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1.I advised that sister ________ at her desk all day.

A.m ustn’t B not read C doesn’t read D needn’t read

2.The situation required that China __________ its door to the outside world.

A must open

B should open

C have to open

D has to open

3.I ________ you a more valuable present for your birthday. I was short of money at that time.

A must have brought

B would have bought

C had bought

D would buy

4.----Do you want him to lend you some money?

-----I wish he __________.

A had

B did

C would

D should

5. _______he came , the problem would be settled.

A Would

B Should C. Shall D. If

6.It was required that each student _________ enough food on the trip.

A.had better bring B would bring C brought D bring

7.You __________ the meeting yesterday. Why are you absent?

A had seen

B might have seen

C were to see

D would see

8.She didn’t come yesterday, or you _________him.

A had seen

B might have seen

C were to see

D would see

9.___________ you ________last Wednesday, you might know it well.

A Were , to come B. If, came C. Had, come D. Did , come

10.I was ill that day, otherwise I _________the sports meet.

A. would have taken part in B took part in C had taken part in D would

take part in

11.She couldn’t have answered the question if she _________ a few books on world


A didn’t read

B wouldn’t read

C haven’t read

D hadn’t read

12.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it __________.

A breaks

B has broken

C were broken

D had been broken

13We should have arrived sooner except we _________ a flat tyre.

A had

B would

C has not

D has

14----Why didn’t you help him?

----I would have_______ I didn’t have the money.

A still

B but

C otherwise

D or

15. I would rather she _____________ with her friends that alone.

A travel on train

B traveled by train

C travels by train

D travelling by the train

16.I would have invited her to the party but I ____________ her well.

A don't know

B didn’t know

C hadn’t known

D haven’t known

17.It was ordered that no smoking __________ in the library.

A was allowed

B be allowed

C would be allowed

D had been allowed

18.Would you have stayed with her?

A had she asked

B if she asked

C if she should ask

D should she ask

19.________ here, he would attend the lecture.

A.H ad he been B If he were C Were he D Was he

20.Without electricity, what __________?

A will the world be like

B.would the world be like

C.the world would be like

D.t he world will be like


1----5 BBBCB 6----10 DDBCA 11----15 DCABB 16----20 BBACB
