经济学外文期刊排行(前100 名)1. American economic review美国经济议论2. The Economist经济学家3. Econometrica 计量经济学4. Journal of political economy政治经济学杂志5. Quarterly journal of economics经济学季刊6. the Journal of economic literature经济文件杂志7. Academy of management journal管理学会杂志美国8. Journal of finance金融杂志美国9. Harvard business review哈佛商业议论美国10. Academy of management review管理学会议论美国11. Journal of financial economics金融经济学杂志瑞士12. Journal of marketing市场营销杂志美国13. Strategic management journal战略管理杂志英国14. Economic journal经济学杂志英国15. the Journal of economic perspectives经济展望杂志美国16. Review of economic studies经济研究议论英国17. Journal of marketing research市场营销研究杂志美国18. Review of economics&statistics经济学与统计学议论美国19. the Journal of consumer research花费者研究杂志美国20. Journal of econometrics经济计量学杂志瑞士21. Journal of economic theory经济理论杂志美国22. Health care financing review卫生保健资本筹备议论美国23. Brookings papers on economic activity布鲁金斯经济活动论文集美国24. Journal of monetary economics钱币经济学杂志荷兰25. Sloan management review斯隆管理议论美国26. Journal of law&economics法律与经济学杂志美国27. Journal of business商业杂志美国28. Journal of health economics卫生经济学杂志荷兰29. Industrial&labor relations review劳资关系议论美国30. Risk analysis 风险剖析美国31. Journal of human resources人力资源杂志美国32. Economy and society经济与社会英国33. World development世界发展荷兰34. Journal of business&economic statistics商业与经济统计学杂志美国35. Rand journal of economics兰德经济学杂志美国36. Journal of public economics公共经济学杂志瑞士37. Human resource management人力资源管理美国38. American journal of agricultural economics美国农业经济学杂志美国39. Journal of operational research society英国运筹学杂志英国40. European economic review欧洲经济议论荷兰41. Review of financial studies金融研究议论美国42. Health economics卫生经济学英国43. California management review加利福尼亚管理议论美国44. Journal of environmental economics&management环境经济学与环境管理杂美国45. Fortune 幸福(或翻译:财产)美国46. World bank economic review世界银行经济议论美国47. Journal of international economics国际经济学杂志荷兰48. Journal of law , economics&organization法律、经济学与组织学杂志美国49. International economic review国际经济议论美国50. Journal of money,credit&banking钱币,信贷和银行业务杂志美国51. Economic geography经济地理学英国52. Industrial relations劳资关系美国53. Journal of product innovation management产品改革管理杂志美国54. Journal of applied econometrics应用计量经济学杂志英国55. Journal of international business studies国际商业研究杂志美国56. Business week商业周刊美国57. Oxford bulletin of economics&statistics牛津经济学与统计学通告英国58. Journal of labor economics劳动经济学杂志美国59. Journal of development economics发展经济学杂志荷兰60. Journal of economic history经济史杂志61. Forbes 福布斯美国62. Financial management财务管理美国63. Journal of urban economics城市经济学杂志美国64. Marketing science营销学美国65. Monthly labor review劳动议论月刊美国66. Economics letters经济学快报瑞士67. Economic history review经济史议论美国68. Economica经济学英国69. Land economics土地经济学美国70. Ecological economics生态经济学荷兰71. Journal of common market studies共同市场研究杂志英国72. Journal of financial&quantitative analysis财务剖析与定量剖析杂志美国73. Southern economic journal南部经济学杂志美国74. Economic inquiry经济研究美国75. Economic&political weekly经济与政治周刊印度76. Business insurance商业保险美国77. Journal of business ethics商业伦理学杂志荷兰78. Oxford economics papers牛津经济论文集英国79. Journal of industrial economics工业经济学杂志英国80. National tax journal全国税务杂志美国81. Journal of advertising research广告研究杂志美国82. Accounting organization and society会计、组织与社会荷兰83. Explorations in economic history经济史研究美国84. Journal of accounting research会计研究杂志美国85. Public choice公共选择荷兰86. Cambridge journal of economics剑桥经济学杂志英国87. Economic development and cultural change经济发展与文化改革美国88. Work,employment and society工作、受雇与社会英国89. Business lawyer商业律师美国90. Journal of banking and finance银行业与金融杂志荷兰91. Journal of public policy&marketing公共政策与营销杂志92. Journal of international money&finance国际钱币与金融杂志英国93. Games and economic behavior对策与经济行为美国94. Journal of economic dynamics&control经济动力学与控制杂志荷兰95. Applied economics应用经济学英国96. Development&change 发展与变化英国97. International monetary fund staff papers国际钱币基金组织文集美国98. Journal of economic behavior&organization经济行为与组织杂志荷兰99. Journal of retailing零售杂志美国100. Journal of development studies发展研究杂志英国。
经济学学术刊物目录Top Tier (顶级)American Economic Review EconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic StudiesFirst Tier (第一类)Economic JournalGames and Economic Behavior International Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of the European Economic Association Rand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and Statistics Theoretical EconomicsSecond Tier (第二类):AEJ:Applied EconomicsAEJ:Economic PolicyAEJ:MacroeconomicsAEJ:MicroeconomicsAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics AEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic Activity Canadian Journal of Economics Econometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewExperimental EconomicsJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business & Economic Statistics Journal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control Journal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic LiteratureJournal of Economic PerspectivesJournal of Economics & Management Strategy Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of Law & EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Credit and BankingJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Journal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsMacroeconomic DynamicsReview of Economic DynamicsReview of Financial StudiesSocial Choice and WelfareThird Tier (第三类):Applied EconomicsCambridge Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewContemporary Economic PolicyEconometrics JournalEconometric ReviewsEconomics and PhilosophyEconomic InquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural Change Economic History ReviewEconomic PolicyEconomic RecordEconomics LettersEconomic ModellingEconomics of Education ReviewEconomics of TransitionEmpirical EconomicsEnergy JournalEnvironmental and Resource EconomicsEurope-Asia StudiesExplorations in Economic HistoryFrontiers of Economics in ChinaHealth EconomicsIndustrial & Labor Relations ReviewIndustrial RelationsInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial Organization International Monetary Fund Staff PapersInternational Tax and Public FinanceJournal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Agricultural EconomicsJournal of Banking & FinanceJournal of EconomicsJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisJournal of Institutional and Theoretical EconomicsJournal of Law Economics & OrganizationJournal of MacroeconomicsJournal of Productivity AnalysisJournal of Regional ScienceJournal of Transport Economics and PolicyLabour EconomicsLand EconomicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalRegional Science and Urban EconomicsOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford Economics PapersOxford Review of Economic PolicyPublic ChoiceResource and Energy EconomicsReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthReview of Industrial OrganizationReview of International EconomicsScandinavian Journal of EconomicsScottish Journal of Political EconomySouthern Economic JournalThe B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & PolicyThe B.E. Journal of MacroeconomicsThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Contributions tier) Theory and DecisionWorld Bank Economic ReviewWorld DevelopmentWorld Economy国家自然科学基金项目立项国家社会科学基金项目立项统计、概率、精算学学术刊物目录Top Tier (顶级)Annals of StatisticsEconometricaJournal of the American Statistical AssociationFirst Tier (第一类)A:Statistics:BiometrikaJournal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B)Probability:Annals of ProbabilityB:Statistics:BiometricsJournal of EconometricsScandinavian Journal of StatisticsStatistica SinicaProbability:Probability Theory and Related FieldsSecond Tier (第二类)A:Statistics:BioinformaticsEconometric TheoryJournal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsJournal of Multivariate AnalysisJournal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A: Statistics in Society) Journal of Time Series AnalysisStatistical ScienceTechnometricsProbability:Advances in Applied ProbabilityAnnals of Applied ProbabilityBernoulliActuarial Science:North American Actuarial JournalScandinavian Actuarial JournalB:Statistics:American Journal of EpidemiologyBiostatisticsCanadian Journal of StatisticsEconometric ReviewsEconometrics JournalJournal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics Journal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Financial EconometricsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C: Applied Statistics) Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical ComputingStatistics in MedicinceProbability:Journal of Applied ProbabilityStochastic ModelsStochastic Processes and their ApplicationsActuarial Science:ASTIN BulletinInsurance: Mathematics and EconomicsThird Tier (第三类)Statistics:Annals of the Institute of Statistical MathematicsAustralian & New Zealand Journal of StatisticsCase Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics Communication in Statistics –Theory & Methods Communication in Statistics –Simulation & Computation Computational StatisticsComputational Statistics and Data AnalysisEnvironmental and Ecological StatisticsEnvironmetricsLifetime data analysisInternational Journal of ForecastingInternational Statistical ReviewJournal of Applied StatisticsJournal of Educational and Behavioral StatisticsJournal of ForecastingJournal of Nonparametric StatisticsJournal of Statistical Computation and SimulationMetrikaRisk AnalysisSankhyaSequential AnalysisStatisticianStatisticsStatistics and ComputingStatistics and DecisionsStatistics & Probability LettersTESTProbability and Actuarial Science:Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences Statistics and Probability LettersStochastic Analysis and Applications。
第一类(A 级):American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies 第一类(B级):Economic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsRand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and StatisticsJournal of Financial EconomicsReview of Financial Studies第二类:American Journal of Agricultural EconomicsAEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Banking and CreditJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareReview of Economic Dynamics最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成word文本--------------------- 方便更改。
经济学核心期刊1.经济研究2. 经济学动态3. 经济学家4. 经济科学5. 经济评论6. 南开经济研究7. 当代经济科学8. 当代经济研究9. 中南财经政法大学学报10. 经济纵横11.山西财经大学学报12.经济问题13.现代财经14. 上海财经大学学报15. 经济经纬16.贵州财经学院学报17.首都经济贸易大学学报18. 江西财经大学学报19.河北经贸大学学报20.云南财贸学院学报(改名为:云南财经大学学报)国际经济学期刊四大金刚:AER、Econometrica、JPE、QJE国内经济学期刊四大金刚:《经济研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、《管理世界》、《世界经济》国外主要刊物1 The American economic review 美国经济评论美2 The Economist 经济学家英3 Econometrica 计量经济学美4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志美5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊美6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志美7 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志瑞士8 The Economic quarterly 经济学杂志英9 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论英10 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论美11 Journal of econometrics 计量经济学杂志瑞士12 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志美13 Brookings papers on economic activity 布鲁鑫斯经济活动论文集美14 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志荷兰15 The Journal of law & economics 法学与经济学杂志美16 Journal of international economics 国际经济学杂志荷兰17 International economic review 国际经济评论美18 Journal of development economics 发展经济学杂志荷兰19 The Journal of economic history 经济史杂志英20 Economics letters 经济学快报瑞士21 Economic inquiry 经济探究美22 Oxford economic papers 牛津经济论文集英23 Cambridge journal of economics 剑桥经济学杂志英24 Journal of international money 国际货币与金融杂志英25 Games and economic behavior 博弈论与经济行为美26 Journal of risk and uncertainty 风险与不确定性杂志荷兰27 Journal of comparative economics 比较经济学杂志美28 Econometric theory 计量经济学理论英29 International journal of game theory 国际博弈理论杂志德30 Scottish journal of political 苏格兰政治经济学杂志英economy31 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 世界经济评论德32 Journal of institutional and 制度与理论经济学杂志德国内主要刊物1、《中国社会科学》2、《经济研究》3、《经济学家》4、《经济学动态》5、《改革》6、《世界经济》7、《经济工作者学习资料》8、《数量经济技术经济研究》9、《经济日报》10、《财经科学》11、《经济科学》12、《经济评论》13、《经济理论与经济管理》14、《经济研究参考资料》16、《经济研究参考》17、《财经研究》18、《南开经济研究》19、《中国经济问题》20、《宏观经济》21、《财经问题研究》22、《当代经济科学》23、《当代财经》24、《国际经济评论》25、《经济社会体制比较》26、《战略与管理》27、《学习与探索》28、《江苏社会科学》29、《社会科学战线》30、《江海学刊》31、《社会科学研究》32、《学术研究》33、《北京社会科学》34、《社会科学》35、《江汉论坛》36、《浙江学刊》37、《探索与争鸣》38、《求索》39、《社会科学辑刊》40、《天津社会科学》41、《研究与发展管理》42、《当代经济研究》43、《社会主义经济理论与实践》(人大复印资料)44、《理论经济学》(人大复印资料)45、《政治经济学评论》46、《新政治经济学评论》1.《经济学季刊》北京大学中国经济研究中心主办、北京大学出版社出版。
中国经济类一级期刊排名1 经济研究中国社会科学院经济研究所2 世界经济中国世界经济学会、中国社会科学院世经所3 中国工业经济中国社会科学院工业经济研究所4 经济学(季刊)北京大学中国经济研究中心5 金融研究中国金融学会6 数量经济技术经济研究中国社科院数量经济与技术经济研究所7 会计研究中国会计学会8 中国农村经济中国社会科学院农村发展研究所9 经济科学北京大学10 财经研究上海财经大学11 国际金融研究中国银行股份有限公司等12 世界经济文汇复旦大学13 中国农村观察中国社会科学院农村发展研究所14 农业经济问题中国农业经济学会等15 国际经济评论中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所16 财贸经济中国社会科学院财贸经济研究所17 南开经济研究南开大学经济学院18 世界经济研究上海社会科学院世界经济研究所19 经济学家西南财经大学、四川社科学术基金会20 云南财经大学学报云南财经大学21 国际贸易问题对外经济贸易大学22 经济理论与经济管理中国人民大学23 审计研究中国审计学会24 现代日本经济吉林大学、全国日本经济学会25 经济评论武汉大学26 当代经济科学西安交通大学27 上海财经大学学报上海财经大学28 农业技术经济中国农业技术经济研究会等29 国际商务-对外经济贸易大学学报对外经济贸易大学30 产业经济研究南京财经大学31 国际贸易中国商务出版社32 财经科学西南财经大学33 经济学动态中国社会科学院经济研究所34 经济社会体制比较中共中央编译局当代马克思主义研究所35 当代财经江西财经大学36 财经问题研究东北财经大学37 中国土地科学中国土地学会、中国土地勘测规划院38 南方经济广东经济学会、中山大学(岭南学院)39 宏观经济研究国家发改委宏观经济研究院40 世界经济与政治论坛江苏省社会科学院世界经济研究所41 中国社会经济史研究厦门大学历史研究所42 财经理论与实践湖南大学43 上海经济研究上海社会科学院经济研究所44 证券市场导报深圳证劵交易所综合研究所45 商业经济与管理浙江工商大学46 山西财经大学学报山西财经大学47 改革重庆社会科学院48 经济与管理研究首都经济贸易大学49 财贸研究安徽财经大学50 审计与经济研究南京审计学院51 政治经济学评论中国人民大学52 中央财经大学学报中央财经大学53 广东金融学院学报广东金融学院54 经济纵横吉林省社会科学院55 河北经贸大学学报河北经贸大学56 中南财经政法大学学报中南财经政法大学57 城市发展研究中国城市科学研究会58 经济问题探索云南省发展和改革委员会59 国际经贸探索广东外语外贸大学60 财政研究中国财政学会61 现代经济探讨江苏省社会科学院62 税务研究中国税务杂志社63 财经论丛浙江财经学院64 当代经济研究吉林财经大学65 亚太经济福建社会科学院66 金融论坛城市金融研究所、中国城市金融学会67 城市问题北京市社会科学院68 上海金融上海市金融学会69 江西财经大学学报江西财经大学70 中国经济史研究中国社会科学院经济研究所71 经济经纬河南财经政法大学72 现代财经天津财经大学73 价格理论与实践中国价格协会。
国际顶尖经济学期刊排名Journals (AA)American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic StudiesJournals (A)Accounting ReviewEconometric TheoryEconomic JournalEuropean Economic ReviewGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic LiteratureJournal of Economic PerspectivesJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of FinanceJournal of Financial Economics Journal of Health Economics Journal of Human Resources Journal of International Economics Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Monetary Economics Journal of Public Economics Management Science Mathematics of Operations Research Operations ResearchRand Journal of Economics Review of Economics and Statistics Review of Financial StudiesWorld Bank Economic Review Journals (B)Accounting and Business Research Accounting, Organizations and Society American Journal of Agricultural Economics Applied EconomicsCambridge Journal of Economics Canadian Journal of Economics Contemporary Accounting Research Contemporary Economic PolicyEcological EconomicsEconomic Development and Cultural Change Economic GeographyEconomic History ReviewEconomic InquiryEconomic LettersEconomic PolicyEconomic RecordEconomic TheoryEconomicaEconomics and PhilosophyEconomistEnergy EconomicsEnvironment and Planning AEnvironmental and Resource Economics European Journal of Operational Research Europe-Asia StudiesExplorations in Economic HistoryFinancial ManagementHealth EconomicsIndustrial and Labor Relations Review Insurance: Mathematics and Economics InterfacesInternational Journal of Forecasting International Journal of Game Theory International Journal of Industrial Organization International Journal of Research in Marketing International Monetary Fund Staff Papers International Review of Law and Economics International Tax and Public FinanceJournal of Accounting LiteratureJournal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Applied EconomicsJournal of Banking and FinanceJournal of BusinessJournal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Journal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic IssuesJournal of Economic PsychologyJournal of Economics and Management Strategy Journal of Evolutionary EconomicsJournal of Financial IntermediationJournal of ForecastingJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Journal of International Money and Finance Journal of Law and EconomicsJournal of Law, Economics and Organization Journal of MacroeconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Credit and BankingJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Post-Keynesian EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of the Operations Research SocietyJournal of Transport Economics and PolicyJournal of Urban EconomicsJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisKyklosLand EconomicsMacroeconomic DynamicsMarketing ScienceMathematical FinanceNational Tax JournalOperations Research LettersOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Oxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford Economic PapersOxford Review of Economic PolicyProbability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences Public ChoiceQueuing SystemsRegional Science and Urban EconomicsReliability Engineering & System SafetyResource and Energy EconomicsReview of Income and Wealth Scandanavian Journal of Economics Scottish Journal of Political Economy Small Business EconomicsSocial Choice and WelfareSouthern Economic JournalTheory and DecisionTransportation Research B - Methodological Transportation Science Weltwirtschaftliches ArchivWorld DevelopmentWorld Economy国内期刊名称转载数索引数名次财贸经济 49 119 1经济研究 46 101 2经济学动态 41 202 3当代财经 40 122 4改革 39 145 5经济研究参考 35 174 6管理世界 34 84 7财经科学 30 64 8世界经济 29 71 9中国工业经济 29 91 10国际贸易问题 29 200 11金融研究 27 70 12经济社会体制比较27 82 13经济理论与经济管理25 88 14经济评论25 105 15保险研究24 39 16国际金融研究24 70 17中央财经大学学报24 85 18 中国软科学23 81 19经济管理23 101 20商业经济与管理22 43 21 金融理论与实践22 53 22 商业时代22 288 23环境保护22 312 24证券市场导报 21 29 25国际贸易 21 109 26山西财经大学学报20 106 27 旅游学刊 20 174 28商业研究20 187 29财经问题研究19 117 30。
以下为全球经济学刊物排名:1、美国经济评论英文原名《American Economic Review》,1911年创刊,现为美国经济学界最古老、最受人尊敬的经济学专业期刊之一,也是世界公认的经济学领域最具声望最权威的顶级刊物之一,对现代经济学的发展起到了重要引领和助推作用。
3、政治经济学杂志英文原名《Journal of Political Economy》,简称《JPE》,1892年创办,由美国芝加哥大学出版社出版,现为经济学领域的国际核心期刊、顶级期刊,常年位居世界十大经济期刊前五;主要发表高水平的分析、解释和实证研究论文。
4、经济学季刊英文原名《Quarterly Journal of Economics》。
5、经济研究评论英文原名《Review of Economic Studies》,简称《RES》,于1933年由多位英美经济学家创立,旨在鼓励经济学家开展理论和应用经济学研究,始终致力于发表经济学各个领域的优秀研究论文。
经济类核心期刊目录 High quality manuscripts are welcome to download经济类核心期刊目录一、综合性经济科学1.经济研究2.管理世界3.经济学动态4.改革5.经济学家6.世界经济7. 财贸经济8.财经研究9.经济科学 10.宏观经济研究 11.财经问题研究 12.经济评论 13.当代财经 14.当代经济科学 15.经济管理 16.当代经济研究 17.经济理论与经济管理 18.南开经济研究 19.经济问题 20.经济问题探索 21.现代财经 22.上海经济研究 23.财经科学 24.国际经济评论 25.外国经济与管理 26.经济社会体制比较 27.经济纵横 28.中国经济问题 29.经济与管理研究 30.中国经济史研究 31.经济经纬 32.福建论坛.经济社会版 33.中南财经大学学报(改名为:中南财经政法大学学报) 34.生产力研究二、世界经济1.世界经济2.世界经济与政治3.世界经济研究4. 国际经济评论5.外国经济与管理6.国际贸易问题7.国际贸易8.当代亚太9.亚太经济 10.世界经济与政治论坛 11.现代国际关系 12.东欧中亚研究(改名为:俄罗斯中亚东欧研究) 13.世界经济文汇三、经济计划与管理1.改革2.数量经济技术经济研究3.上海经济研究4.中国人力资源开发5.经济体制改革6. 中国经济管理7.特区经济8.开放导报9.南方经济 10.宏观经济调控 11.中国改革 12.中国劳动 13.城市发展研究 14.城市问题 15.国际经济合作 16.改革与战略 17.中国流通经济 18.中国物资流通(改名为:中国物流与采购)四、会计1.会计研究2.审计研究3.财会月刊4.财务与会计5.财会通讯6.审计与经济研究7.中国审计8.中国农业会计9.广西会计 10.中国会计电算化 11.财会研究(兰州) 12.事业财会 13.财经理论与实践 14.会计之友五、农业经济1.中国农村经济 2.农业经济问题 3.中国农村观察 4.农业现代化研究 5.农业技术经济 6.林业经济 7.中国土地科学 8.林业经济问题 9.生态经济 10.农业经济 11.调研世界 12.乡镇企业研究 13.中国农垦经济 14.农村经济 15.乡镇经济 16.中国乡镇企业会计 17.农村合作经济经营管理(改名为:农村经营管理)18.世界农业 19.农村经济导刊六、工业经济1.中国工业经济2.管理世界3.经济管理4.经济研究5.改革6.外国经济与管理7.经济问题探索 8.经济理论与经济管理 9.企业管理 10.企业经济(南昌)11.汽车与配件 12.中国建材 13.煤炭经济研究 14.中国电业 15.建筑经济 16.中国地质矿产经济(改名为:中国国土资源经济)17.企业活力 18.上海企业 19.集团经济研究 20.管理现代化 21.经营与管理 22.国有资产管理 23.企业家(改名为:财智文摘) 24.工业技术经济 25.电力需求侧管理 26.铁道经济研究 27.交通企业管理 28.旅游学刊 29.邮电企业管理(改名为:通信企业管理)七、贸易经济1.国际贸易问题2.商业研究3.国际贸易4.商业经济与管理5.财贸经济6.北京工商大学学报.社会科学版7.消费经济8.国际经贸探索9.商业时代 10.国际经济合作 11.国际商务研究 12.价格理论与实践 13.中国商贸 14.商场现代化15.江苏商论 16.销售与市场 17.商业经济文荟 18.中国物价 19.中国市场 20.财贸研究 21.价格月刊八、财政、国家财政1.税务研究2.财政研究3.税务与经济4.中央财经大学学报5.财贸经济6.中国财政7.中国财经信息资料8.财经问题研究9.涉外税务 10.财经论丛 11.财经研究 12.中国税务 13.当代财经 14.财经科学 15.江西财税与会计 16.财会研究(兰州)九、货币/金融、银行/保限1.金融研究2.国际金融研究3.证券市场导报4.投资研究5.金融论坛6.保险研究7.金融理论与实践8.上海金融9.财经理论与实践 10.金融与经济 11.浙江金融 12.武汉金融 13.中国金融 14.西南金融 15.南方金融 16.现代金融 17.农村金融研究 18.国际金融 19.银行家。
不入流期刊: 其余期刊均为不入流,比如说《经济研究》、《世界经济》。 ;
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发表于 2010-7-22 11:40 | 只看该作者
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2014-5-31 22:25
1. 校正了引用杂志的水平(比如一篇文章被AER引用和被CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW引用的得分是不一样的),
2. 使用更长的时间段。 SSCI 的影响力因子(IMPACT
FACTOR)只用了过去两年发表在某杂志上的论文在今年被引用的平均次数,使那些时髦杂志如Journal of Financial
Economics,Journal of Health
Economics占了便宜(JHE的影响力因子有时可以排经济学前5)。 而这个排名用了过去7年发表的论文。
3. 采用的公理化(axiomatic)的体系。 该文证明了其采用的排名的方法是唯一满足4个公理的方法。 这四个公理是 reference
intensity, weak homogeneity, weak consistency,and invariance to splitting of journals。
经济学期刊分类(顶级、一流、二流、三流、四流) - ◆经济学...
下面的最新经济学杂志排名(2004年)使用了最复杂和详细的方法,是至今发表在最高级别刊物上Econometrica(2004 年)的排名,纠正了以往排名的缺陷,这些方法包括
经济学的世界顶级期刊(2012-05-20 21:32:52)转载▼标签:分类:科研计量经济学学术期刊论文金融学教育一、世界顶级经济学学术期刊1。
American Economic Review/aea_journals.html° Journal available from 1911 - 1998 in JSTOR° Articles available from 03/01/1987 - 3 years ago in the ABI/INFORM Global database° Article s available from 03/01/1965 - 3 years ago in the Business Source Premier database2. Econometrica/journal.asp?ref=00129682/es/contents.htmlJournal available from 1933 - 1996 in JSTOR° Articles available from 01/01/1996 - present in the ABI/INFORM Global database3. Journal of Political Economy° Journal available from 10/01/1995 - present in General Business File ASAP° Journal available from 1892 - 2000 in JSTOR° Journal available from 01/01/1996 - present in University of Chicago Press/JPE/index.html° Articles available from 02/01/1987 - present in the ABI/INFORM Global database° Articles available from 06/01/1992 - present in the Business & Company Resource Center database° Articles available fr om 02/01/1965 - present in the Business Source Premier database4. Quarterly Journal of Economics,/journal-home.tcl?issn=00335533° Journal available from 02/01/1994 - 05/01/2001 in General Business File ASAP° Journal available from 1997 - present in Ingenta Select ... 00335533/contp1.htm° Journal available from 1886 - 1996 in JSTOR° Articles available from 05/01/1992 - 05/01/2002 in the Business & Company Resource Center database° Articles available from 02/01/1942 - 1 year ago in the Business Source Premier database° Articles available from 05/01/1992 - 05/01/2001 in the Expanded Academic ASAP database5. Journal of Monetary Economics,/homepage/sae/econworld/menu.htm° Journal available from 5 years ago - present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals6. Journal of Economic Theory,/www/journal/et.htm/homepage/sae/econworld/menu.htm7. Review of Economic Stu dies, (可以**下载即将发表的论文)/Journal available from 2000 - present in Ingenta Online Journals° Journal available from 1933 - 1998 in JSTOR° Articles available from 10/01/1996 - present in the ABI/INFORM Global database° Articles available from 01/01/1965 - 1 year ago in the Business Source Premier database/isis/brow ... infobike://bpl/roes8. Review of Economics and Statistics,° Journal available from 1997 - present in Ingenta Selecthttp://fiordiliji.ingentaselect. ... 00346535/contp1.htm° Journal available from 1919 - 1996 in JSTOR° Articles available from 02/01/2000 - 05/01/2002 in the Business & Company Resource Center database° Articles available from 02/01/1990 - 1 year ago in the Business Source Premier database° Articles available from 02/01/2000 - 05/01/2001 in the Expanded Academic ASAP database9.The Economic Journal° Journal available from 1998 - present in Ingenta Online Journals ° Journal available from 1891 - 1996 in JSTOR/isis/brow ... infobike://bpl/ecoj10. European Economic Review./homepage/sae/econworld/menu.htm11.International Economic Review/Centers/iereview/12. The Journal of economic perspectives/aea_journals.html° Journal available from 1987 - 1998 in JSTOR° Article s available from 06/01/1987 - 3 years ago in the Business Source Premier database13. Journal of Economic Literature/journal.html° Journal available from 1969 - 1998 in JSTOR° Artic les available from 12/01/1987 - 3 years ago in the ABI/INFORM Global database° Articles available from 03/01/1969 - 3 years ago in the Business Source Premier database二、金融学1. Journal of Finance/jofihome.shtml(可以**下载即将发表的论文)2. Journal of financial economics/(可以**下载即将发表的论文)/homepage/sae/econworld/menu.htm° Journal available from 5 years ago - present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals3. Journal of Business/JB/home.html4. The Review of financial studies(99年以前的可以全文**下载)° Journal available from 1988 - 1998 in JSTOR° Journal available from 1969 - present in Oxford Journals OnlineJournal of financial and quantitative analysis/jfqa/° Journal available from 1966 - 1997 in JSTOR° Articles available from 03/01/1987 - present in the ABI/INFORM Global database° Articles available from 03/01/1966 - present in the Business Source Premier database三、计量经济学1. JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICShttp://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/5/5/7/5/2. Journal of Applied Econometrics/jae/° Journal available from 1986 - 1996 in JSTOR° Journal available from 1997 - present in Wiley Interscience Journals四、法律与经济学1. The Journal of law & economics/JLE/home.html° Jour nal available from 04/01/1995 - present in University of Chicago Press2. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization/。
经济学核心期刊1. The American economic review2. The Economist3. Econometrica4. The Quarterly journal of economics5. Journal of economic literature6. The Journal of finance7. Harvard business review8. The Academy of management review9. Journal of financial economics10. Journal of marketing11. The Economic journal12. The Journal of economic perspectives13. JMR, journal of marketing research14. The Review of economics and statistics15. Health care financing review16. Brookings papers on economic activity17. Journal of monetary economics18. Sloan management review19. Industrial & labor relations review20. The Journal of human resources21. Journal of business & economic statistics22. American journal of agricultural economics23. Journal of environmental economics and management24. Fortune25. The World bank economic review26. Journal of international economics27. International economic review28. Economic geography29. Journal of applied econometrics30. Journal of international business studies31. BusinessWeek32. Forbes33. Journal of urban economics34. Economica35. Land economics36. Economic inquiry37. Business insurance38. Oxford economic papers39. National tax journal40. Journal of advertsing research41. Cambridge journal of economics42. Journal of public policy & marketing43. Journal of international money and finance44. Journal of economic dynamics & control45. Applied economics46. Journal of retailing47. Journal of comparative economics48. British journal of industrial relations49. Journal of regional science50. The World economy (51. Journal of economic issues52. The Journal of risk and insurance53. The Journal of taxation54. Futures55. Euromoney56. Journal of portfolio management57. Journal of world trade58. The Journal of economic education59. Auditing60. Journal of world business61. International journal of service industry management62. The Banker63. Challenge64. Survey of current business65. Federal Reserve bulletin66. IMF staff papers67. Creative review68. OECD economic outlook部分经济学中文核心期刊名录http://《中国社会科学》,北京鼓楼西大街甲158号,100720,zbs@2《经济研究》,北京阜外月坛北小街2号,1008363《经济学动态》,北京阜外月坛北小街2号,100836,jjsjjxdt@4《经济问题探索》,昆明市东二环路685号,云南省经济研究所,6502165《学术研究》,广州市黄华路四号之二,广东省社科联,5100506《经济社会体制比较》,北京西城区西斜街36号,jcess@7《中国农村经济》北建国门内大街5号,100732,bianjibu@8《中国第三产业》,北京西城区赵登禹金果胡同8号,1000359《经济学家》,成都外西光华村55号,610074,econimi@10《经济理论与经济管理》,北京中关村大街31号,中国人民大学,100080,etbm@ 11《社会科学》,上海淮海中路622弄7号社科院,20002012《教学与研究》,北京海淀区中关村大街59号中国人民大学,100872,jiaoyuyan@ 13《社会科学研究》,成都市春羊宫四川社科院,610072,shkxyj@,14《农业经济》,沈阳市东陵区马官桥,11016115《国有资产管理》,北京市西城区三里河邮局47信箱,10004516《宏观经济管理》,北京市西城区三里河国家计委,10082417《当代财经》,江西财经学院,33000018《管理现代化》,北京朝阳区安华西里区13号楼,求实饭店212#,100011,glxdh@ 19《农业经济问题》,北京中关村南大街12号,100081,nyjjwt@20《中国改革》,北京海淀区四道口路11号银辰大厦,100081,chinareform@ 21《经济管理》,北京月坛北小街2号,1000836,JJGL79@22《世界经济研究》,上海淮海中路622弄7号485室,20002023《南方经济》,广州黄华路广省委党校大院,51005324《经济前沿》,暨南大学,510630,shme@25《经济论坛》,石家庄市裕华西路423号(河北省社科院8楼),05005126《经济体制改革》,四川成都青羊宫省社科院内,610072,JTG@27《探索与争鸣》,上海淮海中路622弄7号,200020,xuesyka@28《经济科学》,北京大学法学楼4层,10087129《江汉论坛》,武汉武昌东湖路367号省社科院,430077,jhlt@30《理论与改革》,成都市光华村街43号,61007231《当代经济科学》,西安市纬二街陕西财院,71006132《企业经济》,南昌洪都北大道255号,33007733《数量经济技术经济研究》,北京建国门内大街5号,100732,sspzen@ 34《改革》,重庆市江北区桥北村270号,400020,REFORM@35《人口与经济》,北京朝阳门外红庙首都经贸大学,10002636《高校理论战线》,北京海淀路163号北科研楼7层,100080,gxllzx@37《管理世界》,北京市海淀区钟寺8号东楼3层,10008638《探索》,重庆市渝州路160号重庆市委党校,40004139《中国工业经济》,北京阜外月坛北街2号,中国社科院工业经济研究所,100836,gjbjb@40《上海经济研究》,上海市淮海中路622弄7号501室,上海社科院经济研究所,200020 41《当代经济研究》,吉林省长春市人民大街102号,13002142《学术月刊》,上海市淮海中路622弄7号(2)上海社科联,200020,xuesyka@43《南开经济研究》,南开大学经济学院大楼407室,30007144《中国经济问题》,厦门大学经济研究所,36100545《经济评论》,武汉武昌珞加山武汉大学,430072,ffb-9@46《生产力研究》,山西太原文源巷18号,03000147《经济与管理研究》,北京朝外红庙首都经贸大学内,10002648《经济问题》,太原市并州南路282号,03000649《广东社会科学》,广州市天河北路369号广东社科院,510610,edssgd@ 50《财经理论与实践》,湖南大学期刊社《财经理论与实践》编辑部,410083。
国外经济学类核心期刊列表序号期刊刊名中文译名中图刊号ISSN号国别1 The American economic review 美国经济评论270B00010002-8282 美2 The Economist 经济学家270C0001 0013-0613英3 Econometrica 计量经济学270C0060 0012-9682美4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志270B00100022-3808 美5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊270B0005 0033-5533 美6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志270B001-20022-0515 美7 Academy of management journal 管理学会杂志714B01240001-4273 美8 The Journal of finance 金融杂志297B00620022-1082 美9 Harvard business review 哈佛商业评论291B00010017-8012 美10 The Academy of management review 管理学会评论714B0154 0363-7425 美11 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志270LD0590304-405X 瑞士12 Journal of marketing 营销学杂志294B01600022-2429 美13 Strategic management journal 战略管理学杂志714C00060143-2095 英14 The Milbank quarterly 米尔班克季刊270B 0887-378X美15 The Economic journal 经济学杂志270C00030013-0133 英16 The Journal of economic perspectives 经济展望杂志270B0195 0895-3309 美17 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论270C00040034-6527 英18 JMR, journal of marketing research 营销研究杂志294B0149 0022-2437 美19 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论270B0236 0034-6535 美20 The Journal of consumer research 消费研究杂志294B03390093-5301 美国内经济学核心期刊目录(CSSCI)1 经济研究2 改革3 会计研究4 经济社会体制比较5 中国工业经济6 国际经济评论7 经济学家8 经济学动态9 经济科学10 农业经济问题11 国际贸易问题12 中国农村经济13 金融研究14 世界经济15 中国农村观察16 财贸经济17 财政研究18 经济理论与经济管理19 世界经济研究20 数量经济技术经济研究。
广 东 经 济 学 CN44‐1068/F
43 南开经济研究 南开大学经济 CN12‐1028/F 学院
44 农业技术经济 中国农业技术 CN11‐1883/S 经济研究会、
45 农业经济问题 中国农业经济 CN11‐1323/F 学会、中国农
3. 地 域 研 究 与 开 发
4. 改 革
5. 经济 理论 与 经 济 管
6. 开发 研究
F0,F12,F2(除 7. 上 海 经 济 研 究
8. 宏观 经济 研
F23,27) 中 究
9. 长江 流域 资源 与 环 境
国 经 济 ,经 济 10. 经 济 研 究 参 考
11. 生产 力研
计划与管理 究
12. 城市 问题
13. 城 市 发 展 研 究
14. 中国 经济 史 研
15. 资源 科学
16. 中 国 人 力 资 源 开发
17. 经济 体制 改
18. 经济 问题 探 索
19. 资 源 与 产 业 题 22. 现 代 城 市 研 究 济 25. 经 济 数 学 济 28. 特 区 经 济 讨 31. 运 筹 与 管 理 略 34. 中 国 经 贸 导 刊
16 广东金融学院 广州金融学院 CN44‐1622/F
17 国际金融研究 中国银行股份 CN11‐1132/F
成都市外西光华村街 55号 湖南省长沙市岳麓区
028‐87356528 0731‐88821883
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经济学学术刊物目录Top Tier (顶级)American Economic Review EconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic StudiesFirst Tier (第一类)Economic JournalGames and Economic Behavior International Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of FinanceJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Labor EconomicsJournal of Monetary EconomicsJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of the European Economic Association Rand Journal of EconomicsReview of Economics and Statistics Theoretical EconomicsSecond Tier (第二类):AEJ:Applied EconomicsAEJ:Economic PolicyAEJ:MacroeconomicsAEJ:MicroeconomicsAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics AEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic Activity Canadian Journal of Economics Econometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewExperimental EconomicsJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business & Economic Statistics Journal of Comparative EconomicsJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control Journal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic GrowthJournal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic LiteratureJournal of Economic PerspectivesJournal of Economics & Management Strategy Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Health EconomicsJournal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of Law & EconomicsJournal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money, Credit and BankingJournal of Population EconomicsJournal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Journal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsMacroeconomic DynamicsReview of Economic DynamicsReview of Financial StudiesSocial Choice and WelfareThird Tier (第三类):Applied EconomicsCambridge Journal of EconomicsChina Economic ReviewContemporary Economic PolicyEconometrics JournalEconometric ReviewsEconomics and PhilosophyEconomic InquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural Change Economic History ReviewEconomic PolicyEconomic RecordEconomics LettersEconomic ModellingEconomics of Education ReviewEconomics of TransitionEmpirical EconomicsEnergy JournalEnvironmental and Resource EconomicsEurope-Asia StudiesExplorations in Economic HistoryFrontiers of Economics in ChinaHealth EconomicsIndustrial & Labor Relations ReviewIndustrial RelationsInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial Organization International Monetary Fund Staff PapersInternational Tax and Public FinanceJournal of Accounting and EconomicsJournal of Agricultural EconomicsJournal of Banking & FinanceJournal of EconomicsJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisJournal of Institutional and Theoretical EconomicsJournal of Law Economics & OrganizationJournal of MacroeconomicsJournal of Productivity AnalysisJournal of Regional ScienceJournal of Transport Economics and PolicyLabour EconomicsLand EconomicsMathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalRegional Science and Urban EconomicsOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford Economics PapersOxford Review of Economic PolicyPublic ChoiceResource and Energy EconomicsReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and WealthReview of Industrial OrganizationReview of International EconomicsScandinavian Journal of EconomicsScottish Journal of Political EconomySouthern Economic JournalThe B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & PolicyThe B.E. Journal of MacroeconomicsThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Contributions tier) Theory and DecisionWorld Bank Economic ReviewWorld DevelopmentWorld Economy国家自然科学基金项目立项国家社会科学基金项目立项统计、概率、精算学学术刊物目录Top Tier (顶级)Annals of StatisticsEconometricaJournal of the American Statistical AssociationFirst Tier (第一类)A:Statistics:BiometrikaJournal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B)Probability:Annals of ProbabilityB:Statistics:BiometricsJournal of EconometricsScandinavian Journal of StatisticsStatistica SinicaProbability:Probability Theory and Related FieldsSecond Tier (第二类)A:Statistics:BioinformaticsEconometric TheoryJournal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsJournal of Multivariate AnalysisJournal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A: Statistics in Society) Journal of Time Series AnalysisStatistical ScienceTechnometricsProbability:Advances in Applied ProbabilityAnnals of Applied ProbabilityBernoulliActuarial Science:North American Actuarial JournalScandinavian Actuarial JournalB:Statistics:American Journal of EpidemiologyBiostatisticsCanadian Journal of StatisticsEconometric ReviewsEconometrics JournalJournal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics Journal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Financial EconometricsJournal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C: Applied Statistics) Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceSIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical ComputingStatistics in MedicinceProbability:Journal of Applied ProbabilityStochastic ModelsStochastic Processes and their ApplicationsActuarial Science:ASTIN BulletinInsurance: Mathematics and EconomicsThird Tier (第三类)Statistics:Annals of the Institute of Statistical MathematicsAustralian & New Zealand Journal of StatisticsCase Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics Communication in Statistics –Theory & Methods Communication in Statistics –Simulation & Computation Computational StatisticsComputational Statistics and Data AnalysisEnvironmental and Ecological StatisticsEnvironmetricsLifetime data analysisInternational Journal of ForecastingInternational Statistical ReviewJournal of Applied StatisticsJournal of Educational and Behavioral StatisticsJournal of ForecastingJournal of Nonparametric StatisticsJournal of Statistical Computation and SimulationMetrikaRisk AnalysisSankhyaSequential AnalysisStatisticianStatisticsStatistics and ComputingStatistics and DecisionsStatistics & Probability LettersTESTProbability and Actuarial Science:Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences Statistics and Probability LettersStochastic Analysis and Applications。