



HW-RouteSim命令参考第一部 计算机命令P C A l o g i n:r o o t使用r o o t用户 p a s s w o r d:l i n u x口令是l i n u x#s h u t d o w n-h n o w关机#i n i t0关机#l o g o u t用户注销#l o g i n用户登录#i f c o n f i g显示I P地址 #i f c o n f i g e t h0<i p a d d r e s s>n e t m a s k<n e t m a s k>设置I P地址 #i f c o n f i g e h t0<i p a d d r e s s>n e t m a s k<n e t m a s k>d o w n禁用I P地址 #r o u t e a d d0.0.0.0g w<i p>设置网关#r o u t e d e l0.0.0.0g w<i p>删除网关#r o u t e a d d d e f a u l t g w<i p>设置网关#r o u t e d e l d e f a u l t g w<i p>删除网关#r o u t e显示网关#p i n g<i p>发E C H O包#t e l n e t<i p>远程登录----------------------------------第二部 交换机命令[Q u i d w a y]d i s c u r显示当前配置[Q u i d w a y]d i s p l a y c u r r e n t-c o n f i g u r a t i o n显示当前配置[Q u i d w a y]d i s p l a y i n t e r f a c e s显示接口信息[Q u i d w a y]d i s p l a y v l a n a l l显示路由信息[Q u i d w a y]d i s p l a y v e r s i o n显示版本信息[Q u i d w a y]s u p e r p a s s w o r d修改特权用户密码 [Q u i d w a y]s y s n a m e交换机命名[Q u i d w a y]i n t e r f a c e e t h e r n e t0/1进入接口视图[Q u i d w a y]i n t e r f a c e v l a n x进入接口视图[Q u i d w a y-V l a n-i n t e r f a c e x]i p a d d r e s s10.65.1.1255.255.0.0配置V L A N的I P地址[Q u i d w a y]i p r o u t e-s t a t i c0.静态路由=网关[Q u i d w a y]r i p三层交换支持[Q u i d w a y]l o c a l-u s e r f t p[Q u i d w a y]u s e r-i n t e r f a c e v t y04进入虚拟终端[S3026-u i-v t y0-4]a u t h e n t i c a t i o n-m o d e p a s s w o r d设置口令模式[S3026-u i-v t y0-4]s e t a u t h e n t i c a t i o n-m o d e p a s s w o r d s i m p l e222设置口令[S3026-u i-v t y0-4]u s e r p r i v i l e g e l e v e l3用户级别[Q u i d w a y]i n t e r f a c e e t h e r n e t0/1进入端口模式[Q u i d w a y]i n t e0/1进入端口模式[Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]d u p l e x{h a l f|f u l l|a u t o}配置端口工作状态 [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]s p e e d{10|100|a u t o}配置端口工作速率 [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]f l o w-c o n t r o l配置端口流控[Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]m d i{a c r o s s|a u t o|n o r m a l}配置端口平接扭接 [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]p o r t l i n k-t y p e{t r u n k|a c c e s s|h y b r i d}设置端口工作模式 [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]p o r t a c c e s s v l a n3当前端口加入到V L A N [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/2]p o r t t r u n k p e r m i t v l a n{I D|A l l}设t r u n k允许的V L A N [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/3]p o r t t r u n k p v i d v l a n3设置t r u n k端口的P V I D [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]u n d o s h u t d o w n激活端口[Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]s h u t d o w n关闭端口[Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]q u i t返回[Q u i d w a y]v l a n3创建V L A N[Q u i d w a y-v l a n3]p o r t e t h e r n e t0/1在V L A N中增加端口 [Q u i d w a y-v l a n3]p o r t e0/1简写方式[Q u i d w a y-v l a n3]p o r t e t h e r n e t0/1t o e t h e r n e t0/4在V L A N中增加端口 [Q u i d w a y-v l a n3]p o r t e0/1t o e0/4简写方式[Q u i d w a y]m o n i t o r-p o r t<i n t e r f a c e_t y p e i n t e r f a c e_n u m>指定镜像端口 [Q u i d w a y]p o r t m i r r o r<i n t e r f a c e_t y p e i n t e r f a c e_n u m>指定被镜像端口 [Q u i d w a y]p o r t m i r r o r i n t_l i s t o b s e r v i n g-p o r t i n t_t y p e i n t_n u m指定镜像和被镜像[Q u i d w a y]d e s c r i p t i o n s t r i n g指定V L A N描述字符 [Q u i d w a y]d e s c r i p t i o n删除V L A N描述字符 [Q u i d w a y]d i s p l a y v l a n[v l a n_i d]查看V L A N设置[Q u i d w a y]s t p{e n a b l e|d i s a b l e}设置生成树,默认关闭 [Q u i d w a y]s t p p r i o r i t y4096设置交换机的优先级 [Q u i d w a y]s t p r o o t{p r i m a r y|s e c o n d a r y}设置为根或根的备份 [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/1]s t p c o s t200设置交换机端口的花费[Q u i d w a y]l i n k-a g g r e g a t i o n e0/1t o e0/4i n g r e s s|b o t h端口的聚合[Q u i d w a y]u n d o l i n k-a g g r e g a t i o n e0/1|a l l始端口为通道号[S w i t c h A-v l a n x]i s o l a t e-u s e r-v l a n e n a b l e设置主v l a n[S w i t c h A]i s o l a t e-u s e r-v l a n<x>s e c o n d a r y<l i s t>设置主v l a n包括的子v l a n [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/2]p o r t h y b r i d p v i d v l a n<i d>设置v l a n的p v i d[Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/2]p o r t h y b r i d p v i d删除v l a n的p v i d [Q u i d w a y-E t h e r n e t0/2]p o r t h y b r i d v l a n v l a n_i d_l i s t u n t a g g e d设置无标识的v l a n 如果包的v l a n i d与P V I d一致,则去掉v l a n信息.默认P V I D=1。



3G Modem AT指令集1常规命令 (4)1.1 AT (4)1.2 ATE (4)1.3 AT+CGSN (4)1.4 AT+CSCS (4)2电话本 (5)2.1 AT+CPBS (5)2.2 AT+CPBR (6)2.3 AT+CPBW (7)3短消息 (8)3.1 AT+CSMS (8)3.2 AT+CPMS (9)3.3 AT+CMGF (10)3.4 AT+CSCA (11)3.5 AT+CMGL (11)3.6 AT+CMGR (13)3.7 AT+CMGS (13)3.8 AT+CMGW (14)3.9 AT+CMGD (15)3.10 AT+CNMI (15)3.11 +CMTI (17)3.12 +CMT (17)3.13 +CDSI (17)3.14 +CDS (18)4语音呼叫 (19)4.1 ATD (19)4.2 ATA (19)4.3 AT+CHUP (19)4.4 AT+VTS (20)4.5 AT+CRC (20)4.6 AT+ CCFC (21)4.7 AT+CLCC (22)4.8 AT+CLIP (23)4.9 AT+CSQ (23)4.10 AT+CREG (24)4.11 AT+CGREG (24)4.12 AT+CPIN (25)4.13 AT+CPWD (26)4.14 AT+CLCK (27)4.15 AT+ZPINPUK (28)4.16 AT+CFUN (28)4.17 AT+COPS (29)5网络 (30)5.1 AT+ZSNT (30)5.2 AT+ZDON (30)5.3 AT+ZPAS (31)1常规命令1.1 AT命令描述空指令。


1.2 ATEEnable command echo 设置ME是否回显命令ATE<n> OK执行错误,返回:+CME ERROR: <err>取值说明<n>: 整型,取值如下1 ME侧回显输入的命令0 ME侧不回显输入的命令1.3 AT+CGSNIMEI查询命令AT+CGSN <CR><LF><IMEI><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>有MS相关错误时:<CR><LF>+CME ERROR: <err><CR><LF>AT+CGSN =? <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>命令描述该命令查询单板的IMEI。

移远通信移远通信SMB32 远程SIM卡控制器用户手册说明书

移远通信移远通信SMB32 远程SIM卡控制器用户手册说明书

User Manual for SMB32 Remote SIMCard ControllerContents1. Important notice2. Unpacking list3. Basic function introduction4. Connection and installation5. Leave-factory configuration table6. Starting configuration7. Precautions8. Hardware and software characteristics1. Important notice1. This product and its accessories have realized the separation ofthe SIM card and the SIM related device, which will make the physical address of the identity represented by the SIM unidentifiable. Please check carefully if the use of this product is permitted by the local laws.2. Because this product launches communication through network,it cannot be fully guaranteed that the identity information of the SIM can be completely transferred.3. This product involves dynamic DNS (domain name – IP addressresolution). This dynamic DNS service is now provided by Hong Kong HYBERTONE for free. If you want to use this function, please keep in mind that permanent fault-free operation of this function cannot be ensured. If you want to establish an IP address resolution server by yourself, please acquire the free DDNS resolution server software from your supplier.Your use of this series of products indicates that youhave read, understood and accepted this importantnotice.2. Unpacking listPlease check if the following products or accessories are available when you receive the shipment.12V 2A transformer ×1Host ×1CAT5 network cable ×13. Basic function introductionSMB32 is an integrated controller for 32-way remote SIM card.It can convert the communication between the SIM card and the SIM connecting device to realize the remote separation of card and equipment.SMB32 can control 32 SIM cards at the same time and offers such functions as hot plugging, quick online SIM exchange and timed exchange planning. The use of SMB32 and the corresponding device can realize the comprehensive management of the unattended devices and reduce the workload for SIM operation, such as SIM card replacement and account recharge.In addition to the independent use, SMB32 can also be registered on the SIM Server of HYBERTONE to manage over 10000 SIM cards and the corresponding devices at the same time.SMB32 can work normally in the harsh network environment with the average packet loss rate <5% and the maximum time delay of 300ms.SMB32 supports the dynamic DNS service of HYBERTONE.Therefore, it can provide dynamic domain name resolution forthe user with dynamic IP and reduce their expenses for leasing private line.1. System architecture (independent SIM Bank)As shown in the above figure, several GoIP devices (up to 32 ways) can be connected to the SMB32 through Internet. The SIM cards installed with the devices are all integrated to the SMB32 to be controlled and scheduled by the latter. (SIM Bank mode: server mode )2. System architecture (through SIM Server) InternetSMB32GoIP4GoIP4GoIP4More than 10,000 SIM cards can be collectively scheduled and managed via the SIM Server. The planned tasks are allocated by the SIM Server (SIM Bank mode: client mode )3. Exchange logic (independent SIM Bank)InternetGoIP4(1)GoIP4(2)GoIP4(n)SMB32(1) SMB32(n) SIM ServerThe card numbers of the remote-end devices corresponding to the cards on the “schedule mode = fixed mode ”slotsGoIP4(1)GoIP4(2) GoIP4(8)SMB32 Slots 1-4Slots 5-8Slots 29-32When schedule mode is used (schedule mode = schedule), devices of different zones will automatically exchange their SIM cards when it is time for schedule, so as to realize the automatic roaming of SIM cards. When this configuration is used, chaos mode is adopted for the relationship between the SIM cards and the remote-end devices.4. Connection and installationSMB32 Zone 2When it flashes at twiceper second, it indicatesnormal operation. LAN LAN port status Network connectionstatus of LAN portWhen it flashes, itindicates there is datatransfer.PC PC port status Network connectionstatus of PC portWhen it flashes, itindicates there is datatransfer. ERROR Error indication When it flashes, itindicates device error.Card status LED (32 LEDs)SIM card When there is SIM carderror, the red LEDflashes. When you pressthe switch to replace theSIM card, the red LEDwill be on, indicating thatthe replacement can beconducted. When youpress the button forconfirmation afterreplacement, the redLED will be off.Reset button: The reset button is used to restart the system quickly.If you want to clear the system configuration, press and hold the Reset button for 15 seconds, and all the configurations will reset to the leave-factory settings.5. Leave-factory configuration tableItem Leave-factoryconfigurationConfiguration range Login user name adminLogin password admin You can change thepassword by yourself (allthe characters and digitsare permitted, no longerthan 16 characters) LAN port status DHCPPC port status192.168.8.1 Only the IP of C sectioncan be configured SIM Bank mode Local modeLocal port56011 Less than 65533 Schedule mode scheduleOperation duration 600 minutes Less than 655336. Starting configuration1) Logging on SMB32Method 1: Set the IP of the PC connecting to the PC port as 192.168.8.x (x=2-254). Type into the browser address card, and the following login box will appear.Enter the user name and password to log on the configuration interface (the initial user name and password are both “admin”). * If you change the setting, remember to press “save the change” to save the configuration.2) Setting network:Network setting is important for ensuring the normal and stable operation of SMB32. The best environment for network connection is the private line with static IP, second to which is the dynamic public IP (e.g., ADSL, broadcast and television network). The intranet IP under the shared router is relatively unstable. If the intranet shared line must be used, it is strongly recommended to set the router as DMZ to the IP used by SMB32.You need to check and confirm the network status when setting the network. You are suggested to use the fixed IP.To select the fixed IP, select “fixed IP” from the LAN port drop-down menu of the network setting interface, and correctly fill in the network setting fields according to the IP, subnet mask, default routing (gateway) and DNS server provided by the network administrator,as shown in the following figure:When you use the lines in need of dial-up, such as ADSL, configure the LAN port as PPPoE, and then fill in the user name and password correspondingly, as shown in the following figure:3) Setting DDNS:When the dynamic IP is used and the exchange is conducted independent of the server, you can use the DDNS service. The DDNS service is the dynamic IP address resolution service provided by HYBERTONE for free. When this function is used, any SMB32 device can use the IMEI number as the domain name and acquire the callee’s IP through the DNNS server(both parties use DDNS). The setting method is as shown in the following figure. First, select the DDNS, and then fill in the relevant fields according to the address of the current service provider: DDNS server address: , port: 39980, update time: 120 (second), and the IMEI number of the device (refer to the SN on the barcode strip at the bottom of the device).When DDNS is used, the connected address will be .4) Setting operation mode:SMB32 has two operation modes: server mode and client mode. Under server mode, the SMB32 works as the server of the remote-end device, which logs on the SMB32 to realize the SIM connection. Under client mode, the SMB32 logs on the SIM server, and all the SIM connections are scheduled and managed by the server.Server mode:Select server mode from the SIM Bank mode drop-down menu, and set the local port, which will be used as the login port of the remote-end device. Under the server mode, the best working environment of the SMB32 is to use the fixed public network IP. If the intranet IP is used, the router DMZ shall be set, or it shall be forwarded by the port (forward from the local port to the external network), and the DDNS service shall be adopted. When several SMB32 devices are used for an IP, different devices use different ports.Schedule mode:The schedule mode determines whether the SMB32 will conduct automatic schedule on the SIM card and remote-end device to realize automatic roaming.When the fixed mode is used, select the “fixed” mode, and fill in the unit code (i.e., the login user name, only English letters can be filled in), zone code (only Arabic digits can be filled in) and login password of the remote-end device. Select the number of lines of the device. During the operation, the remote-end device will automatically acquire the information of the SIM cards on the corresponding slots according to the relevant orders and number of lines on the SMB 32.To use the schedule mode, select the “schedule mode”, and the remote-end device will obtain the information of the corresponding number of SIM cards according to the number of lines randomly, and replace the SIM cards of other zones in use automatically according to the relevant “operation duration”. It will stop operation before the replacement, and the stop time length is the “sleep time”. 1-8 operation zones can be set. When several devices are in the same physical zone, they can share the same zone code. The number of lines shall be kept identical for different zones to prevent long-time hang-up or unbalanced distribution.7. Precautions1) SIM card replacementWhen replacing the SIM card in live condition, press the button under the slot. When the red LED is on, it indicates that the replacement can be conducted (when the red LED is on, the SIM will be disconnected, no matter the card is in use or not). After the replacement, press the button again, the SIM card will automatically connect the corresponding remote-end device.2) SIM card directionThe SIM card socket is the suppressing type socket. When you press it, the SIM card will be ejected out; press it again, it will be locked. The insertion direction of the SIM card is as shown in the above figure, with the contact points pointing forward, and the notch facing downward. Otherwise it cannot be inserted.3) Dust-proofBecause the opening of the SIM card slot is facing upward, please remember to replace the dust-proof cover after the SIM card replacement to prevent the entry of the dust into the slot, which will affect the use life of the device.4) Water-proofBecause the SIM card slot is facing upward and in open state, be sure to prevent the spray of liquid onto the SMB32.5) Software upgradeTo upgrade software, please contact your supplier to obtain the latest software upgrade connection, enter the connection into the upgrade address field of the SMB32, and then press the “start”button. Please note that thepower supply cannot be disconnected during the upgrade.8. Hardware and software characteristics1. Mechanical characteristics and operating environmentsOutline dimensions: 285×142×42mmHost net weight: 680gStorage environment temperature: -40℃- 80℃Operating environment temperature: 0℃-40℃Operating environment humidity: <90%, no condensingMaximum power consumption: 10 W2. Network port parametersNumber of network ports: 2Network standard: 10/100Base-TExecution standard: IEEE802.1pIP standard: IPV44. System ParametersItem Description RemarksOperating system Linux Version: 2.6SIM card standard GSM11.11 3.3VNetwork protocol IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, ICMP, DHCP CL & SRV, NTP,TFTP, ToS, telnetPacket loss rate <5%, network time delay <300ms Worst networkenvironmentOne-way SIM peak11KBPStrafficConfiguration page Html XML2.0 JAVA。



手机RF-SIM一卡通管理系统解决方案书手机RF-SIM卡“手机一卡通”综合管理系统采用了国际最先进的2.4G 技术,这一系统的推出给社会、高等院校、企业的管理带来了极大的方便,并引起极大的反响。

目前,在大专院校中,大量人员的证件、档案、食堂售饭等管理都是不关联的,各部门之间没有相互的联系,造成人力和财力的浪费,且工作效率低.非接触式IC卡系列管理系统,可以把院校教职员工和学生的证件(包括教职员工教职员工证、学生证、图书借阅证、出入证等) 、学生学籍档案管理、教职员工考勤、食堂管理、机房管理、停车场、游泳池管理、小卖部及其它小金额消费等功能综合到一张卡上,使院校摆脱繁琐、低效的管理式,把更多的精力投入到科研工作和学习中去。



本系统采2.4G RF-SIM 卡及非接触IC卡(8K内存,可读写IC芯片),它的存储结构允许卡用于多应用系统。






Turck BC5-S18-Y1X 电容传感器说明书

Turck BC5-S18-Y1X 电容传感器说明书

T 12:21:38+01:00Type code BC5-S18-Y1X Ident no.20060Rated switching distance (flush) 5 mm Rated switching distance (non-flush)7.5 mmAssured switching distance ð (0.72 x Sn) mm Hysteresis1…20 %Temperature drift type 20 %Repeatabilityð 2 % of full scale Ambient temperature-25…+70 °C VoltageNom. 8.2 VDC Non-actuated current consumption ð 1.2 mA Actuated current consumption ï 2.1 mA Switching frequency 0.1 kHzOutput function2-wire, NAMURApproval acc. toKEMA 02 ATEX 1090X Internal capacitance (C ) / inductance (L )150 nF / 150 µHDevice designationÉ II 2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Gb / II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T115 °C Da(max. U = 20 V, I = 20 mA, P = 200 mW)Construction threaded barrel, M18 x 1Dimensions74 mmHousing material plastic, PA12-GF30, PEI Active area materialPlastic, PA12-GF30, yellow Admissible pressure on front cap ð 6 bar Max. tightening torque housing nut 2 Nm Connection cableCable qualityØ 5.2, LifYY , PVC, 2mCable cross section 2 x 0.34 mm Vibration resistance 55 Hz (1 mm)Shock resistance 30 g (11 ms)Protection class IP67MTTF448 years acc. to SN 29500 (Ed. 99) 40 °C Switching stateLED yellow■ATEX category II 2 G, Ex zone 1■ATEX category II 1 D, Ex zone 20■SIL2 as per IEC 61508■Threaded barrel, M18 x 1■Plastic, PA12-GF30■Fine adjustment via potentiometer ■DC 2-wire, nom. 8.2 VDC■Output acc. to DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NA-MUR)■Cable connectionWiring DiagramFunctional principleCapacitive proximity switches are designed for non-contact and wear-free detection of electrically conductive as well as non-conduc-tive metal objects.T 12:21:38+01:00Mounting instructions / Description minimum distances Distance D 36 mm Distance W 15 mm Distance S 27 mm Distance G30 mm Diameter of the active area BØ 18 mmThe given minimum distances have been checked in compliance with the standard switching distance.Should the sensitivity of the sensors be changed via potentiometer, the data sheet specifications no longer apply.T 12:21:38+01:00AccessoriesType codeIdent no.DescriptionDesignBS 1869471Mounting bracket for threaded barrel devices; material: PA66-GFBSN 1869472Fixing clamp; material: PA66-GFBST-18B 6947214Fixing clamp for threaded barrel devices, with dead-stop; ma-terial: PA6MAP-M186950012Mounting adapter; material: Polypropylene; sensor replace-ment with filled container possible (adapter remains in con-tainer during sensor replacement)IM1-22EX-R 7541231Isolating switching amplifier, 2-channel; 2 relay outputs; in-put NAMUR signal; selectable ON/OFF mode for wire-break and short-circuit monitoring; adjustable output mode (NO /NC mode); removable terminal blocks; width 18 mm; univer-sal power supply unitT 12:21:38+01:00Operating manual Intended useThis device fulfills the directive 94/9/EC and is suited for use in explosion hazardous areas according to EN60079-0:2012, -11:2012, -26:2007.Further it is suited for use in safety-related systems, including SIL2 as per IEC 61508.In order to ensure correct operation to the intended purpose it is required to observe the national regulations and directives.For use in explosion hazardous areas conform to classificationII 2 G and II 1 D (Group II, Category 2 G, electrical equipment for gaseous atmospheres and category 1 D, electrical equipment for dust atmo-spheres).Marking (see device or technical data sheet)É II 2 G and Ex ia IIC T6 Gb acc. to EN60079-0 and -26 und É II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T115°C Da acc. to EN60079-0Local admissible ambient temperature -25…+70 °CInstallation / CommissioningThese devices may only be installed, connected and operated by trained and qualified staff. Qualified staff must have knowledge of protection classes, directives and regulations concerning electrical equipment designed for use in explosion hazardous areas.Please verify that the classification and the marking on the device comply with the actual application conditions.This device is only suited for connection to approved Exi circuits compliant to EN60079-0 and -11. Please observe the maximum admissible electrical values.After connection to other circuits the sensor may no longer be used in Exi installations. When interconnected to (associated) electrical equip-ment, it is required to perform the "Proof of intrinsic safety" (EN60079-14).When employed in safety systems to IEC 51408 it is required to assess the failure probability (PFD) of the complete circuitry.Installation and mounting instructionsAvoid static charging of cables and plastic devices. Please only clean the device with a damp cloth. Do not install the device in a dust flow and avoid build-up of dust deposits on the device.If the devices and the cable could be subject to mechanical damage, they must be protected accordingly. They must also be shielded against strong electro-magnetic fields.The pin configuration and the electrical specifications can be taken from the device marking or the technical data sheet.service / maintenanceRepairs are not possible. The approval expires if the device is repaired or modified by a person other than the manufacturer. The most important data from the approval are listed.。

Verifone Android Carbon Mobile 5 用户手册.pdf_16979336

Verifone Android Carbon Mobile 5 用户手册.pdf_16979336

ENVerifone AndroidALTERNATIVE PAYMENT (3)Purchase transaction with Swish (4)Refund transaction with Swish (5)Purchase transaction with Klarna (9)Refund transaction with Klarna (12)Purchase transaction with MobilePay (15)Purchase transaction with Vipps (17)DescriptionAlternative payment methods are defined as a way of paying for goods or services which are not made via cash or major card schemes (Visa, MasterCard etc).The merchant is prompted to enter the amount of the transaction. The transaction amount is validated to ensure that the maximum amount is not exceeded. Purchase transactions with amount 0.00 are not allowed. User actionSelecting the “Card” button starts the card payment.Selecting the “Other” button presents the user with other transaction options such as refund.Pressing the “C” button will reset the current amount. The top left menu gives access to administrative functions.DescriptionAfter the amount has been entered, and the button “Card” has been selected, the customer can select other payment options.User actionThe user must choose between offered other payment options. (this guide describes APMs such as Klarna, MobilePay, Swish and Vipps)ENUser GuideAlternative Payment CM5PPurchase transaction with SwishDescriptionAfter the user has selected the Swish icon at the card prompt, the terminalwill display a QR code.User actionThe customer must use the Swish application on mobile device, to scanthe QR code.The customer must complete the required steps in Swish mobileapplication to complete the payment.The user can cancel the transaction, by selecting the “Cancel” button.DescriptionAfter the customer has finished payment processing in Swish application,the device will show options to print customer receipt. These options maydiffer depending on the configuration.User actionTo print the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print” button.To email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Email” button.To print and email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print &Email” button.If the customer does not want a receipt, the user must select the “NoThanks” button.After the receipts are printed, the device will show approval screen which indicates that transaction has been successful.Refund transaction with SwishDescriptionTo perform a refund transaction with Swish application, the user needs to know the total amount and the Gateway Transaction ID of the original Swish transaction.The merchant is prompted to enter the amount of the transaction. The transaction amount is validated to make sure it does not exceed the maximum amount. Refund transactions with an amount of 0.00 are not allowed.Pressing the ”C” button will reset the current amount.The top right menu allows the merchant to clear the amount.The top left menu gives access to administrative functions.Selecting the “Other” button presents the user with other transaction options such as refund.User actionThe user must select the “Other” button to access the refund option.By selecting the “Other” button, the terminal will display the non-purchase transaction types.User actionThe user must select the “Refund” button.DescriptionIf the user authentication feature is enabled, the user is prompted for the passcode before performing refund transaction.User actionThe user must enter the cashier, the merchant or the admin passcode, to proceed with the processing of the refund transaction.After user authentication the customer can choose between other payment options.User actionThe user selects the Swish icon.DescriptionAfter the “Swish” icon has been selected, the user can choose between refund options.User actionThe user can enter Transaction ID (Gateway Transaction ID can be found on the purchase receipt) to refund a transaction. After the transaction ID is entered, the user must press the “Submit” button.The user can select the “Previous Swish Transaction” button to refund last successful Swish transaction.After the user has selected preferred refund option for Swish transaction, the terminal indicated that it is processing the payment data, by showing “Please Wait…” screen.User actionThe user is not required to do any action at this stage.DescriptionWhen the payment data has been processed, the terminal will show a “Refunded” screen. This informs the customer that the transaction has completed successfully. The device will show options to print customer receipt. These options may differ depending on the configurations. User actionTo print the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print” button. To email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Email” button. To print and email t he customer receipt, the user must select the “Print & Email” button.If the customer does not want a receipt, the user must select the “No Thanks” button.After the receipts are printed, the device will show approval screen whichindicates that transaction has been successful.Purchase transaction with KlarnaDescriptionAfter the user has selected the Klarna icon at the card prompt, theterminal will display a QR code.User actionThe customer must use a mobile device camera, to scan the QR code. Thecode will lead the customer to the Klarna webpage, where the customermust fill in all required data.The customer can choose to receive the link to Klarna webpage via SMSby selecting the “SMS” button.The user can cancel the transaction, by selecting the “Cancel” button.After the user has selected the “SMS” button, the terminal will display a phone number input field.User actionThe user must enter phone number to which an SMS with link to the Klarna web page will be sent and the button “Submit” must be selected to proceed.The customer must click on the link, which will lead the customer to the Klarna webpage, where the customer must fill in all required data.The user can return to the QR display, by selecting the “QR Code” button. The user can cancel the transaction, by selecting the “Cancel” button. DescriptionAfter the customer has scanned the QR code, or clicked on the link, which was sent to the customers mobile device, the device will indicate that the customer is filling out the requested data at the Klarna web site.User actionThe customer must fill out the requested data at the Klarna web site.ENUser GuideAlternative Payment CM5PDescriptionWhen the payment data has been processed, the terminal will show a“Thanks” screen. This informs the customer that the transaction hascompleted successfully. The device will show options to print thecustomer receipt. These options may differ depending on the terminalconfiguration.User actionTo print the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print” button.To email the cus tomer receipt, the user must select the “Email” button.To print and email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print &Email” button.If the customer does not want a receipt, the user must select the “NoThanks” button.DescriptionAfter the receipts are printed, the device will show approval screen whichindicates that transaction has been successful.ENUser GuideAlternative Payment CM5PRefund transaction with KlarnaDescriptionTo perform a refund transaction with Klarna application, the user needsto know the total amount and the Gateway Transaction ID of the originalKlarna transaction.The merchant is prompted to enter the amount of the transaction. Thetransaction amount is validated to make sure it does not exceed themaximum amount. Refund transactions with an amount of 0.00 are notallowed.Pressing the ”C” button will reset the current amount.The top right menu allows the merchant to clear the amount.The top left menu gives access to administrative functions.Sel ecting the “Other” button presents the user with other transactionoptions such as refund.User actionThe user must select the “Other” button to access the refund option.DescriptionBy selecting the “Other” button, the terminal will display the n on-purchase transaction types.User actionThe user must select the “Refund” button.If the user authentication feature is enabled, the user is prompted for the passcode before performing refund transaction.User actionThe user must enter the cashier, the merchant or the admin passcode, to proceed with the processing of the refund transaction.DescriptionAfter user authentication the customer can choose between other payment options.User actionThe user selects the Klarna icon.After the “Klarna” icon has been selected, the user can choose between refund options.User actionThe user can enter Transaction ID (Gateway Transaction ID can be found on the purchase receipt) to refund a transaction. After the transaction ID is entered, the user must press the “Submit” button.The user can select the “Previous Klarna Transaction” but ton to refund last successful Klarna transaction.DescriptionWhen the payment data has been processed, the terminal will show a “Refunded” screen. This informs the customer that the transaction has completed successfully. The device will show options to print customer receipt. These options may differ depending on the configuration.User actionTo print the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print” button. To email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Email” button. To print and email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print & Email” button.If the customer does not want a receipt, the user must select the “No Thanks” button.After the receipts are printed, the device will show approval screen whichindicates that transaction has been successful.Purchase transaction with MobilePayDescriptionAfter the user has selected the MobilePay icon at the card prompt, theterminal will display a QR code.User actionThe customer must use a mobile device camera or MobilePay application,to scan the QR code.The user can cancel the transaction, by selecting the “Cancel” button.DescriptionThe device indicates that the customer is filling out the requested data at the MobilePay application.User actionThe customer must complete the MobilePay transaction using mobile device.DescriptionWhen the payment data has been processed, the terminal will show a “Thanks” screen. This informs the customer that the transaction has completed successfully. The device will show options to print the customer receipt. These options may differ depending on the terminal configuration.User actionTo print the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print” button. To email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Email” button. To pr int and email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print & Email” button.If the customer does not want a receipt, the user must select the “No Thanks” button.After the receipts are printed, the device will show approval screen which indicates that transaction has been successful.Purchase transaction with VippsDescriptionAfter the user has selected the Vipps icon at the card prompt, the terminal will display a QR code.User actionThe customer must use a mobile device camera, to scan the QR code.The user can cancel the transaction, by selecting the “Cancel” button.The device indicates that the customer is filling out the requested data at the Vipps application.User actionThe customer must complete the Vipps transaction using mobile device. DescriptionWhen the payment data has been processed, the terminal will show a “Thanks” screen. This informs the customer that the transaction has completed successfully. The device will show options to print the customer receipt. These options may differ depending on the terminal configuration.User actionTo print the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print” button. To email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Email” button. To print and email the customer receipt, the user must select the “Print & Email” button.If the customer does not want a receipt, the user must select the “No Thanks” button.indicates that transaction has been successful.。

RPiCM4_v5 控制卡使用说明书

RPiCM4_v5 控制卡使用说明书





I目录第一章安全须知11.1安全操作步骤 (1)1.2客户负责的安全部分 (1)第二章简介32.1结构尺寸 (4)第三章接口及安装63.1控制接口 (6)3.1.1激光器接口 (8)3.1.2电源数字振镜接口 (9)3.1.3扩展轴接口 (10)3.2I/O接口 (12)3.2.1DSI触屏接口 (12)3.2.2有线网口 (13)3.2.3无线接口 (13)3.2.4USB接口 (14)3.3安装说明 (14)3.3.1开关设置 (14)3.3.2层叠顺序 (16)II第一章安全须知在安装、使用RPiCM4_v5控制卡之前,请仔细阅读本章内容。

















【教学过程】一、教学例题1 (合理安排时间问题)明明家来客人了,明明要招待客人喝茶,他算了一下洗水壶要1分钟,烧开水要15分钟,洗茶壶要1分钟,洗茶杯要1分钟,拿茶叶要2分钟,为了使客人尽早喝到茶,小朋友们帮明明设计一下怎样安排使花的时间最少?最少几分钟?1、从题目中你能获得什么信息?2、能同时做的事尽量要同时去做,这样节省时间。



刚刚应怎样合理安排?起床多少分钟就能上学了?二、教学例题2 (烙饼问题)用一个平底锅烙饼,锅上只能同时放两个饼。


2×3=6分钟3、每面烙的时间相同的话,烙饼问题可总结:饼个数×2=面总数,面总数÷一个锅能同时煎几面×一面时间=最快烙饼时间如例2可写成:3×2=6个面,6÷2×2=6(分钟)如果锅里能同时放的饼个数能整除饼个数,那就非常简单,如一锅里能同时放3个饼,每面烙2分钟,问3个饼能烙多少分钟?就是3x2=6(分钟)练习2:烤面包的架子上一次最多放2个面包,烤一个面包每面要3分钟,那么烤五个面包最少要多少分钟?三、教学例题3 (安排先后问题)甲、乙、丙三人分别拿着2个、3个、1个热水瓶同时到达开水供应点打水,热水龙头只有1个,怎样安排他们打开水的次序,可使他们打热水所花的总时间(包括等候的时间)最少?(假如打满一瓶水需1分钟)1、从题目中能获得什么信息?等候的时间要最少,那么我们应该怎么安排呢?2、甲、乙、丙各需要几分钟?(2分钟,3分钟,1分钟)3、引导学生发现:让时间少的先做,减少等待时间,就会让所有人的时间和用的最少。































25 26 27 28 29 30 31
4 of 77
NXP&HUASHI Semiconductors
7. 引脚信息
MF CV520
Contactless reader IC
32 n.c. 31 D7/MISO 30 D6/MOSI 29 D5/SCK 28 D4 27 D3 26 D2 25 D1
Fig 1. MF CV520 简图
MF CV520_219710
Objective data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
Rev. 1.0 — 18 October 2011 219710



5ms 帧结构和 2.5ms 帧结构配置说明:1、测试所用版本:GNB 版本: v2.00.20.02P04R01CPE 版本: CPE500/V2.00.20.02_Bugfix_CPE500/V2.00.20.02P13_CPE5002、2.5ms 改为 5ms, 5ms 改为 2.5ms 都能成功接入并 ping 通3、修改 PrdBsrTimer( 第五步 )需要手动删建小区,否则不生效( EC: 614006704006)1 2.5ms 帧结构网管配置修改2.5ms配置:1)GNBDUFunction --TddConfig(按照下图配置)届性名molddlULTransmEsionPeriodiotyl .AfrarrieType l * Arrit2p5[nris2p5]l;l;l;2:0nrofOownliriiSymbolsl AnrcrfUplinkSyrnbolsLADframeTypel * AnrofDownli n^Symt Js 1 血nrofljpli nkSy mfcJs 1 A gpNumfra™Ty[K2Pre5ent A dlULTransnniKionPercdidty2 AftameType2 * A nrofljpli nkSynnbols2 A nnofDuwniinkS¥nntols24确是属性名1;1;1;2;Q —J Dl;l:2;0 ;0 *•* D2 D8 D取消S D2)GNBDUFunction --NRCelIDU --BWPUL --SRSConfig SRSSlot: 3;7;13;17(后面全部是NULL)SRSStartSymbo:0;0;0;0(后面全部是NULL)SRSSymbolLength: 2;2;2;2(后面全部是NULL)cSRS A驱消3) GNBDUFunction --NRCellDU --BWPUL --PUCCHConfigdlDataToULACK : 2;3;4;5*F_CCHZaTfa *+ 前左。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
6. 训练完结后 分析训练结果 单一运动训练档案 多项运动训练档案 每周总结 从 xx.xx.xxxx 开始总计 删除档案 重设每周总结 重设路程 重设总计
RCX5 中文用户手册
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13. 重要数据 产品保养 服务
更换电池 自行更换电池
RCX5 的电池寿命 3
RCX5 中文用户手册
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网上服务 网上服务是专为你支持你的训练目的而设的。在这里,你可以
建立及把 Polar 耐力训练计划下载至你的训练心率表,及在训练时运用它们。 把你的训练档案储存,以作长期跟进之用。 在训练日志分析及跟进你的进度。 利用训练负苛特性分析训练强度及所需的恢复时间。 挑战你的朋友参与虚拟运动比赛,及与其他运动爱好者互动。 所有来自兼容传感器的数据均以 Polar 专有科技 2.4GHz W.I.N.D.科技以无线方式传输到训练心 率表。这可以减低于训练时的干扰。于游泳时,数据会以 Polar 专有科技 5kHz 科技由 Polar WearLink®+两栖心率传输器传送至训练心率表。 请于 http://register.polar.fi/登记你的 Polar 产品,使我们可以继续改善我们的产品及服务,以达 致你的要求。 你的 Polar 账户名称是你的电邮地址。相同的帐户名称及密码可以用于 Polar 产品登记、 、Polar 讨论区及登记通讯。 可选配件
• 按 BACK 一次 以暂停记录训

• 按 BACK 两次 以停止记录训

• 离开菜单 • 回到上一层 • 不变更设定 • 取消选取 • 长按可从任何
• 确认选取 • 开始训练 • 记录圈数 • 长按可在训练
时于训练模式 中把你的心率 锁定于现时运 动区,而不需 重设目标区
1. Time (时间):选取 12h 或 24h。如选取 12h,请选 AM 或 PM。输入本地时间。 2. Date (日期):输入当前日期。 3. Units (单位):选择公制(kg / cm)或英制(lb / ft)单位。 4. Weight (体重):输入你的体重。 5. Height (身高):输入你的身高。如使用 LB / FT 格式,请先输入呎,然后输入寸。 6. Date of birth (出生日期):输入你的出生日期。 7. Sex (性别):选取 Male 男性或 Female 女性。 8. Settings OK(设定 OK?)会被显示。要变更你的设定,按 BACK(返回)直至回到你想变更的
---------舒适的 Polar WearLink + 两栖心率传感器把 ECG-准确心率讯号透过 2.4GHz W.I.N.D.及 5KHz (于水中活动)科技传输至训练心率表,两项科技均 属 Polar 专有。传输器包括传输带及传输器。
利用 Polar DataLink 数据传送装置及 WebSync 2.3(或更新版本)软件把数据 在训练心率表与 之间传输。把 DataLink 插入你的 计算机 USB 端口,它便会利用 W.I.N.D 科技侦测到你的训练心率表。
52 52 52 52 53 54
预防措施 训练时的干扰 如何降低训练风险
技术规范 常见问题 Polar 有限国际保养卡 免责声明
RCX5 中文用户手册
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RCX5 中文用户手册
1. 产品介绍
恭喜你购买了最新的 Polar RCX5 训练心率表。它是一个为进行多项运动及耐力运动员所设的完 整训练系统,从计划到训练,以至分析,均为你的训练作出支持。
10. 使用新的传感器 使用新的传感器 把新的传感器与训练心率表配对
11. 使用新的配件 把新的速度传感器与训练心率表配对 把新的步频传感器与训练心率表配对 把新的 GPS 传感器与训练心率表配对 把新的步速传感器与训练心率表配对
12. 背景资料 Polar 心率运动区 心率变化 Polar ZoneOptimizer 最高心率 跑步步频及步距 Polar 跑步指数 Polar 训练负苛特性 Polar 跑步及单车耐力训练计划 Polar 训练文章
• 比赛步速 你可以为特定的距离定下目标时间,例如,于 45 分钟内跑 10 公里。在训练记录中,这目标 步速 / 速度会被用作与训练数据比较。如需更多资料,请参阅 Polar 比赛步速 (39 页)。
要长期跟进,请把你所有的训练档案储存于 网上服务。在那里,你可 以检视你的训练数据数据及更了解你的训练。Polar DataLink 数据传送装置及 WebSync 软件使 你更轻易地把训练档案传送到网上服务。如需更多数据,请参阅数据传送装置 (27 页)。
5. 训练 佩戴传输带 开始训练 利用 Polar ZoneOptimizer 训练 利用 Polar ZoneOptimizer 开始训练 使用 Polar 耐力训练计划 在多运动中使用 RCX5 利用比赛步速进行训练 按钮在训练时的功能 记录圈数 锁定心率区 缩放训练检视 HeartTouch 心触式免按功能 夜间显示 检视快捷菜单 暂停训练 训练心率表显示个人化 提示 暂定 / 停止训练记录
用于跑步及踏单车的耐力训练计划是为你的个人体能水平而设的个人化训练计划。训练计 划透过订定每日训练量、训练强度及训练位置,指导你正确地训练,获得最佳体能改善。 训练计划与 Polar ZoneOptimizer 特性一起发挥作用,并根据你现时的状况更新训练计划。
RCX5 训练心率表有四个预设运动内容可供选择。你亦可以自行在 WebSync 软件内开设 你的运动内容,及利用 DataLink 数据传送装置把它下载至你的训练心率表。在训练途中你 可以轻易地变更运动内容,随时进行而无须停止。
RCX5 中文用户手册
Polar RCX5 中文用户手册
1. 产品介绍
2. 训练心率表部份 Polar RCX5 训练心率表部份 可选配件
3. 开始使用 基本设定 按钮功能及菜单结构 按钮功能 菜单结构
4. 准备训练 计划您的训练 运动内容 Polar 耐力训练计划 校准 Polar s3+步速传感器 通过跑步校准 手动设定校准参数 透过跑一段已知路程校准(on-the-fly calibration)
累积训练负苛图表可于 内找到。把你的训练结果从训练心率表传 输至 ,在训练日志中查看你的训练负苛及恢复情况。连续监察你 的训练负苛及恢复可以帮助你得知你的个人极限,防止过度训练或训练不足,并且可依据 你的每日及每周目标调整训练强度和持续时间。
RCX5 中文用户手册
3. 开始使用
在第一次使用训练心率表前,请先进行基本设置。把最准确的数据输入,确保系统可以依据你的 表现作出正确的反馈讯息。
按下OK以启动你的训练心率表。Select language(选取语言)会被显示。你可以从Deutsch德语、 English英语、Español西班牙语、Français法语、Italiano意大利语、Português葡萄牙语、 Suomi芬兰语或Svenska瑞典语选取,然后按OK。Please enter basic settings (请输入基本设 定)会被显示。按下OK及调整以下数据:
数据 设定 应用
程序只会在你建立及从 下载耐力训练计划后才会出现于菜单。如需更 多资料,请参阅 Polar 跑步及单车耐力训练计划 (50 页)。
跟进你的训练数据。如需更多资料,请参阅训练完结后 (22 页)。
个人化你的训练心率表及为每一项运动内容选取所需的特性以配合你的训练。如需更多数据,请 参阅设定 (28 页)。
• Fitness Test 有氧健康测试 要进行正确的训练及监察你的进度,需要知道你现时的体能水平。Polar 有氧健康测试是一 个轻易及快捷的方法以量度你的心血管健康及带氧量。此测试会于静止时进行。测试结果名 为 OwnIndex。OwnIndex 可与在带氧量量度中最常使用的最高摄氧量(VO2max)比较。如需 更多资料,请参阅 Polar 有氧健康测试 (37 页)。
此用户手册最新英文版本可于 www.polar.fi/support 下载,你亦可以浏览 http://www.polar.fi/en/support/video/tutorials 观看英语的教学短片。
Polar ZoneOptimizer 具有把你现时的身体状况计算及调整运动区数值的功能,使你在不同 的训练日子也可获得同样的体能反应。ZoneOptimizer 的特性是可于单一训练或长期跟进 的训练均可更准确地运用运动区。
WearLink®+ Hyrid 心率传输器
Websync DaD. 及 CS 脚踏圈速传感器 W.I.N.D.
s3+步速 传感器
设定。要接受设定,按 OK,训练心率表将回到时间模式。
按钮功能 训练心率表有五个按钮,每个按钮均因应使用情况而有不同的功能。
LIGHT(光) • 为显示照明 • 长按可以进入
Quick Menu(快捷菜 单)以在不同模 式编辑不同的 设定。如需更 多资料,请参 阅快捷菜单 (35 页)