
关键词:话语标记语;英语写作教学;调查;教学启示中图分类号:H319.36 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-7836(2016)10-0113-03一、前言话语标记语(DM),又叫插入语或话语联系语,是指说话者在话语表述过程中,为强化对交际对象的感染效果而插入的一些话语。
它们包括部分连词(如and, therefore, because 等)、副词(如actually, incidentally等)、感叹词(如well, oh等)以及某些短语或小句(如as a consequence of, you know, I mean, if Im not wrong等)[1]。
话语标记语well的语用功能分析 词汇学课程论文

英语词汇学课程论文院系外国语学院专业英语师范班级2014级英语师范1班学生姓名陈雪姣学号201410014131任课教师肖祎2016年 12月 22日Pragmatic Analysis of the Discourse Marker Well 2014级英语师范专业学生:陈雪姣学号:201410014131Abstract: This paper focuses on the pragmatic functions of the discoursemarker well in verbal interaction.Through the analysis of the collected data in English based on the corpus, it is found well can actrespectively as a repair marker, initiation marker, delay marker, mitigator of face threatening acts as well asinsufficiency marker in different contexts.It may help English learners understand the pragmatic functions of well in verbal communication with these specific analyses.Keywords:discourse marker;well; pragmatic functionsI.IntroductionWhen speakers want to make their words achieve their ideal purpose in a conversation, they may use discourse discourses to let it be. A discourse marker is structurally independent of the sentence and semantically without special meaning. Although they don’t have certain meaning of expression, they play the role of continuing the discourse, showing the discourse structure, and expressing the speaker’s implication. There are some common discourse markers, such as well, oh, like, you know, I mean, and, but etc..Well has a higher frequency use in spoken English,and it received much attention among researchers.Well, as a discourse marker, has been studied in various fields. Some researchers were looking for a unified meaning for well, while others aimed to clarify the different function that well performs in certain discourse contexts. Although some functions of well have been explained, it is still needed more comprehensive studies on pragmatic properties. This paper will focus on the pragmatic functions of discourse marker well. In addition, the conversational meanings it encodes in different contexts will also be explained.II.Analysis ofPragmatic Functions of the Discourse Markers “Well”1.Literature ReviewIn recent twenty years, many researchers have been taking serious interest in the study of discourse markers and they have made great contributions in this field. Jucker (1993) uses the theory of the relevance theory (Sperber&Wilson 1986/1995) to analyze the pragmatic function of discourse markers in detail. In terms of discourse marker Well, he exclaims that “Well”in oral communication can act as a face-threat mitigator, frame marker, marker of insufficiency and delay device.Ran Yongping (2003) based on results of previous research, re-sorting and dividing the pragmatic functions of discourse marker “Well”. And he discussed the possible pragmatic functions of well in different contexts. There are four main aspects: mitigatorof face-threatening acts, hesitation or delay marker, insufficiency marker as well asrepair marker.This paper will combine some specific spoken corpus to further analyze the pragmatic function of discourse markers well in verbal communication.2.Pragmatic Functions of the Discourse Markers “Well”2.1As a Repair MarkerSometimes speakers may hear the wrong words, or misunderstand certain information or inaccurate words. Then they are likely to repair their words on line. (Ran Yongping, 2003) English native speakers often use well to suggest that they will correct their own words.And well as a means of language insertion can play a role in the amendment. As follows:(1) Grandpa:Lots of wonderful memories .We married almost fifty years .Well, forty-seven, to be exact.(2) We walked along in silence for a bit, well,not really silence because she wasbumming.(3) A:Good morning, Fred, I hope you’ve recovered from your illness.B: Yes, thank you. W ell, not fully, but I’m on the mend.Take (1) and (2) for example, speaker uses well to repair specific information, which is called self-repair. While take (3) for instance, B repairs A’s words, which is called other- repair.2.2As an Initiation MarkerWell, as an initiation marker, it always appears at the beginning of a conversationto restart a new conversation, or it acts as the initial part of the last turn, to make a response (Li Ming, Chen Xinren, 2007).As follow:(4) Teacher:(when hearing the bell ring)Well, let’s begin our class.(5) A:I have tons of chutney.B:Well, how much did you pay for it?Take (4) for example, the teacher uses well to start the class, then greeting his students. This kind of beginning makes the conversation natural. While take (5) for instance, well used by B to responseA, then a new topic is referred. It also indicates a new conversation begins.2.3Asa Delay MarkerIn order to avoid long unnecessary pause in a conversation, well acts a delay marker which can effectively adjust the tempo of speakers. On the other hand, it is also indicates the listeners the following words that speakers who just lack of careful thinking will say. In this way speakers can have more time to prepare the following talks. Examples listed as follows:(6) Susan:We couldn’t ask for anything more,could we?Harry:Well1...Susan:Well...? Could we ask for anything more?Harry:Well2 ...we......Susan:What did you mean by “well ...”?You hadsomething on your mind when I said we couldn’t ask anythingmore....Susa:Well3, are you going to tell mewhat’s onyour mind, Harry?Harry:I have been offered a job with a major accounting company in Los Angeles.(7) ...then first, I, you see, you may meet a lot ofnew words in, ...well..., in your, er, firstyear. ...Take (6) for instance, Harry had a good opportunity of his work. But what confused Harry is that he had to leave New York for Los Angeles. This means he will be depart from Susan who married Harry not very long ago. So Harry was so confused that he didn’t know how to tell the fact to Susan. Well1and well2act as delay marker, indicating Harry’s hesitation.And as for (7), the speaker apparently didn’t organize his words fully, so he used well to leave more time for thinking, and italso indicated his words was continuing.In both (6) and (7), well act as delay marker, in one way or another, it is the means to protect speakers’ talking chances.2.4As a Frame MarkerWell can also be used to separate different units of speech, acting the role of conversion topics. In the following example, the speaker uses well to return to the topic and functions to divide the different discourse frameworks.(8) A: ...but if they wanted people around to talk to, then I would be very happy to stay, and got a letter back saying we have arranged for you to stay — well, le t’s take the interview first...As the last example, at first the speaker expresses his idea of willing to stay here, talking to people who want to talk to him. But next he just turns the topic to another one. Well used as a frame marker to separate the two points, reaching its functions at this situation.2.5As a Mitigator of Face-threatening ActsOntheinterpersonal level, well mainly functions as a face-threatmitigator (Jucker 1993), In communication, people tend to be polite to others and also hopethat others are polite tothem, or in other words, people are conscious to save face or to reduce face threat. Therefore, in communication people will try many means to reduce face threat and well is one of them. We say well is a means used to obtain mitigation in order to save face when there is misunderstanding or misconception.(9)(Scene: The Launderama, Rachel is there, waiting for Ross. An old woman takes Rachel's clothes off the machine and begins loading it with her things.) Rachel: Oh, ’scuse me, I was kinda using that machine.Woman: Yeah, well, now you are kinda not.In the above example, a woman takes Rachel’s place and Rachel tries to tell the woman that the place is hers, using “kinda” to reduce face threat. The woman, also trying to be less impolite, uses “well” to save face.2.6As an Insufficiency MarkerIn daily conversation, both of speakers are always unwilling to tell the fact to the other directly. Instead, they want to hide the real intention or imply some information. So, well, as an insufficiency marker, is used to reach speakers’ purpose.(10) Reporter: How do you know this?Hayden:Well, they’re right behind us.You can call Mr. Anderson, who’s righthere, who has been assigned to me. I shook him three days ago.Take (10) for example, when the reporter asked Hayden how he known that those policemen in plain clothes are on some kind of special assignment, he did not give the full explanation and meanwhile gave him some advice to ask for another person Mr. Anderson whom he shook three days ago. Wellis used here to show that the Tom does not give enough information to the reporter.III.ConclusionThis paper is based on the findings of previous studies, generalizing some typical results that scholars have ever researched, and analyzing pragmatic functions of the discourse m arkers“well” in a more specific way.Sixtypes of pragmatic functions of well are presented in this paper, including as a repair marker, as an initiation marker, as a delay marker, as a frame marker, as a mitigator of face-threatening acts, and as an insufficiency marker. As a repair marker, it is used to correct speakers’ own mistakes or to correct other’s wrong assumptions.It is used as an initiation marker to restart a new conversation, or to make a response.Well acts as a delay marker, which signals that the speaker needs time to meditate. As a frame marker, it signalsa shift in the topic and it also helps the speaker return to the main topic after some breakings or some irrelevantutterance.It is used as a mitigation of face-threatening acts in order to solve misunderstanding or disapproval. As an insufficiency marker, it means the speaker don’t want to supply some information or explanations to the hearer.With the abundant data that the BNC provides,eachfunction has been tested and analyzed pragmatically. Such an intensive method ensures an in-depth interpretation of well’s conversational meanings in different discourse contexts. This provides a solid basis for the later analysis of the core function and core meaning of well.References[1]Jucker, A.H.1993.The discourse marker well:Arelevant theoreticalaccount[J].Journal ofPragmatics 19 (5).[2]冉永平,2003 ,话语标记语well的语用功能[J] ,《外国语》。



对比性标记语 可以使得作者表达 的观点更加的全 面,从正反 两个 方 面帮助读者理解文章 的论述 。该类标记语能够突出观点 中的矛 盾现 象 ,帮助作 者把道理分析得更加清楚 。在研究 中,我们发现学 生使用 b u t 的频率是最高的 ,其主要原 因在于母语 负迁移对 学生英文写 作造 成 的影响 ,汉语 的表达方式通 常将起解释说 明作用的成分放 到句子的 前 部,而将表达 的重点放在句子 的后面 。 ( 四)推导性标记语 例1 :S o m e p e o p l e h a t e i t , ?b e c a u s e ?t r a v e l e r w i l l s p e n d l o t s o f mo n -
e y a n d・ _ -
例 2:O f c o u r s e ,I v a s t l y c o n f o r m w i t h he t i f r s t t i p, E n j o y i n g d e l i c i o u s
f o o d,d i f f e r e n t a r e a s h a s i t s e l f d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s ,t h e mo s t c r u c i a l i s i t s l o c a l f o o d .
语 用功 能 英语 写作
例 1 :B u t s o me p e o p l e t h i n k t h e t r a v e l i n g a s a w a s t e . 例2 :A l t h o u g h t h e t r a v e l ,I c o u l d h a v e a r e s t a n d I t h i n k 1 w i l l h a v e a

在英语写作中研究话语标记语IntroductionDiscourse markers (DMs) are expressions that guide and link the progress of a conversation or text. Their main task is to signal the relationship between the different parts of a discourse, show the sequence of information, connect sentences and paragraphs, and indicate the speaker’s attitude or opinion. In English writing, DMs are critical for indicating coherence and coherence in discourse. Therefore, this essay seeks to discuss the role of DMs in facilitating discourse coherence and coherence in English writing.1. Types of Discourse MarkersDMs include words, phrases, or even short sentences that indicate the structure and meaning of discourse. There are various types of DMs, and they can be classified based on their functions. These include additive DMs used to connect items or to add to the list such as also, furthermore, in addition, and moreover. Adversative DMs are used to indicate contrast and opposition such as but, however, nonetheless, and although. Causal DMs indicate reason and cause-effect relations, such as consequently, thus, and so. Temporal DMs are used to indicate time and sequence such as firstly, secondly, and finally, as well as other temporal markers like when, while, and after. There are also reformulative DMs that connect and summarizeinformation such as in other words, to put it differently, and that is.2. Role of Discourse Markers in facilitating Discourse Cohesion and CoherenceDiscourse coherence and coherence refer to the clarity, consistency, and meaningfulness of a text. DMs play a significant role in facilitating discourse coherence and coherence by guiding the reader through the different sections of a discourse and signaling relationships between propositions. By using DMs, the writer makes it easier for readers to understand the text and navigate through it. Moreover, DMs help to maintain discourse cohesion by linking words, phrases, and sentences in the text, developing the reader's understanding of the narrative structure.For instance, consider an example of a paragraph without DMs:“I have always enjoyed sports since my childhood. Football is my favorite. I loved playing with my friends in the neighborhood. I also enjoyed watching sports on television. My favorite team is Manchester United. I have always dreamed of playing for them.”In this paragraph, the reader may find it challenging to follow the different points the writer is making. Instead, if the writer used DMs such as “Furthermore” or “In addition,” the paragraph would be clearer, coherent, and easier to read.“Football is my favorite sport. Moreover, I loved playing it with my friends in the neighborhood. In addition, I enjoyed watching sports on television. My favorite team is Manchester United. Finally, I have always dreamed of playing for them.”In the second example, the DMs help link the different sentences, indicating the relationships between them, thus creating a coherent and cohesive text, which is easier for the reader to follow.ConclusionIn conclusion, DMs play a crucial role in facilitating coherence and coherence in English writing. They connect the different sections of a discourse, signal the relationships between propositions, and link words, phrases, and sentences in a text. When used correctly, they make the text easier to read, understand and follow, enhancing the coherence and coherence of thewritten piece. Therefore, it is essential for writers to have a good understanding of DMs and to use them adequately when writing.。

中话语标记语 的使用 情况 。
二 、 中生写作中使用话语标记语存在 的问题 高 在今天 的英语 作文教学 中 , 教师们所 遵 循的教 学模 式是 : 先注重 词 和句 的练 习, 才 联系 整 个语 篇 。这 种 后
教学看起来很 有说 服力 , 但却忽 视 了话 语标 记语在 语篇
中充 当的制 约话语 理解 的功能 。准 确地来 说 , 话语 标记 语是 提供 或寻 找关联 、 测语 篇意 图 、 动语 篇发 展 的 揣 推
hm s l,bu lo h r st e h a t ft o e a o n m. i ef tas a m h e lh o h s r u d hi Fo he s keo h s o e p e s g e t t t s kig rt a ft i ,s me p o l u g s ha mo n
个 关键 问题 。篇章语言学 家认 为 , 话语 标记语 是实 现
例 2 “ h s det e ns i l fnomai :T ee v r smet v a o o fr t n a i g e t i o
a o t h tp o u t l teo h f r t n t e r v d b u a r d c , i l f ei o ma i h y p o i e t t t n o
话语标记语 ( i o remak r 是 指用 来标 示 话语 d cu s r e) s
之间各种逻辑或时空关 系的词 或短语 。Shf i 把话语 c ir fn
标 记语定义为黏附在句子上 的 、 用来 分割话 语单 元 的话
语 成分 。在话 语 的实 际 运 用 中 , 它们 通 常 被 称 为 连词
so l e a n di u l lcs”在 英语 中 , frte h udb n e p bi pae. b n c “o h

06 如何在写作中使用话语标记语话语标记语及其作用分析▲话语标记语概述从20世纪80年代起,就有众多西方学者开始关注和研究话语标记语。
通过以往文章的回顾,我们发现研究的角度、范围和领域不同,其对话语标记语的命名也就不同,例如话语联系语(Halliday & Hasan, 1976 ),语用联系语(Van Dijk, 1979 ),提示语(Rouchuota, 1978 ),语义连词(Quirk, et al, 1985 ),话语操作语(Redeker, 1991),话语小品词(Schourup, 1985 ),语用标记语(Schiffrin,1987; Fraser, 1989),话语联系语(Blackmore, 1987,1992),语用构成语(Fraser,1987 )等等,就像我们看到的那样,不同的术语背后传达出对话语标记语的态度与角度不同,在本文中,笔者统一使用了话语标记语这一术语。
Ostman是第一个研究话语标记语的人,you know是其第一个研究样本,他认为,每个话语的理解都要依靠包含话语标记语的语篇,这些小品词包含了与语境相关的必要信息,她认为小品词所包含的主要功能是语篇组织、互动信号和态度标记。
Halliday和Hasan(1976 )在其《英语中的衔接》中指出话语标记语是一种连接方式,它影响着语篇衔接与连贯,并且有其独特的衔接功能。
Schiffrin (1987 )采用自下而上的方法,从社会互动或连贯的角度,对11个话语标记语的话语功能进行了定性与定量分析,她认为话语标记语是划分话语的界标,是依附与前言后语的。
她从话语的局部连贯角度出发,对标记语进行了操作性的定义,对于Redeker来说,她将话语标记语视为话语操作语,并将其定义为“用来表示话语与当前语境关系的语言表达”Redeker, 1990) oRedeker和S chiffrin都认为话语标记语是标记连贯的关系,她称之为“话语操作语”。

h o h b 、 o ta y t h w v r 确立 与 发展 , 始 了对话 语标 记语 的语 用研 究 。话 语 t r ug 、 ut c n r r o、 o e e ; 开
o noh rt n f rh r r 用功能 。进人8年代以后 , O 最早对话语标记语进行研 fr a t e hi g、u te mo e;
认 知 功 能 。 些特 点使 得话 语 标记 语在 生成 和解 释话 和元 语 言功 能 。 这 马萧提 出英 汉语 标记 语在 话语 交 际 中
语中起着举足轻重的作用 。而在英语写作过程 中, 有共 同的语 用功 能 : 为 制约功 能 、 提示 功能 、 谋篇 布 局功
这些研 究 将话语 标 记语 从语 义层 面提 升 到语用 层 了满足文章连贯性和逻辑性等要素的要求 , 话语标记 能 。 语 的使用频率是非常高的。因此 , 帮助学生将英语写 面 , 使其相关研究更进一步发展。
定量分析。这些话语标记语包括o 、 e 、n 、u、r hw l ad bto、 l 认为这些话语标记语对话语联贯起着重要的作用 , 并 进入9 年代以后 , eee O R dkr 等学者对话语 标记语进行
() 4 主题 变化 标记 语 ( pccag res ,ly t i hnemakr)3b o  ̄ l 三 、 学生英 语作 文 中常见 的话 语标 记语 的 分类 大
的一种语言现象 , 是用来标示话语之间各种逻辑或时 段 。
空关 系的一 些 特定 词或 短语 。 语标 记语 具有 以下 四 话
在 国内, 冉永平等学者也开始探讨话语标记语的
大特点 :1不影响话语的真值条件 ;2不增加话语 话 语功 能 ,其 中主 要是 句 法 和语 义 视 域 下 的语 用 研 () () 也有认知——语用研究 。 李勇忠认为 , 话语标记至 的命题 内容 ;3 与话语情形有关 , () 但是与论及的情形 究 , 无关 ;4 具有情感 、 () 表达功能, 但不具有指称 、 外延或 少具有如下三种功能 : 语篇组织功能 、 人际商讨功能

以下例句中的well用法将不在本文讨论之列:(1)all the team played very well.(2)the organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities.(3)i don’t feel very well.(4)most people are not very well-informed about this disease.(5)he dug a well in the field.(6)water wells from a spring in distance.话语标记词, 朗文语言教学与应用语言学词典作出以下解释:“用来连接两段话语但对它们的意思无影响的表达式” (jack, c. r., richard, s., heidi, k., & youngkyu. k.2005: 209)。
如:(7)a: do you love your wife?b1: yes.b2: well, yes.如果从语义学上来看,well对于两个回答来看,基本上没有什么意义上的区别。

话语标记语在英语理解中的运用杨莉【摘要】As a complicated listening test section in TEM 8, Mini-lecture is always a difficulty for students . This paper illustrates the pragmatic functions of discourse markers , and analyzes the application of the discour-ses markers in the listening comprehension of Mini -lecture .The discourse markers can guide and provide cues while listening .By noticing and using the discourse markers , the students will enhance the ability of predica-tion, logical analysis and distinguishing primary and secondary ideas .The paper not only presents the effective testing strategies but also the use of discourse markers as a listening strategy into the teaching to improve students'listening ability .%Mini-lecture作为英语专业八级考试中较为复杂的听力测试项目,是考生的难点所在。

722019年48期总第488期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS英语会话话语标记研究文/魏玉梅The situation is perhaps best summarized as follows.6.举例和缩小范围。
如:for example, for instance, sayThey have travelled in many countries, for example, Japan, Malaysia and China.7.重声或简洁陈述。
如:in other words, that is, I mean.我们通常用话语标记来表示正在说明的不是新信息,使语言更加清晰。
Be natural. In other words, be yourself.三、会话话语标记的意义和用法1.一个话语标记可能有多种意义。
OK, I agree with you. / OK, that finishes that. Now what was the other thing?2.有些意义可以用许多词和短语来表达。
Will you make sure the water’s hot? Yes, OK./ Right, this is what I want say.3.用于驾驭会话的词和短语有完全不同的意义。
如,Right还可以是 wrong和left的反义词; by the way可以用来指一种方式。
I should tell he was ill by the way he was sweating.4.同时还存在地区、社会和个人的用词差别。
Now, let’s come to a conclusion.四、结语学习英语的目的可能不同,但无论在正式或者非正式场合使用口语,必须了解话语标记语义的细微区别、语义差异以及用法区别,这一切都取决于我们的英语水平和已掌握的话语标记知识。

话语标记语的作用是 ___语篇功能、人际谈论功能和元语言功能。
虽然各学者的表述不同,但是综合各位学者的观点,话语标记语的作用可以概括为以下三个方面:第一, ___语篇功能,即话语标记语能够用来作为 ___语言的一部分内容、构建人际交流所需要的语境,使得谈论的话语意义更加连贯、有条理;第二,人际谈论功能,即人际功能,说话人可以借助和利用标记语来引起倾听者的注意力,使话语正常进行,可以协调说话人和听话人之间的关系;第三,元语言功能,简言之,标记语能够表明说话人当时的感情与态度。

校园英语 / 语言文化话语标记语的位置语用研究惠州市技师学院/张彩燕一、标记性语言的含义话语标记语(discourse markers)又称话语联系语 (discourse connectives),就是表现句子结构的一个单词或者词组,它是依存于前言后语,划分说话单位的界标,位置不固定,可在句子的开头、中间或者结尾,话语标记语为进行中的话语提供了语境坐标,它表明了语句与前面或后面的话相联系,或者与前后同时相联系。
如类似下面斜体加粗部分的词语或结构:1.We were late in leaving office.Nevertheless,we arrived on time.2.It is my fault .After all,you are the boss.3.A:Good morning,Fred,I hope you’ ve recovered from your illness.B:Yes,thank you.Er —well,not fully,but I’ m on the mend.4.Vivian: what do you do anyway?Myth: I am a writer,I guess.话语标记语包括部分连词如 and、therefore、so等,副词如actually、really、unfortunately等,感叹词如oh、well、ok等及某些短语如you see、you know、as a result of等。
二、话语标记语的用法1.用于开头(1)意示对前面所说内容的认同如:right,okay,all right,I see,I know等举例:Vivian: Today Betty wears a new beautiful skirt.May: I know,she is dating with a boy resently.Lily: Mom,I want to go to paly football.Mom: Okay,but be careful.(2)意示前面所说内容改变了自己原有的认知,如oh,ah等举例:Vivian: I heard that Mark failed the exam.May: Ah,I thought he would succeed.Olia: Mr.Huang married a business woman.David: Oh,I remember he wanted to marry a teacher.(3)意示在无准备或不得已情况下接替他人的话,如:well举例:1)意示与前面所说的话作一了断并开始自己的话如well,all right,okay等举例:①Teacher: (when hearing the bell ring) Well,let’ s begin our class.② A: I have many chocolates.B:Well,how much did you pay for that?2)在当前话题中间转移话题如 well,okay,right等举例:Vicky: Can I drive you to office?David: No,thanks a lot.The bus is just up the street.It won’ t take me long at all.Vicky: Well,you really saved the day for me,David.2.用于中间(1)表示偏离主题,突发的想法,自我修补等如I mean,w ell,oh,right等举例:Lily: Dear,what do you think of this dress?Mart: Hurry up.We are late for the party.(at the same time,the wife is angry.) I mean this dress is fit for e on.(2)意示语气含糊,对所说的话不够肯定或者要负责任的程度较低如like,just,a bit,sort/ kind of,well,or something,not really,and everything/things/ stuff/that,I think等举例:A:Good morning,David,I hope you’ve recovered from your illness.B: Yes,thank you.Er —well,not fully,but I’ m on the mend.A: What do you think of tonight speech,Lily?B: I think it is kind of boring.I saw many audiences fell asleep during the speech.3.用于结尾(1)意示话题即将结束。

话语标记语总频数 频数/ 每百万词符 话语标记语类型
42 ,197 914 62
54 ,910 1 ,191 87
41 2 话语标记语类型 为研究中国学生在英语口语中是否使用与操母语者同样的话语标记语表达语义关系 ,笔者利用表一的 分类分析了两个语料库中话语标记语的功能 。结果显示 ,不同语义分类的分布在两组语料中大体相同 ,但 是 ,各类型的出现频率都有所不同 。 表三 SECCL 和 BNC 中话语标记语语义类型的分布
·41 ·
语语料 ,基本上与中国学习者口语语料库的大小一致 ,作为对比参照语料 。 31 3 工具 本研究的检索工具是 Wordsmit h4. 0 ,主要运用单词列表 ( Wordlist) 和词汇检索 ( Concordance) 两个功能
对话语标记语进行分析 ,统计两个语料库中话语标记语的类型和频率 ,以及话语标记语在语篇中出现的位 置 ,希望发现两者之间话语标记语使用的不同规律 。
表一 本研究中话语标记语的分类
分 类
1. 附加性标记语
Also , f urt hermore , moreover , besides , still , and , too , in additio n
2. 列举性标记语
For instance , fo r example , such as
① 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心兼职研究员 。此研究得到该中心资助 。
·40 ·
(如 well , oh 等) ,还包括某些短语或小句 ( 如 as a consequence of . . . ,you know , I mean , if Iπm not wrong 等) ,本研究以 Philip (1995) 的分类为基础 ,吸收其他分类的合理之处 ,采用逻辑连接标记语和填充标记语二 分法对话语标记语进行分类 ,并对具体分类条目进行局部调整 (见表一) 。

李 民 陈新仁 英语专业学生习得话语标记语 W ELL 语用功能之实证研究
中国英语学习者总体上在写作中有 意识地使 用话语标 记语来提示内容之 间的 关系 , 但这 种使 用有 比较 明显 的个体差异 : 有的 人要 么不 用 , 要么 几乎 每句 话都 用 。 基于对国 际 英语 学 习者 口 语 语料 库 ( L IN DSEI) 的分 析, H e ( 2003) 指出 well 虽然是 英语本族 语使用 者最常 用的话语标记语 , 但中国英语 学习者却 很少使用 ; 何安 平 、徐曼菲( 2003 : 451) 进一步指出 , 对 well 等 话语标记 语的使用“ 可能 成为 区别学 生口 语流利 性发 展过 程的 阶段性表征之一” 。 通 过分析 中国 学习 者口 语语 料库 ( SECC L) , Wang( 2003) 指出 , 中 国英 语学 习者 同 英语 本族语使用者相比 总体 上来 说较少 使用 话语 标记 语 , 但是倾向于过多使用 and , but , I think 等标记语 。 不难看出 , 目前 很少 有研 究分 析中 国英 语学 习者 习得话语标记语 w ell 语 用功能 的情 况 。 有鉴 于此 , 本 文将采用定量和定 性分 析相 结合的 方法 , 从 理解 和产 出两个方面 , 通过与英语本族 语使用者 的对比 , 来探讨 中国英语专业学生习得此话语标记 语的各项 语用功能 的状况 。 3 .研究方法 3. 1 研究问题 本研究拟回答以下五个问题 : ( 1) 英语本族 语者在 口语交际中如 何使 用话 语 标记 语 well 的 各种 语 用功 能?( 2) 中国英 语专业 学生 能在 多大 程度 上理 解 well 的这些功能 ? ( 3) 中国 英语 专业学 生在 口语 中如 何使 用 well 的这些功能 ? ( 4) 英语 本族语 者使用 well 功能 的情况如何影响中 国英 语专 业学生 理解 这些 功能 , 以 及中国英语专业学生对 we ll 功能的理解情况如何影响 他们在口语交际 中对 其功能 的使 用 ? ( 5) 英 语本 族语 者与中国英语专业学生在 we ll 语用功能的使用上有何 差异 ? 3. 2 研究材料 本研究采用语料 库文 本分 析的 方法 , 其 中英 语本 族语口语语 料库为 T he Santa Barbara Co rpus of Spoken Ame rican Eng lish( SBCSA E) ( Par t I); 为了便 于研 究 , 笔者首先将每行起始位置 的时间信 息手工删除 , 然 后再进行相关 数 据 统计 , 数据 显 示 , 该 语料 库 共包 含 72736 个词次 。 所使用的 中国学 习者 英语 口语语 料库 为 T he Spoken Eng lish Cor pus of Chinese Learner s ( SECC L) , 该语料库 是南 京大学 创建 的中国 英语 专业 学生二年级口语 语料 库 。 该语 料库包 括三 部分 ( 故事 复述 、即席讲话 和对话), 本研 究仅 采用 其中 的第 三部 分 , 即对话部分 。 由于笔 者需 要对 所选 文本 中的 话语 标记语 well 进行逐一功能划分并做标记 , 工作量巨 大 ,

基于构式语法的英语话语标记语youknow的研究【摘要】话语标记语you know是言语交际中常见的话语表达形式,有多种语用功能。
构式语法自提出以来便引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,本文以构式语法理论为基础,尝试将you know作为一个构式来研究,分析其形式、意义和功能,以进一步推动使用构式语法分析研究话语标记语。
【关键词】构式语法;话语标记语;You know1 话语标记语话语标记语(discourse markers)是言语交际中说话者为使听话者更好地理解语句之间以及交际情景中各种因素之间的连贯关系,从而实现成功言语交际所采用的重要手段之一,从结构上看这些表达方式不仅限于单词,还包括短语或结构组合,它们体现的不只是形式上的特点与功能,应该被视为话语信息的一部分,其作用不是局部的,主要是从整体上对话语的构建与理解产生影响,具有动态的语用特征。
日常言语会话中存在很多类似you know、you see、see,say,listen,oh、I mean、that is to say、in the other words、well、however等常见的言语表达形式,这些话语标记语近似于汉语中的“你知道”、“我的意思是”、“我想说的是”等插入语,其中you know是一个使用频率颇高而且语用功能十分丰富的话语标记语。
2 话语标记语“you know”“You know”是20世纪80年代以后最早对话语标记语进行研究的学者之一Ostman研究的第一个话语标记语。
作为一个常用的话语标记语,“you know”大致有四种语用功能:第一,信息提醒功能“you know”的信息提醒功能指的是言语交际中的说话人通过使用you know 这个话语标记语,突显其与听话人彼此之间共享的信息。
例1:A:Can you help me with my forthcoming interview?It is said you have much experience.B:No problem. You should make a good impression on the interveners,you know,your qualities are very important,including your physical appearance,energy,rate of speech,pitch and tone of voice,gestures,expression through the eyes. Others form an impression about you based on these.此例中,you know 显然是提醒对方应该知道的常识性信息。

商业2.0 理论研究264英语作文中话语标记语的应用付玉洁(成都外国语学校 四川成都 611731)摘要:话语标记语的语用分析从20世纪70年代以来就成为了研究焦点并一直延续至今。
关键词:作文;话语标记语;应用著名的语用学家Levinson所著的《Pragmatics》一书中有这么一段话:“英语,毫无疑问绝大多数语言中,都有很多标记某一话语与前面话语之间所存在的某种关系的词语和短语,如位于句首的but、therefore、in conclusion、to the contrary、still、however、anyway、well、besides、actually、all in all、so、after all等。
话语标记语 You know的语料库研究

2102018年42期总第430期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS话语标记语 You know 的语料库研究文/姚素华一、引言英语口语中时常会出现I m e a n , y o u k n o w , w e l l 和consequently这类词,有助于听众达到更好的理解和沟通效果。
而Schiffrin(1987)给话语标记语下的定义是——话语标记语是“对话语单位起切分作用的顺序性依附成分”(sequentially dependent elements which bracket units of talk),这受到普遍认同和推广。
二、有关you know 的理论研究国外学者对英语口语中高频话语标记语,如well, youknow 和I mean 已作大量研究。
早在上世纪,you know成为Ostman(1981), Schiffrin(1987), Schourup (1985), Redeker (1990)的研究对象。
在中国,冉永平(2002)指出,在口语交际中话语标记语you know对谈话中的命题内容所起作用不大;相反,它作为调适工具来促成和保持话语的互动性。
在具体语境中,you know有助于促成话语双方达到信息互享和认知相联,它的出现是交流沟通情境中不断调整的结果。
刘锋会(2010)对国内有关you know研究进行综述之后发现,集中在两方面的研究:一是对本族语者如何运用you know方面的研究,另一种是对中国学生使用情况的实证研究。
三、有关you know 的语料库研究Aihmer(2004)通过在LLC(London-Lund Corpus of SpokenEnglish) 检索本族语者使用you know的频率,发现you know 在17个高频话语标记语中排名第二,仅次于I t h i n k 。
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许多学者从不同角度对话语标记语进行了研究,譬如,Ostman以you know为第一个研究对象来研究话语标记语;Schourup也是对话语标记语较早研究的学者,使用的名称为“普通话语小品词”;Watts根据话语标记语出现的常见位置将它们分成“左标记语”和“右标记语”;Fraser采用“自上而下”的方法并从语法-语用的角度对话语标记语进行了研究。
从现有的对话语标记语的研究来看,绝大多数都是从Sperber &Wilson的关联理论角度进行探讨。
Blakemore就是以Sperber&Wilson 的关联理论为基础,从认知-语用的角度出发,对话语标记语的作用进行了研究,关联理论从人的认知特点与过程出发,将交际当作是一种认知活动,认为人类的认知有一个总的目标,即在认知过程中力图以最小的投入去获取最大的认知效果。
英语话语标记语的数量很多,不同的话语标记语可以达到相同的语境效果而且一些话语标记语可以达到两个,甚至是三个语境效果,例如:for instance,however,in other words等等。
[1]Blakemore, D.Semantic Constraints on R elevance[M].Oxford, Blackwell,1987.
[2]Fraser,B.An Approach to Discourse Markers[J].Journal of Prag-matics,1990.
[3]Johns,A.M.Textual Cohesion and the Chinese Speakers of English [J].Language Learning and Communication,1984.
[4]Sperber,D.&D.Wilson.R elevance.Blackwell.1995.