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1. In my hometown, _____ bicycle is still _____ popular means of transportation.

A. a; the

B. /; a

C. the; a

D. the; the

2. Our football team needs a leader, _____with a strong will and a good sense of humor.

A. one

B. that

C. who

D. which

3. The findings of the research, _____ on a lot of experiments, are useful.

A. to base

B. based

C. is based

D. basing

4. She told her husband that she co uldn’t _____ the rest of the housework without his help.

A. get over

B. get off

C. get into

D. get through

5. ––Why didn’t you tell him the date of the next meeting?

––He ran out of the room _____ I could say a word.

A. until

B. when

C. after

D. before

6. If you have a look at the local map, you’ll find this town is _____.

A. twice as larger as that one

B. twice as a large town as that

C. twice as large as that one

D. twice as larger a town as that

7. In the mountain area _____, where there are a lot of fishes.

A. lie many lakes

B. stand many lakes

C. many lakes lie

D. many lakes stand

8. ––Tomorrow is the deadline. Have you handed in your composition yet?

––Yes, I have. I guess it _____ now.

A. has graded

B. will grade

C. is grading

D. is being graded

9. Eating too much fat can _____ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from

B. result in

C. fall into

D. slow down

10. People living here depend on the fishing industry,_____ there won’t be much work.

A. where

B. that

C. by which

D. without which

11. His cousin has _____ the young lawyer for seven years.

A. got married with

B. been married to

C. been married with

D. got married to

12. My mother still remember the old days_____ she spent _____ with you in the countryside.

A. that; staying

B. what; to stay

C. when; staying

D. during; to stay

13. “How dare you say tha t to me again?” Tom asked his wife, eyeing her angrily from _____ the

kitchen table.

A. at

B. across

C. through

D. on

14. It was his attitude to life and hard work _____ made him succeed at last.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. as

15. ––Jane had an accident yesterday while driving, but she is all right.

––She is lucky. She _____ herself badly.

A. shouldn’t have injured

B. needn’t have injured

C. must have injured

D. could have injured

16. ––What else can I do for you, Jeff?

––Nothing, but I would appreciate _____ if you can lend all your notes to me before the exam.

A. one

B. it

C. that

D. this

17. The film, _____, is very attractive: there are many interesting characters in it.

A. on the whole

B. by no means

C. in no time

D. out of question

18. The scientist made another discovery, _____ of great importance to modern science.

A. which I think is

B. which I think it

C. which I think it is

D. I think which is

19. Many cities have been hit with smog (雾霾). If _____ unsolved, the problem may lead to more serious results.

A. having left

B. to leave

C. left

D. leaving

20. — Hi, guys! _____?

— Nothing much, we just ran into each other.

A. How much

B. What else

C. What’s up

D. How are you


One summer’s day, I drove along our main street as a terrible and sudden shower was coming. The sky 21 and the wind swept along warningly. I 22 to the side of the street. A pick-up truck parked ahead of me. T he family’s entire23 , including baskets, boxes of clothing, and other household goods, were open to the 24 in its body.

“Oh my, those poor people,” I thought, 25 children in the seat of the truck. They were obviously 26 from one home to another and their belongings, shabby though they were, were going to get completely 27 .

Just then a little old lady ran by me and into a store before which we all parked to wait out the 28 . In minutes, she was out, opening a package (包装袋) 29 a huge sheet of plastic. She 30 knocked on the window of the truck and gestured the woman driver out. Between them, they spread the 31 over the entire goods in the body of the truck.
