ecoTEC plus冷凝炉排烟系统
· 经过认证和许可的可用于任何安装方式的排烟系统 · 坚固的塑料管,兼具刚性和柔性,60/100,80/125mm · 长度易于调节,快速安装 · 同轴平衡烟道 60/100 mm and 80/125 mm ( 最长 33 m)
720 A
624 20
威能采用空气 / 烟气平衡式烟道。 经过认证和批准的系统附件允许几乎任何管道,甚至很长的长度。
P-ecoTEC-1510 *威能公司对此手册内容拥有最终解释权
威能(中国)供热制冷环境技术有限公司 地址 :上海市黄浦区鲁班路558号12至15楼 邮编 : 200023 总机 : 021-60287900 传真 : 021-60287999 服务热线:400-700-1890 威能(北京)供暖设备有限公司 地址 :北京市朝阳区建国门外大街甲6号A座SK大厦17层 邮编 : 100022 电话 : 010-58951900 传真 : 010-58951999 info@
低能源消耗 高加热效率 少碳排放
所有配件精心设计、试验及检测 高效空燃混合系统,优化燃烧性能, 舒适安全
安装简单 便于拆卸 直观易用
普通壁挂炉排烟温度在 100-150°左右,如此高温的烟气含有很多能量, 特别是其中所含有的水蒸气更是带有大量潜热能,这些能量在没有任何处 理的排烟过程中都白白损失掉了,如果能回收则可为用户节约大量燃气。 通过高效的热交换器设计实现了烟气的高效换热以及烟气热量的高效回收。 冷凝式壁挂炉是对采用高热值冷凝技术壁挂炉的通称。威能先进的冷凝技 术采用全预混比例调节,排烟温度最低可降到 40℃左右,烟气中水蒸气潜 热可被充分吸收利用,热效率最高可达 108%。 采用了先进的燃烧管理技术使得燃烧更加完全,能耗降低,烟气中有害气 体减少,环保指标很好。不锈钢的热交换器抗腐蚀性能优异,对回水温度 没有限制,适用于散热器、地板辐射采暖系统、风机盘管等采暖系统。
二、市场分析1. 发展阶段特征壁挂炉是为满足个人、家庭的生活需要而应运而生的一种产品。
德国威能 eco TEC plus 说明书
![德国威能 eco TEC plus 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1d10b30e76c66137ee0619e1.png)
CN供用户使用使用说明书eco TEC plus壁挂式燃气采暖(冷凝)炉JNG35-VU CN 356/4-5 H ecoTEC plus JNG46-VU CN 466/4-5 H ecoTEC plusJNG65-VU CN 656/4-5 H ecoTEC plus目录设备特性,推荐附件壁挂炉特性威能ecoTEC 是壁挂式燃气供热冷凝锅炉(以下简称壁挂炉),具有热效率高(可达109%),有害物排放量低的特点。
推荐附件威能公司为控制ecoTEC 冷凝壁挂炉提供不同型号的控制器,根据用户需求选配从而达到节能的目的。
表格0.1 控制器型号注:威能公司或其代理商会根据供热系统及用户实际需要,帮助您选择合适的控制器。
目录壁挂炉特性 .....................................................................................2推荐附件.........................................................................................21 阅读提示 ..............................................................................31.1 文件保管...................................................................................31.2 使用符号...................................................................................31.3 使用说明书的有效性 ..............................................................31.4 辨别标识...................................................................................31.5 CE 标识 ......................................................................................32 安全须知 ..............................................................................42.1 安装与调试...............................................................................42.2 紧急处理...................................................................................42.3安全说明 (4)3 操作指示 ..............................................................................63.1 威能保证...................................................................................63.2 正确使用...................................................................................63.3 安装地点要求 ..........................................................................63.4 保养 ...........................................................................................63.5 回收和处理 ..............................................................................63.5.1 设备 ...........................................................................................63.5.2 包装 ...........................................................................................63.6 节能提示...................................................................................74 运行 ......................................................................................84.1 控制面板...................................................................................84.2 开机前的检查 ..........................................................................94.2.1 打开保养阀...............................................................................94.2.2 检查系统压力 .........................................................................94.3 启动 ...........................................................................................104.4 生活热水制备 ..........................................................................104.4.1 设置热水温度 ..........................................................................104.4.2 禁用储水罐...............................................................................114.4.3 取用生活热水 ..........................................................................114.5 加热模式设置 ..........................................................................114.5.1 设置供热供水温度(无控制器连接) ................................114.5.2 使用控制器设定供热供水温度 .............................................124.5.3 关闭供热运行(夏季模式) ................................................124.5.4 设定恒温阀或气候补偿器......................................................124.6 信息显示(威能公司技术人员进行维护与维修时使用) .......124.7 故障检修...................................................................................134.7.1 缺水 ...........................................................................................134.7.2 点火错误...................................................................................134.7.3 进气或排气障碍 ......................................................................144.7.4 设备或供热系统注水 ..............................................................144.8 关闭设备...................................................................................154.9 防冻保护...................................................................................154.9.1 防冻保护系统 ..........................................................................154.9.2 通过泄水进行防冻保护..........................................................154.10 保养与服务. (15)阅读提示 11 阅读提示下面的阅读提示旨在为阅读提供指南,请结合相关说明书与本说明书一同使用。
turboTEC pro / turboTEC plus系列壁挂炉特点 turboTEC pro / turboTEC plus为威能新一代壁挂式燃气 锅炉(以下简称壁挂炉),结构紧凑,外观庄重、大方。 VUW系列为全自动的壁挂式家用燃气采暖/生活热水两用 锅炉,可安装在密闭的室内。生活热水由壁挂炉内的副换 热器直接提供,生活热水功能与采暖功能自动切换,生活 热水功能优先。VU系列是全自动的壁挂式家用燃气采暖系 统锅炉,当需要供应生活热水时候,必须配套相应的储水 /加热设备,如间接加热的热水储水罐。
安装地点要求................................................................... 7 上 预 留 的 插 口 或 嵌 入 控 制 面 板 , 来 实 现 对 壁 挂 炉 的 控
节能提示 ........................................................................... 7
4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2
4.4.3 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.6
目录 壁挂炉特点 推荐配件
turboTEC pro / turboTEC plus系列壁挂炉特点 .....................2
推荐配件 ....................................................................................... 2
当启动壁挂炉时,显示屏上显示供暖系统的当前注水压力2、将用于设置生活热水温度的旋钮设置到所需的温度—左旋停止位置约35℃—右旋停止位置(最高温度) 65℃当调整温度时,设置值显示在显示屏上,五秒钟后,显示返回标准模式(显示供暖系统的当前注水压力)。
本操作手册包含如何正确使用燃气采暖热水炉的注意事 项。使用燃气采暖热水炉前请仔细通读本操作手册,同时 还请您注意所有相关配件(例如: 控制器)的要求。对未 能遵守这些手册或相关法规而导致燃气采暖热水炉或其它 财产的损失,我们不承担任何责任。
威能提供各种型式的控制器,可以连接到燃气采暖热水炉 电路板上预留的插口或嵌入控制面板,来实现对 turboTEC pro/turboTEC 的控制。
turboTEC pro, turboTEC plus
燃气采暖热水炉 VUW 燃气采暖热水炉(单采暖)VU
燃气采暖热水炉特点................................3 5
阅读提示 ..................................3 5.2
警告提示 ..................................5
2.1.1 警告提示的分类 ............................5
2.1.2 警告提示的结构 ............................5
2.2 规定用途 ..................................5
操作手册 turboTEC pro/turboTEC plus 0020044408_02
燃气壁挂式采暖炉特点 推荐配件
阅读提示 1
1 阅读提示
威能 turboTEC pro/turboTEC plus 系列为结构紧凑的燃气 壁挂式采暖热水炉(以下简称燃气采暖热水炉)。VUW 系 列燃气采暖热水炉集成有供应生活热水的换热器,VU 系列 燃气采暖热水炉则必须配套相应的生活热水加释
生命危险 ........................................ 4 1.8 燃烧通风不佳有中毒危险 ............... 4 1.9 有被高温的生活用水烫伤
氟、氯、硫、灰尘等。 ▶ 确保未在安装地点存储化学物
使用说明 turboTEC pro,turboTEC plus 0020193981_01
1.12 钙化有造成财产损失 的风险
对于带热水制备的产品,当水的 硬度大于 3.57 mol/m³ 时存在钙 化危险。 ▶ 将热水温度设置为最高
50 °C。
火柴)。 ▶ 请勿吸烟。 ▶ 请勿在建筑物内操纵电器开
关、电源插头、门铃、电话和 其它对讲设备。 ▶ 关闭燃气表进气阀门或主燃气 阀。 ▶ 如有可能,请关闭产品上的燃 气截止阀。 ▶ 通过呼喊或敲击向其它居民示 警。 ▶ 请立即离开建筑物并阻止第三 者进入。
0020193981_01 turboTEC pro,turboTEC plus 使用说明
1 安全性
▶ 一旦位于建筑物外,立即向警 方和消防队报警。
▶ 在建筑物外通过电话告知燃气 供应公司的工作人员。
1.5 烟道堵塞或泄漏造成生 命危险
▶ 尽量开大所有能打开的门窗并 确保通风。
▶ 关闭本产品。 ▶ 请通知专业公司。
1.6 因易爆和易燃物质导致生 命危险
▶ 请勿在安装产品的室内使用或 储存易爆或易燃物质 (例如汽 油、纸张、涂料)。
8 岁及以上的儿童以及在身体、 感官或精神能力方面受限的人员 或缺乏经验和知识的人员,可以 在有人监护或已经接受安全使用 本产品的相关指导并了解由此带
危险! 燃气泄漏!将导致中毒或爆炸危险!
1.1 其它适用资料 - 烟道安装说明书 - 其它有关配件(如温控器)的操作和使用说明
1.2 保管 用户负责保管本操作使用和安装说明,以及其它适用资料。 这些资料必须与壁挂炉一起妥善保管。
1.3 符号说明 在壁挂炉运行时请遵守本说明书中的安全说明!
危险! 对人身和生命有直接危险!
3 安装和保养说明 ............................................................ 3 3.1 安装和维护说明 ................................................................ 3 3.2 符合规定的使用 ................................................................ 3 3.3 安装地点的要求 ................................................................ 3 3.4 保养 ..................................................................................... 3 3.5 循环使用和废弃处理........................................................ 3
设备简介 turboBLOCK pro 系列壁挂炉为全自动的壁挂式家用燃气采 暖 / 生活热水两用锅炉,可安装在密闭的室内。生活热水由 壁挂炉内的副热交换器直接提供,生活热水与采暖自动切换, 生活热水功能优先。
壁挂炉内置有生活热水交换器,有相应的温度控制系统能够 限制热水出水的最高温度。所以通常情况下不需要配置生活 用水的软水设备。但是,对于水质硬度很高的地区,就要加 装软水设备以防止在生活用水交换器处结垢。
IST 03 C 476 - 12安装、使用以及维护亲爱的顾客:感谢您选购本公司锅炉。
只能安装厂家批准和提供的配件或选件(包括电气配件)以免降低产品的安全性 。
儿童和不会使用的人不应该操作器具 儿童严禁玩弄器具,请将包装材料放在远离儿童的地方,否则可能成为危险源。
德国威能 TurboMAG家用燃气快速热水器 说明书
![德国威能 TurboMAG家用燃气快速热水器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5de5f4d4b9f3f90f76c61be3.png)
CN JSG22-MAG 11-2/0 JSG27-MAG 14-2/0 JSG33-MAG 17-2/0供用户使用用户使用操作手册turboMAG家用燃气快速热水器概述 (1)产品特点 (1)1 阅读提示 (1)1.1 文件保管 (1)1.2 符号说明 (1)1.3 设备类型 (1)2 安全性 (2)3 安装和操作 (3)3.1 用途 (3)3.2 安装场地的要求 (3)3.3 保养 (3)3.4.1 设备 (3)3.4.2 包装 .....................................................................................3 3.5 节能提示 .............................................................................34 运行 ................................................................................44.1 控制面板 .............................................................................44.2 初次运行前的准备 ............................................................44.3 初次运行 .............................................................................44.4 取用热水 ............................................................................54.4.1 取用热水 .............................................................................54.4.2 调节水温 .............................................................................54.5 故障检修 .............................................................................54.6 关闭设备 .............................................................................64.7 防冻 .....................................................................................64.8 维护与客户服务 ................................................................74.7 防冻 .....................................................................................74.7.2 防冻加热装置的工作运行以及故障排查 .. (7)目录供用户使用用户使用操作手册turboMAG 家用燃气快速热水器概述 1产品特点 1阅读提示 1概述 turboMAG 11-2/0,14-2/0 和 17-2/0 设备是即连即用设备。
CN供用户/安装人员使用安装和使用说明书TURBON1PB20 - VU CN 182/2-3 H TURBO N1PB26 - VU CN 242/2-3 H TURBO N1PB30 - VU CN 282/3-3 H TURBON1PB38 - VU CN 352/2-3 H TURBO燃气采暖热水炉L1PB20 - VUW CN 182/2-3 H TURBO L1PB26 - VUW CN 242/2-3 H TURBO L1PB30 - VUW CN 282/3-3 H TURBOL1PB38 - VUW CN 352/2-3 H TURBO供用户使用使用说明书TURBO目录设备特性 (1)设备简介 (1)1 文档说明 (2)1.1 其它适用资料 (2)1.2 保管 (2)1.3 符号说明 (2)2 安全 (3)2.1 紧急措施 (3)2.2 误使用风险警示 (3)2.3 设备检查和保修服务 (4)3 安装和保养说明 (4)3.1 安装和维护说明 (4)3.2 符合规定的使用 (4)3.3 安装地点的要求 (4)3.4 保养 (4)3.5 循环使用和废弃处理 (4)4 控制面板 (5)4.1 控制面板说明 ....................................................................54.2 运行准备.. (5)4.3 投入运行 (6)4.4 设置生活热水温度 (6)4.5 供暖模式 (7)4.5.1 设置供暖供水温度(未连接外部控制器) (7)4.5.2 设置供暖供水温度 (连接外部控制器) (7)4.5.3 关闭供暖(夏季模式) (7)4.5.4 设置室内温控器或气候补偿器 (8)4.6 状态显示(供工程师在维护和修理时参考) (8)4.7 故障检修 (9)4.7.1 缺水引起的故障 (9)4.7.2 点火故障 (9)4.7.3 排烟系统故障 (10)4.7.4 给燃气采暖热水炉/供暖系统注水 (10)4.8 关闭燃气采暖热水炉 (10)4.9 防冻 (11)4.9.1 防冻保护功能 (11)4.9.2 通过排水防冻 (11)4.10 维护与客户服务 (11)燃气采暖热水炉(单采暖)N1PB20 - VU CN 182/2-3 H TURBON1PB26 - VU CN 242/2-3 H TURBON1PB30 - VU CN 282/3-3 H TURBON1PB38 - VU CN 352/2-3 H TURBO燃气采暖热水炉L1PB20 - VUW CN 182/2-3 H TURBOL1PB26 - VUW CN 242/2-3 H TURBOL1PB30 - VUW CN 282/3-3 H TURBOL1PB38 - VUW CN 352/2-3 H TURBO设备特性图例1、 排烟口2、 空气入口3、 风机4、 风压开关5、 主热交换器6、 火焰检测电极7、 燃烧器8、 回水NTC9、 三通换向阀10、供水NTC 11、泄水阀12、燃气阀13、循环水泵14、板式热交换器15、自动排气阀16、火焰检测电极17、膨胀水箱18、膨胀水箱补气图 TURBO VUW 型主要零部件图示及名称设备特性感谢您选择使用威能集团的燃气采暖热水炉产品。
Vaillant arotherm 威能空气能产品使用手册
![Vaillant arotherm 威能空气能产品使用手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e4b7701f581b6bd97f19ea71.png)
For the operatorInstructions for usearoTHERMVWL 85/2;VWL 115/2UKInstructions for usePublisher/manufacturer Vaillant GmbHBerghauser Str.40 D-42859RemscheidTelefon 021 91 18‑0 Telefax 021 91 18‑2810info@vaillant.de www.vaillant.deContents2Instructions for use aroTHERM 0020151761_00Contents1Safety....................................................................41.1Action-related warnings.........................................41.2General safety information ....................................41.3Intended use..........................................................91.4CE label...............................................................102Notes on the documentation............................112.1Observing other applicable documents...............112.2Storing documents...............................................112.3Applicability of the instructions ............................113Product description...........................................123.1Design of the heat pump system.........................123.2Type designation and serial number ...................143.3Overview of the operator control elements ofthe VWZ AI heat pump control module................143.4Digital Information and Analysis System (DIA)....144Operation............................................................164.1Operating concept...............................................164.2Basic display........................................................174.3Operating levels...................................................174.4Design of the menu..............................................184.5Live Monitor (status codes).................................194.6Displaying the building circuit pressure...............194.7Reading the operating statistics (19)4.8Displaying contact data........................................194.9Displaying the serial number and articlenumber.................................................................194.10Setting the display contrast .................................194.11Setting the language............................................205Operation............................................................205.1Switching the product on/off................................205.2Activating frost protection....................................205.3Setting the target feed temperature in heatingmode....................................................................205.4Setting a room thermostat or weathercompensator........................................................205.5Checks and maintenance carried out by theoperator...............................................................215.6Having the product temporarilydecommissioned..................................................216Troubleshooting................................................226.1Reading the fault message..................................226.2Detecting and rectifying faults .............................237Decommissioning..............................................247.1Having the product permanentlydecommissioned..................................................248Recycling and disposal.....................................248.1Disposing of the packaging .................................248.2Disposing of the product and accessories...........248.3Arranging disposal of coolant (24)Contents9Guarantee and customer service (24)9.1Guarantee (24)9.2Customer service (25)Index (26)0020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use31Safety4Instructions for use aroTHERM 0020151761_001Safety1.1Action-related warningsClassification of action-related warnings The action-related warnings are classified in accordance with the severity of the possible danger using the following warning signs and signal words:Warning symbols and signal wordsDanger!Imminent danger to life or risk of severe personal injuryDanger!Risk of death from electric shock Warning.Risk of minor personal injury Caution.Risk of material or environmental damage1.2General safety information 1.2.1Danger due to incorrect handling ▶Read through these instructions carefully.▶When using the product,observe the gen-eral safety information and warnings.▶When using the product,observe all applic-able national regulations .1.2.2Risk of death due to explosions andscaldings from brine fluid The brine fluid ethylene and propylene glycol is extremely flammable,both as liquid and steam.A potentially explosive combination of steam/air may form.▶Keep away from heat,sparks,naked flames and hot surfaces.▶Prevent steam/air mixtures from forming.Keep brine fluid vessels closed.▶Observe the safety data sheet that accom-panies the brine fluid.Safety 10020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use51.2.3Danger due to improper use There is a risk of injury or death to the user or others,or of damage to the product and other property in the event of improper use or use for which it is not intended.Only use the product in accordance with the provisions.1.2.4Preventing the risk of injury fromcorrosive brine fluid The brine fluid ethylene glycol is harmful to health.▶Avoid contact with the skin and eyes.▶Always wear gloves and protective goggles.▶Do not inhale or swallow.▶Observe the safety data sheet that accom-panies the brine fluid.1.2.5Preventing the risk of injury dueto scalding from hot and cold components Particularly in the coolant circuit,the compon-ents of the heat pump can reach high temper-atures or extremely low temperatures.▶Do not touch any uninsulated pipelines in any part of the heating installation.▶Do not remove any casing sections.1.2.6Risk of being scalded by hotdrinking water There is a risk of scalding at the hot water draw-off points if the hot water temperatures are greater than 50°C.Young children and elderly persons are particularly at risk,even at lower temperatures.▶Select the temperature so that nobody is at risk.1Safety6Instructions for use aroTHERM 0020151761_001.2.7Risk of death due to lack of safetydevices A lack of safety devices (e.g.expansion relief valve,expansion vessel)can lead to poten-tially fatal scalding and other injuries,e.g.due to explosions.▶Have your competent person check that all required isolator devices are present in your heating installation.1.2.8Preventing the risk of injury fromfreezing as a result of touching coolant The heat pump is delivered with an oper-ational filling of R410A coolant.This is a chlorine-free coolant which does not affect the Earth's ozone layer.R410A is neither a fire hazard nor an explosion risk.Escaping coolant may cause freezing if the exit point is touched.▶If coolant escapes,do not touch any com-ponents of the heat pump.▶Do not inhale any steam or gases that es-cape from the coolant circuit as a result of leaks.▶Avoid skin or eye contact with the coolant.▶In the event of skin or eye contact with the coolant,seek medical advice.1.2.9Danger due to changes to theproduct environment There is a risk of injury or death to the user or others,or of damage to the product and other property,in the event of changes to the product environment.Changes must not be made to the following equipment:–The heat pump–The heat pump environment–The drain line and expansion relief valve for the heating water–The water and electricity supply lines –The heat pump's condensate drain pipe-workSafety 10020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use7–The structural conditions that may affect the operational safety of the product.1.2.10Risk of injury and material damagedue to incorrect maintenance or repairs As a result of unauthorised interference or tampering with the product or parts of the system,the operational safety of the product can no longer be ensured and the guarantee therefore becomes void.▶Never interfere or tamper with the product or other parts of the system.▶Never try to carry out maintenance work or repairs on the product yourself.▶Do not damage or remove any seals on components.Only qualified competent persons and factory service personnel are authorised to make modifications to sealed components.▶Have inspection and maintenance work carried out by a competent person.1.2.11Frost damage due to an unsuitableinstallation site Frost poses a risk of damage to the product and the whole heating installation.▶You should therefore ensure that the heat-ing installation always remains in opera-tion during freezing conditions and that all rooms are sufficiently heated.Even if rooms,or the whole dwelling,are not in use for certain periods,the heating must remain in operation.Frost protection and monitoring devices are only active while the product is connected to the power supply.The product must be connected to the power supply.1.2.12Frost damage caused by insufficientroom temperature If the room temperature is set too low in indi-vidual rooms,it cannot be ruled out that sec-tions of the heating installation might be dam-aged by frost.1Safety8Instructions for use aroTHERM 0020151761_00▶If you are going to be away during a cold period,ensure that the heating installation remains in operation and that the rooms are sufficiently heated.▶You must observe the frost protection in-structions.1.2.13Frost damage caused by a powercut During installation,your competent person connected your product to the power mains.If the power supply is cut,it is possible that parts of the heating installation may become damaged by frost.If you want to use an emer-gency power generator to maintain the opera-tional readiness of the product during a power cut,note the following:▶Contact your competent person for advice on installing an emergency power gener-ator.▶Ensure that the technical values of this generator (frequency,voltage,earthing)match those of the power mains.1.2.14Malfunction caused by incorrectsystem pressure To avoid operating the system with too little water and thus prevent resulting damage,note the following:▶Check the system pressure of the heating installation at regular intervals.▶You must observe the system pressure instructions.1.2.15Avoid environmental damagecaused by escaping coolant The heat pump contains R410A coolant.The coolant must not be allowed to escape into the atmosphere.R410A is a fluorinated greenhouse gas covered by the Kyoto Pro-tocol,with a GWP of 1725(GWP =Global Warming Potential).If it escapes into theatmosphere,its impact is 1725times stronger than the natural greenhouse gas CO 2.Before the heat pump is disposed of,the coolant it contains must be completely drained into a suitable vessel so that it canSafety 10020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use9then be recycled or disposed of in accordance with the regulations.▶Ensure that only officially certified com-petent persons with appropriate protective equipment perform maintenance work or access the coolant circuit.▶The coolant in the heat pump must only be recycled or disposed of by certified com-petent persons in accordance with the reg-ulations.1.3Intended use 1.3.1State-of-the-art technologyThe Vaillant aroTHERM heat pump systemsare constructed using state-of-the-art techno-logy in accordance with the recognised safety rules and regulations.However,there is a risk of injury or death to the user or others,or ofdamage to the product and other property,inthe event of improper use or use for which itis not intended.1.3.2User qualification This product can be used by children over eight years old and also by persons with lim-ited physical,sensory or mental capabilities or insufficient experience and/or knowledge if they are supervised or have been provided with instructions on how to safely use theproduct,and they understand the risks res-ulting from using the product.Children mustnot play with the product.Cleaning and user maintenance work must not be carried out bychildren unless they are supervised.1.3.3Intended useThe Vaillant aroTHERM heat pump is de-signed for use as a heat generator for closed heating installations.Operation of the pumpoutside the application limits results in the heat pump being switched off by the internal control and safety devices.1Safety10Instructions for use aroTHERM 0020151761_001.3.4Improper useAny use which is not explicitly mentioned in the section "Intended use"is deemed im-proper.Any other or additional use does not comply with the intended use.Any direct commer-cial or industrial use is also deemed to be im-proper.1.3.5Observing other applicabledocumentsIntended use also includes the observance of accompanying operating,installation and servicing instructions for Vaillant products as well as for other parts and components of the system.1.3.6Liability and secondary clauses The manufacturer/supplier is not liable for any claims or damage resulting from improper use.The user alone bears the risk.Caution.Improper use of any kind is prohibited.1.4CE labelCE labelling shows that,based on thetype overview,the products comply with the basic requirements of the following directives.Notes on the documentation2 2Notes on the documentation2.1Observing other applicable documents▶You must observe all operating instructions enclosed withthe system components.2.2Storing documents▶Keep this manual and all other applicable documentssafe for future use.2.3Applicability of the instructionsThese instructions apply only for the following heat pumps,hereinafter referred to as the"product":Type designation Art.no.aroTHERM VWL85/2A230V0010011971aroTHERM VWL115/2A230V0010011972The product's article number is part of the serial number(→Page14).3Product description3Product description3.1Design of the heat pump systemThe heat pump system consists of the following components:Product description3–Heat pump–VWZ AI heat pump control module–Additional hydraulic components,if required–System controllerThe heat pump can be operated by the VWZ AI heat pump control module.The extended operation of the heat pump is car-ried out by the system controller.(DIA)The product is equipped with a Digital Information and Ana-lysis System(DIA system).This system provides information on the operating status of the product and helps you to rectify faults.Product description3The display lights up–if you switch on the product or–if you press a button in the DIA system while the product is switched on.At first,pressing this button does not trig-ger any other function.The light goes out after one minute if you do not press any button.DIA system operator control elements4Operation1Display of the daily energy yield2Display of the currentconfiguration of the right-hand selection button3Left-and right-hand selec-tion buttons4Minus and plus buttons 5Access to the menu for additional information6Display of the currentconfiguration of the left-hand selection button7Display of the symbols for the active operating statusof the pumpsHeating mode:–The symbol lights up permanently:Heat requirement is present–The symbol is not visible:Heating mode is not active Cooling–The symbol lights up permanently:Cooling requirement is present–The symbol is not visible:Cooling mode is not active Current power:–The display shows the current heat pump outputFault: F.XXX–Fault in the heat pump.Appears instead of the basic display;a plain text display explains the displayed faultcode.4Operation4.1Operating conceptYou can operate the product using the selection buttons and the plus/minus buttons.Both selection buttons have a soft key function,i.e.their function can change.By:–You can cancel the change to a set value or the activa-tion of an operating mode–You can go one selection level higher in the menu.By:–You can confirm a set value or the activation of an operat-ing mode–You can go one selection level lower in the menu.Byat the same time:–You can navigate to the menu.By pressing or:–You can scroll through the entries in the menu–You can increase or decrease a selected set value. Adjustable values are always displayed as flashing.You must always confirm a change toOnly then is the new setting saved.You can press cancel a proced-ure.If you do not press any buttons15minutes, the display returns to the basic display.Operation4A highlighted object is indicated in the display as light text ona dark background.4.2Basic displayThe displays shows the basicdisplay with the current statusof the product.If you press a selection button,the activated function is displayed in the display.You can switch back to the basic display by:–Pressing and thus exiting the selection levels–Not pressing any button for longer than15minutes.As soon as a fault message is present,the basic displays switches to the fault message.4.3Operating levelsThe product has two operating levels.The operating level for the operator shows the most import-ant information and offers set-up options which do not require any special prior knowledge.The operating level for the competent person is reservedfor the competent person only and is protected by a code.In this level,the competent person can set system-specific parameters.4Operation4.4Design of the menu1Scroll bar(only appears if there aremore list entries than canbe shown at once on thedisplay)2Current configuration of the right-and left-handselection buttons(soft key function)3Selection level list entries4Name of the selection levelThe menu is split into two selection levels.NotePath details at the start of a section specify how toaccess this function,e.g.Menu¬Information¬Contact data.4.4.1Operator level overviewSetting level Unit Menu→Yield indicator→HeatingCoolingMenu→Live MonitorHeating:Compressor switch-offBuilding circuitPressureTarget flow temp.Current flow temp.CompressorModulationAir inlet temperatureCooling outputMenu→InformationContact detailsSerial numberDevice specific numberOperating hrs.TotalOperating hrs.HeatingOperation4Setting level Unit Operating hrs.CoolingMenu→Basic settings→Language15Display contrastMenu→Resets→No sub-itemsAvailable4.5Live Monitor(status codes)Menu→Live MonitorYou can use the Live Monitor to display the current status of the product.4.6Displaying the building circuit pressure Menu→Live Monitor→Building circuit pressure–You can display the current filling pressure of the heating installation in digital form.4.7Reading the operating statisticsMenu→Information→Heating op.hoursMenu→Information→Cooling op.hoursMenu→Information→Total operating hoursIn each case,you can display the operating hours for the heating mode,the cooling mode and the overall operation. 4.8Displaying contact dataMenu→Information→Contact detailsIf your competent person has entered their telephone number during the installation,you can read this data under Contact data.4.9Displaying the serial number and articlenumberMenu→Information→Serial number–The product's serial number is displayed.–The article number is found in the second line of the serial number.4.10Setting the display contrastMenu→Basic settings→Display contrast–You can use this function to adjust the display contrast to suit your needs.5Operation4.11Setting the languageIf you want to set another language:▶Press andhold at the same time.▶Also press the fault clearance key for a short time.▶Press andhold and until the display shows the language▶Select the required language by pressing or.▶Press(OK)to confirm your selection.▶Once you have set the correct language,press(OK) again to confirm this.5Operation5.1Switching the product on/off▶Use a partition with a contact opening of at least3mm(e.g.fuses or power switches)to de-energise the product.5.2Activating frost protection▶To prevent the product from freezing,ensure that the product is switched on.5.3Setting the target feed temperature inheating modeThe actual target flow temperature is automatically determ-ined by the system controller(you can find further information about this in the operating instructions for the system control-ler).5.4Setting a room thermostat or weathercompensator▶Set the room thermostat or the weather compensator(1) and thermostatic radiator valves(2)as specified in therelevant instructions for these accessories.Operation 50020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use 215.5Checks and maintenance carried out by theoperatorThe product switches off if the filling pressure in the heatinginstallation falls below 0.05MPa (0.5bar).▶Top up with water.5.5.1Cleaning the product1.Switch the product off before you clean it.2.Clean the product's casing with a damp cloth and a littlesoap.Never use scouring or cleaning agents whichcould damage the casing or the operator control ele-ments.3.Do not clean the product with a high-pressure cleaner.4.At regular intervals,check that no branches or leaveshave gathered around the product.5.5.2Checking the maintenance planDanger!Risk of injury and risk of material damagedue to neglected or incorrect maintenanceand repairs.Neglected or incorrect maintenance work orrepairs may lead to personal injury or damageto the product.▶Never attempt to carry out maintenancework or repairs on the product.▶Employ an authorised heating specialist company to complete such work.We re-commend making a maintenance agree-ment.1.Regular inspection/maintenance of your product by a competent person is a prerequisite for ensuring that the system is constantly ready and safe for operation,reliable and has a long service life.Note Failure to carry out maintenance and repair work,and non-compliance with the specified inspection,maintenance and replacement in-tervals,leads to a loss of potential guarantee claims.We recommend making a mainten-ance agreement with a competent person.2.The maintenance intervals depend on the local condi-tions and the use of the product.3.Have parts that are relevant to the function and safety replaced by a competent person.5.6Having the product temporarily decommissioned ▶If,during long periods of absence,the power supply to the dwelling and to the product is interrupted,have the heating system drained by your competent person or have it sufficiently protected against frost.6Troubleshooting6Troubleshooting6.1Reading the fault messageFault messages have priority over all other displays and areshown instead of the basic display.If several faults occur atthe same time,these are each displayed alternately for twoseconds each.▶If your product displays a fault message,contact a com-petent person.▶To find out more information about the status of yourproduct,call up the"Live Monitor"(→Page19).22Instructions for use aroTHERM0020151761_00Troubleshooting6 6.2Detecting and rectifying faultsThis section shows all of the fault messages that can be rectified without seeking help from the competent person in order to start up the product again.Remedy(→Page23)▶If the product still does not function after the fault has been rectified,contact your competent person.Fault Cause RemedyThe product no longer works.The power supply has been disconnected Ensure that there has not been apower cut and that the product iscorrectly connected to the powersupply.When the power supply is re-established,the product automatic-ally starts up.If a fault is still present,contact your competent person.Noises(hissing,knocking,humming)If the heating demand stops,this may lead to bubbling and whistling noises.These noises arecaused by the coolant.When the product starts up or stops,this may lead to creaking noises.These noises are causedby the casing as it expands or contracts when the temperature changes.If the product is functioning,this may lead to humming noises.These noises are caused by thecompressor when the product is in heating mode.The product releases steam.In winter and during the thawing procedure,steam may escape from the product.(The heat ofthe product melts the ice that has formed.)Other faults Consult your competent person. 0020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use237Decommissioning24Instructions for use aroTHERM 0020151761_007Decommissioning7.1Having the product permanentlydecommissioned▶Have a competent person permanently decommission theproduct.8Recycling and disposal8.1Disposing of the packagingThe competent person who installed your product is respons-ible for the disposal of the packaging.8.2Disposing of the product and accessoriesProductDo not dispose of your product or any accessories as house-hold waste.▶Ensure that your old unit and any accessories are dis-posed of properly.▶Observe all relevant regulations.Packaging▶Sort the rubbish into recyclable (carton,plastic,etc.)andnon-recyclable parts (packaging straps,etc.).▶Recycle the product packaging according to all relevantregulations.If your heat pump system is marked with this symbol,it does not belong with your household waste at the end of its useful life.▶Instead,take the product to a collection point for recycling electrical and electronic devices.For more information on where to take your used electrical and electronic devices,contact your town or district authorit-ies,or waste disposal company.8.3Arranging disposal of coolant The Vaillant aroTHERM heat pump is filled with the coolant R410A.▶Coolant must only be disposed of by qualified competent persons.▶Observe the general safety information.9Guarantee and customer service 9.1Guarantee Vaillant provides a full parts and labour guarantee for this appliance for the duration as shown on the enclosed regis-tration card which must be fully completed and returned within 30days of installation.All appliances must be installed by a suitably competent person fully conversant and in accordance with all current regulations applicable to the appliance type installation.In the case of gas appliances theGuarantee and customer service 90020151761_00aroTHERM Instructions for use 25Gas Safety (Installation and Use)Regulations 1998,and themanufacturer’s instructions.In the UK competent personsapproved at the time by the Health and Safety Executiveundertake the work in compliance with safe and satisfactorystandards.Installers should also be fully conversant withand competent with all necessary electrical and buildingregulations that may apply to the installation.In addition all unvented domestic hot water cylinders mustbe installed by a competent person to the prevailing build-ing regulations at the time of installation (G3).All appliancesshall be fully commissioned in accordance with our installa-tion manual and Benchmark commissioning check list (thiswill be included within the installation manual).These mustbe signed and given to the user for safe keeping during thehand over process.Installers should also at this time advisethe user of the annual servicing requirements and advise ofappropriate service agreement.Terms and conditions do apply to the guarantee,details ofwhich can be found on the registration card included with thisappliance.In order to qualify for guarantee after one year theappliance must be serviced in accordance with our installa-tion manual servicing instructions.The benchmark servicehistory should be completed.Note -all costs associated withthis service are excluded from this guarantee.Failure to install and commission this appliance in compli-ance with the manufacturer’s instructions will invalidate theguarantee (this does not affect the customer’s statutoryrights).9.2Customer service To ensure efficient and reliable operation of your boiler it is recommended that regular servicing is carried out by your service provider:Vaillant Applied System Sales Vaillant Ltd.Nottingham Road Belper Derbyshire DE561JT United Kingdom VaillantTraining:0845 601 8885E-mail:training@ Vaillant After Sales Service:0870 850 3072(Mon-Fri 8:30–17:30)Technical Help:0844 693 3133(Mon-Fri 8:30–17:30)Fax:017 73 525946E-mail:aftersales@。
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篇一:威能壁挂炉利用手册1 、德国威能公司在中国销售的两大品牌是什么?德国威能和法国索尼埃?杜瓦尔2 、德国威能公司 XX 年壁挂锅炉全世界市场占有率是多少?21%。3 、德国威能公司以生产何种产品著称?采暖/热水/温控设备。4 、德国威能公司PLUS系列壁挂炉中输出功率最大的是多少德国威能公司PLUS系列壁挂炉中输出功率最大的是 36Kw。5 、德国威能公司是哪一年,什么地址成立的?德国威能公司 1874 年在德国REMSCHEID成立。6 、壁挂炉的耗电量大吗?壁挂炉的要紧用电部件是排风机和循环水泵,壁挂炉的额定耗电量一样在 100~200W之间,不同的产品的耗电量有所不同,可详细查阅各产品的产品利用说明书。 7 、家里利用燃气壁挂炉危险吗?燃气壁挂炉在欧洲已有 40 年的利用历史,技术已很成熟。设备配置的各项平安爱惜措
同时也有一部份燃气壁挂炉只具有采暖功能,咱们称之为单功能系统壁挂炉(它与外置的热水储水罐连接也能够提供卫生热水)。30 、燃气壁挂炉能利用哪些类型的燃气?天然气、液化气,一些专用的机型也可利用人工煤气。31 、我要离家一段日子,这是冬季,我的采暖炉和系统会冻坏吗?把供暖温度调剂器调到“最低”位置,就能够够避免您的采暖炉及系统装置冻坏(前提条件是每组散热器的节门必需打开)。对长期无人居住的衡宇,建议将整个采暖系统中的水全部放掉;或通过厂家询问特定的防冻爱惜方法来爱惜采暖炉及系统。注意:单纯的生活热水遁环,并非能爱惜您的采暖炉。32 、我的采暖炉停止工作了,一个红灯在闪烁,水压的指示灯也在闪烁。你的采暖炉已经意识到系统中缺水。你必需通过位于采暖炉底部的注水旋钮来注水,使水压在 1-2bar 之间。在那个操作以后,你的采暖炉会自动点燃。若是你需要频繁地注水,极可能是系统漏水所致。显现这种情形后,你必然要和你的供给商联系。 33 、我常常听到我家的散热器里面有流水的声音。
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Technical Data ManualVITOCROSSAL200Gas-fired Condensing Boiler1445 to 2245 MBH (423 to 658 kW)Model Nos. and pricing : See Price ListVitocrossal 200CM2 Series 400, 500, 620 and 620 TXHigh efficiency, gas-fired condensing boilerwith pre-mix modulating cylinder burnerfor natural gas or liquid propane gas with Inox-Crossal heatexchanger made of high-grade SA 240-316 Ti stainless steel.For operation without low limit on boiler return watertemperature.For closed loop hot water heating systems with maximumsupply water temperatures of 210° F (99° C) for amaximum operating pressure of 75 psig.Heating input: 1445 to 2245 MBH(423 to 658 kW)Product may not be exactly as illustrated.H73 596 - 03Benefits at a glance:Inox-Crossal heat exchanger surface made of high- grade SA 240-316 Ti stainless steel for high operational reliability and long service life. - Easy dispersal of condensate through vertical gas flues; therefore no concentration of condensate. - Increased self-cleaning effect through smoothstainless steel surfaces.Highly efficient heat transfer and high condensation rate through - highly turbulent flow of flue gas through the heat exchanger.- boiler water and hot gases flowing in counter flow.Efficiency up to 98% through intensive condensation. The flue gas temperature is only approximately 9-27° F (5 - 15° C) above boiler return temperature (see chart below).Clean combustion - through perfect match of burner and boiler, low combustion chamber loading andstraight-through combustion chamber.Easy handling in boiler rooms through particularly lowbuild height and weight.Easy installation and elimination of wiring mistakeswith Viessmann pre-wired plug-in system.Heating boiler, heating system control, domestic hot water storage tank and all other Viessmann system technology components are coordinated to one another. All components are design-matched for quick installation.Pre-mix cylinder burner for environmentally-friendly operation with a modulation range from 20 to 100%.All hydronic connections can be fitted from above.Economical and safe heating system operation through Vitotronic digital control system with communication capability. Tailored to every need, covering all known control strategies and applications. Standard LON BUS for complete integration intobuilding management systems.Particularly quiet operation.High altitude operation up to 10,000 ft. (3000 m) with a simple electronic adjustment.Vitocrossal 200 boiler efficiency dependent on system heating water return temperatures and load conditionsB o i l e r E f f i c i e n c y i n %System Partial Load in %DesignSupply / Return104° F - 88° F (40° C - 30° C)Curve 0.5DesignSupply / Return 167° F - 140° F (75° C - 60° C)Curve 1.4DesignSupply / Return 194° F / 158° F (90° C - 70° C)Curve 1.8Outdoor TemperatureB o i l e r W a t e r / S u p p l y T e m p e r a t u r eRoom Set-Point Temperature73 596 - 03LegendA Supply/return temperature of 176/140° F (80/60° C)B Supply/return temperature of 158/122° F (70/50° C)C Supply/return temperature of 140/104° F (60/40° C)D Supply/return temperature of 122/86° F (50/30° C)E Supply/return temperature of 104/68°F (40/20° C)Flue gas temperature as a function of average partial load firings.73 596 - 03LegendA Stainless steel Inox-Crossal heat exchangerB Highly effective thermal insulationC Water-cooled stainless steel combustion chamberD Wide water passageways - good natural circulationE Modulating MatriX cylinder burner73 596 - 03Boiler Model CM2400500620620 TX InputMBH 1445180022451999*3(kW)(423)(527)(658)(585)Minimum Input NG MBH 287358450450(kW)(84)(105)(132)(132)Minimum Input LPG MBH 351440545545(kW)(103)(129)(160)(160)Output *1MBH (kW)1372(402)1710(501)2132(625)1899*2(556)Net AHRI ratingMBH (kW)1193(350)1487(436)1854(543)1651(484)Combustion efficiency *1%*2Thermal efficiency *1%*2Overall length(e)in.89b 955/81007/81007/8(mm)(2273)(2429)(2562)(2562)Overall width (c)in.423/8423/8443/8443/8(including insulation)(mm)(1078)(1078)(1128)(1128)Overall height (a)in.655/8655/868c 68c (including control unit)*4(mm)(1666)(1666)(1748)(1748)Concrete boiler base Lengthin.465/8535858(mm)(1185)(1345)(1475)(1475)Widthin.42.542.544.544.5(mm)(1245)(1245)(1295)(1295)Thickness in.4444(mm)(100)(100)(100)(100)Weight Boiler bodylb 1136125714881488(Kg)(515)(570)(675)(675)Complete with the burner, control lb 1495166219291929and thermal insulation(Kg)(678)(754)(875)(875)*1 Tested to U.S. Standards ANSI Z21.13/CSA 4.9 and AHRI, BTS-2000 Testing Standard Method to determine the efficiency of Commercial Heating Boilers.*2 T ested to U.S. Standards ANSI Z21.13/CSA 4.9.*3 Boilers with this maximum input rating is only offered in the USA.*4 A dd 1f in. (40 mm) when using seismic mounts (optional accessory).Note: For altitude operation up to 4,999 feet, derate the input capacity by 3%/1000 ft. For operation from 5,000 to 10,000 feet, with the electronic altitude adjustment made, derate the input capacity by an additional 0.6%/1000 ft. for a total derate of 18%.AA Input capacity after electronic altitude adjustment is made.73 596 - 03Boiler ModelCM2400500620620 TX Boiler Water ContentUSG 104112131131(L)(395)(425)(495)(495)Heat exchanger surface ft.2166.6208.6234234water cooled(m 2)(15.5)(19.4)(21.7)(21.7)Maximum Operating Temperature °F (°C)210 (99)210 (99)210 (99)210 (99)Maximum Adjustable High Limit °F (°C)203 (95)203 (95)203 (95)203 (95)Maximum Operating Pressure psig 75757575(bar)(5)(5)(5)(5)Boiler ConnectionsBoiler supply and return (BS), (BR)in.4444(ANSI flanges)(mm)(100)(100)(100)(100)Safety Supply in.1a 1a 1a 1a Boiler Drainin.1b1b1b1bCondensate Drain in.¾¾¾¾Vent pipeInternal Diameterin.10101010(mm)(252)(252)(252)(252)Flue Gas Valuestemperature (at a returntemperature of 86° F (30° C)at rated input °F 113113113113(°C)(45)(45)(45)(45)at partial load°F 86868686(°C)(30)(30)(30)(30)Temperature (at a returntemperature of 140° F (60° C)at rated input°F 167167167167(°C)(75)(75)(75)(75)Mass flow rate (of flue gas)at rated inputlbs/h 1276158719861767(kg/h)(579)(720)(901)(802)at partial loadlbs/h 255317399399(kg/h)(116)(144)(181)(181)Pressureat boiler flue outlet pa 70707070at rated input “w.c. lossat maximun input and steady state condition 180° F/80° F (82° C/27° C) supply and return water temperatureBTU/h (W)%1878 (550)0.132520 (738)0.143367 (986)0.153367 (986)0.15At boiler water temperature 158° F (70° C) [roomtemperature 68° F (20° C)]BTU/h (W)%4335 (1270)0.35400 (1580)0.36735 (1973)0.36735 (1973)0.373 596 - 03LegendA Boiler LengthB Boiler WidthC Boiler Height AGA Flue outletBO Inspection Opening (Canada only)E DrainKOA Condensate drainKTS Boiler water temperature sensor KR Boiler return KV Boiler flowRG Female connection R b for additional control equipment (e.g. fitting assembly with minimum and maximum pressure switch)SA safety connection (safety valve)STB Flue outletDimensions Model CM2400500620620 TX a*in. (mm)655/8 (1666)655/8 (1666)68c (1748)68c (1748)b*in. (mm)56a (1428)56a (1428)59b (1511)59b (1511)c in. (mm)423/8 (1078)423/8 (1078)443/8 (1128)443/8 (1128)d=B in. (mm)35c (910)35c (910)37c (960)37c (960)e in. (mm) 89b (2273)955/8 (2429)1007/8 (2562)1007/8 (2562)f in. (mm)85a (2163)85a (2319)96c (2455)96c (2455)g in. (mm)46c (1187)527/8 (1343)58a(1477)58a (1477)h=A in. (mm) 59 (1497)65 (1650)703/8 (1787)703/8 (1787)i in. (mm)217/8 (555)28c (713)33b (851)33b (851)j=BO in. (mm) 4 (101) 4 (101) 4 (101) 4 (101)k in. (mm) 34a (870)34a (870)345/8 (879)345/8 (879)l in. (mm)15d (383)12c (435)187/8 (480)187/8 (480)m in. (mm) 10 (254)12d (308)13c (351)13c (351)n in. (mm)12b (318)145/8 (370)163/8(415)163/8(415)o in. (mm) 2c (70)2c (70)25/8 (67)25/8 (67)p*in. (mm)277/8 (708)277/8 (708)29 (736)29 (736)q*in. (mm)53b (1360)545/8 (1387)57b (1460)57b (1460)r=C*in. (mm)583/8 (1482)593/8 (1509)62a (1582)62a (1582)s in. (mm)23c (601)23c (601)23c (601)23c (601)t*in. (mm)9 (229)9 (229)9 (229)9 (229)u*in. (mm) 57/8 (149) 57/8 (149)57/8 (149)57/8 (149)vin. (mm)5a (133)5a (133)5a (133)5a (133)* Add 1f in. (40 mm) when using seismic mounts (optional accessory).73 596 - 03Mechanical roomotherwise the system may suffer faults and damage. In rooms where air contamination from halogenated hydrocarbons is to be expected, operate the boiler only in balanced flue mode.Minimum clearances to combustibles Boiler model CM2400500620620 TXTop 0Sides 0Flue As per vent manufacturer’s specificationsFront 0FloorcombustibleLegend A Boiler B Burner*1 Clearance may be reduced to zero in multi-boiler installations, provided the side panel removal is not required.Note: The burner, boiler control, condensate trap, venting and heat exchanger are still fully accessible from the front and rear of the boiler.*2 Clearance for vent pipe installation.To enable convenient installation and maintenance, observe the stated clearance dimensions. Maintain the minimum clearances where space is tight.In the delivered condition, the boiler door hinge bracket is factory installed on the left side of the door. If required, the boiler door hinge bracket can be reinstalled on the right side of the door. CM2400500620/620 TX a *1 in. (mm)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)b *2 in. (mm)30 (760)30 (760)30 (760)c in. (mm)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)d in. (mm)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)e in. (mm)24 (600)24 (600)24 (600)f in. (mm)11 (280)11 (280)11 (280)g in. (mm)15b (395)15b (395)15b (395)73 596 - 03Pressure drop (primary circuit)The Vitocrossal 200 is only suitable for fully pumped hot water heating systems.Recommended Flow Rates CM2Boiler model 400500620620 TX 20° F ❒t GPM 137.2171.0213.2198.940° F ❒t GPM 68.685.5106.695.011° C ❒t m 3/h 31.138.848.443.222° C ❒tm 3/h15.519.424.221.6❒t = temperature differenceThis boiler does not require a flow switch.P r e s s u r e dr o pFlow rate73 596 - 03Specifications Boiler Model CM2400500620620 TX Voltage V 120120120120FrequencyHz60606060Power consumption NG at max. input W 540700900801at min. inputW54606060Power consumption LPG at max. input W 467590700623at min. input W59686060Version modulatingDimensionsLength in. (mm)385/8 (980)385/8 (980)41¾ (1060)41¾ (1060)Widthin. (mm)26 (661)265/8 (675)265/8 (675)265/8 (675)Height in. (mm)21a (540)205/8 (525)24b (622)24b (622)Weight Burner onlyBurner package (with kits, flanges and mounting hardware)lb. (kg)lb. (kg)75 (34)91 (41.3)90 (41)90 (41)93 (42)93 (42)93 (42)93 (42)Min. gas supply pressure Natural gas “w.c.4444Liquid propane gas “w.c.10101010Max. gas supply pressure Natural gas “w.c.14141414Liquid propane gas “w.c.14141414Gas connectionNPT1a1a1a1a115773 596 - 03CM2 pre-mix cylinder burner 400/500/620/620 TXLegendA Burner frameB Air pressure switch 1C Air pressure switch 2D Display and programming unitE Gas valveF Gas supply pipeG Gas pressure switchH Rotary damper with servomotor (400, 620 and 620 TX only)I Gas pipeJ Manual shut-off valve K Venturi mixing pipe L Gas fanM Burner gauze assembly N Ignition electrodes O Ionization electrode P Ignition unitQBurner control unitR Mains filter unit with contactorCM2 Boiler model 400500620620 TX a in. (mm)20 (506)20 (506)20 (506)20 (506)b in. (mm)385/8 (980)385/8 (980)41c (1060)41c (1060)c in. (mm)26 (661)265/8 (675)265/8 (675)265/8 (675)din. (mm)21a (540)20f (525)24b (622)24b (622)125773 596 - 03Installation fittings for standard equipment includes:- low water cut-off- safety header (c/w 75 psig pressure relief valve, air vent and pressure gage)- drain valve - product documentation - combustion air intake kit - NG to LPG conversion kitVitotronic 300 (type GW5B) and LON module for modulating boiler water temperature for eachboiler of the multi-boiler system and Vitotronic 300 (type GW5B) and LON module for modulating boiler water temperature inconjunction with an external control unit (BMS). Vitocontrol-S, CM2 control panelwith Vitotronic (300-K, type MW1B) for multi-boiler system, outdoor reset mode and mixing valve control for a m aximum of 2 heating circuits with mixing valve and additional Vitotronic 200-H, type HK1B for 1heating circuit with mixing valve.For single boiler systemsVitotronic 300 (type GW5B)Outdoor reset control for stand alone operation, for modulating water temperature with mixing valve(optional expansion board for two additional circuits).CM2 Boiler model 400500620620 TX Thermal insulation 2222Cylinder burner1111Boiler control unit (see boiler control alternatives below)1111Boiler coding card 1111Technical documentation 2222Combustion air intake kit 1111Junction box1111Boiler body with fitted mating ANSI flanges and gaskets to all connectors and fitted protective crate, plus flue gas collector collar.For single-boiler or multiple-boiler installationsCustom control panels for residential or commercialapplications are designed and manufactured by Viessmann to suit any customer’s specific requirements. Customcontrol panels can integrate features such as pool heating, hot tub heating, snow melting, telephone tie-in, integration with Building Management Systems, as wellas several other functions. Please inquire.Refer to the common venting flue vent damper Installation Instructions.- Motorized flue gas damper (for cascade venting system)135773 596 - 03Note: The ‘amount of condensate” and the “flue gas temperature gross” graphs are independent of each other.Condensate and its disposalDuring the operation of the boiler, the amount ofcondensate to be expected can be read from the above diagram.The values given are approximate amounts occurring under practical conditions. Not included in the diagram is the amount of condensate occurring in the vent pipe and chimney system. The condensate from the chimney system can be collected together with the condensate from the heating boiler and be disposed of into a floor drain. The condensate will be between 3 and 4 on the pH scale. If local building requirements demand neutralizing the condensate before disposal, contact Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc. for a correctly sized neutralization tank. The treated condensate will show pH values of between 6.5 and 9 and can then be disposed of into the waste water system.Design notes regarding draining condensateThe condensate drain to the sewer connection must be able to be inspected.Route it with a gradient and equip the pipe with a P-trap; also provide suitable facilities for taking samples.The bottom drain should be located below the anti-flooding level of the flue gas collector box.Condensate drains must only be made from corrosion resistant materials (e.g. fibre reinforced hoses). Never use any galvanized materials or those containing copper or black iron for pipes, connectors, etc.Install a P-trap in the condensate drain to prevent flue gases from escaping.Venting optionsPP(s) (Polypropylene) flue gas/fresh air system for room air independent operation (sealed combustion), and PP(s) flue gas for room air dependent operation are tested to ANSI Z21.13 - CSA 4.9 - 2000 standards and are certified together with the Vitocrossal 200 boiler as a constructional unit.The Vitocrossal 200 boiler may also be vented using an special stainless steel, single-wall, (UL listed for category IV).The boiler may be vented horizontally through the side wall or vertically through the roof.For a more detailed description of the direct vent and single-wall vent system, please refer to the Vitocrossal 200 Installation Instructions venting section.Use ULC S-636 / UL 1738 certified for category IV boilers. The following vent system suppliers may be contacted for assistance in designing the appropriate PP(s) venting system for Vitocrossal 200 CM2 boilers.M&G / Duravent Tel. 800-835-4429Tel. 518-649-9700Fax: 518-463-5271Email:******************Web: Centrotherm InnoFlue Eco Systems. L.L.C.Tel. (877) 434-3432Fax. (518) 618-3166Email:*******************.com Web: A m o u n t o f c o n d e n s a t eBoiler water return temperatureF l u e g a s t e m p e r a t u r e g r o s sF l u e g a s t e m p .a t f u l l i n p u ta t pa r t i a l l o ad F l ue g a s t e m p .A m o u n t o f c on d e n s a t e Ensure that the domestic drainage systems are madefrom materials which are resistant to acidic condensatesuch as:Burner adjustmentMartix cylinder burner tested at operating temperature and adjusted in the factory.145773 596 - 03System layoutThe boiler water temperature limit is factory set to 167° F (75° C).The boiler water temperature limit can be increased by altering the adjustable high limit (AHL) to increase the supply water temperature.To minimize piping losses of the system, however,Viessmann recommends that the radiation and domestic hot water production in the system be designed for a 158° F (70° C) boiler supply water temperature.WarrantyOur warranty does not cover damages resulting from the following:- Operation with contaminated fill and supplementary feed water- Operation with contaminated combustion air- Exposing the boiler to pressures and temperatures higher than its certified rating See warranty sheet for details.Use ULC S-636 / UL 1738 certified venting systems for category IV boilers. The following vent system suppliers may be contacted for assistance in designing theappropriate stainless steel venting system for Vitocrossal 200 CM2 boilers.Combustion air supplyThe boiler must not be located in areas or rooms where chemicals containing chlorine, bromine, fluorine, or other corrosive chemicals are stored. Examples include bleach, refrigerants, paint, paint thinner, hair spray, cleaning solvents, water softener salt, etc. The combustion air must not be contaminated with any amount of the above mentioned chemicals.Boiler should never be installed in areas where excessive dust, high humidity, or risk of frost exist. Ensure adequate ventilation and supply of fresh combustion air.Consult your local Viessmann sales representative with uncertainties in regard to a suitable boiler installation location.This boiler/burner unit needs clean fresh air for safe operation. Provisions for combustion and ventilation air must be made at time of installation. For gas or propane installations, use the “Natural Gas Installation Code CAN/CSA-B149.1 or B149.2” (Canada), or “National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1” (USA), and/or provisions of local codes.The sizing methods outlined in the aforementioned codes should be used when installing a round duct to supply combustion air from the outside.M&G / Duravent Tel. 800-835-4429Tel. 518-649-9700Fax: 518-463-5271Email:******************Web: ICC - Industrial Chimney Co.400 J-F Kennedy,St-Jerome, Quebec Canada, J7Y 4B7Tel. 514-565-6336Fax: 514-565-6519Email:*****************Selkirk Canada Corporation 375 Green RoadStoney Creek, ON L8E 4A5Tel.: (905) 662-6600Fax: (905) 662-5352(US) 1-800-992-8368(Canada) 1-888-735-5475Email:********************Web: Novaflex1-20 East Pearce St.,Richmond Hill, Ontario,Canada, L4B 1B7Tel. 905-731-9411Email:********************Wesmech Technical Sales 50 Ronson Drive, Suite 160Toronto, ON M9W 1B3Tel.: (416) 251-8990Fax: (416) 251-89001-800-613-3789Email:********************Web: Van-Packer Co. Inc.302 Mill Street PO Box 307Buda, IL 61314Tel.: (309) 895-2311Fax: (309) 895-38911-888-877-8225Email:*******************Web: Security Chimneys International Ltd.2125 Rue Monterey, Laval, Quebec H7L 3T6Tel. 450-973-9999(US) 1-800-361-4909(Canada) 1-800-667-3387Fax: 450-973-2222Email: infoeng@Web: Enervex Inc.(formerly Exhausto)Tel: 770-587-3238Fax: 770-587-4731(800) 225-2923Email:*****************Web:Centrotherm InnoFlue Eco Systems. L.L.C.Tel. (877) 434-3432Fax. (518) 618-3166Email:*******************.com Web: 155773 596 - 03Airborne noise attenuationFrequently, modern boilers are equipped with silencer hoods or sound insulated ventilation air inlet housings.For larger systems, it may be necessary to route theventilation air through a sound-insulated channel, in order to avoid a noise nuisance outside the building.Flue gas silencers are generally only required where higher noise protection measures are called for. Whether or not a flue gas silencer is required can be predicted only with some difficulties, because of the complexity of the creation and propagation of flame noise, the interaction between the burner, boiler and the flue gas system as well as the operating mode (flue gas system operating with positive or negative pressure).It is advisable, therefore, to assess the noise emission into the neighborhood and to consider the sound pressure level measured at the flue gas system outlet. It should beconsidered at the planning stage whether silencers might become necessary later.In planning for its possible use, it is important thatsufficient space for the flue gas silencer is available behind the boiler. Good engineering practice mandates that the exhaust pressure drop of the silencer be included in the vent size calculation.Anti-vibration measuresAnti-vibration supports can be field supplied as an economical and effective solution to combat noise generated.When sizing such supports, take the entire operating weight of the boiler system and, when using longitudinal anti-vibration brackets, the condition of the supporting surface into consideration.Effective anti-vibration measures are particularly important when installing boilers into an attic. Flexible couplings may be used to physically separate the combustion equipment from the building.These should be installed into the boiler flow, return and safety pipe and as near as possible to the boiler.Also insulate any braces or hanging arrangements, if installed, against sound/vibration transmission to the building.Water qualityTreatment for boiler feed water should be considered in areas with known problems, such as where a high mineral content and hardness exist. In areas wherefreezing might occur, it recommended that an antifreeze be added to the system water for protection againstfreezing. Please adhere to the specifications given by the antifreeze manufacturer. Do not use automotive silicate-based antifreeze. Please observe that an antifreeze/water mixture may require a back flow preventer within the automatic water feed and influence components such as diaphragm expansion tanks, radiation, etc. A 40% antifreeze content will provide freeze-upprotection to -10° F (-23° C). Do not exceed 50%antifreeze mix ratio and do not use antifreeze other than specifically made for hot water heating systems. Oxygen diffusion barrier under floor tubingThe boiler warranty does not cover pressure vessel failure resulting from corrosion caused by the use of underfloor plastic tubing without an oxygen diffusion barrier. Such systems without oxygen diffusion barrier must have the tubing separated from the boiler with a heat exchanger. Viessmann always recommends the use of underfloor plastic tubing with an oxygen diffusion barrier.Boiler/burner start-upVitocrossal 200, CM2 boilers with Viessmann cylinder burners does not require start-up by Viessmann. Sound attenuationPlease consult a professional engineer who is specialized in noise attenuation for advice.The burner/boiler systems, circulation pumps and other auxiliary equipment used in heating systems generate noise.This noise is transferred from the boiler room viafloorboards, ceiling and walls to neighboring rooms and via the flue gas system as well as the ventilation air and exhaust air apertures into other rooms and into the open, where they may cause a nuisance.To avoid this from happening, additional protective measures may be required which should be considered at the design stage.Subsequent measures to reduce noise nuisance frequently require extensive effort and expenditure.Total output (MBH)Total Hardness (ppm as ca CO 3)> 1 Total 680 200> 680 to 2050150The pH value of the heating water should be between 8.2 and 9.55773 596 - 03 T e c h n i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e.P r i n t e d o n e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y (r e c y c l e d a n d r e c y c l a b l e ) p a p e r.。
威能 TFT 触摸屏 (型号:TFT) 用户手册说明书
![威能 TFT 触摸屏 (型号:TFT) 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2641c830f56527d3240c844769eae009581ba2a2.png)
Model: Touchpad (TFT)Model: Touchpad TFT12 34StatisticsThe statistics screen shows the communication rate to each of the thermostats on the system.This screen can help to identify problems on the network.Setting the ClockTo set the clock, follow these steps.Press the Options tab.Press the Clock icon ......................................................................................................................Here you can set the current time and date and select whether the Touchpad shouldobserve GMT Correction. GMT correction will automatically change the clock on the Touchpad and Thermostats in March and October as the clocks change for Winter/Summer time.Press Done to store and exit ......................................................................................................Initial SetupEntering a Room TitleA room title of 13 characters can be entered for each room on the system.To enter a room title follow these steps.Press the Communication number ing the alphanumeric keypad, enter a title.Press Done to store and return to the network screen ......................................................Repeat as necessary for the other rooms.When finished, press Done from the Network screen to store and exit ......................Note: You must perform a new network scan after adding additional thermostats to your system.678910Functions tabThe function tab gives access to the global functions such as Lock, Hold and Setback.The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program for a single or group of thermostats and set a different temperature for a desired period.• Press the Temperature Hold icon .................................................................................................• Enter the hold temperature and time period ....................................................................• Press next• Select one or more thermostats or press the functions tab to select all ...• Press the Done key to confirm and exit .....................................................................................To cancel temperatures hold on a SINGLE thermostat follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ................................................................................................................•Select a thermostat ..........................................................................................................•Press the Temp Hold icon ................................................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key .....................................................................................................To cancel a temperature hold on MULTIPLE thermostats follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ...............................................................................................................•Press the Functions tab.• Press the Hold icon ............................................................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key ....................................................................................................•Select the thermostats to apply the cancel to .....................................................My SystemTemperature HoldThe Set Back function allows you to place individual or multiple thermostats into Set Back Mode (also referred to as Frost Mode).In this mode, the thermostat will display the frost icon and will only turn the heating on should the room temperature drop below the set frost temperature. To apply Frost Mode to a single or group of thermostats follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ...................................................................................................• Press the Functions tab.• Press the Set Back icon ........................................................................................................•Select a zone or multiples zones to apply the set back, or alternatively press Functions tab a second time and Select All. .............................................Room buttons in green will be set back Room buttons in blue will not be set backRoom buttons in grey are time clocks and cannot be set back• Press the Done key ...............................................................................................................Editing the Set Back TempThe set back temperature range is 7-17°C and is set to 12°C as default.Pressing EDIT from the Set Back screen allows you to adjust this setting and then select which thermostats this should apply to.My SystemSet Back Mode (Frost Mode)CurrentTemperature Override KeyEdit IconTimer ZonesEditing the Switching TimesThe Edit icon enables you to program the switching times for the selected time clock.Time clocks provide Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Programming options.If the time clock shows Weekday/Weekend it is operating in 5/2 day mode, and if it shows each day of the week it is operating in 7 day mode.This mode can be changed on the time clock, and will be updated automatically on the Touchpad. Please consult the time clock manual for instructions on how to change this.There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting a Timer ON and a Timer OFF time can be programmed.To program the switching times follow these steps.• Press the Edit icon .................................................................................................................• Select a day or period ..........................................................................................• Select a setting to program ........................................................................................•Edit the Timer ON and Timer OFF times using the arrow keys .........................Times should be entered in 24 hour format.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the time clock will ignore the setting.• Repeat these steps for the remaining days/periods.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ..........................................................................Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 switching times are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends.For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different switching times.Copy SettingsThe Copy key enables you to copy the programmed switching times to other time clocks that are operating in the same mode (5/2 or 7 day).To Copy and apply switching times follow these steps.•Press the Copy key .........................................................................................................Zones that can be selected will be blue and will turn green when selected.Zones in grey cannot be selected.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ...................................................................Using the arrow keys set the override duration ....................................................Press the Done key ................................................................................................................Edit IconCurrentTemperatureHistoryProgrammable ZonesTemperature Hold (Individual Zone)The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program of a specific zone and set a different temperature for a desired period To set a hold a temperature for a group of thermostats, use the Hold function from the main screen.To set a hold time follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ....................................................................................................• Set the Hold temperature and Hold time using the arrow keys ......................•Press the Done key to confirm and exit .........................................................................The thermostat and zone screen will show the hold time remaining.To cancel a hold in operation, press Temp Hold icon and then the Cancel Hold key ..Programmable Zones HistoryThe history function on a programmable zone enables you to see the hours run as a and temperature profile for the last 4 weeks.This is displayed in a bar chart and line graph and provides an indication of which zones are using the most energy.The information can additionally be exported to your PC.There are two export methods:• Export All will export the temperature profile for all zones.• Zone Export will export just the selected zone.The exported data is saved to csv format and can be edited in Excel.The set temperature can be adjusted by using the Up/Down keys.• Use the Up/Down keys to select a temperature .................................................•Press the Apply key ............................................................................................................Note: This override will be maintained until the next programmed comfort level.The Edit icon enables you to program the comfort levels for the selected thermostat.Thermostats provide Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Programming options.If the thermostat shows Weekday/Weekend it is operating in 5/2 day mode, and if it shows each day of the week it is operating in 7 day mode.This mode can be changed on the thermostat, and will be updated automatically on the Touchpad.Please consult the thermostat manual for instructions on how to change this.There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting a start time and temperature can be programmed, this temperature will be maintained until the next comfort level.Programmable Zones Temperature ControlProgrammable Zones Editing the Comfort LevelsTo program the comfort levels follow these steps.• Press the Edit icon ...............................................................................................................• Select a day or period .........................................................................................• Select a setting to program ........................................................................................•Edit the time and temperature values using the Up/Down keys ....................Times should be entered in 24 hour format.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the thermostat will ignore the setting.• Repeat these steps for the remaining days/periods.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ........................................................................Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 comfort levels are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends.For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different comfort levels.Copy SettingsThe Copy key enables you to copy the programmed comfort levels to other thermostats that are operating in the same mode (5/2 or 7 day).To Copy and apply comfort levels follow these steps.•Press the Copy key ...............................................................................................................Zones that can be selected will be blue and will turn green when selected.Zones in grey cannot be selected.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ........................................................................Programmable Zones with Hot Water OutputEditing the Hot Water Switching TimesIn addition to editing the comfort levels, hot water switching times can be edited. There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting an ON time and an OFF time can be programmed.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the time clock will ignore the Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 switching times are the same for allHolidayThe holiday function reduces the set temperature in selected zones to the frost protection temperature setting.Thermostats will maintain this frost protection temperature and time clocks will maintain TIMER OFF for the duration of the holiday.When the holiday is complete the specific zones will then automatically return tothe program mode.Up to 8 holidays can be scheduled using the Touchpad•To program a holiday follow these steps;•Press the Holiday icon ........................................................................................................•Press the Add key ................................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down keys, enter the START date and time of the holiday ......• Using the Up/Down keys, enter the FINISH date and time of the holiday ......• Press the Next key ................................................................................................................• Select which zones the holiday is applied to ...................................................• Zones in Green are selected, and those in blue are not.• Press the Next key ...............................................................................................................• Enter a holiday title using the keypad. This title can be 13 characters in length.•Press Done to store and exit .............................................................................................Should you need to edit a scheduled holiday, follow these steps.• Press the Holiday icon ....................................................................................................• Select the holiday you wish to edit.• Press the Edit key .............................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down keys, adjust the holiday start/finish date and time .....• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Select which zones the holiday is applied to .............................................•Confirm the title and press Done the done key ....................................................Holiday StatusThe holiday screen indicates the scheduled holidays.Once the holiday starts, this screen will display that the holiday is active.Temperature Hold (Multiple Zones)The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program of multiple zones and set a different temperature for a desired period To set a temperature hold follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ..............................................................................................• Using the Up/Down arrow keys, set the hold temperature and duration ...• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Select which zones to apply the hold to .......................................................• Press the Done key ...........................................................................................................To cancel a hold in operation follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ..............................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key ...................................................................................• Select which zones should have the temperature hold function canceled.Zones in grey do not have a hold in operation.Zones in green will have the hold canceled and those in blue will remain active.• Press the Done key ...........................................................................................................Summer ModeQuick ViewThe Quick View screen gives an overview of all the zones on your system.The zone temperatures as well as the output status are displayed.You can use this screen to quickly access any zone on your system by first highlighting the zone and then pressing Detail.The Touchpad Summer mode offers a quick and easy way to place selected heating zones into set back without having to reprogram the comfort levels. The hot water times will not be effected during summer operation.The set back temperature can be set on each thermostat between 07-17°C or this can be done from the Touchpad (See page xx)As an indication, the heating zone screens will display the frost icon whilst the summer mode is active. As a default, all heating zones will follow the summer condition, but you can deselect certain zones if required. The setup should be as follows….• Press Summer• Zones buttons in green (selected by default) will follow the summer mode andzones in blue will not.• Press Zones to deselect any thermostat/s that you don’t want to apply summer to.• Press Done.To cancel summer mode....• Press Summer.• Select Functions tab.• Press Unselect All.• Select Done.Hot Water BoostHome / Away ModeIf you have thermostats with hot water function on your system, you can override the hot water output.During an override, the thermostat will flash TIMER ON / HW ON depending on the model of your thermostat.To use this function, follow these steps;• Press the HW Boost icon ...................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down arrow keys enter the boost period ......................................•Press the Done key .............................................................................................................To cancel, repeat the steps reducing the boost time to 00 hours.Once the boost period has ended, the zone will revert back to its programmed setting.Away mode places selected zones into setback mode indefinitely for use when you are unsure when the building will next be occupied.The zones will control to the setback temperature during this time and the hot water will be turned off.Pressing Home will cancel the Away function, and the zones will revert back to their programmed level.As a default, all heating zones will follow the Away mode, but you can deselect certain zones if required.To place the system in away mode follow these steps.• Press the Away icon ......................................................................................................• Toggle the switch to the on position.• Press the Edit key ..........................................................................................................•Select zones to apply the Away mode to ..............................................Zones buttons in green will follow the Away mode and zones in blue will not•Press the Done key ........................................................................................................GroupsUsing the Group function, zones can be assigned into groups allowing them to be collectively controlled. Using the Profiles function (see page 35), predefined settings can be quickly applied to all zones within a group.Up to 8 groups can be setup in the Touchpad. To create a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon ........................................................................................................• Press the Groups icon ........................................................................................................• Press the Add key ................................................................................................................•Select the zones to be added to the group ...............................................• The zone list is filtered based on the first selection and the following restrictions:Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Mode: You can only group thermostat/time Clocks that are in the same mode.Heating Only Group: Programmable thermostat and programmable thermostats with hot water output can be grouped, allowing you to create a heating profile.HW Timer Group: Programmable Thermostats with Hot water output can be grouped with timers, allowing you to create a HW Timer Profile.• Press the Next key ...............................................................................................................• Enter a group title using the keypad.•Press the Done key .............................................................................................................To edit a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then the Groups icon .....................................• Select a Group to edit.• Press the Edit key ..............................................................................................................• Select zones to add/remove from the group .........................................• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Confirm the group title and press the Done key ...................................................To delete a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then the Groups icon ......................................• Select a Group to delete.•Press the Delete key ..........................................................................................................ProfilesAt least 1 Group must be created (see page 33) before the Profile can be accessed.Profiles are predefined comfort levels and switching time settings that can be applied to groups (see page 33). When a profile is run, the settings are sent immediately to the devices within the profile group overwriting their current settings.For example, a shift working with a varying schedule could create 2 profiles - Day Shift and Night Shift. By having two profiles stored it is easy to quickly switch the heating system between programs when shift patterns change.To create a profile, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then select the Profiles icon again ....................• Press the Add key .....................................................................................................................• Select a group the profile should apply to.See page 33 for information on how to create a group.•Press the Next key ....................................................................................................................The type of profile created is driven by the type of thermostats in the group.Heating Profile (5/2 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program comfort levels for the Weekday/Weekend. See pages 23-24 for programming instructions.Heating Profile (7 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program comfort levels for each day of the week. See pages 23-24 for programming instructions.Hot Water/Timer Profile (5/2 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program switching times for the weekday/weekend. See pages 17-18 (time clock) and 25-26 (hot water) for programming instructions.Hot Water/Timer Profile (7 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program switching times for each day of the week. See pages 17-18 (time clock) and 25-26 (hot water) for programming instructions.•Program the profile following the instructions on pages 17-18, 23-24 or 25-26.• Press the Next key ................................................................................................................•Enter a profile title using the keypad and press done ............................................Running a ProfileTo run a profile , follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ........................• Select the Profile to run.•Press the Run key .....................................................................................................The settings will be sent immediately to the zones in the group and their zone screen will show the profile is active.Notes:1. When you run a profile, all of the existing settings in the thermostat will beoverwritten with the profile settings.2. Only one heating profile per zone can be run at once.3. If the zone has a heating & hot water model thermostat, It is possible to run aheating and a hot water profile at the same time. The Touchpad will indicate that two profiles are in operation.Profiles ContinuedEditing a ProfileTo edit a profile, follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ..........................................• Select the Profile to edit.• Press the Edit key ........................................................................................................................• Edit the profile.•Press the Done key ....................................................................................................................Deleting a ProfileTo delete a profile, follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ........................• Select the Profile to delete.•Press the Delete key ...............................................................................................Note: If you forget or misplace your user code, contact your equipment supplier for4241The set back temperature is used when a holiday, away or set back function is active. The set back temperature range is 07-17°C and is set to 12°C as default.The set back temperature function enables you to set this for individual or all thermostats.The max floor limit is used on thermostats with a floor limiting sensor and is used to protect the floor surface from overheating.The floor limit range is 20-45°C and is set to 28°C as default.The floor limit temperature function enables you to set this for individual or all thermostats with floor limiting function.The system reset function will delete all thermostats and history information in your system.After a system reset, you will need to perform a new network scan to add thermostats to your system.The Touchpad firmware can be updated as and when new features are introduced. Check the latest version by visiting the Support Section on To perform the update the Touchpad has to remain powered up.Connect the Touchpad to a laptop using the USB cable provided.Extract the TFT.BIN file from the download ZIP file.Copy and paste the TFT.BIN file onto the Touchpad drive on the PC.You now need to follow these steps.• Press Options TAB.• Press the Settings icon ........................................................................................• Press the System icon ..........................................................................................• Press the Firmware Update icon ......................................................................•Press the Done key ...............................................................................................The TFT will now update and the display will reset.To confirm the update was successful, check the version number in the Systems Info Tab.SystemSet Back TempSystemMax Floor LimitSystemSystem ResetSystemFirmware UpdateTOUCHPAD CONNECTIONS TO UH1This product must only be installed by a qualified electrician and comply with local installation regulations.TouchpadNotes......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................Notes......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................4645。
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