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Unit 1

1、这是我的妈妈。This is my mother.


Welcome to our home.

3、我来自英国。I’m from the UK.

4、这是我的卧室。This is my bedroom.

Unit 2

1、这是你的哥哥吗?Is this your brother?

2、你看起来像男孩子。You look like a boy.

3、他们是谁?Who are they?


They are my cousins.

Unit 3

1、他是谁?Who’s he?

2、他是我们的体育老师。He’s our PE teacher.

3、他又高又壮。He’s tall and strong.

Unit 4

1、我有一个新朋友。I have a new friend.

2、她来自英国。She is from the UK.

3、她高吗?Is she tall?

是的,她个子高。Yes,she is.

4、她多大了?How old is she?

她68岁了。She’s 68.

Unit 5

1、他是做什么工作的?What’s his job?

他是一名老师。He’s a teacher.


Is your mother a ping-pong player?

不,她不是。No,she isn’t.

Unit 6

1、他们正在做什么?What are they doing?

他们正在工作. They are working.

2、他们是做什么工作的?What are their jobs?

他们是艺术家。They are artists.

3、他们是工人吗?Are they workers?

不,他们不是。No,they aren’t.

4、我想成为一名警察。I want to be a policeman. Unit 7

1、它们是什么?What are they?

它们是鹅。They are geese.

2、但是它们看起来一样。But they look the same.


The sea lion can stand,but the seal can’t. Unit 8

1、那些是什么?What are those?

2、这些是什么?What are these?

它们是玉米秸秆。They are corn stalks.

3、它们是土豆吗?Are they potatoes?

不,它们不是。No,they aren’t.

4、它们是红薯。They are sweet potatoes.

5、这些是茄子吗?Are these eggplants?

是的,它们是。Yes,they are.

6、那些是西瓜吗?Are those watermelon s?

不。它们是南瓜。No.They are pumpkins. Unit 9

1、你能/会做什么?What can you do?

我能/会飞。I can fly.

2、像鸭子一样走路。Walk like a duck.

3、很高兴认识你。Glad to know you.

Unit 10

1、你能说英语吗?Can you speak English?

是的,我能。Yes,I can.

2、你能游泳吗?Can you swim?

不,我不能。No, I can’t.

3、你能唱歌跳舞吗?Can you sing and dance?

是的,我能。Yes,I can.

4、我不会爬树。I can’t climb the tree.

Unit 11

1、他会做飞机模型。He can make model planes.

2、他汉语说得好。He can speak Chinese well.

3、他是我班最棒的。He is super in our class!


She looks beautiful and clever.

5、她会为我取报纸。She can get newspapers for me. Uni 12

1、注意听讲。Listen to the teacher.

2、右侧通行。Walk on the right side.

3、排队。不要推挤。Stand in line.Don’t push.

4、等候绿灯。Wait for the green light.

5、它对你的眼睛不好。It’s bad for your eyes.
