superca-pacitor is presented in Figure 1.In this article, we briefly describe the types of super-capacitors and origin of their capacitances, their charac-teristics vis-à-vis a rechargeable battery along with their envisaged applications.GENERAL ARTICLESFigure 1. Schematic comparison of the galvanostatic charge–discharge profiles of a supercapacitor and storage battery for similar charge (t c) – discharge (t d) durations. V w represents the operating voltage of the supercapacitor akin to the open-circuit voltage of a storage battery, V max and V min represent the end-of-charge and end-of-discharge, respectively, and ESR is the equivalent series resistance of the capacitors.Supercapacitor types and origin of their capacitanceWhen a metal (or an electronic conductor) is brought in contact with a solid or liquid ionic-conductor, a charge accumulation is achieved electrostatically on either side of the interface, leading to the development of an elec-trical double-layer which is essentially a molecular di-electric. No charge transfer takes place across the interface and the current observed during this process is essentially a displacement current due to the rearrange-ment of charges (conventionally described as an ideally polarized electrode). Therefore, this process is non-faradaic in nature. Besides, the charge storage is also achieved by an electron transfer that produces oxidation state changes in the electrostatic materials according to Faraday’s laws in relation to electrode potentials (the so-called ideally reversible electrode). Thus, this proc-ess is faradaic in nature. Accordingly, two types of su-percapacitors have been developed and tested. One operates, by charging and discharging of the interfacial electrical double-layer. In the second type, often called pseudocapacitors or redox capacitors, the charge–discharge mechanism involves the transfer of electric charge between the phases but without any bulk phase transformation. The electrons involved in the non-faradaic electrical double-layer charging are the itiner-ant conduction-band electrons of the metal or carbon electrode, while the electrons involved in the faradaic processes are transferred to or from valence-electron states (orbitals) of the redox cathode or anode reagent. The electrons may, however, arrive in or depart from the conduction-band states of the electronically-conducting support material depending on whether the Fermi level in the electronically-conducting support lies below the highest occupied state (HOMO) of the reduc-tant or above the lowest unoccupied state (LUMO) of the oxidant. In pseudocapacitors, the non-faradaic dou-ble-layer charging process is usually accompanied by a faradaic charge-transfer.Accordingly, the capacitance (C) of supercapacitor is given byC = C dl + Cφ, (1) where C dl is the electrical double-layer capacitance and Cφ is its pseudocapacitance.The double-layer capacitance (C dl) is expressed asC dl = εA/4πt, (2) where ε is the dielectric constant of the electrical dou-ble-layer region, A is the surface area of the electrode, and t is the electrical double-layer thickness. It is obvi-ous from eq. (2) that for a larger C dl, it would be man-datory to produce a thin, high surface-area electrical double-layer and it is this combination of high surface area (e.g. 2000 m2/g) with extremely small charge sepa-ration (t ~ 10 Å) which is responsible for the origin of high value of double layer capacitance. In contrast, the best type of ceramic multilayer capacitors use a combi-nation of high ε (6500 to 10000) and low t (few mi-crons), but have lower capacitance values.The pseudocapacitance (Cφ) is brought about by a sur-face redox-reaction of the typeO ad + n e →R ad, (3) where O ad and R ad are the adsorbed oxidants and reduc-tants, and n refers to the number of electrons (e). The special aspects of pseudocapacitance arising due to the process of adsorption–desorption phenomenon of O ad/R ad on the electrode process could be understood by considering a simple model of potential variation due to coverage. According to Frumkin, for an electrical dou-ble-layer, the charge on the metal surface (q m) can be expressed asq m = q0(1 – θ) + q1θ, (4)GENERAL ARTICLESwhere q1 is the charge associated with the coverage (θ) of the adsorbed species, and q0 is the charge associated with the bare surface (1–θ).Accordingly, the capacitance (C) of the supercapaci-tor can be expressed asC = d q m/d V = (1–θ)d q0/d V – q0dθ/d V+ θd q1/d V + q1dθ/d V, (5) where V refers to the voltage developed across the su-percapacitor.Or,C = C1 (1–θ) + C2θ + (q1 – q0)dθ/d V, (6) where C1 = d q0/d V and C2 = d q1/d V.According to Frumkin’s isotherm:{θ/(1–θ)}e–2gθ = KC i, (7) where g is the interaction parameter, K is a constant that depends on the field V and C i is the concentration.On taking logarithm, eq. (7) can be written aslnθ – ln(1–θ) – 2gθ = ln K + ln C i. (8) Differentiating eq. (8) we get,{(1/θ) + (1/1–θ) – 2g}(dθ/d V) = d ln K/d V= (q1 – q0)/RTΓm, (9) where Γm is the maximum amount of adsorbed species. Substituting for dθ/d V in eq. (6) we get,C = C1(1–θ) + C2θ + {(q1 – q0)2/RTΓm)}× {θ(1–θ)/1–2gθ(1–θ)}, (10) which is also referred as Temkin’s isotherm.The first two terms in eq. (10) correspond to C dl, while the last term corresponds to Cφ.When adsorbate–adsorbate repulsive interaction is negligibly small, g = 0 and Cφ takes the following form. Cφ = {(q1 – q0)2/RTΓm}.{θ(1–θ)}, (11) which is referred as Langmuir’s isotherm.A plot of coverage (θ) vs potential (Figure 2) shows that the potential region where the capacity is found to be high, is narrow when there is no repulsive interac-tion, i.e. g = 0. However, if repulsive interaction be-tween the adsorbed species prevails, i.e. g > 0, the adsorption pseudocapacitance will be constant over a large potential-region. Strong repulsive interactions could extend the voltage region by as much as one volt exhibiting constant Cφ. Figure 2. Variation of coverage (θ) and pseudocapacitance (Cφ) with electrode potential in accordance to Langmuir and Temkin iso-therms.Figure 3. Variation of pseudocapacitance and coverage with poten-tial when more than one adsorbate is involved in the electrode reac-tion. Cφ,2 indicates the pseudocapacitance variation with only two intermediates (θ1 and θ2), while Cφ,3 indicates the variation of pseudocapacitance with potential for three intermediates (θ1, θ2 and θ3).Based on the above considerations, it is apparent that the capacity of a supercapacitor will be large if two or more adsorbed intermediates of varying coverages (θ) participate in reaction (3). Two or more intermediates will ensure not only a larger capacitance, but also a large potential range with constant capacitance. This is schematically shown in Figure 3, where Cφ is plotted against applied potential. This clearly reveals that the potential region with a high capacitance is large for a reaction in which three intermediates participate, com-pared to a reaction with two intermediates in the reac-tion scheme. This is true especially when the reversible potentials for each of these couples are widely separated and the saturation charge of the second is greater than the first. If the charge associated with the saturation coverage of the two species is the same, then only a single capacitance peak would be observed, no matter how widely the reversible potentials of these species are separated. In general, Cφ (typically, qφ = 220 µCcm–2) C dl (typically, q dl = 20 µCcm–2); qφ and q dl are re-spective charges associated with the pseudocapacitanceGENERAL ARTICLESand the electrical double-layer. It is estimated that the energy (E = ½CV2) stored in a one-Volt electrical dou-ble-layer capacitor with porous carbon electrodes hav-ing a surface area of 1000 m2/g is ~ 28 Wh/kg. For comparison, a one-Volt supercapacitor with a pseudo-capacitance (θ = 0.2, n = 1 and g = 0) held between car-bon electrodes of a similar surface area could store as large as ~ 1876 Wh/kg of energy. In practice, however, it has not been possible to achieve these energy densi-ties with any of the supercapacitors developed so far. But, this suggests a definite scope for technology de-velopment in supercapacitors.Materials for supercapacitorsThe critical components of supercapacitors include the electrodes, electrolyte and the separator. The character-istics of electrode materials for supercapacitors include high cyclability, long-term stability, high surface areas, and resistance to electrochemical oxidation/reduction. The focus seems to be, however, on achieving high sur-face areas with low ‘matrix’ resistivity. Carbonaceous materials have been particularly popular owing to their large surface areas. High temperature heat-treatment of active carbon precursors such as coconut shells, wood powders, coal tar, resins and resorcinol-formaldehyde and related polymers yield active electrode materials with surfaces ranging between 1000 and 1500 m2/g, that result in capacities as high as 500 F/g in alkaline elec-trolytes. Another class of materials includes modified carbon and carbon-composites such as activated carbon-polyacene, platinized activated carbon, polyoxometal-late modified carbon and carbon-inert particulate-material which have led to capacitance values between 150 and 200 F/cm2. Besides, conducting metal oxides such as RuO2 and IrO2 yield capacities of the order of 150–250 µF/cm2, which happen to be several times lar-ger than the carbon-based capacitors. These values arise from pseudocapacitance believed to occur between the surface ruthenium ions and protons. Indeed, substan-tially high specific capacitance values near 768 F/g have been achieved when a sol-gel derived amorphous RuO x.xH2O is used as the electrode material. Activated glassy carbon and high surface area gold are planar or extended area electrode materials that provide both high and short pulse charges. The absence of porous charac-ter associated with the electrode structure and/or the absence of any faradaic process is required for short-pulse capacitors with their overall capacitance arising from electrical double-layer. Conducting polymers are complementary materials to carbon and metal oxides. A wider voltage window is achieved with derivatized polythiophenes in non-aqueous solutions. However, long-term stability is still a problem. Recently, nitrides of molybdenum, titanium and iron, carbon nanotubes and mesoporous carbonaceous materials have been pro-posed as potential electrode materials for supercapaci-tors.The voltage window of a supercapacitor is dictated by the operating pH and the thermodynamic stability of various species in the electrolyte. Aqueous solutions have an inherent disadvantage of a ‘restricted’ voltage-window resulting from redox reactions involving water on the surface of electrodes. Carbon-based electrode materials, however, give high capacitances in acidic and alkaline solutions. A cursory review of the literature reveals that a wide variety of non-aqueous solvents have been examined. Various combinations of propyl-ene carbonate, dimethoxy ethanol, diethyl carbonate, 1,3-dioxolane, tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile, succinoni-trile and glutarsonitrile have been reported to yield en-ergy densities of the order of 10 Wh/kg when used with carbon electrodes. The electrolytes used are LiClO4, NaClO4, LiAsF6, BF–4,CF3SO–3 and quarternary phos-phonium salts. The choice of electrolytes demands the requirement for hermetic seals. This has led to the use of solid polymer electrolytes which are usually iono-mers. Donor polyether solvents such as polyethylene oxide (PEO), where anions are usually not coordinated to the solvent molecules unless through hydrogen bond-ing to hydroxyl end groups, are quite frequently used along with a plasticizer. The commonly used anions in preparing polymer–salt complexes follow the trend, SCN– > I– > ClO4– > CF3SO3– for the binding capacity in aprotic solvents. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based gel electrolytes have been proposed as an alternative to PEO-based systems, that lead to high conductivity and good mechanical properties such as ease of fabrication, high flexibility and low density. Composites of PEO with PAN and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) have also been attempted and specific capacitances of the order of 0.6 F/cm2 have been obtained. These capacitors have energy density of 0.85 Wh/kg and a power density of 300 W/kg.Technology developmentIn recent years, phenomenal progress has been made in the development of supercapacitors. For example, dif-ferent types of ceramic and polymeric materials for electrodes and electrolytes have been developed to make both types of supercapacitors. Conducting poly-mer-based supercapacitors using proton and lithium ion-conducting solid electrolytes have received considerable attention recently and several supercapacitor modules have been fabricated using polythiophine, polypyrrole, polyaniline and their related composites to achieve en-ergy storage of about 200 F/g. Generally the voltage of a supercapacitor is dictated by the available potential window prior to the commencement of any irreversibleGENERAL ARTICLESanodic and cathodic faradaic processes. The range withaqueous systems is about 1.23 V, but can be extended by a judicious choice of the supporting electrolyte and/or a solvent with high anodic and cathodic overpo-tential for the appropriate irreversible anodic and ca-thodic faradaic reactions. At present, the development of non-aqueous systems appears to be gaining momen-tum due to the increased energy density of such sys-tems. Gel electrolytes hold the promise of combining the advantage of solid-polymer electrolytes with the increased voltage of non-aqueous systems. Neverthe-less, only the carbon and the RuO x systems have so far been commercialized, while other systems are under various stages of development. Several characteristic features of carbon like high corrosion resistance, ac-ceptable electronic conductivity, high surface area after activation, wide availability in different structural forms and reasonable cost are specially significant for its use in supercapacitors and this coupled with hydrated ru-thenium oxide in the form of a composite gives one of the best values for capacitance (700 F/g). Nevertheless, the total charge stored in a porous carbon-based elec-trode cannot be abstracted at short times and different types of mesoporous carbonaceous materials and carbon nanotubes are under development to alleviate this limi-tation.Technological applicationsThe applications of supercapacitors are primarily envis-aged in the load-levelling function and hybridized with rechargeable batteries such as lead-acid batteries in electric vehicle-drive systems. The latter application arises from the perceived highpower capability of su-percapacitors which can, with suitable interfacing, take the main load from the battery component during vehi-cle acceleration on a gradient. Regenerative-braking systems with supercapacitors are also envisaged for partial recharging and overall energy economy. For ex-ample, 20% range enhancement can be accomplished merely by the incorporation of regenerative breaking using appropriate supercapacitor packs. Supercapacitors can store ~ 10 Wh/kg of the energy which is about a third of the energy density of the lead-acid batteries. But the supercapacitors have nearly five times the power density of the lead-acid batteries. Under high-power conditions, i.e. at high discharge rates, the super-capacitors actually exhibit higher energy density than the lead-acid batteries. The variation of energy density and power density with weight ratio for a supercapaci-tor/lead-acid battery hybrid is shown in Figure 4. The data suggest that the supercapacitor power density in-creases relative to the energy density of the hybrid combination because a greater component of capacitor is present. Besides, supercapacitors have also beenFigure 4. Relationship between energy density and power density with supercapacitor weight ratio for a lead-acid battery–supercapacitor hybrid system.Figure 5. A supercapacitor being used to light a 36 watt incandes-cent tube light. (Courtesy, CSIRO, Australia.)proposed for bridge power and pulse power applications like memory protection, automotive subsystems, mili-tary systems, etc. For example, Figure 5 shows a super-capacitor being used to power a 36 watt fluorescent-light tube. Similarly, they can be extremely valuable for energy-rich (high flux), power-poor (low-voltage) ap-plications like charging using photovoltaic panels. Supercapacitors may have to function over a wide range of temperatures and in certain environments, such as in enclosed compartments of electric vehicles or in military applications, as also for cold cranking in north-ern clime or under hot-ambient conditions in tropical locations. Under high-power operating conditions, in-ternal heat production will lead to excessive heating of the device. Thus, the factors that determine the tempera-ture dependence of the supercapacitor performance could be of vital significance in the operation of super-capacitors for various applications, for example, with regard to power availability and cycle-life. The effect ofGENERAL ARTICLESFigure 6. Self-discharge of a supercapacitor at various temperatures.Figure 7. Discharge pattern for a commercial 10 V, 1500 F Pana-sonic supercapacitor at high (300 A) and low (100 A) discharge at varying temperatures.Figure 8. Comparison of constant-current discharge of two com-mercial 5 V supercapacitors as a function of temperature. M, Max-cap, and C, Capattery. temperature on the performance of supercapacitors is shown in Figures 6–8. The self-discharge data as pre-sented in Figure 6 plays an important role for a given application, as the leakage current has to be initially estimated as a function of the temperature. ConclusionsElectrochemical capacitors are devices capable of higher charge storage several hundred times more than conventional capacitors. They are different from batter-ies and for certain types of application have several ad-vantages. The state-of-charge is a simple function of voltage and this coupled with high power density and good cycle-life enable them to be useful in applications ranging from light-weight electronic fuses, memory back-up power sources, surge protection devices to pulse power sources for smart weapons. 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