TracePro 表面光源生成器的使用实例1-获取LED光谱数据

TracePro 表面光源生成器的使用实例1-获取LED光谱数据TracePro 的光源形式有三种:网格光源、表面光源和文件光源。
TracePro的表面光源中有一个光源特性类别,其中涵盖了常用的CREE OSRMA Philips等常见的LED光源库。
此时我们就要用到TracePro 的表面光源生成器插件来手动生成光源特性数据。
这个插件就是Surface Source Property Generator,下面是详细的使用教程。
此例中我们使用CREE Xlamp XP-G LED为例。
下载XP-G LED的光源规格书首先,下载XP-G LED的光源规格书。
打开Surface Source Property Generator插件打开Surface Source Property Generator插件。
针对XP-G型号的光源,我们以5000K~8300K 为例。
点击Set Ref 1,然后点击矩形窗口左下角即可看到一个蓝色的圈,此点代表波长为400nm 相对强度为0。
将第二坐标修改为对应0.75 和1。

第一章TracePro3.24軟體介紹與安裝--------------------------------------------------11.1 TracePro軟體介紹-------------- --------------------------------------------------51.2 TracePro3.24 軟體安裝--------------------------------------------------7第二章基本功能介紹---------------------------------------------------------------------152.1 用戶界面介紹---------------------------------------------------------------------152.2 系統設置------------------------------------------------------------------------232.3 建立模型途徑---------------------------------------------------------------------242.4 建立模型--------------------------------------------------242.4.1 Lens Element建立--------------------------------------------------252.4.2 菲涅爾透鏡的建立-----------------------------------------------------262.4.3 反射鏡的建立-------------------------------------------------------------272.4.4 基本形狀建立-------------------------------------------------------------282.4.5 其它模型------------------------------------------------------------------292.5 定義光學特性--------------------------------------------------------------------292.5.1 運用屬性-------------------------------------------------------------------292.5.2 編輯屬性數據- -------------------------------------------------------------302.6 分析功能-----------------------------------------------------------------------------312.6.1 照度、輝度分析-- ---------------------------------------------------------322.6.2 光強度分析----------------------------------------------------------------33第三章入門設計實例--- ----------------------------------------------------------------343.1 球形反光碗設計--------------------------------------------------------------------353.2 光源的建立-------------------------------------------------------------------------393.3 聚光鏡的建立----------------------------------------------------------------------403.4 菲涅爾透鏡的建立-----------------------------------------------------------------423.4.1焦距為120mm的菲涅爾透鏡的建立-----------------------------------433.4.2焦距為185mm的菲涅爾透鏡的建立-------------------------------------463.5 液晶屏的建立-----------------------------------------------------------------------483.6 投影鏡頭的建立--------------------------------------------------------------------503.7 LCD投影機光學系統的建立---------------------------------------------------56第四章進階設計實例----------------------------------------------------------------------624.1 導光管設計-------------------------------------------------------------------------624.2 背光源設計-------------------------------------------------------------------------794.2.1背光源技術介紹--------------------------------------------------------------794.2.2設計背光源--------------------------------------------------------------------90第一章︰TracePro軟體介紹與安裝1.1 TracePro軟體介紹TracePro 是一套能進行常規光學分析、設計照明系統、分析輻射度和亮度的軟體。
Tracepro学习教程1 55页

Tracepro软件本身提供了一个强大 的模型库,使用者可以根据自己的 需要选择不同的模块来建立模型。 其路径就是 :Insert>
Insert> Lens Element
要点: A.透镜的材料 B.透镜的参数 C.透镜的位置
此处可以设置Tracepro操作 界面中显示方面的参数,如 界面的显示单位,缩放时的 倍率,显示光线的颜色,方 式等等。
光源 总光通量22000lm 配光 截光角不应小于27度
半光强角不小于6度 照度 中心光强大于2000000cd
导入光源 打开已经建好的光源文件
建立模型 Insert>Reflectior
Front depth 代 表灯具到口径 的距离 Back depth 代 表灯具到底部 的距离 Focal len 代表 两个面的不同 曲率
查看模拟结果 直角坐标配光曲线
查看模拟结果 光斑照度
从模拟的结果中可以得出,1米处光斑的直径略大于1米,中心的 最大照度为1076lx,平均照度16.2lx。
TracePro 7.0用户手册_BSDF译文

在 Tracepro 中的 BSDF 函数模型是一种叫做 ABg 的逆幂律模型, 之所以被叫做 ABg 模型是因为在它的表达 式中 A,B,g 有三个参数,
BSDHale Waihona Puke A B - 0g
在式中,A,B,g 参数可以由测量的数据去拟合公式得到。
下图为一个典型的 ABg 模型的 BSDF 函数图,分布在 log-log:
2 / 2
BSDF ( , , , ) cos sin (d )d
i i s s 0 0
在式 7.28 中,θ和φ是在球极坐标即 Z 轴为平面法向下的定义,当入射光照到表面上,θi 和φi 为 0,θs= θ,φs=φ,此时 TS 为:
2 / 2
Harvey-Shack BSDF(哈维 BSDF 模型)
Harvey 在其论文(J.E. Harvey, “Light-Scattering Properties of Optical Surfaces, Ph.D Dissertation, U. Arizona, 1976” J.E. Harvey, 光学表面的光反射特性,博士论文,亚利桑那大学)中论述,对于大多光学表面,如果 表示为余弦项而非角度项,则 BSDF 与入射光方向无关。类比线性系统理论,Harvey 称此特性为“平移不变 性”。在图 7.4 中,β0 是单位矢量 r0 在镜面方向上的投影,β 是单位矢量 r 在散射方向上的投影,两者之差的 模,|β-β0|是 BSDF 的 argument(是 BSDF 所要讨论的) 。注意,β 和 β0 不是单位矢量!他们是单位矢量的投 影,所以他们的长度小于等于 1. Harvey-Shack 方法给出了一个适用于多数光学表面的模型,即适用于: 散射主要由表面粗糙导致 散射(以及表面粗糙度)是各向同性的 表面粗糙度相对于光波长较小

光源 总光通量110lm 半光强角度110度 配光 截光角不应小于27度
半光强角不小于6度 照度 中心光强为4000cd
通过分析,可以得出:设计需要一个聚光的反光杯,且反光杯 的口径与深度的比值接近于1.
如图:自定义一 个反射系数为 0.7的反射面。 光线打在此面上 后,将有70%的 光线被反射。
反光杯建好后,材料属性也定义完毕,需要根据要求在反光杯的前方 添加3mm的钢化玻璃。
模型添加完毕后,最后需要添加一个接受平面。接受平面可以根据实 际需要定义它的大小,位置。模拟完毕后,我们可以从接受平面上得 到有效光效,光斑效果等模拟结果。
此处可以设置Tracepro操 作界面中运行方面的参数, 如导航区的位置,模型的 显示方式,模型的颜色, 背景的颜色等等。
建立模型 光学特性 光源设定 分析功能
模型添加完毕后,最后需要添加一个接受平面。接受平面可以根据实 际需要定义它的大小,位置。模拟完毕后,我们可以从接受平面上得 到有效光效,光斑效果等模拟结果。
如图:照度分析的参数设置表。 Smooting 选定将光斑的显示更 加平滑 Map Count 是照度计算点的数目, 当计算点的数目增大到一定程度 时,照度值也不再变化,此时得 到合适的模拟值
TracePro 4.16中文版

Atd Edit v1.1.34 1Cit v1.1.33 1CD(cnc数控工具机编程软件)
Cam Analyzer v3.2.B.011 1CD(凸轮分析软件)
CIMCO.DNCMax.v4.40.09 1CD(是实现DNC传输网络化、程序管理系统化的软件)
CIMCO Edit v5.11.02 Multilanguage 1CD(中文版,数控程序的编辑与仿真功能,该部分主要实现数控程序的编辑、仿真、文件比较、刀位轨迹模拟等)
CIMCO Software Suite v5.50.37 Multilanguage 1CD(用于存储和检索NC程序、NC程序优化、后处理、以及快速NC程序仿真)
TracePro v4.16光学机构仿真软件
TracePro 4.16光学仿真软件,是目前市场占有率最高的仿真软件,因为它以ACIS的固体模型为核心,所以使用者在设计分析模型时,可以非常直观的了解其模型。而在赋予其对象材质时,不需特殊的使用技巧,即可完成所有的设定,内建丰富的材料库、表面特性、光源资料库,更是令人惊喜。其功能强大且完整的分析图形及表格,足以应对──车灯相关(HID、LED、Fluorescent、Incandescent……等的灯源)、太空相关(杂散光、鬼影、热效应对影像的影响……等)、显示相关、照明相关、生医相关、雷射组件、消费性电子产品、……等,多产业的应用,是使用者不可或缺的好帮手。
NovaFlow & Solid v2.92r10 for WinXP 1CD

上述的模拟结果,光源的光通量为26.4lm。 当光源的光通量为120lm时,半光强角不变,光斑的大小尺 寸不变, 中心光强为6086.8cd,1米处最大照度为4552lx。 对比设计要求,符合设计需要,设计完毕。
同时,Tracepro可 以将其他程序建好 的模型,直接读取, 简单方便。如图, 通过Tracepro打开 OSLO文档
Tracepro的建模后,就要对 模型进行属性的设置
此处可以设置Tracepro操 作界面中运行方面的参数, 如导航区的位置,模型的 显示方式,模型的颜色, 背景的颜色等等。
光源 总光通量110lm 半光强角度110度 配光 截光角不应小于27度
半光强角不小于6度 照度 中心光强为4000cd
通过分析,可以得出:设计需要一个聚光的反光杯,且反光杯 的口径与深度的比值接近于1.
Tracepro中并未涵 盖所有我们需要 的介质,但是在 Tracepro中可以根 据自身的需要编 辑特定的面,材 料,薄膜,折射 率等光学介质。
TracePro 中文教程

Analysis of optical systems by Monte Carlo ray tracing, once an unusual technique, is now commonplace. Ray tracing can be used to simulate reflection, transmission, scattering, and absorption of light. For many optical systems, the effects of diffraction by edges are also important. This is especially true when stray light must be calculated, and the ratio of the wavelength to aperture size is relatively large. It is desirable, then, to simulate the effects of diffraction by edges within the framework of a Monte Carlo ray-tracing program. The opto-mechanical system to be analyzed may be complex, and the distributions of light illuminating edges may not be known. Traditional methods involving the solution of integrals, often by Fourier transform, are not suitable because of their strict sampling requirements. Furthermore, it is often desired to get a partial solution to edge diffraction by tracing a few rays, and have this solution be representative of the full solution. This is analogous to a measurement of an irradiance distribution in which only a few photons are measured. We know from experiment and from the quantum theory of electrodynamics that such a measurement, while noisy, is a predictor of the irradiance resulting from a more complete measurement. We present a method for predicting diffraction by edges that, while not new, is not well known. We also provide some new insight into the relationship of this method to other methods, and explain why we have chosen to use it in a production Monte Carlo ray-tracing program.

如图,一个LED光源投射在1米处的光斑照度效果图。在图的下方注明 模拟结果:最大照度,平均照度,接受面接受到的光通量参数。
方向参数的设置 Normal Vector 主方向 光源投射的方向,输入 不同的数值,软件会通 过坐标自动的计算出该 方向。 Up Vector 参考方向 与主方向垂直
Tracepro具有强大的分析功能: 追踪光线 照度分析,辉度分析 CIE色坐标,色度分析 光强度分析 光线资料 偏振效应 仿真模拟
Raytrace Options 光线模拟的 环境参数设定,其中有光源的 波长,光源的单位,热环境系 数等。
查看模拟结果 直角坐标配光曲线
查看模拟结果 光斑照度
从模拟的结果中可以得出,1米处光斑的直径略大于1米,中心的 2019/5/10最大照度为1076lx,平均照度16.2lx。
Define>Apply Properties
Surface 用来定义表面属性 可以在此处对模型的表面进 行定义。如:表面被设置为 镜面,吸收面,散射面,或 者在模型的表面定义一些薄 膜,等等。
Define>Apply Properties
光源:欧司朗 双端金卤灯 250W HQI-TS250W/NDL 光斑要求:矩形光斑 照度要求:50米处,半径5米范围内最小照度80lx (4个灯头) 透明件:3mm 钢化玻璃 反光杯尺寸:口径不大于180mm

Tracepro模拟步骤1、建立模型;2、光学特性;3、光源设定;4、分析功能Tracepro建模Tracepro自建模1、利用Tracepro软件本身的功能建立各种模型2、面 平面 曲面 球面 非球面3、体 球体 正方体 椎体 环3D建模,导入 在PRO/E,UG,CAD等3D模型软件将实体建好,存igs,sat,stp等格式,导入Tracepro并设置属性后,就可进行模拟。
光学软件建模Tracepro与很多光学模拟软件如ZEMAX,OSLO,Code V等是共用的,所以可以直接用Tracepro打开这些软件保存的文档。
其路径就是:Insert>要点:Tracepro建模:Insert> Reflector A.反射器的类型B.反射器的焦距C.反射器的长度D.反射器的位置Tracepro建模:Insert> Baffle VaneTracepro建模:3D建模,导入Tracepro在建模方面有很强大的功能,但是在自由曲面方面仍存在一些不足,所以,就需要在3D软件中建好模型后,存igs,sat,stp等格式,最后导入Tracepro中。

TracePro教程-LED1.新建文件.2.创建簿板特征: 菜单/插入/几何物件, 出现‘插入基本几何体’ 对话框, 选‘薄板’选项输入数据完成后点定插入并关闭.窗口中产生一薄板特征(旋转视图可看到), 模型树中也产生相应的名称.3.展开模型树中的薄板零件, 如下图4.点选‘表面0’, 按右键出现菜单, 选‘延伸填充’. 出现‘表面拉伸填料选项’ 对话框, 输入如附图中的数据选‘应用’.再分别更改0.9和4为0.2和0后选应用, 再分别改0.2和0为0.9和-4选应用, 关闭对话框. 在模型树任一空白处点一下, 即取消选取图中所有被选取的特征.5.创建圆锥特征: 菜单/插入/几何物件, 出现‘插入基本几何体’ 对话框, 选‘圆柱和圆锥’选项输入数据完成后点定‘插入’并关闭, 在模型树任一空白处点一下, 即取消选取图中所有被选取的特征.6.进行布尔运算: 在模型树中先选‘薄板 1’, 再按住Ctrl键选‘圆锥 1’. 菜单/编辑/布林运算/差集.7.慢速点选模型树中‘薄板 1’ 两次, 改名为 ‘Package’. 在模型树任一空白处点一下, 即取消选取图中所有被选取的特征.8.创建圆柱特征做散光板: 菜单/插入/几何物件, 出现‘插入基本几何体’ 对话框, 选‘圆柱和圆锥’选项输入数据完成后点‘插入’ 并关闭. 在模型树任一空白处点一下, 即取消选取图中所有被选取的特征.9.创建方块特征做LED: 菜单/插入/几何物件, 出现‘插入基本几何体’ 对话框, 选‘方块’选项输入数据完成后点‘插入’ 并关闭. 在模型树任一空白处点一下, 即取消选取图中所有被选取的特征.10.关键的来了, 设置三部曲:首先, 在模型树选取散光板特征(不是选展开后的某一面), 定义散光板的材质属性, 菜单/定义/编辑材质/表面材质, 出现对话框, 左侧选‘新增特性’ 按钮, 又出现‘输入一个新的表面特性’ 对话框, 如图设置并确定.然后, 将‘吸收率’ 设置为0, 将‘求解’ 设置为 BTDF, 按保存, 如下图:会自出现 ‘BTDF 符合能量守恒’ 的提示, 按确定后关闭, 再关闭‘表面材质编辑器’ 对话框.选择模型树中的 ‘Diffuser’按右边加号展开, 选择‘表面 1’, 也就是散光板的内侧, 然后按右键, 选菜单中的‘属性’,出现‘应用特性’对话框, 按下图设置后按‘应用’ 并关闭.12.第三步设置 ‘Package’ 上的凹槽的面属性.选择模型树中的 ‘Package’按右边加号展开, 选择‘表面0和表面 1’, 也就是凹槽的底面和侧面, 然后按右键, 选菜单中的‘属性’, 出现‘应用特性’对话框, 按下图设置后按‘应用’ 并关闭. 在模型树任一空白处点一下, 即取消选取图中所有被选取的特征.13.菜单/分析/光线追迹选项, 出现‘光线追迹选项’ 对话框, 照下图输入内容后‘应用/关闭’.14.设置LED光源:选择模型树中LED展开, 选择‘表面 0’ 即LED上表面, 右键出‘应用特性’ 对话框, 设置表面光源后按‘应用/关闭’.15.一切模型都设置完必, 就待分析了.16.菜单/开始光线追踪, 出现‘光线追踪’对话框, 选择追迹光线按钮/应用/关闭.17.菜单/分析/Candela Plots选项, 出现 ‘Candela选项’ 对话框, 选‘方位与光线’选项, 输入数据/应用.再选Candela 分布选项, 输入数据/应用/关闭.18.菜单/分析/Candela Plots/Polar Candela Distribution.。

基本参数:型面为抛物面,聚光面积为72m 2,开口直径D=9577mm ,焦距f=7500mm 。
抛物面方程为 Z Y X 3022=+,聚光器共分为12块,每块间距为20mm 。
中心开口半径为100mm 。
接收平面半径为100mm 。
操作过程如下:(1) 打开软件双击快捷方式打开软件,出现如下的对话框,选择Standard 即可满足要求。
(2) 建立模型在菜单栏中选择Insert Reflector ,弹出Insert Reflector 对话框,选择Conic 选项,其中Shape 共分四种:球面、抛物面、椭圆面和双曲面。
在本例中聚光器型面为抛物面,所以选择Parabolic 。
此外其它的一些设置可以按上面的基本参数的要求填写,如下面对话框所示,填写完毕后点击Insert 按钮。
这样就建立了一个厚度为2mm 、焦距为7500mm 、开口直径为9577mm 、中间孔洞半径为100mm 、中心坐标为(0,0,0)的抛物面聚光器,如下右图所示。
要想观测模型的不同效果可以点击菜单栏View选项,有Silhouettes、Render、Wireframe、Hidden Line四个选项可供选择。
薄板创建完成后,点击鼠标右键,出现下拉菜单,选择Rotate选项,对应弹出Rotation Selection 对话框,按对话框中参数填写完成按Copy按钮。

TracePro交互式优化⼯具使⽤说明1.Introduction1.IntroductionTracePro?Interactive Optimizerhelps users generate and also accomplish the optimization process of the Optical Elements and whole system-quickly and accurately.It provides a convenient and intuitional user interface to create radial free-form optical element(s).While useful for luminaire design,this tool can also be used to optimize LED second optics,reflective optics,projector system,solar concentrator and any other optical system needed optimization.The utility is for use with all TracePro editions and requires the most recent release of TracePro7.0and Microsoft Windows XP or later version.For more information on TracePro,or if you need technical support,please contact Lambda Research Corporation.About Lambda Research CorporationFounded in1992,Lambda Research Corporation is a privately held company based in Littleton,/doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.html mbda provides optics software and services for government and industry worldwide.The company is an industry pioneer in the areas of stray light analysis,optical system design and analysis,scattering theory,optical testing,process control software and custom software development.Technical SupportIf you are having trouble with TracePro or have questions,please contact your distributor or Lambda Research Corporationdirectly.Technical support is available to customers with current support contracts.Additional information is also available via:the World Wide Web at /doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.htmlthe user to user e-mail list tracepro-talkthe new version e-mail list tracepro-updatesTo subscribe to one of the e-mail lists,submit a request online at /doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.html/lists/listinfo.You can call us between the hours of9:00am and5:30p.m.(U.S.Eastern Time)Monday through Friday or reach us by e-mail.Lambda Research Corporation25Porter RoadLittleton MA01460Phone:(978)486-0766Fax:(978)486-0755support@/doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.html2.Getting Started2.Getting StartedInteractive optimizer offers an intuitive graphical user interface.Its multi-window design makes it easy to initiate a prototype design and monitor the optimization process with the instant simulation data returned from TracePro.This manual generally assumes a working knowledge of Windows.When Interactive Optimizer launched,a MDI window is initiated for starting a new optimization plan.The Interactive Optimizer user interface consists of:Profile editor windowToolbox panelProperty windowExport panelOptimization control panelOptimization logOptions panelBelow you can find instructions for some of the most basic Surface Source Property Generator operation More:Profile editor windowToolbox panelProperty windowExport panelOptimization control panelOptimization logOptions panel2.1Interactive Optimizer InterfaceInteractive Optimizer is a pure graphical user interface application.It helps users generate many kinds of freeform geometry and simulate its optical system performance in TracePro?.Furthermore it manipulates TracePro?to accomplish the optimization through DDE channel.To understand the interfaces of Interactive Optimizer,a simple description about each child windows are necessary,they are:3.Interactive Profile EditorOptical designers always have a lot of brilliant ideas to create optical systems.The optics geometry shape that they want to use in their system it’s not a primitive geometry,like sphere or block.Thus,how to create a desired geometry shape is an important issue.Even some people can’t100%simulate their optical system in TracePro,just because of complicate model creating problem.And here,Interactive Optimizer can help designer create their complicate optical components quickly and accurately.Interactive Optimizer provides Interactive Profile Drawer to easily create geometry.In Drawer,user can use straight line and spline to draw an enclosed loop to represent geometry’s profile.And without limiting the number of node point,the profile can fully matches use’s desire.The finished profile can be directly export to TracePro as a3D solid object.Or this profile can be the initial design of a system optimization process.Furthermore,it provides real-time2D raytrace function to speed up create a better initial design.There are a lot of features,such like drawing profile,raytrace,paste background bitmap and so on,that are included in Interactive Profile Drawer.So,for convenient operation,there is an independent“Toolbox”panel to switch Profile Drawer to different function.More:Interactive Profile Drawer-SegmentInteractive Profile Drawer-ObjectInteractive Profile Drawer-RaysInteractive Profile Drawer-Bitmap3.1Segment ModeAdd Segment/Control PointTo add a segment/control point into the segment,first right-click on the wanted position of the segment and then click on the"Add Segment/Control Pont"command from the pop-up menu.Delete Segment/Control PointRight-click on the wanted segment/control point and then click on the"Delete"command from the pop-up menu.Segment Type SelectionRight-click on the interested segment and then choose the wanted segment type from the pop-up menu. Now there are five segment types provided:Line:Straight line is used to connect the two adjacent segment points.Spline:Spline curve is used to fit the control points between the two adjacent segment points.Sphere:Spherical curve is used to connect the center control point and the two adjacent segment points.Ellipse:Elliptical curve is used to connect the center control point and the two adjacent segment points.Conic:Conic curve is used to fit the control points and the two adjacent segment points.Adjust Object ShapeThe shape of the object can be modified by dragging the segment/control points among the segments. 3.2Object ModeAddRight-click on the editing area to determine the center position height of the new object.Then click on the "New Object"command from the pop-up menu will add a new object into the editor window.MoveSelect the wanted object by first locating the mouse on any of the segments of it.Then move the mouse cursor with the left button depressed will move the selected object.DeleteSelect the wanted object by first locating the mouse on any of the segments of it.Then right-click the mouse and select“Delete Object”from the pop-up menu will delete the selected object.3.3Rays ModeAddTo start tracing a single ray,pressing the mouse left button at the interested start position and then drag the mouse to determine the direction of the emitting ray.Two functions are also provided for generating ray array,i.e., ray fan or ray sequence:Ray fan–First,press and drag the left button to decide the initial ray position and emit direction.Hold on the left buttonand,meanwhile,press the[ctrl]key.Then drag the mouse around to decide the expanding angle of the ray fan.Once done,release the mouse button and the[ctrl]key,and the ray fan will be added into the editor window.Ray sequence-First,press and drag the left button to decide the initial ray position and emit direction.Hold on the left button and,meanwhile,press the[Shift]key.Then drag the mouse to decide the extending range of the ray sequence.Oncedone,release the mouse button and the[shift]key,and the ray sequence will be added into the editor window.Delete RayRight-click on the interested ray and select“Delete Ray”from the pop-up menu will delete the selected ray.Clear all raysRight-click the mouse and select“Clear all rays”from the pop-up menu will delete the whole rays.3.4Bitmap ModeAddTo paste the grabbed picture,right-click on the editing area to determine the center position of the pasted image.Then click on the"Add bitmap from clip board"command from the pop-up menu,the stored picture in the clipboard will be pasted into the editor window. DeleteRight-click on the center point of the pasted bitmap and then click on the“Delete”command from the pop-up menu will delete the pasted bitmap.AdjustThe pasted bitmap can be rotated or scaled by dragging the control points of the bitmap frame.4.ToolboxThe ToolBox Panel is the control panel for users to select the manage mode of the Profile Editor Window.In each manage mode,users can implement different actions to the displayed objects in the model.More:Toolbox-Mode4.1ModeSegWhen Seg mode is selected,users can reshape the object profile by making adjustment to the segment/control point position in the Profile Editor Window.The way how the segment/control points are connected will base on the curve type selection of each segment.ObjWhen Obj mode is selected,users can select to add,delete,or move an arbitrary object in the model.RaysWhen Rays mode is selected,the raytrace function is enabled,and this helps give a quick check to the designmodel.Show RaysWhen Show Rays icon is checked,the traced rays will be instantly shown in the Profile Editor Window.BitmapWhen Bitmap mode is selected,users can paste,modify,or delete the grabbed image in the Profile Editor Window.Show BitmapWhen Show Bitmap icon is checked,the pasted picture will be shown as the background image in the Profile Editor Window.Opacity TunnerThrough the Opacity Tuner,users can directly tune the opacity of the pasted bitmap.Unit SelectorUsers can select the unit of the editor window to be mm,cm,or m.5.PropertyThe Property Editor allows users define the environment and object property in the model.More:Property Editor-General TabProperty Editor-Object Tab5.1General TabThe refractive index data are shown in the Refractive Indices /doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.html ers can set the refractive index value of each item from the table.5.2Object TabThe detailed property information of an object will be shown in this /doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.html ers can select to modify the item they want and the corresponding will be highlighted in the Profile Editor Window.6.ExportTo open the Export Panel,click on menu button:"Export".To generate geometry model and apply properties,use Export function to create a complete model including its optics properties in TracePro.Through DDE link,objects with the designated surface profiles can be directly added into the model window of TracePro.The creation mode and the applied property of each object can be checked and modified in the Export PanelMore:Export Optical Element(s)Creation Mode6.1Optical Element(s)This window generates optics object(s)in TracePro.Each object's geometry profile bases on”Editor Window”.And then,bydifferent“Creation mode”,3D shape could be“Radial Symmetry”,“Biaxial”andproperty.Export7.OptimizationThere are4regions in the optimization window.They are“Saving Optimization Log Options”,“Optimization Variables List”,“Optical Element Export Options”and“Definitions of Optimization Operands”.All parameters in this window will determine whether Interactive Optimization Utility links TracePro successfully and how to accomplishthis optimization.While everything is ready,click"Start"button to begin optimization.More:Optimization-OptionsOptimization-VariablesOptimization-OperandsOptimization-Objects7.1OptionsInteractive Optimization Utility uses DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange),a Windows protocol to share information with TracePro.To establish a full optimization,utility exports geometry to current document, commands that TracePro apply properties to exported object(s),and then initiates raytrace and saves simulation result.The whole optimization process would be saved.Thus,the file path and log file name have to be defined in advance.7.2VariablesAll variables will be listed in this panel.It’s just a simple viewer to monitor all variables in an easy way.We suggest not changing any value in this panel.That may cause some problems.The ideal way to modify variable-related values is through the Property window's Object Tab.Additional VariableIn some complicated case,we need some more advanced optimization skill to optimize our/doc/8b19926bcaaedd3383c4d3ad.html ually advanced optimization skill goes along with using After-scheme.To insert a new user-defined variable,first step is right click on this panel,and insert a user-defined variable.After setting its initial value,upperand lower limits, this variable’s name would be recognized in After-scheme.This new variable can be used to be one parameter of all commands in After-scheme.7.3OperandsAfter you have initiated the design of geometry shape,you need to set up the merit functions for you design system.For the following optimization process,it will take all operands as references and considering individual weight to evaluate the error value of each run.There are five different kinds of operands can be used.They are Flux,CIExy,CIEu’v’,Irradiance Profile and Candela Profile.Besides,each operand has different way to set up.Operand Type-FluxThe calculation of flux operand’s error value bases on the difference value between the target value and total flux of selection area on the observation plane.Operand Type-CIE u'v'&CIE xyThe calculation of CIE operand’s error value bases on the color difference on CIE map between the target color and the average color on selected region on observation plane.Operand Type-Irradiance ProfileThe calculation of Irr Profile operand’s error value bases on the irradiance/illumunance profile similarity between the target profile and the profile gotten from observation plane.。
查看模拟结果 直角坐标配光曲线
查看模拟结果 光斑照度
从模拟的结果中可以得出,1米处光斑的直径略大于1米,中心的 最大照度为1076lx,平均照度16.2lx。
分析结果 上述的模拟结果,光源的光通量为
首先,Insert Primitive Solide,添 加接受平面。 其次,将接受平面用过Apply Properties中Surface定义为Perfect Absorber。 最后,点击 ,开场模拟。
查看模拟结果 极坐标配光曲线
提供了一个强大的模 型库,运用者可以根 据本人的需求选择不 同的模块来建立模型。 其途径就 是 :Insert>
Insert> Lens Element
要点: A.透镜的资料 B.透镜的参数 C.透镜的位置
Insert> Fresnel Lens
要点: A.透镜的资料 B.透镜的参数 C.透镜的位置
此处可以设置Tracepro操作 界面中显示方面的参数,如 界面的显示单位,缩放时的 倍率,显示光线的颜色,方 式等等。
26.4lm。 当光源的光通量为120lm时,半光强

基本参数:型面为抛物面,聚光面积为72m 2,开口直径D=9577mm ,焦距f=7500mm 。
抛物面方程为 Z Y X 3022=+,聚光器共分为12块,每块间距为20mm 。
中心开口半径为100mm 。
接收平面半径为100mm 。
操作过程如下:(1) 打开软件双击快捷方式打开软件,出现如下的对话框,选择Standard 即可满足要求。
(2) 建立模型在菜单栏中选择Insert Reflector ,弹出Insert Reflector 对话框,选择Conic 选项,其中Shape 共分四种:球面、抛物面、椭圆面和双曲面。
在本例中聚光器型面为抛物面,所以选择Parabolic 。
此外其它的一些设置可以按上面的基本参数的要求填写,如下面对话框所示,填写完毕后点击Insert 按钮。
这样就建立了一个厚度为2mm 、焦距为7500mm 、开口直径为9577mm 、中间孔洞半径为100mm 、中心坐标为(0,0,0)的抛物面聚光器,如下右图所示。
要想观测模型的不同效果可以点击菜单栏View选项,有Silhouettes、Render、Wireframe、Hidden Line四个选项可供选择。
薄板创建完成后,点击鼠标右键,出现下拉菜单,选择Rotate选项,对应弹出Rotation Selection 对话框,按对话框中参数填写完成按Copy按钮。

1.Introduction1.IntroductionTracePro®Interactive Optimizerhelps users generate and also accomplish the optimization process of the Optical Elements and whole system-quickly and accurately.It provides a convenient and intuitional user interface to create radial free-form optical element(s).While useful for luminaire design,this tool can also be used to optimize LED second optics,reflective optics,projector system,solar concentrator and any other optical system needed optimization.The utility is for use with all TracePro editions and requires the most recent release of TracePro7.0and Microsoft Windows XP or later version.For more information on TracePro,or if you need technical support,please contact Lambda Research Corporation.About Lambda Research CorporationFounded in1992,Lambda Research Corporation is a privately held company based in Littleton, mbda provides optics software and services for government and industry worldwide.The company is an industry pioneer in the areas of stray light analysis,optical system design and analysis,scattering theory,optical testing,process control software and custom software development.Technical SupportIf you are having trouble with TracePro or have questions,please contact your distributor or Lambda Research Corporation directly.Technical support is available to customers with current support contracts.Additional information is also available via:•the World Wide Web at •the user to user e-mail list tracepro-talk•the new version e-mail list tracepro-updatesTo subscribe to one of the e-mail lists,submit a request online at /lists/listinfo.You can call us between the hours of9:00am and5:30p.m.(U.S.Eastern Time)Monday through Friday or reach us by e-mail.Lambda Research Corporation25Porter RoadLittleton MA01460Phone:(978)486-0766Fax:(978)486-0755support@2.Getting Started2.Getting StartedInteractive optimizer offers an intuitive graphical user interface.Its multi-window design makes it easy to initiate a prototype design and monitor the optimization process with the instant simulation data returned from TracePro.This manual generally assumes a working knowledge of Windows.When Interactive Optimizer launched,a MDI window is initiated for starting a new optimization plan.The Interactive Optimizer user interface consists of:•Profile editor window•Toolbox panel•Property window•Export panel•Optimization control panel•Optimization log•Options panelBelow you can find instructions for some of the most basic Surface Source Property Generator operation More:•Profile editor window•Toolbox panel•Property window•Export panel•Optimization control panel•Optimization log•Options panel2.1Interactive Optimizer InterfaceInteractive Optimizer is a pure graphical user interface application.It helps users generate many kinds of freeform geometry and simulate its optical system performance in TracePro®.Furthermore it manipulates TracePro®to accomplish the optimization through DDE channel.To understand the interfaces of Interactive Optimizer,a simple description about each child windows are necessary,they are:3.Interactive Profile EditorOptical designers always have a lot of brilliant ideas to create optical systems.The optics geometry shape that they want to use in their system it’s not a primitive geometry,like sphere or block.Thus,how to create a desired geometry shape is an important issue.Even some people can’t100%simulate their optical system in TracePro,just because of complicate model creating problem.And here,Interactive Optimizer can help designer create their complicate optical components quickly and accurately.Interactive Optimizer provides Interactive Profile Drawer to easily create geometry.In Drawer,user can use straight line and spline to draw an enclosed loop to represent geometry’s profile.And without limiting the number of node point,the profile can fully matches use’s desire.The finished profile can be directly export to TracePro as a3D solid object.Or this profile can be the initial design of a system optimization process.Furthermore,it provides real-time2D raytrace function to speed up create a better initial design.There are a lot of features,such like drawing profile,raytrace,paste background bitmap and so on,that are included in Interactive Profile Drawer.So,for convenient operation,there is an independent“Toolbox”panel to switch Profile Drawer to different function.More:•Interactive Profile Drawer-Segment•Interactive Profile Drawer-Object•Interactive Profile Drawer-Rays•Interactive Profile Drawer-Bitmap3.1Segment ModeAdd Segment/Control PointTo add a segment/control point into the segment,first right-click on the wanted position of the segment and then click on the"Add Segment/Control Pont"command from the pop-up menu.Delete Segment/Control PointRight-click on the wanted segment/control point and then click on the"Delete"command from the pop-up menu.Segment Type SelectionRight-click on the interested segment and then choose the wanted segment type from the pop-up menu. Now there are five segment types provided:•Line:Straight line is used to connect the two adjacent segment points.•Spline:Spline curve is used to fit the control points between the two adjacent segment points.•Sphere:Spherical curve is used to connect the center control point and the two adjacent segment points.•Ellipse:Elliptical curve is used to connect the center control point and the two adjacent segment points.•Conic:Conic curve is used to fit the control points and the two adjacent segment points.Adjust Object ShapeThe shape of the object can be modified by dragging the segment/control points among the segments. 3.2Object ModeAddRight-click on the editing area to determine the center position height of the new object.Then click on the "New Object"command from the pop-up menu will add a new object into the editor window.MoveSelect the wanted object by first locating the mouse on any of the segments of it.Then move the mouse cursor with the left button depressed will move the selected object.DeleteSelect the wanted object by first locating the mouse on any of the segments of it.Then right-click the mouse and select“Delete Object”from the pop-up menu will delete the selected object.3.3Rays ModeAddTo start tracing a single ray,pressing the mouse left button at the interested start position and then drag the mouse to determine the direction of the emitting ray.Two functions are also provided for generating ray array,i.e., ray fan or ray sequence:•Ray fan–First,press and drag the left button to decide the initial ray position and emit direction.Hold on the left button and,meanwhile,press the[ctrl]key.Then drag the mouse around to decide the expanding angle of the ray fan.Once done,release the mouse button and the[ctrl]key,and the ray fan will be added into the editor window.•Ray sequence-First,press and drag the left button to decide the initial ray position and emit direction.Hold on the left button and,meanwhile,press the[Shift]key.Then drag the mouse to decide the extending range of the ray sequence.Once done,release the mouse button and the[shift]key,and the ray sequence will be added into the editor window.Delete RayRight-click on the interested ray and select“Delete Ray”from the pop-up menu will delete the selected ray.Clear all raysRight-click the mouse and select“Clear all rays”from the pop-up menu will delete the whole rays.3.4Bitmap ModeAddTo paste the grabbed picture,right-click on the editing area to determine the center position of the pasted image.Then click on the"Add bitmap from clip board"command from the pop-up menu,the stored picture in the clipboard will be pasted into the editor window.DeleteRight-click on the center point of the pasted bitmap and then click on the“Delete”command from the pop-up menu will delete the pasted bitmap.AdjustThe pasted bitmap can be rotated or scaled by dragging the control points of the bitmap frame.4.ToolboxThe ToolBox Panel is the control panel for users to select the manage mode of the Profile Editor Window.In each manage mode,users can implement different actions to the displayed objects in the model.More:•Toolbox-Mode4.1ModeSegWhen Seg mode is selected,users can reshape the object profile by making adjustment to the segment/control point position in the Profile Editor Window.The way how the segment/control points are connected will base on the curve type selection of each segment.ObjWhen Obj mode is selected,users can select to add,delete,or move an arbitrary object in the model.RaysWhen Rays mode is selected,the raytrace function is enabled,and this helps give a quick check to the designmodel.Show RaysWhen Show Rays icon is checked,the traced rays will be instantly shown in the Profile Editor Window.BitmapWhen Bitmap mode is selected,users can paste,modify,or delete the grabbed image in the Profile Editor Window.Show BitmapWhen Show Bitmap icon is checked,the pasted picture will be shown as the background image in the Profile Editor Window.Opacity TunnerThrough the Opacity Tuner,users can directly tune the opacity of the pasted bitmap.Unit SelectorUsers can select the unit of the editor window to be mm,cm,or m.5.PropertyThe Property Editor allows users define the environment and object property in the model.More:•Property Editor-General Tab•Property Editor-Object Tab5.1General TabThe refractive index data are shown in the Refractive Indices ers can set the refractive index value of each item from the table.5.2Object TabThe detailed property information of an object will be shown in this ers can select to modify the item they want and the corresponding will be highlighted in the Profile Editor Window.6.ExportTo open the Export Panel,click on menu button:"Export".To generate geometry model and apply properties,use Export function to create a complete model including its optics properties in TracePro.Through DDE link,objects with the designated surface profiles can be directly added into the model window of TracePro.The creation mode and the applied property of each object can be checked and modified in the Export PanelMore:•Export Optical Element(s)•Creation Mode6.1Optical Element(s)This window generates optics object(s)in TracePro.Each object's geometry profile bases on”Editor Window”.And then,by different“Creation mode”,3D shape could be“Radial Symmetry”,“Biaxial”andproperty.Export7.OptimizationThere are4regions in the optimization window.They are“Saving Optimization Log Options”,“Optimization Variables List”,“Optical Element Export Options”and“Definitions of Optimization Operands”.All parameters in this window will determine whether Interactive Optimization Utility links TracePro successfully and how to accomplish this optimization.While everything is ready,click"Start"button to begin optimization.More:•Optimization-Options•Optimization-Variables•Optimization-Operands•Optimization-Objects7.1OptionsInteractive Optimization Utility uses DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange),a Windows protocol to share information with TracePro.To establish a full optimization,utility exports geometry to current document, commands that TracePro apply properties to exported object(s),and then initiates raytrace and saves simulation result.The whole optimization process would be saved.Thus,the file path and log file name have to be defined in advance.7.2VariablesAll variables will be listed in this panel.It’s just a simple viewer to monitor all variables in an easy way.We suggest not changing any value in this panel.That may cause some problems.The ideal way to modify variable-related values is through the Property window's Object Tab.Additional VariableIn some complicated case,we need some more advanced optimization skill to optimize our ually advanced optimization skill goes along with using After-scheme.To insert a new user-defined variable,first step is right click on this panel,and insert a user-defined variable.After setting its initial value,upper and lower limits, this variable’s name would be recognized in After-scheme.This new variable can be used to be one parameter of all commands in After-scheme.7.3OperandsAfter you have initiated the design of geometry shape,you need to set up the merit functions for you design system.For the following optimization process,it will take all operands as references and considering individual weight to evaluate the error value of each run.There are five different kinds of operands can be used.They are Flux,CIExy,CIEu’v’,Irradiance Profile and Candela Profile.Besides,each operand has different way to set up.Operand Type-FluxThe calculation of flux operand’s error value bases on the difference value between the target value and total flux of selection area on the observation plane.Operand Type-CIE u'v'&CIE xyThe calculation of CIE operand’s error value bases on the color difference on CIE map between the target color and the average color on selected region on observation plane.Operand Type-Irradiance ProfileThe calculation of Irr Profile operand’s error value bases on the irradiance/illumunance profile similaritybetween the target profile and the profile gotten from observation plane.Operand Type-FluxThe calculation of Irr Profile operand’s error value bases on the irradiance/illumunance profile similarity between the target profile and the profile gotten from observation plane.7.4ObjectsDuring optimization process,Interactive Optimizer follows the variables that optimization algorithm7.Optimizationgenerates to export one or more optics that need to be optimized into TracePro in each iteration.After creating optics,next steps are performing raytrace and analyzing its result.Here,this objects panel manages how to export optics and including applying material property on it.The detailed about exporting object,such as definition of parameters and creation mode,see Export.After-schemeThe last column named“After-scheme”is the only distinction between Export window and this panel.If there’s other specific actions must be executed after creating geometry,people can add additional code at this column.It’s compatible with TracePro Scheme Commands and all commands provided by Interactive Optimizer. Double-click the grid,a Scheme editor window pops up.After coding,press“Apply”button to save it.Scheme ExecutionTo pre-execute the content in after-scheme column,Right click on the grid,a menu pops up.Three different actions as follow:8.Optimization LogThe Optimization Log window helps user monitor the optimization progress.While performing optimization, this window shows up automatically.More:•Optimization Log-Graphs•Optimization Log-Trand Chart8.1GraphsAll iteration will be recorded by Interactive er can check each time simulation result(s)through this graph panel.And all useful analysis values are listed on this panel too.ListGraphsSwitch to Graphs tab,while the selected row is changed,the graphs panel will update to the correlated simulation result map.After selecting a row,if system saved multiple maps,user can choose analysis map through Graph selector.8.2Trand ChartThe trend chart of the Error Value is displayed in this ers can monitor the optimization process by keeping track on the Error Value.By default,this plot will be automatically updated by the simulated result throughout the optimization process.Once the optimization has multiple targets,user can choose to individually view the error value trend chart of each target or just the sum of error values for targets.Interactive Optimization use Simplex as optimization algorithm that uses4kinds of method,including Reflection,Expansion,Contraction and Shrinkage,to manipulate the simplex and try to find the local minimum. So each iteration point in trend chart uses color to indicate its corresponding Simplex Algorithm action.9.OptionsThe Options Panel allows you to specify the drawing preferences and decide the preferred way to initiate the optimization process.More:•Options-Drawing Tab•Options-Optimization Tab9.1Drawing TabIn this tab,it allows you to specify the colors for the drawing items in the profile editor window.Below is a list of drawing items that you can modify:Background,Curve,Highlight curve,Selected Curve, Ray,Highlight Ray,Selected Ray,Ray Fan,Ray Sequence9.2Optimization TabIn this tab,it allows you to specify the way of initiating the Downhill Simplex Method.Two ways are provided:[Generate by Character length]or[Generate by Variable limits].9.3Tool-Reset DDEInteractive Optimizer uses DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange),a Windows protocol to share information with TracePro.Once the utility fails keeping connection with TracePro,users just need to click the[Reset DDE]menu button and the utility will fix the issue automatically.。

Tracepro是一套可以做照明系统分析,传统光学分析,辐射度以及光度分析的软件,它也是第一套 由符合工业标准的ACIS立体模型绘图软件所发展出来的光机软件。
Tracepro提供简单易用的图形接口,所以我们能够轻易的检视模型,建立立体对象,以及设定材料 特性,表面性质和光源特性。
上述的模拟结果,光源的光通量为26.4lm。 当光源的光通量为120lm时,半光强角不变,光斑的大小尺寸不变, 中心光强为6086.8cd,1米处最大照度为4552lx。 对比设计要求,符合设计需要,设计完毕。
设计要求: 光源:欧司朗 双端金卤灯 250W HQI-TS250W/NDL 光斑要求:矩形光斑 照度要求:50米处,半径5米范围内最小照度80lx (4个灯头) 透明件:3mm 钢化玻璃 反光杯尺寸:口径不大于180mm
Tracepro设计实例 建立模型 Insert>Reflectior
建立好模型后,需要通过ApplyProperties来为模型添加表面属性。点击导航区中模型的名字,然后 鼠标右键,选择ApplyProperties,在ApplyProperties中选择Surface。在Surface的下拉表格中有多 种反射面模式,可以根据自己的需要选择合适的反射面,也可以点击View Date,自定义反射面的 属性。
其路径就是 :Insert>
Tracepro建模 Insert> Lens Element
要点: A.透镜的材料 B.透镜的参数 C.透镜的位置

第六章 分析检验光线追迹结果完成光线追迹之后,当进行结果评估时,分析菜单提供多种方法来显示光线追迹数据。
Displaying Rays 和 Ray Sorting让你观察数据是否是你期待的结果。
Irradiance Maps, Ray Tables and Polarization Maps 提供每一个表面的模拟结果。
Candela Plots 显示模型中光线数据的角度分配。
Volume Flux Viewer能够观察模型内部的流量分布。
Reports Menu 帮助你完成分析光线数据和模型的多种报告形式。
Tools 菜单包括附加的功能来帮助你完成光线追迹结果。
Analysis Menu在本章中的描述中,大多数的光线追迹结果从Analysis Menu中得到,光线追迹也被包含在Analysis Menu项目的开始,这在第五章有详细地介绍。
Display RaysAnalysis | Display Rays 选项允许你控制光线的显示。
“Analysis Mode(分析模式)”下,在完成光线追迹后, 光线默认地被显示或取消。
光线在“Simulation Mode(模拟模式)”中不能够被显示。
要关闭显示的光线,只需进入Analysis | Display Rays,显示光线的状态是通过菜单上√ 标志来标注的。
如果被trace的光线有很多并且带有许多的splits or branches,程序会花很长时间来显示这些光线。
你可以根据需要设定Window|Auto Update来更新光线的显示,这时的光线不会被随时更新,直到你按“F5”或选择Window|Refresh。
参考2.43页的“Ray Display”。
你也可以按照下面的描述使用Ray Sorting来决定哪些光线显示。
Ray Colors可以通过Ray Color对话框来设置光线的颜色来取代预先设值的颜色值,对于单色光,Ray Color对话框提供三种预设的颜色值来显示光线颜色。