


陪审团人数虽然不多,但是 他们是从上千人中遴选出来的, 这一过程本身就可以看成是很好 的法治宣传过程,民众无形中受 到了一次法治教育
在案件的裁决上,陪审团在社会经验 和知识上显然要胜过已经具有职业习惯的 法官,他们的裁决来自于对案件最真切的 感知,这种不经过职业习惯和偏见扭曲的 感知,最有可能使得案件合情合理,使审 判更加公正
美国错案发生的几率几乎取决于陪审 团能力的高低和某些因人而异的不可捉 摸的因素,而这样不遵循常理的陪审团 是非常可怕的。
在审理过程中,陪审团成员还可能会被隔 离而无法与家人相见,与案件有关的电 视节目和报纸评论也是不允许看的,这么做的 目的就是最大可能的杜绝陪审员受到外界不当 的干扰.(自由度)
程序繁琐,且耗时过长,直接降低了司法 效率,尤其在当代诉讼爆炸的时代,这种弊端 更是影响了案件的及时审理,间接地损害了当 事人的权益
按照美国有关陪审团法律的规定,陪 审员参与案件的审理,能得到相应的补助, 其他与陪审有关的开支也可以报销,当然 在这种情况下,陪审员原来的工作肯定要 暂时停止,这无形中形成了对社会价值创 造的浪费
4. 2014年8月9日,美国密苏里州弗格森市,白人警察开枪射杀了黑人青年迈克.布朗。大陪 审团做出不起诉枪杀黑人警察(视频:四分钟了解陪审团制度)
陪审团制度,是指由特定人数的有选举权的公民参 与决定嫌犯是否起诉、是否有罪的制度。









美国法律其中一个重要的观念是陪审团制度,也是属於普通法传统,在美国宪法的第六条修订案里列明人民涉及刑事案时有权要求一个陪审团的审讯 凡入籍成为美国公民的人,有义务免费担当陪审员一职。



















• 公元前509年——公元前508年,平民领袖克利斯提尼当选为执政官 。在克利斯提尼的立法改革中规定:每个公民都有选举权和参政权, 其中就包括公民有当选为陪审员的权利,当时规定每个部落从年龄超 过三十岁的雅典公民中选出若干陪审员组成陪审法庭参与重大案件的 调查,之后再由陪审法庭下设的委员会进行公平审判。 • 到公元前451年,经过伯里克利的司法改革,公民参与陪审活动较之 以前有了更为规范的规定:每年按每个部落选六百人的原则,以抽签 方式从年满三十岁的男性公民中选出六千人,组成陪审法院——赫里 埃。陪审法院内部又分十个陪审庭,每庭正式陪审员五百人,候补陪 审员一百人,审理各种诉讼案件并实行多数票表决制,陪审员还有出 席津贴。赫里埃既是重罪案件的第一审级,也是其他司法机关裁判案 件的上诉审机构,同时还参与部分立法工作,对民众大会的决议具有 最终的批准权。赫里埃的上诉审判决是终审判决,一经生效就不可再 行控诉和审判。

• 在印度及非洲殖民地,陪审制则始终带有浓厚的殖民主义色彩和种 族主义色彩。陪审制在这些殖民地的唯一目的便是殖民控制和种族 奴役。 欧洲大陆的主动移植 1789年法国大革命后,英国陪审制首次登陆法国,并经由法国开始 在整个欧洲大陆传播与发展。(欧陆其它国家在移植陪审制时并非 直接参照英国蓝本,而是参照了法国蓝本。) 进入 20 世纪以后,欧陆多数国家(包括法国本土)又相继对法式陪 审团制度进行了改革,原来的“陪审法庭”渐渐变成了由职业法官 和陪审员共同组成“合议庭”,定罪的决定权不再专属于陪审员, 而由职业法官与陪审员分享,“陪审制”变成了“参审制”。
• 4、陪审员的职责豁免 • 履行陪审员职责是一项法定义务,但如下人员可豁免该义务:年龄超 过65岁的英国公民;正式受封的贵族及贵族夫人;担当上院议员或者 国会官员;欧洲议会代表;威尔士国民议会成员及威尔士审计委员会 成员;王室海、路、空军的现役军人;已经合法登记并正在执业的以 下专业人士:开业医师、牙医、护士、助产士、兽医外科医师、兽医 开业医师及兽医药剂师;教义与陪审制度不相兼容的宗教领域任职者 。需要指出的是,上述人员并非可主动豁免陪审员之职责,而需向刑 事法院提出申请。未提出申请而拒不履行陪审员之职责的,将承担法 律责任。 • 此外,不具备必要的语言(英语)能力或因身体状况所限而不能履行陪 审员职责的公民也可提出申请,要求豁免该职责。法官经必要的测试 后决定是否批准这一申请。 • 如果公民在近两年内一直履行陪审义务或一直参加某一陪审团或者法 庭已经豁免其一段时期担当陪审员的义务而这一期间尚未结束的,法 庭应豁免其担当或继续担当陪审员的义务。












































一般的民事和刑事案件要求 裁决的投票结果达到9票
• 陪审团成员确定
Step1:由法官随机抽取最初的陪审员候选人。 在美国,每个公民都有成为陪审团的义务, 法官可以直接从当地选民登记手册中随机抽出 候选人名单。 Step2:双方律师对抽取的候选人依次行使否 决权,决定最终的陪审员人选。 Step3: 选举产生陪审团主席
Jury System
不满18岁 不在本土居住
特定人数的有选举权的公民 决 定
不通晓英语 听力有缺陷
精神病 酗酒,吸毒
美国的陪审团可分大陪审团和小陪审团。 大陪审团只处理刑事案件,职责是听审证据,也就是根据检察官、当 事人以及证人的陈述,决定是否对被告进行起诉;
小陪审团在刑事诉讼中,则通过对案件事实的认定,决定嫌疑人是否 有罪,在民事诉讼中解决争议,并决定是否赔偿。
在开庭前,法官将告知当事人及双方律师和陪审团将在下次开庭 时宣布裁决结果。开庭时,法官将询问陪审团主席是否形成裁决意见。 如果形成裁决意见,团主席将宣布裁决及投票结果。在陪审团主席宣 读裁决结果后,法官还将一一询问各位陪审员的意见,是同意,还是 反对。如果这时有陪审员反对,使 裁决就陪审员。 最终所需要的只是 。 自始至终,候补陪审员是和正式的陪审员一起参加法庭的审理活动的

英美法系的陪审团制度 PPT

英美法系的陪审团制度 PPT

什么是陪审团制度? 陪审团制度怎样实施?
2 3
陪审制度(Jury system)是指法院在审判案件时吸 收普通公民参加庭审与法官共同行使审判权的制度。
它由招募来的法律外行者组成,这些成员是在最广泛的 公民之中随机产生的;在特别的初审案件中将他们召集 起来;这些成员是由于被信任而被赋予的判决案件的伟 大权利;他们被允许对案件进行秘密热议并提供他们最 终的判决结果,陪审员主要凭良知和是非观对事实部分 进行认定,而可以不用给予任何理由;最后,他们在履 行完对这个国家的短暂的义务之后,这个组织中的成员 将被解散,并回归到他们正常的私人生活中。
The Jury system of common law system 英美法系的陪审团制度

各级人民法院设立人民陪审员工作指导小组,指导人民陪审员的管 理工作。人民陪审员管理工作包括人民陪审员人事管理工作和人民陪审 员参加审判活动的日常管理工作。人民陪审员人事管理工作由人民法院 政工部门负责。政工部门设立非常设机构或指定专人负责人民陪审员的 人事管理工作。人民陪审员参加审判活动的日常管理工作由人民法院根 据实际情况确定具体管理部门。 《中华人民共和国人民法院组织法(修正)》第九条第二款规定:人 民法院审判第一审案件,由审判员组成合议庭或者由审判员和人民陪审 员组成合议庭进行。 [1] 人民陪审员任期为5年。按照法律规定,除适用简易程序审理的案件和 法律另有规定的案件除外,人民陪审员可以参审的案件为第一审案件,具体 为:社会影响较大的刑事、民事、行政案件;刑事案件被告人、民事案件 原告或者被告、行政案件原告申请由人民陪审员参加合议庭审判的案件

陪审团制度(The Jury System)

陪审团制度(The Jury System)

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 陪审团制度(The Jury System)陪审团制度(The Jury System) The jury system refers to the system that a certain number of voting citizens participate in deciding whether to prosecute the suspect and to decide the case.A jury has the distinction between a grand jury and a small jury.A grand jury may hear several cases during its term, while a minor jury is a case. A small jury is usually composed of 6-12 people. According to American law, every adult citizen of the United States has the duty to serve as a juror. However, a person who is under 18 years of age, who is not living in the mainland, who has no knowledge of English and hearing impairment, who has criminal record, is not eligible to serve as a juror. Jurors are selected by court to draw out a number of residents with state identity cards as candidates. After that, each of them had to fill out a questionnaire about himself. The court notice, and then to the court for questioning and the selection of. Popularly speaking, juries are eligible citizens who have been randomly selected to be brought together and not allowed to contact the outside world during the trial. They are responsible for voting on a defendant: first, whether to prosecute; two, whether guilty?. In the United States, juries1 / 11may be used in criminal cases and in some civil cases (mainly civil cases). In Britain and Commonwealth countries, juries are no longer used in civil cases. As is known to all, the jury’s basic function is to determine the facts of the case. In a jury proceeding, the judge does not recognize the fact that the basic function of the judge is to control the proceedings and to apply the law in accordance with the facts held by the jury. For cases requiring jury trials, the first step is to select jurors and form juries. Jurors are often very complex, and jury selection is a highly skilled work. The jury’s selection is under the auspices of the presiding judge. The judge’s assistant randomly extracts the list of candidates from the local voter registration manual. Judges determine the number of candidates for initial jurors according to the circumstances of the case, and sometimes the number of candidates can be as many as two or three. The jury’s selection was made public. When selecting, both the judge and both attorneys should be present at the court. When the judges begin screening candidates, they should brief the candidate on the merits. With the consent of the judge, the others may sit in the court. The candidate of the jury determines the seat number in the court by drawing lots. The number of candidates for a jury is very---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ important because the jurors are chosen in numerical order. To determine the number of candidates in accordance with the number of seated, according to the instructions of the assistant judge, fill out the questionnaire in the help of assistant judges. The specific cases are different, and the questionnaire will also investigate the problems. On environmental litigation cases, the questionnaire may have you on environmental protection and industrial development to see, you are affected by environmental pollution violations ; on tobacco litigation cases, the questionnaire may have do you smoke , your friends have no patient and smoking related diseases ; in AIDS related litigation, there may be how do you see this problem on the questionnaire on homosexuality. The questionnaire will also cover the question of the relationship between candidates and lawyers in the case, such as whether or not to know which lawyer, whom to counsel, and so on. The relationship between candidates and witnesses is also an important issue to be investigated. The questionnaire will list the names of witnesses to appear in the subsequent suits. Judges and attorneys will screen candidates based on these findings.A judge may also direct a greeting to a candidate, such as asking3 / 11whether a candidate has any factors that will affect him or her and make a fair decision. The judge will remove the person who does not meet the legal requirements from the jury candidate. For example, non US citizens, criminal records, no voting rights, etc.. The candidate may also submit to the judge a reason not suitable for serving as a juror in the case, requesting not to serve as a juror, such as suffering from illness, etc.. For these reasons, the corresponding evidence is required to be proved, and may be allowed to exit after the judge’s consent. Since the jury is a duty of the citizen, the candidate shall not withdraw from the court when the judge does not agree to it. According to the survey, most Americans are reluctant to serve as jurors, and the main reasons are the delay, the impact on their work and life. Although there are subsidies as jurors, the amount is small, usually between $8 and $15. The judges reject the non qualified candidates, and the next procedure is to screen candidates from both sides of the bar.A lawyer may reject or reserve a candidate by number according to his own needs. In general cases, a lawyer may not exercise more than four or five times the veto power, but for special cases, it may be 6 or 7 times, up to 10 times, and the exercise of the veto power is decided by the judge. The composition of---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ the jury determines the case of victory. In the case of the famous Rodney King v. Losangeles police, the trial resulted in the prosecution losing the case because of the formation of a jury in favor of the defendant. However, the principle of screening is simple and will not be favorable to candidates who reject one party. For both candidates, both lawyers must take a serious look at the candidate’s situation. Both lawyers may ask questions about the candidates and judge whether or not to exercise their veto power based on what the candidates have answered. What kind of problem a lawyer designs is a highly technical one. But lawyers should not directly ask such questions as how candidates see the case. The judge should check the questions raised by the lawyer and reject it when the question is wrong. If the veto power is used, the jury does not meet the requirements of the jury - when the 12 jurors are numbered, they are determined by the judge. After the jury has been set up, several alternate jurors are needed to prevent the accident. A juror may be replaced by an alternate juror once the jury is unable to exercise the jury’s discretio n for illness or other reasons. The jury will wear a special jury badge. State jurors have different badges, mostly round, but5 / 11with different colors, some states are yellow, and some states are red, white and two colors. Before a formal court session, the judge informs the jury in detail of the notes. Tell what can be done and what can not be done. For example: in the jury not to discuss the case with anyone (including other jurors), are not allowed to leave the court, without the consent of the use of telephone, other people and jurors illegal contact should promptly report the judge on the case, can not read newspapers without approval. In general, jurors cannot talk to judges individually. If you want to talk to the judge, you must also have a lawyer from both parties present. The judge asked the jurors to pay attention to as many as dozens of items. Each juror, after reading these documents, signs his name to indicate that he has understood the notes. The jury has a coordinating and organizer, who can also be called the head of the jury. The head of a jury is elected by all jurors. In some major criminal and civil cases, the judge can isolate the jury from the outside world so as to avoid the jury from being disturbed by the outside world. The separation of juries is rare. The segregated jury usually lives in the designated hotel and has a guard. The jury can not leave the house without the permission of the judge. During the separation, jurors could---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ not read newspapers or watch TV so as not to be influenced by the outside world. In the case of the famous Simpson case, the jury was isolated from the outside world. Foreign trial cases are generally consecutive trials, from the court until the ruling, except the statutory rest, shall not be interrupted. In a court session, the judge keeps issuing instructions to the jury. For example: what evidence pointed out that illegal evidence is not evidence, instructed the jury in fact can not be used if the evidence, the jury accepted the evidence, the jury verdict is invalid. In order for the jury to make a fair decision, any act of bribing jurors is illegal, and jurors must comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and those who are severely punished will be subject to criminal sanctions. Court trials in the United States require cross examination, which means that judges and juries can not directly ask witnesses about the case and can only be questioned by lawyers from both parties. The lawyer’s enquiry for one of his own witnesses is called the main inquiry, and the interrogation of the other party’s witnesses is called counter questioning. The jury knows the facts of the case through questioning by both lawyers, and the judge controls the cross examination of both7 / 11lawyers. When the judge and the lawyer discuss the procedural matters in the case, the jury can not participate because the jury can not decide the procedural matters. When both witnesses appear in court, the judge may ask the jury to discuss and decide on the case. The jury formed a verdict on the plaintiff’s request and handed the jurors a vote. General civil and criminal cases require a vote of more than 9 votes. The murder is unanimous, unanimously agreed. When voting, 12 jurors are required to vote. Of course, in history there were 1 jurors absent, and 11 jurors were still valid. If a general case fails to establish the plaintiff’s claim to more than 9 votes, the jury will need to reconsider it until a majority verdict is formed. How the jury finds the facts and how to form the verdict is absolutely confidential, even when the case is decided, the jury will reveal the case and will be punished by law. In the trial of civil compensation cases, the jury can only make a ruling within the amount requested by the plaintiff, and shall not exceed the amount requested by the plaintiff. This is in the same spirit as the debate principle in the continental law system. Before the court session, the judge will notify the parties and both lawyers and the jury will announce the verdict at the next session. During the court session, the judge will---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ ask the jury leader whether to form an opinion. In the event of a verdict, the head of the regiment will announce the award and the result of the voting. After the chief of the jury read out the verdict, the judge will also ask one of the jurors whether they agree or object. If a juror has objected at this time, and the opposition will exceed 4 votes, the award will be null and void, and the jury will reconsider. The jury system is an integral part of the American rule of law and the American litigation system, and reflects the characteristics of the American litigation system. The national participation of the jury system is the most attractive aspect of the American litigation system, which fully embodies the democratization of the rule of law in the United states. The existence of the jury system has become the basis and premise of other system with American characteristics, such as cross examination system, lawyer system, and even affected the American legal education system and method. The charm of the jury system toppled many continental law countries, and with the strong American culture, some continental law countries tried to transplant the introduction, but in the end they failed. In our country, there are a lot of people have the same jury system, for its splendor9 / 11in the. But we should note that the jury system is a product of the special history of the United States, and has a special background of general social, cultural and legal culture, especially the jury system is a very expensive system. Countries like ours are hard to enjoy, and it takes a few days to select jurors. Under the unique background of legal consciousness, the will of the jury is the will of the people, that is, God, must not question the jur y’s impartiality in the fact finding, and the jury’s decision is unquestionable. Based on our country’s legal consciousness background, I am afraid it is very difficult for society to accept. In fact, different jurors will have different verdict because of the difference of knowledge background, life background, method of cognition and racial consciousness of jurors. The jury system embodies a kind of regular game. The question of the abolition of the jury system has always been an issue that the Americans have been talking about. We must not be for the jury system face appearance and eye. As the Americans say, the jury system is at least as good as its advantages. Although the new constitution provides for the implementation of the jury system in criminal proceedings and will be implemented within the Russian Federation in 2003, it has faced many problems in the---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ trial. Moreover, the introduction of jury system in Russia also has its special political and historical background. As the court play is the color film 12 angry men took place in a scene, the 1 angry men questioned the psychological changes observed then 11 members of the jury, which is respect for life, reflect on the bias, the justice of responsibility, 12 angry men good and great in my opinion is reflected in the pursuit of humanitarian universal values,11 / 11。

US jury trial 美国陪审团制度

US jury trial 美国陪审团制度

United StatesMain article: Trial by jury in the United StatesIn the United States every person accused of a crime punishable by incarceration for more than six months has a constitutional right to a trial by jury, which arises in federal court from Article Three of the United States Constitution, which states in part, "The Trial of all Crimes...shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed." The right was expanded with the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states in part, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed." Both provisions were made applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. Most states' constitutions also grant the right of trial by jury in lesser criminal matters, though most have abrogated that right in offenses punishable by fine only. The Supreme Court has ruled that if imprisonment is for six months or less, trial by jury is not required, meaning a state may choose whether or not to permit trial by jury in such cases.[28]Under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, if the defendant is entitled to a jury trial, he may waive his right to have a jury, but both the government (prosecution) and court must consent to the waiver.In the cases Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S.466 (2000), and Blakely v. Washington, 542 U.S.296 (2004), the Supreme Court of the United States held that a criminal defendant has a right to a jury trial not only on the question of guilt or innocence, but any fact used to increase the defendant's sentence beyond the maximum otherwise allowed by statutes or sentencing guidelines. This invalidated the procedure in many states and the federal courts that allowed sentencing enhancement based on "a preponderance of evidence", where enhancement could be based on the judge's findings alone. Depending upon the state a jury must be unanimous for either a guilty or not guilty decision. A hung jury results in the defendants release, however charges against the defendant are not dropped and can be reinstated if the state so chooses.Jurors in some states are selected through voter registration and drivers' license lists. A form is sent to prospective jurors to pre-qualify them by asking the recipient to answer questions about citizenship, disabilities, ability to understand the English language, and whether they have any conditions that would excuse them from being a juror. If they are deemed qualified, a summons is issued.It has been speculated that jury trials encourage harsh punishment in the United States.[29]English common law and the United States Constitution recognize the right to a jury trial to be a fundamental civil liberty or civil right that allows the accused to choose whether to be judged by judges or a jury.In America, it is understood that Juries usually weigh the evidence and testimony to determine questions of fact, while judges usually rule on questions of law, although the dissenting justices of the Supreme Court case Sparf et al. v. U.S. 156 U.S. 51 (1895), generally considered the pivotal case concerning the rights and powers of the jury, declared: “It is our deep and settled conviction, confirmed by a re-examination of the authorities … that the jury, upon the general issue of guilty or not guilty in a criminal case, have the right, as well as the power, to decide, according to their own judgment and consciences, all questions, whether of law or of fact, involved in that issue.” Jury determination of questions of law, sometimes called jury nullification, cannot be overturned by a judge if doing so would violate legal protections against double jeopardy.[30] Although a judge can throw out a guilty verdict if it was not supported by the evidence, a jurist has no authority to override a verdict that favors a defendant.[31]It was established in Bushel's Case that a judge cannot order the jury to convict, no matter how strong the evidence is. In civil cases, a special verdict can be given, but in criminal cases, a general verdict is rendered, because requiring a special verdict could apply judicial pressure to the jury, and because of the jury's historic function of tempering rules of law by common sense brought to bear upon the facts of a specific case. For this reason, Justice Black and Justice Douglas indicated their disapproval of special interrogatories even in civil cases.[32]There has been much debate about the advantages and disadvantages of the jury system, the competence or lack thereof of jurors as fact-finders, and the uniformity or capriciousness of the justice they administer.[33] The jury has been described as "an exciting and gallant experiment in the conduct of serious human affairs."[34]As fact-finders, juries are expected to fulfill the role of lie detector.[35]However, not all cases are eligible for jury trials. In most US states, there is no right to a jury trial in family law actions not involving a termination of parental rights, such as divorce and custody modifications.[36][37] Only eleven states allow juries in any aspect of divorce litigation (Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin).[36]Mostof these limit the right to a jury to try issues regarding grounds or entitlement for divorce only. Texas provides jury trial rights most broadly, including even the right to a jury trial on questions regarding child custody.[36][37]But those who charged with a criminal offense, breach of contract or federal offence have a Constitutional right to a trial by jury.[36]。



1、陪而不审,或者成为编外法官 ; 2、陪审员名单相对固定,仍然无法彻底防止 人情案的发生 ; 3、产生方式、行使权力的程序不够明确 ; 4、立法上的不足,宪法上没有明确的规定, 而其他各法律又规定不一。
1、客观真实性 ;
2、证据的关联性 ; 3、证据的合法性 ;
1、你是否了解西方国家的陪审团制度? 2、中国现存法律体制下是否存在类似美国的陪审团体制? 3、中国的人民陪审员制度和西方国家的陪审团体制有哪 些异同? 4、影片中反映了证据制度的哪些内容?
陪审制——以英、美国为代表的英美法系主要 采用,指由一定数量的公众按照特定的程序所 组成的参加诉讼案件的庭审并对诉讼案件的事 实问题做出裁决的团体。

首先是与案子有关的人员,包括与原告或 被告有关联的人不得入选。初选陪审团时, 法官为了公正,使建立的陪审团能够真正 代表最普遍意义上的人民,他的选择会从 选举站的投票名单或者电话号码本上随机 选择。

曾经轰动一时的辛普森一案,陪审团的初 选共选出了三百零四名候选人,这是因为 初选之后,还有一次严格的筛选,主要是 剔除一些由于环境和经历所造成的有心理 倾向的候选人,避免可能造成的不公正判 断
本电影改编自美国著名的畅 销法律小说家约翰· 葛里辛的同 名小说,1996年,电影公司花费 了800万美元的高价买下了这部 小说的改编权,一举创下了改编 版权的新记录。
在新奥尔良的一起办公室枪杀案之后,当事者将 枪械制造商告上了法院,控告他们生产武器导致众 多暴力事件的发生,他要求法院裁定出售武器是一 种违法行为。案件如期开庭审理,此时,一个神秘 人物、本案陪审团成员尼克· 伊斯特开始暗箱操作, 他试图在这起枪械制造案中影响其他的陪审团成员, 使他们用“正确的方法”投票。与此同时,伊斯特 的女友玛丽,也想诱骗本案的两位律师,并且花费 几百万美元贿赂陪审团,要求他们使法院撤消对被 告枪械制造商的审问。于是,伊斯特和玛丽里应外 合,巧妙的操纵了这件枪械贩卖案,由12人组成的 陪审团处于一片混乱中,完全失去了控制……



陪审团对事实的认定,包括证据的可信性和证 明力,是该次刑事诉讼中终局的和决定性的裁 决。除非审判记录表明,没有初步的证据可供 陪审团作为认定的依据,或者诉讼中发生了法 律错误,或者出现了“陪审团不良行为”,否 则初审法官和上诉法官都不得撤销陪审团的裁 决。
1994.7.27 1995.6.12 戈尔德曼亲属 尼科尔亲属
1997.2.4 民事陪审团作出裁决,一致认定辛普森对两名受害人 之死负有责任,裁决其赔偿金共计3350万美金
• 2007年9月13日,在美国拉斯维加斯持枪抢劫。
• 2008年10月3日,陪审团裁定辛普森持械抢劫 及绑架等十二项罪名全部成立,可能面临终身 监禁。
杀妻案 (刑事)
审判地点 洛杉矶
杀妻案 (民事)
8黑人 2中南美裔 1印第安人 1白人
9白人 1西班牙裔 1亚裔 1黑人和西 班牙混血
• 2008.6 凯西·安东尼年仅两岁 的女儿凯莉在佛罗里达 州失踪 凯莉外祖母向警察局报 案 凯西被捕入狱,面临 一级谋杀等7项指控 凯莉尸体被侦查人员找 到 案件开始审理 陪审团裁决凯西一级谋 杀罪名不成立
但是也有例外。 一旦成为陪审员,将在案件审理完毕之前受到一定的限制。 一旦成为陪审员,将有权接受国家按照其参与审判时间的长短 付给的补助。
正式开庭审理之前:法官将注意事项详细地以书面形式告知陪 审员。每个陪审员在阅读完这些文件后签上自己的名字,表示 已经了解了注意事项。 开庭:在开庭审理中,法官和陪审团都不能直接询问案件的证 人,只能由双斱当事人的律师询问。法官控制着双斱律师的交 叉询问。陪审团认真听完整个庭审过程。 讨论&裁决:陪审团根据庭审过程中了解到的证据对案件进行 讨论,形成裁决意见,并进行投票表决。

英美法系 陪审团制度

英美法系 陪审团制度


























USjurytrial美国陪审团制度United StatesMain article: Trial by jury in the United StatesIn the United States every person accused of a crime punishable by incarceration for more than six months has a constitutional right to a trial by jury, which arises in federal court from Article Three of the United States Constitution, which states in part, "The Trial of all Crimes...shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed." The right was expanded with the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states in part, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed." Both provisions were made applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. Most states' constitutions also grant the right of trial by jury in lesser criminal matters, though most have abrogated that right in offenses punishable by fine only. The Supreme Court has ruled that if imprisonment is for six months or less, trial by jury is not required, meaning a state may choose whether or not to permit trial by jury in such cases.[28]Under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, if the defendant is entitled to a jury trial, he may waive his right to have a jury, but both the government (prosecution) and court must consent to the waiver.In the cases Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S.466 (2000), and Blakely v. Washington, 542 U.S.296 (2004), the Supreme Court of the United States held that a criminal defendant has a right to a jury trial not only on the question of guilt or innocence, but any fact used to increase the defendant's sentence beyond themaximum otherwise allowed by statutes or sentencing guidelines. This invalidated the procedure in many states and the federal courts that allowed sentencing enhancement based on "a preponderance of evidence", where enhancement could be based on the judge's findings alone. Depending upon the state a jury must be unanimous for either a guilty or not guilty decision.A hung jury results in the defendants release, however charges against the defendant are not dropped and can be reinstated if the state so chooses.Jurors in some states are selected through voter registration and drivers' license lists. A form is sent to prospective jurors to pre-qualify them by asking the recipient to answer questions about citizenship, disabilities, ability to understand the English language, and whether they have any conditions that would excuse them from being a juror. If they are deemed qualified, a summons is issued.It has been speculated that jury trials encourage harsh punishment in the United States.[29]English common law and the United States Constitution recognize the right to a jury trial to be a fundamental civil liberty or civil right that allows the accused to choose whether to be judged by judges or a jury.In America, it is understood that Juries usually weigh the evidence and testimony to determine questions of fact, while judges usually rule on questions of law, although the dissenting justices of the Supreme Court case Sparf et al. v. U.S. 156 U.S. 51 (1895), generally considered the pivotal case concerning the rights and powers of the jury, declared: “It is our deep and settled conviction, confirmed by a re-examination of the authorities … that the jury, upon the general issue of guilty or notguilty in a criminal case, have the right, as well as the power, to decide, according to their own judgment and consciences, all questions, whether of law or of fact, involved in that issue.” Jury determination of questions of law, sometimes called jury nullification, cannot be overturned by a judge if doing so would violate legal protections against double jeopardy.[30] Although a judge can throw out a guilty verdict if it was not supported by the evidence, a jurist has no authority to override a verdict that favors a defendant.[31]It was established in Bushel's Case that a judge cannot order the jury to convict, no matter how strong the evidence is. In civil cases, a special verdict can be given, but in criminal cases, a general verdict is rendered, because requiring a special verdict could apply judicial pressure to the jury, and because of the jury's historic function of tempering rules of law by common sense brought to bear upon the facts of a specific case. For this reason, Justice Black and Justice Douglas indicated their disapproval of special interrogatories even in civil cases.[32]There has been much debate about the advantages and disadvantages of the jury system, the competence or lack thereof of jurors as fact-finders, and the uniformity or capriciousness of the justice they administer.[33] The jury has been described as "an exciting and gallant experiment in the conduct of serious human affairs."[34]As fact-finders, juries are expected to fulfill the role of lie detector.[35]However, not all cases are eligible for jury trials. In most US states, there is no right to a jury trial in family law actions not involving a termination of parental rights, such as divorce and custody modifications.[36][37] Only eleven states allow juries in any aspect of divorce litigation (Colorado, Georgia, Illinois,Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin).[36]Mostof these limit the right to a jury to try issues regarding grounds or entitlement for divorce only. Texas provides jury trial rights most broadly, including even the right to a jury trial on questions regarding child custody.[36][37]But those who charged with a criminal offense, breach of contract or federal offence have a Constitutional right to a trial by jury.[36]。




























美国陪审团制度PAGE 4一般认为英国是现代陪审制度的发源地。




































作为法庭戏非常出彩的电影《12怒汉》就发生在一个场景中,通过1名怒汉提出了质疑,观察随后11位陪审团成员的心理变化,其中有“对生命 的 尊 重,对偏 见的反思,对公 正的责任”,《12怒汉》的出色与伟大在我看来是表现在对 人 道 主 义 普 世价 值的追寻,
通俗地说陪审团就是抽签随机选出的符合资格的公民,他们被集中到一起,案件审理期间不得和外界联系。他们负责投票决定对某一被告来说:一、是否起诉;二、是否有罪。 在美国,刑事案件的审理和部分民事案件(主要是民事侵权案件)都有可能使用陪审团。而在英国及英联邦国家,民事案件基本不再使用陪审团。众所周知,陪审团的基本作用是认定案件事实。在有陪审团的诉讼中,法官不认定事实,法官的基本作用是控制诉讼程序,根据陪审团认定的事实适用法律。



Difficult sentence
Throughout the jury controversy there is at last one assumption on both sides that the decisions of the jury will sometimes and to some degree be different from those that would be given by the judge in the same case.
Critic of the jury
The jury employs laymen amateurs in what must be a technical and serious business. That 12 persons are brought in from the street, selected in various ways. They are lack of general ability, so they may have no capacity for deciding controversies between persons. There is no guarantee that members of a particular jury may be equally quite ignorant, credulous, slow-witted, narrow-minded biased or temperamental.
Unit 25
Jury (II)
• People’s Accessory System People’
The assessors, or jurors, works together with the judges. Both of them are in charge of examining evidences, discussing the cases ,and deciding whether the defendant is guilty or not.
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一般的民事和刑事案件要求 裁决的投票结果达到9票
• 陪审团成员确定
Step1:由法官随机抽取最初的陪审员候选人。 在美国,每个公民都有成为陪审团的义务, 法官可以直接从当地选民登记手册中随机抽出 候选人名单。 Step2:双方律师对抽取的候选人依次行使否 决权,决定最终的陪审员人选。 Step3: 选举产生陪审团主席
Jury System
不满18岁 不在本土居住
特定人数的有选举权的公民 决 定
不通晓英语 听力有缺陷
精神病 酗酒,吸毒
美国的陪审团可分大陪审团和小陪审团。 大陪审团只处理刑事案件,职责是听审证据,也就是根据检察官、当 事人以及证人的陈述,决定是否对被告进行起诉;
小陪审团在刑事诉讼中,则通过对案件事实的认定,决定嫌疑人是否 有罪,在民事诉讼中解决争议,并决定是否赔偿。
为了防止意外,还需要有几名候补的陪审员。 最终所需要的只是 。 自始至终,候补陪审员是和正式的陪审员一起参加法庭的审理活动的
保护陪审员安全,另一方面则是为了防止陪审团受外界干扰。被隔离的陪审员 通常住在指定的酒店,有警卫看守,未经法官许可,陪审员不得擅自离开住处。 在隔离期间,陪审员不能看报、看电视等,以防受外界影响。
在一般刑事和民事案件中,需要多少票数才Fra bibliotek获得有效的判决,
在开庭前,法官将告知当事人及双方律师和陪审团将在下次开庭 时宣布裁决结果。开庭时,法官将询问陪审团主席是否形成裁决意见。 如果形成裁决意见,团主席将宣布裁决及投票结果。在陪审团主席宣 读裁决结果后,法官还将一一询问各位陪审员的意见,是同意,还是 反对。如果这时有陪审员反对,使 裁决就将无效,陪审团就要重新审议。

• 保证民主性,从而能保证司法公正。 • 陪审团制度能促进优秀的律师的产生。 在陪审团审判中,律师的辩护对陪审 团对事实的认定起到很大的作用,因 此陪审团制度能促进一大批优秀律师 的产生。

• 案件托的时间太长几个星期几个月; 有时案件听证一半,被告和原告可能 又采取庭下和解,浪费纳税人的的钱 • 12个陪审员自身素质、专业素质参差 不齐,只是体现该社区的民意,较让 人接受其观点