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早上好。本周第四频道推出了一个气势恢宏的《思想史》新系列节目:一切是怎样起源的?昨天,Jessica Frazier为大家列出了几个不同传统起源的故事大纲,表明了过去几千年的许多思想仍与今天有着密切的关联。直至今天,我们仍在思考这个终极问题:宇宙形成之前是什么样子的?有什么东西存在还是什么都没有?
Good morning. This week Radio 4 launched an ambitious new series of A History of Ideas entitled: How did everything begin? Andyesterday, Jessica Fr azier presented an excellent synopsis of creation stories from several divers e traditions suggesting that many ideas from pastmillennia may still have rele vance today…as we continue to ponder the ultimate bigquestion:what ca me before the universe? Was there something or nothing?
The ancient Hindu text, Vedanta-sutra starts with this very question; and call s whateverexisted before space & time: Brahman.
The big issue, even for cosmologists today, is whether or not that primordial state contained some of the information needed for the appearance and de velopment of the cosmos. And where did that information come from: From c haos? Or, from an infiniteregression of information leaking from previous universes.
Vedanta argues that useful information most likely has a sentient source, a nd thatBrahman, is conscious energy in its―purest‖state. Physical matter is transformed by thepassage of time. But Brahman exists before time and is therefore timeless, eternal.
But, then Vedanta makes an extraordinary claim: that thou art–you are B rahman. Theidea is that each soul or atma, the life force that is inhabiting ou r physical body, the selfexperiencing all the thoughts & emotions of our mind–is a tiny fragment of Brahman.And therefore, the atma soul, like Bra hman, also pre-dates the universe and is eternal.
This distinguishes the Vedantic view from many other religious creation storie s. Instead ofGod alone creating the world, then creating us to live in it; Veda nta suggests that our own consciousness and desires before the dawn of cre ation influenced how the world wasformed and developed. To use a modern o rganisational phrase, it was a type of co-creation.
And, the big thing that this co-creation accommodates is that problematic f eature of conscious beings: freewill. The Vedanta view doesn’t allow us to bl ame God for the evil orsuffering in the world. Rather, it suggests that we (an d we have to include all living beingsscattered throughout the universe, not just Radio 4 listeners) each effectively voted fora world in which we have th e opportunity not to act perfectly, if we don’t want to. So,sometimes we do hurt others; and sometimes we find ourselves on the receiving end oftheir hu rtful actions.
This is a creation story of responsibility. We may have each played an infinit esimal part inthe creation of the entire cosmos–but, we have a highly sign ificant role in the life wecreate and share with others now.
unch v.开办,发起
The police have launched an investigation into the incident...
2.ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的