快速使用手册1. 简介手册中介绍I-7550基本的安装与快速的使用方法,详细内容可参阅产品光盘中的I-7550使用手册(路径为”CD:\PROFIBUS\Converter\I-7550\manual\I-7550 user manual.pdf ”)。
本手册主要是协助用户快速熟悉I-7550模块及I-7550于PRO-FIBUS 与RS-232/422/485通讯信息转换的应用,此处采用hilscher CIF50-PB PROFIBUS 主站通讯适配卡及一个I-7550模块,构成一个PROFIBUS to RS-232转换器的简单应用范例,通信架构如下图。
PROFIBUS to RS-232转换器应用范例当I-7550从PC 的COM Port 接收到一笔信息时,可将该信息转换至PROFIBUS 主站设备中的数据输入区,同理,从PROFIBUS 主站设备中的数据输出区,输出一笔信息时,I-7550也会将该信息转换至PC 的COM Port 输入。
2. 硬件配置PROFIBUS连接建议采用标准PROFIBUS电缆线及标准PROFIBUS 9-PIN D型接头,设备连接仅须要使用PROFIBUS电缆上的D型接头,连接PROFIBUS主站设备与I-7550模块,如下图。
I-7550模块地址设定I-7550属于PROFIBUS通讯中的从站设备,通讯地址可从内部的DIP SWITCH设定,将I-7550上盖板打开,即可看到DIP SWITCH,如下图,在此将其设定为1,设定范围为0~126。
LED状态显示灯号名称状态描述PWR闪烁电源供应正常,I-7550 COM端口正进行数据传送或接收持续亮灯电源供应正常,I-7550运作正常熄灭电源异常ERR闪烁装置异常,有故障诊断信息持续亮灯与PROFIBUS主站联机异常或PROFIBUS系统配置不正确熄灭与PROFIBUS主站完成系统配置,功能正常运作RUN 持续亮灯已进入数据交换模式,功能正常运作熄灭未进入数据交换模式3. I-7550通讯流程任何DP-Master要与I-7550联机时,必须经过下列步骤才能够正常的与I-7550进行沟通。
艾维通 BB-USOPTL4-2P 4P 4 通道 RS-232 转以太网转换器 使用手册说明书
IntroductionIndustrial and commercial measurement and control systems often have stand-alone devices with unused serial ports. Advantech BB-ESRx Serial Servers allow you to connect those ports to your existing LAN or WAN, giving you access to more information and the ability to configure, manage and troubleshoot those devices from a control room, office or distant location via a WAN. Save the cost, time and trouble of carrying a laptop out to devices located in distant, dirty or uncomfortable environments.BB-ESRx Serial Servers are built for industrial environments, featuring an IP30, slim line, DIN rail mountable case. They operate from a range of voltages using AC or DC power, feature terminal block power connectors and even support redundant DC power. An external power source is required (not included, sold separately).Connect a serial device to the BB-ESRx serial port and connect the BB-ESRx to your LAN. Your networked computer ‘sees’ the device over the network as a virtual serial connection. BB-ESRx serial servers support TCP or UDP protocols and allow Transmit-to and Receive-from multiple IP addresses. There are four methods of configuration: Vlinx Management Software, Web Server, Telnet, or a direct RS-232 console connection using a terminal program.Operation(For more information, see user manual on CD.)Vlinx™ Manager software allows easy access to the serial server to configure the server and its ports, upgrade firmware and monitor port status and activity. When the Vlinx Manager opens, it searches for and displays all serial servers on the network. The Monitor Port feature allows you to use any PC on the LAN/WAN to actively view and troubleshoot communications status. It shows when there is a client connectionto the server and the client IP address. It displays the number of bytes transmitted and received, as well as the status of the hardware handshaking lines.BB-ESRx serial servers can be accessed and configured from any web browser (ie, Internet Explorer) on the LAN/WAN allowing you to remotely manage the software and your serial device and do off-site troubleshooting.Vlinx Serial Servers provide automatic resumption of the TCP data connection in caseof a power failure or loss of an Ethernet connection on either the client or server. Once the Heartbeat connection is established, the server sends a signal to the client every five seconds until communication is re-established. Without this feature, a device that loses a connection and stops communicating would not be able to reconnect without a person physically attending to the problem. The Heartbeat feature works with virtual COM and TCP direct IP connections.• Ethernet enable 1, 2 or 4 serial ports• Data rate: 110 to 230.4 kbps• Wide operating temperature range: -10 to +80 °C• IP30 DIN rail mount case• RS-232/422/485 full-duplex and half-duplex• Auto detects 10/100 Mbps Ethernet• External power source required (not included, sold separately)FeaturesAccessories – Sold SeparatelyBB-MDR-40-12 – Power Supply, 12 Vdc, 40 W, 3.33 A, DIN rail mount, plastic BB-ESR904BB-ESR901 BB-ESR902 BB-ESR904。
rs232通信协议 使用版
波特率9600 bit / s,8bit ,1位停止位,无校验位格式EBH,地址,命令,数据长度,数据1,...数据n,冗余EBH:为帧起始位,以二进制表示为:1110 1011地址:设备的通讯代号,出厂时已设定好,用户不能修改,同一型号的所有设备共用一个相同的地址。
计算方法为:冗余 = 地址 + 命令 + 数据长度 + 数1 +…数N如果冗余= EBH,则发送反码,即冗余= 14H;若冗余有进位,则将进位取消只取低八位即可。
例:冗余=2AH+01H+01H+F3H=11FH 则将进位取消即为冗余=1FH。
回送信息当转换器接收命令正确但无此命令时,回送信息为:EBH, 地址,命令,01H,F1H,冗余。
当转换器接收缓冲区数据溢出时,回送信息为:EBH, 地址,命令,01H,F4H,冗余。
当转换器接收命令的冗余不正确时,回送信息为:EBH, 地址,命令,01H,F5H,冗余。
当转换器接收命令正确且设备在允许远程控制时,回送信息为:EBH, 地址,命令,01H,FAH,冗余。
DA-2000 E1 V.35 RS232 协议转换设备 用户手册说明书
DA-2000 E1/ V.35/RS232协议转换设备用户手册安全使用须知本设备在设计使用范围内具有良好可靠的性能,但仍应避免人为对设备造成的损害或破坏。
◆ 仔细阅读本手册,并保存好本手册,以备将来参考用。
◆ 不要将设备放置在接近水源或潮湿的地方。
◆ 不要在电源电缆上放任何东西,不要将电缆打结或包住,并应将其放在不易碰到的地方。
◆ 电源接头以及其它设备连接件应互相连接牢固,请经常检查。
◆ 请注意设备清洁,必要时可用软棉布擦拭。
◆ 在下列情况下,请立即断开电源,并与公司联系。
◆ 请不要自己修理设备,除手册中有明确指示外。
注 意本手册任何部分不得复印,翻制或以任何形式在网络中发送,除非得到本公司的书面许可。
版本号:V2.0日期:2006年3月目录一.系统概述 (1)二.主要特点 (1)三.技术参数 (1)3.1.2048Kbit/s接口电气特性 (1)3.2.V.35接口 (2)3.3.RS232接口 (2)3.4.供电条件 (2)3.5.工作环境 (3)3.6.外形尺寸 (3)四.设备外观 (3)五.开关设置 (4)5.1.功能开关设置 (4)5.2.时隙开关设置 (6)5.3.接口阻抗设置 (7)5.4.V.35/V.24接口选择设置 (8)六.接口定义 (8)6.1.75ΩE1接口定义 (8)6.2.120ΩE1接口定义 (9)6.3.V.35接口定义 (9)6.4.RS232接口定义 (10)七.应用方案 (11)八.随机配件 (11)九.产品保修说明 (11)一.系统概述DA-2000 E1/V.35/RS232转换设备是我公司自主研发生产的高性能产品,它将透明E1转换为V.35或者RS232的异步数据接口的接口转换设备,本设备V.35接口可以连接DCE或DTE两种工作方式的设备,RS232接口只支持异步RS232数据,可支持的最高异步速率为115200bit/s。
二、连接方式1. 直连:用于近距离(小于15米)的设备间通信,如计算机与串口设备的连接。
2. 交叉连接:用于连接两个具有不同电气特性或端接电阻的设备,如PC与调制解调器或两个PC之间的连接。
3. 转换器连接:通过转换器实现不同电气特性的设备之间的通信,如通过RS232转USB转换器连接PC和串口设备。
三、通信参数1. 波特率:通信速率,常见的波特率有9600、19200、115200等,需要根据设备和协议的要求进行设置。
2. 数据位:用于传输数据的有效位数,常见的有5、6、7、8位。
3. 停止位:用于表示一个字符的结束,常见的停止位有1位和2位。
4. 奇偶校验:用于错误检测,可以选择奇校验或偶校验。
四、数据传输1. 发送数据:将需要发送的数据按照规定的通信参数进行格式化,通过TXD线发送出去。
2. 接收数据:从RXD线接收数据,并进行相应的格式化处理,得到需要的数据。
五、注意事项1. 在连接设备时,需要确保接口的引脚定义与设备的电气特性相匹配。
2. 在长时间未使用时,应将设备的电源关闭,以避免接口和设备损坏。
3. 在进行数据传输时,应确保设备的波特率、数据位、停止位和奇偶校验等参数设置正确。
ST-7799 RS232-局域网接口转换器使用说明
RJ45 接串口电源
串口第2脚:TXD 发送
串口第3脚:RXD 接收
Moxa TCC-100 100I 系列工業級 RS-232 轉 RS-422 485 轉換器说明书
規格Serial InterfaceBaudrate50bps to921.6kbps(supports non-standard baudrates)Connector Terminal blockIsolation TCC-100I/100I-T:2kV(-I model)No.of Ports2Pull High/Low Resistor for RS-4851kilo-ohm,150kilo-ohmsRS-485Data Direction Control ADDC®(automatic data direction control)Serial Standards RS-232,RS-422,RS-485Terminator for RS-485N/A,120ohms,120kilo-ohmsSerial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDPower ParametersInput Current TCC-100/100-T:50to85mA@12to48VDCTCC-100I/100I-T:150mA@12to48VDCInput Voltage12to48VDCNo.of Power Inputs1Overload Current Protection SupportedPower Connector Terminal block(for DC models)Power Consumption TCC-100/100-T:50to85mA@12to48VDCTCC-100I/100I-T:150mA@12to48VDCPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions67x100.4x22mm(2.64x3.93x0.87in)IP Rating IP30Weight148g(0.33lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting(with optional kit),Wall mounting Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-20to60°C(-4to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:3V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:1kV;Signal:0.5kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:150kHz to80MHz:3V/m;Signal:3V/mIEC61000-4-8PFMFEnvironmental Testing IEC60068-2-1IEC60068-2-2IEC60068-2-3Safety EN60950-1,IEC60950-1Vibration IEC60068-2-6MTBFTime3,017,857hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /tw/warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x TCC-100/100I Series converterInstallation Kit1x DIN-rail kit1x rubber standCable1x terminal block to power jack converterDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty card尺寸訂購資訊Model Name Isolation Operating Temp. TCC-100–-20to60°C TCC-100-T–-40to85°C TCC-100I P-20to60°C TCC-100I-T P-40to85°C配件(選購)DIN-Rail Mounting KitsDK35A DIN-rail mounting kit,35mmPower CordsCBL-PJTB-10Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cable©Moxa Inc.版權所有.2020年4月14日更新。
NGI NE101 GPIB-RS232 转换器 用户手册说明书
同时为了保证安全以及 NE101 的正便使用时查阅。
NGI | NGI NE101 GPIB-RS232 转换器
Transceptor universal inalámbrico de RS232 a USBU D ispositivo paracomunicación inalámbrica 232, convierte cualquier RSU I nterfaz inalámbrica USB directamente a PC U U n módulo receptor inalámbrico opera múltiples módulos transmisores inalámbricos U (GHz 2,4ISM) Soporte para transceptor de RF U R ango de RF: Hasta 40 m (130') en interiores/urbano [hasta 120 m (400') en exteriores/línea de visión]Los transmisores inalámbricos de la Serie WRS232 le permiten convertir una conexión RS232 estándar para que funcione inalámbricamente. Es un sistema de dos partes, el WRS232 convierte la señal RS232 estándar en una inalámbrica, mientras el receptor WUSB convierte la señal inalámbrica en una conexión USB estándar.Especificaciones Transmisor inalámbrico I nterfaz del dispositivo : Conector RS232 de RJ12 a DB9 incluido Comunicación RS232: Soporte para transmisor 9600 BPSRF:ISM 2,4 GHz, espectroensanchado por secuencia directa Paquete de datos RF estándar: Arquitectura de comunicación abierta IEEE 802.15.4Salida de alimentación RF:10 dBm (10 mW)Transmisor inalámbrico WRS232. Adaptador CA UNIV-AC-100/240opcional, se vende por separado.Receptor inalámbrico WUSB.Ambos modelos se muestran en su tamaño realC o nv i e r t ed e m a n er ai n al ám b r i c ad e R S 232 a U S B W WRS232-USBUsando el transceptor inalámbrico RS232 a USBNota: Debido a las normas de frecuencia de transmisión, este producto únicamente puede ser utilizado en Estados Unidos, Canadá y Europa Completo de serie con software y manual del operador.Ejemplo de pedido: Módulos transmisores y receptores inalámbricos WRS232-USB , cable RS232 con conector RJ12 a DB9,conector macho/macho DB9 y cable USB.Opción de comunicación inalámbrica RS232 para regulador de temperatura iSeries.Voltaje de suministro: Directamente del instrumento central, mediante conexión RJ12 o adaptador CA opcionalCorriente de suministro: 60 mAAdaptador CA: 100 a 240 Vca, 50 a 60 HzTensión de salida: 9 Vcc @ 1,7 AClavija de salida (hembra): Centro positivo, coax. 2,0/5,5/10 mmReceptor inalámbricoInterfaz de PC: Compatible con USB 1.1 y USB 2.0Tipo de cable: USB 4P(A) macho a mini 5P(B) macho 1,8 m (6') de largo incluidoRango de RF: Hasta 40 m (130'): E n interiores/urbano H asta 120 m (400'): E n exteriores/línea de visión Condiciones de entorno operativo: 0 a 50 °C, 0 a 90% de HR (sin condensado)Dimensiones: 70 de largo x 51 de ancho x 20 mm de altura (2,75 x 2 x 0,80")Termómetro infrarrojo manual Serie OS533 con opción inalámbrica RS232.Transmisor inalámbrico PATENTEPATENTADORegistrador de gráfico circular Serie CTXLReceptor Transmisor inalámbricoTM。
波士顿波士顿RS232 485到以太网转换器说明书
RS232/485 TO ETHUser ManualFeatures (4)1.Get Start (5)1.1.Application Diagram (5)1.2.Hardware Design (5)1.2.1.Hardware Dimensions (5)1.2.2.LED (6)2.Product Functions (7)2.1.Basic Functions (8)2.1.1.Static IP/DHCP (8)2.1.2.Reset to default settings (8)2.2.Socket functions (9)2.2.1.TCP Client (9)2.2.2.TCP Server (9)2.2.3.UDP Client (10)2.2.4.UDP Server (11)2.2.5.HTTP Client (11)2.2.6.WebSocket (12)2.3.Serial port (13)2.3.1.Serial port basic parameters (13)2.3.2.VCOM Application (13)2.3.3.Flow Control (13)2.3.4.Serial package methods (13)2.3.5.Baud rate synchronization (13)2.4.Features (14)2.4.1.Identity packet function (14)2.4.2.Heartbeat packet function (14)2.4.3.Non-persistent connection (14)2.4.4.Modbus gateway (14)work printing (15)2.4.6.Editable Web Server (15)3.Parameter Setting (16)3.1.Setup software (16)3.2.Web Server (17)3.3.AT command (17)3.3.1.Serial AT command (17)work AT command (17)4.Contact Us (19)5.Disclaimer (20)6.Update History (21)⚫10/100Mbps Ethernet interface and support Auto-MDI/MDIX.⚫Support TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP Client, UDP Server, HTTP Client.⚫Support configuring through Web Server⚫Support RS232 and RS485 and they can work independently.⚫Support RTS/CTS hardware flow control and Xon/Xoff software flow control.⚫Support USR-VCOM.⚫Support Modbus Gateway.⚫Support serial port baud rate 600bps~230.4K bps; support None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space parity way.⚫Support Static IP or DHCP.⚫Support Websocket function.⚫Support Reload button to reset to default settings by hardware way.⚫Support Keep-alive.⚫Support timeout restart function and timeout reconnect function1.GET STARTProduct link: https:///wiki/RS232/485_TO_ETHSetup software: https:///wiki/RS232/485_TO_ETH_Software Demo Code: https:///wiki/File:PC_Socket_Demo.zip1.1.APPLICATION DIAGRAMFigure 1 Application Diagram1.2.HARDWARE DESIGN1.2.1.HARDWARE DIMENSIONSFigure 2 Hardware Dimensions1.2.2.LEDTable 1 LED2. PRODUCT FUNCTIONSThis chapter introduces the functions of USR-TCP232-RS232/485 TO ETH as the following diagram shown, you can get an overall knowledge of it.WebsocketSerial Port DeviceNetworkSerial PortMobus GatewaySerial Port PackagingSocket ASocket BTCPS/TCPC/UDPS/UDPC/HTTPD ClientTCPC/UDPCUSR CLOUDKeep-AliveIdentity PacketSerial Heartbeat Packet Network Heartbeat PacketSerial Port PackagingWebserver Network data TransmissionModbusTCP Gateway AT Command ModeSerial AT Command Parameter Query/SetFigure 3 Product Functions diagram2.1.1.STATIC IP/DHCPThere are two ways for module to get IP address: Static IP and DHCP.Static IP: Default setting of module is Static IP and default IP is When user configures module in Static IP mode, user need set IP, subnet mask and gateway and must pay attention to the relation among IP, subnet mask and gateway.DHCP: Module in DHCP mode can dynamically get IP, Gateway, and DNS server address from Gateway Host. When user connects RS232/485 TO ETH directly to PC, module can’t be set in DHCP mode. Because common computer does not have the ability to assign IP addresses.2.1.2.RESET TO DEFAULT SETTINGSHardware: Power off the RS232/485 TO ETH and press Reload button, then power on the RS232/485 TO ETH and keep pressing Reload button over 5 seconds can reset to default settings.Software: User can also reset to default settings through setup software for RS232/485 TO ETH.AT command: User can send AT+RELD to reset to default settings.RS232/485 TO ETH supports dual sockets mode. Socket A supports TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP Server, UDP Client and HTTP Client. Socket B supports TCP Client and UDP Client.2.2.1.TCP CLIENTFigure 4 TCP ClientTCP Client provides Client connections for TCP network services. TCP Client device will connect to server to realize data transmission between the serial port device and server. According to the TCP protocol, TCP Client has connection/disconnection status differences to ensure reliable data transmission.TCP Client mode supports Keep-Alive function: After establishing connection, RS232/485 TO ETH will send Keep-Alive package in every 15 second to check TCP connection and RS232/485 TO ETH will disconnect and reconnect to server if any connection exception occurs. TCP Client mode also supports baud rate synchronization, USR Cloud and Modbus gateway.RS232/485 TO ETH works in TCP Client mode needs connect to TCP Server and needs set the parameter: Remote IP/Port. RS232/485 TO ETH works in TCP Client won’t accept other connection request except target server and will access server with random local port if configuring local port to SERVERFigure 5 TCP ServerRS232/485 TO ETH works in TCP Server mode will listen network connections and build network connections, commonly be used for communication with TCP clients on a LAN. According to the TCP protocol, TCP Server has connection/disconnection status differences to ensure reliable data transmission.RS232/485 TO ETH works in TCP Server mode will listen local port which user set and build connection after receiving connection request. Serial data will be sent to all TCP Client devices connected to RS232/485 TO ETH in TCP Server mode simultaneously.RS232/485 TO ETH works in TCP Server mode supports 8 client connections at most.RS232/485 TO ETH also supports Keep-Alive function, baud rate synchronization and Modbus gateway.2.2.3.UDP CLIENTFigure 6 UDP ClientUDP transport protocol provides simple and unreliable communication services. No connection connected/disconnected. User only needs to configure Remote IP/Port then can realize data transmission.In UDP Client mode, RS232/485 TO ETH will only communicate with Remote IP/Port. If data don’t from Remote IP/Port, it won’t be receiv ed by RS232/485 TO ETH.In UDP Client mode, if user configure Remote IP to, RS232/485 TO ETH can achieve UDP broadcast to all network segment and receive broadcast data. User can also configure Remote IP to to realize UDP broadcast in same network segment.2.2.4.UDP SERVERFigure 7 UDP ServerIn UDP Server mode, RS232/485 TO ETH will change Remote IP every time after receiving UDP data from a new IP/Port and will send data to latest communication IP/Port.2.2.5.HTTP CLIENTFigure 8 HTTP ClientFigure 9 HTTP ClientSerial DeviceRS232/485TO ETHHTTP ServerHTTP/1.1 200 OKData: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:08:35GMTServer.Apache/2.0.63(Win32)PHP/5.2.4 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.14Cache-Control: max-age=31104000Expires: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 03:25:47GMT Content-Length: 3Connection: close Content-Type:text/htmlABCGET/1.php?data=ABC HTTP/1.1Host: :80 User-Agent:Mozilla/4.0 Connection: closedata=ABCABCIn HTTP Client mode, RS232/485 TO ETH can achieve data transmission between serial port device and HTTP server. User just needs to configure RS232/485 TO ETH in HTTP Client and configure the HTTP header, URL and some other related parameters, then can achieve data transmission between serial port device and HTTP server and don’t need care about the HTTP format of data.2.2.6.WEBSOCKETFigure 10 WebSocketWebSocket function can achieve real-time interaction between RS232 interface and Web Server and display user data on Web Server.2.3.SERIAL PORT2.3.1.SERIAL PORT BASIC PARAMETERS2.3.2.VCOM APPLICATIONFigure 11 Serial port basic parametersUser can download VCOM software from: Figure 14 VCOM applicationhttps:///wiki/RS232/485_TO_ETH_Software.Through this software user can set up connection between RS232/485 TO ETH and virtual serial to solve the problem that traditional equipment PC software used in serial port communication way.2.3.3.FLOW CONTROLRS232/485 TO ETH supports hardware flow control way ( RTS/CTS, only take effect in RS232 mode ) and software flow control way Xon/Xoff.2.3.4.SERIAL PACKAGE METHODSFor network speed is faster than serial. Module will put serial data in buffer before sending it to network. The data will be sent to network side as data package. There are 2 ways to end the package and send package to network side - Time Trigger Mode and Length Trigger Mode.⚫RS232/485 TO ETH serial package time: Default is 4 bytes sending time, range from 0 to 255. ⚫RS232/485 TO ETH serial package length: Default is 1460 bytes, range from 0 to 1460.2.3.5.BAUD RATE SYNCHRONIZATIONWhen module works with USR devices or software, serial parameters will change dynamically according to network protocol. User can modify serial parameters by sending data conformed to specific protocol via network. It is temporary, after restarting DTU, the parameters will back to original parameters.2.4.FEATURES2.4.1.IDENTITY PACKET FUNCTIONFigure 12 Identity Packet application diagramIdentity packet is used for identifying the device when RS232/485 TO ETH works as TCP client/UDP client. There are two methods to send identity packet.⚫Identity packet will be sent after connection is established.⚫Identity packet will be added on the front of every data package.Identity packet can be MAC address or user editable identity packet. User editable identity packet should less than 40 bytes.2.4.2.HEARTBEAT PACKET FUNCTIONHeartbeat packet: RS232/485 TO ETH will output heartbeat packet to serial side or network side periodic. User can configure the heartbeat packet data and sending interval. Serial heartbeat packet can be used for polling Modbus data. Network heartbeat packet can be used for showing connection status and keeping the connection (only take effect in TCP/UDP Client mode).2.4.3.NON-PERSISTENT CONNECTIONRS232/485 TO ETH support non-persistent connection function in TCP Client mode. When RS232/485 TO ETH adopts this function, RS232/485 TO ETH will connect to server and send data after receiving data from serial port side and will disconnect to server after sending all the data to server and no data from serial port side over 3s.2.4.4.MODBUS GATEWAYModbus gateway includes: Modbus transparent transmission, Modbus RTU<=>Modbus TCP protocol conversion, Modbus polling and serial port query.Modbus RTU<=>Modbus TCP: Set RS232/485 TO ETH in TCP Server or TCP Client mode, then user can set RS232/485 TO ETH with ModbusRTU<=>Modbus TCP function. Data transmission diagram as follow:Figure 13 Modbus RTU<=>Modbus TCPModbus polling: RS232/485 TO ETH support Modbus polling function.Figure 14 Modbus pollingWORK PRINTINGThe network printing function is similar to the printer server. Through the existing printing driver, it can be modified slightly and realize the network printing function by the original serial printer.2.4.6.EDITABLE WEB SERVERRS232/485 TO ETH supports modifying the Web Server based on template according to needs, then using related tool to upgrade. If user has this demand can contact to our salespersons for Web Server source and tool.3.PARAMETER SETTINGThere are three ways to configure RS232/485 TO ETH. They are setup software, Web Server and AT command.3.1.SETUP SOFTWAREUser can download setup software fromhttps:///wiki/RS232/485_TO_ETH_SoftwareWhen user want to configure the RS232/485 TO ETH by setup software, user can run setup software, search RS232/485 TO ETH in same LAN and configure the RS232/485 TO ETH as follow:Figure 15 Setup softwareAfter researching RS232/485 TO ETH and clicking RS232/485 TO ETH to configure, user need log in with user name and password. Default user name and password both are admin. If user keep the default parameters, it is not necessary to log in.3.2.WEB SERVERUser can connect PC to RS232/485 TO ETH through LAN port and enter Web Server to configure. Web Server default parameters as follow:Table 2 Web server default parametersParameter Default settingsWeb server IP address192.168.0.7User name adminPassword adminAfter firstly connecting PC to RS232/485 TO ETH, user can open browser and enter default IP into address bar, then log in user name and password, user will enter Web Server. Web Server screenshot as follow:Figure 16 Web Server3.3.AT COMMANDWe have specific user manual for AT commands.3.3.1.SERIAL AT COMMANDIn work mode, user can enter AT command mode and send AT commands to module to configure the module.WORK AT COMMANDNetwork AT command is to send a search keyword by broadcast, then set the parameters in a single broadcast way(If user want to use network AT command, module and PC which send thenetwork AT command must in same network segment). If user enter network AT command mode but don’t send any command over 30 seconds, module will exit network AT command mode. User can enter network AT command mode as follow way:Figure 17 Network AT CommandEmail:(order/shipment) *******************(tech support) *********************(complaint) ***********************(apply for distributor) *************************Skype:(order/shipment) sales@waveshare(tech support) service@waveshareWhatsapp: 86-131********Phone: 86-755-82807524Fax: 86-755-83042572Address: Waveshare Electronics 10F, International Science & Technology Building, Fuhong Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen, ChinaWebsite: This document provides the information of USR-TCP232-RS232/485 TO ETH products, it hasn’t been granted any intellectual property license by forbidding speak or other ways either explicitly or implicitly. Except the duty declared in sales terms and conditio ns, we don’t take any other responsibilities. We don’t warrant the products sales and use explicitly or implicitly, including particular purpose merchant-ability and marketability, the tort liability of any other patent right, copyright, intellectual property right. We may modify specification and description at any time without prior notice.6.⚫2019-05-06 V1.0.0 Established.5/22/19 /wiki21/ 21。
NT8325 RS232协议转换器使用说明书
名称:NT8325 RS232协议转换器
NT8325 RS232协议转换器共四个RS232接口,实现一转三的RS232通讯。该产品满足控制器传输设备通讯协议的要求。RS232-0接收火灾报警控制器传输设备接口发来的信息,RS232-1、RS232-2、RS232-3接口将接收到的信息转发给下一级的接收设备。每个RS232接口均设有通讯指示灯,指示对应接口的通讯状态。
目录一、性能指标2二、安装与维护 2三、指示灯说明 3四、模块设置 3五、PROFIBUS地址设置 6六、PROFIBUS-DP终端电阻的连接7七、PROFIBUS-DP从站配置7八、报文格式8九、注意事项8本模块是PROFIBUS-DP现场总线协议与RS232协议之间相互转换的桥。
可以实PROFIBUS-DP 数据与RS232协议数据之间相互转换。
一、性能指标:●符合PROFIBUS-DP/V0协议(JB/T 10308.3-2001:测量和控制数字数据通信工业控制系统用现场总线第3部分:PROFIBUS规范)。
●PROFIBUS 输入/输出(I/O)长度可自由设定,最大输入长度和最大输出长度之和为240字节。
二、安装与维护:1、将模块嵌入35MM标准DIN槽内(外型尺寸:112 x70 x40 mm,重量:200g)。
2、接线图:如图所示,电源端子:电源连接端口24V ——接24V 直流电源正端 0——24V 直流电源地——保护地DP 插座:PROFIBUS-DP 连接端口 脚1——屏蔽地 脚3——接信号B 脚5——接信号电源地 脚6——接信号电源正脚8——接信号ARS232插座:RS232连接端口 脚1——接屏蔽地脚2——RXD 脚3——TXD 脚5——信号地3、故障分析⑴、如果电源指示灯不亮,则电源正、负接反了。
RS232-Ethernet 接口说明书
Interface KitRS232 - EthernetInstruction ManualKit de interfaz Ethernet - RS232 Manual de instrucciones Kit d’interfaceRS232 - Ethernet Manuel d’utilisation Schnittstellen-SetRS232 - Ethernet Bedienungsanleitung Kit interfacciaRS232 - Ethernet Manuale di istruzioni RS232 –以太网组件使用说明书인터페이스키트RS232 –이더넷사용설명서INTRODUCTIONThe OHAUS RS232-Ethernet Interface Kit is a unique solution that allows the user to connect a balance to the Ethernet. It can be used with OHAUS products that have the RS232 interface.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS♦Ethernet Interface∙Compliance: IEEE 802.3 compatible∙Connector: RJ-45♦RS232 InterfaceThis Kit uses a male DB9 connector. Pin assignments are shown in the♦Technical Data∙Indoor use only∙Operating Temperature: 0 to 40°C∙Storage Temperature: -10 to 55°C∙Ambient Relative Humidity: maximum relative humidity 80 % for temperatures up to 30°C, decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at40°C, noncondensing∙Altitude: Up to 2000 m∙Power Input: 12VDC 0.5AINTERFACE INSTALLATIONPower on the Kit by connecting the power adapter. Plug the RS232 connector of the kit into the female RS232 connector on the balance. The RS232 configuration is set to 19200-8-N-1, handshake is None. Another RJ-45 connector can be connected to a Local Area Network by a network cable.ETHERNET CONFIGURATIONCAUTION : Invalid or incorrect Ethernet parameters may impact your networksystem or lose network connectivity. Please check with your network administrator before use.To set the Ethernet parameters with web browser1. Make sure the Ethernet Interface Kit is installed properly and network cable isconnected to a computer (PC).2.Set the PC to obtain an IP address automatically as shown below.3. Open the IE Browser and enter the default IP address of the EthernetInterface Kit "" (), the browser will4. Click the "Network Configuration" on the left side, and input the user nameand password. Then click "OK" to proceed.5. Input the Ethernet p arameters in the following page, click “Save Config“ tosave the changes.Note:∙ To use DHCP, enable the DHCP:∙ To use static IP address, disable the DHCP: and then set theEthernet configuration parameters.Ethernet ConnectionThe Interface has a default static IP Address,, and can be changed by following above steps.The Port Number is always 9761 and cannot be changed.Configuration resetIt is recommended to record the IP address since the Ethernet Interface Kit can only set parameter per web by IP address. In case the IP address is lost, it can be reset to the factory setting by following below steps. 1. Power off the kit.2. Short Pin 1 of RS232 connector to the shield with tweezers or other conductivematerial.3. Power on the kit. After 5s, remove the tweezers or other conductive materialused. The kit is now reset to the factory configuration.DIMENSIONSACCESSORIESFor a complete listing of Ohaus printers and other accessories, contact Ohaus Corporation or visit .Pin 1COMPLIANCECompliance to the following standards is indicated by the corresponding mark on FCC Note:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Please note that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Industry Canada NoteThis product complies with Canadian ICES-003.INTRODUCCIÓNEl Kit de interfaz de Ethernet RS232 de OHAUS es una solución única que permite al usuario conectar una balanza a Ethernet. Se puede utilizar con los productos de OHAUS que tienen la interfaz RS232.REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA♦Interfaz Ethernet∙Cumplimiento: Compatible con IEEE 802.3∙Conector: RJ-45♦Interfaz RS232Este Kit utiliza un conector DB9 macho. Las asignaciones de pines se♦Datos técnicos∙Solo para uso en interiores∙Temperatura de funcionamiento: Entre 0 y 40 °C∙Temperatura de almacenamiento: Entre -10 y 55°C∙Humedad relativa ambiente: humedad relativa máxima del 80 % para temperaturas de hasta 30 °C, disminuyendo linealmente a una humedadrelativa del 50 % a 40 °C, sin condensación∙Altitud: Hasta 2000 m∙Potencia de entrada: 12 V CC 0,5 AINSTALACIÓN DE INTERFAZEncienda el Kit conectando el adaptador de corriente. Conecte el conector RS232 del kit en el conector RS232 hembra de la balanza. La configuración de RS232 se establece en 19200-8-N-1, el apretón de manos es Ninguno. Se puede conectar otro conector RJ-45 a una Red de Área Local mediante un cable de red.CONFIGURACIÓN DE ETHERNETPRECAUCIÓN : Los parámetros de Ethernet inválidos o incorrectos puedenafectar su sistema de red o hacer perder la conectividad de la red. Verifique con su administrador de red antes de su uso.Para configurar los parámetros de Ethernet a través de la web. 1. Asegúrese de que el Kit de Interfaz Ethernet está adecuadamenteinstalado y que el cable de red está conectado a un ordenador (PC).2. Configurar el PC para obtener de modo automático una dirección IP (IPaddress) como se muestra a continuación.3.Abra el navegador IE Browser e introduzca la dirección IP (IP address) por defecto del Kit del Interfaz Ethernet "" (), el navegador mostrará la página que4. Hacer clic en "Network Configuration / Configuración de red" situado en el lado izquierdo, e introducir el nombre usuario & la contraseña. Luego haga clic en "OK" para proseguir.5.Introduzca los parámetros de Ethernet en la página siguiente, y haga clic en “Save Config“ (guardar configuración) para guardar los cambios.Nota :∙ Para hacer uso de DHCP, activar el DHCP: ∙Para hacer uso de una Dirección IP estática (static IP address), deshabilitar el DHCP : y luego configure los parámetrosde Ethernet.Conexión de EthernetLa Interfaz tiene una dirección IP estática predeterminada ( y puede cambiarse siguiendo los pasos anteriores.El Número de Puerto es siempre 9761 y no se puede cambiar.Reinicio de la configuraciónSe recomienda registrar la dirección IP dado que el Kit de Interfaz de Ethernet solo puede definir parámetro por web por dirección IP. En el caso de que la dirección IP se pierda, podrá reiniciarse a los ajustes de fábrica mediante los siguientes pasos. 1. Apague el kit.2. Conecte el Pin 1 del conector RS232 al protector usando pinzas u otromaterial conductor.3. Encienda el kit. Después de 5 segundos, quite las pinzas u otro materialconductor que se haya utilizado. El kit ahora se reinició a los ajustes de fábrica.Pin 1DIMENSIONESACCESORIOSPara una lista completa de impresoras y de otros accesorios de Ohaus, póngase en contacto con Ohaus Corporation o visite .CONFORMIDADEl cumplimiento con las normas siguientes se indica por la marca correspondienteCumplimiento de la normativa vigenteEste dispositivo cumple con las normas establecidas en la Parte 15 de la normativa FCC (Normativa de la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones). Su funcionamiento queda sujeto a las dos condiciones siguientes: (1) este dispositivo no debe provocar interferencias nocivas, y (2) este dispositivo debe de ser capaz de soportar las interferencias recibidas, incluidas aquellas interferencias que puedan provocar un funcionamiento inadecuado.Este equipo ha sido probado y ha quedado establecido que cumple con los límites establecidos para dispositivos digitales de Clase B, en cumplimiento del apartado 15 de la normativa FCC (Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones). Estos límites han sido concebidos y diseñados para suministrar una protección razonable contra las interferencias nocivas en instalaciones residenciales. Este equipo usa, genera y puede emitir energías de radio-frecuencia, y, en el caso de no estar instalado y usarse el mismo de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante, pueden producirse interferencias perjudiciales o peligrosas con las comunicaciones por radio. No obstante, no existe garantía alguna de que dichas interferencias no ocurran en una instalación en concreto. Si este equipo provoca interferencias perjudiciales o peligrosas en la recepción de radio o televisión, lo cual puede determinarse encendiendo y apagando el dispositivo, se recomienda que el usuario intente corregir la interferencia llevando a cabo una o varias de las acciones siguientes :- Reorientar o colocar en otro emplazamiento la antena de recepción.- Incrementar la distancia entre el equipo y el receptor.- Conectar el equipo en un enchufe de toma de corriente de un circuito distinto al cual se halle conectado el receptor.- Por favor, consulte con su agente autorizado / concesionario o con un técnico especializado en radio/TV para obtener la ayuda adecuada.EN-6 Interfaz Ethernet RS232 Por favor, nótese que los cambios o modificaciones que no hayan sidoexplícitamente aprobadas por la parte responsable del cumplimiento podrían sercausa de la nulidad de la autorización del usuario para hacer uso del equipo.Nota de Industry CanadaEste producto cumple con la norma ICES-003.GESTIÓN DE RESIDUOSEn cumplimiento con la Directiva Europea 2002/96/EC sobre lagestión de residuos de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - WEEE) este dispositivo no puede ser desechado junto con los residuos domésticos. Estotambién es de aplicación otros países fuera de la Unión Europea, de acuerdo con sus normativas propias de aplicación.Por favor, une vez concluida su vida útil, proceda a la eliminación de este producto de conformidad con las normas aplicables en los puntos de recogida especificados para dispositivos y equiposeléctricos y electrónicos. Si tiene alguna duda o pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con las autoridades responsables o con el distribuidor donde efectuó la compra del dispositivo.En el caso de efectuarse la venta de este dispositivo a terceros (para su uso privado o profesional), también se transfiere la responsabilidad en cuanto al respeto de esta normativa.Para las instrucciones sobre la eliminación de residuos aplicable en Europa, por favor, consulte nuestra página web :/weee.Gracias por contribuir a la protección del medio ambiente.INTRODUCTIONLe kit interface d’Ethernet OHAUS RS232 est une solution unique qui permet àl’utilisateur de se connecter à Ethernet. Il pourrait être utilisé avec les produits OHAUS ayant l’interface RS232.EXIGENCES DU SYSTEME♦ Interface Ethernet∙Conformité: Compatible avec IEEE 802.3∙Connecteur: RJ-45♦Interface RS232Ce kit utilise un connecteur mâle DB9. L’affectation des broches est indiquée♦Données techniques∙Utilisation interne uniquement∙Température de fonctionnement: 0 à 40°C∙Température de stockage: -10 à 55°C∙Humidité relative ambiante: Humidité relative maximale de 80¨% pour les températures atteignant 30°C, baissant linéairement jusqu’à 50 %d’humidité relative à 40°C, sans condensation.∙Altitude: Jusqu’à 2000 m∙Entrée d’alimentation: 12VDC 0.5AINSTALLATION D’INTER FACEAlimenter le Kit en connectant à un adaptateur d’alimentation. Brancher le connecteur RS232 du kit dans le connecter femelle RS232. La configuration RS232 est réglée sur 19200-8-N-1, handshake est None. Un autre connecteur RJ-45 pourrit être connecté au réseau local via un câble réseau.CONFIGURATION D’ETHERNETATTENTION : Les paramètres invalides ou incorrects d’Ethernet pourraientimpacter le système de votre réseau ou perdre la connectivité du réseau. Veuillez vérifier avec votre administrateur réseau avant d’utiliser. Réglage des paramètres Ethernet par le Web. 1. S’assurer que le kit d'interface Ethernet est ins tallé correctement et que le câble réseau est raccordé à l’ordinateur (PC). 2. Paramétrer le PC afin d’obtenir une adresse IP automatiquement comme illustréci-dessous.3. Ouvrir le navigateur Internet Explorer (IE) et saisir l’adresse IP par défaut du kit de l’interface Ethernet « » (), le navigateur affiche la page ci-4. Cliquer « Network Configuration » [configuration réseau] sur le côté gauche et saisir l’utilisateur et le mot de passe. Ensuite, cliquer « OK » pour poursuivre.5. Saisir les paramètres Ethernet dans la page suivante, cliquer « SaveConfig » [sauvegarder configuration ]Remarque : ∙Pour utiliser le protocole DHCP, activer le DHCP∙Pour utiliser une adresse IP statique, désactiver le DHCP :et paramétrer ensuite les paramètres de la configuration Ethernet. Connexion EthernetL’interface a une adresse IP statique par défaut qui est et qui pourrait être changé en suivant les étapes suscités.Le numéro de port est toujours 9761 et il ne peut pas être changé.Réinitialisation de configurationIl est recommandé d’enregistrer l’adresse IP puisque le kit d’interface d’Ethernet pourrait uniquement régler les paramètres suivant le web via l’adresse IP. Sil’adresse IP est égarée, elle pourrait être réinitialisée aux réglages d’usine en suivant les étapes suivantes.1. Eteindre le kit.2. Relier la broche 1 du connecteur RS232 à l’écran avec les pinces ou tout autrematériel conducteur.3. Allumer le Kit. Après 5 s, retirer les pinces ou tout autre matériel conducteurutilisé. Le kit est à présent réinitialisé à la configuration d’usine.Pin 1DIMENSIONSACCESSOIRESPour avoir une liste complète des imprimantes Ohaus et des autres accessoires, contacter l’entreprise Ohaus ou visiter le site .CONFORMITELa conformité aux normes suivantes est indiquée par la marque correspondanteCet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 du règlement du FCC. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) ce dispositif ne doit pas causer d'interférences nuisibles, (2) cet appareil doit accepter touteinterférence reçue, y compris les interférences qui peuvent provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable.Cet équipement a été testé et jugé conforme aux limites d'un dispositif numérique de classe B, conformément à la partie 15 du règlement du FCC. Ces limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre les interférences nuisibles dans une installation résidentielle. Cet équipement génère, utilise et peut émettre des radiofréquences. Si celui-ci n’est pas installé et utilisé conformément aux instructions, il peut provoquer des interférences dans les communications radio. Cependant, il n'y a aucune garantie que des interférences ne puissent pas survenir dans une installation particulière. Si cet équipement provoque des interférences compromettant la réception de la radio ou de la télévision, ce qui peut être vérifiéen allumant et éteignant l'équipement, l'utilisateur est encouragé à essayer de corriger l'interférence par l’une ou plusieurs des mesures suivantes :- Réorienter ou déplacer l'antenne de réception.- Augmenter la distance entre l'équipement et le récepteur.- Connecter l'équipement à une sortie sur un circuit différent de celui sur lequel est branché le récepteur.- Consulter le revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV expérimenté.Bien vouloir noter que les changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de la conformité pourraient annulerl'autorisation d’exploitation de l’appareil par l'utilisateur.Industrie Canada NoteCe produit est conforme à la norme ICES-003.FR-6 RS232- Interface Ethernet MISE AU REBUTEn conformité avec la Directive européenne 2002/96/CE relative aux déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques (DEEE), cet appareil ne peut être éliminé avec les déchets ménagers. Cela vaut également pour les pays hors de l'Union européenne, à raison de leurs exigences spécifiques.Bien vouloir mettre au rebut ce produit, conformément à laréglementation locale, au point spécifié pour les équipementsélectriques et électroniques. Pour toute question, communiquer avec l'autorité responsable ou le distributeur auprès duquel cet appareil a été acheté.Si cet appareil devait être transmis à d'autres parties (pour un usage privé ou professionnel), le contenu de cette réglementation demeure applicable.Pour obtenir des instructions d'élimination en Europe, se reporter à/weee.Merci pour de contribuer à la protection de l'environnement.RS232-Ethernet Schnittstelle DE-1 EINLEITUNGDas OHAUS RS232-Ethernet Schnittstellen-Set ist eine einzigartige Lösung, die es dem Benutzer ermöglicht eine Waage mit dem Ethernet zu verbinden. Es kann mit OHAUS Produkten verwendet werden, die über eine RS232 Schnittstelle verfügen. SYSTEMANFORDERUNGEN♦Ethernet Schnittstelle∙Konformität: IEEE 802.3 kompatibel∙Anschluss: RJ-45♦RS232 SchnittstelleDieses Set verwendet einen DB9 Stecker. Die Pin-Belegung ist in dem♦Technische Daten∙Verwendung nur im Gebäude∙Betriebstemperatur: 0 bis 40°C∙Lagerungstemperatur: -10 bis 55°C∙Relative Umgebungsfeuchtigkeit: maximale relative Feuchtigkeit 80 % bei Temperaturen bis zu 30°C, linear abnehmend auf 50% relativeFeuchtigkeit bei 40°C, keine Betauung∙Höhenlage: Bis zu 2000 m∙Eingangsleistung: 12VDC 0.5ASCHNITTSTELLEN-INSTALLATIONSchalten Sie das Set durch Anschließen des Netzadapters ein. Stecken Sie den RS232 Stecker in die RS232 Buchse der Waage. Die RS232-Konfiguration ist auf 19200-8-N-1 eingestellt, Handshake ist keine.. Ein weiterer RS“§“ Anschluss kann über ein Netzwerkkabel mit einem lokalen Netzwerk verbunden werden.DE-2RS232- Ethernet SchnittstelleETHERNET-KONFIGURATIONACHTUNG : Ungültige oder falsche Ethernet-Parameter können IhrNetzwerksystem beeinflussen oder die Konnektivität verlieren. Bitte prüfen Sie dies mit Ihrem Netzwerkadministrator vor der Verwendung.Um den Ethernet-Parameter über das Internet einzustellen: 1. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Ethernet-Schnittstellen Kit korrekt installiert und das Netzwerkkabel mit einem Computer (PC) verbunden ist. 2. Stellen Sie den PC so ein, dass er automatisch eine IP-Adresse bezieht,so wie es unten gezeigt wird.3. Öffnen Sie den IE-Browser und geben Sie die Standard-IP-Adresse des Ethernet-Schnittstellenkits "" ein (). Der Browser wird die Seite unten4. Klicken Sie in der linken Spalte auf "Netzwerkkonfiguration", und geben Sie Benutzer & Passwort ein. Klicken Sie dann auf "OK", um fortzufahren.5. Geben Sie die Ethernet-Parameter auf der folgenden Seite ein, klicken Sieauf "Konfiguration speichern", um die Änderungen zu speichern.RS232-Ethernet Schnittstelle DE-3Hinweis:∙Um DHCP zu verwenden, aktivieren Sie den DHCP:∙Um eine statische IP-Adresse zu verwenden, deaktivieren Sie DHCP:und legen Sie dann die Ethernet-Konfigurationsparameter fest.Ethernet-VerbindungDiese Schnittstelle hat eine standardmäßige IP-Adresse,, und kann durch folgen der obigen Schritte geändert werden.Die Port-Nummer ist immer 9761 und kann nicht geändert werden. Konfiguration zurücksetzenEs wird empfohlen die IP-Adresse aufzuzeichnen, weil das Ethernet Schnittstellen-Set die Parameter pro Netz nur durch die IP-Adresse festlegen kann. Für den Fall, dass die IP-Adresse verloren gegangen ist, kann es durch die folgenden Schritte auf die Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt werden.1. Schalten Sie das Set aus.2. Schließen Sie Pin 1 des RS232 Steckers an der Abschirmung mit einerPinzette oder einem anderen leitenden Material kurz.3. Schalten Sie das Set ein. Nach 5 Sekunden entfernen Sie die Pinzette oderdas verwendete leitende Material. Das Set ist nun auf die Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt.Pin 1DE-4 RS232-Ethernet Schnittstelle ABMESSUNGENZUBEHÖRFür eine vollständige Liste an Ohaus Druckern und anderem Zubehör, kontaktieren Sie die Ohaus Corporation oder besuchen Sie .RS232-Ethernet Schnittstelle DE-5 BEACHTUNGDie Einhaltung der folgenden Standards wird durch die entsprechende MarkierungDieses Gerät entspricht Teil 15 der FCC-Bestimmungen. Der Betrieb unterliegt den folgenden beiden Bedingungen: (1) Dieses Gerät darf keine schädlichen Störungen verursachen und (2) dieses Gerät muss alle empfangenen Störungen zulassen, einschließlich Störungen, die unerwünschte Betriebszustände verursachenkönnten.Dieses Gerät wurde getestet und erfüllt gemäß Teil 15 der FCC-Bestimmungen die Grenzwerte für ein Gerät der Klasse B. Diese Grenzwerte sind so ausgelegt, dass sie in einer Wohnumgebung einen angemessenen Schutz gegen störende Interferenzen gewährleisten. Dieses Gerät erzeugt und verwendet Hochfrequenzenergie und kann zu Störungen des Funkverkehrs führen, wenn es nicht in Übereinstimmung mit den Anweisungen installiert und verwendet wird. Es gibt jedoch keine Garantie, dass Störungen bei einer bestimmten Installation nicht auftreten. Falls dieses Gerät Störungen des Radio- oder Fernsehempfangs verursacht, die durch Drehen des Geräts untermauert werden können, sollte der Benutzer versuchen, die Störungen durch eine oder mehrere der folgendenMaßnahmen zu beseitigen:- Richten Sie die Empfangsantenne anders aus.- Vergrößern Sie den Abstand zwischen dem Gerät und dem Empfänger.- Schließen Sie das Gerät an eine Steckdose eines anderen Stromkreis als dem des Empfängers an.- Bitten Sie den Händler oder einen erfahrenen Radio-/Fernsehtechniker um Hilfe. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Änderungen oder Modifikationen, die von der für die Einhaltung der Konformität verantwortlichen Partei nicht ausdrücklich genehmigt sind, die Berechtigung des Benutzers zum Betrieb des Geräts erlöschen kann. Industry Canada HinweisDieses Produkt entspricht den kanadischen ICES-003.DE-6 RS232-Ethernet Schnittstelle VERFÜGUNGIn Übereinstimmung mit der europäischen Richtlinie 2002/96/EG für Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte (WEEE) darf dieses Gerät nicht mit dem Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Dies gilt auch für Länder außerhalb der EU, nach deren jeweiligen speziellen Anforderungen.Bitte entsorgen Sie dieses Produkt gemäß den örtlichen Bestimmungen bei einer ausgewiesenen Sammelstelle für elektrische und elektronische Geräte. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie bitte die zuständige Behörde oder den Händler, bei dem Sie dieses Gerät erworben haben.Sollte dieses Gerät an andere Parteien (für private oder berufliche Nutzung) übergeben werden, muss der Inhalt dieser Verordnung ebenfalls weitergegeben werden.Anweisungen zur Entsorgung in Europa finden Sie unter/weee.Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag zum Umweltschutz.INTRODUZIONEIl kit di interfaccia OHAUS RS232-Ethernet è una soluzione unica che consente all'utente di collegare una bilancia all'Ethernet. Può essere usato con i prodotti OHAUS che hanno l'interfaccia RS232.REQUISITI DI SISTEMA♦Interfaccia ethernet∙Compatibilità: IEEE 802.3 compatibile∙Connettore: RJ-45♦Interfaccia RS232Il kit utilizza connettore maschio DB9. Le posizioni dei pin sono mostrate nel♦Dati tecnici∙Solo per uso interno∙Temperatura di funzionamento: da 0 a 40°C∙Temperatura di conservazione: -10 a 55°C∙Umidità relativa dell'ambiente: umidità relativa massima dell'80% per temperature fino a 30°C, diminuendo al 50% dell'umidità relativa a 40°∙Altitudine: Fino a 2000 m∙Ingresso alimentazione: 12VDC 0.5AINSTALLAZIONE DELL'INTERFACCIAAccendere il kit collegando il cavo di alimentazione. Collegare il connettore RS232 del kit ad un connettore femmina RS232 sulla bilancia. La configurazione RS232 èimpostato su 19.200-8-N-1, la stretta di mano è Nessuno. Un altro connettore RJ-45 può essere collegato ad una rete di area locale da un cavo di rete.CONFIGURAZIONE ETHERNETATTENZIONE : I parametri non validi o non corretti possono avere effetti sulsistema di rete o perdere connettività di rete. Controllare l'amministratore di rete prima dell'uso.Per impostare i parametri Ethernet per web:1. Assicurarsi che il Kit d’Interfaccia Ethernet sia installato correttamente e che ilcavo della rete sia collegato a un computer (PC).2. Impostare il PC in modo da ottenere automaticamente un indirizzo IP comeindicato qui sotto.3. Aprire il Browser IE e inviare l’indirizzo predefinito IP del Kit d’InterfacciaEthernet "" (). Il browsermostreràla pagina seguente:4. Cliccare "Rete di Configurazione" sul lato sinistro, e immettere Utilizzatore ePassword. Quindi cliccare "OK" per procedere.5. Immettere i parametri Ethernet nella pagina seguente. Cliccare “SalvareConfigurazione“ per salvare i cambiamenti.。
1DescriptionInterface converter RS-232 for RS-485 2/4-wire or RS-422PSM-ME-RS232/RS485-P© PHOENIX CONTACTData sheetThe interface converter PSM-ME-RS232/RS485-P converts RS-232 interface signals bidirectionally to theRS-485 2/4-wire and RS-422 standard.The interface converter is snapped onto standard EN DIN rails in the switch cabinet and supplied with 24 V DC or AC. You can use the device in all common bus systems with UART/NRZ data format and character length of 10/11 bits. The RS-232 connection is established via D-SUB 9, the RS-422/RS-485 field connection is established using COMBICON plug-in screw terminal blocks.Features–RS-422 4-wire for point-to-point operation–RS-485 2-wire operation, half duplex–RS-485 4-wire operation, full duplex–Automatic transmit/receive changeover–Transmission speed 1.2 kbps... 115.2 kbps–Integrated data indicator for dynamic indication of transmit and receive data–High-quality 3-way isolation between power supply, V.24 (RS-232), and RS-422/485 for reliable decoupling of the potentials with 1.5 kV–Integrated surge protection with transient discharge to the DIN rail–Shipbuilding approval according to DNVWARNING: Explosion hazard when used in potentially explosive areasThe device is a category 3 item of electrical equipment. Follow the instructions provided here duringinstallation and observe the safety notes.Make sure you always use the latest documentation.It can be downloaded from the product at /products.100274_en_042016-07-112Table of contents1Description (1)2Table of contents (2)3Ordering data (3)4Technical data (3)5Safety notes (7)5.1 Installation notes (7)5.2 Installation in Zone 2 (7)5.3 UL Notes (7)6Application examples (8)6.1 RS-232 // RS-485 (8)6.2 RS-232 // RS-422 (8)7Structure (9)7.1 Dimensions (9)7.2 Function elements (10)8RS-232 interface (10)8.1 Configuration (11)8.2 DTE/DCE adjustment (11)8.3 RTS/CTS support (DIP 5) (11)8.4 RTS/CTS inversion (DIP 6) (11)9Operation as RS-485 2-wire interface (12)10Operation as RS-485 4-wire interface (13)11Operation as RS-422 interface (14)12Termination resistor for RS-485/422 interface (15)13Assembly (16)13.1 Removal (16)13.2 Power supply (16)Description T ype Order No.Pcs./Pkt.Interface converter, for converting RS-232 (V.24) to RS-422 (V.11) and RS-485, with electrical isolation, 2 channels, rail-mountable PSM-ME-RS232/RS485-P2*******3Ordering dataAccessories T ype Order No.Pcs./Pkt.RS-232 cable, 9-pos. D-SUB socket 25-pos on D-SUB socket PSM-KA 9 SUB 25/BB/2METER27610591RS-232 cable, 9-pos. D-SUB socket on 9-pos. D-SUBsocket, 9-wire, 1:1PSM-KA9SUB9/BB/2METER27994741Shield connection clip for printed circuit terminal blockComponent housingME-SAS285389910Actuation tool, for ST terminal blocks, also suitable for useas a bladed screwdriver, size: 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 mm,2-component grip, with non-slip gripSZF 1-0,6X3,5120451710Active termination resistor for PROFIBUS and RS-485 bussystems, redundant power supply, routing of the supplyvoltage via DIN rail connector, electrical isolation,switchable termination, integrated programming interfacePSI-TERMINATOR-PB-TBUS270263614Technical dataSupplySupply voltage range18 V AC/DC ... 30 V AC/DC (via pluggable COMBICON screwterminal block)Nominal supply voltage24 V AC/DCTypical current consumption85 mA (24 V DC)Max. current consumption100 mAElectrical isolation VCC // V.24 (RS-232) // RS-485Test voltage data interface/power supply 1.5 kV ACTorque0.56 Nm ... 0.79 NmV.24 (RS-232) interface in acc. with ITU-T V.28, EIA/TIA-232, DIN 66259-1Transmission channels 2 (1/1), RxD, TxD, full duplexConnection method D-SUB-9 plugConductor cross section0.2 mm² ... 2.5 mm² (24 AWG ... 12 AWG)Serial transmission speed 1.2; 2.4; 4.8; 7.2; 9.6; 19.2; 31.25; 38.4; 57.6; 75; 93.75; 115.2kbpsTransmission length15 m (twisted pair)Protocols supported transparent protocolPin assignment DTE/DCE switchover via switchRS-422 interface in acc. with ITU-T V.11, EIA/TIA-422, DIN 66348-1Connection method Pluggable screw connectionConductor cross section0.2 mm² ... 2.5 mm² (24 AWG ... 13 AWG)Termination resistor390 Ω - 150 Ω - 390 ΩSerial transmission speed 1.2; 2.4; 4.8; 9.6; 19.2; 38.4; 57.6; 75; 93.75; 115.2 kbps Transmission length1200 m (twisted pair)Protocols supported transparent protocolRS-485 interface in acc. with EIA/TIA-485, DIN 66259-1Connection method Pluggable screw connectionConductor cross section0.2 mm² ... 2.5 mm² (24 AWG ... 14 AWG)Data direction switching Automatic control or via RTS/CTSTermination resistor390 Ω - 150 Ω - 390 ΩSerial transmission speed 1.2; 2.4; 4.8; 9.6; 19.2; 38.4; 57.6; 75; 93.75; 115.2 kbps Transmission length1200 m (twisted pair)Protocols supported transparent protocolGeneral dataDegree of protection IP20Degree of pollution2Dimensions (W/H/D)22.5 mm x 99 mm x 114.5 mmHousing material PA 6.6-FR greenFree fall in acc. with IEC 60068-2-32 1 mVibration resistance in acc. with EN 60068-2-6/5g, 10-150 Hz, 2.5 h, in XYZ directionIEC 60068-2-6Shock in acc. with EN 60068-2-27/IEC 60068-2-2725g, 11 ms period, half-sine shock pulse1654 YearsMTTF (mean time to failure) SN 29500 standard,temperature 25°C, operating cycle 21 %(5 days a week, 8 hours a day)746 YearsMTTF (mean time to failure) SN 29500 standard,temperature 40 °C, operating cycle 34.25 %(5 days a week, 12 hours a day)310 YearsMTTF (mean time to failure) SN 29500 standard,temperature 40°C, operating cycle 100 %(7 days a week, 24 hours a day)Bit distortion≤ 5 %General dataNoise emission according to EN 50 081-1Noise immunity according to EN 50 082-2Electromagnetic compatibility Conformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EUAmbient conditionsAmbient temperature (operation)-40 °C ... 70 °CAmbient temperature (storage/transport)-40 °C ... 85 °CPermissible humidity (operation)10 % ... 95 % (non-condensing)Altitude5000 m (For restrictions see manufacturer's declaration)Approvals / CertificatesConformance CE-compliantEACATEXII 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc (IBExU16ATEXB004 X) Please follow the special installation instructions in thedocumentation!IECEx Ex nA IIC T4 Gc (IECEx IBE 15.0034X)UL, USA/Canada508 recognizedClass I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, DClass I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4Class I, Zone 2, Ex nA IIC T4 Gc XShipbuilding approval DNVConformance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EUNoise immunity according to EN 61000-6-2Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2Contact± 6 kV (Test Level 3)dischargeDischarge in air± 8 kV (Test Level 3)Comments Criterion BElectromagnetic HF field EN 61000-4-3Frequency range26 MHz ... 3 GHz (Test Level 3)Field intensity10 V/mComments Criterion AFast transients (burst)EN 61000-4-4Input± 2.2 kV (Test Level 3)Signal± 2.2 kV (Test Level 3)Comments Criterion BSurge current loads (surge)EN 61000-4-5Input± 0.5 kV (DC supply)Signal± 1 kV (Data line, asymmetrical)Comments Criterion BConducted interference EN 61000-4-6Frequency range0.15 MHz ... 80 MHzVoltage10 VComments Criterion AEmitted interference in acc. with EN 61000-6-4Interference emission EN 55011Class A, industrial applications Criterion A Normal operating behavior within the specified limitsCriterion B Temporary impairment of operating behavior that is corrected by the device itself5Safety notes5.1Installation notes•The category 3 device is designed for installation in zone 2 potentially explosive areas. It meets the requirements of EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 and EN 60079-15:2010.•Installation, operation, and maintenance may only be carried out by qualified electricians. Follow theinstallation instructions as described. When installing and operating the device, the applicable regulations and safety directives (including national safetydirectives), as well as generally approved technical regulations, must be observed. The safety data is provided in the package slip and on the certificates (conformity assessment, additional approvals where applicable).•Changing or modifying the device beyond theconfiguration is not permitted. Do not repair the device yourself; replace it with an equivalent device. Repairs may only be performed by the manufacturer. The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from noncompliance.•The IP20 protection (IEC 60529/EN 60529) of the device is intended for use in a clean and dry environment. The device must not be subject tomechanical strain and/or thermal loads, which exceed the limits described.•The device is designed exclusively for SELV operation according to IEC 60950/EN 60950/VDE 0805. The device may only be connected to devices, which meet the requirements of EN 60950.5.2Installation in Zone 2•Observe the specified conditions for use in potentially explosive areas.•The devices must be installed in a housing which is designed in a type of protection in accordance with EN 60079-0, section 1 and has a minimum protection rating of IP54.•In zone 2, only connect devices to the supply and signal circuits that are suitable for operation in the Ex zone 2 and the conditions at the installation location.•The switches of the device that can be accessed may only be actuated when the power supply to the device is disconnected.•The device must be stopped and immediately removed from the Ex area if it is damaged, was subject to an impermissible load, stored incorrectly or if it malfunctions.•In potentially explosive areas, terminals may only be snapped onto or off the DIN rail connector and wires may only be connected or disconnected when the power is switched off.•The device is not designed for use in atmospheres with a danger of dust explosions.•D-SUB interfaces may only be connected ordisconnected when the voltage is disconnected. Screw the D-SUB mounting screws tight on all connectors.5.3UL NotesPROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 31ZNA)B)C)D)All wiring of these devices must be in accordance with the national electric code article 501.4(B) for Class 1, Division 2.Product must be installed in Class I, Zone 2 certified at least an IP54 enclosure.Product must be used in no more than a pollution degree 2 environment as defined by IEC 60664-1Provisions must be made to provide transient protection to the product so thatvoltage levels do not exceed 40% of the rated voltage at the power supply terminals.Wire Range: 30-12 AWG,Torque: 5-7 Lbs-InsSupply voltage range 24 V DC 20%85 mA6Application examples6.1RS-232 // RS-485The RS-485 standard allows more than two devices to communicate with one another. By converting the RS-232 point-to-point interface into the bus-capable RS-485standard, you can network up to 32 devices via a 2 or 4-wire cable.Figure 1Interface adaptation or programming connectionFigure 2Master interface connectionFigure 3Networking of RS-232 devices6.2RS-232 // RS-422You can use the RS-422 standard to implement rapid, interference-free point-to-point connections in industrial applications. Connections covering a distance of up to 1200 m can be established using a shielded, twisted pair 4-wire cable.Figure 4Point-to-point connection between two RS-232interfaces via RS-4227Structure7.1DimensionsFigure5Housing dimensionsFigure6Block diagram7.2Function elementsFigure 7Function elements8RS-232 interfaceFigure 8RS-232 interface •Establish a 1:1 connection between the RS-232interface of the interface converter and the I/O device.Note: The minimum configuration only requires oneconnection for TxD, RxD and GND (software handshake)!•Plug the 9-pos. D-SUB connector onto the device.COMBICON plug-in screw terminal blocks 1Power supply (pin 1 + pin 3)6RS-485/422 interface D-SUB pin strip 5RS-232 interfaceDiagnostics and status indicators 2VCC (green)Supply voltage 3RD (green)RS-232Data reception 4TD (yellow)RS-232Data transmission Operating elements7Shield connection clip8Locking latch for DIN rail mountingPin D-SUB 9Designation 3TxD Transmit data 2RxD Receive data 8CTS Clear to send 7RTS Request to send 5GND Operating ground 4DTR DTE ready6DSR Ready to operate ShieldShield connection8.1ConfigurationYou must open the housing to access the DIP switches and slide switches.•Disengage the housing cover with a screwdriver (A).•Carefully pull the PCB out of the housing as far as possible.Figure 9Opening the housingFigure 10Remove the PCB8.2DTE/DCE adjustmentThe TxD and RxD can be crossed internally via the S1 DTE/DCE slide switch so that you are able to conveniently adapt to DTE or DCE interfaces.•When connecting a DTE device (Data TerminalEquipment), slide the S1 switch to the DTE position.•When connecting a DCE device (Data CommunicationEquipment) slide the S1 switch to the DCE position.8.3RTS/CTS support (DIP 5)During normal operations no control lines (RTS/CTS) are required for data direction switches (DIP5 = OFF). Alternatively, data direction can be controlled via the RTS/CTS lines. If this is required, set DIP switch 5 to ON.8.4RTS/CTS inversion (DIP 6)It is occasionally necessary to invert the control lines. To do so, set DIP switch 6 to "ON".Figure 11DIP switches 5 (8)If the connected interface type is not known, you can determine the right configuration by testing the S1 DTE /DCE-slide switch.FunctionRTS/CTS -3 V ... -15 V =RS-485 reception mode+3 V ... +15 V =RS-485 transmission modeFunction (inverted mode)RTS/CTS +3 V ... +15 V =RS-485 reception mode -3 V ... -15 V =RS-485 transmission mode9Operation as RS-485 2-wire interface•Set DIP switch 8 to OFF to activate RS-485 operating mode.•Set DIP switch 7 to OFF to activate 2-wire mode.•Choose the interface type of the RS-232 interface with the DTE/DCE-slide switch and the operating mode with DIP switches 5 and 6. If you choose self-controlled operating mode (DIP 5 = OFF), no RS-232 interface control lines are required.Figure 12DIP switches 5 (8)•For self-controlled operational mode only (DIP 5 = OFF): set transmission speed using DIP switches 1-4.* Transmission speeds of 1.2 kbps and 2.4 kbps are available as of hardware/firmware (HW/FW) Version 20/400.•If necessary, activate the termination resistors (see "Termination resistor for RS-485/422 interface").•To couple two RS-485 interfaces connect them using a twisted wire pair. GND connection is recommended but is not absolutely necessary.Figure 13RS-485 2-wire interface •For the shield connection, use the provided shield connection clip.Figure 14Install shield clipON =DIP 1DIP 2DIP 3DIP 4Data rate [kbps]115.2 93.75 75 57.6 38.4 19.2 9.6 4.8 2.4*1.2*Set all interface converters and bus devices to the same transmission speed.Pin D-SUB 9Designation 2D(B)Data line +1D(A)Data line –6GND Operating ground 8Shield connection10Operation as RS-485 4-wire interface•Set DIP switch 8 to OFF to activate RS-485 operating mode.•Set DIP switch 7 to ON to activate 4-wire mode.•Choose the interface type of the RS-232 interface with the DTE/DCE-slide switch and the operating mode with DIP switches 5 and 6. If you choose self-controlledoperating mode (DIP 5 = OFF), no RS-232 interfacecontrol lines are required.Figure15DIP switches 5 (8)•For self-controlled operational mode only (DIP 5 = OFF): set transmission speed using DIP switches 1-4. * Transmission speeds of 1.2 kbps and 2.4 kbps are available as of hardware/firmware (HW/FW) Version20/400.•If necessary, activate the termination resistors (see "Termination resistor for RS-485/422 interface").•To couple two RS-485 interfaces connect them using a twisted wire pair. Ensure in connection that thetransmission and reception lines are crossed. GNDconnection is recommended but is not absolutelynecessary.Figure16RS-485 4-wire interface•For the shield connection, use the provided shield connection clip.Figure17Install shield clipON = DIP 1DIP 2DIP 3DIP 4 Data rate [kbps]115.2 93.7575 57.6 38.4 19.2 9.6 4.82.4* 1.2*Set all interface converters and bus devices tothe same transmission speed.Pin D-SUB 9Designation2D(B)Receive data +1D(A)Receive data -4T(B)Transmit data + 3T(A)Send data -6GND Operating ground 8Shield connection11Operation as RS-422 interface•Set DIP switch 8 to ON to activate RS-422 operating mode.•Choose the interface type of the RS-232 interface with the DTE/DCE-slide switch and the operating mode with DIP switches 5 and 6. If you choose self-controlledoperating mode (DIP 5 = OFF), no RS-232 interfacecontrol lines are required.Figure18DIP switches 5 (8)•Activate the termination resistors with slide switch RS-485/RS-422 TERMINATE.•To couple two RS-422 interfaces, use a twisted wire pair. Ensure that the transmission and reception leads are crossed. GND connection is recommended but not absolutely necessary.Figure19RS-422 interface•For the shield connection, use the provided shield connection clip.Figure20Install shield clipPin D-SUB 9Designation2D(B)Receive data +1D(A)Receive data -4T(B)Transmit data + 3T(A)Send data -6GND Operating ground 8 Shield connection12Termination resistor for RS-485/422 interface To terminate the bus line the converter incorporates aconnectable termination resistor. Activate the terminationresistor by setting the RS-485/RS-422 TERMINATE slideswitch to ON.Figure21Remove the PCBFigure22Activate termination resistors - RS-485Figure23Activate termination resistors - RS-422RS-485: Activate the termination resistors at the two furthest ends of the bus.RS-422: Activate all termination resistors.13AssemblyFigure24Mounting on a DIN rail•To avoid contact resistance, only use clean, corrosion-free 35 mm DIN rails according to DIN EN 60715.•Install an end bracket next to the left-hand device to prevent the devices from slipping.•Place the device onto the DIN rail from above. Push the module from the front toward the mounting surface until it audibly engages.13.1RemovalFigure25Removal•Push down the locking tab with a screwdriver, needle-nose pliers or similar.•Slightly pull the bottom edge of the device away from the mounting surface.•Pull the device away from the DIN rail.13.2Power supplyThe device is supplied with 24 V DC or AC.Figure26Power supply•Provide supply voltage to the device via terminal 1 (pin 1 and pin 3).。
LTC1334 单5V RS232 RS485多协议转接器说明书
12A U G WA W U W A R BSOLUTEXI TI S(Note 1)Supply Voltage (V CC )............................................. 6.5V Input VoltageDrivers ................................... –0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Receivers ............................................. –25V to 25V ON/OFF, LB, SEL1, SEL2........ –0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Output VoltageDrivers ................................................. –18V to 18V Receivers ............................... –0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short-Circuit DurationOutput........................................................ Indefinite V DD , V EE , C1+, C1–, C2+, C2–.......................... 30 sec Operating Temperature RangeCommercial........................................... 0°C to 70°C Industrial............................................–40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range................ –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)................ 300°CW U UPACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIODC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe q denotes specifications which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifications are at T = 25°C. V = 5V, C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = 0.1µF (Notes 2, 3)34AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaranteed.Note 2: All currents into device pins are positive; all currents out of device pins are negative. All voltages are referenced to device ground unless otherwise specified.Note 3: All typicals are given at V CC = 5V, C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = 0.1µF and T A = 25°C.Note 4: Short-circuit current for RS485 driver output low state folds back above V CC . Peak current occurs around V O = 3V.Note 5: The “B” RS232 receiver output is disabled in RS485 mode (SEL1 = SEL2 = high). The unused output driver goes into a highimpedance mode and has a resistor to V CC . See Applications Information section for more details.TYPICAL PERFOR M A N CE CHARACTERISTICSU WReceiver Output High Voltage vs TemperatureTEMPERATURE (°C)–50O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V ) • TPC01–2525100125TEMPERATURE (°C)–50T I M E (n s )201816141210864205075LTC1334 • TPC03–2525100125RS485 Receiver Skewt PLH – t PHL vs TemperatureTEMPERATURE (°C)–50O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V ) • TPC02–2525100125Receiver Output Low Voltage vs TemperatureThe q denotes specifications which apply over the full operating56TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICSU WRS485 Driver Output High Voltage vs Output CurrentRS485 Driver Output Short-Circuit Current vs TemperatureRS485 Driver Output Low Voltage vs Output CurrentRS232 Driver Output Voltage vs TemperatureDriver Output Leakage Current(Disable/Shutdown) vs TemperatureRS232 Driver Short-Circuit Current vs TemperatureOUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )35LTC1334 • TPC13124–80–70–60–50–40–30–20–100OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)0O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )1201008060402001234LTC1334 • TPC145TEMPERATURE (°C)–50O U T P U T S H O R T -C I R C U I T C U R R E N T (m A )2575LTC1334 • TPC15–2550100125TEMPERATURE (°C)–50O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )05075LTC1334 • TPC16–2525100125TEMPERATURE (°C)–50O U T P U T S H O R T -C I R C U I T CU R R E N T (m A )302520151052575LTC1334 • TPC17–2550100125TEMPERATURE (°C)–50O U T P U T L E A K A G E C UR R E N T (µA )05075LTC1334 • TPC18–2525100125PI FU CTIO SU U UC1+ (Pin 1): Commutating Capacitor C1 Positive Terminal.Requires 0.1µF external capacitor between Pins 1 and 2.C1– (Pin 2): Commutating Capacitor C1 Negative Terminal.V DD (Pin 3): Positive Supply Output for RS232 Drivers.Requires an external 0.1µF capacitor to ground.A1 (Pin 4): Receiver Input.B1 (Pin 5): Receiver Input.Y1 (Pin 6): Driver Output.Z1 (Pin 7): Driver Output.SEL1 (Pin 8): Interface Mode Select Input.SEL2 (Pin 9): Interface Mode Select Input.Z2 (Pin 10): Driver Output.Y2 (Pin 11): Driver Output.B2 (Pin 12): Receiver Input.A2 (Pin 13): Receiver Input.GND (Pin 14): Ground.V EE (Pin 15): Negative Supply Output. Requires an exter-nal 0.1µF capacitor to ground.78BLOCK DIAGRA S WInterface Configuration with Loopback DisabledInterface Configuration with Loopback EnabledPORT 1 = RS232 MODE PORT 2 = RS232 MODEPORT 1 = RS485 MODEPORT 2 = RS232 MODE PORT 1 = RS232 MODEPORT 2 = RS485 MODE PORT 1 = RS485 MODEPORT 2 = RS485 MODEPORT 1 = RS232 MODEPORT 2 = RS232 MODE PORT 1 = RS485 MODEPORT 2 = RS232 MODE PORT 1 = RS232 MODEPORT 2 = RS485 MODE PORT 1 = RS485 MODEPORT 2 = RS485 MODE910SWITCHI G WAVEFOR SU W3V 0VDE Y, Z V OL5V 0VLTC1334 • F07V OH Z, YV OD2B – ARV OLV OH LTC1334 • F08–V OD23V D Y, Z –V OV O 0VV IH A, BR V OLV OH V ILFigure 7. RS485 Driver Enable and Disable TimesFigure 8. RS485 Receiver Propagation DelaysFigure 10. RS232 Receiver Propagation DelaysFigure 9. RS232 Driver Propagation Delays1112U S A OPPLICATIW U UI FOR ATIOFigure 12. Multiprotocol Interfacewith Optional, Switchable TerminationsV CC 5VFigure 13. Typical Connection for RS232/EIA562 Interface1/2 LTC13341/2 LTC1334Each receiver in the LTC1334 is designed to present one unit load (5k Ω nominal for RS232 and 12k Ω minimum for RS485) to the cable. Some RS485 and RS422 applications call for terminations, but these are only necessary at two nodes in the system and they must be disconnected when operating in the RS232 mode. A relay is the simplest, low-est cost method of switching terminations. In Figure 12TERM1 and TERM2 select 120Ω terminations as needed.If terminations are needed in all RS485/RS422 applica-tions, no extra control signals are required; simply con-nect TERM1 and TERM2 to SEL1 and SEL2.Typical ApplicationsA typical RS232/EIA562 interface application is shown in Figure 13 with the LTC1334.A typical connection for a RS485 transceiver is shown in Figure 14. A twisted pair of wires connects up to 32 drivers and receivers for half duplex multipoint data transmission.The wires must be terminated at both ends with resistors equal to the wire’s characteristic impedance. An optional shield around the twisted pair helps to reduce unwanted noise and should be connected to ground at only one end.Figure 14. Typical Connection for RS485 Interface5V1/2 LTC13341/2 LTC1334LTC1334 F14RX OUT DR ENABLEDR IN 5VRX OUT 5VDR ENABLE DR ENABLE DR IN13140.1µF FU S A OPPLICATIW U UI FOR ATIOFigure 20. AppleTalk Direct Connect Using the LTC1323 DTE and the LTC1334 for DCE Transceivers0.1µFF5Ω TO 5Ω TOFERRITE BEAD FERRITEBEAD Figure 19. AppleTalk/LocalTalk Implemented Using the LTC1323CS-16 and LTC1334 TransceiversInformation furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen-tation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.15161334fa LT/TP 1099 2K REV A • PRINTED IN USA© LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 1995Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted.PACKAGE DESCRIPTIO USW Package28-Lead Plastic Small Outline (Wide 0.300)(LTC DWG # 05-08-1690)RELATED PARTSPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONCOMMENTSLTC485Low Power RS485 Interface Transceiver Single 5V Supply, Wide Common Mode RangeLT ®1137A Low Power RS232 Transceiver ±15kV IEC-1000-4-2 ESD Protection, Three Drivers, Five Receivers LTC1320AppleTalk TransceiverAppleTalk/Local Talk Compliant LTC1321/LTC1322/LTC1335RS232/EIA562/RS485 Transceivers Configurable, 10kV ESD Protection LTC1323Single 5V AppleTalk Transceiver LocalTalk/AppleTalk Compliant 10kV ESDLTC13475V Low Power RS232 Transceiver Three Drivers/Five Receivers, Five Receivers Alive in Shutdown LTC1387Single 5V RS232/RS485 TransceiverSingle Port, Configurable, 10kV ESDLinear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 q FAX: (408) 434-0507 q S28 (WIDE) 1098TYPNOTE:1. PIN 1 IDENT, NOTCH ON TOP AND CAVITIES ON THE BOTTOM OF PACKAGES ARE THE MANUFACTURING OPTIONS. THE PART MAY BE SUPPLIED WITH OR WITHOUT ANY OF THE OPTIONSDIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006" (0.152mm) PER SIDEDIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH. INTERLEAD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.010" (0.254mm) PER SIDE***。
GNOME Ethernet to RS232 Converter 产品说明书
2/17/2006ww w .p a p o u c h .c o m 0175Ethernet to RS232 converter GNOMEEasy to useSecurity featuresVirtual serial portGNOME Papouch s.r.o.Page G N O M EBrief DatasheetCreated: 1/27/2006Last update: 2/17/20068:49Numer of pages:24© 2006Papouch s.r.o.P a p o u c h s.r.o.Address:Strasnicka 3164/1a102 00 Praha 10Czech RepublicTelefon:+420 267 314267-8+420 602 379954Fax:+420 267 314269Internet:E-mail:****************Papouch s.r.o.GNOME Page 3TABLE OF CONTENTSBasic information (4)Description (4)Applications (4)Features (4)Types of communication (5)TCP server/client (5)TCP server (5)TCP client (5)UDP (5)Technical Parameters (5)Installing options (6)Power supply voltage: (6)Communication encrypting: (6)RS232 connector: (6)Connection of module (6)Indicators (7)ON indicator (7)DCD indicator (7)Indicators on the Ethernet connector (7)Basic network information (7)IP address (7)MAC address (7)How to easily set up your GNOME (8)An Ethernet – RS232 converter (basic setting) (8)Connecting an RS232 device via Ethernet to a"local" COM port (9)Extension of an RS232 serial line via Ethernet (9)Two RS232 lines interconnected via Ethernet (9)Setting the first GNOME module (9)Setting the second GNOME module (9)Common settings (9)Methods of setting the parameters (11)Configuration software ...................................11Search by IP address.................................12Search by MAC address............................13Set the IP address.....................................13Data channel settings................................15Local port........................................15Remote port....................................15Remote IP address..........................16UDP Datagram mode......................16Incoming connection.......................16Active connection start-up...............16Function with MODEM MODE option17Port password.................................17Idle timer.........................................17Line speed ......................................17Character size.................................18Parity...............................................18Stop bit............................................18Flow control.....................................18Response........................................18Packing algorithm............................19Idle time..........................................19Trailing characters...........................19Characters 01, 02............................19With active connection ....................19With passive connection..................20When disconnected.........................20Network settings........................................21IP address.......................................21Subnet mask...................................21Gateway..........................................22Telnet password..............................22Set up........................................................22Read from device.......................................22Default values.. (22)GNOME Papouch s.r.o. BASIC INFORMATIOND e s c r i p t i o nGNOME is a simple and inexpensive converter between a 10/100 Ethernet interface and an RS232 line. It enables users to simply connect devices with the RS232 interface to an Ethernet line or to extend a serial line to the other end of the world via the Internet. Connection of the RS232 line connector to the GNOME module is identical with the connectors D-SUB9 of a PC. This solution includes a "virtual serial port" – software that creates a new serial port in the Windows operating system, and this port is directed to the GNOME module via the Ethernet interface. Configuration with the aid of intuitive control software is easy.A p p l i c a t i o n s∙ A remote RS232 line as another COM port in your Windows system∙Connection to the Ethernet environment of devices communicating via an RS232 line ∙Extension of an RS232 serial line via Ethernet∙Virtual port – controlling the remote line with the aid of its original software∙Internet communication with remote devices∙Connection of two RS232 lines via EthernetF e a t u r e s∙Converting a serial line to Ethernet∙Connecting via an RJ45 connector to a 10/100Base-T Ethernet network∙Miniature dimensions – easy to integrate into the existing devices∙Easy configuration using the included software∙Configuration with the aid of Windows software, Telnet Protocol, or a WEB interface∙TCP and UDP protocols∙The RS232 line is connected to a D-SUB 9 connector (male)∙Transmission speed from 300Bd to 460kBd∙Signals used: RXD, TXD, RTS, CTS, DTR, and GND∙Flow control RTS/CTS, Xon/Xoff or none∙The connected devices can be supplied with power from the DTR signal∙Power supply – GNOME: 4 to 6V∙Power supply – GNOME12: 5 to 36V∙Indication of power supply, data transmission, network connection and activity∙Dimensions 54×24×33mmPage Papouch s.r.o.GNOMET y p e s o f c o m m u n i c a t i o nThe GNOME converter uses two ports for communication: data and setup. The data port (for the standard data transmission) is optional and its standard setting is 10001. The setup port is 9999.TCP server/clientUpon switching on, the GNOME module expects data from the serial line and also connection request from the Ethernet interface.If the data comes from the serial line, the TCP client mode is activated (cf. below). If a connection request comes, the module is switched over to the TCP sever mode (cf. below).The module may remain in the activated mode, or – after a time lag – cancel the mode and wait for data from the serial line or Ethernet interface.TCP serverUpon switching on, the GNOME module listens on the sleeted port and waits for the client connection.As soon as a client is connected, data from the Ethernet is immediately sent to the serial line and vice versa. If the client is not connected and data from the serial line is coming, it is stored in a cache and sent immediately upon the client connecting to the server.If the client is silent or terminates the connection incorrectly, GNOME terminates its connection aftera preset time lag.TCP clientWhen idle, the GNOME module waits for data from the serial line. As soon as data is received, the GNOME module tries to connect to the server at a given IP address. If the connection cannot be established, the data is stored in a cache memory. Upon establishing the connection, the data is sent out and data from Ethernet is transmitted to the RS232 serial line.UDPThe Ethernet data is expected on a preset port. When data comes from the RS232 serial line, it is sent to the preset IP address. Within a UDP transmission, response of the opposite side is not tested; the application should be independently protected from a data loss.T e c h n i c a l P a r a m e t e r sConnection to Ethernet..................................TBase 10/100 RJ45RS232 connector...........................................D-SUB9M (plug)RS232 signal distribution...............................DTE, cf. Fig.1RS232 signals used.......................................TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTRRS232 voltage levels.....................................typically ±6VDTR signal.....................................................permanent +6VData flow control............................................none / XON/XOFF / RTS/CTSCache memory..............................................2kB for transmission, 2kB for receiptPower supply (GNOME)................................4 to 6V (typ. 220mA; max. 250 mA)Power supply voltage (GNOME12)................5 to 36VCurrent consumption (GNOME12) – at 5V...typically 190mACurrent consumption (GNOME12) – at 12V.typically 80mACurrent consumption (GNOME12) – at 30V.typically 35mA Page5GNOME Papouch s.r.o.Page I n s t a l l i n g o p t i o n sPower supply voltage:∙GNOME: 4 to 6V (standard version)∙GNOME12: 5 to 36V Communication encrypting:∙No encrypting (standard version)∙128-bit encrypting,Rijndael algorithm RS232 connector:∙D-SUB 9 M (Cannon 9, plug) (standard version)∙D-SUB 9 F (Cannon 9, socket) with DCE signal distribution for direct connection to a PC (as the counter-connector Fig.1)Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have specific requirements for the GNOME module's workmanship and functionality.C o n n e c t i o n o f m o d u l eThe GNOME module is equipped with two connectors. The serial line is connected via an integrated cable with a D-SUB 9 connector. (The variant with a standard RS232 (D-SUB 9M) connector is connected to a PC via a crossed cable.) The connector layout is shown in Fig.1.The Ethernet interface is connected to the front RJ45 connector. It goes via a standard (uncrossed) cable to a HUB or Switch.The power supply connector is situated on the rear side of themodule (Fig.2). It is a coaxial 3.8×1.3mm connector. A suitableconnector is shown in the Figure on the right hand side. The pluspole (+) is inside.The following optional accessories of the converter can be ordered:∙Power supply (230V adaptor) and cable terminated with thecorresponding connector (3.8×1.3mm).∙ A cable length of 2m with a 3.8×1.3mm connector on one end.Free wires for connection to a power source are provided on theother end of the cable length.Fig. 2– RS232 and power-supplyconnectorFig. 1– connection of RS232Papouch s.r.o.GNOMEI n d i c a t o r sON indicatorGreen. Top LED in Fig.2.Function:Indicator of power supply voltage.DCD indicatorYellow. Bottom LED in Fig.2.Function:It is on when connection is established.Indicators on the Ethernet connectorLink LED(Left Side)Activity LED (Right Side)Color Meaning Color MeaningOff No Link Off No ActivityYellow10 Mbps Yellow Half-DuplexGreen100 Mbps Green Full-DuplexBASIC NETWORK INFORMATIONI P a d d r e s sWithin a network, GNOME must have the following settings: subnet mask, gateway IP address, and the unique IP address. The subnet mask is set as by the manufacturer; and the IP address as IP address:_192_._168_.__1__._254_Default gateway IP address:__0__.__0__.__0__.__0__Default subnet mask:_255_._255_._255_.__0__If you change any of these IP settings, we recommend you to put down the new values:IP address:_____._____._____._____Gateway IP address:_____._____._____._____Subnet mask:_____._____._____._____M A C a d d r e s sThe unique address shown on the GNOME module's label (on the bottom or side). It is a unique address of the module. It consists of six hexadecimal numbers separated with dashes – in a format such as 00-20-4A-xx-xx-xx (where xx are the unique numbers shown on the label). MAC address:00-20-4A-_____-_____-_____1 This subnet mask is also referred to as a "type C" mask.. Page 7GNOME Papouch s.r.o.PageHOW TO EASILY SET UP YOUR GNOMEThis chapter gives examples of quick and easy setup of the GNOME converter for typical examples of use. Select the example that is the closest to your application. (The examples are given for the basic setting of the converter.)A n E t h e r n e t–R S232c o n v e r t e r(b a s i c s e t t i n g)This setting is meant for equipment which requires permanent connection to RS232.1)Connect the converter to your network and ask your network administrator for the basicnetwork parameters to be assigned to the converter (cf. the preceding page: the IP address, gateway IP address, and the subnet mask).2)Activate the supplied configuration program2and click on "IP setting." A wizard is thusopened, in which you first enter the MAC address of the converter (written on the label on the module's side) and then the basic network parameters. (Cf. the description of this wizard under the heading "Set the IP settings" on page 13, and also Fig.7 and Fig.8.)3)The GNOME module is now set as an Ethernet/RS232 converter with the selected IPaddress and the following parameters of the serial line: speed 9,600Bd, 8 data bits, parity – none, and one stop-bit. If you need to change the parameters if the serial line, click on the "Data channel setting" in the main window of the program; at the top central area there is a frame with the serial line parameters (cf. Fig.3).Fig. 3– serial line parameters4)Save the changed settings in the converter by clicking on the "Settings" button in thebottom area of the window. The GNOME module is thus set as an Ethernet/RS232 converter. This setting is suitable for the basic function of the converter, without additional options for data flow control, timing, or packet creation.2 The program can be downloaded, at any time and free of charge, at/en/products.asp?dir=ethernet.Papouch s.r.o.GNOMEC o n n e c t i n g a n R S232d e v i c e v i a E t h e r n e t t o a"l o c a l"C O M p o r tE x t e n s i o n o f a n R S232s e r i a l l i n e v i a E t h e r n e tThe following setting is suitable for equipment which requires permanent connection to RS232.1)Connect GNOME to an Ethernet network.2)Install the "Virtual Serial Port"33)Connect your RS232 device to the module's serial line GNOME.4)On a computer connected to an Ethernet network (which must be interconnected with thenetwork in which the GNOME module is connected), activate the application which communicates with your device on the RS232 line, and select from the ports' list the COM port set by the Virtual Serial Port..5)The program now works as if via the RS232 line, which is in fact connected via theGNOME module and an Ethernet interface.T w o R S232l i n e s i n t e r c o n n e c t e d v i a E t h e r n e tTwo devices with serial lines can be interconnected via Ethernet using two GNOME modules. Setting the first GNOME module1)Connect the converter to your network and ask your network administrator for the basicnetwork parameters to be assigned to the converter (cf. page 7: the IP address, gateway IP address, and the subnet mask).2)Activate the supplied configuration program4and click on "IP setting." A wizard is thusopened, in which you first enter the MAC address of the converter (written on the label on the module's side) and then the basic network parameters. (Cf. the description of this wizard under the heading "Set the IP settings" on page 13, and also Fig.7 and Fig.8.) Setting the second GNOME module3)Select an IP address for this module (it must be different from the address of the firstmodule).5Activate the configuration program and set the address, using the procedure similar to setting the first module.6If the second module is in another network, the gateway and subnet mask will probably have to be changed as well.Common settings4)Set the remote IP address on both converters. This means: for each of these twoconverters, set the IP address of the opposite converter in "Remote IP address" item of the "Data channel settings" section of the main window to.3A detailed description of the installation is /device-networking/utilities-tools/com-port-redirector.html .4 The program can be downloaded, at any time and free of charge, at/en/products.asp?dir=ethernet .5If you are not sure what values of the IP address, gateway and mask to set, contact your network administrator, who will give you the data.6 If both converters are connected within the same network and the first converter has the original IP address(from the manufacturer), disconnect the first converter before connecting the second one.Two devices with identical IP addresses cannot be connected within one network. Page 9GNOME Papouch s.r.o.Page 5)Further, set the Local and Remote ports. This means: for each of these two converters, set the same value (we recommend 1001) in the "Local port" and "Remote port" items of the "Data channel settings" section of the main window.6)Set the remote server/client mode on both converters. The server mode is the default, hence setting the client mode will be sufficient. For both converters, select "Establish connection upon receipt of any character" in the "Active connection" item of the "Data channel settings."7)The initial configurations of the serial ports on both modules have the following parameters:Speed.........................................9,600BdNumber of data bits (8)Parity..........................................noneNumber of stop-bits (1)If you need to change the parameters of the serial line, click on the "Data channel setting" in the main window of the program; at the top central area there is a frame with the serial line parameters (cf. Fig.3). Save the changed settings by clicking on the "Settings" button in the bottom area of the converter configuration windows.8)The setting procedure is completed.Device A RS232GNOME 1GNOME 2RS232Device BMETHODS OF SETTING THE PARAMETERS1)Windows configuration software (via Ethernet)2)Using a Web browser (via Ethernet)7CONFIGURATION SOFTWAREThe configuration software can be used for easy settings of the converter parameters. The main window of the program is shown in Fig.4. (By clicking on the flag icons in the top right corner you can switch between Czech and English.)Fig. 4– main window of configuration programIf you need to configure the converter after the first connection in your network, we recommend you to follow the instructions given under the heading "Set the IP" on page 13.7The GNOME provide its own WEB pages. It could be browsed by entering the Gnome's IP address to address field of your Internet browser. The Internet browser has to have installed a plug-in for Java aplet support.S e a r c h b y I P a d d r e s sThis command enables you to find the GNOME module in the network according to its IP address. When you click on this button, the window shown in Fig.5 is displayed. Write the IP address in the line and push "OK."Fig. 5– entering the IP address to look forIf the converter can be found at the given IP address, its settings are displayed in the settings window.Not found?1)Check whether the converter is connected and is active (indicators on its Ethernetconnector are on or flashing).2)Check the correct IP address (it is set to by the manufacturer).3)The converter's IP address may not be compatible with your network.Change the IPaddress using the "Set the IP" command (page 13).I don't know the converter's IP addressSearch the GNOME by MAC address (written on the label on the modules’ side) using the “Find by MAC” command (page 13) or assign to your converter an IP address suitable for your network. You can set the IP address using the "Set the IP" procedure (page 13).S e a r c h b y M A C a d d r e s sYou can use this command if you need to find the converter according to its unique MAC address (it is written on the label on the module's side).When you click on this button, the window shown in Fig.6 is displayed. Write the MAC address8 and push "OK."Fig. 6– entering the MAC address to look forIf the converter with the given address can be found, its settings are displayed in the settings window.Not found?1)Check whether the converter is connected and is active (indicators on its Ethernetconnector are on or flashing).2)Check the correct MAC address on the label placed on the converter.3)The converter's IP address may not be compatible with your network. Change the IPaddress using the "Set the IP" command (page 13).S e t t h e I P a d d r e s sUsing this command, you can assign a new IP address to the converter. This procedure is specifically suitable for connecting converters in production, because the basic parameters can be adapted for a new network. When you click on this button, the window shown in Fig.7 is displayed. Write the MAC address to look for 8and push "OK."Fig. 7– the first screen of the new IP setting wizard8 The address is written on the label placed on the converter. It can be entered in the format AB-CD-EF-GH-IJ-KL or ABCDEFGHIJKL. It is not case sensitive (you can enter lower-case or capital letters).The entered MAC address is looked for. When it is found, the screen shown in Fig.8 is displayed.Set parameters suitable for your network in the screen shown in Fig.8. If you are not sure what parameters you should choose, contact your network administration, who will give you the required data.Fig. 8– IP settings wizard > setting the IP address, subnet mask and gatewayThe parameters are changed upon clicking on "Set up".The module is now set as an Ethernet/RS232 converter, with the IP address, subnet mask and gateway you chose, and the other parameters set by the manufacturer. No more settings are necessary for the basic functions of an Ethernet/RS232 converter9.A small window will be displayed, asking if you wish to "set the device." If you click "Yes," the program activates the procedure for setting additional parameters of the converter. The "Data channel settings" section of the main window will be displayed (cf. chapter "Data channel settings" on page 15).9Within the initial setting, the RS232 line of the converter has the following parameters: speed:9,600Bd, number of bits:8, parity:none, number of stop-bits:1.D a t a c h a n n e l s e t t i n g sWhen you click on the "data channel settings" tab after connecting the converter, the setting window (Fig.9) is displayed.Fig. 9– Data channel settingsLocal portData channel options > Ethernet settings > Local portDefault value: 10001Recommended references: Fig.9Number of the port on which the converter expects connection from Ethernet.This item is only meaningful if the "Incoming connection" option (cf. page 16) is set to "Allowed" (the so-called TCP Server mode).Remote portData channel options> Ethernet settings > Remote portDefault value: 0Recommended references: Fig.9The remote port to which the converter is connected (for the TCP Client mode).Remote IP addressData channel options> Ethernet settings > Remote IP addressDefault value: references: Fig.9; "Types of communication" (page 5)The IP address to which the converter is connected (for the TCP Client mode).UDP Datagram modeData channel options> Ethernet settings > UDP Datagram modeDefault value: False (not checked)Recommended references: Fig.9; "Types of communication" (page 5)By checking this field you will activate the UDP mode.Incoming connectionData channel options> Ethernet settings > Incoming connectionDefault value: AllowedRecommended references: Fig.9; "Types of communication" (page 5)This setting determines the converter's response to connection coming from Ethernet. Allowed:The converter will always accept a connection request coming from Ethernet.Forbidden:The converter will ignore all connection requests coming from Ethernet.Active connection start-upData channel options> Ethernet settings > Active connection start-upDefault value: ForbiddenRecommended references: Fig.9; "Types of communication" (page 5)This setting determines whether the converter will establish connection to Ethernet upon occurrence of different events. If established, the connection will be with the "Remote IP address" and the "Remote port."Disabled:The converter will never establish connection automatically.Establish connection after any character on serial line:The converter will establish the connection if any character comes from the serial line. Establish connection after CR character is recieved:The converter will establish the connection if the CR character is received (carriage return; Enter; Decimal:13; Hexadecimal:10 ) from the serial line.Manual setting (C + address):The converter will try to establish the connection if it receives from the serial line a command in the following format: C[IP address]/[port]Example of a command received from the RS232 serial line to establish connection with IP, port 4567: C192.168.1.105/4567If the subnet mask restricts the range of the network's IP addresses, for example to 8 bits (the "C type" mask –, the command can have an abridged format as follows: C105/4567Autostart outbound connection:The converter will establish the connection immediately upon activation.Modem mode:This option activates modem emulation by the GNOME module. All communication is then controlled by AT commands from the serial line. The following item, "Module actions within the Modem mode", is directly related to this mode.Function with MODEM MODE optionData channel options> Ethernet settings > Function with MODEM MODE optionDefault value: Echo offRecommended references: Fig.9; "Modem mode:" (page 17)(This item is only available if the "Modem mode" is activated as the "Active connection start-up" option. Cf. the heading above.)This setting specifies the converter's actions within the modem emulation mode.Without echo:No information is written locally (to the serial line).With echo:The "echo" is sent locally (to the serial line) with the connection status info.Numeric modem result codes:The modem response is expressed as one character.Port passwordData channel options> Ethernet settings > Port passwordDefault value: no password (not checked)Recommended references: Fig.9Immediately upon receiving a connection request from Ethernet, password is required. If the wrong password is given, the converter will disconnect the line. The maximum length of the password is 15 characters. Enter the selected password in the text field below the checkbox. Idle timerData channel options> Ethernet settings > Idle timerDefault value: 0:0 (off)Recommended references: Fig.9If Ethernet connection has been established and no communication occurs in either direction for a preset time interval, the connection is cancelled. Minutes and seconds are entered separately. If the time is entered as 0:0, this function is switched off.Line speedData channel options> Serial line settings > Serial line speedDefault value: 9,600BdOptions [Bd]: 300; 600; 1,200; 2,400; 4,800; 9,600; 19,200; 38,400; 57,600; 115,200; and 230,400 Recommended references: Fig.9This option enables the user to set the communication speed of the serial line in Bauds.Character sizeData channel options> Serial line settings > Character sizeDefault value: 8bitsOptions [bits]: 8, 7Recommended references: Fig.9Setting of the number of data bits on the serial line.ParityData channel options> Serial line settings > ParityDefault value: noneOptions: none, even, oddRecommended references: Fig.9Setting of the parity for data on the serial line.Stop bitData channel options> Serial line settings > Stop bitDefault value: 1Options: 1, 2Recommended references: Fig.9Setting of the number of the stop bits for data on the serial line.Flow controlData channel options> Serial line settings > Flow controlDefault value: noneOptions: none, XON/XOFF, RTS/CTSRecommended references: Fig.9Setting for the data flow control on the serial line.None:The data flow is not controlled.XON/XOFF:The data flow is controlled with the aid of special characters sent within the data – XOFF (transmission off) and XON (transmission on).RTS/CTS:Hardware control with the aid of the RTS and CTS signals.ResponseData channel options> Serial line settings > ResponseDefault value: No answerOptions: No answer, Character responseRecommended references: Fig.9If "Character response" is selected, the converter sends to the serial line a character depending on the Ethernet connection status:C........connectedD........disconnectedN........the server is unavailable。
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RS232Profibus协议转换器使用说明RS232-Profibus 协议转换器使用说明(V2.2)首先感谢您选用我们的产品,您的支持和鼓励是我们前进的源动力。
一、模块设置:1、RS232通信波特率设置:在组态软件里,通过选择设备参数(device-specific parameter)设置RS232通信波特率,可设定为:1.2Kbps、2.4Kbps、4.8Kbps、9.6Kbps、19.2Kbps。
2、RS232通信字符格式设置:在组态软件里,通过选择设备参数(device-specific parameter)设置通信字符格式,可设定为:⑴一个起始位、八个数据位,一个停止位。
组态软件中RS232通信字符格式设置3、用户诊断功能的选择:本模块可提供三项用户事件诊断,在组态软件里,通过选择设备参数(device-specific parameter)选择是否激活用户诊断。
选择(NOEXTERNAL DIAG)不激活(即出现用户事件诊断不向主站报警),选择(EXTERNAL DIAG)激活(即出现用户事件诊断向主站报警),用户事件诊断定义:UNIT_DIAG_BIT(0)="BAUD ERROR",即波特率选择错误UNIT_DIAG_BIT(1)="Parity ERROR",即字符格式选择错误UNIT_DIAG_BIT(2)="TONGXUN ERROR",即本模块与用户设备通信故障一旦激活了诊断,在S7程序块中就必须组态定义OB82,OB85,OB86,OB87和OB122等组织块。
BIT位 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1开关位 on on on on on off off offAddress=0×27+0×26+0×25+0×24+0×23+1×22+1×21+1×20=拨码DIP开关的改变必须给模块重新上电才能生效。
连接方式如下:PROFIBUS-DP端:将A11与A1短接,将B11与B1短接二、安装:1、将模块嵌入35MM标准DIN槽内(外型尺寸:97 x85 x33 mm,重量:约200g)。
进入STEP7的硬件配置HW Config,通过组态软件“options/intall GSD file”功能完成GSD文件的安装。
设备的GSD文件安装后,模块将集成到组态软件STEP7的硬件目录中,模块在硬件目录中的位置路径是:/PROFIBUS DP/Additional Field Devices/Gateway,模块名称为:RS232ToProfibusDP。
网关模块RS232侧的通讯波特率需要在模块属性的“Parameter Assignment/Station parameters/Device-specific parameters”中设置。
3、将对用户设备的操作命令从PROFIBUS-DP主站输出( Q Adress)数据区发送到用户设备,从用户设备获得的数据送入PROFIBUS-DP主站输入(I Adress)数据区。
当通讯数据交换I/Q 区的组成和长度与用户自定义协议帧完全一致时,通讯效率最高。
为保证通讯数据交换I/Q区的组成和长度与用户自定义协议帧完全一致,需要用户在定货时给出通讯发送帧和接收帧的长度,我们的工程师就会据此定义GSD 文件的内容。
五、性能指标:供电电压: 24V DC±5%功率消耗: 2W环境温度: -20°C ~70°C极限温度: -40°C ~85°CPROFIBUS-DP波特率: 9.6Kbps-3MbpsMODBUS波特率: 1.2Kbps-19.2KbpsI/O数据长度:I/O区最大长度是112byte,即输入112字节,输出112字节。
技术规范简称模块电源5W 模块电源10W 备注型号名称 PM230-24/5 PM230-24/10订货号输入 230VAC 230VAC输出 24VDC 24VDC208mA 416mA 最大5W 10W安装方式 35mm卡轨 35mm卡轨环境条件 0℃~+55℃ 0℃~+55℃使用-22℃~+80℃-22℃~+80℃储存25℃时95%,无凝结 25℃时95%,无凝结防护等级 IP20 IP20外形尺寸(宽×高×深)mm 20×80×60 20×80×60重量(g)约200 约200DP200系列产品配套电源PM230-24。