
1.第1题In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of ___.A.structuresB.sentencesC.formD.meaning您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第2题In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to practising language skills.A.linguistic competenceB.linguistic knowledgenguage usenguage functions您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第3题One of the reasons of providing the students with a variety of speaking activities is that the variety of activities helps ___.A.keep motivation highB.de-motivate studentsC.memorise the speechD.learn the dialogues by heart您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04.第4题PPP and TBL are two approaches to language teaching. PPP stands for Presentation, Practice and Production and TBL stands for___.A.Task Book LanguageB.Text Book LearningC.Teacher-Based LearningD.Task-Based Learning您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05.第5题When we ask the students to do predicting tasks in listening, we should let students read/hear the listening comprehension questions ___.A.before they listenB.while they are listeningC.after their listeningD.none of the above您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.06.第6题Natural language, spoken or written, uses referential word such as pronouns to refers to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Therefore, the activity …understanding references‟ can be performed in the ___ stage when teaching reading.A.pre-readingB.while-readingC.post-readingnguage-focus您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第7题Role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of ___.A.mechanical practiceB.drilling languageC.pre-communicative activitiesD.social interaction activities您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08.第8题According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting the scene, ___, and listening for specific information.A.learning new wordsB.learning new grammarC.listening for the gistD.concluding您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第9题The teacher provides a printed summary of a text with some wrong information, and asks the students to correct it. This kind of …false summary‟ activit y can be performed to check comprehension when teaching ___.A.speakingB.readingC.grammarD.writing您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第10题In the traditional classroom, there is often too much focus on linguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to ___.A.knowledge of vocabularyB.knowledge of grammar rulesC.practising language skillsD.practising phonetics您的答案:C此题得分:2.011.第11题To help our students pass exams is one of the purposes of our English teaching. Another purpose, which is very important, is to prepare our students to ___.e English in real lifeB.obtain knowledge about languageC.make up sentencesD.get a good job in the future您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.012.第12题The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary. Thus we should teach ___; and we should teach language in the way it is used in the real world.A.that part of the language that will be usedB.all parts of the languageC.the language used in works of classical literatureD.spoken language only您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第13题Some people think teaching is a craft; that is, a novice teacher can learn the profession by imitating the experts‟ techniques, just like an apprentice. Others hold the view that teaching is an applied science, based on scientific knowledge and experimentation. Wallace (1991) uses a “reflective model” to demonstrate the development of a teacher, the process of which includes three stages moving from Stage One, language training, to the Goal of ___.A.professional competencemunicative competencenguage proficiencyD.an expert teacher您的答案:A题目分数:2.014.第14题The ___ of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system (phonology), the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations (morphology), and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax).A.structural viewB.functional viewC.interactional viewD.behaviorist view您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015.第15题The ___ theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he or she already knows.A.structuralB.constructivistC.behavioristD.cognitive您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第16题Communicative Competence consists of knowledge and ability for___.A.rules of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarB.rules of grammar/form and rules of language useC.pronunciation, words, and grammarD.speaking and writing您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第17题When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activitiesof “teacher‟s presentation of an example →explanation of the rule →students‟practice with given prompts”, Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the ___ method.A.inductiveB.deductiveC.guided discoveryD.task-based您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第18题According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting the scene, listening for the gist, and ___.A.learning new wordsB.listening for specific informationC.learning new grammarD.concluding您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.019.第19题In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.A.the bottom-up modelB.the top-down modelC.the interactive modelD.all of the above您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020.第20题Jane Willis holds that the conditions for language learning are exposure to a richbut comprehensible language put, ___ of the language to do things, motivation to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.A.chanceseC.contextD.knowledge您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.021.第21题Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has expanded the areas covered by the previous approaches or methodologies, that is, CLT covers language content (to incorporate functions), ___ (cognitive style and information processing), and product (language skills).A.learning processB.teaching methodsC.conditionsD.messages您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.022.第22题If we believe that when we are reading, our brain receives visual information and at the same time interprets or reconstruct the meaning, and that the reading process does not only involve the printed page but also the reader‟s knowledge of the language in general, of the world and of the text types, we would follow the ___ in our teaching.A.Bottom-Up ModelB.Top-Down ModelC.Interactive ModelD.all of the above您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.023.第23题Which of the following would you NOT agree with?A.People have different experiences in learning a foreign language. Some find it eB.People learn languages for different reasons.C.People have different capacities in language learning.D.People have the same understanding about language learning.您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024.第24题The concept of present, past and future time, the expressions of certainty and possibility, the roles of agents, instruments with a sentence, and special relationships between people and objects are examples of language ___.A.functionsB.notionsC.structuresD.behavior您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.025.第25题In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to practising language skills.A.linguistic competenceB.linguistic knowledgenguage usenguage functions您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第26题According to Clark, Scarino and Brownell, the main components of a task include ____.A.exercises, exercise-tasks and tasksB.potential ineffectiveness for presenting new language items, time and learningC.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcomeD.Pre-Task, Task Cycle and Language Focus您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.027.第27题According to Wang Qiang, information-gap activities, problem-solving, ___, “Dialo gues and role-plays”, and “Find someone who …” are some types of speaking tasks.A.reading aloud in chorusB.repeating what the teacher has saidC.reciting a dialogueD.“Change the story”您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.028.第28题In the inductive method of teaching grammar, the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules ___.A.by telling them the rulesB.by explaining in an explicit wayC.with explicit explanationD.without any explicit explanation您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.029.第29题According to Cheng Xiaotang (in Wang Qiang, 2006), classroom activities can be classified into ____.A.exercises, exercise-tasks and tasksB.presenting new language items, time and learning cultureC.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcomeD.Pre-Task, Task Cycle and Language Focus您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030.第30题Two characteristics of spoken language are spontaneity and ___.A.preparationB.time-constraintC.accuracyD.fluency您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.031.第31题One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students ___.e context for their vocabulary learningB.try hard to understand the wordsC.treat vocabulary items indiscriminatelye a variety of vocabulary building strategies您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第32题According to the ___ there are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these rules an infinite number of sentences can be produced.A.Behaviourist theoryB.Cognitive theoryC.structural viewD.functional view您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第33题Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___.ing pictures and tongue twistersing minimal pairs, and “Odd one out”C.brainstorming and discussionD.all of the above您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第34题Receptive skills of language include ___.A.listening and readingB.listening and speakingC.reading and writingD.speaking and writing您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第35题When we are teaching pronunciation, ___ and intonation should be taught from the very beginning.A.knowledge about soundsB.phonetic rulesC.phonetic transcriptsD.stress您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第36题According to Wang Qiang the while-listening stage is ___ for the teacher to control, because this is where the students need to pay attention and process the information actively.A.the easiestB.as easy as the pre-listening stageC.as easy as the post-listening stageD.the most difficult您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第37题Communicative Competence consists of knowledge and ability for___.A.rules of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarB.rules of grammar/form and rules of language useC.pronunciation, words, and grammarD.speaking and writing您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第38题In teaching grammar, substitution and ___ are examples of mechanical practice.ing chain phrases for story tellinging information sheets as promptsC.chain of eventsD.transformation drills您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039.第39题The ___ view says that knowing how to do what you want to do also involves knowing whether it is appropriate to do, and where, when and how it is appropriate to do it. In order to know this, you have to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.A.structuralB.functionalC.interactionalD.behaviorist您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040.第40题According to the ___ theory of language learning, the key point of the theory of conditioning is that …you can train an an imal to do anything (within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement‟ (Harmer, 1983:30).A.structuralB.behavioristC.process-orientedD.condition-oriented您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041.第41题According to Littlewood (1981), discovering missing information, discovering missing features, and following directions are examples of ___.A.mechanical practiceB.drilling languageC.functional communicative activitiesD.social interaction activities您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.042.第42题According to J. Willis (1996), tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve ___.A.linguistic competencemunicative competenceC.an outcomeD.knowledge您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第43题A question that views on language learning involve is “____?”A.What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes of language learningB.Why do human beings have languageC.How a language is different from anotherD.How do people use language when they have a desire to communicate您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044.第44题When teaching pronunciation, we should ___.A.never use visual aidse explanation rather than demoe dictionaries to show the soundsD.bring variety to the classroom, for example, show British & American pronunciati您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第45题Which of the following activities would BEST help to prepare students for their real life speech in English?A.Doing a drillB.Learning a piece of text or dialogue by heartC.Reading aloudD.Interviewing someone, or being interviewed您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046.第46题Pre-reading activities include ___, setting the scene, skimming, and scanning.A.predictingrmation transfer activitiesC.reading comprehension questionsD.reproducing the text您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第47题According to Wang Qiang, “Listen and tick”, “Listen and sequence”, “Listen and act”, “Listen and draw”, and “Listen and fill” are activities in the ___ stage of teaching listening.A.pre-listeningB.while-listeningC.post-listeningD.all of the above您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048.第48题As far as learning pronunciation is concerned, the realistic goals for the students are consistency, intelligibility, and ___.municative efficiencyB.accuracyC.correctnessD.fastness您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.049.第49题In the traditional way of teaching reading, the teacher first introduces new words and structures, then goes over the text sentence by sentence, then asks some questions about the text, and then has the students read aloud the text. In this traditional way of teaching, the teacher is following ___ in his teaching.A.the bottom-up modelB.the top-down modelC.the interactive modelD.all of the above您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.050.第50题Suppose a teacher is teaching his students to read an interesting story about how a doctor makes a joke of a young man. The teacher wants the students to tell part of the story with some key words from the story like “a doctor – village – annoyed; people – stop – street – advice; never paid – never – money – made up his mind –put and end”. In which stage of teaching do you think the teacher should do this?A.At the pre-reading stage.B.At the while-reading stage.C.At the post-reading stage.D.At any of the three stages.您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:0作业总得分:98。

英语教学法考试题及答案2003年7月Section Ⅰ:Basic Theories and Principles 30 pointsQuestions 1-15 are based on this part.Directions:Choose the best answer for the following questions and write your answers on the answer sheet.1. Among the factors affecting a lesson plan, which of the following is human factor?A. personality of the teacherB. class sizeC. course requirement2. What should a required lesson plan look like?A. a copy of explanation of words and structuresB. a timetable for activitiesC. transcribed procedure of classroom instruction3. When should the teacher issue the instruction?A. as soon as class beginsB. when students’ attention is directed to the teacherC. when class is silent4.Which of the following arrangements of seats is most suitable for presentation?5. For better classroom management, what should the .teacher do while the students a doing activities?A. participate in a groupB. prepare for the next procedureC. circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help6. Which of the following expresses instrumental motivation?A. I learn English in order to survive in the target language country.B. I learn English just because of interest.C. I learn English in order to get promoted in one"s position.7. Which of the following activities can best motivate junior learners?A. gamesB. recitationC. role-play of dialogues8. To cultivate communicative competence, what should correction focus on?A. linguistic formsB. communicative strategiesC. grammatical rules9. Which of the following activity is most demanding?A. list what you can buy at a supermarketB. list what you can buy at a supermarket in five minutesC. list at least 15 things in you can buy at a supermarket in five minutes10. Which of the following activity is most productive?A. read the text and then choose the best answer to the questionsB. discuss on the given topic according to the text you have just readC. exchange and edit the writing of your partner11. To help students understand the structure of a text and sentence sequencing, we could use for students to rearrange the sentences in the right order.A. cohesive devicesB. a coherent textC. scrambled sentences12. The purpose of the outline is to enable the students to have a clear organization of ideas and a structure that can guide them .A. in the actual writingB. in free writingC. in controlled writing13. tell you what you should use in order to produce accurate utterances.A. The descriptive grammarB. The prescriptive grammarC. The traditional grammar14. The grammar rules are often given first and explained to the students and then the students have to apply the rules to given situations. This approach is called .A. deductive grammar teachingB. inductive grammar teachingC. prescriptive grammar teaching15. It is easier for students to remember new words if they are designed inand if they are and again and again in situations and contexts.A. context, sameB. context, differentC. concept, difficultSection Ⅱ:Problem Solving 30 pointsDirections:Five situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; Secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles. You must elaborate on the problem (s) and solutions in about 50-70 words.Situation 1In a writing lesson, the teacher writes the topic "EnviroXXXental Awareness" on the blackboard, and then asks the students to write an essay of 150 words in half an hour in class. Half an hour later, the teachercollects the writings.Situation 2At the practice stage of a grammar lesson, the teacher designs an activity with multiple choice questions to practise the grammatical items the students learned.Situation 3At the production stage of a speaking lesson, the teacher divides the students into 6 groups to do the discussion. And then the teacher retreats to a corner of the classroom to prepare for the next activity.Situation 4In an oral class, a teacher asks students to answer questions. To ensure smooth progress of his lesson, he always asks the excellent students to answer questions.Situation 5In a reading lesson, at the while-reading stage, the teacher assigns some skimming tasks, but some students are consulting their dictionaries for new words and expressions. The teacher notices all this but pretends not to see.Section Ⅲ:Mini-lesson Plan 40 pointsDirections:Read the following two texts carefully and complete the teaching plans.1. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅰ, Student Book. Pl ease design a teaching plan with the text.Write about a well-known person from Chinese history.2. The following is an abstract from Senior Ⅱ, Student Book. Please design a teaching plan with the text.Grammar Noun Clauses as the AppositiveThe idea that computers will recognize human voices surprises many people.The possibility that the majority of the labor force will work at home is often discussed.Section Ⅰ:Basic Theories and Principles 30 points1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.BSection Ⅱ:Problem Solving 30 points共30分,每题6分(找出咨询题得3分,依照交际法原则提出合理的解决方案得3分,咨询题和解决方案应有50至70词的阐述,并应基本包括参考答案所涉及的要点。

《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之二答案和评分标准rmation.30%.tw.point.each2.the teaching of Ancient Greek and Latin in the west3.an intellectual activity4.topics, situations, functions, notions5.Dell Hymes6.first language acquisition7.The ‘holistic’ approachmunity Language Learning9.English for Special Purposesanization of learning experiences, determination of what to evaluate and how to evaluate11.a knowledge of the appropriateness, the functional value of the language12.inappropriateness13.a constructive process, what is presented on the page or in the sound system14.oral communication15.the vocabulary and grammar structures, the skills required in typical situations16.English novels, poems, advertisements, instruction manuals, songs, films, lectures, speeches,radio announcements, new reports, plays, etc.Par.I.Decid.whethe.th.followin.statement.ar.tru.o.false.Writ..fo.tru.an..fo.false.20%.tw.point.each 1...2...3... 4...5... 6...7...8....9...10.TPart III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagin.tha.yo.woul.teac.thi.tex.t..senio.middl.schoo.class.thin.abou.th.pre-readin. activitie.yo.migh.desig.fo.it.[Th.origina.tex.i.provide.fo.th.referenc.o.markers]The States ExplainedLik.al.Dads.m.fathe.sometime.seeme.t.b.practicin.fo..world’e.t. hav.th.habit.whe..wa..boy.o.identifyin.an.reportin.th.stat.o.origi.o.al.th.othe.car.o.an.highwa.w.hap pene.t.b.travelin.along.I.America.a..expec.yo.know.eac.stat.issue.it.ow.numbe.plates.s.yo.ca.tel.a..glanc.wher.anothe. ca.i.from.whic.enable.m.fathe.t.mak.observation.like.‘Hey.anothe.ca.fro.Wyoming.That’.thre.thi.morning..Or.‘Mississippi.Wonde.wha.he’.doin.u.here?.The.h.woul.loo.aroun.hopefull.t.se.i.anyon.wante.t.ad ment.bu.n.on.eve.did.H.coul.g.o.lik.tha.al.day.an.ofte.did..onc.wrot..boo.makin.good-nature.fu.o.th.ol.ma.fo.hi.man.interestin.an.unusua.talent.whe.beh in.th.wheel—th.abilit.t.ge.los.i.an.city.t.driv.th.wron.wa.dow..one-wa.stree.s.man.time.tha.peopl.woul.eventuall. com.an.watc.fro.thei.doorways.o.spen.a.entir.afternoo.drivin.aroun.withi.sigh.o.a.amusemen.par.o. othe.eagerl.sough.attractio.withou.actuall.findin.th.entrance.On.o.m.teenage.childre.recentl.rea.tha .boo.fo.th.firs.tim.an.cam.wit.i.int.th.kitche.wher.m.wif.wa.cookin.an.sai.i..ton.o.amaze.discovery.“Bu.thi.i.Dad,.meanin.me..hav.t.admi.it..hav.becom.m.father..eve.rea.numbe.plates.thoug.m.particula.interes.i.th.slogan. rmatio.o.thei.plates.lik.“Lan.o.Lincoln.fo.Illinois.“Vacationland.fo.Marina.“Sunshin.State.fo.Florida.an.th.craz.“Shor.Thing.fo.Ne.Jersey.I like to make jokes and comments on these so when, for instance, we see Pennsylvania’s “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania”, I turn to the passengers and say in an injured tone, “Then why doesn’t he call?” However, I am the only one who finds this an amusing way to spend a long journey.l.tha.th.Unite.State.isn’.s.muc..c ountr.a..collectio.o.fift.smal.independen.nations.an.yo.forge.thi.a.you.peril.I.al.goe.bac.t.th.settin.u. ernmen.afte.th.Wa.o.Independenc.whe.th.forme.colonie.didn’.trus.eac.other.I.orde.t. kee.the.happy.th.state.wer.give.a.extraordinar.rang.o.powers.Eve.no.eac.stat.control.al.kind.o.matte r.t.d.wit.you.persona.life—where.whe.an.a.wha.ag.yo.ca.legall.drink.whethe.yo.ca.carr..conceale.weapon.ow.fireworks.o.lega ll.gamble.ho.ol.yo.hav.t.b.t.drive.whethe.yo.wil.b.kille.i.a.electri.chair.b.letha.injection.o.no.a.all.a n.ho.yo.hav.t.b.t.ge.yoursel.i.suc..fix.an.s.on.I..leav.ou.tow.o.Hanover.an.driv.ove.th.Connecticu.Rive.t.Vermont..wil.fin.mysel.suddenl.sub ws..must.amon.muc.else.buckl.m.sea.belt.acquir..licenc.i..wis. t.practis.dentistr.an.giv.u.al.hop.o.erectin.roadsid.hoardings.sinc.Vermon.i.on.o.jus.tw.state.t.outla. highwa.advertising.O.th.othe.hand..ma.carr..gu.o.m.perso.withou.an.problem.an.i..a.arreste.fo.drun ke.drivin..ma.legall.declin.t.giv..bloo.sample.Sinc..alway.buckl.anyway.don’.ow..gun.an.haven’.th.faintes.desir.t.stic.m.finger.i.people ’.mouths.eve.fo.ver.goo.money.thes.matter.don’.affec.me.Elsewhere.however.difference.betwee w.ca.b.dramatic.eve.alarming.State.decid.wha.ma.o.ma.no.b.taugh.i.thei.schools.an.i.man.places.particularl.i.th .Dee.South.textbook.mus.accor.wit.ver.narro.religiou.views.I.Alabama.fo.instanc e.i.i.illega.t.teac.evolutio.a.anythin.othe.tha.“ a.unprove.belief”.Al.biolog.textbook.mus.carr..statemen.sayin.“Thi.textboo.discusse.evolution..controversia.theor.som.scientist.presen.a..scient ifi.explanatio.fo.th.origi.o.livin.things.“ws.teacher.mus.giv.equa.weigh.t.th.notio.tha.th.eart.wa.create.i.seve.day.an .everythin.o.it—fossils.coa.deposits.dinosau.bones—i.n.mor.tha.7,50.year.old..don’.kno.wha.sloga.Alabam.ha.o.it.numbe.plates.bu.“Prou.t.b.Backward.sound.suitabl.t.me.Pre-reading activities (10%)five points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each part●Th.followin.ar.possibl.pre-readin.activitie.fo.th.referenc.o.markers.Student.nee.t.elaborat.th.activit.a.wel.a.giv.reasonabl.explanatio.fo.thei.choices.Thes.tw.part.shoul.b.don.i.goo.English.●Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)●Reflect on the title or the topic●State what they already know about the topic●State what they would like to know about the topic●Write their own questions that they want the text to answer●Answer the teacher’s general questions about the text type or topic (oral or written)●Brainstorm the topic in groups or whole class●Guess the topic by looking at key words from the textWhile-reading Activities (30%)ten points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, five points for each part●Th.followin.ar.possibl.while-readin.activitie.fo.th.referenc.o.markers.Student.nee.t.elaborat.th.activit.a.wel.a.giv.reasonabl.explanatio.fo.thei.choices.Thes.tw.part.shoul.b.don.i.goo.Englis h.●Skim reading to get the gist (main idea of the text●Locating specific information●Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture●Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text●Drawing a diagram to show the text structure●Answering factual questions on the text●Answering inferring questions on the text (reading between the line)●Putting the events in correct order●Stating if statements given about the text are true or false●Working out the meaning of words or phrases in the text from the context●Examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to●Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order●Giving sections of a text appropriate headings●Giving the text an appropriate titlePost-reading activities(10%)five points each activity, which are further divided bet ween “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each part●Th.followin.ar.possibl.post-readin.activitie.fo.th.referenc.o.markers.Student.nee.t.elaborat.th.activit.a.wel.a.giv.reasonabl.explanatio.fo.thei.choices.Thes.tw.part.shoul.b.don.i.goo.English .●Oral discussion of the topic of the text●Role-play a different situation from the text but using the same characters, or role-play thesame situation as in the text but using the different characters●Writing a summary of the main content of the text●Comment on the content of the text●Retelling the story of the text●Finishing the story (orally or ion writing), that means either predicting an ending or changingthe ending to one of your own choice●Listening to or reading some supplementary materials.。

《中学英语教学法》模拟试题(第二套)(附答案)《中学英语教学法》模拟试题(第二套)(附答案)一、填空题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.Among the four skills, foreign language learners often complain that l is the most difficult to acquire.2.We are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to prepare them to u English in real life.3.In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to linguistic k , with little or no attention paid to practising language skills.4.In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the studentsthrough the writing process, and gradually withdraws the guidance so that the students finally become i writers.5.If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion aboutthe poster, and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating reading, speaking and w skills together.6.One of the general views on language is that language is a s__ of symbols.7.In tr pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills different from what takes place in reality.8.Introduction to phonetic rules should be avoided at the b stage of teaching pronunciation.9.In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension orexchange of m .10.People have d understanding of how a vocabulary item can be learned andconsolidate.二、配对题(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)三、单项选择题(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)21.I n teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so thatthe students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.A. the top-down modelB. the bottom-up modelC. the interactive modelD. all of the above22.I n English teaching classrooms very often writing is seen as “writing as languagelearning”, and it is believed to be ___. A. writing for communicationB. writing for real needsC. pseudo writingD. authentic writing23.T o ___, it is advocated that we adopt a communicative approach to writing.A. motivate studentsB. demotivate studentsC. free students from too much workD. keep students buzy24.W hich of the following is NOT among the features of process writing?A. Help students to understand their own composing process.B. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.C. Encourage feedback both from both teacher and peers.D. Emphasize the form rather than the content.25.A ccording to Willis the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich butcomprehensible language put, use of the language to do things, ___ to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.A. chancesB. contextC. motivationD. knowledge26.T here are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it isvaluable to integrate the four skills, to ___.A. enhance the student s’ communicative competenceB. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarC. use body language and picturesD. use mechanical practice and meaningful practice.27.I ntegration of the four skills is concerned with realistic communication, theimplication of which is that we must teach English at the discourse level, that we must ___, and that we must adjust the timetable.A. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammarB. use mechanical practice and meaningful practiceC. use body language and picturesD. adjust the textbook contents28.A ll people involved in education, i.e. ___, teachers, parents, and students havesome reasons to consider assessment necessary.A. friendsB. businessmenC. administratorsD. politician29.A s far as school assessment is concerned, we have teacher’s assessment, continuous assessment, ___, and portfolios.A. students’ self-assessmentB. relative’s assessmentC. informal assessmentD. formal assessment30.B ecause no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is ___ for teachers toadapt materials.A. unnecessaryB. necessaryC. easyD. of no use31.V iews on language and ____ both influence theories on how language should betaught.A. views on language learningB. views on culture learningC. values of lifeD. styles of life32.According to Wang Qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he ____ to some extent.A. learns a languageB. learns his mother tongueC. teaches a languageD. obtains linguistic knowledge33.One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.A. it focuses on form rather than on functionsB. language is used to perform certain communicative functionsC. learners are not able to make sentencesD. learners are not able to do translation34.One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.A. the learners are able to use all skills, including the receptive skills and theproductive skillsB. the learners are not able to use the language in an integrated wayC. the learners are not able to writeD. the learners perform well in class, but they cannot read out of class35.According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question “Can the students achieve the goal of acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ___.A. ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styleB. letters, phonetic transcripts, and soundsC. teacher f actors, learner factors, and school factorsD. learner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individual ability36.The Critical Period Hypothesis is still controversial/debated, because ___.A. the hypothesis does not exit at allB. no researches have been doneC. both positive and negative answers have been given by researchersD. researchers are not interested in it at all37.It is generally believed that grammar teaching ___.A. should never be done in listening, reading, and writingB. is more important in listening and reading than in writingC. is very important in listening, reading, and writingD. is less important in listening and reading than in writing38.According to Wang Qiang, in the deductive method of teaching grammar, the sequence of teaching activities is like this: ___.A. explanation of the rule →teacher’s presentation of an example →students’ practice with given promptsB. students’ practice with given prompts →teacher’s presentation of an example→explanation of the ruleC. teacher’s presentation of an example →students’ practice with given prompts→explanation of the ruleD. teacher’s presentation of an example →explanation of the rule →students’ practice with given prompts39.One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method.A. little attention is paid to meaningB. grammar is taught in a contextC. the practice is often meaningfulD. not enough examples are provided40.As far as teaching grammar is concerned, one of the merits of the deductive method is that ___.A. the method could be very successful with all studentsB. the method may help to increase student’confidence in those examinations which test students’ communicative competenceC. the method could save time when students are confronted with a grammar rule which is complex but which has to be learnedD. the method meets the requirement of the National English CurriculumStandards41.As far as teaching grammar is concerned, in the inductive method, the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules ___.A. without any explicit explanationB. by explaining in an explicit wayC. with explicit explanationD. by telling them the rules42.The characteristics of the listening process include spontaneity, context, visualclues, listener’s response, and ___.A. intonationB. body languageC. speaker’s adjustmentD. gestures43.When teaching pronunciation, we should ___. A. make students feel anxiousB. destroy students’ confidenceC. build-up students’ confidenceD. make students distracted44.According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting thescene, listening for the gist, and ___.A. learning new wordsB. learning new sentence structuresC. listening for specific informationD. concluding45.According to Wang Qiang, “Listen and act” is an activity in the ___ stage.A. pre-listeningB. while-listeningC. post-listeningD. all of the above四、教案设计(20分)Suppose you are going to teach the following lesson to Grade One students of a junior middle school, design a lesson plan for your teaching.Total Length: 300-500 words.A photo copy of the lesson in the textbook:New wordscomes to, plus/minus/times/divided by3 yuan 45 for oneUseful sentences:?Can I help/What would you like? ?I’d like …/Can I have …??How much is it/are they??They are cheap/It is cheap.?They cost…/it costs …?So, that comes to…要求:必需用英语写作。

福建师范大学22春“英语”《英语教学法》期末考试高频考点版(带答案)一.综合考核(共50题)1.Diamonds are the hardest substance ________ in nature.A.findB.foundC.findingD.to find参考答案:B2.影响交际策略的因素是:语言水平、个性、学习环境和任务的难易度。
()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4.评价学生可以采用以下哪些途径:()A.面谈B.学习周记C.学习档案D.测试E.节目汇演参考答案:ABCDIt is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _____ be rather cold sometime.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.would参考答案:B6.课堂教学的分析和评估有助于教师了解自己上课的效果,发现优缺点,总结经验和教训,也有助于教师明确原定课时教案之所以能实现或不能实现的原因。
()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7.What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction?A.Inpidual learners.B.Tactile learners.C.Auditory learners.D.Visual learners.参考答案:D8.对于不读书、上课不听课乃至离家出走的学生,你的看法和对策是:()A.这类学生受到家庭和社会的影响,已经“定型”,只要不出大事,能维持到毕业就行了B.老师费尽心机做工作,好不到几天又故态复萌,这些学生最好回家或转走C.这些学生因为学习差,染上了不良习惯,父母不爱,同学不喜欢,老师要多爱他们,理解他们的难处,坚持关心、帮助他们D.联系家长对他们每天的生活言行严加管束参考答案:C9.参考答案:是指人们以一系列经验事物或知识素材为依据,寻找出其服从的基本规律或共同规律,并假设同类事物中的其他事物也服从这些规律,从而将这些规律作为预测同类事物的其他事物的基本原理一种认知方法。

英语教学法试题及答案【篇一:英语教学法考试题目】xt>1.in the past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views on language. what are they? what is their main idea of language?1) structural view: language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. to learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules.2) functional view: language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). to perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions3) interactional view: language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them.1. list different views on language learning.behaviorist theory cognitive theory constructivist theory socio-constructivist theory 2. what are the qualities of a good language teacher?ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles.how can one become a good language teacher?wallace?s reflective modelstage 1: language development stage 2: learning, practice, reflection goal:development of professional1). learn from others experience2). learn received knowledge3). learn from ones own experiencepseudo practice and the real classroom teaching3. what is communicative competence?communicative competence include both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations .five components of communicative competence:linguisticcompetence, pragmatic competence , discourse competence, strategic competence, fluency4. what is clt? comment on clt.communicative language teaching is an approach to teaching of foreign language that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of learning a language. it is also referred to as communicative approach to the teaching of foreign or simply the communicative approach.5. what is tblt? comment on tblt.task-based language teaching, tblt is a further development of clt. it shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching。


Information for the examinees:This examination consists of THREE sections. They are:Section I: Basic Theories and Principles (30 points, 20 minutes)Section II: Problem Solving (30 points, 50 minutes)Section ]]I: Mini-lesson Plan (40 points, 50 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing thisexamination is 2 hours.Section I: Basic Theories and Principles 30 pointsQuestions 1--15 are based on this part.Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1. What kind of cohesive devices is used to llnk sentences through signaling relationshipsbetween sentences by means of anaphora or back reference?A. Cohesive devices that indicate meaning relationships between or within sentences,such as apart from, in order to, since, however, not only, and but also.B. Grammatical devices that establish links to form the cohesion of a text, such as it,this, the, here, that, and so on.C. Lexieal devices that use the repetition of key words or synonymous words to linksentences together.2. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of the writing process?A. Make decisions on the purpose, the audience, the contents, and the outline of thewriting.B. Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correctingspelling, punctuation, and grammar until later.C. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/her writing and focus on the flaws likely to appear in their drafts.3. Writing exercises like completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation aremainly the type of exercises used in which writing task?A. Controlled writing.B. Guided writing.C. Free writing.4. Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people rather than how it should be used?A. Descriptive grammar.B. Prescriptive grammar.C. Traditional grammar.5. When students are given the structure in an authentic or near authentic context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind of method their teacher is using?A. Deductive grammar teaching.B. Inductive grammar teaching.C. Traditional grammar teaching.6. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?A. Presentation Stage.B. Practice Stage.C. Production Stage.7. How can we help students to memorize a new word more effectively?A. Put the new word in a context, relate it to known words, and use illustrations.B. Pre-teach the new word of a text, pronounce it correctly, and group it.C. Put the new word in a list of unconnected words with illustrations.8. Which of the following techniques can best present the word "pollution"?A. Show or draw a picture.B. Give a definition or an example.C. Demonstrate the meaning by acting or miming.9. Whether two words go together with each other, or not is an issue of what?A. Connotation.B. Register.C. Collocation.10. Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom size?A. Human factors.B. Physical conditions.C. Syllabus and testing.11. What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?A. Textbooks and classroom aids.B. Anticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with them.C. Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve them;12. Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook?A. Textbooks usually are not well written.B; Textbooks need adaptations t0 fit the needs of their:target students.C. Textbooks only cover a limited amount Of language skills.13. Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people, language, environment, organization and tools, which of thefollowing elements' can be classirfied under environment?A. Textbook, exercise book, teacher's'book; and blackboard,B. interaction between teacher and students.;C. Arrangement of :desks and chairs.14. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take place?A. Instructor?B. Manager.C. Assessor,15. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which subcategory: of classroom management?A. People.B. Environment.C. Organization.Section II: Problem Solving 30 pointsQuestions 16 20 are based on this,part;Directions: Below. are five situations in the classroom. Each has a problem. First, identify theproblem. Second. provide your solutionaccording to the communicative language teaching principles. You should elaborate on the 'problem (s) and solution(s) properly. Write your answer on the AnswerSheet.16. In a writing class, the teacher asks the students to wnre an article about theirhometown. T o help the;students, the teacher also provides a well-written article about hometown by a famous writer as a sample. Students are instructed to follow the style and the organization of ideas of the sample article.17. In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of "some" and "any" in the following way:A. Explains the rules' of their usage.B. Provides some eaxamples bo illustrate the usage of the two words.C. Ask the students to do pattern dills.D. Ask the students bo apply th? rules to given situations.18. When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on the blackboard and asks the students to look them up in dictionaries. Then the teacher explains the meamng of these new words in simple English, usually by providing some examples of their usage.Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions for these words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shift their focus to the reading passage.19. When preparing a lesson, some teachers just rely on the teacher's book, Before teaching a lesson, they will just look up the new words in the dictionary and copy paraphrases from the teacher' s book onto the student' s hook. In class, they will just follow the instructions provided by the teacher's hook.20. This is a traditional classroom. The students' desks are arranged neatly in rows and columns, while the teacher's desk is placed in the front of the classroom on a platform. The teacher comes into the classroom. All students stand up to greet the teacher and theteacher greets back. Then the teacher starts to talk and the students start to take notes. From time to time, the teacher :will ask some questions to the whole class, and those students who know the answers will respond. At other times, the teacher will point at an individual student and asks a question. The teacher also asks the students to do some readings or exercises quietly in class. As the students finish their job, the teacher collects their work and tells them that they will get feedback over the next week.Section I]I: Mini-lesson Plan 40 pointsQuestions 21 and 22 are based on this part.Directions: Read the two texts below and complete the teaching plans. Write your answer on theAnswer Sheet.21. Please design a writing activity for a writing class based on the following instruction:Study the two texts, which are based on information given in the table. Then write similartexts of your own, to form part of a letter telling someone how to get to a place.Use any suitable period of timeText 1You can go'to the airport either by coach or by taxi. If you go by coach, it takes at least halfan hour. By taxi, on the other hand, it takes only ten minutes. For that reason, I suggestthe second possibility.Text 2There are two ways of getting to the sports ground: either by tube or by bus. By tube it onlytakes ten minutes, while if you go by bus, on the other hand, it may take you over twentyminutes. My advice to you then, is to go by tube.22. You are going to teach some vocabulary about temperature. Please design a vocabularyactivity based on the following instruction:Look at the box below and try to find out the meaning of each word in a dictionary. Thenarrange the words to show their differences in the degree of temperature. Finally, try tomake a sentence using each of the words.。

英语教学法(1) 试题注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。
Ⅰ. Choose the best answer (30%)Directions: In this part, you are given ten questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one that can best answer the question.1. Which of the following is characteristic of children in learning a foreign language?A. They pay more attention to meaning than to form.B. They have a clear purpose in learning a foreign language.C. They can monitor their own learning.D. They can concentrate for a long time in class.2. Which of the following is focused on writing?A. Labeling pictures according to their contents.B. Sequencing the pictures according to the story.C. Matching the pictures with the headings.D. Commenting on the pictures.3. Which of the following activities helps train logical thinking best*.A. Story telling.B. Finding patterns.C. Interviewing.D. Mind mapping.4. Which of the following should we examine if we want to assess the students' intrapersonal intelligence?A. Performance in a discussion.B. Posters.C. Learning diaries.D. Performance in an interview.5. What does the following practise?I want you to send ^ it out in ^ a minute.I have collected a ^ lot^ of monkey stamps.A. Stress.B. Intonation.C. Pronunciation.D. Liaison.6. Which of the following can help to presentA. Realia.B. Miming.C. Examples.D. Pictures.7. What strategy does "creating a situation for students to use the words" help to train?A. Association.B. Association.C. Contextualization.D. Collocation.8. Which of the following activities can be used at the practice stage of vocabulary instruction?A. Completion exercises.B. Reading to discover the meaning of words.C. Cross-word puzzles.D. Teacher explaining the usage of words.9. Which of the following is a communication activity?A. Bingo.B. Information transfer.C. Substitution.D. Twenty questions.10. Which of the following can train oral proficiency?A. Flow chart dialogue.B. Distant dictation.C. Sequencing pictures.D. Labeling pictures.11. Which of the following activities help to train reading?A. Drawing according to oral instructions.B. Designing praising cards.C. Commenting on pictures,D. Matching the pictures with different stories.12. Which of the following seating arrngements is most suitable for group discussion?13. What is the teacher doing by saying "Now you are going to do this in pairs. "?A. Setting up tasks.B. Controlling discipline.C. Demonstrating.D. Getting feedback.14. Which of the following activities is most suitable for whole-class work?A. Presenting new language.B. Role-play.C. Information gap.D. Writing summaries.15. Which of the following belongs to physical factors that affect the designing of a lesson plan?A. Students' needs.B. Students' background.C. Student language proficiency.D. Syllabus requirements.Directions: In this part, you are given five questions, Each question is followed by two columns of options. You are to match the options on the left marked 1), 2), 3), 4) with relevant options on the right marked A, B, C and D, and write the answers on the answer sheet. Make sure each option can only match with one another.1. Match the learning styles on the left with the type of activities on the right.1) Group learners. A. Cutting paper.2) Individual learners. B. Watching videos.3) Visual learners. C. Discussing weekend plans.4) Tactile learners. D. Doing reading practice.2. Match the teacher's actions on both sides.1) S: I seed a film yesterday. A. Helping the student to correct hisT: Mum? own mistakes.2) S: I seed a film yesterday. B. Giving hints that there are mistakesT: You SEED a film yesterday? in his speech.3) S: I seed a film yesterday. C. Encouraging others to correct theT: You should say "saw", not mistake."seed".4) S: I seed a film yesterday. D. Correcting the student's mistakesT: What did Tom do? Anyone, who directly.can tell us?3. Match the activities on the left with the focus of instruction on the right.1) Complete the sentences according to the pictures. A. Listening.2) Put the sentences in the correct order according to B. Speaking.the pictures.3) Decide on the right pictures according to the C. Reading.recording.4) Discuss hobbies according to the pictures. D. Writing.4. Match the activities with the relevant classroom arrangement.1) Chain retelling of a story. A. Whole class work.2) Flow-chat dialogue. B. Individual work.3) Forming a basketball team. C. Pair work.4) Sentence completion D. Group work.5. Match the questions with the items they assess.1) What problems do you still have? A. Language performance.2) How well did you prepare before class? B. Progress.3) How well did you work in your group C. Classroom participation.work?4) Flow well did you do in the vocabulary quiz? D. Self-regulation.Ⅲ. Multiple choice questions (10%)Directions: In this part, you are given ten questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one(s) you think suitable. Yon may have more than one answer to each question.1. Which of the following roles do the primary school teachers play?A. A helper.B. A motivator.C. A friend.D. An organizer.2. Which of the following are/is characteristic of children?A. Not afraid of making mistakes.B. Analytical in learning.C. More instrumentally motivated.D. Good at generalizing.3. Which of the following explain(s) how children acquire their first language?A. By experimenting with the language.B. By interacting with people around them.C. By mimicking.D. By attending lessons.4. Which of the following features the learning of a foreign language?A. Natural learning context.B. Structured input.C. Conscious learning.D. Little error correction.5. Which of the following give(s) the right explanation of Chinese and English phonetic systems?A. English differentiates stressed syllables and unstressed syllables, and so does Chinese.B. Both English and Chinese have many vowels.C. Both English and Chinese have a lot of combined consonants.D. English words often have two or more syllables, but Chinese characters have only one.Ⅳ. Short Answer Questions (20%)Directions: In this part there are five questions about English Teaching Methodology. Write your answers in brief. You will be assessed in the points you present and the way you present them.1. What advantages do projects have in English instruction? How can we make better use of them?2. If some students withdraw from classroom activities with stories, what might be the reasons?3. Why can't testing fulfill the task of assessment?4. If some students are not directing their attention to the lesson, what might be the reasons? What will you do to get the children's attention?Ⅴ. Activity designing (20%)Directions: In this part, you are to design a 10-minute speaking activity according to the material given. The activity should be based on the following dialogue and make use of the pictures given. Make sure yon include all the items of an activity described in the textbook objective, organization, assumed time, procedure, predicted problems and solutions). You can 'rife your design of the activity according to the table given. Make sure you give the assumed me for each step.Tom: Do you miss China?Darning: Sometimes.Tom: Do you want to go to China with me?Darning: Chinatown? But this is America.Tom: There is a Chinatown in New York! There are a lot of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Darning: Really?Tom: Yes, and there's Chinese dancing.Darning: Let's go to Chinatown now.Objective(s)Classroom organizationPredicted problem(s)Solution(s)Procedure1)2)3)试题答案及评分标准Ⅰ. Choose the best answer本题为单选题,共15个小题,30分,每题2分。

广西高校教师资格证考试《英语教学法》练习题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪个是英语教学法的基本原则?A. 知识主导B. 教师主导C. 学生主导D. 竞争主导答案:C2. 针对不同学生的研究特点,英语教师可以采用的教学策略是:A. 同一教学方法B. 不同教学方法C. 教师中心教学D. 学生中心教学答案:B3. 英语教学法中的课堂控制指的是:A. 教师严格控制学生B. 学生完全自由控制C. 教师和学生相互控制D. 提供一种积极、稳定、和谐的教学环境,教师有序地组织学生的研究活动答案:D二、问答题1. 请简要说明英语教学法的概念和作用。
2. 请列举并简要说明英语教学法中的一种教学策略。
3. 简述如何提高英语教学中的课堂控制能力。

英语教学法试题及答案【篇一:英语教学法考试题目】xt>1.in the past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views on language. what are they? what is their main idea of language?1) structural view: language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. to learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules.2) functional view: language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). to perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions3) interactional view: language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them.1. list different views on language learning.behaviorist theory cognitive theory constructivist theory socio-constructivist theory 2. what are the qualities of a good language teacher?ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles.how can one become a good language teacher?wallace?s reflective modelstage 1: language development stage 2: learning, practice, reflection goal:development of professional1). learn from others experience2). learn received knowledge3). learn from ones own experiencepseudo practice and the real classroom teaching3. what is communicative competence?communicative competence include both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations .five components of communicative competence:linguisticcompetence, pragmatic competence , discourse competence, strategic competence, fluency4. what is clt? comment on clt.communicative language teaching is an approach to teaching of foreign language that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of learning a language. it is also referred to as communicative approach to the teaching of foreign or simply the communicative approach.5. what is tblt? comment on tblt.task-based language teaching, tblt is a further development of clt. it shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching。

《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之二(开卷考试)Part I. Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%1.The Grammar-Translation Method came about as a result of __________________.2.People learned Ancient Greek and Latin as________________.3.In a functional-notional syllabus, the language taught would not be described in only grammatical forms,but also___________, _________, __________ and ____________.4.The term “communicative competence” was first used by _____________ in applied linguistics.5.Krashen’s Natural Order of Langua ge Learning was based on _____________.6.Various language learning methods arose in the 70s in particular in North America and in Europe, whichconcerned the learner as a whole person, also referred to as _________.7.Imagine a situation in which students learn a language in the following way. They sit around a table withcomfortable chairs and with a tape recorder in the middle. When one wants to say something, he whispers it in his mother tongue to the teacher who is standing behind him, who then translates it into the target language and the student repeats that. This approach is called ___________.8.ESP is the abbreviation of ________________.9.In Taba’s model of curriculum processes, the last two stages are___________ and ______________.10.Knowing how to make correct sentences has very little value on its own and has to be supplementedby________________________ and _________________________ when it is used as a normal means of communication.11.A student with very limited language would be forgiven for errors of _____________.nguage processing is ______________________ and what is understood involves far more than___________________________________.13.Turn-taking is a characteristic of ___________________.14.A CLT syllabus will cover situations, topics, functions, _________________, and ________________.15.List some examples of authentic materials: _______________, ______________, _____________.Part II Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%1.People learned Ancient Greek and Latin in order to communicate in real life situations.2.The Threshold Level was an example of the Grammar –Translation Method.3.Making errors will lead to bad habit formation, so we should correct them whenever they occur.4.Suggestopedia is believed to be the most of the humanistic methods.5. A textbook with such course design as Unit 1 Personal pronouns, Unit 2 Attributive clauses, Unit 3 Thepassive voice, etc. is based on a skills syllabus.6.It is true that inappropriately used expressions can produce more harm than structurally poor sentences.7.Back-channel responses are used by one speaker to interrupt the other speaker.8.In CLT students do not learn in the classroom; instead they learn the language in real life.9.Good learners learn different styles of speech and writing and learn to vary their language according to theformality of the situation.10.While the students are engaged in the communicative activity the teacher should not intervene, such astelling them that they are making mistakes, insisting on accuracy or asking for repetition.Part III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it.The States ExplainedLike all Dads, my father sometimes seemed to be practicing for a world’s most boring competition. He used to have the habit, when I was a boy, of identifying and reporting the state of origin of all the other cars on any highway we happened to be traveling along.In America, as I expect you know, each state issues its own number plates, so you can tell at a glance where another car is from, which enabled my father to make observations like, ‘Hey, another car from Wyoming. That’s three this morning.’ Or: ‘Mississippi. Wonder what he’s doing up here?’ Then he would look around hopefully to see if anyone wanted to add a comment, but no one ever did. He could go on like that all day, and often did.I once wrote a book making good-natured fun of the old man for his many interesting and unusual talents when behind the wheel—the ability to get lost in any city, to drive the wrong way down a one-way street so many times that people would eventually come and watch from their doorways, or spend an entire afternoon driving around within sight of an amusement park or other eagerly sought attraction without actually finding the entrance. One of my teenaged children recently read that book for the first time and came with it into the kitchen where my wife was cooking and said in a tone of amazed discovery, “But this is Dad,” meaning me.I have to admit it. I have become my father. I even read number plates, though my particular interest is the slogan. Many states, you see, include a friendly message or piece of information on their plates, like “Land of Lincoln” for Illinois, “Vacationland” for Marina, “Sunshine State” for Florida, and the crazy “Shore Thing”for New Jersey.I like to make jokes and comments on these so when, for instance, we see Pennsylvania’s “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania”, I turn to the passengers and say in an injured tone, “Then why doesn’t he call?”However, I am the only one who finds this an amusing way to spend a long journey.All this is by way of introducing our important lesson for the day, namely that the United States isn’t so much a country as a collection of fifty small independent nations, and you forget this at your peril. It all goes back to the setting up of a federal government after the War of Independence when the former colonies didn’t trust each other. In order to keep them happy, the states were given an extraordinary range of powers. Even now each state controls all kinds of matters to do with your personal life—where, when and at what age you can legally drink, whether you can carry a concealed weapon, own fireworks, or legally gamble; how old you have to be to drive; whether you will be killed in an electric chair, by lethal injection, or not at all, and how you have to be to get yourself in such a fix; and so on.If I leave our town of Hanover, and drive over the Connecticut River to Vermont, I will find myself suddenly subject to perhaps 500 completely different laws. I must, among much else, buckle my seat belt, acquire a licence if I wish to practise dentistry and give up all hope of erecting roadside hoardings, since Vermont is one of just two states to outlaw highway advertising. On the other hand, I may carry a gun on my person without any problem, and if I am arrested for drunken driving I may legally decline to give a blood sample.Since I always buckle anyway, don’t own a gun, and haven’t the faintest desire to stick my fingers in people’s mouths, even for very good money, these matters don’t affect me. Elsewhere, however, differences between our state laws can be dramatic, even alarming.States decide what may or may not be taught in their schools, and in many places, particularly in the Deep South, textbooks must accord with very narrow religious views. In Alabama, for instance, it is illegal to teach evolution as anything other than “an unproven belief”. All biology textbooks must carry a statement saying “This textbook discusses evolution, a controversial theory some scientists present as a scientificexplanation for the origin of living things. “By laws, teachers must give equal weight to the notion that the earth was created in seven days and everything on it—fossils, coal deposits, dinosaur bones—is no more than 7,500 years old. I don’t know what slogan Alabama has on its number plates, but “Proud to be Backward: sounds suitable to me.Pre-reading activitiesActivity 1Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 2Specific steps:Reasons for your design:While-reading ActivitiesActivity 1Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 2Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 3Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Post-reading activitiesActivity 1Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 2Specific steps:Reasons for your design:《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之二答案和评分标准Part I. Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%, two points each1.the teaching of Ancient Greek and Latin in the west2.an intellectual activity3.topics, situations, functions, notions4.Dell Hymes5.first language acquisition6.Th e ‘holistic’ approachmunity Language Learning8.English for Special Purposesanization of learning experiences, determination of what to evaluate and how to evaluate10.a knowledge of the appropriateness, the functional value of the language11.inappropriateness12.a constructive process, what is presented on the page or in the sound system13.oral communication14.the vocabulary and grammar structures, the skills required in typical situations15.English novels, poems, advertisements, instruction manuals, songs, films, lectures, speeches, radioannouncements, new reports, plays, etc.Part II Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%, two points each1. F2. F3. F4. T5. F6. T7. F8. F9. T 10. TPart III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it. [The original text is provided for the reference of markers]The States ExplainedLike all Dads, my father sometimes seemed to be practicing for a world’s most boring competition. He used to have the habit, when I was a boy, of identifying and reporting the state of origin of all the other cars on any highway we happened to be traveling along.In America, as I expect you know, each state issues its own number plates, so you can tell at a glance where another car is from, which enabled my father to make observations like, ‘Hey, another car from Wyoming. That’s three this morning.’ Or: ‘Mississippi. Wonder what he’s doing up here?’ Then he would look around hopefully to see if anyone wanted to add a comment, but no one ever did. He could go on like that all day, and often did.I once wrote a book making good-natured fun of the old man for his many interesting and unusual talents when behind the wheel—the ability to get lost in any city, to drive the wrong way down a one-way street so many times that people would eventually come and watch from their doorways, or spend an entire afternoon driving around within sight of an amusement park or other eagerly sought attraction without actually finding the entrance. One of my teenaged children recently read that book for the first time and came with it into the kitchen where my wife was cooking and said in a tone of amazed discovery, “But this is Dad,” meaning me.I have to admit it. I have become my father. I even read number plates, though my particular interest is the slogan. Many states, you see, include a friendly message or piece of information on their plates, like “Land of Lincoln” for Illinois, “Vacationland” for Marina, “Sunshine State” for Florida, and the crazy “Shore Thing”for New Jersey.I like to make jokes and comments on these so when, for instance, we see Pennsylvania’s “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania”, I turn to the passengers and say in an injured tone, “Then why doesn’t he call?”However, I am the only one who finds this an amusing way to spend a long journey.All this is by way of introducing our important lesson for the day, namely that the United States isn’t so much a country as a collection of fifty small independent nations, and you forget this at your peril. It all goes back to the setting up of a federal government after the War of Independence when the former colonies didn’t trust each other. In order to keep them happy, the states were given an extraordinary range of powers. Even now each state controls all kinds of matters to do with your personal life—where, when and at what age you can legally drink, whether you can carry a concealed weapon, own fireworks, or legally gamble; how old you have to be to drive; whether you will be killed in an electric chair, by lethal injection, or not at all, and how you have to be to get yourself in such a fix; and so on.If I leave our town of Hanover, and drive over the Connecticut River to Vermont, I will find myself suddenly subject to perhaps 500 completely different laws. I must, among much else, buckle my seat belt, acquire a licence if I wish to practise dentistry and give up all hope of erecting roadside hoardings, since Vermont is one of just two states to outlaw highway advertising. On the other hand, I may carry a gun on my person without any problem, and if I am arrested for drunken driving I may legally decline to give a blood sample.Since I always buckle anyway, don’t own a gun, and haven’t the faintest desire to stick my fingers in people’s mouths, even for very good money, these matters don’t affect me. Elsewhere, however, differences between our state laws can be dramatic, even alarming.States decide what may or may not be taught in their schools, and in many places, particularly in the Deep South, textbooks must accord with very narrow religious views. In Alabama, for instance, it is illegal to teach evolution as anything other than “an unproven belief”. All biology textbooks must carry a statement saying “This textbook discusses evolution, a controversial theory some scientists present as a scientific explanation for the origin of living things. “By laws, teachers must give equal weight to the notion that the earth was created in seven days and everything on it—fossils, coal deposits, dinosaur bones—is no more than7,500 years old. I don’t know what slogan Alabama has on its number plates, but “Proud to be Backward: sounds suitable to me.Pre-reading activities (10%)five points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible pre-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)●Reflect on the title or the topic●State what they already know about the topic●State what they would like to know about the topic●Write their own questions that they want the text to answer●Answer the teacher’s general questions about the tex t type or topic (oral or written)●Brainstorm the topic in groups or whole class●Guess the topic by looking at key words from the textWhile-reading Activities (30%)ten points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reaso ns for your design”, five points for each partThe following are possible while-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Skim reading to get the gist (main idea of the text●Locating specific information●Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture●Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text●Drawing a diagram to show the text structure●Answering factual questions on the text●Answering inferring questions on the text (reading between the line)●Putting the events in correct order●Stating if statements given about the text are true or false●Working out the meaning of words or phrases in the text from the context●Examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to●Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order●Giving sections of a text appropriate headings●Giving the text an appropriate titlePost-reading activities(10%)five points each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible post-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Oral discussion of the topic of the text●Role-play a different situation from the text but using the same characters, or role-play the same situationas in the text but using the different characters●Writing a summary of the main content of the text●Comment on the content of the text●Retelling the story of the text●Finishing the story (orally or ion writing), that means either predicting an ending or changing the endingto one of your own choice●Listening to or reading some supplementary materials.。

《英语教学法》课程网上考试题库第一章Introduction I & II一、选择题(每题2分)1. Language teaching involves three main disciplines. They are linguistics, psychology and ____.A. PedagogyB. Applied linguisticsC. PsycholinguisticsD. Cognitive linguisticsAnswer: A2. _____ is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.A. PragmaticsB. Applied linguisticsC. PsycholinguisticsD. Cognitive linguistics Answer: B3. Sociology is the study of language in relation to ____, such as social class, educational level and so on.A. ageB. genderC. professionD.social factorsAnswer: D4.Foreign language teaching is sometimes discussed in terms of three related aspects: approach, ____, and technique.A. methodB. aimC. methodologyD. hypothesisAnswer: A5. At the level of approach there are at least three different theoretical views of language explicitly or implicitly underlying currently popular language teaching methods: ____, functional view and interactional view.A.the linking of structuralismB. behaviorismC. structural viewD. audiolingualismAnswer: C6. ____ focus on the patterns of moves, acts and exchanges in communication.A.structural theoriesB. functional theoriesC. interactional theoriesD. behaviourismAnswer: C7.____ is the principle and techniques of teaching with no necessary reference to linguistics.A. methodB. aimC. methodologyD. hypothesisAnswer: C二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. The goal of foreign language teaching is to produce over-users of monitor.Answer: F2. The natural order hypothesis is presumed by Krashen to be the result of the learned system, operating free of conscious grammar.Answer: F3. The word approach we mean that an idea or theory is being appliedAnswer: T4.Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental processes that a person uses in producing and understanding language, and how humans learn language.Answer: T第二章Theories of Language and Language Learning I & II & III一、选择题(每题2分)1. Language is a set of arbitrary symbols which are primarily ____, but may also be visual.A. vocalB. oralC. audibleD. comprehensibleAnswer: A2. Psycholinguistics includes the study of _______ perception, the role of memory, concepts and other processes in language use, and how social and psychological factors affect the use of language.A. listeningB. understandingC. speechD. writingAnswer: C3. The most common word order in English is ____, with other sentence constituents draped around these key parts in various ways.A. SVB. SVPC. SVOD. SVOCAnswer: C4. According to the functionalists, language has three functions: ____, expressive, and social.A. descriptiveB. phaticC. informativeD. interrogativeAnswer: A5. ____ is the study of how words combine to form sentences and the rules which govern the formation of sentences.A.syntaxB. pragmaticsC. phoneticsD. phonologyAnswer: A6. ____ refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.A. stressB. toneC. registerD. intonationAnswer: C7. Animal is a super-ordinate term, while cow, horse, pig, dog, cat, etc. are ____.A. hypernymB. synonymC. homonymD. hyponymsAnswer: D8. When we teach grammar as ____, the learner is required to attend to grammar, while working on tasks which retain an emphasis on language use.A. abilityB. methodC. knowledgeD. skillAnswer: D9. ________ are represented by phonetic symbols because there is no one-to-one correspondence between written letters and spoken sounds.A. meaningB. signC. soundsD. formAnswer: C10. ________ is often described as the music of speech—the way the voice goes up and down as we speak.A.intonationB. toneC. stressD. registerAnswer: A11. ________ is the pronunciation of a word or syllable with more force than the surrounding words or syllables.A. intonationB. toneC. stressD. registerAnswer: C12. The vowel is produced without (or little) restriction during its ________ and is always voiced.A. pronunciationB. speakingC. productionD. articulationAnswer: C13. Allophones are varied realizations of the same ________ .A. phoneB. morphemeC. phonemeD. tagmemeAnswer: C14. Mentalism holds that a human being possesses a mind which has consciousness, ideas, etc., and the mind can influence the ____ of the body.A. conditionB. developmentC. growthD.behaviorAnswer: D15. The mentalists suggest that the learner processes new data in his/her mind and comes up with a succession of ________ that produce new patterns in the target language.A. rulesB. principlesC. methodsD. waysAnswer: A16. Behavioristic ideas about language learning are based mainly on a theory of learning, in which the focus is mainly on the role of the __________, both verbal and non-verbal.A. contextB. environmentC. conditionD. factorAnswer: B17. Behaviorism sees learning in terms of habit formation. The habits are formed by __________ and reinforced by repetition.A. habit formationB. imitationC. memorizationD. pattern practiceAnswer: B18. According to the behaviorists, all learning takes place through ____.A. habit formationB. memorizationC. imitationD. pattern practiceAnswer: A19. The three main things that a learner has to acquire when learning a new structure are the form, meaning and _____ of the structure.A. patternB. signC. pronunciationD. useAnswer: D20. Language learning and teaching must be viewed in a __________, setting, or background.A. textbookB. societyC. classD.contextAnswer: D21. Chomsky refers to the child’s innate endowment as ____, a set of principles which are common to all languages.A. language acquisition deviceB. innate knowledgeC. universal grammarD. basic grammarAnswer: C22.Which of the following is true of second language learning?A.Natural language exposurermal learning contextC.Structured inputD.Little error correctionAnswer: C23.Every language has a relatively small set of sounds that can distinguish meaning, or phonemes. English has ____, in most dialects.A. 44B. 42C. 40D.28Answer: A二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. Language is capable of producing new forms and meanings.Answer: T2. Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ only in one sound.Answer: T3. One function of a language can only be expressed by one structure.Answer: F4. The vowel is produced without (or with little) restriction during its production and is always voiced.Answer: T5. Vowels are formed mainly by the position of the tongue and, secondarily, by the shape of the lips and movement of the jaw.Answer: T6. Consonants vary depending on where and how the air stream gets through, the place and movement of the tongue, and also whether the voice is used or not.Answer: T7. A phoneme is the smallest distinctive sound unit, incapable of change in different phonetic environments.Answer: F8. Pitch is produced by frequency of vibration of the vocal cords. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.Answer: T9. The most powerful signal of stress is a change of pitch on the vowel.Answer: T10. Syllables are short when they are stressed.Answer: F11. Lexical competence implies more than just knowing what a word means.Answer: T第三章Lesson Planning I & II一、选择题(每题2分)1. The making of foreign language education policy must take into consideration the ____ and educational situation of the country.A. environmentalB. economicC. politicalD. socialAnswer: B2. Syllabus determines teaching aims, objectives, contents and ____.A. approachesB. principlesC. methodsD. qualityAnswer: C3.A lesson may focus on language, ____, or function.A. topicB. skillC. structureD. methodAnswer: B4.Any lesson we teach naturally divide into different stages of activity and the main stages are: presentation, practice, production, reading, listening and ____.A.speakingB. writingC. comprehensionD. revisionAnswer: D5.The ____ of writing a lesson plan is one to give proper consideration to what the teacher is going to do in that lesson.A.aimB. processC. principleD. methodAnswer: B6.As for the general aim of a lesson, it may focus on the following ones except:A.A particular topicB.A particular structureC.A skillD.The main stages of the lessonAnswer: D二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. Lesson plans are useful only before the lesson.Answer: F2. There is no one absolutely correct way to draw up a lesson plan and each teacher will decide what suits him or her best, but all good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.Answer: T3. A real good lesson plan should be long and complicated with detailed lesson notes.Answer: F第四章The Grammar - Translation Method一、选择题(每题2分)1. At one time _____was called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.A. communicative approachB. the audiolingual methodC. the direct methodD. the grammar-translation methodAnswer: D2. An ultimate purpose of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation classroom is to enable the learners to read and ____ its literature.A. writeB. translateC. speakD. listenAnswer: B3.____ is a method of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities.A. The Grammar-Translation MethodB. The Audiolingual MethodC. The Communicative ApproachD. The Direct MethodAnswer: A4.The fundamental purpose of learning Latin was to study the classical ____ , which was worshipped in the Renaissance.A. languageB. cultureC. customD. heritageAnswer: B5.Different questions are designed for students to answer to check the understanding of the reading passage. One type of questions are questions of ____ to which answers are directly and explicitly available in the text.A. inferenceB. personal responseC. literal comprehensionD. detailed informationAnswer: C6. Under the guidance of Grammar-Translation Method, the teacher uses the ____ language of the students as the main medium of instruction in the classroom.A.nativeB. secondC. foreignD. accentAnswer: A二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. It is accepted by most experts of foreign language teaching that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the 16th century.Answer: F2. In a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.Answer: T3. The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from Comparative Historical Linguistics.Answer: T4. The theory of learning underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was Faculty Psychology. The Faculty Psychologists believed that the mind of human beings had various faculties whichcould be trained separately.Answer: T第五章The Audiolingual Method一、选择题(每题2分)1. The Audiolingual Method uses ________ as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques.A. dialoguesB. passagesC. sentencesD. phrasesAnswer: A2. _______develops the separation of the language skills into a pedagogical device.A. the Communicative ApproachB. the Grammar-Translation MethodC. the Direct MethodD. the Audiolingual MethodAnswer: D3.Structural linguistics views language as a system of structurally related elements for the expression of meaning. These elements are phonemes, morphemes, words, _______, and sentence types.A. structuresB. phrasesC. clausesD. sentencesAnswer: A4.The structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is _______.A.visualB. auditoryC. writtenD. oralAnswer: D5.The use of drills and pattern practice is a distinctive feature of _______.A. the Communicative ApproachB. the Grammar-Translation MethodC. the Direct MethodD. the Audiolingual MethodAnswer: D6._______ is a method of foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing.A. the Communicative ApproachB. the Grammar-Translation MethodC. the Direct MethodD. the Audiolingual MethodAnswer: D二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. Dialogues and drills form the basis of audiolingual classroom practice.Answer: T2.The Audiolingual Method uses passages as the main form of language presentation. Answer: F3.When a teacher uses the Audiolingual Method in the class, mother tongue is discouraged. Answer: T第六章The Communicative Approach一、选择题(每题2分)1. The ____ approach to language study is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than as a system that is viewed in isolation.A. functionalB. structuralC. interactionalD. communicativeAnswer: A2. The ____ approach to language is to see it in terms of the bits and pieces by means of which it is put together.A. functionalB. structuralC. interactionalD. communicativeAnswer: B3. The Communicative Approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is ________________ .A. functionalB. structuralC. communicative competenceD. interactionalAnswer: C4. “Knowing English” must mean knowing how to __________ in English.A. speakB. learnC. writeD. communicateAnswer: D5. Most contributors to the Communicative Approach share the view that language is used for communication and are more concerned with meaning than with ________.A. formB. functionC. structureD. usageAnswer: C6. Closely related to Communicative Language Teaching is ________, the study of the use of language in communication.A. pragmaticsB. linguisticsC. phoneticsD. phonologyAnswer: A7. Which of the following is a communication game?A.BingoB.Word chainC.Rearranging and describingD.Cross-word puzzleAnswer: C二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. The most obvious characteristics of the Communicative Approach is that almost everything that is done is done with a communicative intent.Answer: T2. Today both language teaching experts and classroom teachers agree that the communicative approach is the best.Answer: F3. Functional linguistics is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than as a system that is viewed in isolation.Answer: T4.Functional linguistics is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than as a system that is viewed in isolation.Answer: T5.According to Canale and Swain (1980), communicative competence entails three dimensions. Answer: F第七章The Direct Method一、选择题(每题2分)1. The neogrammarians, represented by Hermann Paul, formed the main ________ base of the Direct Method.A.linguisticB. psychologicalC. language teachingD. phonologicalAnswer: A2. Direct association of language with objects and persons of the immediate environment is emphasized in ________ .A. the Communicative ApproachB. the Grammar-Translation MethodC. the Direct MethodD. the Audiolingual MethodAnswer: C3. The syllabus used in the Direct Method is arranged semantically according to _______.A. teaching aimB. teaching methodsC. teaching materialD. situations or topicsAnswer: D4.The teaching of all four basic language skills is not neglected, but _______ exercises should be based upon what the students practice orally first.A. reading and writingB. reading and speakingC. speaking and listeningD. speaking and writingAnswer: A5. In order to reinforce and test what the students have learned, _______is frequently used in the Direct Method.A.dictationB. testC. quizD. examinationAnswer: A6.The rapid development of _______, psychology and education greatly stimulated the establishment of the Direct Method.A.pragmaticsB. applied linguisticsC. linguisticsD. phonologyAnswer: C二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. The Direct Method was developed as a reaction against the Grammar-Translation Method and out of the need for better language learning.Answer: T2.This method aims at developing the students' ability to write in the target language.Answer: F3. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized by the Direct Methodologists.Answer: T第八章Four New Approaches一、选择题(每题2分)1. When we use the word _____ we mean that an idea or theory is being applied: that whatever the teacher does, certain theoretical principles are always borne in mind.A. methodB. approachC. techniqueD. methodologyAnswer: B2. A ________ is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which it is hoped will result in efficient learning.A. approachB. techniqueC. waysD. methodAnswer: D3. A ________ is based on systematic principles and procedures, i.e., it is an application of views on how a language is best taught and learned.A. methodB. approachC. techniqueD. methodologyAnswer: A二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. The Total Physical Response method emphasizes comprehension and the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level.Answer: T2.The Silent Way is based on the principle that successful learning involves commitment of the self to language acquisition through the use of silent awareness and then active trial.Answer: T3. Community Language Learning advocates a holistic approach to language learning, since "true" human learning is both cognitive and affective.Answer: T第九章The Teaching and Learning of Pronunciation一、选择题(每题2分)1. There is a lack of consistency between ____ and pronunciation in English.A. spellingB. writingC. listeningD. meaningAnswer: A2. Pronunciation teaching should include the static forms such as individual sounds and word stresses, as well the _______ forms such as intonation, sentence stress and rhythm.A. systemicB. implicitC. explicitD.dynamicAnswer: D3.When we produce _______ , there is no obstruction or narrowing in the air passage, no audible friction, especially in the mouth, or air stream.A. consonantsB. vowelsC. pure vowelsD. diphthongsAnswer: B4.A _______ is the smallest distinctive sound unit or minimum unit of distinctive sound feature.A.morphemeB. allophoneC. phonemeD. tagmemeAnswer: C5.The importance of pronunciation lies in mastering the _______distinctions and the different meanings that are signaled by the phonetic features.A.grammaticalB. syntacticC. functionalD. LexicalAnswer: A6. _______ advocates a holistic approach to language learning, since "true" human learning is both cognitive and affective.A. The Silent WayB. The Total Physical Response MethodC. The Direct MethodD. The Community Language LearningAnswer: D二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. The teacher will have to concentrate on the important phonemic contrasts and select allophonic variations to ensure intelligibility, not to achieve a total set of native-speaker-like variations. Answer: T2. In any language, speech sounds are classified into two kinds: vowels and consonants. Answer: T3.The teaching of pronunciation needs to be related to the learners' ability to develop reading competence.Answer: F4.The structure of the sound system involves not only the vowels and consonants --- the segmental features, but also stress and intonation --- the supra-segmental features.Answer: T第十章The Teaching and Learning of Vocabulary一、选择题(每题2分)1. The two basic guidelines on the choice of vocabulary are: _______, students’ need and level.A. difficultyB. meaningC. frequencyD. usageAnswer: C2. The structural view holds that language is a ______ of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.A. unitB. partC. systemD. cohortAnswer: C3. There are three main forms of word building or word formation which are characteristic of English: ______, compounding and conversion.A.affixationB. prefixionC. suffixionD. derivationAnswer: A4. ______refers to words which the students understand, can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.A. active vocabularyB. passive vocabularyC. new vocabularyD. old vocabularyAnswer: A5.______ is a device for creating and extending meaning, and it is is an imaginative way of describing something by referring to something else which is the same in a particular way.A. personificationB. ironyC. euphemismD. metaphorAnswer: D6. _______refers to a single word form that has several different meanings which are not closely related.A. superordinateA.synonymB.polysemyC.homonymyAnswer: D二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. Techniques for grouping items of vocabulary fall into three general categories: semantic fields, phonological sets and grammatical sets. Grouping items related by topics, for example, types of fruit, belongs to the semantic fields.Answer: T2.Knowing a word involves knowing its meaning, its form and its structure.Answer: F3. It is a relationship between the content of a message, its sender and receiver, its situation and purpose, and how it is communicated.Answer: T4.To understand a word fully, a student must know not only what it refers to, but also where the boundaries are that separate it from words of related meaning.Answer: T第十一章The Teaching and Learning of Grammar一、选择题(每题2分)1.______ is a description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language.A. lexiconB. syntaxC. grammarD. cohesionAnswer: C2.______ is an approach to language teaching in which learners are taught rules and given specific information about a language. They then apply these rules when they use the language. A.deductive learning B. inductive learningC. inference learningD. summarized learningAnswer: A3.______ engages learners in language use, formulating their own meanings in contexts over which they have considerable control, and in so doing, drawing on grammar as an on going resource.A. skill teachingB. product teachingC. process teachingD. theory teachingAnswer: C4.Repetition (choral or individual) is the most often used technique for ______.A.lead-inB. elicitationC. explanationD. accurate reproductionAnswer: D5. The aim of the ______ is to get the learners to perceive the structure --- its form and meaning --- in both speech and writing and to take it into short-term memory.A.isolationB. explanationC. presentationD. practiceAnswer: C二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. It usually takes into account the meanings and functions sentences have in the overall system of the language.Answer: T2.A product perspective on grammar is dynamic.Answer: F3. Accuracy work is only used to give the practice in grammar and vocabulary.Answer: F4. Techniques for lead-in could be brainstorming, questions, discussions, and so on.Answer: T第十二章Teaching Listening一、选择题(每题2分)1. When we listen for a particular purpose, to find information we need to know, the kind of listening we are involved in is called _______ listening.A. centralB. focusedC. bottom-upD. top-downAnswer: B2.Sometimes we listen with no particular purpose in mind, and often without much concentration. This kind of listening is called _______.A. casual listeningB. focused listeningC. extensive listeningD. intensive listeningAnswer: A3.We cannot develop speaking skills unless we also develop _______ skills.A.listeningB. readingC. writingD. understandingAnswer: A4. What should a teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?A.The texts scripted and recorded in the studioB.The texts with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of studentsC. The texts delivered through the accents other than RP or Standard American PronunciationD. The texts including structures and vocabulary beyond the ability level of the students Answer: B二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. An important part of the skill of listening is being able to predict what the speaker is going to say next.Answer: T2. If we ask the class to listen and we ask the questions afterwards, we are helping them improve their listening skill indeed.Answer: F3. Listening activities can only be conducted with the whole class.Answer: F4. When the students listen to recorded materials there is very little opportunity for immediate interaction.Answer: T第十三章Teaching Reading一、选择题(每题2分)1. _______ is the activity we normally engage in when we read books, newspapers, road signs, etc. It involves looking at the sentences and understanding the message they convey.A. reading aloudB. reading for meaningC. silent readingD. reading for informationAnswer: B2. A teacher can use a range of techniques before reading a text which will make it easier for students to understand the text and to help them focus attention on it as they read, and they are: presenting new vocabulary, introducing the text and_______.A. giving guiding questionsB. going through the textC. checking detailed comprehensionD. focusing on important new vocabularyAnswer: A3.When a researcher reads an academic paper to see if it is relevant to his field of interest, which one of the reading skills is he using?A.skimmingB. scanningC. inferringD. inductionAnswer: A4.Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A.rearranging the materialsB. brainstorming the topicC. writing a summary of the textD. giving a quizAnswer: B5. Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage?A.reading to decide on the titleB.reading to sequence the eventsC.reading to fill in the chartsD.reading to summary the passageAnswer: A二、判断题(每题1.5分)1. There are no major differences between how one reads in one’s mother tongue and how one reads in a foreign language.Answer: F2. To understand a word, you have to read all the letters in it; to understand a sentence you have to read all the words in it.Answer: F3. In order to understand a text well, it is absolutely necessary to understand every word in the first place.Answer: F4. Through reading the students not only learn new language, but also develop their reading skills. Answer: T第十四章Teaching Speaking一、选择题(每题2分)1. In real communication we have a ________ for using the language and we use a variety of language form to achieve our communicative purposes.A. purposeB. methodC. wayD. principleAnswer: A2. Natural conversation outside the classroom is ________ .A. intentionalB. spontaneousC. dynamicD. staticAnswer: B3. Fluency activities usually form what is called the ________ stage of the lesson.A. preparationB. endingC. revision D productionAnswer: D。

Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job.“It’s hard work,”he says,“but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’faces.”

《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之一答案和评分标准Part I. Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%, two points each1.the teaching of English as a foreign language2.reading, writing, translation3. a functional-notional4.Sociolinguistics5.without any conscious learning6.generative-transformational grammar7.Total Physical Response, Community Language Learning, Suggestopedia8.Structural syllabus, Topic syllabus, Functional syllabus, Situational syllabus, Skills syllabus9.the needs assessment or diagnosis, formulation of objectives, selection of content10.knowing a languagemunicativemunicative Language Teaching13.different functions, different characteristics14.students‟ communicative competence15.CLT—Communicative Language TeachingPart II Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%, two points each1. T2. T3. T 4 F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. FPart III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it. [The original text is provided for the reference of markers]Sustainable development: China‟s choice for the 21st century What will the earth look like in the 21st century?As acid rain, ozone depletion, and soil erosion destroy the earth‟s environment and as the negative effects of economic development, such as decreased forest coverage, over-exploration of marine resources and shrinking farmland become more obvious, people have grown concerned about their future living space.In 1987, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland introduced the term …sustainable development‟in her report entitled Our Common Future to the World Environment and Development Council.The United Nations Environment and Development Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, accepted the new term and passed the framework document called “Agenda 21”.The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy. It proved that development and environmental protection had finally achieved equal importance.It is universally acknowledged that the problem of environmental protection and improvement will be solved only when it is considered in the context of development.At that very conference, Chinese Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Chinese government,vowed China would seriously fulfill its international obligations. Two years later, in July 1994, China enacted Agenda 21 of China and the Plan for Priority Projects in China’s Agenda 21.It is of great international and historic significance for China, with the world‟s largest population and its long history, to carry out a strategy of sustained development, remarked Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Environment and Development Conference.DATAThe Key Points of Agenda 21 of ChinaFollowing are the main points of the Agenda.Part One: Overall Sustainable Development Strategies. This part emphasizes capacity building for sustainable development. It includes setting up China‟s system of sustainable development, improving education, developing science and technology, and establishing an information system for sustainable development.Part Two: Social Sustainable Development. This part includes population control, consumption by inhabitants, social services, poverty elimination, health, sanitation, sustainable development of human settlement, and disaster relief. The key aspects are to control China‟s population growth and improve population quality.Part Three: Economic Sustainable Development. This part includes economic policies for sustainable development, such as sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy; sustainable development of industry, transportation, and telecommunications; and sustainable energy production and consumption.Part Four: Rational Resource Use and Environmental Protection. This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, land and other natural resources; the protection of bio-diversity; the prevention and control of desertification; the protection of the atmosphere; and the environmentally sound management of solid wastes.Pre-reading activities (10%)five points for each ac tivity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible pre-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)●Reflect on the title or the topic●State what they already know about the topic●State what they would like to know about the topic●Write their own questions that they want the text to answer●Answer the teacher‟s general questions about the text type or topic (oral or written)●Brainstorm the topic in groups or whole class●Guess the topic by looking at key words from the textWhile-reading Activities (30%)ten points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasonsfor your design”, five points for each partThe following are possible while-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Skim reading to get the gist (main idea of the text●Locating specific information●Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture●Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text●Drawing a diagram to show the text structure●Answering factual questions on the text●Answering inferring questions on the text (reading between the line)●Putting the events in correct order●Stating if statements given about the text are true or false●Working out the meaning of words or phrases in the text from the context●Examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to●Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order●Giving sections of a text appropriate headings●Giving the text an appropriate titlePost-reading activities(10%)five points each activity, which are further divided be tween “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible post-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Oral discussion of the topic of the text●Role-play a different situation from the text but using the same characters, or role-play thesame situation as in the text but using the different characters●Writing a summary of the main content of the text●Comment on the content of the text●Retelling the story of the text●Finishing the story (orally or ion writing), that means either predicting an ending or changingthe ending to one of your own choice●Listening to or reading some supplementary materials.。

2020 ~2021学年第1 学期《英语教学法》课程期末考试B卷课程所在学院:外国语学院适用专业班级:英语考试形式:闭卷Part Ⅰ Multiple-choice (20 questions, 2 points each, 40 points in total) Directions: Decide on the correct answer and write it down on the Answer Sheet.1. Which is not the cause of an error? _____A. overgeneralizationB. under-generalizationC. simplificationD. deduced errors2. Which does not belong to cognitive strategies?A. resourcingB. self-managementC. translationD. inferencing3. Which one of the characters DOES NOT belong to a good language learner?A. Be creative and experiment with languageB. learns to live with errors and learn from errorsC. recites words without understandingD. seeks out all opportunities to use the target language4. In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.A. the top-down modelB. the bottom-up modelC. the interactive modelD. all of the above5. Which of the following activities is the most suitable for group work? _____A. guessing gameB. story tellingC. information-gapD. drama performance6. Which of the following does NOT represent a “p” of three-p model? _____A. presentationB. practiceC. pre-readingD. production7. Which of the following is NOT true about the assessment in language teaching? _____A. Testing does not equate with assessment.B. Summative assessment focuses on the process of learning.C. The students themselves should be given the chance to evaluate their own performance.D. Assessment means to discover what the learners know and can do at certain stage of the learning process.8. In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning? ___A. unit planningB. half a semester planningC.one semester planningD. whole course planning9. Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?A. Tailoring message to competenceB. ParaphrasingC. Using fillers and hesitation devicesD. Appealing for help10. According to the _____ theory represented by Vygotsky, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners.A. behavioristB. socio-constructivistC. cognitiveD. interactional11. What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons? ___A. using videotapesB. using sheetsC. using checklistsD. above all12. If the _________for a listening activity are not clear,the students will not understand what they are supposed to do and how to do itA. instructionsB. audio materialsC. printed pagesD. goals13. ________ involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.A. literature reviewB. questionnaireC. action researchD. classroom observation14. Interference errors are caused by the influence of the ________.A. native languageB. the target languageC. foreign languageD. the second language15. The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of aim, variety, flexibility, _____, and linkage.A. typeB. learnabilityC. attitudeD. language16. _____ are most frequently used in mechanical practice.A. substitution drills and speaking drillsB. speaking drills and transformation drillsC. transformation drills and comprehension drillsD. substitution drills and transformation drills17. Which of the principles and models for teaching reading is false? _____A. bottom-up modelB. top-down modelC. interactive modelD. medium-model18. Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and _____.A. teaching planningB. language teachingC. assessmentD. micro planning19. In a typical audio lingual lesson the procedures are followed in the order of _____.A. imitation, recognition and repetition, pattern drills and follow-up activitiesB. recognition, imitation and pattern drills, repetition and follow-up activitiesC. imitation, recognition, pattern drills and repetition and follow-up activitiesD. recognition, imitation and repetition, pattern drills and follow-up activities20. The Silent Way is considered suitable for_________.A. more advanced learnersB. beginnersC. more advanced classes as well as for students at the beginning stagesD. learners interactions with each otherPart Ⅱ. Term Explanation (4 terms, 5 points each, 20 points in total) Direction: Please explain the following terms in details and write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.1. curriculum2. interactional view of language3. communicative competence4. formative assessmentPart Ⅲ. Open Questions (4 questions, 10 points each, 40 points in total) Direction: Please answer the questions in details and write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.1. What are the major components of a teaching plan? Explain in details.2. What roles should a language teacher assume? List them and explain at least 5 of them in details.3. What are the major procedures of a listening lesson? Explain with examples in details.4. Talk about TBLT (task-based language teaching) in details, like its definition, advantage, procedures and so on, with concrete examples.2020 ~2021学年第1 学期《英语教学法》课程期末考试B卷答案Part ⅠMultiple-choice (40 points)1-5DBCAD 6-10 CBDBB 11-15DACAB 16-20DDDDAPart Ⅱ. Term Explanation (20 points)1.Curriculum refers to a specific document of a language program developed for a particular country or region, which provides: ①general statements about the rationale about language, language learning and language teaching; ②detailed specification of aims, objectives and targets learning purpose; ③implementations of a program. In some sense, a syllabus is part of a curriculum.2. The interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and for performing social transactions between individuals. The target of language learning in the interactional view is learning to initiate and maintain conversations with other people.3. Communicative competence includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. Speakers not only have to know functional meaning of the language butalso the social context where the message is given. There are five components of communicative competence, namely, linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency.4. Formative assessment is based on information collected in the classroom during the teaching processes for the purposes of improving teaching and learning, therefore, it is sometimes termed as classroom assessment as well.Part Ⅲ. Open Questions (40 points)1.Background information, teaching objective, difficult/important points, teaching methodology, teaching aids, teaching procedure (lead-in, pre-, while-, post-), teaching reflection2. There are a variety of roles to play, such as controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, resource provider, and participant and so on.3. Pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening4. Omitted。

练习题一:选择题1.在英语教学中,教师应该注重培养学生的哪方面能力?A) 听力能力B) 口语能力C) 阅读能力D) 写作能力2.在教学设计上,王蔷英语教学法强调的是什么原则?A) 学科性原则B) 系统性原则C) 问题性原则D) 个别性原则3.在英语课堂上,教师应该注重培养学生的自主学习能力,鼓励他们进行自主探究。
这体现了王蔷英语教学法中的哪个概念?A) 情景教学B) 任务型教学C) 情感教育D) 评价教学练习题二:填空题1.王蔷英语教学法注重培养学生的综合语言能力,包括________、________、________和________等方面的能力。

《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之一(开卷考试)Part I. Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%1.TEFL is the abbreviation of_________________________.2.The grammar-Translation Method focuses on ______________, ________________ and___________3.The Threshold Level, edited by van Ek, is a good example of ______________ syllabus.4.The study of the relationship between language and society, including the social functionslanguage fulfils in a society is called____________.nguage acquisition means mastering a language ____________.6.According to Chomsky’s ___________________, language is not learnt merely by copyingwhat is said or written; learners have to be given the chance to experiment with language, try out things for themselves, generate their own sentences and have the opportunity to make mistakes.7.List three language teaching methods that belong to the Humanist School__________,_________, and _____________.8.List five types of syllabus: ______________, _____________, _______________,_____________, __________________.9.In Taba’s model of curriculum processes, the first stage is _______________, the second stageis _______________ and the third stage is_______________.10.Knowing how to make correct sentences is only one part of what we meanby__________________.11.Linguistic forms are related to __________________ functions.12.CLT is the abbreviation of __________________.13.Spoken language and written language exist to fulfill _________________- anddemonstrate________________.14.The goal of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop______________________.15.Authenticity is also a characteristic of _________________.Part II Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%1.According to the Grammar-Translation method, the syllabus is designed around grammaticalstructures.2.The main aim of a functional-notional syllabus is on communication.3.Drills alone cannot meet communicative needs in real life.4.The chief advantage of Community Language Learning is that students can say whatevercomes to their mind, not caring for their own language proficiency level.5. A textbook with such course design as Unit 1 Entertainment, Unit 2 Sport, Unit 3 Religion,etc. is based on a situational syllabus.6.Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions and sentencesstructures so as to communicate properly in real life.7.Spoken language differs from written language in terms of communicative functions as wellas linguistic characteristics.8.The language is natural, so the authenticity of language is most important in CLT.9.By saying that the teacher is an assessor we mean that he only makes correction and gradingbut not gives feedback and advice.municative activities concentrate on the content as well as the language form.Part III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it.Sustainable development: China’s choice for the 21st century What will the earth look like in the 21st century?As acid rain, ozone depletion, and soil erosion destroy the earth’s environment and as the negative effects of economic development, such as decreased forest coverage, over-exploration of marine resources and shrinking farmland become more obvious, people have grown concerned about their future living space.In 1987, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland introduced the term ‘sustainable development’in her report entitled Our Common Future to the World Environment and Development Council.The United Nations Environment and Development Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, accepted the new term and passed the framework document called “Agenda 21”.The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy. It proved that development and environmental protection had finally achieved equal importance.It is universally acknowledged that the problem of environmental protection and improvement will be solved only when it is considered in the context of development.At that very conference, Chinese Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Chinese government, vowed China would seriously fulfill its international obligations. Two years later, in July 1994, China enacted Agenda 21 of China and the Plan for Priority Projects in China’s Agenda 21.It is of great international and historic significance for China, with the world’s largest population and its long history, to carry out a strategy of sustained development, remarked Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Environment and Development Conference.DATAThe Key Points of Agenda 21 of ChinaFollowing are the main points of the Agenda.Part One: Overall Sustainable Development Strategies. This part emphasizes capacity building for sustainable development. It includes setting up China’s system of sustainable development, improving education, developing science and technology, and establishing an information system for sustainable development.Part Two: Social Sustainable Development. This part includes population control, consumption by inhabitants, social services, poverty elimination, health, sanitation, sustainable development of human settlement, and disaster relief. The key aspects are to control China’s population growth and improve population quality.Part Three: Economic Sustainable Development. This part includes economic policies for sustainable development, such as sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy; sustainable development of industry, transportation, and telecommunications; and sustainableenergy production and consumption.Part Four: Rational Resource Use and Environmental Protection. This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, land and other natural resources; the protection of bio-diversity; the prevention and control of desertification; the protection of the atmosphere; and the environmentally sound management of solid wastes.Pre-reading activitiesActivity 1Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 2Specific steps:Reasons for your design:While-reading ActivitiesActivity 1Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 2Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 3Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Post-reading activitiesActivity 1Specific steps:Reasons for your design:Activity 2Specific steps:Reasons for your design:。
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英语教学法考试题目及答案1.In the past century, language teaching and learning practice has been influenced by three different views on language. What are they? What is their main idea of language?1)Structural view: Language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. To learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules.2)Functional view: Language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions3) Interactional view: Language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. Learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them.1.List different views on language learning.Behaviorist theory Cognitive theory Constructivist theory Socio-constructivist theory 2.What are the qualities of a good language teacher?ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles.How can one become a good language teacher?Wallace’s Reflective modelStage 1: language development Stage 2: learning, practice, reflection goal:development of professional1). learn from others' experience2). learn received knowledge3). learn from one's own experiencepseudo practice and The real classroom teaching3.What is communicative competence?Communicative competence include both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations .Five components of communicative competence:Linguistic competence, Pragmatic competence , Discourse competence, Strategic competence, Fluency4.What is CLT? Comment on CLT.Communicative Language Teaching is an approach to teaching of foreign language that emphasize interaction as both the means and ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as "communicative approach to the teaching of foreign" or simply the "communicative approach".5.What is TBLT? Comment on TBLT.Task-based Language Teaching,TBLT is a further development of CLT. It shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching。
Task is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life,at work.at play and in between.4 component:a purpose,a context,a process,a product.6.What are the limitations of CLT & TBLT under the Chinese foreign language setting? Problems with CLT :1.The very first and forceful argument is whether it is culturally appropriate2.The second problem of CLT relate to the design the syllabus for teaching purpose in the classroom.3.The third problem is that whether such an approach is suitable for all age level of learners or all competence level of learners.Constraints of TBLTThe first is it may not be effective for presenting new language itemsThe second constraint is Time as teachers have to prepare task-based activities very carefully.The third is the culture of learningThe forth is Level of difficulty7.The main components of the English teaching objectives in the National English Curriculum. The overall language ability required in the 2001 National English Curriculum includes the following aspects language knowledge, language skills, learning strategies, affects and cultural understanding.8.What is a lessen plan? Why is it important?A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve itProper lesson plan is essential for both novice and experienced teachers. Language teachers benefit from lesson planning in a number of ways.1. Makes teachers aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson, so as to plan the activities and choose the techniques accordingly;2.Helps teachers distinguish the various stages of a lesson and see the relationship between them so that the activities of different difficulty levels can be arranged properly and the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another;3.Gives teachers the opportunity to anticipate potential problems so that they can be prepared;4.4. Gives teachers, esp. novice ones, confidence in class;5. Raises teachers’ awareness of the teaching aids needed;11.List the principles for good lesson planning.1.Aim:2.Variety:3.Flexibility4.Learnability5. Linkage9.What is bottom-up model and top-down model? How to apply them to language learning? Bottom-up model Reading follows a linear process from the recognition of letters to words, to phrases, to sentences, to paragraphs, and then to the meaning of the whole text. 2. Top-down model One’s background knowledge plays a mo re important role than new words and structures in reading comprehension. Reading is ‘a psycholinguistic guessing game’10.L ist the principles for teaching speaking.1)Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices 2)Contextualizing practice 3)Personalizing practice 4)Building up confidence 3)Maximizing meaningful interactions 5)Helping ss develop speaking strategies 6)Making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for students (159)11.L ist the principles and models for teaching reading.Principles for teaching reading (184) 1. The selected texts and attached tasks should beaccessible to the ss. 2. Tasks should be clearly given in advance. 3. Tasks should be designed to encourage selective and int elligent reading for the main meaning rather than ss’ understanding of trivial details. 4. Tasks should help develop ss’ reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension. 5. The teacher should help ss develop reading strategies and reading ability in general. 6. The teacher should provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning but gradually withdraw guidance as ss progress.Models for teaching reading 1. Bottom-up model 2. Top-down model 3. Interactive model 12.What is the communicative approach to writing? What is the process approach to writing? Try to comment on them.Ss are motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements. With different audiences and different purposes, the writing piece could vary greatly. Writing activities can be “writing for learning”, “writing for communication” and somewhere between.T he ‘process approach’(过程研究法is defined as 'an approach to the teaching of writing which stresses the creativity of the individual writer, and which pays attention to the development of good writing practices rather than the imitation of models'.16.What is the simple integration and what is the complex integration?Simple integration: integration within the same medium (either oral or written), from receptive to productive skillsComplex integration: constructing a series of activities that use a variety of skillsWhy integrate the four skills?When we communicate, we often use more than a single language skill. What skills do we need in our daily communication? Integrating the skills means that we are working at the level of realistic communication, which is the aim of communicative approach and an integral part of essential conditions for language learning.13.W hat are the limitations of integrating the skills?Benefit: help the development of ss’ communicative competence;Limitations: 1. no separate focus on individual aspects of vocabulary, grammar and skills 2. Integration can be demanding of the teacher. 3. The problem of designing suitable materials that take into account ss’ different skill levels.14.D esign a 45-minute teaching plan for any type of lesson, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.。