电影刮痧 英文值日报告ppt
In Gua Sha, when Jane gave birth to Denis at the hospital, Datong did not accompany her at the hospital because he had a meeting at the company. This kind of choice is understandable in China, where collectivity outweighs individuality, but is unacceptable and unforgivable in American society. And this is not only the conflict between collectivism and individualism, but also the conflict in interpersonal relationship view.
Interpersonal Relationship
Dealing with the interpersonal relationship, American culture pays attention to individualism, while Chinese culture pays attention to collectivism. The following statements are very clear:
Individualism emphasizes the importance of individual identity over group identity, individual rights over group rights and individual needs over group needs, which gives priority to individual, advocates individual benefits and individual freedom. Americans think that everyone has the freedom to do everything he wants as long as what he does will not interrupt others’ benefit, and he will be responsible for what he does.
2 舒缓疼痛
刮痧可以缓解肌肉疼痛和 炎症,减轻身体不适和僵 硬感。
3 清理毒素
刮痧有助于排除体内的毒 素和废物,促进身体的自 我清洁机制。
• 选择适当的刮痧工具,如牛角刮痧板或玉石刮痧板。 • 确保皮肤干燥,不要在湿润的表面上刮痧。 • 避免刮痧在骨头上,集中在肌肉和软组织上。 • 刮痧时保持适度的力度,避免过度刮擦造成皮肤损伤。
刮痧可以放松颈部肌肉,减 轻颈椎疼痛和僵硬。
刮痧有助于改善血液循环, 预防心血管疾病。
刮痧刺激淋巴系统,增强免 疫力,提高身体抵抗力。
小明是一名办公室职员,每天长时间坐在办公桌前工作导致腰背酸痛。经过 一段时间的刮痧疗程,他感到明显的缓解和放松,能够更好地应对工作压力。
《刮痧英文介绍》PPT课 件
Scraping, also known as Gua Sha, is a traditional Chinese therapeutic technique that involves scraping the skin to improve blood circulation and promote healing. Let's explore the fascinating world of this ancient practice!
Xv Datong plays a prize-winning computer game designer,who with his wife , his son trying to assimilate into the American life style and the American dream. He brought over his father from the mainland and hopes to obtain a green card for him.
Guasha is based on the holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine, Guasha therapy can be used in a full range of treatments to promote the body's selfhealing ability. It is regarded as a convenient and reliable therapy since it is safe, effective, and easy to operate. In addition, it doesn’t cause any adverse reactions or side effects.
Datong's father for his grandson guasha. On the skin of a red Keloids, cause lawsuit of child abuse.His son falls at home and is taken to hospital , a doctor found Dennis back had red Keloids, the doctor was very surprised. social services in to protect for Dennis,and a legal battle ensues. Social services through the court prove he child abuse and irresponsible. In fact, that's not true.
电影 刮痧中的中英文化比较ppt
Fragments in the movie reflect the cultural differences
Da Tong’s lying to the judge that it’s him who does the Gua Sha to Dennis instead of his father to show his filial piety.
• 在中国,跟一个人做朋友 的时间越长,为对方做的 事越多,你觉得对方对你 应付的回报就越多。
• Americans: • There is little link between relationship of friends and obligation. • What they concentrate about is the truth.
Kullun is confused about Da tong’ rapping for his father because he attaches more attention to the fact.
Emotion and Laws
• Emotion speaks louder than laws
Friendship and obligation
Time of friendship
Explanation of the gram
• Chinese :
• The longer you make friends with someone ,the heavier the obligation will be.
Views of face
• Chinese concept of • American take the face:In the pursuit of face as a kind of harmony,chinese individual always give others rights.They often “face” to avoid the protect the face conflict even on the for personal sacrifice of one’s purpose. own benefits.
Movie Review of Guasha TreatmentChinese immigrant, Da Tong, struggle to hold onto their American dream after the disaster comes to him. Da Tong’s father gives a simple Chinese Medicine therapy called Guasha to his grandson, that leaves bright red marks on the skin and the American doctor mistook it as child abuse behavior. And the Children Welfare Bureau started a lawsuit about the behavior of Dennis’ father and they took action to protect Dennis. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son.I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences.And then this story is about how to clear the air and win his son back. The movie Guasha Treatment is designed to discuss the culture differences between China and America. In this movie, we can see culture shock everywhere.At the beginning of the movie, Da Tong insisted to make Dennis apologize to Paul because Dennis hits Paul. In order to make Dennis say sorry, Da Tong hits Dennis when everybody were there. He wants to show his respect for his boss while what his son do is to show his love to daddy. Da Tong gives his boy a light rap on the head when he refuses to apologize and the boy cries to his mother that the reason he hit his playmate was that the other boy called Da Tong stupid, one of many examples of doing the wrong thing to protect your family.This situation makes the American so confused. American would not hit their children in the public when their children do something wrong. Even they will give their children a chance to explain what happens. But in China, parents always hit their children in the public and make them feel sorry. Even not give them a chance to explain their action.Da Tong is the father who is trying to integrate his Chinese cultural beliefs into his daily American reality, especially when dealing with his son. His education is Chinese way while his wife Jenny wants to educate Dennis in American way. There is conflict within his family because grandfather can’t speak English and is exclude from many conversations because Jenny wants only English spoken in her home for the benefit of her American born son.Da Tong and his wife are very well educated and understand that their child's best chances for success in America, and for him not to experience the same troubles they've had during the past 8 years, are to speak without an accent. They even go so far as to insist the boy use a fork and knife instead of chopsticks, even when it's obvious they are still eating Chinese style food, served in the normal way: communal dishes for the food and smaller, individual rice bowls for each person. Mother seems abit inflexible in her insistence on being as American as possible, while Da Tong's cultural leanings are just as strongly Chinese, although not by conscious choice.The conflict arising from doing the wrong thing out of love or respect for one's family or closest friends continues throughout the movie, and every way Da Tong turns, he finds failure and encounters both obvious and subtle forms of anti-Chinese racism. Even Chinese folklore about the Monkey King (Sun Wu Kong), that Da Tong incorporates into a video game he designed is used to provoke his pride when he's vulnerable and fearing for the loss of his son. Da Tong is misunderstood by everyone, family, friend, and foe, even though he has only the best intentions, and he carries the responsibility quite heavily, making one wrong turn after another.Talking to the different cultures between the East and the West, I have to say American law does play an important role in protecting children. They have laws to force parents to take care of their children. To live their child in home alone, that is forbidden in American law while there is not such law in China. And in America, they have institutions such as Children Welfare Bureau to protect children and to deal with issues about children abuse. Well, in China we concern children not enough. Law are not comprehensive, society power is not enough too.But the most impressing scene in this movie to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas Eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives.I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed. Person in the United States, it is very difficult to blend into local culture. This is the cultural difference between nation and nation, Chinese people would not live in their own way outside his motherland.shows how a person's cultural beliefs are so deeply set within oneself that it is usually impossible to examine why you do most anything, from how you dress and talk to whom you love and respect and how you show it. The invisible nature of one's cultural beliefs also makes it difficult to impossible to explain yourself to others when questioned.How to avoid such tragedy of this kind of story? We must enhance the culture exchange and culture study. Only with respect and knowledge to different cultures, will it be possible to accept outside culture and avoid conflict.。
The Gua Sha Treatment 电影《刮痧》 - NSW HSC Online
The Gua Sha Treatment 电影《刮痧》About the Director郑晓龙,著名导演、编剧,1952年出生,代表作品有《四世同堂》,《渴望》、《编辑部的故事》、《金婚》等。
• Children do not to need live with parents because they both have their own space.
The way to treat the old people
• In China • In the Western country
The way to treat the old people in China
• Parents should live with children so that they can took good care of parents and solve problems when they need.
Individualism & collectivism
• Xudatong said that son is the continuation of life, and belongs to his father. His words shows Chinese traditional family value. But Americans think that had a fight with Paul, responsible for oneself.
affair even the best friend or relations.
Emotion and law
• Rationalism & sensationalism • Individualism & collectivism • Laws should be one which can help
Apply guasha oil: Before the guasha treatment, generously mass the affected area with guasha oil or humidifier to enhance the skin's elasticity and reduce inflammationPerformance guasha: Using the guasha board, generously stroke the affected area in small circles, gradually increasing the pressure until achieving a comfortable level The strokes should be smooth and uniform, avoiding sharp or forced movements that could cause pain or injuryMove to new areas: Continuously move the guasha board to different areas of the body, focusing on problem areas or areas that require more attention
Treating digestive problems
Guasha can regulate the function of the digestive system, related conditioning, diabetes, and other digestive problems It can also help improve appearance and differentiation
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Gua Sha
商务英语四班 416寝室
What is Gua Sha?
Gua Sha (pronounced "gwa shaw,") is an East Asian healing technique. Gua means to scrape or rub. Sha is a 'reddish, elevated, millet-like skin rash' (aka petechiae). Sha is the term used to describe Blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissue before and after it is raised as petechiae. Gua Sha is one technique that intentionally raises Sha rash or petechiae. In Vietnam the technique is called Cao Yio, in Indonesia: Kerik, in Laos: Khoud Lam.
Is Gua Sha Safe?
Gua Sha is a completely safe technique, but it is serious medicine. Knowing when to use it and what to expect from treatment is as important as good technique. Having that pain ‘touched’ and relieved can be unsettling, even shocking. It is good to be moderate in activity after treatment, even rest.
Acupuncture points (also referred to as ‘acupoints’) are places on the skin that have a lower resistance to the passage of electricity than the surrounding skin and are part of a network of points that were mapped centuries ago by the Chinese.
传统中医理论认为,刮痧可以刺 激人的免疫系统, 消除身体不适
• 中医\刮痧1.PNG
Skin scraping is one of the traditional Chinese natural therapies. It works according to the thermal dynamic principle(热胀冷缩原理).It can promote the blood circulation.
Second, after skin scraping, the sweat pore can expansion, so avoid when skin scraping and you’d better not take shower with cold water that day.
Third, drink a cup of hot water after scraping which can help speed up metabolism.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine involving
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Gua ShaThe move <Gua Sha> is a film which is reflect the culture conflict of China and American.The main actor was Xu Datong who is a classical Chinese people.Datong come to American for eight years.Now,he is engaged in computer game development work in a large American’s company.He has a happy family,a beautiful wife and a lovely son.While life always plays jokes on people.Datong’s peaceful life didn’t last long.He was accused of abusing his son because of his father give the child Gua Sha.This is the serious consequence brought by cultural differences.In this film,we can find many cultural differences between China and American.The first,at the beginning of this film Datong’s son Dennis and his friend’s son Baoluo have a conflict and Dennis beats Baoluo,then he goes to play the computer games.When Datong knows,he shuts down the computer game and beats his son and ask him to apologize to Baoluo.In china,we think Datong beats his son in order to express respect for his friend Quinlan.However,in American,Datong’s behavior will make his friend feel puzzled.Because Quinlan never did this to his son,so he can’t understand Datong’s deed and feel quite surprised.The second,when Dennis to eating with a fork,his grandfather teach him to use chopsticks.In china,we like to eat with chopsticks.But in American,people like to eat with a fork.The third,one day ,Datong go to the police office to take his father and left his son Dennis at home alone.In American,it is against the law to leave a five years old child at home alone.In china,this deed is not illegal.The forth,one day,Dennis feel uncomfortable,his grandfather give him Gua Sha.Gua Sha is a Chinese traditional treatment.But in American,they think Datong’s family has abused the child.They think if someone feel uncomfortable should to see a doctor instead of using some strange prescriptions.The fifth,it is Datong’s father to give Dennis Gua Sha.But Datong decide to be a scapegoat.In Chinese traditional culture,law is not important than affection.People think that being a scapegoat for family members especially for father or mother is a responsibility.But in American,even if they want to help their family members ,they must speak the truth of the matter.The sixth,Datong’s best friend Quinlan speak the truth of Datong beats his son Dennis in court.This make Datong think that his best friend Quinlan betrayed him.Because Quinlan didn’t help him in court.In china,people think that a good friend is who can helpyou when you are in trouble.As a popular saying goes “friend in need is a friend indeed.”So,Datong think his friend betrayed him.But in American,even if he or she is your best friend ,he must speak the truth of the matter.He will help you,but not to lie.计算机学院2014112602郝发婷。
第22届中国电影金鸡 奖最佳男主角奖(朱 旭)
第22届中国电影金鸡 奖最佳导演奖(郑晓 龙)
刮痧起源于中国古老的中医理论,已 有数千年的历史。它最初是作为一种 中草药治疗方式,通过刺激皮肤表面 来达到治疗效果。
尽管在现代医学的冲击下,刮痧的传 承和发展面临一些困难,但它《刮痧》PPT课 件
• 电影简介 • 刮痧文化 • 电影中的刮痧情节分析 • 从电影看中西方文化差异 • 电影评价与反思
导演:郑晓龙 主要演员:梁家辉、蒋雯丽、朱旭
本片以中医刮痧疗法产生的误会为主线,通过一段在美国发生的悲欢离合的故事,展现了东西方文化、习俗、价 值观的冲突与碰撞。
随着时间的推移,刮痧逐渐发展成为 一种独立的疗法,广泛应用于民间。 在古代,人们通过刮痧来治疗各种疾 病和缓解疼痛。
刮痧通过刺激人体的特定穴位和经络 ,促进气血流通,调整人体内部功能 ,从而达到治疗和保健的效果。
刮痧可以缓解疼痛、舒筋活血、祛风 散寒、调整身体内部功能等功效。在 中医临床上,刮痧常用于治疗感冒、 咳嗽、头痛、颈椎病等病症。
故事发生在大洋彼岸的美国,主人公许大同(梁家辉饰)为了能让儿子在美国健康快乐地成长,决定要努力扎根 美国。一次,许大同的儿子生病了,而且是由中国传统的刮痧疗法治好的,但是这却引起了幼儿园的误会,以为 许大同虐待儿子,并把他告上了法庭,由此引发了一系列的文化和价值观的冲突。
第21届东京国际电影 节黑泽明奖
刮痧影评 英文版
Critique of the Film GuaShaIt’s always fair and square of the American culture and world view in my view. But I changed my opinion when I saw the movie GuaSha.At the beginning of the film, the hero Da Tong (acted by Liang) was awarded a glory and said he was so proud that he finally realized the American dream. Instead of happiness, I felt sorrow and pain when seeing this part. Though I haven’t been to American in my 21 years of life, I could still imagine part of the difficulties he as well as all other immigrants had conquered during their struggle in the USA. He should have faced much more obstacles than a native American who was working in his homeland did. He might work hard with multiple strength and shed uncountable sweat and blood in order to earn a living or get a promotion. However, he did success after all the hinder. He should be proud of himself. Every Chinese should be proud of him.The first culture difference come into my mind is the way they treat their children. For Da Tong , when his son doesn’t obey his word to make an apology to his boss’s son, he teaches his son by force without thinking twice. When his boss asks him, he say he do this because he want to save his boss’s face. This is quite unacceptable for the boss. There are twoobvious culture differences in this case. First, in Chinese parents’ eyes, children are their “private” property, they have right to teach their children in any way they like. Second, it is quite common to teach children by force if they refuse to apologize to other children before their parents. It’s one way to save other adults’ face. But for America they don’t have such ideas. They care more about their children’s feel ings, care more about the law.Actually, Da tong’s son heard Tom’s son mocking his beloved father, then he became so furious that he beated the other one. His idea was simple----to stop Tom’s son from abusing his father, but he behaved in a direct and wro ng way. However, Da Tong didn’t ask for the reason why the boys were fighting against each other. Instead, He considered Tom, his boss, in a more important place. Suddenly the hit happened. It hit the kid on the face, while at the same time, it hurt the kid in his heart. I believe in America, parents seldom beat their children because they think that every one is individual and it is wrong to beat some one else no matter what reason a person may have. Da Tong forgot this, and treated his son in a Chinese wa y, which did good to no one. Tom didn’t feel happy and was shocked by Da Tong’s behavior. Da Tong felt regretful and painful but couldn’t make up for his beloved son.。
《刮痧》英文影评Impression On the Film Gua Sha Treatment"Person in the United States, it is very difficult to blend into local culture." I read in the circle to be optimistic about the film "Gua Sha," after the greatest feeling. With the advance of the screen, the interpretation of the story, an American of Chinese society now ran the family encountered.After years of hard work, Xu Datong, a Chinese immigrant to the US, has finally achieved success as an outstanding video game designer. With his promising career and loving family, he feels he has become a true American. Datong’s father comes over from China, and uses a traditional Chinese medical technique, called guasha, to treat Datong`s son, Dennis. Unexpectedly, an American doctor thinks the bruises on Dennis` back left by the guasha treatment are signs of child abuse, and the finger is pointed at Datong. The Treatment is a moving portrayal of the enormous gulfs between cultures and their possible repercussion between cultures and their possible repercussions.The film “Gua Sha-the Treatment” reflects the difference of value and culture views between western society and orient society. China society has been receiving impact of Confucianism for thousands years. Confucianism is known as paying regard to human relationship and ethic. Piety, courtesy and loyalism are most important ethic. But in Western culture which is more emphasis on individualism, independence and equality. So conflicts in culture and value are unavoidable. These conflicts have shown in the story.In Chinese culture, physical punishment is commonly used by Chinese family. They think this will help to growing up. But in western society it is absolutely forbidden. Any abusing children was viewed as illegal conduct. As to show respect to friends, Da Tong Xu punished his own son physically in front of friends. But this was misinterpreted as violence by his foreign friends. This is a misunderstanding in culture between East and West.How to avoid the tragedy of the story? We must strengthen the East-West cultural exchange and learning, and only with respect to different cultures and inclusive will it be possible to avoid the culture and values of conflict. Gua Sha, known as kerik in Indonesia, Cao Gio in Vietnam (see Harvey Keitel's The Three Seasons) and khoud lam in Laos is a legitimate and effective therapy. In Asia it is usually done with a coin, Chinese soup spoon, slice of water buffalo horn, or even a slice of ginger. A simple cap with a rounded edge is quite good to use and available in most homes in the West. It was not commonly done with wood, but if smooth and the right edge it could be. There is a teaching text in English called Gua Sha. A Traditional Technique for Modern Practice, and a teaching video: Gua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya Nielsen.If an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in their practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness.Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across thepatient's acupuncture/acupressure/massage points. It works in similar principles like that ofacupuncture/acupressure/massage. This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.。
With the development of economic globalization, the culture of the East-West will be conflict, but will eventually converged . In the movie, the name of the hero "Datong" also appears to indicate the future.
美国很重视人权。它提倡人人平等。在西方家庭里,每个成员, 包括男性和女性无论年龄,是平等且每个成员有权获得充分的民 主和自由。所以昆兰认为大同打孩子是非法的。但在中国,父母 认为管教孩子甚至打骂孩子都是天经地义的。
In the movie, there was a debate about the Monkey King in the court. Monkey King represent justice in the hearts of the Chinese people. In the movie, the Monkey King was vilified as barbaric [bɑ:ˈbærɪk] and violent by the American lawyer .
电影中一连串的误会和巧合造成了人物命运的 曲折,根源就是东西方文化的差异。
In this movie ,Chinese and Western cultural differences mainly in the family concept, friendship concept, human rights concept ,morality and so on.